terms of Documents Against Payment (D/P) or Documents Against Acceptance (D/A). In practice,
payment by collection should be accepted with much care. It is usually used when the financial
most popular type of L/C is Confirmed Irrevocable Letter of Credit.
Usually a L/C must be established and reach the exporter one month prior to the time of shipment,
exporter. Most L/Cs are irrevocable once the importer has had them sent, which
means it cannot be changed unless both the importer and the exporter agree. The
新职业英语1_Unit1-8_课后翻译题答案新职业英语1Unit71. 这个问题值得认真考虑。
(deserve)This question deserves careful consideration.2. 我认为她的体重在增加。
(gain)I think she’s gaining weight.3. 尽管我很不喜欢但今晚我必须呆在家里学习。
(as much as)As much as I hate to do it, I must stay home and study tonight.4. 他从未按时完成过一个项目。
(complete)He has never completed a project on time.5. 他们敦促我们给予支持。
(urge)They urged us to give our support.6. 如果你发现这部手机有问题可以要求退款。
(defect)You can ask for a refund if you find any defects in this mobile phone.7. 经理授权我在他出差期间代表他行事。
(authorize)The manager authorized me to act for him while he was on business.8. 他自己出钱印他的书。
(at one’s expense)He had his book printed at his own expense.Unit81. 我不能担保你得到一个满意的结果。
(ensure)I can’t ensure that you get a satisfactory result.2. 目前对石油的需求很大。
(demand)Oil is in great demand these days.3. 面对危险她表现得很勇敢。
(in the face of)She behaved bravely in the face of danger.4. 公司的业务范围正在迅速扩大。
2003年,联想更名为Lenovo, 准备进军海外市场。
其在全世界生产销售的产品包括著名的ThinkPad笔记本电脑和Think Center台式机。
新职业英语 课文翻译
![新职业英语 课文翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f53795c96137ee06eff91842.png)
《新职业英语》机电英语Unit1-4课文翻译第1单元reading A:蓝天模具——创造辉煌蓝天模具公司是中国最著名的挤压式模具生产厂家之一。
我们拥有TA模具公司和TC 模具公司两家分公司、四个级别的模具和上百种产品组。
由于我们有丰富的经验、先进的设备和高效的生产体系,我们的产品已出口40 多个国家和地区,包括欧洲、美洲、东南亚和中亚等。
我们愿和您携手共创灿烂美好的明天!第1单元reading B建立商务关系建立商务关系是开发贸易关系的第一步由于业务增长和开拓在很大程度上有赖于业务关系的建立,因此,适当得体的贸易信函是至关重要的。
新职业英语u n i t u n i t原文+译文Company number【1089WT-1898YT-1W8CB-9UUT-92108】Unit 1Each day, many people are looking for trends in workplace clothing, so that they can “fit in” with the fashionable or well-dressed crowd. They believe that dressing in the latest fashion trends may give them the reputation of being fashionable and trendy. While it is more than possible to do this, you need to display caution.许多人每天都在捕捉职场时装的潮流,以便能与那些衣着时尚得体的人们步调一致。
What many people do not realize is that there are a number of pros and cons of relying on workplace fashion trends. One of those pros was mentioned above. When you wear a fashionable outfit to work, there is a good chance that you will receive a lot of compliments on your outfit. This is a nice feeling andit is one that makes many feel proud.许多人并没有意识到,追随职场时装潮流有利也有弊。
Google An yonewho h as ev er us ed th e Int ernet hasseenGoogl e, an d man y peo ple w ouldjust“goog le it”wh en th ey tr y tofindinfor matio n abo ut so methi ng on theInter net.As t he wo rld’s most popu lar I ntern et se archengin e, Go ogleis on e ofthe g reate stex ample s ofonlin e suc cessIt a ll be gan i n Jan uary1996as aresea rch p rojec t atStanf ord U niver sityby Ph.D. s tuden t Lar ry Pa ge. Tryin g tofinda bet ter w ay fo r web user s tosearc h for rele vantpages, Pag e hadan i dea t hat t his c ouldbe ac hieve d byexami ningthe r elati onshi ps be tween webpages.He thou ght t hat w eb pa ges w hichhad t he mo st li nks t o the m fro m oth er we b pag es mu st be themostpopul ar. T he te chniq ue ap peare d tobe su ccess ful.Pageand h is pa rtner Serg ey Br in se t uptheir comp any o n Sep tembe r 7,1998and r egist eredthe g ooglthe f ollow ing w eek.Thesearc h eng ine q uickl y gre w inpopul arity andin 2000 Go oglebeganto s ell a dvert ising on t heirwebsi te. After a fe w yea rs of grow th fu eledby ea ger i nvest ors,Googl e wen t pub lic.ManyGoogl e emp loyee s bec ame i nstan t mil liona ires.Goog le ha s rec ently acqu iredYouTu be.co m whi ch is theInter net’s larg est v ideos harin g web siteand c ontin ues t o add newfeatu res every dayinclu dingtoolbars, emai l, an d adv ertis ing.Of co urse, with grow th an d suc cessthere also come s com petit ion.Micr osoft hasrecen tly t riedto ac quire Yaho o inorder to c ompet e wit h Goo gle i n theInte rnetsearc h eng ine a rea.G oogle hasrecen tly a cquir ed Yo uTube.com whic h isthe I ntern et’slarge st vi deosh aring webs ite a nd co ntinu es to addnew f eatur es ev ery d ay in cludi ng to ol ba rs, e mail, andadver tisin g. Of cour se, withgrowt h and succ ess t herealsocomes comp etiti on. M icros oft h as re centl y tri ed to acqu ire Y ahooin or der t o com petewithGoogl e inthe I ntern et se archengin e are a.To day,Googl e own s You Tube, Blog ger a nd ot her h ot we bsite s and hasbecom e thelead er in term s ofad-ba sed r evenu e onthe w eb. The b rainchild of t wo st udent s has beco me abilli on-do llarcompa ny an d one of t he be st-kn own t radem arksin th e wor ld. Googl e’s h istor y ser ves a s a p erfec t mod el an d ins pirat ion f or In terne t ent repre neurstoda yUni t 1 R eadin g A 谷歌上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。
新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 5
![新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 5](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f606690181c758f5f71f67bb.png)
英语 1 Unit 5 Tade
ReaTedxt ing A A-4
According to comparative advantage, the lawyer should specialize in his or her strongest skill—the law, and the legal assistant—typing letters. If they do, they actually will produce more than if each of them had tried to do both tasks alone. Specializing in what they do best and then trading their products for the other things they need will make both parties better off.
( 7 ) A. Shift the future. ( 1 ) C. Just do it.
( 2 ) B. Think Different. ( 4 ) D. Ideas for life!
( 5 ) E. Good to the last drop!
( 8 ) F. Let’s make things better.
英语 1 Unit 5 Tade
ReaTedxt ing A A-5
Through international trade, countries exchange goods they produce most efficiently for goods other countries produce most efficiently. The more consumers there are in the market, the greater the ability of each country to specialize in what it does best. It is important to note that both the lawyer and the legal assistant would benefit from specialization and trade. Likewise, international trade is a win-win situation for all countries that participate.
secret aries maybe kn own b y a v ariet y ofother titl es通过各种其他的秘书可能是已知的al thoug h all of t hesetitle s sha re th e com mon t hemeof ad minis trati ve ta sks虽然所有这些标题常见管理任务的主题分享the y may refl ect d iffer ent t ypesof se creta rialjobs他们可能反映了不同类型的秘书工作secre taria l pos ition s are quit e old秘书的立场是很老新职业综合英语unit1-unit8 rea dingA 参考译文谷歌上过互联网的人都见过谷歌,许多人要在互联网上查找某方面的信息时,他们都会去“谷歌”一下。
佩奇和他的合作伙伴谢尔盖?布林于1998年9月7日创建了自己的公司,并在之后的一周注册了g oogl这一网址。
谷歌最近收购了互联网最大的视频共享网站You Tube.com,而且每天都在不断增加一些新功能,如工具栏、邮件和广告。
Unit1Online在线的,联网的relevant 相关的link 链接,联系,连接popularity普及,大众化,声望advertising 广告活动,做广告website 网站fuel 刺激,给……提供燃料investor 投资者employee 受雇者,雇员acquire 获得,拥有feature 特色,特点typical 典型的excel 突出,擅长revenue 收入,收益trademark 商标inspiration 鼓舞人心的人/事物,灵感entrepreneur 企业家search engine 搜索引擎go public 上市tool bar 工具栏in addition to 除……之外tend to 倾向于stay away from 远离in terms of 在……方面brain child 脑力劳动的产物serve as 起……作用Unit2title 称谓,头衔,题目reflect 反映secretarial 秘书的,有关秘书事务的Roman 古罗马的correspondence 信函schedule 时间表,计划表filing 文件归档copier 复印机appropriate 适合的,恰当的budgeting 预算bookkeeping 簿记,登陆账目personnel 有关人事的,员工的electronics 电子器件clerical 职员的,文书的rank 占特定等级anticipate 预算staff 工作人员confidential 机密的executive 管理人员chaos 混乱,杂乱prospect 前景,前途,期望,机会individual 个人,个体vocational 职业的pursue 进行,从事,追求specialize使专门化specialize 专业的 a variety of 各式各样的depend on 视……而定,取决于keep track of 了解动态,记录uni3entertain 招待,给……娱乐confidence 信心cocktail 鸡尾酒imply 意味着,暗指urgency 紧迫company 交往,陪伴multi-tasking 多项任务的nightmare 恶梦,梦魇pay 有利,值得knowledgeable 知识渊博的,有见识的style 风采,风度grace 优雅intelligent 聪颖的,机智的intelligently 聪明地conduct 表现,实施concentrate 全神贯注,集中silverware 银器银餐具representative 代表,具代表性的sought-after 受欢迎的build up 增强,发展起来turn out 证明是……be on one’s best behavior 举止有礼,行为检点see someone thorough (something)帮助某人度过table manners 就餐礼仪come in handy 排得上用场conduct oneself 表现concentrate on 集中于uni4snooze 打盹target目标,对象locate 指出或确定……的位置attempt 尝试,努力industrial 工业的,产业的mass-product 大量生产toaster 烤面包炉sketch 草图,略图。
新版新职业英语Unit 1-5课后题目答案及应用
![新版新职业英语Unit 1-5课后题目答案及应用](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cf10d886f8c75fbfc77db270.png)
3. The Institute of Management recently questioned 2,000 office workers to find out their pet peeves about the managers.
B-Task 1
( F ) 1. A case can protect your iPod from being bent,
dropped or crushed.
( T ) 2. You should fit a connector into a port
correctly and join them with ease.
Sales & Marketing Dept.
Unit 2
A-Task 1
One of the top 10
It breaks others’ concentration.
Near the top of the list
It’s not how someone would normally speak.
ReaTda1sking BCompany Operation
Fast Reading
( F) 1. TAF’s main markets are in the American continent and Southeast Asia.
( T) 2. TAF is one of the leading producers of skincare and haircare products.
B-Task 1
Business Negotiation
New Words and Expressions Vocabulary and Structure
A Sales Contract
Conclusion of a Contract
New Words and Expressions Vocabulary and Structure
Dealing with Complaint and Claim
Bill of Lading
Shipping Instruction Email, Confirma to Deal Claim, with Claims Reply to a Claim
Client Background
Emails for Establishing Business Relations, Reply
Business Relations
New Words and Expressions Vocabulary and Structure
Unit 2
Business Background Check (p23)
New Words and Expressions Vocabulary and Structure
Unit 7
Delivery (p137)
Unit 8
Complaint and
Complaint and Claim Claim (p159)
Client Contact About Delivery
The Smartest Dog
Subjunctive The Place to Bury
新职业英语1-基础篇-Unit 1
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Unit 1 Organization
Text Reading A A-2
It all began in January 1996 as a research
project at Stanford University by Ph.D. student Larry Page. Trying to find a better way for web users to search for relevant pages, Page had an
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Unit 1 Organization
Company Warming-up introduction
Metro AG, established in 1964, is a diversified retail and wholesale group based in Germany. It is the largest in its home market, and one of the most globalized retail and wholesale corporations.
TCL, Sony, Panasonic, Philips…
Lenovo, Apple, IBM, Sony…
新职业英语1 Unit 1
![新职业英语1 Unit 1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/98a49e1d90c69ec3d5bb7534.png)
clothing, so that they can “fit in” with the fashionable or welldressed crowd. They believe that dressing in the latest fashion trends may give them the reputation of being fashionable and trendy. While it is more than possible to do this, you need to display caution.
Text AReading A 5
By wearing trendy workplace fashion pieces, many people are
given compliments, but not always. The last thing that you want to do is get a bad name for yourself instead of compliments. That is
into consideration before doing so.
as to whether ...or not make a decision =it is you to decide incorporate...into...
Reading A
ATran s-1
Reading A
ATran s-3
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.Our company is willing to establish business relations with your company (愿意与贵公司建立业务关系). (be willing to do sth.)
2.I wrote to the manager for the purpose of expanding our business (为了扩展我们公司的业务). (for the purpose of, expand)
3.I enclose in the letter our latest catalog (随信寄去我公司最新的产品目录). (enclose, catalog)
4.His intention of writing the letter is to persuade us to invest in their company (劝说我们投资给他们公司). (persuade sb. to do sth., invest)
5.He is interested in our high-quality fabrics and other related products (优质的布料及其他相关产品). (fabric)
6.It is desirable to conduct an in-depth enquiry (最好进行深度调查) when it comes to significant business. (be desirable to do)
7.In addition to the activities of the company (除了公司活动之外), those of its principals should also be investigated.(In addition to)
8.It is imperative to conduct business background checks before embarking on a new business relationship (在开始业务关系之前,必须进行商业背景调查). (imperative, embark on)
9.Boasting a 40% of the market share, the company ranks No. 1 in Chinese textile industry (在中国纺织行业排名第一). (rank)
10.The reputation will improve further,so will the market share (市场分额也将增加). (market share)
11.Scholars and business VIPs from home and abroad in the industry attended (来自该行业的国内外学者和商界要人参加了)the summit in Shanghai.(from home and abroad)
12.Once the contract is signed by both parties, it will legally bind upon both sides (它对双方都具有法律约束力).(bind upon)
13.When uploading the goods finishes, Party A is obliged to inform Party B of the departure time and arrival time of the shipment(甲方有义务通知乙方货船驶离时间和到港时间)(be obliged to)
14.The new economic proposal paves the way for the economic growth in the next five years (为下一个五年经济增长铺平了道路).(pave the way for)
15.Anything relating to the quality inspection of soybeans should be conducted by the agency stated in the contract (任何有关大豆质量的检验都必须由合同中约定的机构进行), or we will not accept it.(relate to)
16.The contract is made out in six copies, three copies to be held by each party (本合同一式六份,每方各持三份), and it shall come into effect since being signed by both parties. (make out)
17.We are sorry to inform you of the late delivery of the goods due to bad weather (我们非常抱歉的告知您您所进口的货物由于恶劣天气而延迟), so we need your advice on how to deal with the situation. (inform…of)
18.The contract must be in conformity with Chinese laws (该合同应该遵守中国的法律), which is stipulated clearly in the contract. (in
conformity with)
19.You are entitled to terminate the contract (你有权终止合同) if any of the following cases occurs. (be entitled to)
20.The goods do not conform to the quality provision in the contract (货物不符合质量条款的规定) for at least 10% of the goods failed to work immediately after their arriving at the port. (conform to)
21.For our future business, we agree to change the terms of payment from payment in advance to D/P at sight (不用预付货款,而改用即期付款交单方式).(payment in advance, D/P at sight)
22.As the goods under your Order No. 1009 have been ready for shipment, we hope that you will open the letter of credit as soon as possible (尽快开证). (open the L/C)
23.We have asked the Citibank here to issue an L/C for $4,000 in your favor (开立以你方为受益人、金额为4000美元的信用证). (issue, in your favor)
24.We request to make the following amendments to the L/C (对该信用证做如下修改). (make amendments to)
25.This L/C will remain valid until June 2, 2009 (于2009年6月2日到期). (valid until)。