
海淀区2017-2018学年第一学期七年级期末考试数学试题2018.1一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分) 1. 5-的相反数是( )A .15B .15- C .5 D .5-2.2017年10月18日上午9时,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会在京开幕.“十九大”最受新闻网站关注.据统计,关键词“十九大”在1.3万个网站中产生数据174,000条.将174,000用科学记数法表示应为( )A .517.410⨯B .51.7410⨯C .417.410⨯D .60.17410⨯ 3. 下列各式中,不相等...的是( ) A .(-3)2和-32 B .(-3)2和32 C .(-2)3和-23 D .32-和32-4. 下列是一元一次方程的是( )A .2230x x --=B .25x y +=C .112x x+= D .10x += 5. 如图,下列结论正确的是( )A. c a b >>B.11b c >C. ||||a b <D. 0abc >6. 下列等式变形正确的是( )A. 若35x -=,则35x =-B. 若1132x x -+=,则23(1)1x x +-= C. 若5628x x -=+,则5286x x +=+D. 若3(1)21x x +-=,则3321x x +-=7. 下列结论正确的是( )A. 23ab -和2b a 是同类项B.π2不是单项式 C. a 比a -大 D. 2是方程214x +=的解 8. 将一副三角板按如图所示位置摆放,其中α∠与β∠一定互余的是( )9. 已知点A ,B ,C 在同一条直线上,若线段AB =3,BC =2,AC =1,则下列判断正确的是( )A. 点A 在线段BC 上B. 点B 在线段AC 上C. 点C 在线段AB 上D. 点A 在线段CB 的延长线上10. 由m 个相同的正方体组成一个立体图形,下面的图形分别是从正面和上面看它得到的平面图形,则m 能取到的最大值是 ( )二、填空题(每小题2分,共16分) 11. 计算:48°37'+53°35'=__________.12. 小何买了4本笔记本,10支圆珠笔,设笔记本的单价为a 元,圆珠笔的单价为b 元则小何共 花 费元.(用含a ,b 的代数式表示) 13.已知,则= .14. 北京西站和北京南站是北京的两个铁路客运中心,如图,A ,B ,C 分别表示天安门、北京西站、北京南站,经测量,北京西站在天安门的南偏西77°方向,北京南站在天安门的南偏西18°方向.则∠BAC = °.15. 若2是关于x 的一元一次方程2(x −1)=ax 的解,则a = ________. 16. 规定图形表示运算a b c --,图形表示运算x z y w --+.则 + =________________(直接写出答案).17. 线段AB =6,点C 在直线AB 上,BC =4,则AC 的长度为 .18. 在某多媒体电子杂志的某一期上刊登了“正方形雪花图案的形成”的演示案例:作一个正方形,设每边长为4a ,将每边四等分,作一凸一凹的两个边长为a 的小正方形,得到图形如图(2)所示,称为第一次 变化,再对图(2)的每个边做相同的变化,得到图形如图(3),称为第二次变化.如此连续作几次,便可得到一个绚丽多彩的雪花图案.如不断发展下去到第n 次变化时,图形的面积是否会变化,________(填写“会”或者“不会”),图形的周长为.三、解答题(本题共54分,第19,20题每题6分,第21题4分,第22~25题每题6分,第26,27题 每题7分)19.计算:(1)()()21862⎛⎫-⨯-+- ⎪⎝⎭; (2)()411293⎛⎫-+-÷--- ⎪⎝⎭.2|2|(3)0a b -++=ab20.解方程:(1)3(21)15x -=; (2)71132x x-+-=.21.已知37=3a b --,求代数式2(21)5(4)3a b a b b +-+--的值.22. 作图题:如图,已知点A ,点B,直线l 及l 上一点M .(1)连接MA ,并在直线l 上作出一点N ,使得点N 在点M 的左边,且满足MN =MA ;(2)请在直线l 上确定一点O ,使点O 到点A 与点O 到点B 的距离之和最短,并写出画图的依据.23. 几何计算:如图,已知∠AOB =40°,∠BOC =3∠AOB ,OD 平分∠AOC ,求∠COD 的度数.解:因为∠BOC =3∠AOB ,∠AOB =40°所以∠BOC =__________°所以∠AOC =__________ + _________ =__________° + __________° =__________° 因为OD 平分∠AOC124. 如图1, 线段AB=10,点C, E, F在线段AB上.(1)如图2, 当点E, 点F是线段AC和线段BC的中点时,求线段EF的长;(2)当点E, 点F是线段AB和线段BC的中点时,请你写出线段EF与线段AC之间的数量关系并简要说明理由.25. 先阅读,然后答题.阿基米德测皇冠的故事叙古拉国王艾希罗交给金匠一块黄金,让他做一顶王冠。

海淀区七年级第一学期期末练习数学1.2018班级姓名成绩分)30分,每小题3一.选择题(本大题共在下列各题的四个备选答案中,只有一个是正确的.请将正确选项前的字母填在表格中相应的位置.10 8 9 7 2 3 4 5 6 1 题号答案.1-2的相反数是11?2..-C.D2A.B22.全面贯彻落实“大气十条”,抓好大气污染防治,是今年环保工作的重中之重.其中推2千瓦是《政府工作报告》中确定的重点任务之一.将数15000 000进燃煤电厂脱硫改造15 000 000用科学记数法表示为据7868 0.15×10D. 1.5×101.5×C.A.15×1010 B.3.下列各式结果为正数的是23(?2)??)(?2(?2)2??..B.CD A.4.下列计算正确的是2a?725a?a ab?3?2ba5.AB.333?ab?2ab?ab3a??5a2.C.D5.如图,把原来弯曲的河道改直,A,B两地间的河道长度变短,这样做的道理是A.两点确定一条直线B.两点确定一条线段B.两点之间,线段最短C.两点之间,直线最短DA6.从三个不同方向看一个几何体,得到的平面图形如图所示,则这个几何体是从上面看从左面看从正面看D.球A.圆柱B.圆锥C.棱锥1a21??x?a的解,则的方程7.若的值为是关于x22?.2 C.B A.06?D.b在数轴上的位置如图所示,则下列各式成立的是8.有理数a,ba0a..0 <>-b D.b-a>0 B.--b>0 CabA9的值是.已知,则yx??x?3y?3358?2?B.2C.D.8 A.的长度为的中点,则线段MNM=6cm,若是AB的三等分点,N是AM10.已知线段AB2cm 1cm或.1cm B2cmC.1.5cm D.A. 3分)二.填空题(本大题共24分,每小题3?2?”).(填“>”,“11.比较大小:<”或“= 为解的一元一次方程.12.写出一个以1??′?40=20?.若,则的补角的大小为.13a a元,本月的收入为元(用含倍还多.商店上月收入为145元,本月的收入比上月的2 的式子表示).2ba2?0??2a??(b3)为则值的.15,若DA._____________??AOD=20,则16.将一副三角板如图放置,若C BOC?的大小为____________.OBkx?7?x x k的值为..已知关于17有正整数解,则整数的方程18.有一组算式按如下规律排列,则第6个算式的结果为________;第n个算式的结果为_________________________(用含n的代数式表示,其中n是正整数).1 = 1+ + = -4) 9 (-(-2) (-3)3 +4 +5 +6 +7 = 25+ + + + + + = -49 (-(-5) 9) (-6) 10) (-7) (-(-4) 8) (-5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 = 81 ……三.解答题(本大题共18分,第19题6分,第20题各4分,第21题各8分)19.计算:???????86????15?(??7)(12??18).211????);(1()2????32????.按要求完成下列问题:,C,D20.如图,平面上四个点A,B ;AD,BC)连接(1 点;相交于E)画射线(2AB与直线CD. _________(精确到度)3)用量角器度量得∠AED的大小为(ABDC3 / 1021.解方程:x?12?x?3?x6x?10)??2x(. ;(2)1()24四.解答题(本大题共12分,每小题4分)????2225??a a?a?5a2a?32a? 22.先化简,再求值:,其中.23. 点A,B,C在同一直线上,AB=8,AC: BC=3 : 1,求线段BC的长度.24.列方程解应用题:甲种铅笔每支0.4元,乙种铅笔每支0.6元,某同学共购买了这两种铅笔30支,并且买乙种铅笔所花的钱是买甲种铅笔所花的钱的3倍,求该同学购买这两种铅笔共花了多少钱?4 / 10五.解答题(本大题共16分,第25题5分,第26题各5分,第27题各6分)25.如图,将连续的偶数2,4,6,8,10,…排成一数阵,有一个能够在数阵中上下左右平移的T字架,它可以框出数阵中的五个数.试判断这五10 8 4 6 2 ,若能,请求出这五个数,若不能,个数的和能否为426 请说明理由.20 18 14 16 12 3028 24 26 2240 38 34 36 3250 46 48 42 44……2a??2abab. =a☆b和26. 用“☆”定义一种新运算:对于任意有理数ab,规定21??332??11?3==16.1如:☆的值;)☆31)求(-2(1a?1()若的值;(2☆☆3)(-)=8,求a221)(x x为有理数),试比较m.的大小,n(其中,=☆)若(32xm3=☆n45 / 10?=AOB??.的角平分线,OM,ON27.如图1,分别是∠AOC,∠,BOD??CODOC°,当∠COD绕着点O 逆时针旋转至射线OB与1()若∠AOB=50°,∠COD=30 ______________;),则∠MON的大小为2重合时(如图°时(如图BOCCOD,当∠=102()在(1)的条件下,继续绕着点O逆时针旋转∠),求∠MON的大小并说明理由;3(用=__________________________.3()在∠COD绕点O逆时针旋转过程中,∠MON??.的式子表示)含,D D N DNCN B)(CB B C MMMAO AO AO图32图1图6 / 10海淀区七年级第一学期期末练习数学参考答案及评分标准2018.1说明:合理答案均可酌情给分,但不得超过原题分数 .一、选择题(本大题共30分,每小题3分)二、填空题(本大题共24分,每小题3分)?16020?159?17.0或6 (2a+5)1511.> 12.x=1(答案不唯一) 13..816.14.n?121)?(?1)(2n(第一个空18.-121;1分,第二个空2分)三、解答题(本大题共18分,第19题6分,第20题4分,第21题8分)?12?18?7?15)解:原式19.(1?30?7?15=8.………………………………3分4?(?6)?9………………………………(2)解:原式=2分=-50.………………………………3分20.(1)图略。

4.答案:B(2 分)
5.答案:A(2 分)
6.答案:①夕阳西下 ②晴空一鹤排云上 ③便引诗情到碧霄 ④杨花落尽子规啼
(共 4 分。每空 1 分,有错则该空不得分)
夜来风雨声 好雨知时节
寒雨连江夜入吴 白雨跳珠乱入船
渭城朝雨浥轻尘 多少楼台烟雨中
(共 2 分。每空 1 分,有错则该空不得分)
成年迈的老妇、老头儿,都被悟空识破并打死替身。但唐僧误以为悟空一再伤害无辜而将其 逐走,导致自己被白骨精抓走而陷入险境。这则歇后语体现出白骨精的狡猾多变和诡计多端。 (3 分。相关情节,2 分;人物特点,1 分) 二、文言文 阅读(共 13 分) 12.(1)增长 (1 分。意思对即可) (2)完 (1 分。意思对即可) 13.(1)内心不能恬淡轻利,就不能明确志向。(2 分。意思对即可)
言通顺,有 2 处以下语病。
科 确,错别字 2 个以
赋分范围:36-30 分
网 下,格式规范。
二类卷 (33-29)
中心比较明确;条理比较清楚, 以 27 分为基准分 [ 书写工整,标点大
结构比较合理;语言比较通顺, 上下浮动,然后加 来 体 正 确 , 错 别 字
有 3-4 处语病。
书写项的得分。 源 3-4 个,格式规范。
赋分范围:25 分

2016—2017学年海淀区初一上学期期末英语试卷单选1.This is my brother. name is David.• A.Your B.His C.Her D.Its【答案】B【解析】本题考查代词。
根据前文"This is my brother"可知,应选男性第三人称单数的物主代词his。
2.--- What's this?--- It is jacket.• A./ B.an C.a D.the【答案】C【解析】本题考查冠词。
3.--- When is Gina's birthday?---It is August.• A.in B.on C.at D.of【答案】A本题考查介词。
4.--- is the pencil box?--- It is in the backpack.• A.What B.Why C.When D.Where【答案】D【解析】本题考查特殊疑问词。
根据答语中"in the backpack",可知答案选D。
选项中:A. What意为“什么”,B. Why意为“为什么”,C. When意为“什么时候”,D. Where 意为“在哪里”。
5.Alice and I good friends.• A.are B.am C.is D.be【答案】A【解析】本题考查be动词用法。
根据题中"Alice and I",应选复数形式be动词,故选A。
6.--- are these shoes?--- They are 60 dollars.• A.How often B.How many C.How much D.How long【解析】本题考查以how引导的特殊疑问句。
根据答语中"60 dollars",可知答案选C。

初一年级第一学期期末学业水平调研2019.1数学学校 班级 姓名 成绩一、 选择题(本大题共30分,每小题3分)第1~10题符合题意的选项均只有一个,请将你的答案填写在下面的表格中.1.如图,用圆规比较两条线段AB 和A ′B ′的长短,其中正确的是A .A ′B ′>AB B .A ′B ′=ABC .A ′B ′<ABD .没有刻度尺,无法确定.2.-5的绝对值是A . 5B .-5C .-15D .5±3.2018年10月23日,世界上最长的跨海大桥 ——港珠澳大桥正式开通,这座大桥集跨海大桥、人工岛、海底隧道于一身,全长约55000米.其中55000用科学记数法可表示为A .35.510⨯B .35510⨯C .45.510⨯D .4610⨯ 4.下列计算正确的是A .325a b ab +=B .()325a a a--=C .232a a a-=D .()()3212a a a ---=-5.若x =-1是关于x 的方程2x +3=a 的解,则a 的值为A .-5B .5C .-1D .16.如图,将一个三角板60°角的顶点与另一个三角板的直角顶点重合,∠1=27°40′, ∠2的大小是 A .27°40′B .57°40′C .58°20′D .62°20′7.已知AB =6,下面四个选项中能确定...点C 是线段AB 中点的是 A .AC +BC =6 B .AC =BC =3 C .BC =3 D .AB =2AC8.若2x =时42+x mx n -的值为6,则当2x =-时42+x mx n -的值为 A .-6B .0C .6D .269.从图1的正方体上截去一个三棱锥, 得到一个几何体,如图2.从正面看 图2的几何体,得到的平面图形是A B C D10.数轴上点A ,M ,B 分别表示数a ,+a b ,b ,那么下列运算结果一定是正数的是A .a b +B .a b -C .abD .a b- 二、填空题(本大题共16分,每小题2分)11.比较大小:-3-2.1(填“>”,“<”或“=”).12.右图中A ,B 两点之间的距离是厘米(精确到厘米),点B 在点A的南偏西°(精确到度).西南东B图1图2从正面看13.下图是一位同学数学笔记可见的一部分.若要补充文中这个不完整的代数式,你补充的内容是:.14.如图所示,长方形纸片上画有两个完全相同的灰色长方形,那么剩余白色长方形的周长为(用含a ,b 的式子表示).15.如图,点O 在直线AB 上,射线OD 平分∠COA ,∠DOF =∠AOE =90°,图中与∠1相等的角有(请写出所有答案).16.传统文化与创意营销的结合使已有近600年历史的故宫博物院重新焕发出生机,一些文创产品让顾客爱不释手.某购物网站上销售故宫文创笔记本和珐琅书签,若文创笔记本的销量比珐琅书签销量的2倍少700件,二者销量之和为5900件,用x 表示珐琅书签的销量,则可列出一元一次方程______________________________.17.已知点O 为数轴的原点,点 A ,B 在数轴上,若AO =10,AB =8,且点A 表示的数比点B表示的数小,则点B 表示的数是______________________________.18.如图,这是一个数据转换器的示意图,三个滚珠可以在槽内左右滚动.输入x 的值,当滚珠发生撞击,就输出相撞滚珠....上代数式所表示数的和.y .已知当三个滚珠同时相撞时,不论输入x 的值为多大,输出y 的值总不变. (1)a =;(2)若输入一个整数x ,某些..滚珠相撞,输出y 值恰好为-1,则x =. 三、解答题(本大题共24分,第19,20题每题8分,第21~22每题4分) 19.计算:(1)()2533-÷-;(2)118(11)24-⨯+-.20.解方程:(1)5812x x +=-;(2)12323x x+-=.21.22a b -=-已知,求代数式223(24)2(32)ab a b ab a b -+--+的值.22.如图,点C 在∠AOB 的边OA 上,选择合适的画图工具按要求画图.(1)反向延长射线OB ,得到射线OD ,画∠AOD 的角平分线OE ; (2)在射线OD 上取一点F ,使得OF=OC ;(3)在射线OE 上作一点P ,使得CP +FP 最小;(4)写出你完成(3)的作图依据:.四、解答题(本大题共11分,23题6分,24题5分)23.如图1,已知点C在线段AB上,点M为AB的中点,AC=8,CB=2.(1)求CM的长;(2)如图2,点D在线段AB上,若AC=BD,判断..点M是否为线段CD的中点,并说明..理由.图1 图224.洛书(如图1),古称龟书,现已入选国家级非物质文化遗产名录.洛书是术数中乘法的起源,“戴九履一,左三右七,二四为肩,六八为足,五居中宫”是对洛书形象的描述,洛书对应的九宫格(如图2)填有1到9这九个正整数,满足任一行、列、对角线上三个数之和相等.洛书的填法古人是怎么找到的呢?在学习了方程相关知识后,小凯尝试探究其中的奥秘.【第一步】设任一行、列、对角线上三个数之和为,则每一行三个数的和均为,而这9个数的和恰好为1到9这9个正整数之和,由此可得=;图1【第二步】再设中间数为x,利用包含中间数x的行、列、对角线上的数与9个数的关系可列出方程,求解中间数.请你根据上述探究,列方程求出中间数x的值.五、解答题(本大题共19分,25~26每题6分,27题7分) 25.已知0k ≠,将关于x 的方程0kx b +=记作方程◇. (1)当2k =,4b -=时,方程◇的解为;(2)若方程◇的解为3x =-,写出一组满足条件的k ,b 值:k =,b =;(3)若方程◇的解为4x =,求关于y 的方程()320k y b +=-的解.图226.如图,已知点O 在直线AB 上,作射线OC ,点D 在平面内,∠BOD 与∠AOC 互余. (1)若∠AOC :∠BOD =4:5,则∠BOD =;(2)若∠AOC =α(0°<α≤45°),ON 平分∠COD .①当点D 在∠BOC 内,补全图形,直接写出∠AON 的值(用含α的式子表示); ②若∠AON 与∠COD 互补,求出α的值.备用图个位置所对应的数都是1,2或3.定义a b为数阵中第a行第b列的数.例如,数阵A第3行第2列所对应的数是3,所以32=3.(1)对于数阵A,23的值为;若23=2x,则x的值为;(2)若一个33⨯的数阵对任意的a,b,c均满足以下条件:条件一:a a=a;条件二:()a b c a c**=*;则称此数阵是“有趣的”.①请判断数阵A是否是“有趣的”.你的结论:_______(填“是”或“否”);②已知一个“有趣的”数阵满足12=2,试计算21的值;③是否存在“有趣的”数阵,对任意的a,b满足交换律a b=b a?若存在,请写出一个满足条件的数阵;若不存在,请说明理由.。

2018-2019学年北京市海淀区七年级(上)期末数学试卷副标题一、选择题(本大题共10小题,共30.0分)1.如图,用圆规比较两条线段AB和A′B′的长短,其中正确的是()A. B.C. D. 没有刻度尺,无法确定2.-5的绝对值是()A. 5B.C.D.3.2018年10月23日,世界上最长的跨海大桥-港珠澳大桥正式开通,这座大桥集跨海大桥、人工岛、海底隧道于一身,全长约55000米.其中55000用科学记数法可表示为()A. B. C. D.4.下列计算正确的是()A. B.C. D.5.若x=-1是关于x的方程2x+3=a的解,则a的值为()A. B. 5 C. D. 16.如图,将一个三角板60°角的顶点与另一个三角板的直角顶点重合,∠1=27°40′,∠2的大小是()A.B.C.D.7.已知AB=6,下面四个选项中能确定点C是线段AB中点的是()A. B. C. D.8.若x=2时x4+mx2-n的值为6,则当x=-2时x4+mx2-n的值为()A. B. 0 C. 6 D. 269.从图1的正方体上截去一个三棱锥,得到一个几何体,如图2.从正面看图2的几何体,得到的平面图形是()A. B. C. D.10.数轴上点A,M,B分别表示数a,a+b,b,那么下列运算结果一定是正数的是()A. B. C. ab D.二、填空题(本大题共8小题,共16.0分)11.比较大小:-3______-2.1(填“>”,“<”或“=”).12.图中A,B两点之间的距离是______厘米(精确到厘米),点B在点A的南偏西______°(精确到度).13.如图是一位同学数学笔记可见的一部分.若要补充文中这个不完整的代数式,你补充的内容是:______.14.如图所示,长方形纸片上画有两个完全相同的灰色长方形,那么剩余白色长方形的周长为______(用含a,b的式子表示).15.如图,点O在直线AB上,射线OD平分∠COA,∠DOF=∠AOE=90°,图中与∠1相等的角有______(请写出所有答案).16.传统文化与创意营销的结合使已有近600年历史的故宫博物院重新焕发出生机,一些文创产品让顾客爱不释手.某购物网站上销售故宫文创笔记本和珐琅书签,若文创笔记本的销量比珐琅书签销量的2倍少700件,二者销量之和为5900件,用x 表示珐琅书签的销量,则可列出一元一次方程______.17.已知点O为数轴的原点,点A,B在数轴上,若AO=10,AB=8,且点A表示的数比点B表示的数小,则点B表示的数是______.18.如图,这是一个数据转换器的示意图,三个滚珠可以在槽内左右滚动.输入x的值,当滚珠发生撞击,就输出相撞滚珠上的代数式所表示数的和y.已知当三个滚珠同时相撞时,不论输入x的值为多大,输出y的值总不变.(1)a=______;(2)若输入一个整数x,某些滚珠相撞,输出y值恰好为-1,则x=______.三、计算题(本大题共4小题,共25.0分)19.计算:(1)5-32÷(-3);(2)-8×(+1-1).20.解方程:(1)5x+8=1-2x;(2).21.已知2a-b=-2,求代数式3(2ab2-4a+b)-2(3ab2-2a)+b的值.22.洛书(如图1),古称龟书,现已入选国家级非物质文化遗产名录.洛书是术数中乘法的起源,“戴九履一,左三右七,二四为肩,六八为足,五居中宫”是对洛书形象的描述,洛书对应的九宫格(如图2)填有1到9这九个正整数,满足任一行、列、对角线上三个数之和相等.洛书的填法古人是怎么找到的呢?在学习了方程相关知识后,小凯尝试探究其中的奥秘.【第一步】设任一行、列、对角线上三个数之和为S,则每一行三个数的和均为S,而这9个数的和恰好为1到9这9个正整数之和,由此可得S=______;【第二步】再设中间数为x,利用包含中间数x的行、列、对角线上的数与9个数的关系可列出方程,求解中间数x.请你根据上述探究,列方程求出中间数x的值.四、解答题(本大题共5小题,共29.0分)23.如图,点C在∠AOB的边OA上,选择合适的画图工具按要求画图.(1)反向延长射线OB,得到射线OD,画∠AOD的角平分线OE;(2)在射线OD上取一点F,使得OF=OC;(3)在射线OE上作一点P,使得CP+FP最小;(4)写出你完成(3)的作图依据:______.24.如图1,已知点C在线段AB上,点M为AB的中点,AC=8,CB=2.(1)求CM的长;(2)如图2,点D在线段AB上,若AC=BD,判断点M是否为线段CD的中点,并说明理由.25.已知k≠0,将关于x的方程kx+b=0记作方程◇.(1)当k=2,b=-4时,方程◇的解为______;(2)若方程◇的解为x=-3,写出一组满足条件的k,b值:k=______,b=______;(3)若方程◇的解为x=4,求关于y的方程k(3y+2)-b=0的解.26.如图,已知点O在直线AB上,作射线OC,点D在平面内,∠BOD与∠AOC互余.(1)若∠AOC:∠BOD=4:5,则∠BOD=______;(2)若∠AOC=α(0°<α≤45°),ON平分∠COD.①当点D在∠BOC内,补全图形,直接写出∠AON的值(用含α的式子表示);②若∠AON与∠COD互补,求出α的值.27.数学是一门充满思维乐趣的学科,现有3×3的数阵A,数阵每个位置所对应的数都是1,2或3.定义a*b为数阵中第a行第b列的数.例如,数阵A第3行第2列所对应的数是3,所以3*2=3.(1)对于数阵A,2*3的值为______;若2*3=2*x,则x的值为______;(2)若一个3×3的数阵对任意的a,b,c均满足以下条件:条件一:a*a=a;条件二:(a*b)*c=a*c;则称此数阵是“有趣的”.①请判断数阵A是否是“有趣的”.你的结论:______(填“是”或“否”);②已知一个“有趣的”数阵满足1*2=2,试计算2*1的值;③是否存在“有趣的”数阵,对任意的a,b满足交换律a*b=b*a?若存在,请写出一个满足条件的数阵;若不存在,请说明理由.答案和解析1.【答案】C【解析】解:由图可知,A′B′<AB;故选:C.根据比较线段的长短进行解答即可.本题主要考查了比较线段的长短,解题的关键是正确比较线段的长短.2.【答案】A【解析】解:-5的绝对值是:|-5|=5.故选:A.根据绝对值的含义和求法,可得-5的绝对值是:|-5|=5,据此解答即可.此题主要考查了绝对值的含义和求法的应用,要熟练掌握,解答此题的关键是要明确:①互为相反数的两个数绝对值相等;②绝对值等于一个正数的数有两个,绝对值等于0的数有一个,没有绝对值等于负数的数.③有理数的绝对值都是非负数.3.【答案】C【解析】解:55000=5.5×104.故选:C.科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值>1时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n是负数.此题考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a的值以及n的值.4.【答案】B【解析】解:∵3a+2b不能合并,故选项A错误;∵3a-(-2a)=3a+2a=5a,故选项B正确;∵3a2-2a不能合并,故选项C错误;∵(3-a)-(2-a)=3-a-2+a=1,故选项D错误,故选:B.根据各个选项中的式子,可以计算出正确的结果,从而可以解答本题.本题考查整式的运算,解题的关键是熟练运用整式的运算法则,本题属于基础题型.5.【答案】D【解析】解:把x=-1代入方程得:-2+3=a,解得:a=1,则a的值为1,故选:D.把x=-1代入方程计算即可求出a的值.此题考查了一元一次方程的解,方程的解即为能使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值.6.【答案】B【解析】解:∵∠BAC=60°,∠1=27°40′,∴∠EAC=32°20′,∵∠EAD=90°,∴∠2=90°-∠EAC=90°-32°20′=57°40′;故选:B.根据∠BAC=60°,∠1=27°40′,求出∠EAC的度数,再根据∠2=90°-∠EAC,即可求出∠2的度数.本题主要考查了度分秒的换算,关键是求出∠EAC的度数,是一道基础题.7.【答案】B【解析】解:A、AC+BC=6,C不一定在线段AB中点的位置,不符合题意;B、AC=BC=3,点C是线段AB中点,符合题意;C、BC=3,点C不一定是线段AB中点,不符合题意;D、AB=2AC,点C不一定是线段AB中点,不符合题意.故选:B.根据线段中点的定义确定出点A、B、C三点共线的选项即为正确答案.本题考查了两点间的距离,要注意根据条件判断出A、B、C三点是否共线.8.【答案】C【解析】解:把x=2代入得:16+4m-n=6,解得:4m-n=-10,则当x=-2时,原式=16+4m-n=16-10=6,故选:C.把x=2代入求出4m-n的值,再将x=-2代入计算即可求出所求.此题考查了代数式求值,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.9.【答案】D【解析】解:从正面看是,故选:D.根据从正面看得到的图形是主视图,可得答案.本题考查了简单组合体的三视图,从正面看得到的图形是主视图.10.【答案】A【解析】解:数轴上点A,M,B分别表示数a,a+b,b,由它们的位置可得a<0,a+b>0,b>0且|a|<|b|,则a-b<0,ab<0,|a|-b<0,故运算结果一定是正数的是a+b.故选:A.数轴上点A,M,B分别表示数a,a+b,b,由它们的位置可得a<0,a+b>0,b>0且|a|<|b|,再根据整式的加减乘法运算的计算法则即可求解.考查了列代数式,数轴,正数和负数,绝对值,关键是得到a<0,a+b>0,b>0且|a|<|b|.11.【答案】<【解析】解:∵|-3|>|-2.1|,∴-3<-2.1,故答案为:<.直接根据负数比较大小的法则进行比较即可.本题考查的是有理数大小,熟知以下知识是解答此题的关键:正数都大于0,负数都小于0,正数大于一切负数;两个负数相比较,绝对值大的反而小.12.【答案】2 58【解析】解:测量可得,图中A,B两点之间的距离是2厘米(精确到厘米),点B在点A 的南偏西58°(精确到度).故答案为:2,58.根据长度的测量可求图中A,B两点之间的距离;根据方向角的定义可求点B 的方向.考查了两点间的距离,关键是熟练掌握长度和角的测量方法.13.【答案】答案不唯一,如:2x3【解析】解:可以写成:2x3+xy-5,故答案为:2x3.根据多项式的次数定义进行填写,答案不唯一,可以是2x3,3x3等.本题考查了多项式的定义和次数,明确如果一个多项式含有a个单项式,次数是b,那么这个多项式就叫b次a项式.14.【答案】4b-2a【解析】解:剩余白色长方形的长为b,宽为(b-a),所以剩余白色长方形的周长=2b+2(b-a)=4b-2a.故答案为4b-2a.利用矩形的性质得到剩余白色长方形的长为b,宽为(b-a),然后计算它的周长.本题考查了矩形的性质:平行四边形的性质矩形都具有;矩形的四个角都是直角;邻边垂直;矩形的对角线相等;15.【答案】∠COD,∠EOF【解析】解:∵射线OD平分∠COA,∴∠COD=∠1.∵∠DOF=∠AOE=90°,∴∠DOE+∠EOF=90°,∠DOE+∠1=90°,∴∠EOF=∠1.∴图中与∠1相等的角有∠COD,∠EOF.故答案为∠COD,∠EOF.根据角平分线定义可得∠COD=∠1;根据同角的余角相等可得∠EOF=∠1.本题考查了余角和补角,角平分线定义,掌握余角的性质是解题的关键.16.【答案】(2x-700)+x=5900【解析】解:设珐琅书签的销售了x件,则文创笔记本销售了(2x-700)件,根据题意得:(2x-700)+x=5900.故答案为:(2x-700)+x=5900.设珐琅书签的销售了x件,则文创笔记本销售了(2x-700)件,根据文创笔记本和珐琅书签共销售5900件,即可得出关于x的一元一次方程,此题得解.本题考查了由实际问题抽象出一元一次方程,找准等量关系,正确列出一元一次方程是解题的关键.17.【答案】-2或18【解析】解:∵AO=10,∴点A表示的数为±10,∵AB=8,且点A表示的数比点B表示的数小,∴点B表示的数是-2或18,故答案为:-2或18根据AO=10,得到点A表示的数为±10,由AB=8,且点A表示的数比点B表示的数小,得到点B表示的数在点A表示的数的右边,于是得到结论.本题考查了数轴,正确的理解题意是解题的关键.18.【答案】-2 2【解析】解:(1)(2x-1)+3+ax=2x-1+3+ax=(2+a)x+2,∵当三个滚珠同时相撞时,不论输入x的值为多大,输出y的值总不变,∴2+a=0,得a=-2,故答案为:-2;(2)当y=2x-1+3=2x+2时,令y=-1,则-1=2x+2,得x=-1.5(舍去),当y=3+(-2x)=-2x+3时,令y=-1,则-1=-2x+3,得x=-2,故答案为:-2.(1)根据题意得到y=2x-1+3+ax=(2+a)x+2,由y的值与x的值无关,可知x的系数为0,即2+a=0,由此求得a的值;(2)结合(1)的a的值,可知当y=-1时,此时只有两个球相撞,分两种情况,从而可以求得x的值.本题考查有理数的混合运算、代数式求值,解答本题的关键是明确题意,求出a的值和相应的x的值.19.【答案】解:(1)原式=5-9÷(-3),=5+3,=8;(2)原式=,=-4-8+10,=-2.【解析】(1)先根据乘方的意义计算乘方运算,然后利用除法法则把除法运算化为乘法运算,根据负因式的个数判断得到结果的符号,最后利用加法法则即可得出结果;(2)根据乘法分配律进行计算即可.此题考查了有理数的混合运算,有理数的混合运算首先弄清运算顺序,先乘方,再乘除,最后算加减,有括号先计算括号里边的,且先小括号,再中括号,最后算大括号,同级运算从左到右依次计算,有时可以利用运算律来简化运算,熟练掌握各种运算法则是解本题的关键.20.【答案】解:(1)移项得:5x+2x=1-8,合并得:7x=-7,解得:x=-1;(2)去分母得:3(x+1)=2(2-3x),去括号得:3x+3=4-6x,移项合并得:9x=1,解得:x=.【解析】(1)方程移项合并,把x系数化为1,即可求出解;(2)方程去分母,去括号,移项合并,把x系数化为1,即可求出解.此题考查了解一元一次方程,熟练掌握运算法则是解本题的关键.21.【答案】解:3(2ab2-4a+b)-2(3ab2-2a)+b=6ab2-12a+3b-6ab2+4a+b=-8a+4b,∵2a-b=-2,∴原式=-8a+4b=-4(2a-b)=-4×(-2)=8.【解析】利用去括号法则和合并同类项的方法先对所求式子进行化简,然后根据2a-b 的值,即可求得所求式子的值,本题得以解决.本题考查整式的加减-化简求值,解答本题的关键是明确整式化简求值的方法.22.【答案】15【解析】解:(1)S=(1+2+3+…+9)÷3=45÷3=15.故答案为15;(2)由计算知:1+2+3+…+9=45.设中间数为x,依题意可列方程:4×15-3x=45,解得:x=5.故中间数x的值为5.(1)根据每一行三个数的和均为S,而这9个数的和恰好为1到9这9个正整数之和,由此可得S的值;(2)设中间数为x,利用包含中间数x的行、列、对角线上的数与9个数的关系列出方程,解方程即可.本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,理解洛书对应的九宫格的要求是解题的关键.23.【答案】两点之间,线段最短【解析】解:(1)如图,OD、OE为所作;(2)如图,点F为所作;(3)如图,点P为所作;(4)连接FC交OE于P,则根据两点之间,线段最短可判断此时PC+PF最小.答案为:两点之间,线段最短.(1)、(2)根据几何语言画出对应的几何图形;(3)连接CF交OE于P;(4)利用两点之间线段最短求解.本题考查了作图-复杂作图:复杂作图是在五种基本作图的基础上进行作图,一般是结合了几何图形的性质和基本作图方法.解决此类题目的关键是熟悉基本几何图形的性质,结合几何图形的基本性质把复杂作图拆解成基本作图,逐步操作.24.【答案】解:(1)方法一:∵AC=8,CB=2,∴AB=AC+CB=10,∵点M为线段AB的中点,∴,∴CM=BM-CB=5-2=3.或方法二:∴CM=AC-AM=8-5=3.(2)点M是线段CD的中点,理由如下:方法一:∵BD=AC=8,∴由(1)可知,DM=DB-MB=8-5=3.∴DM=MC=3,∴由图可知,点M是线段CD的中点.方法二:∵AC=BD,∴AC-DC=BD-DC,∴AD=CB.∵点M为线段AB的中点,∴AM=MB,∴AM-AD=MB-CB,∴DM=MC∴由图可知,点M是线段CD的中点.【解析】(1)方法一:根据线段的和差关系可求AB,再根据中点的定义可求BM,再根据CM=BM-CB或方法二:CM=AC-AM即可求解;(2)方法一:由(1)可知,DM=DB-MB,可得DM=MC,从而求解;方法二:根据等量关系可得AD=CB,根据中点的定义可得AM=MB,再根据等量关系可得DM=MC,从而求解.本题考查了两点间的距离,利用了线段的和差,线段中点的性质.25.【答案】x=2 1 3【解析】解:(1)当k=2,b=-4时,方程◇为:2x-4=0,x=2.故答案为:x=2;(2)答案不唯一,如:k=1,b=3.(只需满足b=3k即可)故答案为:1,3;(3)方法一:依题意:4k+b=0,∵k≠0,∴.解关于y的方程:,∴3y+2=-4.解得:y=-2.方法二:依题意:4k+b=0,∴b=-4k.解关于y的方程:k(3y+2)-(-4k)=0,3ky+6k=0,∵k≠0,∴3y+6=0.解得:y=-2.(1)代入后解方程即可;(2)只需满足b=3k即可;(3)介绍两种解法:方法一:将x=4代入方程◇:得,整体代入即可;方法二:将将x=4代入方程◇:得b=-4k,整体代入即可;本题考查了一元一次方程的解,熟练掌握解一元一次方程是关键.26.【答案】50°【解析】解:(1)∵∠AOC:∠BOD=4:5,∠BOD与∠AOC互余,∴∠BOD=90°×=50°;(2)①补全图形如下:∵∠BOD与∠AOC互余,∴∠BOD+∠AOC=90°,∴∠COD=90°,∵ON平分∠COD,∴∠CON=45°,∴∠AON=α+45°;②情形一:点D在∠BOC内.此时,∠AON=α+45°,∠COD=90°,依题意可得:α+45°+90°=180°,解得:α=45°.情形二:点D在∠BOC外.在0°<α≤45°的条件下,补全图形如下:此时∠AON=45°,∠COD=90°+2α,依题意可得:45°+90°+2α=180°,解得:α=22.5°.综上,α的取值为45°或22.5°.故答案为:50°.(1)根据余角的定义即可求解;(2)①先根据余角、平角的定义求出∠BOC,再根据角平分线的定义求出∠COD,再根据角的和差关系即可求解;②分点D在∠BOC内,点D在∠BOC外两种情况即可求解.本题考查了余角和补角、角度的计算,正确理解角平分线的定义,理解角度之间的和差关系是关键.27.【答案】2 1,2,3 是【解析】解:(1)对于数阵A,2*3的值为2;若2*3=2*x,则x的值为1,2,3;(2)①由数阵图可知,数阵A是“有趣的”.②∵1*2=2,∴2*1=(1*2)*1,∵(a*b)*c=a*c,∴(1*2)*1=1*1,∵a*a=a,∴1*1=1,∴2*1=1.(3)不存在理由如下:方法一:若存在满足交换律的“有趣的”数阵,依题意,对任意的a,b,c有:a*c=(a*b)*c=(b*a)*c=b*c,这说明数阵每一列的数均相同.∵1*1=1,2*2=2,3*3=3,∴此数阵第一列数均为1,第二列数均为2,第三列数均为3,∴1*2=2,2*1=1,与交换律相矛盾.因此,不存在满足交换律的“有趣的”数阵.方法二:由条件二可知,a*b只能取1,2或3,由此可以考虑a*b取值的不同情形.例如考虑1*2:情形一:1*2=1.若满足交换律,则2*1=1,再次计算1*2可知:1*2=(2*1)*2=2*2=2,矛盾;情形二:1*2=2由(2)可知,2*1=1,1*2≠2*1,不满足交换律,矛盾;情形三:1*2=3若满足交换律,即2*1=3,再次计算2*2可知:2*2=(2*1)*2=3*2=(1*2)*2=1*2=3,与2*2=2矛盾.综上,不存在满足交换律的“有趣的”数阵.故答案为:2;1,2,3;是.(1)根据定义a*b为数阵中第a行第b列的数即可求解;(2)①根据“有趣的”定义即可求解;②根据a*a=a;(a*b)*c=a*c,将2*1变形得到2*1=(1*2)*1即可求解;③若存在满足交换律的“有趣的”数阵,依题意,对任意的a,b,c有:a*c=(a*b)*c=(b*a)*c=b*c,这说明数阵每一列的数均相同.进一步得到1*2=2,2*1=1,与交换律相矛盾.因此,不存在满足交换律的“有趣的”数阵.考查了规律型:数字的变化类,探究题是近几年中考命题的亮点,尤其是与数列有关的命题更是层出不穷,形式多样,它要求在已有知识的基础上去探究,观察思考发现规律.。

2018北京市海淀区初一(上)期末英语2018.1单选1.Please bring the English book.A.meB.myC.ID.mine2.My sister likes playing basketball, I like it, too.A.andB.butC.orD.so3.Our school trip is October.A.onB.inC.forD.at4.--- teaches you math?---Ms. Song.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhereD.Who5.Peter and Tom brothers. They are in the same class.A.amB.isC.areD.be6.My friend doesn't like watching TV. She thinks it's .A.interestingB.funC.relaxingD.boring7.My favorite is black.A.subjectB.colorC.foodD.sport8.My brother Tommy often a book in the evening.A.seesB.looksC.readsD.watches9.My mother wants me more fruit to stay healthy.A.to eatB.eatingC.eatD.to eating10.---Happy Birthday, Cindy!--- .A.Sounds goodB.I'm fineC.Thank you very muchD.You're welcome 完形填空11ADear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this 1 . On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.2 is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school.3 month, we have an art festival. It's on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library. This is a really4 term! Have a good time!1.A.week B.month C.term D.season2.A.September B.October C.November D.December3.A.That B.This st D.Next4.A.easy B.busy eful D.boring12BToday is a big day for me. I still remember the last time I spoke in class three years ago. I tried to 1 a "W" but just made a strange sound. I felt 2 at that time. Everyone laughed and I didn't speak in class from then on. But my doctor tells me if I listen to classic music, I will not stutter(口吃). So I always wear my headphones in class. It works. So that's why I agreed to 3 on the Science Day today.I arrive at school early this morning. My topic (主题) is "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . David is waiting by the door, smiling. Ray is there, too. He says, "Hey, Tom, guess what?" Without thinking, I try to say, "What?" and I stutter again on the "W" . Ray and his friends laugh a lot.I 4 and run.I want to give up, but I get a text "Good Luck" from Dad. I am not going to let Dad down and I am not going to let people like Ray make me feel bad any more.Unluckily, when it is my turn to speak, I look up and David. And I am so nervous that I play the 5 music. It is dance music. The 6 is when I have dance music on my headphones, I can't stop myself talking in the same rhythm (节奏) as the music. So it sounds like I am rapping. Most people in school never hear me speak. They are surprised to hear me doing a rap about "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . When I 7 , they all stand up and cheer. They don't know the 8 on my headphones. They think I am a good rapper. Everyone wants to be my friend. What a great day!1.A.tell B.talk D.say2.A.angry B.interested C.sad D.relaxed3.A.help B.meet C.talk D.sing4.A.turn B.wait C.plan D.think5.A.right B.wrong C.difficult D.easy6.A.problem B.habit C.need D.model7.A.ask B.start C.finish D.arrive8.A.words B.music C.game D.call阅读理解13AHere are the most popular sports stars among students in our school.Soccer starFull name:Ronaldo De LimaDate of birth:18 September, 1976 Place of birth:Rio de Janeirn, Brazil He is a two-time World Cup winner and is the top goalscorer(射手). Basketball starFull name:Michael JordanDate of birth:17 February, 1963 Place of birth:New York, the USAHe wins 6 NBA Championships(冠军) and he is the most famous basketball player.Tennis starFull name:Roger FedererDate of birth:8 August, 1981 Place of birth: Ping-pong starFull name:Zhang JikeDate of birth: 16 February, 1988 Place of birth:Qingdao, ChinaHe is one of the best table tennisBinningen, SwitzerlandHe wins many matches in Open-era Grand Slam(大满贯公开赛) and he is one of the greatest tennis players ever. players in China. He won the Olympic gold medal in 2012 and is also a two-time Olympic team winner.(1)Where does Ronaldo come from?A.The USAB.SwitzerlandC.BrazilD.China(2)Michael Jordan's birthday is on .A.18 September, 1976B.17 February, 1963C.8 August, 1981D.16 February, 1988(3)Who won the Olympic gold medal in 2012?A.Ronaldo De Lima.B.Michael Jordan.C.Roger Federer.D.Zhang Jike.(4)How many popular sports stars are talked about?A.FourB.FiveC.SixD.Seven14BI still remember crying on my first day at school. I am not writing about kindergarten(幼儿园), because everyone cries there --- sometimes every day. I am talking about my first day in primary school. My mother brings me to school, hands me over to a teacher and then she has to leave. I think that she is not with me anymore. That makes me really sad.Right after my mother leaves, I start to cry. Then the boy next to me starts to cry, too. And almost everyone is crying. The teacher clearly knows what to do. She doesn't look at us. Soon, we learn that we are not going to get our mothers back no matter what we do, and so we start to do some coloring. Later, she stops us one by one and gives us our name cards. Then we know that we belong to Mrs. Fon, our teacher.We are coloring all day and we finish over ten pictures. But we're happy about one thing. Everyone can speak to the teacher and she speaks English the way we do.The end of the day comes soon. When my mother and I meet at the school gate, I find there is a big smile on her face. I feel I am a grown –up boy now. I am in school.(1)The boy feels really sad because he thinks .A.it's too boring at schoolB.the teacher is not very kindC.his mother isn't with him anymoreD.it's very difficult to color the pictures(2)What does the teacher give the kids? cards.B.Story books.C.Pencil boxesD.Model planes(3)What can we know about the boy?A.He cries all day long.B.He's lost in the schoolC.He likes coloring the best.D.He's ready for school in the end15CAre there Harry Potter books in your school library? Many kids all over the world are reading J.K. Rowling's books in school. But some parents think their children shouldn't be able to find those and some other books in school libraries.Should some books be kept away from school libraries? All over the country, schools are discussing the question.Yes! Some Books Should Be Banned from School Libraries!Many parents believe that books with violence (暴力) or bad words shouldn't be in schools. Some parents want the Harry Potter books to be out of school because there are fights and magic. Most parents know what's good for kids. They have a right to decide which books should or should not be in school libraries.Books should meet certain standards (标准) before they are put in schools. Is this a good book for kids to read? Is it full of violence? Does it have bad words or ideas kids shouldn't learn about? If a book is not good for all kids, it should not be in a school library.No! Books Should Not Be Banned from School libraries!Many people say that it's the parents' job, not the school's job, to check out what their kids are reading. Parents should also decide what their own kids read. If they don't like a book, they should not let their kids read it. For example, kids can be stopped from reading stories like the Harry Potter series if their parents don't think they're OK.Many schools let kids borrow these books if they have a signed(签名的) paper from a parent. That works fine. Kids without the paper can't read the book.Some books are not OK for all kids to read. But if more parents are careful about what their own kids read, they won't have to ban books from the library.(1)Parents think that their kids shouldn't read Harry Potter booksA.because there are had stories.B.because there are strange ideas.C.because there are wrong words.D.because there are too much violence.(2)To borrow books like Harry Potter series, kids should .A.ask teachers for helpB.pay some money themselvesC.have a signed paper from a parentD.make sure their parents like the books(3)What does the writer mean by saying "banned" in the third paragraph?A.We should talk about different books in libraries.B.We should stop reading books in school libraries.C.We shouldn't throw.D.We shouldn't have some books in school libraries.(4)What could be the best title of the passage?A.For fun or for ideas?B.Who decides the books for kids?C.To keep them or to keep them away?D.How to borrow books from the library?任务型阅读16Where do you think the first hamburger comes from? You may think the firsthamburgers, of course, comes from the United States or Germany. But the fact isthat it comes from China.If you're thinking it is impossible right now, you're not alone. Rou jia mois called Chinese hamburger. It is said to be the world's first hamburger. Roujia mo appeared earlier than American ones, from about 221 BC to 207 BC. Chinesehamburgers are "meat burgers" or "meat sandwiches." They are very real —with a lot of meat inside without any vegetables, which is quite different from the American-style burgers.It was a street food in Shanxi Province of China in the past, and is now eaten all over the country. It's usually prepared and eaten on the street. While the bun is traditionally baked in a clay oven, today it's often fried in a pan. The bun, or mo in Chinese, is made up of a simple mixture (混合物) of wheal flour and water. And this makes a chewy (有嚼劲的) and fine bun, or mo, for the delicious filling. The meat filling might be pork, beef, lamb or chicken that has been (炖) for hours.Rou jia mo usually costs about 6 yuan each in most parts of China. You can find it everywhere. It is the best snack between meals when visiting some places. If you try it once, you will never forget this "mouth-watering" food.(1)What is rou jia mo called?(2)When did rou jia mo appear?(3)Do people eat rou jia mo all over China now?(4)How much is rou jia mo in most parts of China?(5)What do you think of rou jia mo according to the passage?书面表达17根据下面各题所给的中文及英文提示,完成下面的句子。

七 年 级 第 一 学 期 期 末 调 研数 学2018.1学校 班级 姓名 成绩一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)第1~10题均有四个选项,符合题意的选项只有一个. 1. 5-的相反数是( )A .15B .15- C .5 D .5-2. 2017年10月18日上午9时,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会在京开幕.“十九大”最受新闻网站关注.据统计,关键词“十九大”在1.3万个网站中产生数据174,000条.将174,000用科学记数法表示应为 ( )A .517.410⨯B .51.7410⨯C .417.410⨯D .60.17410⨯ 3. 下列各式中,不相等...的是( )A .(-3)2和-32B .(-3)2和32C .(-2)3和-23D .32-和32- 4. 下列是一元一次方程的是( )A .2230x x --=B .25x y +=C .112x x+= D .10x += 5. 如图,下列结论正确的是( )A. c a b >>B.11b c> C. ||||a b <D. 0abc >6. 下列等式变形正确的是( )A. 若35x -=,则35x =-B. 若1132x x -+=,则23(1)1x x +-= C. 若5628x x -=+,则5286x x +=+ D. 若3(1)21x x +-=,则3321x x +-=7. 下列结论正确的是( )A. 23ab -和2b a 是同类项B.π2不是单项式C. a 比a -大D. 2是方程214x +=的解8. 将一副三角板按如图所示位置摆放,其中α∠与β∠一定互余的是( )A. B. C. D.9. 已知点A ,B ,C 在同一条直线上,若线段AB =3,BC =2,AC =1,则下列判断正确的是 ( )A. 点A 在线段BC 上B. 点B 在线段AC 上C. 点C 在线段AB 上D. 点A 在线段CB 的延长线上 10. 由m 个相同的正方体组成一个立体图形,下面的图形分别是从正面和上面看它得到的平面图形,则m 能取到的最大值是 ( )A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 3二、填空题(每小题2分,共16分) 11. 计算:48°37'+53°35'=__________.12. 小何买了4本笔记本,10支圆珠笔,设笔记本的单价为a 元,圆珠笔的单价为b 元则小何共花费元.(用含a ,b 的代数式表示)13.已知,则=.14. 北京西站和北京南站是北京的两个铁路客运中心,如图,A ,B ,C 分别表示天安门、北京西站、北京南站,经测量,北京西站在天安门的南偏西77°方向,北京南站在天安门的南偏西18°方向.则∠BAC =°.2|2|(3)0a b -++=a b从正面看从上面看B15. 若2是关于x 的一元一次方程的解,则a = ________. 16. 规定图形a b c --,图形表示运算x z yw --+.+(直接写出答案). 17. 线段AB =6,点C 在直线AB 上,BC =4,则AC 的长度为.18. 在某多媒体电子杂志的某一期上刊登了“正方形雪花图案的形成”的演示案例:作一个正方形,设每边长为4a ,将每边四等分,作一凸一凹的两个边长为a 的小正方形,得到图形如图(2)所示,称为第一次变化,再对图(2)的每个边做相同的变化, 得到图形如图(3),称为第二次变化.如此 连续作几次,便可得到一个绚丽多彩的雪花 图案.如不断发展下去到第n 次变化时,图 形的面积是否会变化,________(填写“会” 或者“不会”),图形的周长为.三、解答题(本题共54分,第19,20题每题6分,第21题4分,第22~25题每题6分,第26,27题每题7分) 19.计算:(1)()()21862⎛⎫-⨯-+- ⎪⎝⎭;(2)()411293⎛⎫-+-÷--- ⎪⎝⎭.第二次变化第一次变化(3)(2)(1)20.解方程:(1)3(21)15x -=; (2)71132x x-+-=. 21.已知37=3a b --,求代数式2(21)5(4)3a b a b b +-+--的值.22. 作图题:如图,已知点A ,点B,直线l 及l 上一点M .(1)连接MA ,并在直线l 上作出一点N ,使得点N 在点M 的左边, 且满足MN =MA ;(2)请在直线l 上确定一点O ,使点O 到点A 与点O 到点B 的距 离之和最短,并写出画图的依据.23. 几何计算:如图,已知∠AOB =40°,∠BOC =3∠AOB ,OD 平分∠AOC ,求∠COD 的度数. 解:因为∠BOC =3∠AOB ,∠AOB =40°所以∠BOC =__________°所以∠AOC =__________ + _________ =__________° + __________° =__________° 因为OD 平分∠AOC 所以∠COD =12__________=__________°24. 如图1, 线段AB =10,点C , E , F 在线段AB 上.(1)如图2, 当点E , 点F 是线段AC 和线段BC 的中点时, 求线段EF 的长;(2)当点E , 点F 是线段AB 和线段BC 的中点时,请你 写出线段EF 与线段AC 之间的数量关系并简要说明理由.25. 先阅读,然后答题.阿基米德测皇冠的故事叙古拉国王艾希罗交给金匠一块黄金,让他做一顶王冠。

①当点 D 在∠BOC 内,补全图形,直接写出∠AON 的值(用含 α 的式子表示); ②若∠AON 与∠COD 互补,求出 α 的值.
27.数学是一门充满思维乐趣的学科,现有 33 的数阵 A,数阵每 个位置所对应的数都是 1,2 或 3.定义 ab 为数阵中第 a 行第 b 列的数. 例如,数阵 A 第 3 行第 2 列所对应的数是 3,所以 32=3.
(1) 对于数阵 A,23 的值为
若 23=2x,则 x 的值为
(2)若一个 33 的数阵对任意的 a,b,c 均满足以下条件: 条件一:aa=a;条件二: (a b) c a c ;
①请判断数阵 A 是否是“有趣的”.你的结论:_______(填“是”或“否”);
②已知一个“有趣的”数阵满足 12=2,试计算 21 的值;
③是否存在“有趣的”数阵,对任意的 a,b 满足交换律 ab=ba?若存在,请写出一个
初一年级(数学)第7页(共 8 页)
初一年级(数学)第3页(共 8 页)
18.如图,这是一个数据转换器的示意图,三个滚珠可以在槽内左右滚动.输入 x 的值,当滚 珠发生撞击,就输出相.撞.滚.珠.上代数式所表示数的和.y.已知当三个滚珠同时相撞时,不 论输入 x 的值为多大,输出 y 的值总不变.
(2)若输入一个整数 x,某.些.滚珠相撞,输出 y 值恰好为-1,则 x=
8.若 x 2 时 x4 +mx2 n 的值为 6,则当 x 2 时 x4 +mx2 n 的值为

海淀区七年级第一学期期末练习数学2018.1学校班级姓名成绩分)分,每小题330一、选择题(本题共是符合题意的.请将正确选项前的字母填在表格下面各题均有四个选项,其中只有一个...中相应的位置.的绝对值等于12?11 B.D.C.A.22??22火箭顺利发射升空,此次火”5时58分由改进型“长征二号2.神舟八号于2018年11月1日数法可以表示为箭的起飞质量为497000公斤,数字497000用科学计4635..A..BDC104.97??1010497?1049.7?0.497 3.下列各式中结果为负数的是3)??(3?3??23)?( ABDC....4.下列计算正确的是2B.3.a A aa?2a?533??a222532?5a.C.2a a?3D ba2ab?a?b?5.如图,已知点O在直线AB上,,则的余角是AOE??90?BOC?C.A COE?E B.BOC?.C BOE?A O B.D AOE?6.已知一个几何体从三个不同方向看到的图形如图所示,则这个几何体是从正面看从左面看从上面看1 / 11.棱锥.球体DA.圆柱B.圆锥C a x1x?2??3xax 7的值是.若关于的解是的方程,则.1 DB.5 C.A.5?1?2的度数是OD平分∠BOC,则∠AB8.如图,已知O是直线上一点,∠1=40°,.25°A.20°B DC 70°C.30° D .21ABO,则下列数轴表示正确的是在数轴上对应的点为M,且满足9.若有理数m m??m?1m xx11m00BAMM xxmm1100CD.按下面的程序计算:10是输出结果输入x的值15x计算?500?否值为正631,若开始输入的若输入输出结果是501,若输入输出结果是x25,?x100,x?,则开始输入的值可能有整数,最后输出的结果为556x种种D.4种B.2种C.3A.1分)18分,每小题3二、填空题(本题共. ,则这个数是11.若一个数的相反数是2??????. .角,则,角1220??18??30??6=cm.,则ACAB=4cm,BC=7cm13.如图所示,线段BAC2nm?20??2)n?m3?(_____________. ,则的值为14.若___________. ,那么代数式15.如果的值是b3a?b?65?a3? 16.观察下面两行数-25, 36,…,,第一行:4-9, 16 6第二行:,-23, 38,-7, 18,…2 / 11则第二行中的第6个数是;第n个数是.三、解答题(本题共24分,第19题8分,其他题每题4分)10. .计算:174)(?3?8(?1)??18.化简:. 7??3x52x?19.解方程:(1)。


2018北京市海淀区初一(上)期末数 学 2018.1一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)第1~10题均有四个选项,符合题意的选项只有一个. 1. 5-的相反数是()A .15B .15- C .5 D .5-2. 2017年10月18日上午9时,中国共产党第十九次全国代表大会在京开幕.“十九大”最受新闻网站关注.据统计,关键词“十九大”在1.3万个网站中产生数据174,000条.将174,000用科学记数法表示应 为()A .517.410⨯B .51.7410⨯C .417.410⨯D .60.17410⨯ 3. 下列各式中,不相等...的是()A .(-3)2和-32B .(-3)2和32C .(-2)3和-23D .32-和32- 4. 下列是一元一次方程的是()A .2230x x --=B .25x y +=C .112x x+= D .10x += 5. 如图,下列结论正确的是()A. c a b >>B.11b c> C. ||||a b <D. 0abc >6. 下列等式变形正确的是()A. 若35x -=,则35x =-B. 若1132x x -+=,则23(1)1x x +-= C. 若5628x x -=+,则5286x x +=+ D. 若3(1)21x x +-=,则3321x x +-= 7. 下列结论正确的是()A. 23ab -和2b a 是同类项B.π2不是单项式C. a比a-大 D. 2是方程214x+=的解8.将一副三角板按如图所示位置摆放,其中α∠与β∠一定互余的是()A. B. C. D.9. 已知点A,B,C在同一条直线上,若线段AB=3,BC=2,AC=1,则下列判断正确的是()A. 点A在线段BC上B. 点B在线段AC上C. 点C在线段AB上D. 点A在线段CB的延长线上10. 由m个相同的正方体组成一个立体图形,下面的图形分别是从正面和上面看它得到的平面图形,则m能取到的最大值是()A. 6B. 5C. 4D. 3二、填空题(每小题2分,共16分)11. 计算:48°37'+53°35'=__________.12. 小何买了4本笔记本,10支圆珠笔,设笔记本的单价为a元,圆珠笔的单价为b元则小何共花费元.(用含a,b的代数式表示)13.已知2|2|(3)0a b-++=,则a b=.14. 北京西站和北京南站是北京的两个铁路客运中心,如图,A,B,C分别表示天安门、北京西站、北京南站,经测量,北京西站在天安门的南偏西77°方向,北京南站在天安门的南偏西18°方向.则∠BAC=°.从正面看从上面看15. 若2是关于x 的一元一次方程的解,则a = ________.16. 规定图形表示运算a b c --,图形表示运算x z y w --+.则 + =________________(直接写出答案).17. 线段AB =6,点C 在直线AB 上,BC =4,则AC 的长度为.18. 在某多媒体电子杂志的某一期上刊登了“正方形雪花图案的形成”的演示案例:作一个正方形,设每边长为4a ,将每边四等分,作一凸一凹的两个边长为a 的小正方形,得到图形如图(2)所示,称为第一次 变化,再对图(2)的每个边做相同的变化, 得到图形如图(3),称为第二次变化.如此 连续作几次,便可得到一个绚丽多彩的雪花BC图案.如不断发展下去到第n 次变化时,图 形的面积是否会变化,________(填写“会” 或者“不会”),图形的周长为.三、解答题(本题共54分,第19,20题每题6分,第21题4分,第22~25题每题6分,第26,27题每题7分) 19.计算:(1)()()21862⎛⎫-⨯-+- ⎪⎝⎭;(2)()411293⎛⎫-+-÷--- ⎪⎝⎭.20.解方程:(1)3(21)15x -=; (2)71132x x-+-=.21.已知37=3a b --,求代数式2(21)5(4)3a b a b b +-+--的值.22. 作图题:如图,已知点A ,点B,直线l 及l 上一点M .(1)连接MA ,并在直线l 上作出一点N ,使得点N 在点M 的左边, 且满足MN =MA ;(2)请在直线l 上确定一点O ,使点O 到点A 与点O 到点B 的距 离之和最短,并写出画图的依据. 23.几何计算:如图,已知∠AOB =40°,∠BOC =3∠AOB ,OD 平分∠AOC ,求∠COD 的度数.解:因为∠BOC=3∠AOB,∠AOB=40°所以∠BOC=__________°所以∠AOC=__________ + _________=__________° + __________° =__________°因为OD平分∠AOC所以∠COD=12__________=__________°24. 如图1, 线段AB=10,点C, E, F在线段AB上.(1)如图2, 当点E, 点F是线段AC和线段BC的中点时,求线段EF的长;(2)当点E, 点F是线段AB和线段BC的中点时,请你写出线段EF与线段AC之间的数量关系并简要说明理由.25. 先阅读,然后答题.阿基米德测皇冠的故事叙古拉国王艾希罗交给金匠一块黄金,让他做一顶王冠。

2018-2019学年北京市海淀区七年级(上)期末英语试卷一、听力理解(共20分)听后选择(共12分,每小题2分)听对话或独白,根据对话或独白的内容,从下列各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选择最佳选项.每段对话或独白你将听两遍.1.(2分)(1)What is the man doing?A.Taking a walk.B.Listening to music.C.Studying English.(2)When does the woman play tennis?A.Every Monday.B.Every Tuesday.C.Every Thursday.【考点】17:长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】AB2.(2分)(1)What does the boy think of math?A.Boring.B.Difficult.C.Interesting.(2)What is the girl's favorite subject?A.Art.B.Math.C.Chinese.【考点】17:长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】CA3.(2分)(1)Who is the man shopping for?A.His son.B.His friend.C.His daughter.(2)How much will the man pay for the large jacket?A.﹩10.B.﹩20.C.﹩30.【考点】17:长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】A B4.(3分)(1)What does Grandma buy online?A.Food.B.Books.C.Drinks.(2)What does Grandma think of using a computer?A.Easy.B.Tiring.C.Exciting.(3)What can we learn about Grandma?A.She likes getting emails.B.She never reads news online.C.She enjoys learning new things.【考点】17:长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】B C C5.(3分)(1)What do many families enjoy doing in winter?A.Giving gifts.B.Cooking dinner.C.Making snowmen.(2)What does the speaker really want in winter?A.A white Christmas.B.A new winter coat.C.Sweet winter food.(3)What is the speaker mainly talking about?A.What he wears in winter.B.Why he loves winter best.C.How he spends Christmas.【考点】17:长对话理解.【分析】略【解答】CAB二、听独白,记录关键信息.独白你将听两遍.(共8分,每小题8分)6.(8分)请根据所听到的独白内容和提示词语,将所缺的关键信息填写在答题纸的相应位置上.Importance of Playing SportsA good way to make new friends♦Friendship can make children(1).♦Children can be more popular at school.A(2)way to spend timewith family ♦Children can be close with their(3).♦Children can relax themselves.Being good for children's mind♦Children can learn to(4)success and failure.♦Sports teach children to try again when they lose a game.【考点】16:短文理解.【分析】略【解答】happyfun parents(没加﹣s扣一分)face三、单项填空(共8分,每小题1分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项.7.(1分)My sister is a geography teacher and______hobby is taking photos.()A.she B.he C.her D.his【考点】62:物主代词.【分析】我妹妹是一个地理老师,她的爱好是拍照.【解答】she"她"人称代词主格;he"他"人称代词主格;her"她、她的"既可是宾格也可是名词性的物主代词;his"他的"既可是形容词性的物主代词又可是名词性的物主代词.由题干"我妹妹是一个地理老师,她的爱好是拍照."可知,空格是"她的",用her,因此答案应是her.故选:C.8.(1分)We often play table tennis______our friends at school.()A.to B.of C.for D.with【考点】E1:动词短语.【分析】我们经常在学校和朋友打乒乓球.【解答】play with sb和某人玩,此题根据语境:我们经常在学校和朋友打乒乓球.故选:D.9.(1分)There is______English book and some pens in my bag.()A.a B.an C.the D./【考点】52:不定冠词(a,an).【分析】在我的包里有一本英语书和几只钢笔.【解答】a,an,the三者都是冠词,a,an是不定冠词,放在单数可数名词前面,表示某类人或事物中的"一个、一名",表泛指,a用于以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前、an 用于以元音音素开头的字母或单词前.the是定冠词,表特指,意为"这、那、这些、那些".放在可数名词和不可数名词.由题干"我的包里有一本英语书和几只钢笔."可知,"一本英语书"表泛指,"一本"用不定冠词,因English是以元音音素开头的单词,因此空格用an,所以答案应是an.故选:B.10.(1分)I don't like going shopping because it is very______.()A.boring B.busyC.useful D.interesting【考点】83:形容词词义辨析.【分析】我不喜欢去购物,因为这很无聊.【解答】boring令人厌烦的,busy忙碌的,useful有用的,interesting有趣的,此题根据语境:我不喜欢去购物,因为这很无聊.故选:A.11.(1分)﹣______is your birthday party?﹣At three this Saturday afternoon.()A.What B.Who C.Where D.When【考点】97:疑问副词.【分析】你的生日聚会在什么时候?本周六下午三点.【解答】what什么,who谁,where在哪里,when何时,此题根据语境:你的生日聚会在什么时候?本周六下午三点.故选:D.12.(1分)Let's______swimming next Friday.()A.go B.goes C.going D.to go【考点】K8:固定句式.【分析】我们下星期五去游泳吧.【解答】考查固定句式.A去,动词原形.B第三人称单数.C动名词/现在分词.D不定式.句意"我们下星期五去游泳吧".Let's do sth让我们做某事.Let后用动词原形go.故选:A.13.(1分)Mike's father______in the hospital and he is very busy every day.()A.work B.works C.working D.to work【考点】F7:一般现在时.【分析】迈克的父亲在医院工作,他每天都很忙.【解答】根据句意:迈克的父亲在医院工作,他每天都很忙.可知时态为一般现在时,主语是三单式,动词也用三单式.故选:B.14.(1分)﹣Thanks for helping me find my dog.﹣______.()A.The same to you B.Have a good timeC.You're welcome D.That sounds good【考点】LP:情境对话.【分析】﹣﹣谢谢你帮我找到我的狗.﹣﹣不用谢.【解答】A你也一样,B玩得开心,C不用谢,D那听起来很好;根据前句"谢谢你帮我找到我的狗"可知,要用"不用谢"回答,其它选项语意不通.故选:C.四、短文填空(共8分,每小题4分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.15.(4分)根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.I'm Kate,and my sister is Gina.I'm tidy,(1)but Gina is not.In our room,my books and tapes are in the bookcase.My pens are in my schoolbag.I have a clock.It's on the desk.Gina's books(2)are(be)everywhere﹣on her bed,on the sofa and under the chair.The white model plane is also hers.It's under the desk."Where are my (3)keys(key)?Where's my ruler?Where's my schoolbag?"Gina always(4)asks(ask).【考点】PD:语法填空.【分析】本文主要介绍了我和吉娜房间里的东西放的位置.【解答】1.but.考查连词.根据"I'm tidy,(1)_____Gina is not."两个分句存在转折的逻辑关系,因此可知这句话的意思是"我很整洁,但是吉娜不整洁."故填but.2.are考查系动词.根据句子的主语是books,是复数,所以要用are来填空,因此可知这句话的意思是"吉娜的书到处都是,床上,沙发上,椅子底下."3.keys考查名词.根据"Where are my"因此可知是对名词复数进行提问的,所以要用名词复数来填空,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是"我的钥匙在哪里?"故填keys.4.asks考查动词.根据这个句子的主语是Gina,这是一个第三人称单数,一般现在时,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是"吉娜总是问."故填asks.16.(4分)根据短文内容填空.在未给提示词的空白处仅填写一个适当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空.I am busy on Friday.At8:00.have Chinese.The teacher says it is useful,but I think(1)it is difficult.At10:00.I have history.After that,I have P.E.at 11:00.It is easy.Lunch is(2)at12:00to1:00,and after that we have math.It is my favorite(3)subject.Our math teacher,Mrs.Wang,is very kind.My classes finish at1:50,but after that I have an art lesson for2ours.It is really(4)relaxing (relax).【考点】PD:语法填空.【分析】本文主要介绍了我在周五一天的课程安排,以及对课程的喜好介绍.【解答】1.it考查代词.根据"The teacher says it is useful,but I think(1)_____is difficult."因此可知这句话的意思是"老师说它是很有用的,但是我认为它是很难的."故填it.2.at考查介词.根据空格后面的词语是"12:00"因此可知这句话的意思是"午餐在12:00﹣1:00"在时间点的前面要用介词at.故填at.3.subject考查名词.根据"after that we have math."因此可知这句话的意思是"它是我最喜欢的科目."故填subject.4.relaxing考查形容词.根据句子的主语是it,而给出的英语提示是动词relax,所以要用其ing形式形容词来作表语,修饰物.因此可知这句话的意思是"它确实很让人放松."故填relaxing.五、完形填空(共12分,每小题1.5分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.17.(12分)The TraditionLuis's whole family met every June to celebrate Grandpa's birthday.Before everyone sat down to eat,each person had to tell a personal story they had about(1)B.Some family members told the same story year after year.Luis,for example,had his usual story about the time Grandpa taught him how to take care of a vegetable garden.The stories were a(2)A.And now that most of the grandchildren were old enough to(3)C,the tradition could go on for quite a while.Last year,it took three hours.Luis tried hard not to yawn(打哈欠)as he listened to all the same old stories.This year,Uncle Frank and Aunt Teresa had dinner ready early and called everyone to eat."What about the(4)D?"Luis asked."There's just not enough time this year,with so many people,"Uncle Frank said.After hearing this,Luis felt relieved(如释重负).But he also felt a little(5)D as he sat down at the long dining table.Without the tradition,Grandpa's birthday felt like any other holiday the family shared.Luis eyed the plate of vegetable salad."You know,I wouldn't know how to pick a tomato right if it wasn't for Grandpa,"he said softly."I wouldn't know(6)A to drive a car,"said Aunt Teresa."I wouldn't know how to turn a paperclip into a safety pin,"added Uncle Felix."That sure saved the day at Edna's wedding(婚礼)!"Everyone laughed and smiled at each other at the reminder of that well﹣known family story.It was a(7)C birthday.Conversations flowed like water,and the food was wonderful.But something told Luis that next year,the tradition of telling stories would(8)B.(1)A.Uncle B.Grandpa C.Aunt D.Mother(2)A.tradition B.lesson C.test D.hobby(3)A.look B.study C.join D.cook(4)A.parties B.gifts C.games D.stories(5)A.thankful B.excited C.afraid D.sad(6)A.how B.why C.when D.where(7)A.bad B.boring C.great D.small(8)A.stop B.return C.help D.lose【考点】N1:记叙文.【分析】这是一篇人物故事类阅读,主要介绍Luis全家每年都会为爷爷庆祝生日,而且每个人都要讲一个关于爷爷的个人故事.而今年没有太多时间让每个人都讲故事,没有了这项传统活动,让爷爷的生日看起来像是其它节日,大家不自觉的还是谈起了有关爷爷的事情,相信下一个生日,讲故事的传统会回归.【解答】1.B.考查名词.A叔叔.B爷爷.C阿姨.D妈妈.句意"每个人都要讲一个关于__的个人故事".根据一段最后一句for example,had his usual story about the time Grandpa taught him how to take care of a vegetable garden.例如,有一个关于爷爷教他如何照料菜园的故事.可知,应该是"爷爷".选B.2.A.考查名词.A传统.B课.C测验.D兴趣.句意"这些故事是一个___".根据3空后the tradition could go on for quite a while这个传统可以延续很长一段时间.可知,应该是"传统".选A.3.C.考查动词.A看.B学习.C加入.D烹调.句意"现在大多数孙子都已经长大了,可以__了,这个传统可以延续很长一段时间".根据1空处Before everyone sat down to eat,each person had to tell a personal story they had about Grandpa在大家坐下来吃饭之前,每个人都要讲一个关于爷爷的个人故事.可知,应该是"加入".选C.4.D.考查名词.A聚会.B礼物.C游戏.D故事.句意"那些__怎么样了".根据下一句"There's just not enough time this year,with so many people,"Uncle Frank said.Frank 叔叔说:"今年没有足够的时间,有这么多人(讲故事)".可知,大多数的孙子都可以加入讲故事的传统,因此没有足够时间,应该是"故事".选D.5.D.考查形容词.A感激的.B兴奋的.C害怕的.D伤心的.句意"但当他坐在长餐桌旁时,他也感到有点__".根据下一句Without the tradition,Grandpa's birthday felt like any other holiday the family shared.没有(讲故事)这个传统,爷爷的生日就像家里其它的节日一样.可知,应该是"伤心的".选D.6.A.考查疑问词.A怎么.B为什么.C什么时候.D哪里.句意"我不知道__开一辆车".可知,应该是"怎么".选A.7.C.考查形容词.A坏的.B无聊的.C很棒的.D很小的.句意"它是一个___生日".根据下一句Conversations flowed like water,and the food was wonderful谈话如流水般流淌,食物也很美味.可知,应该是"很棒的".选C.8.B.考查动词.A停止.B返回.C帮助.D丢失.句意"但有件事告诉Luis,明年,讲故事的传统将___".根据5空处But he also felt a little as he sad sat down at the long dining table.Without the tradition,Grandpa's birthday felt like any other holiday the family share但他也有点伤心,坐在长餐桌旁,没有传统,爷爷的生日就和家人一起过的其它节日一样.及大家不自觉的又谈论起关于爷爷的故事,可知,讲故事的传统将会"回归".选B.六、阅读理解(共32分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项.(共22分,每小题8分)18.(8分)There are some notices on the community(社区)notice board.Please read them carefully and check out if they are useful for you.Online Sale at ShopbopWelcome to Shopbop this Friday,Jan.22nd!We have all kinds of clothes andshoes for you.For boys,there are sweaters inblack.And girls,you can buy our purplehandbags!For more information,please visit ourAPP or phone us at601﹣7728.Invitation from the SmithsDear Sir or Madam,Welcome to our YARD SALE from8amto2pm on Jan.20th.There are lots ofholiday items,including milk glasses,a bigdinner table,many beautiful coffee cups and soon.We're moving to our new home,soeverything must go!They are at very low prices.Joana SmithIn Bosque Farms,1705St.Los PinosLostOn the morning of Jan.9th,I lost myred English dictionary.Maybe I left it in thelibrary.It is new and I need it very much.Ifyou find it,please call me at138﹣1111﹣8907.Thank you very much!Jessie BrownFoundI found a jacket on the playground on theafternoon of Jan.8th.It is an old jacket inblue and white color,and it is a schooluniform.There is a key in the pocket of theuniform.Is it yours?Call me at136﹣8778﹣1226or my teacher Mr.Smith at622﹣5947.Frank Miller(1)At Shopbop,girls can buy B.A.black sweatersB.purple handbagsC.beautiful coffee cupsD.red English dictionaries(2)You can go to the YARD SALE on C.A.Jan.8thB.Jan.9thC.Jan.20thD.Jan.22nd(3)If you find the English dictionary,you can call Jessie Brown at B.A.601﹣7728B.138﹣1111﹣8907C.622﹣5947D.136﹣8778﹣1226(4)Where did Frank find the old jacket?DA.At Shopbop.B.At the yard sale.C.In the school library.D.On the playground.【考点】O7:广告布告类阅读.【分析】本文是一篇广告布告类阅读,主要介绍了社区的通知或布告.如促销活动,寻物启事,失物招领等.【解答】(1)B.细节理解题,根据原文And girls,you can buy our purple handbags!对于女孩们,你们可以买我们的紫色手提包.,故选B.(2)C.细节理解题,根据原文Welcome to our YARD SALE from8am to2pm on Jan.20 th欢迎在1越20日的早上8点至下午2点来到我们的YARD SALE,故选C.(3)B.细节理解题,根据原文在LOST中,I lost my red English dictionary我丢了我的红色英语字典,please call me at138﹣1111﹣8907请打我电话138﹣1111﹣8907.故选B.(4)D.细节理解题,根据原文I found a jacket on the playground on the afternoon of Jan.8 th.我在1月8日的下午在操场上发现了一件夹克衫.故选D.19.(6分)Tommy's Bumper StickerA little kid came to me after he knew about the Children's Bank."My name is Tommy.I am six years old and I want to borrow money from your Children's Bank."I said,"Tommy,that's what we will do,to loan(贷款)money to kids.And all the kids have paid it back.What do you want to do?"He said,"Since I was four I wanted to help bring peace(和平)to the world.I want to make a bumper sticker(车尾贴)that says,‘PEACE,PLEASE!DO IT FOR US KIDS.'""I support that,"I said.Tommy's dad whispered in my ear,"If he doesn't pay the loan back,are you going to accept his bicycle for the loan?"I said,"Every kid is born with honesty.I believe he'll pay us back.""Always start selling at the top,such as some famous people,"I suggested.Then he made his first try at Ronald Reagan's home.There,he gave a persuasive(有说服力的)sales speech on his bumper stickers.The gatekeeper was moved.He gave him ﹩1.50for his sticker and helped him meet the former President Reagan.Later,he sent a bumper sticker to Mikhail Gorbachev.Gorbachev sent him back﹩1.50and a picture that said,"Go for peace,Tommy,"and signed it,"Mikhail Gorbachev,President."Later on,Joan Rivers called Tommy to be on her TV show which has millions of audience(观众).Tommy went on Joan Rivers'show.He told such great persuasive stories that people took out money to buy a bumper sticker on the spot(在现场).At the end of the show,Joan asked,"Tommy,do you really think your bumper sticker will cause peace in the world?"Tommy smiled and said,"So far I have had it out two years and got the Berlin Wall down.I am doing pretty well,don't you think so?"(1)Tommy came to the writer to A.A.borrow moneyB.give out bumper stickersC.sell his bicycleD.call for the world peace(2)At Ronald Reagan's home,Tommy gave a speech on C.A.his true storyB.going for peaceC.his bumper stickersD.some famous people(3)How did Tommy feel when Joan asked about his try for the world peace?DA.He was tired.B.He felt shy.C.He was relaxed.D.He felt proud.【考点】O1:人物故事类阅读.【分析】文章讲了Tommy想去儿童银行贷款,他想去给世界带来和平,他要做一个车尾贴来说这句话,男孩第一次便在罗根家进行尝试,进行演讲,得到了前总统的肯定,然后他又把车尾贴寄给了戈尔巴乔夫,得到其的支持,并且他还上了电视节目.【解答】1.A细节理解题.根据"I am six years old and I want to borrow money from your Children's Bank"我6岁了,我想向儿童银行借钱,可知他是为了借钱.A项符合题意.故选A.2.C细节理解题.根据"he gave a persuasive sales speech on his bumper stickers"他发表了一个有说服力的演讲关于车尾贴的,可知Tommy的演讲是关于他的车尾贴的,故选C.3.D内容推断题.根据"So far I have had it out two years and got the Berlin Wall down.I am doing pretty well,don't you think so"到目前为止,我已经做了两年,推倒了柏林墙.我做得很好,你不这样认为吗,可推断Tommy认为自己做得很好,很骄傲,故选D.20.(8分)Have you ever wondered why it seems that some people can have enough time to do everything they want,but others can't?Is it that the first type of people has less to do?No,it's much more possible that they are practicing good time management skills.Time management is hard to practice well.But once done,you will manage time much better.With minor tweaks and little efforts,you can do all you need to do in an effective(有效率的)way.The key to good time management is to understand the difference between the urgent and the important."Urgent"tasks need your immediate(立即的)attention,but whether you give that immediate attention may or may not matter(要紧)."Important"tasks matter,because not doing them may have serious or even bad results.For example,answering the phone is urgent.If you don't do it,you may miss something important.However,it may be a stranger who just wants to sell you a phone you don't need at all.That's not important.Going to the dentist is important.If you don't,you may get gum disease.But it's not urgent.If you leave it too long,however,it may become urgent,because you may get a toothache.Helping to pick up your brother or sister from school is both urgent and important.If you are not there at the right time,they will keep waiting and worry too much.Seeing Wechat moments(朋友圈)is neither urgent nor important.So why do you put it first?Knowing the difference between the urgent and the important is the key to managing time well.Try to put your tasks into their right groups.Remember that your health isimportant.You should pay enough attention to your health even though there are many urgent things to do.Although it's not easy to group your tasks properly,try to be a good time manager so that you can have time to spend with the people you love and on the activities you like.The better you manage your time,the more successful you can be.(1)The underlined words"minor tweaks"in Paragraph2probably mean"D".A.great difficultiesB.helpful habitsC.different hobbiesD.small changes(2)Which of the following is an important task according to the writer?A A.Going to the dentist.B.Seeing Wechat moments.C.Answering the phone.D.Buying a new cellphone.(3)The writer gives the examples to tell us C.A.the ways of managing timeB.making a phone call is urgentC.the difference between the urgent and the importantD.picking up children from school is urgent and important(4)Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?AA.How to Manage Time Well?B.How to Make Time for Health?C.The Importance of Making Time for StudyD.The Importance of Free Time Management【考点】O9:日常生活类阅读.【分析】本文是一篇日常生活类阅读,主要介绍了时间管理的问题,如何去区分重要的和紧急的事情.【解答】(1)D.细节理解题,根据原文Time management is hard to practice well.But once done,you will manage time much better.时间管理很难操作很好,但是你一旦做了,你将会管理时间好多了,with minor tweaks and little efforts,you can do all you need to do in an effective(有效率的)way,可知需要表达的是,用小小调整和一点努力,你可以在你要做的事情上用有效率的方式去做.可知这个minor tweaks指的是小调整,即small changes.故选D.(2)A.细节理解题,根据原文Going to the dentist is important.If you don't,you may get gum disease,去看牙医是很重要的,如果你不这样做,你可能会有牙龈疾病.故选A.(3)C细节理解题,根据原文举例来看,从接电话,卖手机,看牙医,接弟弟妹妹,看微信朋友圈等,都是在与让我们知道重要和紧急的差别.故选C.(4)A.主旨大意题,根据原文try to be a good time manager so that you can have time to spend with the people you love and on the activities you like.试着成为一个很好的时间管理者,所以你可以有时间和你爱的人共度美好时光并在你喜欢做的事情上花时间,The better you manage your time,the more successful you can be.你越会管理你的时间,你就可能成为越成功的人呢.故选A.七、阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题.(共10分,每小题10分)21.(10分)BALLETBallet is a type of dance.It is a kind of art that can express a feeling,tell a story,or interpret a song.The first ballet began in the15th century.Ballet dancers may be men and women﹣ballet is not just for girls!They are strong,pretty,and flexible(柔韧的).Many movements in ballet are unusual for the human body.Dancers turn their legs out,instead of having their knees and feet straight forward.They also point their feet and may even dance on the tips of their toes.Dancers must go through a lot of training.Many take classes almost daily if they'd like to be professional(职业的)ballet dancers.They need to practice often to keep up theirstrength.That also means that dancers need to take very good care of their bodies,so their bodies can keep up with the dancing!Dancers need to be well rested and eat healthy meals.They also should drink plenty of water and listen to their bodies by resting if that's what their bodies need.In ballet class,most teachers ask dancers to warm up their bodies at first.After that,dancers come to the center to practice other movements.They should start slowly when learning new steps,so their bodies have time to get used to the steps and not get injured.In fact,it is not easy to become good ballet dancers.Not only do dancers need to control their bodies well,but they need to have a good understanding of music.Ballet looks soft,but it is really an athletic activity.If you love to move your body and use it to tell stories,ballet might be a great activity for you to try!(1)When did the first ballet begin?In the15th century(2)Is ballet just for girls?No,it isn't(3)Why do professional ballet dancers need to practice often?Because they need to keep up their strength.(4)What do most teachers do at first in ballet class?They warm up their bodies first.(5)How can people become good ballet dancers?They need to control their bodies well and have a good understanding of music.【考点】P7:阅读表达.【分析】本文主要讲述了芭蕾舞,它是一种能表达情感、讲故事或演绎歌曲的艺术.因为芭蕾舞中有很多不寻常的动作,所以舞者需要通过大量的循序渐进的训练,要成为优秀的芭蕾舞演员并不容易,舞蹈演员不仅要控制好身体,还要对音乐有很好的理解.【解答】1.In the15th century.细节理解题,根据语境:The first ballet began in the15th century第一场芭蕾舞始于15世纪.可得出答案.2.No,it isn't.细节理解题,根据语境:Ballet dancers may be men and women﹣ballet is not just for girls!芭蕾舞演员可能是男人或女人,芭蕾舞不仅仅是属于女孩!可得出答案.3.Because they need to keep up their strength.细节理解题,根据语境:They need to practice often to keep up their strength.他们需要经常练习以保持体力.可得出答案.4.They warm up their bodies first.细节理解题,根据语境:In ballet class,most teachers ask dancers to warm up their bodies at first.在芭蕾课上,大多数老师首先要求舞者热身.可得出答案.5.They need to control their bodies well and have a good understanding of music.细节理解题,根据语境:In fact,it is not easy to become good ballet dancers.Not only do dancers need to control their bodies well,but they need to have a good understanding of music事实上,要成为优秀的芭蕾舞演员并不容易,不仅舞蹈演员需要很好地控制自己的身体,而且还需要对音乐有很好的理解.可得出答案.八、完成句子(共10分,每空1分)根据下面各题所给的中文及英文提示,完成下面的句子.22.(2分)我妈妈经常在周末看电视.My mom often watches TV on weekends.【考点】R3:汉译英.【分析】My mom often watches TV on weekends.【解答】看电视watch TV,固定短语,根据句意"我妈妈经常在周末看电视"可知,要用一般现在时,主语是三单,动词用三单形式.故答案为watches TV.23.(2分)如果你有问题,可以向老师求助.You can ask the teacher for help if you have problems.【考点】R3:汉译英.【分析】You can ask the teacher for help if you have problems.【解答】向某人求助ask sb.for help,固定搭配,在情态动词后面用动词原形.故答案为ask,for.24.(2分)那栋房子看起来很漂亮.That house looks beautiful.【考点】R3:汉译英.【分析】That house looks beautiful.【解答】看起来look,漂亮beautiful;根据句意"那栋房子看起来很漂亮"可知,要用一般现在时,主语是三单,动词用三单形式.故答案为looks beautiful.25.(2分)对于女孩子,我们有粉色裙子,只售20美元.For girls,we have skirts in pink for only﹩20.【考点】R3:汉译英.【分析】For girls,we have skirts in pink for only﹩20.【解答】粉色pink,in pink介词短语,作定语.故答案为in pink.26.(2分)放学后去踢足球怎么样?How/What about playing soccer after school?【考点】R3:汉译英.【分析】How/What about playing soccer after school?【解答】做某事怎么样How/What about doing sth.,是固定句式;根据句意"放学后去踢足球怎么样?"可知,要用固定句式.故答案为How/What about.九、文段表达(10分)从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.27.(10分)根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作.文中已给出内容不计入总词数.所给提示词语仅供选用.请不要写出你的校名和姓名.假如你是李华,打算邀请你的外籍朋友Peter参加你们学校的校园开放日活动.请用英语写一封电子邮件,告诉他开放日的日期和活动安排,并询问他想参加哪项活动.活动安排:In the morning music class,art class,reading…In the afternoon basketball game,English party…提示词语:sing songs,read stories,play with提示问题:♦When is the School Day?♦What classes and activities do you have on that day?♦What does Peter like to do?To PeterFromLi HuaSubjectSchool DayDear Peter,How is it going?I'm writing to invite you to attend our School Day.I'm looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua【考点】S2:提纲作文.【分析】高分句型一:In the afternoon,there is a basketball game and an English party.there be的就近原则,离there be结构近的名词是单数则用there is,复数则用there are.这句话意为:在下午,有一个篮球比赛和一个英语聚会.高分句型二:Can you come to our School Day?发出邀请句型can you come to…?这句话意为:你能来我们的学校开放日吗?【解答】Dear Peter,How is it going?I'm writing to invite you to attend our School Day.(开篇点明写信目的)Our School Day is on23th,May.next Friday.We have a lot of activities on that day,for example,there are music class,art class,reading class in the morning.In the afternoon,there is a basketball game and an English party.(高分句型一)Since I know you like singing and reading,you can sing songs in the music class and read stories in the reading class in the morning.and in the afternoon you can play the basketball with our basketball team.I think you。
答案 - 2018-2019学年北京市海淀区七年级(上)期末数学试卷

B 、 AC BC 3 ,点 C 是线段 AB 中点,符合题意;
C 、 BC 3 ,点 C 不一定是线段 AB 中点,不符合题意;
D 、 AB 2 AC ,点 C 不一定是线段 AB 中点,不符合题意.
故选: B .
【点评】本题考查了两点间的距离,要注意根据条件判断出 A 、 B 、 C 三点是否共线.
【解答】解:把 x 2 代入得:16 4m n 6 ,
8.(3 分)(2018 秋•海淀区期末)若 x 2 时 x4 mx2 n 的值为 6,则当 x 2 时 x4 mx2 n 的值为 ( )
A. 6
【分析】把 x 2 代入求出 4m n 的值,再将 x 2 代入计算即可求出所求.
原数绝对值 1时, n 是正数;当原数的绝对值 1时, n 是负数.
【解答】解: 55000 5.5 104 .
故选: C .
【点评】此题考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为 a 10n 的形式,其中
1 | a | 10 , n 为整数,表示时关键要正确确定 a 的值以及 n 的值.
故选: B .
5.(3 分)(2018 秋•海淀区期末)若 x 1 是关于 x 的方程 2x 3 a 的解,则 a 的值为 ( )
A. 5
C. 1
第 2页(共 19页)
【考点】85:一元一次方程的解 【专题】521:一次方程(组 ) 及应用;11:计算题 【分析】把 x 1 代入方程计算即可求出 a 的值. 【解答】解:把 x 1 代入方程得: 2 3 a , 解得: a 1 , 则 a 的值为 1, 故选: D . 【点评】此题考查了一元一次方程的解,方程的解即为能使方程左右两边相等的未知数的值. 6.(3 分)(2018 秋•海淀区期末)如图,将一个三角板 60 角的顶点与另一个三角板的直角 顶点重合, 1 2740 , 2 的大小是 ( )

2018北京市海淀区初一(上)期末英语2018. 1单选1. Please bring the English book.A. meB. myC. ID. mine2. My sister likes playing basketball, I like it, too.A. andB. butC. orD. so3. Our school trip is October.A. onB. inC. forD. at4. --- teaches you math? ---Ms. Song.A. WhatB. WhyC. WhereD. Who5. Peter and Tom brothers. They are in the same class.A. amB. isC. areD. be6. My friend doesn't like watching TV. She thinks it's .A. interestingB. funC. relaxingD. boring7. My favorite is black.A. subjectB. colorC. foodD. sport8. My brother Tommy often a book in the evening.A. seesB. looksC. readsD. watches9. My mother wants me more fruit to stay healthy.A. to eatB. eatingC. eatD. to eating10. ---Happy Birthday, Cindy! --- .A. Sounds goodB. I'm fineC. Thank you very muchD. You're welcome完形填空ADear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this 1 . On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.2 is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school.3 month, we have an art festival. It's on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library.This is a really 4 term! Have a good time!1. A. week B. month C. term D. season2. A. September B. October C. November D. December3. A. That B. This C. Last D. Next4. A. easy B. busy C. useful D. boringBToday is a big day for me. I still remember the last time I spoke in class three years ago. I tried to 1 a "W" but just made a strange sound. I felt 2 at that time. Everyone laughed and I didn't speak in class from then on. But my doctor tells me if I listen to classic music, I will not stutter(口吃). So I always wear my headphones in class. It works. So that's why I agreed to 3 on the Science Day today.I arrive at school early this morning. My topic (主题)is "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . David is waiting by the door, smiling. Ray is there, too. He says, "Hey, Tom, guess what?" Without thinking, I try to say, "What?" and I stutter again on the "W" . Ray and his friends laugh a lot. I 4 and run.I want to give up, but I get a text "Good Luck" from Dad. I am not going to let Dad down and I am not going to let people like Ray make me feel bad any more.Unluckily, when it is my turn to speak, I look up and David. And I am so nervous that I playthe 5 music. It is dance music. The 6 is when I have dance music on my headphones, I can't stop myself talking in the same rhythm (节奏)as the music. So it sounds like I am rapping. Most people in school never hear me speak. They are surprised to hear me doing a rap about "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . When I 7 , they all stand up and cheer. They don't know the 8 on my headphones. They think I am a good rapper. Everyone wants to be my friend. What a great day!1. A. tell B. talk C. name D. say2. A. angry B. interested C. sad D. relaxed3. A. help B. meet C. talk D. sing4. A. turn B. wait C. plan D. think5. A. right B. wrong C. difficult D. easy6. A. problem B. habit C. need D. model7. A. ask B. start C. finish D. arrive8. A. words B. music C. game D. call阅读理解AHere are the most popular sports stars among students in our school.Soccer starFull name:Ronaldo De LimaDate of birth:18 September, 1976Place of birth:Rio de Janeirn,BrazilHe is a two-time World Cup winner and is the top goalscorer(射手).Basketball starFull name:Michael JordanDate of birth:17 February, 1963Place of birth:New York, the USAHe wins 6 NBA Championships(冠军)and he is the most famous basketball player.Tennis starFull name:Roger FedererDate of birth:8 August, 1981Place of birth:Binningen, SwitzerlandHe wins many matches in Open-era Grand Slam (大满贯公开赛)and he is one of the greatest tennis players ever. Ping-pong starFull name: Zhang JikeDate of birth: 16 February, 1988 Place of birth: Qingdao, China He is one of the best table tennisplayers in China. He won the Olympic gold medal in2012 and is also a two-time Olympic team winner.(1)Where does Ronaldo come from?A. The USAB. SwitzerlandC. BrazilD. China(2)Michael Jordan's birthday is on .A. 18 September, 1976B. 17 February, 1963C. 8 August, 1981D. 16 February, 1988(3)Who won the Olympic gold medal in 2012?A. Ronaldo De Lima.B. Michael Jordan.C. Roger Federer.D. Zhang Jike.(4)How many popular sports stars are talked about?A. FourB. FiveC. SixD. SevenBI still remember crying on my first day at school. I am not writing about kindergarten(幼儿园), because everyone cries there --- sometimes every day. I am talking about my first day in primary school. My mother brings me to school, hands me over to a teacher and then she has to leave. I think that she is not with me anymore. That makes me really sad.Right after my mother leaves, I start to cry. Then the boy next to me starts to cry, too. And almost everyone is crying. The teacher clearly knows what to do. She doesn't look at us. Soon, we learn that we are not going to get our mothers back no matter what we do, and so we start to do some coloring. Later, she stops us one by oneand gives us our name cards. Then we know that we belong to Mrs. Fon, our teacher.We are coloring all day and we finish over ten pictures. But we're happy about one thing. Everyone can speak to the teacher and she speaks English the way we do.The end of the day comes soon. When my mother and I meet at the school gate, I find there is a big smile on her face. I feel I am a grown – up boy now. I am in school.(1)The boy feels really sad because he thinks .A. it's too boring at schoolB. the teacher is not very kindC. his mother isn't with him anymoreD. it's very difficult to color the pictures(2)What does the teacher give the kids?A. Name cards.B. Story books.C. Pencil boxesD. Model planes(3)What can we know about the boy?A. He cries all day long.B. He's lost in the schoolC. He likes coloring the best.D. He's ready for school in the endCAre there Harry Potter books in your school library? Many kids all over the world are reading J. K.Rowling's books in school. But some parents think their children shouldn't be able to find those and some other books in school libraries.Should some books be kept away from school libraries? All over the country, schools are discussing the question.Yes! Some Books Should Be Banned from School Libraries!Many parents believe that books with violence (暴力)or bad words shouldn't be in schools. Some parents want the Harry Potter books to be out of school because there are fights and magic.Most parents know what's good for kids. They have a right to decide which books should or should not be in school libraries.Books should meet certain standards (标准)before they are put in schools. Is this a good book for kids to read? Is it full of violence? Does it have bad words or ideas kids shouldn't learn about? If a book is not good for all kids, it should not be in a school library.No! Books Should Not Be Banned from School libraries!Many people say that it's the parents' job, not the school's job, to check out what their kids are reading. Parents should also decide what their own kids read. If they don't like a book, they should not let their kids read it. For example, kids can be stopped from reading stories like the Harry Potter series if their parents don't think they're OK.Many schools let kids borrow these books if they have a signed(签名的)paper from a parent. That worksfine. Kids without the paper can't read the book.Some books are not OK for all kids to read. But if more parents are careful about what their own kids read, they won't have to ban books from the library.(1)Parents think that their kids shouldn't read Harry Potter booksA. because there are had stories.B. because there are strange ideas.C. because there are wrong words.D. because there are too much violence.(2)To borrow books like Harry Potter series, kids should .A. ask teachers for helpB. pay some money themselvesC. have a signed paper from a parentD. make sure their parents like the books(3)What does the writer mean by saying "banned" in the third paragraph?A. We should talk about different books in libraries.B. We should stop reading books in school libraries.C. We shouldn't throw.D. We shouldn't have some books in school libraries.(4)What could be the best title of the passage?A. For fun or for ideas?B. Who decides the books for kids?C. To keep them or to keep them away?D. How to borrow books from the library?任务型阅读Where do you think the first hamburger comes from? You may think the first hamburgers,of course, comes from the United States or Germany. But the fact is that it comes fromChina.If you're thinking it is impossible right now, you're not alone. Rou jia mo is calledChinese hamburger. It is said to be the world's first hamburger. Rou jia mo appeared earlier than American ones, from about 221 BC to 207 BC. Chinese hamburgers are "meat burgers" or "meat sandwiches. " They are very real — with a lot of meat inside without any vegetables, which is quite different from the American-style burgers.It was a street food in Shanxi Province of China in the past, and is now eaten all over the country. It's usually prepared and eaten on the street. While the bun is traditionally baked in a clay oven, today it's often fried in a pan. The bun, or mo in Chinese, is made up of a simple mixture (混合物)of wheat flour and water. And this makes a chewy (有嚼劲的)and fine bun, or mo, for the delicious filling. The meat filling might be pork, beef, lamb or chicken that has been stewed(炖)for hours.Rou jia mo usually costs about 6 yuan each in most parts of China. You can find it everywhere. It is the best snack between meals when visiting some places. If you try it once, you will never forget this"mouth-watering" food.(1)What is rou jia mo called?(2)When did rou jia mo appear?(3)Do people eat rou jia mo all over China now?(4)How much is rou jia mo in most parts of China?(5)What do you think of rou jia mo according to the passage?书面表达17根据下面各题所给的中文及英文提示,完成下面的句子。

2018-2019学年北京市海淀区七年级上学期期末考试数学试卷一、选择题(本大题共30分,每小题3分)第1~10题符合题意的选项均只有一个,请将你的答案填写在下面的表格中.1.如图,用圆规比较两条线段AB和A′B′的长短,其中正确的是()A.A′B′>AB B.A′B′=ABC.A′B′<AB D.没有刻度尺,无法确定2.﹣5的绝对值是()A.5B.﹣5C.D.±53.2018年10月23日,世界上最长的跨海大桥﹣港珠澳大桥正式开通,这座大桥集跨海大桥、人工岛、海底隧道于一身,全长约55000米.其中55000用科学记数法可表示为()A.5.5×103B.55×103C.5.5×104D.6×1044.下列计算正确的是()A.3a+2b=5ab B.3a﹣(﹣2a)=5aC.3a2﹣2a=a D.(3﹣a)﹣(2﹣a)=1﹣2a5.若x=﹣1是关于x的方程2x+3=a的解,则a的值为()A.﹣5B.5C.﹣1D.16.如图,将一个三角板60°角的顶点与另一个三角板的直角顶点重合,∠1=27°40′,∠2的大小是()A.27°40′B.57°40′C.58°20′D.62°20′7.已知AB=6,下面四个选项中能确定点C是线段AB中点的是()A.AC+BC=6B.AC=BC=3C.BC=3D.AB=2AC8.若x=2时x4+mx2﹣n的值为6,则当x=﹣2时x4+mx2﹣n的值为()A.﹣6B.0C.6D.269.从图1的正方体上截去一个三棱锥,得到一个几何体,如图2.从正面看图2的几何体,得到的平面图形是()A.B.C.D.10.数轴上点A,M,B分别表示数a,a+b,b,那么下列运算结果一定是正数的是()A.a+b B.a﹣b C.ab D.|a|﹣b二、填空题(本大题共16分,每小题2分)11.(2分)比较大小:﹣3﹣2.1(填“>”,“<”或“=”).12.(2分)图中A,B两点之间的距离是厘米(精确到厘米),点B在点A的南偏西°(精确到度).。

2017-2018学年第一学期初一年级期末学业水平调研语文2019.1注意事项 1.本调研卷共8页,共四道大题,24道小题。
A.①棵②颗 B.①颗②棵(2)看到这只骄傲的大鸟小心③(yì)(yì)坐在树枝上的模样,真叫人觉得可怜,不过,最后等它克服了这种心理障碍后,它马上变得活泼而神采④(yì)(yì)起来,并且对我恋恋不舍。
A.③翼翼④奕奕 B.③奕奕④翼翼2.根据语境,下列填写在横线处的词语最恰当的一项是(2分)午饭时,张妈诉说道:“刚才遇到隔壁周家的丫头,她说,早上看见我家的小猫在门外,被一个过路的人捉去了。
A.①证实②茫然 B.①证明②怅然C. ①证实②怅然 D.①证明②茫然3.下面的图画是根据课文《皇帝的新装》中的有关内容绘制的。

2018北京市海淀区初一(上)期末英语 2018.1 单选1.Please bring the English book.A.meB.myC.ID.mine2.My sister likes playing basketball, I like it, too.A.andB.butC.orD.so3.Our school trip is October.A.onB.inC.forD.at4.--- teaches you math?---Ms. Song.A.WhatB.WhyC.WhereD.Who5.Peter and Tom brothers. They are in the same class.A.amB.isC.areD.be6.My friend doesn't like watching TV. She thinks it's .A.interestingB.funC.relaxingD.boring7.My favorite is black.A.subjectB.colorC.foodD.sport8.My brother Tommy often a book in the evening.A.seesB.looksC.readsD.watches9.My mother wants me more fruit to stay healthy.A.to eatB.eatingC.eatD.to eating10.---Happy Birthday, Cindy!--- .A.Sounds goodB.I'm fineC.Thank you very muchD.You're welcome完形填空11ADear students,We have some interesting and fun things for you this 1 . On September 21st, we have a school trip in the afternoon.2 is a great month. On the 12th and the 15th, we have two ball games, soccer and volleyball. School Day is on October 22nd. Your parents can come to our school.3 month, we have an art festival. It's on November 3rd. We have an English party on November 30th. And on December 3rd, we have a book sale in the school library.This is a really 4 term! Have a good time!1.A.week B.month C.term D.season2.A.September B.October C.November D.December3.A.That B.This st D.Next4.A.easy B.busy eful D.boring12BToday is a big day for me. I still remember the last time I spoke in class three years ago. I tried to 1 a "W" but just made a strange sound. I felt 2 at that time. Everyone laughed and I didn't speak in class from then on. But my doctor tells me if I listen to classic music, I will not stutter(口吃). So I always wear my headphones in class. It works. So that'swhy I agreed to 3 on the Science Day today.I arrive at school early this morning. My topic (主题) is "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . David is waiting by the door, smiling. Ray is there, too. He says, "Hey, Tom, guess what?" Without thinking, I try to say, "What?" and I stutter again on the "W" . Ray and his friends laugh a lot. I 4 and run.I want to give up, but I get a text "Good Luck" from Dad. I am not going to let Dad down and I am not going to let people like Ray make me feel bad any more.Unluckily, when it is my turn to speak, I look up and David. And I am so nervous that I play the 5 music. It is dance music. The 6 is when I have dance music on my headphones, I can't stop myself talking in the same rhythm (节奏) as the music. So it sounds like I am rapping. Most people in school never hear me speak. They are surprised to hear me doing a rap about "Bacteria Eat Plastic" . When I 7 , they all stand up and cheer. They don't know the 8 on my headphones. They think I am a good rapper. Everyone wants to be my friend. What a great day!1.A.tell B.talk D.say2.A.angry B.interested C.sad D.relaxed3.A.help B.meet C.talk D.sing4.A.turn B.wait C.plan D.think5.A.right B.wrong C.difficult D.easy6.A.problem B.habit C.need D.model7.A.ask B.start C.finish D.arrive8.A.words B.music C.game D.call阅读理解13AHere are the most popular sports stars among students in our school. Soccer starFull name:Ronaldo De LimaDate of birth:18 September, 1976Place of birth:Rio de Janeirn, BrazilHe is a two-time World Cup winner andis the top goalscorer (射手). Basketball star Full name:Michael Jordan Date of birth:17 February, 1963 Place of birth:New York, the USA He wins 6 NBA Championships (冠军) and he is the most famous basketballplayer.Tennis star Full name: Roger Federer Date of birth:8 August, 1981 Place of birth: Binningen, Switzerland He wins many matches in Open-era Grand Slam (大满贯公开赛) and he is one of the greatest tennis players ever.Ping-pong starFull name:Zhang JikeDate of birth: 16 February, 1988Place of birth:Qingdao, ChinaHe is one of the best table tennisplayers in China. He won the Olympicgold medal in 2012 and is also a two-time Olympic team winner.(1)Where does Ronaldo come from?A.The USAB.SwitzerlandC.BrazilD.China(2)Michael Jordan's birthday is on .A.18 September, 1976B.17 February, 1963C.8 August, 1981D.16 February, 1988(3)Who won the Olympic gold medal in 2012?A.Ronaldo De Lima.B.Michael Jordan.C.Roger Federer.D.Zhang Jike.(4)How many popular sports stars are talked about?A.FourB.FiveC.SixD.Seven14BI still remember crying on my first day at school. I am not writing about kindergarten(幼儿园), because everyone cries there --- sometimes every day. I am talking about my first day in primary school. My mother brings me to school, hands me over to a teacher and then she has to leave. I think that she is not with me anymore. That makes me really sad.Right after my mother leaves, I start to cry. Then the boy next to me starts to cry, too. And almost everyone is crying. The teacher clearly knows what to do. She doesn't look at us. Soon, we learn that we are not going to get our mothers back no matter what we do, and so we start to do some coloring. Later, she stops us one by one and gives us our name cards. Then we know that we belong to Mrs. Fon, our teacher. We are coloring all day and we finish over ten pictures. But we're happy about one thing. Everyone can speak to the teacher and she speaks English the way we do.The end of the day comes soon. When my mother and I meet at the school gate, I find there is a big smile on her face. I feel I am a grown –up boy now. I am in school.(1)The boy feels really sad because he thinks .A.it's too boring at schoolB.the teacher is not very kindC.his mother isn't with him anymoreD.it's very difficult to color the pictures(2)What does the teacher give the kids? cards.B.Story books.C.Pencil boxesD.Model planes(3)What can we know about the boy?A.He cries all day long.B.He's lost in the schoolC.He likes coloring the best.D.He's ready for school in the end15CAre there Harry Potter books in your school library? Many kids all over the world are reading J.K. Rowling's books in school. But some parents think their children shouldn't be able to find those and some other books in school libraries.Should some books be kept away from school libraries? All over the country, schools are discussing the question.Yes! Some Books Should Be Banned from School Libraries!Many parents believe that books with violence (暴力) or bad words shouldn't be in schools. Some parents want the Harry Potter books to be out of school because there are fights and magic.Most parents know what's good for kids. They have a right to decide which books should or should not be in school libraries.Books should meet certain standards (标准) before they are put in schools. Is this a good book for kids to read? Is it full of violence? Does it have bad words or ideas kids shouldn't learn about? If a book is not good for all kids, it should not be in a school library.No! Books Should Not Be Banned from School libraries!Many people say that it's the parents' job, not the school's job, to check out what their kids are reading. Parents should also decide what their own kids read. If they don't like a book, they should not let their kids read it. For example, kids can be stopped from reading stories like the Harry Potter series if their parents don't think they're OK.Many schools let kids borrow these books if they have a signed(签名的) paper from a parent. That works fine. Kids without the paper can't read the book.Some books are not OK for all kids to read. But if more parents are careful about what their own kids read, they won't have to ban books from the library.(1)Parents think that their kids shouldn't read Harry Potter booksA.because there are had stories.B.because there are strange ideas.C.because there are wrong words.D.because there are too much violence.(2)To borrow books like Harry Potter series, kids should .A.ask teachers for helpB.pay some money themselvesC.have a signed paper from a parentD.make sure their parents like the books(3)What does the writer mean by saying "banned" in the third paragraph?A.We should talk about different books in libraries.B.We should stop reading books in school libraries.C.We shouldn't throw.D.We shouldn't have some books in school libraries.(4)What could be the best title of the passage?A.For fun or for ideas?B.Who decides the books for kids?C.To keep them or to keep them away?D.How to borrow books from the library?任务型阅读16Where do you think the first hamburger comes from? You may think the firsthamburgers, of course, comes from the United States or Germany. But the fact isthat it comes from China.If you're thinking it is impossible right now, you're not alone. Rou jia mois called Chinese hamburger. It is said to be the world's first hamburger. Roujia mo appeared earlier than American ones, from about 221 BC to 207 BC. Chinesehamburgers are "meat burgers" or "meat sandwiches." They are very real —with a lot of meat inside without any vegetables, which is quite different from the American-style burgers.It was a street food in Shanxi Province of China in the past, and is now eaten all over the country. It's usually prepared and eaten on the street. While the bun is traditionally baked in a clay oven, today it's often fried in a pan. The bun, or mo in Chinese, is made up of a simple mixture (混合物) of wheal flour and water. And this makes a chewy (有嚼劲的) and fine bun, or mo, for the delicious filling. The meat filling might be pork, beef, lamb or chicken that has been(炖) for hours.Rou jia mo usually costs about 6 yuan each in most parts of China. You can find it everywhere. It is the best snack between meals when visiting some places. If you try it once, you will never forget this "mouth-watering" food.(1)What is rou jia mo called?(2)When did rou jia mo appear?(3)Do people eat rou jia mo all over China now?(4)How much is rou jia mo in most parts of China?(5)What do you think of rou jia mo according to the passage?书面表达17根据下面各题所给的中文及英文提示,完成下面的句子。
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A.①棵②颗 B.①颗②棵(2)看到这只骄傲的大鸟小心③(yì)(yì)坐在树枝上的模样,真叫人觉得可怜,不过,最后等它克服了这种心理障碍后,它马上变得活泼而神采④(yì)(yì)起来,并且对我恋恋不舍。
A.③翼翼④奕奕 B.③奕奕④翼翼2.根据语境,下列填写在横线处的词语最恰当的一项是(2分)午饭时,张妈诉说道:“刚才遇到隔壁周家的丫头,她说,早上看见我家的小猫在门外,被一个过路的人捉去了。
A.①证实②茫然 B.①证明②怅然C. ①证实②怅然 D.①证明②茫然3.下面的图画是根据课文《皇帝的新装》中的有关内容绘制的。
【吟诗诵文部落】5.部落的同学们对《秋天的怀念》中一句话的朗读设计产生了分歧,你认为设计恰当的一项是(2分)母亲扑过来抓住我的手,忍住哭声说:“咱娘俩在一块儿,好好儿活,好好儿活……” A.重读“扑”“抓”,“母亲扑过来抓住我的手”和“忍住哭声说”两句之间要连读,重读“忍住”“在一块儿”,“好好儿活,好好儿活……”朗读时要气缓声长。
6.王国维名句“一切景语,皆情语也”,让小莉联想到几首古诗词中的句子:马致远《天净沙·秋思》中,“① ,断肠人在天涯”借西沉的夕阳抒发了天涯游子之悲;刘禹锡《秋词》中,“② ,③ ”以明丽的秋景来抒写豪迈之情;李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》中,“④ ,闻道龙标过五溪”借眼前零落凄哀之景抒飘零伤感之绪……古代文人们寄情于山川风物,将精神与自然融为一体,成就了千古佳作。
(3分)A.①暖风暖阳恰似春②绿萍水中绿 B.①无风无寒暖似春②绿萍映水绿C.①无风无寒暖似春②绿萍水中绿 D.①暖风暖阳恰似春②绿萍映水绿9.仿写最能展现你的文笔。
为避免爸产生不必要的误解,从此后我再发朋友圈,都会选择性地屏( bì)他,仅向他展示自己“积极向上”的一面。