flexcell BF-3000,SPM-3000,BioFlex(flexcell BioFlex细胞牵张应力加载培养板)


Flexcell FX-5000 ,细胞压力加载系统,Compression System

Flexcell FX-5000 ,细胞压力加载系统,Compression System
0 StagePresserᱮᗞԚಘкᥔ঻ṧ૱ġ
-85 ⎴ᶨ䦳⸷ᷕ⎗ẍ⎴㖞彸埴⣂䥵根䌯ĭ⣂䥵㋗ⷭ 0 ⚦ġ4. 㲊入⚦㗦䣢㲊入␴㲊⎀
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-6 ⎴㖞ℤ⭡⚃᷒䊔䩳䘬FlexLink⌳≃≈弥␴İㆾ
400 ⸼≃≈弥Ỉ⮤Ẓįġ
FX-5000 ⌳ຊຍ弥⣔亇:
电 x 㚜⤥⛘㍏⇞⛐崭Ỷㆾ崭檀঻≃ᶳ䘬㲊入įġ
BioPress ⌳≃≈弥➢㜧ĭᶨ⣿⭮⮩❓䇯 ⣡⚢䲣亇 4୭⌳ຊ乮⬊ᇵ඿ᯈ 傞䭉␴角᣶㍍ཤ
FđĊĝĈĊđđ® FX-5000™ CĔĒĕėĊĘĘĎĔē ĘĞĘęĊĒ ⌳缩竐弥篬亇
Ԛಘ䇮༷Βιβλιοθήκη );&ሩ਴⿽㓴㓷й㔤㓶㜎ษޫ⢙ᨀ‫࣐࣋঻׋‬䖭
英文地址:Room 1507,Building 12,NanHuaXiaoQu,JiaoMen,FengTai District,BeiJing 100068,China;
美国Flexcell公司以细胞拉力、压力及剪力仿真培养系统闻名于世,世联博研北京科技公司作为 美国Flexcell在中国大陆独家授权代理商,签约代理以下产品: 一、仪器部分: 1、STR-4000细胞流体切应力系统 2、TissueTrain三维细胞组织培养系统 3、FX-5000C细胞压力加载系统 4、货号为:FX-5000T细胞应力加载系统 5、HiQFlowmate_液体控系统 6、OsciFlow_切应力模式控制器 7、SFlex_SFlexJr_显微应力加载系一号 8、切应力模式控制器 9、显微切应力加载系统 10、flexcell自动扫描设备和XyFlEX计算软件 11、FlexFlow显微切应力加载系统



Flexstation 3主要技术指标如下:1. 光学系统:Flexstation 3采用了高灵敏度的光学系统,能够实现快速、精准的荧光信号检测。


2. 液体处理系统:Flexstation 3配备了先进的液体处理系统,能够实现微升级别的液体加样和混合。


3. 自动化控制系统:Flexstation 3具有强大的自动化控制系统,能够实现实验过程的自动化控制和数据采集。


4. 数据分析软件:Flexstation 3配备了专业的数据分析软件,能够实现对实验数据的快速、全面的分析和处理。


5. 应用领域:Flexstation 3主要应用于药物筛选、蛋白质相互作用研究、细胞功能研究等领域。


通过上述介绍,我们可以看出Flexstation 3在光学系统、液体处理系统、自动化控制系统、数据分析软件和应用领域等方面具有较高的技术指标,能够满足科研工作者对实验数据快速、准确、可靠获取的需求,为生命科学研究提供了强大的技术支持。

Flexstation 3在荧光探测方面拥有很高的灵敏度和分辨率。


这种技术使得Flexstation 3能够准确地检测微量的荧光信号,而且可以在不同波长范围内进行检测,包括荧光染料的激发和发射波长。

beckman cytoflex流式细胞仪基本原理

beckman cytoflex流式细胞仪基本原理

beckman cytoflex流式细胞仪基本原理
Beckman Coulter CytoFLEX流式细胞仪是一种基于流式细胞术原理的仪器,用于分析和计数细胞悬浮液中的细胞。

1. 流体流动:细胞悬浮液被注入到仪器中,并通过液体系统被送入流动腔室。


2. 光源激发:流过流动腔室的细胞会经过一束高能、单色的激光光束的照射。


3. 荧光检测:被激发后,细胞会发射特定波长的荧光信号。


4. 光电转换:光电增强器将收到的荧光信号转化为电信号,并经过调制和放大。

5. 数据采集:经过光电转换后的信号会通过数据采集系统,数字化并存储。








620bar 的耐受压力使得小粒径色谱柱的使用成为可能,兼容90%以上的超快速分离,从而大大提供实验室的分析效率。






专利的Splitloop 进样技术,保证市面上同类仪器最低的交叉污染。






8.强大的变色龙软件8.1真正的数据库色谱软件兼容Microsoft Access、Oracle、Microsoft SQL Server多种数据库平台。




周期性机械应力:将生长完好的软骨细胞接种于Ⅱ型胶原包被的6孔双向应力细胞培养板1 d ,应用Flexcell-5000T Tension System 系统拉伸装置对软骨细胞施加周期性机械应力,周期为6 s(含3 s 受力、3 s 放松),进行拉伸24 h ,频率0.5 Hz ,细胞所受应力值大小由弹性膜拉伸应变率表示,同时设计不受力对照组,标记并收集各组细胞待用。



方法:将原代大鼠软骨细胞接种于Ⅰ型胶原包被的Bioflex 板中培养1 d 后,采用细胞体外加力实验系统(Flexcell-5000T Tension System)处理细胞,在拉伸频率为0.5 Hz 条件下将软骨细胞拉伸24 h ,依据拉伸应变率大小分为对照组(0%拉伸)、2%拉伸组、6%拉伸组、8%拉伸组、10%拉伸组、14%拉伸组。

拉伸结束后采用ELISA 法检测软骨细胞炎症反应(白细胞介素1β、肿瘤坏死因子α),TUNEL 染色及Annexin V-FITC/PI 法检测凋亡情况,利用RT-PCR 检测内质网应激信号分子(半胱氨酸蛋白酶12、蛋白激酶R 样内质网激酶、葡萄糖调节蛋白78)。

结果与结论:①光镜下可观察到正常细胞(对照组)为多角形,形态不规则;而随机械拉伸应变率增加,细胞有不同程度脱落,边缘模糊变圆,出现凋亡现象;②与对照组相比,施力组白细胞介素1β、肿瘤坏死因子α升高,尤其是10%拉伸组、14%拉伸组升高较明 显(P < 0.05);③周期性机械应力作用下,2%、6%拉伸组细胞凋亡率分别为(12.45±1.64)%,(12.48±1.75)%,与对照组(12.14±1.43)%相比差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);而8%、10%、14%拉伸组软骨细胞凋亡率[(29.18±3.04)%,(34.12±3.57)%,(44.32±45.08)%]显著增加(P < 0.05);④RT-PCR 检测结果显示,8%、10%、14%拉伸组半胱氨酸蛋白酶12、蛋白激酶R 样内质网激酶、葡萄糖调节蛋白78的mRNA 表达量明显高于对照组(P < 0.05);⑤提示周期性机械应力可加速软骨细胞凋亡过程,促进软骨细胞炎症反应,可能与内质网应激通路启动有关。



Flextome™ 切割球囊的球囊设计
• 尼龙材料 • 非顺应性
• 头端外径0.020“
• 两个1mm宽的嵌入式 Marker • NBP:6ATM RBP:12ATM
Boston Scientific Confidential -- For Internal Use Only. Do Not Copy, Display or Distribute Externally
• Creates controlled incision planes which help to relieve hoop stress • Allows dilatation at lower pressures 14天后 急性期 CB
MLD(术后) MLD(随访期) 管径狭窄(术前) 管径狭窄(术后) 管径狭窄(随访期)
•6个月时的临床急性并发症情况和目标病灶血运重建(TLR) •6个月时的血管造影下血管再狭窄情况
其他6个月随访期时的数据 TLR 总MACE 再狭窄率 9.6% 11.5% 11.8% 15.3% 16.8% 19.6% 0.048 0.082 0.024
切割球囊系统 + 支架 (n=260) 100% 98.5% 7.20 atm 1.05 mm 2.65 mm 1.86 mm 62.6% 14.0% 32.4%
POBA + 支架 (n=261) 100% 100% 8.88 atm 1.01 mm 2.52 mm 1.77 mm 63.9% 16.3% 35.4%

PF6 FlexSystem产品说明书

PF6 FlexSystem产品说明书

Easy system integration
A modular PF6 FlexSystem reduce your engineering e orts, making the integration with line equipments easier and e ective .
Improve your safety, while eliminate multiple cables and increase reliability and MTBF without worry about dirt or wet environments.
Result data collection
Operator guidance
IP 54
What customer are saying?
“I saved two whole installation days using the PF6 FlexSystem. The product is extremely fast and smooth. I also saved seven seconds in cycle times.
In conjunction with the most durable
Application Centers have the ability to combine standard Atlas Copco acessories to innovate a customized solution, such as a torque arm, wheel multiple, and more.
PF6 FlexSystem
The future of exible production



Real-Time PCR
Mx3000P QPCR System
Brilliant III Ultra-Fast SYBR Green QPCR and QRT-PCR Reagents
Brilliant III Ultra-Fast QPCR and QRT-PCR Reagents
Agilent website: /genomics
Welgene | Agilent Stratagene
威健股份有限公司 | Stratagene 總代理
Table of Content
Table of Contents
/ XL1-Red Competent Cells SoloPack Gold Supercompetent Cells
/ TK Competent Cells Specialty Cells
/ Classic Cells / Fine Chemicals For Competent Cells
適用於 UNG 去汙染或 bisulphite
適用於 TA Cloning
取代傳統 Taq 的好選擇
威健股份有限公司 | Stratagene 總代理
PCR Enzyme & Instrument
Agilent SureCycler 8800
市場上領先的 cycling 速度和 sample 體積 10 ~ 100 μL 簡易快速可以選擇 96 well 和 384 well 操作盤 優秀的溫控設備讓各個 well 都能保持溫度的穩定 七吋的高解析度觸控螢幕讓操作上更為簡便 可以透過網路遠端操控儀器及監控儀器 Agilent 專業的技術支援可以幫助您應對各種 PCR 的問題

Troax D-FLEXX 弹性保护屏说明书

Troax D-FLEXX 弹性保护屏说明书

D-FLEXX FLEXIBLE SAFETY BARRIER SYSTEM PRODUCT OVERVIEWTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION03WELCOMED-FLEXX I FLEXIBLE IMPACT PROTECTIONThe flexible material is DEFORMING and RETURNS after a collision to IT'S ORIGINAL SHAPE For OUTDOOR and INDOOR use100% RECYCLABLEEASY INSTALLATION - fixing material included MINIMIZES MAINTENANCE COSTS considerablyProduct variation for individual needs Individual cutted products for CUSTOMFITTINGWHO WE ARESAFETY is a key-topic in every industry. Provided the correct way, itensures a protected work environment for people and machines. This inno -vative impact protection technology made of polyethylene has many distinct advantages over steel crash protection products:FLEXIBILITY The polyethylene material reliably absorbs the impact energy offorklifts and industrial trucks and releases it once the vehicle leaves the impact site.COST EFFICIENTAfter a collision, environ -ment and vehicles are undamaged, strongly reducing maintenance cost durable.STAINLESS Unlikesteel, polyethylene does not rust and is therefore much more durable.TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION0506 INTERNATIONALLY APPROVED 07 RACK GUARD ALFA 08 FLEXIBLE BOLLARD BRAVO 09 RACK END PROTECTION GOLF 10 FLEXIBLE SAFETY BARRIER DELTA 12 SWING DOOR JULIET13 POSTS FOR SWING DOOR JULIET 14 TRAFFIC BARRIER ECHO15 TRAFFIC BARRIER SINGLE RAIL CHARLIE 16 KERB BARRIER MIKE22 PRODUCT OVERVIEW - ENDLESS SIZE 23PRODUCT OVERVIEW - FIXED SIZETroax is a global developer and manufacturer of steel mesh panels for Machine Guarding, Warehouse Partitioning and Property Protection. This brochure presents our solutions for the market segment Machine Guarding. Our business concept is to develop innovative steel mesh panel solutions to protect people, property and processes. Our lightweight but strong mesh panels can be combined into unique solutions and are built to withstand the toughest tests and environments. Read more about our systems at D -FLEXXCONTENTSFOR MORE THAN 60 YEARS WE HAVE BEEN DEVELOPING INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR MACHINE GUARDING, WAREHOUSE PARTITIONING, AND PROPERTY PROTECTION. TODAY WE ARE THE MARKET LEADER, AND OUR PRODUCTS CAN BE FOUND ALL OVER THE WORLD – PROTECTING PEOPLE, PROPERTY AND PROCESSES.MODERATE IMPACT ABSORPTIONTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION06INTERNA-TIONALLY APPROVEDRACK GUARD ALFAD-FLEXX - TÜV TESTED SAFETYSAFETY is a top priority for Troax. For this reason the products of the d-flexx series have been tested by the German TÜV.The TÜV-tested and flexible d-flexx rack protec -tion Alfa is an innovative protection for shelves. The simple assembly without additional tools allows a quick application and easy handling .The rack guard is clicked directly onto the shelf to be protected. Due to the not necessary ground fastening, the ground is protected in case of a collision. The d-flexx rack protection Alfa is available in three different heights:400 mm I 600 mm I 1000 mm for rack legs 75 - 100mm and 100 - 125 mm.TÜV-TESTED*Suitable for OUTDOOR andINDOOR USEEASY INSTALLATION - mountingequipment includedREDUCE repair and maintenance COSTS to a minimumVERSATILE USAGE AREA - whetherin production, warehouse or logistical areasCUSTOMIZED lengths availabile toperfectlySUIT YOUR NEEDSALFASIMPLE AND EFFICIENT THE ADVANTAGES OF D -FLEXXCRASH PROTECTION PRODUCTSHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONEXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTIONTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION08TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION09FLEXIBLE BOLLARD BRAVOACCESSORY *not TÜV-approvedThe flexible and TÜV tested d-flexx bollardsBravo absorbs the impact energy. The processed special material does not damage the bollard and the vehicle.Due to its robustness and high visibility the bol -lard is ideal to be installed on parkings, entrances and for seperation of pedestrian areas.The d-flexx bollards Bravo are available in a diameter of 200 mm and height of 500 mm I 760 mm I 1200 mm.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Bollard Bravo is made of polyethylene with a base plate of 225 x 225 mmRACK END PROTECTION GOLFThe TÜV-tested and flexible d-flexx rack end barriers Golf protect the rack ends in outdoor and indoor use. Once installed, the rack end is not in direct contact with the rack to be protected. This allows the rack end protection to absorb the impact energy.Cost and time consuming maintenance work will be reduced to the minimum. The moveable cuffs additionally absorb the impact energy. The double rack end is for driveways with heavy pallet trucks.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Rack end protection Golf is made of poly-ethylene, base plate 225 x 225 mm, pipe Ø 160 mm .GOLFGOLFTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION10TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION11The TÜV-tested and flexible d-flexx safety barrier Delta is an innovative and economic separation of pedestrian areas and trails. Due to the modu -lar system a customized solution can always be supplied by means of individual cuttings.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Flexible safety barrier Delta is made of poly-ethylene, post height 1200 mm, post Ø 110 mm, base plate 225 x 225 mm.Compatible with our swing door Juliet.DELTAAdditionally to the Delta safety barrier there are two variants of the Delta barrier with four beams in height 1200 mm and 1600 mm.The Delta barrier in 1200 mm height with four beams offers a protection with a difference of only 329 mm to the ground for more protec-tion.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.DELTADELTAFLEXIBLE SAFETY BARRIERDELTAHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONFlexible safety barrier Delta is made of poly-ethylene, post Ø 110 mm, base plate 225 x 225 mm.COLUMN PROTECTOR HEIGHT 1200 mm DELTA.Column protector made of flexible safety bar -rier Delta is made of polyethylene,post height 1200 mm, post Ø 110 mm, base plate 225 x 225 mm.TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION12TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION13The swing door Juliet can be integrated in our Delta or Echo system. It can be installed also alone with a Delta or Echo post.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Our swing door Juliet is also available with a wheel.d-flexx swing door element Juliet is made of polyethylene, opens up to 180°, with hydraulic hinges.JULIET DOOR +DELTA MIDDLE POSTBOLLARDD-FLEXX ECHO POST FOR JULIET SWING DOOR IS MADE OF POLYETHYLENE, POST Ø 200 X 1200 MM HEIGHT, FIXING MATERIAL INCLUDEDD-flexx Delta post for Juliet swing door is made of polyethylene, post Ø 110 x 1200 mm height, fixing material included.middle post T-post 90°Corner post 90° left Corner post 90° right End postJULIET DOOR +DELTA MIDDLE POSTUSE OFHYDRAULIC HINGESJULIET DOOR +ECHO END POSTGATE-STOPSWING DOOR JULIETPOSTS FOR SWING DOOR JULIETTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION14TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION15TRAFFIC BARRIER SINGLE RAILCHARLIETRAFFIC BARRIER ECHOThe TÜV-tested and flexible d-flexx traffic barrier Echo is a combination of the d-flexx modules Charlie and Delta.Due to the additional heavy pipe in the lower part of the traffic barrier plus, pedestrian areas can be protected additionally.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Traffic barrier Echo is made of polyethylene, post height 1200 mm, base plate 225 x 225 mm.Compatible with our swing door Juliet.ECHOSLIDER PLATE*NOT TÜV-APPROVEDThe TÜV-tested and flexible d-flexx trafficbarrier Charlie provides an optimal protection for machines, inventory and employees.Thanks to the easy and fast assembly incombination with individually cutted lenghts, traffic routes can be separated quickly and easily from work areas or pedestrian paths. Bollards are a useful addition at the end of the traffic barriers.The fixing material is always included in the delivery.Traffic barrier single rail Charlie, modular, height 500 mm is made of polyethylene,post Ø 200 mm and base plate 225 x 225 mm.END POST CHARLIE SLIDER PLATE*NOT TÜV-APPROVEDCHARLIETRAFFIC BARRIERECHOEXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTIONEXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTIONTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION16TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION17The flexible d-flexx kerb barrier Mike is the ideal product to protect walls and assembly lines from collisions in low ground areas.The round shape allows the colliding forklift to bounce of the barrier, therefore absorbing the force. It functions as a guide throughout theinstalled area. The kerb barrier Mike can be com -bined with most of our d-flexx collection for a full safety solution.As our other products, it is made from polyethyle -ne to absorb the impact force and return into its original shape.It is easy to install with just two screws and a cost-effective way to prevent low ground collisions.The fixing material is always included in the deli -very.The height of the kerb barrier is 140 mm.COMPATIBLE WITH THE FOLLOWING PRODUCTS: DELTA, CHARLIE, ECHO AND GOLF.KERB BARRIER MIKEHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION18TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION19D-FLEXX PRODUCTIONTROA X BARRIER PROTECTION20TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION21TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION22TROA X BARRIER PROTECTION23*IMPACTANGLE 90°*EXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 10,000 JOULES HIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 2,500 JOULESMODERATE IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 400 JOULESPRODUCT OVERVIEWENDLESS SIZEDELTA + DELTA-CJULIET CHARLIE ECHOHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION EXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTION EXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTION HIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION*IMPACTANGLE 90°*EXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 10,000 JOULESHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 2,500 JOULES MODERATE IMPACT ABSORPTION EQUALS 400 JOULESPRODUCT OVERVIEWFIXED SIZEGOLFBRAVO MIKEALFAEXTREME IMPACT ABSORPTIONHIGH IMPACT ABSORPTION HIGH IMPACT ABSORPTIONMODERATE IMPACT ABSORPTIONMAKING YOUR WORLD SAFE202006-7641-ETroax AB , Box 89, SE-335 04 Hillerstorp, Sweden | Tel: +46 (0)370-828 00 | ************** |。



Max. working pressure:........100 psig (6.9 bar)o o Max. fluid temperature:........130 F (54 C)o o o o Max. ambient temperature:..14 to 110 F/ -10 to 43 C Output adjustment range:....5-100% in 1% increments Duty cycle:.............................ContinuousMaximum viscosity:..............5,000 Centipoise Maximum suction lift:...........30 ft. Water 0 psig Maximum Solids:..................50% by volumeEnclosure:.............................NEMA type 2, (IP21)!!!!!!!!Peristaltic pump design does not have valves that can clog requiring maintenance.Self priming - even against maximum line pressure. By-pass valves are not required. Cannot vapor lock or lose prime.Outputs to 250 ml/min (95.1 GPD).Output pressures to 100 PSI.Output volume is not effected by changes in back pressure.Patented pump tube design installs easily and stays centered on the rollers without manual adjustment.Two pump tubes supplied with each pump. No extra tubing required.Accepts 4-20mA, 0-10Vdc, and Pulse inputs for manual or external speed control.Blue-WhiteRq !!!!Operator friendly digital touch pad.--Easy to read LCD display--Service and Alarm indicator icons.--Display motor speed or input signal values.--Prime mode for easy priming without changing programming.Built-in Tube Failure Detection system (TFD). Senses chemical in the pump head, shuts off the pump and activates a 1 amp alarm relay (dry contact closure).Compatible with Blue-White’s output flow verification sensor system.Durable housing of chemical resistant Valox (PBT) thermoplastic.Specifications:Voltage (amp draw):..............115VAC/60Hz, 1ph (.350 amp max) 230VAC/60Hz, 1ph (.173amp max) 220VAC/50Hz, 1ph (.175amp max) 240VAC/50Hz, 1ph (.193amp max)Power Cord Plug Type:.........115V60Hz = NEMA 5/15 (USA) 230V60Hz = NEMA 6/15 (USA) 220V50Hz = CEE 7/VII (EUROPE) 240V50Hz = CEE 7/VII (U.K)Approximate shipping wt: ...12 lb. (5.4 kg)Materials of Construction:Wetted components:q Pump Head & Enclosure:.....Valox (PBT) thermoplastic Pump Head Cover:................Clear PVCCover Screws:.......................300 Stainless, Polypropylene cap Roller Assembly:q Rotor:..................................Valox (PBT)Rollers:...............................Nylon Roller Bearings:.................BronzeMotor Shaft:...........................Nickel plated steel TFD System Sensor pins:....Hastelloy C-276Power Cord:..........................3 conductor, SJTW-A Water-resistantNon-Wetted components:systemTFD Tube Failure DetectionqqqPump Tube Assembly:..........Norprene ,Tygothane or Viton tubing PVDF tube assembly connection fittings Suction Tubing:.....................Clear PVCSuction Strainer:...................Natural PolypropyleneDischarge Tubing:.................Natural Polyethylene (LLDPE)Injection/Check valve:Body & insert:....................Polypropylene (optional PVDF)Check Ball:.........................CeramicSpring:................................Hastelloy C-276Ball Seat O-ring:.................TFE/P (optional EP)q Static Seal O-ring:..............Viton (optional EP)Blue-Whiteq FLEXFLO Peristaltic Metering PumpsDimensions:4 placesBase MountingRear Panel Mounting.200 Dia.2 placesModel Number Matrix:MODEL A1NMaximum Motor RPM 0 = 14 RPM 1 = 30 RPM 2 = 45 RPM 3 = 60 RPM Power Supply 0 = 115V60Hz 1 = 220V50Hz 2 = 230V60Hz 8 = 240V50HzOutput ControlV = Digital speed control with external input F = Analog speed controlE = Digital batch timer with external input A = Analog timer, 60 sec. Cycle - 100% duty C =Analog timer, 5 sec. Cycle - 100% duty S = Analog timer, 60 sec. Cycle - 10% duty Z = Proportional feed system - JBox/Cord X = No output control - fixed feed rateTubing Connection Type T = Compression tube nuts Q = Push-on quick connect Miscellaneous Options (not required)1 = TI40-6V injector replaces A-014HD-6A2 = C-340V footvalve replaces C-342-6 strainer 5 = A-014HDK-6A injector PVDF T7 = 7 gallon chemical tank system T15= 15 gallon chemical tank system T30 = 30 gallon chemical tank system --V 5300 Business Drive,Huntington Beach,CA 92649Tel: 714-893-8529Fax: 714-894-9492 Email:********************Technical data sheet #85000-040 rev.051305All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.14 RPM MODELSTubing Material Tygothane Tygothane Tygothane Norprene Viton Norprene Norprenegpd 5.712. 0.511.082.470.200.370.611.92ml/min 1532736111857gph 0.240.511. Flow rate and pressure capacities:Replacement Pump Tubes:Pump Tube Part NumberA-002N-1T A-002N-2T A-002N-3T A-002N-4T A-002N-5T A-002N-6T A-002N-7T A-002N-1Q A-002N-2Q A-002N-4Q A-002N-6QNominal Pump Tube OD1/4”3/8”7/16”1/4”5/16”3/8”7/16”1/4”3/8”1/4”3/8”Pump Model Number Suffix-1T -2T -3T -4T -5T -6T -7T -1Q -2Q -4Q -6QTube no.1234567PSI656550100251005030 RPM MODELSgpd 13.328.565.84.99.916.052.5oz/min 1.182.545.850.440.881.424.66ml/min 3575173132642138gph 0.551.192.740.210.410.672.19PSI656550100251005045 RPM MODELSgpd 20.543.799.28.014.824.076.1oz/min 1.833.898.820.201.312.136.76ml/min 54115261213963200gph 0.861.824.140.100.621.003.17PSI656550100251005060 RPM MODELSgpd 25.553.2124.09.518.330.095.1oz/min 2.264.7311.010.851.622.678.45ml/min 67140326254879250gph Tube MaterialTygothane Tygothane Tygothane Norprene Viton Norprene Norprene Tygothane Tygothane Norprene NorprenePump Tube Size and Material 1= 1/4” OD Tygothane 2= 3/8” OD Tygothane 3= 7/16” OD Tygothane 4 = 1/4” OD Norprene 5 = 5/16” OD Viton 6 = 3/8” OD Norprene 7 = 7/16” OD Norprene。



























62 SPM Flex Gas Detector商品说明书

62 SPM Flex Gas Detector商品说明书

SPM Flex Gas Detector1 Source: ACGIH 2016 TLVs and BELs.2 A = 780248 (disposable particulate filter), B = 1830-0055 (filter membrane 0235-1072 must be replaced every 30 days), C = 1991-0147 (disposable filter for corrosive gases)Outside of RH range:3 Tends to have lower response at higher humidities.4 Tends to increase sensitivity at higher humidities (due to the chemistry of the reaction).5 T ends to under-report at higher humidities (typically >75% RH) due to the gas characteristics to adhere or decompose on contact with water/moisture. The response seems to be lower but the actual gas concentration under these high humidity conditions will be lower thanexpected.6 Tends to under-report in dry conditions (<25-30% RH).7 D epending on the combination of temperature and humidity, even within the ranges specified above, a detector’s performance efficiency can be influenced due to condensation, physical tape material changes, or optical changes. Consult Honeywell Analytics’ Service Department.8 R efer to TechNotes 971131 (Chemcassette-based Instrument Accuracy and Precision) and 1998-0219 (Protocol for Testing Gas Detectors).9 Slow recovery: Prolonged exposure to high levels of gas/vapor (2x TLV or above) can condense in the system and may require purging with dry clean air or inert gas.10 For information about the expiration date of the Chemcassette, refer to “Chemcassette” on page 40 (Review menu).11 The number of days from the installation date that the Chemcassette cartridge can be used. When the allowable-days limit is reached, or if the absolute expiration date (printed on cartridge) is reached, the detector will issue an Expired Chemcassette Cartridge fault. The type ofexpiration is found in the event history data field for the fault (either 1 [stale] or 2 [expired]). Replace the cartridge when this fault is issued. The only exception is if the cartridge was used only briefly and then removed from the detector and properly stored in the sealed bag at the recommended temperature. In this case, the cartridge can be used past the stale-tape date (but not past the absolute expiration date) by clearing the stale-tape fault before going into monitor mode. Advance the tape manually about five inches before installing the cartridge and entering monitor mode.12 Do not use the optional sampling wand for those gases with recommended sample tubing lengths of less than five meters and no recommended sample line particulate filter.62(page from SPM Flex User Manual 1998M0845-rev07)。



贝克曼分选流式细胞仪是一款融合了CytoFLEX优秀的分析能力和MoFlo XDP出众的分选特长的细胞分选仪,操作简单且使用方便。

- 配置3根独立激光器,激光器波长分别为405nm、488nm和561nm,可以同时检测12色荧光,满足绝大多数流式多色实验需求。

- 采用了最新的Straight Down Sorting技术,在不加电的情况下进行细胞分选,可以有效保护细胞的活性,并确保单细胞分选的精准性。

- 拥有最优的颗粒检测能力,通过VSSC可准确区分并分选0.1μm、0.2μm和0.3μm 的细胞或微粒,最小可分析和分选100nm颗粒。




1.贝克曼 cytoflex 简介
2.贝克曼 cytoflex 参数分类
3.贝克曼 cytoflex 参数详细介绍
4.贝克曼 cytoflex 参数的应用领域
5.贝克曼 cytoflex 参数的优缺点
贝克曼 cytoflex 是一款流式细胞仪,广泛应用于生物科学和医学研究领域。


为了更好地了解贝克曼 cytoflex,我们需要对其参数有一个全面的认识。

贝克曼 cytoflex 的参数主要分为以下几个方面:




贝克曼 cytoflex 参数的应用领域非常广泛,包括细胞计数、细胞分类、细胞表面标志物检测、细胞凋亡检测等。


贝克曼 cytoflex 参数的优点在于其灵敏度高、测量速度快、数据质量好,可以大大提高研究者的工作效率和研究质量。


feedthrough buffers cell 种类

feedthrough buffers cell 种类

“Feedthrough buffers cell”可能是指“馈通缓冲单元”,其种类可能包括以下几种:- 多针馈通缓冲单元:包括小型连接头C、小型连接头D、MS环形连接头、多针连接头带底座、MS多针连接头、高电流连接头、高电压连接头、多针连接头等。

- 热电偶馈通缓冲单元:包括单级组件热电偶、微型连接器、螺旋式连接器、MS真空电极、推进式真空电极、功率式真空电极等。

- 功率式馈通缓冲单元:包括低功率真空电极、高功率真空电极、高功率电极板、高电压真空电极、液冷馈通、能量馈通、射频功率馈通等。

- 同轴馈通缓冲单元:包括BNC同轴真空电极、MHV真空电极、SHV-5真空电极、SHV-10真空电极、SHV-20真空电极、SHV-B真空电极、TYPE-N真空电极、SMA真空电极、MICRODOT 真空电极、混合系列真空电极等。


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