Family 中外家庭对比PPT演讲



中国父母在表示自己对孩子的爱意时,往往不在乎关心 他们想些什么,他们的困惑,他们的不安……”
其一,我们要避免包办代替, 而要更加 注重孩子的自理能力的培养。
其二,要更加重视孩子健康心理的培养: 心理学的研究表明,健康的心理对于的成才 和健康人格的塑造至关重要
相比之下,西方家长比较注意与孩子的情感交流,关心孩子的心 理需要。美国的父母经常与很小的子女一 起讨论问题,当孩子遇 到不顺心的事也愿跟父母商量。在孩子很小时就注意培养他们经 受挫折的毅力 ,一、二岁的孩子任他们在草地上摔跌滚爬。
思政12101班 2号 黄旭超
家庭教育的含义和意义 中西方家庭教育观的差异 如何把握中西方家庭教育的不同 感悟
“国家的命运与其说是掌握在当权者的手中, 倒不如说是掌握在母亲手中。“这句话深刻指明 了家长在教育子女中所起的作用,按照传统观念, 家庭教育是指在家庭生活中,有家长对其子女实 施的教育。
要避免“服从”;崇尚“自由与平等”。由于中国长期 的封建 社会对人们心态的影响,“孩子就应该顺从家长”的 观念在中国家长的头脑里占有根深蒂固的地位。
有关研究表明,专制家庭里的孩子比民主家庭里的孩子 更喜欢同别人吵架,不体谅别人,人缘不好,上进心不强, 对赏罚不太关心。相反,民主型家庭里的孩子,能体谅别人,
家庭教育是学校教育与社会教育的基础,家 庭教育又是终身教育。它开始于孩子出生之日, 婴幼儿时期的家庭教育是“人之初”的教育,在 人的一生中起奠基作用。孩子上了小学中学后, 家庭教育既是学校教育的基础,又是学校教育的 补充和延伸。



values, ethics, and family ties, in the mind deeply, parents, children always family Conclusion:Chinese blood relationship stronger than marriage
Analysis 2: Cultural traditions and values
TOPIC:Why there are so many terms in Chinese to refer to family ties:姑嫂,妯娌,连襟,妻舅 and not in English?
Let's first to find out Chinese family
Chinese traditional
The Chinese pursuit of
Confucianism(儒家思想) The Chinese is introverted and implicit, they have many characters just like tolerance, dependence and cooperation .(中国人性格内向、 含蓄、习惯容忍、依赖和合作) Westerners are exposed, forthright and aggressive
Conclusion:Chinese and western
world outlook, values and ways of thinking are different,leading to the difference of family values .
families:Extended family Chinese pay more attention to "raise children to provide against old age".



In the west, particularly the united states, fiscal education is a branch of the public. The parents help the children a proper financial management, and have a good habits of money, pay attention to the basic quality of training. the parents encourage children to go to work.
parent-child relationships
When the Chinese family, children young relies on the parents, the parents makes many individual sacrifices for the family, but simultaneously requests children more obediences, complies with the guardian 现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Differences in the Family Values
பைடு நூலகம்
Group members (class14):
王聪 成花 张宁 周涵 贺振华
14班 14班 14班 14班 14班
Our respective contribution to
the works
王聪: I am very happy that I found all the pictures, I am interested in this task, I looked through many pictures, they are very beautiful, I like it and I believe our power point is successful, I hope you enjoy it. If I give myself a grade, it will be 90. 成花:What my contribution to my teamwork is collecting and organizing materials. I think my grade is 92. 张宁:I made the whole PPT and tried my best to let it be nice and perfect. I checked out all the materials.In the meanwhile, i learned a lot. 90 周涵:I organized and arranged the materials, and I really enjoyed the process. I think my grade should be 85 贺振华:The idea of the topic is my thought. My grade is 90.


Parents often have discussion with children,
and children will consult with parents when they in tight spots.
❖ By contrary, Chinese parents focused on physiological requirements, including: foods、clothes. Even some parents do not know what is psychological needs.
❖ Western parents are more concerned about the development of children’ healthy beliefs. Thus they cared about psychological need and shared inner emotions with each other.
❖ Although there is a education program in the long-term, parents will teach children everywhere in daily life. Parents will teach children when hearing the national anthem、watching TV……
•The truth aபைடு நூலகம்out “Tiger Moms”
Sophia and Louisa were never allowed to do
❖ Attend a sleepover ❖ Have a play date ❖ Be in a school play ❖ Complain about not being in a school


Chapter 9 Family
May 15th of 2006 is the eleventh International Family Day. Since 1980s, the number of the families in the world has been increasing greatly; while the family scales have been shrinking steadily, and people’s conception of family has changed a lot. All of these changes bring about a great shock to the whole society along. In this chapter we will mainly talk about the families of the two cultures from the following aspects:
In many Chinese families, unless there are married children, there are few personal rights. Some Chinese children, even with a big house, may stay with their parents until several years old. Parents can interfere in their children’s affairs, and children also have the right to use their parents’ articles. When the children break something, their parents may blame them for the breaking but not for their privacy.


义、内容、方法 ▪ 陈鹤琴的《家庭教育——怎样教小孩》—
▪ 1、以“孝悌”为主的封建伦常教育 ▪ 2、以“勤、俭”为主的处世道德教育 ▪ 3、以儒家经典为主的文化知识教育 ▪ 4、以优生优育为出发点的封建胎教 ▪ 5、以重视早教和行为规范为主的童蒙教育 ▪ 6、以“男尊女卑”、“三从四德”为基础
▪ 1.不恰当的教养态度 ▪ 2.极端的教育方式
▪ 孩子自入学起,教师和家长共同承担着教育幼儿 的任务,需要相互配合,对孩子实施一致的教育。 但目前出现了种种令人担忧的现象,如在道德教 育上,教师与家长不一致,造成孩子无法形成正 确的道德标准;教师支持孩子在游戏中学习,家 长则让孩子死记硬背;教师主张孩子自由发展, 而家长则从自己意愿出发,让孩子上各种特长班 等等,双方从教育目标到具体的教育内容都存在 偏差,导致教育力的衰弱。
▪ 二、丰富的家庭教育内容
▪ 德育:塑造孩子良好的道德操守,教导孩子懂得礼貌与
礼仪,引导孩子做有教养、有责任心、有爱心、有同情心 和有奉献精神的人
▪ 智育:不以知识灌输为主,注重激发孩子的各种兴趣和
求知欲,保护孩子的好奇心,尤其重视孩子的创造兴趣和 创造意志
▪ 体育:认为体育活动是每个孩子自身成长的需要,是孩
责任心的家长,这种家庭里的孩子特别容易培养 成功:第二种是既不懂教育,又没有责任心的家 长。这种家庭里的孩子也有成功的可能;最可怕 的是介于这两者之间的第二类家长,不懂教育却 有责任心,大量失败的孩子差不多都是由这类家 长制造出来的。”——家庭教育工作者李跃儿


中国家庭更注重教育投资,日本家庭则更注重儿童 自主发展。
中国家庭强调知识传授和学业成就,日本家庭则更 重视生活技能和品德培养。
部分家庭在教育孩子时面临时间、精力、财力等资源不足 的问题,导致家庭教育质量参差不齐。
中日两国在家庭教育观念上存在差异,如对孩子的期望、 教育方式、家庭角色分工等,这些差异对家庭教育产生了 一定影响。
政府和社会应加强对家庭教育 的指导和支持,提供专业化的 家庭教育咨询服务,帮助家长 解决教育过程中的问题。
中国家庭教育更注重品德教育和行为习惯的培养 ,而日本家庭教育更注重实践能力和创造力的培 养。
中国家庭教育更注重家庭教育和学校教育的结合 ,而日本家庭教育更强调礼仪和规矩。
中国家庭教育在培养孩子的学习能力和应试能力 方面效果较好,但在培养孩子的独立性和自主性 方面相对较弱;而日本家庭教育在培养孩子的独 立性和自主性方面效果较好,但在学习成绩和应 试能力方面相对较弱。
家庭教育是指在家庭环境中进 行的教育活动,包括父母对子 女的养育、教导以及家庭成员 之间的相互影响和教育。
家庭教育是孩子个性、品格形 成的关键因素,对孩子的一生 发展具有深远影响。
家庭教育有助于培养孩子良好 的学习习惯、生活习惯和社交 能力,为孩子的未来发展奠定 基础。

中外家庭教育比较ppt课件 共26页

中外家庭教育比较ppt课件 共26页

Western parents are more concerned about the development of children’ healthy beliefs. Thus they cared about psychological need and shared inner emotions with each other.
There are big differences between the targets of education.
•Western education is not the preparation for earning their living, but for survival. “The learned education” has the value of molding one’s mind, one kind of value which has nothing to do with the utility or the occupation consideration.
The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child. Educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The education's goal is for earning their living, for honor
While , Chinese parents will do everything for children .What children need to do is just study! Even some freshmen do not know how to clean the bed!


e into parents’ money
2.Flag-raising ceremony
❖ Many ways about child rearing in America is difficult to be accepted by Chinese. Especially are the three ways below. First, let children crawl on the ground. As the saying goes: Chinese kids grow up on the bed while American kids grow up on the ground. Many parents think that crawling on the ground is unsafe and unhealthy because there are much dirt and germ on the ground. Second, let the children drink cold water. Somebody said that American is growing up in the refrigerator because they drink cold water every day. But lots of Chinese parents consider that kids will suffer from diarrhea if they drink cold water. Third, let children wear fewer clothes. Many Chinese parents judge whether their kids are feeling warm by the temperature of the kids’ hand or foot. But American parents judge that by the temperature of the kids’ back or nick. Therefore, American kids wear fewer clothes than Chinese


Parents often have discussion with children,
and children will consult with parents when they in tight spots.
By contrary, Chinese parents focused on physiological requirements, including: foods、clothes. Even some parents do not know what is psychological needs.
•The truth about “Tiger Moms”
Sophia and Louisa were never allowed to do
Attend a sleepover Have a play date Be in a school play Complain about not being in a school
Do you have a “Tiger Mother”?
Western parents usually teach children in daily life. Usually parents share their inner emotions to teach children and focus on the development of daily behaviors 、 habits.
Parents all love their children~ That is the fact
Where there is a will
there is a way
Thank you……


➢to exercise children’s abilities of independent living
moral education intellectual education physical education artistic education
the harmonious development of language , emotion , knowledge and so on
a shortage of environment in which people can accept new ideas
a short history
multi-culture sense of worth
better at taking risks and innovating
easy to accept new thoughts and culture
few opportunities to find a job even a good job
getting high marks has become a necessary condition to have a good job and future
more employment opportunities
“ wang zi cheng long ”
to do anyting to support their children to get high marks
try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environmental variety and the ability of living independently

中西方家庭差异 ppt课件

中西方家庭差异 ppt课件
❖ There are two main types of modern society, the family structure: the nuclear family and the extended family. A couple plus children, two generations of the family called the nuclear family; Three or even four generations in the same family is extended family. Chinese people pay more attention to "raise children to old age", but this sentence in the Western sense is not great. Western Family Multi-core type, generally live on their own adult children, three generations are extremely rare.
构密不可分。在这样的体制下,连接人 的社会关系的基本纽带便是血缘与婚姻,

此外,西方个人主义的价值观决定 了他们不依附家庭、也不依赖于他人, 而是倾向于一种自我依赖。家庭与个人 之间只存在暂时性的纽带,是不稳定的。
• Chinese people extended family model is clearly with China in agricultural economic model based on the formation of patriarchal social structure are inseparable. In such a system, the connection


• Secondly,in a traditional sense,parents stand for authority in the family .Children never grow up in parents' eyes .The ancient saying "yiri weishi ,zhongsheng weifu "shows traditional parental status.
Most of the Americans are immigrants. Influenced by western democratic ideology and the Renaissance, American culture show its diversity and toleration. While China has been influenced by Confucianism for a long time.
However, in American, they live longer, marry later, have fewer children, and are more likely to get divorced than ever before. Young people leave home earlier, though not necessarily to get married. More women now go out to work, and more people , especially the old live alone, which is really different from China. The nuclear family (parents and perhaps two children ) gas largely replaced the extended family where many generations live together.



61、奢侈是舒适的,否则就不是奢侈 。——CocoCha nel 62、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学 ,如日 中之光 ;志而 好学, 如炳烛 之光。 ——刘 向 63、三军可夺帅也,匹夫不可夺志也。 ——孔 丘 64、人生就是学校。在那里,与其说好 的教师 是幸福 ,不如 说好的 教师是 不幸。 ——海 贝尔 65、接受挑战,就可以享受胜利的喜悦 。——杰纳勒 尔·乔治·S·巴顿
16、自己选择的路、跪着也要把它走 完。 17、一般情况下)不想三年以后的事, 只想现 在的事 。现在 有成就 ,以后 才能更 辉煌。
18、敢于向黑暗宣战的人,心里必须 充满光 明。 19、学习的关键--重复。
20、懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的 人只能 引为烧 身,只 有真正 勇敢的 人才能 所向披 靡。

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ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
The changes of American family: In the latter half of the twentieth century, great changes took place in America families. Men didn’t take control of family’s economy, and women didn’t need to stay home everyday. And the number of singleparent family, unmarried cohabit family and mixed family increased continuously. Meanwhile, divorce rate increased to a great extent, birth rate decreased noticeably and cohabitation rate has been increasing. Thus I think that the number of America families was declining. And the American families turn to diversity in which will not be just one type.
With implementation of the reform and opening-up policy in china,some changes have taken place.Family members come to pay attention to independent economic models ,new-fashioned life styles and advanced educational conditions .Such new cultural elements have greatly influnced chinese ancient traditions.In the meantime ,the changes have brought negative impacts:rising rate of divorce ,domestic violence and increasing number of illegitimate .
Influenced by confucianism ,Chinese family members do not always possess equal rights .
• Firstly ,the conventional wisdom holds the view of "nazhun nvbei ",and the couple should do their own duties ,supporting parents and rising children . • Secondly,in a traditional sense,parents stand for authority in the family .Children never grow up in parents' eyes .The ancient saying "yiri weishi ,zhongsheng weifu "shows traditional parental status.
Family is the cell of our society, and its development can influence and reflect the society’s present situation.
From the increase of the single family and single parent family both in China and America, we can see that with the development of society, traditional family pattern has lost its leading role, and people’s self-awareness has been enhanced. Women prefer to get rid of family’s fetter and realize their social value. No matter which sexual orientation one has, equal love rights concept is gradually accepted by most of us.
America doesn’t have such long history. Individual freedom is most American’s aim and norm. So as their family, every member should be responsible for himself or herself. In other words, when someone runs into a stone wall, his or her family and friends needn’t face the troubles together. They are more independent.
Core family and couple family take the majority of proportion also. About 40,000,000 single families About 10,000,000 single parent families
Implanted with confucian thoughts ,Chinese have always treasured family as the most important institution.Chinese stress harmony in the society,intimacy among family members and ones responsibilities.
Family Structure
Core family is about 70% Couple family and cross generation family are rising China likes the big family before. Now this tradition still exists.
Most of the Americans are immigrants. Influenced by western democratic ideology and the Renaissance, American culture show its diversity and toleration. While China has been influenced by Confucianism for a long time.
However, in American, they live longer, marry later, have fewer children, and are more likely to get divorced than ever before. Young people leave home earlier, though not necessarily to get married. More women now go out to work, and more people , especially the old live alone, which is really different from China. The nuclear family (parents and perhaps two children ) gas largely replaced the extended family where many generations live together.
No. 2 is the couple family(对偶家庭), composed by the husband and wife.
No. 3 is the cross generation family(跨代家庭), composed by grandparents and their grandchildren. No. 4 is the single family(单一家庭/独立家庭), just a single person constitute this family. No. 5 is the single parent family(单亲家庭), children and their dad or mother constitute the family. No. 6 is the expand family(扩大式家庭), this family composed by the old parents and the core family or the couple family.
This kind of family education let kids grow independently. But sometimes extreme democracy in the United Stated cause a lot of self-centered kids. What is more, American youth's make sense of economic independence earlier. It is based on this concept of early education of economy. In the United States, parents used economic means to urge progress in children’s study and stimulate competition between children.