Design Criteria



3.5.1 齿轮工艺选定................................................................................30 3.5.2 确定各主要参数............................................................................31 3.5.3 几何尺寸计算................................................................................33 3.5.4 齿轮强度验算................................................................................35 3.5 轴的设计及强度校核...............................................................................38 3.5.1 选择轴的材料................................................................................38 3.5.2 轴径的初步估算............................................................................39 3.5.3 求作用在齿轮上的力....................................................................39 3.5.4 轴的强度效核................................................................................41 3.6 轴承的寿命校核.......................................................................................44 3.6.1 对Ⅲ轴的轴承进行寿命计算........................................................44 3.6.2 行星轮轴承寿命的计算................................................................46 3.7 花键的强度校核.......................................................................................46 3.7.1 Ⅳ轴花键校核 ...............................................................................46 3.7.2 行星轮系花键校核........................................................................47 结 论........................................................................................................................48 致 谢........................................................................................................................49 参考文献....................................................................................................................50



ACI 351.3R-04 became effective May 3, 2004.Copyright © 2004, American Concrete Institute.All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduc-tion or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors.ACI Committee Reports, Guides, Standard Practices, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning,designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains.The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom.Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer.351.3R-1It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not make any representations with regard to health and safety issues and the use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, United States Occupational Safety and H ealth Administration (OSH A)health and safety standards.Chapters 1 to 3 have been excerpted for use with the ACI CEU Online Program.Foundations for Dynamic EquipmentACI 351.3R-04This report presents to industry practitioners the various design criteria and methods and procedures of analysis, design, and construction applied to dynamic equipment foundations.Keywords: amplitude; concrete; foundation; reinforcement; vibration.CONTENTSChapter 1—Introduction, p. 351.3R-21.1—Background 1.2—Purpose 1.3—Scope 1.4—NotationChapter 2—Foundation and machine types,p. 351.3R-42.1—General considerations2.2—Machine types 2.3—Foundation typesChapter 3—Design criteria, p. 351.3R-73.1—Overview of design criteria3.2—Foundation and equipment loads 3.3—Dynamic soil properties3.4—Vibration performance criteria 3.5—Concrete performance criteria3.6—Performance criteria for machine-mounting systems 3.7—Method for estimating inertia forces from multi-cylinder machinesChapter 4—Design methods and materials,p. 351.3R-264.1—Overview of design methods4.2—Impedance provided by the supporting media 4.3—Vibration analysis4.4—Structural foundation design and materials 4.5—Use of isolation systems4.6—Repairing and upgrading foundations 4.7—Sample impedance calculationsChapter 5—Construction considerations,p. 351.3R-535.1—Subsurface preparation and improvement 5.2—Foundation placement tolerances 5.3—Forms and shores5.4—Sequence of construction and construction joints 5.5—Equipment installation and setting 5.6—Grouting5.7—Concrete materials 5.8—Quality controlReported by ACI Committee 351William L. Bounds *Fred G. Louis Abdul Hai Sheikh William D. Brant Jack Moll Anthony J. Smalley Shu-jin Fang Ira W. Pearce Philip A. Smith Shraddhakar Harsh Andrew Rossi *W. Tod Sutton †Charles S. Hughes Robert L. Rowan, Jr.‡ F. Alan WileyErick LarsonWilliam E. Rushing, Jr.James P. Lee *ChairYelena S. Golod *Secretary*Members of the editorial subcommittee.†Chair of subcommittee that prepared this report.‡Past chair.351.3R-2ACI COMMITTEE REPORTChapter 6—References, p. 351.3R-576.1—Referenced standards and reports6.2—Cited references6.3—Software sources and other references6.4—TerminologyCHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION1.1—BackgroundHeavy machinery with reciprocating, impacting, or rotating masses requires a support system that can resist dynamic forces and the resulting vibrations. When excessive, such vibrations may be detrimental to the machinery, its support system, and any operating personnel subjected to them. Many engineers with varying backgrounds are engaged in the analysis, design, construction, maintenance, and repair of machine foundations. Therefore, it is important that the owner/operator, geotechnical engineer, structural engineer, and equipment supplier collaborate during the design process. Each of these participants has inputs and concerns that are important and should be effectively communicated with each other, especially considering that machine foundation design procedures and criteria are not covered in building codes and national standards. Some firms and individuals have developed their own standards and specifications as a result of research and development activities, field studies, or many years of successful engineering or construction practices. Unfortunately, most of these standards are not available to many practitioners. As an engineering aid to those persons engaged in the design of foundations for machinery, the committee developed this document, which presents many current practices for dynamic equipment foundation engineering and construction.1.2—PurposeThe committee presents various design criteria and methods and procedures of analysis, design, and construction currently applied to dynamic equipment foundations by industry practitioners.This document provides general guidance with reference materials, rather than specifying requirements for adequate design. Where the document mentions multiple design methods and criteria in use, factors, which may influence the choice, are presented.1.3—ScopeThis document is limited in scope to the engineering, construction, repair, and upgrade of dynamic equipment foundations. For the purposes of this document, dynamic equipment includes the following:1. Rotating machinery;2. Reciprocating machinery; and3. Impact or impulsive machinery.1.4—Notation[C]=damping matrix[K]=stiffness matrix[K*]=impedance with respect to CG[k]=reduced stiffness matrix[k j′]=battered pile stiffness matrix [M]=mass matrix[m]=reduced mass matrix[T]=transformation matrix for battered pile [αir]=matrix of interaction factors between anytwo piles with diagonal terms αii = 1A=displacement amplitudeA head, A crank= head and crank areas, in.2 (mm2)A p=cross-sectional area of the pilea, b=plan dimensions of a rectangular foundation a o=dimensionless frequencyB c=cylinder bore diameter, in. (mm)B i=mass ratio for the i-th directionB r=ram weight, tons (kN)b1, b2=0.425 and 0.687, Eq. (4.15d)c gi=damping of pile group in the i-th direction c i=damping constant for the i-th directionc i*(adj)=damping in the i-th direction adjusted formaterial dampingc ij=equivalent viscous damping of pile j in thei-th directionD i=damping ratio for the i-th directionD rod=rod diameter, in. (mm)d=pile diameterd n=nominal bolt diameter, in. (m)d s=displacement of the slide, in. (mm)E p=Young’s modulus of the pilee m=mass eccentricity, in. (mm)e v=void ratioF=time varying force vectorF1=correction factorF block=the force acting outwards on the block fromwhich concrete stresses should be calcu-lated, lbf (N)(F bolt)CHG=the force to be restrained by friction at thecross head guide tie-down bolts, lbf (N) (F bolt)frame=the force to be restrained by friction at theframe tie-down bolts, lbf (N)F D=damper forceF GMAX=maximum horizontal gas force on a throwor cylinder, lbf (N)F IMAX=maximum horizontal inertia force on athrow or cylinder, lbf (N)F o=dynamic force amplitude (zero-to-peak),lbf (N)F r=maximum horizontal dynamic forceF red= a force reduction factor with suggestedvalue of 2, to account for the fraction ofindividual cylinder load carried by thecompressor frame (“frame rigidityfactor”)F rod=force acting on piston rod, lbf (N)F s=dynamic inertia force of slide, lbf (N)F THROW=horizontal force to be resisted by eachthrow’s anchor bolts, lbf (N)F unbalance=the maximum value from Eq. (3.18)applied using parameters for a horizontalcompressor cylinder, lbf (N)FOUNDATIONS FOR DYNAMIC EQUIPMENT 351.3R-3f i 1, f i 2=dimensionless stiffness and damping functions for the i -th direction, pilesf m =frequency of motion, Hzf n=system natural frequency (cycles per second)f o=operating speed, rpm G =dynamic shear modulus of the soilG ave=the average value of shear modulus of the soil over the pile lengthG c=the average value of shear modulus of the soil over the critical lengthGE =pile group efficiency G l =soil shear modulus at tip of pileG p J=torsional stiffness of the pile G s =dynamic shear modulus of the embedment(side) materialG z=the shear modulus at depth z = l c /4H =depth of soil layer I i =mass moment of inertia of the machine-foundation system for the i -th directionI p=moment of inertia of the pile cross section i =i = a directional indicator or modal indicator,Eq. (4.48), as a subscriptK 2= a parameter that depends on void ratio and strain amplitudeK eff =the effective bearing stiffness, lbf/in. (N/mm)K ij *=impedancein the i -th direction with respect to motion of the CG in j -th directionK n =nut factor for bolt torqueK uu=horizontal spring constant K u ψ=coupling spring constant K ψψ=rocking spring constant k =the dynamic stiffness provided by thesupporting mediak ei *=impedance in the i -th direction due toembedmentk gi =pile group stiffness in the i -th directionk i=stiffness for the i -th direction k i (adj)=stiffness in the i -th direction adjusted for material dampingk i *=complex impedance for the i -th direction k i *(adj)=impedance adjusted for material damping k ij=stiffness of pile j in the i -th direction k j=battered pile stiffness matrix k r =stiffness of individual pile considered inisolationk st=static stiffness constant k vj =vertical stiffness of a single pile L =length of connecting rod, in. (mm)L B=the greater plan dimension of the founda-tion block, ft (m)L i =length of the connecting rod of the crankmechanism at the i -th cylinderl =depth of embedment (effective)l c=critical length of a pile l p =pile lengthM h=hammer mass including any auxiliary foundation, lbm (kg)M r=ram mass including dies and ancillary parts, lbm (kg)m =mass of the machine-foundation systemm d=slide mass including the effects of any balance mechanism, lbm (kg)m r =rotating mass, lbm (kg)m rec,i=reciprocating mass for the i -th cylinder m rot,i=rotating mass of the i -th cylinder m s=effective mass of a spring (N bolt )CHG=the number of bolts holding down one crosshead guide(N bolt )frame =the number of bolts holding down theframe, per cylinderNT =normal torque, ft-lbf (m-N)P head , P crank =instantaneous head and crank pressures,psi (μPa)P s=power being transmitted by the shaft at the connection, horsepower (kilowatts)R, R i =equivalent foundation radius r =length of crank, in. (mm)r i=radius of the crank mechanism of the i -th cylinderr o =pile radius or equivalent radius S =press stroke, in. (mm)S f=service factor, used to account for increasing unbalance during the service life of the machine, generally greater than or equal to 2S i 1, S i 2=dimensionless parameters (Table 4.2)s =distance between piles T =foundation thickness, ft (m)T b=bolt torque, lbf-in. (N-m)T min=minimum required anchor bolt tension t =time,sV max=the maximum allowable vibration, in. (mm)V s=shear wave velocity of the soil, ft/s (m/s)v =displacement amplitude v ′=velocity, in./s (cm/s)v h=post-impact hammer velocity, in./s (mm/s)v o=reference velocity = 18.4 ft/s (5.6 m/s)from a free fall of 5.25 ft (1.6 m)v r=ram impact velocity, ft/s (m/s)W =strain energyW a=equipment weight at anchorage location W f=weight of the foundation, tons (kN)W p=bolt preload, lbf (N)W r=rotating weight, lbf (N)w =soil weight density X =vector representation of time-dependentdisplacements for MDOF systemsX i=distance along the crankshaft from the reference origin to the i -th cylinderx, z =the pile coordinates indicated in Fig. 4.9x r , z r=pile location reference distances y c=distance from the CG to the base support y e=distance from the CG to the level of embedment resistancey p =crank pin displacement in local Y-axis,in. (mm)1–351.3R-4ACI COMMITTEE REPORTZ p=piston displacement, in. (mm)z p=crank pin displacement in local Z-axis, in.(mm)α=the angle between a battered pile andverticalα′=modified pile group interaction factorα1=coefficient dependent on Poisson’s ratioas given in Table 4.1αh=ram rebound velocity relative to impactvelocityαi=the phase angle for the crank radius of thei-th cylinder, radαij*=complex pile group interaction factor forthe i-th pile to the j-th pileαuf=the horizontal interaction factor for fixed-headed piles (no head rotation)αuH=the horizontal interaction factor due tohorizontal force (rotation allowed)αv=vertical interaction coefficient betweentwo pilesαψH=the rotation due to horizontal forceαψM=the rotation due to momentβ=system damping ratioβi=rectangular footing coefficients (Richart,Hall, and Woods 1970), i = v, u, or ψβj=coefficient dependent on Poisson’s ratioas given in Table 4.1, j = 1 to 4βm=material damping ratio of the soilβp=angle between the direction of the loadingand the line connecting the pile centers δ=loss angleΔW=area enclosed by the hysteretic loopεir=the elements of the inverted matrix [αir]–1ψi=reduced mode shape vector for the i-thmodeγj=coefficient dependent on Poisson’s ratioas given in Table 4.1, j = 1 to 4λ=pile-soil stiffness ratio (E p/G l)μ=coefficient of frictionν=Poisson’s ratio of the soilνs=Poisson’s ratio of the embedment (side)materialρ=soil mass density (soil weight density/gravi-tational acceleration)ρa=G ave/G lρc=G z/G cσo=probable confining pressure, lbf/ft2 (Pa)ωi=circular natural frequency for the i-thmodeωm=circular frequency of motionωn=circular natural frequencies of the system ωo=circular operating frequency of themachine (rad/s)ωsu, ωsv=circular natural frequencies of a soil layerin u and v directions CHAPTER 2—FOUNDATION AND MACHINE TYPES 2.1—General considerationsThe type, configuration, and installation of a foundation or support structure for dynamic machinery may depend on the following factors:1. Site conditions such as soil characteristics, topography, seismicity, climate, and other effects;2. Machine base configuration such as frame size, cylinder supports, pulsation bottles, drive mechanisms, and exhaust ducts;3. Process requirements such as elevation requirements with respect to connected process equipment and hold-down requirements for piping;4. Anticipated loads such as the equipment static weight, and loads developed during erection, startup, operation, shutdown, and maintenance;5. Erection requirements such as limitations or constraints imposed by construction equipment, procedures, techniques, or the sequence of erection;6. Operational requirements such as accessibility, settle-ment limitations, temperature effects, and drainage;7. Maintenance requirements such as temporary access, laydown space, in-plant crane capabilities, and machine removal considerations;8. Regulatory factors or building code provisions such as tied pile caps in seismic zones;9. Economic factors such as capital cost, useful or antici-pated life, and replacement or repair cost;10. Environmental requirements such as secondary containment or special concrete coating requirements; and 11. Recognition that certain machines, particularly large reciprocating compressors, rely on the foundation to add strength and stiffness that is not inherent in the structure of the machine.2.2—Machine types2.2.1 Rotating machinery—This category includes gas turbines, steam turbines, and other expanders; turbo-pumps and compressors; fans; motors; and centrifuges. These machines are characterized by the rotating motion of impel-lers or rotors.Unbalanced forces in rotating machines are created when the mass centroid of the rotating part does not coincide with the center of rotation (Fig. 2.1). This dynamic force is a function of the shaft mass, speed of rotation, and the magnitude of the offset. The offset should be minor under manufactured conditions when the machine is well balanced, clean, and without wear or erosion. Changes in alignment, operation near resonance, blade loss, and other malfunctions or undesirable conditions can greatly increase the force applied to its bearings by the rotor. Because rotating machines normally trip and shut down at some vibration limit, a real-istic continuous dynamic load on the foundation is that resulting from vibration just below the trip level.2.2.2 Reciprocating machinery—For reciprocating machinery, such as compressors and diesel engines, a piston moving in a cylinder interacts with a fluid through theFOUNDATIONS FOR DYNAMIC EQUIPMENT351.3R-5kinematics of a slider crank mechanism driven by, or driving, a rotating crankshaft.Individual inertia forces from each cylinder and each throw are inherently unbalanced with dominant frequencies at one and two times the rotational frequency (Fig. 2.2).Reciprocating machines with more than one piston require a particular crank arrangement to minimize unbalanced forces and moments. A mechanical design that satisfies operating requirements should govern. This leads to piston/cylinder assemblies and crank arrangements that do not completely counter-oppose; therefore, unbalanced loads occur, which should be resisted by the foundation.Individual cylinder fluid forces act outward on the cylinder head and inward on the crankshaft (Fig. 2.2). For a rigid cylinder and frame these forces internally balance, but deformations of large machines can cause a significant portion of the fluid load to be transmitted to the mounts and into the foundation. Particularly on large reciprocating compressors with horizontal cylinders, it is inappropriate and unconservative to assume the compressor frame and cylinder are sufficiently stiff to internally balance all forces.Such an assumption has led to many inadequate mounts for reciprocating machines.2.2.3 Impulsive machinery —Equipment, such as forging hammers and some metal-forming presses, operate with regulated impacts or shocks between different parts of the equipment. This shock loading is often transmitted to the foundation system of the equipment and is a factor in the design of the foundation.Closed die forging hammers typically operate by dropping a weight (ram) onto hot metal, forcing it into a predefined shape. While the intent is to use this impact energy to form and shape the material, there is significant energy transmission,particularly late in the forming process. During these final blows, the material being forged is cooling and less shaping takes place. Thus, pre-impact kinetic energy of the ram converts to post-impact kinetic energy of the entire forging hammer. As the entire hammer moves downward, it becomes a simple dynamic mass oscillating on its supporting medium. This system should be well damped so that the oscillations decay sufficiently before the next blow. Timing of the blows commonly range from 40 to 100 blows per min.The ram weights vary from a few hundred pounds to 35,000 lb (156 kN). Impact velocities in the range of 25 ft/s (7.6 m/s)are common. Open die hammers operate in a similar fashion but are often of two-piece construction with a separate hammer frame and anvil.Forging presses perform a similar manufacturing function as forging hammers but are commonly mechanically or hydraulically driven. These presses form the material at low velocities but with greater forces. The mechanical drive system generates horizontal dynamic forces that the engineer should consider in the design of the support system. Rocking stability of this construction is important. Figure 2.3 shows a typical horizontal forcing function through one full stroke of a forging press.Mechanical metal forming presses operate by squeezing and shearing metal between two dies. Because this equip-ment can vary greatly in size, weight, speed, and operation,the engineer should consider the appropriate type. Speeds can vary from 30 to 1800 strokes per min. Dynamic forces from the press develop from two sources: the mechanical balance of the moving parts in the equipment and the response of the press frame as the material is sheared (snap-through forces).Imbalances in the mechanics of the equipment can occur both horizontally and vertically. Generally high-speed equipment is well balanced. Low-speed equipment is often not balanced because the inertia forces at low speeds are small. The dynamic forces generated by all of these presses can be significant as they are transmitted into the foundation and propagated from there.2.2.4 Other machine types —Other machinery generating dynamic loads include rock crushers and metal shredders.While part of the dynamic load from these types of equipment tend to be based on rotating imbalances, there is also aFig. 2.1—Rotating machine diagram.Fig. 2.2—Reciprocating machine diagram.Fig. 2.3—Forcing function for a forging press.351.3R-6ACI COMMITTEE REPORTrandom character to the dynamic signal that varies with theparticular operation.2.3—Foundation types2.3.1 Block-type foundation (Fig. 2.4)—Dynamic machinesare preferably located close to grade to minimize the elevationdifference between the machine dynamic forces and the centerof gravity of the machine-foundation system. The ability to usesuch a foundation primarily depends on the quality of nearsurface soils. Block foundations are nearly always designed asrigid structures. The dynamic response of a rigid blockfoundation depends only on the dynamic load, foundation’smass, dimensions, and soil characteristics.2.3.2Combined block-type foundation (Fig. 2.5)—Combined blocks are used to support closely spacedmachines. Combined blocks are more difficult to designbecause of the combination of forces from two or moremachines and because of a possible lack of stiffness of alarger foundation mat.2.3.3Tabletop-type foundation (Fig. 2.6)—Elevatedsupport is common for large turbine-driven equipment suchas electric generators. Elevation allows for ducts, piping, andancillary items to be located below the equipment. Tabletopstructures are considered to be flexible, hence their responseto dynamic loads can be quite complex and depend both onthe motion of its discreet elements (columns, beams, andfooting) and the soil upon which it is supported.2.3.4Tabletop with isolators (Fig. 2.7)—Isolators (springsand dampers) located at the top of supporting columns aresometimes used to minimize the response to dynamic loading.The effectiveness of isolators depends on the machine speedand the natural frequency of the foundation. Details of thistype of support are provided in Section equipment (Fig. 2.8)—Occasionallypumps are mounted on springs to minimize thermal forcesfrom connecting piping. The springs are then supported on ablock-type foundation. This arrangement has a dynamiceffect similar to that for tabletops with vibration isolators.Other types of equipment are spring mounted to limit thetransmission of dynamic forces.2.3.6Inertia block in structure (Fig. 2.9)—Dynamic equip-ment on a structure may be relatively small in comparison to theoverall size of the structure. In this situation, dynamic machinesare usually designed with a supporting inertia block to alternatural frequencies away from machine operating speeds andresist amplitudes by increasing the resisting inertia force.2.3.7 Pile foundations (Fig. 2.10)—Any of the previouslymentioned foundation types may be supported directly on soilor on piles. Piles are generally used where soft ground condi-Fig. 2.4—Block-type foundation.Fig. 2.5—Combined block foundation.Fig. 2.6—Tabletop foundation.Fig. 2.7—Tabletop with isolators.Fig. 2.8—Spring-mounted block formation.FOUNDATIONS FOR DYNAMIC EQUIPMENT351.3R-7tions result in low allowable contact pressures and excessive settlement for a mat-type foundation. Piles use end bearing, frictional side adhesion, or a combination of both to transfer axial loads into the underlying soil. Transverse loads are resisted by soil pressure bearing against the side of the pile cap or against the side of the piles. Various types of piles are used including drilled piers, auger cast piles, and driven piles.CHAPTER 3—DESIGN CRITERIA3.1—Overview of design criteriaThe main issues in the design of concrete foundations that support machinery are defining the anticipated loads, estab-lishing the performance criteria, and providing for these through proper proportioning and detailing of structural members. Yet, behind this straightforward definition lies the need for careful attention to the interfaces between machine, mounting system, and concrete foundation.The loads on machine foundations may be both static and dynamic. Static loads are principally a function of the weights of the machine and all its auxiliary equipment. Dynamic loads, which occur during the operation of the machine, result from forces generated by unbalance, inertia of moving parts, or both, and by the flow of fluid and gases for some machines. The magnitude of these dynamic loads primarily depends upon the machine’s operating speed and the type, size, weight, and arrangement (position) of moving parts within the casing.The basic goal in the design of a machine foundation is to limit its motion to amplitudes that neither endanger the satis-factory operation of the machine nor disturb people working in the immediate vicinity (Gazetas 1983). Allowable amplitudes depend on the speed, location, and criticality or function of the machine. Other limiting dynamic criteria affecting the design may include avoiding resonance and excessive trans-missibility to the supporting soil or structure. Thus, a key ingredient to a successful design is the careful engineering analysis of the soil-foundation response to dynamic loads from the machine operation.The foundation’s response to dynamic loads can be signif-icantly influenced by the soil on which it is constructed. Consequently, critical soil parameters, such as the dynamic soil shear modulus, are preferably determined from a field investigation and laboratory tests rather than relying on generalized correlations based on broad soil classifications. Due to the inherent variability of soil, the dynamic response of machine foundations is often evaluated using a range of values for the critical soil properties.Furthermore, a machinery support structure or foundation is designed with adequate structural strength to resist the worst possible combination of loads occurring over its service life. This often includes limiting soil-bearing pressures to well within allowable limits to ensure a more predictable dynamic response and prevent excessive settlements and soil failures. Additionally, concrete members are designed and detailed to prevent cracking due to fatigue and stress reversals caused by dynamic loads, and the machine’s mounting system is designed and detailed to transmit loads from the machine into the foundation, according to the criteria in Section—Foundation and equipment loads Foundations supporting reciprocating or rotating compressors, turbines, generators and motors, presses, and other machinery should withstand all the forces that may be imposed on them during their service life. Machine foundations are unique because they may be subjected to significant dynamic loads during operation in addition to normal design loads of gravity, wind, and earthquake. The magnitude and charac-teristics of the operating loads depend on the type, size, speed, and layout of the machine.Generally, the weight of the machine, center of gravity, surface areas, and operating speeds are readily available from the manufacturer of the machine. Establishing appro-priate values for dynamic loads is best accomplished through careful communication and clear understanding between the machine manufacturer and foundation design engineer as to the purpose, and planned use for the requested information, and the definition of the information provided. It is in the best interests of all parties (machine manufacturer, foundation design engineer, installer, and operator) to ensure effective definition and communication of data and its appropriate use. Machines always experience some level of unbalance, vibra-tion, and force transmitted through the bearings. Under some off-design conditions, such as wear, the forces may increase significantly. The machine manufacturer and foundation design engineer should work together so that their combined knowledge achieves an integrated system structure which robustly serves the needs of its owner and operator and with-stands all expected loads.Sections 3.2.1 to 3.2.6 provide commonly used methods for determining machine-induced forces and other designFig. 2.9—Inertia block in structure. Fig. 2.10—Pile-supported foundation.。



药物临床试验英文缩写.药物临床试验英文缩写.......实验室检查英文缩写..Accuracy 准确度Active control, AC 阳性对照,活性对照Adverse drug reaction, ADR 药物不良反应Adverse event, AE 不良事件Adverse medical events 不良医学事件Adverse reaction 药物不良反应Alb 白蛋白ALD(Approximate Lethal Dose)近似致死剂量ALP 碱性磷酸酶Alpha spending function 消耗函数ALT 丙氨酸氨基转换酶Analysis sets 统计分析的数据集Approval 批准Assistant investigator 助理研究者AST 天门冬酸氨基转换酶ATR 衰减全反射法AUCss 稳态血药浓度-时间曲线下面积Audit 稽查Audit or inspection 稽查/视察Audit report 稽查报告Auditor 稽查员Bias 偏性,偏倚Bioequivalence 生物等效应Blank control 空白对照Blind codes 编制盲底Blind review 盲态审核Blind review 盲态检查Blinding method 盲法Blinding/ masking 盲法,设盲Block 分段Block 层Block size 每段的长度BUN 尿素氮Carryover effect 延滞效应Case history 病历Case report form 病例报告表Case report form/ case record form, CRF 病例报告表,病例记录表Categorical variable 分类变量Cav 平均浓度CD 圆二色谱CL 清除率Clinical equivalence 临床等效应Clinical study 临床研究Clinical study report 临床试验的总结报告Clinical trial 临床试验Clinical trial application, CTA 临床试验申请Clinical trial exemption, CTX 临床试验免责Clinical trial protocol, CTP 临床试验方案Clinical trial/ study report 临床试验报告Cmax 峰浓度Co-investigator 合作研究者Comparison 对照Compliance 依从性Composite variable 复合变量Computer-assisted trial design, CATD 计算机辅助试验设计Confidence interval 可信区间Confidence level 置信水平Consistency test 一致性检验Contract research organization, CRO 合同研究组织Contract/ agreement 协议/合同Control group 对照组Coordinating committee 协调委员会Crea 肌酐CRF(case report form)病例报告表Crossover design 交叉设计Cross-over study 交叉研究Css 稳浓度Cure 痊愈Data management 数据管理Database 建立数据库Descriptive statistical analysis 描述性统计分析DF 波动系统Dichotomies 二分类Diviation 偏差Documentation 记录/文件Dose-reaction relation 剂量-反应关系Double blinding 双盲Double dummy 双模拟Double dummy technique 双盲双模拟技术Double-blinding 双盲Drop out 脱落DSC 差示扫描热量计Effectiveness 疗效Electronic data capture, EDC 电子数据采集系统Electronic data processing, EDP 电子数据处理系统Emergency envelope 应急信件End point 终点Endpoint criteria/ measurement 终点指标Equivalence 等效性Essential documentation 必须文件Ethics committee 伦理委员会Excellent 显效Exclusion criteria 排除标准Factorial design 析因设计Failure 无效,失败Final point 终点Fixed-dose procedure 固定剂量法Forced titration 强制滴定Full analysis set 全分析集GC-FTIR 气相色谱-傅利叶红外联用GC-MS 气相色谱-质谱联用Generic drug 通用名药Global assessment variable 全局评价变量GLU 血糖Good clinical practice, GCP 药物临床试验质量管理规范Good manufacture practice, GMP 药品生产质量管理规范Good non-clinical laboratory practice, GLP 药物非临床研究质量管理规范Group sequential design 成组序贯设计Health economic evaluation, HEV 健康经济学评价Hypothesis test 假设检验Hypothesis testing 假设检验International Conference of Harmonization, ICH 人用药品注册技术要求国际技术协调会,国际协调会议Improvement 好转Inclusion criteria 入选标准Independent ethics committee, IEC 独立伦理委员会Information consent form, ICF 知情同意书Information gathering 信息收集Informed consent, IC 知情同意Initial meeting 启动会议Inspection 视察/检查Institution inspection 机构检查Institution review board, IBR 机构审查委员会Intention to treat 意向治疗(——临床领域)Intention-to –treat, ITT 意向性分析(-统计学)Interactive voice response system, IVRS 互动式语音应答系统Interim analysis 期中分析Investigator 研究者Investigator's brochure, IB 研究者手册IR 红外吸收光谱Ka 吸收速率常Last observation carry forward, LOCF 最接近一次观察的结转LC-MS 液相色谱-质谱联用LD50 板数致死剂量Logic check 逻辑检查LOQ (Limit of Quantitation)定量限LOCF, Last observation carry forward 最近一次观察的结转Lost of follow up 失访Marketing approval/ authorization 上市许可证Matched pair 匹配配对Missing value 缺失值Mixed effect model 混合效应模式Monitor 监查员Monitoring 监查Monitoring report 监查报告MRT 平均滞留时间MS 质谱MS-MS 质谱-质谱联用MTD(Maximum Tolerated Dose)最大耐受剂量Multicenter trial 多中心试验Multi-center trial 多中心试验New chemical entity, NCE 新化学实体New drug application, NDA 新药申请NMR 核磁共振谱Non-clinical study 非临床研究Non-inferiority 非劣效性Non-parametric statistics 非参数统计方法Obedience 依从性ODR 旋光光谱Open-blinding 非盲Open-label 非盲Optional titration 随意滴定Original medical record 原始医疗记录Outcome 结果Outcome assessment 结果指标评价Outcome measurement 结果指标Outlier 离群值Parallel group design 平行组设计Parameter estimation 参数估计Parametric statistics 参数统计方法Patient file 病人档案Patient history 病历Per protocol,PP 符合方案集Placebo 安慰剂Placebo control 安慰剂对照Polytomies 多分类Power 检验效能Precision 精密度Preclinical study 临床前研究Primary endpoint 主要终点Primary variable 主要变量Principal investigator 主要研究者Principle investigator,PI 主要研究者Product license,PL 产品许可证Protocol 试验方案Protocol 试验方案Protocol amendment 方案补正Quality assurance unit,QAU 质量保证部门Quality assurance,QA 质量保证Quality control,QC 质量控制Query list,query form 应用疑问表Randomization 随机化Randomization 随机Range check 范围检查Rating scale 量表Regulatory authorities,RA 监督管理部门Replication 可重复RSD 日内和日间相对标准差Run in 准备期Safety evaluation 安全性评价Safety set 安全性评价的数据集Sample size 样本含量Sample size 样本量,样本大小Scale of ordered categorical ratings 有序分类指标Secondary variable 次要变量Sequence 试验次序Serious adverse event,SAE 严重不良事件Serious adverse reaction,SAR 严重不良反应Seriousness 严重性Severity 严重程度Significant level 检验水准Simple randomization 简单随机Single blinding 单盲Single-blinding 单盲Site audit 试验机构稽查SOP 试验室的标准操作规程Source data verification,SDV 原始数据核准Source data,SD 原始数据Source document,SD 原始文件Specificity 特异性Sponsor 申办者Sponsor-investigator 申办研究者Standard curve 标准曲线Standard operating procedure,SOP 标准操作规程Statistic 统计量Statistical analysis plan 统计分析计划Statistical analysis plan 统计参数计划书Statistical analysis plan,SAP 统计分析计划Statistical model 统计模型Statistical tables 统计分析表Stratified 分层Study audit 研究稽查Subgroup 亚组Sub-investigator 助理研究者Subject 受试者Subject diary 受试者日记Subject enrollment 受试者入选Subject enrollment log 受试者入选表Subject identification code,SIC 受试者识别代码Subject recruitment 受试者招募Subject screening log 受试者筛选表Superiority 检验Survival analysis 生存分析SXRD 单晶X-射线衍射System audit 系统稽查T1/2 消除半衰期Target variable 目标变量T-BIL 总胆红素T-CHO 总胆固醇TG 热重分析TLC、HPLC 制备色谱Tmax 峰时间TP 总蛋白Transformation 变量变换Treatment group 试验组Trial error 试验误差Trial master file 试验总档案Trial objective 试验目的Trial site 试验场所Triple blinding 三盲Two one-side test 双单侧检验Unblinding 揭盲Unblinding 破盲Unexpected adverse event,UAE 预料外不良事件UV-VIS 紫外-可见吸收光谱Variability 变异Variable 变量Visual analogy scale 直观类比打分法Visual check 人工检查Vulnerable subject 弱势受试者Wash-out 清洗期Washout period 洗脱期Well-being 福利,健康1.临床试验(Clinical Trial):指任何在人体(病人或健康志愿者身上)进行药品的系统性研究,以证实或揭示研究药品的作用、不良反应及/或试验用药品的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄,目的是确定研究药品的疗效与安全性。



项目管理术语英汉对照表A•Abstract Resource 抽象资源•Abstraction 抽象•Acceleration 加速•Acceptability Criteria 验收标准•Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL") 可接受质量水平•Acceptance 验收•Acceptance Criteria 验收标准•Acceptance Letters 验收函•Acceptance Number 接受数目•Acceptance Review 验收评审•Acceptance Test 验收测试•Acquisition Methods 采购方式•Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判•Acquisition Plan 采购计划•Acquisition Plan Review ("APR") 采购计划评审•Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制•Acquisition Process 采购过程•Acquisition Strategy 采购策略•Action 行动•Action Item 行动项•Action Item Flags 行动项标记•Action Plan 行动计划•Activation 激活•Active Listening 积极倾听•Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络•Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算•Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理•Activity Calendar 活动日历•Activity Code 活动代码•Activity Definition 活动定义•Activity Description 活动描述•Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间•Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算•Activity Elaboration 活动详述•Activity File 活动档案•Activity ID 活动识别码•Activity List 活动清单•Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络•Activity on Arc ("AOA") 弧线表示活动双代号网络•Activity on Arrow ("AOA") 箭线表示活动双代号网络•Activity on Node节点表示活动单代号网络•Activity Oriented 面向活动•Activity Oriented Schedule 面向活动的进度计划•Activity Properties 活动属性•Activity Quantities 活动量值•Activity Status 活动状态•Activity Timing 活动定时•Actor 执行者角色•Actual 实际的•Actual and Scheduled Progress 实际进展的与计划进度•Actual Cost 实际成本•Actual Cost Data Collection 实际成本汇总•Actual Costs 实际费用•Actual Dates 实际日期•Actual Direct Costs 实际直接成本•Actual Expenditures 实际的支出•Actual Finish 实际完成•Actual Finish Date 实际完成日期•Actual Start 实际开始•Actual Start Date 实际开始日期•ACWP 已完成工作实际成本•See Actual Cost of Work Performed •Adaptation 适应•Added value 附加价值•Addendum 附录•Adequacy 适当•Adjourning 解散•Adjustment 调节•ADM•Arrow Diagram Method•ADM Project ADM 项目•Administration 管理部门•Administrative 行政的•Administrative Change 行政变更•Administrative Management 行政管理•ADP•Automated Data Processing•ADR•Alternative Dispute Resolution•Advanced Material Release ("AMR") 材料提前发布•AF•Actual Finish Date•AFE•Application for Expenditure•Authority for Expenditure•Affect 影响•Affected Parties 受影响方•Agency 代理•Agenda 议程•Aggregation 汇总•Agreement 协议•Agreement, legal 协议合同•ALAP•As-Late-As-Possible•Algorithm 算法•Alignment 排列成行•Alliance 联合•Allocated Baseline 分配的基线•Allocated Requirements 分配需求•Allocation 分配•Allowable Cost 允许成本•Allowance 预留•Alternate Resource 替代资源•Alternative Analysis 替代分析•Alternative Dispute Resolution ("ADR") 替代争议解决方案•Alternatives 可选方案•Ambiguity 含糊不清•Amendment 修订•Amount at Stake 损失量•AMR 材料提前公布•Analysis 分析•Analysis and Design 分析与设计•Analysis Time 分析期•Analyst 分析员•AND Relationship 与关系•Anecdotal 轶事•Anticipated Award Cost 预期中标价•AOA•Activity on Arrow•Activity on Arc•AON•Activity on Node•AOQ•Average Outgoing Quality•AOQL•Average Outgoing Quality Limit•APMA•Apparent Low Bidder 最低投标人•Application 应用•Application Area 应用领域•Application for Expenditure ("AFE") 支出申请•Application for Expenditure Justification 支出申请的论证•Application Programs 应用程序•Applied Direct Costs 实际直接成本•Apportioned Effort 分摊努力•Apportioned Task 分摊任务•Appraisal 评估•Approach 方法•Appropriation 拨款•Approval 批准•Approval to Proceed 批准继续•Approve 同意•Approved Bidders List 批准的投标人清单•Approved Changes 批准的变更•Approved Project Requirements 批准的项目需求•APR•Acquisition Plan Review•AQL•Acceptable Quality Level•Arbitrary 随意的•Arbitration 仲裁•Arc 弧线•Architectural Baseline 构架基线•Architectural View 构架视图•Architecture 构架•Architecture, executable 构架可执行•Archive 档案文件•Archive Plan 存档计划•Area of Project Application•Area of Project Management Application ("APMA") 项目管理的应用领域•Arrow 箭线•Arrow Diagram Method ("ADM") 箭线图方法•Arrow Diagramming 箭线图方法•Arrow Diagramming Method 箭线图方法双代号网络图•Artifact 制品•Artificial 人工的•AS•Actual Start Date•ASAP•As-Soon-As-Possible•As-built Design 实际建造设计•As-built document.tion 实际建造文档•As-Built Records•As-Built Schedule 实际建造进度计划•As-Late-As-Possible ("ALAP") 尽可能晚•As-Needed 恰如所需•As-of Dateo见Data Date.•As-Performed Schedule 实际进度计划•Assembly 组装件•Assembly Sequence 组装顺序•Assessment 评估•Assets 资产•Assignment 分配委派任务•Associated Revenue 关联收益•Association 关联关系•As-Soon-As-Possible ("ASAP") 尽快•Assumption 假设•Assumptions 假设•Assumptions List 假设清单•Assurance 保证•Assurance Programo见Quality Assurance Program.•ATPo见Acceptance Test Procedure•Attitude 态度•Attribute 属性•Attrition 损耗•Audit 审核审计•Authoritarian 独裁的•Authoritative 权威的•Authority 权威权力•Authority for Expenditure ("AFE") 开支权•Authorization 授权o见Approval•Authorize 批准•Authorized Unpriced Work 批准的未定价工作•Authorized Work 批准的工作•Authorized Works 批准的工作•Automated Data Processing ("ADP") 自动化数据处理•Automatic Decision Event 自动决策事件•Automatic Generation 自动生成•Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备•AUWo见Authorized Unpriced Work•Auxiliary Ground Equipment 辅助场地设备•Availability 可用性•Average Outgoing Quality ("AOQ") 平均出厂质量•Average Outgoing Quality Limit ("AOQL") 平均出厂质量限度•Average Sample Size Curve 平均样本规模曲线•Avoidance 避免•Award 授予•Award Fee 奖金•Award Letter 中标函[编辑]B•BAC 完工预算•Budget at Completion•Baseline at Completion•Back Charge 逆向计费•Backcharge 逆向收费•Backward Pass 倒推法/反向计算•Bad Debts 坏帐•Balance 余额权衡•Balanced Matrix 平衡矩阵•Balanced Scorecard平衡记分卡•Balanced Scorecard Approach ("BSA") 平衡记分卡方法•Bank 储备•Banking 储备•Bar Chart 横道图•Bargaining 讨价还价交涉•Bargaining Power 讨价还价权力交涉权力•Barriers 障碍•Base 基础基数•Baseline 基线基准•Baseline at Completion ("BAC") 完成/完工基线•Baseline Concept 基线概念•Baseline Control 基线控制•Baseline Cost 基线成本•Baseline Dates 基线日期•Baseline Finish Date 基线完成日期•Baseline Management 基线管理•Baseline Plan 基线计划基准计划•Baseline Review 基线评审•Baseline Schedule 基线进度计划•Baseline Start Date 基线开始日期•Baseline, budget 基线预算•Baseline, business 基线商业•Baseline, cost estimate 基线费用估算•Baseline, technical 基线技术•Basis of Estimate 估算根据•Batch 批量•Batch Operation 批运行/批处理•BATNA•Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement•BCM•Business Change Manager•BCWP•Budgeted Cost of Work Performed•BCWS•Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled•BEC•Elapsed Cost•Behavior 行为/反应•Behavior Analysis 行为分析•Benchmark 基准•Benchmarking标竿管理•Beneficial Occupancy/Use 有益的占用/使用•Benefits 效益•Benefits Framework 效益框架•Benefits Management 效益管理•Benefits Management Plan 效益管理计划•Benefits Management Regime 效益管理制度•Benefits Profiles 效益简述•Benefits Realization Phase 效益实现阶段•Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement ("BATNA") 协议外最佳方案•BATNA•Best and Final Contract Offer 最佳及最终合同报价•Best and Final Offer 最佳及最终报价•Best Efforts Contract 最大努力合同•Best Practices 最佳实践•Best value 最佳值•Beta Distribution 贝塔发布•Beta Test 贝塔测试•Beta testing 贝塔测试•Bid 投标•Bid Analysis 投标分析•Bid Bond投标保证金•Bid Cost Considerations 投标成本补偿费•Bid document.nbspPreparation 招标文件准备•Bid document.招标文件•Bid Evaluation 评标•Bid List 投标人清单•Bid Package 标段标块•Bid Protests 投标抗议/拒付•Bid Qualifications 投标资质•Bid Response 投标响应•Bid Technical Consideration 投标技术因素•Bid Time Consideration 投标中的时间因素•Bid/No Bid Decision 投标/不投标决策•Bidder 投标人•Bidders Conference 投标人会议•Bidders List 投标人名单•Bidders Source Selection 投标人来源选择•Bidding 投标•Bidding Strategy 投标策略•Bill 帐单•Bill of Materials 材料清单•Bills of Materials 材料清单•Blanket Purchase Agreement ("BPA") 一揽子采购协议BPA •Blueprint 蓝图/计划设计图•Board 委员会•Boiler Plate 样板文件•Bona Fide 真诚真实•Bond 担保•Bonus 奖金•Bonus Schemes 奖励计划•Booking Rates 预提费率•BOOT•Build, Own, Operate, Transfer•Bottom Up Cost Estimate 自下而上成本估算•Bottom Up Cost Estimating 自下而上成本估算•Bottom Up Estimating 自下而上估算•Boundary 边界•BPA•Blanket Purchase Agreement•BPR•Business Process Reengineering •Brainstorming 头脑风暴法•Branching Logic 分支逻辑关系•Breach of Contract 违约•Breadboarding 实验模型•Break Even 盈亏平衡•Breakdown 分解•Breakdown Structure 分解结构•Break-Even Chart 盈亏平衡图•Break-Even Charts 盈亏平衡图•Break-Even Point 盈亏平衡点•Bribe 贿赂•BSA•Balanced Scorecard Approach•Buck Passing 完全通过/推卸责任•Budget 预算•Budget at Completion ("BAC") 完工预算BAC•Budget Cost 预算成本•Budget Costs 预算成本预算费用•Budget Decrement 预算消耗•Budget Element 预算要素•Budget Estimate 预算估算•Budget Presentation 预算介绍•Budget Revision 预算修订•Budget Unit 预算单位•Budgetary Control预算性控制•Budgeted 已安排预算的•Budgeted Cost of Work Performed ("BCWP") 已完工作预算成本BCWP•Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled ("BCWS") 计划工作的预算成本•Budgeting 制定预算•Budgeting & Cost Management 预算制定与成本管理•Build 建设构造•Build, Own, Operate, Transfer ("BOOT") 建造拥有经营转让•Buildability 建造能力•Building 建筑物•Building Professionalism 建设专业化•Build-to document.tion 建成文档•Built-in Test Equipment 内置测试设备•Bulk Material 大宗材料•Burden 间接费用负担•Burden of Proof 举证费•Bureaucracy 官僚制度•Burn Rate 消耗速度•Burst Node 分支点•Business Actor 业务参与者/角色•Business Appraisal 商业评估•Business Area 业务领域•Business Assurance 商业保证•Business Assurance Coordinator 商业保证协调人•Business Case 商业案例•Business Change Manager ("BCM") 商业变更经理BCM •Business Creation 商业创新•Business Engineering 商业工程•Business Imperative 商业需要•Business Improvement 业务改进•Business Manager 商务经理商业经理•Business Modeling 业务建模•Business Needs 商业需求•Business Objectives 商业目标•Business Operations 业务运作•Business Process 业务流程•Business Process Engineering 业务流程工程•Business Process Reengineering ("BPR") 业务流程重组•Business Processes 业务流程•Business Risk 商业风险•Business Rule 商业规则•Business Transition Plan 业务转换计划•Business Unit 业务单位•Buyer 买方•Buyer's Market 买方市场•Buy-In 支持认同买进•Bypassing 回避[编辑]C•C/SCSC•Cost/Schedule Control System Criteria•C/SSR•Cost/Schedule Status Report•CA•Control Account•CAD•Computer Aided Drafting•Computer Aided Design•Calculate Schedule 估算进度安排•Calculation 计算•Calendar 日历•Calendar File 日历文件•Calendar Range 日历范围•Calendar Start Date 日历开始日期•Calendar Unit 日历单位•Calendar, Software 日历软件•Calendars 日历集•Calibration 校准•CAM•Cost Account Manager•Computer Aided Manufacturing •Control Account Manager•CAP•Cost Account Plan•Control Account Plan•Capability 能力•Capability Survey 能力调查•Capital 资本•Capital Appropriation 资本划拨•Capital Asset 资本资产•Capital Cost 资本成本•Capital Employed 占用的资本•Capital Expansion Projects 资本扩展项目•Capital Goods Project 资本货物项目•Capital Property 资本财产•CAR•Capital Appropriation Request •Cards-on-the-wall Planning 墙卡规划法•Career 职业•Career Path Planning 职业路线规划•Career Planning职业规划•Career Path Planning.•Carryover Type 1 结转类型1•Carryover Type 2 结转类型2•Cascade Chart 层叠图•CASEo Computer Aided Software Engineeringo Computer Aided System Engineering •Cash现金•Cash Flow 现金流•Cash Flow Analysis 现金流分析•Cash Flow Management 现金流管理•Cash Flow, Net 现金流净值•Cash In 现金流入•Cash Out 现金支出•Catalyst 催化者•Catch-up Alternatives 赶上计划的备选方案•Causation 起因•Cause 动因•CBD•Component-Based Development•CBS•Cost Breakdown Structure•CCB•Change Control Board•CCDR•Contractor Cost Data Report•CDR•Critical Design Review•Central Processing Unit (CPU) 中央处理单元•Centralized 集中的•Certain 确定的•Certainty.•Certainty 确定性•Certificate of Conformance 一致性认证•Certification 认证•Chain 链•Challenge 挑战•Champion 推动者支持者•Change 变更变化变革•Change Control 变更控制•Change Control Board (CCB) 变更管理委员会•Change document.tion 变更文档•Change in Scope 工作范围变化•Change Log 变更日志•Change Management 变更管理•Change Management Plan 变更管理计划•Change Notice 变更通知•Change Order 变更通知单•Changed Conditions 变更的条款•Characteristic 特性•Chart 图表•Chart of Accounts 会计科目表•Chart Room 图表室•Charter 章程•Checking 检查•Checklist 检查清单•Checkpoint 检查点•Checkpoints 检查点集•Chief Executive Officer首席执行官•Child 子项•Child Activity 子活动•CI•Configuration Item•Claim 索赔•Clarification 澄清•Class 类•Classes 类•Classification 分类•Classification of Defects 缺陷的分类•Clearance Number 净空数•Client 客户•Client Environment 客户环境•Client Quality Services 客户质量服务•Closed Projects 已收尾的项目•Closeout 收尾•Closeout Report 收尾报告•Closeout, phase 收尾阶段•Closing 终止•Closure 收尾•CM•Configuration Management •Construction Management •Coaching 教练•Code 代码•Code and Unit Test 编码和单元测试•Code of Accounts 帐目编码•Coding 编码•Collaboration 协作•Collapsing 折叠•Collective 集体的•Combative 好战的•Commercial 商务的•Commercial Item Description 商务描述•Commission and Handover 委托和移交•Commissioning 试运行•Commissions and Bonuses 酬金和奖金•Commit 提交•Commitment 承诺义务•Commitment document.nbsp 承诺文件•Commitment Estimate•Commitment Package 承诺包•Commitment to Objectives 对目标的承诺•Committed Cost 已承担成本已承付成本•Committed Costs 已承诺费用•Common Carrier 公众运营商•Communicating With Groups 与团队的沟通•Communicating With Individuals 与个人的沟通•Communication 沟通•Communication Channels 沟通渠道•Communication Plan, Strategic 沟通计划策略性的•Communication Plan, Tactical 沟通计划--战术性的•Communication Room 交流室•Communications Management 沟通管理•Communications Plan 沟通计划•Communications Planning 沟通规划编制•Community 社团•Company 公司•Comparison 对比•Compatibility 兼容性•Compensation 补偿•Compensation and Evaluation 补偿和评价•Competence 能力•Competency 能力•Competition 竞争•Competitive:竞争的•Compile 编译•Compile Time 编译时•Complete 完成•Completed Activity 已完成的活动•Completed Units 完工单元•Completion 完工•Completion Date 完成日期•Complex 复杂的•Component 构件组件•Component Integration and Test 组件集成和测试•Component-Based Development ("CBD") 基于构件的开发•Components 组件•Compound Risk 复合风险•Compromise 折衷•Compromising, in negotiating 折衷谈判•Computer 计算机•Computer Aided Design (CAD) 计算机辅助设计•Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) 计算机辅助制图•Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) 计算机辅助制造•Computer Cost Applications 计算机化的成本管理应用•Computer Hardware 计算机硬件•Computer Modeling 计算机建模•Computer Program Configuration Item 计算机程序配置项•Computer Software 计算机软件•Computer Software Component 计算机软件组件•Computer Software Configuration Item (CSCI) 计算机软件配置项•Computer Software document.tion 计算机软件文档•Computer Software Unit 计算机软件单元•Computer-Aided 计算机辅助的•Computerized Information Storage, Reference and Retrieval 计算机化的信息存储定位和检索•Concept 概念•Concept Definition document.概念定义文档•Concept Phase 概念阶段•Concept Study 概念研究•Conception Phase 概念形成阶段•Conceptual 概念性的•Conceptual Budgeting 概念性预算•Conceptual Design 概念性设计•Conceptual Development 概念性开发•Conceptual Project Planning 概念性项目计划•Concession 让步•Concession Making, in negotiating 谈判中的让步•Conciliatory 调和的•Concluding 终决的•Conclusions 结论•Concurrency 并发性•Concurrent 并发事件•Concurrent Delays 并行延迟•Concurrent Engineering 并行工程•Concurrent Tasks 并行任务•Conditional Risk 条件风险•Conditions 条件条款•Conducting 执行•Confidence Level 信心等级•Configuration 配置•Configuration Audit 配置审核•Configuration Breakdown 配置分解•Configuration Control 配置控制•Configuration Control Board 配置控制委员会•Configuration Identification 配置识别•Configuration Item Acceptance Review 配置项验收评审•Configuration Item Verification 配置项验证•Configuration Item Verification Procedures 配置项验证程序•Configuration Management 配置管理•Configuration Management Board 配置管理委员会•Configuration Relationships 配置关系•Configuration Status Accounting 配置状态统计•Conflict 冲突•Conflict Management 冲突管理•Conflict Resolution 冲突解决方案•Conformance to Requirements 与需求的一致性•Confrontation 积极面对•Consensus 一致同意•Consensus Decision Process 集体决策过程•Consent 同意•Consequences 后果•Consideration 对价•Considerations 对价需要考虑的事项•Consolidate 合并•Consortium 联盟•Constituents 涉众•Constraint 约束条件•Constraint, project constraint 约束条件对项目的约束•Constraints 约束条件•Constructability 施工能力•Construction 施工构造建造建筑•Construction Contractor 施工承包商•Construction Cost 施工成本•Construction Management ("CM") 施工管理•Construction Manager 施工经理•Construction Stage 施工阶段•Construction Work 施工工作•Construction-Oriented 以施工为导向的•Constructive Challenge 建设性质询•Constructive Change 建设性变更•Consultant 咨询顾问•Consulting 咨询•Consumable Resource 可消耗资源•Consumables 消费性物资•Contemplated Change Notice 预期变更通知•Contending, in negotiating 争论在谈判中•Content 内容•Content Type 内容类型•Context 背景•Contingencies 不可预见费应急费用•Contingency 不可预见费应急费用•Contingency Allowance 应急补助•Contingency Budget Procedure 不可预见费用预算程序•Contingency Plan 意外事件计划•Contract Package 合同包•Contract Performance Control 合同履行控制•Contract Plan 合同计划•Contract Pre-award Meetings 合同预授予会议•Contract Quality Requirements 合同质量要求•Contract Requirements 合同要求•Contract Risk 合同风险•Contract Risk Analysis 合同风险分析•Contract Signing 合同签署•Contract Strategy 合同战略•Contract Target Cost (CTC) 合同目标成本•Contract Target Price (CTP) 合同目标价格•Contract Type 合同分类•Contract Types 合同类型•Contract Work Breakdown Structure (CWBS) 合同工作分解结构•Contract/Procurement Management 合同/采购管理•Contracting 签订合同•Contractor 承包商•Contractor Claims Release 承包商索赔豁免•Contractor Cost Data Report (CCDR) 承包商成本数据报告•Contractor Evaluation 承包商评估•Contractor Furnished Equipment 承包商供应的设备•Contractor Project Office 承包商项目办公室•Contractor Short Listing 承包商短列表•Contractor's Performance Evaluation 承包商的绩效评价•Contractual 合同的•Contractual Conditions 合同条款•Contractual/Legal Requirements 合同的/法律上的要求•Contributed value 贡献价值•Contribution Analysis 贡献分析•Control 控制•Control Account (CA) 控制帐目•Control Account Manager (CAM) 控制帐目经理•Control Account Plan (CAP) 控制帐目计划•Control and Coordination 控制和协调•Control Chart 控制表•Control Cycle 控制周期•Control Gate 控制关口控制关卡•Control Loop 控制回路•Control Point 控制点•Control Requirements 控制必要条件要求•Control System 控制系统•Control Theory 控制论•Controllable Risks 可控风险•Controlling 控制o参看Project Control•Controlling Relationship 控制关系•Coordinated Matrix 协调型的矩阵•Coordination 协调•Coordinator 协调员•Corporate 公司•Corporate Administration and Finance 公司行政和财务•Corporate Budget. 公司预算•Corporate Business Life Cycle 公司商务生命周期•Corporate Constraints 公司限制因素•Corporate Data Bank 公司数据库•Corporate Management 公司管理•Corporate Memory 公司记忆库•Corporate Philosophy 公司价值体系, 公司哲学•Corporate Planning 公司计划编制•Corporate Project Management 公司项目管理•Corporate Project Strategy 公司项目战略•Corporate Quality Standards 公司质量标准•Corporate Resources 公司资源•Corporate Responsibility Matrix 公司责任矩阵•Corporate Standards 公司标准•Corporate Supervision 公司监管•Corporation 公司•Correction 纠正•Corrective Action 纠正措施•Correlation 相关性•Cost 成本•Cost Account 成本帐目•Cost Account Breakdown 成本帐目分解•Cost Account Manager (CAM) 成本帐目经理•Cost Account Plan (CAP) 成本帐目计划•Cost Accumulation Methods 成本累加方法•Cost Analysis 成本分析•Cost Applications 成本应用•Cost Avoidance 成本规避•Cost Baseline 成本基线•Cost Benefit 成本效益•Cost Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析•Cost Breakdown Structure 成本分解结构•Cost Budgeting 成本预算•Cost Ceiling 封顶成本成本上限•Cost Ceiling Bracket 成本上限范围•Cost Center 成本中心•Cost Check 成本检查•Cost Classes 成本类别•Cost Code 成本代码•Cost Codes 成本代码•Cost Control 成本控制•Cost Control Point 成本控制点•Cost Control System 成本控制系统•Cost Curve 成本曲线•Cost Distribution 成本分摊•Cost Effective 成本效率成本有效的•Cost Element 成本元素•Cost Engineering 成本工程•Cost Envelope 成本区域•Cost Estimate 成本估算•Cost Estimate Classification System 成本估算分类系统•Cost Estimating 成本估算•Cost Estimating Relationship 成本估算关系•Cost Forecast 成本预测•Cost Forecasting 成本预测•Cost Growth 成本增长•Cost Incurred 已发生成本•Cost Index 成本指数•Cost Indices 成本指数表•Cost Input 成本投入•Cost Management 成本管理•Cost Model 成本模型•Cost of Money 资金成本•Cost of Quality 质量成本•Cost Overrun 成本超支•Cost Performance Baseline 成本绩效基线•Cost Performance Index (CPI) 成本绩效指数•Cost Performance Indicator (CPI) 成本绩效指数•Cost Performance Measurement Baseline 成本绩效度量基线•Cost Performance Ratio (CPR) 成本绩效比率•Cost Performance Report (CPR) 成本绩效报告•Cost Plan 成本计划•Cost Plus 成本补偿•Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract ("CPFF") 成本加固定费用合同•Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract ("CPIFC") 成本加奖励费用合同•Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract ("CPPC") 成本加成本百分比合同•Cost Reimbursable Contract 成本补偿合同费用可偿还合同•Cost Reimbursement 成本补偿•Cost Reimbursement Type Contracts 成本补偿型合同•Cost Reviews 成本评审•Cost Savings 成本节约•Cost Sharing Contract 成本共享合同•Cost Status 成本状态•Cost to Complete 竣工尚需成本•Cost to Complete Forecast 竣工所需成本预测•Cost Types 成本类型•Cost Variance ("CV") 成本偏差•Cost/Schedule Status Report ("C/SSR") 成本/进度状态报告•Cost-Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析•Costed Work Breakdown Structure 带成本信息的工作分解结构•Cost-Effectiveness 成本效果分析法•Costing 成本核算•Costing Systems 成本核算系统•Cost-Time Resource Sheet (CTR) 成本时间资源表•Counseling 指导•Countermeasures 对策•CPFFCo Cost Plus Fixed Fee Contract•CPIo Cost Performance Indexo Cost Performance Indicator•CPIF 成本加奖励费用合同o Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract•CPIFCo Cost Plus Incentive Fee Contract•CPMo Critical Path Method•CPNo Critical Path Network•CPPCo Cost Plus Percentage of Cost Contract •CPRo Cost Performance Ratioo Cost Performance Report•CPUo Central Processing Unit•CRo Change Request•Craft 技艺•Crash Costs 赶工成本•Crash Duration 赶工工期•Crashing 赶工•Creativity 创造力•Credit 赊欠信誉•Credited Resource 已授予的资源•Crisis 危机•Criteria 标准指标•Criterion 标准指标•Critical 关键的•Critical Activity 关键活动•Critical Chain 关键链•Critical Defect 关键性缺陷•Critical Defective 有关键缺陷的产品•Critical Design Review 关键设计评审•Critical Event 关键事件•Critical Factors 关键因素•Critical Path 关键路径•Critical Path Analysis 关键路径分析•Critical Path Method (CPM) 关键路径法•Critical Path Network (CPN) 关键路径网络图•Critical Performance Indicator 关键绩效指标•Critical Ratio 临界比关键比率•Critical Sequence 关键工序•Critical Sequence Analysis 关键工序分析•Critical Subcontractor 关键分包商•Critical Success Factors (CSF) 关键的成功因素•Critical Task 关键任务•Critical Work Item 关键工作项•Criticality Index 关键指数•Cross Organizational 交叉型组织跨组织的•Cross References 交叉参照•Cross-Stage Plan 交叉阶段计划•CSCIo Computer Software Configuration Item •CSFo Critical Success Factors•CTCo Contract Target Cost•CTPo Contract Target Price•CTRo Cost-Time Resource Sheet•Culture 文化•Culture, organizational 文化组织文化•Cumulative Cost-to-Date 到目前为止的累计成本•Cumulative S Curve 累计S 曲线•Currency Conversion 货币兑换•Current Budget 当前预算•Current Date Line 当前日期线•Current Finish Date 当前完成日期•Current FY Budget Allocation 当前财政年的预算分配•Current Start Date 当前开始日期•Current Status 当前状态•Current Year 当年•Custom Duty and Tax 海关关税•Customer 客户•Customer Acceptance Criteria 客户验收标准•Customer Furnished Equipment 客户提供的设备•Customer Perspective 客户观点•Customer/Client Personnel 客户方的职员•Cutoff Date 移交日期•Cutover 移交•CV•Cost Variance•CWBSo Contract Work Breakdown Structure •Cybernetics 控制论•Cycle 周期•Cycle Time 周期[编辑]D•Damages 损害赔偿金•Dangle 悬空活动•Data 数据•Data Application 数据应用•Data Collection 数据收集•Data Date ("DD") 数据日期•Data Entry Clerk 数据录入员•Data Item Description ("DID") 工作项描述•Data Processing 数据处理•Data Refinements 数据改进•Data Type 数据类型•Data Structure Organization 数据结构组织•Database 数据库•Database Administrator ("DBA") 数据库管理员•Database Management System ("DBMS") 数据库管理系统•Date of Acceptance 验收日期•Day Work Account 日常工作帐户•DBAo”Database Administrator"•DBMo”Dynamic Baseline Model"•DBMSo”Database Management System"•DCEo”Distributed Computing Environment" •DCFo”Discounted Cash Flow"•DDo”Data Date"•Deactivation Plan 惰性化计划•Deactivation Procedures 惰性化流程•Debriefing 投标反馈听取情况汇报情况•Decentralized 分散的•Decision 决策•Decision document.tion 决策文档•Decision Event 决策事件•Decision Making 制定决策•Decision Making Process 决策过程•Decision Support System 决策支持系统•Decision Theory 决策论•Decision Tree 决策树•Decision Trees 决策树组•Decomposing 分解•Decomposition 分解•Default 违约•Default values 默认值•Defect 缺陷•Defective 缺陷产品•Defects-Per-Hundred-Units 每百个单元有缺陷的数量•Deficiency 缺陷•Deficiency List 缺陷清单•Definition 定义•Definition Phase 定义阶段•Definitive 确定性的•Definitive Estimate 确定性估算•Deflection 风险转移•Degradation 降级•Delay 延期•Delay, compensable 补偿性延期•Delaying Resource 资源延期•Delegating 授权•Delegation 授权•Deliberate Decision Event 预先准备的决策事件•Deliverable 可交付成果,可交付物•Deliverable Breakdown Structure 可交付物分解结构•Deliverable Deadline 可交付物的终止期限•Deliverables 可交付成果可交付物•Deliverables Management 交付物管理•Delivery 交付•Delphi Technique德尔菲法•Demonstrate 演示证明•Demonstrated 已证明的•Demonstrated Past Experience 已证明的过去经验•Demonstration 演示•Demonstration Review 演示评审•Department 部门•Departmental Budget 部门预算•Dependability 可靠性•Dependencies 依赖关系•Dependency 活动之间的依赖关系•Dependency Arrow 关系箭线•Dependency Diagram 网络图前导网络图•Dependency Links 依赖关系•Dependency Management 依赖关系管理•Deployment 部署•Deployment Lessons Learned document.nbsp 部署的经验教训文档•Deployment Plan 部署计划•Deployment Procedures 部署流程•Deployment Readiness Review 部署准备评审•Deployment View 部署视图•Depreciation 折旧•Descriptive 描述性的•Design 设计•Design & Development Phase 设计和开发阶段•Design Alternatives 设计备选方案•Design Appraisal 设计评估•Design Authority 设计权威•Design Baseline 基准设计•Design Bid Build 设计阶段投标的建立•Design Brief 设计大纲•Design Build 设计的建立包括设计和构造•Design Concept 设计概念•Design Contingency 设计应急费用•Design Contract 设计合同•Design Control 设计控制•Design Development 设计开发•Design Management 设计管理•Design Management Plan 设计管理计划•Design Model 设计模型•Design of Experiment试验设计•Design Package 设计包•Design Review 设计评审•Design Subsystem 设计子系统•Design Time 设计时间•Design to Budget 按预算设计•Design to Cost 按成本设计•Design-to Specifications 按规范设计•Desirable Logic 合意逻辑•Detail document.tion 详细的文档•Detail Schedule 详细的进度安排•Detailed Design 详细设计•Detailed Design Stage 详细设计阶段•Detailed Engineering 详细工程•Detailed Planning 详细计划•Detailed Plans 详细的计划•Detailed Resource Plan 详细的资源计划•Detailed Schedule 详细的进度安排•Detailed Technical Plan 详细的技术计划•Determination 决定决心•Determine Least Cost for Maximum Results 确定可以获得最大收获的最小成本•Deterministic 确定性的•Deterministic Network 确定的网络图•Developed Country 发达国家•Developer 开发人员•Developing Country 发展中国家•Development 开发•Development case 开发案例•Development Phase 开发阶段•Development Plan 开发计划•Development process 开发过程•Deviation 偏差•Deviation Permit 允许偏差•Diagram 图•DIDo”Data Item Description" •Differences 偏差差异•Differentials 差值•Differing Site Conditions 不同的现场环境•Direct Cost 直接成本•Direct Cost Contingency 直接成本应急费用•Direct Costs 直接成本•Direct Labor 直接人工•Direct Project Costs 直接项目成本费用•Directing 指挥•Direction 指导•Directive 指示•Director 主管总监•Discipline 学科•Discipline Maintenance 规矩的维护•Discontinuous Activity 非连续的活动•Discontinuous Processing 非连续的过程•Discount Rate贴现率折现率•Discounted Cash Flow ("DCF") 折现现金流•Discounting 折现•Discrete Effort 离散工作•Discrete Milestone 离散里程碑•Discrete Task 离散任务•Discrimination 歧视•Discussion 讨论•Display 显示•Disposal of Materials 材料处置•Dispute 辩论•Disruption 破坏•Disruptive 破坏性的•Dissemination 分发•Distinguishing Constraint 区分性的约束。




管理追求效率(efficiency)和效果(effectiveness)管理职能(management functions):计划(planning)、组织(organizing)、领导(leading)、控制(controlling)管理者角色(management roles):人际关系角色(interpersonal roles)、信息角色(information roles)、决策角色(decision roles) 成功的管理者和有效的管理者并不等同,在活动时间上,有效的管理者花费了大量的时间用于沟通,而网络联系(社交等)占据了成功的管理者很大部分时间。



2章管理的演进1、20世纪以前的管理:亚当·斯密的劳动分工理论(division of labor)产业革命(industrial revolution)2、多样化时期(20世纪):科学管理(scientific management):弗雷德里克·泰勒一般行政管理理论(general administrative theory):亨利·法约尔(principles of management)、马克斯·韦伯(bureaucracy) 人力资源方法(human resources approach):权威的接受观点(acceptance view of authority),霍桑研究,人际关系运动(卡内基、马斯洛),行为科学理论家(behavioral science theorists) 定量方法(quantitative approach)3、近年来的趋势(20世纪后期):趋向一体化过程方法(process approach)系统方法(systems approach):封闭系统和开放系统(closed systems)权变方法(contingency approach):一般性的权变变量包括组织规模、任务技术的例常性、环境的不确定性、个人差异4、当前的趋势和问题(21世纪):变化中的管理实践全球化(globalization)工作人员多样化(work force diversity)道德(morality)激励创新(innovations)和变革(changes)全面质量管理(total quality management, TQM):由顾客需要和期望驱动的管理哲学授权(delegation)工作人员的两极化(bi-modal work force)3章组织文化与环境:管理的约束力量1、组织组织文化(organizational culture)被用来指共有的价值体系。

SAE USCAR-25-2003 插件人机工程要求

SAE USCAR-25-2003 插件人机工程要求

ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR ASSEMBLY ERGONOMIC DESIGN CRITERIAThe research data, analysis, conclusion, opinions and other contents of this document are solely the product of the authors. Neither the Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (SAE) nor the United States Council for Automotive Research (USCAR) certifies the compliance of any products with the requirements of nor makes any representations as to the accuracy of the contents of this document nor to its applicability for purpose. It is the sole responsibility of the user of this document to determine whether or not it is applicable for their purposes.IssuedMay 2003SAE/USCAR-25SUMMARY OF CONTENTS1. SCOPE (2)2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS (2)3. GENERAL (2)4. DESIGN GUIDELINES - MECHANICAL ASSIST CONNECTORS.........................................2 4.1 Lever Contact (Grip) Area Design....................................................................................3 4.2 Maximum Assembly Force...............................................................................................4 4.3 Disengage Force..............................................................................................................4 4.4 Connector Pre-Lock..........................................................................................................5 4.5 Inadvertent Actuation.........................................................................................................5 4.6 Assembly Access. (5)5. TESTING - MECHANICAL ASSIST CONNECTORS (6)6. DESIGN GUIDELINES - HAND-PLUG CONNECTORS (NON-MECHANICAL ASSIST) (7)7. CPA'S (CONNECTOR POSITION ASSURANCE) (12)APPENDIX A REVISIONS (13)1. SCOPE:This document describes the design and assembly force guidelines for conventional and mechanical assist (lever and slide-lock) electrical connectors and CPA’s.All possible designs and applications cannot be anticipated in creating these guidelines.Where there are questions of adherence to this document, such as use of an “off-the-shelf”design, always consult the responsible Ergonomics department.Refer to SAE/USCAR-12 Wiring Component Design Guidelines for additional guidelines.2. REFERENCED DOCUMENTS:1. SAE/USCAR-2 Performance Specification for Automotive Electrical Connector Systems2. SAE/USCAR-12 Wiring Component Design Guidelines3. GENERAL:In all cases, ASSEMBLY FORCES SHOULD BE AS LOW AS POSSIBLE while maintaining satisfactory electrical, mechanical, and environmental performance.Part packaging, process and workstation design requirements/constraints may require a reduction in maximum forces specified in this document. Consult with the OEM ergonomics department in these cases. Such situations include but are not limited to:1. Obstructed access2. Limited visibility3. Awkward or non-neutral postures, especially wrist deviation4. DESIGN GUIDELINES – MECHANICAL ASSIST CONNECTORS:Mechanical assist type connectors use levers, cams, or slides to allow increased electrical capability with less ergonomic stress. Assembly forces up to 75N are allowable for such connectors provided these guidelines are met. Lever-lock or mechanical assist connectors fall into three categories as shown in table 4.1. Required touch contact area and assembly force varies with each category.FIGURE 4.1.1: Lever Contact Surface Area Example4.1.2 An end stop is defined as a ridge perpendicular to the bearing surface located at thedistal edge of the surface. Such features are OPTIONAL and may help prevent thethumb/finger(s) from sliding off of the lever. Maximum dimensions of this feature areshown in figure 4.1.2FIGURE 4.1.2: Section View – Maximum Dimensions of OPTIONAL Contact Surface Features(ref. Figure 4.1.1)4.2 Maximum Assembly Force:The maximum allowable assembly force is the peak force required to actuate the lever from its fully opened position to it’s fully locked position. Forces at any point in the path may not exceed the maximum force shown in table Disengage Force:Disengagement of the connector in the assembly plant may be required for testing. Inthese cases, values for the maximum disassembly force with the secondary lock or CPA released are the same as the maximum assembly force for each category (table 4.1).4.4 Connector Pre-Lock:4.4.1 The pre-lock position allows positioning of the connector prior to actuation of the leverassist.4.4.2 Design the connector so that the force required to fully engage the connector into its pre-lock position complies with the hand-plug connector requirement (section 6) of thisdocument4.4.3 Design the pre-lock and lock features to give audible and or tactile feedback4.5 Inadvertent Actuation:4.5.1 Design lever mechanisms to prevent inadvertent actuation during shipping, handling, andpre-assembly operations. Refer to USCAR-12 for specific guidelines.4.5.2 Design connectors so that it is visually obvious to the operator that the connector is notcorrectly seated and locked.4.5.3 Design the lever mechanism so that if the connector is not seated properly or thepolarization is incorrect, the force to actuate the lever meets SAE/USCAR-2 (Polarization Feature Effectiveness test).4.6 Assembly Access:4.6.1 Keep the swing area of the lever clear of sharp edges or objects that may catch athumb/fingernail.4.6.2 Hand access clearance for category 3 connectors only is defined in Figures5.1.1-1 and5.1.1-2.FIGURE 5.1.1-1: Plan View - Hand Clearance Requirements – Category 3 Connectors Only5. TESTING – MECHANICAL ASSIST CONNECTORS:Perform testing of the lever actuation force as specified in SAE-USCAR-2. Additional requirements may apply as specified in that document. The optimum set-up to determine lever actuation force is such that force is applied perpendicular to the lever contact surfaceand continues in an arc about the rotational axis of the lever.6. DESIGN GUIDELINES - HAND-PLUG CONNECTORS (NON-MECHANICAL ASSIST):6.1 Consistent with good tool engineering practice, design hand-plug connectors withergonomically friendly surfaces in the entire grip area. Where possible, use a 0.8mm or greater radius on edges likely to be contacted by the operator’s hand.6.2 Design contact surfaces for efficient application of insertion force by:•Positioning surface perpendicular to the direction of connector insertion•Designing the surface to be continuous or near continuous. Surface voids, though not desired can be acceptable. Design goal is to have at least a 1.5mm wide picture frame of material surrounding the contact surface. Mold design practice may require surfacevoids or discontinuities in the surface. For example, in the case of a TPA with a snap fit feature that requires mold coring resulting in a small hole or void.•Designing to meet at least the minimum surface area requirements as detailed in table6.3 and figure 6.3.•Avoiding designs requiring ‘Pulp Pinch’ grips on all but the lowest plug force connectors (see figure 6.2-a)**Note: For figures 6.2-a, b, c, d, e, and f, reference table 6.3FIGURE 6.2-a: Category 1 Pulp Pinch FIGURE 6.2-b: Category 1 Finger PressFIGURE 6.2-c: Thumb and Finger PressFIGURE 6.2-d: Category 3 Hand ClearanceFIGURE 6.2-e: Category 3 Hand Clearance (Side View)FIGURE 6.2-f: Category 3 Hand Clearance (Plan View) 6.3 Hand-Plug Connector Characteristics:Design hand-plug connector characteristics per table 6.3.(a) Contact surfaces on two sides of wire bundle.(b) Contact surface on one side of wire bundle.(c) Wire bundle centered in circular connector FIGURE 6.3: Contact Surface Requirements (ref. Table 6.3)7. CPA’S (CONNECTOR POSITION ASSURANCE):The following guidelines apply to CPA devices when used:1. Design minimum push surface dimensions to be 5mm x 3mm. Larger surfaces arepreferred if possible.2. Angled push surface (similar to flashlight slide switch) is acceptable. High point ofsurface must be at least 3mm higher than surrounding surface.3. Design the minimum travel distance to be at least 3.0mm.4. Design the CPA actuation force per USCAR-2 requirements (Misc. ComponentInsertion)5. Design the CPA with no sharp edges or hard contact points on the part itself or alongthe travel path6. Fully seated CPA push surface should be either flush or protruding above thesurrounding connector surface. If the CPA must be recessed, provide adequateaccess for finger actuation. This is accomplished by providing a 26mm diametercylinder of clearance above the CPA push surface.7. The design should provide for an audible/tactile feedback, but must provide visualindication that the CPA is closed. Examples of visual indication include (not anexhaustive list) designing the contact surface of the CPA to seat flush to thesurrounding surface, and designing the contact surface to have a shoulder that restson the surrounding surface.8. Serrations, knurls, ridges, etc. are permissible and if used, must have a maximumheight of 0.8mm9. Integral CPA’s are preferred over tethered designs.10. Axial CPA’s are preferred (actuate in same direction as connector insertion motion).。



A. 强电系统1.0一般要求1.1提供独立变配电房供酒店之用,变配电房内之高压配电柜、变压器、低压配电柜应只供酒店之用,其他不属于酒店地方(如公寓,商场,办公楼,等)之用电由其他配电房提供,并独立核算。



在市电停供时, 发电机必须在10到15秒内自动起动及电源自动切换. 当其中一路市政供电停止供电时, 另一路市政供电则必须能够提供酒店100%的供电需求。















PIP_Civil Design Criteria_CVC01015

PIP_Civil Design Criteria_CVC01015

TECHNICAL CORRECTIONJune 2001 Process Industry PracticesCivilPIP CVC01015Civil Design CriteriaPURPOSE AND USE OF PROCESS INDUSTRY PRACTICESIn an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed. Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material contained in or suggested by the Practice.This Practice is subject to revision at any time by the responsible Function Teamand will be reviewed every 5 years. This Practice will be revised, reaffirmed, orwithdrawn. Information on whether this Practice has been revised may be found at.© Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, TheUniversity of Texas at Austin, 3208 Red River Street, Suite 300, Austin,Texas 78705. PIP member companies and subscribers may copy this Practicefor their internal use. Changes, overlays, addenda, or modifications of anykind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express writtenauthorization of PIP.PRINTING HISTORYJune 1999IssuedJune 2001Technical CorrectionNot printed with State fundsTECHNICAL CORRECTIONJune 2001Process Industry Practices Page 1 of 10Process Industry PracticesCivilPIP CVC01015Civil Design CriteriaTable of Contents 1. Introduction (2)1.1Purpose .............................................21.2Scope.................................................22. References ...................................22.1Process Industry Practices................22.2Industry Codes and Standards..........22.3Government Regulations...................33. Definitions....................................34. Environmental Protection.. (4)4.1Groundwater Protection (4)4.2Surface Water Protection..................44.3Public Safety......................................45. Geotechnical EngineeringInvestigations (4)6. Site Preparation and Grading (5)7. Excavation and Backfill (5)8. Erosion Control............................69. Railroad Work.............................610.Roads, Paving, and Surfacing (6)11.Curbs, Gutters, and Walks (7)12.Underground Utility PipingSystems (8)12.1Pressurized Water Distribution ...812.2Natural Gas.................................812.3Cathodic Protection.....................813.Sewers ........................................813.1General .......................................813.2Storm Sewers and Drainage.......913.3Sanitary Sewers..........................913.4Process ndscaping, Seeding, and Sodding. (10)PIP CVC01015TECHNICAL CORRECTION Civil Design Criteria June 2001Page 2 of 10Process Industry Practices1.Introduction1.1PurposeThis Practice provides the civil engineer with criteria for the design of civil siteworkwithin process facilities.1.2ScopeThese general criteria define the minimum requirements for the design of civilsitework of process industry facilities at onshore U.S. sites. Included is all workrelated to preparation of the site; such as grading, roads and railroads, undergroundutility and sewer work and related facilities, and all work related to finishing the site.This Practice is intended to be used in conjunction with PIP CVC01016, Plant Siteand Project Data Sheets .2.ReferencesApplicable requirements in the following PIP Practices, codes and standards, andgovernment regulations shall be considered an integral part of this Practice. The edition ineffect on the date of contract award shall be used, except as otherwise specified. Short titles will be used herein when appropriate.2.1Process Industry Practices (PIP)–PIP CVC01016 - Plant Site and Project Data Sheets - Introduction andReferences–PIP CVC01017 - Plant Site Data Sheet–PIP CVC01018 - Project Data Sheet–PIP CVE02705 - Engineering Guide for Double Contained Sewers (Pipe inPipe Systems)–PIP CVI02720 - Sewer Details–PIP CVS02010 - Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Specification–PIP CVS02100 - Site Preparation, Excavation, and Backfill Specification–PIP CVS02700 - Underground Gravity Sewers Specification–PIP CVS02831 - Chain-Link Fencing Construction Specification (in Process)2.2Industry Codes and Standards• American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)–AASHTO Standard Specification for Highway Bridges• American Railway Engineering Association (AREA)–AREA Manual for Railway EngineeringTECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP CVC01015 June 2001Civil Design Criteria•American Society of Mechanical Engineers–ASME B31.3 - Process Piping•American Water Works Association (AWWA)–AWWA Standards•National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)–NFPA 20 - Installation of Centrifugal Fire Pumps–NFPA 22 - Water Tanks for Private Fire Protection–NFPA 24 - Installation of Private Fire Service Mains and TheirAppurtenances–NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code2.3Government Regulations•Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)•U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)–EPA 40 CFR - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regulations•U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT)–U.S. DOT Pipeline Safety Regulations3.DefinitionsFor the purposes of this Practice, the following definitions apply:Cathodic Protection: A technique used to prevent corrosion of a metal surface by makingthat surface the cathode of an electrochemical cellContract Documents: Any and all documents, including design drawings, that have beentransmitted or otherwise communicated, either by incorporation or reference, and made part of the legal contract agreement for civil structural workDOT: The department of transportation for the state in which the project site is located orthe equivalent government organizationNon-Contact Cooling Water: Cooling water that does not have direct contact with processfluids or materials. Cooling water may be recirculated or used only once and conveyedthrough gravity drainage systems.Owner: The owner of the proposed facilitiesProcess Sewers: Any waste collection/drainage system carrying materials (exclusive ofsanitary waste) requiring treatment before dischargeRCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery ActProcess Industry Practices Page 3 of 10PIP CVC01015TECHNICAL CORRECTION Civil Design Criteria June 2001Page 4 of 10Process Industry Practices4.Environmental Protection4.1Groundwater Protection4.1.1Storage facilities and process infrastructure (e.g., process loading/unloading,petroleum storage, hazardous material storage) shall be designed to protectagainst groundwater contamination. Examples include drip pans, paving, andconcrete containment.4.1.2New tanks below grade shall meet underground storage tank regulations inEPA 40 CFR , Part 280 UST .4.1.3Tank farm areas for RCRA hazardous materials storage shall be floored anddiked with materials impervious to the stored material for spill containment.Diked areas shall be designed to contain 100% of the largest RCRA tankvolume plus runoff from a 25-year, 24-hour rainfall, and with 6 inches (150mm) of freeboard.4.1.4RCRA hazardous waste storage tanks shall be installed to meet therequirements of EPA CFR 40, Part 264 and Part 265.4.2Surface Water Protection4.2.1To facilitate the control of contaminants and minimize the mixture of flowconstituents, drainage and sewer systems should be segregated wherepossible. Optimally, provide complete segregation of clean storm, sanitary,process, fire water, and Non-Contact Cooling Water sewers.4.2.2Sewers that carry water not normally subject to contamination (Non-ContactCooling Water or storm water) and that have the potential to receive spillsshall have monitoring and diversion capabilities.4.2.3Building floor and roof drains not subject to process spills shall connect tothe clean storm water drainage system.4.3Public SafetyFacilities for the storage, handling, and use of flammable and combustible liquidsshall conform to NFPA 30.5.Geotechnical Engineering Investigations5.1Geotechnical engineering investigations shall be performed in accordance with PIP CVS02010 when sufficient geotechnical information is not available .5.2The design engineer shall provide the following technical information to thegeotechnical consultant when this information is available and appropriate:5.2.1Site plan showing proposed facilities and adjacent existing facilities 5.2.2Topographic plan or relative elevations of existing grades and facilities to planned grades of proposed facilities 5.2.3Descriptions of proposed and existing facilities, including the following:TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP CVC01015 June 2001Civil Design Criteriaa.Types of structuresb.Anticipated design loads under various design cases, including staticcompression, uplift, horizontal shear, vibratory, dynamic, and blastc.Any settlement sensitivity of structures or equipmentd.Any sensitivity to vibration from external sources, of both proposedand existing facilitiese.Special or unusual conditions: pits, basements, elevator shafts,reciprocating compressors, retaining walls, etc.f.Elevations: building ground floor, bottom of pits, basements, elevatorshafts, walls, tanks, etc.g.Proposed finish grade elevation adjacent to facilitiesh.For tanks, load condition (empty, full, test, and operating weights);operating condition i.e., full most of the time, empty most of the timeplus time/duration when full, percentage full under operatingconditions, etc.); and settlement tolerancesi.Pavement loading and traffic data (when pavement recommendationsare needed)rmation regarding any known or potential soil/groundwatercontamination at the sitek.Drawings and other information for adjacent or on-site existingfacilities, including underground utilities and structures6.Site Preparation and Grading6.1The design of site preparation activities, including clearing and grubbing, stripping,and general site grading shall be compatible with the requirements ofPIP CVS02100.6.2Excavation, fill, stockpile and disposal areas, and the extent of clearing and grubbingareas shall be defined in the Contract Documents. Consideration shall be given tobalancing the cut and fill for earthwork.6.3All demolition shall be specified in the Contract Documents.6.4Vehicular traffic detours shall be designed to provide a safe routing and asatisfactory means of controlling traffic.7.Excavation and Backfill7.1The design of excavation and backfill shall be compatible with the requirements ofPIP CVS02100.7.2Areas requiring differing levels of compaction shall be noted on the drawings by theengineer. These areas include structure areas, roadways, railroad subgrades, paved Process Industry Practices Page 5 of 10PIP CVC01015TECHNICAL CORRECTION Civil Design Criteria June 2001Page 6 of 10Process Industry Practicesarea subgrades, utility trenches, embankments and dikes, and general graded areasoutside the process or work areas.8.Erosion Control8.1Due to the condition of the site based on forecasted construction activities, erosionand sedimentation controls must be given special consideration in design. Soilerosion control shall be designed to comply with federal, state, and local regulationsand shall be compatible with PIP CVS02100.8.2The need for erosion control permitting shall be identified and shall be submittedthrough the Owner.9.Railroad Work9.1All railroad design shall be in accordance with the AREA Manual and the local operating railroad requirements.9.2Railroads shall be standard gauge and meet design, condition, and maintenance requirements for class II (minimum) track systems as defined by AREA.9.3No. 1 prime relay rail may be used.9.4The minimum turnout (frog number) shall be No. 8.9.5The maximum grade, unless otherwise required by local topography, shall be 2%.Loading stations should be designed level.9.6The maximum degree of curvature shall be 12 degrees 30 minutes.9.7The rail unit weight and rail type shall be selected to be compatible with the existingrail system and to provide the desired design life based upon the intended service andavailability.9.8 A drainage system shall be designed to meet individual job requirements. Perforatedunderdrain systems with standpipes at 50-feet (15-m) intervals should be providedbetween parallel tracks and when adjacent grade is near the same elevation or higherthan the railroad track.9.9A geosynthetic material shall be installed between the subgrade and ballast whenrequired to prevent fouling.10.Roads, Paving, and Surfacing10.1Roadways, parking areas, and paved areas shall be surfaced using materials specified in PIP CVC01017 and PIP CVC01018.10.2Roads shall have a vertical curve when the algebraic difference of the road gradients is 2% or greater. The minimum length of a vertical curve shall be 100 feet (30 m).10.3Roads shall be designed for AASHTO HS20 truck loading. Selection of materials ofconstruction shall be in accordance with DOT highway specifications. Thickness ofmaterials (concrete, or asphaltic, or granular bases and surfaces materials) shall beTECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP CVC01015 June 2001Civil Design Criteria designed according to the design traffic loading and geotechnical data of thesubgrade and conforming to DOT highway specifications.10.4Roadway shoulders, curbs, sideslopes, drainage ditches, and culverts shall bedesigned in accordance with DOT specifications where practical.10.5The maximum grade for roadways shall be 6%. The minimum cross slope forroadways shall be 2%.10.6The minimum inside turning radius shall be 50 feet (15 m) for tractor-trailers, 30 feet(9 m) for stake body trucks, and 25 feet (7.5 m) for passenger cars and pickup trucks.10.7The minimum sight distance shall be 200 feet (60 m).10.8Design of roadways shall include clearance and loads for construction andmaintenance equipment (e.g., cranes).10.9The roadway pavement design shall include a drainage system to prevent saturationof the base and subgrade.10.10Guide rails along roadway embankments shall be designed in accordance with DOTspecifications. Guide rails or bollards shall be designed to protect equipment (e.g.,electric substations, natural gas valves) along plant streets.10.11Minimum slope for Portland cement concrete and asphalt area paving shall be 1%.10.12Portland cement concrete area paving shall be a minimum of 4 inches (100 mm)thick.10.13Portland cement concrete area paving shall have contraction or construction joints ata maximum spacing of 25 feet (7.5 m) in both directions unless otherwiseengineered. Reinforcing required by design shall be provided across constructionjoints. Expansion joints are not required except at foundations and for other itemspenetrating through Portland cement concrete paving.10.14Asphalt area paving shall be designed for the anticipated traffic load in accordancewith AASHTO design requirements but shall not be less than 2 inches (50 mm)thick.10.15Gravel surfacing shall be placed to a minimum compacted thickness of 3 inches(75 mm).11.Curbs, Gutters, and Walks11.1Walks shall be provided to interconnect the parking lot, gatehouse, administrationbuilding, cafeteria, process buildings, etc., to adjacent roadways for safe pedestriantravel.11.2The walkway subbase shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02100.11.3Walkway grades without steps shall not exceed 6%.11.4Finished grades shall be shown on the engineering drawings.11.5All curbs, gutters, and walks shall be designed to comply with ADA requirements. Process Industry Practices Page 7 of 10PIP CVC01015TECHNICAL CORRECTION Civil Design Criteria June 2001Page 8 of 10Process Industry Practices 12.Underground Utility Piping Systems12.1Pressurized Water Distribution12.1.1Water distribution systems shall be designed to supply adequate flow andpressure at all points of usage and shall meet requirements of AWWAStandards and local codes.12.1.2If the Owner has existing models of the systems, the models shall be utilizedto determine if adequate flow and pressure are available and to ensure thatother parts of the system will not be adversely affected.12.1.3Fire water distribution systems shall meet the requirements of NFPA 20,NFPA 22, NFPA 24, and the Owner’s insurer.12.1.4System design shall include sufficient restraint of pipefittings and valves toprevent movement during normal and anticipated water hammer conditions.12.2Natural Gas12.2.1Natural gas distribution systems shall be designed to supply adequate flowand pressure at all points of usage while operating at acceptable noise levels.12.2.2Valve spacing shall be such that a section of main can be shut down quicklyin the event of an emergency.12.2.3Systems shall be designed in accordance with the U.S. DOT Pipeline SafetyRegulations for outside of buildings and with ASME B31.3 for inside ofbuildings.12.3Cathodic Protection12.3.1Cathodic protection for corrosion control may be required on undergroundcarbon steel structures including piping. Cathodic protection of otherunderground lines in the area may be necessary at times to ensure theintegrity of the process lines.12.3.2External coatings shall be used in conjunction with cathodic protection.13.Sewers13.1General13.1.1Sewers and drainage systems shall be designed to protect the atmosphere,soil, surface water, and groundwater from contamination and to provide safe,economical collection and flow of all sewage to treatment and/or holdingfacilities and subsequently to approved disposal.13.1.2When specified by Owner, open channel ditches and basins that potentiallyconvey or retain groundwater contaminants (e.g., fire water runoff) shall belined. Lining material shall meet Owner-specified permeabilityrequirements.TECHNICAL CORRECTION PIP CVC01015 June 2001Civil Design Criteria13.1.3When specified by Owner, each sewer system shall be designed forincreased flow from future sewer extension or from changes in surfaces thatchange the runoff coefficients.13.1.4Existing systems to which new systems will connect shall be reviewed toverify service compatibility and to ensure that sufficient capacity is availableto accept the additional flow, unless the Owner has provided a written noticethat the downstream system can accommodate the additional flow.13.1.5Manholes shall be located at spacing intervals to facilitate maintenance,inspection, and cleaning. Manholes or cleanouts shall be provided at changesin horizontal direction. Maximum spacing of manholes shall be 200 feet(60 m) for sewers less than or equal to 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter, and500 feet (150 m) for sewers larger than 12 inches (300 mm) in diameter.13.1.6Sanitary and process sewers shall be designed to cross under potable waterlines. Provide at least 12 inches (300 mm) of vertical clearance and36 inches (900 mm) of horizontal clearance when sanitary or process sewersparallel the water line, unless otherwise required by local codes.13.1.7Minimum pipe sizes shall be 4 inches (100 mm) for laterals and 8 inches(200 mm) for main sewers.13.2Storm Sewers and Drainage13.2.1Design storm sewers to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 andPIP CVI02720.13.2.2Sewers and drainage structures shall be designed to carry runoff from a rainevent as defined in PIP CVC01018.Unless otherwise specified, maximuminlet times shall be taken as 15 minutes for process areas with catch basinspacing of approximately 100 feet (30 m). Inlet times for large undevelopedareas shall be determined for each project, with special consideration forfuture development, but shall not exceed 30 minutes unless otherwisespecified by the Owner.13.2.3Piping design flow depth shall not exceed 2/3 the pipe diameter.13.2.4The minimum design velocity shall be 3 fps (0.9 m/s) at design capacity.13.3Sanitary Sewers13.3.1Design sanitary sewer systems to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 andPIP CVI02720.13.3.2The minimum design velocity shall be 2 fps (0.6 m/s) with pipe flowing 1/2full at maximum flow rate.13.4Process Sewers13.4.1Underground process sewers shall be designed to protect againstgroundwater contamination. Underground process sewers shall be designedto prevent potential leakage caused by anticipated corrosion, surface loads,shifting soils, water tables, etc., for the Owner’s specified design life. Process Industry Practices Page 9 of 10PIP CVC01015TECHNICAL CORRECTION Civil Design Criteria June 2001Page 10 of 10Process Industry Practices Underground process sewer joining systems shall be welded, fused, or gluedunless otherwise specified.13.4.2Design underground process sewers to comply with Owner’s health andenvironmental requirements and to be compatible with PIP CVS02700 andPIP CVI02720. If a double-contained pipe in pipe system is required, thendesign in accordance with PIP CVE02705.13.4.3Process sewer designs shall comply with regulations in EPA 40 CFR .13.4.4Sewers requiring vents shall be determined by Owner requirements or asrequired due to the properties of the chemicals contained in the sewers.Collection systems shall be trapped and sealed to prevent personnel exposureto emissions. Sewers and vents shall be designed to comply with regulationsdirected at the control of volatile organic compound (VOC) and hazardousair pollutant (HAP) emissions. Vents shall be located away from normaloperating areas and shall be equipped for secondary VOC emission disposal(e.g., scrubbed, flared, etc.) if required.13.4.5Design flow depth of gravity process sewers shall not exceed 3/4 of the pipediameter, with a minimum velocity of 3 fps (0.9 m/s).14.FencingChain-link fencing shall be in accordance with PIP CVS02831 (in process).ndscaping, Seeding, and Sodding15.1Surface treatments shall be shown on the final earthwork drawings.15.2Seeding and sodding shall comply with DOT specifications .。

新能源汽车专业英语7-1 2

新能源汽车专业英语7-1 2
Traditional vehicles are modified to add a motor on them instead of IC engine. The original clutch and gear box are retained (Figure 7.1a). In new design, the transmission between the motor and the drive wheels usually has one or two stages of fixed-ratio reduction gear (Figure 7.1b-e). For most current electric cars, the transmission has a singlestage reduction gear to provide the vehicle with the required hill-climbing capability and the desired maximum speed. In the design as shown Figure7.1d-f, the differential is eliminated with two motors used. The design as shown in Figure 7.1c is widely used because of its more compact construction, easer installation and simpler control.
动力换档 传动轴 选档式变速器 轮式和履带式专用车辆
专用车辆 功率合成齿轮箱 级联电动机,双电动机 轮毂驱动
7.1 Layout of Electric Vehicles Drives电动汽车的传动布置

AESP100 Basic Power System Design Criteria沙特阿美仪表规范

AESP100 Basic Power System Design Criteria沙特阿美仪表规范

Engineering StandardSAES-P-100 30 September, 2003 Basic Power System Design CriteriaElectrical Standards Committee MembersAl-Anizi, T.S., ChairmanAl-Abdulgader, A.A.Al-Ahmad, R.J.Al-Awdah, S.A.Carlson, R.W.Ismail, M.H.Lowe, J.Merbati, F.A.Moravsik, R.C.Refaee, J.A.Stansbury, M.C.Saudi Aramco DeskTop StandardsTable of Contents1 Scope (2)2 Conflicts and Deviations (2)3 References (2)4 Definitions (7)5 General (9)6 System Frequency, Voltage,and Voltage Drops (12)7 System Studies and Design Assumptions (15)8 Environmental Conditions (17)9 Protection Systems (18)Previous Issue: 31 May, 2003 Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria 1 ScopeThis SAES prescribes mandatory requirements for the design and installation of electrical power systems. This SAES is intended to assist engineers and designers in those areas not specifically referenced in other Saudi Aramco SAESs, SAMSSs, etc. This document may not be attached to nor made a part of purchase orders.2 Conflicts and Deviations2.1 Any conflicts between this Standard and other Mandatory Saudi Aramco EngineeringRequirements (MSAERs*) or referenced industry standards shall be identified to theCompany or Buyer Representative who will request the Manager, Consulting ServicesDepartment of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran to resolve the conflict.* Examples of MSAERs are Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Engineering Standards (SAESs) and Standard Drawings (SASDs).2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this Standard in writing to the Company or BuyerRepresentative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward Waiverrequest form SA 6409-ENG to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of SaudiAramco, Dhahran requesting his approval.2.3 The designation "Commentary" is used to label a sub-paragraph that contains comments thatare explanatory or advisory. These comments are not mandatory, except to the extent thatthey explain mandatory requirements contained in this SAES.3 ReferencesThe selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.3.1 Saudi Aramco ReferencesThe following is a list of Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements (MSAERs)which are specifically related to the design, specification, and installation of electrical powersystems and equipment. In addition, other MSAERs for related disciplines shall be used inconjunction with those listed below as required.Saudi Aramco Engineering ProcedureSAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory SaudiAramco Engineering RequirementSaudi Aramco Engineering StandardsSAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design DataSAES-B-008 Restrictions to Use of Cellars, Pits, and TrenchesSAES-B-017 Fire Water System DesignNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria SAES-B-009 Fire Protection & Safety Requirements for OffshoreProduction FacilitiesSAES-B-055 Plant LayoutSAES-B-068 Electrical Area ClassificationSAES-J-902 Electrical Systems for InstrumentationSAES-K-001 Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning (HVAC)SAES-P-101 Regulated Vendor List – for Electrical EquipmentSAES-P-103 Batteries and U.P.S. SystemsSAES-P-104 Wiring Methods and MaterialsSAES-P-107 Overhead Distribution SystemsSAES-P-111 GroundingSAES-P-113 Motors and GeneratorsSAES-P-114 Power System and Equipment ProtectionSAES-P-116 Switchgear and Control EquipmentSAES-P-119 Onshore SubstationsSAES-P-121 Transformers, Reactors, Voltage RegulatorsSAES-P-123 LightingSAES-P-126 Power Monitoring SystemSaudi Aramco Materials System Specifications14-SAMSS-531 Power Transformers14-SAMSS-533 Three-Phase Dry-Type Power Transformers14-SAMSS-534 Overhead-Type Distribution Transformers14-SAMSS-536 Pad-Mounted, Three-Phase Distribution Transformers14-SAMSS-600 Material, Manufacture, and Preservation of Wood Poles14-SAMSS-602 Material, Manufacture & Preservative Treatment of WoodCrossarms15-SAMSS-502 Medium Voltage Power Cables, 5 kV through 35 kV15-SAMSS-503 Submarine Power Cable 5 kV through 115 kV16-SAMSS-502 Metal Enclosed Low-Voltage Switchgear Assemblies16-SAMSS-503 Indoor Controlgear – Low-Voltage16-SAMSS-504 Indoor Metal-Clad Switchgear 1 to 38 kV16-SAMSS-506 Indoor Controlgear – High Voltage16-SAMSS-507 High Voltage Motor Controller – Outdoor16-SAMSS-508 SF6Gas Insulated Circuit Breakers,Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design CriteriaOutdoor – 34.5 kV through 230 kV16-SAMSS-510 Manually Operated Pad Mounted SF6 Switchgear: 1 kV to36 kV16-SAMSS-511 Metal-Enclosed Bus Indoor and Outdoor16-SAMSS-512 Outdoor Switchrack – Low Voltage16-SAMSS-513 Protective Devices16-SAMSS-514 Control and protective Relay Panel – Indoor16-SAMSS-517 Adjustable Frequency Drive System – 1 kV and Above16-SAMSS-518 Low Voltage Panel Boards16-SAMSS-519 Indoor Switchboard - Low Voltage16-SAMSS-520 Cablebus16-SAMSS-521 Indoor Automatic Transfer Switch – Low Voltage17-SAMSS-502 Form-Wound Induction Motors 250 HP and Above17-SAMSS-503 Severe Duty Totally Enclosed Squirrel Cage InductionMotors to 250 HP17-SAMSS-510 Synchronous Generators17-SAMSS-511 Stationary Storage Batteries17-SAMSS-514 Battery Chargers17-SAMSS-515 Auxiliary Electrical Systems for Skid-Mounted Equipment17-SAMSS-516 Uninterruptible Power Supply System17-SAMSS-518 Diesel Generator Set17-SAMSS-520 Form Wound Brushless Synchronous MotorsSaudi Aramco Standard DrawingsAE-036014 Pole Setting (2 Sheets)AA-036015 Double Deadend End Structure Pole Installation DetailsAD-036016 Bonding Details, Armless Construction, Angle Structure,60 to 90 DegreesAC-036021 Armless Construction, Angle Structure,15 to 30 Degrees, 2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAC-036022 Armless Construction, Angle Structure,60 to 90 Degrees, 2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAD-036023 Guy and Anchors, Down Guys (3 Sheets)AA-036025 Four-Way Manhole (2 sheets)AE-036034 Pole Footing Increased Bearing AreaAE-036036 Pole RakeNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design CriteriaAE-036037 Pole Protection GuardAD-036063 Guy and Anchors, 10.8 k Sidewalk Guy InstallationAD-036064 Guy and Anchors Power Installed ScrewAD-036066 Guy and Anchors, Overhead Guy (3 Sheets)AD-036070 Rock Anchor InstallationAC-036079 Armless Construction, Tangent Structure,0 to 2 Degrees, 2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAC-036085 Armless Construction, Angle Structure,0 to 15 Degrees, 2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAC-036102 Armless Construction, Angle Structure,30 to 60 Degrees, 2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAC-036104 Armless Construction, Full Dead-end Structure, 2.4, 4.16,13.8, and 34.5 kVAC-036112 Armless Construction, 3-Phase Tap Structure,2.4, 4.16, 13.8, and 34.5 kVAA-036121 Three-Phase Cable Termination, Overhead Armless toUnderground (2 sheets)AD-036133 Pole Top Switch Grounding DetailAD-036135 Bonding Details, Post InsulatorsAD-036136 Bonding Details, Armless Construction, Angle Structure,30 to 60 DegreesAA-036259 Airstrip Lighting LayoutAB-036273 Surface Marker Underground Electric CableAB-036319 Standard Sign "DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE KEEPAWAY"AB-036326 Standard Sign: Underground Electric CableAB-036387 Tank GroundingAA-036390 (Sheet 1) Tangent Pole with Tap-Off Transformer InstallationAA-036390 (Sheet 2) Dead-End/Tap-Off Pole with Transformer InstallationAB-036398 Details - Street LightingAA-036572 Grounding Arrangement for Disconnect Switch StructureAB-036745 Lighting Pole, Tapered Seamless Aluminum 3M forSecurity FenceAB-036760 (Sheet 1) Perimeter & Area Lighting, Typical Layout, Part of PlantArea (SSD/13, SAES-O-113)AB-036760 (Sheet 2) Elementary Diagram Power & Control Circuits forSecurity Lighting per SSD/13, SAES-O-113Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria AB-036766 Standard Electrical Symbols One-Line Diagram (Power)(Sheets 1 to 3)AB-036766 (Sheet 4) Standard Electrical Symbols - Plan LayoutAD-036874 Installation of Direct Buried Electric Cable and Conduit Saudi Aramco Form and Data SheetSA Form 6409-ENG Request for Waiver of Saudi Aramco EngineeringRequirementSaudi Aramco General InstructionGI-0002.717 Procedures and Guidelines for Handling PolychlorinatedBiphenyls (PCB's)3.2 Industry Codes and StandardsThe following standards apply to design, construction, and specification of Saudi Aramcoelectrical systems to the extent dictated by Saudi Aramco Mandatory EngineeringRequirements:ANSI American National Standards InstituteAPI American Petroleum InstituteASTM American Society for Testing MaterialsCSA Canadian Standards AssociationCENELEC European Electrotechnical Committee for StandardizationIEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronics EngineersIEC International Electrotechnical CommissionIESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North AmericaISA The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation SocietyNEMA National Electrical Manufacturers AssociationNFPA National Fire Protection AssociationSASO Saudi Arabian Standards OrganizationUL Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.4 DefinitionsBase Voltage: The bus voltage calculated by starting with the nominal voltage at the swing bus and calculated for each bus based on the transformer turns ratios.Bus Tie Breaker: A breaker used to connect the two busses of secondary-selective system.Captive Transformer: A transformers whose output is dedicated to a single piece of utilization equipment.Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design CriteriaConnected Load: Maximum operating load plus known future load.Critical loads: Loads for which a single contingency failure could cause a loss of power which would create an immediate hazard to human life or cause a significant reduction in Saudi Aramco total production, or loads which cannot be shut-down for a minimum of five consecutive days annually for scheduled maintenance on upstream power supply equipment. Examples of critical loads are: major computer centers, critical care areas in clinics and hospitals, major office buildings, process units in major gas plants, major GOSPs, and process units in refineries.Demand: Electrical load averaged over a specified time period.ESD Coordinator: Coordinator, Electrical Systems Division, Consulting Services Department.High voltage: Voltages 1000 V or greater unless otherwise designated in a specific MSAER or referenced international standard.Commentary Note:The term medium voltage is no longer being used in most North American and essentiallyall European (IEC) standards. Where used, it generally refers to system voltages greaterthan 1 kV but less than 100 kV. As used in Saudi Aramco, medium voltage generallyrefers to voltages 2.4 kV and above but less than 34.5 kV.Low voltage: Voltages less than 1000 V, unless otherwise designated in a specific MSAER or referenced international standard.Maximum operating load:a) For new facilities:facility design conditions.b) For existing facilities: When data from metering equipment is available: Maximum 15-, 30-,or 60-minute demand-measured over a minimum of one year.Commentary Note:less than the total connected load.Nominal Voltage: Refer to Table 2.PCB free: Containing less than 1 ppm Polychlorinated biphenyl.Secondary-Selective: A switchgear assembly consisting of two buses connected with a single bus tie breaker. Each bus has one breaker to receive incoming power. (i.e., power flow into and between the two busses is controlled with three breakers).Secondary-selective substation: A substation fed by two independent power sources (different transmission or distribution lines) which consists of one or more sets of two transformers and associated secondary-selective switchgear. Also referred to as a "double-ended" substation.Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design CriteriaUtilization equipment:the utilization equipment (e.g., AFDs, reduced voltage starters, battery chargers, etc.)5 General5.1 Terms in bold font are defined within Section 4.5.2 Basic Design CodesElectrical power systems shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the latestedition of NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code) and ANSI C2 (National Electrical SafetyCode), as supplemented or modified by the Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards.5.3 Equipment for Hazardous Areas5.3.1 Hazardous area classification shall be in accordance with the requirementsSAES-B- certified by any of the agencies listed in Table 1 below.Table 1 – Certification Agencies for Equipment in Hazardous AreasNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria5.3.4standards or procedures:a) UL standards (for approved enclosures and fittings: UL 886), orb) FM procedures orc) CSA standards, ord) IEC standards, ore) ISA standards.5.3.5the following additions and exceptions:a) EEx or Ex marked equipment certified or approved by one of the agencieslisted in Table 1 is acceptable. Class and Zone markings are not required onEEx or Ex marked equipment but method of protection must be marked andmust correspond with NEC Article 505 requirements for suitable protectionmethod(s) for the hazardous area where the equipment is applied.b) Equipment suitable for Class 1, Zone 0 locations may be used in Class 1,Division 1 locations.c) Increased safety (protection type "e") motors and terminal boxes are notpermitted in Zone 1 locations.Commentary Note:The "e" protection method is acceptable if it is used in combinationwith the "d" protection method, if d" is the primary protection method.d) Flameproof enclosures EEx d II are permitted in Class I, Division 1 locationsas meeting the NEC requirements for approved enclosures, provided:i) NEC requirements for cable entry are met;ii) the overall enclosure is flameproof EEx d II (explosion-proof) as awhole (not only its components);iii) the enclosure is constructed of a conductive metal or has an integralmetal bonding device that ensures a positive low-resistance bondbetween conduits or/and cable armors entering or terminating at theenclosure; andiv) if used outdoors, the enclosure is rated a minimum of IP54.e)Division 2 installations also apply to Zone 2 installations.5.4Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteriabe used.Exception:Molded case circuit breakers with integral current limiting fuses are permitted andfuses are permitted for protection of circuits fed from UPS systems.5.5for additional details and exceptions.Commentary Note:This means, for example, that designs based upon series-rated or cascade-ratedequipment shall not be used.5.6 Secondary-selective switchgear shall be used to feed critical loads.Exception:Critical facilities or equipment fed from a single-ended substation bus which has astandby generator capable of automatically supplying the required power to thebus within 10 seconds after a power failure are permitted with the approval of theESD Coordinator.Commentary Note:Substation bus configurations should be defined as early as possible during aproject, preferably in the Design Basis Scoping Paper (DBSP). Failure of the maintransformer or main switchgear in a facility served by a single ended substation,while unlikely, could result in six or more weeks downtime for repair or replacementof the equipment.5.7 Electrical equipment for firepump installations shall meet the requirements of NFPA 20except as modified by the following MSAERs:SAES-B-009 Fire Protection & Safety Requirements for OffshoreProduction FacilitiesSAES-B-017 Fire Water System DesignSAES-P-116 Switchgear and Control Equipment5.8 Existing equipment containing PCB shall be handled in accordance withInsulating materials, insulating liquids, etc., in new equipment shall be PCB-free.5.9 Interfaces with communications systems shall be in accordance with SAES-T-Series.5.10distribution transformers, pad-mounted switchgear, etc.).5.11shall be referred to the ESD Coordinator.Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria 6 System Frequency, Voltage, and Voltage Drops6.1 System Voltage and Frequency6.1.1 The frequency of alternating current electrical power systems shall be60 Hz.Exception:Existing facilities with 50 Hz. power systems (including 50 Hz. systemswith nominal voltages which do not comply with Paragraph 6.1.2) andadditions, replacements, etc. to these systems that do not result in arequirement to add 50 Hz. generation capacity, are permitted.6.1.2 The following describes the nominal system voltage and grounding which shall beused at the respective voltage listed in Table 2.Table 2 – Standard Saudi Aramco Voltage LevelsNotes:1. Existing ungrounded systems and existing systems with different voltage levels (e.g.,2.4 kV)are not permitted.2. See SAES-P-111 for restrictions and approvals required for high resistance grounding.3. Steady-state service and utilization voltage ranges shall be per Voltage Range A, ANSI C84.1for the above nominal voltages. For Saudi Aramco installations, the service voltage is definedas the voltage at the secondary of a supply transformer having a primary voltage of more than600 volts.4. See SAES-P-111 for specific system grounding requirements and for grounding requirementsfor special applications such as downhole pump motors.5. SCECO nominal distribution voltages may be used on the high voltage side of transformers feddirectly from a SCECO distribution system.Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria6. These nominal system voltage requirements do not apply to captive transformers in specialtyapplications such as supplying submersible pump motors and high voltage adjustablefrequency drive applications. Voltages for captive transformer applications shall be reviewedby the ESD Coordinator.7. With approvalfor remote locations.6.1.3 The basic industrial facility power generation and distribution systems shall be 13.8kV, three-phase, three-wire. Other voltage levels shown in Table 2 may be used fordistribution of electrical power where required.6.2 Steady state voltage drops shall be as per Tables 3 and 4.Table 3 – Allowable Steady-State Voltage Drops Low-Voltage SystemsTable 4 – Allowable Steady State Voltage Drops High-Voltage Systems1. Main refers to the feeder conductors from the secondary of the supply transformer (transformer whichconverts 13.8 kV, 4.16 kV, or 2.4 kV distribution voltage to a lower utilization voltage) to the mainswitchgear.2. Main switchgear is the switchgear that is connected to the supply transformer secondary.6.3 Voltage Drop Due to Motor Starting6.3.1 Voltage dips at utilization devices at any location within the electrical system, otherNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria than motors, caused by motor starting shall not exceed 15% of nominal voltage. Forspecial requirements for lighting circuits see SAES-P- Minimum voltage at motor terminals of motors started across the line shall not bebelow 85% of the rated motor voltage during motor starting.Exceptions:When approved by the motor manufacturer, the minimum voltage at themotor terminals for medium voltage motors during starting shall bepermitted to be reduced to 80% of the rated motor voltage.Steady state and motor starting voltage drops for motor branch circuits andat motor terminals of electric submersible pumps in oil or production waterservice shall meet recommendations of API 11S3, "RecommendedPractice for Electric Submersible Pump Installations".6.4 Direct Current SystemsMaximum total voltage drop for main, feeder, and branch circuits shall not exceed 5%. Theaverage voltage drop in branch circuits shall not exceed 2% with a maximum of 4% at themost distant load.7 System Studies and Design Assumptions7.1 System Studies7.1.1 Systems studies shall be performed to verify proper design of electrical powersystems and equipment for new facilities and major additions (additions whichwould have a substantial impact on the existing system) to existing facilities. Thestudies to be performed are:- Short-circuit- Motor-starting- Load-flow7.1.2 The following studies shall also be performed on as-needed basis:- Transient-stability (Always required for facilities with significantgeneration.)- Harmonic analysis (Contact the ESD Coordinator for guidance on if this studyis required.)- Switching transient analysis (if supply is affected by capacitiveswitching transients).Commentary Notes:When adding high voltage adjustable frequency drive (AFD) systems,a harmonic study would generally not be required. This is because theNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteriamaterial specification for the AFD system, 16-SAMSS-517, requiresharmonic mitigation to be the responsibility of the AFD systemsupplier.Studies should be completed as early as possible in the designprocess. It is expected that studies will be completed prior to placingpurchase orders for major items of electrical equipment.7.1.3 Short-circuit, motor-starting, and load flow studies shall be conducted usingorganization and to Consulting Services Department.7.2 Design assumptions7.2.1 Actual system data and constraints shall be used for all studies.7.2.2 Unless the actual impedance of a transformer is known from the transformer tests,the specified impedance shall be increased by 7.5% for load flow and motor startingcalculations and decreased by 7.5% for short circuit calculations.7.2.3 Steady-state voltages shall be evaluated at maximum, normal, and minimum loadconditions.7.2.4 The minimum short circuit fault-current availability (i.e., maximum systemimpedance) shall be used in calculating voltage drops relating to motor-starting andacceleration requirements and in motor-starting studies.7.2.5 Load flow analysis shall be performed to determine the following:1) The maximum system voltages assuming that all motor loads are disconnectedand in the case of secondary-selective substations that both transformers areoperational and the bus tie circuit breaker is in its normal state.2) The normal system voltages based on maximum operating load.3) The minimum voltage of each circuit based on the normal operating load plusthe operating load of the largest spare (standby) motor if the spare motor is notinterlocked to prevent starting while the primary motor is running. Minimumvoltages down stream of secondary-selective substations supplyingutilization loads shall be calculated assuming that one transformer is out ofservice and the tie-breaker is closed.7.2.6shall be used with a pre-fault voltage of 102% of the bus Base Voltagestudies for secondary-selective substations with normally openclosed (i.e., one transformer is supplying the entire load.)7.2.7 For new transformer installations, transformer tap settings shall be assumed to be atthe mid-point. For analysis of existing systems, actual transformer tap settings shallNext Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria be used. For analysis of load additions to existing systems, transformer tap settingsat either extreme of the tap changer operating range shall not be used.Exception to 7.2.7:the transformer taps can be set one step off the neutral position.7.2.8 Connected load plus 110% of maximum operating load shall be usedcalculations to size electrical supply and distribution equipment.8 Environmental Conditions8.1 The following locations shall be deemed as "severe corrosive environments" for the purposesof selection of electrical equipment:8.1.1 Outdoor offshore locations8.1.2 Outdoor onshore locations within one kilometer from the shoreline of the ArabianGulf8.1.3 Outdoor onshore locations within three kilometers from the shoreline of the Red Sea.8.1.4 All of the Ras Tanura Refinery and Terminal.8.2 Electrical equipment shall be rated in accordance with the requirements of the SAES-P orSAMSS specific to the equipment and its installation. The temperature criteria shown inTable 5 shall be used to establish equipment derating, when specific requirements are notcovered in an SAES or SAMSS.8.3 Refer to SAES-A-112 for other environmental data for individual facilities.Table 5 - Temperature CriteriaNotes:1. Per the design temperature of the air conditioning system (See SAES-K-001) or 30°C, whichever isgreater.Next Planned Update: 1 June, 2007 Basic Power System Design Criteria Commentary Note 1:Stationary storage batteries are normally rated for operation in 25°C ambient. SeeSAES-P-103 for battery rating and ambient temperature requirements andSAES-K-001 for battery room design temperature requirements.2. "Effective" ambient temperature inside an equipment enclosure due to combined effects of a 45°Cambient outside the enclosure, 8°C rise from solar radiation, and an assumed 3°C rise caused by aninternal heater or other heat producing device.9 Protection Systems9.1 GeneralRefer to SAES-P-114 for general protection requirements.9.2 Relay Coordination Study shall be performed according to SAES-P-114 requirements.Revision Summary29 May, 2002 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, andreissued with minor changes.31 May, 2003 Editorial revision to change the title of 16-SAMSS-510.30 September, 2003 Minor revisions.。



标书中英文翻译样本及常用词汇1. 投标书Tender1.1 投标人应完整地填写招标文件中提供的商务投标书、技术投标书、投标一览表和投标报价表(包括投标报价汇总表和分项报价表)。


Among the tender documents, tenderers shall fill out completely the Business Tender, Technical Tender, Tender List and Tender Quotation. The Quotation (all items in the Quotation shall be filled out except for the prices) and three copies (one Original and two Duplicates) of the Instructions to Quotations as well as the letter of guarantee from the bank of tenderers must be sealed separately, and be submitted together with the tender documents.1.2 在投标文件澄清后提交的附件6价格表部分正、副本应用信封单独密封,封面上注明项目名称、招标编号、投标人名址、“正本”“副本”字样及“分项价格”和“保密”字样。


The Attachment 6 to be submitted after the tender documents have been clarified the Original and Duplicate copies of the Quotation must be sealed separately in different envelops, on which the item names, tender codes, tenderer addresses, words of ‘Original’, ‘Duplicate’ and ‘Item Price’ and ‘Confidential’ must be written. An e-version of the Quotation (in WORD format) that is separately sealed must be furnished at the same time.2. 投标报价Tender Offers2.1 投标人应在投标报价汇总表和投标分项报价表上标明本合同拟提供货物的单价(如适用)和总价。

BS EN 15081-2007 工业阀门.部分回转阀门传动装置附件用装配工具箱

BS EN 15081-2007 工业阀门.部分回转阀门传动装置附件用装配工具箱

BS EN 15081-2007 工业阀门.部分回转阀门传动装置附件用装配工具箱actuator attachmentThe European Standard EN 15081:2007 has the status of a British StandardICS 23.060.99Industrial valves —Mounting kits for part-turn valve BS EN BRITISH STANDARD15081:2007BS EN 15081:2007This British Standard was published under the authority of the Standards Policy and Strategy Committee on 31 October 2007?? BSI 2007ISBN 978 0 580 54764 5Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. DateCommentsCompliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity from legal obligations.National forewordThis British Standard is the UK implementation of EN 15081:2007.The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted by Technical Committee PSE/7, Industrial valves, to Subcommittee PSE/7/1, Valves —Basic standards.A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary.This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application.标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o 载mEUROPEAN STANDARDEN 15081NORME EUROP ENNEEUROP??ISCHE NORMOctober 2007ICS 23.060.99 English VersionIndustrial valves - Mounting kits for part-turn valve actuatorattachmentRobinetterie industrielle - Kits de montage pourIndustriearmaturen - Montages tze f r Anschl sse vonraccordement des actionneurs fraction de tourSchwenkantrieben an ArmaturenThis European Standard was approved by CEN on 26 August 2007.CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this EuropeanStandard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such nationalstandards may be obtained on application to the CEN Management Centre or to any CEN member.This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translationunder the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN Management Centre has the same status as theofficial versions.CEN members are t睷he national st眮andards bodie抵s of Austria, 晸Belgium, Bulg眮aria, Cyprus,捯 Czech Repub?lic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland,France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATIONCOMIT EUROP EN DE NORMALISATIONEUROP??ISCHES KOMITEE F R NORMUNGManagement Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussels' 2007 CENAll rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reservedRef. No. EN 15081:2007: Eworldwide for CEN national Members.EN 15081:2007 (E) Contents Page Foreword............................................................. ..................................................................... ............................3 1 Scope................................................................ ..................................................................... .................4 2 Normative references........................................................... .................................................................4 3 Terms and definitions.......................................................... .................................................................4 4 Design requirements......................................................... .. (5)4.1 General.............................................................. ..................................................................... .................5 4.2 Materials............................................................ ..................................................................... ................5 4.3 Design temperature.......................................................... .....................................................................6 4.4 Environmental corrosion protection........................................................... .........................................6 4.5 Mounting kit.................................................................. ..................................................................... .....6 4.6 Coupling............................................................. ..................................................................... ...............7 4.7 Designation.......................................................... ..................................................................... .............7 4.8 Position indicator............................................................ ..................................................................... ..8 4.9 Buried service.............................................................. ..................................................................... .....8 4.10 Safety requirement (mechanical/thermal protection).......................................................... ..............8 4.11 Orientation.......................................................... ..................................................................... ...............8 4.12 Additional anti-rotation means................................................................ .............................................8 4.13 Valve/actuator 睷package m眮aintenanc抵 e..............晸.................眮..................捯.................?................................8 5 Dimensions........................................................... ..................................................................... .............9 5.1 Bracket.............................................................. ..................................................................... .................9 5.2 Valve top flange............................................................... .. (1)0 5.3 Coupling............................................................. ..................................................................... .............10 5.4 Spools and adapter flanges.............................................................. ..................................................12 6 Marking.............................................................. ..................................................................... ..............12 6.1 General.............................................................. ..................................................................... ...............12 6.2 Mandatory information.......................................................... ..............................................................12 6.3Optional information.......................................................... .................................................................12 7 Documentation........................................................ ..................................................................... ........12 7.1 Language............................................................. ..................................................................... ............12 7.2 Product documentation........................................................ .. (12)Annex A (normative) Coupling axial clearance............................................................ ..................................13 Annex B (informative) Proposed stem details for ball and butterfly valves................................................15 B.1 General.............................................................. ..................................................................... ...............15 B.2 Proposed stem details for ball valves............................................................... ................................16 B.3 Proposed stem details for butterfly valves............................................................... (16)Bibliography.............................................................................................................................. ........................18 2 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) Foreword This document (EN 15081:2007) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 69 “Industrial valves”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by April 2008, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by April 2008. Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. CEN [and/or CENELEC] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. 睷眮抵晸眮捯?3EN 15081:2007 (E) 1 Scope This European Standard provides requirements for metallic mounting kits for part-turn on-off valves and actuator attachments to enable safe and reliable operation. It includes all components transmitting torques from actuators to valves with a maximum flange torque up to 16 000 Nm (up to F30 flange type). It appliesto part-turn valves and actuators having attachment flanges and drive components as described in EN ISO 5211. It includes recommendations and methods for design and environmental corrosion protection. When reference is made to this European Standard, all the requirements apply, unless otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the manufacturer/supplier, prior to order. For the scope of this European Standard, the term “Valve” covers valve or shaft extension top-flange. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. EN 736-1:1995, Valves 睷— Termino 眮logy — Pa抵rt 1: Definit晸ion of types眮 of valves EN 736-2:1997, Valves —Terminology —Part 2: Definition of components of 捯valves ?EN 736-3:1999, Valves — Terminology — Part 3: Definition of terms EN ISO 5211:2001, Industrial valves — Part-turn valve actuator attachments (ISO 5211:2001) 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 736-1:1995, EN 736-2:1997 and EN 736-3:1999 and the following apply. 3.1 mounting kit kit comprising an intermediate support, coupling and bolting 3.2 intermediate support mechanical component (bracket, spool, adapter flange) that allows the attachment between a part-turn valve and actuator 3.3 coupling driven component that allows torque transmission from an actuator driving component to the valve shaft and which includes a position indicator 3.4 axial coupling clearance clearance to ensure that there is axial movement between the actuator and the valve stem to avoidthrust being applied between the driving and driven components 4 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) 3.5 part-turn actuator actuator that transmits torque to the valve for a rotation of one revolution or less and which does not have to be capable of withstanding thrust 3.6 valve top flange part of the valve which allows the attachment of actuating devices and ancillaries via an intermediate support 3.7 valve shaft part of the valve transmitting the drive torque to the obturator 3.8 part-turn actuator attachment attachment interface of the actuator which includes: ?? flange necessary to attach the part-turn actuator to the intermediate support; ?? driving component of the part-turn actuator necessary to attach it to the coupling or to the driven component of the valve, which may be an integral part or a removable component of the actuator 3.9 maximum actuator output torque maximum output torque of the actuator available at the maximum motive energy input 3.10 maximum allowable shaft torque (MAST) maximum torque睷 that can b眮e applied t抵o all the dr晸iven compo眮nents, with捯out damag?e and/or plastic deformation being sustained by any part 4 Design requirements 4.1 General Part-turn actuators shall be in accordance with EN ISO 5211. 4.2 Materials Unless otherwise agreed, mounting kit materials shall be: ?? for intermediate supports, of cast iron (CI), carbon steel (CS) or stainless steel (SS); ?? for coupling, see performance classes (Table 2); ?? for bolting (environmental corrosion categories according to Table 1): ?? categories C2 and C3: stainless steel or a suitably corrosion protected carbon steel; ??categories C4 and C5-I: stainless steel; ?? other categories: material to be specified by the purchaser. Special care shall be taken for material selection, in the event of environmental critical conditions. 5EN 15081:2007 (E) 4.3 Design temperature The mounting kit shall be designed for operation at an ambient temperature range between –20 °C and + 60 °C. 4.4 Environmental corrosion protection Mounting kits shall be protected against corrosion by suitable material selection and/or surface treatment. The manufacturer's technical documentation shall specify the choice of the materials and/or the type of the surface treatment. Surface treatment system for carbon or low-alloy steels (e.g. according to EN 10025) shall be chosen according to the classification categories given in Table 1. Test assessment and test procedures are the responsibility of the manufacturer. NOTE Table 1 may be used to define the corrosion category and help the mounting kit manufacturers to define the surface treatment for corrosion protection. Table 1 —Environmental corrosion categories Typical environments Corrosion category ExteriorInterior C2 (low) Atmospheres with low level of Unheated buildings where 睷眮pollu抵tion. Mostly晸 rural area眮s. co捯ndensation? may occur, e.g. depots, sport halls. C3 (medium) Urban and industrial Production rooms with high atmospheres, moderate sulphur humidity and some air pollution, dioxide pollution. Coastal areas e.g. food-processing plants, with low salinity. laundries, breweries. C4 (high) Industrial areas and coastal Chemical plants, swimming areas with moderate salinity. pools, coastal shipyards. C5-I (very high - industrial)Industrial areas with high Buildings or areas with almost humidity and aggressive permanent condensation and atmosphere. with high pollution. C5-M (very high – marine) Coastal and offshore areas with Buildings or areas with almost high salinity. permanent condensation and with high pollution. Immersed in water or buried in soil: Im 1 (Immersed in fresh water) River installations, hydro-electric power plants. Im 2 (Immersed in sea or brackish Harbour areas and offshore structures. water) Im 3 (buried in soil) Buried pipelines NOTE This table is taken from EN ISO 12944-2:1998. 4.5 Mounting kit 4.5.1 Stiffness The dimensions of the mounting kit given in this European Standard ensure that the maximum flange torque - given in Table 1 of EN ISO 5211 - can be transmitted safely. For non-vertically mounted actuators, the user may need to design an extra support. 6 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) When specified by the purchaser, the mounting kit shall also be designed for external loads (e.g. stepping load, earthquake, wind loading, additional plant induced dynamic loads). In this case, for instance, the thickness as given in Table 3 may be increased. 4.5.2 Intermediate support style The intermediate support provides two equal or different attachment interfaces (actuator and valve), as per EN ISO 5211. The most common type is a ;rectangular” bracket, as defined in 5.1. The ;rectangular; type is predominantly manufactured from a rectangular or square tube in compliance with EN 10219-2 or EN 10210-2. The ;rectangular; type can also be cast, fabricated or machined. Other commonly used types are the following: ?? “adapter flange”: generallymanufactured as one piece from casting, forging, plate or bar. It shall be provided with a suitable venting device; ?? ;spool type;: generally manufactured from two flanges that correspond to the mating faces of valve and actuator, connected together by a piece of tube. The assembly is welded together to form a spool piece. The ;spool; type can also be in one piece: cast, forged or machined. The spool shall be provided with a suitable venting device and/or with a suitable opening to visualise the coupling position. Other types of intermediate support may be used provided they meet the requirements of this European Standard. 4.6 Coupling The design of th睷e coupling 眮shall ensur抵e the maxi晸mum trans眮missible tor 捯que (as sp?ecified in EN ISO 5211), can be delivered to the valve shaft. The coupling performance class shall be specified by the purchaser in accordance with Table 2. The design of both coupling ends (driven/driving) shall avoid any contact between moving and fixed parts. Table 2 —Coupling performance classes Performance Examples of material types Coupling tolerances Minimum yield designation strength type driven end / driving end 2N/mm Class 1 Class 2 Austenitic stainless steels, nickel Group A 200 g9 / H10 g6 / H7 based alloys, carbon steel Duplex steels, martensitic Group B 450 g9 / H10 g6 / H7 stainless steels 4.7 Designation Mounting kits shall be designated as follows: a) mounting kit style: adaptor flange (AF), bracket (BR), spool (SP) or other (OT) followed by the intermediate support material as per 4.2 (CI, CS or SS); b) flange designations according to EN ISO 5211 (actuator flange type/valve flange type); c) coupling drive identification (first for the actuator and second for the valve): 7EN 15081:2007 (E) ?? coupling driven (actuator side) diagonal square “D” designation, as per EN ISO 5211, followed by dimension s as per Table 4; a?? coupling driving (valve side) designation either to Clause 6 of EN ISO 5211:2001 (additional capital letters with actual dimensions d or s) or to specified / agreed dimensions, followed by actual 7dimensions l and l in mm (see Figure A.1); 87d) environmental corrosion category as per Table 1; e) performance group/class as per Table 2. EXAMPLE EN 15081 - BR/CI - F07/F05 - D 14/H 11-11-24 - C3 - B1. NOTE The designation is not a marking requirement. 4.8 Position indicator The coupling design shall have a provision for a clear and permanently marked indicator to show whether the valve is open or closed: special attention, during the assembly, should be taken when installing square drive couplings. 4.9 Buried service When buried service is required, design details and corrosion protection shall be agreed between the purchaser and manufacturer/supplier. 4.10 Safety requirement (mechanical/thermal protection) The adapter flange or t睷he spool s眮hall have a抵 provision 晸 for venting眮 any leaka捯ge that m?ay occur through the stem seal of the valve or from the actuator hydraulic/pneumatic supply. This may be obtained either by including a suitable vent or a pressure relief safety valve. 4.11 Orientation The mounting kit shall be designed to be installed in any mounting position. 4.12 Additional anti-rotation means When needed to resist torsion, vibration and shock loads, suitable means (e.g. dowel pins) may be used. 4.13 Valve/actuator package maintenance The maintenance requirements of any valve/actuator package shall alwaysbe considered when designing and/or ordering the mounting kit. Special consideration shall be given to the following. ?? Access to the fixings that connect the valve and actuator to the mounting kit: the mounting kit should have sufficient clearance to allow the installation and removal of fasteners using standard commercial tooling. ?? Access to external valve gland adjustment mechanisms: some part-turn valves require periodic adjustment to prevent fugitive emissions. ?? Access to valve lubrication facility: some plug valves require periodic lubrication in order to maintain a consistent torque requirement and prevent seizure. ?? Actuator and accessories arrangement in relation to valve/pipeline flanges: the kit should be of sufficient height to allow suitable access for assembly, valve adjustment, and valve/pipeline insulation/lagging. 8 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) 5 Dimensions 5.1 Bracket The bracket consists of two mounting faces which can be either identical or different. In the latter case, the largest flange type dictates the height (H), width (W) and thickness (T), as per Figure 1 and Table 3. When specified, the valve side of the bracket shall be profiled to clear the packing gland. Figure 1 — Bracket dimensions 9EN 15081:2007 (E) Table 3 —Bracket dimensions (in mm) Flange Profile Tolerance type Height WidthLength Thickness?? d ?? d ?? d 234H Tolerance W L ToleranceT x y +0,15F 03 50 50 - 1 80 40 40 + 1 4 25 36 5,5 0,1 0,1 +0,05+0,15F 04 50 50 - 1 80 45 45 + 1 4 30 42 5,5 0,1 0,1 +0,05+0,15F 0560 60 -35 1 100 50 50 + 1 5 50 6,5 0,1 0,1 +0,05+0,15F 07 60 60 - 1 100 70 70 + 2 5 55 70 9 0,1 0,1 +0,05+0,20F 10 80 80 - 1 120 95 95 + 2 5 70 102 11 0,2 0,2 +0,05+0,20F 12 80 80 - 1 160 115 115 + 2 6 85125 13 0,2 0,2 +0,05+0,20F 14 80 80 - 1 160 135 135 + 2 6 100 140 17 0,2 0,2 +0,05+0,20F 16 100 100 - 2 200 160 160 + 2 6 130 165 21 0,4 0,4 +0,05+0,25F 25 200 200 - 2 400 270 270 + 3 10 200 254 17 0,4 0,4 +0,05+0,25F 30 200 200 -230 2 400 320 320 + 5 10 298 21 0,4 0,4 +0,055.2 Valve top flange The valve top flange dimensions shall be in accordance with EN ISO 5211. Additionally - for centering purposes - the valve top flange shall include an integral or additional spigot with a diameter and height corresponding to those dimensions given in EN ISO 5211. The design of the top flange may include either tapped or through holes and proper care shall be paid to ensure adequate engagement. 5.3 Coupling The driven end of the coupling shall be the diagonal square type as per EN ISO 5211 (designation ;D;).10 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) Key 1 Position indicator NOTE The dimensions s, D and l of the flat-head drive coupling shown are given for example only. Other drive types 8may be used. Figure 2 — Coupling dimensions 11EN 15081:2007 (E) Table 4 — Dimensions (in mm) of the driven part of the coupling (actuator side) Flange F03 F04 F05 F07 F10 F12 F14 F16 F25 F30 type s 9 11 14 17 22 27 36 46 55 75 aD 12 14 18 22 28 36 48 60 72 98 l 10 12 16 19 24 29 38 48 57 77 5NOTE The relevant coupling tolerances are as per Table 2. 5.4 Spools and adapter flanges The height of the spoolshall have the same dimension as the rectangular bracket. The height of the adapter flange shall be specified by the valve or actuator manufacturer. 6 Marking 6.1 General Each mounting kit shall bear the permanent indications as stated in 6.2 and 6.3. 6.2 Mandatory information ?? Bracket: flange sizes to EN ISO 5211 (e.g. F05/F05, F07/F05, etc.). ?? Coupling: for the driven end, “D” drive dimension to EN ISO 5211 followed by the driving end dimensions and performance group/class (Table 2) identifications (e.g. D14/H11-B1). 6.3 Optional information ?? Manufacturer/supplier’s identification (name and/or logo and/or trade mark). ?? Reference to this European Standard. 7 Documentation 7.1 Language The language of the relevant documentation shall be agreed between the manufacturer/supplier and the purchaser. 7.2 Product documentation The following documentation shall be provided by the manufacturer/supplier: ?? mounting kit installation, commissioning instructions and weight indication; ?? storage instructions; ?? drawing with itemized components and recommended spare parts list. 12 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) Annex A (normative) Coupling axial clearance Axial clearance, between the coupling and the valve and actuator, is required to permit secure assembly without end loading of the valve stem or actuator drive. The critical axial dimensions of a typical assembly are shown in Figure A.1. The coupling shall provide appropriate drive engagement, for both the driven and driving ends, to ensure that it transmits the rated torque. These considerations are reflected in dimensions l and l. Adequateaxial clearance may be achieved 58by the dimension C in the two positions indicated in Figure A.1. cThe critical axial dimensions of a typical coupling are shown in Figure 2 and may be established, in terms of the dimensions shown in Figure A.1, as follows: L = H + h – l + l – C(A.1) B478c T = L + l(A.2) CB5 The values of the minimum design coupling axial clearance, based on nominal dimensions, are given in Table A.1. Dimension l shall be the maximum value under all foreseeable and/or critical working conditions. Valve 7conditions may change due to valve gland or seat wear and consideration should be given to any resultant changes in coupling axial clearance. It may also be necessary to provide clearance between the coupling and bracket/spool mounting flanges or any protrusions such as bolt heads, centering spigots or valve gland components. Care should be taken to ensure that adequate drive engagements are provided when the coupling travels to either extreme of the axial clearance. Table A.1 — Minimum coupling axial clearance Flange type in accordance with Minimum coupling axial clearance EN ISO 5211 C cmm F 03 to F 07 1 F 10 to F 12 1,5 F 14 to F 16 2 F 25 to F 30 3 13EN 15081:2007 (E) Key 1 Actuator 2 Coupling (adaptor) 3 Bracket 4 Valve 5 Mounting bolt 6 Spigot (integral or additional) H Nominal rectangular bracket or spool height (see Figure 1 and Table 3) h Actuator drive clearance (as per EN ISO 5211) 4l Actuator drive depth 5l Shaft height from valve top flange 7l Coupling driving end engagement length 8C Minimum coupling clearance (see Table A.1) cFigure A.1 — Mounting kitassembly 14 标准分享网 .bzfx免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) Annex B (informative) Proposed stem details for ball and butterfly valves B.1 General This annex has been developed to propose to the European Valve Industry the gradual implementation of new standard dimensions for the driven end of ball and butterfly valve shafts, with the ultimate aim of product optimisation and increased interchangeability levels. The proposed heights l are based on EN ISO 5211, l dimensions and clearances are in line with values 75indicated in Table A.1. Key 1 Valve 2 Spigot (integral or additional) Figure B.1 —Example of flat head shaft 15EN 15081:2007 (E) B.2 Proposed stem details for ball valves Table B.1 —Drive by flat head d s Valve top flange l (min) l827 according to Nominal Tolerance EN ISO 5211 10 7 F03, F04, F05 8 18 0 / to 1,0 12 8 F03, F04, F05 9 22 0 / to 1,0 14 9,5 F04, F05, F07 10,5 27 0 / to 1,0 18 12 F05, F07, F10 13 33 0 / to 1,0 22 15 F07, F10, F12 16 34 0 / to 1,0 28 19 F10, F12, F14 21 45 0 / to 2,0 36 24 F12, F14, F16 26 56 0 / to 2,0 a48 32 F14, F16, F25 34 69 0 / to 2,0 a Larger stems are normally of key drive design and therefore not considered applicable in this proposal. B.3 Proposed stem details for butterfly valves Table B.2 —Drive by flat head d s Valve top flange l(min) l 82 7according to Nominal Tolerance EN ISO 5211 12 9 F03, F04, F05 14 15 0 / to 1,0 14 11 F04, F05, F07 17 18 0 / to 1,0 18 14 F05, F07, F10 21 24 0 / to 1,0 22 17 F07, F10, F12 26 29 0 / to 1,0 25 19 F10, F12 29 32,5 0 / to 1,0 28 22 F10, F12, F14 3337,5 0 / to 2,0 36 27 F12, F14, F16 41 46,5 0 / to 2,0 48 36 F14, F16, F25 54 62 0 / to 2,0 60 46 F16, F25, F30 69 80 0 / to 2,0 72 55 F25, F30 83 96 0 / to 2,0 98 75 F30 113 132 0 / to 2,0 16 标准分享网 .bzfx 免w费.c下o载mEN 15081:2007 (E) Table B.3 —Drive by square head d s Valve top flange l 87according to Nominal Tolerance EN ISO 5211 12 9 F03, F04, F05 9 0 / to 1,0 14 11 F04, F05, F07 11 0 / to 1,0 18 14 F05, F07, F10 15 0 / to 1,0 22 17 F07, F10, F12 18 0 / to 1,0 25 19 F10, F12 20 0 / to 1,0 28 22 F10, F12, F14 22,5 0 / to 2,0 36 27 F12, F14, F16 27,5 0 / to 2,0 48 36 F14, F16, F25 36 0 / to 2,0 60 46 F16, F25, F30 46 0 / to 2,0 72 55 F25, F30 54 0 / to 2,0 98 75 F30 74 0 / to 2,0 Table B.4 —Drive by key (single)d Valve top flange l 77according to Nominal Tolerance EN ISO 5211 12 F0529 0 / to 1,0 14 F05, F07 29 0 / to 1,0 18 F05, F07, F10 29 0 / to 1,0 22 F05, F07, F10, F12 34 0 / to 1,0 28 F07, F10, F12, F14 43,5 0 / to 2,0 36 F10, F12, F14 53,5 0 / to 2,0 48 F12, F14, F16, F25 63 0 / to 2,0 60 F14, F16, F25, F30 78 0 / to 2,0 72 F16, F25, F30 107 0 / to 2,0 98 F25, F30 127 0 / to 2,0 17EN 15081:2007 (E) Bibliography [1] EN ISO 3231, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to humid atmospheres containing sulphur dioxide (ISO 3231:1993) [2] EN ISO 4628-2, Paints and varnishes —Evaluation of degradation of coatings —Designation of quantity and size of defects, and of intensity of uniform changes in appearance — Part 2: Assessment of degree of blistering (ISO 4628-2:2003) [3] EN ISO 4628-3,。


201121070108 WANG PENGZHI
Part II Cement Concrete Pavement Design ........................................................................ 14 1. Project Statement .............................................................................................................. 14 2. Design data ......................................................................................................................... 14 2.1 Traffic Analysis ................................................................................................................. 14 2.2 Subgrade Modulus ............................................................................................................ 15 2.2.1 Reference values of subgrade MR ......................................................................... 15 2.2.2 Humid coefficient of subgrade MR ........................................................................ 15 3. Combination Design .......................................................................................................... 16 3.1 Concrete Surface course .................................................................................................... 16 3.2 Base and sub-base courses ................................................................................................ 16 3.3 Cushion layer design ......................................................................................................... 16 3.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 16 4. Joint Design ........................................................................................................................ 16 4.1 Transverse Joints ............................................................................................................... 16 4.2 Longitudinal Joints ............................................................................................................ 16 5. Material proportion design and properties ..................................................................... 17 5.1 Concrete Materials ............................................................................................................ 17 5.2 Base and sub-base materials .............................................................................................. 17 5.3 parameters of reliability .................................................................................................... 18 5.4 Summary ........................................................................................................................... 19 5.4.1 Summary For PCC surface layer: ........................................................................ 19 5.4.2 Summary for graded crushed stone base layer ....................................................... 19 6. Calculation and analysis of load-induced stress ............................................................. 19 6.1 Load-induced fatigue stress ............................................................................................... 19 6.1.1 Stress of concrete slab with four free edges: .......................................................... 19 6.1.2 Load-induced fatigue stress .................................................................................... 19 6.2 Load-induced ultimate stress ............................................................................................. 19 7. Calculation and analysis of thermal stress ...................................................................... 20 7.1 Thermal fatigue stress ....................................................................................................... 20 7.2 Thermal ultimate stress ..................................................................................................... 20 8. Finalize the design ............................................................................................................. 20

AESJ003 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria沙特阿美仪表规范

AESJ003 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria沙特阿美仪表规范

Engineering StandardSAES-J-003 30 July, 2003 Instrumentation – Basic Design CriteriaInstrumentation Standards Committee MembersAl-Awami. L.H., ChairmanAl-Khalifa, A.H.Alqaffas, S.A.Al-Shiha, A.M.El-Hage, M.S.Fadley, G.L.Falkenberg, A.R.Fritz, R.H.George, N.A.Hartman, R.A.Hazelwood, W.P.Khan, M.A.Mahmood, B.Nawaz, S.M.Salars, D.S.Trembley, R.J.Saudi Aramco DeskTop StandardsTable of Contents1 Scope (2)2 Conflicts and Deviations (2)3 References (2)4 General (2)5 Measurement Units (3)6 Gas as an Instrument Supply (4)7 Signal Rangesand Communications Protocols (5)8 Environmental Conditions (5)Previous Issue: 31 December, 2002 Next Planned Update: 1 August, 2007Next Planned Update: 1 August, 2007 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria 1 ScopeThis Engineering Standard covers the basic requirements for the selection, design, and application of process instrumentation and control systems.2 Conflicts and Deviations2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAESs),Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs), Industry Standards, codes, forms,and Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings (SASDs) shall be resolved by the Manager, Process &Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this specification in writing to the Company or BuyerRepresentative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302 and forward suchrequests to the Manager, Process & Control Systems Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.3 ReferencesThe selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest edition of the references below, unless otherwise noted.Saudi Aramco Engineering ProceduresSAEP-103 Metric Units of Weights and MeasuresSAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory SaudiAramco Engineering RequirementSaudi Aramco Engineering StandardsSAES-A-105 Noise ControlSAES-A-112 Meteorological and Seismic Design DataSAES-J-700 Control ValvesSAES-J-904 F OUNDATION™ Fieldbus (FF) Systems4 GeneralAll continuous measurement electronic field instruments, and control valve positioners, shall be smart.The design requirements for each type of instrument are covered by the individual standards and specifications.The design and selection of process control and instrumentation systems should include consideration of the following:- Application suitability- ReliabilityNext Planned Update: 1 August, 2007 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria- Quality- Accuracy- Repeatability- Life cycle cost- Previous acceptance as a stock item (i.e., savings on spares)- Availability of spares beyond the end of the production run of the respective item- Compatibility with existing equipment (i.e., a Plant Expansion)- Flexibility of use- Compatibility with the environment (climatic and electrical classification)- Ease of maintenance (reduction of down-time)- Ease of operation (confidence and familiarity of the operator)Commentary Note:The priority of the above aspects will depend on the application and equipment underconsideration.5 Measurement UnitsAll new facilities shall be designed for operation in English units with the following exception.Operating Departments which have historically utilized operating units other than English units shall determine whether these units or English units will be used for new facilities under their jurisdiction.Upgrades or modifications to existing facilities shall retain existing operating units unless otherwise specified in project documentation.Next Planned Update: 1 August, 2007 Instrumentation – Basic Design CriteriaNotes: 1. SI Units shall conform to SAEP-103, Metric Units of Weight & Measures.2.Flowrate given in units per day is based on operating day, e.g., BPOD. This is to be differentiated from flow rate percalendar day, e.g., BPCD, which is used for plant design, and takes into account the operating factor (less than unity) of the plant. Thus, BPCD = BPOD * (operating factor).3.Saudi Aramco-defined standard conditions for process flow measurement are as follows:Standard conditions for custody metering are as follows:Next Planned Update: 1 August, 2007 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria 6 Gas as an Instrument SupplySour gas shall not be used in lieu of instrument air. Gas with less than 10 ppm H2O, 10 ppm CO2 and5 ppm H2S may be used with prior written approval by the Supervisor, Instrumentation Unit, ProcessInstrumentation Division, Process & Control Systems Department.7 Signal Ranges and Communications Protocols(when used between their controllers and their respective field devices). In the context oflimited to, the above signal types.for plant control. F OUNDATIONpursuant to requirements specified in SAES-J-904.Process Instrumentation Division, Process & Control Systems Department8 Environmental Conditions8.1 TemperatureInstruments and control systems shall operate continuously under the following ambient airtemperatures without any degradation of the manufacturer's guaranteed performance:Notes:1) "Sheltered" refers to permanent, ventilated enclosures or buildings, or permanently fixed sunshadeswith a top and three sides.2) For instruments which dissipate internal heat and are installed in custom engineered enclosures (e.g.,enclosures not included in the original manufacturer's temperature certification), an additional 15°C shallbe added to the above maximum temperatures. An example, for "indoor air conditioned" installation, theequipment must perform at 35 + 15 = 50°C. Similarly, for the "outdoor unsheltered" case, the equipmentshall be designed for a maximum operating temperature of 65 + 15 = 80°C.3) For the outdoor installations only, the designer can take credit for forced or passive cooling to eliminate orreduce the 15°C heat rise. For example, if vortex coolers are used, the heat removal capacity of thecoolers may be subtracted from the generated heat. No more than 15°C reduction in temperature will begiven as credit. The designer shall substantiate his claim by providing the support data and calculations.8.2 ContaminantsInstallations shall be designed for operation in an environment with contaminant levels asdefined in the Ambient Air Quality Section of SAES-A-112.Next Planned Update: 1 August, 2007 Instrumentation – Basic Design Criteria8.3 HumidityIndoor humidity design basis shall be 20% to 80% relative humidity.Outdoor design basis shall be 5% to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing).8.4 NoiseInstruments that generate noise shall be selected so that the effect on the environment islimited in accordance with SAES-A-105.Control valve installations shall meet the noise requirements specified inSAES-J-700.8.5 Offshore and Nearshore EnvironmentEquipment which is not enclosed or hermetically sealed, but is situated offshore or nearshore,shall be protected against corrosion and operational failure due to wind-borne sea water sprayand the accumulation of wetted salt (NaCl). Nearshore is defined as any outdoor, onshorelocation within one kilometer from the shoreline of the Arabian Gulf; all of the Ras TanuraRefinery and Terminal; and within three kilometers from the shoreline of the Red Sea.Revision Summary30 July, 2003 Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and reissuedwith minor/editorial revision.。














第2章建筑结构荷载规范2.1 术语第2。


1条永久荷载permanent load在结构使用期间,其值不随时间变化,或其变化与平均值相比可以忽略不计,或其变化是单调的并能趋于限值的荷载.第2.1。

2条可变荷载vaiable load在结构使用期间,其值随时间变化,且其变化与平均值相比在可以忽略不计的荷载.第2。

1.3条偶然荷载accidental load在结构使用期间不一定出现,一旦出现,其值很大且持续时间很短的荷载.第2。

1.4条荷载代表值reprsentative values of a load设计中用以验算极限状态所采用的荷载量值,例如标准值.组合值。



5条设计基准期design reference period为确定可变荷载代表值而选用的时间参数.第2.1.6条标准值characteristic value/nominal value荷载的基本代表值,为设计基准期内最大荷载统计分布的特征值(例如均值。



7条组合值combination value对可变荷载,使组合后的荷载效应在设计基准期内的超越概率,能与该荷载单独出现时的相应概率趋于一致的荷载值;或使组合后的结构具有统一规定的可靠指标的荷载值。

Facility Ratings A 文件说明书

Facility Ratings A 文件说明书

A. Introduction1. Title: Facility Ratings2. Number: FAC-008-33. Purpose: To ensure that Facility Ratings used in the reliable planning and operation of theBulk Electric System (BES) are determined based on technically sound principles. A FacilityRating is essential for the determination of System Operating Limits.4. Applicability4.1. Transmission Owner.4.2. Generator Owner.5. Effective Date: The first day of the first calendar quarter that is twelve months beyondthe date approved by applicable regulatory authorities, or in those jurisdictions whereregulatory approval is not required, the first day of the first calendar quarter twelve monthsfollowing BOT adoption.B. RequirementsR1.Each Generator Owner shall have documentation for determining the Facility Ratings of its solely and jointly owned generator Facility(ies) up to the low side terminals of the main step up transformer if the Generator Owner does not own the main step up transformer and the highside terminals of the main step up transformer if the Generator Owner owns the main step uptransformer. [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: Long-term Planning]1.1.The documentation shall contain assumptions used to rate the generator and at least oneof the following:•Design or construction information such as design criteria, ratings providedby equipment manufacturers, equipment drawings and/or specifications,engineering analyses, method(s) consistent with industry standards (e.g.ANSI and IEEE), or an established engineering practice that has beenverified by testing or engineering analysis.•Operational information such as commissioning test results, performancetesting or historical performance records, any of which may be supplementedby engineering analyses.1.2.The documentation shall be consistent with the principle that the Facility Ratings do notexceed the most limiting applicable Equipment Rating of the individual equipment thatcomprises that Facility.R2.Each Generator Owner shall have a documented methodology for determining Facility Ratings (Facility Ratings methodology) of its solely and jointly owned equipment connected betweenthe location specified in R1 and the point of interconnection with the Transmission Owner thatcontains all of the following. [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Long-termPlanning]2.1.The methodology used to establish the Ratings of the equipment that comprises theFacility(ies) shall be consistent with at least one of the following:•Ratings provided by equipment manufacturers or obtained from equipmentmanufacturer specifications such as nameplate rating.•One or more industry standards developed through an open process such asInstitute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) or InternationalCouncil on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE).• A practice that has been verified by testing, performance history orengineering analysis.2.2.The underlying assumptions, design criteria, and methods used to determine theEquipment Ratings identified in Requirement R2, Part 2.1 including identification ofhow each of the following were considered:2.2.1.Equipment Rating standard(s) used in development of this methodology.2.2.2.Ratings provided by equipment manufacturers or obtained from equipmentmanufacturer specifications.2.2.3.Ambient conditions (for particular or average conditions or as they vary inreal-time).2.2.4.Operating limitations.12.3. A statement that a Facility Rating shall respect the most limiting applicableEquipment Rating of the individual equipment that comprises that Facility.2.4.The process by which the Rating of equipment that comprises a Facility is determined.2.4.1.The scope of equipment addressed shall include, but not be limited to,conductors, transformers, relay protective devices, terminal equipment, andseries and shunt compensation devices.2.4.2.The scope of Ratings addressed shall include, as a minimum, both Normaland Emergency Ratings.R3.Each Transmission Owner shall have a documented methodology for determining Facility Ratings (Facility Ratings methodology) of its solely and jointly owned Facilities (except forthose generating unit Facilities addressed in R1 and R2) that contains all of the following:[Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [ Time Horizon: Long-term Planning]3.1.The methodology used to establish the Ratings of the equipment that comprises theFacility shall be consistent with at least one of the following:•Ratings provided by equipment manufacturers or obtained from equipmentmanufacturer specifications such as nameplate rating.•One or more industry standards developed through an open process such asInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) or InternationalCouncil on Large Electric Systems (CIGRE).• A practice that has been verified by testing, performance history orengineering analysis.3.2.The underlying assumptions, design criteria, and methods used to determine theEquipment Ratings identified in Requirement R3, Part 3.1 including identification ofhow each of the following were considered:3.2.1.Equipment Rating standard(s) used in development of this methodology.1 Such as temporary de-ratings of impaired equipment in accordance with good utility practice.3.2.2.Ratings provided by equipment manufacturers or obtained from equipmentmanufacturer specifications.3.2.3.Ambient conditions (for particular or average conditions or as they vary inreal-time).3.2.4.Operating limitations.23.3. A statement that a Facility Rating shall respect the most limiting applicableEquipment Rating of the individual equipment that comprises that Facility.3.4.The process by which the Rating of equipment that comprises a Facility is determined.3.4.1.The scope of equipment addressed shall include, but not be limited to,transmission conductors, transformers, relay protective devices, terminalequipment, and series and shunt compensation devices.3.4.2.The scope of Ratings addressed shall include, as a minimum, both Normaland Emergency Ratings.R4.Each Transmission Owner shall make its Facility Ratings methodology and each Generator Owner shall each make its documentation for determining its Facility Ratings and its FacilityRatings methodology available for inspection and technical review by those ReliabilityCoordinators, Transmission Operators, Transmission Planners and Planning Coordinators thathave responsibility for the area in which the associated Facilities are located, within 21calendar days of receipt of a request. [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon:Operations Planning] (Retirement approved by FERC effective January 21, 2014.) R5.If a Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, Transmission Planner or Planning Coordinator provides documented comments on its technical review of a TransmissionOwner’s Facility Ratings methodology or Generator Owner’s documentation for determiningits Facility Ratings and its Facility Rating methodology, the Transmission Owner or GeneratorOwner shall provide a response to that commenting entity within 45 calendar days of receipt ofthose comments. The response shall indicate whether a change will be made to the FacilityRatings methodology and, if no change will be made to that Facility Ratings methodology, thereason why. [Violation Risk Factor: Lower] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning](Retirement approved by FERC effective January 21, 2014.)R6.Each Transmission Owner and Generator Owner shall have Facility Ratings for its solely and jointly owned Facilities that are consistent with the associated Facility Ratings methodology ordocumentation for determining its Facility Ratings. [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [TimeHorizon: Operations Planning]R7.Each Generator Owner shall provide Facility Ratings (for its solely and jointly owned Facilities that are existing Facilities, new Facilities, modifications to existing Facilities and re-ratings ofexisting Facilities) to its associated Reliability Coordinator(s), Planning Coordinator(s),Transmission Planner(s), Transmission Owner(s) and Transmission Operator(s) as scheduledby such requesting entities. [Violation Risk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: OperationsPlanning]R8.Each Transmission Owner (and each Generator Owner subject to Requirement R2) shall provide requested information as specified below (for its solely and jointly owned Facilitiesthat are existing Facilities, new Facilities, modifications to existing Facilities and re-ratings ofexisting Facilities) to its associated Reliability Coordinator(s), Planning Coordinator(s),2 Such as temporary de-ratings of impaired equipment in accordance with good utility practice.Transmission Planner(s), Transmission Owner(s) and Transmission Operator(s): [ViolationRisk Factor: Medium] [Time Horizon: Operations Planning]8.1.As scheduled by the requesting entities:8.1.1.Facility Ratings8.1.2.Identity of the most limiting equipment of the Facilities8.2.Within 30 calendar days (or a later date if specified by the requester), for anyrequested Facility with a Thermal Rating that limits the use of Facilities under therequester’s authority by causing any of the following: 1) An InterconnectionReliability Operating Limit, 2) A limitation of Total Transfer Capability, 3) Animpediment to generator deliverability, or 4) An impediment to service to a majorload center:8.2.1.Identity of the existing next most limiting equipment of the Facility8.2.2.The Thermal Rating for the next most limiting equipment identified inRequirement R8, Part 8.2.1.C. MeasuresM1.Each Generator Owner shall have documentation that shows how its Facility Ratings were determined as identified in Requirement 1.M2.Each Generator Owner shall have a documented Facility Ratings methodology that includes all of the items identified in Requirement 2, Parts 2.1 through 2.4.M3.Each Transmission Owner shall have a documented Facility Ratings methodology that includes all of the items identified in Requirement 3, Parts 3.1 through 3.4.M4.Each Transmission Owner shall have evidence, such as a copy of a dated electronic note, or other comparable evidence to show that it made its Facility Ratings methodology available forinspection within 21 calendar days of a request in accordance with Requirement 4. TheGenerator Owner shall have evidence, such as a copy of a dated electronic note, or othercomparable evidence to show that it made its documentation for determining its FacilityRatings or its Facility Ratings methodology available for inspection within 21 calendar days ofa request in accordance with Requirement R4. (Retirement approved by NERC BOT pendingapplicable regulatory approval.)M5.If the Reliability Coordinator, Transmission Operator, Transmission Planner or Planning Coordinator provides documented comments on its technical review of a TransmissionOwner’s or Generator Owner’s Facility Ratings methodology or a Generator Owner’sdocumentation for determining its Facility Ratings, the Transmission Owner or GeneratorOwner shall have evidence, (such as a copy of a dated electronic or hard copy note, or othercomparable evidence from the Transmission Owner or Generator Owner addressed to thecommenter that includes the response to the comment,) that it provided a response to thatcommenting entity in accordance with Requirement R5. (Retirement approved by NERC BOTpending applicable regulatory approval.)M6.Each Transmission Owner and Generator Owner shall have evidence to show that its Facility Ratings are consistent with the documentation for determining its Facility Ratings as specifiedin Requirement R1 or consistent with its Facility Ratings methodology as specified inRequirements R2 and R3 (Requirement R6).M7.Each Generator Owner shall have evidence, such as a copy of a dated electronic note, or other comparable evidence to show that it provided its Facility Ratings to its associated ReliabilityCoordinator(s), Planning Coordinator(s), Transmission Planner(s), Transmission Owner(s) andTransmission Operator(s) in accordance with Requirement R7.M8.Each Transmission Owner (and Generator Owner subject to Requirement R2) shall have evidence, such as a copy of a dated electronic note, or other comparable evidence to show thatit provided its Facility Ratings and identity of limiting equipment to its associated ReliabilityCoordinator(s), Planning Coordinator(s), Transmission Planner(s), Transmission Owner(s) andTransmission Operator(s) in accordance with Requirement R8.D. Compliance1. Compliance Monitoring Process1.1. Compliance Enforcement AuthorityRegional Entity1.2. Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Processes:•Self-Certifications•Spot Checking•Compliance Audits•Self-Reporting•Compliance Violation Investigations•Complaints1.3. Data RetentionThe Generator Owner shall keep its current documentation (for R1) and anymodifications to the documentation that were in force since last compliance auditperiod for Measure M1 and Measure M6.The Generator Owner shall keep its current, in force Facility Ratings methodology(for R2) and any modifications to the methodology that were in force since lastcompliance audit period for Measure M2 and Measure M6.The Transmission Owner shall keep its current, in force Facility Ratingsmethodology (for R3) and any modifications to the methodology that were in forcesince the last compliance audit for Measure M3 and Measure M6.The Transmission Owner and Generator Owner shall keep its current, in forceFacility Ratings and any changes to those ratings for three calendar years for MeasureM6.The Generator Owner and Transmission Owner shall each keep evidence for MeasureM4, and Measure M5, for three calendar years.(Retirement approved by FERC effectiveJanuary 21, 2014.)The Generator Owner shall keep evidence for Measure M7 for three calendar years.The Transmission Owner (and Generator Owner that is subject to Requirement R2)shall keep evidence for Measure M8 for three calendar years.If a Generator Owner or Transmission Owner is found non-compliant, it shall keepinformation related to the non-compliance until found compliant.The Compliance Enforcement Authority shall keep the last audit and all subsequent compliance records.1.4. Additional Compliance InformationNoneE. Regional VariancesNone.F. Associated DocumentsVersion History1 Feb 7, 2006 Approved by Board ofTrusteesNew1 Mar 16, 2007 Approved by FERC New2 May 12, 2010 Approved by Board ofTrustees Complete Revision, merging FAC_008-1 and FAC-009-1 under Project 2009-06 and address directives from Order 6933 May 24, 2011 Addition of Requirement R8 Project 2009-06 Expansion toaddress third directive fromOrder 6933 May 24, 2011 Adopted by NERC Board ofTrustees3 November 17,2011 FERC Order issued approving FAC-008-33 May 17, 2012 FERC Order issued directingthe VRF for Requirement R2be changed from “Lower” to“Medium”3 February 7,2013 R4 and R5 and associated elements approved by NERC Board of Trustees for retirement as part of the Paragraph 81 project (Project 2013-02) pending applicable regulatory approval.3 November 21,2013 R4 and R5 and associatedelements approved by FERCfor retirement as part of theParagraph 81 project (Project2013-02)Page 11 of 11。



S EISMIC D ESIGN C RITERIA • F EBRUARY 2004 • V ERSION 1.31. INTRODUCTIONThe Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (SDC) specify the minimum seismic design requirements that are necessary to meet the performance goals established for Ordinary bridges in Memo to Designers (MTD) 20-1.The SDC is a compilation of new seismic design criteria and existing seismic design criteria previously documented in various locations. The goal is to update all the Offices of Structures Design (OSD) design manuals1 on a periodic basis to reflect the current state of practice for seismic bridge design. As information is incorporated into the design manuals, the SDC will serve as a forum to document Caltrans’ latest changes to the seismic design methodology. Proposed revisions to the SDC will be reviewed by OSD management according to the process outlined in MTD 20-11.The SDC applies to Ordinary Standard bridges as defined in Section 1.1. Ordinary Nonstandard bridges require project specific criteria to address their non-standard features. Designers should refer to the OSD design manuals for seismic design criteria not explicitly addressed by the SDC.The following criteria identify the minimum requirements for seismic design. Each bridge presents a unique set of design challenges. The designer must determine the appropriate methods and level of refinement necessary to design and analyze each bridge on a case-by-case basis. The designer must exercise judgment in the application of these criteria. Situations may arise that warrant detailed attention beyond what is provided in the SDC. The designer should refer to other resources to establish the correct course of action. The OSD Senior Seismic Specialists, the OSD Earthquake Committee, and the Earthquake Engineering Office of Structure Design Services and Earthquake Engineering (SDSEE) should be consulted for recommendations.Deviations to these criteria shall be reviewed and approved by the Section Design Senior or the Senior Seismic Specialist and documented in the project file. Significant departures shall be presented to the Type Selection Panel and/or the Design Branch Chief for approval as outlined in MTD 20-11.This document is intended for use on bridges designed by and for the California Department of Transportation. It reflects the current state of practice at Caltrans. This document contains references specific and unique to Caltrans and may not be applicable to other parties either institutional or private.1.1Definition of an Ordinary Standard BridgeA structure must meet all of the following requirements to be classified as an Ordinary Standard bridge:•Span lengths less than 300 feet (90 m)•Constructed with normal weight concrete girder, and column or pier elements•Horizontal members either rigidly connected, pin connected, or supported on conventional bearings by the substructure, isolation bearings and dampers are considered nonstandard components.1 Caltrans Design Manuals:Bridge Design Specifications, Memo To Designers, Bridge Design Details, Bridge Design Aids, BridgeDesign PracticeS EISMIC D ESIGN C RITERIA1-1S ECTION 1 - I NTRODUCTION •Dropped bent caps or integral bent caps terminating inside the exterior girder, C-bents, outrigger bents,and offset columns are nonstandard components.•Foundations supported on spread footing, pile cap w/piles, or pile shafts•Soil that is not susceptible to liquefaction, lateral spreading, or scour1.2Types of Components Addressed in the SDCThe SDC is focused on concrete bridges. Seismic criteria for structural steel bridges are being developed independently and will be incorporated into the future releases of the SDC. In the interim, inquiries regarding the seismic performance of structural steel components shall be directed to the Structural Steel Technical Specialist and the Structural Steel Committee.The SDC includes seismic design criteria for Ordinary Standard bridges constructed with the types of components listed in Table 1.Table 11.3Bridge SystemsA bridge system consists of superstructure and substructure components. The bridge system can be further characterized as an assembly of subsystems. Examples of bridge subsystems include:•Longitudinal frames separated by expansion joints•Multi-column or single column transverse bents supported on footings, piles, or shafts•Abutments1-2S EISMIC D ESIGN C RITERIAS EISMIC D ESIGN C RITERIA • F EBRUARY 2004 • V ERSION 1.3 Traditionally, the entire bridge system has been referred to as the global system, whereas an individual bent or column has been referred to as a local system. It is preferable to define these terms as relative and not absolute measures. For example, the analysis of a bridge frame is global relative to the analysis of a column subsystem, but is local relative to the analysis of the entire bridge system.1.4Local and Global BehaviorThe term “local” when pertaining to the behavior of an individual component or subsystem constitutes its response independent of the effects of adjacent components, subsystems or boundary conditions. The term “global” describes the overall behavior of the component, subsystem or bridge system including the effects of adjacent components, subsystems, or boundary conditions. See Section 2.2.2 for the distinction between local and global displacements.S EISMIC D ESIGN C RITERIA1-3。

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Design CriteriaBuilding optimization must be followed by design criteria; these design criteria are given by the corresponding code. With the aim to determine the optimization criteria I personally have chosen the IBC 2013 Code with the corresponding related codes, such as ACI 318 and ASCE-7, concrete and load codes.Firstly we should determine the basic requirements for a high-rise building with shear wall structure and deep foundation as a foundation system, being this kind of building the objective of the study in situ.•Building use and occupancy: (CHAPTER 3)Residential group R-2, residential occupancies containing sleeping units or more than two dwelling units where the occupants are primarily permanent in nature, including: Apartment houses, Boarding houses (non-transient), Convents, Dormitories, Fraternities and sororities, Hotels (non-transient), I Live/work units, Monasteries, Motels (non-transient), Vacation timeshare properties.•Requirements based on occupancy:(CHAPTER 4)1. For buildings not greater than 420 feet (128 m) in building height, the fire-resistance rating of the building elements in Type IA construction shall be permitted to be reduced to the minimum fire-resistance ratings for the building elements in Type IB.2. In other than Group F-1, M and S-1 occupancies, the fire-resistance rating of the building elements in Type IB construction shall be permitted to be reduced to the fire-resistance ratings in Type IIA.3. Bond strength:•Building height and areas:(CHAPTER 5)A mezzanine or mezzanines in compliance with Section 505 shall be considered a portion ofthe story in which it is contained. Such mezzanines shall not contribute to either the building area or number of stories as regulated byThe building areas limited by Table 503 shall be permitted to be increased due to frontage (I) and automatic sprinkler system protection (I) in accordance with the following:A a={A t+[A t∗I f]+[A t∗I s]}Frontage area increase. Every building shall adjoin or have access to a public way to receivea building area increase for frontage. Where a building has more than 25 percent of itsperimeter on a public mayor open space having a minimum width of 20 feet (6096 mm), the frontage increase shall be determined in accordance with the following:I f=(FP−0.25)∗W30Group R-l and R-2 buildings of Type IIA construction. The height limitation for buildings of Type IIA construction in Groups R-l and R-2 shall be increased to nine stories and 100 feet (30 480 mm) where the building is separated by not less than 50 feet (15 240 mm) from any other building on the lot and from lot lines, the exits are segregated in an area enclosed by a 2-hour fire-resistance-rated fire-wall and the first floor assembly has a fire-resistance rating of not less than 11/ 2 hours.•Type of construction:(CHAPTER 6)Types I and II. Types I and II construction are those types of construction in which the building elements listed in Table 601 are of non-combustible materials, except as permitted in Section 603 and elsewhere in this code.Type III. Type III construction is that type of construction in which the exterior walls are of non-combustible materials and the interior building elements are of any material permitted by this code. Fire-retardant-treated wood framing complying with Section 2303.2 shall be permitted within exterior wall assemblies of a 2-hour rating or less.•Fire and smoke protection features:(CHAPTER 7)Reinforcing. Thickness of protection for concrete or masonry reinforcement shall be measured to the outside of the reinforcement except that stirrups and spiral reinforcement ties are permitted to project not more than 0.5-inch (12.7 mm) into the protection.Structural stability. Fire walls shall have sufficient structural stability under fire conditions to allow collapse of construction on either side without collapse of the wall for the duration of time indicated by the required fire-resistance rating.TABLE 720.1 (2): RATED FIRE-RESISTANCE PERIODS FOR VARIOUS WALLS AND PARTITIONSConcrete walls: The minimum equivalent thicknesses of cast-in-place or precastconcrete walls for fire-resistance ratings of 1 hour to 4 hours are shown inConcrete floor and roofs: Reinforced and prestressed floors and roofs. The minimum thicknesses of reinforced and prestressed concrete floor or roof slabs for fire-resistance ratings of 1 hour to 4 hours are shown in Table 721.2.2.1.Concrete cover over reinforcement:Solid slabs:Concrete beams:Concrete columns:Concrete strength less than or equal to 12,000 psi. For columns made with concrete having a specified compressive strength, I' C' of less than or equal to 12,000 psi (82.7 MPa) , the minimum dimension shall comply with Table 721.2.4.Concrete strength greater than 12,000 psi. For columns made with concrete having a specified compressive strength, I' C' greater than 12,000 psi (82.7 MPa) , for fire-resistance ratings of 1 hour to 4 hours the minimum dimension shall be 24 inches (610mm).Concrete cover reinforcement in columns: Shall not be less than 1 inch (25 mm) times the number of hours of required fire resistance or 2 inches (51 mm).•Interior finishes: (CHAPTER 8) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Fire Protection Systems: (CHAPTER 9) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Means of Egress: (CHAPTER 10) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Accessibility: (CHAPTER 11) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Interior Environment: (CHAPTER 12) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Energy Efficiency: (CHAPTER 13) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Exterior Walls: (CHAPTER 14) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. •Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures: (CHAPTER 15)Roof assemblies shall be divided into the classes defined below. Class A, Band C roof assemblies and roof coverings required to be listed by this section shall be tested in accordance with ASTM E 108 or UL 790.NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH.•Structural Design: (CHAPTER 16)General: Building, structures and parts thereof shall be designed and constructed in accordance with strength design, load and resistance factor design, allowable stress design, empirical design or conventional construction methods, as permitted by the applicable material chapters.Strength: Buildings and other structures, and parts thereof, shall be designed and constructed to support safely the factored loads in load combinations defined in this code without exceeding the appropriate strength limit states for the materials of construction.Serviceability: Structural systems and members thereof shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections and lateral drift. See Section 12.12.1 of ASCE 7 for drift limits applicable to earthquake loading.Deflections: The deflections of structural members shall not exceed the morerestrictive of the limitations of Sections 1604.3.2 through 1604.3.5 or that permittedby Table 1604.3.Reinforced concrete: The deflection of reinforced concrete structural members shall not exceed that permitted by ACI 318.Analysis: Load effects on structural members and their connections shall be determined by methods of structural analysis that take into account equilibrium, general stability, geometric compatibility and both short-and long-term material properties.Members that tend to accumulate residual deformations under repeated service loads shall have included in their analysis the added eccentricities expected to occur during their service life.Any system or method of construction to be used shall be based on a rational analysis in accordance with well-established principles of mechanics. Such analysis shall result in a system that provides a complete load path capable of transferring loads from their point of origin to the load-resisting elements.The total lateral force shall be distributed to the various vertical elements of the lateral-force resisting system in proportion to their rigidities, considering the rigidity of the horizontal bracing system or diaphragm. Rigid elements assumed not to be a part of the lateral-force resisting system are permitted to be incorporated into buildings provided their effect on the action of the system is considered and provided for in the design. Except where diaphragms are flexible, or are permitted to be analysed as flexible, provisions shall be made for the increased forces induced on resisting elements of the structural system resulting from torsion due to eccentricity between the centre of application of the lateral forces and the centre of rigidity of the lateral-force resisting system.OccupancyLoad combinations: Basic load combinations, load combinations using allowable stress design.Dead loads: determined by the material.Live loads: TABLE 1607.1Reduction in live loads: Except for uniform live loads at roofs, all other minimum uniformly distributed live loads, La, in Table 1607.1 are permitted to be reduced in accordance with Section 1607.9.1 or 1607.9.2. Roof uniform live loads, other than special purpose roofs of Section 1607.11.2.2, are permitted to be reduced in accordance with Section 1607.11.2. Roof I uniform live loads of special purpose roofs are permitted to be reduced in accordance with Section 1607.9.1 or 1607.9.2.Snow loads: ASCE 7 Chapter 7Wind loads: ASCE 7 Chapter 6Rain loads:Flood loads:Earthquake loads: ASCE 7 Chapter 14 and Appendix 11AStructural integrity: Buildings classified as high-rise buildings in accordance with Section 403 and assigned to Occupancy Category III or IV shall comply with the requirements of this section.Concrete frame structures: Frame structures constructed primarily of reinforced or prestressed concrete, either cast-in-place or precast, or a combination of these, shall conform to the requirements of ACI 318 Sections 7.13,,, 16.5, 18.12.6, 18.12.7 and 18.12.8 as applicable.Concrete wall structures: Precast bearing wall structures constructed solely of reinforced or prestressed concrete, or combinations of these shall conform to the requirements of Sections 7.13, and 16.5 of ACI 318.•Structural Test and Special Inspections: (CHAPTER 17) NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH. Concrete: Table 1704.4Soils: Table 1704.7Driven deep foundation elements: Table 1704.8Cast-in-place deep foundation: Table 1704.9•Soils and foundations: (CHAPTER 20)Classification: Soil materials shall be classified in accordance with ASTM D 2487.Concrete foundation walls. Concrete foundation walls shall comply with the following:1.The thickness shall comply with the requirements of Table 1807. The size and spacing of vertical reinforcement shown in Table 1807.1.6.2 is based on the useof reinforcement with a minimum yield strength of 60,000 pounds per square inch (psi) (414 MPa). Vertical reinforcement with a minimum yield strength of 40,000 psi (276 MPa) or50,000 psi (345 MPa) shall be permitted, provided the same size bar is used and the spacing shown in the table is reduced by multiplying the spacing by 0.67 or 0.83, respectively.3.Vertical reinforcement, when required, shall be placed nearest the inside face of the wall adistance, d, from the outside face (soil face) of the wall. The distance, d, is equal to the wall thickness, t, minus 1.25 inches (32 mm) plus one-half the bar diameter, db' [d= t- (1.25 + db/2) ]. The reinforcement shall be placed within a tolerance of ± 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) where d isless than or equal to 8 inches (203 mm) or ± 1/2 inch (12.7 mm) where dis greater than 8 inches (203 mm).4.In lieu of the reinforcement shown in Table 1807.1.6.2, smaller reinforcing bar sizes withcloser spacings that provide an equivalent cross-sectional area of reinforcement per unit length shall be permitted.5.Concrete cover for reinforcement measured from the inside face of the wall shall not be lessthan 3/4 inch (19.1 mm). Concrete cover for reinforcement measured from the outside face of the wall shall not be less than 11/ 2 inches (38 mm) for No.5 bars and smaller, and not less than 2 inches (51 mm) for larger bars.6. Concrete shall have a specified compressive strength, r C' ofnot less than 2,500 psi (17.2MPa).7.The unfactored axial load per linear foot of wall shall not exceed 1.2 t f' c where t is thespecified wall thickness in inches.FoundationDeep foundations:Allowable stresses. The allowable stresses for materials used in deep foundation elements shall not exceed those specified in Table 1810.3.2.6.Increased allowable compressive stress for cased cast-in-place elements. The allowable compressive stress in the concrete shall be permitted to be increased as specified in Table 1810.3.2.6 for those portions of permanently cased cast-in-place elements that satisfy all of the following conditions:1. The design shall not use the casing to resist any portion of the axial load imposed.2. The casing shall have a sealed tip and be mandrel driven.3. The thickness of the casing shall not be less than manufacturer's standard gage No. 14 (0.068 inch) (1.75 mm).4. The casing shall be seamless or provided with seams ofstrength equal to the basic material and be of a configuration that will provide confinement to the cast-in-place concrete.5. The ratio of steel yield strength (F) to specified compressive strength (f'J shall not be less than six.6. The nominal diameter of the element shall not be greater than 16 inches (406 mm).Cast-in-place or grouted-in-place: Cast-in-place and grouted-in-place deep foundation elements shall satisfy the requirements of this section.Cased: Cast-in-place deep foundation elements with a permanent casing shall have a nominal outside diameter of not less than 8 inches (203 mm).Uncased: Cast-in-place deep foundation elements without a permanent casing shall have a diameter of not less than 12 inches (305 mm). The element length shall not exceed 30 times the average diameter•Concrete: (CHAPTER 19).Plain and reinforced concrete. Structural concrete shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter and ACI 318 as amended in Section 1908 of this code.ACI 318•Aluminium: (CHAPTER 20)•Masonry: (CHAPTER 21)•Steel: (CHAPTER 22)•Wood: (CHAPTER 23)•…..NOT RELEVANT FOR MY RESEARCH.•Required strengthRequired strength U shall be at least equal to the effects of factored loads in Eq. (9-1) through (9-7). The effect of one or more loads not acting simultaneously shall be investigated.U = 1.4(D + F) (9-1)U = 1.2(D + F + T) + 1.6(L + H) + 0.5(Lr or S or R) (9-2)U = 1.2D + 1.6(Lr or S or R) + (1.0L or 0.8W) (9-3)U = 1.2D + 1.6W + 1.0L + 0.5(Lr or S or R) (9-4)U = 1.2D + 1.0E + 1.0L + 0.2S (9-5)U = 0.9D + 1.6W + 1.6H (9-6)U = 0.9D + 1.0E + 1.6H (9-7)The required strength U is expressed in terms of factored loads, or related internal moments and forces. Factored loads are the loads specified in the general building code multiplied by appropriate load factors.The factor assigned to each load is influenced by the degree of accuracy to which the load effect usually can be calculated and the variation that might be expected in the load during the lifetime of the structure. Dead loads, because they are more accurately determined and less variable, are assigned a lower load factor than live loads. Load factors also account for variability in the structural analysis used to compute moments and shears.•Design strengthDesign strength provided by a member, its connections to other members, and its cross sections, in terms of flexure, axial load, shear, and torsion, shall be taken as the nominal strength calculated in accordance with requirements and assumptions of this Code, multiplied by the strength reduction factors φ.The design strength of a member refers to the nominal strength calculated in accordance with the requirements stipulated in this Code multiplied by a strength reduction factor φ, which is always less than 1.The purposes of the strength reduction factor φ are: (1) to allow for the probability of under-strength members due to variations in material strengths and dimensions, (2) to allow for inaccuracies in the design equations, (3) to reflect the degree of ductility and required reliability of the member under the load effects being considered, and (4) to reflect the importance of the member in the structure.Tension-controlled sections as defined in 10.3.4 ....................................................0.90Compression-controlled sections, as defined in 10.3.3:(a) Members with spiral reinforcement conforming to 10.9.3...........................................0.75(b) Other reinforced members ............................0.65Shear and torsion ..............................0.75Bearing on concrete (except for post-tensioned anchorage zones and strut-and-tie models) ......................................0.65Post-tensioned anchorage zones ......0.85Strut-and-tie models (Appendix A), and struts, ties, nodal zones, and bearing areas in such models ............................................0.75Flexural sections in pretensioned members where strand embedment is less than the development length as provided in From the end of the member to the end of the transfer length ..........................................0.75(b) From the end of the transfer length to the end of the development length φshall be permitted to be linearly increased from ........................................ 0.75 to 0.9.•Design strength for reinforcementThe values of fy and fyt used in design calculations shall not exceed 550 MPa.•Control of deflectionsReinforced concrete members subjected to flexure shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections or any deformations that adversely affect strength or serviceability of a structure.The provisions of 9.5 are concerned only with deflections or deformations that may occur at service load levels. When long-term deflections are computed, only the dead load and that portion of the live load that is sustained need be considered.ONE WAY CONSTRUCTIONMinimum thickness stipulated in Table 9.5(a) shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large deflections, unless computation of deflection indicates a lesser thickness can be used without adverse effects.Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, additional long-term deflection resulting from creep and shrinkage of flexural members (normal weight or lightweight concrete) shall be determined by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the sustained load considered, by the factor λΔwhere ρ′ shall be the value at midspan for simple and continuous spans, and at support for cantilevers. It shall be permitted to assume ξ, the time-dependent factor for sustained loads, to be equal to:5 years or more ....................................................... 2.012 months................................................................ 1.46 months.................................................................. 1.23 months.................................................................. 1.0COMPUTED DEFLECTIONSTWO-WAY CONSTRUCTIONSection 9.5.3 shall govern the minimum thickness of slabs or other two-way construction designed in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 13 and conforming with the requirements of The thickness of slabs without interior beams spanning between the supports on all sides shall satisfy the requirements of or The thickness of slabs with beams spanning between the supports on all sides shall satisfy requirements of or•For slabs without interior beams spanning between the supports and having a ratio of long to short span not greater than 2, the minimum thickness shall be in accordance with the provisions of Table 9.5(c) and shall not be less than the following values:(a) Slabs without drop panels as defined in 13.2.5..........................................125 mm.(b) Slabs with drop panels as defined in 13.2.5 ...............................................100 mm.For slabs with beams spanning between the supports on all sides, the minimum thickness, h, shall be as follows:(a) For αfm equal to or less than 0.2, the provi sions of shall apply;(b) For αfm greater than 0.2 but not greater than 2.0, h shall not be less thanand not less than 125 mm;(c) For αfm greater than 2.0, h shall not be less thanand not less than 90 mm;(d) At discontinuous edges, an edge beam shall be provided with a stiffness ratio αf not less than 0.80 or the minimum thickness required by Eq. (9-12) or (9-13).Slab thickness less than the minimum required by,, and shall be permitted where computed deflections do not exceed the limits of Table 9.5(b). Deflections shall be computed taking into account size and shape of the panel, conditions of support, and nature of restraints at the panel edges. The modulus of elasticity of concrete, Ec , shall be as specified in 8.5.1. The effective moment of inertia, Ie , shall be that given by Eq. (9-8); other values shall be permitted to be used if they result in computed deflections in reasonable agreement with results of comprehensive tests. Additional long-term deflection shall be computed in accordance with。
