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6. Studies serve for delight, for ornament and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of business. 读书足以怡情,足以博采,足以长才。其怡情也,最见 于独处幽居之时;其博采也,最见于高谈阔论之中;其 长才也,最见与处世判事之际。(王佐良译) 7.Many retirees are couch potatoes who like popping cold beers and relaxing in front of their $2500 widescreen high definition television set. 许多退休者喜欢窝在沙发里长时间地看电视,一边手拿 冰镇啤酒,一边轻松地观赏价值2500美元的大屏幕、高 清晰电视里的节目。 8.They pay lip-service to education but don’t work for better schools. 他们口惠而实不至,口口声声支持教育,却又不肯为改 善学校条件做一些实际工作。
1. Our hopes and plans are scattered to the four winds. 2. The new leaders may be better educated, more technologically inclined, and more cosmopolitan. 3.Unemployment has stubbornly refused to contract for more than a decade. panies with a big staff in Beijing find themselves squeezed between high operating costs and shrinking business.
5.熟悉多种文化背景,能操两种语言的管理人员 在发展中的亚洲十分抢手。 6. Y-7-100型飞机装有先进的通信导航系统,可 胜任在恶劣气象条件下的飞行任务。 7.这个摊贩叫卖道:“快来买呀,过了这个村可 没这个店啦!”
意译(free translation)指通过对原文深层意蕴的理解将原 文的表层结构消化转化为译文的表层结构。即打破原文的语 言形式,用译文的习惯表达形式再现原文意蕴。
1.Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。(原文表层含义是正义有 长胳膊,深层含义是法律的权力和威力是无边的, 罪犯不管逃到何方,终可缉拿归案。) 2.This language was almost unrestrained by any motive of prudence. 他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,都没有顾及到什么 谨慎不谨慎的问题。 3.The talk about raising taxes was a red flag to many voters. 关于增税的谈论激怒了许多选民。
1.They asked long lists of questions, numerically arranged, about the climate, products, laws, business, and statistics of the country in which the consul had the honor or representing his government. 他们一、二、三、四地列了一个很长的问题表,向那 位领事问了一连串的问题,诸如领事派驻国的气候、 物产、法律、贸易机会以及种种的统计资料。 2.One day he tried to sneak across the heavily guarded Swiss border to offer his services as a spy to the British. He was captured by the Germans, but he talked his way out. 一天,当他试图偷偷溜过重兵把守的瑞士边境,作为 一名谍报人员为英国提供情报时,被德国人捉住了。 但他凭着三寸不烂之舌终于脱了险。
第二节 直译与意译
直译(literal translation)指在转达原文意思时,使译文的表达 形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致。理想目标是“形”、“神” 皆备。英汉语言之间有较多的共相,句式和词汇相似之处有 不小的比重,使直译成为可能。Eg: to keep the room clean and tidy to enrich cultural life under such circumstances to fish in troubled water to add fuel to the fire to break the record a gentleman’s agreement Blood is thicker than water.
People ridicule poverty but not prostitutes. Partly as a result of the recently increasing demand, wholesale tea prices have almost doubled. I read this letter with both surprise and excitement, surprise because he is still around, excitement 今天的老人社昨天的劳动者。他们对物质文化的发展作出了 许多贡献,理所当然应当分享起成果。当敬老养老蔚然成风 时,各个年龄层的人都会有一种安全感。每个人都有一天会 变老,如果人们确信老年时生活一定幸福、安康,就会全力 以赴地投入工作。 The old people today are the laborers of yesterday. It goes without saying that they should have a share in the rewards for material and cultural advancements to which the have contributions. When respecting and providing for the elderly becomes common practice, people of all generations will have a sense of security. For everyone get old some day, and when people feel perfectly secure of a happy and comfortable life in old age, they will devote themselves wholeheartedly to work.
直译过程中,会遇到“假朋友”(false friend), 即非常熟悉的词语往往可能包含深沉含义,如 照其表面含义直译,常会出错。 Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨夜我听见他鼾声如雷。 He is being a good boy now. 他现在正乖着呢。 They ran away as fast as their legs could carry them. 他们拼命奔逃,(连吃奶的力气都用上了。)
3.母亲又说;“只是我希望你若看中了什么人,能领 来让大姐见一面,帮你参谋参谋。大姐毕竟比你多吃 了几年咸盐,什么样的男人,打眼一看,就能看出人 品好坏来。” Mother spoke again, “I only hope that if you’ve got your eye on someone, you’ll bring him here and let me have a look at him, so I can tell you what I think. After all, I’ve eaten more salt than you over the years. I’ll be able to tell at a glance whether he’s a man of character.” 4.语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦工不可。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 5. 会议开得冷冷清清,有时甚至开不下去了。 The meeting s were marked by such absence of lively discussions that at times they almost on the point of breaking up.
有时原文的信息存在于语言外壳之外,即有“弦外之 音”。这样就更需要意译,否则会闹笑话。 1.Will a duck swim? 当然喽!或译为:还用说吗? 2.And the shell burst into a million new copies. 炮弹炸成了无数碎片。 3.She knew I knew and she knew if she got funny I’d either ruin the romance or make her marry him, so she was very friendly. 她很了解我,我很了解她;要是她遭遇困难,我得牺 牲我们的浪漫,让她同他结婚,因为她待我太好了。 她知道我知道她和他的事,她也明白她要是跟我过不 去,破坏或成全他们全在我的一念之间,所以她对我 很客气。(吕叔湘)