Design Verification

simulink中design verifier使用概述及解释说明1. 引言1.1 概述在软件开发和系统设计的过程中,验证设计的正确性和可靠性是至关重要的。
而Design Verifier则是Simulink中一个重要的插件,具有强大的功能,能够帮助开发人员有效地验证系统设计,并发现潜在的错误和问题。
本文将对Simulink中Design Verifier进行详细的讲解和解释。
我们将首先介绍Design Verifier的基本原理和功能,包括其应用场景、核心功能和特点。
接着,我们会详细阐述Design Verifier的使用步骤和操作方法,包括安装配置插件、创建仿真模型以及运行仿真验证等。
1.2 文章结构本文共分为五个部分:引言、Simulink中Design Verifier的基本原理和功能、Simulink中Design Verifier的使用步骤和操作方法、Simulink中Design Verifier的结果分析与优化技巧以及结论与展望。
2. Simulink中Design Verifier的基本原理和功能本部分将详细介绍Simulink中Design Verifier的基本原理和功能。
我们将首先给出Design Verifier的简介,包括其定义、作用和优势等。
然后,我们会讨论Design Verifier的应用场景,指出它在软件开发和系统设计中起到的重要作用。
最后,我们会详细解释Design Verifier的核心功能和特点,包括静态检查、模型覆盖率分析和性质验证等。
3. Simulink中Design Verifier的使用步骤和操作方法本部分将详细介绍Simulink中Design Verifier的使用步骤和操作方法。

电子制造业新产品导入NPI及常用英文词汇产品定义(EVT),产品设计(DVT),定型测试(PVT)EVT (Engineer Verification Test)工程样品验证测试,DVT (Design Verification Test)设计样品验证测试,PVT(Production/Process/Pilot Verification Test)生产验证测试。
1)产品确证历程:EVT(Engineering Verification Test)---> DVT(Design Verification Test) ---> PVT(Process Verification Test);2)EVTPoduct/Engineering Specification complete(由R&D 完成,容: 一些重要的参数,重要特征)Design Verification Plan ( B-test, Compatibility-test, EMI )(由技服部作)初步之BOM(R&D完成)Cost Review(PMP 负责)Test equipment and Tooling(R&D 和工程部门)Test process documented and released测试程序或测试文件Failure analysis and corrective actions针对不良点作设计上的改善3)DVTDesign Verification Test( B-test , Compatibility-test, EMI ) complete 概念1:可靠性测试: 产品在既定的时间, 在特定的条件下完成特定功能和性能的机率概念2:B-test--- Basic test 包括:Function TestSafety TestEnvironment TestMechanical Test概念3:Safety Test 主要有:Hit-Pot 高压测试绝缘电阻测试Current Leakage(电流测试)接地测试概念4:Mechanical Test 主要有Vibration Test(振动试验)Drop Test(落体试验)概念5: Compatibility test --- 兼容性测试硬件与软件之兼容性硬件与硬件之兼容性概念6: EMI Test--- 抗静电,电磁干扰Agency Compliances complete安规承认测试,安规组负责Design Change Phased in设计变更切入MPI & TPI & QII 等等制程文件试用的制作完毕BOM 进一步修改Failure Analysis and Corrective actions形成AVL---- Acceptable Vendor List4)PVTFailure analysis / corrective actionFirst article inspection review with customer and documented制程安排好, 各种制程文件修改并正式发行Operators/ Inspectors traning / certification programC-Test----仅小变更,仅需做change-test 变可. 此测试可仅针对变更项做ORT Test (On Going Reliability Test)--- ongoing reliability test连续测试2000小时PMP 召开会议---作总结GO or STOP5)机构件的3B ApprovalTVR--- Tooling Verification Report对生产出来的产品做全尺寸测量Cpk Report Complex Process Capability index制程能力报告TVR & Cpk 由品保与工程部门共同完成Flow Chart ----流程图怎样安排制程PMP --- Process Management Plan制程安排,制程控制要点,设备,检验法, 检验频率等等Flow Chart & PMP 由IE 制作FAP ( Final Audit Program )要求图文并茂试模报告塑料成形条件, 冲压成形条件各单件之图面及组件之装配图材质证明书ECN--- Engineering Change Notice要求及时地切入工程变更工厂/设计产品测试:BVT是Build Verification Test,基本验证测试,对完成的代码进行编译和连接,产生一个构造,以检查程序的主要功能是否会像预期一样进行工作。

电子制造业新产品导入NPI及常用英文词汇产品定义(EVT),产品设计(DVT),定型测试(PVT)EVT (Engineer Verification Test)工程样品验证测试,DVT (Design Verification Test)设计样品验证测试,PVT(Production/Process/Pilot Verification Test)生产验证测试.1)产品确证历程:EVT(Engineering Verification Test)--—〉 DVT(Design Verification Test) -—-〉 PVT(Process Verification Test);2)EVTPoduct/Engineering Specification complete(由 R&D 完成,内容: 一些重要的参数,重要特征)Design Verification Plan ( B-test, Compatibility-test,EMI )(由技服部作)初步之BOM(R&D完成)Cost Review(PMP 负责)Test equipment and Tooling(R&D 和工程部门)Test process documented and released测试程序或测试文件Failure analysis and corrective actions针对不良点作设计上的改善3)DVTDesign Verification Test( B—test , Compatibility-test, EMI )complete概念1:可靠性测试:产品在既定的时间内,在特定的条件下完成特定功能和性能的机率概念2:B-test—-- Basic test 包括:Function TestSafety TestEnvironment TestMechanical Test概念3:Safety Test 主要有:Hit-Pot 高压测试绝缘电阻测试Current Leakage(电流测试)接地测试概念4:Mechanical Test 主要有Vibration Test(振动试验)Drop Test(落体试验)概念5: Compatibility test —-- 兼容性测试硬件与软件之兼容性硬件与硬件之兼容性概念6: EMI Test—-- 抗静电,电磁干扰Agency Compliances complete安规承认测试,安规组负责Design Change Phased in设计变更切入MPI & TPI & QII 等等制程文件试用的制作完毕BOM 进一步修改Failure Analysis and Corrective actions形成 AVL——-- Acceptable Vendor List4)PVTFailure analysis / corrective actionFirst article inspection review with customer and documented制程安排好, 各种制程文件修改并正式发行Operators/ Inspectors traning / certification programC—Test-——-仅小变更,仅需做 change-test 变可。
DQE report

Ton/Toff time sequence Input/Output regulation Dynamic response Efficience
Pass Pass Pass isual inspection
Pass Pass Pass Pass
设计验证测试报告 (Design Verification Test Report)
品质可靠性保证(Qaulity And Reliability Assurance) DZ-S40A-190210 机种名称(Model Name): 数量(Quantity): 测试项目(Test Item): 老化(Burn in) 1.测试条件(Testing condition): 输入(Input):220Vac/50Hz 输出(Output):19V/2.1A 时间(time): 48H 环境(Ambient):40+/-5℃ 2.测试设备(Testing equipment): 老化柜(Burn in cabinet):JM 893 3.Pass Fail标准(Pass Fail criteria): 产品老化后过程中输出正常,老化完成后功能测试正常;外壳、零件面、锡面符合外观检查要求。 (The adapter's output voltage will be normal during the burn-in test;It's function will be passed by function test after the burn-in test, the surface of the case and the component side and soder side will be passed by visual inspection.) 4.结果(Result): 测试工程师(Test Engineer): 页面(Page): 序号(Serial No): Armyhuang 31

英语作文-集成电路设计行业:从初学者到专家的必备技能Integrated Circuit Design Industry: Essential Skills from Beginner to Expert。
Introduction:The integrated circuit (IC) design industry plays a crucial role in the development of modern technology. From smartphones to self-driving cars, ICs are the backbone of electronic devices. To excel in this industry, individuals need to acquire a set of essential skills that will take them from being a beginner to an expert. This article aims to provide an overview of these skills and their importance in the IC design industry.1. Solid Foundation in Electronics:A strong understanding of electronics is the foundation of IC design. Beginners should start by learning basic concepts such as Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, and semiconductor physics. This knowledge will help them comprehend the behavior of electronic components and their interactions within an IC.2. Proficiency in Programming:Programming skills are becoming increasingly important in IC design. Beginners should focus on learning languages such as Verilog or VHDL, which are widely used in designing digital circuits. These languages allow designers to describe the behavior of their circuits and simulate their functionality before fabrication.3. Knowledge of IC Design Tools:Proficiency in using IC design tools is essential for both beginners and experts. Tools like Cadence or Synopsys provide a platform to design, simulate, and verify ICs. Beginners should familiarize themselves with these tools and learn how to navigate through their various features.4. Understanding of Digital and Analog Design:IC design encompasses both digital and analog circuits. Beginners should acquire a solid understanding of both domains. Digital design involves logic gates, flip-flops, and sequential circuits, while analog design deals with continuous signals and amplifiers. A comprehensive understanding of these concepts is crucial for successful IC design.5. Familiarity with Design Verification:Design verification is the process of ensuring that an IC design meets its specifications. Beginners should learn techniques such as functional simulation, timing analysis, and formal verification. These methods help identify and rectify design flaws, ensuring the reliability and functionality of the final product.6. Knowledge of Low Power Design:In today's world, power efficiency is a critical consideration in IC design. Beginners should be aware of low power design techniques such as clock gating, power gating, and voltage scaling. These techniques help reduce power consumption without compromising the performance of the IC.7. Awareness of Design for Testability:Design for Testability (DFT) is an essential aspect of IC design. It involves incorporating features that facilitate testing and fault diagnosis. Beginners should familiarize themselves with DFT techniques like scan chains, built-in self-test (BIST), and boundary scan. These techniques simplify the testing process, ensuring the quality and reliability of the manufactured IC.8. Continuous Learning and Adaptability:The field of IC design is ever-evolving, with new technologies and methodologies emerging regularly. To stay ahead, individuals must have a thirst for continuous learning and adaptability. Beginners should actively engage in professional development, attend conferences, and keep up with industry trends to enhance their skills and expertise.Conclusion:Becoming an expert in the IC design industry requires a combination of foundational knowledge, technical skills, and adaptability. By acquiring a solid understanding of electronics, programming, IC design tools, digital, and analog design, as well as verification and low power techniques, individuals can progress from being beginners to experts. Furthermore, a commitment to continuous learning and staying updated with industry advancements is crucial for long-term success in this dynamic field. With the right skills and dedication, one can thrive in the exciting world of integrated circuit design.。

验证策划 序 号 设计验证/ 认可试验 样件 数量 类型 试验单位 测试责任人 试验单位 单项 合计 开始 完成 开始 试验周期 计划日期
设计验证计划和报告(DVP&R) Design Verification Plan and Report
项目名称 隶属系统 大载荷轮毂 项目客户 零部件/总成名称 WSEEL SOLUTIONS LTD NF359-1455(20120405)
验证策划 序 号 设计验证/ 认可试验 样件 数量 类型 试验单位 测试责任人 试验单位 单项 合计 开始 完成 开始 试验周期 计划日期
半成 品
当班巡检员 1H/次
5 6 7 9 10
动平衡 气密性 冲击测试 弯曲测试 径向测试
TS-07-008/1 TS-07-012/1 TS-07-075 TS-07-077 TS-07-025
动平衡检验 产品气密性检验 13°冲击测试 偏转弯曲测试 径向负荷耐久测试
设计验证 设计验证 设计验证 设计验证 设计验证
10 10 2 2 2
半成 加工课动平衡测试员 当班测试员 品 半成 加工课压泄员 当班压泄员 品 成品 成品 成品 FUTEX实验室 FUTEX实验室 FUTEX实验室 吕文杰 吕文杰 吕文杰
100% 100% 2 2 2
设计验证计划和报告(DVP&R) Design Verification Plan and Report

EVT 【2 】EVT(Engineering Verification Test)工程验证产品开辟初期的设计验证.设计者实现样品时做初期的测实验证,包括功效和安规测试,一般由RD(Research&Development)对样品进行周全验证,因是样品,问题可能较多,测试可能会做几回.DVT(Design Verification Test)设计验证解决样品在EVT阶段的问题落后行,对所有旌旗灯号的电温和时序进行测试,完成安规测试,由RD和DQA(Design Quality Assurance)验证.此时产品根本定型.DMT(Design Maturity Test)成熟度验证可与DVT同时进行,重要高温情况下测试产品的MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure).HALT(High Accelerated Life Test)&HASS(High Accelerated Stress Screen)高加快寿命测试和高加快应力筛选测试,是磨练产品潜在缺点的有用办法.MVT(Mass Verification Test)量产验证验证量产时产品的大批量一致性,由DQA验证.BVT是Build Verification Test,根本验证测试,对完成的代码进行编译和衔接,产生一个结构,以检讨程序的重要功效是否会像预期一样进行工作.DVT是Design Verification Test的简称,设计验证测试,是硬件临盆中不可缺乏的一个检测环节,包括模具测试.电子机能.外不雅测试等等.PVT全称为Process Verification Test,意为小批量进程验证测试,硬件测试的一种,重要验证新机型的各功效实近况况并进行稳固性及靠得住性测试EVT-Engineer Verification Test,工程样品验证测试第1页,-共1页。

试验程序或标准 试验描述
设计验证/ 样件 认可试验 数量 类型
试验单位 试验单位
100% 100%
2 2 2
C-3591455 部门
报告编号 测试结果 判定审核 Nhomakorabea批准
设计工程 师签字
设计主 管领导 签字
设计验证计划和报告(DVP&R) Design Verification Plan and Report
项目名称 隶属系统
序号 试验项目
3 热处理硬度
4 半成品尺寸
5 动平衡
6 气密性 7 冲击测试 9 弯曲测试 10 径向测试
11 成品外观
芯片设计开发流程 design verification

芯片设计开发流程 design verification
1. 规划验证:制定验证计划,确定验证的目标、范围和策略。
2. 开发验证环境:建立验证环境,包括创建仿真模型、编写验证测试用例等。
3. 进行仿真验证:运行仿真测试,并记录测试结果。
4. 分析验证结果:分析仿真结果,对设计进行评估和调整。
5. 修复问题:如果验证发现设计存在问题,需要进行故障修复和优化。
6. 再次验证:对修复后的设计进行再次验证,确认问题已解决和设计已优化。
7. 验证通过:当验证结果符合规格要求和功能需求时,验证通

电子制造业新产品导入NPI及常用英文词汇产品定义(EVT),产品设计(DVT),定型测试(PVT)EVT (Engineer Verification Test)工程样品验证测试,DVT (Design Verification Test)设计样品验证测试,PVT(Production/Process/Pilot Verification Test)生产验证测试。
1)产品确证历程:EVT(Engineering Verification Test)---> DVT(Design Verification Test) ---> PVT(Process Verification Test);2)EVTPoduct/Engineering Specification complete(由R&D 完成,内容: 一些重要的参数,重要特征)Design Verification Plan ( B-test, Compatibility-test, EMI )(由技服部作)初步之BOM(R&D完成)Cost Review(PMP 负责)Test equipment and Tooling(R&D 和工程部门)Test process documented and released测试程序或测试文件Failure analysis and corrective actions针对不良点作设计上的改善3)DVTDesign Verification Test( B-test , Compatibility-test,EMI ) complete 概念1:可靠性测试: 产品在既定的时间内, 在特定的条件下完成特定功能和性能的机率概念2:B-test--- Basic test包括:Function TestSafety TestEnvironment TestMechanical Test概念3:Safety Test主要有:Hit-Pot 高压测试绝缘电阻测试Current Leakage(电流测试)接地测试概念4:Mechanical Test 主要有Vibration Test(振动试验)Drop Test(落体试验)概念5: Compatibility test --- 兼容性测试硬件与软件之兼容性硬件与硬件之兼容性概念6: EMI Test--- 抗静电,电磁干扰Agency Compliances complete安规承认测试,安规组负责Design Change Phased in设计变更切入MPI & TPI & QII 等等制程文件试用的制作完毕BOM 进一步修改Failure Analysis and Corrective actions形成AVL---- Acceptable Vendor List4)PVTFailure analysis / corrective actionFirst article inspection review with customer and documented制程安排好, 各种制程文件修改并正式发行Operators/ Inspectors traning / certification programC-Test----仅小变更,仅需做change-test 变可. 此测试可仅针对变更项做ORT Test (On Going Reliability Test)--- ongoing reliability test 连续测试2000小时PMP 召开会议---作总结GO or STOP5)机构件的3B ApprovalTVR--- Tooling Verification Report对生产出来的产品做全尺寸测量Cpk Report Complex Process Capability index制程能力报告TVR & Cpk 由品保与工程部门共同完成Flow Chart ----流程图怎样安排制程PMP --- Process Management Plan制程安排,制程控制要点,设备,检验方法, 检验频率等等Flow Chart & PMP 由IE 制作FAP ( Final Audit Program )要求图文并茂试模报告塑料成形条件, 冲压成形条件各单件之图面及组件之装配图材质证明书ECN--- Engineering Change Notice要求及时地切入工程变更工厂/设计产品测试:BVT是Build Verification Test,基本验证测试,对完成的代码进行编译和连接,产生一个构造,以检查程序的主要功能是否会像预期一样进行工作。

电子制造业NPI及常用英文词汇电子制造业NPI及常用英文词汇电子制造业新产品导入NPI及常用英文词汇产品定义(EVT),产品设计(DVT),定型测试(PVT)EVT (Engineer Verification Test)工程样品验证测试,DVT (Design Verification Test)设计样品验证测试,PVT(Production/Process/Pilot Verification Test)生产验证测试。
1)产品确证历程:EVT(Engineering Verification Test)---> DVT(Design Verification Test) ---> PVT(Process Verification Test);2)EVTPoduct/Engineering Specification complete(由 R&D 完成,内容: 一些重要的参数,重要特征)Design Verification Plan ( B-test, Compatibility-test, EMI )(由技服部作)初步之BOM(R&D完成)Cost Review(PMP 负责)Test equipment and Tooling(R&D 和工程部门)Test process documented and released测试程序或测试文件Failure analysis and corrective actions针对不良点作设计上的改善3)DVTDesign Verification Test( B-test , Compatibility-test, EMI ) complete概念1:可靠性测试: 产品在既定的时间内, 在特定的条件下完成特定功能和性能的机率概念2:B-test--- Basic test 包括:Function TestSafety TestEnvironment TestMechanical Test概念3:Safety Test 主要有:Hit-Pot 高压测试绝缘电阻测试Current Leakage(电流测试)接地测试概念4:Mechanical Test 主要有Vibration Test(振动试验)Drop Test(落体试验)概念5: Compatibility test --- 兼容性测试硬件与软件之兼容性硬件与硬件之兼容性概念6: EMI Test--- 抗静电 ,电磁干扰Agency Compliances complete安规承认测试,安规组负责Design Change Phased in设计变更切入MPI & TPI & QII 等等制程文件试用的制作完毕BOM 进一步修改Failure Analysis and Corrective actions形成 AVL---- Acceptable Vendor List4)PVTFailure analysis / corrective actionFirst article inspection review with customer and documented 制程安排好, 各种制程文件修改并正式发行Operators/ Inspectors traning / certification programC-Test----仅小变更,仅需做 change-test 变可. 此测试可仅针对变更项做ORT Test (On Going Reliability Test)--- ongoing reliability test 连续测试 2000小时PMP 召开会议---作总结GO or STOP5)机构件的 3B ApprovalTVR--- Tooling Verification Report对生产出来的产品做全尺寸测量Cpk Report Complex Process Capability index制程能力报告TVR & Cpk 由品保与工程部门共同完成Flow Chart ----流程图怎样安排制程PMP --- Process Management Plan制程安排,制程控制要点,设备,检验方法, 检验频率等等Flow Chart & PMP 由 IE 制作FAP ( Final Audit Program )要求图文并茂试模报告塑料成形条件, 冲压成形条件各单件之图面及组件之装配图材质证明书ECN--- Engineering Change Notice要求及时地切入工程变更工厂/设计产品测试:BVT是Build Verification Test,基本验证测试,对完成的代码进行编译和连接,产生一个构造,以检查程序的主要功能是否会像预期一样进行工作。

英语作文-掌握集成电路设计中的设计验证与仿真技术In the realm of integrated circuit (IC) design, the mastery of design verification and simulation technologies is paramount. These processes serve as the backbone of ensuring that a designed circuit will perform as intended before it is physically fabricated, which can be a costly and time-consuming process. 。
Design verification is a rigorous evaluation process where the design is checked against a set of requirements or specifications. This step is crucial because it ensures that the design meets all the necessary criteria for functionality, performance, and compliance with industry standards. Verification can be performed through various methods, including peer reviews, formal verification, and simulation.Simulation, on the other hand, is the use of software tools to model the behavior of an IC design under a variety of conditions and inputs. It allows designers to predict the performance of their circuits in the real world without having to build a physical prototype. Simulation tools can model different aspects of a circuit, including timing, power consumption, and signal integrity.The synergy between design verification and simulation is what enables designers to iterate quickly and efficiently. By simulating a design, potential issues can be identified early in the design process, saving time and resources. Once these issues are addressed, the design can be verified to ensure that the changes have produced the desired effect and that no new problems have arisen.One of the key challenges in design verification and simulation is the sheer complexity of modern ICs. With millions of transistors integrated into a single chip, the task of verifying that every part of the circuit works correctly can be daunting. Advanced verification techniques, such as UVM (Universal Verification Methodology), have been developed to manage this complexity. UVM provides a framework for creating reusableverification components and for randomizing tests, which helps to ensure that all possible scenarios are covered.In simulation, the challenge lies in accurately modeling the behavior of the circuit while keeping the simulation time reasonable. As designs become more complex, the computational load increases, making simulations slower. To combat this, designers use various levels of abstraction in their models. For example, instead of simulating every transistor in a processor, a designer might use a higher-level model that abstracts the processor's behavior.The future of IC design verification and simulation looks promising with the advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence. These technologies have the potential to automate many aspects of the verification process, such as generating test cases or predicting where design flaws are likely to occur. Similarly, AI can be used to optimize simulation models, making them more accurate and faster to run.In conclusion, the mastery of design verification and simulation technologies is a critical factor in the success of IC design. As the complexity of circuits continues to grow, the tools and methodologies used in these processes must evolve. The integration of AI and machine learning offers exciting possibilities for the future, promising to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of IC design verification and simulation even further. The continuous innovation in this field is what will drive the electronics industry forward, enabling the creation of more powerful, efficient, and reliable integrated circuits. 。
matlab design verifier测试用例

matlab design verifier测试用例Matlab Design Verifier (MDV) is a powerful tool that helps engineers verify and validate the design of their models. It allows them to simulate and analyze the behavior of their models under various conditions, ensuring that the designs meet their specifications and requirements. In this article, we will explore the different steps involved in creating test cases using MDV.Step 1: Defining Design RequirementsBefore we can start creating test cases, it is essential to define the design requirements and specifications. These requirements include functional and non-functional aspects of the system, such as input-output behavior, performance, and safety constraints. By clearly defining these requirements, engineers can ensure that the design verification process focuses on the correct aspects of the system.Step 2: Modeling the SystemThe next step is to model the system in Matlab. This involves creating a mathematical representation of the system using equations, block diagrams, or state machines. Matlab provides a comprehensive environment for system modeling, allowingengineers to represent complex systems accurately.Step 3: Specifying Test ObjectivesOnce the system model is created, engineers need to specify the test objectives. Test objectives define the specific properties or behaviors of the system that we want to verify. For example, if we are designing an electronic circuit, the test objectives could include voltage levels, current consumption, and response times. These objectives guide the creation of test cases in the subsequent steps.Step 4: Creating Test CasesThe heart of the design verification process lies in creating test cases that exhaustively explore the behavior of the system. MDV provides various techniques for generating test cases automatically. It uses techniques such as model checking, simulation, and formal methods to analyze the system's behavior and generate test inputs and expected outputs.Step 5: Specifying Test PropertiesAfter creating the test cases, engineers need to specify the test properties that we want to verify. Test properties are the expected behaviors or properties of the system that we want to validate.These properties can be defined using assertions, which are logical statements that specify the relationship between inputs and outputs. MDV provides tools to specify these assertions accurately.Step 6: Executing Test CasesOnce the test cases and properties are defined, it is time to execute the test cases. MDV simulates the system model using the test inputs and evaluates the outputs against the expected properties defined in the previous step. It provides detailed reports on the results, helping engineers identify any deviations from the expected behavior.Step 7: Analyzing Test ResultsThe final step in the design verification process is to analyze the test results. MDV provides powerful visualization tools to analyze the simulation results, allowing engineers to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies in the system behavior. It helps in identifying design flaws, performance bottlenecks, or safety violations.In conclusion, Matlab Design Verifier is a valuable tool for engineers involved in the design and verification of complexsystems. By following the steps outlined above, engineers can ensure that their designs meet the required specifications and behave as intended. MDV provides a comprehensive environment for creating test cases, specifying test properties, and analyzing the results. With its powerful capabilities, MDV helps engineers confidently verify the correctness and robustness of their system designs.。

EVT: Engineering Verification Test工程验证测试产品开发初期的设计验证。
DVT: Design Verification Test设计验证测试解决样品在EVT阶段的问题后进行,对所有信号的电平和时序进行测试,完成安规测试,由RD和DQA(Design Qualiy Assurance)验证。
DMT: Design Maturity Test成熟度验证可与DVT同时进行,主要极限条件下测试产品的MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)。
HALT(High Accelerated Life Test)&HASS(High Accelerated Stress Screen)等,是检验产品潜在缺陷的有效方法。
MVT: Mass-Production Verification Test量产验证测试验证量产时产品的大批量一致性,由DQA验证。
PVT: Pilot-run Verification Test小批量过程验证测试,验证新机型的各功能实现状况并进行稳定性及可靠性测试MP: Mass-Production量产附: [制造部常用英文]Engineer 工程PE: Products Engineer; 生产工程Process engineer 制程工程TE: Test Engineer 测试工程ME: Manufacturing Engineer; 制造工程; Mechanical Engineer 机械工程IE: Industrial Engineer 工业工程DCC: Document Control Center 文管中心BOM: Bill OF Material 材料清单ECN: Engineering Change Notice 工程变动公告TECN: Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程临时变动公告ATY: Assembly Test Yield Total Yield 直通率TPM: Total Productivity MaintenancePM: Product Manager; Project ManagerECR: Engineering Change Request 工程变更申请ECO: Engineering Change Request 工程变更指令EN: Engineering Notice 工程通报WPS: Work Procedure Sheet 工作说明书ICT: In Circuit Test 电路测试P/R: pilot run; C/R control run T/R trial run 试做EVT: engineer Verification Test 工程验证测试DVT: Design Verification Test 设计验证测试MVT: Mass Verification Test 多项验证测试ORT: On Going Reliability Test 出货信赖性测试S/W:software 软件H/W: hardware 硬件DCN: Design Change Notice 设计变更通知PVT: Production Verification Test 生产验证测试MTF: Modulation Transfer Function 调整转换功能CAT: Carriage Alignment Tool 载器调整具ID: Industrial Design 工业设计(外观设计)PCBA: Printed Circuit Board Assembly 电路板组装F/T: Function Test 功能测试CCD: Charge Coupled Device 扫描仪之读器ERS: External Reference Spec 外部规格PMP: Production Management Plan 工程管理计划QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QRA :Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证MQA :Manufacturing Quality Assurance 制造质量保证DQA: Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证QC: Quality Control 质量控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 收益质量控制VQC: Vendor Quality Control 售货质量控制IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程质量控制OQA: Out going Quality Control 出货质量控制QE: Quality Engineer 质量工程AQL: Acceptable Quality Level 可接受的质量水平DPPM: Defective Pieces Per Million units 百万件中有损件数PPM: Pieces Per Million 百万分之一CS: Custom Service 顾客服务MRB: Marerial Review BoardDMR Defective Material Report 材料缺陷报告RMA: Return Marerial Administration 材料回收处理Life Test 寿命测试T/C: Temperature Cycle 温度循环H/T: High Temperature Test 高温测试L/T: Low Temperature Test 低温测试ISO: International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织SPC: Statistic process control 统计过程控制5S: 整理.整顿.清理.清扫.素养VMI: Visual Mechanical Inspection 外观机构检验MIL-STD: Military Standard 美军标准SPEC: Specification 规格AVL: Approval Vendor List 合格厂商QVL: Qualified Vendor List 合格厂商FQC: Final Quality Control 最终质量控制OBA: Open Box Audit 成品检验EAR: Engineering Analysis RequestFAI: First Article Inspection 首件检验VQM: Vendor Quality Management 厂商质量管理CAR: Corrective Action Request 改进对策要求4M: Man; Machine; Material; Method 人,机,材,方法5M: Man; Machine; Material; Method; Mwasurment 人,机,材,方法,测量MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure 平均寿命TTL: TotalFIN Finance&Accounting 财务与账目P&L: Profit & LosePV : Performance Variance 现象差异3 Element of Cost = M,L,OM: Material 材料L: Labor 人力Overhead 管理费用Fix OH Fix Overhead 固定管理费用Var OH Variable Overhead 不定管理费用COGS Cost Of Goods Sold 工厂制造成本AR: Account Receivable 应收AP: Account Payable 应支MIS Management Information System 资迅管理系统IS: Information System 资迅系统IT: Information Technology 系统技术MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划I2:Information Integration System 资迅整合系统SAP: System Application Programming 系统申请项目ERP: Enterprise Resource Programming 企业资源项目HR Human Resource 人力资源PR: Public relation 公共关系T/O: Turn Over Rate=Monthly T/O Total People*12 GR: General Affair 总务Organization 组织HQ Head Quarter 总公司Chairmen 主席Lite-On Group 光宝集团President总裁Executive Vice President 常务副总裁Vice President 副总裁HR Human Resource 人力资源部FIN Finance 财务Sales 销售R&D: Research & Developing 研发部QA: 质量保证QA DQA CSMIS: Management Information System 资迅管理系统PUR 采购PurchasingIMD: Image Management Division 影像管理事业部ITS: Information Technology System 计算机部QRA: Quality Reliability Assurance 品保部MFG: Manufacturing 制造部PMC: Production & Material Control 生(产)物(料)管(理)Materials 材料PC: Production Control 生产控制MPS: Mass Production Schedule 量产计划FGI: Finished goods Inventory 成品存货UTS: Units To Stock 存货单元WIP: Working In Process Inventory 在制品C/T: Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈WD: Working Days 工作天MTD: Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理) YTD: Year To Days年初到今日SO: Sales Order 销售清单MO: Manufacture Order 制造清单BTO: Build To Order 订单生产P/N: Part Number 料号MC: Material Control 材料控制MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划INV: Inventory 存货清单Inv Turn Over Days=INVS/NSB X WD 库存周转天数PSI: Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货JIT: Just In Time 实时Safety Inventory 安全存量CKD: Completed Kits Delivery 全件组装出货SKD: Semi Kits Delivery 半件(小件)组装出货W/H: Warehouse 仓库Rec: Receiving Center 接收中心Raw MTL 原物料F/G: finish goods 成品Import/Export 进出口SI: Shipping Instruction 发货指令PL: Packing List 包装清单Inv: Shipping Invoice 出货发票ETD: Estimate Arrive 预估离开时间BL: Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)AWB: Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)MAWA: Master Air Way Bill 主提货单HAWB: House Air Way Bill 副提货单TEU: Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 二十英尺货柜FEU: Forty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 四十英尺货柜CY: Container Yard 货柜场THC: Terminal Handing Charge 码头费ORC: Original Receiving Charge 码头费PUR: Purchasing 采购FOB: Free on Board 货运至甲板(离岸价)CIF: Cost Insurance Freight 成本+运费+保险OA: Open Account 开户TT: Telegram Transfer 电汇COD: Cash On DeliveryCRP: Cost Reduction Program 降低成本方案PR: Purchasing Requisition 采购申请PO: Purchasing Order 采购单MFG Manufacturing Production 制造生产DL: Director Labor 直接人工IDL: Indirect Labor 间接人工DLH: Direct Labor Hours 直接工时Productivity=UTS/DLHPPH: Pieces Per Hour 每小时件数Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)DT: Machine Down Time 停机时间AI: Auto Insertion 自动插入MI: Manual Insertion 人工插入SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面粘着零件SMT: Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术B/I: Burn In(for how many hours at how many degree) 烧机WI: Work Instruction 工作说明SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 作业指导书R/I: Run In 运转机器ESD: Electrical Static Discharge 静电释放MP: Mass Production 量产RDT :Reliability Demonstration Test。

EVT: Engineering Verification Test工程验证测试产品开发初期的设计验证。
DVT: Design Verification Test设计验证测试解决样品在EVT阶段的问题后进行,对所有信号的电平和时序进行测试,完成安规测试,由RD和DQA(Design Qualiy Assurance)验证。
DMT: Design Maturity Test成熟度验证可与DVT同时进行,主要极限条件下测试产品的MTBF(Mean Time Between Failure)。
HALT(High Accelerated Life Test)&HASS(High Accelerated Stress Screen)等,是检验产品潜在缺陷的有效方法。
MVT: Mass-Production Verification Test量产验证测试验证量产时产品的大批量一致性,由DQA验证。
PVT: Pilot-run Verification Test小批量过程验证测试,验证新机型的各功能实现状况并进行稳定性及可靠性测试MP: Mass-Production量产附: [制造部常用英文]Engineer 工程PE: Products Engineer; 生产工程Process engineer 制程工程TE: Test Engineer 测试工程ME: Manufacturing Engineer; 制造工程; Mechanical Engineer 机械工程IE: Industrial Engineer 工业工程DCC: Document Control Center 文管中心BOM: Bill OF Material 材料清单ECN: Engineering Change Notice 工程变动公告TECN: Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程临时变动公告ATY: Assembly Test Yield Total Yield 直通率TPM: Total Productivity MaintenancePM: Product Manager; Project ManagerECR: Engineering Change Request 工程变更申请ECO: Engineering Change Request 工程变更指令EN: Engineering Notice 工程通报WPS: Work Procedure Sheet 工作说明书ICT: In Circuit Test 电路测试P/R: pilot run; C/R control run T/R trial run 试做EVT: engineer Verification Test 工程验证测试DVT: Design Verification Test 设计验证测试MVT: Mass Verification Test 多项验证测试ORT: On Going Reliability Test 出货信赖性测试S/W:software 软件H/W: hardware 硬件DCN: Design Change Notice 设计变更通知PVT: Production Verification Test 生产验证测试MTF: Modulation Transfer Function 调整转换功能CAT: Carriage Alignment Tool 载器调整具ID: Industrial Design 工业设计(外观设计)PCBA: Printed Circuit Board Assembly 电路板组装F/T: Function Test 功能测试CCD: Charge Coupled Device 扫描仪之读器ERS: External Reference Spec 外部规格PMP: Production Management Plan 工程管理计划QA Quality Assurance 质量保证QRA :Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证MQA :Manufacturing Quality Assurance 制造质量保证DQA: Design Quality Assurance 设计质量保证QC: Quality Control 质量控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 收益质量控制VQC: Vendor Quality Control 售货质量控制IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程质量控制OQA: Out going Quality Control 出货质量控制QE: Quality Engineer 质量工程AQL: Acceptable Quality Level 可接受的质量水平DPPM: Defective Pieces Per Million units 百万件中有损件数PPM: Pieces Per Million 百万分之一CS: Custom Service 顾客服务MRB: Marerial Review BoardDMR Defective Material Report 材料缺陷报告RMA: Return Marerial Administration 材料回收处理Life Test 寿命测试T/C: Temperature Cycle 温度循环H/T: High Temperature Test 高温测试L/T: Low Temperature Test 低温测试ISO: International Standard Organization 国际标准化组织SPC: Statistic process control 统计过程控制5S: 整理.整顿.清理.清扫.素养VMI: Visual Mechanical Inspection 外观机构检验MIL-STD: Military Standard 美军标准SPEC: Specification 规格AVL: Approval Vendor List 合格厂商QVL: Qualified Vendor List 合格厂商FQC: Final Quality Control 最终质量控制OBA: Open Box Audit 成品检验EAR: Engineering Analysis RequestFAI: First Article Inspection 首件检验VQM: Vendor Quality Management 厂商质量管理CAR: Corrective Action Request 改进对策要求4M: Man; Machine; Material; Method 人,机,材,方法5M: Man; Machine; Material; Method; Mwasurment 人,机,材,方法,测量MTBF: Mean Time Between Failure 平均寿命TTL: TotalFIN Finance&Accounting 财务与账目P&L: Profit & LosePV : Performance Variance 现象差异3 Element of Cost = M,L,OM: Material 材料L: Labor 人力Overhead 管理费用Fix OH Fix Overhead 固定管理费用Var OH Variable Overhead 不定管理费用COGS Cost Of Goods Sold 工厂制造成本AR: Account Receivable 应收AP: Account Payable 应支MIS Management Information System 资迅管理系统IS: Information System 资迅系统IT: Information Technology 系统技术MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划I2:Information Integration System 资迅整合系统SAP: System Application Programming 系统申请项目ERP: Enterprise Resource Programming 企业资源项目HR Human Resource 人力资源PR: Public relation 公共关系T/O: Turn Over Rate=Monthly T/O Total People*12 GR: General Affair 总务Organization 组织HQ Head Quarter 总公司Chairmen 主席Lite-On Group 光宝集团President总裁Executive Vice President 常务副总裁Vice President 副总裁HR Human Resource 人力资源部FIN Finance 财务Sales 销售R&D: Research & Developing 研发部QA: 质量保证QA DQA CSMIS: Management Information System 资迅管理系统PUR 采购PurchasingIMD: Image Management Division 影像管理事业部ITS: Information Technology System 计算机部QRA: Quality Reliability Assurance 品保部MFG: Manufacturing 制造部PMC: Production & Material Control 生(产)物(料)管(理) Materials 材料PC: Production Control 生产控制MPS: Mass Production Schedule 量产计划FGI: Finished goods Inventory 成品存货UTS: Units To Stock 存货单元WIP: Working In Process Inventory 在制品C/T: Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈WD: Working Days 工作天MTD: Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理) YTD: Year To Days年初到今日SO: Sales Order 销售清单MO: Manufacture Order 制造清单BTO: Build To Order 订单生产P/N: Part Number 料号MC: Material Control 材料控制MRP: Material Requisition Plan 材料需求计划INV: Inventory 存货清单Inv Turn Over Days=INVS/NSB X WD 库存周转天数PSI: Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货JIT: Just In Time 实时Safety Inventory 安全存量CKD: Completed Kits Delivery 全件组装出货SKD: Semi Kits Delivery 半件(小件)组装出货W/H: Warehouse 仓库Rec: Receiving Center 接收中心Raw MTL 原物料F/G: finish goods 成品Import/Export 进出口SI: Shipping Instruction 发货指令PL: Packing List 包装清单Inv: Shipping Invoice 出货发票ETD: Estimate Arrive 预估离开时间BL: Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)AWB: Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)MAWA: Master Air Way Bill 主提货单HAWB: House Air Way Bill 副提货单TEU: Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 二十英尺货柜FEU: Forty foot Equipment Unit(Contain) 四十英尺货柜CY: Container Yard 货柜场THC: Terminal Handing Charge 码头费ORC: Original Receiving Charge 码头费PUR: Purchasing 采购FOB: Free on Board 货运至甲板(离岸价)CIF: Cost Insurance Freight 成本+运费+保险OA: Open Account 开户TT: Telegram Transfer 电汇COD: Cash On DeliveryCRP: Cost Reduction Program 降低成本方案PR: Purchasing Requisition 采购申请PO: Purchasing Order 采购单MFG Manufacturing Production 制造生产DL: Director Labor 直接人工IDL: Indirect Labor 间接人工DLH: Direct Labor Hours 直接工时Productivity=UTS/DLHPPH: Pieces Per Hour 每小时件数Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)DT: Machine Down Time 停机时间AI: Auto Insertion 自动插入MI: Manual Insertion 人工插入SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面粘着零件SMT: Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术B/I: Burn In(for how many hours at how many degree) 烧机WI: Work Instruction 工作说明SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 作业指导书R/I: Run In 运转机器ESD: Electrical Static Discharge 静电释放MP: Mass Production 量产RDT :Reliability Demonstration Test。
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Design verification is an essential step in the development of any product. Also referred to as qualification testing, design verification ensures that the product as designed is the same as the product as intended. Unfortunately, many design projects do not complete thorough design qualification resulting in products that do not meet customer expectations and require costly design modifications.Project activities in which design verification is useful:*Concept through to Detailed Design*Specification Development*Detailed Design through to Pre-Production*ProductionOther tools that are useful in conjunction with design verification:*Configuration Management*Engineering Records*Failure Modes and Effects Analysis*Requirements ManagementIntroductionMany customers hold the testing of products in the same regard as the actual design. In fact, many development projects specify design verification testing as a major contract requirement and customers will assign their own people to witness testing and ensure that it is completed to satisfaction. Although potentially costly, the expense of not testing can be far greater therefore projects that do not specifically require testing are wise to include testing as part of the development program.Testing may occur at many points during the design process, from concept development to post-production. This tool will focus mainly on prototype testing however many of the guidelines that are provided can be applied to all testing.•Development tests conducted with materials, models or sub-assemblies are useful for determining the feasibility of design ideas and gaining insightsthat further direct the design. The results of these tests cannot beconsidered verification tests however their use can be crucial.•Prototype testing verifies that the product complies with product design specification requirements and occurs with items that closely resemble thefinal product. These tests generally stress the product up to and beyondspecified use conditions and may be destructive. Testing may occur at © T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 1 V1.1© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 2 V1.1many levels. Generally, the more complex the product, the more levels of testing. For a complex system, tests might be conducted at the unit level, subsystem level, and then finally at the system level. Testing with prototypes allows the correction of deficiencies and subsequent re-testing before large commitments are made to inventory and production readiness. • Proof testing is another type of design verification testing that employs prototypes. Rather than testing to specification, proof tests are designed to test the product to failure. For example, if a table is designed to support a certain amount of weight, prototype testing will be used to ensure that the table will support the specified weight plus a pre-determined safety factor. Proof testing would continue loading the table until failure is reached - likely beyond the specified limits. These tests are often used to identify where eventual failures might occur. This information is often useful for identifying potential warranty issues and costs.• Acceptance testing is a form of non -destructive testing that occurs with production units. Depending on the criticality of failures, testing costs and the number of units produced, tests may be conducted on initial production units and/or random or specified samples (e.g., every 10th unit), or on every single unit produced.Application of Design Verification TestingVerification MethodsThere are a number of methods that can be used in verification testing. Some are relatively inexpensive and quick, such as inspection, while others can be costly and quite involved, such as functional testing. A description of the most common verification methods follow:• Demonstration . Demonstrations can be conducted in actual or simulated environments. For example, if a specification for a product requires that it be operable with one hand, likely the simplest method for verifying this requirement is to have someone actually operate the product with one hand. As record of the test, it may be acceptable to simply have the test witnessed or alternatively, recorded on video. The cost will vary according to the complexity of the demonstration, however most are relatively inexpensive.© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 3 V1.1• Inspection . Inspection is usually used to verify requirements related to physical characteristics. For example, if a specification requires that the product be a certain colour, a certain height, or labelled in a specific manner, inspection would be used to confirm that the se requirements have been met. Inspection is typically one of the less expensive verification methods.• Analysis . Analysis is typically used in the design of a product. It can also be used to verify the design and is often the preferred method if testing is not feasible or cost prohibitive, and risk is minimal. For example, analysis may be used to support the argument that a product will have a lifecycle of 25 years.• Similarity . If a design includes features or materials that are similar to those of another product that has met or exceeded current specifications, an analysis to illustrate this similarity may be used to verify a requirement. For example, if a specification requires that a product be water resistant and materials that have been proven to be water resistant in other applications have been chosen, an analysis of similarity could be used.• Testing . Testing can be one of the most expensive verification methods, depending on complexity as well as equipment and facility requirements. However, sometimes it is the only acceptable means for verifying aspects of a design. For example, a product may be required to survive transportation over various terrain (e.g., dirt roads). The most common method for validating this requirement is transportation testing where the product is placed in a test bed that moves up and down, and vibrates to simulate worst-case transportation. Although this testing requires relatively expensive and specialized equipment, it allows the testers to observe the test and is more economical that using a truck to validate by demonstration.Selection of Method(s)Often, a number of verification methods may be equally appropriate to verify a requirement. If this is the case, the cost and the time that is required to complete the verification should be considered. For example, to verify that a product satisfies a requirement to fit through a standard 30” by 7’ doorway, inspection (measure the height and width of the product) or demonstration (move the product through the doorway) can be used.Sometimes it is necessary or useful to utilize two or more methods of verification. For example, if a specification requires that a product be usable by persons from the 1st to the 99th percentile, a demonstration may be conducted with representatives from each extreme and an analysis completed to prove accessibility to all other sized persons within the specified range.Identification of Verification ActivitiesInitial identification of verification activities should be done concurrently with specification development. For each specification developed, a method for verifying the specification should be determined. Usually, at this stage, a decision is made on the method(s) to be employed and a general idea on how the test will be conducted. This forces the designer to make sure that the specification is objective and verifiable, and also allows the test engineers to get a head start on putting together a detailed test plan and procedures. The one caution is that this parallel development puts respons ibility on the designer to make sure that test engineering is promptly informed of any changes to specifications which normally is of minimal concern in integrated team environments.If verification activities are not identified during the preparation of the specification, the design engineer needs to ensure enough notice is given to test engineering to allow timely planning and preparation. The communication and identification of required testing between design and test can occur through various modes and will generally depend on the overall approach to the design project (e.g., integrated team versus department based) and established company procedures. With an integrated team approach, the test engineer may take the product specification and work jointly with designers and other members of the team to identify and plan tests. If the design approach is department or functionally based, the design engineers may be required to complete and forward test requests to the test engineering department as the tests engineers are not intimately involved in the development of the design.Preparation of Verification ActivitiesThe preparation of verification activities involves:•Determining the best approach to conducting the verifications•Defining measurement methods•Identifying opportunities to combine verification activities (i.e., a single demonstration or test might be used to verify a number of requirements)© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 4 V1.1© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 5 V1.1• Identifying necessary tools (e.g., equipment, software) and facilities (e.g., acoustical rooms, environmental chambers)• Identifying a high-level verification scheduleOnce the above items have been addressed, the overall verification plan should be reviewed with the design team to address any issues before detailed planning occurs. Issues that may arise are insufficient in-house equipment, facilities or expertise, and problems with schedule.Many tests often require specialized equipment and facilities that are not available in-house (e.g., environmental chambers) therefore out-of-house facilities that can conduct these tests must be identified. At this time, estimates for out-of-house testing are usually obtained. These help to determine which test facility to use or, if costs exceed budget constraints, whether to redefine the verification requirements such that verification can be conducted in-house. If tests are to be subcontracted, they will generally be managed by test engineering.Problems with the verification schedule may be due to a number of reasons. The time to complete the verificati on may be insufficient. In this case, some trade-offs may be necessary. Time may need to be increased, or the number or duration of tests decreased. Sometimes a brainstorming session with the development team may lead to creative solutions. Another problem with schedules may be the fact that certain verification activities need to take place during certain weather conditions (e.g., snow) however the period for verification will occur during summer months. It is usually undesirable to delay a project in the expectation of weather conditions therefore alternative means must be considered.Detailed Verification Planning and ProceduresOnce all of the issues surrounding initial preparation have been resolved, verification procedures can be developed. Written procedures should be developed for even the simplest of verification activities. This increases the quality and accuracy of results, and also ensures that repeated tests are conducted in an identical manner. The size of these procedures will depend on the complexity of the activities to be performed and therefore can be as short as a few lines or as large as a substantial document. Attachment A contains an outline for verification procedures. The format for procedures should be tailored as appropriate and only those items in the outline relevant to an individual verification activity should be included.An important consideration to make when developing detailed verification plans and procedures is the order in which activities are conducted. Verification time can be substantially reduced if all tests requiring a similar set-up are conducted sequentially.Also, shorter activities can be scheduled to occur while longer activities that do not require consistent monitoring are in progress. Two final considerations are related to the order in which activities are conducted. If testing is destructive, it should be conducted in order from least to most destructive to limit the number of test units required. Additionally, it is sometimes beneficial to order verification activities such that the outputs of one test can be used as inputs to subsequent tests. For example, if a vessel has the requirements fit within a specified envelope of space and to hold a specified volume, the dimensions determined to verify the space requirement could subsequently be used in calculations to verify the volume requirement.Conducting Verification ActivitiesExecution of Verification ActivitiesIt is important that the test procedures be followed to the letter when conducting verification activities. A failure to do so may invalidate results and may have dire consequences if the customer believes that the deviation from procedure was done intentionally to increase the probability of passing verification, or if future product failures lead to legal action. If for some reason it is discovered that procedures require modification, these changes should be documented and the necessary approvals obtained before continuing with the affected verification activity. If a verification activity is continued after a modification rather than started over, it should be noted in the record of results.Recording of ResultsCareful collection and recording of data are extremely important. The customer may contractually require these records, and they may be a prerequisite for obtaining certifications (e.g., Canadian Standards Association). Attachment B provides a sample outline for recording results of verification activities.Depending on the requirements of the development project, the verification records may be sufficient to report the results. In other cases, a formal test report may be necessary. Attachment C provides an outline for a formal test report.All test records and reports should be reviewed and approved as defined by company procedures. If formal procedures are not in place, the test engineering lead, the project manager, a customer representative or some other authority as agreed upon can review these items.© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 6 V1.1Highlighting Non-ConformanceIf a non-conformance (e.g., anomaly or failure) is discovered through verification activities, it is important to first attempt to verify that the non-conformance is with the product and not due to test equipment or other extenuating factors. If the non-conformance is product related, then details should be fed back to the designers as quickly as possible rather than waiting for the completion of a test record or report. In highly integrated teams, the optimum method for feedback may be to have the designer witness the non-conformance first-hand. In any case, a non-conformance report should be generated. It is important that the test engineer maintain these reports to ensure that all non-conformances are adequately addressed.© T. Brusse-Gendre 20027 V1.1ReferencesBurgess, John A., Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 1984, pp. 150-165.MIL-STD-1540D (1999), Product Verification Requirements for Launch, Upper Stage and Space Vehicles, U.S. Department of Defense, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C.© T. Brusse-Gendre 20028 V1.1© T. Brusse-Gendre 20029 V1.1 Attachment AVerification Procedure Outline 1ProcedureNumber: Any numbering scheme can be used but it is useful to correlate the number with the applicable specification number. It may be useful to add a prefix todesignate the type of activity (e.g., T1.2.3 for a test, D1.2.2 for a demonstration).If a verification activity is designed to address multiple specifications, the procedure should be written once and the other procedure sheets should simply include a procedure number and a reference to the written procedure. If multiple verification activities are used to validate a single requirement, consider using the same procedure number for each plus a unique suffix (e.g., T1.2.3a, T1.2.3b).Method: Analysis, similarity, demonstration, test and/or inspection. ApplicableRequirements:An identification of the requirements to be verified or the inclusion of the actual written requirement. If multiple requirements are to be addressed with the verification activity, all should be included with the main test procedure. Purpose/Scope:What is to be done and why? Items Under Test: A definition of the items to be tested, including as applicable, part and/ormodel numbers, material type, size, shape, etc., as well as the number of units to be tested.Precautions: An identification of hazards, safety considerations, or special factors (e.g., level of cleanliness required).Special Conditions/ Limitations For example, special requirements for the verification activity such as video recordings of a specific portion of the activity or the required presence of certain witnesses during the activity.Equipment/ Facilities:Equipment or facilities required including any requirements for calibration of equipment.1 Adapted from p.158 of Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers by Burgess.© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 10 V1.1 Data Recording:Requirements relating to the recording of test data (e.g., specific formats, frequency of readings). AcceptanceCriteria:Pass/fail criteria including required accuracy of results. Procedures: Detailed script outlining how the verification activity is to be performed (e.g.,application of loads, environmental conditions, sequence, data collection at specific steps) This section should be written such that any tester can easily and accurately follow the procedure.Troubleshooting: Identify the actions to be taken if an inadvertent event occurs (e.g., premature failure).Post-Test Activities:Any activities that must be conducted once verification activities are completed (e.g., disposal requirements, teardown of test equipment).© T. Brusse-Gendre 200211 V1.1 Attachment BVerification Results Outline 2ProcedureNumber:See Attachment A for description. Method:Analysis, similarity, demonstration, test and/or inspection. ApplicableRequirements:An identification of the requirements to be verified or the inclusion of the actual written requirement. If multiple requirements are to be addressed with the verification activity, all should be included with the main test procedure. Items Under Test:See Attachment A for description. Date:The date(s) and time of day during which the verification activity was conducted. Testers:Names of persons conducting the verification activity. Witnesses:Names of any witnesses to the verification activity. If a witness only observes a portion of the test, that portion should be identified. Equipment/Facilities:Equipment or facilities used including the manufacturer’s name as well as model and serial numbers as applicable. If equipment requires calibration, indicate the date on which the latest calibration was completed. Results: Include all data collection as indicated in the test procedures. Attach copiesof any auto-generated test data. Clearly identify pass or failure with respect to acceptance criteria.Comments: Description of test conditions, unusual circumstances, etc.Recommendations: If the verification record will also serve as the verification report, any conclusions and recommendations should be presented.Signatures:Signature(s) of the tester(s).2 Adapted from p.158 of Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers by Burgess.© T. Brusse-Gendre 2002 12 V1.1 Attachment CVerification Report Outline 3Title Page: Title page may contain the procedure number, the name of theprocedure and the item under test. The date and revision number, if applicable can be included.Approvals: Usually includes the name and signature of the person who has prepared the report as well as any others whose approval is required.Table of Contents:Index of Tables & Figures:Summary: Summary should include an identification of applicable requirements, an indication of what the verification activity was to achieve, description of test conditions, and a summary of conclusions.Introduction A brief introduction to the test report.Description of Test: The description might include:• Items under test • Facilities and equipment• Description of verification methods• Instrumentation and measurements• Results• Analysis and discussion of results• Conclusions and recommendationsAppendices: Calculations, data sheets, verification procedures, etc.References:3 Adapted from p.158 of Design Assurance for Engineers and Managers by Burgess.。