
植物英语大全一、常见植物的英文名称及简介1. Rose(玫瑰)玫瑰被誉为“花中皇后”,象征着爱情与美丽。
2. Sunflower(向日葵)向日葵以其硕大的花盘和明亮的黄色而闻名,象征着阳光、快乐和忠诚。
3. Lily(百合)百合花代表纯洁、高贵和吉祥。
4. Tulip(郁金香)郁金香原产于土耳其,后传入荷兰,成为荷兰的国花。
5. Orchid(兰花)兰花被誉为“花中君子”,代表着高雅、清新和神秘。
6. Cherry Blossom(樱花)樱花是日本的国花,象征着美好、纯洁和浪漫。
8. Azalea(杜鹃)杜鹃花以其艳丽的色彩和繁茂的花朵而著称,象征着热情、奔放和生命力。
9. Carnation(康乃馨)康乃馨花语丰富,不同颜色的康乃馨代表着不同的寓意。
10. Chrysanthemum(菊花)菊花象征着高洁、坚强和长寿。
植物英语大全二、植物部位及生长环境的英文名称解析11. Petal(花瓣)花瓣是花朵中最显眼的部分,它们通常色彩鲜艳,吸引昆虫进行传粉。
12. Stem(茎)茎是植物的支撑结构,负责输送水分和养分。

双语梅花、牡丹、杜鹃……教你用绝美英文介绍这些花!中国文化中,花有着特殊的地位它们是人们的集体共同意识花象征着中国人最高贵的品质也是一种语言传达了美好的寓意以下这些花,在中国文化中最富诗意各自代表了一些精神品质为中国文化所喜爱珍惜#1 Plum Blossom梅花plum blossom stands for noble, unsullied and modest qualities梅花代表了高贵、纯洁无瑕与谦虚的品质and is considered as “friend of winter”被人们认为是“岁寒之友”Along with orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum,梅与兰、竹、菊they are praised as the “Four Gentlemen”并誉为“四君子”plum blossom is also a symbol of perseverance梅花也是坚毅的象征as Chinese people are always indomitable中国人就是这样不屈不挠,and constantly strive to become stronger.总是力求更强#2 Peony牡丹Peony is considered by many as the country’s nationalflower很多人认为牡丹是中国国花It is a symbol of prosperity牡丹是富贵的象征,because of the dazzling color, extraordinary size, and round shape因其色彩绚丽,花朵硕大,形状圆美At a higher level, the peony symbolizes prosperity, happiness and peace.在更高的层面上,牡丹象征了繁荣、幸福与和平At a material level, it represents wealth and rank.在物质层面上,牡丹代表了财富和地位#3 Chrysanthemum菊花Chrysanthemums bloom in the late autumn,菊花开在深秋so its ability to withstand the coldness她抵御寒冷的能力inspired many ancient scholars to write poems and paint pictures给了很多古代学者以写诗作画的灵感With its unsophisticated beauty,菊花之美纯粹chrysanthemum is also a symbol of longevity in Chinese literature.是中国文学中长寿的象征#4 Lotus莲花Untouched by any impurities,莲花不为污秽所染the lotus symbolizes purity of the heart and mind 是心灵与头脑纯洁的象征The adoration of the lotus has formed a unique “Lotus culture”对莲花的喜爱,已经形成了一种独特的“爱莲文化”lasting a long time in China.在中国经久不衰A Song Dynasty scholar, Zhou Dunyi, praised lotus as宋朝一位学者,周敦颐,赞莲花为“unsullied from silt where it comes from, retains demure despite being cleaned by water”“出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖”#5 Azaleas杜鹃It is said that an ancient emperor could not forget his homeland and died in frustration.相传一位古代君王无法忘却自己的故国,死于忧虑After his death, he became a bird and sang day and night in late spring.死后,他化为一只鸟,春深时节日夜啼唱Finally, it bled to death and the blood tainted all the flowers in mountains;最终鸟啼血而亡,血染红了漫山的每一朵花the flowers are thus named after the bird.由是,花随鸟名Colorful azaleas represent happiness and prosperity 色彩丰富的杜鹃代表了幸福和繁荣and can always evoke people’s warm passion for life.也总能唤起人们对生活的热情#6 Orchid兰花Orchid believed to be elegant yet humble, natural yet refined, 人们认为兰花高雅而谦逊,天然而文质,joyous yet polite and independent yet friendly.活泼却彬彬有礼,性格独立却待人友善Also, Ancient Chinese called eternal friendship “lan jiao”,另外,中国古人将不朽的友谊称为“兰交”。

1.(埃及Egypt)莲花lotus flower—太阳the sun,太阳神之花flower of the sun,太阳神拉的摇篮Cradle of the sun,有魔力的圣花the magic holy flower,生命life,灵药wonder drug,祭品sacrificial offering,死而复生之花the flower of rebirth,尼罗河的新娘Bride of the Nile2.(丹麦Denmark)睡莲water lily—天鹅花swan flower3.(德国Germany)报春花Chinese primrose / fairy primrose cyclamen—五月的钥匙the key to May4.(法国France)报春花Chinese primrose / fairy primrose cyclamen—初恋first love。
5.(法国France)大丽花dahlia—感激gratitude,新颖、新意original6.(法国France)倒挂金钟fuchsia—热情(enthusiasm / zeal / warm-heartedness )7.(佛教Buddhism)荷花lotus flower—莲花中包藏着成千上万个世界there arethousands of worlds in a lotus flower,佛门圣花the Holy Flower of Buddhism,太阳the sun,神圣holy,高雅elegance,美丽beauty,纯洁purity,女性的美丽和纯洁beauty and purity of the female,复活resurrection,四义four doctrines:香fragrance、静quietness、柔软softness、可爱charm;四德four virtues:常everlasting、乐joyfulness、我self、净purity8.(古希腊ancient Greece)常春藤ivy—兴旺prosperity / flourish,疯狂madness /desperation,性欲sexual desire,舞蹈女神的圣物supernatural being of the goddess of dance9.(古希腊神话中Greek myth)丁香花lilac—春天女神之花the flower of Spring Goddess10.(荷兰Holland)睡莲water lily—天鹅花swan flower11.(荷兰Holland)风信子hyacinth—和睦harmony,美满perfect satisfactory,幸福happiness12.(基督教Christianity)报春花Chinese primrose / fairy primrose cyclamen—春天spring,欢乐joy,天堂的钥匙the key to the paradise13.(基督教Christianity)常春藤ivy—生命永存everlasting life / eternity of life14.(欧洲Europe)白色睡莲white water lily—贞洁virtue,死亡death,避邪exorcisingevil spirits / evil-removing15.(婆罗门教Brahmanism)莲花lotus flower—生命力vitality;水与火的交替和交融alternativeness and harmony between fire and water,固体和液体的交替和交融alternativeness and harmony between solid and liquid16.(日本Japan)白色杜鹃花white azalea—这太让人高兴了! It makes me so happy!17.(日本Japan)荷花lotus flower—下贱mean / low / 死亡death,幽灵ghost / specter18.(斯拉夫Slav)睡莲water lily—美人鱼的化身embodiment of mermaid19.(土耳其Turkey)荷花lotus flower—未来与革新future and reform20.(希腊Greece)风信子hyacinth—有些地方象征为“太阳神之花the flower of Apollo”,有些地方表示为“死亡之花the flower of death”。

1. Rose (玫瑰) - 一种常见的花卉,来自蔷薇科植物。
2. Lily (百合) - 一种优雅的花,有很多不同的品种。
3. Sunflower (向日葵) - 一种高大的花卉,喜欢阳光。
4. Tulip (郁金香) - 一种荷兰经典花卉,有很多不同的颜色和形状。
5. Dandelion (蒲公英) - 一种常见的野花,通常有黄色的花瓣和白色的种子头。
6. Daisy (雏菊) - 一种小而可爱的花,有很多不同的品种。
7. Poppy (罂粟花) - 一种美丽但有毒的花卉,通常与战争和纪念活动有关。
8. Hydrangea (绣球花) - 一种多年生灌木,有很多不同的颜色和形状。
- 1 -。

各种花卉的英文单词及表达rose 玫瑰花tulip 郁金香balsam 凤仙花canna 美人蕉lily 百合花jasmine 茉莉sweet pea 香豌豆花sunflower 向日葵geranium 大竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花cosmos 大波斯菊pansy 三色堇poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花carnation 麝香石竹amaryllis 孤挺花dahlia 大丽花pink 石竹花crocus 番红花iris 蝴蝶花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 黄水仙chrysanthemum 菊marguerite, daisy 雏菊gladiolus 剑兰cantury plant 龙舌兰magnolia 木兰yucca 丝兰orchid 兰花freesia 小苍兰cyclamen 仙客来begonia 秋海棠anemone 银莲花wisteria 柴藤redbud 紫荆dogwood 山茱萸hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶hydrangea 八仙花hibiscus 木槿peony 芍药azalea 杜鹃rhododendron 杜鹃花daphne 瑞香gardenia 栀子lilac 紫丁香night-blooming cereus 仙人掌apple 苹果pear 梨orange 桔子quince 柑橘apricot 杏plum 洋李pistil 雌蕊ovary 子房petal 花瓣anther 花药stamen 雄蕊nectar gland 蜜腺sepal 萼片stalk 花柄pollen 花粉Violet紫罗兰A small multi-petaled flower typically found in shades of purple. Violets are popular for their color, as well as their pleasing fragrance. One of the most common varieties is the Sweet Violet.一种多瓣小花,通常呈紫色。

导游介绍各种花英语作文Title: Exploring the World of Flowers with a Tour Guide。
As a tour guide, it is my pleasure to introduce you to the enchanting world of flowers. Flowers are not just beautiful creations of nature; they are also rich in symbolism, cultural significance, and scientific marvels. Join me on this journey as we delve into the English namesof various flowers and uncover their fascinating stories.1. Roses:Let's start our journey with the queen of flowers, the rose. Roses come in a myriad of colors, each carrying its own meaning. For example, red roses symbolize love and passion, while white roses represent purity and innocence.In English literature and poetry, roses are often used as symbols of beauty and romance. Whether it's a single stemor a bouquet, roses never fail to captivate with their elegance and fragrance.2. Tulips:Next on our list are tulips, known for their vibrant hues and distinctive shape. Originating from Turkey, tulips have become synonymous with the Netherlands, where they are cultivated in breathtaking fields. In English, tulips symbolize perfect love and are often associated with spring and renewal. The tulip festival in Amsterdam attracts visitors from around the globe, eager to witness the stunning display of colors.3. Sunflowers:Moving on to sunflowers, these cheerful blooms are a symbol of adoration and loyalty. With their bright yellow petals and large, disk-shaped centers, sunflowers are a beacon of warmth and positivity. In English, sunflowers represent admiration and longevity, making them popular choices for gifts and decorations. Sunflower fields, stretching as far as the eye can see, are a sight to behold during the summer months.4. Orchids:Let's now explore the exotic world of orchids, knownfor their intricate beauty and diverse forms. Orchids are revered for their elegance and resilience, with thousandsof species found in various habitats around the world. In English, orchids symbolize luxury, refinement, and strength. Orchid enthusiasts gather at botanical gardens and orchid shows to admire the mesmerizing array of colors and shapes.5. Lavender:Our journey wouldn't be complete without a visit to the fragrant fields of lavender. With its calming aroma and delicate purple blooms, lavender is prized for itsmedicinal and aromatic properties. In English, lavender symbolizes serenity, tranquility, and grace. Lavender farms, with rows of swaying purple flowers, offer visitors a sensory experience like no other.6. Daisies:Finally, let's stop by the simple yet charming daisies. With their cheerful white petals and sunny yellow centers, daisies evoke feelings of innocence and purity. In English folklore, daisies are associated with childhood memoriesand youthful innocence. Daisies dotting meadows androadside fields add a touch of whimsy to the landscape, reminding us to appreciate the beauty in simplicity.In conclusion, the world of flowers is a treasure trove of beauty, symbolism, and cultural significance. From roses to daisies, each flower has its own story to tell and its own unique charm. As we bid farewell to this floral journey, may we carry with us a newfound appreciation for the wonders of nature and the language of flowers.。

鲜花的品种介绍英文作文Title: Introduction to Various Varieties of Flowers。
Flowers are not only nature's exquisite creations but also hold significant cultural and aesthetic value across the globe. With a vast array of species and varieties, each flower carries its unique beauty and symbolism. In this essay, we will delve into the diverse world of flowers, exploring their characteristics, symbolism, and cultural significance.1. Rose (Rosa):The rose stands as an emblem of love and romance. With its delicate petals and enchanting fragrance, it has captured the hearts of people worldwide. Roses come in various colors, each carrying its symbolic meaning. For instance, red roses signify passionate love, while white roses symbolize purity and innocence.2. Lily (Lilium):Regarded as a symbol of purity and renewal, the lily boasts elegant petals and a captivating fragrance. This flower is often associated with spirituality and rebirth, making it a popular choice for religious ceremonies and events. The white lily, in particular, is emblematic of purity and virtue.3. Tulip (Tulipa):Originating from Central Asia, the tulip has gained global popularity for its vibrant colors and unique shape. Tulips come in various hues, including red, yellow, purple, and pink, each conveying different emotions. Red tulips symbolize true love, while yellow tulips represent cheerful thoughts and sunshine.4. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus):With its large, radiant blooms, the sunflower epitomizes warmth, positivity, and vitality. Native toNorth America, this flower follows the sun's movement throughout the day, symbolizing adoration and loyalty. Sunflowers are often associated with happiness and optimism, making them a popular choice for floral arrangements.5. Orchid (Orchidaceae):Renowned for its exotic beauty and elegance, the orchid is a symbol of luxury, refinement, and fertility. Orchids boast a wide variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, with each species possessing its unique charm. Theseflowers hold cultural significance in various societies, symbolizing love, beauty, and strength.6. Daisy (Bellis perennis):The daisy exudes simplicity and innocence with its cheerful appearance and delicate petals. Symbolizing purity and new beginnings, daisies are often associated with childhood memories and youthful joy. These flowers are popular choices for bouquets and floral arrangements,adding a touch of charm and whimsy.7. Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus):Carnations are known for their ruffled petals and spicy fragrance, making them a favorite choice for special occasions and celebrations. These flowers come in a spectrum of colors, each carrying its symbolic meaning. For example, pink carnations symbolize gratitude and admiration, while red carnations signify love and affection.8. Cherry Blossom (Sakura):Cherry blossoms hold immense cultural significancein Japan, symbolizing the transient beauty of life. These delicate flowers bloom in spring, covering the landscape in a breathtaking display of pink and white blooms. Cherry blossoms represent renewal, hope, and the fleeting natureof existence, inspiring poets, artists, and admirers alike.In conclusion, the world of flowers is a vast and enchanting realm filled with diverse species and varieties, each carrying its unique symbolism and significance.Whether used to express love, convey condolences, or simply brighten someone's day, flowers hold the power to evoke emotions and create lasting memories.。

茉莉花:Jasmine玫瑰花:Rose海棠花 begonia菊花chrysanthemum丁香花:Lilac康乃馨:Carnation紫罗兰:Violet百合:Lily荷花:Lotustulip 郁金香sunflower 向日葵geranium 天竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花pansy 三色堇,三色紫罗兰poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花hyacinth 风信花daffodil 水仙marguerite, daisy 雏菊orchid 兰花cyclamen 仙客来hawthorn 山楂camellia 山茶peony 芍药,牡丹azalea 杜鹃gardenia 栀子最早花语的起源是古希腊,但是那个时候不止是花,还有叶子、果树都有一定的含义。
100多种花的英文名及花语 最全双语对照

你知道每种植物的花语是什么吗?ANEMONE -Forsaken, Sincerity秋牡丹 - 被抛弃的,诚心诚意ASTER - Symbol of Love, Daintiness紫苑 - 爱的象征,优美AZALEA-Take Care of Yourself For Me, Temperance, Fragile, Passion, Chinese Symbols of Womanhood杜鹃花 - 为了我保重你自己,温暖的,脆弱的,强烈的感情BACHELOR BUTTON -Single Blessedness矢车菊 - 单身的幸福BELLS OF IRELAND- Good Luck爱尔兰风铃草 - 好运气BLUEBELL -Humility野风信子 - 谦虚CAMELLIA -Admiration, Perfection, Good Luck Gift to a Man茶花 - 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物CARNATION(GENERAL) - Fascination, Womanized Love康乃馨(普通) - 魅力使人柔弱的爱CATTAIL - Peace,Prosperity香蒲 - 和平,幸运CHRYSANTHEMUM(GENERAL) - You're A Wonderful Friend, Cheerfulness and Rest菊花(普通) - 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松COREOPSIS -Always Cheerful波斯菊 - 永远快乐CROCUS -Cheerfulness, Gladness番红花 - 快乐,高兴DAFFODIL -Regard, Unrequited Love, You're The Only One, The Sun Is Always Shining When I'm With You, Respect水仙花 - 关心,不计报答的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬DAISY -Innocence, Loyal Love, I'll Never tell, Purity雏菊 - 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯正FORGET ME NOT -True Love, Memories勿忘我 - 真爱,记忆FREESIA - Trust小苍兰 - 信任GARDENIA - You're Lovely, Secret Love栀子 - 你可爱,秘密的爱GLADIOLA - Give Me A Break, I'm Really Sincere, Flower Of The Gladiators剑兰 - 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花HEATHER(LAVENDER) - Admiration, Solitude石楠花(淡紫色) - 赞赏,孤单HYACINTH(GENERAL) - Games and Sports, Richness, Dedicated to Apollo风信子(普通) - 游戏和体育,富有,献身于太阳神IRIS - Emblem Of France, Your Friendship Means So Much To Me, Faith, Hope,Wisdom and Valor, My Compliments, Promise鸢尾花 - 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺JONQUIL - Love Me, Affection Returned, Desire, Sympathy, Desire For Affection Returned黄水仙 - 爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报href="">广告于梦幻中闯荡的英豪们,梦幻西游新资料片绘梦山河火爆开启,届时有超级豪华礼包相送,^^还可以领取新手特权礼包等丰厚奖励!寻...LILAC - Beauty丁香花 - 美丽LILY (WHITE) -Virginity, Purity, Majesty, It's Heavenly To Be With You百合花(白色) - 童贞,纯洁,威严,和你在一起如同天堂ROSE (YELLOW) -Decrease Of Love, Jealously, Try To Care玫瑰(黄色) - 爱的减少,嫉妒,尝试去关心ROSE (SINGLE FULLBLOOM) - I Love You, I Still Love You玫瑰(单枝全开的) - 我爱你,我依然爱你SOLIDAGO -Success黄莺 - 成功STOCK - Bonds OfAffection, Promptness, You'll Always Be Beautiful To Me紫罗兰 - 感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美SUNFLOWER - Pride太阳花 - 骄傲TULIP (GENERAL) -Perfect Lover, Fame, Flower Emblem Of Holland,Luck郁金香(普通):完美的爱情,传说,荷兰之国花幸运VIOLET - Modesty,Virtue紫罗兰 - 质朴,美德WINTERGREENS -Harmony鹿蹄草 - 和谐ZINNIA (MAGENTA)- Lasting Affection百日草(洋红色) - 持续的爱更多花语More Flower language中国水仙new year lily 自尊/单恋石榴pomegranate 相思/永生报春花polyanthus 初恋/自作多情木棉cotton tree 热情紫丁香lilac 青春的回忆紫荆chinese redbud 故情/手足情百合lily 纯净/神圣紫罗兰wall flower 信任/爱的羁绊桃花peach 被你俘虏紫藤wistaria 沉迷的爱杜鹃azalea 爱的快乐/节制铃兰lily-of-the-valley 纤细/希望/纯洁牡丹tree paeony 富贵/羞怯银杏ginkgo 长寿芍药paeony 害羞蝴蝶兰moth orchid 幸福/纯洁/吉祥辛夷violet magnolia 友情/爱自然蟹爪仙人掌christmas cactus 锦上添花玫瑰rose 爱情/爱与美郁金香tulip 名誉/慈善/美丽茶花mon camelia 美德/谦逊千日红mon globe-amaranth 永恒的爱/不朽非洲堇African vioet 永恒的美天人菊indian blanket 团结/协力栀子花cape jasmine 喜悦/纯洁木槿rose of sharon 劝告/短暂的美风信子hyacinyh 悲哀/永远怀念百子莲african lily 爱的来临牵牛花morning glory 爱情/依赖君子兰kafir lily 宝贵/高贵非洲菊African daisy 神秘/兴奋含羞草esnsitive plant 敏感茉莉arabian jasmine 你属于我/亲切猪笼草pitcher plant 财源广进凌霄花creeper 好高骛远树兰orchid tree 平凡而清雅康乃馨caronation 温馨/慈祥鸡冠花cocksb 永生/爱美/痴情荷花lotus 神圣/纯洁鸢萝cypress vine 关怀/依附菩提bo-tree 结婚/圣洁大理花dahlia 移情别恋/优雅圣诞百合christmas bell 温暖的心一串红scarlet sage 热切的思念紫薇crape myrtle 圣洁/喜悦/长寿勿忘草forget-me-not 不要忘记我睡莲water lily 信仰/纯洁的心文心兰dacing lady 乐不思蜀吊兰spider plant 无奈/还有希望白头翁pappy anemone 坚忍/背信之恋向日葵sunflower 爱慕/光辉/高傲矢车菊cornflower 纤细/优雅/幸福竹bamboo 君子/平安金鱼草snapdrgon 傲慢/好管闲事夹竹桃oleander 深刻友情/谨慎金盏花pot marigold 离别之痛/迷恋扶桑china rose 体贴之美/纤细金银花japanese honeysuckle 真诚的爱/羁绊长春花old maid 愉快的回忆金莲花garden nasturium 爱国心秋海棠begonia 亲切/诚恳/单恋非洲凤仙African touch-me-not 高傲的人美人蕉canna 妄想/猜疑晚香玉tuberose 危险边缘的快乐梅花flowering apricot 忠实/坚毅F野姜花ginger lily 无聊圣诞红mon poinsettia 祝福你/付出菊花chrysamthemum 清廉/高洁虞美人Iceland poppy 安慰/遗忘/休息昙花epiphyllum 热情/短暂鸢尾iris 优雅的心/使命龙胆royal blue 最爱忧伤时的你腊梅winter sweet 依恋/慈爱木芙蓉cotton rose 纤细之美九重葛paper flower 夏日恋情/陶醉火鹤花flamingo flower 燃烧的心/烦恼三色堇tricolor viola 思念/爱的告白嘉德丽亚兰cattleya 敬爱/善意/倾慕。

Definition:flower language
It is a kind of language that used for expressing one's emotion or desire by flowers .
Language of flowers
Pink Rose: the glow of your smile;
• Red tulip:believe me,love announcement,joyful、eagerness
• Yellow tulip:shining smile,refuse, longing love、treasure、fortune
• Black tulip: mysterious,noble
• Lily 百合
Virginity; purity; majesty; heavenly
The rich colors of lilies are what make them such a beautiful type of flower in the eyes of many people. The fact that they are so different from the standard design of other flowers gives the a unique quality that many people have come to admire. They are a warm flower that most people associate with happiness and warm feelings. People of all ages really enjoy looking at the different types of lilies so they make a great gift for younger people as well.

各种花卉树木、水果蔬菜英文单词各种花卉、树木好、蔬菜水果英文单词各种花卉、树木单词 rose 玫瑰花tulip 郁金香balsam 凤仙花dandelion蒲公英 azalea 杜鹃花 begonia 秋海棠 camellia 山茶花carnation 麝香石竹(康乃馨)Chinese enkianthus 灯笼花Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花chrysanthemum 菊花dahlia 大丽花daisy 雏菊datura 曼陀罗epiphyllum 昙花fringed iris 蝴蝶花fuchsia 倒挂金钟gardenia 栀子India canna 美人蕉jasmine 茉莉lilac 丁香lily 百合mangnolia 木兰花mangnolia 玉兰花morning glory 牵牛(喇叭花) narcissus 水仙花oleander 夹竹桃orchid 兰花pansy 三色堇phalaenopsis 蝶兰setose asparagus 文竹touch-me-not (balsam) 凤仙花 tulip 郁金香violet, stock violet 紫罗兰canna 美人蕉lily 百合花jasmine 茉莉sweet pea 香豌豆花sunflower 向日葵geranium 大竺葵morning-glory 牵牛花 cosmos 大波斯菊pansy 三色堇poppy 罂粟花marigold 金盏花 carnation 麝香石竹 amaryllis 孤挺花 dahlia 大丽花pink 石竹花crocus 番红花 iris 蝴蝶花hyacinth 风信花 daffodil 黄水仙 chrysanthemum 菊 marguerite, daisy 雏菊gladiolus 剑兰 cantury plant 龙舌兰 magnolia 木兰 yucca 丝兰orchid 兰花freesia 小苍兰 cyclamen 仙客来 begonia 秋海棠 anemone 银莲花wisteria 柴藤 redbud 紫荆dogwood 山茱萸 hawthorn 山楂 camellia 山茶 hydrangea 八仙花 hibiscus 木槿 peony 芍药azalea 杜鹃rhododendron 杜鹃花 daphne 瑞香gardenia 栀子 lilac 紫丁香 night-blooming cereus 仙人掌apple 苹果pear 梨orange 桔子quince 柑橘apricot 杏plum 洋李pistil 雌蕊ovary 子房petal 花瓣anther 花药 stamen 雄蕊 nectar gland 蜜腺 sepal 萼片stalk 花柄pollen 花粉 pine 松cerdar 雪松类 larch 落叶松 juniper 杜松 cone 松果cypress 柏树 bamboo 竹box 黄杨poplar 白杨 cottonwood 三角叶杨osier 紫皮柳树 willow 垂柳 birch 白桦maple 枫树sequoia 红杉 fir 冷杉hemlock spruce 铁杉spruce 云杉 yew 紫杉eucalytus 桉树 locust 洋槐 wattle 金合欢树 camphor tree 樟树rosewood 紫檀 ebony 乌檀sandalwood 檀香木 satinwood 椴木 linden 椴树 rowan 欧洲山梨 teak 柚木树 elm 榆木树oak 橡树acorn 橡树果 sycamore 美国梧桐 ginkgo 银杏树 holly 冬青coco 椰树date 枣椰树hickory 山核桃树plane tree 悬铃树beech 山毛榉horse chestnut 七叶树蔬菜水果单词radish 苦瓜 pumpkin南瓜 kidney bean/soy bean 菜豆 Chinese cabbage大白菜 tomato西红柿 broccoli花椰菜 carrot 胡萝卜 cucumber 黄瓜 water chestnuts 荸荠String bean 四季豆 green soy bean绿豆 loafer丝瓜 yam 山芋 taro芋头 agarics木耳 ginger姜 Spinach 菠菜 potato土豆 lettuce生菜莴苣 corn玉米 pea豌豆 eggplant茄子 seaweed海苔 bamboo shoots竹笋fresh snow pea雪豆 chilli辣椒 green pepper青椒 celery芹菜 Chinese mushroom 香菇bean curd豆腐 shallots胡葱 leek韭菜 garlic大蒜cabbage卷心菜Artichoke洋蓟 okra秋葵 asparagus芦笋 fennel茴香 sweet potato甘薯bean扁豆 hair vegetable发菜 lotus root莲藕 winter melon冬瓜mung beat sprout 豆芽 onion洋葱 white turnip白萝卜 Apple苹果 cherry 樱桃 pear梨 orange 橘子Strawberry草莓 peach桃子 pineapple菠萝 lemon柠檬 star fruit杨桃mango芒果 grape葡萄 papaya木瓜 coconut椰子 sugar-care甘蔗 juice peach 水蜜桃 plum杏子honey-dew melon/cantaloupe绿色或橙色哈密瓜 olive橄榄 Blackberries黑莓 gooseberrires醉栗Durian榴莲 acrocado鳄梨raspberries悬钩子longan 龙眼 lichee荔枝 fig无花果kiwi奇异果果Grape fruit葡萄柚 lime酸橙 pomegranate石榴Passion fruit鸡蛋果 pitaya/dragon fruit火龙果Chinese gooseberry猕猴桃 yiguo蛇果 Bush orange什 Persimmon柿子chestnut 板栗 ponkan 碰柑Muskmelon香瓜 betelnut槟榔 watermelon西瓜Avocado鳄梨 cranberry越橘 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 mulberry 桑椹nectarine 油桃 soursop 刺果番荔枝black currant 红醋栗 blood orange 红橙 almond 巴旦杏 damson 大马士革李 pistachio阿月浑子 nutmeg 肉豆蔻 prickly pear 仙人掌果 citron, grapefruit 香橼papaya,papaw 番木瓜 guava 番石榴apple 苹果 cabbage 卷心菜 orange 桔子potato 土豆pear 梨 carrot 胡萝卜peach 桃子 pumpkin 南瓜banana 香蕉 tomato 西红柿蔬菜 Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜 Onion 洋葱Aubergine 茄子 Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜 Tomato 蕃茄 Watercress 西洋菜 Sweet corn 玉米 Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱 Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱 Green Pepper 青椒Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflowers 绿花菜 Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆 Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头 Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯 Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽 Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒水果strawberry 草莓 cherry 樱桃 fig 无花果 apple 苹果pear 梨 apricot 杏peach 桃 grape 葡萄banana 香蕉 pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子 watermelon 西瓜 orange 橙 lemon 柠檬mango 芒果 walnut 胡桃peanut 花生 date 枣blackberry, blueberry 黑莓 papaya, papaw 番木瓜guava 番石榴 lychee 荔枝plum 李子 durian 榴莲longan 龙眼蔬菜可买到的有:Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱Mustard cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒Sprot 高丽小菜心蔬菜pepper 胡椒hot pepper; chilli 辣椒sweet pepper; bell pepper; pimiento; capsicum 甜椒, 柿子椒tomato 番茄,西红柿asparagus 芦笋cucumber 黄瓜aubergine, eggplant 茄子bean 菜豆beet, beetroot 甜菜 potato 马铃薯carrot 胡萝卜cauliflower 菜花,花椰菜 pumpkin 西葫芦broad bean 蚕豆cabbage 圆白菜,卷心菜 garlic 蒜chive 细香葱fennel 茴香cos lettuce 莴苣 marrow 嫩葫芦melon 香瓜,甜瓜celery 芹菜onion 韭leek 韭菜radish 萝卜tarragon 狭叶青蒿 thyme 百里香mushroom 蘑菇artichoke 洋蓟broccoli, brocoli 硬花甘蓝Brussels sprouts 芽甘蓝 caper 刺山柑,老鼠瓜 cardoon 刺菜蓟chervil 雪维菜,细叶芹 chick-pea 鹰嘴豆 chicory 苣荬菜cress 水田芥cumin, cummin 孜然芹,枯茗 dandelion 蒲公英 French bean 法国菜豆gherkin 嫩黄瓜horseradish 辣根 Jerusalem artichoke 洋姜,鬼子姜kale 无头甘蓝kohlrabi 甘蓝laurel 月桂lentil 兵豆lettuce 莴苣lupin 羽扇豆 (美作:lupine)parsley 欧芹parsnip 欧防风pea 豌豆rhubarb 大黄salsify 婆罗门参 sorrel 掌叶大黄 truffle 块菌turnip 芜菁watercress 豆瓣菜水果fig 无花果apple 苹果pear 梨apricot 杏peach 桃grape 葡萄banana 香蕉pineapple 菠萝 plum 李子watermelon 西瓜 orange 橙lemon 柠檬mango 芒果strawberry 草莓 medlar 枇杷,欧查果 mulberry 桑椹 nectarine 油桃cherry 樱桃pomegranate 石榴 tangerine 柑子 persimmon 柿子 walnut 胡桃hazelnut 榛子 peanut 花生date 枣chestnut 粟currant 醋粟coconut, cocoanut 可可bilberry 越桔 blackberry, blueberry 黑莓avocado 鳄梨black currant 红醋栗 blood orange 红橙citron, grapefruit 香橼damson 大马士革李almond 巴旦杏nutmeg 肉豆蔻papaya, papaw 番木瓜guava 番石榴pistachio 阿月浑子prickly pear 仙人掌果raspberry 覆盆子soursop 刺果番荔枝KIWI 弥猴桃lychee 荔枝mandarin 桔子plum 李子pomelo 柚子lime 青柠檬yam 山药acorn 松子durian 榴莲mangosteen 山竹rambutan 毛丹pinang 槟榔longan 龙眼sorb 山梨相关豆浆 soy milk皮蛋 preserved egg 稀饭 congee蛋花汤 egg drop soup 蛋卷 egg rolls 肉丸 meat ball 葱油饼 onion pancake豆浆 Soybean milk 板条 Flat noodles 烧饼 Clay oven rolls 榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles油条 Fried bread stick 米粉 Rice noodles水饺 (Boiled)dumplings 紫菜汤 Seaweed soup 馒头 teamed buns ,Steamed bread 牡蛎汤 Oyster soup饭团 Rice and vegetable roll蛋花汤 Egg & vegetable soup 皮蛋 100-year egg鱼丸汤 Fish ball soup 咸鸭蛋 Salted duck egg 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)稀饭 Rice porridge 油豆腐 Oily bean curd 白饭 Plain white rice 虾球Shrimp balls糯米饭 Glutinous rice 春卷 Spring rolls蛋炒饭 Fried rice with egg 蛋卷 Chicken rolls 刀削面 Sliced noodles 肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings 麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles 火锅 Hot pot 乌龙面 Seafood noodles 卤味 braised food一些关于水果蔬菜和饮料的词汇冷饮:beverages 饮料soya-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橘子汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁sarsaparilla 沙士soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶jasmine tea 茉莉(香片) tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶 white goup tea 冬瓜茶 honey 蜂蜜chlorella 绿藻soda water 苏打水 artificial color 人工色素 ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水 distilled water 蒸馏水 long-life milk 保久奶condensed milk 炼乳; 炼奶 cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精 coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡 white coffee 牛奶咖啡 black coffee 纯咖啡ovaltine 阿华田chlorella yakult 养乐多 essence of chicken 鸡精 ice-cream cone 甜筒sundae 圣代; 新地 ice-cream 雪糕soft ice-cream 窗淇淋 vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔straw 吸管水果:pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔chestnut 栗子coconut 椰子ponkan 碰柑tangerine 橘子mandarin orange 橘 sugar-cane 甘蔗muskmelon 香瓜shaddock 文旦juice peach 水蜜桃 pear 梨子peach 桃子carambola 杨桃cherry 樱桃persimmon 柿子apple 苹果mango 芒果fig 无花果water caltrop 菱角 almond 杏仁plum 李子honey-dew melon 哈密瓜 loquat 枇杷olive 橄榄rambutan 红毛丹 durian 榴梿strawberry 草莓 grape 葡萄grapefruit 葡萄柚 lichee 荔枝longan 龙眼wax-apple 莲雾guava 番石榴banana 香蕉蔬菜与调味品:string bean 四季豆 pea 豌豆green soy bean 毛豆 soybean sprout 黄豆芽 mung bean sprout 绿豆芽bean sprout 豆芽 kale 甘蓝菜cabbage 包心菜; 大白菜 broccoli 花椰菜 mater convolvulus 空心菜dried lily flower 金针菜mustard leaf 芥菜 celery 芹菜tarragon 蒿菜beetroot, beet 甜菜 agar-agar 紫菜lettuce 生菜spinach 菠菜leek 韭菜caraway 香菜hair-like seaweed 发菜 preserved szechuan pickle 榨菜salted vegetable 雪里红 lettuce 莴苣asparagus 芦荟bamboo shoot 竹笋 dried bamboo shoot 笋干 chives 韭黄ternip 白萝卜carrot 胡萝卜water chestnut 荸荠 ficus tikaua 地瓜 long crooked squash 菜瓜loofah 丝瓜pumpkin 南瓜bitter gourd 苦瓜 cucumber 黄瓜white gourd 冬瓜 gherkin 小黄瓜yam 山芋taro 芋头beancurd sheets 百叶 champignon 香菇button mushroom 草菇 needle mushroom 金针菇 agaricus 蘑菇dried mushroom 冬菇 tomato 番茄eggplant 茄子potato, spud 马铃薯 lotus root 莲藕agaric 木耳white fungus 百木耳 ginger 生姜garlic 大蒜garlic bulb 蒜头 green onion 葱onion 洋葱scallion, leek 青葱 wheat gluten 面筋 miso 味噌seasoning 调味品 caviar 鱼子酱barbeque sauce 沙茶酱 tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 番茄酱mustard 芥茉salt 盐sugar 糖monosodium glutamate , gourmet powder 味精vinegar 醋sweet 甜sour 酸bitter 苦lard 猪油peanut oil 花生油 soy sauce 酱油green pepper 青椒 paprika 红椒star anise 八角 cinnamon 肉挂curry 咖喱maltose 麦芽糖水果英语词汇大全每天我们吃那么多水果,也来了解一下丰富多彩的水果世界吧对考试和日常生活都有好处。

英文花名年夜全及花语之阿布丰王创作杜鹃花 azalea- 为了我珍重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国是子宫的象征 take care of yourself for me, temperance, fragile, passion, in China it's the symble of womanhood 杨梅 arbutus- 我只爱你 you are the only one I love杨梅 arbutus- 我只爱你 you are the only one I love杜鹃花 azalea- 为了我珍重你自己,温暖的,脆的,强烈的感情,在中国是子宫的象征 take care of yourself for me, temperance, fragile, passion, in China it's the symble of womanhood矢车菊 bachelor button- 独身的幸福 single blessedness球海棠 begonia- 小心 beware爱尔兰风铃草 belis of Ireland- 好运气 Good luck野风信子 bluebell- 谦虚 humulity残落的花束bouquet of withered flowers- 被拒绝的爱rejected love仙人掌 cactus- 忍耐 endurance茶花 camellia- 赞赏,完美,给男人以好运气的礼物 admiration, perfection, gift to a man for good luck茶花(粉色) camellia- 渴望着你 longing for you茶花(红色) camellia- 你是我心中的火焰 You're a flame in my heart茶花(白色) camellia- 你值得敬慕 You're adorable康乃馨(一般的说) carnation- 魅力使人柔弱的爱 fascination, womanized love康乃馨(粉色) carnation- 我永远不会忘了你I'll never forget you康乃馨(红色) carnation- 我的心为你而痛,赞赏 My heart aches for you, admiration康乃馨(紫色) carnation- 任性 capriciousness康乃馨(原色) carnation (solid color)- 是 yes康乃馨(有花纹) carnation (stripped)- 不!拒绝,我不能和你在一起 No! Refusal, sorry I can't be with you康乃馨(白色) carnation- 甜蜜而可爱,天真无邪,纯粹的爱,给女性带来好运气的礼物 sweet and lovely, innocence, pure love, gift to women for good luck康乃馨(黄色) carnation- 你让我感到失望,抛弃 You have disappointed me, rejection菊花(一般的说) chrysanthemum- 你是个了不起的朋友,快活与放松 You're a wonderful friend, cheerfulness and relax菊花(红色) chrysanthemum- 我爱 I love菊花(白色) chrysanthemun- 事实,尊敬死者 truth,respect the death菊花(黄色) chrysanthemum- 忽视的爱 slighted love波斯菊 coreopsis- 永远快乐 always cheerful水仙花 daffodil- 关心,不计酬谢的爱,你是我的唯一,和你在一起时总是阳光明媚,尊敬 regard, unrequited love, You're the only one, The sun is always shining when I'm with you, respect雏菊daisy- 天真无邪,忠诚的爱,我永远不会说的,纯粹innocence, loyal love,, I'll never tell, purity蒲公英 dandelion- 忠诚,幸福 faithfuleness, happiness枯萎的叶子 dead leaves- 哀思 sadness勿忘我 forget me not- 真爱,记忆 True love, memories栀子花 gardenia- 你可爱,秘密的爱 You're lovely, secret love年夜蒜 garlic- 勇气与力量 courage, strength天竺葵 geranium- 愚蠢,荒唐 stupidity, folly剑兰 gladiola- 让我休息一下,我是真挚的,斗士的花 give me a rest, I'm really sincere, flower of the gladiators草 grass- 服从 submission冬青 holly- 防御,家庭幸福 defense, domestic hapiness风信子(一般说来) hyacinth- 游戏和体育,富有,献身与太阳神games and sports, richness, dedicated to Apollo风信子(蓝色) hyacinth- 坚固 consistency风信子(紫色) hyacinth- 对不起请原谅我,对不起 I'm sorry,please forgive me. Sorrow风信子(红色或粉色) hyacinth- 玩 play风信子(白色) hyacinth- 可爱,我为你祈祷 loveliness, I'll pray for you风信子(黄色) hyacinth- 嫉妒,羡慕 jealousy爱丽丝(鸢尾属植物)Iris- 法国的象征,你的友情对我很重要,信任,希望,智慧与勇猛,我的问候,许诺 emblem of France, your friendship means so much to me, faith, hope, wisdom and valor, my compliments, promise常春藤 Ivy- 结合的爱,忠实,友谊,情感 wedded love, fidelity, friendship, affection白色卷鬓的常春藤枝 Ivy sprig of white tendrils- 渴望取悦于,情感 anxious to please, affection黄水仙 jonquil- 爱我吧,情感获得回报,欲望,同情,想要情感获得回报love me, affection returned, desire, sympathy, desire for affection returned丁香花 lilac- 美丽 beauty百合花(橙色) lily- 痛恨 hatred百合花(白色) lily- 童贞,纯粹,威严,和你在一起如同天堂virginity, purity, majesty, It's heavenly to be with you百合花(黄色) lily- 我如在云端,虚伪与放荡,感激 I'm walking on air, false and gay, gratitude百合花(水芋) lily (calla)- 美丽 beauty百合花(白天) lily (day)- 中国母亲的象征 Chineae emblem for mother百合花(桉树) lily (eucharis)- 童贞的吸引力 maiden charms 百合花(虎) lily (tiger)- 财富,骄傲,繁荣 wealth, pride, prosperity山谷的百合花 lily of the valley- 甜蜜,圣母玛利亚的泪,重返幸福,谦虚,你使我的生命充分 sweetness, tears of the Virgin Mary, return to happiness, humility, You've made my life complete玫瑰(黄色) rose- 爱的减少,嫉妒,检验考试去关心 decrease of love, jealously, try to care玫瑰(麝香蔷薇串) rose (musk cluster)- 有魅力 charming玫瑰(单枝全开的) rose (single full bloom)- 我爱你,我依然爱你 I love you, I still love you玫瑰(花环或花冠) rose (garland or crown)- 把稳美德(?),优点的奖赏,美德的象征 beware of virtue, reward of merit, symbol of superior merit玫瑰花蕾 rosebud- 青春的美丽,一颗对爱无知的心 beauty of youth, a heart innocent of love玫瑰花蕾(红) rosebud- 纯粹而可爱 pure and lovely玫瑰花蕾(白色) rosebud- 少女 girlhood玫瑰花蕾(苔藓) rosebud (moss)- 爱的自白 confessions of love紫罗兰 stock- 感情的监禁,机敏,对我而言你永远那么美 bonds of affection, promptness, You'll always be beautiful to me郁金香(一般) tulip- 完美的恋爱,传说,荷兰之国花幸运perfect lover, fame, flower emblem of Holland, luck郁金香(红色) tulip- 相信我,爱的宣言believe me, declaration of love郁金香(杂色的) tulip (variegated)- 美丽的眼睛 beautiful eyes郁金香(黄色的) tulip- 阳光般的笑容 There's sunshine in your smile紫罗兰 violet- 质朴,美德 modesty, virtue紫罗兰(兰色) violet- 警戒,忠诚,我将永远忠诚 watchfulness, faithfulness, I'll always be true紫罗兰(白色) violet- 让我们抓住幸福的机会吧 Let's take a chance on happiness太阳花 sunflower- 骄傲 pride紫藤 wisteria- 欢迎 welcome。

1.This is a flower. 2.Its language is Virginity, purity; majesty and heavenly. 3.This kind of flower is always white. 4.In a wedding,it means a couple will have a harmonious union lasting a hundred years.
50 Roses Unconditional Love
Red carnation----Love and affection
White carnation----purity
good luck
Carnation Health and Energy; Fascination
Pink carnation----Gratitude
• Primrose(樱花草)-youth • Verbena(美人樱)--temptation
• Damask Verbena– harmounious family
Girl friend:Annie Boy friend:infrarain Seller:liu jia chen
1.It is a flower. 2.It blossoms in the wild. 3.You can see them in our everyday life. 4.You used to play it when you were young. 5.Its shape is like a circle. 6.It means love never stays for a time. 7.When you blow it ,the pedals will fly in the sky.

介绍花卉的英文作文初一年级两百字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Flowers are So Pretty!Hi there! I really really love flowers. They are just so pretty and colorful. Today I want to tell you all about some of my favorite kinds of flowers.Let's start with roses. Roses are classic flowers that have been loved for hundreds of years. They come in so many beautiful colors like red, pink, yellow, and white. Red roses are probably the most well-known and they symbolize love and romance. That's why boyfriends give their girlfriends red roses on Valentine's Day. But I also love pink roses because they are feminine and delicate. Yellow roses are sunny and cheerful. And white roses look so pure and elegant. Roses have a lovely floral scent too. I wish I could have a whole garden full of roses in every color!Another flower I adore is the sunflower. Sunflowers are so unique looking with their big yellow petals surrounding a brown circular center. They can grow over 6 feet tall, towering over myhead! Sunflowers are heliotropic, which means they follow and face the sun as it moves across the sky each day. At night, they face east ready for the morning sun to rise. Sunflowers originate from the Americas and were cultivated by Native Americans as far back as 3,000 years ago. To me, sunflowers symbolize happiness, optimism, and following your own path just like they follow the sun.My friend's favorite flowers are tulips. Tulips bloom in early spring and their cupped shapes in bright colors like red, yellow, pink, and purple are one of the first signs that winter is over. Tulips are originally from central Asia and got their name from the Persian word for turban because their shape resembles those head coverings. In the 1600s, there was even a "Tulip Mania" craze in the Netherlands where people paid huge sums of money to buy tulip bulbs! Some tulips can have petals that look striped or ruffled which makes them extra pretty in my opinion.I also really like cherry blossoms, which are the pink flowers that bloom on cherry trees in spring. Cherry blossom season is a big celebration in Japan where people hold flower viewing picnics and parties under the blooming trees. The blossoms only last around 1-2 weeks though, which makes them extra special and symbolic of how beauty is fleeting and temporary. TheJapanese cherry blossom tradition dates back hundreds of years.I would love to visit Japan one day to see the gorgeous cherry blossom trees in full bloom!Those are some of my absolute favorite flowers, but there are so many other lovely ones too like peonies, orchids, lilies, daffodils, and so many more. Flowers make me smile with their vibrant colors and delicate, intricate designs. The natural world is full of amazing beauty if we just take the time to appreciate it. Flowers brighten up gardens, homes, and even a simple day. I hope you love them as much as I do!篇2Flowers are So Pretty and Colorful!Hi friends! I want to tell you all about the amazing world of flowers today. Flowers are some of the most beautiful things in nature, with their bright colors, soft petals, and sweet smells. There are so many different kinds that it's hard to know where to start!First off, let's talk about roses. Roses are probably the most popular and well-known flowers. My favorite roses are the red ones because they are such a deep, rich shade of red. Red roses often get given for Valentine's Day to show love. But did youknow roses also come in pink, yellow, white, and even blue? The yellow ones are so sunny and cheerful. I love pink roses too because they are romantic but in a softer, sweeter way than red roses.Another type of flower I really like are sunflowers. These huge, bright yellow flowers can get super tall - like taller than me! They follow the sun as it moves across the sky during the day, which is where they get their name. Their big seeds in the middle are good for birds and people to eat too. Sunflowers always make me feel happy and smiley when I see them.Tulips are another pretty spring flower that come in tons of colors. They have a cute cup shape and can be yellow, red, pink, purple, or multicolored. My mom loves planting tulips in our garden every year. The flowers bloom early in spring and then die off, but new bulbs grow back year after year. That's one thing I love about flowers - even though the blooms are temporary, they keep coming back reliably every year.Daffodils are similar to tulips in that they have a cup shape and bloom in early spring. But daffodils are always yellow or white. They look super cheery popping up after the winter is over.I remember going on daffodil walks with my family when I was little to look for the first blooms. Daffodils remind me of being akid and getting excited that spring was finally here after the cold winter.Lilies are a type of flower that have a very strong, sweet scent. The petals are often ruffled and can be white, pink, red, orange, or yellow. Stargazer lilies are my favorite kind - they're bright pink with darker speckles. Lilies make awesome gifts for moms or grandmas because they smell so nice. Just be careful because some cats and dogs can get sick if they eat lilies.Orchids are one of the fancier, more exotic types of flowers. They come in so many crazy shapes, colors, and patterns. Some look like little bugs or animals! Orchids tend to last a really long time as a houseplant compared to many cut flowers. My aunt has an orchid in her bathroom that has been reblooming for years. Orchids are cool, but also kind of finnicky and high maintenance.Wildflowers are flowers that grow on their own out in nature, without being planted by humans. Some examples are daisies, dandelions, poppies, and bluebells. I like finding little patches of wildflowers on hikes or in fields. They make me feel peaceful and connected to nature. Wildflowers come in all sorts of colors and shapes, from bright sunflowers to tiny bluets. I think it's amazing how they can just spring up naturally without anyone taking care of them.I've talked about a lot of different flower types, but really there are thousands of varieties out there! Flowers play important roles in many cultures too. For example, in India they use colorful flowers like marigolds in hindu celebrations and weddings. In Mexico, they have the Day of the Dead holiday where they decorate with bright orange marigolds. Many Asian cultures like China and Japan have ancient traditions around cherry blossoms. No matter where you go, flowers are used to mark important life events like births, weddings, and people passing away.Flowers are also just great for brightening people's days in general. Getting a bouquet of flowers as a gift, or even just seeing a garden of blooms, can instantly put a smile on someone's face. That's because flowers are so cheerful, uplifting, and beautiful. They seem to symbolize new life, optimism, and happiness.I hope you can see why I love flowers so much after reading this essay! From their amazing scents to their vibrant colors to the happiness they bring, there's just so much to appreciate about these wonderful plants. Next time you're out on a walk or visiting a garden, I encourage you to stop and smell the roses (or tulips, or peonies, or whatever flower catches your eye!). Letyourself get lost in admiring the intricate details and delicate beauty of each bloom. Flowers are one of nature's most precious gifts, so we should never take them for granted!篇3Flowers Are Awesome!Hi friends! Today I want to tell you all about one of my favorite things in the whole world - flowers! Flowers are just the coolest. They come in so many pretty colors and shapes and sizes. And they smell amazing too! I love going outside and seeing all the beautiful flowers blooming. It makes me feel so happy and cheerful.There are like a bajillion different kinds of flowers out there. My favorite is probably the rose because they are so classic and romantic. But I also love sunflowers because they are so bright and sunny. Daisies are really pretty too with their white petals and yellow centers. And don't even get me started on orchids - they are like something from another planet with their crazy shapes and patterns!Flowers don't just look and smell nice though. They are actually really important for the environment too. They provide food for bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects. Withoutflowers, those insects wouldn't have anything to eat! And without those insects, lots of plants wouldn't be able to reproduce and make new seeds. Can you imagine a world without any flowers or plants? That would be so sad and boring.Flowers have played a big role in human society and culture too throughout history. They are used in lots of celebrations and ceremonies like weddings. The colors and types of flowers can even have specific symbolic meanings in different cultures. In ancient Egypt, lotus flowers were considered sacred. In China, peonies represent wealth and honor. And in Europe, red roses are the ultimate symbol of love and romance.Speaking of romance, did you know some flowers can actually attract mates? Plants can't move around obviously, so they use their bright flowers to get the attention of pollinators like birds and insects. Once the pollinators land on the flower, some of the pollen gets transferred, allowing the plant to reproduce. It's like the flower is putting on its best outfit and doing a special dance to impress potential partners! Flowers also give off special scents to entice the pollinators too. I think that's so cool that plants have all these clever tricks just like animals.Not only that, but many flowers are edible too! You can eat things like roses, hibiscus, violets, and nasturtiums. They havebeen used in cooking and to make teas for a long time. I tried a rose petal jam once and it was delicious! Maybe one day I'll be a fancy chef and come up with creative floral dishes. Or I could start my own flower tea company or perfume line! The possibilities are endless with flowers.Flowers can even have medicinal properties. For example, chamomile has been used for centuries to help people relax and sleep better. Lavender is known for its calming effects too. Echinacea helps boost the immune system so you don't get sick as easily. Pretty amazing that these humble little plants can be so powerful, right?I could go on and on about how awesome flowers are, but I think you get the idea! They brighten up the world around us with their gorgeous colors and heavenly scents. They play vital roles in ecosystems and cultural traditions. Flowers are true marvels of nature that deserve to be cherished and appreciated.I really want to learn as much as I can about these amazing plants. Maybe I'll even become a botanist or florist when I grow up so I can work with flowers every single day! For now though, I'll just admire the beautiful blossoms in my garden and neighborhood. Flowers just make me feel so joyful and grateful for the natural wonders on our planet. I hope you'll take the timeto stop and smell the roses...and daffodils, and peonies, and lilies too!篇4Flowers are So Pretty!Hi there! My name is Emily and I'm going to tell you all about the awesome world of flowers. Flowers are these colorful, smelly, pretty plants that bloom everywhere from gardens to fields to forests. I just love flowers because they are so nice to look at and can make any place seem cheerful.There are like a bajillion different kinds of flowers out there in so many shapes, sizes and colors. Some are teeny tiny while others are huge. Some have petals that are red, yellow, purple, pink, white, orange or other bright colors. Others have petals that are pale pastels. The petals can be thin and delicate or thick and ruffled up. Some flower petals are smooth while others are velvety soft.The best thing about flowers is how they smell. Some have a sweet sugary scent while others smell fruity, spicy or musky. My favorite flower smells are roses, gardenias and lilacs. Roses tend to be red but come in lots of other colors too. They have a rich sweet floral fragrance. Gardenias are these creamy white flowerswith a strong intoxicating perfume-y aroma. Lilacs are purple bunches of tiny blossoms with a lovely sweet scent. I wish I could bottle up their yummy smells!Flowers are amazing in a ton of other ways too. Did you know that butterflies, bees and hummingbirds actually drink flower nectar? The nectar is this sugary liquid inside the flower that acts like a food reward for the insects and birds. In exchange for the free snack, they help pollinate the flowers so new ones can grow. How cool is that?There are flowers that bloom in spring when it starts getting warm, summer flowers that love the heat, fall flowers before winter and even some winter bloomers. So no matter what season it is, there are always fresh flowers to enjoy! Some flowers bloom for only a week or two while others stick around for months.People use flowers for all sorts of things - not just for gardens and bouquets. Rose petals are used to make rosewater and perfumes. Lavender is an herb that comes from a purple flower and is used for soaps, oils and air fresheners because of its relaxing scent. Many flowers are also used to make natural dyes for coloring things like clothes, baskets and easter eggs. In the kitchen, we use blossoms like roses or violets to decorate fancycakes and deserts. Flowers are also really important ingredients in honey!My ultimate favorite flower that I've ever seen is the bird of paradise from South Africa. It's this crazy looking orange and blue flower that resembles a tropical bird in flight. The petals stick out in all directions and look like feathers. So funky and exotic! I'd love to see those growing in real life someday.There are just so many amazing flowers to learn about. From the beautiful roses to the exotic bird of paradise, I'm obsessed with all of them! Flowers make me happy and add brightness to the world. I hope you'll stop and smell some flowers yourself. Maybe you'll find a new favorite too!篇5The Wonderful World of FlowersHi everyone! Today I want to tell you all about the amazing world of flowers. Flowers are some of the most beautiful things in nature, and they come in so many different shapes, sizes, and colors. Whether you see them growing in gardens, meadows, or even popping up through sidewalk cracks in the city, flowers always bring a smile to my face.There are tons of different kinds of flowers out there. Some grow on tall stems, while others are tiny and hug the ground. Some flowers are bright and vibrant like red roses or sunflowers, while others have more subtle shades like lavenders or lilies. Many flowers have a sweet fragrance that attracts birds, butterflies, and bees. Other flowers don't smell much at all. With so much variety, there's a perfect flower out there for everyone to enjoy!Did you know that flowers actually have an important job to do? They play a key role in the reproduction of plants. The petals of a flower are designed to attract pollinators like bees and hummingbirds. When the pollinators land on the flower to sip its nectar, they pick up pollen from the stamen (those are the sticky things sticking up in the middle). Then when the pollinator visits another flower, some of that pollen rubs off, allowing the second flower to become fertilized and produce seeds. Isn't that amazing?People have been growing and appreciating flowers for centuries. In many ancient cultures, flowers held symbolic meanings and were used in important rituals and ceremonies. Nowadays, we enjoy flowers for their beauty by planting gardens, giving bouquets as gifts, or just stopping to smell them during awalk. Flowers make great subjects for art like paintings, photography and poetry too.My personal favorite flowers are daffodils because they're one of the first bloomers of spring. I love seeing their cheerful yellow faces pop up after the long, dreary winter. It feels like the Earth is waking up again! Sunflowers are another pick of mine - they're so bright, tall, and happy-looking. Their big seed-filled centers are perfect for birds and squirrels to snack on too. Roses will always be a classic beauty though. Who can resist their soft, velvety petals and wonderful floral scent?Flowers really are little miracles of nature. From their vibrant hues to their delicate petals to the fascinating way they reproduce, flowers showcase the incredible design and beauty to be found in the natural world. Next time you're outside, I encourage you to stop for a moment, breathe in the fragrance of some nearby blossoms, and appreciate the simple wonder of flowers. The world is a better, brighter, and more joyful place because of them!篇6Flowers Are Amazing!Hi friends! Today I want to tell you all about the awesome world of flowers. Flowers are these beautiful, colorful plants that grow in gardens, parks, fields, and even out of sidewalk cracks in the city! There are so many different kinds with lots of neat shapes, sizes and pretty colors. Some flowers even have a nice smell. Flowers are just really, really cool.I first started learning about flowers when I was in 3rd grade. My teacher took our class on a field trip to the botanical gardens and I was totally blown away by all the different flowers I saw. There were huge sunflowers taller than me, roses with beautiful red petals, orchids that looked like exotic bugs, and daffodils that danced in the breeze. From that day on, I was hooked! I had to know everything about these amazing plants.Over the years, I've learned that flowers aren't just pretty to look at - they are actually super important for the environment too. Flowers provide food for bees, butterflies, and other insects through their nectar and pollen. In turn, those insects help flowers by carrying pollen between plants which allows them to reproduce and make seeds. It's like a friendly exchange! Flowers even produce the oxygen we humans need to breathe. How cool is that?There are thought to be around 400,000 different species of flowering plants on Earth. That's an insane number when you think about it! Flowers come in basically every color of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, white, and more. Some of them like hibiscus can even be multiple colors on the same flower. Flowers also have tons of different shapes and sizes. Some are shaped like trumpets, stars, tubes, or bells while others look more like simple cups or clusters. The smallest flower variety is the wonderplant which is seriously tiny at just 0.5 mm across. On the other end, the Rafflesia arnoldii has a bloom that can grow to be 3 feet wide! Now that's a huge flower.In addition to their environmental importance andmind-blowing diversity, flowers are also deeply meaningful in human culture. Different flower species are associated with various holidays, religions, and symbolic meanings across the world. In Japan, cherry blossoms represent the fragility of life. In India, the lotus flower is sacred and represents spiritual enlightenment. For Valentine's Day, folks give their loved ones red roses to symbolize love and romance. Wedding bouquets often contain colorful meaningful flowers like lilies for purity or sunflowers for adoration. Sporting events have specific flowers used for making victor's wreaths and decorations too - like leafylaurel wreaths from ancient Greek times. Even the colors of flowers can carry symbolic meaning, like white for innocence and reverence. Pretty cool, right?My personal favorite flowers are tulips because of their perfect cup shape, bold colors, and tall green stems. I love how in the spring, rows and rows of tulips seem to sprout up from the ground like magic after a long, cold winter. My next favorite would have to be birds of paradise - they legit look like a brightly colored exotic bird with a funky spiky crest! Sunflowers are another classic I really dig because they're so cheerful and happy-looking, almost like the flowers themselves are smiling.I could honestly go on and on about flowers for hours and hours. They're just incredibly awesome in so many ways. The more I learn, the more fascinated I become! I really want to be a botanist who studies flowers when I grow up so I can help protect these incredible plants and make new discoveries about them. If you aren't as obsessed with flowers as I am yet, I highly recommend picking up a wildflower guide book or looking up pictures online. I bet you'll be hooked too once you see their beauty and complexity! Let me know which ends up being your favorite. Thanks for reading, flower friends!。

• 玫瑰,属蔷薇目。蔷薇科落叶灌木,枝杆多针刺,奇数羽状复叶,小叶5~9片,椭圆形,有边刺。 花瓣倒卵形,重瓣至半重瓣,花有紫红色、白色等,果期8-9月,扁球形。
பைடு நூலகம்
花语:即通过花来表达一个人的情感或 者爱慕之意。
红玫瑰:热情、热爱着您、我爱你、热恋 ,希望与你泛起激情的爱,象征爱情。 蓝玫瑰:奇迹与不可能实现的事.只有日本 有杂交的蓝色玫瑰,所谓蓝色妖姬是染料 染的。 粉红玫瑰:感动、爱的宣言、铭记于心 、 初恋,喜欢你那灿烂的笑容。 绿玫瑰:纯真简朴、青春长驻,我只钟情 你一个。
玫瑰作为农作物时,其花朵主要用于食品及提炼香精玫瑰油,玫瑰油应用于化妆品、食品、精细化 工等工业。
在欧洲诸语言中,蔷薇、玫瑰、月季都是一个词,如英语是rose,德语是die Rose,因为蔷薇科植 物从中国传到欧洲后他们并不能看出它们的不同之处,但实际上这是不同的花种。
黄玫瑰:不贞、嫉妒、愉快、 歉意。对于 友情,黄玫瑰代表纯洁的友谊和美好的祝 福,对于爱情,黄玫瑰是不祥之物,因它 代表嫉妒失恋和消逝的爱。在日本,黄玫 瑰是分手的代表礼物代表再见,拒绝的爱 紫玫瑰:忧郁、梦幻、爱做梦 捧花玫瑰:幸福之爱。 橙玫瑰:羞怯,献给你一份神秘的爱。富 有青春气息、初恋的心情。
• Forever young 永远年轻的心
Red Rose 红玫瑰

• Damask Verbena– harmounious family
Girl friend:Annie Boy friend:infrarain Seller:liu jia chen
1.It is a flower. 2.It blossoms in the wild. 3.You can see them in our everyday life. 4.You used to play it when you were young. 5.Its shape is like a circle. 6.It means love never stays for a time. 7.When you blow it ,the pedals will fly in the sky.
What kind of flower is it?
1.This is a beautiful but not simple flower. 2.It blooms in the morning but closes in the afternoon. 3.It is pink. 4.Its language is clean,purity. 5.It is planted in swamp or pond.
What kind of flower is it?
1.This flower has one colour. 2.The body is quite long. 3.It can be used in perfume. 4.It means waiting for love. 5.It is purple.

各种花卉的英文水仙花Narcissus鸡冠花Cockscomb金银花Honeysuckle菊花Chrysanthemum康乃馨Carnation兰花Orchid美人蕉Canna桃花Peach blossom梅花The plum blossom牡丹Peony仙人掌Cactus罂粟Poppy郁金香Tulips月季Chinese rose紫罗兰Violet杜鹃花Rhododendron芦荟Aloe含羞草Mimosa蒲公英Dandelion紫藤萝Purple wisteria石榴花Pomegranate flowers报春花Primula百合Lily茶花Camellia君子兰Clivia芍药Chinese herbaceous peony玫瑰Rose荷花Lotus牵牛花Morning glory芙蓉花Hibiscus flowers栀子花Gardenia樱花Cherry blossoms海棠Begonia合欢花Albizia flower玉兰花Magnolia桂花Sweet-scented osmanthus 凌霄花Chinese trumpet creeper茉莉花Jasmine Flower太阳花Sun flower丁香花Lilac薰衣草Lavender旱金莲Tropaeolum majus虞美人Corn poppy朱顶红Hippeastrum striatum 风信子Hyacinth文竹Asparagus fern昙花Epiphyllum小苍兰Freesia凤仙花Impatiens夜来香Tuberose花菱草Eschscholtzia夹竹桃Nerium oleander紫薇花Lagerstroemia indica 蝴蝶兰Phalaenopsis三色堇Pansy睡莲Water lilies仙客来Cyclamen鹤望兰Bird of Paradise紫荆花Bauhinia扶桑花Hibiscus rosa-sinensis 六月雪Serissa铃兰Lily of the valley桔梗Chinese bellflower蟹爪兰Crab cactus勿忘我Forget me not美女樱Verbena玉簪Hosta凤眼莲Eichhornia crassipes 百子莲Agapanthus石斛Dendrobium卡特兰Cattleya花毛茛Ranunculus大丽花Dahlia晚香玉Tuberose马蹄莲Calla Lily石蒜Lycoris radiata葱兰Zephyranthes Candida 番红花Crocus sativus鸢尾Iris唐菖蒲Gladiolus可爱花Lovely flowers虾衣花Mexican shrimp plant 珊瑚花Coral flower含笑With smile珍珠梅Sorbaria sorbifolia榆叶梅Flowering plum连翘Forsythia腊梅Wintersweet曼陀罗Datura矮牵牛Petunia hybrida火鹤花Anthurium非洲菊Gerbera jamesonii龙舌兰Agave五色梅Lantana camara球兰Hoya瓜叶菊Cineraria翠菊China aster龙吐珠Bleeding-heart Glorybower 萱草Hemerocallis石竹Pink蜀葵Hollyhock向日葵Sunflower碗莲Nelumbo nucifera千日红Gomphrena半边莲Lobelia香雪兰Freesia refracta Klatt木芙蓉Hibiscus mutabilis铁线莲Clematis松叶菊Mesembryanthemum九里香Murraya paniculata龙船花Ixora金苞花Pachystachys lutea春兰Cymbidium网球花Haemanthus随意草Free grass荷兰菊Aster novi-belgii米兰Milan六出花Alstroemeria天竺葵Geranium大岩桐Gloxinia金盏菊Calendula officinalis八仙花Hydrangea macrophylla 长寿花The longevity flower金鱼草Snapdragon三角梅Triangle plum六倍利Garden Lobelia百日草Zinnia elegans花烟草Nicotiana满天星Gypsophila令箭荷花Nopalxochia葡萄风信子Grape hyacinth荷包牡丹Pouch Peony美国薄荷USA MINT倒挂金钟Fuchsia贴梗海棠Quince宿根福禄考Phlox paniculata鸳鸯茉莉Mandarin Jasmine南美水仙Amazon Lily十大功劳The ten largest credit 丽穗凤梨Lai Sui pineapple。