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B: I am in the bath.

The maxim of____C____.

A. quality

B. quantity

C. relation

D. manner

7. “We can do things with words” is the main idea of __A____.

A. the speech act theory

B. the cooperative principle

C. pragmatics

D. language acquisition

8. The well-known formula: S→r...s→R was put forward by__A___.

A. Bloomfield

B. Firth

C. Chomsky

D. Saussure

9.The relatio n between “food” and “bread” is called___D____.

A. synonymy

B. polysemy

C. homonymy

D. hyponymy

10. That there is no direct link between language and the real world is the view of

___B_____ concerning the study of meaning.

A. naming

B. conceptualist

C. contextualist

D. behaviorist

11. Tom: Thanks for your help.

Li Ming: No, don’t thank.

Li Ming’s improper response is attributed to __D_____from Chinese.

A. overgeneralization

B. fossilization

C. positive transfer

D. negative transfer

12. What is the full name of LAD? D

A. Language Associative District

B. Language Acquisition District

C. Language Associative Device

D. Language Acquisition Device

13. What is Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis mainly about? A

A. language and thought

B. speech and act

C. thought and behavior

D. speech and thought

14. Speech act theory was originally proposed by__A____.

A. Austin

B. Searle

C. Chomsky

D. Richard

15. Zhang Tao, an English learner, has learned that adding “ed” to the end of a verb is the

rule for regular past tense formation and so he says: “My wife goed to Beijing.” Zhang Tao’s mistake is attributed to ___D____.

A. fossilization

B. negative transfer

C. positive transfer

D. overgeneralization

16. Which of the following meanings is not a term of Geoffrey Leech? C

A. Conceptual meaning

B. Social meaning

C. Lexical meaning

D. Thematic meaning

17. Which of the following is not the focus of pragmatics? C

A. contextual meaning

B. utterance meaning

C. metaphorical meaning

D. speaker meaning

18. “I can refer to Confucius even though he was dead 2,000 years ago.” This shows that

language has the design feature of _D____.

A. arbitrariness

B. creativity

C. duality

D. displacement

19. The pair of words “lend” and “borrow” are __B____.

A. gradable opposites

B. relational opposites

C. co-hyponyms

D. synonyms

20. The level of syntactic representation that exists before movement takes place is

commonly termed the __D____.

A. phrase structure

B. surface structure

C. syntactic structure

D. deep structure

21. The utterance "We're already working 25 hours a day, eight days a week.”

Obviously violates the maxim of ___A___.

A. quality

B. quantity

C. relation

D. manner

22. A bilingual speaker often uses two languages alternatively during a

conversation with another bilingual speaker, a speech situation known as __D__ _.

A. discourse role-switching

B. activity role-switching

C. social role-switching

D. code-switching

23. Chomsky uses the term __D___ to refer to the actual realization of a

languag e user’s knowledge of the rules of his language in linguistic communica tion.

A. langue

B. competence

C. parole

D. performance
