新英语视听说教程 答案及原文unit 5
Unite5Part one1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10C D B C B D B B C APart two1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A C DB A ACD APart three1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10D B B B C D B B A A11 12 13 14 15A B B B DPart fourThe milita ry aspect of the United States CivilWar has always attrac ted the most attent ion from schola rs. The roar of(1)gunfir e, the massed movem e n ts of(2)unifor med men, the shrill o f bugles, and the dramaof hand to hand combat have(3)facina ted studen ts of warfar e for a centur y. Behin d the (4)lines,howeve r, life was less specta cular. It was the storyof (5)back breaki ng laborto provid e the fighti ng men with food and arms, of nervetingli ng uncert ainty aboutthe course of nation al events, of (6)heartb reakover sons or brothe rs or husban ds lost in (7)battle.If the men on the firing line won the victor ies, the(8)meansto thosevictories were forged on the home front.(9)Neverin the nation's histor y had Americ ans worked harder for victor y than in the CivilWar. Northe rners and Southe rners alikethrewthemse lvesinto the task of supply ing their r espec tivearmies. Both govern ments made tremen dousdemand s upon civil i a ns and, in genera l, receiv ed willin g cooper ation s.By 1863 the Northe rn war econom y was rumbli ng alongin high gear. Every t h ingfrom steamb oatsto shovel s was needed and produc ed. Denied South e r n cotton, textil e millsturned to wool for blanke ts and unifor ms. Hides b y the hundre ds of thousa nds were turned into shoesand harnes s and saddle s; ironwo rks manufa cture d locomo tives, ordnan ce, armorplate. Whereprivat e enterp riselagged, the govern mentset up its own factor ies or arsena ls.(10) Agricu lture boomed, with machin ery doingthe job of farm worker s who have been drawninto the army. In short,everyt hingthat a nation needed to fight a modern war was produc ed in uncoun ted number s. Inevit ablytherewere profit eerswith gold headed canesand flambo yant d iamon d stickp ins, but for everycrooke d tycoon therewere thousa nds of ordina ry citize ns (11)living on fixedincome s who did theirbest to cope with rising prices and stillmake a contri butio n to the war effort.Those w ho couldbought war bonds;others knitte d, sewed,nursed, or lent any otherassist ancein theirpowerSome pessim istic histor iansthinkthe wholesociet y of man runs in cycle s and that one of the phases is war.The(12) optimi sts,on the otherhand,thinkwar is not like an (13)eclips e (日食) or a floodor a spell o f bad weathe r.They believ e that it is more like a diseas e for which a (14)cure couldbe foundif the (15)causes were known.Becaus e war is the (16)ultima te dramaof life and deathstorie s and pictur es of it are more intere sting than thoseaboutpeace.This is so true that all of us,and perhap s thoseof us in televi sionmore than most,are often(17)caught up in the action of war to the exclus ion of the ideas o f it.If it is true,as we wouldlike to thinkit is,that our age is more (18)civili zed than ages past,we must all agreethat it’s very strang e that in the twenti eth centur y,our centur y,we have killed more than 70 millio n of our fellow men on(19)purpos e,at war.It is very strang e that since1900 more men have killed more othermen than in any otherseven t y yearsin histor y.Probab ly the reason we are able to do both, that is,(20)believ e on the one hand that we are more civili zed and on the otherhand wage war to kill -is that killin g is not so person al an affair as it once was.The enemy i s invisi ble.(21)One man doesn’t look anothe r in the eye and kill him with the sword.The enemydead or aliveis largel y unseen.He is killed by remote contro l: a loud noise,a distan t puff of smokeand then silenc e. The pictur es of the victim’s wife and childr en,whichhe carrie s in his breast pocket,are destro yed with him.He is not heardto cry out.The questi on of compas sionor pity or remors e does not enterinto it.The enemy i s not a man;he is a statis tic.(22)It is also true that more people are beingkilled at war now than previo uslybecaus e we’re better at doing i t than we used to be.One man with one modern weapon can kill thousa nds.。
详细描述:中译英答案在翻译过程中 需要使用专业术语和规范表达,符合 英文表达习惯和行业标准,避免出现 中式英语或低级语法错误。
详细描述:中译英答案在翻译过程中需要保持原文的逻辑 性和条理性,确保译文在整体结构和细节表述上都能够准 确传达原文的含义,避免出现信息遗漏或逻辑混乱的情况 。
详细描述:长对话答案不仅提供正确答案,还对对话内容进行详细解读,帮助学生理解对话的主题和重要信息,培养听力理 解和推理能力。
详细描述:新闻听力答案包括新闻内容的要点概括和问题解析,帮助学生掌握新闻听力技巧,提高对 新闻的理解和把握能力。
02 口语部分答案
总结词:客观准确,条理清晰,语言 简明。
详细描述:在写事物说明文时,需要 客观准确地描述事物的特点、性质、 功能等方面的情况。条理要清晰,能 够让读者清晰地理解事物的各个方面 。同时,语言要简明扼要,避免过于 繁琐或晦涩难懂。
详细描述:英译中答案在翻译过程中需要使 用地道的中文表达和自然的语序,避免出现 生硬或过于直译的情况,使译文更加符合中
英译中答案在翻译过程中需要尽可能 保留原文的风格和修辞手法,展现原 文的文化背景和语言特色,使译文更 加贴近原文的表达方式。
新英语视听说教程答案及原文unit5Unit 5Careers and ProfessionsThink ahead/Warm upWhat kind of career would you like to follow after your graduation? /what would you like to do after your graduation?What characteristics and skills do you need to be successful in that job? /what characteristics and skills do you think are the prerequisite for a job?Part 1Task 2Exercise 11. F2.T3.F4.TExercise 21.find assignments on the company’s cor e project/ work on core project2.build a relationship with the boss3.Be prepared.Part 2Task 1Exercise 1English level: fluent, got the certificate of the Secondary English TrainingHealth condition: in top conditionWorking experience: two years of nursing experience, and nowworking as a nurse in a hospitalHeight: one meter and sixty-eight centimeters/168cmEyesight: never had any vision problemsStrengths: friendliness, open-minded attitude, a warm personality Weak points: hard to tell others when she does n’t like what they are doingExercise 2flying into the blue skyworking with peoplequite fluentmake the passenger relaxed and happyin top conditionany vision problemspeak in another languageuse gestures and draw picturesTask2Exercise 1C A B A DExercise 21. space store run2. technical computer-related3. health paid vacation4. training5. startupAdditional listeningExercise 21.a decade2.fortune’s best companies to work for list3.flexibility, financial security, opportunity to get things done4.make a positive impact on the environment5.form a green strategy groupPart 1Task 2Recession- proof your jobHistory shows that employers generally stop hiring and start staff during a downturn. The most recent recession in 1991 and 2001 saw significant job cuts as soon as the recession started. So far, government debt on the job’s market shows that hiring is slowing but many economists believe we’ll see layoffs in the coming month.So what can you do to recession-proof your job? Our placement firm challenger gray & Christmas makes a few suggestions.Fir st, find assignments on the company’s core projects. If the effort is central to the firm’s revenue, working there makes you that much safer. Secondly, build a relationship with the boss. Many employees fly under the radar in a time of cutbacks, being more than just and enormous name on the payroll can help keep your job safe. Finally, be prepared. In a downturn, it’s important to have savings ready, should you be laid off and brush up the resume.With the ABC news money minute, I’m Betsy stark in New Y ork.Job interviewInterviewer=I applicant=AI: what made you decide on this type of occupation?a: oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like traveling very much and I enjoy working with people.I: can you make yourself understood in English without toomuch difficulty?A: yes, I think I am quite fluent in English; I got the certificate of the secondary English training last month.I: do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess?A: the main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important.I: are you in good health?A: I just had a complete physical examination and I am I top condition.I: have you had any nursing experience?A: yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working a nurse in a hospital.I: how tall are you? What about your weight?A: my weight is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I’ve never had any vision problems.I: what would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?A: one of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality. But sometimes, I f ind it is hard to tell others when I don’t like they are doing.I: if a passenger can’t understand what you say, what should you do?A: I will try to speak in another language or I’ll try my b est to use gestures and drawpictures.Job huntingA: so, have you found a job yet?B: no, but, I have a few leads, so things are looking up.A: but isn’t that what you always say?B: well…uh…this time is different.A: what are you looking for this time then?B: actually, I want to work for a web hosting company.A: what would you do there?B: well, in a nutshell, you know web hosting companies provide space for people to store and run their websites. Does it sound like I know what I’m talking about? A: oh, yeah, sort of.B: well, and then, sort of? Well, they allow people to run the websites without having to buy and maintain their own servers,and I’d like to work in technical support, you know, helping customer resolve computer-related problems with their sites.And you know I’m a good communicator.A: so, how’s the pay for that kind of job?B: well, most people I know start out with a very reasonable salary; you can earn pay increases depending on your performance.A: so, what about benefits?B: oh, the benefits are pretty good. They provide health insurance, two weeks of paid vacation a year, and opportunities for advancement. And in the end, I’d like to work in a management position. Y ou know, sitting back, enjoying the view out of the twentieth-story window of the office building. Something like that.A: well, is there long-term security in a job like that?B: uhh. That’s hard to tell. I mean, the internet is booming, and these kinds of companies are sprouting up everywhere, which is a good thing, but just like the dot-com era, you never know how long things will last.a: well, have you ever thought about going back to school to improve your job skills? B: wait, wait. What are you suggesting?A: well, you know, more training might help you land a betterjob.B: wh…wh…are you trying to say something about my current job? I mean, is threw something going on here? I mean, what are you saying?A: you know, you did drop out of college.B: I know, I know, but I don’t know. I’ just seeing my current job at McDona ld’s as a startup. Y eah, but, you know, I don’t have th e resources to go back to school atthe moment, however, the job I am looking at will pay for some classes after in have been with the company for six months.A: well, it looks like you have things planned out this time.B: if I last that long.Google: the best company to work forA little more than a decade ago, Google was an internet startup headquartered in a garage.Today it’s the world’s largest search engi ne, with 50 offices globally and more than 12,000 employees. For the second straight year, i t’s also no.1 on fortune’s best companies to work for list; what’s fueling the growth? Employees say it’s the flexibility, financial security of course, and the opportunity to get things done. “Right now, we are standing in front of just one part of our large 1.6 megawatt solar installation. These are the solar panels that are providing clear electricity to our buildings.” Robyn beavers have been leading the green business and operations can make a positive impact on the environment, but also we can do in a way that makes sense to our bottom line.” Keeping Google green hasn’t always been part of her job description. When I first tarried at Google, I was one of the assistants to the two co-founders Larry page and Sergey Brin. I started in May, 2004, which is right before the IPO of Google. Areally interesting thing about Google is that, it always encourages some employees to try new things; I went to Larry and Sergey and proposed that we form a green strategy group. And although I was their current direct report and I would have been inconvenient to lose me. Their INFOL support actually helps me found this team within Google.”“this session is really just a brainstorming session…” mobility within departments is not uncommon. In part because of a 20-percent-time initiative, allowing employees to spend on day a week on a project of their choice. “I talk to a lot of people of Google, and they found that once they started here and you learn so much about the company and there are so many opportunities, they are enc ouraged to seize them, so it’s easy to start in one job, work really hard at it for a couple of years, and then find a new opportunity to pursue.”A brief introduction to Google (which can be found on the internet, if you are interested, you can find more.)IntroductionGoogle is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc., and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies. Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.Google search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. The Google headquarters, the Googolplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of 30 September 2008 the company has 20,123 full-time employees.History of GoogleGoogle began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page. Their search engine was originally nicknamed "Backrub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.Convinced that the pages with the most links to them from other highly relevant web pages must be the most relevant pages associated with the search, Page and Brin tested their thesis as part of their studies, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine used the Stanford University website with the domain /doc/2f2488862.html,. The domain /doc/2f2488862.html, was registered on 15 September 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on 4 September 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. The total initial investment raised for the new company amounted to almost US$1.1 million, inc luding a US$100,000 check by Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googolplex (a play on the wordgoogolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.The Google search engine attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design and useful results. In 2000, Google began selling advertisements associated with search keywords. The ads were text-based to maintain an uncluttered page design and to maximize page loading speed. Keywords were sold based on a combination of price bid and clickthroughs, with bidding starting at US$.05 per click. This model of selling keyword advertising was pioneered by /doc/2f2488862.html, (later renamed Overture Services, before being acquired by Yahoo! and rebranded as Yahoo! Search Marketing). /doc/2f2488862.html, was an Idea lab spin offcreated by Bill Gross, and was the first company to successfully provide a pay-for-placement search service. Overture Services later sued Google over alleged infringements of Overture'spay-per-click and bidding patents by Google's Ad Words service. The case was settled out of court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a perpetual license.. Thus, while many of its dot-com rivals failed in the new Internet marketplace, Google quietly rose in stature while generating revenue.The name "Google" originated from a common misspelling of the word "googol”, which refers to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one hundred zeros. Having found its way increasingly into everyday language, the verb "Google", was added to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006, meaning "to use the Googlesearch engine to obtain information on the Internet."A patent describing part of the Google ranking mechanism (Page Rank) was granted on 4 September 2001. The patent was officially assigned to Stanford University and lists Lawrence Page as the inventor.。
Unit 5视听说听力原文完整版
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Unit 5 Student LifeListeningAudio Track 3-5-1A: You’re majoring in international business law, is that correct?B: That’s correct.A: And what made you choose this university?B: Well, I want to be a lawyer and this university has one of the most respected law departments in the country. It was an easy choice. What about you?A: My major is international business. I researched several universities but decided on this one because it has strong links with many multinational businesses. I hope that will help when I graduate and start looking for jobs.B: How did you find the application process?A: Well, I had to take an entrance examination, of course. Then, I submitted an application form along with my official high school transcripts and a letter of recommendation.B: And did you get accepted immediately?A: No, I had to attend an interview. I remember I was very nervous.B: It was exactly the same for me. But we must have interviewed well as we’re here now. Listening Activity 1: Audio Track 3-5-2/Audio Track 3-5-3C=Counselor, K=KaiC: Hello, Kai. Have a seat.K: Hi, Ms. Danielson.C: How’s it going? Are you excited about graduating?K: I guess so. But there’s so much to do between now and then.C: Well, let’s talk about that … Let me check your file here. So, what’s new? Have you researched any colleges or universities?K: Well, I researched three … like you told me to.C: Good, good. Which ones?K: Let’s see … California State University, Harvard University, and City College.C: And?K: Well, I applied to two: Harvard and City College. Cal State is just too far away.C: Sounds like you’ve been thinking about this seriously. That’s good.K: Yep.C: Any news yet?K: Well, I got accepted to City College. I haven’t heard anything from Harvard. I probably won’t get accepted there.C: Why do you say that?K: You know … it’s so competitive. I don’t think my grades are good enough.C: Well, let’s wait and see.K: I’ll probably go to City College. My brother went there. I visited the campus and I like it.Listening Activity 2: Audio Track 3-5-4/Audio Track 3-5-5Lucia: And finally today, we have a report about graduating seniors. Jason Kim is standing by. …Jason, are you there?Jason: Hi, Lucia.Lucia: The Metro Times newspaper asked college seniors, “What are you going to do after you graduate?”Jason: That’s right, Lucia. The students gave some surprising answers, too.Lucia: For example …?Jason: Well, more than 50 percent of the students say that they aren’t going to start a new job right away.Lucia: Well, what are their future plans?Jason: Let’s ask some of them. … Excuse me.Mizuki: Yes?Jason: I’m Jason Kim from XCA-TV. Your name, please?Mizuki: Mizuki.Jason: And what are you studying?Mizuki: Art.Jason: OK, Mizuki, what are you going to do after you graduate?Mizuki: I don’t know. I’ll probably just chill out for a while.Jason: Chill out?Mizuki: You know, relax.Jason: OK, Mizuki. Thanks for your comments. … Hello, I’m Jason Kim and we’re doing a live report. What’s your name and major?Ro bert: My name is Robert and I’m studying law.Jason: What are you going to do after you graduate?Robert: I don’t know … maybe I’ll take a long trip.Jason: What about a job?Robert: Work? Maybe one of these days. But first I’d like to take a trip.Jason: Thank you, Robert, and good luck. Well, that’s all for now. This has been Jason Kim, with my report on college seniors. Now, back to you, Lucia …Listening Activity 3: Audio Track 3-5-61. Hi, I’m Eduardo. I got accepted to college recently. Since the s chool is just in my neighborhood, I’m going to live at home. I will not apply for a scholarship because it is too hard to get it. I think I’ll be able to support myself by working part-time. In my view, money is veryimportant though it is not everything.So most probably I’ll study business. I hope I can make it big after graduation.2. I’m Jill. I’m going to join a sorority. I want to make more friends of the same sex. I think that women should be united and should always help each other. I’m going to d o volunteer work in my spare time to help those elderly ladies in the community with their errands. I’m not going to a large university since I can’t afford it.3. I’m Max and this is Sara. We love each other. We’re not going to live in student housing. We plan to live in a medium-size apartment not far away from the university. We’re going to study together and work part-time.Audio Track 3-5-7I’m Mary and I’m twenty. I’m studying Lifelong Education at the University of Tokyo. I think it’s important f or everyone to keep learning all their lives. That’s why I chose to major in Lifelong Education. Personally, I’m planning to further my education in an American university after graduation. So right now, I’m taking an English class. I want to improve my English. I’m working part-time at a video store because I need to save money for my studies abroad.I have a boyfriend and he wants to go and study in the United States too. We have similar interests and personalities. I’m going to get married and live in a house by the ocean. Sooner or later, I’ll have my own children. I will most probably stay at home to be a full-time mother before my children are sixteen years old. To witness their growth would be the most valuable thing in my life.Listening Activity 4: Audio Track 3-5-8/Audio Track 3-5-9New graduates talk about the futureAfter the City College graduation ceremony yesterday, we talked to three students about their plans and their dreams.Here is what Jameela Brown had to say about her future:I worked so hard for four years. I need a break now! I majored in biology and chemistry, and I hada summer job in a day care center. I’m going to take a year off before I start medical school. My plan is to travel and do volunteer work in West Africa. I’ll be a doctor someday but I’m not sure what kind of doctor I’ll be.Jennie Min talked about her plans:I studied business, and it was easy for me to find a job. Next month I’ll move to New York to start work at Giant Corporation. But I don’t really want to spend my whole life working for a company.I hope I can start my own business. Maybe something with food. I love cooking! In college, I cooked dinner for my roommates every night.Shane Peterson told us about his big dream:Wow! Four years really went fast. I c an’t believe it’s graduation day! My major was computer science, but I spent all my free time playing music. I played guitar in two different bands. I also play electronic music, using computers. I have job interviews with three software companies nextwee k. I’m not worried about getting a job, but I really want to play music, too. That’s my biggest dream.Listening Activity 5: Audio Track 3-5-10/Audio Track 3-5-11Interviewer: We now have a winner! Stephanie Lee from Vancouver, Canada answered our ques tions and won the top prize: She will be our youth travel reporter in Europe! She’s going to travel for three months and write about her experiences for our website. Do you have any international travel experience?Stephanie: Yes, I do. Two years ago, I spent the summer in Hong Kong, China. I stayed with my grandmother and worked in the family business. I also visited Africa last year.Interviewer: What do your travel experiences tell us about you?Stephanie: I stayed in Hong Kong for about two months. I think that shows I can stay away from home for a long time. I don’t get homesick at all. In Africa, I went to Tanzania. The highlight was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. It’s the highest mountain in Africa. The climb was very hard. Two people turned back before they reached the top. I made it all the way! Once I start something, I never give up.Interviewer: This job gives you a digital camera and pays your travel expenses. It doesn’t pay a salary. How will you get your spending money?Stephanie: I had a part-time job in a restaurant. I had worked there for two years. Fortunately, I saved a lot of money, so I won’t have to worry about money for my trip to Europe. Interviewer: Why should we choose you?Stephanie: Because I love to travel! I’m a hard worker a nd will have no trouble filing reports on time — and I have a lot of energy!Speaking & CommunicationAudio Track 3-5-121. I’m gonna apply to three colleges.2. He’s gonna clean the house next week.3. We’re gonna study together for the big exam.4. T hey’re not gonna finish in time.Audio Track 3-5-131. I’m not gonna meet them before 3:00.2. We’re not gonna take a vacation this summer.3. She’s gonna call us tomorrow.4. He’s not gonna attend Harvard University.Audio Track 3-5-14Hans: Hi, Tom. What’s new?Tom: Well, I’m going to start at a new high school this fall.Hans: Which one?Tom: Essex Academy. It’s a boarding school. It’s a five-hour drive from my parents’ house. Hans: Does boarding school mean you live there? On campus?Tom: Exactly.Hans: That sounds awesome!Tom: Yeah. I think it’s going to be cool.Audio Track 3-5-15A: I study hard and get good grades. I’m usually on the honor roll.B: What does honor roll mean?A: It’s a special list for students with very good grades.B: Oh, I see. Well, I like study hall. I can do my homework and prepare for exams.A: I don't understand. What do you mean by study hall?B: It’s a time that is reserved for quiet study.Audio Track 3-5-16A: Are you free at noon tomorrow?B: No, I’m not. I’m goi ng to eat lunch with my friends then. How about 2:00 p.m.?A: Sorry, but that doesn’t suit me. I’m going to get a flu shot at 2:15.B: Oh, really?A: Yeah. The doctor strongly advised me to do it.B: Then how about 7:30 p.m.?A: That’s all right for me. Se e you then.Video CourseVideo Track 3-5-1Agnes: After I finish my Ph.D. I would like to go back to Senegal and start my own business in agriculture.Brad: After I graduate I will move to Washington, D.C., to work for National Geographic. Calum: After I graduate I’d like to have a good job that pays a lot of money, and to travel and see the world.Dave: After I graduate from college I will go to graduate school and I’m going to study art. Alex: After graduation I plan to find a good job. I also plan to start a family and buy a house. Julianna: I want to start my own business, an import-export business.Alejandra: My students work very hard and get good grades to get into university.After finishing their degrees in the United States they will go home and either work with their families or open a business.Video Track 3-5-2Dave: Five years from now I will still be studying and I don’t know where I’m going to live. Calvin: I’d like to become a lawyer and I’d like to specialize in cyberlaw. I think c yberlaw will be pretty big within five, six years or so.Woo Sung: I’ll probably be married. I want about three kids, a dog, my own house, and a job that I enjoy. And you know most of all I just want to be … just I guess … enjoy my life.Video Track 3-5-3Mike: Do you think he was accepted?Sun-hee: I don’t know …Mike: Any news from Harvard?Sun-hee: He was rejected. He also applied to the University of Southern California, and they didn’t accept him either. It’s too bad. He studied so hard in film schoo l. And he got really good grades …Mike: I know. And he researched all those schools and applied for all those scholarships … I hope he gets in. Hey, do you know what he’s going to do if he doesn’t get into grad school?Sun-hee: No, what?Mike: He’s going to hit the road.Sun-hee: I don’t understand. What do you mean?Mike: He’s going to buy a nice camera and travel around Europe taking photos for his brother’s website.Sun-hee: Now that would be an experience, but it’ll be sad if he goes.Mike: He’ll get in … I just know it!Takeshi: (enters front door) Hi!Sun-hee: Takeshi!Mike: There’s a letter for you from the Columbia graduate school.Sun-hee: (takes letter from Mike) Uh, uh, uh! Now let’s think about this for a moment. What are you going to do if you aren’t accepted?Takeshi: Well, like I said, I’m going to travel around Europe for a while. And then I’ll apply to graduate school in a few years …and I will get in!Mike: (takes letter from Sun-hee) What will you do if you are accepted?Takeshi: Oh, that’s easy. I’m going to become a film director.Mike: (gives letter to Takeshi) All right then … here. (waits for Takeshi to open letter) Well! What are you waiting for? Open it!Takeshi: Here goes … (opens letter)Sun-hee: Well?Mike: Were you accepted?Tak eshi: I’m going to grad school!Video Track 3-5-4Mike: Do you think he was accepted?Sun-hee: I don’t know …Mike: Any news from Harvard?Sun-hee: He was rejected. He also applied to the University of Southern California, and they didn’t accept him either. It’s too bad. He studied so hard in film school. And he got really good grades …Mike: I know. And he researched all those schools and applied for all those scholarships … I hope he gets in. Hey, do you know what he’s going to do if he doesn’t get in to grad school?Sun-hee: No, what?Video Track 3-5-5Mike: He’s going to hit the road.Sun-hee: I don’t understand. What do you mean?Mike: He’s going to buy a nice camera and travel around Europe taking photos for his brother’s website.Sun-hee: Now that would be an experience, but it’ll be sad if he goes.Mike: He’ll get in … I just know it!Takeshi: (enters front door) Hi!Sun-hee: Takeshi!Mike: There’s a letter for you from the Columbia graduate school.Video Track 3-5-6Sun-hee: (takes lett er from Mike) Uh, uh, uh! Now let’s think about this for a moment. What are you going to do if you aren’t accepted?Takeshi: Well, like I said, I’m going to travel around Europe for a while. And then I’ll apply to graduate school in a few years … and I wil l get in!Mike: (takes letter from Sun-hee) What will you do if you are accepted?Takeshi: Oh, that’s easy. I’m going to become a film director.Mike: (gives letter to Takeshi) All right then … here. (waits for Takeshi to open letter) Well! What are you waiting for? Open it!Takeshi: Here goes … (opens letter)Sun-hee: Well?Mike: Were you accepted?Takeshi: I’m going to grad school!Audio Track 3-5-17Takeshi got a letter from the Columbia Graduate School. While Sun-hee and Mike were waiting for him to c ome home, they talked about Takeshi’s plans for grad school. Takeshi had applied to several graduate programs, but two schools had already rejected him! Mike said that Takeshi was going to hit the road if he didn’t get accepted. When Takeshi got home, he e xplained that if he didn’t get accepted he was going to travel for a while and then he would apply to graduate school again. He also said that if he was accepted, he was going to become a film director. Takeshi finally opened the letter — and it was good news! Takeshi was going to go to grad school at Columbia!。
Unit 5 AthletesPart 1 Listening, Understanding and SpeakingListening II'm Ted. Well, I've been playing it since I was quite young. My father was very keen on it and he used to give me lessons. We didn't have to go far to play, so we used to play together quite a lot. Unless you have to join a club, it's not an expensive sport. You just need a racket and some balls. When I was in university, I played for an hour or so every morning. Sometimes it was not easy for us to book a court because it was so popular. For most people, i t’s great exercise and requires a lot of energy. Of course, you have to be fit, as it demands a lot of running and speed around the court. Usually, there’s not a lot of standing around; one is constantly moving. But that’s why it’s a sport I like to play and watch so much.I'm Mike. I think I've been playing it for nearly 40 years now, ever since I was a little kid. It has always been a great interest of mine. When I watch a game, I appreciate the athletic skills of the players: the strategies of the manager or coach; and the excitement of the uncertainty. I enjoy not knowing how the game is going to end, even when a very strong team is playing against a very weak team. There's always that possibility of surprise, and of the unexpected changing the game.I'm Lisa. Well, I've been doing it every winter holiday for as long as I can remember. I love doing it because you can get better every time. It's fast and exciting and although it's really cold, you can still get a tan. Of course, the scenery is beautiful and it's really nice when you're tired to go and have a hot drink afterwards. The problem is that it's very expensive and really dangerous. But apart from getting hurt occasionally, I still thoroughly enjoy it.1. 1) tennis 2 ) quite young 3)soccer 4) a little kid 5) nearly 40 years6)skiing 7) remember2. tennis 1, 5, 7 football/soccer 2, 9, 10 skiing 3, 4, 6, 8Listening IIDuring the 1930s and 1940s, when someone asked a kid whom his role models were, he would often respond with the names of baseball players. Advertisers trying to sell a product would often turn to baseball stars because the public knew them and loved them. Now looking at today's baseball players, the only time we seem to hear about them is when they are complaining about their salaries. Baseball is no longer the great national pastime, and kids are looking elsewhere for their role models.Back in the 1930s and 1940s, money wasn't such an important issue. Players played baseball because they loved the game. They rarely complained about money. And they earned very little in comparison with players today.Most players back then were also positive role models both on and off the field. They did a lot of things for the neighborhood, from visiting sick children in hospitals to signing autographs—not for the publicity, but just one of the kindness of their hearts. Parents then could be proud when their children said that they wanted to grow up and play major league baseball. Today, however, most baseball players visit hospitals only when they need care, and some of them even charge 20 dollars for their autograph.In the past, players always tried to be positive role models for America's youth. Today, it is a totally different story. It seems that we can't get through a week without some baseball player doing something stupid or illegal.If today’s players would just grow up and stop worrying about who's making the most money, they would start feeling better about themselves; the public would start respecting the game again; and kids could start finding some role models on the baseball field again.1. B D A C2.T T F F F F F T T TListening IIIBuilding team spirit is always the focal point of what I try to do as a manager. When I first went to Crystal Palace, players would finish training and then go straight home. There was no atmosphere. So we brought in a pool table and fruit machines. When players choose to spend time together, it generates a better atmosphere.The team spirit is very important, but I don't believe in motivating the team as a team. I don’t give team talks. I try to motivate the team as individuals. I speak to the players individually and try not to put too much pressure on anyone. I believe players perform best when they are relaxed. If they're too tense, I can guarantee they won't play well.I also believe in giving people autonomy. I like all the people who work for me to be autonomous.I very rarely interfere. I feel people should be judged on their results. If they prove incompetent, then I'm incompetent if I continue employing them.It's like that with the team. I get criticized for not interfering during a game and for not making more substitutions. But I feel if I've chosen those 11 players to get a result, then I should leave them alone to get on with it.If I'm dropping a player from the team, I don't feel I have to explain it to them. If they want to discuss it, I'll say, "Come back and talk about it in a couple of days' time." But I don't try to remotivate them. It's up to them to have the character to fight their way back to the team. I'm a great believer that almost everything you achieve in life is due to your attitude. If I have a player who is magnificently gifted but has a stinking attitude, I won't waste my time on them.1. 1) team spirit 2) A. spend time together B. individuals pressure C. autonomy interfered drop a player2.√)Listening IVEver since the modern Olympic Games began in 1896, they've had their critics. Every form of competitive activity attracts trouble. But part of the aim of the Games, when they were first held in ancient Greece, was to discourage war between states by engaging them in a friendlier kind of combat.The spirit of competition in the Games uses up a lot of energy which might otherwise be harmfully deployed. It does a lot of good getting people to forget their differences in a communal activity. Any competitor or spectator at the event will tell you that the atmosphere of friendship there is unforgettable, as if the world really is one big family. And the hostilities that the press always likes to exaggerate, exist only in a few places. Indeed, it is safe to say, we often suffer more from bad publicity than bad sportsmanship.These Games are the biggest international gathering of any kind in the world. Not only do they bring sports people together, but they unite the world’s public. Isn't this a sufficient reason for continuing them? Of course, a few people are going to use them as an occasion for propaganda. But why should the feelings of a few spoil it for all those who continue to be inspired by the Games?No! As long as the majority wants it, these Games will continue. This is sport, not politics, and it should remain so.1. 1.What is said about the purpose of the Olympic Games? C2.What is said about the spirit of the Olympic Games ? B3.What is said about the influence of the Games ? B2. 1. Criticism.2. It could be harmfully deployed, as in war.3. The world is like a big family.4. Hostilities.5. The majority of people.6. To explain why the Olympic Games should be continued.Part 4 Further ListeningListening IAnnouncer: And in today's Sports World we have a special report from Karen Finch who is with the athletes in the Olympic Village in Atlanta. The line's clear. Can you hearme, Karen?Karen: Fine, Barry, just fine.Announcer: Great. So here is Karen Finch with her report from the Olympic Village.Karen: Well, I have two athletes with me in the studio. First, Bo Lundquist.Bo: Hi!Karen: Bo is a cyclist and he's here with the Swedish team. This is your first Olympics, isn't it, Bo?Bo: Yes, it is.Karen: And how do you feel about it?Bo: Happy, very happy.Karen: Let's talk about your training schedule, Bo. I imagine it's pretty hard.Bo: Yes, it is. I get up at five...Karen: Five! And do you start training then?Bo: Well, first I have a cup of coffee then I start training at about five- thirty. You know, it's quite cold at that time.Karen: Right! I'm sure it is. When do you finish training, Bo?Bo: Well, I practice cycling on the track for about two hours. Then I have a short break for breakfast. After that, I do exercises for another few hours. I suppose I finish atabout midday.Karen: So you're free after twelve. What do you do then?Bo: You mean, what do I do in my spare time?Karen: Right.Bo: Well, we usually go swimming in the afternoon. That's all. I go to bed early. I want to win a gold medal for Sweden.Karen: Well, I hope you do. Thank you, Bo Lundquist. Next we have Bob Smith with me in the studio. Bob's a long distance runner and the American 3000 meterschampion.Bob: Hi!Karen: Hello, Bob. How is your training going?Bob: Fine, just fine. I have a really good program and I think I'm in first-class condition.Karen: Tell me about it, Bob.Bob: Well, I don't like training early in the morning. I don't know why. I just don't like it. So I start around 10 o’clock.Karen: Mmm. And what about having lunch?Bob: I don't have lunch. Lunch makes me tired. I train all through the day until about five o'clock.Karen: Really? So late?Bob: Yes! Then I shower and go home.Karen: So you live right here in Atlanta, do you, Bob?Bob: Yes. I'm married. We live on campus at the University.Karen: What do you do in your spare time, Bob?Bob: I don't have much spare time. I'm studying to be a doctor.Karen: Don't you have any free time?Bob: Not much. But when I relax I like listening to music. Music is really special to me.Karen: Well, thank you, Bob and Bo. Good luck! This is Karen Finch at the Olympic Village in Atlanta.Announcer: Thank you, Karen. And now for our other sports news.1.2,3,5,7 (√)2.Swedish Americancycling long distance running3,000 championship5:30 a.m. 12:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.swimming listening to musicListening IIPeople in tropical countries can read about winter sports but are unable to participate in them. They cannot build snowmen, throw snowballs, toboggan, or ice-skate. Above all, they cannot go skiing.Someone defined skiing as gliding over the ground on two boards. The sport is popular in America in the states which have snow in the winter months. The pleasure we take in this healthy outdoor activity is shared by the Finns, the Russians, the Swedes, the Norwegians, the Germans, the Italians, the Swiss, and the French, who all live in temperate zones with winter climates. But what must people from Egypt, Libya, and Nigeria think of this strange sport?Skiing, unlike tennis or baseball, is not a city sport. Until recently, even in countries with snow, it was limited to mountainous regions. Now there is a new variation that can be enjoyed by everyone. It is called ski touring.1. 1.building snowman2.throwing snowballs3.tobogganing4.ice-skating5.skiing2. Finland; Sweden; Switzerland; Germany; U.S.A; Italy; France; Norway; Russia (√)Listening IIIWoman: On the matter of careers, a lot of the jobs that people go into are lifetime careers. What about baseball? Is it a career over one's full lifetime?Man: Baseball has been my life so far...as you know. I mean, I know someday, could be tomorrow, that I'm going to be out of it.Woman: But how long can you really expect to play, let's say, actively?Man: I've set goals, and I made my first goal, which was to make it to the big leagues. Now, my next goal is to make it through four years, to get my pension.Woman: But how many years can you expect to play professional ball?Man: I'm a pitcher, so it's difficult to say because you never know whether you're going to have a sore arm, whether it's going to go out on you, or what other problem mighthappen. But normally, as a pitcher, I guess the prime time for a pitcher is between27 to 30. I'm 24 and this is my sixth year.Woman: Well, is there any problem with a feeling of insecurity and...Man: Yeah, there is. Especially, like I said, during my first year. I disciplined myself, and I worked hard—and that's what got me here. And I realize that I have to work hard tostay here. And there is the insecurity.Woman: You're under contract?Man: Right, I'm under contract. But that doesn't necessarily mean anything. They could send me down tomorrow. They could do whatever they wanted with me.Woman: What does it take to play professionally? I'm thinking about the level of skill. Is it something that you just work hard to get, or is there a natural sort of ability?Man: Well, there're people that have the natural ability, you know. I feel like I didn't have much. I just worked hard and that's what got me here.1. Male Baseball player 24 Pitcher five to six2. 1.What is the prime career time for a pitcher? C2. What makes the man successful in baseball, according to the conversation? A3. What can be inferred from the conversation? D4. Which of the following statements is true? D5. What kind of feeling does the man have now and then ? D6. What does the man think of baseball as a career? AListening IVLearning to swim had been surprisingly easy, thanks to the Navy's policy of dealing with fear by ignoring it. My fear of deep water left after my Navy experience. On the first day in the pool, an instructor with a voice like a bullhorn ordered 50 of us to climb a high board and jump in feet first. The board looked about 200 feet high, though it may have been only 20 or 25. A line was formed to mount the ladder and jump. I drifted to the end of the line, and then stepped out when the splashing started and introduced myself to the instructor."I'm a non-swimmer," I said, "shall I go to the shallow end of the pool?" At City College I'd spent four years in the shallow end of the pool."This pool doesn't have a shallow end," the instructor said."Well, what am I going to do?""Get up on that platform and jump," he said.The pool depth was marked as 15 feet at that point."I'm not kidding. I can't swim at all.""Up! Up!" he shouted."But I'll drown.""This pool has got the best lifesaving equipment in the Navy," he said. "Don't worry about it." "Come on."Then he shouted again, "I'm giving you an order, mister. Up!"Quaking in every fiber, I climbed the ladder, edged out onto the board, took one look down and unable to faint, stepped back."Jump!" the instructor roared.I stepped to the edge, closed my eyes, and walked into space. The impact of the water was great; then I was sinking, then My God! I was rising irresistibly to the surface. My head broke water. The water was actually supporting me, just as everybody had always said it would. The instructor glared."You didn't keep your legs straight," he shouted. "Get back up there and do it again."1. 1. What does the speaker say about learning to swim in the Navy? A2. How high was the board/? C3. What did the instructor do when he found out about the speaker’s problem? A4. Why did the speaker eventually jump into the pool? A5. What is the best way to overcome fear, according to the speaker? B6. Which of the following is true about the speakers’ education? D7. Which of the following can be used to describe the instructor? C8. Why did the speaker want to go to the shallow end of the pool? B9. Why did the instructor ask the speaker to do it again? D10. How did the instructor assure the speaker that he wouldn’t drown? B2. 1) drifted 2) stepped 3) introduced 4) Quaking 5) climbed6) walked into 7)sinking 8) rising 9) broke 10) supporting。
Part fourThe military aspect of the United States Civil War has always attracted the most attention from scholars. The roar of(1)gunfire, the massed movements of(2)uniformed men, the shrill o f bugles, and the drama of hand to hand combat have(3)facinated students of warfare for a century. Behind the (4)lines,however, life was less spectacular. It was the story of (5)back breaking labor to provide the fighting men with food and arms, of nerve tingling uncertainty about the course of national events, of (6)heartbreak over sons or brothers or husbands lost in (7)battle.If the men on the firing line won the victories, the(8)means to those victories were forged on the home front.(9) Never in the nation's history had Americans worked harder for victory than in the Civil War. Northerners and Southerners alike threw themselves into the task of supplying their respective armies. Both governments made tremendous demands upon civilians and, in general, received willing cooperations.By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear. Everything from steamboats to shovels was needed and produced. Denied Southern cotton, textile mills turned to wool for blankets and uniforms. Hides by the hundreds of thousands were turned into shoes and harness andsaddles; ironworks manufactured locomotives, ordnance, armor plate. Where private enterprise lagged, the government set up its own factories or arsenals.(10) Agriculture boomed, with machinery doing the job of farm workers who have been drawn into the army. In short, everything that a nation needed to fight a modern war was produced in uncounted numbers. Inevitably there were profiteers with gold headed canes and flamboyant diamond stickpins, but for every crooked tycoon there were thousands of ordinary citizens (11)living on fixed incomes who did their best to cope with rising prices and still make a contribution to the war effort.Those who could bought war bonds; others knitted, sewed, nursed, or lent any other assistance in their powerSome pessimistic historians think the whole society of man runs in cycles and that one of the phases is war.The(12) optimists,on the other hand,think war is not like an (13)eclipse (日食) or a flood or a spell of bad weather.They believe that it is more like a disease for which a (14)cure could be found if the (15)causes were known.Because war is the (16)ultimate drama of life and death stories and pictures of it are more interesting than those about peace.This is so true that all of us,and perhaps those of us in television more than most,are often (17)caught up in the action of war to the exclusion of the ideas of it.If it is true,as we would like to think it is,that our age is more (18)civilized than ages past,we must all agree that it’s very strange that in the twentieth century,our century,we have killed more than 70 million of our fellowmen on(19)purpose,at war.It is very strange that since 1900 more men have killed more other men than in any other seventy years in history.Probably the reason we are able to do both, that is,(20)believe on the one hand that we are more civilized and on the other hand wage war to kill -is that killing is not so personal an affairas it once was.The enemy is invisible.(21) One man doesn’t look another in the eye and kill him with the sword.The enemy dead or alive is largely unseen.He is killed by remote control: a loud noise,a distant puff of smoke and then silence. The pictures of the victim’s wife and children,which he carries in his breast pocket,are destroyed with him.He is not heard to cry out.The question of compassion or pity or remorse does not enter into it.The enemy is not a man;he is a statistic.(22)It is also true that more people are being killed at war now than previously because we’re better at doing it than we used to be.One man with one modern weapon can kill thousands.。
Unit 5II. Listening Skills1. M: The police gave a few tickets out last week along Highway 15. W: In fact, quite a few tickets were given on that road.Q: What does the woman mean2. M: Who do you think is the smartest student in the classW: Mary is second to none.Q: What does the woman say about Mary3. W: What are you so happy aboutM: Instead of being given an even dozen, we’ve been given a baker’s dozen.Q: Why is the man so happy4. M: We have had a lot of rain over the last few years.W: But nothing like this.Q: What does the woman mean5. M:What effect has the booming economy had on interest rates for loans W: The interest rates have skyrocketed!Q: What does the woman mean1. A2. BIII. Listening InTask 1: Dogs aren’t allowed here!Manager: I’m sorry. Miss, but dogs aren’t allowed in this theater. Mary: But I have a ticket for him.Manager: I’m very sorry, but animals aren’t permitted.Mary: You don’t understand. This is a special case. My dog is so well trained and so intelligent that he’s almost human.Manager: I see that you have an exceptional animal, but…Mary: I promise you that if there is any problem we’ll leave the theater immediately. I promise you that this dog isn’t like any otherdog you’ve ever seen.Manager:Well…all right. I’ll let you go in, since the theater is almost empty tonight. But your dog will have to behave himself, or youwill have to leave.Mary: Thank you very much.1. allowed movie theater2. a ticket3. well trained intelligent humanproblem leave the theater any other dog seen5. almost emptyTask 2: Put the cat out!A couple was going out for the evening to celebrate the wife’sbirthday. While they were getting ready, the husband put the cat out. The taxi arrived, and as the couple walked out of their home, the cat ran back into the house. Not wanting their car to have free run of the house while they were out, the husband went back upstairs to chase the cat out. The wife, not waiting it known that the house would be empty, explained to the taxi driver, “He’s just going upstairs to say goodbye to my mother.”A few minutes later, the husband got into the car, and said, “Sorry it took it so long. The stupid old thing was hiding under the bed, and I had to poke her with a stick to get her to come out!”4-1-3-5-2-6 D) She was ill-treated at home.Task 3: A Sudden Change in the Parrot’s AttitudeA young man named John received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse vocabulary. Every word out of this bird’s mouth was rude. John tried every method to change the bird’s attitude by constantly saying polite words, playing soft music, and anything he could think of to set a good example. Nothing worked. Finally, John got fed up and he yelled at the parrot. And the bird yelled back. John shook the parrot, and the bird got angrier and ruder. Finally, in a moment of desperation, John put the bird in the refrigerator freezer. For a few minutes, John heard the bird scream and kick. Then suddenly there was silence. Not a sound for over a minute. Fearing that he’s hurt the bird, John quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out and said, “I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and actions. I am truly sorry, and I will do everything I can to correct my poor behavior.”John was greatly surprised at the bird’s change of attitude. As he wasabout to ask the parrot what had caused such a sudden change in his behavior, the bird continued, “May Ii ask why you put the chickens there and what they did wrong”IV. Speaking OutModel 1 The dog will be company for her.John: Se-Jin, come shopping with me. I’m buying a present for my mother. Se-Jin: What are you getting herJohn: I’ve got just the perfect idea. A dog.Se-Jin: A dog Would she like thatJohn: She’ll love it. My dad works long hours each day, and I think with me away at school, she is a bit lonely. And I’ll just get a smallone, a Pekinese.Se-Jin: Good idea! The dog will be company for her.Now Your TurnA: Hi, come shopping with me. I want to buy a gift for my neighbor.B: What forA: His wife died a couple of weeks ago, and he is feeling lonely. He’s been kind to us. I want to buy something to cheer him up.B: What do you want to get for himA: I’m thinking of buying a bunch of flowers for him.B: But I’ve got a perfect idea. A dog.A: A dog WhyB: He’ll be crazy about it. He’s so lonely; he needs company rather than beautiful flowers.A: Good thinking! The dog can keep him company.Model 2 Where to walk dogsBob: There’s some talk of a businessman building a dog park in Shanghai. Laura: Really, what on earth forBob: Apparently there is a law against having dogs on the streets. Laura: Does it mean that the dogs have to stay inside apartments at all timesBob: It sounds pretty cruel, doesn’t it Maybe the park is a good idea. Laura: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs on the streets.Bob: But in many large cities where dogs can be walked, the streets area mess. I heard Paris is the worst.Laura:Couldn’t people just clean up after their dogsBob:Would theyNow Your TurnA: Have you heard the city has passes a law against walking dogs in the streetsB: Sure, it’s published in the newspapers.A: It means that dogs have to be kept inside all the time.B: It’s rather cruel, isn’t it We shouldn’t be so cruel to dumb animals. A: But dogs often leave a mess from their dogs.B: But owners can clean up the mess from their dogs.A: Would theyB: Perhaps the best solution is to build a dog park. Then people can walk their dogs there.A: Sounds too good to be realistic. The city is already too crowed without the dogs.Model 3 What does having a few fish do for youPhilip: Wow! I see you’ve bought an aquarium. Nice!Peter: You should get one too. I highly recommend it.Philip: Why What does having a few fish do for youPeter: I find it relaxing just to sit down and watch tropical fish at the end of a tiring day.Philip: I can understand. I like to take it easy after work , too. Peter: There’s more than that. They’re really fascinating. They give you hours of entertainment, believe me.Philip: Perhaps I should give it a try.Peter: OK, I can lend you a couple of good reference books.Philip: Great! Any other tips on getting startedNow Your TurnA: Wow! You’ve bought a discman! It does look nice!B: You’d better buy one as well. I strongly recommend it.A: Why What can it do for youB: I find it relaxing to listen to music on it.A: I can understand. After a day’s work I like to relax a bit myself. B: Not only that. Some music cheers you up and makes you forget all your troubles.A: Maybe I should have a try, but I don’t know how to use the diskman. B: OK, I can lend you this manual.A: Wonderful! Any other tips on getting stardedV. Let’s TalkAn Intelligent DogA black dog walked into a butcher’s shop with a five-dollar bill in his mouth. He spent several minutes looking at the meat on display. He finally fixed his eyes on the lamb chops and barked, showing that he wanted to buy some of them. The butcher, thinking the dog wouldn’t know the difference, picked out the worst chops. The dog barked angrily and continued to bark until the butcher selected the finest chops. After the butcher took the money from the dog’s mouth, the dog picked up the chops and left the shop.The butcher was deeply impressed and decided that he would like to own a clever dog like that. He closed up shop and followed the dog to see where it went. The dog entered an apartment house, climbed to the third floor, and began to scratch on the door. With that, the door opened and an angry man started yelling at the dog. As he did so, the butcher stepped forwardto ask the man to stop. “What are you doing”That’s the smartest animal I’ve ever seen! Surely it doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment.”The butcher then went on to explain how the dog had bought the best lamb chops in the shop. The man looked at the butcher from the corner of his eye and said, “I don’t think he’s so intelligent. You see, this is third time this week he’s forgotten his key.”VI. Furthering Listening and Speaking Task 1: A Birthday PresentMary: David, how did your mom like the dog you gave her for a birthday giftDavid:Oh, Mary, she was delighted. It licked her hand and wagged its tail and she was hooked.Mary: What did she call itDavid: She’s calling it “Brian”, after a friend of hers.Mary: Your mom always did have a sense of humor. I read somewhere that dogs can become very close to their owners.David: I’ve heard that. I saw an interview on TV with a man who had epileptic attacks, and his dog would warn him before he would havean attack.Mary: Really I wonder how they can do that1David: It ahs something to do with the dog’s sense of smell. It’s very keen.Mary: Do you think Brian will be able to foretell when your mom is going to roast a chickenAfter David gave his mom a dog as a birthday present, she was very pleased, for the dog licked her hand and wagged its tail. She called it Brian after one of her friends. Mary read an article which says that dogs can be faithful to their owners/masters. David agreed, for he saw a TV interview which introduced a dog that could warn its master of an epileptic attack. He explained that this ability of the dog’s has something to do with itskeen sense of smell. Jokingly, Mary said she wounded whether the dog Brian can foretell/predict when David’s mom is going to roast a chicken.T ask 2: 100 Percent Polar BearOne afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear”“Of course, son, you’re 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to his father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear No brown bear or panda bear”“Son, I’m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you’re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don’t worry. But it’ll hurt my feelings if it’s not true. I really need to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear”Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the father polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you’re 100 percent polar bear”“Because I’m freezing to death out here!”Task 3: An Introduction to Advertising“Are you ready to go to work” a woman asks her dog Sydney. The dog was her tail. Then she starts sniffing around inside the house. Sydney is hunting for mold. When she sits down, that means she smells mold nearby.Usually mold is found within three or four feet. A boy who lives in this house has epileptic attacks. It could be from mold. His mother wanted to find the mold. She tried other ways to find it, but they didn’t work. She said she trusted the dog more than the other ways. Workers found mold near where Sydney sat. Nobody had thought to look for mold there before. Now it can be cleaned out and the boy will feel much better.Sydney is very special. Only about ten animals in the . can do this. She spent hundreds of hours with a police dog trainer in Florida to learn how. In the ., people have used dogs to find drugs and bombs for a long time, but dogs that find mold are something new.People in Europe have used mold-sniffing dogs for many years. Dogs are cheaper to use than human trackers and can find exactly where the mold is. They also do it quickly and for less than %500. Other methods may cost thousands of dollars and take many weeks.SpeakingA Funeral for a Dead FishNancy: Westerners often take pets as their friends, even their family members. Especially dogs They think dogs are man’s best friends. Michael: What pets do people usually keepNancy: A lot. Fish, cats, horses… anything could be a pet.Michael: Do you have a petNancy: I have three fish. One day, the fish called Susan died. We even had a funeral for her.Michael: A funeralNancy:Yes, usually it’s a ceremony for dead people. But we had a funeral for the dead fish.Michael: Sounds interesting.Nancy: Well, I need to go back to feed my fish. Talk to you later. Michael: OK, bye.。
II. Listening SkillsListening for People’s Food Preferences1. M: Jenny, the main courses here are steak, chicken or fish. Each comes with rice. So, whatlooks good to you?W: Gee, I had chicken last night, and I often eat fish for dinner. Maybe I’ll have steak tonight.I’d like it medium.Q: What does the woman want to have for dinner?The woman wants to have steak for dinner.2. W: I often sleep late and skip breakfast. Sometimes I just have yogurt or something.M: I can’t bear the taste of yogurt. I like a regular breakfast—eggs, bacon, toast, and the like. Q: What does the man like to have for breakfast?The man likes eggs, bacon, toast, and the like for breakfast.3. M: Why don’t we go and get some ice cream?W: You devil, you know I have a sweet tooth. I love desserts, but I have to be careful about my weight.Q: What does the woman think about sweet food?The woman has a taste for sweet food, but is worried about putting on weight.4. M: I’ve bought some cookies for the club meeting this evening. Do you like them?W: No, not really. Ii prefer fruit, like apples, strawberries, and so on.Q: What food does the woman like and dislike?The woman doesn’t like cookies; she likes fruit such as apples and strawberries.5.W: I’ve come to this Chinese restaurant many times. I like sweet-and-sour fish, friednoodles…and the mushroom soup here id delicious.M: You’re really a big fan of Chinese food. OK, you do the ordering.Q: What kind of Chinese food does the woman like?The woman likes sweet-and-sour fish, fried noodles and the mushroom soup in the restaurant. III. Listening InTask 1: Fast Food CultureSince the late 1900s, Americans have begun to fully believe in their “fast food culture”. In 1994 alone, fast food restaurants in the United States sold over 5 billion hamburgers, making it a favorite meal and an important commodity. Each day in 1996, seven percent of the population ate at the 11,400 McDonald’s; males from their mid-teens to their early 30s made up 75 percent of this business. By then, fast food had become a cultural phenomenon that reached beyond America’s borders. In 1996 McDonald’s owned over 7,000 restaurants in other countries, including: 1,482 in Japan; 430 in France; 63 in China; and so on. McDonald’s has also recognized some cultural differences. In Germany, for example, the outlets sell beer, in France they sell wineand beer, and in Saudi Arabia they have separate sections for men and women and close four times a day for prayers. But for the most part the fast food fare is the same, maintaining the same culture on an international level.1.D2.C3.A4.B5.CTask 2: McDonald’sW: John, I’m really hungry!M: Just get anything you want, it’s on me today. I’m thinking about a hamburger and some chicken McNuggets.W: Thanks, man. That sounds good. I love milkshakes here.M: Me, too. The formula of McDonald’s is really special.W: Right. And no matter where you go in the world, you can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality in McDonald’s.M: It’s true. They also do well because of diversity. I mean, they sell different products according to people’s tastes and preferences in different areas.W: Right. Like the Spicy Chicken Sandwich and Seafood Soup that they sell in China. They could never sell that here!M: But I’ve heard that McDonald’s is really losing market share in the States now, and has closed down some restaurants.W: Yeah. It’s just so difficult to stay competitive when there so many fast food chains in the States.I mean there are KFC, Pizza Hut, and A&W, just to name a few.M: It seems that they’re doing better overseas,’ cause they’re really able to sell American culture. W: Yeah. They use all the media they can, and they do a good job.1.They will probably eat a hamburger, some chicken McNuggets, and the shakes.2.McDonald’s is so successful because of its formula and diversity.3.You can always see similar menu items and the same high level of quality.4.McDonald’s is losing market share in the States now and has closed down some restaurants.Because there’re so many fast food chains in the U.S. that it’s difficult for McDonald’s to stay competitive.5.Because they’re able to sell American culture by using all the media they can.Task 3: American Eating HabitsEating habits in America really get a lot of criticism. But the truth is, it matters much where in America you look. In big cities, people are becoming more health-conscious every day. This is shown by what foods they choose to buy in supermarkets, and what restaurants they eat in. There is now a big push for “green” foods that are grown naturally. In cities like New York and Chicago, restaurants offer new and healthy styles to stay ahead of the competition. However, these habits contrast with those in America’s heartland. Here, people tend to eat more traditional and higher fat foods, such as breakfasts of eggs, bacon, sausages, toast and other greasy, but delicious foods. Fast food chain restaurants such as McDonald’s and the Olive Garden, which serve cheaper food, draw a lot of customers and are popular in most places.There are different eating habits across America. In big cities, people have now become more health-conscious than ever. There is a big push for “green” foods that are grown naturally. In NewYork and other big cities, restaurants offer new and healthy styles to stay ahead of the competition. However, people in America’s heartland are quite different. They often eat more traditional and higher fat foods. Fast food chain restaurants draw a lot of customers and are popular in most places.Task 4: An AnnouncementHave you ever dreamed of tasting your favorite McDonald’s foods for only one dollar, and then, adding something to your Extra Value Meal? Now your dream can come true with McDonald’s Dollar Menu. Great choices. Every day here at McDonald’s. Look for these and more: Salad, Double Cheeseburger, Fries, McChicken Sandwiches, Snack Fruits, Soft Drinks, and Pies. Have a great meal!IV. Speaking OutNow Your TurnJames: Hey, Lisa! The physics exam is over at last! What’re you planning to do this weekend? Lisa: Oh, nothing special. You got any good ideas?James: We haven’t had a party for ages. How about having a pot-luck supper Saturday evening?Each of us can contribute something. We’ll have a good time.Lisa: Good idea! And who do you think we should invite?James: The whole class, of course. The more the merrier.Lisa: Terrific!Model 2 What do you recommend?Now Your TurnWaitress:Here’s the menu.Jennifer:Thanks. Chris, let’s have fried noodles for a change, shall we?Christopher:That sounds good, but it’s not satisfying with only noodles.Jennifer:Waitress, what do you recommend?Waitress:How about seafood with fried noodles and vegetables?Christopher: Good. I like seafood.Jennifer:Same here.Model 3 It’s easier said than done!Now Your TurnSarah: Hi, Jim! You look pale. What’s wrong?James: Well, yesterday I had a huge steak for supper. At night I had a terrible stomachache. Sarah: You shouldn’t have eaten that much. How’re you feeling now?James: Better than I was. But I guess I won’t be able to look a cow in the eye for a while. Sarah: Take my advice! If you eat regular meals, you won’t feel so bad.James: It’s easier said than done. Steak is my favorite.V. Let’s TalkJane: I’m from the Students Union. We’re doing a survey of students’ eating habits. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?Jim: Will it take long?Jane: No, not really. Fie minutes maybe? There aren’t all that many questions.Jim: And what’s it for exactly?Jane: Well, we want to get an idea of the sort of things students eat on a regular basis, and to find out how aware people are about diet and nutrition and those matters. The intention is to produce an information leaflet about healthy eating.Jim: Yeah, I suppose something like that would be quite useful. Anyway, what do you want to know, exactly?Jane: OK, first question. What would you say your favorite food is?Jim: That’s easy. Hamburgers and fries. Lots of fries1 I must say I like a nice Chinese meal as well.Jane: Mmm. You’re getting into some bad habits there. How many meals do you have a day? I mean sit-down meals, not snacks.Jim: Well, I nearly always oversleep. I usually skip breakfast altogether. And I’d probably just have a chocolate bar for lunch. So I don’t sit down to a meal till evening.Jane: OK. Typical student, I suppose. And how about fresh fruit? Is it important in your diet? Jim: Nah, not really. I know it’s bad, but…I’m just not in the habit really. I suppose I might eat an apple once in a while.1. Hamburgers fries2. Chinese3. cabbage4. skipped5. chocolate6. sit-down7. fruitFor ReferenceAA, suggest vegetables and fruit to your partner.You’re gaining weight soon. I think you should take more green vegetables and fruit.B, say you love meat the best.Don’t mention egetables or fruit. Meat is my favorite. I love it, so does my stomach.A, give your warning of eating fat.Listen, you’ll suffer from eating too much fat.B, say you know the importance of a balanced diet but just cannot change your eating habit. Man, I know a balanced diet is important. But I just can’t change my eating habit.A, stress the importance of a good diet again.Well, I don’t think you’ve ever tried to change it. You know, good diet means good health.B, show your impatience.I knooooow, nutritionistBA, ask the American friend about the Chinese food.Hi, Tony, how would you like these Chinese food, tofu and steamed fish?B, you find the food tastes strange.Well, it tastes…sort of strange. We don’t have stuffs cooked like this.A, ask what the Americans eat.So what do you usually have in America?B, tell what the Americans typically eat and invite A to McDonald’s next time.Er, a typical lunch may consist of a burger or sandwish, a vegetable or fruit salad, a dessert, and a coke or coffee. Nect time I would invite you to a fast food meal at McDonald’s and tell you more about American food.A, say what you fell about B’s words.Oh, that’s really different from ours.VI. Furthering Listening and SpeakingTask 1: Foods in the WorldFood is national and international. Many people like their own national dishes and a variety of foreign ones. You can find European and Oriental restaurants on most large cities. You can find Italian, French, Chinese, and Mexican restaurants in New York, Washington, San Francisco, and many other cities in the United States. As well, you might also find Greek and Middle Eastern restaurants in some cities in the US. American hamburgers and hot dogs are popular in Tokyo and Paris. In almost every country you will find rice, potatoes, eggs, bread, soup, meat, vegetables, milk, fruit, and other basic foods. People all over cook them differently in different countries. People all over the world also prefer different things to drink. The English drink a lot of tea, and the French a lot of wine. Americans prefer coffee, milk or pop. German beer is now completely international. Children are often very conservative about new foods. In the United States they often prefer to eat the same three or four favorite dishes: hamburgers and French fires, hot dogs, fried chicken, and ice cream.1. national international2. national dishes foreign ones.3. hamburgers hotdogs Paris4. tea coffee milk pop5. children three or four hamburgers fried chickenTask 2: GM FoodsThe term GM foods refers to those produced with the latest genetic engineering techniques. In 2000, countries that grew 99% of the global GM crops were the United States, Argentina, Canada, and China. The next decade will see rapid development in Gm products. Gm foods may solve many of the world’s hunger problems, and help protect environment. Yet there are many challenges ahead for governments, especially in the areas of human and environmental safety,labeling and consumer choice, ethics, food security, regulation and international policy. Many people feel that genetic engineering is inevitable and that such a technology should be put to use. However, others warn that we must take care to avoid causing unintentional harm to both human health and the environment as a result of our enthusiasm for this powerful technology.1. F2.F3.T4.F5.FTask 3: HungerI have known bread hunger,Yet have I strength.I have known heart hunger,Yet do I live.I have known soul hunger,And faith is not dead.When the body cried,I lit love in my heart.When the heart wept,I lit a lamp in my soul.Yet all the while,I heard life asking its goal.I was alone looking out of a house,Knowing the empty rooms.。
Unit 5 Friendship
Listening Tasks
Speaking Tasks
Word Bank Language and Cultural Notes Exercise 1 Exercise 2
• I’d like to make friends with those who are honest / sincere / kind-hearted / reliable / thoughtful / caring / generous / compassionate.
• Sharing your friends’ sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship with them.
v. to keep in a resting position 支 撑
v. to make great efforts 尽全力 v. to force (sb. to do sth.) 强迫
rise to a sitting position from a sleeping position 坐起来
2. What is true friendship? 3. What kind of friends do you think are true friends? 4. What kind of people do you want to make friends
with? 5. How do you make friends? 6. How can we keep friendship alive?
Unit 5Part OnePeter Brown: Good evening, everyone. Welcome to "Animal World" on Channel 2. I'm your host Peter Brown. You might have read or heard in the news about the discovery of a new animal in the Bobo area. Today we have invited three people to come to our program to talk about that. Mr. Dickens, a famous explorer, who actually found the new animal. Mrs. Smith, whose family has been living in that area for generations, Mr. Johnson, a well-known zoologist. First, Mr. Dickens, could you please tell us briefly how you discovered the new animal?Mr. Dickens: Yup. You know I have been interested in exploring the animals in the Bobo area. Five days ago, when I was walking through the woods there, I came across a group of strange animals. They were crawling on the ground and making the sound "bobo".Peter Brown: Interesting. What do they look like?Mr. Dickens: They look like snakes but they each have a pair of transparent wings. Peter Brown: Really? Mrs. Smith, you've lived in that area for a long time, have you seen this kind of animal there?Mrs. Smith: Yeah. I think they have lived there for centuries. Many of our villagers have reported seeing them. I've seen them only once. I think they're really ugly. They are black, with a long tail and small bright eyes. Really scary.Peter Brown: So, Mr. Johnson, you're a zoologist. From these descriptions, could you tell us what kind of animal this may be?Mr. Johnson: It's hard to say at this point. I need more information. Mr. Dickens, you mentioned that they have wings. Can they fly?Mr. Dickens: Erm... I don't think so. I stayed there all day long observing them. None of them flew.Mr. Johnson: Ms Smith, as a native in that region, do you or your villagers happen to know how they produce their young? Do they bear live young, or do they lay eggs? Mrs. Smith: Oh, they lay eggs. Very colorful ones.Mr. Johnson: In that case, probably they are a type of reptile. But I'm not sure about them. I think further investigation and research will have to be done on that.Peter Brown: Thank you. Mr. Johnson. If any of you in the audience has any question to ask, please raise your hand and I'll call on you.Audience 1: Excuse me, Mr. Dickens. Do you think these animals are dangerous?Did they attack you when they became aware of your presence?Mr. Dickens: I don't know. I don't think they knew I was around since I stayed away from them quite a distance.Audience 2: Mr. Johnson, do you think this snake-like animal is poisonous?Mr. Johnson: As I mentioned before, we need to do further study on these animals before we can answer these types of questions about them.Peter Brown: Thank you Mr. Johnson. We are looking forward to further research on these strange animals. Thank you for joining us. Thank you for watching. Remember6 p.m. every Friday. We'll lead you to a world of animals.Exercise 2A√ B C√ D√ E F√ G H√ I JExercise 31.for generations well-known2.came across3.a pair of4.black small5.happen to6.in the audience call on7.bacame aware8.further study types ofPart TwoListening IIt was very cold out. Two rabbits were playing in a field. Far away they saw twosmall red things. The rabbits went closer to look.The two red things were pieces of an old red blanket. The pieces were thick and warm, but they were very small. They were too small to use.Soon a fox came by. "Good day, my friends," he said. "You look worried. Do you have a problem?" The rabbits answered, "Yes! We need a needle and thread to sewthe pieces of blanket together." "You can use my needle and thread if I can use the blanket too," said the fox.The rabbits used the fox's needle and thread. When the rabbits finished their sewing, the fox looked at their work. "You did a good job," he said. "I'll see you tonight." Night came and the wind was very cold. The fox came back to the rabbits."Good evening, my friends. It's a cold, cold night. But we will be warm! We have the nice, warm blanket you sewed with my needle and thread. You sewed down the middle of the blanket. The right thing is for me to sleep in the middle." "Yes, that's right, Mr. Fox," said the rabbits.So the fox lay down on the ground. The rabbits put the middle of the blanket over him. The blanket covered him, but it did not cover the rabbits. They were cold all night!Exercise 14,2,3,1,Exercise 21.cold2.red3.thick4.warm5.smalle7.finished/did8.middle9.covered 10.rabbitsListening IIOnce there was a farmer in Laos. Every morning and every evening he and his buffalo plowed his field.One day a tiger saw the farmer and his buffalo working. The tiger was surprised to see a big animal listening to a small animal. He wanted to know more about the buffalo and the man.After the man went home, the tiger spoke to the buffalo. "You are so big and strong. Why do you do everything that the man tells you to?" The buffalo answered,"Oh, the man is very intelligent." The tiger asked, "Can you tell me how intelligent he is?" "No, I can't tell you," said the buffalo,"but you can ask him."So the next day, the tiger said to the man, "Can I see your intelligence?" But the man answered,"It's at home." "Can you go and get it?" asked the tiger. "Yes," said the man, "but I am afraid that you would kill my buffalo when I am gone. Can I tie you to a tree?"After the man tied the tiger up, he didn't go home to get his intelligence. He took his plow and hit the tiger. Then he said,"Now you know about my intelligence, even ifyou haven't seen it."Exercise 11.T2.T3.F4.T5.T6.F7.F8.TExercise 21.know more2.big strong3.intelligent4.see5.tied up6.hitPart ThreePractice OneA lion wakes up one morning feeling really wild and unwell. He goes out and meets a small monkey and roars: "Who is the mightiest of all the jungle animals?" The trembling monkey says, "You are, all mighty lion!" Later, the lion sees an ox and asks the same question. The frightened ox answers:"Oh great lion, you're the mightiest animal in the jungle!"Feeling good now, the lion confidently walks up to an elephant and roars the same question. Fast as lightning, the elephant takes hold of the lion and knocks it againstthe tree six times and then raises his giant foot and stamps on the lion till it looks likea pancake. The lion wanders away, lets out a cry, and shouts to the elephant: "Just because you don't know the answer doesn't mean you have to get so unhappy aboutit!"Exercise 11.F2.T3.T4.F5.T6.FExercise 21.Monkey,ox.elephant2.Because they are frightened3.He takes hold of the lion, knocks it against the tree and stamps his feet on it4.In order to show he is the most powerful5.The lion still does not understand why the elephant does thatPractice TwoStaff and boys were sound asleep at the Sussex boarding school when fire broke outin the early hours yesterday. Forty boys might all have been burnt to death, if the alarm had not been raised by the Headmaster's dog, Peter, whose frantic barking woke the Headmaster and his family."Peter was asleep in the kitchen of my house," Mr. Phillips told our reporter. "He's not normally a nervous dog, but I thought he seemed a bit nervous last night. Then shortly after midnight he started making a loud noise. At first I thought he'd been frightenedby thieves, but when I let him out he went straight over to C block, where the dormitory is located. I woke the master on duty and we discovered that a fire had started in the games room, where the boys had played table tennis and other games. We used the fire extinguisher and put out the fire, but had it not been for Peter, we might have had a tragedy on our hands."The fire department believes that the fire was probably caused by a lit cigarette end—a little surprising perhaps, since smoking is strictly forbidden in the games room.Exercise 1A√ B√ C D E√ F G√ H I√ JExercise 21.In the early hours yesterday2.Sleeping3.In the games room4.Alit cigarette end 5.Beacuse smoking was/is forbidden in the games roomPractice ThreeSea lions get bored easily, explains trainer Hurley, because they're smart. So she spends at least 20 minutes, three times a day, with each sea lion. She plays gameswith them, teaches them new skills, and praises their efforts.For example, Hurley started by training each sea lion to chase after a ball and touch it with its nose. First she waited for the sea lion to do it by chance. Then she praised the animal with positive reinforcement, such as food, petting, or a game. Eventually, the sea lions knew to chase after the ball to get a reward.The next step was to get the sea lions to swim beside lifesize plastic whale models, Hurley says. She and her team placed the models in a boat and the sea lions would follow them. "We began training the animals to touch their noses to the whale's body," says Hurley, just like they did with the ball. "Eventually, the sea lions learnedto do it." Then they trained them to carry videotape recorders on their bodies and videotape the plastic whale.Now they're almost ready to chase after the real thing, Hurley says. If successful, she may send them to videotape other marine mammals, such as the enormous blue whales.After doing all that work, you might wonder, do the animals get paid? Well, not in dollars and cents. But they do get loving caretakers, a good home, food, and drink—and human companions who are willing to play plenty of games.Exercise 11.F2.F3.T4.F5.T6.TExercise 21.new skills their efforts2.boat follow them 3,dollars cents lovinghome drinkPractice FourV= vistor M= marine biologist(At Sea World in San Diego, some visitors from China are asking questions about seals to a marine biologist working there.)V1: I haven't ever seen a live seal before. Do many seals live in the ocean here?M: No, most of them live in cold climates, some in the far north in the Arctic, and others in the far south, Antarctica. You know, we are lucky that we have as many living species of seals as we do have.V1: Why?M: Because seal hunting, by the late 1800's, had killed so many seals that many species were almost gone forever.V2: What saved them?M: Many international agreements were reached to protect seals. This included the establishing of many seal sanctuaries, places where it is now illegal to hunt and kill them. Also, here in the United States there is less demand for seal fur than there usedto be.V2: Why is that?M: There are now many people and organizations who are against the killing of animals for their fur. Also there are many new synthetic fibers that are so warm thatfur is no longer needed.V1: How many species of seals are there?M: Eighteen. The most common one is called the harbor seal. It is found in both the north Atlantic and Pacific oceans.V1: Thanks so much for talking with us.M: You're welcome.Exercise 11.B2.A3.D 4,C 5.BExercise 21.lucky living species2.international reached3.less demand used toanizations againstmon foundPart FourSection II was a waiter at a restaurant on a beach in Southern California. One day while still new at the job, I noticed two kids jumping up and down near the water's edge, pointing toward an animal that appeared to be struggling in the waves. I decided I couldn't watch a dog drown.Jumping through the window, I ran toward the beach. As I started to take off my coat, a man came by. "What are you doing?" he asked."I'm going to save that dog!" I said.Puzzled, he asked where I was from."The Midwest," I replied."Oh, I see," he said. "They don't have sea lions there, do they?"Part A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.TPart B1.down2.struggling3.jumped through4.came by5.puzzledSection IILe Le and Ya Ya have arrived at the Memphis Zoo this week. The number of giant pandas in the United States has increased to nine. They spread across four zoos. It's not easy getting them here.In order to bring a pair of pandas into the United States, each zoo has to get a permit, because the panda is the type of animal that may soon disappear from the world."Pandas are difficult to study in the wild. They live in mountains. They are shy, so it's rare that you would actually see one."What the Western scientists know about pandas today mostly comes from studies of Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing at the Smithsonian Institution's National Zoo.Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing were the first two pandas in the U.S. zoo. They were given as a gift to the United States in 1972 by the Chinese government.The nine pandas now in the U.S. belong to the Chinese government, and are in the American zoos for 10 to 12 years. A baby panda which was born at the San Diego zoo three years ago also belongs to China.Studies on pandas can improve their conditions. They provide knowledge that helps save the wild population.Part A1.D2.C3.A4.A5.BPart B1.F2.T3.T4.T5.FSection IIIMice like to be in pairs. If you want to keep only one mouse as a pet, you need to be sure to spend enough time with the animal. Mice need attention. No matter how much you love it and play and care for it, nothing takes the place of a friend for your mouse. No one knows a mouse better than another mouse.If you're going to add a second mouse to your family, it's best to let one mouse get used to its home for a while first. Then, a few weeks later, add the second pet. Keep them separated for a while so they both get used to the home and let them visit eachother regularly. Then after a few days, they should be able to jump right in and be friendly with each other. Getting two female mice is usually a good idea. They get along well. Male mice will get along fine when they're young, but once they're adults, they are likely to hate each other. Getting one male mouse and one female mouse may also not be a good idea, unless you want a huge number of mice running around in your house within a few months. Mice produce babies quickly and frequently.Part A1.F2.T3.F4.T5.F6.TPart B1.good2.get3.once4.hate5.mouse6.not7.unless8.number9.house 10.produce。
视听说Unit 5答案
![视听说Unit 5答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9909d70116fc700abb68fc32.png)
• 5 He says it needs to paint a broad picture of who you are and what you like doing but does not bore other people. • Exercise 5 on page 55 • c c d a d • Exercise 2 on page 56 • 1 because she went on holiday • 2 because she was invited to go with a friend
• 3 because the mountain was vertical and they were climbing with ropes • 4 He reassured her that it was safe to climb with ropes and stayed next to her. • 5 When David came over to Amy to encourage her • 6 Amy collapsed because she couldn’t stand up
• • • • • •
2. 150 million 3. met anyone yet 4. create your profile 5. in your area 6. nice short letter 7. interested in them
• Exercise 4 on page 54 • 1 Men between 24 and 32 • 2 Three: Doctor Ski, Uncle Bunny and Outdoor Guy. • 3 She is funny, spontaneous and confident, has a good sense of humour and lides to ski. • 4. Men between 45 and 55
新标准大学英语视听说教程()听力原文_unit 5new
![新标准大学英语视听说教程()听力原文_unit 5new](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/574cb15d763231126edb11d2.png)
Unit 5-Conversation 1Mark: Have you got your tickets for the play?Kate: What play?Mark: The play which OUDS are producing. You know, the play I'm in at the Oxford Playhouse.Kate: Oh, that play! Well, er ...Mark: What about you, Janet?Janet: What's the play called?Mark: Waiting for Godot, by Samuel Beckett. You are coming, aren't you?Kate: Beckett?Janet: Why not?Kate: Well, um, I'm sure you'll be totally brilliant, Mark ... but I wish I could understand the play. It doesn't make sense. Mark: If only you were more patient, Kate. Beckett's a fascinating writer. You'll come though, won't you, Janet? You really ought to see something like this at least once during your stay in Oxford.Janet: Well, I'm not sure.Mark: Oh, come on! Please!Jan et: But if Kate doesn't understand the play, there's no way I'll be able to follow it.Kate: Do you want to go?Janet: Well, I love going to the theatre, and I'd really like to see Mark acting. And actually, yes, I think I should see a play by Samuel Beckett.M a rk: Good! So you're coming, Janet. I wish you'd come, too, Kate. It's a really good performance. Kate: Well, OK, but I'm only doing it because you're in it. When is it on?Mark: Next Tuesday to Saturday.Janet: How about going Friday night?Mark: That's great. But you'd better get your tickets soon, because we're expecting a full house.Unit 5-Conversation 2Kate: Well, what did you think?Janet: It was ... very interesting.Kate: Ididn't have a clue what was going on. Absolutely nothing happened! I don't know why I bothered coming to see it Janet: I thought Mark was brilliant.Kate: Yes, I did too, of course ...Janet: But I wish I had read the play before I saw it. If only I had known the story, it might have been easier to follow it. How long do you think Mark will be?Janet: I guess he needs to get changed first. He said he'd join us as soon as possible.Kate: Here he is. Hi Mark!Mark: Hi, what did you think? How was I?Janet: It was ... very challenging.Kate: It was so-so.Janet: But you were brilliant! Well done.Kate: You were awesome, Mark. Everyone adored your performance. Darling, you were to die for!Mark: OK, OK, don't exaggerate. I wasn't that good! Anyway, I've got some great news!Janet: Tell us!Mark: We've started talking about next term's OUDS play. Kate: What's it going to be?Mark: Hamlet, by William Shakespeare!Janet: Great! And who's going to play Hamlet?Kate: Don't tell me, let me guess!Mark: To be or not to be, that is the question!Janet: I don't believe it. You're going to play Hamlet? Kate: Come on, let's celebrate ... from Beckett to Shakespeare. Today Oxford, tomorrow, Hollywood!Unit 5-Outside viewPart 1Viewer 1So, what do you guys want to watch?Viewer 2 Uh, I don't know. What's on?Viewer 3 How about a documentary on the History Channel?I like watching history programmes.Viewer 2 I don't really like watching the History Channel. Viewer 1 How about a baseball game? From 1973 ? Viewer 3No thanks! How about a cooking show?Viewer 1Yeah, I love watching cooking shows.Viewer 2 What?Viewer 1 I do!Viewer2 Uh, I don't like cooking shows. Uh, let's watch some music videos.Viewer 1This is awful!Vie we r 3 Can you see what's on another channel?Viewer 1Yeah, sure. What channel?Viewer 3Uh, anything but this. Voice-over These television viewers are trying to decide on a programme to watch, by clicking on channels, and seeing what's on. This practice is known as channel surfing. In the past, it was not difficult to decide what to watch on TV. There were only three channels to choose from. Cable television has changed all that. There are so many channels, and so many different kinds of programmes to watch, many viewers find it difficult to decide what to watch, even when they are watching by themselves. This business traveller doesn't like anything. Many people like a particular type of programme.Speaker 1TV programmes I like watching are cooking shows, um, comedy shows.Speaker 2I usually watch dramas, murder mystery programmes, quizzes, comedies.Speaker 3I like watching talk shows.Speaker 4I guess of all my favourite TV shows I'd like news programmes.Speaker 5 I like to watch soap operas and news.Speaker 6I like to watch comedy shows.Speaker 7 Well, I like good drama, I like a lot of the cop shows, um ... I like a lot of the science fiction shows and good history.Speaker 8TV programmes I like to watch are like sports, automotive. Discovery, that type of thing.Part 2Voice-over Cartoons have always been popular. This brother and sister are watching their favourite DVD. MumTurn that down!Boy OK, Mum.Voice-over He, he turns it down. Now the volume is too low. For couples, deciding what to watch can require some very careful negotiation.Woman Oh, look! Pretty Woman is on! I love watching that movie.Joe Pretty Woman! Oh, no, not Pretty Woman! Woman Joe, you know it's my favourite movie. It's on in five minutes. I'll be right back. I'm just going to get some coffee. Joe I don't like watching that kind of movie. Plus I don't like Julia Roberts. Actually, I really hate that movie. Voice-over Joe realizes that there's a basketball game on tomorrow night. He wants to ask his friends over to watch it. Woman You're so sweet to watch this with me. I know you probably don't want to see it again.Joe Oh, sure. I don't mind. There's nothing else on anyway. Not tonight,Viewer 1Hey, look. Swordfish is on. John Travolta and Halle Berry?Viewer 2No, I've already seen that twice.Viewer 3I hate that movie.Viewer 1OK. How about The Matrix?Viewer 3 That's OK. But I've seen it too many times. Viewer 2 Yeah, me too. But I love that movie.Viewer3You guys, there's nothing on.Viewer2Yeah, you're right.Viewer 1Hey, how about we go out and get some pizza? Viewer 3 That's a good idea. Turn that off.Mum I told you to turn it down. Now I'm going to turn it off.Woman Oh, it's over. I just love that movie! Thanks for putting up with it again. I know it's not your favourite.Joe That's OK. But tomorrow's my turn. I'm asking the guys over to watch the basketball game.Woman Oh, that's fine. I won't be here anyway remember? I' m going to visit my sister?Joe Oh, yeah. That's right.Voice-over The business traveller seems to have found what he was looking for, a programme that puts him to sleep. And that's all for tonight, folks! Be sure to tune in tomorrow!Unit 5-Listening inNews ReportA new craze is sweeping the city of Toronto, Canada. More and more board game cafes are opening in different neighborhoods.In some of cafes, customers pay an hourly rate to play tabletop games; in others a flat fee allows them to play for an unlimited time. On top of the fee, the cafes also require customers to purchase food and drinks.Most cafes offer hundreds of games, varying from classics like “Monopoly” and “Battleship” to European strategy games like “Settlers of Catan”and “Agricola”. They also have staff members to teach customers the rules of the game ifnecessary. This means that players are more comfortable exploring games that they haven’t played before.People enjoy going to these cafes because they can try out the games. It is cheaper than buying the games and then deciding they don’t like them. Also, it’s like having a party with your friends—but not at your own house!1.What do we learn about board game cafes from the newsreport?2.Why do people enjoy going to board game cafes? Passage 1Announcer1:Thanks for the news update. And it's Thursday evening, time to start planning the weekend, andtime to hear from Jenny with our weekly update,What's On in Town.Announcer2:Thanks, Mark.Announcer1:What’s it going to be Jenny? A weekend in front of the television, or out on the town? Announcer2:Definitely out on the town, Mark. It's a fun-filled weekend, with something for everyone. Foranyone who likes classical music, there'sBeethoven's Ninth Symphony in the WestgateConcert Hall on Friday evening. Announcer1:That's the one with that catchy tune Announcer2:I don't think the Southbank Choir will let you join in with a voice like that! Tickets are£10, withconcessions for students and senior citizens, andit starts at 8 pm. Announcer1:OK, and what's on at the cinema? Announcer2:I’ve got a couple of suggestions. For those of you who like Chinese movies, there's aretrospective on Zhang Yimou's films beginningwith The House of the Flying Daggers at theArthouse Cinema in North Street. If you haven'tseen, it’s amazing. It's on at 7 pm on Saturdaynight. And other films showing next weekinclude Hero, and Raise the Red Lantern.Tickets are £12, with the usual concessions. Announcer1:How about a Hollywood blockbuster? Announcer2:Not sure Td call it a blockbuster, but the next part of Lord of the Rings is showing at GlobeCinema. It's on Friday and Saturday at 7.30 pm,tickets £8.Announcer1:OK, Lord of the Rings, that’s a great series.Now, how about something more cultural? Announcer2:There's a fabulous exhibition at the Smith Museum called, “The Art of Venice”, with acollection of paintings from all over the world.It's open from 10 am to 6 pm on Saturday andSunday and entrance is free.Announcer1:OK, sounds good. And what about the music scene?Announcer2:Friday night is open mic night at the George Inn.It you want to hear some great music, it starts at8.30 pm Friday night. But if you want to findout what it’s like to perform in front of a liveaudience, book a slot with the organizers andthey 11 sing, play, dance, whatever ... Nicefriendly atmosphere, but make sure you've got afive or ten minute act before you offer to try itout onstage. No entrance fee, but you’ll needto buy a round or two of drinks.Announcer1:Anything else?Announcer2:Yes, it's jazz at the Jam Factory on Saturday night from 10 pm, with the Steve Reid Trio playingAfro- Cuban jazz. With tickets at £20 I guessthe Jam Factory is going to be the coolest placein town. So I advise you to book in advance. Announcer1:Sounds like a great weekend, thanks Jenny.Passage 2Speaker 1Interviewer Tell me about leisure activities in the States. What kind of spectator and participation sports are there?Speaker 1 OK, well, the four most popular ones are baseball, basketball, American football of course, and ice hockey. Interviewer Yeah, and what about - em –indoor activities, rather than sports. The kind of things that you do inside? Speaker 1Well, you could say, could say martial arts. That's very popular. Tae Kwon Do -that sort of thing. Bowling. And movies. Interviewer Yeah.Speaker 1Watching television, of course. The average American, I think, watches television about two and a half hours a day.Interviewer And, apart from sports, what other outdoor activities are there?Speaker 1Cycling, tennis, golf, walking and jogging of course and now, more and more people are playing soccer. Interviewer Right. And what kind of cultural activities are very popular in the States?Speaker 1We all like going to concerts, I think. Er, a lot of people now are joining book clubs.Interviewer Book clubs?Speaker 1To be a member of a book club, do something ... Interviewer So just local groups ... with friends?Speaker 1Yes, local groups.Interviewer And you discuss books?Speaker 1Yes, you take a book each, each week or each month. You read it and then you go back and discuss it. That's very popular now.Interviewer And how about weekend and holiday activities? Speaker 1Some people like hunting. I'm not one of those at all. I don't like that. But that's very popular in, in the rural areas. Then, of course there's camping and hiking, also. A lot of Americans volunteer for a wide range of causes — from raising funds to helping people who are less fortunate, tutoring students, or leading Scout troops or doing youth sports, that sort of thing.Interviewer Right, yeah.Speaker 2Interviewer Tell me about leisure activities and sports in Russia. What do you like doing?Speaker 2 Well, football is the favourite sport. But, er, we like also ice hockey in the winter. Winter sports. Interviewer And what about indoor sports? Or indoor activities other than ...?Speaker 2 We like very much playing chess. And we are very good at playing chess. Also, television is very common and, in the cities - Moscow and St Petersburg – we like to club, go dancing.Interviewer Oh, right. Yeah. OK. Yeah. And whatabout outdoor activities?Speaker 2 Well, believe it or not, collecting mushrooms. In the autumn, we like it very much. And also the skiing. Again, the ice hockey in the winter. Very popular.Interviewer And I believe cultural activities are very important to you? What kind of things do you like doing?Speaker 2 In particular, the ballet.Interviewer Yeah.Speaker 2 And of course, the opera as well. Even the small towns have theatres and a cinema. We like the country people, the rural people, they like to watch films. They call it a "Palace of culture".Interviewer Right. Yeah.Speaker 2 Yes. Interviewer And what kind of weekend and holiday activities do you enjoy?Speaker 2 Well, you find the rich Russians, they very often have a dacha, which is a cottage.Interviewer Right.Speaker 2 In the country.Interviewer Right.Speaker 2 You go there for a holiday and maybe forthe weekend.Interviewer Right. Thank you.Speaker 3Interviewer Tell me about leisure activities in Australia. What kind of sports do you enjoy?Speaker 3 Well, Australian rules football is our main spectator sport. Of course, we also love our rugby and our cricket. You know, our national teams are definitely now among the best in the world.Interviewer Yeah.Speaker 3What else? We have association football. And also very popular now is horse racing.Interviewer Right. And what kind of indoor activities, other than sports, do you like doing?Speaker 3We're very much an outdoor nation but when we're inside I think we like to watch TV and, you know, go to the movies.Interviewer So, what kind of outdoor activities are there? Speaker 3Well, for this we like our cycling. Somepeople play golf and some play tennis. And some play lawn bowls.Interviewer Right, yeah.Speaker3 Of course, you know, most Australians do live near the coast and we love to do sailing and surfing; very, very keen on our swimming and I know a lot of people do fishing as well.Interviewer Right. And what about culture? Do you do any cultural activities?Speaker3 Oh yes, no, no, Australia does have its culture. We've got our aboriginal music and our dancing and a lot of art. And of course, we've got our very, very famous Sydney Opera House - you know, best in the world.Interviewer Yes. And what about weekend and holiday activities? What do you like doing then?Speaker 3 I think people like to be very social. We do a lot of barbies - you know -barbecues in the back garden and some people like to go bushwalking as well.Interviewer Great. Thank you.Speaker 3You're welcome.。
新标准大学英语 视听说教程 听力原文及翻译
![新标准大学英语 视听说教程 听力原文及翻译](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/7175a35859eef8c75fbfb35e.png)
Unit 1Inside ViewConversation 1Janet: Hi, it’s me again, Janet Li. I’m still a student at the University of Oxford in England. But I’m not in Oxford right now. And I haven’t gone back home to China either. It’s the long vacation now, and believe it or not, it’s the middle of summer. I’m spending my summer in one of the world’s greatest cities. I’m in London, home to the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, Tower Bridge…and the double-decker bus. I want to find out what it’s like to live in this busy, lively city. So I’m working for London Time Off, a website about what’s on in London. This is Joe…, he’s my boss, and this is Andy, who is a reporter. And what’s my job?Well, I don’t know yet, because it’s my first day. But I’m meant to be shadowing Andy, oh, what I mean is, I’m going to be helping him. So can you tell me something about London, Andy?Andy: It’s the greatest city in the world. .Joe: Except for New York!Andy: New York? Don’t make me laugh!Joe: And your point is…?Andy: Look, if you want my opinion, London is greater than New York…Joe: No, I don’t want your opinion, thank you very much. It’s a fact.Andy: A fact! Are you serious?\Janet: And here we are in London, probably the greatest city in the world.Andy: What? Probably? Excuse me, I prefer to deal with this myself…Joe: Ah, dream on, Andy………珍妮特:嗨,又是我,珍妮特.李。
新标准大学英语视听说听力原文(5)Tricia :Well, it’s true, yes.Karen :I agree with Rick.Presenter :So, next question …Unit 5 WarListening inPassage1There are many war novels but the novel I’m going to talk about today is unusual because it’swar seen through the eyes of a child. The “eyes” are those of J G Ballard, one of Britain’s most respected novelists.Let’s begin with some information about Ballard. He was born in 1930, in Shanghai, where his father was a businessman, and he was only 11 years old when the city was occupied during World War II. Ballard and his family were placed in a prison camp and he has said that his experiences there affected him so deeply that it was 40 years before he felt able to write about them. “Twenty years to forget and 20 years to remember.”The result of Ballard’s experiences was a semi-autobiographical novel called Empire of the Sun, published in 1984. It quickly became a success and in 1987 it was made into a movie by Hollywood director, Steven Spielberg.Let’s move on to the novel itself. Empire of the Sun tells the story of how a young boy, Jim Graham, survives the Japanese occupation. Interestingly, Jim is J G Ballard’s first name and his second name is Graham.Also, Jim is the same age as Ballard –11 –when the occupation begins. At the start of the story, Jim is living with his parents in a wealthy part of Shanghai. When the invasion begins,many of Shanghai’s inhabitants flee from the city and Jim’s parents do the same. But theboy becomes separated from them and finds himself all alone. He goes back to their empty home and lives alone there. Inevitably, he’s found and then he’s sent to a prison camp.It’s a terrible four years, but the boy somehow surviv es. He steals food, finds ways of getting in and out of the camp, and is befriended by some Americans and a Japanese boy.Is there a happy ending? Yes and no. Jim sees many people die; his Japanese friend is killed by the Americans. But at the end of the war, he gets back to Shanghai and is reunited with his parents.Jim’s experiences are terrible, as a child who discovers the depths of human cruelty. But he learnsalso about the strength and courage that is possible, even in these circumstances. Both the great power and the truth of the novel come from the fact that it’s based on the author’s own experiences. The general opinion of critics is that Empire of the Sun is one of the best war novels ever written – so read it, it’s worth it.Passage2HostOn Women’s World today, we look at women’s role in the Second World War and the important part they played in it. In the First World War, women had worked in factories and as nurses, both at home and at the front. In the Second World War, women were even more essential to the war effort. Doris Watts was just 18 when the war began and Mavis Grey was only 20.HostDo you remember how you felt, Doris, the day the war wasdeclared?DorisOh yes … of course I do. I felt frightened of course, but we had known it would happen. The first thing, more than anything I think, that I felt was … was that I wanted to do something! You know, do something useful, so I joined the Land Girls.HostAh, yes, the Women’s Land Army. That was an organization started in the First World War. Women worked in agriculture as the men were away fighting. Did you enjoy the experience?Sporting life Unit 6DorisNot really. It was very hard work, very physical. You never saw anybody except the officer coming to inspect your work. So when I heard about the WAAF I signed up.HostThat’s the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force. WAAF, for short. So why the WAAF?DorisI’d always thought planes were very exciting. And it’s silly but I liked the light blue uniforms.HostThat’s a good enough reason! Now, Mavi s, you were in the WAAF at the same time as Doris. Can you tell us more about it?MavisYes. Organizations like the WAAF were a way for women to join the armed forces, since they weren’t allowed to fight. Instead, the army, the navy and the air force all had support services, which women could join.HostAnd Doris. What kind of things did you have to do?Doris Oh, well, a lot of different things. I worked in transport and catering. We were very young but we were given a lot of responsibility.Host大学英语。
Unit 5 A place in societyUnit overviewUnit 5 A place in societyInside viewConversation 11Example answers1 They are in Chinatown in London.2 I guess he is interviewing a Chinese person.3 She is a video-recording the interview.2Answers1 It is Cantonese food.2 Indian and Chinese restaurants.3 They wanted to know about life in Chinatown and a bit of background and history.4 There are very few who actually live there.5 It’s much smaller.6 There are only three for four streets.3Answers1(d) 2(g) 3(f) 4(a) 5(b) 6(c) 7(c)Conversation 25The actual questions are numbered in order; the other questions do not occur in the conversation.1 So where do you call home?3 And how did they make their living?2 So how long has there been a Chinese community in London?4 And why did Chinatown move over here?5 And does it still feel like a traditional Chinese community?6Answers1(d) 2(b) 3(c) 4(b) 5(a)7Answers(1)I guess this is home(2)how long as there been(3)When the Chinese first came to(4)they were also famous for(5)At the start of the 20th century(6)from all over London(7)And does it still feel like(8)along with the ChineseEveryday EnglishAnswers1(b) 2(b) 3(a) 4(b) 5(b)Outside view1Example answers1 People may get aggressive and frustrated. People may argue with each other over very trivial things.2 Anti-social behaviour includes abusive behaviour, being verbally or physically abusive to others. People may become drunk and violent. Some may start shoplifting and mugging, or vandalizing and damaging public facilities, or littering and drawing graffiti, or begging and spitting (in some countries).3 Some people may just ignore what happens around them; some would report it to police; some wouldn’t really care or might even join in with the anti-social behaviour; some may fight back against those who are being anti-social.4 Different countries may have different laws, regulations or ways to deal with the problem. People in China can report the anti-social behaviour to police, the residential committee, local government, etc. They can also use local newspapers and TV to expose the anti-social behaviour.Watching and understanding2Answers1 It’s peaceful and quiet and just the place to relax.2 They fight.3 During the mating season.4 When they’re on a crowded street or bus.5 She’d be very angry and tell them to move.6 Maybe throw a little sand in their face and make them move.7 Move his towel next to them and start a conversation.8 People can get a lot more aggressive.9 She’s waiting until someone wants her parking space.3Answers1(b) 2(c) 3(c) 4(d) 5(a)4Example answers1 I guess the producer will show us what happens when someone wants to take her parking space.2 Perhaps another person will quickly take the parking space instead of the personwho is already waiting for her to come out of her place.3 Because he is following the social rule to wait for his turn, but another person just ignores this rule and takes the space without waiting.5Answers1 He pulls into the parking space that the producer left.2 Because he was waiting first.3 Anger management counselling.4 Because the radio is on.5 A hearing problem.6 He would beep the horn, roll down the window and shout very rude things at the person who took the space.7 She would yell out of the window and tell them to move.8 It is important for survival.6Answers7-1-4-14-11-12-5-6-8-2-9-13-3-10Developing critical thinking7Example answers1 I would advertise him to calm down and drive away. It is a waste of time to reason or argue with the person.2 Yes. I remember some time ago, I was at an airport and saw a person smoking in the hall. Funny enough, there was a non-smoking sign right behind him on the wall. So I went to him and calmly pointed to the sign and asked him to stop smoking. Instead of being apologetic and stopping smoking, he got really angry with me, staring at me, and continuing his smoking. So I said it again. He shouted to me: “None of your business!” I replied firmly: “Of course, it is my business and everyone else’s as well, because you are polluting our air. It is not good for your health either.” He paused fora short while, put out his cigarette and then walked away.3 It is difficult to compare, because it depends on many factors. I remember there were more beggars in the street before and now it seems there are fewer. However, I heard that some of the beggars are millionaires back in their villages. I suppose that years ago many beggars genuinely needed help.4 There are many ways people can try to control their anger. Physically, you can takea deep breath. Mentally, you can tell yourself that being angry will affect your emotions and harm your health.5 Personally, I can’t see any justification for aggression. However, if psychologists say that this could help with survival, then I suppose it is OK to become angry when you are wrongly blamed or accused of something you did not do.Listening and understanding2Answers●synergy: performance of effective groups > sum of individuals.●1930s Elton Mayo discovered “Hawthorne effect”:-- Being in a study improves productivity regardless of other factors.-- Personal identity, self-esteem and social context in which group works improve performance.●1960s Tuckman described stages of a group.-- 1 Forming: Individuals get to know each other.-- 2 Smoking: Individuals share ideas and creative energy.-- 3 Norming: Group identity forms-- 4 Performing: Group works together.3Answers1(c) 2(a) 3(e) 4(g) 5(f) 6(d) 7(h) 8(b)Developing critical thinking4Example answers1 Employers can show they value staff contributions by praising them (and raising their salaries if possible), and they can provide a positive working environment.2 Perhaps the best way to reach the performing stage is that each member of a group is given a clear role and responsibilities and group members can help each other in a competitive, but fair and friendly way.3●I think it would be a resource investigator, because I am very adventurous andkeen to explore new ideas.●I guess the role of completer-finisher suits me well, because I am very particularabout doing things perfectly. I hate loose ends.6Answers1(c) 2(b) 3(c) 4(c) 5(a)7Answers1 Over 250 people died.2 36 new homes were rebuilt.3 It is two square metres.4 30 percent of the cost of the building or rebuilding their home is needed.。
新视野英语听力原文及答案(unit 5)
![新视野英语听力原文及答案(unit 5)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8477ba4bcf84b9d528ea7a6a.png)
UNIT 5 Choose to be alone on purpose UNDERSTANDING SHORT CONVERSATIONS1. M: Do you mean you once lived alone in that hotel?W: Yeah.M: What was your life like before you were introduced to this center for the old?W: Oh, it was a nightmare. I wasn't sick, but I was acting sick. Every day was the same -- I would just lie on my bed and maybe cook up some soup.Q: What does the woman mean?2. W: Mr. Jones has been living all by himself for four years since his wife died.M: Yes. And he is 71 already.W: You know, he used to be very talkative. I wonder how he can endure the solitude.M: Well, I hear he goes to "The Brighter Side" -- Rockford's Day Care Center for the elderly -- and meets other elderly people there.Q" What is the conversation about?3. W: You always seem to be busy. How did you find time to write that book and make it a best-seller?M: Well, I worked on it for a stretch of 14 days during the last Christmas holidays.W" Didn't you stay with your family?M: My parents and my brother were traveling in Thailand at that time. So I had more time for the book.Q: What does the man mean?4. W: Traveling is a real delight. But I wonder why you prefer traveling alone.M: It can make you understand what absolute freedom means -- without the company of friends or family.W: Mm... I see your point. I may have a try someday.Q: What does the woman think of the man's idea?5. M: I'm going to take a trip by myself next week.W: But what about your wife Jenny?M: She'll go with her friends -- Mary and Helen perhaps. We read an article the other day, you know, and decided to try out the idea ourselves.W: What's it about?M: In fact, what impressed us most in the article were the words printed on a rock at Taiwan's most famous resort Sun Moon Lake. One tourist wrote, "Came with my wife, had a lovely time." And beside it someone wrote later, "Came without my wife, had a far better time."Q: What can be learned from the conversation?6. M: I can hardly imagine myself living alone all my life.W: It's not easy. You might be faced with difficulties concerning food or accommodation. And some people's hostile criticisms can be very embarrassing.M: What's more, you might feel lonely and frustrated when you are advanced in years.Q: Which of the following is not a problem of living alone according to the conversation?7. W: It seems that loneliness has become a national disease in the United States, don't you think?M: Yes, that's true. When you're alone, you sometimes want to lose the feeling of separateness and belong to something larger and more powerful than the weak, lonely self.W: So the sense of moral isolation is unbearable.Q: What is the conversation about?W: You've been in New York for two months. What about your new life there?M: Not bad. I like the job, only I feel lonely sometimes.W" That's nothing new. Loneliness is common among people living in cities, and it even affects children. I can still remember the words of a 12-year-old girl.She said, "...for a long time, I have just been an "I" person. All people belong to a "We" except me. Not belonging to a "We" makes you too lonely.M: Well, there must be something unnatural about it.Q: What's the man's problem living in New York?9. M: So many people choose to live alone nowadays. What do you think of that?W: Well, some of them love such kind of lifestyle while some others don" t.M: It can't be easy anyway. You must be prepared to face difficulties all by yourself.W: Yeah. But if you are alone and enjoying life all the while, you have mastered an art of a high degree.Q: What does the woman mean?10. W: Do you often watch foreign movies?M: Yes, quite often, especially Hollywood movies. I admire those American heroes in them.W: What are the characteristics of an American hero in your opinion?M: Urn... he chooses to be alone. He may explore wild areas, fight against crimes or other things without the company of others. That's only one characteristic among many, but that's the very thing that strikes me most.Q: What characteristic of an American hero impresses the man most deeply? 11. M: It suddenly occurred to me yesterday why there aren't many art schools in the United States.W: Why is that, do you think?M: You see, the Europeans are generally secure in their family ties and rigid class faithfulness, so the European artists tend to form groups. But the Americans usually seek out things as individuals alone. That's to say, American artists are often independent-minded.Q: Why aren't there many schools of art in America according to the man? 12. W: My friends are all busy now, so I have to spend the whole morning alone.M: But you can still find pleasure in solitude.W: Do you mean you can enjoy yourself without company?M: That's right. For me, a solitary life means much more than loneliness. When I am alone, I can do whatever I like, and feel whatever I feel. That's a greatluxury!Q: What does the man think of solitude?13. M: Why don't you want to go to the party with Peter?W: We don't have the same tastes. I'd rather be alone than go with him.Q: What does the woman mean?14. W: I'm going to the library. Will you go with me?M: No, I'd like to study alone. Thank you.W: I do need some solitary hours when I'm writing. But when it comes to the review of the term's work, I prefer discussions with others.Q: What will the woman do when she wants to review the lessons?15. W: Why are you so happy?M: I have made a great find.W: Oh, yes? What's that?M: Well, The other day I found myself unexpectedly alone in Beijing for about three or four hours between the appointments. So I went to Wangfujing and spent the "empty" time looking at things by myself. Just think of it! I discovered I could enjoy myself being alone.Q: What did the man find a few days ago?16. M: What on earth do you think is the pleasure of a solitary life?W: For one thing you can do whatever you like without interference, and for another, you needn't be afraid of hurting others or offending people, when you don't have the same taste, character or mood as other people.Q: What is the conversation about?17. W: Why, you look so sleepy!M: I stayed up until midnight last night.W: Why is that?M: My parents were out and so I finished a novel I had been longing to read at one sitting.Q: Why did the man stay up late?18. M: Is that Mr. Kennan over there?W: Yes. He's quite a solitary type of person really. You know, he spends most of his time at home, reading, listening to the radio, things like that.M: I see him at the pub occasionally.W: That's also possible. But you would never see him at weekends. He's always off somewhere in the country -- of course always on his own.Q: What can be learned about Mr. Kennan?19. W: What if you were left alone on a deserted island for years?M: Like Robinson Crusoe?W: Yeah.M: Umm... I guess I could get by if there were rich natural resources. But I'm not sure whether I would still be able to speak after so many years of a solitary life.Q: What is the conversation about?20. W: You're growing a beard, aren't you?M: Yeah. I'm a free man now.W: Why?M: My wife has been away on a business trip. I'm my own boss for the time being.Q: What does the man mean?Key: 1. (D) 2. (C) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (C)6. (B)7. (C)8. (C)9. (D) 10. (B)11. (D) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (D) 15. (C)16. (A) 17. (D) 18. (B) 19. (C) 20. (D)Understanding Long ConversationReporter: I was surprised to find the other day that a lot of children have the experience of being home alone, such as during the vacations. The children enjoy themselves without the control of their parents, but there are also some hidden dangers for them in this society filled with violence. That's why many parents are worried when they have to leave their children alone in the house. Professor Elkind, do you think this has become a serious social problem?Professor Elkind: Yes. As we know, this used to be a problem of poor children, but now more and more middle-class kids are left at home alone, too, and the suburbs have some of the same social ills as cities.Reporter: So it's more common now.Professor Elkind: That's right.Reporter: I wonder if all the children enjoy staying at home alone?Professor Elkind: Not all of them. The data show that it's a frightening experience for 8- or 9-year-olds to be at home alone even though it's sometimes necessary. Reporter: I'm sure you must have some good advice for the anxious parents. Professor Elkind: Yeah, quite a lot. First, be sure the child knows how to lock and unlock the doors and what to do if a stranger calls or knocks on the door. All children should be conscious of strangers and be wary of them. Second, we can teach communication. Give them phone numbers of people to call if there's any problem, and give them strategies to cope, rather than just saying, "This is good practice for you." Some parents throw up their hands, thinking that because they can't do everything to protect their children completely, they can't do anything, but that's not true.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the conversation you have just heard:I. What is the main topic of this conversation?2. Which of the following was a problem in the past?3. Who is afraid of staying at home alone according to the conversation?4. Whom are the suggestions addressed to?5. What idea that some parents have is wrong about the protection of their children? Key: 1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (B) 5. (D)UNDERSTANDING PASSAGESPassage 1A solitary diner slips into a midtown Manhattan restaurant, trying not to be noticed. No sooner does he check his coat than the voice of the headwaiter comes booming across the restaurant."Alone again, eh? "As all eyes are raised, the waiter, with enormous good cheer, adds: "That's because they won't accept him."And then, just in case there is a customer in the restaurant who isn't yet aware of his situation, a waiter shouts out from the counter: "Well, we'll take care of him anyway, won't we fellows!" And there are a lot of glances and whispers.Eating alone in a restaurant is one of the most frightening experiences in America.Obviously, the solitary diner is looked down upon by waiters, and made fun of by couples. He is the unwanted and unloved child of the restaurant. As soon as he appears, he is led out of sight and seated at a thin table with barely enough room on it for a cold dish. The solitary diner is squeezed between two thin tables, often a hair's breadth from the men's room. There he sits with his feet lodged in a railing and wondering where he went wrong in life.Most solitary guys are afraid to face this embarrassing situation. Therefore, they would prefer to take small bites at a sandwich in their relatively safe apartments.Questions 1 to 5 are based on the passage you have just heard:1. How does the solitary diner usually enter a restaurant?2. How is the solitary diner often treated by waiters according to the speaker?3. How would people feel if they eat alone in an American restaurant?4. Which of the following is not mentioned as a solitary guy's experience in the restaurant?5. What would most solitary guys do to avoid the frightening experience in the restaurant?Passage 2In less than 20 years, from 1975 to 1993, the number of Americans over 65 who live with their adult children declined by half, dropping from 18 percent to less than 10 percent. There are certainly many reasons for this decrease, from the improved health of older Americans to the amber of two-or-more-job households. But a third of the over-65 population live entirely alone.When middle-aged children in America announce that their 80- or 90-year-old mother "still lives in her own house", I notice that they are quite proud and satisfied. But do the old people in the United States like to live alone?No doubt some of them do. Or at least some of them prefer living alone. They don't like to change their habit or adjust to new ones when living with others. After all, independence is the chief and most honored virtue in this country.Independence is one of the things older Americans try to achieve in their lives. But if you live long enough, independence inevitably becomes an illusion. You can no longer keep up with ~yard work, so you move to an apartment or even a center for the elderly. And you can't see well enough to drive anymore.Seeking help with the routine work of living also means surrendering control. If you ask i0thers to take you to the grocery store, you must fit your shopping to their schedule and preference for supermarkets. Rely on restaurants to deliver your dinner and you have to accept unfamiliar dishes. If your daughter volunteers to clean your house, you can't point out to her the way you ie0uld when she was a teenager, the dust she missed. After a lifetime of doing and having things your own way, you may have to work at feeling -- or even pretending -- gratitude.Questions 6 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard:6. How many Americans over 65 live by themselves according to the speaker?7. What do middle-aged Americans think of their aged parents living alone?8. What will happen if you are in your old age according to the speaker?9. What will the old people do if they choose to live with others?10. Which of the following is true about the old people living alone?Passage 3A funny thing happened on the way to the communications revolution: we stopped talking to one another.I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, interrupting our conversation. There we were, walking and talking on a beautiful sunny day and -- I became invisible, absent from the conversation.The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Why is it that the more connected we get, the more disconnected I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a setback to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and instant messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.As almost every contact we can imagine between human beings gets automated, the alienation index goes up. You can't even call a person to get the phone number of another person anymore. Directory assistance is almost always fully automated.I am not against modern technology. I own a cell Phone, an ATM card, a voice-mail system, and an e-mail account. Giving them up isn't wise -- they're a great help to us. It's some of their possible consequences that make me feel uneasy.More and more, I find myself hiding behind e-mail to do a job meant for conversation. Or being relieved that voice mail picked up because I didn't really have time to talk. The industry devoted to helping me keep in touch is making me lonelier-- or at least facilitating my antisocial instincts.So I've put myself on technology restriction: no instant messaging with people who live near me, no cell-phoning in the presence of friends, no letting the voice mail pick up when I'm at home.Questions 11 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard:11. What happened to the speaker when she was walking with her friend in the park?12. What does the speaker think of the progress in communications technology?13. Why can't we call a person to get another phone number?14. How does the speaker react to automation?15. What is the bad effect of communications technology according to the speaker? Passage 4Distinct noises are coming through my bedroom wall. "John, are you moving furniture in there? Again? " I call. The wall muffles his "yes" but does not filter out of his voice the tinge of the excitement.I am not upset by these impulsive rearrangements, just amused at their frequency.Among the noises, I remember how much John longed for the privacy of his own domain two years ago when he was sharing a room with his younger brother, Robert. "Morn, " he said, "can I have a room of my own? I could use Jeff's. He won't mind."It was true that Jeff had graduated from college that past June and had flown from the nest. But would he mind if the place where he had spent so many hours growing up was pulled out from under him?It turned out that getting Jeff's permission to change the room was easy. "Of course, " he said. "It would be selfish of me to hold on to it."Then John and I began to clean out closets and drawers, sending all the things Jeff had left behind. In that room, Jeff's things piled up around me, and I could almost touch the little boy I knew was gone forever.But we accept -- at least we say we do. All of parenting is a series of letting go by degrees. The child walks and runs and rides a bike. Then he is driving a car, and we are falling asleep before he gets home, alert, even in our dreams, to the sound of his motor gearing down.As Jeff said, to hold on would be selfish. Now it was time for John, shouldering through the door with his things under his arms, his eyes bright with the promise of independence, to disappear behind the door. It was time for the letting go to begin again.Questions 16 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard:16. What is the speaker's reaction to John's frequent rearrangements of things in his room?17. Where does Jeff live now ?18. Why does the speaker say that she "could almost touch the little boy"?19. What does the speaker think of parenting?20. How did John achieve independence according to the speaker?Passage 5Thirty years ago, anyone blaming loneliness for physical illness would have been laughed at. But as scientists studied different populations, loneliness kept emerging as a risk factor. In one study, Californian researchers followed 4,700 residents of Alameda County for 10 years, starting in 1965.At first, the participants reported their key sources of companionship and estimated the time they devoted to each other. During the study, the people who reported the least social contact died at nearly three times the rate of those reporting the most. The source of companionship didn't matter, but time spent with others was critical.Since then, researchers have studied men, women, soldiers and students from countries all over the world. And the same pattern keeps emerging. Women who say they feel isolated go on to die of cancer at several times the expected rate. College students who report "strained and cold" relationships with their parents suffer extraordinary rates of hypertension and heart disease decades later. Heart-attack survivors who happen to live by themselves die at twice the rate of those who live with others.For those of us who are still healthy, the lesson should be obvious. It's clear that reaching out to others can help our bodies thrive. It's equally clear that we're growing more isolated. In 1900, only 5 percent of U.S. households consisted of one person living alone. The proportion reached 13 percent in 1960, and it stands at 25 percent today. In a book entitled Bowling Alone, author Robert Putnam shows that our social connections are disappearing on other levels, too. In 1976, Americans attended an average of 12 club meetings a year. The current average is five. Card games, dinner parties and shared family meals have all followed the same pattern. We all have a good excuse -- we're too busy -- but we shouldn't be surprised when it catches up with us.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard:21. When did the Californian researchers finish their study?22. What is the essential factor taken into consideration in the study?23. What can healthy people learn from the study?24. What trend is introduced by the speaker?25. What pattern do activities such as card games and dinner parties follow? Key: Passage 1: 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (C) Passage 2: 6. (C) 7. (B) 8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (B)Passage 3:11. (C) 12. (A) 13. (C) 14. (C) 15. (D)Passage 4: 16. (C) 17. (D) 18. (C) 19. (C) 20. (A)Passage 5: 21. (C) 22. (B) 23. (D) 24. (D) 25. (B)。
Watch Part 1 of the video clip and check the true statements according to the clip.1. The first speaker talks about old and new ways of finding someone to love.2. He says that the Internet has completely changed the world of dating.3. Four young people interviewed have tried Internet dating.4. Carol and the younger woman are friends.5. The younger woman is going to register on an Internet dating site.6. To get started with Internet dating, there are five steps.Watch Part 1 again and complete the sentences.1.Your answer Correct answerat work at work2.America.Your answer Correct answer150 million150 million / one hundred and fiftymillion3.Your answer Correct answermet anyone yet met anyone yet4.Your answer Correct answercreat your profile create your profile5.want to hook up with.Your answer Correct answerin you area in your area6.Your answer Correct answernice short letter nice short letter7.Your answer Correct answerinterested in them interested in themWatch Part 2 and choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Carol feels that the first candidate ____.(a) sounds interesting(b) doesn't sound interesting(c) is not interested in a relationship(d) would want to go travelling all the time2. Carol's daughter rejects the third candidate because he ____.(a) broke up with someone recently(b) has been in a long relationship(c) is still in love with someone else(d) is desperate to meet a kind woman3. Doctor Ski ____.(a) likes climbing(b) is looking for someone a bit different(c) likes classical music(d) likes jazz and cycling and skiing4. Uncle Bunny ____.(a) loves music(b) is 28(c) loves the outdoors(d) is a lawyer5. Sail Away ____.(a) is attractive(b) is kind(c) likes to travel(d) is 521. Why did Amy go to the French Alps?(a) Because she went there to visit her friend who's ill.(b) Because she went there on holiday.(c) Because she went there to go mountain climbing.(d) Because she went there to have a blind date with David.2. Why did she go climbing?(a) Because someone invited her to go climbing.(b) Because David invited her to go climbing.(c) Because she went on an adventure trip.(d) Because she always wanted to go mountain climbing.3. Why was she terrified?(a) Because the mountain was higher than she had expected.(b) Because the mountain was covered with snow.(c) Because the mountain was vertical.(d) Because the mountain was slippery.4. What did David do to help her?(a) He told her funny stories.(b) He encouraged her.(c) He helped her climb.(d) He guided her.5. When did they fall in love?(a) When they start climbing.(b) When they reached the summit.(c) When they climbed back down the mountain.(d) When David came over to talk to Amy.6. What happened at the summit?(a) They had a long talk with each other.(b) Other people came over to encourage Amy.(c) Amy collapsed and couldn't stand up.(d) David invited Amy to have some pizzas.7. What did Amy and David do after the climb?(a) They had some pizzas.(b) They went to a village.(c) They went to a party with the others.(d) They went to visit Amy's sick friend.8. What happened after that?(a) They hadn't seen each other for six months.(b) They went on a holiday to other mountains.(c) They became good friends.(d) They got married later.Listen to Passage 2 and check the topics mentioned.1. being nervous2. uploading photos3. video dating4. trusting your instincts5. exchanging emails6. giving out personal information7. paying for online dating8. talking on the phone9. your first meeting10. honestyYour answerlieYour answerrecent photohappy to do so.Your answer Suggested answerpersonal information personal informationYour answeragree to meetUnit test/view/99e02d59f01dc281e53af047.html。
Uint5II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptW: I bought a camera from your store. Here’s my receipt. I know it’s just warranty period, but the camera hasn’t worked properly for some time, and now it’s not focusing at all.M:We’re sorry you’ve has problem with one of our cameras. I t seems that the camera has suffered some damage, but you’ve been a regular customer, and we’d like to look after this problem for you. I’ll just give you a replacement.Q: What will the man do?2.ScriptW: We’re upright all our staff equipment, and we’ll need 50 laptops are 1st of next month. In the past I’ve always found of your prices to the best.M: You’re right about that, we do have the lowest prices in the country. We’d be glad to fill your order. Just send me the specs for each, and I’ll send you a quote that I’m sure you will take.Q: What does the man mean?3. ScriptW: We ordered 50 from your company, but on the invoice I see there’s an extra charge for shopping. I thought shipping was included in the quote.M: Shipping is included; there must be a mistake on the invoice. I’ll straighten on the mistake and send you a new invoice.Q: Which of the following is true?4. ScriptM: This was s time-sensitive document! There’s no point in delivering it three hours late!W: I’m sorry, sir. Perhaps I could connect you to our complaints department if you wish to take it further.Q: What is true of the document?5. ScriptM: We were very surprised to receive such bad service from a company we’ve done business with in the past. So now we have this problem, and I’d like to know what you’re going to do about it.W: I think this is the result of a breakdown in communication, and we need to look at our communication methods both internally and externally. Obviously we want to keep our clients happy, and unfortu nately we’ve fallen short this time. I’m here to make sure it won’t happen again.Q: What is the reason of the problem, according to the woman?Keys: 1.C 2.D 3. A 4.B 5.CIII. Listening InTask 1: Attending a Business ReceptionScriptChris: I’ve been looking forward to this reception for weeks. I can’t wait to get sure of my own leads. You know, start making new connections.Nora: Smart thinking. But what are you going to do with all those brochures? Chris: The party ends at two, I figure I can have them all distributed by one-thirty, Nora: No, no, no, no. Let me clue you in. Those brochures will make you look like a green hand.Chris: What should I do then?Nora: Hand out business cards. That’s the way to do it.Chris: I don’t understand what’s wrong with these brochures about our company. Nora: This room is going to be filled with potential clients, but there is an unwritten law; you leave your work at the door.Chris: But how am I supposed to get anything of this if we can’t talk business? Nora: You have business cards. Get out there and exchange cards. Just get a card fora card.Chris: Then follow up on Monday?Nora: You catch on quick. Let’s split up so we can cover more ground.Chris: Great idea. This is going to be a piece of cake. I’ll meet you back here at two. Chris and Nora are going to a reception. Chris is eager to making new connections. As the party ends at two, he intends to have all those brochures distributed by one- thirty. But Nora disagrees, saying that those brochures will make him look like a green hand. She advises him just to hand out business card and leave his work at the door. But Chris wonders how he can get anything out of this if she can’t talk business. To this, Nora insists that he should just get a card for a card. Chris catches on quickly and knows that he can hand out business cards now and follow up on Monday. Finally, Nora suggests splitting up so that they can cover more ground. Chris feels it will be a piece of cake and promise to meet her back there at two.Task 2: Too Clever to Be WiseScriptOnce there was a Scottish accountant. The business has been in the family for generations and generations. Over time, with the countless clients that had gone in and out of the office, the marble step in front of the building had developed a big, deep dip in it from all the wear and tear.The accountant’s friends kept telling him that he had better get it replaced; otherwise he’d be sued if anyone ever slipped and fell.Reluctantly, the accountant called a stonemason to get a quote for the repairs. When the stonemason got there, the accountant demanded a price for a new step.“Ah, big job,〞said the e stonemason, “But I suppose I could give you a new step for a hundred pounds.〞The accountant was stunned. “Are you crazy, man? I can’t pay you a hundred pounds!〞Thinking about it for a second, he turned to the stonemason and asked, “What would you charge me to dig up the step and turn it over so that the worn part is in the ground and I’d get a new square step?〞The stonemason hesitated, “20pounds.〞“Do it!〞Demanded the accountant, “And call me when you’re done.〞The accountant went back inside to read his books, but after only 15minutes the stonemason rang the bell. As the accountant opened the door, he saw the stonemason standing there, pointing to a deep dip in the step. The stonemason laughed as he said, “Your great-great granddaddy thought of that a hundred and fifty years ago!〞Keys: FTFFTFor Reference1.countless clients that had gone in and out of the office2.He turn the step over so that the worn part was in the groundTask3: Where to Start Your BusinessScriptYou have to consider the location when launching a business. You will be “planning your business tree〞there and will have to maintain it for years to come. You have to keep in mind a few things when deciding on a place t open your business.First of all, you have to take the local economy into consideration. Is your local area growing and building? Are the market trends good? Even if you have to locate your business farther from your home, try to find a place that is building up and bringingpeople in. The worst thing you can do is to pick a place that is in the “bad area of town〞because it is less expensive. Your address can be the first thing people will ask for, and it can say a lot about your business.The second thing you have to bear in mind is the job market. Since unemployment is low in most area in the Unites States, consider what type of employees you will need and find out if there are many in your area. The amount of money that you will have t o spend I the recruiting phase could be an indicator that you should or should not locate the business in an area with a different employee pool.Another factor people have to consider is whether you can integrate with the local community and get to love it. To make the community warm to you, you should become involved in it by joining the local Chamber of Commerce, Business Association, City Council Committees, or other local organization that could offer you help. Why plan on retiring “one day〞to some great location? Why not move there now and start your dream business?你必须考虑位置发起一项业务。
1.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. A chicken hamburger and a large coke.B. A chicken hamburger only.C. Fish, rice and coke.D. Fish and rice.2.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. Fried chicken.B. Yogurt.C. Crisps.D. Ice cream.3.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man knows well how to make dumplings.B. The woman wants to make dumplings for Jane.C. The man suggests the woman ask Jane.D. The woman is from Chinese.4.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The woman likes food with light flavor.B. Mexican food has a light taste.C. The woman likes spicy food very much.D. The man can cook Mexican food.5.(Listen to the audio recording for the question.)A. The man went to Jenny's party yesterday.B. The woman expected to eat various foods before going to Jenny's party.C. The woman enjoyed the foods at Jenny's party very much.D. The man is inviting the woman to have dinner together.Part II ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then fill in the blanks with the missing words. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Mary:Tony, whatcanteen to have breakfast, do you?Tony:Yeah, but I've got a stomach and my doctor askedme to have a regular and healthy breakfast. Heme to have something warm andMary:Regular meals will do you good. I am glad to hear you are to (6)Tony:Yes. KeepingPart III ScriptDirections: Listen to the recording, and then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.1.What is the main course the woman has ordered?A. Beef steak.B. Chicken fried steak.C. Fried Fish.D. Fried potatoes.2.How many kinds of food can the customer choose from to go with the maincourse?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Fours.3.What drink has the woman finally chosen?A. A small Sprite.B. A medium Sprite.C. A large Sprite.D. An extra large Sprite.4.How many kinds of salad dressings are mentioned?A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.5.Why can't the woman get a pie?A. She does not like the pies on the menu.B. The restaurant does not serve pies on Monday.C. The restaurant does not make pies at all.D. The baker is ill.Part IVDirections: Choose the best answer to each of the following statements.1.I often sleep late and ___________ breakfast.A. skipB. skip overC. skip acrossD. skip round2.I've heard that McDonald's is losing market _________ in the States now.A. portionB. proportionC. shareD. part3.In big cities restaurants offer new and healthy food to ________ ahead ofthe competition.A. stayB. jumpC. runD. catch4.The eating habits in big cities __________ those in the rural areas, wherepeople eat a lot more greasy food.A. contrast withB. contrastC. compare withD. compare to5.I might eat an apple ___________.A. occasionalB. now and thereC. once in a whileD. from the time to the time6.Many people believe that the technology of genetic engineering should_________.A. be put to useB. put to useC. be put to the useD. put through use7.Since ____________, Americans have begun to fully believe in their fastfood culture.A. late 1900sB. the late 1900sC. last 1900sD. the late 1900 century8.By then, fast food __________ a cultural phenomenon that reached beyondAmerica's borders.A. becameB. had becomeC. have becomeD. will become9.I mean there are KFC, Pizza Hut, and A&W, just __________ a few.A. to nameB. to namingC. nameD. for naming10.American eating habits really get a lot of criticism, but it depends on_________ in America you look. In big cities people have become especially health-conscious.A. howB. whatC. thatD. where11.Since you know so much about Chinese food, you _________.A. make the orderingB. give an orderC. do the orderingD. do the order12.In 1994 fast food restaurants sold over 5 billion hamburgers, _________it a favorite meal.A. madeB. makesC. makingD. to have made。
新闻英语视听说(Unit 5) 听力文本与练习答案
![新闻英语视听说(Unit 5) 听力文本与练习答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fc368a8702d276a200292e0e.png)
Global Warming1Task One: Greenhouse EffectThe “greenhouse effect” is a widely used phrase these days. We all know that it means the general phenomenon of rising temperatures. Today, our world is hotter thanit has been for 2000 years. By the end of the century, if current trend continues, the global temperature will be likely to climb higher than at any time in the past 2 Million years.Firstly we will investigate in detail global warming caused by the greenhouse effect. But before we start, let me fill you in on some basics concerning the greenhouse effect.Solar radiation interacts with the surface of the Earth in several ways. Some portion of this energy is reflected back into space by the earth atmosphere. Another portion is dispersed and scattered by the molecules in the atmosphere and a large portion penetrates the atmosphere to reach the surface of the earth.The radiation reaching the Earth surface is largely absorbed resulting in surface warming. As they leave the earth, and once again interact with the atmosphere. Some of the reradiated energy escapes into space but most of it is reflected back to the earth surface by molecules in the earth atmosphere. This phenomenon is similar to the warming and cursing of a car that is parked outside on the sunny day. The molecules responsible for this phenomenon are called green house gases. In essence, green house gases act likean insulator or blanket above the earth keeping the heat in. Increasingly concentrationof these gases increases atmosphere’s ability t o grow or escape the infrared radiation.In other words, the earth’s insulator gases get thicker. That is what we called the “greenhouse effect”.Task Two: Climate Change2 An environmental studies professor at Stanford University says, “(Quote) There’s no w ay. There’s anything natural that can explain it.” A professor of atmospheric sciences at MIT says, it’s part of the natural warming and cooling a planet goes through. Well, they’re talking about transitions in the earth’s temperature, something Carl Azuz now boils down to the basics.(Carl Azuz)In a world that’s always changing,there’s one thing that ma ny folks want to staythe same: the temperature. A change of just a couple degrees, can make a world of difference, and not necessarily a good one. The Ea rth’s average temperature fluctuates, going through both warming and cooling periods.The last cooling off period was between 1945 and 1975.Since then, though, things have been steadily heating up. And most scientists point to Arctic ice melting as proof; something Anderson Cooper saw firsthand.(Anderson Cooper)Already in the last 30 years, at least 400,000 square miles of sea ice has melted. That’s about the size of Texas and California combined. And as the ice melts it affects sea levels around the world, which impacts tens of millions of people.(Azuz)What’s controversial about climate change is whether peop le have anything to do with it. A change in the Earth’s orbit or the sun’s radiation could cause global warming.But so could an increase in greenhouse gases. The Earth needs these gasesto maintain a warm, livable environment. But they contain carbon dioxide, which has increased dramatically over the last couple centuries. This may be due to car emissions, burning fossil fuels, deforestation. Many scientists blame all of it for causing the world to warm up. But is it all just theory, another planetary “summer” before “fall”,or are we headed for severe drought, consuming fires and melted ice caps?Task Three: Cracks in the Ice3 (Carl Azuz)Hi, I’m Ca rl Azuz. However you are watching this edition of CNN Student News, we’re glad you are. Thanks for tuning in this Thursday.(Azuz)First up, we’re heading south to Antarctica, where it’s cold, but apparently not cold enough. A huge chunk of ice broke away from the continent this week, and some scientists are blaming it. on the changing climate. Now, since Antarctica is south ofthe equator, summer just ended down there. So, this is the time when major events like this are most likely to happen. Emily Chang has more details now on the icy breakup.(Emily Chang)Scientists fly over a giant chunk of Antarctic ice as it cracks and collapses. The chunk is enormous, about 7 times the size of Manhattan, 160 square miles. It was partof the Wilkins ice shelf, the biggest on Antarctica yet, scientists say, to fall victim to global warming.(David Vaughn, British Antarctic Survey)Watching Wilkins ice shelf disappear at the moment, we learn a lot more about how ice responds to climate change.(Chang)The ice is just a small fraction of the Antarctic ice sheet, but it broke off well before scientists predicted, a sign they say that climate change might be happening faster than expected. One expert told us last year.(Lonnie Thompson, Glaciologist)I think what we do know is that ice is probably the best sensor of these large scale changes taking place. And in many ways, I think we’re in uncharted territory.(Chang)Ice plays a vital role in cooling the Earth’s temperature and regul ating sea levels.As it’s lost,the planet gets warmer, sea levels rise and more ice is threatened. A vicious environmental circle!By the end of the century, many experts project sea levels will rise between 7 and4 23 inches, and temperatures could increase by up to 7 degrees Fahrenheit. But some say those estimates are too conservative.(James Hansen, NASA Climate Scientist)There are glaciologists now who are getting very worried. B ut they haven’t really come out and said what they think.(Chang)This part of the Antarctic is warming about five times faster than the rest of the world. Six other ice shelves have been lost entirely, and scientists say the Wilkins shelf could be next.Urgent Plea over Global WarmingLakes of melted water on Greenland’s ice sheet are expanding at a massive rate. Environmental campaigners say greenhouse gases are to be blamed. There is no timeto lose to avoid disaster. “It’s become very apparent that Greenland is in crisis and we absolutely have to do something meaningful to stop global warming.”NASA-funded researcher, Jason Box Says Greenland summer ice melted nearlya third in less than two decades. “We know the temperatures have gone up but to see this rapid response has been a surprise to the scientific community.”The latest survey came as representative of 23 nations met in Greenland for informal talks on how to tackle global warming. There have been deadlocks since Washington pulled out of the UN Kyoto protocol in 2001. Host nation Denmark saysthe squabbling have to be replaced by action urgently.练习答案5 Unit Five Global WarmingPartⅡ. View, Listen and SpeakTask One: Greenhouse effectExercises: 1) B 2) A 3) D 4) C 5) ASpot dictation:(1) reflected (2)dispersed (3)surface (4)interact (5)molecules (6)sunny(7) responsible (8)essence (9)blanket above the Earth keeping the heat in(10) concentration of these gases increases atmosphere’s ability to grow or escape the infraredradiationQuestions for discussion:(1) Solar radiation interacts with the surface of the Earth in several ways. Some portion of this energyis reflected back into space by the earth atmosphere. Another portion is dispersed and scattered bythe molecules in the atmosphere and a large portion penetrates the atmosphere to reach the surface ofthe earth. The radiation reaching the Earth surface is largely absorbed resulting in surface warming.As they leave the earth, and once again interact with the atmosphere. Some of the reradiated energy escaped into space but most of it is reflected back to the earth surface by molecules in the earth atmosphere.(2) carbon dioxide emitted in human activities(3) yes. It will reduce the emission of the greenhouse gases.Task Two: Climate changeExercises: 1) B 2) A 3) C 4) A 5) DQuestions:1) The Earth’s average temperature fluctuates, going through both warming and cooling periods.What’s controversial about climate change is whether people have anything to do with it.2)This is an open question.3) This is an open question.Task Three: Cracks in the IceExercises: 1) D 2) C 3) A 4) C 5) ASpot dictation:(1) 160 (2) biggest (3) responds (4) expected (5)sensor (6) territory(7) cooling (8) regulating(9) the planet gets warmer, sea levels rise and more ice is threatened: a vicious environmental circle(10) many experts predict sea levels will rise between 7 and 23 inchesPart Ⅲ. Rock your mindPair work:A: Hi Jim. How are you?B: Fine. Thanks. What about you?A: I’m fine too. The weather is getting hotter and hotter in the summer.6 B: Yes, t hat’s because the environment has been so badly damaged, such as global warming, the damaged ozone and all the different kinds of pollution.A: en, But fortunately people have realized all these problems and have taken measures to improve the earth’s envir onment.B: It seems that the USA started to protect the environment ever since 1970. And the USA decided to celebrate Earth Day on April 22nd.A: Isn’t the World Earth Day also on this day? ?B: Yes. More and more countries are joining in protecting the environment, so the World Earth Day was fixed for this day.A: I hope that our environment will become better and better.。
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Unit 5Careers and ProfessionsThink ahead/Warm upWhat kind of career would you like to follow after your graduation? /what would you like to do after your graduation?What characteristics and skills do you need to be successful in that job? /what characteristics and skills do you think are the prerequisite for a job?Part 1Task 2Exercise 11. F2.T3.F4.TExercise 21.find assignments on the company’s core project/ work on core project2.build a relationship with the boss3.Be prepared.Part 2Task 1Exercise 1English level: fluent, got the certificate of the Secondary English TrainingHealth condition: in top conditionWorking experience: two years of nursing experience, and nowworking as a nurse in a hospitalHeight: one meter and sixty-eight centimeters/168cmEyesight: never had any vision problemsStrengths: friendliness, open-minded attitude, a warm personality Weak points: hard to tell others when she does n’t like what they are doingExercise 2flying into the blue skyworking with peoplequite fluentmake the passenger relaxed and happyin top conditionany vision problemspeak in another languageuse gestures and draw picturesTask2Exercise 1C A B A DExercise 21. space store run2. technical computer-related3. health paid vacation4. training5. startupAdditional listeningExercise 21.a decade2.fortune’s best companies to work for list3.flexibility, financial security, opportunity to get things done4.make a positive impact on the environment5.form a green strategy groupPart 1Task 2Recession- proof your jobHistory shows that employers generally stop hiring and start staff during a downturn. The most recent recession in 1991 and 2001 saw significant job cuts as soon as the recession started. So far, government debt on the job’s market shows that hiring is slowing but many economists believe we’ll see layoffs in the coming month.So what can you do to recession-proof your job? Our placement firm challenger gray & Christmas makes a few suggestions.Fir st, find assignments on the company’s core projects. If the effort is central to the firm’s revenue, working there makes you that much safer. Secondly, build a relationship with the boss. Many employees fly under the radar in a time of cutbacks, being more than just and enormous name on the payroll can help keep your job safe. Finally, be prepared. In a downturn, it’s important to have savings ready, should you be laid off and brush up the resume.With the ABC news money minute, I’m Betsy stark in New Y ork.Job interviewInterviewer=I applicant=AI: what made you decide on this type of occupation?a: oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like traveling very much and I enjoy working with people.I: can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty?A: yes, I think I am quite fluent in English; I got the certificate of the secondary English training last month.I: do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess?A: the main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important.I: are you in good health?A: I just had a complete physical examination and I am I top condition.I: have you had any nursing experience?A: yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working a nurse in a hospital.I: how tall are you? What about your weight?A: my weight is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I’ve never had any vision problems.I: what would you say are your strengths and weaknesses?A: one of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality. But sometimes, I f ind it is hard to tell others when I don’t like they are doing.I: if a passenger can’t understand what you say, what should you do?A: I will try to speak in another language or I’ll try my best to use gestures and drawpictures.Job huntingA: so, have you found a job yet?B: no, but, I have a few leads, so things are looking up.A: but isn’t that what you always say?B: well…uh…this time is different.A: what are you looking for this time then?B: actually, I want to work for a web hosting company.A: what would you do there?B: well, in a nutshell, you know web hosting companies provide space for people to store and run their websites. Does it sound like I know what I’m talking about? A: oh, yeah, sort of.B: well, and then, sort of? Well, they allow people to run the websites without having to buy and maintain their own servers,and I’d like to work in technical support, you know, helping customer resolve computer-related problems with their sites.And you know I’m a good communicator.A: so, how’s the pay for that kind of job?B: well, most people I know start out with a very reasonable salary; you can earn pay increases depending on your performance.A: so, what about benefits?B: oh, the benefits are pretty good. They provide health insurance, two weeks of paid vacation a year, and opportunities for advancement. And in the end, I’d like to work in a management position. Y ou know, sitting back, enjoying the view out of the twentieth-story window of the office building. Something like that.A: well, is there long-term security in a job like that?B: uhh. That’s hard to tell. I mean, the internet is booming, and these kinds of companies are sprouting up everywhere, which is a good thing, but just like the dot-com era, you never know how long things will last.a: well, have you ever thought about going back to school to improve your job skills? B: wait, wait. What are you suggesting?A: well, you know, more training might help you land a better job.B: wh…wh…are you trying to say something about my current job? I mean, is threw something going on here? I mean, what are you saying?A: you know, you did drop out of college.B: I know, I know, but I don’t know. I’ just seeing my current job at McDonald’s as a startup. Y eah, but, you know, I don’t have th e resources to go back to school atthe moment, however, the job I am looking at will pay for some classes after in have been with the company for six months.A: well, it looks like you have things planned out this time.B: if I last that long.Google: the best company to work forA little more than a decade ago, Google was an internet startup headquartered in a garage.Today it’s the world’s largest search engine, with 50 offices globally and more than 12,000 employees. For the second straight year, i t’s also no.1 on fortune’s best companies to work for list; what’s fueling the growth? Employees say it’s the flexibility, financial security of course, and the opportunity to get things done. “Right now, we are standing in front of just one part of our large 1.6 megawatt solar installation. These are the solar panels that are providing clear electricity to our buildings.” Robyn beavers have been leading the green business and operations can make a positive impact on the environment, but also we can do in a way that makes sense to our bottom line.” Keeping Google green hasn’t always been part of her job description. When I first tarried at Google, I was one of the assistants to the two co-founders Larry page and Sergey Brin. I started in May, 2004, which is right before the IPO of Google. A really interesting thing about Google is that, it always encourages some employees to try new things; I went to Larry and Sergey and proposed that we form a green strategy group. And although I was their current direct report and I would have been inconvenient to lose me. Their INFOL support actually helps me found this team within Google.”“this session is really just a brainstorming session…” mobility within departments is not uncommon. In part because of a 20-percent-time initiative, allowing employees to spend on day a week on a project of their choice. “I talk to a lot of people of Google, and they found that once they started here and you learn so much about the company and there are so many opportunities, they are enc ouraged to seize them, so it’s easy to start in one job, work really hard at it for a couple of years, and then find a new opportunity to pursue.”A brief introduction to Google (which can be found on the internet, if you are interested, you can find more.)IntroductionGoogle is a Web search engine owned by Google, Inc., and is the most used search engine on the Web, related to its Internet search, e-mail, online mapping, office productivity, social networking, and video sharing services as well as selling advertising-free versions of the same technologies. Google receives several hundred million queries each day through its various services.Google search was originally developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1997. The Google headquarters, the Googolplex, is located in Mountain View, California. As of 30 September 2008 the company has 20,123 full-time employees.History of GoogleGoogle began in January 1996, as a research project by Larry Page, who was soon joined by Sergey Brin, two Ph.D. students at Stanford University in California. They hypothesized that a search engine that analyzed the relationships between websites would produce better ranking of results than existing techniques, which ranked results according to the number of times the search term appeared on a page. Their search engine was originally nicknamed "Backrub" because the system checked backlinks to estimate the importance of a site. A small search engine called Rankdex was already exploring a similar strategy.Convinced that the pages with the most links to them from other highly relevant web pages must be the most relevant pages associated with the search, Page and Brin tested their thesis as part of their studies, and laid the foundation for their search engine. Originally, the search engine used the Stanford University website with the domain . The domain was registered on 15 September 1997, and the company was incorporated as Google Inc. on 4 September 1998 at a friend's garage in Menlo Park, California. The total initial investment raised for the new company amounted to almost US$1.1 million, inc luding a US$100,000 check by Andy Bechtolsheim, one of the founders of Sun Microsystems.In March 1999, the company moved into offices in Palo Alto, home to several other noted Silicon Valley technology startups. After quickly outgrowing two other sites, the company leased a complex of buildings in Mountain View at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway from Silicon Graphics (SGI) in 2003.The company has remained at this location ever since, and the complex has since come to be known as the Googolplex (a play on the word googolplex). In 2006, Google bought the property from SGI for US$319 million.The Google search engine attracted a loyal following among the growing number of Internet users, who liked its simple design and useful results. In 2000, Google began selling advertisements associated with search keywords. The ads were text-based to maintain an uncluttered page design and to maximize page loading speed. Keywords were sold based on a combination of price bid and clickthroughs, with bidding starting at US$.05 per click. This model of selling keyword advertising was pioneered by (later renamed Overture Services, before being acquired by Yahoo! and rebranded as Yahoo! Search Marketing). was an Idea lab spin offcreated by Bill Gross, and was the first company to successfully provide a pay-for-placement search service. Overture Services later sued Google over alleged infringements of Overture'spay-per-click and bidding patents by Google's Ad Words service. The case was settled out of court, with Google agreeing to issue shares of common stock to Yahoo! in exchange for a perpetual license.. Thus, while many of its dot-com rivals failed in the new Internet marketplace, Google quietly rose in stature while generating revenue.The name "Google" originated from a common misspelling of the word "googol”, which refers to 10100, the number represented by a 1 followed by one hundred zeros. Having found its way increasingly into everyday language, the verb "Google", was added to the Merriam Webster Collegiate Dictionary and the Oxford English Dictionary in 2006, meaning "to use the Google search engine to obtain information on the Internet."A patent describing part of the Google ranking mechanism (Page Rank) was granted on 4 September 2001. The patent was officially assigned to Stanford University and lists Lawrence Page as the inventor.。