一、硅胶品牌介绍1. Dow Corning(陶氏康宁)Dow Corning是全球领先的硅胶制造商之一,总部位于美国。
Dow Corning的硅胶产品以其高品质、可靠性和创新性而闻名。
2. Wacker(威克化学)Wacker是德国一家知名的化学公司,也是全球领先的硅胶制造商之一。
3. Shin-Etsu(信越化学工业)Shin-Etsu是日本一家知名的化学公司,也是硅胶行业的领导者之一。
二、硅胶产业发展情况1. 美国美国在硅胶产业方面具有较高的技术水平和市场竞争力。
2. 德国德国在硅胶产业方面也具有强大的实力。
3. 日本日本在硅胶产业方面一直处于领先地位。
总结:硅胶品牌如Dow Corning、Wacker和Shin-Etsu在全球范围内享有盛誉。
Dow Corning 6-1104 CV 一部器材说明书
Product InformationAdhesivesFEATURES•Non-flowing •Room temp cure•Low levels of volatile condensable materials•High elongation for added stress reliefBENEFITS•No mixing required•RT cure, no ovens required•Faster in-line processing with optional heat acceleration•Proven for Space-Grade ApplicationsPOTENTIAL USES•Space-grade sealing and adheringAPPLICATION METHODS•Automated or manual needle dispense systemsDow Corning ®6-1104 CV Sealant1-part, translucent, nonflow space grade adhesive TYPICAL PROPERTIESSpecification Writers: Please contact your local Dow Corning sales office or your Global Dow Corning Connection before writing specifications on this product.PropertyUnit Value Extrusion Rate g/min 164 Skin Over Time at 25ºC minutes 26 Tack-Free Time at 25ºC minutes 64 Specific Gravity (Cured) - 1.1 Refractive Index - 1.41 Tensile Strengthpsi MPa kg/cm2 925 6.4 64Elongation % 610 Tensile Moduluspsi MPa kg/cm2 140 110Tear Strength (Die B)ppi N/cm 180 125 Durometer Shore A- 41 Unprimed Adhesion - Lap Shear to Aluminumpsi MPa N/cm2 220 1.5 150 Unprimed Adhesion - 180 Degree Peel Strength ppi N/cm2 2718.5 Dielectric Strengthvolts/mil kV/mm 550 21Volume Resistivityohm*cm 1.37 E+15 Dielectric Constant at 100 Hz - 2.59 Dielectric Constant at 100 kHz-2.58DESCRIPTIONDow Corning one-part moisture cure adhesives are generally cured at room temperature and in an environment of 30 to 80 percent relative humidity eliminating the need for curing ovens and the associated costs of energy and capital. Greater than 90 percent of full physical properties should be attained within 24 to 72 hours and varies according to product. Faster manufacturing throughput is achieve however since the adhesive and component can be handled in much shorter times of about 10 to 120 minutes depending on the adhesive selected and the amount of applied. These adhesives are not typically used in highly confined spaces or where a deep section cure is required as they generally cure from the exposed surface inward at a rate of 0.25 inch per seven days. Cure progresses from the outer exposed surface and is dependent on the moisture in the air. Working time is generally a few minutes to an hour for TYPICAL PROPERTIES, continuedProperty Unit Value Dissipation Factor at 100 hz - 0.00035Dissipation Factor at 100 kHz - < 0.00017 Thermal Conductivity btu/hr ft degFW/mK0.3460.2 Shelf Life at 25ºC months 12Primed Adhesion - Lap Shear onaluminumpsiMPaN/cm25103.535Primed Adhesion - 180 Degree PeelStrengthppiN/cm2kg/cm29968.26.8Total Mass Loss (ASTM E595) % 0.77Volatile Condensable Material(ASTM E595)% 0.027these products until a surface skin begins to form. Mild heat below 60°C (140°F) may be used to increase through-put by accelerating the cure. Dow Corning silicone adhesives retain their original physical and electrical properties over a broad range of operating conditions which enhance the reliability of and service life of electronic devices. The stable chemistry and versatile processing options of these adhesives offer benefits for a variety of electronics needs from increasing component safety and reliability, reducing total cost or increasing the performance envelope of devices or modules. PACKAGINGRTV Adhesives are typically packaged in 100 ml syringes and 330 ml cartridges, 1 kg tubs and pails (18 - 25 kg). In general, Dow Corning adhesives/sealants are supplied in nominal 0.45-, 3.6-, 18- and 200-kg (1-, 8-, 40- and 440-lb) containers, net weight. Not all products may be available in all packages and some additional packages, such as a bladder packs or tubes, may be available for certain package sizes. STORAGE AND SHELFLIFEFor best results, Dow Corning RTVadhesives should be stored at orbelow 25°C (77°F). Specialprecautions must be taken to preventmoisture from contacting thesematerials. Containers should be kepttightly closed with head or air spaceminimized. Partially filled containersshould be purged with dry air or othergases, such as nitrogen. Shelf life isindicated by the “Use Before” datefound on the product label.PREPARING SURFACESAll surfaces should be thoroughlycleaned and/or degreased with DowCorning® brand OS Fluids, naphtha,mineral spirits, methyl ethyl ketone(MEK) or other suitable solvent.Solvents such as acetone or isopropylalcohol (IPA) do not tend to removeoils well, and any oils remaining onthe surface may interfere withadhesion. Light surface abrasion isrecommended whenever possible,because it promotes good cleaningand increases the surface area forbonding. A final surface wipe withacetone or IPA is also useful. Somecleaning techniques may providebetter results than others; usersshould determine the best techniquesfor their particular applications.SUBSTRATE TESTINGDue to the wide variety of substratetypes and differences in substratesurface conditions, general statementson adhesion and bond strength areimpossible. To ensure maximumbond strength on a particularsubstrate, 100 percent cohesivefailure of the adhesive in a lap shearor similar adhesive strength test isdesired. This ensures compatibility ofthe adhesive with the substrate beingconsidered. Also, this test can be usedto determine minimum cure time orcan detect the presence of surfacecontaminants such as mold releaseagents, oils, greases and oxide films.ADHESIONDow Corning silicone adhesives arespecially formulated to provideunprimed adhesion to many reactivemetals, ceramics and glass, as well asto selected laminates, resins andplastics. However, good adhesioncannot be expected on non-reactivemetal substrates or non-reactiveplastic surfaces such as Teflon®,Dow Corning and Sylgard are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation. All other trademarks or brand names are the property of their respective owners. ©2008 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in USA Form No.11-1189B-01polyethylene or polypropylene. Special surface treatments such as chemical etching or plasma treatment can sometimes provide a reactive surface and promote adhesion to these types of substrates. DowCorning® brand Primers can be used to increase the chemical activity on difficult substrates. Poor adhesion may be experienced on plastic or rubber substrates that are highly plasticized, because the mobile plasticizers act as release agents. Small-scale laboratory evaluation of all substrates is recommended before production trials are made.USEFUL TEMPERATURE RANGESFor most uses, silicone elastomers should be operational over atemperature range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low- and high temperature ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials andperformance in particular applications can become more complex andrequire additional considerations. For low-temperature performance,thermal cycling to conditions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible, but performance should be verified for your parts or assemblies. Factors that may influence performance areconfiguration and stress sensitivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history. At the high-temperature end, the durability of the cured silicone elastomer is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher the temperature, the shorter the time the material will remain useable.SOLVENT EXPOSUREWhen liquid or vapor solvent or fuel exposure can occur in an application, the silicone adhesive discussed in this brochure is intended only to survivesplash or intermittent exposures. It is not suited for continuous solvent or fuel exposure. Testing should be done to confirm performance of the adhesives under these conditions.HEALTH ANDENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATIONTo support customers in theirproduct safety needs, Dow Corning has an extensive Product Stewardship organization and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area. For further information, please see our website,, or consult your local Dow Corning representative.LIMITATIONSThese products are neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.LIMITED WARRANTY INFORMATION PLEASE READ CAREFULLYThe information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control, this information should not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Dow Corning’s products are safe, effective, and fullysatisfactory for the intended end use. Suggestions of use shall not be taken as inducements to infringe any patent. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the DowCorning sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Yourexclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund ofpurchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than aswarranted. DOW CORNINGSPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR MERCHANTABILITY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.SAFE HANDLING INFORMATIONPRODUCT SAFETYINFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HANDLING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTHHAZARD INFORMATION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEBSITE AT , OR FROM YOUR DOW CORNING REPRESENTATIVE, ORDISTRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING YOUR GLOBAL DOW CORNING CONNECTION.For More InformationTo learn more about these and other products available from Dow Corning, please visit the Dow Corning Electronics website at / electronics.。
全新的品牌,如一的品质Dow Corning(道康宁)品牌更名为DOWSIL(陶熙)
制度 与 有效 的减 排 策略 ; 以 及城 区单
位 GD P碳 排 放 量 、 人 均 碳 排 放 量 和 单
( 山体、 河流、湿 地、绿地 、街道) 打
造 城 区通 风 廊 道 。
位地 域 面积 碳排 放 量等 3个 指标 达 到
所 在 地 和 城 区 的 减 碳 目标 。
清 单, 制定 分阶 段 的减 排 目标 和实 施
方案 : 同时 城区 内实行 用能 分项 计量 ,
要 信 息 就 是 强 调 建 筑 与 人 文 特 色 、 历 史 文 脉 的 融 合 。 比 如 城 区 规 划 设 计 与
全新的 品牌 ,如一 的品质 Do w C o r n i n g @( 道康宁 ⑩ ) 品牌更 名为 DO WS I L ( 陶熙 )
特 色 的既 有建 筑构 建绿 色 生态 城区展 示 与 体 验 平 台、 开 展 绿 色 教 育 和 绿 色 实践等。 等 奏 标 准 让 城 市 规 划 越 来 越 重 要。 标 准 明 确 规 定 城 区 的 空 间 形 态 、 色 彩 风 貌 、 建 筑 体 量 、 照 明 规 划 以 及
≥ 别 关 注
建 设 用 地 至 少 含 有 R类 、 A类 、 B类 三
纳 入城 市 (Leabharlann 区) 能 源管 理平 台, 集 中
供; 令或 供 热 实 行 计 量 收 费 ;另 一 方 面 要 求 城 区 专 设 组 织 机 构 及 人 员 负 责 管 理 减 排 工 作 , 制 定 系 统 、 规 范 的 管 理
建 设 阶 段 实 施 公 众 参 与 、 保 护 城 区 内 历 史 文 化 街 区 和 历 史 建 筑 以 及 其 他 历
1. Dow Corning(陶氏康宁)Dow Corning是全球领先的硅胶品牌之一,总部位于美国。
例如,在建筑行业,Dow Corning的硅胶密封剂被用于建筑物的密封、绝缘和防水。
2. Wacker(威克化工)Wacker是德国一家知名的硅胶品牌,也是全球最大的硅胶生产商之一。
3. Momentive(莫门蒂夫)Momentive是美国一家领先的硅胶品牌,其产品广泛应用于汽车、电子、航空航天等行业。
以上是几个知名的硅胶品牌,它们在不同国家的应用情况如下:1. 美国在美国,硅胶产品广泛应用于建筑、医疗、电子等行业。
2. 德国德国是硅胶产业发达的国家之一。
3. 中国中国是全球硅胶产量最大的国家之一。
Dow Corning 品牌胶水 封装剂双部分室温潮湿愈合类说明书
Information About Dow Corning ® brand Adhesive/SealantsSilicones and ElectronicsLong-term, reliable protection of sensitive circuits and components is important in many of today’s delicate and demanding electronic applications. Silicones function as durable dielectric insulation, as barriers against environmental contaminants and as stress-relieving shock and vibration absorbers over a wide temperature and humidity range.In addition to sustaining their physical and electrical prop-erties over a broad range of operating conditions, silicones are resistant to ozone and ultraviolet degradation, have good chemical stability and are available in a variety of useful forms as conformal coatings, encapsulants and adhesives.Dow Corning’s broad range of general purpose and specialty products offers you a choice of materials for your application needs.Dow Corning offers a variety of noncorrosive silicone products for electronic sealing, bonding and adhering applications. These adhesives generally fall into three cure types. The first group are moisture cure, generally meant for room-temperature processing. The second type(condensation cure) offers rapid room-temperature and deep-section curing. The third type is heat cure for rapid processing. All convert to durable, relatively low stresselastomers. Most will develop good, primerless adhesion to a variety of common substrates including ceramics, reactive metals and filled plastics.TYPICAL PROPERTIESThese values are not intended for use in preparing specifications.Specification Writers: Please obtain copies of the Dow Corning Sales Specifications for these products and use them as a basis for your specifications. They may be obtained from any Dow Corning Sales Office, or from Dow Corning Customer Service in Midland,MI. Call (517) 496-6000.HEAT CURE TIMESCURE CONDITIONSOne-Part Moisture Cure RTVThe one-part moisture cure adhesives (838, 839, 3165, 3145,3140 and 3-1744) are generally cured at room temperature and in a range of 30 to 80 percent relative humidity. Greater than 90 percent of their full physical properties should be attained within 24 to 72 hours depending on the product chosen. Materials and parts can be handled in much shorter times of about 10 to 120 minutes depending on the product chosen and the amount of material used per part. These materials are not typically used for highly confined or deep section cures. Materials will generally cure about 0.25 inch per seven days from any exposed surface. Cure progresses from the outer surface and is dependent on the moisture in the air. Working time is generally a few minutes to an hour for these products until a surface skin begins to form. Mild heat acceleration of the cure rate may be possible but temperatures above 60°C (140°F) are not recommended.Two-Part Room Temperature Condensation CureDow Corning ® Q3-6093 Silicone Adhesive is the only two-part condensation curing product. Once mixed, cure progresses rapidly at room temperature. Good strength is attained within an hour but full properties are not reached for anumber of days. Q3-6093 adhesive contains its own source of moisture and cure progresses evenly throughout the material.Deep section or confined cures are possible however (see “Reversion”). Working time is only a few minutes.Heat CureThe addition curing adhesives (577, 3-6876, 3-6611 and 3-6265) should be cured at 100°C (212°F) or above. The cure rate is rapidly accelerated with heat (see cure schedulesin table). For thicker sections or if voiding is observed, a 30 minutes pre-cure at 70°C (158°F) may reduce voids in the elastomer. Addition-curing materials contain all the ingredients needed for cure with no byproducts from the cure mechanism. Deep section or confined cures arepossible. Cure progresses evenly throughout the material.These adhesives generally have long working times.PREPARING SURFACESAll surfaces should be thoroughly cleaned and/or degreased with Dow Corning ®brand OS Fluids, naphtha, mineral spirits,methyl ethyl ketone (MEK) or other suitable solvent.Solvents such as acetone or isopropyl alcohol (IPA) do not tend to remove oils well, and any oils remaining on the surface may interfere with adhesion. Light surface abrasion is recommended whenever possible, because it promotes good cleaning and increases the surface area for bonding. A final surface wipe with acetone or IPA is also useful.Different cleaning techniques may give better results than others. Users should determine the best techniques for their applications.ADHESIONDow Corning silicone adhesives are specially formulated to provide unprimed adhesion to many reactive metals,ceramics and glass, as well as to selected laminates, resins and plastics. However, good adhesion cannot be expected on nonreactive metal substrates or non-reactive plastic surfaces such as Teflon ®, polyethylene or polypropylene. Special surface treatments such as chemical etching or plasma treatment can sometimes provide a reactive surface and promote adhesion to these types of substrates. Dow Corning ®brand primers (see “Primer Selection Guide”) can be used to increase the chemical activity on difficult substrates.2P5200 Red is a low-VOC alternative to 1200 Red.3P5204 is a low-VOC alternative to 1204.4The lower VOC value is for states and air quality management districts that have recognized volatile methylsiloxanes as VOC exempt.PRIMER SELECTION GUIDEThese values are not intended for use in preparing specifications.Poor adhesion may be experienced on plastic or rubber substrates that are highly plasticized, because the mobile plasticizers act as release agents. Small-scale laboratory evaluation of all substrates is recommended before production trials are made.In general, increasing the cure temperature and/or cure time will improve the ultimate adhesion.SUBSTRATE TESTINGDue to the wide variety of substrate types and differences in substrate surface conditions, general statements on adhesion and bond strength are impossible. To ensure maximum bond strength on a particular substrate, 100 percent cohesive failure of the adhesive in a lap shear or similar adhesive strength test is desired. This ensures compatibility of the adhesive with the substrate being considered. Also,this test can be used to determine minimum cure time or can detect the presence of surface contaminants such as mold release agents, oils, greases and oxide films.USEFUL TEMPERATURE RANGESFor most uses, silicone elastomers should be operational over a temperature range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low and high temperature ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials and performance in particular applications can become more complex and require additional considerations.For low-temperature performance, thermal cycling to conditions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible, butperformance should be verified for your parts or assemblies.Factors that may influence performance are configuration and stress sensitivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history.At the high-temperture end, the durability of the cured silicone elastomer is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher the temperature, the shorter the time the material will remain useable.COMPATIBILITYCertain materials, chemicals, curing agents and plasticizers can inhibit the cure of addition cure adhesives. Most notable of these include:•Organotin and other organometallic compounds •Silicone rubber containing organotin catalyst •Sulfur, polysulfides, polysulfones or other sulfur-containing materials•Amines, urethanes or amine-containing materials •Unsaturated hydrocarbon plasticizers •Some solder flux residuesIf a substrate or material is questionable with respect to potentially causing inhibition of cure, it is recommended that a small scale compatibility test be run to ascertain suitability in a given application. The presence of liquid or uncured product at the interface between the questionable substrate and the cured gel indicates incompatibility and inhibition of cure.MIXING AND DE-AIRINGUpon standing, some filler may settle to the bottom of the liquid containers after several weeks. To ensure a uniform product mix, the material in each container should be thoroughly mixed prior to use.1Clear only.2Gray only.3UL746C Approved.LISTINGS AND SPECIFICATIONSDow Corning Corporation Midland, Michigan 48686-0994Dow Corning and Sylgard are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation.Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours Co.©2000 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reser ved.Printed in USAAGP4781Form No. 10-911A-01Two-part materials should be mixed in the proper ratio (1:1or 10:1) either by weight or volume. The presence of light colored streaks or marbling indicates inadequate mixing.Automated airless dispense equipment can be used toreduce or avoid the need to de-air. If de-airing is required to reduce voids in the cured elastomer, consider a vacuum de-air schedule of >28 inches Hg for 10 minutes or until bubbling subsides.REVERSIONWhen two-part condensation curing materials with organo-tin catalysts, such as Q3-6093 adhesive, are cured in confinement (especially in deep section) and are later subjected to high heat conditions, can potentially revert back from a cured elastomer to a flowable polymer.Although this condition is unusual, parts using Q3-6093adhesive should be thoroughly tested in accelerated temperature conditions for this potential limitation.SOLVENT EXPOSUREWhen liquid or vapor solvent or fuel exposure can occur in an application, the silicone adhesives discussed in thisbrochure are intended only to survive splash or intermittent exposures. They are not suited for continuous solvent or fuel exposure. Testing should be done to confirm performance of the adhesives under these conditions.STORAGE AND SHELF LIFEShelf life is indicated by the “Use Before” date found on the product label.For best results, Dow Corning RTV adhesives should be stored at or below 25°C (77°F). Special precautions must be taken to prevent moisture from contacting these materials.Containers should be kept tightly closed and head or air space minimized. Partially filled containers should be purged with dry air or other gases, such as nitrogen.Dow Corning heat-cure adhesives should also be stored at or below 25°C (77°C). Containers should be kept tightly closed and kept in cold storage at all times to extend shelf life.LIMITATIONSThese products are neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.PACKAGINGIn general, Dow Corning adhesives/sealants are supplied in nominal 0.45-, 3.6-, 18- and 200-kg (1-, 8-, 40- and 440-lb)containers,net weight. Not all products may be available in all packages and some additional packages, such as a bladder packs or tubes, may be available for certain coatings and package sizes.SAFE HANDLING INFORMATIONPRODUCT SAFETY INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED. BEFORE HANDLING,READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS AVAILABLE FROM YOURDOW CORNING REPRESENTATIVE, OR DISTRIBUTOR,OR BY WRITING TO DOW CORNING CUSTOMER SERVICE, OR BY CALLING (517) 496-6000.WARRANTY INFORMATION – PLEASE READ CAREFULLYThe information contained herein is offered in good faith and is believed to be accurate. However, because conditions and methods of use of our products are beyond our control,this information should not be used in substitution for customer’s tests to ensure that Dow Corning’s products are safe, effective, and fully satisfactory for the intended end use. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifications in effect at the time of shipment. Your exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replace-ment of any product shown to be other than as warranted.Dow Corning specifically disclaims any other express or implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or merch-antability. Unless Dow Corning provides you with a specific,duly signed endorsement of fitness for use, Dow Corning disclaims liability for any incidental or consequential damages.Suggestions of uses should not be taken as inducements to infringe any particular patent.。
一、硅胶品牌1. Dow Corning(陶氏康宁)Dow Corning是全球率先的硅胶创造商之一,总部位于美国。
Dow Corning的硅胶产品以其高质量、可靠性和创新性而闻名。
2. Wacker(威克化工)Wacker是德国一家知名的化工公司,也是全球硅胶市场的重要参预者。
3. Shin-Etsu(信越化学)Shin-Etsu是日本一家率先的化学公司,也是硅胶行业的重要参预者。
二、硅胶在不同国家的应用情况1. 美国美国是硅胶市场最大的消费国之一。
2. 德国德国是硅胶技术领域的重要国家之一。
1. Dow Corning(美国)Dow Corning是全球最大的硅胶生产商之一,总部位于美国密歇根州。
Dow Corning的硅胶产品广泛应用于建造、汽车、电子、医疗等领域。
2. Wacker(德国)Wacker是德国一家知名的化工公司,也是全球硅胶行业的领军企业之一。
3. Shin-Etsu(日本)Shin-Etsu是日本一家著名的化工企业,也是全球硅胶行业的重要参预者之一。
4. Momentive(美国)Momentive是一家总部位于美国纽约的硅胶创造商,也是全球硅胶市场的重要参预者之一。
该公司成立于2022年,是由GE Advanced Materials和Hexion Specialty Chemicals合并而成的。
总结起来,硅胶品牌及其所属国家有:- Dow Corning(美国)- Wacker(德国)- Shin-Etsu(日本)- Momentive(美国)这些品牌在全球硅胶市场中具有重要地位,它们通过不断创新和提高产品质量,满足各行业的需求,并为人们的生活带来便利和安全。
Dow Corning 品牌 Silicone Encapsulants 两部silicone el
Long-term, reliable protection of sensitive circuits and compo-nents is becoming more important in many of today’s delicate and demanding elec t ronic applications. Silicones function as durable dielectric insulation, as barriers against environmental con t am-inants and as stress-relieving shock and vibration absorbers over a wide temperature and humidity range.In addition to sustaining their physical and electrical properties over a broad range of operating conditions, sili c ones are resistant to ozone and ultraviolet degradation, have good chemical stabil i ty and are available in a variety of use f ul forms as conformal coat-ings, en c a p sulants and adhesives. Dow Corning’s broad rangeof general purpose and specialty products offers you a choice of materials for your application needs.DESCRIPTIONDow Corning® silicone encapsulants are supplied as two-part liquid component kits comprised of:Mix Ratio Components(by weight or volume) (as supplied)1:1 Part A/Part B10:1 Base/Curing agentWhen liquid components are tho r o ughly mixed, the mixture cures to a fl exible elastomer, which is suited for the protec t ion of electrical/electronic appli c a t ions. Dow Corning silicone en-capsulants cure without exotherm at a constant rate regardless of sectional thickness or degree of confi ne m ent. Dow Corning silicone elastomers require no post cure and can be placedin service immediately following the completion of the cure schedule with an operating temper a ture range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F). Select materials have been classifi ed by Under w riters Laboratories and/or meet military specifi cations. Standard silicone encapsulants require a surface treatment with a primer in addition to good cleaning for adhesion while primerless silicone encapsulants require only good cleaning.1These data were collected on 50-100 gram samples of a lot believed to be typical and should be used as initial estimates of cure times. Times will vary slightly from batch to batch and can be longer or shorter due to thermal mass of your parts and your heating ramp rate. Pretesting is recommended to confi rm adequate cure for your application.2For primerless adhesion products, cure time is based on time to reach durometer. Full adhesion may take more time at the cure temperature.1P5200 Clear is a low-VOC alternative to 1200 Clear.2P5200 Red is a low-VOC alternative to 1200 Red.3P5204 is a low-VOC alternative to 1204.4The lower VOC value is for states and air quality management districts that have recognized volatile methylsiloxanes as VOC exempt.4P5200 Clear 132 (90)110/705Most metals, glass, ceramics and some plastics Pigmented two-part addition cure 160, 165, 1701200 Clear17 (63)7481200 Red17 (63)774Colored for easier identification P5200 Red 232 (90)110/705120415 (59)774Most metals, glass and ceramics All one-part alcohol cure 3140, 3145, 838,3-1753P5204318 (64)205/59112055 (41)861Film-forming Most plastics All 3-606037 (99)780Improves inhibition resistance Most plastics and metals All two-part addition cure 182, 184, 18692-023-4 (25)678Most metals, glass and ceramics Sylgard ®Prime Coat -3 (27)687MIXING – 1:1/PART A:PART BDow Corning silicone 1:1 encap s ul ants are supplied in two parts that do not require lot matching. The 1:1 mix ratio, byweight or volume, simpli fi es the proportioning process. Toensure uniform distribution of fi ller, Parts A and B must eachbe thoroughly mixed prior to their combination in a 1:1 ratio.When thoroughly blended, the Part A and B liquid mixtureshould have a uniform appearance. The presence of light-colored streaks or marbling indicates inadequate mixing andwill result in incomplete cure.Due to the fast-curing characteristics of some encapsulantsincluded in this data sheet, automated mix and dis p ense equip-ment should be utilized. In appli c ations sensitive to air entrap-ment, deairing with 28 to 30 inches Hg vacuum is required.MIXING – 10:1/BASE:CURING AGENTDow Corning silicone 10:1 encap s u l ants are supplied in twoparts as lot-matched base and curing agent that are mixed ina ratio of 10 parts base to one part curing agent, by weight.After thoroughly mixing base and curing agent, agitate gentlyto reduce the amount of air introduced. Allowing the mixtureto set for 30 minutes before pouring may be adequate forremoval of the air introduced during mixing. If air bubblesare still present, vacuum deairing may be required. Deair in acontainer with at least four times the liquid volume to allowfor expansion of material. Air entrapped in the mixture can beremoved by using a vacuum of 28 to 30 inches Hg. Continue the vacuum until the liquid expands and settles to its original volume and bubbling subsides. This may take 15 minutes to 2 hours depending on the amount of air introduced during stirring. For best curing results, glassware and glass or metal stirring implements should be used. Mix with a smooth action that does not introduce excess air.POT LIFE/WORKING TIME Cure reaction begins with the mixing process. Initially, cure is evidenced by a gradual increase in viscosity, followed by gelation and conversion to a solid elastomer. Pot life is de fi ned as the time required for viscosity to double after Parts A and B (base and curing agent) are mixed. Please refer to individual pot life for each silicone encapsulant.PROCESSING AND CURING Thoroughly mixed Dow Corning silicone encapsulant may be poured/dispensed directly into the container in which it is to be cured. Care should be taken to minimize air entrapment. When practical, pouring/dispensing should be done under vacuum, par t icularly if the component being potted or encap s ulated has many small voids. If this technique cannot be used, the unit should be evacuated after the silicone encapsulant has been poured/dispensed.Dow Corning silicone encapsulants may be either room tem-perature (25°C/77°F) or heat cured. Room temperature cure encapsulants may also be heat accelerated for faster cure. IdealPREPARING SURFACESIn applications requiring adhesion, priming will be required for the silicone encapsulants. See the Primer Selection Guide for the correct primer to use with a given product. For best results, the primer should be applied in a very thin, uniform coating and then wiped off after application. After application, it should be thoroughly air dried prior to application of the silicone elastomer. Additional instructions for primer usage can be found in the Dow Corning literature, “How To Use Dow Corning Primers and Adhesion Promoters” (Form No. 10-366) and in the information sheets specifi c to the individual primers.USEFUL TEMPERATURE RANGESFor most uses, silicone elastomers should be operational over a tempera t ure range of -45 to 200°C (-49 to 392°F) for long periods of time. However, at both the low and high temper a-ture ends of the spectrum, behavior of the materials and per-for m ance in particular applications can become more complex and require additional considerations.For low-temperature performance, thermal cycling to condi-tions such as -55°C (-67°F) may be possible, but performance should be verifi ed for your parts or assemblies. Factors that may infl uence performance are confi guration and stress sensi-tivity of components, cooling rates and hold times, and prior temperature history. There are specialized products including Dow Corning® 3-6121 Encapsulating Elastomer that can per-form at -65°C (-85°F) and below.At the high-temperature end, the durability of the cured silicone elastomer is time and temperature dependent. As expected, the higher the temperature, the shorter the time the material will remain usable.COMPATIBILITYCertain materials, chemicals, curing agents and plasticizers can inhibit the cure of Dow Corning silicone encapsulants. Most notable of these include:•Organotin and other organometallic compounds •Silicone rubber containing organotin catalyst•Sulfur, polysulfi des, polysulfones or other sulfur-containing materials•Amines, urethanes or amine-containing materials •Unsaturated hydrocarbon plasticizers•Some solder fl ux residues concerns but may experience reversion in sealed applications at high temperature and pressure.REPAIRABILITYIn the manufacture of electrical/electronic devices it is often desirable to salvage or reclaim damaged or defective units. With most non-silicone rigid potting/encapsulating materials, removal or entry is diffi cult or impossible without causing excessive damage to internal circuitry. Dow Corning silicone encapsulants can be selectively removed with relative ease, any repairs or changes accomplished, and the repaired area repotted in place with additional product.To remove silicone elastomers, simply cut with a sharp blade or knife and tear and remove unwanted material from the area to be repaired. Sections of the adhered elastomer are best removed from substrates and circuitry by mechanical action such as scraping or rubbing and can be assisted by applying Dow Corning®brand OS Fluids.Before applying additional encapsulant to a repaired device, roughen the exposed surfaces of the cured encapsulant with an abrasive paper and rinse with a suitable solvent. This will enhance adhesion and permit the repaired material to become an integral matrix with the existing encapsulant. Silicone prime coats are not recommended for adhering products to themselves.HANDLING PRECAUTIONSDow Corning 255 Elastomer curing agent and uncured cata-lyzed material will burn skin and eyes upon pro l onged contact. In case of eye contact, fl ush with copious amounts of water for at least 15 minutes and seek medical attention at once. Skin contact areas should be washed with soap and water. Persistent irritation should receive med i cal attention. Use only with adequate ventilation; if not available, use respiratory protection.PRODUCT SAFETY INFOR M A T ION REQUIRED FOR SAFE USE IS NOT INCLUDED IN THIS DOCUMENT. BEFORE HAN D LING, READ PRODUCT AND MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS AND CONTAINER LABELS FOR SAFE USE, PHYSICAL AND HEALTH HAZARD INFOR M A T ION. THE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET IS A V AILABLE ON THE DOW CORNING WEBSITEAT , OR FROM YOURDOW CORNING REP R E S EN T ATIVE, OR DIS TRIBUTOR, OR BY CALLING YOUR GLOBAL DOW CORNING CONNECTION.Dow Corning and Sylgard are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation.©2000, 2001, 2003 Dow Corning Corporation. All rights reserved.Printed in USA AGP6686 Form No. 10-898D-01mini m ized. Partially fi lled containers should be purged with dry air or other gases, such as nitrogen.Dow Corning 255 Elastomer should be kept refrigerated (10°C/50°F) until use. Any special storage and handling in-structions will be printed on the product containers.PACKAGINGIn general, Dow Corning silicone 1:1 mix ratio encapsulants are supplied in nominal 0.45-, 3.6-, 18- and 200-kg (1-, 8-, 40- and 440-lb) containers, net weight. Dow Corning silicone 10:1 mix ratio encapsulants are supplied in nominal 0.5-, 5-, 25- and 225-kg (1.1-, 11-, 55- and 495-lb) containers, net weight. Packaging options may vary by product.Consult Dow Corning Customer Service at (989) 496-6000 for additional packaging options.LIMITATIONSThese products are neither tested nor represented as suitable for medical or pharmaceutical uses.HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTALINFORMATIONTo support customers in their product safety needs, Dow Corning has an exten s ive Product Stewardshiporgan i zation and a team of Product Safety and Regulatory Compliance (PS&RC) specialists available in each area.For further information, please see our website,, or consult your localDow Corning e shall not be taken as induce m ents to infringe any patent. Dow Corning’s sole warranty is that the product will meet the Dow Corning sales specifi cations in effect at the time of shipment. Y our exclusive remedy for breach of such warranty is limited to refund of purchase price or replacement of any product shown to be other than as warranted. DOW CORNING SPECIFICALL Y DISCLAIMS ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED W ARRANTY OF FIT N ESS FOR A P ARTICULAR PUR P OSE OR MERCHANT A BIL I TY. DOW CORNING DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR ANY INCI D EN T AL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.。
55 (邵氏00型)
道康宁® TC-4525导热材料的玻璃微珠版本(180微米)
组分A: 223,000 组分B: 216,000 混合: 217,000
已固化: 2.9
40 (邵氏00型) 32 (肖氏W型)
-50至80℃: 95 -50至150℃: 123
备注 -
时间: 4分钟
流动性: 60 毫米 已固化: 2.6
铝: 110 psi
60 分钟/120℃
组分A: 3,100 组分B: 2,500 混合: 2,900
已固化: 1.67
30 (邵氏A型)
1.5毫米下的UL可 燃性:94 V-0
阳极氧化铝: 220 psi 60 分钟/120℃
组分A: 1,600 组分B: 1,400 混合: 1,900
道康宁® TC-2035导热粘合剂
道康宁® SE 4485导热粘合剂 道康宁® SE 4485 L导热粘合剂 道康宁® SE 4486导热粘合剂 道康宁® TC-4605导热灌封胶
道康宁® TC-4605 HLV导热灌封胶
研发中:用于汽车电子设备的1.8 W/m.K导热填缝剂材料
组分A: 250,000
铝: 435psi, 3Mpa,
60 分钟/130℃
组分B: 200,000 混合: 220,000
92 (邵氏A型)
Dow Corning ® (道康宁)TC-5888导热硅脂由导热填料颗粒和经优化的有机硅聚合物配制而成,可用于改善高端电子系统的性能、可靠性和装配效率,包括:计算机微处理器(MPU ),用于云计算、数据网络和电信基础设施的服务器,以及用于游戏机、自动驾驶汽车和人工智能的图形处理单元(GPU )。
Dow Corning ® (道康宁) TC-5888 导热硅脂提高服务器设计的性能、可靠性和装配效率Dow Corning (道康宁)TC-5888导热硅脂的整体热导率高达5.2W / mK ,还可实现最薄约20微米的界面厚度,因而实现低热阻0.05°(C-cm2 / W ),能高效散热。
图片:文件 dow_40348409795第1页; 文件 dow_44757204912 第2页操作注意事项本资料不包含安全使用所需的产品安全信息。
安全数据表可从道康宁网站 上或者道康宁销售应用工程师或分销商处获得,或者致电道康宁全球联络处。
道克诺(Dow Corning)白色玻璃粘合剂说明书
Version: 1.3Revision Date: 2023/10/27 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITE1.IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE AND OF THE COMPANYMSDS No.: 04045030SUPPLIER:Dow Corning Canada Inc.15-6400 Millcreek Drive, Suite 416 Mississauga, ON, Canada L5N 3E7Prepared by Hazard Communication:CANUTEC:(800)248-2481(613)996-6666MANUFACTURER:Dow Corning CorporationSouth Saginaw RoadMidland, Michigan 4868624 Hour Emergency Telephone: (989) 496-5900WHMIS CLASSIFICATION: Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A.Class D, Division 2, Subdivision B.Material Usage: Sealant and adhesivePOSITION / INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSCAS Number Wt % Component Name7631-86-9 10.0 - 30.0 Silica, amorphous4253-34-3 1.0 - 5.0 Methyltriacetoxysilane17689-77-9 1.0 - 5.0 Ethyltriacetoxysilane556-67-2 0.5 - 1.5 OctamethylcyclotetrasiloxaneThe ingredients listed above are controlled products as defined in CPR, am. SOR/88-555.3.HAZARDS IDENTIFICATIONEMERGENCY OVERVIEWGeneric Description: Silicone elastomerPhysical Form: PasteColour: WhiteOdour: Acetic acidAcetic acid is formed upon contact with water or humid air. Provide adequate ventilation to control exposures within guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 10 ppm and ACGIH TLV: TWA 10 ppm, STEL 15 ppm.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTSVersion: 1.3 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITEAcute EffectsEye: Direct contact may cause moderate irritation.Skin: May cause moderate irritation.Inhalation: Irritates respiratory passages very slightly.Oral: Low ingestion hazard in normal use.Prolonged/Repeated Exposure EffectsSkin: No known applicable information.Inhalation: No known applicable information.Oral: No known applicable information.Signs and Symptoms of OverexposureNo known applicable information.Medical Conditions Aggravated by ExposureNo known applicable information.The above listed potential effects of overexposure are based on actual data, results of studies performed upon similar compositions, component data and/or expert review of the product. Please refer to Section 11 for the detailed toxicology information.4.FIRST AID MEASURESEye: Immediately flush with water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention.Skin: Remove from skin and wash thoroughly with soap and water or waterless cleanser. Getmedical attention if irritation or other ill effects develop or persist.Inhalation: No first aid should be needed.Oral: No first aid should be needed.Comments: Treat according to person's condition and specifics of exposure.5.FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESFlash Point: Not applicable.Autoignition Temperature: Not available.Flammability Limits in Air: Not available.Version: 1.3 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITEExtinguishing Media: On large fires use dry chemical, foam or water spray. On small fires use carbon dioxide(CO2), dry chemical or water spray. Water can be used to cool fire exposed containers. Fire Fighting Measures: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing should be worn in fighting largefires involving chemicals. Determine the need to evacuate or isolate the area according toyour local emergency plan. Use water spray to keep fire exposed containers cool. Unusual Fire Hazards: None.Hazardous Decomposition ProductsThermal breakdown of this product during fire or very high heat conditions may evolve the following hazardous decomposition products: Carbon oxides and traces of incompletely burned carbon compounds. Silicon dioxide. Formaldehyde. Metal oxides.6.ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESContainment/Clean up: Observe all personal protection equipment recommendations described in Sections 5 and 8.Wipe up or scrape up and contain for salvage or disposal. Clean area as appropriate sincespilled materials, even in small quantities, may present a slip hazard. Final cleaning mayrequire use of steam, solvents or detergents. Dispose of saturated absorbant or cleaningmaterials appropriately, since spontaneous heating may occur. Local, provincial, federal lawsand regulations may apply to releases and disposal of this material, as well as those materialsand items employed in the cleanup of releases.Note: See section 8 for Personal Protective Equipment for Spills. Call (989) 496-5900, if additional information is required.7.HANDLING AND STORAGEUse with adequate ventilation. Product evolves acetic acid (HOAc) when exposed to water or humid air. Provide ventilation during use to control HOAc within exposure guidelines or use respiratory protection. Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact.Use reasonable care and store away from oxidizing materials. Keep container closed and store away from water or moisture.8.EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTIONComponent Exposure LimitsConsult local authorities for acceptable provincial values.Name Exposure LimitsCAS Number Component7631-86-9Silica, amorphous OSHA PEL (final rule): TWA 80mg/m3/%SiO2. NIOSHREL: TWA 6mg/m3.4253-34-3Methyltriacetoxysilane See acetic acid comments.Version: 1.3 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITELD50: 2,060 mg/kg - Oral Rat17689-77-9Ethyltriacetoxysilane See acetic acid comments.LD50: 1,460 mg/kg - Oral Rat556-67-2Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Dow Corning guide: TWA 10 ppm.LC50: 36 mg/L - Inhalation RatLD50: > 2,000 mg/kg - Oral RatAcetic acid is formed upon contact with water or humid air. Provide adequate ventilation to control exposures within guidelines of OSHA PEL: TWA 10 ppm and ACGIH TLV: TWA 10 ppm, STEL 15 ppm.Engineering ControlsLocal Ventilation: Recommended.General Ventilation: Recommended.Personal Protective Equipment for Routine HandlingEyes: Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.Skin: Wash at mealtime and end of shift. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed as soon as practical and thoroughly cleaned before reuse. Chemical protective gloves arerecommended.Suitable Gloves: Silver Shield(R). 4H(R).Inhalation: No respiratory protection should be needed.Suitable Respirator: None should be needed.Personal Protective Equipment for SpillsEyes: Use proper protection - safety glasses as a minimum.Skin: Wash at mealtime and end of shift. Contaminated clothing and shoes should be removed as soon as practical and thoroughly cleaned before reuse. Chemical protective gloves arerecommended.Inhalation/SuitableNo respiratory protection should be needed.Respirator:Precautionary Measures: Avoid eye contact. Avoid skin contact. Use reasonable care.Comments: Product evolves acetic acid (HOAc) when exposed to water or humid air. Provide ventilation during use to control HOAc within exposure guidelines or use respiratory protection.Note: These precautions are for room temperature handling. Use at elevated temperature or aerosol/spray applications may require added precautions.Version: 1.3DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITE9.PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESPhysical Form: PasteColor: WhiteOdor: Acetic acidOdor Threshold: Not available.Specific Gravity @ 25°C: 1.04Viscosity: Not available.Freezing/Melting Point: Not available.Boiling Point: Not available.Vapor Pressure @ 25°C: Not available.Vapor Density: Not available.Evaporation Rate: Not available.Solubility in Water: Not available.Coefficient of Water/OilNot available.Distribution:pH: Not available.Volatile Content: Not available.Note: The above information is not intended for use in preparing product specifications. Contact Dow Corning before writing specifications.10.STABILITY AND REACTIVITYChemical Stability: Stable.Hazardous polymerization will not occur.HazardousPolymerization:Conditions to Avoid: None.Materials to Avoid: Oxidizing material can cause a reaction. Water, moisture, or humid air can cause hazardous vapors to form as described in Section 8.11.TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONComponent Toxicology InformationRepeated inhalation or oral exposure of mice and rats to octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane and decamethylcyclopentasiloxane produced an increase in liver size. No gross histopathological or significant clinical chemistry effects were observed. An increase in liver metabolizing enzymes, as well as a transient increase in the number of normal cells (hyperplasia) followed by an increase in cell size (hypertrophy) were determined to be the underlying causes of the liver enlargement. The biochemical mechanisms producing these effects are highly sensitive in rodents, while similar mechanisms in humans are insensitive. Good industrial hygiene practice minimizes inhalation exposure to any chemical. Dow Corning has set an exposure guideline of 10 ppm TWA for these two materials.In developmental toxicity studies in which rats and rabbits were exposed to octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane by vapor inhalation at concentrations up to 700 ppm and 500 ppm respectively, no teratogenic effects were observed. Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane administered to rats by whole body inhalation at concentrations of 500 and 700 ppm for 70 days prior to mating, through mating, gestation and lactation resulted in decreases in live litter size. Additionally,Version: 1.3 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITEincreases in the incidence of deliveries of offspring extending over an unusually long time period (dystocia) were observed at these concentrations. Statistically significant alterations in these parameters were not observed in the lower concentrations evaluated (300 and 70 ppm). In a previous range-finding study, rats exposed to vapor concentrations of 700 ppm had decreases in the number of implantation sites and live litter size. The significance of these findings to humans is not known.A 2 yr combined chronic/carcinogenicity assay was conducted on octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4). Fischer-344 rats were exposed by whole-body vapor inhalation 6 hrs/day, 5 days/week for up to 104 weeks to 0,10, 30,150 or 700 ppm of D4. A statistically significant increase in incidence of (uterine) endometrial cell hyperplasia and uterine adenomas (benign tumors) was observed in female rats at 700 ppm. Since these effects only occurred at 700 ppm, a level that greatly exceeds typical workplace or consumer exposure, it is unlikely that industrial, commercial or consumer uses of products containing OMCTS/D4 would result in a significant risk to humans.Special Hazard Information on ComponentsReproductive EffectsCAS Number Wt % Component Name556-67-2 0.5 - 1.5 Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane Evidence of reproductive effects inlaboratory animals.12.ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEnvironmental Fate and DistributionComplete information is not yet available.Environmental EffectsComplete information is not yet available.Fate and Effects in Waste Water Treatment PlantsComplete information is not yet available.Ecotoxicity Classification CriteriaHazard Parameters (LC50 or EC50) High Medium LowAcute Aquatic Toxicity (mg/L) <=1 >1 and <=100>100Acute Terrestrial Toxicity <=100 >100 and <= 2000>2000This table is adapted from "Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment", ASTM STP 1179, p.34, 1993.This table can be used to classify the ecotoxicity of this product when ecotoxicity data is listed above. Please read the other information presented in the section concerning the overall ecological safety of this material.13.DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSCan be incinerated in accordance with local regulations.Version: 1.3 DOW CORNING(R) GLAZING SEALANT WHITECall local hazardous waste disposal company or provincial waste authorities for more information.14.TRANSPORT INFORMATIONCanada Road (Based on IMDG Regulations)Not subject to local road regulations.Ocean Shipment (IMDG)Not subject to IMDG code.Air Shipment (IATA)Not subject to IATA regulations.15.REGULATORY INFORMATIONThis product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR, and the MSDS contains all the information required by the CPR.WHMIS CLASSIFICATION: Class D, Division 2, Subdivision A. Class D, Division 2, Subdivision B.DSL STATUS: All chemical substances in this material are included on or exempted from the DSL.16.OTHER INFORMATIONPrepared by: Dow Corning CorporationThese data are offered in good faith as typical values and not as product specifications. No warranty, either expressed or implied, is hereby made. The recommended industrial hygiene and safe handling procedures are believed to be generally applicable. However, each user should review these recommendations in the specific context of the intended use and determine whether they are appropriate.(R)indicates Registered Trademark。
Dow Corning Corporation
擦拭试验(回数)注2) 室温×7日 200℃×30分
甲苯 苯乙烯 1,1,1-三氯乙烷 乙二醇乙醚醋酸 酯
40-50 20-30 40-50 40-50
170-180 200以上 200以上
注1)基材:软钢板 注2)擦拭试验:用浸透溶剂的纱布,荷重700g在SR2410树脂涂膜上擦拭, 以露出基材时往返移动的次数表示
Dow Corning Corporation
项目 外观 粘度 比重 不挥发份 溶剂
异链烷烃(isoparaffin) 40-50%
Dow Corning Corporation
Magic ink drawing test
Dow Corning Corporation
Wipe off test
Propeolloidal silica
耐磨 (Tabor Test)(%) 耐磨 (Steel Wool Test)(%) 铅筆硬度 (SUS) 铅筆硬度(PET) 靜磨擦系數 密著 耐酸性 耐鹼性 耐溶劑性 油污擦拭性
Dow Corning Corporation
SR 2410 的固化條件
Cure Temp. (C degree)
道康宁DOW corning工业硅酮密封胶
道康宁DOW corning工业硅酮密封胶品牌;道康宁润滑剂;产品;硅酮密封胶;经销;铭翔润滑油;说明;道康宁公司(DOW CORNING)系美国陶氏化学公司与美国康宁公司的子公司,是世界上有机硅及固体润滑技术最具权威的全球性公司。
DOW CORNING®732密封剂以其优异阶性能,广泛的用途而成为道康宁公司密封剂家族的中心产品。
应用;236 分散剂730 耐溶剂密封剂732 多用途密封剂733 玻璃及金属密封剂734 可流动密封剂735 耐油密封剂736 耐高温密封剂737 中性固化密封剂739 塑料粘接密封剂748 无腐蚀密封剂786 防霉密封剂832 多种表面粘接密封剂1890 保护涂层技术参数品名7307327337347367861890固化方式脱醋酸脱醋酸脱醋酸脱醋酸脱醋酸脱醋酸脱醋酸颜色白色透明白色黑色铝色透明白色黑色铝色铜色透明白色红色半透明白色灰色温度-65℃~260℃-62℃~232℃短期达260℃-57℃~177℃短期达204℃-65℃~177℃短期达232℃-65℃~260℃短期达316℃-65℃~177℃短期达204℃-55℃~204℃表干时间(分)10 5-10 5-10 9 6 7-14 15 固化时间(小时)48 24 24 24 24 24 24比重 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 抗拉 2.1 2.2 2.2 1.5 2.4 1.7 -强度(MPa)硬度指数(肖氏,A)40 25 26 28 28 30 23伸长率(%)200 550 500 300 500 470 - 压出量(克/分)250 350 350 620 335 300 - 保质期(月)18 30 30 24 30 30 6包装90ml170ml17L90ml300ml20kg305ml17L90ml305ml17L305ml17L305ml4.55L20L标准-FDAUSDANSF51NSF61ULMILULFDANSF51ULMILFDAUSDANSF51ULMILFDANSF51MILFDA接上表品名236735737739748832固化方式脱肟脱肟脱肟脱醇脱醇脱醇颜色白色黑色透明白色黑色白色黑色白色白色灰色黑色温度-57℃~200℃-62℃~204℃短期达260℃-65℃~204℃短期达232℃-54℃~177℃-55℃~177℃短期达204℃-55℃~150℃表干时间(分)85 10 3-6 20-30 15 20 固化时间(小时)24 24 24 24 36 24 比重 1.64 1.06 1.04 1.50 1.34 1.34 抗拉强度(MPa)2.2 2.2 1.8 1.6 1.9 2.4 硬度指数(肖23 40 35 37 35 35氏,A)伸长率(%)350 300 430 640 350 550 压出量(克/分)- 300-450 440 110 180 165 保质期(月) 6 12 24 15 24 18包装453g90ml305ml17L90ml305ml17L90ml305ml17L90ml305ml17L305ml17L标准- - FDAULULFDANSF51ULUL常规产品应用说明:1.DOW CORNING 732为一种单组分室脱醋酸固化类型硅胶,由于其优异的耐极低、高温及密封性能,广泛应用于微波炉、洗碗机、电磁炉等家用电器及船舱与窗户以及电箱、重叠金属片的接口,装置输送槽,为压缩孔、齿轮箱、泵制造定位衬垫等。
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Regional Headquarters
Walnut, CA
l l l u l l ll l
u l l l l l l
La Hulpe, Belgium, European Headquarters Seneffe, Belgium Wiesbaden, Germany (& CSC) Unterensingen, Germany Milan, Italy (CSC) Lyon, France (CSC) Barcelona, Spain (CSC)
• 单组份或双组份无溶剂 • • • •
型 室温或加热固化 可在密闭环境下固化 固化时无厚度限制
SYLGARD® 160 / 165 / 170
• • • •
SYLGARD® 182 /184 / 186
• • • •
缩合型固化反应 湿汽固化 可加热加速固化 含有莹光指示剂
• DOW CORNING® 1-2577 ,
1-2577 Low VOC
DOW CORNING® 1-2620 ,
1-2620 Low VOC
* 5 mils 厚的涂层可符合IPC-CC-830
(MIL-I-46058C) 规格及UL 阻燃规格
l l u l l l l lu l
ManSeung, Korea Chiba, Japan Tokyo, Japan Asian Area Headquarters Yamakita, Japan Fukui, Japan Songjiang, China Taibei, Taiwan
DOW corning道康宁RM4-7081活性硅氧烷树脂改性剂道康宁RM4-7081硅酮,学名一般叫硅氧烷、聚硅氧烷.市场上用的硅酮粉一般是用较高分子量有机硅酮加二氧化硅生产而成,就是把硅氧烷分散到二氧化硅里,低分子量硅酮一般是液态的,我们俗称硅油。
道康宁能够在这些方面提供帮助,为xEV电子设备提供 大量可靠、创新以及新兴的有机硅技术。
组分A:深灰色 组分B:无色
组分A: 11,000-17,000
组分B: 12,000-17,000
组分A:1.07 组分B:1.01 密度:200-280(23℃ 下固化并在24小时后
双组分 (1:1混合比例)
组分A: 白色 组分B: 蓝色
85µm时0.42 115µm时0.73 309µm时1.23
道康宁® TC-4525导热材料的玻璃微珠版本(180微米)
双组分 (1:1混合比例)
组分A: 白色 组分B: 蓝色
78µm时0.44 100µm时0.58 400µm时1.84
道康宁® 7091 粘合剂/密封胶
道康宁® SE 9168 RTV 粘合剂
单组分或双组分 单组分
颜色 -
粘度,cP 120℃时为60,000
密度,g/cm3 1.08 1.4
道康宁® SE 9185透明或白色粘合剂
这些特性使道康宁有机硅材料在各种电子设备和汽车应 用中脱颖而出,并有助于您应对未来大容量锂电池系统 和其他电动汽车部件的设计和生产的相关挑战: • 热阻极低 • 可帮助加速和简化加工的流动、浸润、粘附和固化性 • 优异的热稳定性——工作温度范围大 • 严酷条件下的可靠性能——耐热冲击、抗氧化、抗潮湿
一、硅胶品牌1. Dow Corning(陶氏康宁):Dow Corning是全球领先的硅胶供应商之一,总部位于美国密歇根州。
Dow Corning以其高品质和创新的解决方案而闻名,被广泛应用于医疗器械、电子设备等领域。
2. Wacker(威克化学):Wacker是德国一家知名的化学品制造商,也是硅胶领域的重要参与者。
3. Shin-Etsu(信越化学):Shin-Etsu是日本一家全球知名的化学品制造商,也是硅胶领域的重要供应商之一。
二、硅胶制造国家1. 美国:美国是全球硅胶生产和消费的重要国家之一。
美国拥有众多的硅胶制造商和供应商,其中包括Dow Corning、Momentive Performance Materials等。
2. 德国:德国在硅胶领域也具有重要地位。
德国拥有一些知名的硅胶制造商,如Wacker、Elkem Silicones等。
3. 日本:日本是硅胶行业的重要参与者之一。
道康宁Dow Corning
道康宁Dow Corning美国道康宁公司(DOW CORNING)是美国道化学公司(陶氏化学)和美国康宁公司的子公司,是世界上有机硅和固体润滑技术最具权威的特大型跨国公司,其生产的特种润滑剂及密封剂,系列齐全,满足电子、机械、汽车、飞机、冶金、石油化工、电力、制药、建筑机械、建材、纺织、塑料制品、食品等众多特种润滑和密封要求,无论环境多恶劣,条件多极端,都必定有一种道康宁(DOW CORNING)的摩力克(MOLYKOTE)特种润滑剂或矽利康(SILICONE)密封剂能符合您的需求。
道康宁中国区珠海顺益道康有机硅胶,道康宁高温链条油,道康宁齿轮润滑油、轴承油,道康宁食品级润滑油,降解液压油236分散剂730耐溶剂密封剂732多用途密封剂733玻璃及合属密封剂734可流动密封剂735耐油密封剂736耐高温密封剂737中性固化密封剂739塑料粘接密封748无腐蚀密封剂剂786防霉密封剂832多种表面粘接密封剂1890保护涂层道康宁润滑剂系列:道康宁MOLYKOTE EM系列主要有:道康宁EM-10L、EM-30L、EM-40L、EM-50L、EM-60L、EM-70L及EM-D110等。
道康宁MOLYKOTE PG系列主要有:道康宁PG-21、PG-30L、PG-54、PG-65、PG-75、PG-602、PG-641、PG-662、PG-663、PG-671等。
道康宁MOLYKOTE YM系列主要有:道康宁YM-102、YM-103等。
道康宁MOLYKOTE G系列主要有:道康宁G-68、G-72、G-85、G-4500、G-4700等。
道康宁MOLYKOTE HP系列主要有:道康宁HP300,HP500,HP870,HP800等。
道康宁MOLYKOTE PD系列主要有:道康宁PD900,PD910,PD920等。
道康宁油膏:道康宁HSC PLUS、P37、P1000、DX、P40润滑脂:道康宁LONGTERM W2、1122、G68、PG75、PG54、55M、41道康宁摩力克EM系列:道康宁EM-10L、EM-30L、EM-50LEM-60L、EM-70L道康宁摩力克YM系列:道康宁YM-102、YM-103道康宁摩力克PG系列:PG-661、PG-662、PG-663道康宁摩力克HP系列:道康宁HP-300、HP-500、HP-870道康宁摩力克PD系列:道康宁PD-900、PD-910、PD-930道康宁摩力克复合膏:道康宁DOWCORNING111、DOWCORNING4、DOWCORNING7道康宁摩力克减磨涂层:道康宁D321R。
Dow Corning®737 中性密封胶描述Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶是一种单组份、多用途的产品。
Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶具有以下重要特性:优良的无底涂吸附性能,可用于众多塑料、金属、漆层、玻璃及橡胶表面。
UL QMFZ 2 94HB 认可。
符合FDA规定CFR 175.105,可与食品直接接触.使用Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶设计为多向OEM及装配应用,特殊使用包括:在大小应用中作为机械紧固件密封冷冻机及冷冻套管涂膜塑料压模,对塑料材料的整理应用,印花.使电子元件防水密封同轴线接插件保护精密仪器的装配不推荐用于:连续浸入水中的遇到过多腐蚀及滥用的场合在材料上有油、增塑剂及溶剂渗出;材料如浸透的木头,有油的缝隙及某些绿色及部分硫硬化橡胶垫圈和绝缘带密封剂不在潮湿的大气而在完全密封的地方在将要涂漆的表面,该漆膜不会与密封剂张延,会产生脆化与撕裂在密封下的固化条件Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶可以:使青铜、铜及其他敏感金属脱色应力断裂聚碳酸酯Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶不作医学上的使用。
密封胶的使用Dow Corning® 737 中性密封胶必须连续的提供,如果需用,可以用工具进行密封胶的扩展,在密封胶使用后表皮形成前立即使用工具处理。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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危害组成及职业接触限值! 不含有职业接触限值的物质。!
按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制!
information is below)!
#! 电器工业和电子工业! !
2. 危险性概述!
外观与性状! 颜色! 气味!
#! 液体! #!! 白色, 半透明! #!! 略微的!
急性水生毒性! ! 慢性水生毒性! !
#! 类别 1! #! 类别 1!
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
前次修订日期#!2015/01/22! 最初编制日期#!2014/11/14!
! #! 谨慎起见用水冲洗眼睛。!
如果刺激发生并持续,就医。! ! #! 如吞咽:不要引吐。! 如有症状,就医。! 用水彻底漱口。! ! #! 未见报道。!
#! 对于急救员,不需要特定的预防措施。! !
聚硅氧烷! !
4. 急救措施!
吸入! !
皮肤接触! !
#!! 混合物!
化学文摘登记号(CAS No.)! 专有成分!
浓度或浓度范围!()*! >=!1!!+!<!10!
#! 如吸入,移至新鲜空气处。!
如有症状,就医。! ! #! 谨慎起见用水和肥皂清洗。!
甲醛! ! #! 根据当时情况和周围环境采用适合的灭火措施。!
撤离现场。! ! #! 如有必要,佩戴自给式呼吸器进行消防作业。!
使用个人防护装备。! !
6. 泄漏应急处理!
急处置程序! ! 环境保护措施! !
#!! 无数据资料!! !
#! 不适用! !
#! 无数据资料!!
#! 无数据资料!!
#! 无数据资料!! !
#! 无数据资料!! !
#! 1.1! ! !
#! 无数据资料!! !
#! 无数据资料!! !
#! 无数据资料!!
#!! 无数据资料!!
#! 6,300 mPa.s!
#! 无爆炸性! !
#! 此物质或混合物不被分类为氧化剂。! !
泄漏化学品的收容、清除方法 #! 用惰性材料吸收。!
P501!将内装物/容器送到批准的废物处理厂处理。! !
物理和化学危险! 根据现有信息无需进行分类。!
健康危害! 根据现有信息无需进行分类。!
环境危害! 对水生生物毒性极大。对水生生物毒性极大并具有长期持续影响。!
GHS未包括的其他危害! 未见报道。!
3. 成分/组成信息!
物质/混合物! ! 危险组分! 化学品名称!
前次修订日期#!2015/01/22! 最初编制日期#!2014/11/14!
信号词! !
危险性说明! !
防范说明! !
! ! #! 警告! ! #! H410!对水生生物毒性极大并具有长期持续影响。! ! #! 预防措施"!!
明暴露水平在建议 的暴露指导水平范围内。! ! #! 有机气体和低沸点的蒸气型! ! #! 穿戴下列个人防护装备:!
安全眼镜! ! #! 皮肤接触后要洗净。! !
#! 休息前及工作结束时洗手。!! !
#! 确保洗眼器和安全淋浴器位于工作场所附近。! 使用时,严禁饮食及吸烟。! 沾染的衣服清洗后方可重新使用。!
7. 操作处置与储存!
操作处置! 技术措施! ! 局部或全面通风! ! 安全处置注意事项! !
防止接触禁配物! !
储存! 安全储存条件! !
禁配物! !
包装材料! !
8. 接触控制和个体防护!
#! 请参阅"接触控制/个体防护"部分的工程控制。! !
#! 只能在足够通风的条件下使用。! !
#! 按照良好的工业卫生和安全规范进行操作。! 不要与水接触。! 防潮。! 小心防止溢出、浪费并尽量防止将其排放到环境中。! !
#! 氧化剂! 水! !
#! 存放在有适当标识的容器内。! 按国家特定法规要求贮存。! !
#! 请勿与下列产品类型共同储存:! 强氧化剂! !
上述预防措施仅针对室温操作,加热使用或气雾剂/喷雾应用 可能需要额外的预防措施。! 关于消费品气雾剂中有机硅/有机油类使用的进一步相关信
料的相关指南(),或者联系 Dow Corning 客 户服务团队。! !
9. 理化特性!
below)! ! #! 000000000004086310! ! #! 有机硅树脂! !
#! 道康宁(张家港)投资有限公司! !
#! 中国江苏省张家港市扬子江国际化学工业园区北海路18号
邮编:215634! ! #! 400 880 7110! ! #! (86 512) 56732049! ! #! @! !
information is below)!
版本!! 1"2!
修订日期#!! 2015/04/28!
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
前次修订日期#!2015/01/22! 最初编制日期#!2014/11/14!
200 ppm! 250 ppm!
#! 加工可形成危险品化合物 (见第10节)。! 确保足够的通风,特别在封闭区域内。! 尽可能降低工作场所的接触浓度。! !
依据! GBZ ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.1-2007!
GBZ 2.1-2007!
#! 采用呼吸防护,除非进行了充分的局部排气通风或暴露评估证
! 分解产物的职业接触限值!
甲醇! ! ! ! ! !
呼吸系统防护! !
!!!!过滤器类型! ! 眼面防护! !
皮肤和身体防护! ! 手防护! ! !!!!备注! ! 卫生措施! !
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
前次修订日期#!2015/01/22! 最初编制日期#!2014/11/14!
化学文摘登记 数值的类型!
号(CAS No.)! (接触形式*!
控制参数!%!容许浓 度! 25 mg/m³!
50 mg/m³!
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
前次修订日期#!2015/01/22! 最初编制日期#!2014/11/14!
反应性! ! 稳定性! ! 危险反应! !
应避免的条件! ! 禁配物! !
危险的分解产物! 接触水或潮湿的空气!
! 热分解!
#!! 未被分类为反应性危害。! !
#!! 正常条件下稳定。! !
按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制!
information is below)!
版本!! 1"2!
修订日期#!! 2015/04/28!
1. 化学品及企业标识!
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制!
information is below)!
! 象形图!
SDS编号#!! 753594-00003!
外观与性状! ! 颜色!
#! 液体!
! #!! 白色, 半透明!
按照GB/T 16483、GB/T 17519编制!
information is below)!