

土木工程专业英语Unit 11 Railway Engineering

土木工程专业英语Unit 11 Railway Engineering

ballastless tracks
Advantages: stable track position, long life cycles, top speed, ride comfort, practically no maintenance and great load-carrying capability.
❖ Fishplates are usually 600 mm long, used in pairs either side of the rail ends and bolted together with four or six bolts per joint.
Continuously welded rail (CRW)
Unit 11 Railway Engineering
PartⅠ Introduction源自to Rail Engineering
Railway engineering is a multi-faceted engineering discipline dealing with the design, construction and operation of all types of railway systems.
Track gauge
❖ Track gauge or rail gauge is the distance between the inner sides of the two rails that make up a single line.
❖ The standard gauge is 1,435 mm. ❖ Wider gauges are called broad gauge;









在1782年,英国人John Smeaton为了把他的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。
















INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSINTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSThey are structural members which carry loads that are applied at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the member.INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSINTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSContractionRollerHingeINTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSContractionRollerHingeINTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSIn the process of beam design, we will be concerned initially with the bending moment in the beam. The bending moment is produced in the beam by the loads it supports. Other effects, such as shear or deflection, may eventually control the design of the beam and will have to be checked. But usually moment is critical and it is, therefore of initial concern.INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNS梁是结构中最常见的构件作为结构构件,梁承受垂直与构件轴线的荷载INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNS受荷造成梁弯曲本文中,我们视梁不受轴向力图11-1a和b 表示一些梁应用的典型例子INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSidealized form将构件理想化会便于分析或者设计一根梁(或其它结构构件mathematically 理想模型虽不同但非常接近实际构件,它的优点是可以用数学方法处理INTRODUCTION OF BEAMS AND COLUMNSknife-edge or hinge举例而言,在图11-1a中,梁显示为简单支撑,左端一个固定较刃形支承铰式支承),右端一个滑动铰这种情况,可简单地通过理论解出梁受荷下的抗力,剪力,弯矩和变形。






















《土木工程专业英语》参考译文第一课土木工程学土木工程学作为最老的工程技术学科, 是指规划, 设计, 施工及对建筑环境的管理。

此处的环境包括建筑符合科学规范的所有结构, 从灌溉和排水系统到火箭发射设施。

土木工程师建造道路, 桥梁, 管道, 大坝, 海港, 发电厂, 给排水系统, 医院, 学校, 公共交通和其它现代社会和大量人口集中地区的基础公共设施。

她们也建造私有设施, 比如飞机场, 铁路, 管线, 摩天大楼, 以及其它设计用作工业, 商业和住宅途径的大型结构。

另外, 土木工程师还规划设计及建造完整的城市和乡镇, 而且最近一直在规划设计容纳设施齐全的社区的空间平台。


在1782年, 英国人John Smeaton为了把她的非军事工程工作区别于当时占优势地位的军事工程师的工作而采用的名词。

自从那时起, 土木工程学被用于提及从事公共设施建设的工程师, 尽管其包含的领域更为广阔。


因为包含范围太广, 土木工程学又被细分为大量的技术专业。


一个项目开始的时候, 土木工程师要对场地进行测绘, 定位有用的布置, 如地下水水位, 下水道, 和电力线。


环境工程专家研究工程对当地的影响, 包括对空气和地下水的可能污染, 对当地动植物生活的影响, 以及如何让工程设计满足政府针对环境保护的需要。


同时, 结构工程专家利用初步数据对工程作详细规划, 设计和说明。

从项目开始到结束, 对这些土木工程专家的工作进行监督和调配的则是施工管理专家。

根据其它专家所提供的信息, 施工管理专家计算材料和人工的数量和花费, 所有工作的进度表, 订购工作所需要的材料和设备, 雇佣承包商和分包商, 还要做些额外的监督工作以确保工程能按时按质完成。



土木工程博士研究生专业英语必备第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语Specialty English3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程Civil Engineering5 地下工程Underground Engineering6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程Traffic Engineering12 港口工程Port Engineering13 安全性safety17木结构timber structure18 砌体结构masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土plain concrete 23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程offshore engineering31 静力学statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁simply supported beam35 固定支座fixed bearing36弹性力学elasticity37 塑性力学plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics40 土力学soil mechanics41 水力学hydraulics42 流体力学fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力concentrated force45 压力pressure46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力uniform pressure48 体力body force49 重力gravity50 线荷载line load51 弯矩bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress54 应变stain55 正应力normal stress56 剪应力shearing stress57 主应力principal stress58 变形deformation59 内力internal force60 偏移量挠度deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳buckle63 轴力axial force64 允许应力allowable stress65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis66 梁beam67 壳shell68 板plate69 桥bridge70 桩pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure 73 承载力load-bearing capacity74 水位water Height75 位移displacement76 结构力学structural mechanics77 材料力学material mechanics78 经纬仪altometer79 水准仪level80 学科discipline81 子学科sub-discipline82 期刊journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷volume87 期number 88 专着monograph89 会议论文集Proceeding90 学位论文thesis, dissertation91 专利patent92 档案档案室archive93 国际学术会议conference94 导师advisor95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis96 博士研究生doctorate student97 研究生postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目title102 摘要abstract103 全文full-text104 参考文献reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词Subject107 关键字keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法analytical method112 数值方法numerical method113 计算computation114 说明书instruction115 规范Specification, Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇engineering岩土工程engineering基础工程,earth土mechanics土力学cyclicloading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelasticfoundation粘弹性地基viscousdamping粘滞阻尼shearmodulus剪切模量dynamics土动力学path应力路径geotechanics数值岩土力学二.土的分类soil残积土groundwaterlevel地下水位地下水groundwatertable地下水位minerals粘土矿物minerals次生矿物滑坡holecolumnarsection钻孔柱状图geologicinvestigation工程地质勘察漂石卵石砂石sand砾砂sand粗砂sand中砂sand细砂sand粉土soil粘性土粘土clay粉质粘土粉土silt砂质粉土silt粘质粉土soil饱和土soil 非饱和土(soil)填土soil超固结土consolidatedsoil正常固结土soil欠固结土soil区域性土clay软粘土(swelling)soil膨胀土泥炭黄土soil冻土ofsaturation饱和度unitweight干重度unitweight湿重度=InternationalSocietyforSoilMechanicsandGeotechnicalEngin eering国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流’slaw达西定律管涌soil流土boiling砂沸net流网渗透(流)渗流pressure渗透压力渗透性force渗透力gradient水力梯度ofpermeability渗透系数五.地基应力和变形soil软土2.(negative)skinfrictionofdrivenpile打入桩(负)摩阻力stress有效应力stress总应力vaneshearstrength十字板抗剪强度activity低活性灵敏度test三轴试验design基础设计再压缩capacity承载力mass土体stress(pressure)接触应力(压力)load集中荷载semi-infiniteelasticsolid半无限弹性体均质各向同性footing条基spreadfooting方形独立基础soil(stratum,strata)下卧层(土)load=sustainedload恒载持续荷载load活载–termtransientload短期瞬时荷载transientload长期荷载load折算荷载沉降变形套管=dyke 堤(防)fraction粘粒粒组properties物理性质路基soil级配良好土soil级配不良土stresses正应力stresses剪应力plane主平面(intermediate,minor)principalstress最大(中、最小)主应力failurecondition摩尔-库仑破坏条件=finiteelementmethod有限元法equilibriummethod极限平衡法waterpressure孔隙水压力pressure先期固结压力ofcompressibility压缩模量ofcompressibility压缩系数index压缩指数index回弹指数stress自重应力stress附加应力stress总应力settlement最终沉降line滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1excavation开挖(挖方)2dewatering (基坑)降水3failureoffoundation基坑失稳4bracingoffoundationpit基坑围护5bottomheave=basalheave(基坑)底隆起6retainingwall挡土墙7pore-pressuredistribution孔压分布8dewateringmethod降低地下水位法9wellpointsystem井点系统(轻型)10deepwellpoint深井点11vacuumwellpoint 真空井点12bracedcuts支撑围护13bracedexcavation支撑开挖14bracedsheeting支撑挡板七.深基础--deepfoundationfoundation桩基础1)cast–in-place灌注桩divingcastingcast-in-placepile沉管灌注桩boredpile钻孔桩special-shapedcast-in-placepile机控异型灌注桩pilessetintorock嵌岩灌注桩rammedbulbpile夯扩桩2)belledpierfoundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pierfoundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamedboredpier3)precastconcretepile预制混凝土桩4)steelpile钢桩steelpipepile钢管桩steelsheetpile钢板桩5)prestressedconcretepile预应力混凝土桩prestressedconcretepipepile预应力混凝土管桩foundation 沉井(箱)wall地下连续墙截水墙pile摩擦桩pile端承桩竖井;桩身equationanalysis波动方程分析caps承台(桩帽)capacityofsinglepile单桩承载力pileloadtest单桩横向载荷试验lateralresistanceofsinglepile单桩横向极限承载力loadtestofpile单桩竖向静荷载试验allowableloadcapacity单桩竖向容许承载力pilecap低桩承台pilecap高桩承台ultimateupliftresistanceofsinglepile单桩抗拔极限承载力piling静力压桩pile抗拔桩pile抗滑桩groups群桩factorofpilegroups群桩效率系数(η)ofpilegroups群桩效应piletesting桩基动测技术set最后贯入度loadtestofpile桩动荷载试验integritytest桩的完整性试验head=butt桩头tip=pilepoint=piletoe桩端(头)spacing桩距plan桩位布置图ofpiles=pilelayout桩的布置action群桩作用bearing=tipresistance桩端阻(side)friction=shaftresistance桩侧阻cushion桩垫driving(byvibration)(振动)打桩pullingtest 拔桩试验shoe桩靴noise打桩噪音rig打桩机九.固结consolidation’sconsolidationtheory太沙基固结理论’sconsolidationtheory巴隆固结理论’sconsolidationtheory比奥固结理论consolidationration(OCR)超固结比soil超固结土porewaterpressure超孔压力consolidation多维固结consolidation一维固结consolidation主固结consolidation次固结ofconsolidation固结度test固结试验curve固结曲线factorTv时间因子ofconsolidation固结系数pressure前期固结压力ofeffectivestress有效应力原理underK0conditionK0固结十.抗剪强度shearstrength shearstrength不排水抗剪强度strength残余强度strength长期强度strength峰值强度strainrate剪切应变速率剪胀stressapproachofshearstrength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法stressapproachofshearstrength抗剪强度总应力法theory莫尔-库仑理论ofinternalfriction内摩擦角粘聚力criterion 破坏准则strength十字板抗剪强度compression无侧限抗压强度stressfailureenvelop有效应力破坏包线stressstrengthparameter有效应力强度参数十一.本构模型--constitutivemodelmodel弹性模型elasticmodel非线性弹性模型model弹塑性模型model粘弹性模型surfacemodel边界面模型model邓肯-张模型plasticmodel刚塑性模型model盖帽模型softening加工软化hardening加工硬化model剑桥模型elastoplasticmodel理想弹塑性模型yieldcriterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则surface屈服面half-spacefoundationmodel弹性半空间地基模型modulus 弹性模量foundationmodel文克尔地基模型十二.地基承载力--bearingcapacityoffoundationsoil shearfailure冲剪破坏shearfailure整体剪切破化shearfailure局部剪切破坏oflimitequilibrium极限平衡状态edgepressure临塑荷载offoundationsoil地基稳定性bearingcapacityoffoundationsoil地基极限承载力bearingcapacityoffoundationsoil地基容许承载力十三.土压力--earthpressureearthpressure主动土压力earthpressure被动土压力pressureatrest静止土压力’searthpressuretheory库仑土压力理论’searthpressuretheory朗金土压力理论十四.土坡稳定分析--slopestabilityanalysisofrepose休止角method毕肖普法factorofslope边坡稳定安全系数methodofslices费纽伦斯条分法circlemethod瑞典圆弧滑动法method条分法十五.挡土墙--retainingwallofretainingwall挡土墙稳定性wall基础墙retainingwall扶壁式挡土墙retainingwall悬臂式挡土墙sheetpilewall悬臂式板桩墙retainingwall重力式挡土墙plateretainingwall锚定板挡土墙sheetpilewall锚定板板桩墙十六.板桩结构物--sheetpilestructuresheetpile钢板桩concretesheetpile钢筋混凝土板桩piles钢桩sheetpile木板桩piles木桩十七.浅基础--shallowfoundationfoundation箱型基础(raft)foundation片筏基础foundation条形基础footing扩展基础foundation补偿性基础stratum持力层foundation刚性基础foundation柔性基础depthoffoundation基础埋置深度foundationpressure基底附加应力interactionanalysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八.土的动力性质--dynamicpropertiesofsoils strengthofsoils动强度velocitymethod波速法damping材料阻尼damping几何阻尼ratio阻尼比liquefaction初始液化periodofsoilsite地基固有周期shearmodulusofsoils动剪切模量ma二十.地基基础抗震engineering地震工程dynamics土动力学ofearthquake地震持续时间responsespectrum地震反应谱intensity地震烈度magnitude震级predominantperiod地震卓越周期accelerationofearthquake 地震最大加速度二十一.室内土工实验pressureconsolidationtest高压固结试验underK0conditionK0固结试验headpermeability变水头试验headpermeability常水头渗透试验triaxialtest不固结不排水试验(UU) undrainedtriaxialtest固结不排水试验(CU) drainedtriaxialtest固结排水试验(CD)test击实试验quickdirectsheartest固结快剪试验directsheartest快剪试验draineddirectsheartest慢剪试验analysis筛分析modeltest土工模型试验modeltest离心模型试验shearapparatus直剪仪sheartest直剪试验simplesheartest 直接单剪试验triaxialtest三轴试验simpleshear动单剪(resonance)vibrationcolumntest自(共)振柱试验二十二.原位测试penetrationtest(SPT)标准贯入试验wavetest(SWT)表面波试验penetrationtest(DPT)动力触探试验conepenetration(SPT)静力触探试验loadingtest静力荷载试验loadtestofpile单桩横向载荷试验loadtestofpile单桩竖向荷载试验test跨孔试验platetest螺旋板载荷试验test旁压试验sounding轻便触探试验settlementmeasurement深层沉降观测sheartest十字板剪切试验permeabilitytest现场渗透试验porewaterpressuremeasurement原位孔隙水压量测soiltest原位试验。



专业英语课后翻译参考Unit12、词组翻译(1)受弯构件(2)临界屈曲荷载(3)长细比(4)短柱(5)折减模量(6)effective length (7)residual stress(8)trial and error approach (9)radius of gyration(10)tangent modulus3、英译汉(1)This ideal state is never achieved in reality, however, and some eccentricity of the load is inevitable.在现实中,这种理想状态从来没有达到,然而,一些荷载偏心是不可避免的(2)In many instances the members are aslo called upon to resist bending, and in these cases the member is a beam-column.在许多情况下,需要构件能够抵抗弯矩,并在这些情况下,构件是梁柱。

(3)If the member is so slender that the stress just before buckling is below the proportional limit---that is, the member is still elastic---the critical buckling load is given by Q.如果该构件是是细长,则在屈曲前应力就低于比例限制---也就是说,该构件仍然是弹性---由公式Q 给出该临界屈曲荷载。

(4)The ratio L/r is the slenderness ratio and is the measure of a compression member’s slenderness, with large values corresponding to slender members.L/r 是长细比,是衡量受压构件的长细的一种方法,对于细长的构件它具有较大值。

土木工程专业英语Unit 11 Railway Engineering

土木工程专业英语Unit 11 Railway Engineering
❖ 若已知电流和电阻,我们就能求出电压。 ❖ 不定式短语分译:
❖ Care shall be taken at all times to protect the instrument from dust and damp.
Fixed Block Systems
❖ The railway is divided into sections of track, which are separated by signals. A train is not allowed to enter a given track section before the preceding train has cleared it.
(2) 短语的分译
❖ 名词短语分译: ❖ The complex process of photosynthesis is controlled by
several genes. ❖ 光合作用过程是复杂的,它受数种基因制约。 ❖ 介词短语分译: ❖ To every action there must be an equal and opposite
reaction. ❖ 对于每个作用力,必定存在一个大小相等、方向相反的反作
用力。 ❖ In the high altitude snow and ice remain all year. ❖ 海拔高的地方,冰雪常年不化。
❖ 分词短语分译:
❖ Given current and resistance, we can find out voltage.
ballastless tracks
Advantages: stable track position, long life cycles, top speed, ride comfort, practically no maintenance and great load-carrying capability.



第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity 50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷 volume87 期 number 88 专著 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis, dissertation91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署 110 ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 1.residual soil残积土groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水groundwater table地下水位 3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物 ndslides滑坡 6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察8.boulder漂石9.cobble卵石10.gravel砂石11.gravelly sand砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand中砂14.fine sand细砂15.silty sand粉土16.clayey soil粘性土17.clay粘土18.silty clay粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt砂质粉土21.clayey silt粘质粉土22.saturated soil饱和土23.unsaturated soil非饱和土24.fill (soil)填土25.overconsolidated soil超固结土26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土28.zonal soil区域性土29.soft clay软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess黄土33.frozen soil冻土24.degree of saturation饱和度25.dry unit weight干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mech anics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pil e打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress有效应力4.total stress总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度8.triaxial test三轴试验9.foundation design基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体16.homogeneous均质17.isotropic各向同性18.strip footing条基19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载22.live load活载23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载25.reduced load折算荷载26.settlement沉降27.deformation变形28.casing套管29.dike=dyke堤(防)30.clay fraction粘粒粒组31.physical properties物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses 剪应力37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stre ss最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress附加应力50.total stress总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering(基坑)降水 3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法9 well point system井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point深井点11 vacuum well point真空井点12 braced cuts支撑围护13 braced excavation支撑开挖14 braced sheeting支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩bored pile钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩steel pipe pile钢管桩steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩 2.caisson foundation沉井(箱) 3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙 4.friction pile摩擦桩 5.end-bearing pile端承桩 6.shaft竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析8.pile caps承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling静力压桩18.uplift pile抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头)29.pile spacing桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置32.group action群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise打桩噪音40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度12.consolidation test固结试验13.consolidation curve固结曲线14.time factor Tv时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法8.total stress approach of shear strengt h抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角11.cohesion粘聚力12.failure criterion破坏准则13.vane strength十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model刚塑性模型8.cap model盖帽模型9.work softening加工软化10.work hardening加工硬化11.Cambridge model剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏2.general shear failure整体剪切破化3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation so il地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundatio n soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis 1.angle of repose休止角 2.Bishop method毕肖普法 3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数 4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法 5.Swedish circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法 6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩 2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩 3.steel piles钢桩 4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩 5.timber piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation箱型基础 2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础 pensated foundation补偿性基础 6.bearing stratum持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analys is上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils动强度2.wave velocity method波速法3.material damping材料阻尼4.geometric damping几何阻尼5.damping ratio阻尼比6.initial liquefaction初始液化7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十. 地基基础抗震 1.earthquake engineering地震工程 2.soil dynamics土动力学 3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱 5.earthquake intensity地震烈度 6.earthquake magnitude震级7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验 1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验 2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析13.geotechnical model test土工模型试验14.centrifugalmodel test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test直剪试验17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear动单剪20.free (resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试 1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验 3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验 5.plate loading test静力荷载试验 teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measuremen t 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test原位试验(注:文档可能无法思考全面,请浏览后下载,供参考。



土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版 )第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程 Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17 木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构 statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32 运动学 kinematics33 动力学 dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36 弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学 solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降 settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪 level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83 文献 literature84 国际标准刊号ISSN International Standard Serial Number85国际标准书号 ISBN International Standard Book Number86卷 volume87期 number88专著 monograph89会议论文集 Proceeding90学位论文 thesis dissertation91专利 patent92档案档案室 archive93国际学术会议 conference94导师 advisor95学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96博士研究生 doctorate student97研究生 postgraduate98工程索引 EI Engineering Index99科学引文索引 SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy ’ s law达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata) 下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔 -库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave(基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12braced cuts 支撑围护13braced excavation 支撑开挖14braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础 --deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi ’ s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon ’ s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot ’ s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR) 超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一 .本构模型 --constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二 .地基承载力 --bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三 .土压力 --earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb ’ s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine ’ s earthressurep theory 朗金土压力理论十四 .土坡稳定分析 --slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五 .挡土墙 --retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六 .板桩结构物 --sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七 .浅基础 --shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八 .土的动力性质 --dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十 .地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一 .室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验 (CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验 (CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自 (共 )振柱试验二十二 .原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程 Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17 木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构 statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32 运动学 kinematics33 动力学 dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36 弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学 solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降 settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪 level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83文献 literature84国际标准刊号 ISSN International Standard Serial Number85国际标准书号 ISBN International Standard Book Number86卷 volume87期 number88专著 monograph89会议论文集 Proceeding90学位论文 thesis dissertation91专利 patent92档案档案室 archive93国际学术会议 conference94导师 advisor95学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96博士研究生 doctorate student97研究生 postgraduate98工程索引 EI Engineering Index99科学引文索引 SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy ’ s law达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata) 下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔 -库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave(基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12braced cuts 支撑围护13braced excavation 支撑开挖14braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础 --deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi ’ s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’ s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot ’ s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR) 超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一 .本构模型 --constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二 .地基承载力 --bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三 .土压力 --earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb ’ s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine ’ s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四 .土坡稳定分析 --slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五 .挡土墙 --retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六 .板桩结构物 --sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七 .浅基础 --shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八 .土的动力性质 --dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十 .地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一 .室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验 (CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验 (CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自 (共 )振柱试验二十二 .原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验。



An apartment building,an office building,and a school differ in form because of the difference in the functions they fulfill.
一幢公寓,一座办公楼和一所学校在结构形式上各有不同, 因为它们要实现的功能是不一样的。
1. shelter
n. 隐蔽处,躲避处 +from
The umbrella is a shelter from rain.
v. 躲避 +பைடு நூலகம்rom
The wall sheltered us from the wind.
7. dominant a. 占优势的,有统治权的
It is only as a result of the specialized requirements of our modern society that these two fields have developed along separate paths.
只是出于现代社会的特定需要,这两个领域才沿着不同的路 径发展。
The scientific basis for the design of buildings as shelters and for the design of civil engineering structures for other purposes is identical.
对于作为躲避处的建筑物和作其他用途的土木工程结构物, 它们的设计科学依据是相同的。
一座建筑物的作用是为人类活动的进行提供一个躲避处。 From the time of the cave dwellers to the present,one of the first needs of man has been a shelter from the elements. 从穴居时代到现在,人类最重要的需求之一就是有一个躲 避风雨的地方。 In a more general sense, the art of building encompasses all of man’s efforts to control its environment and direct natural forces to his own needs. 从更一般的意义上说,建筑的艺术包含了人类为了他自己 的需要而控制环境和引导自然力的所有努力。 in……sense 在……意义上说 in all senses 在任何意义上说 in the proper (strict, literal) sense 在本来(严格、字面) 的意义上说

教学课件 土木工程专业英语-段兵廷

教学课件 土木工程专业英语-段兵廷
他们也修建私人拥有的设施,如机场、铁路、 管线、高楼大厦,和为工业、商业、民用设计 的其他大型建筑。
Civil engineering and civil engineers
In addition,civil engineers plan,design,and build complete cities and towns,and more recently have been planning and designing space platforms to house self-contained communities.
技术专业。 •
• • 根技据能D工 。e程pe的nd类in型g ,on就th需e要ty土pe木o工f p程ro师je专ct家,的th各e 种
skills of many kinds of civil engineer specialists may be needed.
When a project begins,the site is surveyed and mapped by civil engineers who locate utility placement--water, sewer,and power lines. 当一项工程开始时,土木工程师要勘测现场并绘图, 他们还要确定水管、污水管道和电线的实用布置。
In 1782,Englishman John Smeaton used the term to differentiate his nonmilitary engineering work from that of the military engineers who predominated at the time.

土木工程专业英语 段兵延

土木工程专业英语  段兵延

Lesson 4 Tall BuildingAlthough there have been many advancements in building construction technology in general, spectacular achievements have been made in the design and construction of ultrahigh-rise buildings.虽然在建筑施工技术中,总的来说已经有了许多进步,但是在超高层建筑的设计和施工中也取得了惊人的成就。

The early development of high-rise buildings began with structural steel framing.高层建筑的早期发展始于结构的钢框架。

Reinforced concrete and stressed-skin tube systems have since been economically and competitively used in a number of structures for both residential and commercial purposes.从那以后,钢筋混凝土和薄壳筒体体系就被竞相经济地用在了许多民用和商用结构中。

The high-rise buildings ranging from 50 to 110 stories that are being built all over the United States are the result of innovations and development of new structural systems.美国各地正在修建的50~110层的高层建筑是新的结构体系改革和发展的结果。

Greater height entails increased column and beam sizes to make buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit.更大的高度需要增加柱和梁的尺寸来使建筑物的刚性更大,以便于它们在风荷载作用下不会倾斜到允许的范围之外。




Highway Engineering
Highway engineering includes highway planning, location, design, and maintenance.
利用航空拍摄技术的摄影制图方法被广泛地利用起来显示 大型工程的地形特征,在大型工程中采用这种方法是最经济的。

பைடு நூலகம்
Highway Engineering
On small projects, ground-mapping methods are preferred.
The environmental study or report covers many factors, including noise generation, air pollution, disturbance of areas traversed, destruction of existing housing, and possible alternate routes.
Financing considerations determine whether the project can be carried out at one time or whether construction must be in stages, with each stage initiated as funds become available.
abutting joint 对接, 毗连接头 abutting lot 相邻地段 10. accommodate 供应,提供,容纳,适应 如:accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于 accommodate oneself to new conditions 适应新的情况 accommodate sb. with 向某人提供 16. adverse 相反的,不利的,敌对的,逆的 如:adverse altitude (跳伞)不利高度 adverse circumstances 逆境 adverse conditions 不利条件, 有害状态 adverse current 逆流
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在着手做一条新建公路或改建公路的设计和施工之前, 必须做总体规划和资金考虑。
As part of general planning, it is decided what the traffic needs of the area will be for a considerable period, generally 20 years, and what construction will meet those needs.
difficult but is a most important phase of highway engineering.
从公路建设中获取不同利益的评价通常是公路工程中很 难但又是最重要的一个阶段。
Some benefits can be measured with accuracy, but the evaluation of others is more speculative.
公路工程师必须确定最合适的位置、布局和新线新结构的 通行能力。
Frequently, a preliminary line, or location, and several alternate routes are studied.
通常,要仔细考虑初步的线形,或定位,以及几条可选择 的路线。
改善了的公路的使用者从减少的运输成本、更舒适的旅行、 增加的安全感、和节约时间中得到好处。
They also obtain recreational and educational benefits.
Owners of abutting or adjacent property may benefit from better access, increased property value, more effective police and fire protection, improved street parking, greater pedestrian traffic safety, and the use of the street right-of-way for the location of public utilities, such as water lines and sewers.
一些利益能够精确地推测出来,而另一些就显得更投机 了。
As a result numerous methods are used to finance construction, and much engineering work may be involved in selecting the best procedure.
作为总体规划的一部分,要决定:在相当长的时期内, 通常是20年,该区域的交通需要;以及哪种施工可以满足这 些需要。
Highway Engineering
To assess traffic needs the highway engineer collects and analyzes information about the physical features of existing facilities, the volume, distribution, and character of present traffic, and the changes to be expected in these factors.
Financing considerations determine whether the project can be carried out at one time or whether construction must be in stages, with each stage initiated as funds become available.
为了确定交通需要,公路工程师收集和分析关于已有设施 的物理特征,当前的交通量、交通分布和交通特性,以及在这 些因素上要做的变化等信息。
The highway engineer must determine the most suitable location, layout, and capacity of the new routes and structures.
结果,许多的方法就被用来为建设集资,很多的工程项 目可能就牵涉到选择最佳做法。

Environmental evaluation 环境评价
The environmental impact of constructing highways has received increased attention and importance.
在选择最佳线路时,要仔细考虑交通需求、要经过的地形、 道路用地所需土地的价值、以及不同方案的预估施工造价。
The photogrammetric method, which makes use of aerial photographs, is used extensively to indicate the character of the terrain on large projects, where it is most economical.
calcium chloride 氯化钙
guard rail 护栏,护轨

1. abutting 毗连的,邻接的
如:abutting building 毗连建筑物 abutting joint 对接, 毗连接头 abutting lot 相邻地段 10. accommodate 供应,提供,容纳,适应 如:accommodate oneself to 使自己适应于 accommodate oneself to new conditions 适应新的情况 accommodate sb. with 向某人提供 16. adverse 相反的,不利的,敌对的,逆的 如:adverse altitude (跳伞)不利高度 adverse circumstances 逆境 adverse conditions 不利条件, 有害状态 adverse current 逆流
Lesson 11 Highway Engineering 公路工程
New words and phrases:
abutting specdlative traverse benefit recreational logically gradation expressway compact accommodate frequency caliche oyster bituminous catchbasin adverse precipitation photogrammetric outlet barrier pneunatic-tired roller 汽胎压路机 public utilities 公共设施
邻近房产的所有者可以从更好的接近机会、增加的房价、 更高效的治安和防火、改善的街道草坪、更安全的行人交通、 和公众设施位置街道优先权的使用,比如水管和污水管这些方 面获得利益。

Highway Engineering
Evaluation of various benefits from highway construction is often
The environmental study or report covers many factors, including noise generation, air pollution, disturbance of areas traversed, destruction of
existing housing, and possible alternate routes.
利用航空拍摄技术的摄影制图方法被广泛地利用起来显示 大型工程的地形特征,在大型工程中采用这种方法是最经济的。

Highway Engineering
On small projects, ground-mapping methods are preferred.
环境研究或报告包括了许多因素:噪音的产生、空气污染、 对被穿过区域的干扰、原有房屋的毁坏、和可能供选择的线路。
在确定为工程集资的最好的方法的过程中,工程师要分析 工程将对谁有利。
Important highways and streets benefit, in varying degrees, three groups: users, owners of adjacent property, and the general public.
资金方面的考虑决定着工程是否能一次实施或者必须分阶 段施工,每个阶段都只有当可以获得资金的时候才开工。
In deciding the best method of financing the work, the engineer makes an analysis of whom it will benefit.
Highway Engineering
Highway engication, design, and maintenance.
Before the design and construction of a new highway or highway improvement can be undertaken, there must be general planning and consideration of financing.