
2. How long will Professor Smith stay in Japan?
• A. About 32 days • B. About 17 days • C. About 15 days
3:45 three forty-five ; fifteen to four ; a quarter to four 整点的表达:
It's two./It's two o'clock. 现在是两点整。 现在是中午十二点。It's (twelve) noon. 现在是半夜零点。It's (twelve) midnight.
写法:May 2(nd), 1988 读法:May second, nineteen eighty-eight
2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写; 3)日期可用序数词(英),也可用基数词(美); 4)在年份和月日之间必须用逗号隔开;
1. How long is the girl’s father’s business trip?
一月 January-Jan. 二月 February- Feb. 三月 March- Mar. 四月 April -Apr. 五月 May- May 六月 June- Jun. 七月 July - Jul. 八月 August- Aug. 九月 September- Sept. 十月 October- Oct. 十一月 November - Nov. 十二月 December- Dec.

第一部分:理解与记忆1. 请将下列词语按照字母顺序排列:猫、鱼、狗、兔。
2. 下列哪个数字是偶数?4、5、6、7。
3. 请重复以下句子:“我有一只黑猫,它喜欢吃鱼。
”4. 下列哪个词语与“苹果”属于同一类?橘子、书、香蕉、汽车。
5. 请记住以下三个词语:苹果、书、汽车,然后说出它们的顺序。
第二部分:逻辑推理6. 如果A比B高,B比C高,那么A、B、C三个人的身高从高到低的顺序是什么?7. 下列哪个图形与左侧图形相同?请从选项中选择。
- A. 正方形- B. 三角形- C. 五边形- D. 梯形8. 下列哪个词语与“老师”属于同一类?医生、学生、警察、医生。
9. 如果每天早上都下雨,那么今天会下雨吗?10. 请找出下列句子中的错误:“我昨天去了图书馆,借了一本书,然后去了一家餐馆吃饭。
”第三部分:空间感知11. 下列哪个图形在旋转90度后与原图形相同?12. 请在纸上画出下列图形:正方形、圆形、三角形。
13. 下列哪个词语与“盒子”属于同一类?箱子、瓶子、盒子、碗。
14. 如果一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,那么它的周长是多少?15. 请将以下三个图形按照从左到右的顺序排列。
第四部分:语言理解16. 下列哪个词语与“快乐”属于同一类?悲伤、开心、愤怒、平静。
17. 请解释下列句子的意思:“他走得很慢,就像蜗牛一样。
”18. 下列哪个词语与“吃”属于同一类?喝、穿、看、听。
19. 请用三个词描述以下句子:“她在花园里种了很多花。
”20. 下列哪个句子是正确的:“我昨天看到了一只红色的鸟。
” 或者“我昨天看到了一只鸟,它是红色的。
”第五部分:数学能力21. 2 + 3 = ?22. 下列哪个数字是质数?4、5、6、7。
23. 下列哪个图形可以拼成完整的正方形?24. 下列哪个词语与“加法”属于同一类?减法、乘法、除法、比较。
高三英语一轮复习 高考听力专项训练细节推断题之数字类题型解题技巧 课件

the most?
A. Three. B. Six.
C√. Eight.
How long has the woman had a cough?
A. Two days. C. Six days.
B√. Four days.
I say it's been four days now.
3、计算题:指需要对材料中提到的 几个数字进行简单的计算。
数字类题目 常见提问方式:
(1).When will they meet at the gate ?
(2). How long did it take the man to…
(3). At what time will the two speakers meet?...
(4). How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?
(5). How much will the man pay if he buys …
关键词:half, to, past, quarter, later, earlier, more, less, another, double, a couple of days, fortnight(两周), decade(十年), dozen(一打=12个), score, thirty percent, twice, three times, half an hour ago, a quarter to 8,…
课题:高考听力专项训练 细节推断题之数字 类题型解题技巧
科目:英语 年级:高三下学期 教材版本:人教版
一、考纲解读 要求考生能听懂所熟悉话题的简短 对话和独白。考生应能: 1、获取具体的、事实性信息; 2、理解主旨和要义; 3、对所听内容作出推断; 4、理解说话者的意图、观点或态度。

常见的数字读法数字的种类繁多, 有基数、序数、分数、小数、百分数等。
数字又是日常生活中经常用到的语言信息, 包括日期、时间、价格、股票指数、温度、门牌号、电话号码等, 有时一个数字还有不同读法。
这些都需要我们在教学实践中认真总结归纳, 以期达到良好的教学效果。
1.1基数词:依照中文的习惯, 数字由每四位划分一个单位, 从低到高位依次为: 个, 万, 亿等。
而英文则不同, 是以每三位划分一个单位: thousand, million, billion, trillion 如: 134, 256, 366, 906 只有注意到中英文的差别,才能有意识地形成英语读数习惯。
同时要注意到一些特殊读法, 特别是在财经新闻中常常遇到违反常规的读法。
In New York, the Dow Share Index closed 45 higher at 6, 783. ( 读作: sixty- seven eighty -three)1.2序数词序数词中除first, second, third, 其余都是在基数词末尾加上- th 构成。
但要注意很多序数词也可用基数词表示,Lesson nine = the ninth lesson 第九课;World War Ⅱ(World War Two) = the secondworld war 第二次世界大战等。
注意:在提及国王或女王时, 如: Queen Elithabeth II 应读作: Queen Elithabeth the second。
1.3 分数:分数的分子用基数词表示, 分母用序数词表示。
若分子大于1, 分母用复数, 如: 1/3, 读作: one third; 2/7 读作: two sevenths。
如果分子或分母数值较大, 或在数学计算中, 常常会用over 来读分数线, 如: 32/46 读作thirty- two over forty- six。

2024届高考英语听力真题分类专项训练---推理判断1. Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a bank B.At a ticket office C.On the train2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore. B. In a classroom. C. In a library.3. Where does the conversation probably take pace?A.In a wine shop. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant. 4. Where does this conversation take place?A.In a classroom. B.In a hospital. C.In a museum.5. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. In a restaurant. B. In an office. C. At home.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
6. Why is Harry unwilling to join the woman?B.He wants to watch TV. C.He is too lazy.A.He has a pain in hisknee.7. What will the woman probably do next?A.Stay at home. B.Take Harry to hospital. C.Do some exercise. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
8. What does Jack want to do?A.Watch TV. B.Play outside. C.Go to the zoo.9. Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At home. B.In a cinema. C.In a supermarket. 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。

三年级英语听力数字识别练习题30题1<背景文章>This is a room full of toys. There are many dolls on the shelf. There are ten dolls. There are also some toy cars. There are five toy cars. And there are eight balls. In the corner, there are three teddy bears.1. How many dolls are there?A. eightB. tenC. fiveD. three答案:B。
解析:文章中明确提到“There are ten dolls.”,所以答案是B,有十个娃娃。
2. How many toy cars are there?A. threeB. eightC. tenD. five答案:D。
解析:文中提到“There are five toy cars.”,有五辆玩具汽车,所以答案是D。
3. How many balls are there?A. tenB. fiveC. eightD. three答案:C。
解析:“And there are eight balls.”,有八个球,答案是C。
4. How many teddy bears are there?A. fiveB. tenC. eightD. three答案:D。
解析:“In the corner, there are three teddy bears.”,有三个泰迪熊,答案是D。
5. In total, how many toys are there in the room?A. twentyB. twenty-sixC. eighteenD. sixteen答案:B。
解析:Dolls 有十个,toy cars 有五辆,balls 有八个,teddy bears 有三个,加起来一共是26 个玩具,所以答案是B。

高考英语听力数字信息题单选题30题1. When is the meeting scheduled?A. At 8:00 am.B. At 9:00 am.C. At 10:00 am.D. At 11:00 am.答案:C。
A 选项8:00 am 太早,不符合语境;B 选项9:00 am 也不是正确时间;D 选项11:00 am 太晚,根据听力原文提到的相关信息,会议安排在10:00 am。
2. How old is the boy?A. 10 years old.B. 12 years old.C. 14 years old.D. 16 years old.答案:B。
A 选项10 岁年龄过小;C 选项14 岁不符合;D 选项16 岁过大,根据所听内容,男孩是12 岁。
3. What's the price of the dress?A. $50.B. $80.C. $100.D. $120.答案:A。
B 选项80 美元价格过高;C 选项100 美元不符合;D 选项120 美元太贵,根据听到的信息,裙子的价格是50 美元。
4. How long does the movie last?A. 1 hour.B. 1.5 hours.C. 2 hours.D. 2.5 hours.答案:C。
A 选项1 小时太短;B 选项1.5 小时不符合;D 选项2.5 小时过长,根据听力内容,电影时长为2 小时。
5. What's the temperature today?A. 15 degrees.B. 20 degrees.C. 25 degrees.D. 30 degrees.答案:B。
A 选项15 度温度过低;C 选项25 度不符合;D 选项30 度过高,根据所听到的天气预报,今天的温度是20 度。

6 . W: Remember, the game starts at eight. M: Never forget things. We still have an hour to get there. 7 . M: When are the other guys going to get here? The train is supposed to leave in fifteen minutes. W: It is 10:40 already. I told them to be here by 10:20.
听力短对话之 数字信息
1 .What time is it now?
√A.8:45. B.9:15. C.9: 30.
2 .What time is it now?
√ A 7:00. B.7:25. C.7:30.
3.What time is it now?
√ A.9:00. B.8:30. C.8:00.
18 .How much is the mountain bike now?
√ A.$200. B.$160. C.$40.
M:Yes, that’s included in the special wash. 18 . W: I saw an advertisement in the newspaper about a mountain bike you have on special offer. M: Yes, this one. It's our regular $ 200 mountain
A.At 6:00. B.At 8:00. C.At 10:00.
took me two hours to finish it. 12 . W: We just need a cowboy shirt for our son’s

高考英语听力数字信息题练习题20题含答案解析1. How much is the T-shirt?A. $15.B. $20.C. $25.答案解析:B。
在听力中听到“The T-shirt is twenty dollars.”可确定答案为$20。
A 选项$15 是干扰项,听力中未提及这个价格;C 选项$25 也是干扰项,同样听力中没有出现这个价格。
2. What time does the movie start?A. 7:30.B. 8:00.C. 8:30.答案解析:B。
听力中听到“The movie starts at eight o'clock.”可确定答案为8:00。
A 选项7:30 和 C 选项8:30 在听力中均未提及。
3. What's the phone number?A. 8675309.B. 8675319.C. 8675329.答案解析:A。
听力中听到“The phone number is eight six seven five three oh nine.”可确定答案为8675309。
B 选项和C 选项中的数字与听力内容不符。
4. How many people are there in the group?A. 15.B. 20.C. 25.答案解析:B。
听力中听到“There are twenty people in the group.”可确定答案为20。
A 选项15 和C 选项25 在听力中均未提及。
5. What's the price of the book?A. $12.B. $14.C. $16.答案解析:C。
听力中听到“The book is sixteen dollars.”可确定答案为$16。
A 选项$12 和B 选项$14 在听力中均未提及。
6. What time is the train leaving?A. 3:15.B. 3:30.C. 3:45.答案解析:B。

三年级英语听力数字识别单选题30题1.How many apples are there? —There are three apples.A.twoB.threeC.four答案:B。
选项A 代表数字二;选项B 代表数字三;选项C 代表数字四。
2.I have five pencils. How many pencils do you have? —I have four pencils.A.sixB.fourC.three答案:B。
选项A 代表数字六;选项B 代表数字四;选项C 代表数字三。
3.There are seven books on the desk. How many books are there? —There are six books.A.eightB.sixC.five答案:B。
选项A 代表数字八;选项B 代表数字六;选项C 代表数字五。
4.I see eight birds in the tree. How many birds do you see? —I see nine birds.A.sevenB.eightC.nine答案:C。
选项A 代表数字七;选项B 代表数字八;选项C 代表数字九。
5.There are ten flowers in the vase. How many flowers are there? —There are nine flowers.A.elevenB.nineC.eight答案:B。
选项 A 代表数字十一;选项B 代表数字九;选项C 代表数字八。

例1 剑4 Test 3 Q5Sara requires aA single roomB twin roomC triple room实际做题:原文:Can I share a room with someone else? I’ve been alone in my room at my aunt’s and I’ve always shared with my sister and I like that.解题:虽然并没有直接消失数字,但是通过与另外一个人共享一个房间的方式反映出Sara需要的是一个双人间,故答案为B。
例2 剑4 Test 3 Q13How many circuses are there in the festival?A oneB twoC several实际做题:原文:I am going to talk about two circus performances, but there are plenty of others in the programme.解题:通过plenty of others 与several 形成同义转换,答案为C.例3 剑4 Test 3 Q22The Study for Success seminar lasts forA one dayB two daysC three days实际做题:原文:There’s our intensive study for success seminar on the first and second of February.解题:通过二月的第一和其次天不难看出答案是两天。
听力中的数字 专项练习

步骤:用一个例子让学生体会“口译中的数字难度”,VOA figures…操作:voa figures training,先放第一句,再播放到六个数字结束。
VOA News Now continues to East Asia and the Pacific on 7.215, 15.185, 15.29, 15.305, 17.74, and 17.82 megahertz shortwave.台词:“请将所听到的数字写下来”,“比如这里的数字是?对,7.215,不难吧,嗯大家都非常自信,那我们现在就开始,先听6个吧。

四六级听力:简短对话题型归类和应试全策略时间:2009-07-14 点击数:1304 (一)数字与计算题“数字与计算”是早年大学英语四级统考中的听力测试的最常考项目之一,常见的计算题包括时间、价格、年龄、距离、速度等。
相关词汇与表达:more, less , late , early,fast , slow , ahead of schedule , delay, postpone ,decrease , bring forward, times,twice , double ,a quarter, a half , the day before yesterday , by noon, half an hour「例一」A ) $1.40 B) $4.30 C) $6.40 D) $8.60W : Here is a ten-dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight 's show, please.M : Sure. Two tickets and here's a dollar forty cents change.Q : How much does one ticket cost?「例二」A ) 5:10.B ) 5:00.C ) 4:30.D ) 5:15.M : I wonder if Sue will be here by five o'clock.W : Her husband said she left home at half past four. She should be here at ten after five and a quarter past five at the latest.Q : What time did Sue leave home ?(2001.6/7)二)职业、身份和相互关系题这种类型的题目相对比较简单。

一、单选题1. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the conversation?A. The weather.B. The shopping mall.C. The restaurant.D. The movie theater.解析:这是一道典型的单选题,我们需要仔细听对话,找出不在对话中提及的选项。
2. What does the man imply?A. He doesn't want to go to the party.B. He is too busy to attend the party.C. He is excited about the party.D. He prefers a different type of party.解析:这道题是一道推理题,我们需要根据对话中的暗示来推测男人的意思。
二、填空题1. Speaker 1: What time does the concert start?Speaker 2: It starts at _______.解析:填空题需要我们听清楚对话中的具体细节,特别是数字和其他重要信息。
2. Speaker 1: Could you please pass me the _______?Speaker 2: Sure, here you go.解析:同样地,填空题要求我们注意对话中的具体信息,并将正确的单词填入空白处。

三年级英语数字运算与逻辑推理游戏单选题40题1. There are three apples, and then two more apples are added. How many apples are there in total?A. FiveB. SixC. FourD. Seven答案:A。
2. I have seven pencils, and I give away four pencils. How many pencils do I have left?A. ThreeB. TwoC. FiveD. Six答案:A。
这里考查数字的英语表达和减法运算,“give away”是送出去、分发的意思。
3. There are two dogs and three cats. How many animals are there?A. FiveB. FourD. Seven答案:A。
4. There were nine balloons, but three balloons burst. How many balloons are there now?A. SixB. FiveC. SevenD. Eight答案:A。
5. I see one bird in the tree, and then four more birds fly to the tree. How many birds are there in the tree?A. FiveB. ThreeC. SixD. Four答案:A。

三年级英语听力数字识别练习题30题含答案解析1. I have three apples. How many apples do I have?A. twoB. threeC. four答案解析:听到的关键信息是“I have three apples.”。
2. There are five pencils on the desk. How many pencils are there?A. fourB. fiveC. six答案解析:关键信息是“There are five pencils on the desk.”。
3. I am eight years old. How old am I?A. sevenB. eightC. nine答案解析:听到“I am eight years old.”。
4. There are seven books in my bag. How many books are there?A. sixB. sevenC. eight答案解析:关键是“There are seven books in my bag.”。
5. I have one pencil. How many pencils do I have?A. zeroB. oneC. two答案解析:听到“I have one pencil.”。

高考英语听力数字信息题练习题20题(带答案)1. How old is the speaker?A. 16.B. 17.C. 18.D. 19.答案:18。
A 选项十六岁不符合听力内容;B 选项十七岁也不对;D 选项十九岁与听力不符。
2. What's the price of the book?A. 15 dollars.B. 20 dollars.C. 25 dollars.D. 30 dollars.答案:20 dollars。
A 选项十五美元错误;C 选项二十五美元错误;D 选项三十美元错误。
3. What time does the class start?A. 8:00.B. 8:15.C. 8:30.D. 8:45.答案:8:30。
A 选项八点不符合;B 选项八点十五分不对;D 选项八点四十五分错误。
4. How many people are there in the group?A. 10.B. 15.C. 20.D. 25.答案:15。
A 选项十人错误;C 选项二十人错误;D 选项二十五人错误。
5. What's the temperature?A. 15 degrees.B. 20 degrees.C. 25 degrees.D. 30 degrees.答案:20 degrees。
A 选项十五度错误;C 选项二十五度错误;D 选项三十度错误。
6. How long is the movie?A. 90 minutes.B. 120 minutes.C. 150 minutes.D. 180 minutes.答案:120 minutes。

英语四级听力数字及推断题技巧英语四级听力数字及推断题技巧常见普通数字, 大数字, 小数, 分数, 百分比, 价格, 比率, 年代, 时刻The earth’s crust is divided into seven sections.There are only 24 well qualified male students at the deep spring college.A job interview usually lasts from 30 to 45 minutes.Middle English extended from about 1100 to about 1475.I taught my minority students English and Dram classes in high school for20 years.Dry ice was first manufactured in 1925.Tuition will be on average of 9 percent higher this year than last.英语四级听力推断题提问方式 :1. What do we learn from conversation?2. What can be inferred from conversation?3. What do we learn about?解题:表面上的意思是不对的,选项中答案在原文中一模一样地出现决不要选,要选没有相关词汇的.答案。
7.A) The woman doesn't like jam.B) The woman forgot where she had left the jar.C) The man had an accident.D) The man broke the jar.W: I just made a jar of jam this morning and now I can't find it any where. Do you know what happened to it?M: Did you hear a crash, that was it, I'm just as clumsy as ever.Q: What is the problem?8.A) She'd like to have the windows open.B) She likes to have the air conditioner on.C) The air is heavily polluted.D) The windows are already open.M: Do you want to turn on the air conditioner or open the window?W: I love fresh air if you don't mind.Q: What can be inferred from the woman's answer?9.A) The talks haven't started yet.B) The talks haven't achieved much.C) The talks have produced a general agreement.D) The talks broke down and could go no further.W: How are their talks going on? Have they reached any agreement?M: They only seemed to have agreed to set another date for further talks.Q: What can we infer from the conversation?3.A) John didn't pass, although he had tried his best.B) John did better than he thought he was able to.C) John got an excellent score, which was unexpected.D) John was disappointed at his math score.W: How did you do on the maths exam, John?M: I barely made it. It was just a passing score but better than I had expected.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?小对话做题步骤:1. 通过问题判断是什么题型2. 通过题型分类知道这题怎么做3. 想出对应的做题方法、技巧和规律等等【英语四级听力数字及推断题技巧】。

一、听力理解(共30题,每题2分,共60分)1. 对话理解(1)A:今天的天气真好,适合户外活动。
问题:他们讨论的是什么?A. 天气预报B. 户外活动C. 天气情况(2)男士:我听说你最近在学吉他。
问题:女士对吉他的看法是什么?A. 不喜欢B. 很喜欢C. 一般般2. 短文理解短文:近年来,随着科技的发展,人工智能在各个领域都得到了广泛应用。
问题:以下哪项不是人工智能在医疗领域的应用?A. 帮助医生进行疾病诊断B. 提高诊断准确率C. 为学生提供个性化学习方案3. 长对话(录音)问题:男士在对话中提到他最喜欢的运动是什么?A. 足球B. 篮球C. 游泳二、智力挑战(共30题,每题2分,共60分)1. 逻辑推理(1)如果A是B的朋友,B是C的朋友,那么A是C的什么?A. 朋友B. 亲戚C. 同事(2)如果所有狗都会叫,那么一只不会叫的动物是什么?A. 狗B. 猫C. 鸟2. 数学计算(1)计算 123 + 456 + 789 的和。
3. 语言文字理解(1)下列哪个词是形容词?A. 飞机B. 美丽C. 学生(2)下列哪个句子是陈述句?A. 你会唱歌吗?B. 天气真好。
C. 这个问题很难。
4. 常识判断(1)地球上的哪种生物是现存最大的?A. 蓝鲸B. 树木C. 狮子(2)下列哪个节日是中国的传统节日?A. 感恩节B. 母亲节C. 中秋节答案:一、听力理解1. C2. B3. A二、智力挑战1. (1)A (2)B2. (1)1378 (2)60平方厘米3. (1)B (2)B4. (1)A (2)C评分标准:听力理解部分每题2分,共60分;智力挑战部分每题2分,共60分。
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2.提示留心一些与数字运算有关的信息词语,如:double, twice, half, score, add, mutiply,
divide, plus等。
3. 边听边记笔记,在相应的数字选项旁边记下对应的信息。
What time…? When…? What size…?
How long…? How much/many…? How often…?
How soon…? What’s the (…) number of…? How far…?等
1.What time is it? (84-1
A. 6:40
B. 7:00
C. 7:20
2. When did the weather change for the worse? (90-1)
A. From a map
B. From a passer-by.
C. From a tourist guidebook.
3. How much will the woman pay? (58-2)
A. $13.
B. $30
C. $60
4. How much should the man pay for a night? (102-4)
A. $20
B. $30
5. What time is it now?(104-4)
A. 8:05p.m.
B. 8:10p.m.
C. 8:25p.m.
6. What time is it now?(98-3)
A. 2:25
B. 2:30
C. 2:35
7. Which film will the speakers see?(100-4)
A. The 6:30 one
B. The 9:00 one
C. The 10:30 one
8. Which train will the woman take?(94-2)
A. The 10:00 one
B. The 10:20 one
C. The 11:10 one
9. How long will Dr. Bush stay in London? (-8-1)
A. For five days.
B. For four days.
C. For one day.
10.How many books are allowed to borrow at one time at most with a library card?(-8-2)
A. Ten.
B. Three.
C. One.
11. How long will the man fly to New York in August.?(-8-5)
A. Three hours.
B. Four hours.
C. Five hours.
12. What is the woman’s room number?(-8-3)
A. Room 220.
B. Room 312
C. Room 320
M: May I help you?
W: Yes, I’d like to try on some sports jackets. I prefer something like the one I’m wearing.
Q: Where are the two speakers?
A. In a department store.
B. In a clothes factory.
C. On a playground.
根据售货员对顾客打招呼的用语May I help you? 及顾客的回答I’d like to try on some sports jackets. 来推断这段话是发生在百货商店。
1.What will the weather be like tomorrow? (86-3)
A. Cold
B. Windy
C. cloudy
2. Which shirt will the man take?(88-3)
A. The write one
B. The blue one
C. The brown one
3. what does the woman want to do?(-21-10)
A. Go swimming
B. Visit her grandpa
C. Work in a garden
4. What does thw woman imply?(86-5) b
A. The singer if beautiful.
B. The singer is unattractive.
C. The singer failed in the beauty contest.
5. What does the man mean? (90-5)
A. He will follow the woman’s advice.
B. The woman asked a silly question.
C. He can’t give up smoking.
6. what does woman think of the skirt?
A. Too short.
B. Out of fashion.
C. Attractive.
7. why does the man allow the woman to wear the same skirt?
A. The woman’s friend is wearing the same skirt.
B. The skirt is really in fashion.
C. Her mum agrees to it.
8. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?
A. Teachers and students.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Friends.。