british food 英国美食
British food 英国的饮食文化
• 英式下午茶三部曲 【食用时,由下而上按序取用】 • •
←第一层: 时节性的水果塔
←第二层:英式圆形松饼搭配果酱或奶油 ←最下层:熏鲑鱼、火腿、小黃瓜的条形三明治
在英国家庭、茶馆和大饭店中,每天下4点 左右都可以享用传统的下午茶。
下午茶时间 (Afternoon Tea)
• 英国的饮食烹饪, 有家庭美肴之称。 英式菜肴的特点是: 油少、清淡,调味 时较少用酒。烹调 讲究鲜嫩,口味清 淡, 选料注重海鲜 及各式蔬菜,菜量 要求少而精。英式 菜肴的烹调方法多 以蒸、煮、烧、熏 见长。
• 炸魚排
• 外裹蛋奶面糊,炸 得酥脆的白肉海鱼 ( 通常是黑绿鳕)
• 受欢迎的午餐为烤马铃薯。 • 许多英国人吃三明治sandwich,或许是 因为三明治是英国发明的。通常人们早 上在家做好三明治,然后在午餐时间食 用,三明治是英国人的便当。
• 时下所流行的下午茶 ( HIGH TEA )也是来自 于英国。 • 正统维多利亚式VICTORIAN STYLE下午茶在各种细节上, 都有独特的讲究与学问,例 如茶匙要和茶杯成45度角 摆放;桌巾多选用蕾丝刺绣 的手工款式,以代表维多利 亚的贵族风范。 • 英国人爱好现煮的浓茶,放 一、二块糖或加少许凉牛奶。 在乡间,盛行喝下午茶。
• 英国人在饮酒上的花费比起其它的支出 还要多。
• 英国家庭素有 “把餐桌当成课 堂”的传统:从 孩子上餐桌的第 一天起,家长就 开始对其进行有 形或无形的“进 餐教育”,目的 是帮助孩子养成 良好的用餐习惯, 学会良好的进餐 礼仪,具备各种 值得称道的素质 或性格。
关于英国传统美⾷,不得不提就是——Fish and Chips,炸鱼和⼟⾖条作为英国(⿊)传(暗)统(料)美(理)⾷之⾸,绝对是实⾄名归!英国本⼟曾有⼀项调查“提到英国你会想到什么”,Fish & Chips⼒压英国⼥王(第三位)和⽩⾦汉宫(第四位)、披头⼠乐队(第六)雄踞榜⾸,可见这⼩⼩的炸鱼薯条在英国⼈⼼⽬中的地位。
Fish and Chips炸鱼和⼟⾖条Fish and chips is one of the most popular food in Britain. It's fish covered with batter (= a mixture of flour, eggs and milk) and then fried and served with pieces of fried potato. Almost every visitor in Britain would like to try it.炸鱼和⼟⾖条是英国最出名的⾷物之⼀,由涂着⾯粉、鸡蛋和⽜奶的糊状物的炸鱼排和炸⼟⾖组成,⼏乎每⼀个在英国的游客都会想要尝⼀尝这道名菜。
Baked Beans焗⾖Baked beans is a dish containing beans, sometimes baked but, despite the name, usually stewed, in a sauce. Most commercial canned baked beans are made from haricot beans, also known as navy beans – a variety of Phaseolus vulgaris in a sauce. In Ireland and the United Kingdom, a tomato and sugar sauce is most commonly used. They are commonly eaten on toast or as part of a full English breakfast.焗⾖,也被称作烘⾖、烤⾖⼦。
英国下午茶在伦敦品味经典的英式美食英国下午茶(Afternoon Tea)已成为伦敦的一项传统文化,是品尝经典的英式美食的绝佳方式。
一、伦敦经典下午茶美食1. 茶叶蛋糕伦敦的下午茶少不了茶叶蛋糕(Tea Cake)。
2. 英式司康饼英式司康饼(Scone)也是下午茶的经典美食之一。
3. 罗勒三明治伦敦的经典下午茶会用到许多创意独特的三明治。
罗勒三明治(Basil Sandwiches)是其中的一种。
二、完美搭配下午茶的饮品1. 红茶英国下午茶经典的饮品莫过于红茶(Black Tea)。
伦敦的下午茶场所会提供多种红茶供选择,其中最受欢迎的是英式奶茶(English Breakfast Tea)。
2. 水果茶为了满足不同口味的需求,伦敦的下午茶会提供各种水果茶(Fruit Tea)。
3. 香槟对于那些喜欢一点小狂欢的人来说,下午茶中的香槟(Champagne)是必不可少的配搭饮品。
三、伦敦下午茶的精选场所1. 伦敦著名百年老店伦敦有许多著名的百年老店提供下午茶,如福特红茶店(Fortnum& Mason)和勃朗咖啡店(Browns)。
British-cuisine(英国菜肴简介)British CuisineBritish CuisineAlthough Britain doesn’t have the best of reputations for its food, the people of Britain do in fact enjoy an enormously varied diet. And, although, its cuisine might not be world-renowned, it would be a mistake to completely ignoreits delights. My article attempts to give you an insight into the British diet, way of eating, and includes a timeline for the typical Briton’s meals.General IntroductionBritish cuisine has traditionally been limited in its international recognition to the full breakfast, fish and chips, and the Christmas dinner. Other famous British dishes include the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, and bangers and mash. British cuisine has many regional varieties within the broader categories of English, Scottishand Welsh cuisine. Each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which are geographically indicated foods such as Cornish pasties, the Yorkshire pudding, Arbroath Smokie, and Welsh cakes.British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. British cuisine has been described as "unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavour, rather than disguise it." However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those that have settled in Britain, producing hybrid dishes, such as the Anglo-Indian chicken tikka masala.The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into England in the Middle Ages. The British Empire facilitated a knowledge of India's elaborate food tradition of "strong, penetrating spices and herbs". Food rationing policies, put in place by the British government during wartime periods of the 20th century, are said to have been the stimulus for British cuisine's poor international reputation. Contrary to popular belief, people in southern England eat more garlic per head than the people of northern France.Traditional Briton’s Favorite FoodsBubble and Squeak. The name of this dish refers to the sound it makes while cooking. This recipe can be modified by substituting the brussel sprouts with any left-over vegetables you might have in the kitchen (boiled cabbage, carrots, leeks, etc.). This dish is perfect with “HP” brown sauce— another British culinary tradition!Cheese and Onion Pie. A tradition filled pastry pie. Some families, in the north of England, add potatoes to this recipe. Serve with chips (french fries) and baked beans in tomato sauce.Haggis. Haggis is a purely Scottish dish, and is typically served on “Burns night”, 25th January, when Scotland celebrates the birth of its greatest poet, Robert Burns, who was born in Ayrshire on that date in 1759. The haggis is quite simply a large boiling sausage stuffed with a variety of meat and oatmeal, flavoured with onion and seasoning.A Timeline for Britons’ MealsBreakfast. Traditionally manyBritons have started the day withsomething called a “full EnglishBreakfast”. This typically comprises ofthe following things: toasted bread,spread with butter, jam, marmalade or honey; followed by a “fry up”or cooked breakfast of fried bread, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs and tomatoes. Served with hot tea, with milk added. However, with today’s fast lifestyle and an increasing awareness of healthy eating this traditional breakfast is not largely eaten only at the weekend, and has been replaced by another in most British households. A typical modern breakfast comprises: fruit juice, toast and jam, packet cereal (cornflakes or similar), and tea .Elevenses. In some households and workplaces this is followed by something called“elevenses”. This consistsof a cup of tea or coffee andsome biscuits. Actually“elevenses” can be taken atanytime of the day, and withmost Britons this is usually fairly often!Lunch. Lunch can be anytime between 12:30 and 2pm. Some people might have a sandwich, while others will have afull-cooked meal. In schools this meal is referred to as “dinner”.Teatime. Tea has been an important drink in Great Britainfor hundreds of years, and is drunk throughout the day in most British households. The typical “Teatime” is served at any time between four an d five o’clock and for the majority of the population is a cup of tea, a sandwich or two and some cake. Some families, notably from the working classes, have their main evening meal at this time.Dinner. Dinner is the usual name for the main evening meal. It can be served anytime between 6pm and 8pm and for most families is the biggest meal of the day.Supper. Supper is the final meal of the day, and is usually something very light like a sandwich and a cup of tea. Nowadays this meal is usually eaten in front of the television! Before going to bed many Britons drink a drink made from hot milk. Usually either plain boiled milk, chocolate, or “Horlicks”,“Ovaltine” (two brand-name drinks made from Barley and Malt).Sunday Lunch—Family’s Happy TimeSunday lunch was popular in the 1960s, today most British families still spend Sundays in exactly the same manner with their parents and grandparents.On Sundays people don’t usually have to work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family. A typicalSunday lunch might be eaten between 1pm and 2pm and include roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, boiled vegetables, and gravy (meat sauce). However, many families now eat less beef, so other roast meat is often eaten —lamb, pork, chicken, turkey or duck. Some families will also follow the main meal with a dessert such as “apple pie and custard”Excerpts from the Works of C .S .LewisYou can find many of the typical ingredients of a British diet in these classics:“She had a vague impression of dwarfs crowding around the fire with frying pans rather bigger than themselves, and the hissing and delicious smell of sausages, and more and more sausages. And not wretched sausages half full of bread and soya bean either, but real meaty, spicy ones, fat and piping hot and burst and just the tiniest bit burnt .And great mugs of frothy chocolate, and roast potatoes and roast chestnuts, and baked apples with raisins stuck in where the cores had been, and then ices just to freshen you up after all the hot things”—THE SILVER CHAIR “Mrs. Beaver brought out of the oven a great and gloriously sticky marmalade roll, steaming hot, and at the same time moved the kettle onto the fire, so that when theyhad finished the marmalade roll the tea was made and ready to be poured out.”—THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE.。
British Food英国食物
• 早餐 传统的英式早餐有煎培根、香肠和煎土司。这 叫做“煎食”。但现在多数人都很忙,没办法每 天都吃这种丰盛的早餐,所以现在英国最流行的 早餐种类有: 一碗玉米片加牛奶; 一些优格加新鲜水果; 土司涂果酱,通常在早餐时喝茶、咖啡、或果 汁。 英国人仍在周未享用传统的英式早餐。各个旅 馆或饭店,尤其是大家所熟知的家庭式旅馆 (B&B's)皆有供应传统的英式早餐。
Ploughman's lunch
A Christmas lunch
Bangers (sausages) and mash
• A Sunday roast is a traditional meal eaten by a family at Sunday lunchtime; for example, roast beef with roast potatoes, parsnips, peas, Brussels sprouts, green beans, Yorkshire pudding约克郡布丁, bread sauce and gravy. Mint sauce薄荷酱 or redcurrant jelly is often eaten with lamb, apple sauce with pork, and horseradish sauce 辣根酱(a type of mustard芥末) with beef, cranberry sauce with turkey. Stuffing填料 may be eaten with chicken or turkey.
• 午餐 英国人的午餐很快就解决,不像意大利人,通 常午餐需要三十到四十分钟,许多英国人午餐只 吃三明治,或许是因为三明治是英国发明的。通 常是早上在家做好三明治,然后在午餐时间食用, 三明治是英国人的便当。同样受欢迎的午餐为烤 马铃薯。
传统英国美食1.车达奶酪Cheddar cheese is a hard, pale yellow to orange, sharp-tasting cheese originally (and still) made in the English village of Cheddar, in Somerset. It is the most popular cheese in the United Kingdom, accounting for just over 50% of the country's annual cheese market.车达奶酪很硬,从淡黄色到橙色都有,奶酪味很重,在英国桑莫塞郡车达村产出。
2.约克郡布丁Yorkshire Pudding is not a dessert in spite of its name, although it is similar in some ways to a pancake made with flour, milk and eggs. It is usually eaten with roast beef and gravy as part of a traditional Sunday lunch.虽然名字叫约克郡布丁,而且感觉上像是是用面粉、牛奶、鸡蛋做出来的煎饼,但它其实不是一道甜点。
3.农家馅饼Shepherd's Pie, also known as cottage pie, is a traditional English dish comprising minced (ground) meat covered with mashed potato. The meat is typically lamb or beef left over from a Sunday roast. The term "shepherd's pie" tends to be used when the meat is lamb.肉馅土豆馅饼是一道传统英国菜肴,也叫农家馅饼。
英国美食和中国美食的差异英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Food From Two Worlds: British vs Chinese CuisineHi there! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I love food - all different kinds of food! My family is half British and half Chinese, so I've been lucky enough to grow up eating delicious dishes from both cuisines. Even though they're from opposite sides of the world, I've noticed some big differences between British food and Chinese food. Let me tell you all about it!Starting with British food, a lot of the dishes are quite simple but still really tasty. For breakfast, a classic is the full English breakfast with sausages, bacon, eggs, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast. It's a hearty way to start the day! Other popular British foods include fish and chips (deep fried fish in batter with french fries), shepherd's pie (ground meat with veggies in a gravy sauce topped with mashed potatoes), and roast dinners with roasted meat, roast potatoes, veggies and gravy. Yum!One thing I've noticed about British cooking is that it tends to use a lot of butter, cream, cheese and other dairy products which makes the food quite rich. Favorites like scones with clotted cream and jam or cheesy dishes like macaroni and cheese show this. For dessert, things like apple crumble, sticky toffee pudding and custard tarts are common. Sweet but delicious!Compared to Chinese food, British dishes seem quite heavy and stodgy. Chinese cuisine is much lighter and more focused on bringing out natural flavors through quick cooking methods like stir-frying, steaming and braising rather than long oven baking or boiling. The sauces and spices used in Chinese cooking also make the food extremely flavorful.In my experience, Chinese meals often involve lots of different small dishes to sample rather than just one big main course like in British cuisine. Dishes like dumplings, spring rolls, noodles, rice, stir-fried veggies and meat or seafood can all feature as little tasting plates. All the dishes look so colorful and beautifully arranged on the table too!Some of my personal favorite Chinese dishes are sweet and sour pork, kung pao chicken, beef and broccoli, and fried rice. The fried rice always has loads of little tasty bits of egg, peas, shredded carrots and other veggies mixed throughout. So muchbetter than boring plain rice! I find Chinese desserts quite different too - things like sweet soups, fruit jellies, egg tarts and fried banana fritters rather than lots of chocolatey or cake-type desserts.When it comes to eating Chinese food, using chopsticks is a must. It's a real skill to master picking up slippery noodles or lone grains of rice! With British food you can just use a fork, knife and spoon which is much easier. Tea is a really important part of both British and Chinese food culture, but the types of tea are quite different. The British drink a lot of black tea like English Breakfast while the Chinese prefer green teas, oolong teas and the smoky pu-erh teas.Even though I love both British and Chinese cooking for different reasons, I have to admit that Chinese food is probably my favorite overall. I'm amazed by all the diverse flavors and textures you can experience in one meal with so many different little dishes to try. The sauces are just outrageously delicious and there's so much variety compared to British food which can be a bit plain and stodgy at times.That said, sometimes you just can't beat British comfort foods like a hearty stew, baked potato or warm dessert when you crave something warm and reassuring. I'm really grateful to havebeen exposed to both amazing cuisines while growing up. Trying new foods from all over the world is one of my biggest passions and I'd love to be a food critic one day! For now though, I'll just keep eating and enjoying every bite.篇2英国美食和中国美食的差异大家好!我今天要给大家介绍一下英国美食和中国美食的差异。
英国传统美食文案幼儿园1. 英国传统美食是一道独特的风景线,有着丰富的历史和文化背景。
2. 英式早餐是英国人的传统美食,包括煎蛋、香肠、烤豆和烤面包。
3. 红茶是英国人最喜欢的饮料之一,通常与牛奶和糖一起饮用。
4. 莓果派是英国的传统甜点,通常用新鲜的草莓、树莓或蓝莓制成。
5. 炸鱼薯条是英国最著名的传统美食之一,鱼块经过炸制后配上炸薯条,外酥里嫩,口感美味。
6. 牛排和马铃薯泥是英国饮食中的经典组合,让人回味无穷。
7. 英式苹果馅饼是一种丰盈的甜点,酥皮包裹着烤熟的苹果,美味可口。
8. 茶和饼干是英国人下午茶时间的传统,在办公室和家庭都很受欢迎。
9. 奶油茶是英式下午茶的必备饮品,浓郁的奶香和茶的完美结合。
10. 羊肉派是英国晚餐中常见的传统美食,中间包裹着嫩滑的羊肉和香料。
11. 羊肉汤是英国传统的冬季暖心美食,深受人们的喜爱。
12. 培根爆米花是一种有趣的英式小吃,将培根片和爆米花混合在一起,增添了味道和口感。
13. 英国奶酪拼盘是一道美味的开胃菜,主要由不同种类的奶酪、饼干和水果组成。
14. 英式圣诞布丁是英国圣诞节期间必不可少的传统甜点,混合了果脯、面粉、牛油和香料。
15. 英国肉馅饼是一种经典的英国街头小吃,外层酥皮包裹着香味扑鼻的肉馅。
16. 英式果酱是传统早餐的一部分,通常搭配着烤面包或饼干一起食用。
17. 英国烤鸭是一道美味的烤肉食品,肉质鲜嫩多汁,配以脆皮和甜酱,令人垂涎欲滴。
18. 英式炖菜是一种经典的英国家常食品,由各种蔬菜和肉类经过慢炖而成,口感鲜美。
19. 英式奶油蘑菇汤是一道温暖的冬季美食,浓郁的奶油和鲜香的蘑菇相得益彰。
20. 英国人喜欢在周末享用烤羊肉,蘸着薄荷酱一起食用,美味又健康。
21. 英式烤土豆是一道简单又美味的传统美食,香脆的表皮和柔软的内部让人难以抵挡。
22. 英式松饼是一种经典的早餐食品,表面松软,内部有松软的气泡,搭配黄油和果酱美味十足。
23. 英式煎饼是一种薄而宽的饼干,通常配上柠檬汁和糖或浆果酱。
以下是10 种常见的英国美食:
1. 炸鱼薯条(Fish and chips):这是英国最著名的美食之一,通常由炸鱼和薯条组成。
2. 英式早餐(Full English breakfast):这是一种丰盛的早餐,通常包括烤面包、煎鸡蛋、香肠、培根、烤蘑菇、番茄和咖啡等。
3. 英式烤牛肉(Roast beef):这是一道传统的英国菜,通常由烤牛肉、约克郡布丁、烤土豆和蔬菜等组成。
4. 英式下午茶(Afternoon tea):这是一种传统的英国茶文化,通常包括茶水、蛋糕、三明治等。
5. 英式烤鸡(Roast chicken):这是一道传统的英国菜,通常由烤鸡、烤土豆和蔬菜等组成。
6. 英式香肠(Sausage):英国是一个香肠之国,有许多不同种类的香肠,如猪肉肠、牛肉肠、羊肉肠等。
7. 英式布丁(Pudding):英国的布丁种类繁多,如圣诞布丁、巧克力布丁、面包布丁等。
8. 英式三明治(Sandwich):英国的三明治种类繁多,如火腿三明治、鸡肉三明治、奶酪三明治等。
9. 英式烤肉(Barbecue):英国人喜欢烤肉,尤其是在夏季,他们经常在户外举行烤肉派对。
10. 英式茶点(Teatime):英国人喜欢在下午茶时间享用茶点,如蛋糕、饼干、三明治等。
英国美食一览 British Food
Dundee cake
Scone, jam & cream
Saffron cake
Christmas cake
Custard tart
Rock cake
• Cawl
Welsh Rarebit
Foods discovered in England
• 1762: The sandwich was invented in England. • 1902: Marmite was invented in England. • HP Sauce was invented in England • Worcestershire Sauce
Cornish pastie
•Steak and Kidney pie
National Foods
• Traditional Foods of Scotland and Wales • Traditional Foods of England • Fish and Chips (TAKE AWAY FOOD )
Roast Meats
Roast Meats
Typical Traditional British Dishes
• Fish and chips
• Cottage pie
Cottage pie
Shepherd's pie
peas and tomatoes
Typical Traditional British Dishes
1. 英式早餐(Full English Breakfast):包括炸鸡蛋、培根、香肠、黑布丁、蘑菇、烤土豆、烤番茄等。
2. 燉肉派(Steak and Ale Pie):将牛肉和啤酒炖煮,搭配脆皮馅饼。
3. 炸鱼薯条(Fish and Chips):将油炸的鱼片和薯条作为主要食材,常配以醋和盐。
4. 威尔士龙(Welsh Rarebit):用面包片覆盖着芝士、黄油、淡啤酒、辣椒等材料,烤至金黄色。
5. 红烧猪蹄(Braised Pig's Trotter):将猪蹄炖煮至柔嫩,常与苹果醋、黑面包酱汁搭配。
6. 地道肉饼(Cornish Pasty):将牛肉、洋葱、土豆和蔬菜包裹在酥皮中烘烤。
7. 英式烤牛肉(Roast Beef):用烤箱烘烤的牛肉,通常配以煮熟的蔬菜、马铃薯和传统的烤饼。
8. 英式面点(Scones):常在下午茶时食用,是一种酥软的小面包,可搭配果酱和奶油。
9. 红茶和奶茶(Black Tea and Milk Tea):英国人喜欢喝红茶,一般加入牛奶和糖。
British-cuisine(英国菜肴简介)LtDBritish CuisineBritish CuisineAlthough Britain doesn’t have the best of reputations for its food, the people of Britain do in fact enjoy an enormously varied diet. And, although, its cuisine might not be world-renowned, it would be a mistake to completely ignoreits delights. My article attempts to give you an insight into the British diet, way of eating, and includes a timeline for the typical Briton’s meals.General IntroductionBritish cuisine has traditionally been limited in its international recognition to the full breakfast, fish and chips, and the Christmas dinner. Other famous British dishes include the Sunday roast, steak and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, and bangers and mash. British cuisine has many regional varieties within the broader categories of English, Scottishand Welsh cuisine. Each have developed their own regional or local dishes, many of which are geographically indicated foods such as Cornish pasties, the Yorkshire pudding, Arbroath Smokie, and Welsh cakes.British cuisine is the specific set of cooking traditions and practices associated with the United Kingdom. British cuisine has been described as "unfussy dishes made with quality local ingredients, matched with simple sauces to accentuate flavour, rather than disguise it." However, British cuisine has absorbed the cultural influence of those that have settled in Britain, producing hybrid dishes, such as the Anglo-Indian chicken tikka masala.The Norman conquest introduced exotic spices into England in the Middle Ages. The British Empire facilitated a knowledge of India's elaborate food tradition of "strong, penetrating spices and herbs". Food rationing policies, put in place by the British government during wartime periods of the 20th century, are said to have been the stimulus for British cuisine's poor international reputation. Contrary to popular belief, people in southern England eat more garlic per head than the people of northern France.Traditional Briton’s Favorite FoodsBubble and Squeak. The name of this dish refers to the sound it makes while cooking. This recipe can be modified by substituting the brussel sprouts with any left-over vegetables you might have in the kitchen (boiled cabbage, carrots, leeks, etc.). This dish is perfect with “HP〞 brown sauce — another British culinary tradition!Cheese and Onion Pie. A tradition filled pastry pie. Some families, in the north of England, add potatoes to this recipe. Serve with chips (french fries) and baked beans in tomato sauce.Haggis. Haggis is a purely Scottish dish, and is typically served on “Burns night〞, 25th January, when Scotland celebrates the birth of its greatest poet, Robert Burns, who was born in Ayrshire on that date in 1759. The haggis is quite simply a large boiling sausage stuffed with a variety of meat and oatmeal, flavoured with onion and seasoning.A Timeline for Britons’ MealsBreakfast. Traditionally manyBritons have started the day withsomething called a “full EnglishBreakfast〞. This typically comprises ofthe following things: toasted bread,spread with butter, jam, marmalade or honey; followed by a “fry up〞 or cooked breakfast of fried bread, sausages, bacon, mushrooms, eggs and tomatoes. Served with hot tea, with milk added. However, with today’s fast lifestyle and an increasing awareness of healthy eating this traditional breakfast is not largely eaten only at the weekend, and has been replaced by another in most British households. A typical modern breakfast comprises: fruit juice, toast and jam, packet cereal (cornflakes or similar), and tea .Elevenses. In some households and workplaces this is followed by something called“elevenses〞. This consistsof a cup of tea or coffee andsome biscuits. Actually“elevenses〞 can be taken atanytime of the day, and withmost Britons this is usually fairly often!Lunch. Lunch can be anytime between 12:30 and 2pm. Some people might have a sandwich, while others will have afull-cooked meal. In schools this meal is referred to as “dinner〞.Teatime. Tea has been an important drink in Great Britainfor hundreds of years, and is drunk throughout the day in most British households. The typical “Teatime〞 is served at any time between four and five o’clock and for the majority of the population is a cup of tea, a sandwich or two and some cake. Some families, notably from the working classes, have their main evening meal at this time.Dinner. Dinner is the usual name for the main evening meal. It can be served anytime between 6pm and 8pm and for most families is the biggest meal of the day.Supper. Supper is the final meal of the day, and is usually something very light like a sandwich and a cup of tea. Nowadays this meal is usually eaten in front of the television! Before going to bed many Britons drink a drink made from hot milk. Usually either plain boiled milk, chocolate, or “Horlicks〞,“Ovaltine〞 (two brand-name drinks made from Barley and Malt).Sunday Lunch—Family’s Happy TimeSunday lunch was popular in the 1960s, today most British families still spend Sundays in exactly the same manner with their parents and grandparents.On Sundays people don’t usually have to work so they take the opportunity to eat together with their family. A typicalSunday lunch might be eaten between 1pm and 2pm and include roast beef and Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, boiled vegetables, and gravy (meat sauce). However, many families now eat less beef, so other roast meat is often eaten —lamb, pork, chicken, turkey or duck. Some families will also follow the main meal with a dessert such as “apple pie and custard〞Excerpts from the Works of C .S .LewisYou can find many of the typical ingredients of a British diet in these classics:“She had a vague impression of dwarfs crowding around the fire with frying pans rather bigger than themselves, and the hissing and delicious smell of sausages, and more and more sausages. And not wretched sausages half full of bread and soya bean either, but real meaty, spicy ones, fat and piping hot and burst and just the tiniest bit burnt .And great mugs of frothy chocolate, and roast potatoes and roast chestnuts, and baked apples with raisins stuck in where the cores had been, and then ices just to freshen you up after all the hot things〞—THE SILVER CHAIR “Mrs. Beaver brought out of the oven a great and gloriously sticky marmalade roll, steaming hot, and at the same time moved the kettle onto the fire, so that when theyhad finished the marmalade roll the tea was made and ready to be poured out.〞—THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE.。
一般认为,英国下午茶的传 统是维多利亚女王时代 1840年期间由贝德芙公爵 夫人安娜女士所开创的。那 时候,午餐开始得很早,而 通常直到晚上9点人们才开 始吃晚餐。公爵夫人每到下 午便感到百无聊赖甚至饥肠 辘辘,便让女仆准备一些差 点,面包,黄油以及蛋糕送 往她的房间。很快,喝下午 茶便流行起来。公爵夫人也 开始邀请她的朋友共饮下午 茶。
a table in each. Something fishy about the pub business better and
sell more expensive.
Special lecture notes
Special lecture notes
Today people in the UK eat a more varied diet than ever before. As well as the regional diets of England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland the many immigrant communities have introduced their cuisines to the previously unadventurous Britons: Chinese, Greek, Indian, Italian, Thai, American fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers and fried chicken have to some extent displaced the traditional fast food of fish and chips.
Special lecture notes
烤制⾷物Sunday Roast曾⼏何时,英国的家庭会在星期天聚在⼀起,享⽤丰盛的烤午餐。
炸鱼薯条Fish and chips⾃19世纪以来,英国⼈就开始吃炸鱼薯条。
牧⽺⼈派Shepherd’s pie英国以馅饼⽽闻名,但其中最令⼈称赞的⽆疑是牧⽺⼈派Shepherd’s pie。
但是,如果您不喜欢⼩⽺羔,也许您会喜欢cottage pie,也叫⽜⾁派。
全套英式早餐Full English breakfast“全英式”早晨包括油炸或烤培根,⼀两根⾹肠,⼀个煎蛋,番茄酱烤⾖,烤或炸番茄以及⼀⽚炸⾯包(或吐司))。
介绍英国美食英语作文初二British cuisine has long been the subject of jokes and criticism, often dismissed as bland, heavy, and limited in variety. However, this reputation is largely outdated, as the culinary landscape of the United Kingdom has evolved significantly in recent decades. From the traditional comfort foods that have been enjoyed for generations to the innovative fusion dishes drawing on diverse global influences, the modern British food scene offers a rich and delectable array of flavors.One of the foundational elements of British cuisine is the Sunday roast. This beloved tradition centers around a large cut of meat, typically roast beef, lamb, pork, or chicken, served with an assortment of roasted vegetables, Yorkshire pudding, and gravy. The meat is slow-cooked to perfection, resulting in tender, juicy, and flavorful slices, while the accompanying sides, such as roasted potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and Brussels sprouts, are cooked until caramelized and crisp. The Yorkshire pudding, a savory batter-based dish that puffs up during baking, is a quintessential accompaniment, soaking up the rich, meaty juices. This hearty and comforting meal isoften enjoyed as a family gathering, with loved ones coming together to share in the deliciousness.Another iconic British dish is the full English breakfast, also known as a "fry-up." This substantial meal typically includes bacon, sausages, eggs (fried, scrambled, or poached), baked beans, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast or fried bread. The combination of savory, salty, and sometimes sweet flavors creates a satisfying and filling start to the day. This breakfast tradition has its roots in the need to fuel manual laborers and has evolved over time to become a beloved part of British culture, often enjoyed on weekends or special occasions.Beyond these well-known staples, the British culinary landscape is home to a diverse array of regional specialties. In Scotland, the national dish is haggis, a savory pudding made from sheep's offal (heart, liver, and lungs), mixed with onion, oatmeal, suet, spices, and salt, and encased in a sheep's stomach. While the concept may seem unusual to some, haggis is a delicious and integral part of Scottish cuisine, often served with neeps (mashed turnips) and tatties (mashed potatoes). In Wales, the iconic dish is laverbread, a savory seaweed-based delicacy that is typically served with bacon and eggs or used as an ingredient in various recipes.In recent years, the British food scene has undergone a remarkabletransformation, with a growing emphasis on locally sourced, high-quality ingredients and innovative culinary techniques. Michelin-starred restaurants and up-and-coming chefs have pushed the boundaries of traditional British cuisine, incorporating global flavors and modern presentations. Dishes such as beef Wellington, a tender filet of beef wrapped in flaky pastry, or shepherd's pie, a comforting casserole of minced lamb and vegetables topped with creamy mashed potatoes, have been elevated and reimagined, showcasing the versatility and creativity of British cooking.The influence of immigration and cultural diversity has also played a significant role in shaping the contemporary British food landscape. Indian, Chinese, and other ethnic cuisines have become deeply integrated into the national culinary identity, with dishes like chicken tikka masala, a creamy curry dish, and fish and chips, a classic pairing of battered and fried white fish with crispy potato fries, becoming beloved staples. These cross-cultural culinary fusions have enriched the British food scene, introducing new flavors and techniques that have been embraced and adapted to local tastes.Furthermore, the growing emphasis on sustainability and ethical food production has led to a resurgence of traditional British ingredients and cooking methods. Artisanal producers, small-scale farmers, and passionate home cooks have revived heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables, heritage breeds of livestock, and time-honored preservation techniques, such as pickling and curing. This renewed appreciation for the provenance and quality of ingredients has resulted in a vibrant food culture that celebrates the diverse bounty of the British Isles.In conclusion, the modern British cuisine is a dynamic and multifaceted culinary landscape that defies the outdated stereotypes of bland and heavy fare. From the comforting and iconic dishes that have been passed down through generations to the innovative fusion creations that draw on global influences, the British food scene offers a rich tapestry of flavors, textures, and culinary traditions. As the country continues to embrace its diverse cultural heritage and the evolving demands of modern palates, the future of British cuisine promises to be even more exciting and delectable.。
1. 英式蛋糕:英式蛋糕是英国最受欢迎的传统点心,口味多样,有英式传统的蛋糕,如红豆蛋糕、提拉米苏蛋糕、巧克力蛋糕和果仁蛋糕等;也有英式现代的蛋糕,如抹茶蛋糕、慕斯蛋糕和芒果蛋糕等。
2. 英式炸鱼薯条:英国最受欢迎的快餐之一,由油炸鱼块和薯条组成,搭配番茄酱、蛋黄酱、芥末酱等酱料,口味鲜美。
3. 英式烤羊排:英国传统的烤肉食品,以细嫩的羊肉为主料,搭配蘑菇、洋葱、胡萝卜等蔬菜,用橄榄油和香料腌制,再烤制而成,口感鲜美。
4. 英式果酱:英国的果酱有多种口味,如苹果果酱、樱桃果酱、草莓果酱等,可以搭配蛋糕、面包、烤羊排等食物,是英国传统餐桌上的必备食品。
以下是有关英国食物及日常用语的介绍:一、英国常见的食物:1. 英式早餐(Full English Breakfast):英式早餐是英国人一天中最重要的一餐,通常包括烤土司面包,培根,鸡蛋,香肠,蕃茄和豆子。
2. 英国下午茶(Afternoon Tea):下午茶是英国人的传统习俗,一般在下午三点钟左右享用,通常与茶搭配。
3. 英式炸鱼和薯条(Fish and Chips):这是英国极具代表性的美食之一,蘸上 Tartar 酱和番茄酱更是美味。
4. 英国布丁(Pudding):英国布丁是英国人喜爱的传统甜品,有香甜味浓的水果布丁、蓝莓布丁等。
二、英国食物相关的日常用语:1. Have a cup of tea:表示邀请朋友或客人共饮茶水,在英国人的日常生活中,茶是不可或缺的。
2. As cool as a cucumber:形容人或事物非常冷静淡定。
3. Bring home the bacon:意思是赚钱养家,养家糊口。
4. Cry over spilled milk:形容人们为已经发生过的事情而后悔或伤心。
5. Butter someone up:指用奉承或恭维的方式讨好别人。
用英语介绍英国美食的一封信格式范文Dear friend, I am writing to introduce you to thedelicious cuisine of the United Kingdom. British food may not have the best reputation, but there are many tasty dishes to discover.One of the most iconic British foods is fish and chips. This dish consists of deep-fried fish (usually cod or haddock) and thick-cut potato fries. It is typically served with mushy peas, tartar sauce, and a squeeze of lemon. Fish and chipsare a classic comfort food that can be found at almost every pub in the UK.Another popular British dish is the full English breakfast. This hearty meal typically includes eggs, bacon, sausage, baked beans, grilled tomatoes, mushrooms, and toast. It is a filling and satisfying way to start the day.For dessert, you must try a traditional English pudding. Sticky toffee pudding, treacle tart, and bread and butter pudding are just a few examples of the sweet treats you can enjoy in the UK. These desserts are rich, indulgent, and perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.If you are looking for something savory, be sure to sample a traditional Cornish pasty. This pastry dish isfilled with meat, potatoes, and vegetables, making it a delicious and portable meal option.Overall, British cuisine may not be as famous as French or Italian food, but it definitely has its own unique flavors and dishes to offer. I hope you have the opportunity to try some of these delicious foods soon.。
英国食物介绍british food讲解
And then in the afternoon at 3 to 4 o 'clock or so still have to come to a cup of tea, they put the tea as the spirit of the working process of the swap.
Dinner is also the most important part for British people in daily life .They choose the have dinner time usually late, and ate and drank, chatted, to promote the friendship between meals, we can
highest desire, but a cup of tea.”
British people in the tea when must match on small round bread and cake, sandwiches and snacks. Ordinary housewives are very good at doing this kind of cake, formal dinner cruise in tea.
Fuyi 出品
How can blank ,boring British cooking possibly compare with the delightful variety of Chinese food ,the spiciness of Indian ,the sophistication of French food or the all-conquering popularity of Italian pizza and pasta ?Well ,you’d be surprised .British food actually acquired a reputation for blandness during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries because all great national cuisines are based on poor peasant dishes ,and since Britain had become an industrialized society ,working people had lost their connection with the countryside.
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A bite of Britain
As we know ,British food is very famous all over the world, there are many kinds of delicious food in Britain .Now let me introduce four typical delicious food that you never miss.
The first one-----Fish and chips. 鱼和薯条
This is the traditional British fast food, it is very popular in Britain. They put fish and chips in a newspaper and eat with a mixture of salt and vinegar sause. And an interesting thing is the newspaper is the Times on that day, so on one side you enjoy the fish and chips, on the other side you can read the newspaper.
The second one--- Eton mess 伊顿麦斯
It’s a famous dessert, it’s made from cream jam ice cream and fresh fruits. Although it doesn’t have a good looking, it tastes very good, especially with champagne, a perfect partner. It‘s also a symbol of Britain’s summer.
The third one--- York shire budding约克郡布丁
It’s different from the traditional budding .It’s the important part of British Sunday dinner. It’s made from flour eggs and milk ,usually moistened with gravy. Do you know, roast beef and York shire budding is a national dish of Britain.
The fourth one ---the Victoria sponge维多利亚海绵蛋糕
It’s also called Victoria sandwich cake. It’s the queen V ictoria’s favourite. So it is named of her. It’s made from flour eggs fresh fruit butter and jam. They spread some cream on a piece of cake and then some jam on the second piece. It’s a classic essential of afternoon tea.
OK, my introduction will end here. Do you like them? which one is your favourite? and which one touch your heart? you can tell me. I don’t have the food ,but I have the picture. Haha!。