




(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。




调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。


3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。





Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。






4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。

遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。



-Good morning sir/madam. 早晨好!先生/女士-Good afternoon.午安-How are you? 你好吗?-I can speak a little English.我不太会说英语.-Please speak slowly.请慢慢讲.-Would you mind speaking louder please,请说大声些.-Do you wear glasses? 你戴眼镜吗?-I wear contact lenses.我戴隐形眼镜-Do you live at the same address? 你还住在原来的地址吗?-Do you have any medical problems? 你今天的健康状况有问题吗?-Did you have a license before? 你以前有车牌吗?-You must obey by all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有交通规例及路牌. -Do you have any questions? 你有什么疑问吗?-Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名.-Are you ready now? 你可以开始吗?-Turn on the engine(ignition).打火.-Let's go. 现在开始-Right turn 右转-Left turn 左转-Go straight/Keep going straight 直行-First street right turn /left turn 第一条街右转/左转-Traffic light right turn /left turn 交通灯右转/左转-stop sign,make a right turn/left turn 停牌右转/左转-Stay in this lane 保持在这条线行驶-Turn on the wind shield wiper 开雨刮器-Pull 0ver to the curb/ Pull over parking 靠路边停车-Slow down 减速-Three point turn 三点式转(窄路掉头)-Parallel parking 平行泊车-Up hill parking 上坡停车-Down hill parking 下坡停车-Too close 驶得太近-Too slow 太慢-Too fast 太快-Speed up 加速行驶-Give a signal 打灯号-Cancel your signal 熄灯号-Try again 再做一次-Watch for pedestrians 小心行人-Follow that car 跟著那车-Go back to the test center 驶回考试场-Entrance 入口-Exit 出口-Intersection 十字路口-Fasten your seat belt 系好安全带-Parking brake 手刹-Head in parkingDrive in 车头进停车-Back in parking 车尾进停车-Turn off the engine 熄掉汽车-You failed 你不合格-You passed 你合格1 Brake lights刹车灯2 Left Turn Signal左转等3 Right Turn Signal右转灯4 Emergency Flashers双闪,应急双闪灯5 Turn on and off Windshield wipers打开和关上雨刷器7 Roll down Drivers Window and Roll up打开和关上司机那侧的窗户8 Roll down passanger Window and roll up升起和降下乘客那侧的窗户9 Turn on and off defroster开起和关闭除霜开关10 Show me the brake指示刹车11 Show me the gas指出油门12 Show me the emergency brake put on / release brake示范手刹然后松开13 Adjust your rearview mirror调整后视镜14 Adjust your right and lest outside mirrors调整左右外面的镜子15 Left turn hand signal左转的手势16 Right Turn Hand Signal右转的手势17 Hand Signal for STOP停车的手势18 Open the Hood of your Car.打开机箱盖19 Show me your insurance Card出示你的保险卡20 Fasten your seat belt系上你的安全带21 Take off your seat belt解开安全带22 open passenger door请打开乘客门路考系列Put on your seat belt.系好安全带。







6、驾驶人违反交通运输管理法规发生重大事故致人死亡且逃逸的,处多少年有期徒刑?A、 7年以上B、 3年以下C、 3年以上7年以下D、 10年以上7、行车中仪表板上(如图所示)亮时,表示什么?A、发动机温度过低B、发动机温度过高C、发动机冷却系统故障D、发动机润滑系故障8、这个标志的含义是提醒车辆驾驶人前方是无人看守铁路道口。




14、行车中遇到后方车辆要求超车时,应怎样做?A、及时减速、观察后靠右行驶让行B、保持原有车速行驶C、靠右侧加速行驶D、不让行15、这个标志是何含义?A、非机动车车道B、禁止自行车通行车道C、自行车专用车道D、停放自行车路段16、这个标志是何含义?A、注意横风B、风向标C、隧道入口D、气象台17、路面上的黄色标记是何含义?A、禁止转弯B、禁止掉头C、允许掉头D、禁止直行18、在驾驶技能准考证明的有效期内,科目二和科目三道路驾驶技巧考试预约次数不得超过多少次?A、 3次B、 4次C、 5次D、 6次19、图中圈内白色虚线是什么标线?A、小型车转弯线B、车道连接线C、非机动车引导线D、路口向导线20、旋转开关这一档控制机动车哪个部位?A、左右转向灯B、进光灯C、前后雾灯D、远光灯21、行车中遇到正在进行作业的道路养护车辆、工程作业车时要注意避让22、车辆在雪天临时停车时,应开启什么灯A、前后雾灯B、倒车灯C、前大灯D、危险报警闪光灯23、在这种急弯道路上行车应交替使用远近光灯。




EnglishVersion~1. A diamond shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.2. An upside-down triangle means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.3. An octagon shaped sign means(a) warning.(b) stop.(c) yield right of way.4. When you come to a STOP sign, you should(a) be prepared to stop if there is an approaching car.(b) make a complete stop and proceed when safe.(c) slow down and proceed when safe.5. What should you do when you come to a STOP sign at an intersection?(a) Slow down and proceed with caution.(b) Stop only if there are any vehicles approaching the intersection.(c) Slow down, sound horn, and proceed.(d) Make a full stop and proceed when safe.6. The hand signal for a right turn is:(a) Point the arm and hand down.(b) Hold the arm and hand up.(c) Put the arm straight out.(d) Make a circular motion the arm.7. The hand signal for left turn is:(a) pointing the arm and hand down.(b) holding the arm and hand up.(c) pointing the arm and hand straight out.(d) making circular motion with the arm.8. When you are stopping or slowing down you should signal by(a) pointing arm and hand down.(b) putting the arm and hand straight up.(c) putting the arm straight out.(d) making a circular motion with arm.9. When the arm is extended outward, it means(a) left turn(b) slow or stop(c) right turn10. When the arm and hand is pointing downward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.11. When the arm is extended upward, it means(a) slow or stop.(b) left turn.(c) right turn.12. You must signal at least how many feet before making a turn?(a) 57 ft.(b) 877 ft.(c) 377 ft.13. What is the meaning of a flashing yellow light?(a) slow down and proceed with caution(b) be prepared for the light to change red(c) stop14. What is the meaning of a flashing red light?(a) caution(b) stop and wait for the light to change green(c) stop and proceed when safe15. What is the meaning of a flashing red traffic signal light at an intersection?(a) Stop completely as at a stop sign and proceed when safe.(b) Slow down and proceed with caution.(c) Stop and wait for a green light.(d) Sound horn and proceed with caution.16. A red signal light with a green arrow means(a) stop and wait for green light before making turn in the direction of the arrow.(b) stop and then proceed.(c) proceed with caution in the direction of the arrow, yielding the right of way to pedestrians and vehicles in the intersection.(d) the green arrow is a signal for pedestrians only.17. When can you make a right turn on a red traffic signal?(a) After a full stop, if there is no sign prohibiting right turn on red and way is clear.(b) When traffic light first change.(c) When yielding to pedestrians and traffics.18. You may turn right on a red light when(a) you stop and traffic is clear.(b) you stop, traffic is clear, and there is no s ign to prohibit your turn.(c) you slow down and see that traffic is clear.19. What does a double solid yellow line indicate?(a) passing prohibited(b) passing permitted when safe20. What does a broken line on your side and a solid line on the other side mean?(a) You can pass when safe.(b) passing prohibited(c) Cars coming the opposite direction can pass when safe.21. If a traffic signal is green and a police officer signals you to stop, you should(a) obey the traffic signal(b) obey the traffic officer(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.22. You are driving to an intersection where a traffic light is red. A policeman motions you to go through, you should(a) obey the traffic.(b) obey the traffic officer.(c) first obey the traffic officer, then the signal.(d) do what the vehicle in front of you does.23. You have reached on intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) Proceed straight ahead.(b) Make left turn.(c) Make right turn.(d) Drive into through traffic lane.24. In what position must you be when making a left hand turn?(a) near the middle(b) to the right(c) in the left most lane used by traffic going in your direction25. On a two lane roadway (one way traffic), the left lane is for(a) slow moving traffic.(b) only to be used when passing.(c) passing and preparing to make a left hand turn.26. On a one way two-lane road way, the left lane is for(a) passing and preparing to make left turn.(b) passing only.(c) fast moving traffic.(d) slowing down speed of traffic.27. You have reached an intersection in a lane marked left turn only, you should(a) make a left turn.(b) try to get out of the lane as quickly as possible.(c) signal and change lanes when it is safe.28. When making a left turn, you should drive(a) whenever the traffic is the lightest unless a special left turn lane is available.(b) several miles above the speed limit so you will not hold up the traffic behind you.(c) in the left-most lane used in the traffic going in your direction.(d) close to the right-hand side of the road.29. If you are in a passing zone you should(a) slow down to the posted speed limit.(b) signal to other vehicle to pass you if you are going below the speed limit.(c) make sure you are going within the posted speed limit.(d) keep steady even pressure on the gas pedal.30. The best way to tell whether or not you are permitted to pass another vehicle isto see if(a) there is a flashing green light.(b) the road is straight.(c) there are solid or broken lane markings.31. The best way to tell whether you are permitted to pass other vehiclesis to see if(a) there is a green flashing light.(b) there are solid or broken lane markings.(c) the vehicle ahead signals that it is ok to pass.(d) the road ahead is straight.32. The end of a no passing zone means(a) it is safe to pass.(b) you can only pass when it is safe.(c) passing is not permitted.33. Driving slower than the posted minimum speed limit when not necessary for safety is(a) a violation of the law.(b) the right of any driver.(c) not advisable.(d) a good rule to follow.34. When may you drive the maximum speed limit?(a) at all times(b) only during the day(c) if the vehicle, highway and weather conditions are ideal35. If a traffic signal changes while a pedestrian is still in the street(a) vehicle making turn have the right of way.(b) pedestrian has the right of way.(c) vehicle coming from the right have the right of way.(d) vehicle coming from the left have the right of way.36. If a pedestrian is crossing the street in an unmarked crosswalk, you should(a) yield the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.37. If a pedestrian is crossing at an intersection where there are no traffic controls, you should(a) take the right of way but do not strike him.(b) slow down and proceed with care.(c) stop and give him the right of way.(d) blow your horn and take the right of way.38. You are driving up to an intersection where there is no signal light or policeman. In a cross walk, a pedestrian is crossing your half of the street, you should(a) stop and give him the right of way.(b) blow your horn and maintain speed.(c) slow down and blow your horn.(d) take the right of way but do not strike him.39. When two cars reach an intersection at the same time, the right of way should be given to(a) the car coming from the left.(b) the car coming from the right(c) the oncoming car.(d) the car traveling fastest.40. The law requires that you do not follow any fire engines traveling to a fire closer than(a) 377 ft.(b) 577 ft.(c) 8777 ft.41. On a short entrance to an interstate, where there is no acceleration lane.(a) Enter the far right traffic lane and speed up to the flow of traffic there.(b) Use the shoulder of main road to get up to the speed of the traffic.(c) Speed up to the entrance only after you have found a gap in traffic.(d) Come to a complete stop before entering the interstate.42. If there is a short entrance to an interstate where there is no acceleration lane, you should(a) stop and look for a gap in traffic.(b) pick up speed to match traffic.(c) speed up on the entrance only if you have found a gap in traffic.43. When leaving an interstate highway, you should(a) get into the right hand lane well before reaching exit and follow posted speed limit.(b) increase speed to pass vehicle not exiting.(c) signal and come to a gradual stop just before the exit.44. When leaving an interstate, you should(a) get into the right lane well ahead of time and follow the posted speed limit on exit ramp.(b) slow down on the main highway.(c) speed up as you enter the deceleration lane.45. When entering an interstate from a left entrance, you should(a) enter to road at a speed faster than the speed limit.(b) compare what you see in your mirrors with what you seewhen looking over your shoulder.(c) stop when the right lane is clear of approaching traffic.46. In general, you should stop before entering an interstate when(a) there is no special lane to use in order to speed up.(b) the entrance leads into the left lane of traffic.(c) waiting for a break in the traffic.(d) the entrance is short or has a low speed limit.47. What must a driver do before entering a street or highway from an alley, private road, or drive-way(a) Stop, yield right-of-way to pedestrians and vehicles.(b) Stop before entering the road only if the re is a stop sign or a red light.(c) Slow down only when there is traffic on the road.(d) Slow down and sound your horn before entering the road.48. Before entering a street of highway from alley, private road, or driveway, you should(a) slow down.(b) stop and yield the right of way to the pedestrians and vehicles.(c) blow your horn to warn pedestrians and move into traffic when safe.49. On a street or highway where traffic is moving in both directions what position must you be in before a left hand turn?(a) close to the left side of the highway(b) to the right of and as close to the center line as possible(c) in the right hand lane50. Under which of the following conditions would the road be more likely to be slippery(a) Center lines have just been painted.(b) New highway just opened for public use.(c) It has rained for several hours.(d) It has just started to rain or drizzle.51. Your following distance under normal conditions should be(a) one car length for every 27 mph.(b) 2 seconds.(c) 577 ft.52. Under normal road contitions, you should keep a following distance of(a) two car lengths.(b) 25 to 37 ft.(c) two seconds.53. When following a car in bad weather, you should(a) increase your following distance to 3 or 4 seconds.(b) stay 877 ft. behind.(c) keep your following distance the same.54. The distance you should follow another vehicle should be determined by(a) speed, weather, road, and vehicle mechanical conditions.(b) legal speed limit.(c) condition of vehicle.(d) type of highway.55. The distance between motor vehicles traveling on a highway should be how many vehicle lengths for each ten miles of speed?(a) one vehicle length.(b) two vehicle lengths.(c) three vehicle lengths.56. You are required to keep a safe distance behind thevehicle in front of you at 37 m.p.h.you should keep(a) one car length in back.(b) two car lengths in back.(c) three car lengths in back.(d) ten feet in back.57. Good drivers traveling in heavy fog at night always use the(a) low beams.(b) high beams.(c) parking lights.(d) no lights.58. When light are required on the open highway, a driver shall use the high beam(a) except when within 577 feet of an oncoming vehicle(b) except when within 477 feet of an oncoming vehicle(c) except when within 277 feet of an oncoming vehicle59. When driving a motor vehicle at night, you should dim your headlights when(a) 577 ft. from meeting an oncoming car.(b) 377 ft. behind another car.(c) both of the above.(d) neither of the above.60. When meeting a car with blinding headlights, you should(a) use quick glances, looking away from the bright lights.(b) stare at the oncoming headlights to make sure you will not go into his lane.(c) turn on your lights until the other driver dims his lights.61. Before changing lane in traffic, you should(a) see if it is safe, and then signal.(b) have your turn signal on for at least a minute.(c) sound your horn.(d) be stopped or driving slower than the other traffic62. Under which of the following conditions would the road be most likely to be slippery?(a) It has just started to rain or drizzle.(b) It has been raining for an hour or more.(c) on a dry surface.63. You are driving on a slippery road and you have to makea stop quickly. The best way to do this is to(a) jam on your brake.(b) pump the brake pedal.(c) gradually hit your brake pedal.(d) apply brakes in normal manner.64. When approaching a curve, you should(a) pick up speed slightly.(b) decrease speed before entering the curve.(c) decrease speed as you enter the curve.65. Prior to entering a curve, a good practice is to(a) ride the center of the road.(b) maintain steady speed and apply brakes if necessary.(c) slow down only when pavement is slippery.(d) slow down and then increase speed after getting the feel of the curve.66. If you saw a vehicle stopped on the shoulder with its hood up, you should(a) Turn on your emergency flashers to warn other vehicles and continue at the same speed.(b) Speed up and change lanes.(c) Blow your horn to warn its driver.(d) Slow down and move to the left part of the lane.67. If you have a blow out while driving, you should(a) slowly let up on the accelerator(Gas Pedal) and look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) apply the brakes as soon as you notice the blow out.(c) keep going at the same speed until you can get off the road.(d) continue driving on the shoulder until you get to the next exit.68. When a tire blows out, the safest thing to do is(a) drive on the shoulder of the road and apply brakes.(b) steer straight ahead.(c) apply brakes for a quick stop.(d) slow down gradually, pull off the roadway.69 When a tire blows, the safest thing to do is(a) look for a safe place to drive off the road.(b) pump your brakes and stop immediately.(c) stop gradually on the road and warn other drivers by turning on your emergency lights70. If a car is disabled on the side of the road with its hood up, you should(a) slow down and move to the left side of you lane.(b) maintain speed.(c) blow your horn to warn the driver not to come into your lane71. Whenever the windows of your car become cloudy, obstructing your vision, you should(a) continue to drive your car but reduce speed.(b) stop and clear windows.(c) continue at normal speed.(d) slow down and drive to service station.72. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, you should(a) stop and rest.(b) drink coffee and tea.(c) drive more carefully.(d) turn on the radio.73. If you become tired or sleepy while driving, it is best to(a) take anti-sleep pills.(b) stop for a cup of coffee.(c) stop and exercise until you wake up.(d) rest or if possible change a driver.74. The first driving ability affected by alcohol is(a) knowledge.(b) skill.(c) judgment.75. Alcohol first effects(a) judgement and coordination.(b) knowledge.(c) skill.76. If you are convicted for operating a vehicle while under the influence of any alcoholic beverage, you will(a) lose your privilege to drive a motor vehicle.(b) be given a warning by the department of Motor Vehicles(c) be permitted to drive trucks or buses only.(d) be permitted to drive during daylight only.77. Beforebegining to pass you should(a) drive up close behind the lead vehicle.(b) judge the speed of the lead vehicle.(c) slow down so you will have more room to pass.(d) blow your horn and put on the bright lights.78. When deciding to pass, you should(a) see if there is an oncoming car.(b) judge the speed of the lead car.(c) accelerate to go faster than the car in front.79. You may pass a vehicle on the right only if(a) you use the shoulder when passing.(b) you are on a two-lane road and there is oncoming traffic.(c) the vehicle ahead of you is about to make a left turn.(d) the vehicle ahead signals that it is all right to pass.80. When overtaking a car going in the same direction, you may pass on the right(a) never.(b) if there is a shoulder.(c) when the car ahead of you has signaled for a left hand turn.81. When overtaking and passing another vehicle, you should(a) sound horn and pass when safe.(b) sound horn and wait until the other driver signals that it is safe.(c) you do not have to blow your horn.82. When passing, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 85 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(b) you are 877 ft. ahead of the car you are passing.(c) you see the headlights of the vehicle you just passed in your rear v iew mirror.83. When passing a vehicle, you should return to the right side of the road when(a) you are 57 feet in front of the passed vehicle.(b) the other driver signals you to do so.(c) you have cleared the front bumper by a rear view mirror.(d) you can see both its headlights in your rear view mirror.84. If you are driving a vehicle being overtaken, you should(a) give way to the right in favor of the overtaking vehicle.(b) speed up.(c) speed up and move to the right.85. If you decide to stop to a vehicle ahead of you pull into a parking space, you should(a) move up only behind it as it pulls into space.(b) come to complete stop directly behind it.(c) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(d) move into the next lane, but wait until it has parked space.86. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position, you should(a) sound your horn and go ahead.(b) signal and pull into the street.(c) signal, yield the right of way, and pull into the street.(d) signal, wait for first vehicle to pass, and then pull into the street.87. Before moving your car into traffic from a parked position or changing lanes, you should(a) signal and enter.(b) signal and proceed when safe.(c) go when it is clear.(d) blow your horn and then enter traffic.88. If following a car that has its signal on and is ready to park, you should(a) more to the left and pass quickly.(b) stop several vehicle lengths behind it.(c) pass the car on the right.89. When you are following vehicles which often stop (bus, post office car,etc.)(a) Do not pass, wait until turn off the road.(b) Blow your horn to warn.(c) Allow more following distance than usual.(d) Keep your emergency flashers turned on.90. When meeting a stopped school bus, you should(a) stop only when approaching from the rear.(b) stop only when approaching from the front.(c) stop when approaching from the front and rear.91. How can you see a car in your blind spot(a) by using both your side and rear view mirror.(b) by glancing over your shoulder.(c) by read justing the outside mirror.92. You should check your brakes, lights, and signals(a) only when required to do so.(b) about once a year.(c) about once every 8777 miles(d) each time you drive.93. You should check brakes, lights and signals(a) every 577 miles.(b) once a month.(c) each time you drive.94. When you see or hear an emergency vehicle with a flashing light, siren blowing or bell ringing, you should(a) maintain speed.(b) slow down.(c) pull over to the right.95. If you strike an unattended vehicle, you are required to(a) stay at the scene.(b) leave your name, address, and registration number, and notify the police.(c) leave your driver's license on the damaged car and call your insurance company.(d) not move your vehicle until the accident is investigated.96. A person whose driver license is refused, suspended, revoked or cancelled shall(a) drive only in an emergency.(b) only drive during the day.(c) not drive under any condition.(d) drive when there is a licensed driver with him.97. Driving in violation of any restrictions on your license is(a) the same as driving without a license.(b) more serious than driving without a license.(c) less serious than driving without a license.(d) permitted in unusual cases.98. What cards must you have with you when operating a motor vehicle?(a) registration card(b) driver's license(c) registration card and driver's license99. If your vehicle goes into a skid, you should(a) steer in the opposite direction that your rear is skidding.(b) steer in the direction that your rear is skidding.(c) jam on your brake.100. The best way to bring your car out of a skid is to(a) turn steering wheel first right, when left.(b) put brakes on quickly and hard.(c) turn the steering wheel in the direction of the skid.(d) increase speed.101. Generally, the safest drivers are those drivers who(a) are good auto mechanics.(b) have no physical defects.(c) are always alert and obey the traffic laws.(d) drive slowly at all times.102. Most traffic accidents are the result of(a) mechanical defects in automobiles.(b) errors in driver's judgement.(c) defects in the road.(d) bad weather contitions.。



考驾照路试考官最常说的英语指令Let’s start the test now.咱们开始考试吧。

Keep going, and turn left when we get to the traffic light.一直往前走,在红绿灯转左。

Stay in this lane.保持在这条车道。

Pay attention to the speed!注意车速!Wat ch carefully and later you’ll have to tell me the hazards you see.仔细观察,过一会儿你要告诉我你所看到的潜在危险。

Stop the car where you think it is safe.当你认为安全时把车停下来。

Make a U-turn at the end of the street.在街的尽头做U字掉头。

Go up to the stop sign and turn left.驶到停车线后左转。

Turn right at this intersection.在十字路口右转。

Turn left at the signal light.在信号灯处左转。

Slow down and make a three-point turn here.慢下来,在这里做一个三点掉头。

Parallel park in this space ahead.在前面的空位平行停车。

Now keep going straight.一直前行。

Pull over after you turn right at this stop sign.在停车线右转后靠边停车。

Drive straight at this next intersection.到下一个十字路口后一直往前走。

Now drive on.继续开吧。

Move to the right lane.换到右面车道上。

Get on the freeway (motorway) at this on-ramp. 从这个缓冲坡道入口驶入高速路。

美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

美国驾照考试内容及流程英文版Driver's License Test Content and Process in the United StatesIntroductionObtaining a driver's license in the United States is an important milestone for many individuals. The process varies slightly from state to state, but there are some general guidelines and requirements that apply across the country. In this document, we will outline the content and process of the driver's license test in the United States, including both the written test and the road test.Written Test ContentThe written test is the first step in obtaining a driver's license in the United States. It typically covers topics such as traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. The specific content of the test may vary slightly depending on the state, but some common topics include:1. Traffic laws - This includes laws related to speed limits, right of way, and other rules of the road.2. Road signs - The test typically includes questions about the meaning of various road signs, such as stop signs, yield signs, and speed limit signs.3. Safe driving practices - This section covers topics such as the dangers of drunk driving, distracted driving, and the importance of wearing a seatbelt.The written test is usually multiple-choice, with a passing score required to move on to the road test.Road Test ProcessOnce you have passed the written test, you will be eligible to take the road test. This test involves driving a vehicle with an examiner present to evaluate your driving skills. The road test typically includes the following components:1. Pre-drive checklist - Before beginning the road test, the examiner will ask you to demonstrate that you know how to perform basic tasks such as adjusting the mirrors, fastening the seatbelt, and checking the car's controls.2. Driving skills - During the road test, you will be asked to demonstrate a variety of driving skills, such as parallel parking, making turns, and stopping at intersections. The examiner will assess your ability to follow traffic laws and drive safely.3. Emergency maneuvers - The road test may also include situations where you need to perform emergency maneuvers, such as swerving to avoid an obstacle or coming to a sudden stop.At the end of the road test, the examiner will provide feedback on your performance and inform you whether you have passed or failed. If you pass, you will be issued a driver's license. If you fail, you may be able to retake the test after a waiting period.ConclusionObtaining a driver's license in the United States is a process that requires both knowledge of traffic laws and safe driving skills. By studying for the written test and practicing your driving skills, you can increase your chances of passing the driver's license test and becoming a licensed driver. Remember to check the specific requirements in your state and be prepared for both the written test and the road test. Good luck on your journey to getting your driver's license!。

美国 休斯敦 路考用词汇

美国 休斯敦 路考用词汇

(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)Pre Driving Check Listshen1. Show me your insurance Card and Permit 出示你的汽车保险卡和驾照Permit. (路考前必查)2. Brake light 刹车灯(路考前必查)3. Left Turn Signal 左转灯(路考前必查)4. Right Turn Signal 右转灯(路考前必查)5. Emergency Flashers 双闪,应急双闪灯(倒车时必须开)6 Turn on and off Windshield wipers 打开和关上雨刷器(雨天会用)以下指令也许在加州或其它州考官可能会使用。

(不过休斯顿没有查)7 Show me the brake 指示刹车8 Show me the gas 指出油门10 Adjust your rearview mirror 调整后视镜11 Adjust your right and lest outside mirrors 调整左右外面的镜子12 Left turn hand signal 左转的手势13 Right Turn Hand Signal 右转的手势14 Hand Signal for STOP 停车的手势15 Fasten your seat belt 系上你的安全带16、Show ability to stop vehicle quickly 测试紧急刹车(put your foot on the gas pedal and step on the brake as quickly as you can whentold to stop)(把脚放在油门加上当你听到口令时竟可能快的急刹车)。



(你应该要听懂考官的指令,否则开错了就FAIL)1. Parallel parking 平行泊车,也就是侧位停车。



美国德克萨斯州驾驶考试模拟题及相关资料中英对照为了帮助我深爱的妻子 Cathy 顺利通过德克萨斯州的驾驶考试,我利用搜集到的考试模拟题、真题及其他资料,翻译并整理。



ZF 2011.10理论部分:License & License Related 驾照相关内容Your drivers license may be suspended for causing one serious accident。


Your license may be suspended or revoked for letting someone use your license。


If a policeman requests you to take a test to see if you are driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and you refuse, your license will be suspended for 6 months.当警察要求你参加酒精或药物测试,你拒绝,你的驾照将被暂停 6 个月。

When a parent signs the application of a minor for a drivers license, the parent and the teenager assume responsibility.当父母签字同意未成年人参加驾驶考试时,家长和未成年人均承担相应责任。

An instruction permit is good for 1 year from the applicant’s next birthday.家长的同意一年有效,截止于申请人的下一个生日。



Good Morning Sir/Madam 先生/女士早晨好Good Afternoon 午安How are you? 你好么Do you speak English?你讲英语吗?I can speak a little English. 我可以讲一点英语Please speak slowly. 请慢慢讲Would you mind speak louder please? 请讲大声一些Do you wear glasses? 你有戴眼镜么?I wear contact lenses. 我戴隐型眼镜Do you live at same address? 你住在上述地址么?Do you have any medical problem? 你的健康有问题么?Do you have any question? 你有什么问题么?You must obey all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有的交通规则和标志Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名Are you ready now? 你准备好了么?Turn on the engine (car). 点火Let's go. 现在开始Right turn. 右转Left turn. 左转Go straight/keep moving straight. 直行First street right turn/left turn. 第一条街右转/左转Traffic light right turn/left turn. 交通灯右转/左转Stop sign, make a right turn/left turn. 停牌右转/左转Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶Second street. 第二条街Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯Turn on the wind shield wiper. 开雨刷Right of way. 优先权Stop the car here. 在这里停车Pull over the curb. 靠路边停车Slow down 慢驶Three point turn. 三点调头Parallel parking. 平行泊车Up hill parking. 上坡泊车Down hill parking. 下坡泊车Back up. 后退Back into the driveway. 倒车进入车道Too close. 太接近Too slow. 太慢Too fast. 太快Speed up . 加速Give your signal. 打灯号Cancel your signal. 取消灯号Try again. 再试一次Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人Take it easy/relax please. 请不要紧张More gas. 加油Follow the car. 跟着前车Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心Entrance. 入口Exit 出口Intersection 十字路口Put on your seat belt. 放安全带Parking brake . 手刹Turn on the heater/air conditioner. 打开暖气/冷气Head in parking/drive in . 车头进泊车Back in parking. 后退泊车Turn off the engine. 关闭引擎You failed. 你不合格Do you have any identification?你有证件么You passed. 你通过Try again. 下次再试horn: 喇叭;windshield:挡风玻璃(前车窗);rear view mirrors(后视镜);turn signal:转向灯信号( left turn light 左转向灯, right turn light右转向灯);foot brake:脚刹;emergency/parking brake:手刹;arm signals(手势);windshield wipers( 雨刷);defroster:除霜(注意有前窗除霜、后霜除霜之分);emergency flasher/light:紧急双向灯;headlight:头灯(大灯),glove box:手套箱(就是副驾驶位置那个地方的放杂物的箱子)。




调整左右外侧视镜,后视镜,教官让你按喇叭、车头灯、高灯、左转灯、右转弯灯、刹车、雨刷、Emergency Flashers、除雾、手势(左转、右转、停车)。





4、通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。






4.Stop sign一定要停满三秒。













的美国驾照路考常用英文中英文对照Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】最全的美国驾照路考常用英文(中英文对照)一.路考内容与细节:路考考试前考官会检查你的汽车是否一切正常,考官发指令你就照做。

(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和 Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持轻松,不要紧张。




调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。


3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,确实停止3-5秒。





Parking时须记得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。





美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

美国驾照考试内容及流程英文版全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys! Today I'm gonna tell you all about getting a driver's license in the United States.First off, you have to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner's permit. To do this, you have to pass a written test on traffic laws and signs. Once you have your permit, you can practice driving with a licensed adult in the car with you.After you have practiced for a while and feel ready, you can schedule your driving test. During the test, you will have to demonstrate your ability to drive safely, follow traffic laws, and make good decisions on the road.If you pass the driving test, you will receive your driver's license! Congratulations! But wait, there are still some restrictions for new drivers. For example, you may have a curfew or restrictions on how many passengers you can have in the car with you.Remember, driving is a big responsibility and it's important to always follow the rules of the road. So study hard, practice, and be safe out there! Good luck on your journey to getting your driver's license!篇2The United States driver's license exam is a super important test for people who want to drive legally in America. I'm gonna tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!So, first things first, you gotta be at least 16 years old to take the exam. Once you're old enough, you can go to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to apply for a learner's permit. With a learner's permit, you can practice driving with a licensed adult in the car. You gotta practice for at least a few months before you can take the actual driving test.The driving test has two parts: a written exam and a road test. The written exam is all about traffic rules, road signs, and driving laws. You gotta study really hard for this part because you gotta answer a bunch of questions in a limited time.Once you pass the written exam, it's time for the road test. This is where you show the examiner how good you are at driving. You gotta demonstrate stuff like parallel parking, makingturns, and obeying traffic signals. The examiner will be watching you closely to see if you're following all the rules and driving safely.If you pass both the written exam and road test, congratulations! You'll get your very own driver's license. But remember, driving is a big responsibility, so you gotta be careful on the road and follow all the rules. And if you ever need a refresher, you can always take a defensive driving course to brush up on your skills.That's it for the United States driver's license exam. Remember to study hard, practice driving safely, and good luck on your test! Drive safe, everyone!篇3In America, getting a driver's license is a really big deal for teenagers like me. It means freedom and independence, being able to drive around wherever we want. But before we can get that precious license, we have to go through a lot of steps and tests.First off, we have to study the state's driver's manual. This book has all the rules and regulations of the road that we need to know. We have to learn about traffic signs, speed limits, andhow to safely operate a vehicle. It's a lot of information to remember, but we have to cram it all into our heads for the written test.The written test is like a big exam that we have to pass in order to get our permit. We have to answer questions about driving laws and safety practices. It can be kind ofnerve-wracking, but if we study hard, we can usually pass on the first try.Once we have our permit, we can start practicing driving with a licensed adult in the car with us. We have to log a certain number of practice hours before we can take the road test. During these practice sessions, we have to show that we can safely drive, obey the rules of the road, and follow all traffic signs.The road test is the final hurdle we have to clear before we can get our driver's license. An examiner from the Department of Motor Vehicles will ride along with us as we drive a predetermined route. They'll watch to see if we can make safe turns, park properly, and follow all traffic laws. If we pass the road test, we'll finally get our driver's license and be free to hit the open road.So that's the process for getting a driver's license in America. It takes a lot of study, practice, and hard work, but in the end, it'sworth it for the freedom and independence that comes with being able to drive.篇4Title: Getting a Driver's License in the United StatesHey guys, do you know how to get a driver's license in the United States? Let me tell you all about it!First of all, you need to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner's permit in most states. With a learner's permit, you can practice driving with a licensed adult before taking the actual driving test.To get a driver's license, you will need to pass both a written knowledge test and a driving skills test. The written test covers all the rules of the road and safe driving practices. You can study for it by using the handbook provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or by taking online practice tests.Once you pass the written test, you can schedule a driving skills test. During this test, you will be asked to demonstrate your ability to control the vehicle, follow traffic signs and signals, and make safe driving decisions. Remember to practice parallel parking and other common maneuvers before taking the test!If you pass both the written and driving tests, congratulations! You will be issued a driver's license and can now hit the road on your own. But remember, driving is a big responsibility, so always drive safely and follow the rules of the road.And there you have it, guys! That's how you can get a driver's license in the United States. Good luck on your driving journey! Drive safe!篇5Getting a driver's license in the United States is super cool! But before you can hit the road, you have to pass a written test and a driving test. Let me break it down for you.First, you need to be at least 16 years old to apply for a driver's license in most states. Some states may have different age requirements, so make sure to check with your local DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles).To get started, you'll need to study the driver's manual. This manual has all the rules of the road, traffic signs, and safety tips you need to know to pass the written test. You can usually find the manual online or pick up a copy at your local DMV office.Once you feel like you've studied enough, it's time to take the written test. The test usually consists of multiple-choice questions about traffic laws, road signs, and driving safety. If you pass, great job! You'll move on to the next step.Next up is the driving test. This is where you'll show off your driving skills to a licensed examiner. You'll be asked to perform various maneuvers like parallel parking, making turns, and stopping at stop signs. Make sure you practice with a licensed driver beforehand to feel confident behind the wheel.If you pass the driving test, congratulations! You'll be issued a temporary driver's license until your official one arrives in the mail. Now you can hit the road as a licensed driver!Remember, driving is a big responsibility, so always drive safely and follow the rules of the road. Happy driving!篇6In the United States, getting a driver's license is a big milestone for many teenagers. It allows them to have more independence and freedom to go wherever they want. But before you can hit the road, you have to pass the driver's license exam. Let me tell you all about it!First, you need to be at least 16 years old to apply for a driver's license. You have to go to the Department of Motor Vehicles, also known as the DMV, to fill out an application form. Make sure you have all the necessary documents, such as your birth certificate, social security number, and proof of address.Once you have filled out the application, you can schedule a written exam at the DMV. The exam consists of multiple-choice questions about traffic rules, road signs, and safe driving practices. You have to study hard and make sure you know all the information before taking the exam.If you pass the written exam, you can schedule a driving test. During the driving test, a licensed examiner will sit next to you in the car and observe your driving skills. They will ask you to perform various maneuvers, such as parallel parking, making turns, and stopping at intersections. Make sure you practice a lot before the driving test to increase your chances of passing.If you pass both the written exam and the driving test, congratulations! You will receive your driver's license and be officially allowed to drive on your own. Remember to always follow traffic laws, wear your seatbelt, and drive safely.So, that's the process of getting a driver's license in the United States. It may seem daunting at first, but with practiceand determination, you can succeed. Good luck on your journey to becoming a licensed driver!篇7Hey guys, today I want to talk about getting a driver's license in the United States.First things first, in order to get your driver's license, you need to pass a written exam. This exam covers things like traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. You can study for the exam by reading the driver's manual provided by your state's Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).Once you feel confident in your knowledge, you can schedule a time to take the written exam at the DMV office. Make sure to bring all the necessary identification documents and any fees that may be required.If you pass the written exam, congratulations! You can then move on to the next step which is the driving test. This test will assess your ability to operate a vehicle safely on the road. You will need to demonstrate skills such as parallel parking, making turns, and obeying traffic signals.If you pass the driving test, you will be issued a driver's license. Congratulations, you are now a licensed driver! Remember to always drive safely and follow the rules of the road.And that's it, guys! That's the process of getting your driver's license in the United States. Good luck to all of you who are preparing to take the exam. Drive safe and have fun on the road!篇8Hi guys, do you want to know how to get a driver's license in the USA? I'm here to tell you all about it!First, you have to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner's permit. You'll need to pass a written test on traffic laws and signs. Once you have your permit, you can start practicing driving with a licensed adult in the car.After you've had your permit for a certain amount of time (usually around 6 months to a year), you can schedule a road test to get your provisional license. This test will assess your driving skills and ability to follow the rules of the road.Once you pass the road test, you'll have your provisional license. This means you can drive on your own, but with somerestrictions like not driving late at night or with too many passengers.After holding your provisional license for a set period of time (usually a year or two), you can take a final road test to get your full driver's license. This test is more comprehensive and will determine if you're ready to drive independently.And that's it! Once you have your full driver's license, you're free to hit the open road and explore all the amazing places the USA has to offer. Just remember to always drive safely and follow the rules to keep yourself and others safe on the road. Happy driving!篇9Title: How to Get a Driver's License in the United StatesHey guys! Have you ever wondered what it takes to get a driver's license in the United States? Well, I'm here to tell you all about it!First things first, you have to be at least 16 years old to apply for a driver's license in most states. Some states may even require you to be older, so make sure to check the specific age requirements in your state.Next, you'll need to pass a written knowledge test. This test covers road signs, traffic laws, and safe driving practices. Don't worry though, you can study for the test using a driver's manual or take practice tests online.Once you pass the written test, it's time to hit the road! You'll need to schedule a driving test with your local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). During the driving test, an examiner will evaluate your ability to drive safely and follow the rules of the road.If you pass the driving test, congratulations! You'll receive your driver's license right then and there. But if you don't pass, don't worry. You can always schedule another test once you've had some more practice.Now that you have your driver's license, remember to always drive safely and responsibly. Follow the speed limit, wear your seatbelt, and never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.Getting your driver's license is a big responsibility, but it's also a big milestone. So study hard, practice your driving skills, and soon enough you'll be cruising down the open road with your very own driver's license! Good luck!篇10Hey guys, do you know about getting a driver's license in the United States? Let me tell you all about it!First things first, you have to be at least 16 years old to apply for a learner's permit. This is like a stepping stone before you can get your actual driver's license. To get your learner's permit, you have to take a written test on the rules of the road and traffic signs. Of course, you have to study for it!Once you pass the written test, you can start practicing driving with a licensed adult in the car. You have to practice for a certain number of hours before you can take the road test. This test is where you actually drive a car with a tester in the car with you. It can be nerve-wracking, but if you practice, you'll do just fine!Now, let's talk about the actual driver's license test. This test includes both a written test and a road test. The written test is similar to the one you took for your learner's permit, but maybe a little bit harder. Make sure to study the handbook and take practice tests online to prepare. The road test is where you drive with a tester and they assess your driving skills. Be sure to follow all the rules of the road and stay calm!If you pass both tests, congratulations! You'll get your official driver's license in the mail in a few weeks. Remember,driving is a big responsibility, so always drive safely and follow the rules. And if you ever have any questions or need help, don't be afraid to ask a parent, teacher, or driving instructor. Good luck on your journey to getting your driver's license!。




(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。




调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。


3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。





Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit 同时被收回。






4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。

遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。


right turn, left turn
Go straight.
Keep going straight.
First street right turn /left turn.
Traffic light right turn /left turn.
Turn on the hea灯,近光灯,远光灯,转向灯,左转灯,右转灯,刹车灯,应急双闪灯
head lights, tail lights, low beam lights, high beam lights, turn signals, left turn signal, right turn signal, brake lights, emergency flashers/ hazard lights
Make a U-turn at the end of the street.
Get on thefreeway/motorway/expressway / highwayat this on-ramp.
Get off the freewayat the next exit.
Drive straight at thenext intersection.
Follow that car.
Stay in this lane.



页码,1/22(W)驾照模拟试题Samples of Driver Written Tests1 您打算从一条仅限右转的车道上右转,这时您注意到您的车道有一个黄色箭头。

您应当:准备遵守下一次出现的交通信号检查是否有行人,然后小心转弯停下,任何情况下都不能转弯2 您如何为紧急车辆让路?尽量停靠在道路右沿,然后停下转入右车道,慢慢驾驶,直到紧急车辆过去立即停车,即使您是在交叉路口也是如此3 在转弯之前务必小心注意摩托车,因为:摩托车必须占用一整条车道摩托车在交叉路口总是拥有优先权摩托车比较小,因此不太容易看到4 您什么时候可以绕过铁路平交道安全栅栏?任何情况下都不可以在您能够清楚看到两边方向时安全栅栏好像功能不正常时5 21岁或年龄更大人士开车时血液酒精浓度达到多少或超过以下那一种即为非法。


05%-百分之零点零五6 您打算在一条私人车道上左转。



您可转入该车道,然后并入正常车流必须使用该车道,然后并入正常车流在左转时不得转入该车道7 您被牵涉到车祸中,有人受伤.您必须向谁作出书面车祸报告:加州公路巡逻队(CHP)机动车厅(DMV)您的保险公司8 您正在接近交叉路口.信号灯是闪动的黄灯.您应当怎么办?保持速度,但是当心其他车辆在通过交叉路口前停下减速并小心通过9 在以下情况下,您应当扩大您的汽车与前面的车辆之间的距离:跟随小轿车页码,2/22(W)后面的车盯得很紧而拥挤行车速度低于公布的限速10 一个黄色菱形信号显示一个左转箭头.这一信号的意思是:道路左转您不能左转只能在出现绿色箭头时左转11 您在一条左转车道之上看到一个信号说:「左转在绿灯亮时让行。

」这一信号的是什么意思?您只能在绿灯亮时左转您可在绿灯亮起并且安全时左转您必须等到信号灯全绿时左转12 除非另有标志说明,在住宅区限速是多少?每小时35哩每小时25哩每小时30哩13 信号指向右边并显示「单向」,意思是:右转单车道道路单向街道一车辆右转所有车辆在前方都必须右转14 出现浓雾或沙尘时最好怎么办?在情况改善前不要开车不要开得太慢,因为其他司机可能会撞上您轮流打开远光灯和近光灯,以提升能见度15 如果在铁路旁停下,您可在下列情况下穿过铁路:只有在您能够看清两侧方向时火车通过您的道路即可只有在火车完全消失时16 一个黄色菱形信号显示绕过一个障碍物。







一、道路标志题目1. 下图是哪个标志的图像和表示意义?(图像)a) 禁止直行b) 禁止超速c) 禁止左转d) 禁止停车2. 下图是哪个标志的表示意义?(图像)a) 所有车辆必须靠左行驶b) 靠右停车c) 进入有轨电车轨道d) 停车查看交通信号灯二、交通规则题目3. 在美国,当交通信号灯显示黄色时,下列哪项行为是正确的?a) 加速通过交叉口b) 在任何情况下都停止c) 警惕并谨慎通过交叉口d) 停止并倒车离开交叉口4. 在下列交通情况下,哪辆车拥有行使优先权?a) 与您快速接近交叉口的车辆b) 在您左边前进的车辆c) 从进入停车场的车辆d) 来自交叉口左侧的车辆三、安全驾驶题目5. 在下列哪个速度范围,倒车是最危险的?a) 5英里/小时以下b) 5至10英里/小时c) 10至15英里/小时d) 15英里/小时以上6. 在下列哪种情况下使用摩托车头盔是必需的?a) 只在高速公路上b) 在任何时间都不需要c) 只在夜间行驶d) 在所有时间和地点以上只是美国驾照考试题库中文的部分样例题目。





路考攻略(原文适用于Kissen Park考场)之阳早格格创做1、考面:Kissena Park (限速20mile)2、考面天图:(车停正在164 St. 头往北,靠马路左侧,即下图的“出收天面”所示之处)出收天面3、考查真质:Pull out,左转,左转,stop sign,Pull over,U turn,Parallel Park .(无黑绿灯)4、考查重心:A、Pull out :i.跟考官挨招呼.ii.调座位(前后,上下,靠背);调左、中、左后视镜(可预先调佳).iii.系仄安戴,并注意考官有不系仄安戴,如果出系要指示一下.而后问考官是可不妨收动引擎(I’m ready .Can we go ?)iv.收动引擎,挨左目标灯,踏刹车,挂D档,左挨目标盘一圈.v.将头探出车窗瞅察左后圆,转头瞅察左后视镜,再探出头瞅察左后圆,再转头瞅察左后视镜,转头瞄一下中后视镜,第三次瞅察左后视镜,第三次探出头瞅察左后圆并停顿,待后圆坡上不驶去车辆,左足沉踏油门,转头盯一下左后视镜,而后仄视前圆出车.共时注意出车直度不要太大,感觉车身基天性仄止上路便要回转目标盘矫正车身仄止于讲路,持绝快加油门至车速20mile以上(后圆去车速度非常快),冲过第一个路心之后,随时准备听考官心令——“Right turn”(根据上头考面天图可知,左边是公园,所以第一个心令肯定是“Right turn”,普遍是正在第二个路心right turn,即拐进Metcalf Ave ).vi.注意:左侧有自止车讲,转直时把自止车讲瞅成马路转角,不要压到自止车讲.B、左转直:i.听到“right turn!”,挨左目标灯,沉踏刹车,瞅路心是可有Stop sign,如果不,您有劣先权,曲交左转.此考场第一个左转是大讲转小路,不stop sign.(如果有,一定要停稳等3秒,左瞅左瞅,再左瞅,曲到决定仄安后再左转.)ii.左转直所有历程中目标盘往左挨一圈,可先挨1/4圈靠拢转角,而后继承挨剩下的3/4圈真止左转,沉踏油门加油,回转目标盘并持绝赶快加油提速到20mile-25mile之间.期待考官下一个心令.C、左转直:i.听到“left turn!”,挨左目标灯,沉踏刹车,瞅路心是可有Stop sign,如果不,谦逊对于头车,而后左转.如果有,要左瞅,前瞅,左瞅,再左瞅,前瞅,左瞅,曲到决定仄安后左转.需要谦逊左圆,前圆,左圆车辆.ii.保护矮速左转,不要转的过早,尽管真止曲角转直.如下图:iii.回转目标盘并持绝赶快加油提速到20mile-25mile之间.期待考官下一个心令.D、Stop sign:i. 瞅到stop sign 必须停车二次.ii.刹车应先慢后慢,不要一足踏死.iv.第一次要停正在stop sign 后边的黑线之后,意正在让止人,停稳3秒钟.第二次停正在人止讲的靠路心的黑线后,意正在让有先止权的车辆.身体前倾,瞅察左边车讲,瞅察前圆车讲,瞅察左边车讲,再瞅察左边车讲.而后继承真止考官的上一个心令.v.注意,stop 之后:左转,多瞅察左侧.让左侧驶去车辆战前圆先到左转车辆;曲止,多瞅察左侧战左侧.让左侧驶去车辆战左侧驶去车辆,以及前圆先到左转车辆;左转,多瞅察左侧,前圆战左侧.让左侧战左侧驶去车辆,以及前圆驶近车辆.(预防正在十字心核心等车)E、Pull over 战 U turn (K three points) : (常常那二个历程共时考)i.听到“Pull over”大概者“U turn”心令时,挨左目标灯,足沉踏刹车,赶快瞅察左后圆,左后视镜战中后视镜,确认仄安后,左挨目标盘,利用左后视镜推断车取路边的距离,好已几后回转目标盘矫正车身,不必停的太靠拢路边.ii.挨左目标灯,左挨目标盘到底,边挨目标盘便瞅察左后侧,左后视镜,前圆讲路,中后视镜,左后侧,左后视镜.沉复一遍以上.决定仄安之后,目光停顿正在左后视镜,沉踏油门,左转,那时身体前倾,瞅察左侧战左侧路况,沉复二遍以上.沉踏刹车,使得车头快到对于侧路边,车身约莫笔曲于对于侧路边时,正佳刹住车.iii.挨左目标灯,推到R档,左挨目标盘到底,共时去回瞅察左侧战左侧二遍以上,决定仄安后,目光停顿正在车后窗,沉踏油门启初倒车,随即沉踏刹车,使恰当您座椅约莫正在路的正中间时,正佳刹住车.iv.挨左目标灯,挂D档,左挨目标盘到底,共时去回转头瞅察左侧战左侧二遍以上,决定仄安后,目光停顿正在左侧,沉踏踏油门左转,随即回转目标盘矫正车身(由于那次是左挨目标盘到底,所以应早面回转目标盘).持绝快加油门至20mile.等待考官下一个心令.F、Parallel Parking:i.听到“Parallel Park”心令后,挨左目标灯,沉踏刹车,赶快瞅察左后侧,左后视镜战中后视镜,决定仄安后,左挨目标盘靠拢前圆左侧车辆,脆持约莫30cm的车距,继承踏刹车,使恰当您车的后视镜对于准左侧车辆后视镜战B柱之间时,能愣住车.ii.挨左目标灯(有大概左目标灯出灭),推R档,左挨目标盘一圈,共时瞅察左后侧,左后视镜,前圆,中后视镜,左后侧,沉复瞅察一遍以上.确认仄安后,目光停顿正在左后侧,沉踏油门倒车,共时,转头正在左后侧战左后视镜去回瞅察,沉踏刹车,待后视镜中的车身位子到达您练车时的体味位子时,刹住车. iii.挨左目标灯,左挨目标盘二圈,共时瞅察左后圆,左后视镜,前圆,中后视镜,左后圆,沉瞅察一遍以上.确认仄安后,目光停顿正在左后圆,继承倒车,共时,转头正在左后侧战左后视镜去回瞅察,沉踏刹车,待后视镜中的车身取路边仄止时,刹住车.iv.挂D档,左挨目标盘一圈,沉踏油门往前促成一面,而后刹住车.等待考官“pull out ”心令.J、其余注意事项:i.千万于要让止人,无论止人有不违规.ii.起步不要太快,但是加速要快,速度统造正在20mile 安排.iii.不该停的场合不要停(不STOP sign便不要停).iv.所有支配中,千万不要让车的前轮大概后轮遇到路沿,可则坐马挂掉.v.所有视线变更,头皆要跟着动,动做沉微大一面,免得考官出瞅到.底下是路考评估表,当前皆是电子评分了.。

美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

美国驾照考试内容及流程 英文版

US Driving Test Content and ProcessContent of the Test:Knowledge Test (Written or Computerized): This typically covers traffic rules, road signs, and safe driving practices. It ensures that the applicant has a basic understanding of the road and traffic laws.Vision Test: This is to ensure that the applicant has sufficient vision to drive safely. It usually involves reading a license plate from a distance.Driving Skills Test: This involves demonstrating basic driving skills, such as starting and stopping the car, turning, changing lanes, parking, and using signals. The examiner will also evaluate the applicant's ability to drive safely in various road and traffic conditions.Process of the Test:Applying for a Learner's Permit: This is the first step. Applicants need to visit their local motor vehicle office and fill out an application. They may also need to provide proof of identity, proof of residence, and payment for the permit fee. Once the application is approved, the applicant will receive a learner's permit, which allows them to start practicing driving. Taking the Knowledge Test: Once the learner has practiced driving for a certain period (usually several months), they can schedule a test to take the knowledge test. This can be done at a motor vehicle office or at a third-party testing center.Scheduling the Driving Skills Test: After passing the knowledge test, the applicant can schedule a driving skills test. This is usually done by making an appointment at a motor vehicle office or through a third-party testing service.Taking the Driving Skills Test: On the day of the test, the applicant will need to bring their learner's permit and a vehicle that meets the testing requirements (e.g., has a working brake light, horn, and other safety features). They will then drive with an examiner, who will evaluate their driving skills and ability to follow traffic laws.Receiving the Driver's License: If the applicant passes the driving skills test, they will receive their driver's license. This license will allow them to drive legally on public roads.Note: The specific content and process of the US driving test may vary from state to state, so it's important for applicants to familiarize themselves with the specific requirements and procedures of their state.。

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(首先考官一定会检查看你的汽车保险,驾照PERMIT和路考预约单)(考官也会查看车玻璃上的Inspection Sticker和Regislation Sticker不能过期)保持輕鬆,不要緊張。




调整左右外侧后视镜,车内后视镜,教官让你按喇叭丶车头灯丶高灯丶左转弯灯丶右转弯灯丶刹车丶雨刷丶Emergency Flashers丶除雾丶手势(左转丶右转丶停车)。


3.注意事项:看到stop sign停车路标时候一定要停稳,確实停止3-5秒。





Parking 時须記得要拉手煞4.通过考试,当天可以拿驾照,不用带照片,在DMV拍照即时制作驾照,Learner Permit同时被收回。






4.Stop sign一定要確实停3-5秒,full stop后数4下。

遇到红灯一定要停,如果你在红灯要右转,一定要先full stop了,再逐渐向前挪动车子,挑合适的机会转弯。















有一个笑话,有一人很紧张,考官让他left turn,他怕自己没听清楚,就问“left turn?”,考官答曰“Right.”此人一拨方向盘就右转去了,于是fail掉了。



三.单词Headlight車頭燈signal lights 信号灯Driving Lamp行驶灯High Beam Lights遠光燈Trail Lamp車尾燈Accelerator油門Emergency Brake手煞Horn喇叭Wiper雨刷Air Condition(A/C) 冷氣Vent送風Defrost除霜Start起步Entrance 入口Exit 出口Parking brake 手刹Intersection 十字路口Pull Over路邊停車(車頭先進入)Parallel Parking路邊停車(倒車方式進入,侧方位停车)Gas pedal油門踏板Give a little more gas 给点油(加大一点油門)四.考前常用英文Good morning sir 早晨好!先生Good morning madam. 早晨好!女士Good afternoon.午安I can speak a little English.我不太会说英语.Please speak slowly.请慢慢讲.Would you mind speaking louder please,请说大声些.Do you wear glasses? 你戴眼镜吗?I wear contact lenses.我戴隐形眼镜Do you live at the same address? 你还住在原来的地址吗?Do you have any medical problems? 你今天的健康状况有问题吗?Did you have a license before? 你以前有车牌吗?You must obey by all the rules and traffic signs.你要遵守所有交通规则及路牌.Do you have any questions? 你有什么疑问吗?Please sign your name here. 请在这里签名.Are you ready now? 你可以开始吗?Turn on the engine(ignition).打火.Let's go. 现在开始Let’s start the test now. 咱们开始考试吧。

五.车检指令Show me your insurance Card 出示你的保险卡Show me your insurance Card and Permit 出示你的汽车保险卡和驾照Permit. (路考前必查)Brake lights 刹车灯(路考前必查)Left Turn Signal 左转灯(路考前必查)Right Turn Signal 右转灯(路考前必查)Emergency Flashers 双闪,应急双闪灯(倒车时必须开)Turn on Windshield wipers 打开雨刷器(雨天会用)Turn off Windshield wipers 关上雨刷器(雨天会用)Roll down Drivers Window 打开司机那侧的窗户Roll up Drivers Window 关上司机那侧的窗户Roll down passanger Window 降下乘客那侧的窗户Roll up passanger Window 升起乘客那侧的窗户Turn on defroster 开起除霜Turn off defroster 关闭除霜Show me the brake 指示刹车Show me the gas 指出油门Show me the emergency brake 指出手刹put on the emergency brake 拉上手刹release the emergency brake 松开手刹Adjust your rearview mirror 调整后视镜Adjust your right and left outside mirrors 调整你的左右外面的镜子Left turn hand signal 左转的手势Right Turn Hand Signal 右转的手势Hand Signal for STOP 停车的手势Open the Hood of your Car. 打开机箱盖Fasten your seat belt 系上你的安全带Take off your seat belt 解开安全带open passenger door 请打开乘客门Show ability to stop vehicle quickly 测试紧急刹车(put your foot on the gas pedal and step on the brake as quickly as you can when told to stop)(把脚放在油门加上当你听到口令时竟可能快的急刹车)。

90 degrees turn down (Turn 90 degrees down) (Backing maneuver) (90 Degree Backing Maneuver) 90度倒转弯车(街角倒车)(will be directed to back your vehicle around a corner to the right, staying as close to the edge of the street as you can and safely continue backing in a straight line until directed to stop)(向右后方倒车,沿着转角。


)六.路考驾驶指令Put on your seat belt. 系好安全带。

Turn on the heater 打开暖气Turn on the air conditioner. 打开冷气Turn on the headlights. 开车头灯Turn on the windshield wiper. 开雨刷Go straight 直行keep moving straight. 直行Right turn 右转left turn 左转First street right turn.第一条街右转First street left turn.第一条街左转Traffic light right turn. 红绿灯右转Traffic light left turn. 红绿灯左转Stop sign make a right turn. 停车牌右转Stop sign make a left turn. 停车牌左转Turn left at the next traffic light下一个红绿灯左转。

Turn left at the next corner下一个街角左转Turn right at this intersection.在十字路口右转。

Turn left at the signal light.在信号灯处左转。

Go up to the stop sign and turn left.驶到停车线后左转。

Drive straight and turn right at the next stop sign直行到下一个停车牌右转Second street 第二条街Right of way 优先权(路权)Stop the car here. 在这里停车Pull over to the curb. 靠路边停车Stay in this lane. 保持在这条线路行驶Slow down 慢驶Back up 后退Back into the driveway 倒车进入车道Try again 再试一次Head in parking/drive in. 车头进泊车Back in parking. 后退泊车Too close 太接近Too slow 太慢Too fast 太快Speed up. 加速Give your signal. 打灯号Cancel your signal. 取消灯号Watch for pedestrians. 注意行人Take it easy please. 请不要紧张Relax please. 请不要紧张More gas 加油Follow the car 跟着前车Parallel parking 平行泊车(也就是侧位停车)Up hill parking 上坡泊车Down hill parking 下坡泊车Go back to the test centre. 回考试中心Lane change 变更车道Change lanes 变更车道Changing lanes. 变更车道Lane change prohibition 禁止变更车道Change to right lane换到右车道Change to left lane换到左车道Move to the right lane.换到右面车道上。
