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语试题●The Semantic Web is a web of dat a There is lots ofdata we all use every day,and its not part of the(1).I cansee my bank statements on the web,and my photographs,and Ican see my appoint. ments in a calendar.But can I see myphotos in a calendar to see what l was doing when I took them

9. Can I see bank statement lines in a calendar?

Why not?Because we don’t have a web of dat a Becausedata is controlled b y (2),and each application keeps it toitself.

The Semantic Web is about two things.It is about commonformats for interchange of(1 3),where01 the original Web weonly had interchange of documents.Also it is about languagefor recording how the data relates to real

world(4).Thatallows a person,or a (5),to start off in one database,andthen move through an unending set of databases which areconnected not by wires but by being about the same thing.

(1) A. life


C. page

D. web

(2) A. manager

B. applications

C. software

D. computer

(3) A. documents

B. pages

C. means

D. data

(4) A. objects

B. people

C. computers

D. instances

(5 )A. operator

B. administrator

C. machine

D. server

答案:(1)D (2)B (3)D (4)A (5)C



