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Unit 6

Keys for 1.3.1

•We found elevated risks for colorectal and lung can cer with both meat types.

•We observed borderli ne statistically sig nifica nt elevated risks for adva need prostate can cer with both red and processed meat in take,-

•We found a positive associati on betwee n red meat in take specifically and can cers of the esophagus and liver, and a borderline significant positive association for laryngeal can cer.

•Un expectedly, we found an inv erse associati on betwee n red meat in take and en dometrial can cer;…•We observed a suggesti on of an elevated risk for adva need prostate can cer with both meat types. •With regard to breast cancer, a pooled analysis of eight cohort studies found no associatio n with red meat intake;

Keys for 1.3.2


Cause: iron

Effect: carc inogen esis


1. Firstly;


3. because of;

4. can lead to;

5. caus ing;

6. cause;

7. due to

2.1.4 Notes into a Causal Paragraph

There are several factors to be take n into acco unt whe n study ing why some pla nts become weak or die. One reason is lack of water. Dryness in the soil causes the leaves to wilt, and may give rise to the death of the pla nt. On the other hand, too much water may result in the leaves droop ing, or beco ming yellow. While

sunshine is necessary for plants, if it is too strong, the soil may be baked and the roots killed. However, if there is no light, the leaves will become pale and the stems thin. Consequently the pla nt may die.

Keys for 2.2.1

Examples of stre ngthe ning a claim:

We observed borderline statistically significant elevated risks for…

It len ds strong support to …

We observed a stronger positive association for-

We found a positive association betwee n red meat in take specifically and can cers of the esophagus and liver,…

In con trast to our findin gs, childhood leukemia has been positively associated with in take of processed meats in a case-c on trol study.

Examples of weake ning a claim:

Our study suggestsa threshold effect for red meat in take on esophageal can cer risk,

It is possible that the referent group had a smaller-than-expected cancer incidenee by chanee.

We observed a suggestion of an elevated risk for adva need prostate can cer with both meat types.

This could explain some of the inconsistencies in the literature as most previous studies have not specifically addressed adva need prostate can cer.

Although breast can cer risk related to meat in take did n ot appear to differ by meno pausal status in our study, we had very few preme no pausal cases (n = 94) and lacked in formatio n on horm one receptor status for a large nu mber of cases.

Associati ons betwee n saturated fat and can cer are likely to be related to en ergy bala nee in gen eral, whereas iron is thought to eon tribute to care inogen esis specifically by gen erat ing free radicals and in duci ng oxidative stress.

An earlier start in data collect ion would have in creased the time n eeded to survey more participa nts. Ideally, the nu mber of participa nt would have bee n more eve nly distributed across gen der/year in population. A larger sample with diversity would have benefited our results.

A decrease in the eonsumption of red and processed meatcould reduce the incidenee of cancer at multiple sites.

Keys for 2.3

In our study, zinc suppleme ntati on did not result in asig nifica nt reduct ion in overall mortality in childre n aged 1—8 mon ths in a populatio n with high malaria tran smissi on. However,there was a suggesti on that the effect varied by age, with no effect on mortality in infan ts, and amargi nally sig nifica nt 18% reduct ion of mortality in childre n 12 —8 mon ths of age (p=0045).・This effect was mainly a consequence of fewer deaths from malaria and other infections. Any effect on mortality in this trial was in addition to a possible effect of vitamin A supplementation

Keys for 3.2
