2.252017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆Task1TheuniversitRwantstoprovidestudentmoreentertainmentsandthreechoicesprovidedbelow, whichdoRoupreferandwhR.lAtheaterperformancebRthestudentactorslAconcertprovidedbRprofessionalmusicianlAlecturefromaprofessorSampleAnswer:Well,asastudent,IwillchooseatheaterperformancebRthestudentactors.Foronething,thiskind ofactivitRwillimprovetheircooperationskills.Tobemorespecific,atheaterperformanceincludes thewholeprocessoforganizing,participating,andpromotinganevent.Whetherthestudentdirec torortheactortaketheresponsibilitRtoachievehis/herdutR,sothisisagreatopportunitRforthem tolearnhowtodealwithotherpeople.Moreover,aperformancecouldgreatlRinspirethemtobem orecreative.Imean,inordertomakeagoodshow,studentsmaRhavelotsofdifficultiestocopewith ,sotheRhavetobefleRibletofaceanRemergencR.Asaresult,theRmaRcomeupwithlotsofnewid eastomakeit.Becauseofthesetworeasons,Ibelievethisisthebestchoice.(140words)Task2FriendsmaRdisagreewitheachother,andstillmaintainfriendship.DoRouagreewithordisagree withthisidea,whR?SampleAnswer:OfcourseIagreewiththisidea.FirstlRpeopleareboundtobedifferent.WehavevariousfamilRbac kgroundaswellaseducationbackgroundeventhoughwearefriends.SoitisquitenaturallRthatth erecomeupdifferentideastowardoneproblem.ForeRampleIlikewatchingmovieinthemoviethe atrewhilemRbestfriendAmRhatesittinginthedarkplace.ButIneverrequirehertogowithme;wea restillverRclosefriends.Also,thefriendwhoholdsadifferentattitudewithmesometimescouldins piremetothinkfromanotherwaR.MaRbeaverRsharpdiscussioncanleadmetoaninspiringidea.A fterall,theeRperiencesandknowledgeofonepersonislimited.Forme,Ilikethefriendwhoarediffe rfromme.(132words)Task3阅读标题:CreateaStudentMagazine原因1:Studentsspendalotoftimeontheirpaper,andsomeofthemhavehighqualitR.Soweneedamagazi netopublishthosegoodqualitRpapers.原因2:Publishstudents’papercanshareinformationabouttheiracademicachievementandprovidethemconfidence听力态度:Approval原因1:Therearealotofpaper,wecanselectsomeofthemtopublishonamagazine.Thiswillbeanencoura gementforthestudents.原因2:OtherstudentswillbeabletofindusefulmaterialfromthesepaperandtheRcanlearnhowtoorgani zetheirownpaper.SampleAnswer: ThestudentinthelettersuggeststhatschoolshouldcreateaStudentMagazinebecausetheRneed amagazinetopublishthosegoodqualitRpaperswrittenbRstudentsandinthiswaRstudentscansh areinformationabouttheiracademicachievementandprovidethemconfidence.Themaninthec onversationtotallRagreeswiththisideabecauseforonething,therearealotofpapersforthemtos electsomeofthemtopublishonamagazine,especiallRthosegoodqualitRones.Thiswillbeagreat encouragementforthestudents.Foranotherthing,otherstudentswillbeabletofindusefulmateri alsfromthesepaperssotheRcanlearnhowtoorganizetheirownpaper.Consideringthosebenefit s,themanthinksitisagoodidea.(125words)Task4阅读标题:LifeStageofAnimalMigration定义:Indifferentlifestages,someanimalneedtomigratetovariousplacestolive,becauseofthedietand safetR.WhentheRareRoung,theRmaRsafeandhaveenoughfoodintheoriginalplace.However,i ftheRgrowolder,theoriginalplacemaRhavethreadsfromthepredatorsandthefoodmaRbeinsuf ficient.听力例子:AnglerfishlaReggsindeepsea.Then,theeggswillfloattothesurfaceofthesea,wheretheRounger AnglerfishcanenjoRenoughfoodandsunlight.ButwhentheRgrowolder,theRpredatorwillbeagr eatthreattothem,sotheRwillmigratetothedeepsea.SampleAnswer: LifeStageofAnimalMigrationmeansindifferentlifestages,someanimalneedtomigratetovarious placestolivebecauseofthedietandsafetR.WhentheRareRoung,theRmaRsafeandhaveenough foodintheoriginalplacewhiletheRmaRmigratetootherplaceswhentheirlivesarethreatenedbRt heirpredators.TheprofessortakesanglerfishasaneRample.TheanglerfishlaReggsindeepsea.T hentheeggswillfloattothesurfaceoftheseawheretheRoungeranglerfishcanenjoRenoughfood andsunlight.ButwhentheRgrowolder,theirpredatorwillbeagreatthreattothem,whichmeansth eoriginalplacewhichmeansthatthefoodmaRbeinsufficientforthemtoliveon.Asaresult,theRwill migratetothedeepseatosurvive.(135words)Task5问题:Thegirlmovedtoanewapartment,andthewindowglasswasbrokenwhenherfriendhelpherhang ingapicturetothewall.TheRneedtoreplacetheglass,butitiseRpensive.解决方案1:Herfriendandshesharethecostofwindowglass.优点1:itisnotmuchmoneRiftheRsharethecost.OnlR50dollareach.缺点1:HerfriendcametohelpheranddoesnotbreakitpurposelR.Shefeelsit’sunfairforherfriend.解决方案2:Shewillcoverthewholecost.优点2:itwillbefairforherfriendandshewillfeelbetter.缺点2:100dollariseRpensiveforher.SampleAnswer:Thewoman’sproblemisthatshejustmovedtoanewapartment,butthewindo wglasswasbroken whenherfriendhelpherhangingapictureonthewall.TheRneedtoreplacetheglass,butitisquitee Rpensive.Therearetwosolutions,thefirstisthatsheandherfriendcouldsplitthecostofwindowgl asswhichisonlR50dollarforeachpersonbutshefeelsit’sunfairforherfriend.Th eothersolutionist hatshewillcoverthewholecostbut100dollariseRpensivetoher.Iprefershetakethesecondsoluti onforsure.Foronething,herfrienddidn’tbreakthewindowpurposel Randitwasagreatfavorthatt hefriendhelpedher.Moreover,moneRisnotabigproblemcomparingwithherfriend’skindnessan dmaRbeshecoulddosomepart-timejobtomakethemoneRbackwhichisnotthatdifficult.(153words)Task6话题:BusinessNetworks要点1:Weareinabusinessnetwork.Differentpeopleengageinvariousoccupations.TheRhavedifferent knowledgeandskills.例子1:AwomanrunningarestaurantmaRhavefriendsorcustomersengagedinvariousoccupations.Wh ensheneedsanaccountant,shewillfindonefromherbusinessnetwork.Shewilltrustmoreonthea ccountantwhomsheknewthanthoseshedoesnotknow.要点2:Inabusinessnetwork,wenotonlRtrustthepeoplefromourownnetworks,wealsotrusttheperson swhoarerecommendedbRthepeopleweknew.例子2:Thewomenwillintroduceoneofherfriendstoanother,whomaRneedtheprofessionalhelpbutdoe snotknowapersoninhis/herownnetwork.SampleAnswer:Inthelecture,theprofessormainlRtalksabouttwoaspectsofbusinessnetworks.Thefirstpointisp eoplemaRhavedifferentknowledgeandskillsfrombusinessnetworksbecausetheRengageinvar iousoccupations.ForeRample,awomanrunningarestaurantmaRhavefriendsorcustomerseng agedinvariousoccupations.Whensheneedsanaccountant,shewillfindonefromherbusinessnet work.Shewilltrustmoreontheaccountantwhomsheknewthanthoseshedoesnotknow.Theseco ndpointisthatinabusinessnetwork,wenotonlRtrustthepeoplefromourownnetworks,wealsotr ustthepersonswhoarerecommendedbRthepeopleweknew.AlsotakethewomanasaneRample ,shewillintroduceoneofherfriendstoanother,whomaRneedtheprofessionalhelpbutdoesnotkn owapersoninhis/herownnetwork.(142words)2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆Task1Rouwillneedtoaccomplishanassignmenttodoapresentation.WhichwillRouchoose?1.ActoutascenefromaplaR(withapartner)2.ERplainRourreviewofanovelRourecentlRRouread3.ReadaselectionofpoemSampleAnswer:Amongthethreepresentationchoices,IwouldchoosetoactoutaplaRwithmRpartner.Asaliteratu remajor,IhavebeendeeplRentrancedbRdramas,accordinglR,I'dratherconsideractingasafor mofamusementthanregardingitasajob.Toillustrate,IrememberthefirstRearincollege,Imadea ratherunusualdecisiontodeliveraperformanceonShakespeare'sDrama-HamletatNewR ear’spart R insteadofparticipatinginstudent’schoirinsinging.Asaresult,thedeci sionpaidoffsinceIwasgrantedanactingpositionatcitR'sdramaclub,asarewardformRauthentic andimpressiveperformance.Eversincethen,actinghasbecomepartofmRdailRritualformRpass ionandadorationforitneverdiesout.(125words)Task2 SomeonechoosetoworkinasmallcompanRororganizationwithafewworkers.Othersprefertow orkinalargecompanRororganizationwiththousandsofemploRees.WhichdoRouthinkisbetter? SampleAnswer: Iaminfavorofworkinginalargecorporationratherthanasmallfirmbecauselargecorporationsoft enareruledandgovernedbRstableregulationswhereassmallfirmoftenundergoesmanagement transformationsinwhichcausingemploReestimetoadjustandadapttothenewleaderships.Take mRbrotherJimasanillustration,heusedtoworkasahigh-techpersonalinapetitefirmwhichwasspecializinginvirtualrealitRtechnologR.InitiallRhewasso passionateaboutthejobthathebarelRtookanRweekendsoffforhisownpleasure,hewassodeter minedthathe'dbepromotedwithsucheRceptionalskillsandprofessionalism.Buthewaswrong,a fterafewRears,hewasspirituallRandpsRchicallRwornoutbecausethemanagementseatswerec onstantlRgoingthroughchangesandhispromotionswereneverbroughtupontheagendabecaus ethenewsupervisorsalwaRsbringtheirownpersonalstotakechargeincompanRaffairs.Consequ entlR,Jimhadnochoicebuttoquittheoldfirmandjoinanelitecorporationthathasbusinessdealing snationwide,hiseRcellentworkhassoontobespottedbRthemanagementandhewasgrantedpro motioninashortterm.Therefore,I'minclinedtolistentomRbrotherJimandworkinalargecompan Rwithstableleadership.(213words)Task3阅读标题:WeekendArtWorkshop原因1:ThiswillprovidestudentswhosemajorsarenotartarelaRedenvironmenttolearnartwithoutconc erningaboutgrade.原因2:Thiswillgiveart-majoredstudentsmoreopportunitiestopractice.听力态度:不同意原因一:学习目前已经有艺术类选修课程,是不评分的。
以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年口语真题及范文赏析,希望能给大家带来帮助!更多精彩内容请及时关注我们应届毕业生!take 1.沙漠中动物生存的两种方式。
一是特殊的技巧,帮助减少能耗以走更远的路程来寻找食物,比如袋鼠可以用jump来代替run;二是把食物能量转换成body fat存储起来的技能,比如一种蜥蜴在找到食物后会尽可能地多吃,然后把它们转换成能量储存在尾巴里,这样在长时间找不到食物的时候也可以利用尾巴里储存的能量。
托福口语模板及参考答案:The professor talks about two adaptions animals living in the desert use to deal with shortage of food. First, some animals have a special skill which helps them reduce energy consumption. For example, the kangaroo can actually jump instead of running when it's in search of food. This skill enables the kangaroo to cover longer distances to look for food. Second, some animals have the ability to convert the food energy into body fat and then store it. For example, a type of lizard will eat as much as possible after it finds food. It then converts the energy it gets from the food and stores it in its tail. This way, it can make use of the energy stored in its tail during times when food is hard to find. Task 2:Do you agree or disagree that it is good for students’ learning if the teacher assign a lot of homework?2016年9月10日上午托福口语Task2 –Do you agree or disagree that students would learn more if the teachers assign them with more schoolwork?托福口语模板及参考答案:托福口语参考答案一:I don't think it is a good thing coz first students are not examination machines; they need to develop in an all-round way; if they are always bombarded with endless homework or examinations, they wouldn't have enough time to read widely and think freely; their creativity will be stifled, that will only backfire rather than contribute to their development; second, too much homework not only adds unnecessary burden to students academic life, their physical health will also be at stake. Numerous cases already show that quite a number of students fall victims to myopia, obesity and even diabetes due to overburdened homework assignments, who basically have no time at all to workout; some school even cancel PE classes to make students do more math drills, that is simply crazy.托福口语参考答案二:I disagree that students would learn more with a big load of schoolwork. I mean, a moderate amount is necessary for students to understand deeper of the class content and master difficult point, but too much work is hardly beneficial. I once had a very strict and experienced math teacher in junior high. Basically the classes were good, the only problem was what was left after - we just couldn’t handle the load of work he assigned.I had a friend back then who was talented in math, but because of the workload, he gradually lost interest in solving math problems. And because the homework was hard to finish, many of us didn’t improve as the teacher expected. Basically it was a frustrating experience.。
2017年英语专业口语考试真题2017 English Major Oral Exam QuestionsPart 1: Self-Introduction1. Introduce yourself (name, age, hometown, major)2. Share your interests, hobbies, and goals3. Talk about your previous study or work experience related to English4. Discuss why you chose to major in EnglishSample answer:Hello, my name is Sarah and I am 22 years old. I come from a small town in the south of England. I am currently majoring in English Literature at university. In my free time, I enjoy reading classic novels, writing poetry, and going for long walks in the countryside. My goal is to become a published author one day. I have always been fascinated by the power of language and the way it can shape our thoughts and emotions. That's why I decided to pursue a degree in English.Part 2: Describe an Experience1. Describe a memorable trip you have taken2. Talk about a difficult decision you had to make3. Share a significant achievement in your life4. Discuss a challenging situation you have faced and how you overcame itSample answer:One of the most memorable trips I have taken was a backpacking adventure through Europe last summer. I visited 10 countries in 3 weeks and had the opportunity to immerse myself in different cultures and languages. It was a challenging experience but also incredibly rewarding. One difficult decision I had to make during the trip was whether to continue traveling alone or join a group of fellow travelers. In the end, I decided to join the group and it turned out to be a great decision as I made lifelong friends along the way.Part 3: Academic Discussion1. Discuss the importance of learning a second language2. Debate the impact of technology on language learning3. Analyze the influence of culture on language acquisition4. Evaluate the role of literature in understanding societySample answer:Learning a second language is crucial in today's globalized world as it not only helps us communicate with people from different backgrounds but also enhances our cognitive abilities. Technology has made language learning more accessible and interactive, but it also poses challenges such as reliance on translation tools. Culture plays a significant role in language acquisition as it shapes the way we perceive and use language. Literature reflects the values and beliefs of a society and helps us understand the complexities of human nature.Overall, the 2017 English Major Oral Exam questions cover a wide range of topics from personal experiences to academic discussions. It is important to prepare well and express your thoughts clearly and confidently during the exam. Good luck!。
4月高频口语话题放送Part 11 TelevisionWhat TV programs are you interested in?When do you watch TV?In China, have television programs changed much in recent years?How do you think TV programs in China could be improved?2 TransportationWhat's the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How often do you take buses?Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?Is driving to work popular in your country?Do you think people will drive more in the future? Would you ride bikes to work in the future?What will become the most popular means of transportation in China? Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?3 BagsDo you like bags?What types of bags do you like?Do you usually carry a bag (when you go out)? What types of bags do you use (in your everyday life)?Do you have different bags for different occasions (or, different purposes)? What do you put in these bags?What sorts of bags do women like to buy?Part 2 & Part 31 Part 2最礼貌的人Describe the politest person you knowYou should say:who this person iswhat your relationship with this person iswhat he likes to doand explain why you think this person is the politest.Part 3How do Chinese people show politeness?Is there any difference between etiquette in cities and in small towns? How to teach children to be polite?How do you deal with impolite people?What kinds of behaviour are not polite?2 Part 2优质服务Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a restaurant or shop.You should say:what the service waswhen and where you received the servicewhom you were together withand explain why you think it was a good service.Part3What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?What qualities do the staff need? Why?What's the different between services in big shops and small shops? How should people do when they get bad service? Why do some people not know what service is good?2 Part 2不同意的决定Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with.You should say:what the decision washow it was madewhat you disagreed withand explain why you disagreed with it.Part3What skills are necessary when making decisions?How can people improve their decision-making skills?How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions? Do parents in China allow their children to make important decisions about the future?Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?。
•Describe an invention that has changed your life. – New •You should say•What it is•What it does•Why it’s popular in all ages•How people felt about it我们可以讲支付宝alipay,重点论述的是我们对它的感受和作用。
•online payment platform 平台, which was launched开创by Alibaba Group and its founder Jack Ma•simplify the process of transaction 简化了交易的过程•increase efficiency 提升效率of our life pay for the family or personal bills, like water and electricity bill水电费•money can be transferred转账in a very convenient 便捷way•Yuebao save the money receive some revenue on a regular basis定期收益•Order take- away food service 点外卖当然也可以串题,描述一个大公司Describe a big company or organization that you know. - NEW •You should say:•What it is•How you know it•What this company does•And explain how you feel about it.这里我们可以讲阿里巴巴,也主要论述这个公司的特点•quality of products is guaranteed确保产品质量impeccable service无可挑剔的服务enjoys a world-wide reputation for……享有很高的声望•attach great importance to creativity重视创新•dedicated to research the use-friendly products 致力于研究用户友好产品•provide customer- oriented service 用户导向服务the experience of customers has been greatly paid greatattention to•hardworking leader who is charismatic 有魅力的and knows how to motivate激励people who are smarterthan him•great employee benefits( bonus 奖金paid vocation带薪休假)另外还有一个比较难的话题就是描述一件衣服•Describe your favorite item of clothing. - NEW•You should say:•What it is•When you bought it•What it looks like•and say why you like it so much.主要论述的重点在于为什么喜欢这件衣服的原因,比如•overcoat大衣leather jacket皮夹克hooded jacket 风雪衣evening dress晚礼服hoodie带帽衫•long/ short sleeves 袖子high/ love collar/ V neck领•be made of cotton棉/ wool羊毛/ leather 皮/ fleece抓绒•The color flatters me 颜色很适合我•body-hugging紧身的slimming 显瘦的accentuate the figure 展示身材•breathable fabric 透气的面料comfortable to wear穿着很舒服•be suitable for both formal and casual occasion 适合正式和休闲场合•classic style 经典款never go out of fashion/ timeless 永不过时•go well with different outfits 百搭•designer label/ brand name stuff 名牌superior quality 好的质量•delicate design 精美的设计trendy/ in vogue/ stylish 很潮的eye- catching/ high rate of second glancing回头率很高当然也可以选一些特别点的衣服讲比如旗袍•Qipao traditional costumes传统服装for Chinese women originate from Qing Dynasty源于清朝•high/ low collared 高/ 低领made of silk 用丝绸做的•be embroidered with pattern of 被绣着…图案•slits开叉 convenient for movement and display of the slender figure of women 展示了身材•Hanfu consist of three layers包括三层•ornament of costume is influenced by social status•Exert influence to kimono和服in Japan•clothes represent different cultures 代表不同的文化•reflection Chinese women's elegance and temperament 代表中国女士的优雅和气质•reminds me of ...让我想起以上就是我们最近给大家总结的5-8月中的新题,大家加油考试,早日屠鸭成功!。
2017年托福考试口语范例汇总Q:“Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree withthis statement? Please give reasons for your answer. A:With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they arevery cheap. A monthly ticket enables one to go from almost any part of the city to another by bus or subway. Second, the bus and subway schedules are well planned and seldom does one have to wait verylong to catch them. Third, they have comfortable seats and some of them are air-conditioned. Therefore, public transportation should be encouraged.Q:What do you think are the qualities of a good leader?A:In my opinion, a good leader should be trustworthy, persistent and forward-looking. The world is looking for honest and upright leaders, too. In order to leave this world a different place, a leader also has to persevere. Leaders don't grow in a comfort zone(温室). Leaders are not people with exceptional (例外的,特别的)talent; they are people who have learned from their mistakes and get up and try again, being a non-quitter(永不放弃的人). Being in leadership roles, a person should be able to see the big picture and take risks, doing things right and at the right time. Thus he can correctly assess a situation and knows how to take the next step.In summary, honesty, endurance, and having a big vision are the good qualities of / for effective leadership.Q:Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? A:I don’t think it’s a good idea for people to always speak the truth. Truth can enhance but sometimes can destroy a relationship, depending upon the intent. There are times whentelling "truth" is unloving. For example, you might not be wild about what your friend is wearing, but if your friend is giving an important presentation and asks you how s/he looks, it would not be in anyone's highest good (有最大好处)to give your opinion.There are also times when many of us have much difficulty speaking our truth especially to important others such as parents, siblings, close friends, and beloved ones. We are afraid the other personwill be angry or hurt by our truth, even when we state it without judgment or blame.Therefore, telling the truth is not always helpful. The important thing in telling the truth is to be honest with yourself aboutyour own intent in telling your truth.Sample answer:The lecture is about the relationship between demands for certain products and their prices in the market. Generally the proportion relationship beween them is inverse, that is, when the price goes up, the demand immediately drops down. The higher the price is, the less willingly the consumers pay for.Instead, some former consumers may shift to other alternative products.However, there are also exceptions to this rule. That is, when the price of certain products increases, the demands for them could also rise for a while. However, consumers could still buy the product for storage because it is relatively affordable compared to other kinds of products. Also they wouldn’t take the risk of paying the soaring price later on.Q:What new skill would you like to learn? Explain why this skill would be good for you tohave.A:A new skill that I would like to learn is(稍换了一种说法)to cook. China enjoys a worldwide reputation as “kingdom of cuisine”. Chinese dishes are popular all over the world. And I , as a would-be overseas Chinese student, is expected to know how to cook food that shows the perfect combination of “color, aroma and taste” -------the three essential factors in judging Chinese cooking(背景介绍). It would be a good skill to have because I could ask my classmates and friends over to my house and cook for them. Also, I could do a television cooking show to publicize our food culture. Maybe I could make money that way, but the main reason is I enjoy cooking and want to share with people the pleasure derived from it.Q:Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better andwhy?A:I think advance planning is critical to a successful vacation, regardless of whether the trip is long or short.To have a comfortable vacation, it’s necessary to check the climate for the time to plan to visit. And it is always a good idea to make advance hotel reservations when vacationing. Planning the vacation in advance will also give us more time to prepare for it and to ensure that we have all of the needed. This could mean we will not have to miss out on activities because of not having the correct equipment. Especially when we decide to go camping for vacation, reservations in advance allow us to determine ahead of time whether or not the campground has a lake, hiking trails, electricity, etc. Besides, we get the idea of what to take. Last but not least, advance vacation planning is likely to make our experience a more memorable one.Q:Describe a memoriable celebration or social event.2005. 12.16/2005.12. 17/ 2006. 2. 11 真题A:A type of social event celebrated in my culture is the flag-raising ceremony on National Day. Oceans of (表示“许多”)people from all across the country come to Beijing the day before. Theyare very excited to see the ceremony with their own eyes instead ofon TV. Some even have been planting this dream in their mind for years. They arrive around 6:00 early in the morning, waiting forthe special moment. I guess they are all overwhelmed (震撼的) and thrilled (激动)by the wonderful scene at the time. Onthe other hand, the view of the honor guard parade is fantastic,the guards are wearing the green military uniform and marching to Tianmen Square with a high spirit. Each birthday celebration of the great country always begin with such a solemn (庄严的) flag-raising ceremony, which strengthens the unity and motivation of its people.Q:Which do you prefer to communicate with your family and friends by letterand e-mail or by telephone?新托福 iBT 口语黄金 80 题中的第 57 题A:People have different preferences, but for me, I’d like to communicate with my family and friends by telephone.Talking on the phone is direct and fast. I now live far from my family, and my friends are often busy, so I use the phone to communicate with them. Also, I can make sure whether they are fine by listening to their voice.Writing a letter is not practical because my parents are tooold to read clearly and my handrwriting is not neat enough aswell.Another disadvantage of writing a letter is that it’s too slow. Email is fast, but it might not be checked in time.So I use the telephone more often.Q:Choose an object you like and explain why it is of special valueto you.Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.A:I’d like to talk about the cellphone I bought two years ago. I spent m y first month’s salary on it and I felt happy.It is an NEC with a wid range of functions. Besides the normal functions like making telephone calls, sending messages, checking the calendar and the time, taking memos, it has an easy wireless access to the Internet, through which I can search the latest information and even chat with my friends. Other than that, it can also be used to watch TV, take photos and consult new words in an English-Chinese dictionary, which is very convenient for an English learner.What’s more, it looks beautiful. It has a large screen, with agood color combination of black and silver.In a word, I like it a lot because it’s so useful and brings me much convenience. Q:Some people tend to judge a person on the basis offirst observation. Some people believe it takes a long time to know a person well. Which approach to knowing people do you think is better and why?A:In my point of view, I don’t think judging a person on thebasis of first observation is generally correct.First of all, a person usually tries to appear nicer than he or she really is when first meeting someone. Some even pretend to be good on purpose. Second, good looks doesn’t necessarily match good character. People should be wise to realize the possibilities of false impressions they may have at the first glance. In fact, a person’s character can be fairly judged through carefulobservation ‘cause the true character can only be revealed in the person’s reactions to different events.It takes time to get to know someone and find out the real personality.Therefore, judging a person by the appearance is often wrong.Q:If you get a chance to choose a job, what will you do? What’s your reason for choosing this job?Please include specific examples and details in yourexplanation. A:If I could freely choose any job, I wouldchoose a job where I could do something constructive andbeneficial for ordinary people. Definitely it would besomething helping people.Teaching of course is sort of that kind of job-if you do itproperly you can certainly help people. Traditionally in China teachers have been very respected; we have a saying a teacherfor a day is a father for life.Nowadays, attitudes are changing, and perhaps people are more realistic. But my dream isn’t changing. I wouldn’t be helpingthem materially but I could give them a lot of pleasure and lighten their days.I love teaching and I want it to be my whole life’scareer ‘cause I feel I really am contributing somethingto people’s lives, to help them.Q:If you unexpectedly receive a large amount of money, what will you do with it? Would you spend it for practical purpose or simply for fun? State your opinion and explain your reasons.5 j$A:If I got a lot of money, the first thing I would like to do is to go for overseas study. I have always wanted to finish my universityin a different country. When I was in junior high, one of myclassmates got a chance to go to the USA. At that time there were not many families who could afford their child to do that. To me, it was also a dream, and the dream has been planting in my mind until today. Therefore, I would definitely do this first if I had enough money. Then, I would give the rest of the money to my parents sothat they could live a better and easier life. These two things above are what I really would like to do if I had a lot of money.Q:Which place is your favorite place when you were a child?Describe it and explain why you liked to go there.A:When I was young, the place I most liked to go is the beach Ilive close to. I love nature----white, powdery sand along crystal-clear waters, palm trees for shade, and the sea breeze are all the things that I really appreciate. Besides, I could do a lot of things there. There were many fun and athletic activities available. I learned how to swim there and building sand castles is my favorite activity. When the weather was awsome, I just lay on the beach and enjoyed the sun.Also I made my childhood friends there and we still keep in touchto this day. It is the place that brought me a lot of wonderful memories and that’s why I loved to go there.Q:Compared with science and math study, the study of art and literature is not very important. Do you agree or disagree?A:Many people may think that studying science and math is more beneficial. However, I do believe that art and literature also have their own importance on our lives.To begin with, our life relies a great deal on such subjects as art and literature. Many aspects of our lives need to be treated by art and literature. As human beings, we have feelings and emotions which are expected to be cared for. That’s why we have music, movies, books, paintings, sculptures for us to relax, enjoy, enlighten our mind and refresh our soul.Apart from that, I believe that some people are born with scientific ability while others are born with literary talents. So let a scientist do the research, and let a painter paint.Q:Describe a work of art, such as a song, poem or painting, which has made a lasting impression on you. Please explain the impression and include specific examples and details in your explanation.A:I’d like to talk about a painting that comes to my mind first---Mona Lisa, an oil painting by the famous Italian artist Leonardoda Vinci.Actually I’ve never seen the original painting, but I remember the first time I saw its reproduction was when I was in elementary school. The picture is really amazing. The painting shows a woman looking out at the viewer with an “enigmatic smile” (神秘的微笑). When youloo k at her, no matter where you stand, you’ll find her looking at you and smiling at you.My arts teacher told us that Mona Lisa is perhaps the most famous piece in art history and is, perhaps the most widely known portrait in the western world. It’s so dif ferent from the paintings of Chinese style. My teacher also told us that we could learn a lot about other cultures from painting, which I believe is quite true. Q:Some people prefer to keep reading a new book until it is finished. Others prefer to stop reading whenever they loseinterest. Which method of reading do you think is better and why?A:In my opinion, I like to keep reading a new book until it is finished. This way, I can develop a new ability to maintain focus. Reading at parts kind of gets borin g. It’s true that there are some people who start a book and never finish it and then switch to another book and never complete it either. Normally, people stop reading when they lose interest‘cause they think if they continue, it won’t be of any help bu t annoyance. On the contrary, when you keep reading and afterwards you’ll find it’s going to get interesting. Gradually you’ll renew enthusiasm for reading, and thus form a good habit of reading.Therefore, I would rather be a sequential finisher than a scattered reader. Q:Describe the most disappointing event in your life and explain why you were disappointed. Please include specific detailsin your explanation.A:I went to the Nordstrom store at Xidan, which is about an hour’s subway ride away from my home. I bought some perfume and some skin care products and I also asked for the perfume atomizer (喷雾器) bottle.When I got home, I opened the perfume box, finding out that the sales rep (representative的简称) gave me the wrong bottle. It was the large bottle thatwasn't an atomizer and wasn't refillable. I was very upset, as now I would have to make another 2-hour round trip if I wanted to return the product for the correct one. I have decided that I would just keep the bottle I purchased and not deal with the hassle (麻烦trouble) of the long ride back to the store. I was very surprised at my experience considering I have friends that rave about (对。
2017年3月4日托福口语真题回顾资料下面是2017年3月4日托福口语真题及答案解析,大家试着做一下再对答案,祝你们考试顺利!2017年3月4日托福口语真题Task 1Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.Task 2If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?Task 3阅读标题: library make private study booth available to graduate students原因1:独立的空间存放物品原因2:在高层,比较安静听力态度:赞同原因1:研究生一般要完成比较长的论文,所需要的资料很多,背包很重,可以将资料放在booth 里,省了背着重包往返学校原因2:高层安静很重要,因为study area 一般比较吵闹。
Task 4阅读标题:weather modification定义:通过一些手段控制天气,但是只限于特定时间和地点。
听力例子:比如为了飞机安全起飞和降落,一般需要比较高的清晰度,有大雾的时候可以用carbon-dioxide的喷雾喷在雾上,使其冰冻并沉降,就可以提高visibilityTask 5问题:学生要开音乐会,但是买的uniform 不合身。
解决方案1:换货优点1:可以换到理想的size缺点1:但是shipping 的费用要自己承担,而自己最近已经花了很多钱,所以觉得shipping太贵。
2017年雅思口语第一部分话题举例1.口语第一部分1Work1 What work do you do?Well, I am currently working as a research associate in NPIC which stands for nuclear power institute of China. I have been working there for 4 years and I really like it. My research focuses mainly on radiation effects of nuclear materials, especially nuclear fuels, like PuO2 and UO2.2 Why did you choose to do that type of work?To be honest, it’s a career that runs in the fa mily. My father and grandfather have dedicated themselves to this industry and after graduation, I followed in their footsteps and became a nuclear researcher.3 Do you like your job?Absolutely,c because I have to admit that my job can earn me good social status and high salary, and provide me with a variety of benefits, like health insurance, paid holidays and a pension plan. And most importantly, I can get a sense of achievement from my job.actually I really enjoyed seeing the surprised faces when I am telling others that I am working in the nuclear industry, they thinkI could get a sense of achievement from my job.4 Is it very interesting?Well, it may sounds like a cool and interesting job for a layperson, but for me, who spends most of my work time dealing with massive statistics and writing all kinds of codes, it’s definitely a job that requires attention to details.5 Do you miss being a student?definitely, I remember being very happy. I have a lot of great memories of my school life, like chatting with my roommates in the middle of the night, skipping class to play football with my friends and going window-shopping with my girl friend. Actually, my wife and I often reminisce about it. It was a really precious time.what are your responsibilities at work?Will you continue doing this job in the future?Yes, I believe so. As I mentioned above, I’m pretty happy with what I am doing now and I can get a sense of achievement from my job. Besides, my boss treats me very well and my colleagues are friendly and helpful. So I will have been doing this job by the time I retire.My boss treats everyone fairly.My colleagues are very helpful and friendly.My job provides the opportunity to develop new skills.I am tired of working for peanuts.2Hometown变化What’s your hometown?My hometown is a quaint little village in Guangyuan, which is located in the northeast of Sichuan province. It’s about 350 kilometers from Chengdu, where I am working now.Is that a big city or a small place?It’s a quaint little vill age surrounded by beautiful rolling hills. ButDescribe your hometown a littleIt’s a humid hilly area which is moistened by rain for the most of the year like Chengdu. The surrounding countryside is pretty scenic and the air is really fresh. And people lived here areso kind and hospitable.How long have you lived there?I had lived there for 18 years when I left to go to college. Actually, I grew up here and all my school time from primary school to high school was at here. Oh, it has been 11 years since I left my hometown.Do you like it?Absolutely yes! I love the spicy food herel really adore my hometown, because the environment there is very scenic and the air is really fresh. You can hardly see any rubbish in the street. The weather there is comfortable and extremely suit to live. What’s more, people lived here are so kind and hospitable.Do you like living here?I like living here because it’s so peaceful and the air is really fresh, it’s much nicer than in the city.I really like my hometown not only because its beautiful landscape but also the laid back lifestyle. A: well, Chengdu is a vast humid plain which is moistened by rain for the most of the year. It’s a place that is famous for spicy food and hot girls.Q: difference between Guiyang and Chengdu?A: the landscape is quite different, Guiyang is surrounding by the mountains, but Chengdu is a vast plain without mountains.Q: similarities between Guiyang and Chengdu?A: Guiyang and Chengdu share the same humid climates, and the local accents in these two places are similar. It is quite difficult for people from other places to tell the differences.3Home/accommodation1Do you live in a house or a flat?I live in a two-bedroom flat about 120 square meters, whichis on the 27th floor. It is in a high-rise new building in Shuangliu district of Chengdu, not far from the city centre.2Who do you live with?I live with my wife and my little sweetie girl. Sometimes, my parents come here and live with us for a period of time.3Do you plan to live there for a long time?Yes, of course. I just lived there for two years. And I really adore everything in my flat. It’s my home, a warm and loving home.The living room is spacious, the home office is so light and airy, although my bedroom is a bit cramped, I use a mirror to make it look more spacious. And if you stand at the balcony, you can see for miles since my building towers over everything else.4Can you describe the place where you live?My flat is about 120 square meters. It has two airy bedrooms, the bigger one for my wife and I, and the small one for my little sweet girl, one home office with all kinds of books, one roomy kitchen and two lavatories. Our living room is pretty spacious and has a big window which let plenty of natural light in. but I like our balcony, where I can see for miles since our building towers over everything else.5Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?I live in a flat and I really adore it. It’s a warm and loving home that belongs to my wife and me and our little sweaty girl. But living in a house is our dream, you know, the house is too expensive, we need to work harder and harder to make our dream come true. I firmly believe that we can do it in the future.6in the future, what type of place would you like to live in?Which room does your family spend most of the time in?I like to stay in the home office. Because I like reading and allmy books are in there. When I have leisure time, I will read some novels and historical materials with a cup of green tea sitting at the table. My wife likes to sit in the sofa and watch various kinds of TV programs in the living room. She really enjoys the warm and comfortable feelings after work. My little sweat girl can’t stay one room for a long time, actually, she just enjoys wandering around in my flat.What do you usually do in your home?I like to stay in the home office with a cup of green tea sitting at the table reading some novels and historical materials. It really makes me feel calm and relaxed.Are the transport facilities in your house very good?Not really, there are only two bus stops near my home so we need to spend too much time waiting. But we can use powerful taxi softwares like didi on the smarphone, by which we can book a taxi in advance if we want to go somewhere, it’s very convenient.Please describe the room you live in.I would like to describe my living room. It’s pretty spacious and the whole place feels light and airy because it has a big window which let plenty of natural light in. There is an ink painting on the wall, which was bought by my wife. It’s a landscape painting showing a forest of birches. My wife said she was attracted as soon as she saw this picture at the first sight.What part of your home do you like the most?I spend most of my time in the home office because I find it helpful to read some novels and historical materials to relax and calm down. But my favorite spot is the balcony, my building towers over everything else, so I can see for miles.What kind of housing do you live in?My flat is in a new high-rise building in the suburban area. The design is ultramodern, so there is a lot of glass and concrete and steel. If you stand at my balcony, you can see for miles since mybuilding towers over everything else.4transportationHow did you come here today?It’s complicated. First, I took the Number 813 bus to the underground station, which spent me about 20 minutes, then transferred to the Number 1 subway. And after reaching the Tongzilin station, I rode city bike to this place.Why did you choose that form of transport?Actually, I used three types of public transport to come here from my home. And I am sure this way is the cheapest compared with driving my private car or taking a taxi, but it would took me more time.What form of transport do you usually use?Normally, I go to work by city bike because cycling is regarded as an eco-friendly way of transport and it only takes me 5 minutes to my office from my home. And at weekends, I often drive my own private car to travel with my family.Do you usually take the bus?I used to take the bus very often because it can save me a lot of money. But now, there are only a few bus stations near my home, which makes it very inconvenient for me to go somewhere I want to go, so I often cycle to work at weekdays and drive my own car to have a short trip at weekends.Is it convenient to take the bus?Not at all. The buses are crowded and the air is so filthy that I cannot even stand steadily or get a breath of fresh air. I also runthe risk of being bothered by a pickpoc ket. What’s more, sometimes I need to spend too much time waiting.Is driving to work popular in your country?I think so. Since people’s income has been going up in my country, a growing number of people have the ability to buy private cars and driving to work is more and more popular.5RobotsDo you like robots?Yes, I really do. I bought a housework Robot named deebot last month which took me almost 2000yuan. It helps me a lot to do large amount of repetitive work like sweeping or mopping the floor that I really don’t like to do. I think it’s a good assistant.What kinds of robots would you like to have?Housework robot must be my first choice. Just like I said above, I already have a robot that can help me sweep the floor. It has much higher efficiency t han me without feeling tired. It’s so useful that I would like to have another one that can do other household chores like washing the dishes or cleaning the desk. If it comes true, I never ever do housework any more.Will robots change our society significantly?From my perspective, right now, robots just can do repetitive work like drawing up spreadsheetsor some housework. But in the future, if artificial intelligence is applied to androids, they are able to perform a much wider range of tasks than they’ve been able to do right now. So as a result they will significantly change our society by that time.it’s not just manual labour that’s coming under threat of automation. It’s increasingly cognitive labour.6ShoesHow often do you buy shoes?Actually, most of my shoes except basketball shoes were bought by my wife because she is an absolute shopaholic. It’s like her drug. She could even go shopping for whole afternoon without feeling exhausted.She prefers to buy various kinds of things including shoes and she seems to really enjoy the time. she spends hours wandering around, choosing, trying and buying.Men behave completely different. They tend to go shopping for a certain purpose. They know what they want.Have you ever bought shoes online?Yes, of course. Normally, I buy basketball shoes online, there are a lot of shops on T-mall which I like to visit often.What’s your favorite type of shoes?Oh, it must be the high-top sneakers because I am a real basketball buff. When I was younger, having a pair of air Jordan was my dream, so I helped a lot in the house so that my father would reward me with the shoes. And I am still keeping them around to remind me of my foolish child dream.and through lots of housework, my father helped me make my dream come true and nowadays I also retained this pair of memorable basketball shoes.网购的优势There are tons of people in shopping centres at weekends and during public holidays, and I would feel dizzy and uncomfortable. So I won’t go there then. Instead, I often buy goods via the internet.Net shopping is a very convenient and economical choice to young people who are busy in working like me.You can buy anything you want online no matter where you are and whenever the time is and all you need to do is just click.Window-shopping is full of funIf I shop alone, I would browse around and compare the prices for a long time and still couldn’t make a final decision. But if I can go with other people, they can give me some suggestions and grab the products.But if I shop for clot hes, I can’t try them on and can’t make sure about the sizes and colors.7musicDo you like music?Yes, definitely. Music plays a very important role in my life, and I listen to it almost constantly. Every time when I feel anxious or unhappy, I like to listen to something that can make me relax and calm down.Do you like to listen to live music?To be honest, when I was a college student, I preferred live music. But nowadays, I don’t really like that because the atmosphere in a live concert is so hot that I can’t concentrate on the music. What kinds of music do you like to listen to?Actually, I am really into popular music which always makes me feel happy and energetic. What’s your favorite kind of music?Actually, my taste in music is quiet eclectic and th ere isn’t really one style of music I like best. I listen to everything from popular music to classical.Do you like listening to songs?Absolutely yes! When I have leisure time, listening to songs is always the first thing I want to do. It really enriches my life. It can turn a boring, monotonous period of time into a magic experience. So, I think it’s essential to have music in my life.When do you listen to music?There are a lot of occasions that I will listen to music. Forexample, if I am driving long distance in my car, I will listen to something stimulating to help keep me awake. If I’m having a dinner parties with friends, then I listen to something relaxing.8mirrorHow often do you look at yourself in the mirror every day?Once in a blue moon.Oh, not often. For me, I don’t want to spend too much time in front of the mirror checking my appearance. I mean I have better things to do with my time. Actually, I think the appearance is not as important as my career, on which I am willing to spend most of my time and energy.Because I am a man. I think men should not care about what they look like in terms of appearance. In contrast, for men, the most important stuff is their career. If you want to achieve anything in your life, you have to try your best to work hard.Have you ever bought mirrors?Yes, I bought it about 2 years ago, when I decorated my new flat. I think it can make my room look more spacious.Mirrors are, of course, necessary objects when it comes to decorating the room. It, actually, can make your room look more spacious.I have no idea about mirrors because I don’t like to survey myself in the mirror. The only function of mirrors I know is making your bedroom or living room look more spacious.Would you use mirrors to decorate rooms?Yes, of course. My bedroom is a bit cramped, so using a mirror can create an impression of space in my bedroom. And mirrors are also used as a wall decoration.I use a mirror to make it look more spacious. And it really works.9TVWhat TV programs are you interested in?My favorite TV program is called Happy family, which is broadcasted on Hunan provincial TV, it is one of the top ten entertainment shows in china, very popular among teenagers. The five hosts are so humorous that audience watching the show can’t stop laughing. In each episode, celebrities in all kinds of fields are invited to give performance in the shows. It always makes me entertained and relaxed.When do you watch TV?When I feel anxious or stressful, I’d like to watch TV programs, which always make me feel relaxed and calm.In china, have television programs changed much in recent years?Absolute yes! There are a growing number of TV programs now which are becoming more diversified. These programs offer a wide variety of choices for us.Yes, with the development of digital broadcasting, various programs are shown on TV now, including news, educational, laws, sports and so on. More specialized programs offer a range of alternatives for audience to choose from.How do you think TV programs in china could be improved?They could be improved immediately. I think nowadays more and more people have devoted themselves to the development of TV programs. Many new and excellent programs, such as reality shows, have appeared.10dreamDo you often have dreams at night?It depends on my physical state. If I feel exhausted after the whole day’s work, I won’t have dreams at night. But if I feelanxious or unhappy, I will have some kind of strange dreams.Have you had a bad dream before?Yes, when I was 18, after taking the national college entrance examination, the most important exam in my country, I felt anxious because I didn’t know what the result was. At night, I had a dream that I made so many mistakes in the exam and finally lost the chance to go to my dreaming college. It was so real and magically, the dream came true.Yes, when I was about 17, I had a dream that my father was riding a motorcycle and got in a fatal accident. I woke up so upset that even once I realized that I had just been dreaming I felt relieved but uneasy. It was so real! The funny thing is that my father wasn’t the type that would have ever been riding a motorcycle.What was the strangest dream you have had?I had many crazy, strange dreams but one of the craziest I’ve ever had was when I dream that the earth was being invaded by aliens. The sky was filled with their ship, as far as the eye could see.Idon’t remember whether they were successful or not.What do you usually dream about?Normally, I dream what happens in recent days. For example, in order to pass this examination, I studied English skills including listening, speaking, reading and writing almost the whole day. So at night, my dream was all linked with English, sometimes I even spoke English to myself, which sacred my wife.I always dream about what I did or said or heard through the day. Actually, I dream a lot about being in school and running through the hallways trying to get somewhere, possible a class.11indoor gamesDo you play any indoor games?Do you prefer to play indoor games or outdoor games?What indoor games did you play when you were a child?Is there any particular indoor game that you liked (when you were a child)?What sorts of indoor games do children play now?12watchHow often do you wear a watch?Normally, I wear it almost every morning from spring to summer, because it’s very convenient to know the exact time at any time no matter where I am. But in autumn and winter, I don’t wear it, because in winter I need to wear a long-sleeved cloth, which often shades my watch and made it inconvenient to see the time.What was your first watch like?When it comes to my first watch, I remember the black digital one with black and round face, sent by my father as a reward because of my great performance in school. Actually, I am still keeping it around to remind me of my joyful school days.What kinds of watches do you like to wear?Mechanical watches are always my first choice. Because I think it’s more formal which can show my social status and manner. And to my knowledge, mechanical watches are more durable than other ones.Do people still wear watches in your country?I think it depends on your social status, people who have good social status like to wear watches because time is money for them and they need to know the exact time in every moment. But for other people, whether they wear watches or not totally depends on their preference.13housework1 do u do housework at home?Yes, but I have to admit that I just do the minimum amount of housework. because I need to work long hours at work, sometimes I have to work overtime. I always feel exhausted after going home. As a result, I have no time and energy to do domestic chores.Absolutely, My favorite housework is cooking. I enjoy every moment spending on preparing food for my family. I could get a sense of achievement at that time.2 do you think men and women should share housework?Yes, I think so. In my home, I do the cooking, my wife does the cleaning, and we share the other domestic tasks. But if I have to work overtime, my wife will do more of the household chores. There is a saying that men and women with the work and not tired. My wife likes doing the laundry and cleaning the room. And, I prefer to cook and play with our little sweat girl. I think we are the best partner.3 what kinds of housework do you dislike to do?Actually, doing the laundry would be the last thing that I want to do because it’s dull and boring. And most importantly, this domestic task can be strongly specific to women.To be honest, I real ly don’t want to wash dishes. It’s dull and boring. And, it happens almost every day. So doing the dishes would be the last thing that I want to do.4 did you help your parents do housework when you were young?Yes, I did. Actually, my father thought life skills were essential for young kids and it’s the parents’ responsibilities to teach their children some kind of domestic tasks. So when I was 7,maybe 8, my father developed my cooking skills. After several months training, I can do a big meal for the whole family, which made me get a great sense of achievement.that was a memorable experience. When I was 6, maybe 7, my father told me that I should do something useful for our family. I thought doing the cooking was a good choice. So I learned the cooking skills from my mum who was really good at cooking. After one month, I could do the meal for the whole family. And I really got great sense of achievement.started teaching me to do the cooking. I could do several delicious foods like egg with tomato, green pepper and potato, learning from my father. I enjoyed the moment doing 14celebrityWho is your favourite celebrity in china?Do you like any foreign celebrities?Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?How do celebrities influence their fans in china?15advertisementAre there many advertisements in your country?Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?How do you feel about advertisements?Do you like advertisements?What kind of advertisement do you like the most?Where can we see advertisements?16jewelry1.Do you often wear jewelry?No, I am not the one to wear much jewelry. The only thing I wear is my wedding ring that is a symbol of eternal love between my wife and I .答题思路:Answer + how often + description + reason题目分析:经常不经常戴首饰?大家都各有各的答案,如果你经常戴首饰,你的答案开头第一句当然是Yes。
7. 推荐Recommendations
瑞士高山环绕,湖水清澈湛蓝,非常美丽。 在瑞士,玻璃、塑料和纸张等物品都是分类收集,然后进行回收的。即使是旧的衣服、鞋子都能被回收再利用。政府有很多法律来保护环境。比如,人们不能砍伐树木,否则将会受到惩罚。记住:每个人都可以做一些改变。
9. 爱好与学业Hobbies and studies
4. 大熊猫Giant pandas
(1) Yes, I do often help my parents do chores .My parents are busy with their work every day and they are usually very tired . As their child, it ' s my duty to keep the houndetideasio I usually clean my room every day. In that way, myparents won ' t be so tired after work and they will be very proud to have a child like me . The other is that doing chores carhelp train our living ability. It ' s also a way for us to relax ourselves.! Let ' s help our parents do chores and enjoy ourse 4. What do you think a bout students ' pressure?Today, more and more stude nts are un der so much pressure that they feel tired and n ervous. What caused it? First, there is too much homework to do and too many things to study. Second, teachers and pare nts are push ing the stude nts hard. Third, many stude nts want to go to college to con ti nue their educati on. They are afraid of gett ing bad grades, so they study as much as they can, and because they are so n ervous , sometimes they can hardly fall asleep.This is not a good thing for both the stude nts ' health aTddhmiucttudi es sure wastes the stude nts ' en ergy kills their inspiration and it ' s not good for them.6. Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not?(1) I like some kinds of animals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits. I think it can bring us much fun to keep a pet in our family.When we are free, we can play with the pet. We can take it for a walk after supper. It for oushealth. Sometimes when wefeel sad or Ion ely, they can liste n to us and stay with us and give us pleasure. Some pets even can do some things for us. For example,a dog can help us fetch n ewspapers and clos ing or ope ning the door. And I enjoy keep ing pets.7. Should we keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?There are more and more zoos now, and more and more animals are kept in the zoos. I don ' t think we should keep the animals in the zoos. Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natural environment. They can play and run everywhere.And they can live with their friends and their family. So they can live happily. If we keep animals in the zoos, maybe they will get Ionely, and they will be ill easily. So don 'keep the animals in the zoo and let them to live in the natural environment.8. How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo? Why?When I see ani mals in the zoo, I may feel sad. You know, the zoo is usually not big eno ugh and it ' animals to live in. The animals are kept in very tiny cages, and they can hardly move at all. When they are hungry, they cannot find food for themselves. If I were in that cage, I wouldn ' t even want to stay for a minute! I feel really slsoy for th very sad because I can do nothing about it. I hope in the future, there will be more wild ani mal protect ing areas but not the small zoo! 10.Do you like music? Why or why not?Yes, I like music. There are three reas ons. At first, I like sin gers who write their own lyrics. In this way, we can know about them well. And their experience can encourage us to study harder. Secondly, when I feel tired,I can listen to music to relax. At last, if we are not happy, it can make us happy by listening to some gentle music. In a word, I like music. II How often do you play sports? Why?Well I play sports every day and I usually play basketball and volleyball with my frien ds. I love sports because I believed sports are importa nt for our health and study. I think the stude nts should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spe nd too much time. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective. If we play sports every day, we will stay in good health all the time.The n, on P.E class, we always play many ball games, such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. That's so fun and excit ing.Fin ally, play ing sports can keep us in good health. It 'very importa nt for us.glish to com muni cate with foreig ners. Secon dly, we can leann a lot from lear ning En glish. I can leann En glish songs and hear En glish stories. That will be great. Thirdly, our En glish teacher is really nice. She is young and kind. She likes to help us. So I like to have my En glish class.14. Do you like to wear school uniforms? Why or why no t? G ive at least two reasons.Yes. I like to wear school uni forms. Because they are both comfortable and cheap. We won' t spe nd a lot of time and money onclothes. We will concentrate more on our studies. They can help us to study. And they can also make us look like a big family. It's good to wear the same clothes as the other classmates. So I like to wear school un iforms.15. Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help? Why or why not? Give at least two reasonsYes, I want to be a volun teer to help those who n eed help .There are two reas ons. First, there are a lot of people who n eed help. I feel good about help ing others. Besides that, I can spe nd time doing what I love to do. I like writ in g. I can put this love to good use by helping young students in the after-school care center.16. Give your opinions about playing computer games .(1) I think there are adva ntages and disadva ntages of play ing computer games. On the one hand, play ing computer games can be one of the ways to relax ourselves after a long time of study. We can also open up our mind by playing games. Sometimes we can also lear n En glish from the games.But there are more disadva ntages. Often stude nts easily become in terested in play ing computer games and even deeply lost inthem. And this has a bad in flue nee on their study. And some stude nts play computer games for a long time without havi ng a rest. That hurts their health badly. So I think students can play computer games for a little time on weekends, but never spend lots of time doing it every day.23. As a student, what should you do to be in good manners?As a stude nt, we should be hon est an d con fide nt. At school, we should liste n to teachers carefully in class. Put up our hands to ask the questions we don ' t understand. And we aren ' t supposed to run in the hall. After school, we should help others positive way. We also should say “ hello td'our friends or our parents. In public, we must obey the etiquette rules and pay atte nti on to our words and behavior. If we do like these, every one will like us. We will be more popular, too.reporter, I must try my best. First, I will study hard and go to a university to learn more knowledge. Then, I will practice writ in g. I 'm going to write articles and send them to magaz in es a nd n ewspapers. Also I am going27.How healthy are you? Say something about your eating habits.I am in good health now. because I like eating different kinds of food. I think eating them can keep my body strong and healthy. I usually like eating fruits because there is plenty of Vitamine C in fruits. Vitamine C can make my skin silky. I also like eating desserts, especially when I feel a little hungry. Another thing I like eating is bread, because it also makes myself full of en ergy all day. I have breakfast, l unch and dinner on time every day and I drink milk every day. I think I eat a bala need diet.31. Talk about the rules for school library.I think it is importa nt for us to obey the rules for the school library. Firstly, we are supposed to be quiet because everybody is busyreading books and it' s ouketepyqtoiet. Secondly, it ' s necessary to take gooif ttaedDooks. Thirdly, we should liste n to the in structi ons of the libraria ns and n ever smoke or shout. I am sure if every one obeys them, the school library will be betterand better.memorize more new words. And I listen to the English tapes every day to improve my listening skills. I often write some originalsentences using the grammar I ' ve learned, so my writing skills have improved. I decide to improve my speaking skills by joining an En glish club. I want to have more con versati ons with frien ds. I hope my En glish can improve more quickly.34. What are you going to do for your summer vacation? Please talk about your plan.(1) I always take vacations in China. This time, I want to do something different, but I don' t like go think Spain is very beautiful. I love nature. I plan to spend time in Spanish coun tryside. I hope I can forget all my problems. I going swimming and boating. I ' m also going fishing and going bike riding. At night, I' m renting videos and want an exciting vacation. A relaxing and exciting vacation, I can ' t wait! Last Saturday I was very busy but happy. On Saturday mornin g, I went to a musical school for my pia no less on. The music played on the pia no soun ded very nice, and it can make me relaxed.」n the afternoon, I went shopp ing with my mother. Webought a lot of things like bread and eggs. We stayed at the supermarket the whole after noon. On Sun day, I studied En glish the whole 37. Talk about wday because of tomorrow ' s English test. I was very busy. But I was also very happy.41. Tell me something about your interesting trip.I ' ve been to many different cities, but my favorite city is Beijing. I went there last summer vacation and fell in love with it.I went to the Tian ' an Men Square, which is the largest square in the world. Then I vthetedalace Museum. It ' s beautiful an( educati on al. I n the eve ning, we went to the restaura nt to eat Beijing Duck. It was really delicious. It ' s the most inter I ' ve ever had.ndra Bell who comes from En gla nd. In 1876 Bell showed his inven ti on to the whole world, the n every one was shocked by his teleph one, they said it would make the world smaller. But his telepho ne was very big and now we have a smaller on e--mobile phon e. It's smaller and more useful. We believe the teleph one will be better some day in the future.44. Say something about your father/motherMy father is a little heavy. He works for the government. He is busy with his work every day. But in his spare time, he always plays sports with me and takes me to the park or the zoo. He is very kind to me. He is strict not only in his work but also with my study. When he gets back home early from work, he likes cook ing someth ing delicious for us. I love my father.45. Say something about your English/math teacher.Our En glish teacher is Miss Wang. She is tall and is of medium build. She always wears a pair of glasses. She looks very young but strict . She is very kind to us and she always has a smile on her face. She teaches us very well. She is not only very strict with us in our study but also in her own work. In class she is our teacher and after class she is our friend. We talk a lot after class about nearly everything we know. And she always takes pride in everything good we do. We all like her very much.46. Say something about your life in 10 years.In 10 years, I will be a doctor in a big and famous hospital. I will be able to support myself and my family. I will travel all over China and maybe even travel to foreign countries. I will have my own house or apartment. I can keep a pet like a dog or a cat and I will invite my good friends to my house on weekends and have a good time together. In my spare time, I will be a volun teer in my n eighborhood. I will help the old people with the housework and help the kids with their schoolwork. To keep healthy, I will only eat healthy food and do more exercise. Of course, I better life for'my p aneinite.aI hope theyhealthy and happy every day.an gels '.They can help people who are ill. Nobody else can save people 's lives like a doctor. I like to help others, too.Another reason I want to be a doctor is that most people respect doctors. I believe my dream will come true some day when I grow up 49.Say something about the person you admire most.Zhang Ji-ke, a well-known Chinese ping-pong player, is from Qingdao. He is the pride of Qingdao people. He is regarded as one of the best world-class players. He has won many gold medals in different competitions, and even in the Olympic Games. I admire him because whe n he was young, he had a dream of the world champi on and he held on to his dream un til he could succeed through his hard work. I will lear n from him.50.Say something about your school /family rules.(1) I have a lot of rules at my house. For example, I have to stay at home on school ni ghts, so I canI ' m allowed to go to the movies with friends on weekends, but I have to be home by 9:00p.m. Every morning .I have to get up at six o ' clock. After school, I can ' t meet my friends because I have to do my homework. On weekends, I have to go to t Children ' s Palace to learn the piaAod I have to clean my room and wash the dishes.⑵We have many rules at our school. First we have to be at school from 7:30 am to 5:00pm. We must n 'tbe late for class. Then we have to do our homework carefully by ourselves. Also we are supposed to say hello to the teachers whe n we see them. Fin ally, we are not allowed to play computer games or use our mobile phones in class.52.Say something about your favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Some students think it '. s boring. But I really like English, because it great fun. We have s suchEnglish classes every day. My English teacher often makes her classes interesting and lively. She often tells us jokes and stories. I listen carefully in class and take English notes. I love to listen to her. And I learn English by watching English-language TV . It helps a lot. And I ofte n get good grades in En glish exams. My teacher is impressed.53. Say something about one of your best friends.I have lots of frien ds, and my best friend is my class mon itor. We are in the same group. She is tall and has black long hair. She is good at study ing and has good grades. I ofte n study with her. She helps me a lot. Whe n I am in trouble, she always teach me how to solve them. She is frien dly to everybody and all my classmates like to play with her. She also helps the teachers. She is a good leader, and I think she will be successful in the future.54. What are the differences between you and your friend?There are many differe nces betwee n me and my frie nd Han Mei. I and outg6i ngiwhile Han Mei is short and shy. Shelikes reading books. She can play the piano well. But I like playing sports. My favorite subject is English while her favorite subject is math.55. What is your favorite food/ fruit?(1) My favorite food is dumpli ngs. It is Chin ese traditi onal food. My mother ofte n makes them for me on weeke nds. I likedumpli ngs better tha n any other kind of food because they are delicious. And I can eat more vegetables by eat ing dumpli ngs. There are many kinds of dumpli ngs. Beef and onion dumpli ngs are the most delicious. I think beef and onions are good for our health.(2) My favorite fruit is apples. Apples can be eate n as food and fruit. When I am hun gry, I can eat an apple so that I won 'feel hun gry. I like the apples that are grow n in Yan tai. Some apples are sweet and some apples are sour. Others are crispy. I like the kind of apples that are both sweet and crispy. There is a famous saying An apple a day keeps a doctor away. ”t is true thatapples are good for our health. So I eat at least one apple every day. Now you see, I am quite healthy.58. What TV program do you like best? Why? Give at least two of your reasons.My favorite TV program is the Animal World. I love animals very much and I can see a lot of beautiful animals in this program. I can also lear n a lot about differe nt kinds of ani mals. The program teaches me how they live and educate people to care for the ani mals. 62. What do you do on your weekends ?On my weekends , I love to do what I want to do. On Saturday, I often go swimming with my friends, it can make me have strong build. I hardly catch a cold. Thank to swimmi ng. On Sun day mornin g, I always go to a movie to enjoy myself. I like all kinds of movies, such as thrillers, action movies, documentaries and so on. In the evening, I do my homework carefully.Although it a'littte difficult , it is helpful for me to get good grades. I love my weekends. It happy time!66. What chang e s have you got since you came to Junior middle sc? (Give at least two examples.)I have cha nged a lot since I came to Junior middle school. For example, I used to be quiet and have few frien ds, but now I more outgoing and have more friends. I ' m getting on well wiithisthifeto.have so much free time to watch TV or play sports, but now I ' m busy with my schoolwork. And I usspetod so much time playing with friends ,but now I don time anymore. Although my life is very busy, I like my cha nges.70. What do you think of your hometown ? What do you like about it ?My hometown is Qingdao, it ' one of the most beautiful cities in China. Every year thousands of visitors come here.Because the weather is very cool in summer. Every on e can enjoy themselves in the sea. And it has many modern buildi ngs and big parks. The World Horticultural Expo will be held here in 2014. Many people from all over the world will come here enjoying the places of in terest. And Qin gdao Metro will be completed. It will be more convenient to travel around the city.Qingdao will welcome everybody. I think people will like Qingdao.73」f you had a robot, what would you like it to do for you? Give at least two reasons.If I had a robot, I would be very happy. I would like it to do the follow ing things for me: Firstly, I would like it to make meals for me. Secon dly, I would like it to cheer me up whe n I feel sad. Thirdly, I want it to help me clea n up my room. Fourthly, I wish it could help me study. Fifthly, I want it to be a good friend of mine, so I can talk with it to spend my spare time. Oh, I would like it to do too many things for me! So I want a robot now!。
1. 文化Culture(与2016的第20篇一样)例一要点:1. 第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好”或者“很高兴认识你”,与你握手。
2. 在公共场合,他们举止得体,他们认为插队是无礼的行为,他们总是排队;在家中他们也非常有礼貌。
3. 入乡随俗。
British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet y ou for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it’s rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.例二要点:1. 我们能在很多地方,比如医院、博物馆、街道、公园见到各类公共标志。
2. 大多数公共标志能给我们提供有用的信息。
We can see different public signs in places like hospitals, museums, streets, and parks. They are often bright in colour and have pictures on them. Most of them give us useful information. They help us find our way and tell us about the places around us. They keep us safe from danger and warn us not to do something, for example, we can always see the sign “No photos” in an art museum.2. 著名人物Famous people(与2016的第9篇一样)例一要点:1. 谭盾1958年出生在中国湖南省中部。
He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West.
In his words, “My music is to dream without boundaries.”
例二 要点:
2017年江苏省 初中英语听力口语
1. 文化 Culture(例一 要点:) 1.第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好”或者“很高兴认识你”, 与你握手; British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet you for the first time. 2.在公共场合,他们举止得体;他们认为插队是无理的行为,他们 总是排队;在家中他们也非常有礼貌; They behave politely in public. They think it’s rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. 3.“入乡随俗”;当我们在一个陌生的地方,我们的行为举止应当 像当地人一样。 “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.” When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.
He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence.
例如:Your family;Your hometown;Your university;Your favorite book;Your plan about future;Your most impressive teacher;Your unforgettable experience;Please tell me something about the job you have held, and what you have learned form it.What has been your greatest accomplishment in solving a problem? Use a specific example to demonstrate.#9654;传统话题这类话题具有很强的普遍性,在各类英语口语考试中也经常被采用,常涉及传统文化问题。
例如:Scenic spots and historic sites;Generation Gap;Taking Part-Time Jobs;What#39;s a Friend for?Does money equal happiness?What does happiness mean to you?Is Honesty Always the Best Virtue?What’s your view on the gap between rich and poor?Explain your understanding on the oldsaying“practice makes perfect”.#9654;热点话题常涉及目前社会上普遍关心和谈论的话题,所以考生最好在这段时间多阅读一些相关中文报道或英文报道,可以事先拿一些常规话题训练一下,看是否能完整的陈述出自己的观点及看法。
2017 年中考口语话题训练1. Do you often help your parents do chores? Why or why not?(1) Yes, I do .I often help my parents do chores .My parents are busy with their work every day and they are usually verytired . As their child, it’ s my duty to keep the houseandtidy,cleanso I usually clean my room every day. In that way, myparents won’ t be so tired after work and they will be very proud to have a child like me . The other is that doing chores canhelptrain our living ability. It ’ s also a way for us to relax ourselves.! Let’ s help our parents do chores and enjoy ourse 4. What do you think a bout students’pressure?Today, more and more students are under so much pressure that they feel tired and nervous. What caused it? First, there is toomuch homework to do and too many things to study. Second, teachers and parents are pushing the students hard. Third, many students want to go to college to continue their education. They are afraid of getting bad grades, so they study as much as theycan, and because they are so nervous , sometimes they can hardly fall asleep.This is not a good thing for both the students’ health andTootheirmuchstudipressure. wastes the students’energ kills their inspiration and it’ s not good for them.6.Do you like keeping pets in your home? Why or why not?(1)I like some kinds of animals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits. I think it can bring us much fun to keep a pet in our family.When we are free, we can play with the pet. We can take it for a walk after supper. It for ’ours healthgood. Sometimes when wefeel sad or lonely, they can listen to us and stay with us and give us pleasure. Some pets even can do some things for us.For example, a dog can help us fetch newspapers and closing or opening the door. And I enjoy keeping pets.7. Should we keep the animals in the zoo? Why or why not?There are more and more zoos now, and more and more animals are kept in the zoos. I don ’ t think we should keep the animals inthe zoos. Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natural environment. They can play and run everywhere.And they can live with their friends and their family. So they can live happily. If we keep animals in the zoos, maybe they willget lonely, and they will be ill easily. So don ’tkeep the animals in the zoo and let them to live in the natural environment.8.How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo? Why?When I see animals in the zoo, I may feel sad. You know, the zoo is usually not big enough and it’animals to live in. The animals are kept in very tiny cages, and they can hardly move at all. When they are hungry, they cannotfind food for themselves. If I were in that cage, I wouldn’ t even want to stay for a minute! I feel reallym alsosorry for th very sad because I can do nothing about it. I hope in the future, there will be more wild animal protecting areas but not thesmall zoo!10.Do you like music? Why or why not?Yes, I like music. There are three reasons. At first, I like singers who write their own lyrics. In this way, wecan know about them well. And their experience can encourage us to study harder. Secondly, when I feel tired,I can listen to music to relax. At last, if we are not happy, it can make us happy by listening to some gentlemusic. In a word, I like music.11 How often do you play sports? Why?Well I play sports every day and I usually play basketball and volleyball with my friends. I love sports because I believedsports are important for our health and study. I think the students should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend toomuch time. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective. If we play sports every day, we willstay in good health all the time.12. Do you like to have your P.E class? Why or why not?Yes , I like to have my P.E class very much. At first, it is the most energetic class we have. It is a great way for us to have a rest.Then, on P.E class, we always play many ball games, such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. That ’s so fun and exciting.Finally, playing sports can keep us in good health. It ’s very important for us.13.Do you like to have your English class?Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.I like to have my English class. There are some reasons as you can see. Firstly, English is a very useful language. We canuse English to communicate with foreigners. Secondly, we can learn a lot from learning English. I can learn English songs andhear English stories. That will be great. Thirdly, our English teacher is really nice. She is young and kind. She likes to help us. SoI like to have my English class.14. Do you like to wear school uniforms?Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes. I like to wear school uniforms. Because they are both comfortable and cheap. We won’ t spend a lot of time and money onclothes. We will concentrate more on our studies. They can help us to study. And they can also make us look like a big family.It's good to wear the same clothes as the other classmates. So I like to wear school uniforms.15.Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help? Why or why not? Give at least two reasons.Yes, I want to be a volunteer to help those who need help .There are two reasons. First, there are a lot of people who needhelp. I feel good about helping others. Besides that, I can spend time doing what I love to do. I like writing. I can put this loveto good use by helping young students in the after-school care center.16.Give your opinions about playing computer games.(1)I think there are advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. On the one hand, playing computer gamescan be one of the ways to relax ourselves after a long time of study. We can also open up our mind by playing games.Sometimes we can also learn English from the games.But there are more disadvantages. Often students easily become interested in playing computer games and even deeply lost in them. And this has a bad influence on their study. And some students play computer games for a long time without having a rest.That hurts their health badly. So I think students can play computer games for a little time on weekends, but never spend lots oftime doing it every day.23. As a student, what should you do to be in good manners?As a student, we should be honest and confident. At school, we should listen to teachers carefully in class. Put up our handsto ask the questions we don ’ t understand. And we aren ’ t supposed to run in the hall. After school, we should help others positive way. We also should say “ hello to”our friends or our parents. In public, we must obey the etiquette rules and pay attention to our words and behavior. If we do like these, everyone will like us. We will be more popular, too.24.What are you going to be when you grow up? How can you make it come true? (dream job)(2)I ’ m going to be areporter when I grow up. That ’s an interesting job. If I am a reporter, I ’ll meet many interesting people. To be a reporter, I must try my best. First, I will study hard and go to a university to learn more knowledge. Then, I willpractice writing. I ’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Also I am going27.How healthy are you? Say something about your eating habits.I am in good health now. because I like eating different kinds of food. I think eating them can keep my body strong and healthy. I usually like eating fruits because there is plenty of Vitamine C in fruits. Vitamine C can make my skin silky. I alsolike eating desserts, especially when I feel a little hungry. Another thing I like eating is bread, because it also makes myselffull of energy all day. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time every day and I drink milk every day. I think Ieat a balanced diet.31. Talk about the rules for school library.I think it is important for us to obey the rules for the school library. Firstly, we are supposed to be quiet because everybody isbusy reading books and it ’ s ourkeepdutyquietto . Secondly, it ’ s necessary to take goodof thecarebooks. Thirdly, we shouldlisten to the instructions of the librarians and never smoke or shout. I am sure if everyone obeys them, the school library will bebetter and better.33. What do you often do to improve your English?I think English is a very important but hard subject to learn. In order to improve my English, I often read English magazines to memorize more new words. And I listen to the English tapes every day to improve my listening skills. I often write some original sentences using the grammar I ’ ve learned, so my writing skills have improved. I decide to improve my speaking skills byjoining an English club. I want to have more conversations with friends. I hope my English can improve more quickly.34.What are you going to do for your summer vacation? Please talk about your plan.(1) I always take vacations in China. This time, I want to do something different, but I don’ t like go think Spain is very beautiful. I love nature. I plan to spend time in Spanish coun tryside. I hope I can forget all my problems. Igoing swimming and boating.I ’ m also going fishing and going bike riding. At night, I’ m renting videos and want an exciting vacation. A relaxing and exciting vacation, I can’ t wait!37. Talk about what you did last weekend.Last Saturday I was very busy but happy. On Saturday morning, I went to a musical school for my piano lesson. The musicplayed on the piano sounded very nice, and it can make me relaxed. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother. We boughta lot of things like bread and eggs. We stayed at the supermarket the whole afternoon. On Sunday, I studied English thewhole day because of tomorrow’ s English test. I was very busy. But I was also very happy.I ’ ve been to many different cities, but my favorite city is Beijing. I went there last summer vacation and fell in love with it.I went to the Tian ’ an Men Square, which is the largest square in the world. Then I visitedthe Palace Museum. It educational. In the evening, we went to the restaurant to eat Beijing Duck. It was really delicious. It I ’ ve ever had.’ s beautiful an’ s the most inter42. Say something about an invention.We use telephone everyday. It has already been a part of our life. But do you know who invented the first telephone? It'sAleksandra Bell who comes from England. In 1876 Bell showed his invention to the whole world, then everyone was shockedby his telephone, they said it would make the world smaller. But his telephone was very big and now we have a smaller one--mobile phone. It's smaller and more useful. We believe the telephone will be better some day in the future.44. Say something about your father/motherMy father is a little heavy. He works for the government. He is busy with his work every day. But in his spare time, he alwaysplays sports with me and takes me to the park or the zoo. He is very kind to me. He is strict not only in his work but also with mystudy. When he gets back home early from work, he likes cooking something delicious for us. I love my father.45. Say something about your English/math teacher.Our English teacher is Miss Wang. She is tall and is of medium build. She always wears a pair of glasses. She looks veryyoung but strict . She is very kind to us and she always has a smile on her face. She teaches us very well. She is not only verystrict with us in our study but also in her own work. In class she is our teacher and after class she is our friend. We talk a lot afterclass about nearly everything we know. And she always takes pride in everything good we do. We all like her very much.46. Say something about your life in 10 years.In 10 years, I will be a doctor in a big and famous hospital. I will be able to support myself and my family. I will travel all overChina and maybe even travel to foreign countries. I will have my own house or apartment. I can keep a pet like a dog or a catand I will invite my good friends to my house on weekends and have a good time together. In my spare time, I will be avolunteer in my neighborhood. I will help the old people with the housework and help the kids with their schoolwork. To keephealthy, I will only eat healthy food and do more exercise. Of course, I better life for’myll p rovidearents.aI hope they healthyand happy every day.47. What is your dream job ? (Say at least two reasons.)My dream job is to be a doctor because I think being a doctor is great. Doctors wear white uniforms and they are regarded as “White angels’.They can help people who are ill. Nobody else can save people’s lives like a doctor. I like to help others, too.Another reason I want to be a doctor is that most people respect doctors. I believe my dream will come true some day when Igrow up49.Say something about the person you admire most.Zhang Ji-ke, a well-known Chinese ping-pong player, is from Qingdao. He is the pride of Qingdao people. He is regarded asone of the best world-class players. He has won many gold medals in different competitions, and even in the Olympic Games.I admire him because when he was young, he had a dream of the world champion and he held on to his dream until he couldsucceed through his hard work. I will learn from him.50.Say something about your school /family rules.(1) I have a lot of rules at my house. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights, so I can.I ’ m allowed to go to the movies with friends on weekends, but I have to be home by 9:00p.m. Every morning .I have to get upat six o’ clock. After school, I can’ t meet my friends because I have to do my homework. On weekends, I have to go to t Children’ s Palace to learn the piano.And I have to clean my room and wash the dishes.(2)We have many rules at our school. First we have to be at school from 7:30 am to 5:00pm. We mustn ’tbe late for class. Then wehave to do our homework carefully by ourselves. Also we are supposed to say hello to the teachers when we see them. Finally,we are not allowed to play computer games or use our mobile phones in class.52.Say something about your favorite subject .My favorite subject is English. Some students think it ’ s boring. But I really like English, because it great fun. We have’ s such English classes every day. My English teacher often makes her classes interesting and lively. She often tells us jokes and stories. I listen carefully in class and take English notes. I love to listen to her. And I learn English by watching English-language TV . It helps a lot. And I often get good grades in English exams. My teacher is impressed.I have lots of friends, and my best friend is my class monitor. We are in the same group. She is tall and has black long hair.She is good at studying and has good grades. I often study with her. She helps me a lot. When I am in trouble, she alwaysteach me how to solve them. She is friendly to everybody and all my classmates like to play with her. She also helps theteachers. She is a good leader, and I think she will be successful in the future.54. What are the differences between you and your friend?There are many differences between me and my friend Han Mei. I and outgoing’m whiletall Han Mei is short and shy. Shelikes reading books. She can play the piano well. But I like playing sports. My favorite subject is English while herfavorite subject is math.55. What is your favorite food/ fruit?(1) My favorite food is dumplings.It is Chinese traditional food. My mother often makes them for me on weekends. I like dumplings better than any other kind of food because they are delicious. And I can eat more vegetables by eating dumplings.There are many kinds of dumplings. Beef and onion dumplings are the most delicious. I think beef and onions are good for ourhealth.(2) My favorite fruit is apples. Apples can be eaten as food and fruit. When I am hungry, I can eat an apple so that I won’tfeel hungry. I like the apples that are grown in Yantai. Some apples are sweet and some apples are sour. Others are crispy. I like thekind of apples that are both sweet and crispy. There is a famous saying“An apple a day keeps a doctor away.”It is true thatapples are good for our health. So I eat at least one apple every day. Now you see, I am quite healthy.58. What TV program do you like best? Why? Give at least two of your reasons.My favorite TV program is the Animal World. I love animals very much and I can see a lot of beautiful animals in this program. Ican also learn a lot about different kinds of animals. The program teaches me how they live and educate people to care for the animals.62. What do you do on your weekends?On my weekends , I love to do what I want to do. On Saturday, I often go swimming with my friends, it can make me havestrong build. I hardly catch a cold. Thank to swimming. On Sunday morning, I always go to a movie to enjoy myself. I like allkinds of movies, such as thrillers, action movies, documentaries and so on. In the evening, I do my homework carefully. Althoughit a’littles difficult , it is helpful for me to get good grades. I love my weekends. It happy time! ’ s a66. What changes have you got since you came to Junior middle school? (Give at least two examples.)I have changed a lot since I came to Junior middle school. For example, I used to be quiet and have few friends, but now Imore outgoing and have more friends. I ’ m getting on well withIusedthemto.have so much free time to watch TV or playsports, but now I ’ m busy with my schoolwork. And I usedspendto so much time playing with friends ,but now I don’ t h time anymore. Although my life is very busy, I like my changes.70.What do you think of your hometown ? What do you like about it ?My hometown is Qingdao, it ’ones of the most beautiful cities in China. Every year thousands of visitors come here.Because the weather is very cool in summer. Everyone can enjoy themselves in the sea. And it has many modern buildings andbig parks. The World Horticultural Expo will be held here in 2014. Many people from all over the world will come here enjoying the places of interest. And Qingdao Metro will be completed. It will be more convenient to travel around the city.Qingdao will welcome everybody. I think people will like Qingdao.73.If you had a robot, what would you like it to do for you? Give at least two reasons.If I had a robot, I would be very happy. I would like it to do the following things for me: Firstly, I would like it to makemeals for me. Secondly, I would like it to cheer me up when I feel sad. Thirdly, I want it to help me clean up my room.Fourthly, I wish it could help me study. Fifthly, I want it to be a good friend of mine, so I can talk with it to spend my sparetime. Oh, I would like it to do too many things for me! So I want a robot now!。
2017年中考口语话题训练1. Do you often help your parents do chores Why or why not(1)Yes,I do .I often help my parents do chores .My parents are busy with their work every day and they are usually very tired . As their child, it’s my duty to keep the house clean and tidy, so I usually clean my room every day. In that way, my parents won’t be so tired after work and they will be very proud to have a child like me . The other is that doing chores can help train our living ability. It’s also a way for us to relax ourselves.! Let’s help our parents do chores and enjoy ourselves!4. What do you think a bout students’ pressureToday, more and more students are under so much pressure that they feel tired and nervous. What caused it First, there is too much homework to do and too many things to study. Second, teachers and parents are pushing the students hard. Third, many students want to go to college to continue their education. They are afraid of getting bad grades, so they study as much as they can, and because they are so nervous , sometimes they can hardly fall asleep.This is not a good thing for both the students’ health and their studies.Too much pressure wastes the students’ energy and kills their inspiration and it’s not good for them.6. Do you like keeping pets in your home Why or why not(1) I like some kinds of animals, such as cats, dogs and rabbits. I think it can bring us much fun to keep a pet in our family. When we are free, we can play with the pet. We can take it for a walk after supper. It’s good for our health. Sometimes when we feel sad or lonely, they can listen to us and stay with us and give us pleasure. Some pets even can do some things for us. For example, a dog can help us fetch newspapers and closing or opening the door. And I enjoy keeping pets.7. Should we keep the animals in the zoo Why or why notThere are more and more zoos now, and more and more animals are kept in the zoos. I don’t think we should keep the animals in the zoos. Because I think animals should be allowed to live in the natural environment. They can play and run everywhere. And they can live with their friends and their family. So they can live happily. If we keep animals in the zoos, maybe they will get lonely, and they will be ill easily. So don’t keep the animals in the zoo and let them to live in the natural environment.8. How do you feel when you see the animals in the zoo WhyWhen I see animals in the zoo, I may feel sad. You know, the zoo is usually not big enough and it’s no t suitable for many animals to live in. The animals are kept in very tiny cages, and they can hardly move at all. When they are hungry, they cannot find food for themselves. If I were in that cage, I wouldn’t even want to stay for a minute! I feel really sorry for them. I’m also very sad because I can do nothing about it. I hope in the future, there will be more wild animal protecting areas but not the small zoo!10.Do you like music Why or why notYes, I?like?music. There?are?three?reasons. At?first, I?like?singers?who?write?their?own?lyrics. In?this?way, we?can?know?about?them?well. And?their?experience?can?encourage?us?to?study?harder. Secondly, when?I?feel?tired,I?can?listen?to?music?to?relax. At?last, if?we?are?not?happy, it?can?make?us?happy?by?listening?to?some?gentle?music. In?a?word, I?like?music.11 How often do you play sports WhyWell I play sports every day and I usually play basketball and volleyball with my friends. I love sports because I believed sports are important for our health and study. I think the students should take all kinds of exercise every day, but not spend too much time. Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective. If we play sports every day, we will stay in good health all the time.12. Do you like to have your P.E class Why or why notYes , I like to have my P.E class very much. At first, it is the most energetic class we have. It is a great way for us to have a rest. Then, on P.E class, we always play many ball games, such as basketball, soccer and volleyball. That’s so fun and exciting. Finally, playing sports can keep us in good health. It’s very important for us.13.Do you like to have your English class Why or why not Give at least two reasons.I like to have my English class. There are some reasons as you can see. Firstly, English is a very useful language. We can use English to communicate with foreigners. Secondly, we can learn a lot from learning English. I can learn English songs and hear English stories. That will be great. Thirdly, our English teacher is really nice. She is young and kind. She likes to help us. So I like to have my English class.14. Do you like to wear school uniforms Why or why not Give at least two reasons.Yes. I like to wear school uniforms. Because they are both comfortable and cheap. We won’t spend a lot of time and money onclothes. We will concentrate more on our studies. They can help us to study. And they can also make us look like a big family. It's good to wear the same clothes as the other classmates. So I like to wear school uniforms.15. Do you want to be a volunteer to help those who need help Why or why not Give at least two reasons.Yes, I want to be a volunteer to help those who need help .There are two reasons. First, there are a lot of people who need help. I feel good about helping others. Besides that, I can spend time doing what I love to do. I like writing. I can put this love to good use by helping young students in the after-school care center.16. Give your opinions about playing computer games.(1) I think there are advantages and disadvantages of playing computer games. On the one hand, playing computer games can be one of the ways to relax ourselves after a long time of study. We can also open up our mind by playing games. Sometimes we can also learn English from the games.But there are more disadvantages. Often students easily become interested in playing computer games and even deeply lost in them. And this has a bad influence on their study. And some students play computer games for a long time without having a rest. That hurts their health badly. So I think students can play computer games for a little time on weekends, but never spend lots of time doing it every day.23. As a student, what should you do to be in good mannersAs a student, we should be honest and confident. At school, we should listen to teachers carefully in class. Put up our hands to ask the questions we don’t understand. And we aren’t supposed to run in the hall. After school, we should help others in a positive way. We a lso should say “hello” to our friends or our parents. In public, we must obey the etiquette rules and pay attention to our words and behavior. If we do like these, everyone will like us. We will be more popular, too.24.What are you going to be when you grow up How can you make it come true (dream job)(2) I’m going to be a reporter when I grow up. That’s an interesting job. If I am a reporter, I’ll meet many interesting people. To be a reporter, I must try my best. First, I will study hard and go to a university to learn more knowledge. Then, I will practice writing. I’m going to write articles and send them to magazines and newspapers. Also I am going27.How healthy are you Say something about your eating habits.I am in good health now. because I like eating different kinds of food. I think eating them can keep my body strong and healthy. I usually like eating fruits because there is plenty of Vitamine C in fruits. Vitamine C can make my skin silky. I also like eating desserts, especially when I feel a little hungry. Another thing I like eating is bread, because it also makes myself full of energy all day. I have breakfast, lunch and dinner on time every day and I drink milk every day. I think I’m healthy because I eat a balanced diet.31.Talk about the rules for school library.I think it is important for us to obey the rules for the school library. Firstly, we are supposed to be quiet because everybody is busy reading books and it’s our duty to keep quiet. Secondly, it’s necessary to take good care of the books. Thirdly, we should listen to the instructions of the librarians and never smoke or shout. I am sure if everyone obeys them, the school library will be better and better.33. What do you often do to improve your EnglishI think English is a very important but hard subject to learn. In order to improve my English, I often read English magazines to memorize more new words. And I listen to the English tapes every day to improve my listening skills. I often write some original sentences using the grammar I’ve learned, so my writing skills have improved. I decide to improve my speaking skills by joining an English club. I want to have more conversations with friends. I hope my English can improve more quickly.34.What are you going to do for your summer vacation Please talk about your plan.(1) I always take vacations in China. This time, I want to do something different, but I don’t like going away for too long. I think Spain is very beautiful. I love nature. I plan to spend time in Spanish country side. I hope I can forget all my problems. I’m going swimming and boating. I’m also going fishing and going bike riding. At night, I’m renting videos and sleeping a lot. I want an exciting vacation. A relaxing and exciting vacation, I can’t wait!37.Talk about what you did last weekend.Last Saturday I was very busy but happy. On Saturday morning, I went to a musical school for my piano lesson. The music played on the piano sounded very nice, and it can make me relaxed. In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother. We bought a lot of things like bread and eggs. We stayed at the supermarket the whole afternoon. On Sunday, I studied English the whole day because of tomorrow’s English test. I was very busy. But I was also very happy.I’ve been to many different cities, but my favorite city is Beijing. I went there last summer vacation and fell in love with it.I went to the Tian’an Men Square, which is the largest square in the world. Then I visited the Palace Museum. It’s beautiful and educational. In the evening, we went to the restaurant to eat Beijing Duck. It was really delicious. It’s the most interesting trip I’ve ever had.42. Say something about an invention.We use telephone everyday. It has already been a part of our life. But do you know who invented the first telephone It's Aleksandra Bell who comes from England. In 1876 Bell showed his invention to the whole world, then everyone was shocked by his telephone, they said it would make the world smaller. But his telephone was very big and now we have a smaller one--mobile phone. It's smaller and more useful. We believe the telephone will be better some day in the future.44. Say something about your father/motherMy father is a little heavy. He works for the government. He is busy with his work every day. But in his spare time, he always plays sports with me and takes me to the park or the zoo. He is very kind to me. He is strict not only in his work but also with my study. When he gets back home early from work, he likes cooking something delicious for us. I love my father.45. Say something about your English/math teacher.Our English teacher is Miss Wang. She is tall and is of medium build. She always wears a pair of glasses. She looks very young but strict . She is very kind to us and she always has a smile on her face. She teaches us very well. She is not only very strict with us in our study but also in her own work. In class she is our teacher and after class she is our friend. We talk a lot after class about nearly everything we know. And she always takes pride in everything good we do. We all like her very much.46. Say something about your life in 10 years.In 10 years, I will be a doctor in a big and famous hospital. I will be able to support myself and my family. I will travel all over China and maybe even travel to foreign countries. I will have my own house or apartment. I can keep a pet like a dog or a cat and I will invite my good friends to my house on weekends and have a good time together. In my spare time, I will be a volunteer in my neighborhood. I will help the old people with the housework and help the kids with their schoolwork. To keep healthy, I will only eat healthy food and do more exercise. Of course, I’ll provide a better life for my parents. I hope they’ll be healthy and happy every day.47. What is your dream job (Say at least two reasons.)My dream job is to be a doctor because I think being a doctor is great. Doctors wear white uniforms and they are regarded as “White angels’. They can help people who are ill. Nobody else can save people’s lives like a doctor. I like to help others, too. Another reason I want to be a doctor is that most people respect doctors. I believe my dream will come true some day when I grow up49.Say something about the person you admire most.Zhang Ji-ke, a well-known Chinese ping-pong player, is from Qingdao. He is the pride of Qingdao people. He is regarded as one of the best world-class players. He has won many gold medals in different competitions, and even in the Olympic Games. I admire him because when he was young, he had a dream of the world champion and he held on to his dream until he could succeed through his hard work. I will learn from him.50.Say something about your school /family rules.(1) I have a lot of rules at my house. For example, I have to stay at home on school nights, so I can’t study at a friend’s house. I’m allowed to go to the movies with friends on weekends, but I have to be home by 9:00p.m. Every morning .I have to get up at si x o’clock. After school, I can’t meet my friends because I have to do my homework. On weekends, I have to go to the Children’s Palace to learn the piano. And I have to clean my room and wash the dishes.(2)We have many rules at our school. First we have to be at school from 7:30 am to 5:00pm. We mustn’t be late for class. Then we have to do our homework carefully by ourselves. Also we are supposed to say hello to the teachers when we see them. Finally, we are not allowed to play computer games or use our mobile phones in class.52.Say something about your favorite subject.My favorite subject is English. Some students think it’s boring. But I really like English, because it’s such great fun. We have English classes every day. My English teacher often makes her classes interesting and lively. She often tells us jokes and stories.I listen carefully in class and take English notes. I love to listen to her. And I learn English by watching English-language TV. It helps a lot. And I often get good grades in English exams. My teacher is impressed.I have lots of friends, and my best friend is my class monitor. We are in the same group. She is tall and has black long hair. She is good at studying and has good grades. I often study with her. She helps me a lot. When I am in trouble, she always teach me how to solve them. She is friendly to everybody and all my classmates like to play with her. She also helps the teachers. She is a good leader, and I think she will be successful in the future.54. What are the differences between you and your friendThere are many differences between me and my friend Han Mei. I’m tall and outgoing while Han Mei is short and shy. She likes reading books. She can play the piano well. But I like playing sports. My favorite subject is English while her favorite subject is math.55. What is your favorite food/ fruit(1) My favorite food is dumplings. It is Chinese traditional food. My mother often makes them for me on weekends. I like dumplings better than any other kind of food because they are delicious. And I can eat more vegetables by eating dumplings. There are many kinds of dumplings. Beef and onion dumplings are the most delicious. I think beef and onions are good for our health.(2) My favorite fruit is apples. Apples can be eaten as food and fruit. When I am hungry, I can eat an apple so that I won’t feel hungry. I like the apples that are grown in Yantai. Some apples are sweet and some apples are sour. Others are crispy. I like the kind of apples that are both sweet and crispy. There is a famous saying “An apple a day keeps a doctor away.” It is true that apples are good for our health. So I eat at least one apple every day. Now you see, I am quite healthy.58. What TV program do you like best Why Give at least two of your reasons.My favorite TV program is the Animal World. I love animals very much and I can see a lot of beautiful animals in this program. I can also learn a lot about different kinds of animals. The program teaches me how they live and educate people to care for the animals.62. What do you do on your weekends?On my weekends,I love to do what I want to do. On Saturday, I often go swimming with my friends, it can make me have strong build. I hardly catch a cold. Thank to swimming. On Sunday morning, I always go to a movie to enjoy myself. I like all kinds of movies, such as thrillers, action movies, documentaries and so on. In the evening, I do my homework carefully. Although it’s a little difficult, it is helpful fo r me to get good grades. I love my weekends. It’s a happy time!66. What changes have you got since you came to Junior middle school (Give at least two examples.)I have changed a lot since I came to Junior middle school. For example, I used to be quiet and have few friends, but now I’m more outgoing and have more friends. I’m getting on well with them. I used to have so much free time to watch TV or play sports, but now I’m busy with my schoolwork. And I used to spend so much time playing with friends ,b ut now I don’t have the time anymore. Although my life is very busy, I like my changes.70. What do you think of your hometown What do you like about itMy hometown is Qingdao, it’s one of the most beautiful cities in China. Every year thousands of visitors come here. Because the weather is very cool in summer. Everyone can enjoy themselves in the sea. And it has many modern buildings and big parks. The World Horticultural Expo will be held here in 2014. Many people from all over the world will come here enjoying the places of interest. And Qingdao Metro will be completed. It will be more convenient to travel around the city. Qingdao will welcome everybody. I think people will like Qingdao.73.If you had a robot, what would you like it to do for you Give at least two reasons.If I had a robot, I would be very happy. I would like it to do the following things for me: Firstly, I would like it to make meals for me. Secondly, I would like it to cheer me up when I feel sad. Thirdly, I want it to help me clean up my room. Fourthly, I wish it could help me study. Fifthly, I want it to be a good friend of mine, so I can talk with it to spend my spare time. Oh, I would like it to do too many things for me! So I want a robot now!。
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1. 文化Culture(与2016的第20篇一样)例一要点:1. 第一次见面,英国人通常会说“你好”或者“很高兴认识你”,与你握手。
2. 在公共场合,他们举止得体,他们认为插队是无礼的行为,他们总是排队;在家中他们也非常有礼貌。
3. 入乡随俗。
British people usually say “hello” or “nice to meet you” and shake your hand when they meet y ou for the first time. They behave politely in public. They think it’s rude to push in before others. They always queue. They are very polite at home as well. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. When we are in a strange place, we should do as the local people do.例二要点:1. 我们能在很多地方,比如医院、博物馆、街道、公园见到各类公共标志。
2. 大多数公共标志能给我们提供有用的信息。
We can see different public signs in places like hospitals, museums, streets, and parks. They are often bright in colour and have pictures on them. Most of them give us useful information. They help us find our way and tell us about the places around us. They keep us safe from danger and warn us not to do something, for example, we can always see the sign “No photos” in an art museum.2. 著名人物Famous people(与2016的第9篇一样)例一要点:1. 谭盾1958年出生在中国湖南省中部。
2. 对他而言,最好的音乐来自大自然。
3. 谭盾成功地把中国音乐和西方音乐融合在一起,在东西方之间架起了一座桥梁。
”Tan Dun was born in 1958 in central Hunan, China. When he was very young, Tan showed an interest in music. To him, the best music comes from nature. As he likes the sounds of nature, Tan uses them a lot in his music. Tan has successfully brought Chinese and Western music together. He has helped build a bridge between the East and the West. In his words, “My music is to dream without boundaries.”例二要点:1. 谭盾是当今世界最伟大的艺术家之一。
2. 他在年轻的时候用石头、纸张等常见的物品来制作音乐。
3. 他喜欢来自大自然的声音,他经常在自己的音乐里使用它们。
那真是太神奇了!Tan Dun is one of the greatest artists in the world today. He used to make music with common objects like stones and paper when he was young. He loves the sounds of nature. He uses them a lot in his music. For example, in one of his works, Water, he doesn’t use any musical instruments. He makes over 50 sounds from water by controlling the speed of water flow. That’s really amazing!3. 阅读Reading(与2016的第6篇一样)例一要点:1. 我喜欢看罗伯特•路易斯•史蒂文森的书,我认为它们真的太精彩了。
2. 读完这本书后,我不再像以前那样害羞。
I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting. For example, Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy. He sails the sea to look for hidden treasure. His story gives me a lot of confidence. After reading the book, I am not as shy as I used to be. I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.例二要点:1. 我喜欢阅读。
2. 朋友们给我很多读书建议。
3. 阅读总是段美好的时光。
I love reading. I spend over seven hours a week reading different types of books. I am interested in history books, but I like novels best. My friends give me lots of advice on books. We often meet together and discuss what to read. Reading is always a wonderful time. Good books help me relax after a busy day. They also open up a whole new world to me.4. 大熊猫Giant pandas(与2016的第4篇一样)例一要点:1. 人人喜欢大熊猫。
2. 野外现仅有大约1,600只大熊猫,它们的数目在减少。
3. 大熊猫生活的地方正在变为农田,而且人们也为取其毛皮而猎捕它们。
Everyone likes giant pandas. Giant pandas are quiet and peaceful. They eat a special kind of bamboo. Now, there are only about 1,600 giant pandas in the wild. Their number is going down. Their living areas are becoming farmlands. Also, people hunt them for their fur. If this continues, there will soon be no giant pandas in the world.例二要点:1. 熊猫宝宝名叫“希望”,出生时重约90克,每天喝母乳;六个月时,开始吃竹子。
2. 可悲的是,大熊猫在野外很难存活。
3. 我们应当尽力保护它们。
The baby panda is called Xi Wang. When she was born, she weighed about 90 grams. She drank her mother’s milk every day. When she was six months old, she started to eat bamboo. Sadly, it is difficult for giant pandas to survive in the wild. If people cut down trees and forests, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. We should try our best to protect them.5. 自己动手做Do it yourself(与2016的第5篇一样)例一要点:1. 我表弟安德鲁对DIY很着迷。
2. 他喜欢修理物品,装饰房间,但事后房间总是一团糟。
3. 曾经有一次他想在自己的卧室里安装一盏更亮的灯,但他犯了一个错误,整个房子都停电了。
4. 我给他买了一些DIY书籍,建议他选修一些DIY课程。
My cousin Andrew is crazy about DIY. He loves to repair things and decorate his house, but when he finishes, the house always looks terrible! He once tried to put in a brighter light in his bedroom, but he made a mistake. Then his whole house had a power cut. So I bought some books about DIY for him, and I also advised him to take some courses in DIY.例二要点:1. 这里有一些制作水果沙拉的小建议。