托福 TOEFL IBT GRE GMAT 必备语法高效总结

形容词+补足语:(构成形容词短语)形容词+介词短语:A jacket similar to yoursDarwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution: they “look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.形容词+不定式短语:Parents eager to support their children’s efforts形容词+动名词短语:A waiter busy serving the guests形容词+that:If a diamond is heated without oxygen , it will turn to graphite , a form of carbon so soft that it is used as a lubricant.多形容词并列修饰:(后置)We can easily point to inequalities, social and economic, but there is still a deep-seated belief that, no matter what his wealth or his job, each man is fundamentally equal with every other.多形容词与“形容词+补足语”并列:John was a ranchman, big, quiet, unlettered, and strong as horse.The+最高级+of+所属范围:Certain zoologists regard crows the most intelligent of birds. Of all metals, gold is the least useful.of属格的逻辑语义关系:主谓关系:从右往左翻译(不及物动词)The arrival of my mother动宾关系:从左往右翻译(及物动词)America’s invasion of Iraq同位关系:(二者互相说明)The city of RomeThe news of the team’s victory基本句型:(一)主语+系动词+表语系动词:链接主语和后面成分的词表语:又称主语补足语,在动词后面补充说明主语性质的成分(名词、形容词)Learning English is very important.He became a teacher.The leaf will turn yellow in autumn.简单句叠加为复杂难句:(定语复杂化)✓Vitamins are organic compounds.✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth of life. (添加形容词短语)✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. (形容词短语复杂化)✓Vitamins are organic compounds necessary in small amounts in the diet for the normal growth and maintenance of life of animals, including man. (介词短语插入)(二)主语+谓语(不及物动词)+【状语】状语:用来修饰说明动作发生的原因、方式、地点、时间的成分(副词、介词短语)They shouted loudly(方式状语)He died at home (地点状语)He died in 2007(时间状语)简单句叠加为复杂难句:(定语从句复杂化)✓This trend began during the Second World War.✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to this conclusion. (定语从句)✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to this conclusion that the specific demands cannot generally be foreseen in detail. (添加同位语从句)✓This trend began during the Second World War, when several governments came to the conclusion that the specific demands thata government wants to make of its scientific establishment cannotgenerally be foreseen in detail. (添加定语从句) (make demands of 对…提出要求)(三)主语+谓语+宾语These children are playing football.简单句叠加为复杂难句:✓The emphasis helped to obscure the great importance.✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman helped to obscure the great importance. (分词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance. (介词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions an consequences of international trade. (介词短语作定语)✓The emphasis given by both scholars and statesman to the presumed disappearance of the American frontier helped to obscure the great importance of changes in the conditions an consequences of international trade that occurred during the second half of the nineteenth century. (添加定语从句)(四)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语(双宾语)间接宾语:人,动作的接受者。
无老师托福作文 高级词汇代替

形容词/副词Important: essential, significant★★★★★, vital,crucial★★★★★,profound★★★★★, play a pushing role, indispensable, requisite, critical★★★★★, fundamental★★★★★, primary, elementary, underlying,rudimentary★★★★★, basically, necessary…Angry: annoyed★★★★★, cross, displeased, enraged,exasperated★★★★★, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk,outraged★★★★★, resentful★★★★★…Big: gigantic★★★★★, massive★★★★★, colossal, enormous,immense★★★★★, gargantuan, tremendous★★★★★, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge,monster, bulky,Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular★★★★★,outstanding★★★★★, distinguished, remarkable★★★★★, superb, incredible,unbelievable, out of this world, magnificent★★★★★,charmin★★★★★g,stunning, fantastic★★★★★, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing,awesomeMany: numerous, myriad★★★★★, infinite,Forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless★★★★★, everlasting★★★★★,undying, endless, changeless, perpetually★★★★★…无老师的《iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词》又来啦!Small: minimum, diminutive★★★★★, minute★★★★★, petite,wee,undersized, teeny, tiny, little, petite(女子身高娇小)Bad: awful★★★★★, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty,imperfect★★★★★, inadequate★★★★★, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory★★★★★,harmful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil,immoral(此词的意思是“不道德的”,请用于适当场合)★★★★★…Beautiful: charming★★★★★, charismatic★★★★★, attractive, gorgeous,pretty, endearing, sweet★★★★★, adorable, eye-catching★★★★★,handsome, hot, cute, good-looking, lovable, engaging…Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable★★★★★,intellectual,intelligent★★★★★,excellent, bright, smartHappy: delightful★★★★★, delectable, elated, glad,overjoyed★★★★★,pleased, jubilant★★★★★, merry, joyful,Fast:swift★★★★★, quick, rapid, speedy★★★★★, hasty, nippy, likelightning★★★★★,Hurry (v): hustle★★★★★, rush★★★★★, make haste, tear, step on it,dash, get a move on, step on it, scoot.Clear: obvious, apparent, blatant, comprehensible★★★★★, conspicuous★★★★★, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, plain, pronounced★★★★★,recognizable, transparent, intelligible★★★★★, lucid, plain, understandable★★★★★, uninvolved, simple,…Easy: simple, effortless★★★★★, no trouble, painless★★★★★, plainsailing, uncomplicated★★★★★, undemanding, unproblematic, a piece ofcake (informal), child’s play (informal),…Dangerous: perilous, breakneck, chancy (informal),hazardous★★★★★,insecure, precarious, risky, unsafe, vulnerable★★★★★Personally:from my personal perspective★★★★★, as far as I am concerned,from my point of view, from my angle★★★★★, consider, conceive,perspective★★★★★…Direct: bald★★★★★, basic, frank, naked, plain★★★★★,sincere★★★★★, stark, straightforward, candid, forthright, outspoken….Difficult: hard, tricky, complicated★★★★★, complex,intricate★★★★★,involved, knotty, perplexin★★★★★g, puzzling, thorny…动词Think (that): hold★★★★★the (opinion/ belief/ position/standpoint/idea)that, assume, believe, deem, reckon, argue, maintain★★★★★, suppose,conceive, insist(坚定认为)★★★★★, be convinced, to my knowledge,Show: convey★★★★★, reveal★★★★★, express, corroborate, justify,imply, verify, clarify, signify, exemplify, illuminate, substantiate, demonstrate,elucidate, denote★★★★★, characterized as, instruct, display, disclose★★★★★, indicate, means, explain, give an/a example (reason, explanation) of,bear out, point out, point toward…Know: realize, comprehend, identify, distinguish, discern, notice,perceive,recognize, see, understand, figure out, be acquainted with, be familiar with,Get: acquire, attain★★★★★, achieve(本词其实很棒,但是只限于艰苦努力后的获得), obtain, gain★★★★★Suggest: have a proposal in,Increase: magnify★★★★★, expand, proliferate, mushroom,improve,enhance, advance★★★★★…无老师的《iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词》又来啦!Affect: Impress★★★★★, inspire, influence★★★★★, imprint of,impact★★★★★Stop: halt★★★★★, cease★★★★★, desist, end, pause, put an endto★★★★★, quit, refrain, shut down, terminate★★★★★…Make: create★★★★★, assemble, built, construct★★★★★,form★★★★★, manufacture; fore, cause★★★★★, compel,constrain★★★★★, drive,impel, induce, oblige, prevail, upon, require…Give: present★★★★★, award, contribute, deliver, donate★★★★★, grant,hand over, hand out, provide, supplyBreak:separate, burst, crack★★★★★, destroy, disintegrate,fracture★★★★★, fragment, shatter★★★★★, smash, snapDestroy: ruin★★★★★, raze, annihilate, crush★★★★★,demolish,devastate★★★★★, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck★★★★★, obliterate,weaken, undermine★★★★★…Happen: occur, come about★★★★★, come to pass, develop, result, takeplace, transpire新托福的综合写作分数可以说是由3部分决定的,1阅读能力2听力能力3写作能力。

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无老师优秀范例:Ramp up your networking. Join LinkedIn and Plaxo, and ask for recommendations from current and past coworkers. Use Twitter to update the world on your current projects as well as network with other like-minded individuals. Look for local networking groups, and start attending them。

v.生产 n.产品 n.生产 n.产品 n.生殖;复制 v.繁殖;翻拍;复制 n.生产力 adj.多产的
adj.再生的; 复制的
【Tunas, mackerel s, and billfish es have made streamli ning into an art form .Their bodies are sleek and compact. 】
n.来源, 根源 n.环境
【This unpreced ented developm ent of a finite groundwa ter resource with an almost negligib le natural recharge rate— that is, virtuall y no natural water source to replenis h the water supply— has caused water tables
plants-plant plantation transplanted-transplant
v.改造 ; 改革 n.改良
n.植物, 工厂 v.种植 n.农园, 大农场 v.移居, 迁移
【Some mountain s were formed as a result of these plates crashing into each other and forcing up the rock at the plate margins. 】
activities-activity mass
n.行动; 活动 n.块adj.大规模的
【There is little doubt, however, that desertif ication in most areas results primaril y from human activiti es rather than natural processe s.】 【The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumpt ion until its technolo gy evolved from the initial "peepsho w" format to the point where images were projecte d on a screen in a darkened theater. 】

technology, which releases people from their labor and put machines and computers in places which employees originally occupy. It is a common phenomenon now that tremendous farm land are being well organized under the control of merely its owner taking advantage of the most advanced machines. Also, factories that ―hires‖ computers to manage the mass production is no longer news. Neither of these seemed even possible only decades ago, but they now obvious examples of how a bussiness could be run without employees.无老师优秀翻译:这个说法不成立的另外一个原因是在于,它忽略了不断发展的现代科技,他把我们人类从繁重的体力劳动之中解放出来,让机器和电脑代替了原来雇工做的事情。
第一句,优秀范例:Another reason why the statement is false is that it neglects the growing power of modern technology, which releases people from their labor and put machines and computers in places which employees originally occupy.对比平庸范例This statement is wrong, and the another reason for this is that it can not see the technology is developing, and it liberates our human from hard work, and it makes machines and computers do the jobs that people do.从开头我们就一下能辨别出优秀范例,与平庸范例的差别,在这里平庸范例的This statement is wrong,几乎就是字对字的把单词堆砌起来的,但是优秀范例首先一个another即显示出本段是承接上一段进行进一步论述的,这一点,平庸范例根本显示不出来。

本次放出了网页版,当然考虑到有些考友喜欢word 的版本,因此在文章的末尾,还给出了word版下载链接,欢迎各位考友下载。
无老师特此提示:口语考试,思路只占很小的一部分,最后决定你分数的还是你的语音语调等,因此一定要开口多加练习!^_^练习方法参见:《听读+复述攻克iBT新托福口语的法宝》/archives/39521. 说出你认为对你最有用的一本书,并解释原因。
The most important book for me is my undergraduate major textbook which is called marketing. Because as we all know that marketing is a kind of major which cuts across the boundaries of many different disciplines, so it broadens my knowledge scope, such as the aspects of advertising and trade. On the other hand, well, a plenty of cases are included in this book, in addition, many definitions can explained very acceptable so it definitely helps me to get a deeply understanding of my major.2. 电视对于现代社会有正面作用还是负面作用,选择其中之一并解释原因。

考点三 只接复数名词的限定词
a (large /small /great /considerable /remarkable) number of, a variety of, a set of, a few, 等表示数的固定词组之后总是接复数名词
In mathematical terms, modern algebra is set of objects with rules for connecting or
A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten
the lives.
TOEFL 高分语法 -- 第一章 名词
答案: D 应改为: their 解释: 定冠词the指代不清, 用物主代词their作名词lives的限定语更符合英语习惯, 还可突出lives 与people之间的所属关系
答案: C 解释: 此句主谓完整, 据选项可知空白处需填入合适的词使原句变为否定, 只有否定副词not可以和is 配合构成否定句, A、B、D 之后都需要名词词组, 不符题意
Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when
criterion(标准)-criteria phenomenon(现象)-phenomena
Hale Waihona Puke 3.通常只以复数形式出现的词语, 如:


因此,单词⼀定要⾮常的熟悉,so that,要如此之熟悉,以⾄于像book⼀样熟悉!第三,“⼀开始,只记第⼀释义”。

更新:2011年10月12日新增58组单词1. a matter of speculation =supposition n. 推断2. a solicitation of =an invitation of n. 垦求;垦请3.abandoned= left a. 被遗弃的4.aberrant= abnormal a. 脱离常轨的,5.abort= quit v. 夭折;中止6.abruptly= suddenly ad. 突然地;意外地7.absorb =appeal v. 吸收;被…吸引8.absorb= learn(学习) v. 吸收9.absorb= take in v. 吸收;被…吸引10.abstract= not concrete a. 抽象的;非实际的11.absurd= ridiculous a. 荒谬的;可笑的12.abundance= large amount n. 大量13.abundance= great number n. 大量14.abundant = affluent a. 丰富的;大量的15.abundant= ample a. 丰富的;大量的16.abundant= numerous a. 丰富的;大量的17.abundant= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的18.abundant= substantial a. 丰富的;大量的19.abundantly= plentifully ad. 丰富地;大量地20.access =reach v. 接近21.accessible =reachable a. 可接近的22.accessible =easy to reach a. 易接近的23.accidental =unexpected a. 意外的;偶然的24.accommodate= provide for v. 提供25.accomplished =achieved a. 实现完成的26.accomplished =skilled a. 熟练的27.account= description n. 说明28.account for= explain v. 说明29.accumulate =collect v. 积累;聚集30.accumulate =pile up v. 积累;聚集聚集31.accurate =correct a. 正确的32.accurately= correctly ad. 正确地33.acknowledge= recognize v. 承认34.actually= in fact ad. 事实上35.added =extra a. 附加的;额外的36.adept =skilled a. 熟练的37.adherent= supporter n. 拥护者38.adjacent =nearby a. 毗连的39.adjacent =neighboring a. 毗连的40.adjust= modify v. 调整;改变…以适应41.administer = manage v. 管理42.admit= let in v. 准许进入43.adopt= enact v. 采用44.advance= improvement n. 发展;增长45.advent= arrival n. 出现;到来46.advent= beginning n. 出现;到来47.affair= matter n. 事件;事情48.afford= provide v. 提供;给予49.aggravate= increase v. 加重;增剧50.aggravate =annoy v. 使恼火51.aggregate= overall a. 聚集的;合计的52.aggregate= combined a. 聚集的;合计的53.agile= astute a. 灵活的;敏捷的54.agile= clever a. 灵活的;敏捷的55.agile= quick and active a. 灵活的;敏捷的56.agile= move and act quickly a. 灵活的;敏捷的57.air= feeling n. 气氛58.alarm= sound v. 警报59.alarm= warning n. 警告60.albeit= although conj. 尽管;虽然61.albeit =even though conj. 尽管;虽然62.allow= enable v. 允许63.allude= suggest v. 暗示64.allude to= refer to phrv. 提到65.ally with= link to v. 结盟66.alter= change to v. 改变67.amazing= remarkable/replacement a. 令人惊讶的/非凡的68.ambiguous =vague a. 不明确的69.ambivalent =mixed a. 矛盾的70.ample= plentiful a. 充足的;丰富的71.ample =spacious a. 宽敞的72.anchor= hold in place v. 使固定73.ancient= old a. 古老的74.ancient =antique a. 古老的75.annihilate= destroy v. 消灭76.annihilate =completely remove v. 消灭77.annually= yearly ad. 每年78.anomaly= irregularity n. 异常的人或物79.antagonist =competitor n. 对手;敌手80.anticipate= expect v. 预期81.antiseptic =clean a. 抗菌的82.antithesis= opposite n. 对立面83.antler =horn n. 鹿角84.anxiety =worry n. 忧虑;担心85.apart from= exception phr. 除了…之外86.apart from =except for phr. 除了…之外87.apparatus= equipment n. 仪器;设备88.apparent =obvious a. 显然的89.apparently= clearly ad. 显然地90.appeal= attraction n. 吸引力91. appealing =attractive a. 有吸引力的 92. appear= seem v. 似乎 93. appearance= rise n. 出现 94. appearance= arrival n. 出现 95. appearance= showing up n. 出现 96. application= use n. 应用 97. appreciable= noticeable a. 相当可观的 98. approach =method n. 方法 99. approach= move toward v. 接近 100. approximately= roughly ad. 大约地 101. architecture= structure n. 构造 102. archive= record v. 存档 103. archive= stock v. 存档 104. archive= store v. 存档 105. arduous= difficult a. 艰巨的 106. arid =dry a. 干旱的 107. arise= emerge v. 出现 108. arrangement= configuration n. 安排;布置 109. array=range n. 一系列 110. article= item n. 物品 111. article= object n. 物品 112. as a rule =in general phr. 通常 113. assert= declare v. 断言;宣称 114. assertion= strong statement n. 断言;主 115. asset= advantage n. 资产;有利条件 116. assimilate= combine v. 同化 117. assistance= help n. 帮助;协助 118. assorted= various a. 各式各样的 119. assume= believe v. 假定;设想 120. assume= suppose v. 假定;设想 121. assume= take on v. 承担 122. assumption= premise n. 假设 123. astonishing= amazing a. 惊人的 124. astute= clever a. 敏锐的 125. at random= without a definite pattern phr. 随便地; 任意地 126. attachment to= preference for n. 依恋 127. attain =achieve v. 达到;获得 128. attainment =achievement n. 达到;获得 129. attendant= accompanying a. 伴随的 130. attest to =confirm v. 证实 131. attribute= accredit v. 归于;认为 132. attribute =characteristic n. 特点 133. attribute to =credit with v. 归于; 认为 134. attribution =character n. 属性 135. augment= increase v. 增加;提高 136. available =obtainable a. 可获得的 137. avenue= method n. 途径;手段 138. avenue =means n. 途径;手段 139. avid= enthusiastic a. 热中的 140. barely = just ad. 仅仅 141. barge= boat n. 驳船 142. barrier= obstacle n. 障碍 143. barrier =impediment n. 障碍 144. battle= struggle n. 搏斗;奋斗 145. be inclined =tend v. 倾向 146. be accustomed to= get used to phrv. 习惯 147. be aware of =familiar with phrv. 了解 148. be beforehand= foreordain v. 预先 149. be closer resemblance to= be more like phr. 非常相似 150. be consistent with= be compatible with phr. 一致的 151. be entitled to= have the right phrv. 有…权利 152. beckon= invite v. 招唤;引诱 153. become extinct= die out phrv. 灭绝 154. being= creature n. 生命 155. beneficial =advantageous a. 有益的 156. blossom= flourish v. 兴旺 157. blossom= thrive v. 兴旺 158. boast= puff v. 吹嘘 159. boast= exaggerate v. 吹嘘 160. bombard= assail v. 炮击;轰击 161. bombard =assault v. 炮击;轰击 162. bombard =strike v. 炮击;轰击 163. boom= expansion n. 激增;爆涨 164. boon= great benefit n. 利益 165. boost= raise v. 增加;提高 166. boundary= periphery n. 边界 167. branch =division n. 分支 168. breed= reproduce v. 繁殖;饲养 169. brilliant= bright a. 光辉的;明亮的 170. brittle= breakable a. 脆弱的 171. brittle= fragile a. 脆弱的 172. broad appeal =wide popularity a. 广泛的吸引力 173. broadly =generally ad. 大体上 174. broadly= extensively ad. 大体上 175. bulk= majority n. 大部份 176. bulk= large part n. 大部份 177. bulk =major part n. 主体 178. bulk= large portion n. 大部份 179. bulk= great quantity n. 大部份 180. burgeon= expand v. 急速成长 181. bustling= lively a. 活跃的 182. camouflage= disguise v. 伪装183.camouflage =hide v. 伪装184.camouflage= decorate(装饰) v. 伪装185.camouflage= blend with circumstances v. 伪装186.cardinal= fundamental a. 基本的187.cargo= shipment n. 船货;货物188.celebrated= famous a. 着名的189.central= essential a. 主要的190.certain= specified a. 指定的191.chancy =risky a. 冒险的192.channel =provide v. 提供帮助193.channel =direct v. 引导194.channel =guide v. 引导195.chaotic= disorganized a. 混乱的196.cherish =value v. 珍爱197.chief= major a. 主要的198.chisel =carve v. 刻;凿199.choose= opt v. 选择200.chronic= persistent a. 长期的;不断的201.chronic =confirmed a. 长期的;不断的202.chronic= habitual a. 长期的;不断的203.chronic =inveterate a. 长期的;不断的204.chronically=constantly ad. 长期地205.circuitous =indirect a. 迂迴的206.circumstance= condition n. 环境;情况207.cite= quote v. 引用208.cite =refer to v. 引用209.classic =typical a. 典型的210.clear =visible a. 容易看见的211.clear= apparent a. 显然的212.cling to= attach to v. 附着213.close= careful a. 严密的;周密的214.clue= hint n. 线索215.coating= cover n. 覆盖层216.coincide with= be as the same time as v. 同时发生217.collaborate= cooperate v. 合作218.collaboration= joint effect n. 合作成果219.collect =gather v. 收集220.collide= hit each other v. 碰撞221.collide with =run into v. 碰撞memorate =celebrate v. 庆祝;纪念pact =concise a. 紧密的;简明的pact= compressed(结实的) a. 紧密的;简明的parable= equivalent a. 可比较的parative = relative a. 相当的pel =push v. 强迫pelling= convincing a. 令人信服的pensate= reimburse v. 赔偿;补偿pensate for =balance phrv. 赔偿;补偿plaint =protest v. 抗议plement= supplement n. 补充物plement= add to v. 补充pletely= totally ad. 完全地plex= elaborate a. 复杂的plex =system n. 复合物;综合体plicated =complex a. 复杂的plicated =made things more difficult a. 复杂的ponent= constituent a. 组成的position= mixture n. 合成物prehensive= understandable a. 能理解的prehensive= complete a. 全部的prise= form v. 组成prise =make up v. 组成245.concern= interest v. 感兴趣246.conclusive= final a. 最后的247.conclusive= ultimate a. 最后的248.conducive= contributive a. 有助于...的249.configuration= arrangement n. 布局;结构250.configuration= form n. 佈局;结构251.confine =limit/boundary v. 限制252.confront= face v. 面临253.congeal= solidify v. 使凝结254.consecutive= successive a. 连续的255.consequence= result n. 结果;重要性256.consequence =importance n. 结果;重要性257.consequent= later a. 随后的258.consequent= resultant a. 作为结果的259.consequent =resulting a. 作为结果的260.consequential= significant a. 重要的261.consequently= therefore ad. 因此262.consequently= thus ad. 因此263.conserve= save v. 保存264.consider =think as v. 考虑;认为265.consider =view as v. 考虑;认为266.consider =think about v. 考虑;认为认为267.considerable= substantial/significant a. 相当大的268.consist of =compose of v. 由…组成269.consistent= regular a. 一致的270.consistently= regularly ad. 一致地271.conspicuous= notable a. 明显的272.constant =stable a. 固定的;不变的273.constantly =always ad. 经常;不断地274.constellation =collection n. 一系列;一群275.constellation =combination n. 一系列;一群276.constitution= component n. 构造277.constrain =restrict v. 限制278.constraint= limit n. 限制279.constraint= restriction n. 限制280.consume= eat up v. 消耗;吃;喝吃;喝281.consumed= used up v. 消耗282.contemplate= consider v. 沉思283.contentious= disputed a. 好争吵的284.continual= constant a. 不间断的;连续的285.continuous =uninterrupted a. 连续的;持续的286.contrive= create v. 发明287.contrive= invent v. 发明288.conventional= customary a. 习惯的;惯例的289.conventional= traditional a. 习惯的;惯例的290.converging= concentrating a. 收缩的;会聚的291.convert =transform v. 使转变292.convert into= change to v. 转变成293.convict= condemn v. 宣判294.convict =sentence v. 宣判295.convict =doom(判决) v. 宣判296.conviction= belief n. 相信;信念297.conviction =strong belief n. 坚定的信念298.cope with= handle phrv. 应付;处理299.cope with= deal with phrv. 应付;处理300.copious= plentiful a. 丰富的;大量的301.core =center n. 核心;要点302.correspondence= harmony n. 一致303.corroborate= confirm v. 证实;确证304.costly= expensive a. 贵重的;昂贵的305.counsel =advise v. 忠告306.countless= innumerable a. 数量很多的307.counter= oppose v. 反对308.counter of= in the opposite of a. 相反的309.counterpart= version(版本) n. 复本;副本310.counterpart= similitude(类似物) n. 复本;副本311.counterpart= equivalent(同等物) n. 复本;副本312.countervail =compensate v. 抵销;对抗313.countervail= oppose v. 抵销;对抗314.couple =associate v. 与…联系起来315.covered= included a. 隐蔽的;有盖的316.crawl =move v. 爬行;移动317.create= invent v. 创作;产生318.creative= inventive a. 创造的319.crest= peak n. 顶峰320.critical =crucial a. 关键的321.critical= essential a. 关键的322.criticize =debate(争论;辩论) v. 批评;责备323.crucial= important a. 重要的324.crucially= decisively ad. 关键地325.crushed =ground a. 碾碎了的326.cumbersome awkward a. 笨重的;麻烦的327.cumbersome= clumsy a. 笨重的;麻烦的328.cumbersome= unwieldy a. 笨重的;麻烦的329.curb= control v. 控制;遏止330.current =present a. 现在的331.dam= block v. 筑坝;控制332.dangle= hang v. 悬摆;吊333.daring =bold a. 大胆的334.debate= argue v. 辩论;争论335.decimate= destroy v. 大量毁灭336.decimation= destruction n. 大量毁灭337.degree =extent n. 程度338.degree= measure n. 程度339.delicate= dainty a. 易碎的;精美的340.delight= please v. 使高兴341.delight= pleasure n. 高兴;愉快342.deluxe= lavish a. 奢华的343.demand= need n. 需要;需求344.demise =extinction n. 死亡345.demography= population n. 人口统计346.dense= crowded a. 稠密的;密集的347.dense= thick a. 稠密的;密集的348.depend= rely on v. 依赖;依靠依靠349.dependable= reliable a. 可信赖的350.depict= describe v. 描述351.depict= portray v. 描写;描绘352.depletion= drain n. 消耗;用尽353.deposit =accumulate v. 沉积354.deposit= lay down v. 放下;放置355.derive= arise v. 源于;导出356.design =create v. 设计357.designate= identify v. 命名;指定358.detractor= critic(批评者) n. 诽谤者;恶意批评者359.detrimental =harmful a. 有害的;不利的360.deviate= digress v. 偏离361.deviation= departure n. 背离362.devise= create v. 设计;发明363.devoid of= lack of a. 缺乏的364.devoid of= without(prep.) a. 缺乏的365.devoid of= scant of a. 缺乏的366.devoted =dedicated a. 虔诚的;专心致志的367.devoted to =concentrated on a. 虔诚的;专心致志的368.discernible = noticeable a. 可感知到,可注意到的369.dictate= determine v. 口授;命令370.dictate= order v. 命令371.differential= uneven a. 差别的;独特的372.diffuse =travel v. 扩散;散布373.diffuse= spread(out) v. 扩散;散布374.diligent= careful a. 勤奋的375.diligently= carefully ad. 勤奋地376.dilute= reduce v. 稀释;使薄弱377.dim= decrease v. 变暗淡378.disassemble= break apart v. 拆开379.disassemble =break up v. 拆开380.disband =dismiss v. 解散;遣散381.discard= throw away v. 摒弃;丢弃382.discard= throw up v. 摒弃;丢弃丢弃383.discernible= noticeable a. 可辨别的384.discernible= discriminating a. 可辨别的385.discharge= release v. 释放386.disentangle =disband v. 解开387.disgust= distaste v. 厌恶388.disintegrate= break apart v. 分解;碎裂389.disintegrate =fall apart v. 分解;碎裂390.disintegrate= tear apart v. 分解;碎裂391.dismantle =demolish v. 拆开;拆除392.disorder= anarchy n. 混乱393.dispensable= not necessary a. 非必要的394.dispersal =distribution n. 散布;驱散395.displace= move out of position v. 迫使(人)离开396.disposition= temperament n. 性格;性情397.dispute= contention n. 争论;争执398.dispute =argument n. 争论;争执399.dissipate= disperse v. 驱散400.dissipated =dispersed a. 分散的401.dissuade =discourage v. 劝阻402.distinct= clear and recognizable a. 清楚的;明确的403.distinction= difference n. 差别404.distinction= honor n. 荣誉405.distinction= excellence n. 优秀;卓越406.distinctive= characteristic a. 有特色的407.distinguish= notice from the difference v. 区别; 识别408.distribute= spread v. 分配;散布409.distribution= dispersion n. 散布410.distribution =geographic range n. 分布区域411.disturb= upset v. 打乱;扰乱412.diverse= distinct a. 不同的413.diversification= emergence of many varieties n. 多样化414.diversity =variety n. 多样性415.divest =deprive v. 剥夺416.divest =get rid of v. 剥夺417.domestic= home a. 家庭的;国的418.dormant= hibernated a. 休眠的;不活动的419.dormant= inactive a. 休眠的;不活动的420.dramatically= greatly ad. 戏剧性地421.drastic= extreme a. 激烈的;极端的422.drastically =obviously ad. 大大地;彻底地423.drastically =severely(严重地) ad. 大大地;彻底地424.dual =double a. 双的;双重的425.duplicate= copy v. 复制426.duplicate= repeat n. 复本427.durable= lasting a. 经久的;持久的428.earn= acquire v. 赚得;赢得429.ease= facilitate(使容易) v. 使减轻;使缓和430.eccentric= erratic a. 古怪的;反常的431.eccentric =strange a. 古怪的;反常的432.efface= eliminate v. 消去433.elaborate =detailed a. 精巧的;详尽的434.elaborate= dainty a. 精巧的;详尽的435.elapsed =passed a. 过去的;经过的436.element =weather condition n. (恶劣的)天气437.eliminate= remove v. 排除;消除438.elusive =difficult to catch a. 难懂的;难捉摸的439.emanate= emerge v. 散发;产生440.embark on=start v. 从事(着手)441.embed= insert v. 插入;植入442.embed= implant v. 插入;植入443.embed =enclose v. 插入;植入444.emergence= appearance n. 出现445.emergency =crisis n. 紧急情况446.emergent =developing a. 新兴的447.employ= use v. 利用448.enable =allow v. 使能够449.enactment= establishment n. 制定450.encapsulate= state briefly v. 概述451.encourage= stimulate v. 激励;刺激452.endangered= not abundant a. 濒临绝种的453.endeavor= enterprise n. 努力454.endow= bestow v. 捐赠455.engulf= swallow v. 吞没456.enhance= improve v. 提高;增强457.enhance= intensify v. 提高;增强458.enjoy =experience v. 经历459.enlist= obtain v. 谋取(支持、赞助等)460.enormous= great a. 巨大的461.enrich= enhance v. 使富足462.ensue= result v. 因…产生463.ensuing= subsequent a. 接着发生的464.ensure= guarantee v. 保证;担保465.entail=l involve v. 牵涉466.enthusiastic= eager a. 热情的467.environment= setting n. 环境468.ephemeral =short-lived a. 短暂的469.ephemeral =transient a. 短暂的470.episode= event n. 事件471.equilibrium= balance n. 平衡472.era =period n. 时代;年代473.eradicate= remove completely v. 根除;消灭474.erect =build v. 建立475.erratic= unpredictable a. 不稳定的;古怪的476.erratic= irregular a. 不稳定的;古怪的477.escalate= extend v. 逐步扩大478.essential= crucial a. 极重要的479.established =qualified a. 已制定的480.establishment =formation(构成) n. 建立;创立481.estimate= projection n. 估计482.estimation =evaluation n. 估计483.euphoric= extremely happy a. 心情愉快的484.evaluate= judge v. 评价485.eventual= later a. 最后的486.eventually= later ad. 最后487.eventually= ultimately ad. 最后488.evidence= proof n. 证据489.evident= apparent a. 明显的490.evident =obvious a. 明显的491.evoke= arouse v. 唤起;引起492.evoke= draw v. 唤起;引起493.evoke=produce v. 唤起;引起494.evoke= promote v. 唤起;引起495.evoke= stimulate v. 唤起;引起496.evoke =create in the mind v. 唤起; 引起497.exaggerate =overstate v. 夸;夸大498.excavate =dig out v. 挖掘499.excavation =dug-out n. 挖掘500.exceed= surpass v. 超越;胜过501.exceed =beyond above v. 超越;胜过胜过502.exceedingly =extremely ad. 极其;非常503.excess =go beyond n. 超越; 胜过504.exclusively= only ad. 专门地;独占地505.excrete= expel v. 排泄;分泌506.exercise =use v. 运用507.exhausted= tired a. 精疲力竭的508.exhausted= used up a. 耗尽的;用完的509.exhibit =demonstrate v. 展示;列510.exhibit =display v. 展示;列511.expand= stretch v. 展开;增长512.expand =increase v. 展开;增长513.expanse= area n. 一大片区域514.expansive= large a. 广阔的515.expediency= convenience n. 方便;利己516.expediency= advantage(优势;利益) n. 方便;利己517.expedient= fitting a. 权宜的;方便的518.expend= use v. 耗尽519.explicit =obvious a. 明确的;清楚的520.explicitly= clear ad. 明确地521.exploit= utilize v. 利用522.exploit= take advantage of v. 利用523.exploit= make use of v. 利用524.explore= investigate v. 探测;探索525.expose to= subject to (遭受) v. 使经历526.express= communicate v. 表达527.extant= existing a. 现存的;尚存的528.extant =remaining a. 现存的;尚存的529.extant= not extinct a. 现存的;尚存的530.extend= stretch v. 延伸531.extend= reach v. 延伸532.extol =praise v. 赞美533.extraneous= inessential a. 无关的;外来的534.extraneous= from outside a. 无关的;外来的535.extraordinary= exceptional a. 异常的536.exude= release v. 渗出;发散537.exude= give off v. 渗出;发散538.fabricate= produce v. 制造539.far-reaching= extensive a. 深远的;广泛的540.far-reaching= broad a. 深远的;广泛的541.fascinating= extremely attractive a. 迷人的542.fashion= make v. 形成;造543.fashion= way n. 样子;方式544.fashionable =popular a. 流行的;时尚的545.feasible= achievable a. 可实行的546.feasible= practical a. 可实行的547.feast= eating n. 盛宴548.ferry= transport n. 渡轮549.fertile= reproductive a. 肥沃的;多产的550.fertile= productive a. 肥沃的;多产的551.figure out =map(详细规划) phr. 计算出;解决552.finding= discovery n. 发现553.first and foremost =above all phr. 首先;首要地554.flake =fragment n. 小薄片555.flattery= praise n. 恭维556.flee= run away from v. 逃走557.flexible= adaptable a. 易适应的558.float= stay on the top v. 漂浮559.float =upward rise phrv. 浮起560.flourish =prosper v. 繁荣;兴旺561.flourish= thrive v. 繁荣;兴旺562.flourishing= prosperous a. 繁荣的563.flow= movement n. 流动564.fluctuate= change v. 变动565.fluctuation= variation n. 变动;起伏566.focal= point centre area n. 焦点567.follow= track v. 跟随568.for instance= for example phr. 例如569.forage= feed n. 饲料570.forage =search for food v. 觅食571.formidable =excessive a. 巨大的572.foster= encourage v. 鼓励573.foster= urge v. 培养;促进574.foster =promote the development of v. 培养;促进575.foul= pollute v. 污染576.fragment= break up v. 使成碎片577.fragmentation= break n. 破裂578.fragmentize= break up v. 使成碎片579.frankly =openly ad. 坦白地580.frankly= sincerely ad. 真诚地581.friction= conflict n. 争执;不合582.function= operation n. 效用;作用583.function= utility n. 效用;作用584.fundamental =basic a. 基础的585.funds= money n. 资金586.furthermore= in addition ad. 此外587.gap= opening n. 缺口;裂口588.gear =adjust v. 使适合589.generate= produce v. 产生590.genuinely =actually ad. 真诚地591.get accustomed to= become used to phrv. 习惯592.give rise to= produce phrv. 引起593.given =particular a. 规定的;特定的ern= regulate v. 统治;管理ern= control v. 统治;管理596.grasp =understand v. 领会;理解597.groom= clean v. 装扮;使整洁598.groom =make up v. 装扮;使整洁使整洁599.groundless =unfounded a. 无根据的600.grounds =reasons n. 根据;理由601.groundwork= base n. 基础602.groundwork= basis n. 基础603.groundwork= foundation n. 基础604.grudging= unenthusiastic a. 勉强的605.guarantee= ensure v. 保证;担保606.hallmark= characteristic n. 戳记,标志607.hamper =district v. 防碍;束缚608.hamper= restrict v. 防碍;束缚609.hamper =make difficulty v. 防碍;束缚610.handy= convenient a. 便利的;灵活的611.haphazard= random a. 随意的612.harness= use v. 利用613.harness= utilize v. 利用614.harsh= drastic a. 严厉的;严酷的615.hasty= hurried a. 匆匆的;急忙的616.haul= pull v. 拉617.have nothing to do with= in no relation to phrv. 不相干618.havoc= destruction n. 浩劫619.hazard =danger n. 危险620.heed= notice v. 留心;注意621.heighten= increase v. 增加;提高622.heir= inheritor n. 继承人;后继者623.hence= therefore ad. 因此624.heritage =legacy n. 遗产;传统625.heritage= tradition n. 遗产;传统626.heterogeneous= varied a. 由不同种类组成的627.hide= conceal v. 隐藏628.hinder= interfere with v. 妨碍629.hint= clue n. 暗示;迹象630.hint= implication n. 暗示;迹象631.hint= indication n. 暗示;迹象632.hint= lead n. 暗示;迹象633.hire= employ v. 雇用634.hobby= pastime n. 嗜好635.hold =support v. 支撑;保持636.hold= keep up v. 支撑;保持保持637.hollow= an empty space n. 中空638.homogeneous =uniform a. 同种的639.host of =great number n. 大量640.however =yet conj. 然而641.hub= center n. 中心642.huge= large a. 巨大的643.hurdle =fence v. 用篱笆围644.hypothetical =supposed a. 假设的;假定的645.ice sheet= glacier(冰河) n. 冰原646.identical= the same a. 同样的647.idiosyncrasies =peculiarity n. 特性648.ignite= set on fire v. 点燃649.illusion= impression(印象) n. 错觉;幻像650.immediately= closest ad. 接近;紧接着651.immense= great a. 巨大的652.immense= huge a. 巨大的653.immense= vast a. 巨大的654.immensely= extremely ad. 非常655.immigration= movement n. 移居656.immobile= fixed a. 固定的;静止的657.immobility= absence of motion n. 固定;静止658.immoral= indecent a. 不道德的659.immoral= improper a. 不道德的660.impermeable= impenetrable a. 不能渗透的661.impermeable =impervious a. 不能渗透的662.impetus= stimulus v. 刺激;促进663.impetus= incentive n. 刺激;促进664.implausible= unbelievable a. 难以置信的665.implement= tool n. 工具666.imply= indicate v. 意味667.imposing= impressive a. 给人深刻印象的668.imprecise= inexact a. 不精确的669.improbable= unlikely a. 不像会发生的670.in fact= actually phr. 事实上671.in great demand =in popularity phr. 普遍672.in respect to= in term of phr. 就…而言673.inaccessible= unreachable a. 难接近的674.inadvertently= unintentionally ad. 非故意地675.inadvertently =without knowing ad. 非故意地676.inauspicious= unfavorable a. 不吉利的677.incidentally= by the way ad. 顺便一提678.inclement =unfavorable a. (气候)严酷的679.inconceivable= unimaginable a. 难以置信的680.inconclusive= without result(毫无结果) a. 不确定的681.incorporate= include v. 包含682.incorporate= merge v. 吸收;併入683.incursion= invasion n. 入侵684.indicate= demonstrate v. 指示;指出685.indigenous =native a. 本土的;土生土长的686.indispensable =essential a. 不可缺少的687.indispensable= necessary a. 不可缺少的688.indispensable= needed a. 不可缺少的689.indispensable= required a. 不可缺少的690.indispensable= vital a. 不可缺少的691.indispensable= significant(重要的) a. 必不可少的692.induce =bring v. 引起693.induce =cause v. 引起694.ineffectively= without any result ad. 无效地695.inert= motionless a. 迟缓的;惰性的696.inert= motiveless a. 迟缓的;惰性的697.inevitable= unavoidable a. 不可避免的698.inference= conclusion n. 推断的结果699.infirm= weak a. 不坚定的;衰弱的700.inflate= expand v. 膨胀;扩大701.infrastructure= foundation n. 基础建设702.ingenious= very clever a. 心灵手巧的703.ingenuity= cleverness n. 心灵手巧;独创性704.ingenuity= creativeness n. 心灵手巧;独创性705.ingenuity= inventiveness n. 心灵手巧;独创性706.ingenuity= resourcefulness n. 心灵手巧;独创性707.inherent= essential a. 在的;固有的708.inherent= internal a. 在的;固有的709.inherent= instinctive a. 与生俱来的710.inherent= in characteristic of a. 与生俱来的711.inherently =essentially ad. 固有地712.inhibit =hinder v. 约束;抑制713.inhospitable= unfavorable a. 冷淡的;不适宜的714.inhospitable= adverse a. 冷淡的;不适宜的715.initial= first a. 最初的716.initially =originally ad. 最初;开头717.initiate= begin v. 开始;创始718.initiate =start v. 开始;创始719.innovation =new n. 革新;创新720.innovative= new a. 创新的721.inordinate= excessive a. 过度的722.install= put in place v. 放置,安置723.instant= moment n. 片刻;瞬间724.instantaneous= immediate a. 即刻的725.instigate= incite v. 唆使;煽动726.instructive= informative v. 富有教育意义的727.insufficient= inadequate a. 不足的728.intact= untouched a. 完好的729.intangible =nonmaterial a. 无形的730.intangible= immaterial a. 无形的731.integral= essential a. 构成整体所需要的732.intense =strong a. 强烈的733.intentionally= deliberately ad. 有意地;故意地734.intermediate= in-between a./n. 中间的;媒介735.intimate =close a. 亲密的736.intricate= complex a. 复杂的737.intricate =carefully shaped a. 复杂的738.intrigue= interest v. 引发…兴趣739.intriguing= fascinating a. 迷人的740.intrinsic= essential a. 本质的;在的741.intrinsic= inherent a. 本质的;在的742.intrusive= invasive a. 侵入的743.invade= move into v. 入侵;侵犯744.invaluable= highly useful a. 极宝贵的745.invariably= always ad. 始终如一地;一贯地746.invent =devise v. 发明747.inviolable= without exception a. 不可违背的748.inviolable =allowing no attack a. 不可违背的749.invoke =appeal v. 垦求,祈求750.irrecoverable =permanent a. 不能挽回的751.irreparable= permanent a. 不能挽回的752.isolated= separated a. 孤立的;分离的753.jettison= release v. 抛弃754.jolt= shock v. 震动;震惊755.judge= estimate v. 评判756.junction =connection n. 连接;接合757.juncture =connection n. 连接;接合758.justified= right a. 正当的759.justify= prove v. 证明...是正当的760.key= significant a. 重要的;关键的ding= cargo n. 货物ding= shipment n. 货物ndscape= scenery n. 风景;景色rge= extensive a. 大的;大量的rgely =mostly ad. 大部分;主要地unch= initial v. 发起;发动unch= initiate v. 发起;发动unch= start v. 发起;发动769.legitimacy= authority n. 合法性770.legitimately= properly ad. 正当地;合法地771.leisure= free time n. 闲暇772.leisurely= slowly a. 悠闲的;从容不迫地773.lethal= fateful a. 致命的774.lethal =deadly a. 致命的775.liberal =extensive a. 宽大的776.liken= to compare v. 比较777.likewise= similarly ad. 同样地778.linger= wander v. 徘徊;漫步779.linger= stroll v. 徘徊;漫步780.link= connect v. 连接781.link= consist of v. 连接;结合782.link= put together v. 连接;结合结合783.listening =advertent a. 留神听的784.livelihood= means of support n. 生活;生计785.locale= place n. 现场;场所786.locate= find v. 找出787.lucrative= profitable a. 有利益的788.luxuriant= thriving a. 茂盛的789.magnify= enlarge v. 放大790.magnitude =extent n. 巨大;广大791.magnitude =amount n. 量;大小792.maintain= continue v. 维持;使继续793.majestic= magnificent a. 壮观的794.make their way= travel phrv. 前进795.malleable =pliable a. 有延展性的;可塑的796.mandatory =required a. 强制的;义务的797.mandatory =obligatory a. 强制的;义务的798.manifest= reveal v. 表明;显现799.manipulate= control v. 操纵800.marked =considerable a. 显着的801.markedly= distinctly ad. 显着地802.mask =cover v. 遮避;掩护;伪装803.mask= disguise v. 遮避;掩护;伪装804.massive= enormous a. 巨大的805.massive= huge a. 巨大的806.mastery= control n. 控制807.matter= issue n. 问题;事件808.maximum =greatest size n. 最大量809.mean= average n. 平均值810.merely =only ad. 仅仅811.merely= simply ad. 仅仅812.merely =no more than ad. 仅仅813.merge= blend v. 合併;融合814.merge= combine v. 合併;融合815.meticulously= carefully ad. 小心地816.microbe= germ n. 微生物;细菌estone= significant event n. 里程碑; 划时代的事件ky way =galaxy n. 银河819.mimic= imitate v. 模仿820.mimic= copy v. 模仿821.miniature= small a. 微型的822.minuscule= tiny a. 微型的823.minute= tiny a. 微小的824.minute =very small a. 微小的825.minutely= finely ad. 详细地;精密地826.minutely= in detail ad. 详细地; 精密地。

这里的增强工具最为有效的,就是如下7点:1 单词发音:依靠单词的发音帮我们联想记忆。
2 多次复习:通过多次的复习来帮助我们强化对单词的记忆。
3 做题:通过真实的语境来增强我们对于词汇的记忆。
4 隐藏测试:通过测试来调动我们记忆深处对于这个词汇的记忆,来强化我们对于这个词汇的感觉。
5 清醒时间背单词:选择起床。
6 重点记忆:对于不熟悉的单词进行标记,以及重复记忆,变劣势为主动。
7 书写记忆:在最后攻坚的时候,采用初中的抄写的方法强化记忆,大幅提高效率。
iBT 新托福必备专业分类词汇

^_^1.ASTRONOMY 天文学astronomical 天文的astronomer 天文学家astrophysics 天文物理学astrology 占星学deviate偏离宇宙学可观察到的cluster 星团solar 太阳的solar system 太阳系solar corona 日冕solar radiation 太阳辐射Pluto 冥王星orbit 轨道spin 旋转satellite 卫星lunar 月球的meteor 流星meteor shower 流星雨航mantle 地幔core 地核plate 板块plate tectonics 板块构造论fault 断层disintegration (decomposition)分解erosion 侵蚀mine 采矿mineral 矿物ore 矿石deposit 矿床platinum 白金;铂copper 黄铜aluminum 铝glacial drift 冰碛iceberg 冰山(ice)sheet 冰原;冰盖frigid(refrigerated;freezing)寒冷的thaw (melt)融化retreat 后退terminate(end)结束《iBT 新托福必备专业分类词汇》无老师网站活火山extinct volcano 死火山eruption 火山喷发crater 火山口lava 火山岩浆scoria 火山渣volcanic 火山的seismology 地震学hypocenter (focus)震源(earthquake;seismic;shock)wave 地震波cataclysm 灾变上穷碧落下黄泉,到哪都要背单词4.ECOLOGY 生态学ecological 生态的ecologist 生态学家domestic sewage 生活污水sewage plant 污水处理工厂gas 气体,煤气,毒气,汽油,[矿]瓦斯global warmingdinosaur 恐龙bird 鸟类extinction 灭绝mammal 哺乳动物primates 灵长目动物class 纲turtle 龟beast 野兽domesticate 驯养predatory (carnivorous )食肉的predator 捕食者prey (动词)捕食migrate 迁移clam 蛤蜊coral 珊瑚canary 金丝雀chirp (鸟,虫的叫声)唧唧sloth 树懒slothful 懒惰的parasite 寄生虫moth 蛾flock (鸟,羊等)群herd 兽群bunch (花等)束,捧community 动物的群落或人的部落trapper 诱捕动物者oyster 牡蛎fertilizer 使…受精larvae 幼虫tentacle 触角homotherm 恒温动物prey (动词)捕食;(名词)被捕食的动物migrate 迁移wing 翅膀;翼bill (鸟)嘴beak (鹰等的)嘴nest 筑巢nestle flock to habitat molt (鸟)脱羽毛dolphin 海豚flesh 果肉stone 果核core 果心kernel 果仁peel (skin)果皮shell (硬)果壳trunk 树干branch 树枝bough 大或粗树枝前任monarchy 君主制abhorrence 憎恶;讨厌empire 帝国federal system 联邦制presidential system 总统制(外交)礼节courtesy 有礼貌的举止manners (conduct)举止;礼貌office manners 办公室礼仪反叛conflict(clash)冲突crash=collide 猛撞冲突discord(disagreement)不和harmony 和睦stability 稳定交通阻塞transport (动词)运输transportation (名词)运输;运输工具vehicle 交通工具;车辆prototype 原型wagon(carriage)马车;篷车vessel 船;容器automobile (auto;car)汽车轨道platform 站台locomotive 火车头switch 扳道;道岔car 车厢commuter (来往于市郊之间)旅客haul 拖;拉;运送freight 货物;货运航空的aviation 飞行;航空业电信;长途通信gesture 手势printing 印刷postal 邮政的majority 多数人mental 精神的minority 少数人physical 躯体的,物质的,物理的mental 心理的spiritual 精神的;心灵的subject 受实验物件;学科motive 动机modify (动词)矫正;修改modification (名词)矫正overt 公开的extroverted covert 隐蔽的cognitive 认识过程的;认识能力的empirical 经验的;以经验为依据的unconscious 潜意识的subconscious 下意识;instinct 本能精神病学家不合情理的neuro-sis神经机能病neurotic神经官能症患者psychosis神经错乱歇斯底里;癔病mania狂躁9.PHYSIOLOGY生理学physiologist生理学家muscle fiber肌纤维kidney肾脏groundbeef(hamburger)绞牛肉;牛肉酱pork猪肉mutton羊肉黄油cheese奶酪packaging包装(snack bar)快餐部coffee shop咖啡馆;小吃店cafeteria自助餐馆menu菜谱roast烤(肉等)barbecue烧烤broil(grill)(在烤架等上面)烤toast烤(面包)stew(simmer)炖;焖gourmet美食家connoisseur鉴赏家无边落木萧萧小,不尽单词滚滚来11.PERSONALITY 个性character 性格characteristic(trait)特性;特征;特点introvert 内向的extrovert 外向的innate(born)天生的好管闲事的intrusive(obtrusive)打扰人的;闯入的impetuous(hasty)急躁的;鲁莽的impulsive(rash)动的;莽撞的whimsical(odd;eccentric)多怪念头的;haughty(arrogant;supercilious)高傲的dominant(governing)支配的;统治的domineering(overbearing;tyrannical)盛气凌人的;专横的presumptuous(daring;audacious)放肆的;胆大妄为的extravagant(lavish)奢移的surgery 外科手术antibiotic 抗生素analgesic (pain-killer)镇痛药tranquilizer 镇静剂opiate 镇静剂;麻醉剂potency (efficacy)药力dispensary (pharmacy)药房emergency (first)aid 急救染病afflict 使受(疾病)之苦symptom 症状influenza (flu)流感传染的contagious (接触)传染的contaminate 污染;感染inflammation 炎症microorganismpressure)高血压heart attack 心力衰竭;心脏病发作贫血allergy 过敏chronic 慢性acute 急性卫生的;有益于健康的inspect (食品等的)检查immunization 免疫vaccination 疫苗长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮背单词13.MATHEMATICS 数学mathematician 数学家over(介词)除以ellipse (oval)椭圆形幼儿园elementary school 小学middle school 初中high school 高中vocational high school 职业学校campus 校园accommodation (lodging )住宿grader 某年级学生freshman (大学和高中)一年级学生sophomore (大学和高中)二年级学生junior (大学和高中)三年级学生senior (大学和高中)四年级学生satisfy (fulfil;meet)the requirements 达到要求(考试及格)commencement (graduation)exercise 毕业典礼录取entrance examination 入学考试semester(term)学期quarter 学季summer session 夏季班tuition 学费tuition waiver 学费豁免申请表格course 课程introductory course 基础课程required course 必修课elective(course)选修课elective system 选课制度encyclopedias 百科全书/专科全书major 专业seminar 讨论会;研究班课程award (confer)授予(学位、证书)special skill 特殊技能proficiency (语言)精通;熟练expertise 专长personal (personal information)个人情况marital status 婚姻状况reference 推荐人;介绍人letter of recommendation 推荐信20.文学prose 散文diary 日记autobiography 传记editorial 社论narrative prose 叙述descriptive prose 描写性essay 随笔poetry 诗歌allegory 寓言fairy tale 童话legend 传说proverb 谚语literary criticism 文学批评literary studies 文学研究prolific 多产21.舞蹈ballet芭蕾舞choreography芭蕾舞设计22.戏剧comic使人发笑的a comic song b.喜剧的a comic opera23.音乐musical instrument乐器orchestra乐队string弦乐wind管乐fanatical狂热的folk music民间音乐pop music流行音乐classical music古典音乐Jazz爵士乐band music管乐cello大提琴chamber music室内音乐choral society合唱团chord和弦chorus合唱march进行曲melody旋律orchestra管弦乐vocal music声乐concerto协奏曲quality音质volume音量chord和弦harmony和声symphony交响乐viola中提琴violin小提琴wind instruments管乐器24.考古学ancestor祖先ancient civilization古代文明origin起源originate起源于anthropology人类学paleoanthropology古人类学archaeology考古学artifact人造物品;手工艺品antique古物,古董antiquity古代,古老relic遗物,文物clan氏族;部落tribe部落cluster丛生,群聚dinosaur恐龙paleontology古生物学prehistoric史前的excavate(unearth)挖掘hominid原始人类,人(科)Bronze Age(青)铜器时代Iron Age铁器时代Neolithic Age新石器时代Neolithic新石器时代的Mesolithic中石器时代的Stone Age石器时代Paleolithic Age旧石器时代Rock painting岩画remains遗迹,遗骸ruins遗迹,废墟skull颅骨;头盖骨fossil化石25.agriculture(farming)农业agrarian土地的,农业的agricultural农业的aquaculture水产养殖clay黏土,湿土clod土块corn玉米cotton棉花cultivate(till)耕作dairy(dairy cattle)奶牛grain(cereal)谷物,谷粒greenhouse(glasshouse,hotbed)温室harvest收割hay(作饲料用)干草insecticide(pesticide)杀虫剂irrigate灌溉land(soil)土壤;土地livestock家畜manure(fertilizer)肥料pasture牧场pea豌豆pest害虫plantation种植园roost(hen house)鸡舍soil erosion泥土流失sow(seed)播种soybean大豆spray喷洒(农药)stable厩,马厩tomato西红柿weed除草wheat小麦恸哭六军俱缟素,冲冠一怒背单词。

无老师iBT新托福,SAT作文巨讲堂无老师满分范例:Another reason is that modern people are more effective than those in the past. And great efficiency is one fundamental way to success. We are able to make use of many tools increasing productivity today. For instance, the computer plays an important role in our life in terms of efficiency. As I want to search material concerning the “nuclear energy”,all I have to do is to type this term on Google and a great number of sources will pop out on the screen. Given the past, I had to go to the library andbury me a couple of days looking for the information on nuclear energy without the assistance of computers. The distance is conspicuous, thus modern people with advanced technology would succeed more readily.无老师优秀翻译:另外一个原因是现代的人比之前的人效率会更高。

PBT老托福语法全解析【TOEFL语法大全】智课网整理1989年01月语法题 (4)1989年05月语法题 (9)1989年08月语法题 (14)1989年10月语法题 (19)1990年01月语法题 (23)1990年05月语法题 (27)1990年08月语法题 (31)1990年10月语法题 (35)1991年01月语法题 (39)1991年05月语法题 (43)1991年05月语法题 (48)1991年10月语法题 (53)1992年01月语法题 (58)1992年05月语法题 (62)1992年08月语法题 (66)1992年10月语法题 (70)1993年01月语法题 (74)1993年05月语法题 (78)1993年08月语法题 (82)1993年10月语法题 (86)1994年05月语法题 (90)1994年08月语法题 (94)1994年10月语法题 (98)1995年01月语法题 (104)1995年05月语法题 (108)1995年08月语法题 (113)1996年01月语法题 (122)1996年05月语法题 (127)1996年08月语法题 (132)1996年10月语法题 (137)1997年01月语法题 (142)1997年01月北美语法题 (147)1997年05月语法题 (151)1997年08月语法题 (156)1997年10月语法题 (161)1997年12月北美语法题 (166)1998年01月语法题 (170)1998年05月语法题 (175)1998年08月语法题 (179)1998年08月语法题 (184)1998年08月北美语法题 (190)1998年10月语法题 (195)1999年01月语法题 (200)1999年05月语法题 (205)1999年08月语法题 (211)1999年10月语法题 (217)2000年01月语法题 (223)2000年05月语法题 (227)2000年08月语法题 (233)2000年10月语法题 (238)2001年01月语法题 (242)2001年05月语法题 (247)2001年08月语法题 (253)2001年10月语法题 (259)2002年01月语法题 (263)2002年10月语法题 (274)2002年08月语法题 (279)2002年09月语法题 (284)2003年01月语法题 (288)1996年12月北美语法题 (293)2003年08月语法题 (299)2003年10月语法题 (305)2004年01月语法题 (311)2004年05月语法题 (316)2004年08月语法题 (322)2004年10月语法题 (328)2005年01月语法题【改错部分】 (334)PP Test 1 语法题笔记 (337)PP Test 2 语法题笔记 (357)普林斯顿样题 1 (376)普林斯顿样题 2 (381)普林斯顿样题 3 (386)普林斯顿样题 4 (390)1989年01月语法题1. The flexibility of film allows the artist __________ unbridled imagination to the animation of cartooncharacters.(A) to bring(B) bringing(C) is brought(D) brings2. Traditionally, __________in New England on Thanksgiving Day.(A) when served is sweet cider(B) when sweet cider is served(C) is served sweet cider(D) sweet cider is served3. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent __________, or pronghorn.(A) it is the American antelope(B) the American antelope is(C) is the American antelope(D) the American antelope4. Lillian D. Wald, public health nurse and __________, was born in Cincinnati Ohio, in 1867.(A) reforming society(B) social reformer(C) who reformed society(D) her social reform5. Copper sulfate, spread in judicious amounts, kills algae __________ harming fish or aquatic invert-ebrates.(A) does not(B) but does no(C) except(D) without6. Of the millions who saw Haley’s comet in 1986, how many people __________long enough to see it returnin the twenty-first century.(A) will they live(B) they will be living(C) will live(D) living7. __________that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions.(A) Anthropologists have discovered(B) Anthropologists discovering(C) The discovery by anthropologists(D) Discovered by anthropologists8.In 1964__________of Henry Ossawa Tanner’s paintings was shown at the Smiths onian Institution.(A) was a major collection(B) that a major collection(C) a collection was major(D) a major collection9. __________irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largelydiscontinued.(A) Its(B) Where its(C) Since its(D) Because of its10.In order to remain in existence,__________must, in the long run, produce something consumers consideruseful or desirable.(A) a profit-making organization(B) a profit-making organization which(C) therefore a profit-making organization(D) whichever a profit-making organization11.The greater the population there is in a locality,__________for water, transportation, and disposal ofrefuse.(A) the greater the need there is(B) greater need(C) is there great need(D) the great need12. A historical novel may do more than mirror history; __________future events.(A) even influencing(B) it may even influence(C) may even influence(D) that it may even influence13. __________a child, sculptor Anne Whitney showed an eager intellect and artistic talent that her parentsrecognized and encouraged.(A) Has been(B) It was while(C) She was(D) As14. It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes__________round shape into ateardrop shape.(A) of the drop(B) the drop’s(C) drop of(D) drops their15.__________modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize themwith warmer, less severe interiors.(A) If(B) But(C) With(D) Once16. Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkinsbecame secretary of labor.17. The human body relies on certainty nutrients for its survival.18. Too much electric current may flow into a circuit as a result either of a fault in the circuit and of an outsideevent such as lightning.19. The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately 2,020 miles from Maine to Georgia, is the longercontinuous marked footpath in the world.20. For years, elephants were hunted for food and ivory, and as a result theirs numbers have been greatlyreduced.21. Barges which carrier most of the heavy freight on rivers and canals are usually propelled by towing.22. Although afflicted by serious eyesight problems, Alicia Alonso was one the principal stars of the AmericanBallet Theater and later formed her own dance company.23. The ritual combat of animals are triggered by precise signals.24. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effective than to employ flowery but vague expressions thatonly obscure one’s m eaning.25. Different species of octopuses may measure anywhere from two inches to over thirty feet in long.26. According to some theories derived from psychoanalysis, life is supposedly easier and mo re pleasantwhen inhibitions overcoming.27. When rainbows appear, they are always in the part of the sky opposite directly the Sun.28. Benjamin Franklin drew a political cartoon that is credited raising 10,000 volunteers for the AmericanRevolutionary War.29. The begins of the modern chemistry laboratory go back to the workrooms of medieval lchemists.30. In many pieces of music there is a dominant theme on which the restful of the composition is centered.31. Luminescence refers to the emission of light by means another than heat.32.In a representative democracy, the people election delegates to an assembly.33.George Washington Carver found hundred of uses for the peanut, the sweet potato, and the soybean andthus stimulated the cultivation of these crops.34. A citadel, a fortress designed for the defense of a city, usually standed on top of a hill.35. Conservative philosophers argue that the very structure of society is threatening by civil disobedience,while humanists stress the primacy of the individual conscience.36. Since 1971 the regional corporations set up in Alaska by Congress managing everything from fishing tobanking.37. A rocket burns propellant rapidly and most rockets carry a supply that last just a few seconds.38. Textile art is known for both its tactile and vision qualities.39. The metal aluminum has been first isolated early in the nineteenth century.40. Gulls can often be see swooping over large bodies of water.1989年05月语法题1. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while__________.(A) spoken is slander(B) is spoken slander(C) slander is spoken(D) is slander spoken2. Great numbers of tiny shelled animals—on the ocean floor.(A) Live(B) Living(C) They will live(D) If they lived3. The knee is the joint __________the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg.(A) when(B) where(C) why(D) which4. Closed plane figures like the square or the equilateral triangle can be grouped into a class__________polygons.(A) called(B) to call(C) is called(D) call as5. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have __________, a corrosive action on metals, andthe ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red.(A) tastes sharp(B) sharp-tasting(C) a sharp taste(D) tasting sharp6. __________the history of the tough, strong-willed Nebraska farmer.(A) Not only is much of the history of Nebraska(B) Although it is much of the history of Nebraska that is(C) It is much the history of Nebraska’s being(D) Much of the history of Nebraska is7. Billie Holiday’s reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability __________emotional depth toher songs.(A) be giving(B) are given(C) being given(D) to give8. __________1895 did Cornell University begin to offer a degree in ornithology.(A) Not until(B) Not since(C) Until(D) In9. Uniform acceleration occurs __________the rate of change remains the same over successive and equalintervals of time.(A) according(B) if(C) with(D) under10. Peo ple’s expectations for a higher standard of living increase __________.(A) conditions in their community improve(B) since conditions in their improving community(C) conditions improve in their community(D) as conditions in their community improve11. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of __________reality.(A) what it is conceived(B) that is conceived(C) what is conceived to be(D) that is being conceived of12. All of the plants now raised on farms have been developed from plants __________wild.(A) once they grew(B) they grew once(C) that once grew(D) once grew13. __________relatively costly, the diesel engine is highly efficient and needs servicing infrequently.(A) Even(B) It is(C) Even though(D) There is14. __________images out of clay, stone, and metal.(A) The shaping of sculpture(B) Sculpting the shapes(C) To shape sculpture(D) Sculptors shape15. __________dates from the end of the eighteenth century.(A) The modern circus(B) That the modern circus(C) While the modern circus(D) The modern circus that16. The boiled point of any liquid is determined by the pressure of the surrounding gases.17. The Ranger spacecraft it provided more than 17,000 pictures of the moon.18. Many people who live in New York City thinks that life in a large city offers special advantages.19. The scientific revolution of the early 1900’s affected education by change the nature of technology.20. Meadowlarks are about the same size than robins, but they have heavier bodies, shorter tails, and longerbills.21. On May 20,1932, Amelia Earhart became the first woman fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.22. Translated into terms of psychological theory, association has been thought of as the basis of to learn,conditioning, and creative thinking.23. The Statue of Liberty was originally proposed in 1865 to commemoration the alliance of France with theAmerican colonies during the American Revolution.24. Reptiles are widely distributed all over the world, but are much abundant in warm regions and are virtuallyabsent beyond the treeline in the Arctic.25. Alike light waves, microwaves may be reflected and concentrated.26. Industrial buyers are responsible for supplying the goods and services that an organization required for itsoperations.27. The most easiest process for mining gold is panning, which involves using a circular dish with a smallpocket at the bottom.28. Farm animals have been regardless by nearly all societies as a valuable economic resource.29. Although it is any longer the big business that it was in the forties, radio continues to be a medium ofessential communication, especially at the local level.30. The field of dynamics in physics is concerned with a part icle’s motion in relation to the forces acting it.31. In the United States, both the federal and state governments have laws designed to guard consumersagainst deceptive advertise.32. Gore Vidal has steadily pursue a literary career remarkable for its productivity, versatility, andunpredictability.33. When overall exports exceed imports, a country said to have a trade surplus.34. Instructors at the school of American Ballet first examine a young applicant’s instep to see whether it ispliant and shows promising of a good arch.35. Anthropologists agree that our primitive ancestors who inhabited the tropics probably have naturalprotection against the sun.36. Behavior modification techniques work best with problems that manifest itself in overt actions.37. Because they are generally taken simply to obtain a recognizable and relatively clear image, mostnonprofessional photographs demand few equipment.38. At birth, an infant exhibits a remarkable number of motor response.39. Common to North America, those cinnamon fern is found in wet places.40. The origins of the Democratic party is often traced to the coalition formed behind Thomas Jefferson in the1790’s to res ist the policies of George Washington’s administration.1989年08月语法题1. The Cubists were concerned with how__________a given subject from different points of viewsimultaneously.(A) represented(B) do the represent(C) to represent(D) representing2. Sometimes__________to place physics and chemistry into separate categories.(A) difficult(B) is difficult(C) it is difficult(D) that it is difficult3. Martha Graham, __________, has run her own dance company for half a century.(A) is the great modern choreographer(B) one of the great modern choreographers(C) that the great modern choreographers(D) the modern choreographers were great4. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, __________communicate through facialexpressions and by making noises.(A) however(B) they(C) furthermore(D) who5. The seating of musicians in an orchestra is arranged __________to produce the desired blend of soundsfrom the various musical sections .(A) the conductor of(B) from the conductor(C) the conductor and(D) by the conductor6. The worldwide race to develop an affordable synthetic fuel has so far consumed billions of dollars and__________ few results.(A) yielded(B) yielding(C) yield ha(D) has a yield of7. Experiments in the photography of moving objects __________ in both the United States and Europe wellbefore 1900.(A) have been conducting(B) were conducting(C) had been conducted(D) being conducted8. The University of Georgia, __________ in 1785, was the first state supported university in the UnitedStates.(A) chartered(B) was chartered(C) it was chartered(D) to be chartered9. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once __________ cacti andsagebrush could live.(A) nor(B) not the(C) none other(D) nothing but10. __________, in the late 1800’s, some libraries had to keep as many as twenty to thirty copies of each ofMary Jane Holmes’s books on hand.(A) Inventories showing(B) That show inventories(C) Inventories show that(D) Showing the inventories11. The scholarly interest in perception stems largely from questions about the sources and validity of what__________.(A) it is known as human knowledge(B) is known as human knowledge(C) known human knowledge(D) is human knowledge known12. Because of the Aleuts’ constan t exposure to cold weather, they have long recognized __________ .(A) and body needs to be fat(B) body needs the fat(C) how fat the body needs(D) the body’s need for fat13. Almost all economists agree __________ by trading with one another.(A) nations that are gained(B) nations they gain(C) gaining nations(D) that nations gain14. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for __________ with which to regulatethem.(A) more accurate than sundials(B) more accurate sundials(C) sundials more accurately(D) more accurately than sundials15. Anthropology is a science __________anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques todocument observations that can be checked by others.(A) in that(B) that in(C) that(D) in16.A liquid is similar to a gas because has molecules are not fixed to each other in any specific way.17.The Conestoga wagon, used for to carry heavy loads over long distances, originated around 1725 in aregion of Pennsylvania occupied by the Conestoga Indians.18.Providence, Rhode Island, is a busy manufacturing city and seaport, as well the state capital.19.The young of most bird species are totally dependence on parental care after hatching.20.During most of this century, A. Philip Randolph struggled for Black rights in the United States and becomesan important figure in the labor movement.21.It has been calculated that the Earth’s c ircumference around the equator is over forty longer miles than thecircumference around the two poles.22. A fish must constantly to gulp water in order to keep a current flowing through its delicate gills.23. Maria Martinez, a Pueblo Indian, rediscovered the ancient art of Pueblo black pottery A and, by teachingthe process to family and friends, develop a lucrative business.24. Muscular motion is caused by the stimulate of specific nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord.25. The first libraries in the North American colonies was established in Massachusetts in the year 1638.26. When does a neutron from one atom collides with the nucleus of another atom, a chain reaction can occur.27. Alike other academic disciplines, sociology has several major sub-disciplines.28. An enormous variety of information may be obtained from a largest daily newspaper.29. Before the invention of the clock, people had to reliable on the celestial bodies to tell time.30. How many people remember listening to O rson Welles’1938 radio broadcast. “The War of the Worlds,”Which convince thousands that space aliens had invaded the Earth?31. Pewter, a metal with an ancient heritage, is still practical medium for the nonprofessional metalworker.32. According to cognitive theories of emotion, anger occurs when individuals believe that A they have beenharmed and that the harm was either avoidable and undeserved.33. Jackie Mclean’s recordings have sh own that he is one of the few jazz musicians who style A B of playinghas kept pace with the evolution of modern jazz.34. How Native Americans developed corn is a puzzling, for no wild corn has ever been discovered, and itgrows only where people plant and tend it.35. A principle of manager is to ensure that every action or decision achieves a carefully planned goal.36. A good exercise program helps teach people to avoid the habits that might shorten the lives.37. Classicism as a doctrine seeks what is universally truth and good.38. Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators that A B could helpthemselves to predict earthquakes.i are important in the process of decay, which returns ingredients to the soil, enhances soil fertility, anddecompose animal debris.40. A common use with gold in the nineteenth century was as a standard for the value of money.1989年10月语法题1. Quasars __________ emitting extremely intense radio waves and visible radiation.(A) Star-like objects are(B) Star-like, they are objects(C) are star-like objects(D) are they star-like objects2. Mary Cassatt specialized __________ mothers with their children.(A) painted(B) who painted(C) paintings(D) in painting3. Gorillas are quiet animals, __________ they are able to make about twenty different sounds.(A) how(B) in spite of(C) because of(D) even though4. From 1946 to 1949, __________ William Henry Hastie served as governor of the Virgin Islands.(A) the lawyer(B) he was the lawyer(C) the lawyer who(D) was the lawyer5. __________ struck, a tuning fork produces an almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long period oftime.(A) When is it(B) One is(C) When it is(D) Is one6. __________ one time, Manchester, New Hampshire, was the home of the most productive cotton mills inthe world.(A) On(B) At(C) By(D) To7. The edible tube mushroom __________ a cushion-like, moist cap that is light brown or darkish red.(A) which has(B) to have(C) having(D) has8. In 1961 the entertainer Chubby Checker introduced a __________ to New York’s rock’n ‘ roll fans.(A) new dance, the twist(B) twist, was the new dance(C) twist, the new dance that(D) new dance is the twist9. In sculpture __________”modeling” denotes a way of shaping clay, wax, or other pliable materials.(A) to the term(B) is termed(C) the term(D) to term10. The capacity for flight __________insects from the other invertebrates.(A) to distinguish(B) distinguishes(C) which distinguishes(D) distinguishing11. Although pecans are most plentiful in the southeastern part of the United States, they are found__________ Ohio and Illinois.(A) far north(B) north as far(C) farthest north(D) as far north as12. __________ of caffeine can result in restlessness, insomnia, and even delirium.(A) Consuming in excess(B) Excessive consumption(C) To consume excessively(D) The consumption excessive13. Considered one of the leading poets in America today,__________.(A) a number of books and plays have also been written by Sonia Sanchez(B) Sonia Sanchez has also written a number of books and plays(C) A number of Sonia Sanchez books and plays have been written(D) There have been a number of books and plays written by Sonia Sanchez14. Variables such as individual and corporate behavior __________ nearly impossible for economists toforecast economic trends with precision.(A) make(B) make it(C) it makes(D) makes it15. __________ by transferring the blame to others is often called scapegoating.(A) Eliminate problems(B) The eliminated problems(C) Eliminating problems(D) Problems are eliminated16. Sea turtles date back 100 million year and are the only ancient sea reptiles to survive the present Day.17. At a first, the scientific method may appear to be a narrow and restrictive way of gaining understanding.18. Since prehistoric times, artists have portrayed subjects that representative their culture.20. Mammals lose body heat to them environment in cold weather more quickly than in hot weather.21. Mahogany is often considered the finest cabinet wood because they has most of the qualities desired forfurniture making.22. The situation comedy has proved to a remarkably durable commercial television format.23. Calcium, the most abundantly mineral in the body works with phosphorus in maintaining bones and teeth.24. Soil science begun with the formulation of the theory of humus in1808.25. Scholars tend to cite 1831 as the started of the United States abolitionist movement.26. Mary McDowell shared Jane Addam’s interest in social work also was a loyal supprter of the League ofNations.27. In adolescence, a young person may experience some stress emotional due to conflicting and confusingsocial demands.28. Situated in the heart of a grain-farming and livestock-raising region, Abilene, Kansas, is a prosperoustrading and distribute center.29. A hologram is a pattern usually made on film in that can create a three-dimensional image of a scene.30. The general sales tax has been a major source of income for state governments, much of which derivemore than half of their budgets from it.31. Principal known for his dictionary, Noah Webster was also the first epidimiologist in the United States.32. Liquid lubricants contrast widely in weighing, thickness, and boiling point.33. Interest with major social events led to a period of growth in journalism after 1945.34. Saint Elmo’s fire is a luminous blue discharge of electricity sometimes seen when a thunderstorm.35. Almanacs in simple form have been known from the invention of writing.36. If laid out in straight line, the human digestive tract would measure approximately thirty foot in length.37. The relationship of Latin American music to Black music in the United States is clearly evident in theunaccented beats that are common to either.38. Today it is generally recognized as the primary function of the Federal Reserve System is to foster the flowof credit and money that will eventually facilitate a balance ininternational payments.39. Pure flint is too hard and even-grained that it chips in smooth curved flakes.40. The typical Georgian-style house is rectangular in shape, at less two stories high, and designed around acentral stairway.1990年01月语法题1. ---ratchet is a wheel or bar that can move in only one direction.(A) A(B) It is a(C) Although a(D) There is a2. Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contrib utions ---a politician.(A) such(B) more(C) as(D) than3. The chief foods eaten in any country depend largely on ---best in its climate and soil.(A) it grows(B) what grows(C) does it grow(D) what does it grow4. Possibly the greatest advance in ---materials came with the invention of a cheap way to make steel.(A) bridge-building(B) building of bridges(C) building a bridge(D) bridges are built5. ---, snakes frequently subdue their prey without injecting poison.(A) Contrary to general belief(B) General belief contrary to(C) Belief contrary to general(D) Contrary belief general to6. Two years after she was chosen president of the Texas State Senate, ---successfully for a seat in the United States Congress.(A) Barbara Jordan’s campaign being(B) Barbara Jordan campaigned(C) Campaigning for Barbara Jordan(D) Barbara Jordan campaigning7. The values of a people, their customs, and their perceptions of the world ---their language.(A) are influenced(B) be influenced(C) influencing(D) influence8. Over a very large number of trials, the probability of an event’s ---is equal to the probability that it will not occur.(A) occurs(B) will occur(C) can occur(D) occurring9. ---fashioned from a wick floating in a bowl of oil functioned according to the principle of capillary action.(A) All lamps early(B) Lamps all early(C) All early lamps(D) Early all lamps10. Annie Jump Cannon, ---discovered so many stars that she was called “the census taker of the sky.”(A) a leading astronomer who(B) who, as a leading astronomer,(C) was a leading astronomer(D) a leading astronomer,11. The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of the body of a runner, ---to the body.(A) the stress it is greater(B) greater is the stress(C) greater stress is(D) the greater the stress12. And ideal is a standard ---people judge real phenomena.(A) how(B) of(C) by which(D) for it13. Maine has ---weather than most of the other states in the continental United States.(A) coolest(B) the coolest(C) cooler(D) the cooler14. Amoebas are ---small to be seen without a microscope.(A) far too(B) far and(C) so far(D) as far as15. Graphite conducts electricity ---does not burn.(A) because(B) if(C) when(D) and16. The methods of spectrum analysis vary according to the wavelength region were studied.17. Hurricanes are severe cyclones with winds over seventy-five miles an hour who originate over tropicalocean waters.。

形容词/副词Important: essential, significant★★★★★, vital, crucial★★★★★, profound ★★★★★, play a pushing role, indispensable, requisite, critical★★★★★, fundamental★★★★★, primary, elementary, underlying, rudimentary★★★★★, basically, necessary…Angry: annoyed★★★★★, cross, displeased, enraged, exasperated★★★★★, incensed, infuriated, irate, mad (informal), livid (informal), berserk, outraged ★★★★★, resentful★★★★★…Big: gigantic★★★★★, massive★★★★★, colossal, enormous, immense★★★★★, gargantuan, tremendous★★★★★, titanic, giant, vast, large, huge, monster, bulky,Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular★★★★★, outstanding★★★★★, distinguished, remarkable★★★★★, superb, incredible, unbelievable, out of this world, magnificent★★★★★, charmin★★★★★g, stunning, fantastic★★★★★, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing, awesomeMany: numerous, myriad★★★★★, infinite,Forever (adv): infinity, eternal, timeless★★★★★, everlasting★★★★★,undying, endless, changeless, perpetually★★★★★…无教师的《iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词》又来啦!Small: minimum, diminutive★★★★★, minute★★★★★, petite, wee, undersized, teeny, tiny, little, petite(女子身高娇小)Bad: awful★★★★★, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect★★★★★, inadequate★★★★★, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory★★★★★, harmful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral(此词的意思是“不道德的”,请用于适当场合)★★★★★…Beautiful: charming★★★★★, charismatic★★★★★, attractive, gorgeous, pretty, endearing, sweet★★★★★, adorable, eye-catching★★★★★, handsome, hot, cute, good-looking, lovable, engaging…Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable★★★★★, intellectual, intelligent★★★★★, excellent, bright, smartHappy: delightful★★★★★, delectable, elated, glad, overjoyed★★★★★, pleased, jubilant★★★★★, merry, joyful,Fast:swift★★★★★, quick, rapid, speedy★★★★★, hasty, nippy, like lightning★★★★★,Hurry (v): hustle★★★★★, rush★★★★★, make haste, tear, step on it, dash, get a move on, step on it, scoot.Clear: obvious, apparent, blatant, comprehensible★★★★★, conspicuous★★★★★, distinct, evident, manifest, palpable, plain, pronounced★★★★★,recognizable, transparent, intelligible★★★★★, lucid, plain, understandable ★★★★★, uninvolved, simple, …Easy: simple, effortless★★★★★, no trouble, painless★★★★★, plain sailing, uncomplicated★★★★★, undemanding, unproblematic, a piece of cake (info rmal), child’s play (informal),…Dangerous: perilous, breakneck, chancy (informal), hazardous★★★★★, insecure, precarious, risky, unsafe, vulnerable★★★★★Personally:from my personal perspective★★★★★, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view, from my angle★★★★★, consider, conceive, perspective★★★★★…Direct: bald★★★★★, basic, frank, naked, plain★★★★★, sincere★★★★★, stark, straightforward, candid, forthright, outspoken….Difficult: hard, tricky, complicated★★★★★, complex, intricate★★★★★, involved, knotty, perplexin★★★★★g, puzzling, thorny…动词Think (that): hold★★★★★the (opinion/ belief/ position/stand point/idea) that, assume, believe, deem, reckon, argue, maintain★★★★★, suppose, conceive, insist(坚定认为)★★★★★, be convinced, to my knowledge, Show: convey★★★★★, reveal★★★★★, express, corroborate, justify, imply, verify, clarify, signify, exemplify, illuminate, substantiate, demonstrate,elucidate, denote★★★★★, characterized as, instruct, display, disclose★★★★★, indicate, means, explain, give an/a example (reason, explanation) of, bear out, point out, point toward…Know: realize, comprehend, identify, distinguish, discern, notice, perceive, recognize, see, understand, figure out, be acquainted with, be familiar with, Get: acquire, attain★★★★★, achieve(本词其实很棒,但是只限于艰苦努力后的获得), obtain, gain★★★★★Suggest: have a proposal in,Increase: magnify★★★★★, expand, proliferate, mushroom, improve, enhance, advance★★★★★…无教师的《iBT新托福金牌五星作文模板词》又来啦!Affect: Impress★★★★★, inspire, influence★★★★★, imprint of, impact★★★★★Stop: halt★★★★★, cease★★★★★, desist, end, pause, put an end to★★★★★, quit, refrain, shut down, terminate★★★★★…Make: create★★★★★, assemble, built, construct★★★★★, form★★★★★, manufacture; fore, cause★★★★★, compel, constrain★★★★★, drive, impel, induce, oblige, prevail, u pon, require…Give: present★★★★★, award, contribute, deliver, donate★★★★★, grant, hand over, hand out, provide, supplyBreak:separate, burst, crack★★★★★, destroy, disintegrate, fracture★★★★★, fragment, shatter★★★★★, smash, snapDestroy: ruin★★★★★, raze, annihilate, crush★★★★★, demolish, devastate★★★★★, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck★★★★★, obliterate, weaken, undermine★★★★★…Happen: occur, come about★★★★★, come to pass, develop, result, take place, transpire新托福的综合写作分数可以说是由3部分决定的,1 阅读能力2 听力能力3 写作能力。
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只是无老师看着as…as用法比较好笑,这么简单的东西,一直被我们的英语老师讲的云里雾里,其实很简单的一个例子,所有人都能记住,看好了!“as 傻as possible”!保证你过目不忘!人就是这样,对于贴近生活的东西最容易记住!各位英语老师,要学会“接地气”呀!最后就到了“名词化的形容词”,这个部分,不错!一定要仔细看看,其实中国考生在这个部分还不够纯熟。