




Words and Expressions:

1. isolated separated from others; solitary or singular

e. g. He lived in the island, leading an isolated existence.

2. community a group of people living together and /or united by shared

interests, religion, nationality, etc.

e.g. community service

the British community in Paris

3. accommodation a place to live ; (Brit) rooms, flats, houses, hotel rooms;

lodgings; (US, pl) lodgings; room(s) and food

e.g. Wanted: accommodation for a young married

couple with a small child.

Hotel accommodation was scarce during the


4. typical (of) having the distinctive qualities of a particular type of

person or thing; representative; characteristic of a person

or thing

e.g. a typical British pub

Such decoration was a typical feature of the

Victorian period.

5. block large building divided into separate flats or offices; group

of buildings

e.g. blocks of flats

an office block

a tower block

6. sketch rough quickly-made drawing, without many details

e.g. plan sketch quick sketch outline sketch

7. detached separated; disconnected

8.terraced house house joined to others in a row

9. bungalow a type of house which is all on one level

10. caravan large vehicle on wheels, equipped for living in and usu.

towed by a motor vehicle

e.g. a gypsy caravan

11. storey (US story) (pl storeys; US stories) section of a building with

rooms all at the same level; floor

e.g. a five-storey building .

She lives on the third storey of a block of flats.

12. temporary lasting for a limited time only; not permanent

e.g. This arrangement is only temporary.

13. tenant a person who pays rent for the use of land or building

Cf. resident someone who lives in a place and is not just a visitor

lodger a person who pays rent to stay in somebody's house

boarder a person who pays to live and receive meals at another

person's house; a lodger

inhabitant(formal and technical) a person who lives in a place, esp. as

one of a group which has been there for a long time owner a person who owns something, esp. a house, flat, etc.

landlord a person from whom someone rents all or part of a building,

land, etc. a person who owns or is in charge of an inn,

hotel, etc. landlady a woman who keeps lodgers


1. Task:Write a short paragraph about 150 words to describe your home. Try to include the following things: the type of house, the size, the furniture, the local facilities and the neighborhood, etc.

2. Guide to Write

(1) Topic sentence:Produce a central impression which transmits your writing purpose to the reader by using a topic sentence well-designed to match the paragraph here.

(2) Content: Prepare enough materials about the descriptions of types of house, the facilities at home in your residential area.

(3) Development by space: Follow a certain sequence and pay attention to the detailed description and spatial relations.

(4) Tense: The present tense is suggested to be used.

Useful expressions you can refer to:

Type of house: flat, bed-sit, detached house

Environment: quiet or crowded

Facilities in the residential area: postoffice, supermarket, bank, school, park,

vegetablemarket, bus stop, library, community,

pub, playground, hairdresser ' s, restaurant,


Facilities inside the house: furnished or not, decorated or not, electric appliance Location: suburb, downtown

Rent: utilities such as gas, electricity, water, central heating

Transportation: available regular bus, train station


I am lucky that I can live with my whole family in a large and comfortable residential area. We have a flat more than 150 square meters in size in this high-rise block. We all like it and try to decorate it well.

In the living room, we put a group of traditional Chinese wooden sofas with a beautiful coffee table there. At the opposite side of the room lies a set of modern audio-visual electronic equipment called "family cinema". My parents, my elder brother and his wife and I all have our own bedrooms with everything we need in them, such as television, DVD-player, and air-conditioner.

My neighbor is a very nice couple and the residents here are all very friendly to

each other.

There are supermarket, bank, school, beauty salons and a dry cleaner's nearby and a bus terminal in the southeast of the area. I really enjoy the quiet and comfortable living environment here.


第五章电路的瞬态分析【引言】①直流电路:电压、电流为某一稳定值 稳定状态(简称稳态)交流电路:电压、电流为某一稳定的时间函数 ○2当电路发生接通、断开、联接方式改变及电路参数突然变化时,电路将从一种稳态变换到另一种稳态,这一变换过程时间一般很短,称为瞬态过程或简称瞬态(也称暂态过程或过渡过程)。 防止出现过电压或过电流现象,确保电气设备安全运行。 ○3 瞬态分析的目的 掌握瞬态过程规律,获得各种波形的电压和电流。 学习目的和要求 1、了解产生瞬态过程的原因和研究瞬态过程的意义。 2、掌握分析一阶电路的三要素法。理解初始值、稳态值、时间常数的概念。 3、理解RC电路和RL电路瞬态过程的特点。 4、了解微分电路和积分电路 本章重点:分析一阶电路的三要素法,RC电路的充放电过程。 本章难点:初始值的确定。 5-1瞬态过程的基本知识 一、电路中的瞬态过程 【演示】用根据图5-1-1 制作的示教板。观察开关S 合上瞬间各灯泡点亮的情况。 S I C I L I R +C L R U S - HL 1HL2HL3 图 5-1-1 【讲授】开关 S HL 1突然闪亮了一HL 2由暗逐HL 3立刻变合上瞬间下,然后逐渐暗下渐变亮,最亮,亮度稳 去,直到完全熄灭后稳定发光定不变 有瞬态过程无瞬态过程

外因——电路的状态发生变化(换路) 电路发生瞬态过程的原因 内因 —— 电路中含有储能元件(电容或电感) 二、换路定律 【讲授】①换路定律是表述换路时电容电压和电感电流的变化规律的,即换路瞬间电容上的电压和电 感中的电流不能突变。 ②设以换路瞬间作为计时起点,令此时 t =0,换路前终了瞬间以 t =0 —表示,换路后初始瞬间以 t =0 +表示。则换路定律可表示为: u C (0 +) = u C (0 — ) 换路瞬间电容上的电压不能突变 i L (0 +) = i L (0 — ) 换路瞬间电感中的电流不能突变 换路后 换路前 初始瞬间 终了瞬间 【说明】①换路定律实质上反映了储能元件所储存的能量不能突变。因为 W C = 1 Cu C 2、W L = 1 Li L 2, p= dw 趋于无穷大,这是不可能的。 2 2 u C 和 i L 的突变意味着能量发生突变,功率 dt ②当电路从一种稳定状态换路到另一种稳定状态的过程中, u C 和 i L 必然是连续变化的,不能突变。 这种电流和电压的连续变化过程就是电路的瞬态过程。 ③电阻是耗能元件,并不储存能量,它的电流、电压发生突变并不伴随着能量的突变。因此由纯电 阻构成的电路是没有瞬态过程的 。 ④虽然 u C 和 i L 不能突变,但电容电流和电感电压是可以突变的,电阻的电压和电流也是可以突变 的。这些变量是否突变,需视具体电路而定。 三、分析一阶电路瞬态过程的三要素法 【讲授】①一阶电路是指只包含一个储能元件,或用串、并联方法化简后只包含一个储能元件的电 路 经典法 (通过微分方程求解) ②分析一阶电路瞬态过程的方法 三要素法 (简便方法,本书只介绍此法的应用) ③在直流电源作用下的任何一阶电路中的电压和电流,只要求得初始值、稳态值和时间常数这三个 要素,就可完全确定其在瞬态过程中随时间变化的规律。——三要素法:


七年级上册Test For Unit 5 一单项选择(15) ()1 ----Do you have a ball? ----Yes, ____________ A .I am B. it is C. you do D. I do 解析:D,用Do提问,用do回答。 ()2 ----______ your son have a key? ----No, he ________. A. Do don’t B. Does doesn’t C. Do doesn’t D. Does don’t 解析:B,此句中的谓语动词时实义动词,故主动词用do或does。主语是第三人称单数用does,其余的人称用do。根据否定回答,和第三人称得知 ()3 ----Let's play computer games. ----__________ A. That sounds good. B. No, I don't. C. Well, let's play soccer. D. No, I don't have a ball. 解析:A,这是一道建议题 ()4 I think the math class is_______, so I don’t like it. A.interesting B.boring C.relaxing D.fun 解析:B,因果关系题,so,不喜欢。原因是无聊。 ()5 I ________ TV at night. 解析:C,看电视,watch TV ,固定搭配词组。 A.look at B.see C.watch D.look

()6 I have _______ basketball. Let’s play ________ basketball. A.the, the B.an, ×C.×, the D.a, × 解析:D,have a basketball,有一个篮球,play basketball. 打篮球。 ()7 ----_______they have some sports things? ----Yes, they_______ A.Are, are B.Do, do C.Can, do D.Do, can 解析:B,此句中的谓语动词时实义动词,故主动词用do或does。主语是第三人称单数用does,其余的人称用do。()8 I can ________ many things on the table. A.look at B.see C.watch D.look 解析:B,see ,表示看到的结果,look只是看的动作,watch 是看电视 ()9 His brother ______ a tennis ball. A. have B. is C. has D. there is 解析:C,第三人称 ()10 _________ have many _________. A. We CD B. I CD C. They CDs D. She CDs 解析:C ()11 Sonia and Jeff ________ sports every morning. A. doesn’t play B. don’t play C. plays D. not play 解析:B,every morning,一般现在时,两个人。 ()12 That ________ fun. A. sound B. is sound C. sounds D. does sound


教师资格证中学教育学重点:第十一章精心为您整理了“教师资格证中学教育学重点:第十一章”供您参考,更多相关资讯,网站将持续为您更新,敬!祝大家新年新气象! 教师资格证中学教育学重点:第十一章 第十一章:基础教育改革 1、基础教育:是国家教育体系的主要组成部分和国家教育建设的根本,也是国家提高民族素质的一项奠基工程。 2、影响基础教育改革的理念:人本主义教育理论、建构主义教育理论、多元智力理论、后现代主义教育理念。 3、现行中小学内部管理体制的基本架构主要包括:实行校长负责制、实行教职工聘任制、实行学校劳动分配制度的改革。基础教育课程改革经历了七次。2001年是第八次改革。 4、基础教育课程改革的核心理念:①关注学生作为“整体人”的发展。②统整学生的生活世界与科学世界③寻求学生主体对知识的建构。④创建富有个性的学校文化。 5、基础教育课程改革的具体目标:①改变课程过于注重知识传授的倾向,强调形成积极主动的学习态度,使获得基础知识与基本技能的过程同时成为学会学习和正确价值观的过程。②改变课程结构过于强调学科本位、科目过多和缺乏整合的现状,整体设置九年一贯的课程门类和课时比例,并设置综合课程,以适应不同地区和学生发展的需求,体现课程结构的均衡性、综合性和选择性。③改变课程内容“难、繁、偏、旧”和过于注重经验,学生书本知识的现状,加强课程内容与学生生活以及现代社会和科技发展的联系,关注学生的学习兴趣和经验,精选终身学习必备的基础知识和技能。④改变课程实施过于强调接受学习、死记硬背、机械训练的现状,倡导学生主动参与、乐于探索、勤于动手,培养学生搜集和处理信息的能力、获取新知识的能力、分析和解决问题的能力以及交流与合作能力。⑤改变课程评价过分强调甄别与选拔的功能,发挥评价促进学生发展、教师提高和改进教学实践的功能。⑥改变课程管理过于集中的状况,实行国家、地方、学校三级课程管理,增强课程对地方、学校及学生的适应性。 6、基础教育教学改革态势:①教学模式及学习方式发生了深刻变化 ②教学组织形式日趋多样化③教学评价逐步确立了新观念与新方法④现代信息技术与学校教学日趋整合 202X年教师资格证报名>>> 202X年教师资格证报考条件 202X年教师资格证考试报名时间


人教新目标八年级英语下册第五单元测试卷及参考 答案 This model paper was revised by the Standardization Office on December 10, 2020

人教新目标八年级英语(下)第五单元检测试卷 (满分 120分时间 90分钟) 班级_____ 姓名_______ 一、词汇测试。(10分) A.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. What will you do if you go to the old_______________ (people) home to visit 2. Among the students Tom works the _____________ (hard). 3. Lucy can’t go to school today because she is__________ (bad) ill. 4. Many___________ (charity) sent money to help the poor people. 5. If you become a ____ (profession) athlete like Yao Ming, you can make much money. B.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。 1. He won the first place in the long jump, so he is a c___________. 2. Jack’s father is a l_______________; he knows a lot about law. 3. My Chinese friends tell me Chongqing is f________________ for “Hot Pot”. 4. They said they enjoyed t____________________ during the winter holidays.

《步步高》教学辅导电子版,有习题,有解析,第五章 物质结构 元素周期律

第五章 物质结构 元素周期律 第13讲 原子结构 1.(2009·成都模拟)铋(Bi )在医药方面有重要应用。下列关于20983 Bi 和 21083 Bi 的说法正确的是 ( ) A.20983Bi 和21083Bi 都含有83个中子 B.20983Bi 和21083Bi 互为同位素 C. 20983 Bi 和 21083 Bi 的核外电子数不同 D. 20983 Bi 和 21083 Bi 分别含有126和127个质子 答案 B 2.(2008·全国理综Ⅱ,11)某元素的一种同位素X 的质量数为A ,含N 个中子,它与1 H 原子组成H m X 分子。在a g H m X 中所含质子的物质的量是 ( ) A.m A +2 (A-N+m ) mol B. A a (A-N) mol C. m A a +(A-N) mol D. A a (A-N+m ) mol 答案 A 3.(2009·商丘模拟)某元素原子的最外层电子数是次外层的a 倍(a >1),则该原子的核内质子数是 ( ) A.2a +2 B.2a +10 C.a +2 D.2a 答案 A 4.(2008·上海,2)化学科学需要借助化学专用语言来描述,下列有关化学用语正确的是 ( ) A. CO 2的电子式为 B.Cl - 的结构示意图为 C.乙烯的结构简式为C 2H 4 D.质量数为37的氯原子为17 37Cl 答案 B 5.(2009·长春模拟)下列叙述正确的是 ( ) A.聚丙烯的结构简式为: B.石英的化学式为:CaSiO 3 C.在CS 2、PCl 3中各原子最外层均能达到8电子的稳定结构 D.Ar 原子的结构示意图为:


七年级下第5单元测试 一、单项选择。(15分) ( )1. What is Kate doing? __________ A. She is in the room. B. Yes, she is C. She is reading D. She is run ( )2.Look! What is Tom doing? He’s _______ TV. A.seeing B.looking C.looking at D.watching ( )3._____ the students ______ football? Yes, you are right. A.Is, play B.Is, playing C.Are, play D.Are, playing ( )4._______ are they playing football? A.What B.Who C.Which D.Where ( ) 5. A: Is he writing or reading? B: ________. A. Yes, he is B. No, he isn’t C. He’s reading D. Yes, he is writing. ( ) 6. I with my sister ________ to the park. A. is going B. are going C. am going D. be going ( ) 7. The women ________ to the radio. A. are listening B. listening C. is listening D. are listenning ( )8. Is the boy ________ the door? A. openning B. opening C. open D. opens ( )9. Thanks for_______me. A. helps B. is helping C. helping D. help ( ) 10. ________ some bread on the table. A. There are B. There has C. There is D. There have ( )11. We are doing ______. A. our homework B. our homeworks C. her homework D. his homework ( )12. Do you want to play ______ basketball after class? A. / B. a C. an D. the ( )13. Here ______ a photo of my family. You can see me in it. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )14.______ the first photo, I ______ at the mall. A. On; shop B. On; shopping C. In; am shoping D. In; am shopping ( )15. Do you want ______ to the movies with us this evening? A. go B. to go C. goes D. going 二、完型填空。(10分) It s a fine Sunday morning. There ______(1) many children in the park. They are ______(2) happily. Some are playing ______(3) under a big tree. Some girls are singing and ______(4). Some boys ______(5) running up the hill. Li Lei's ______(6) by the lake. He's reading a story. ______(7) is Wang Lin? He's standing over there. ______(8)is he doing? He's looking ______(9) a nice


第十一章学校咨询与辅导 一、单项选择题(有时每题2 分,共40 分;大部分年份每小题1 分,共20 分) 1.在学生咨询中,( D )是着重调整情感的方法。 A.系统脱敏法 B.行为契约法 C.模仿学习法 D.身体放松法 2.在学生咨询中,( B )是着重训练行为的方法。 A.鼓励表达法 B.系统脱敏法 C.深入共感法 D.身体放松法 3.心理咨询的根本目标是( B ) A.解除学生的心理困扰,度过当前危机 B.学会自己独立处理类似问题 C.建立对咨询人员的信任 D.学生对咨询过程的积极参与 4.鼓励表达、深入共感、身体放松的方式属于咨询中的( B ) A.着重训练行为的方法C.着重改变认识的方法 B.着重调整情感的方法D.游戏疗法 5.为了防止考试焦虑症的发生,学校咨询人员提前对这些学生进行集体辅导,讲授自我放松,缓解紧张的方法属于(D )。 A.早期干预 B.缺陷矫正 C.发展指导 D.问题预防 6.纠正认识中不合理的绝对化要求、过度泛化、夸大后果等症状通常用( C )的方法。 A.着重调整情感 B.着重训练行为 C.着重改变认知 D.游戏 7.1942 年罗杰斯出版了《咨询与心理治疗》一书中提出“(D )”的观点。 A.问题中心 B.社会中心 C.教师中心 D.当事人中心 8. 让患者自我放松,减轻焦虑、恐惧,用放松反应代替焦虑反应通过练习消除焦虑和恐惧的做法即为(B )。 A.深入共感法 B.系统脱敏法 C.行为契约法 D.模仿学习法 9. 在学生咨询中,______是着重调整情感的方法。(D ) A.系统脱敏法 B.行为契约法 C.模仿学习法 D.深入共感法 10. 在学生咨询中,______是着重训练行为的方法。(A ) A.行为契约法 B.鼓励表达法 C.深入共感法 D.身体放松法 11. 现代的学校咨询与辅导起源于______初美国的“指导运动”。( D ) A.17 世纪B.18 世纪C.19 世纪A D.20 世纪) 12.以下属于咨询方法中着重调整情感的方法是(A ) A.鼓励表达 B.系统脱敏法 C.团体咨询


Unit5单元测试卷 一、单项选择。(15分) 1.-----Mary ,________ you speak Chinese? ----- Yes,only a little. A.must B.need C. may D.can 2.-----What’s _____date today?------It’s June 26th A. / B. a C.the D.that 3. ----Can you come to my birthday party?-----What time? A. I’m sorry B. Sure,I’d love to. C. Yes,Ican. D.No,I can’t. 4. It’s June 24th and _____is June 26th. A. tomorrow B.today C.the day before yesterday D.the day after tomorrow 5.My brother is busy ______ the room. A.clean. B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleans 6. We have a history _____Friday afternoon.. A. at B. in C. of D. on 7. -----Can we sit at the table by the window? ------OK! ________. A. That’s right B. You are right C. This way, please. D. I am sorry. 8.---The cake is delicious,can you pass me ______one? ----Sure,here you are . A. other B. the other C. another D. others 9. -----What______you ____the day after tomorrow? -----I have an English test. A. do, do B. does, do C. are, doing D. did, do 10. Thank you for your _____to youe birthday party. A. invite B. invitation C. inviting D. invites 11. I have to study _____a math test next Monday . A. for B. to C. at D. with 12. Can you come to the movies ______next Sunday? A. with we B. for we C. with us D. for us 13. He’s having basketball trianing _____his school team. A. to B. with C. for DF> on 14.Look! There’s _____football under the teacher’s desk, let’s play _____football ok?


第五章公共组织 一、公共组织的含义 公共组织是人类社会各种各样的组织形式之一。广义的公共组织不仅指政府及其执行部门,而且包括立法机关、司法机关、工厂、企业、学校、医院、教会、军队、政党等社会组织和社会团体的管理行政事务的机构。狭义的公共组织是指政府及其执行部门,以及具有行政授权的社会组织。我们这里所指的是狭义的公共组织。 公共组织的三层含义: 1、公共组织是指静态的组织实体,即政府机构,包括从国家最高国家行政机关到基层政府以及各级各类的政府部门和其内部设置的不同层次的行政机构。 2、公共组织表现为动态的组织行为,各级政府和各种政府组织部门无时无刻不处在动态之中,有序而有效的动态组织管理行为是一个政府实现对社会公共事物管理的正常状态。 3、公共组织也指行政人员心态的组织凝集,公共组织中行政人员的组合不仅是职权的组合,也是人的精神与意志、知识与技能的组合和凝集。这种凝聚力的大小对公共组织发挥作用的大小起决定性作用。 公共组织一般由权力、机构、人员、规范、信息和物质资源等要素构成。这些行政要素围绕着特定的行政目标组成具有不同职能、形态不同的公共组织。 二、公共组织的特点 1、政治性; 2、社会性; 3、服务性; 4、权威性; 5、法制性; 6、系统性。 三、公共组织的作用 1、政府是国家各种公共事务的组织者与管理者; 2、政府是人民生命财产的保护者,是社会秩序的维护者; 3、政府是国家主权和领土完整的捍卫者;

4、政府是国民经济发展的政策制定者与协调者; 5、政府是社会公平的提供者。 四、公共组织的类型 1、集权制与分权制 (1)集权制 集权制是指行政权力集中在上级政府或行政首长手中,上级政府或行政首长有决策、指挥、监督的权力,下级处于服从命令听从指挥的被动地位,一切行政行为要按照上级政府或行政首长的指令来行动,自主权很少。 集权制的公共组织的优点是: ①政令统一,便于统一领导、统一指挥。 ②因为权力集中,行政首长反映灵活,决策及时,效率较高。 ③具有协调配合的全局观念。有利于调动和集中各种资源,可以对关系到国计民生的公共事务进行统筹安排和管理;有利于克服地方主义和本位主义;也有利于克服各自为政,权力分散。 ④统一意志,统一行动,有集体观念,增强团体凝聚力,具有较强的动员能力、组织能力和应变能力。 集权制的缺陷是: ①组织结构比较僵化,下级缺少必要的自主权,因此缺乏工作的主动性和积极性,不可能发挥下级聪明才智,造成消极情绪,使组织缺乏活力和创造性。 ②由于决策权掌握在上级手中,容易产生官僚主义、主观主义而造成决策失误,也容易出现文山会海,公文旅行,浪费时间和资源。 ③由于层级过多,信息传递迟缓,对外部环境反应较慢,不利于处理突发事件。 ④集权制易于走向高度集权,高度集权易于走向家长制或一言堂,甚至走向专制或独裁。这就有损于民主、公平的社会目标。 (2)分权制 分权制是指上级行政机关或行政首长给予下级充分的自主权,下级可以独立进行决策和管理,上级不予干涉的公共组织类型。 分权制的优点是:


七年级上册英语第五单元测试题一、单项选择 ( )l. That's interesting game. A. a B. an C. the D、/ ( )2. “Do Lucy and Lily have a nice room?” “Yes, .” A. she do B. she has C. they do D. they have ( )3. “ Does Tom any erasers?” “ Yes, he some.” A. have; have B. has; has C. have; has D. has; have ( )4. Let me , please. A. play tennis B. play the tennis C. to play tennis D. to play the tennis ( )5. Let play games with you. A. they B. their C. the D. them ( )6. “L et's play baseba1l.”“,but we don't have a baseball bat." A. Let's go B. No, I won't C. I'd love to D. Yes, I can ( )7. John doesn't a baseball. A. has B. haves C. have D. hases ( )8. Mary likes sports very much and she plays sports . A. everyday B. an every day C. every day D. every days ( )9. “your Chinese teacher very old?” “Yes, .” A. Is; he is B. Are; he is C. Are; he is D. Is; he's ( )10. “I like playing sports. Let's play .” “It sounds .” A. the table tennis; good B. table tennis; well C. table tennis; good D. the table tennis; well ( )11.Don’t forget to bring your book school next time. A. in the B. in C. to the D. to ( )12. Mary like ? A. Do; tea B. Do; a tea C. Does; tea D. Does; a tea ( )13. Linda coffee or tea. A. like B. don't like C. doesn't like D. not like ( )l4. They have a mobile phone(手机). A. aren't B don't C. doesn't D. haven't ( )l5. have a look the photo. A. Let; on B. Let; at C. Let's; at D. Let; / ( )l6. My mother likes volleyball. She thinks(认为) it is . A. fun B. boring C. difficult D. hard ( )17. My is a good teacher. He works hard. A. Tom unc1e B. Uncle tom C. tom uncle D. uncle Tom ( )18. Sam's brother Jack like flying kites. A. don't B. doesn't C. isn't D. aren't ( )19. “you bring the things to school?” “O f course, I can.” A. Can B. Do C. Are D. Is ( )20. “What time is it?” “ Sorry, I don't know. I a watch.” A. have B. don't have C. am not D. doesn't have 二、完形填空. We 1 two new students in our class. Their 2 are Lucy and Lily. They are 3 . They look 4 . They are American. They are 5 the same row. This is a picture of 6 classroom. This is 7 desk and that is 8 . Where are 9 bags? They are behind the chairs. Look! 10 that under the chair. Is it a hat? No, it's a cat. ( )l. A. have B. are C. has D. is ( )2. A. name B. names C. name's D. names’ ( )3. A. twins' B. twin C. twins D. the twin ( )4. A. same B. the same C. a same D. an same ( )5. A. at B. in C. on D. of ( )6. A. her B. our C. his D. hers ( )7. A. Lucy B. Lily's C. Lily D. Lucys ( )8. A. Lucy B Lucy's C. Lily D. Lucys ( )9. A. they B. their C. they're D. he ( )l0. A. What B. What's C. What're D. What am 三、阅读理解A Jack is my good friend. We're in the same school and we're in the same class, too. He is l2 years old, one year younger than I. His parents are both teachers in the middle school. Jack is a good student. In school, he studies hard. His English is very good. He often helps other students with their English. Our teacher likes him and we like him too. After school, we play sports, play soccer and basketball sometimes(有时). Every day, he gets up early in the morning. He reads English for 30 minutes(分钟). Then we go to school together(一起)by bike. In the evening, he does his homework at home. He doesn't like to watch TV. But he often watches soccer games on TV. On Sundays, he goes out With his parents in his father's car. They p1ay in a park and do sports there too. My father takes me to the park on Sundays too. Sometimes we meet each other. and then we p1ay sports and games there together. We are very happy toge1her! ( )1. Jack is l2 years old, and I years old. A. 12 B. 11 C. 13 D. l0 ( )2. Jack often at school. A. studies English B. plays soccer C. does his homework D. helps other students ( )3. How does Jack go to school every day? A. By bike. B. In his father's car. C. By bus. D. We don't know. ( )4. Jack likes to at home. A. do his homework B. watch TV C. do sports D. watch soccer games on TV ( )5. What does Jack do on Sundays? A. He studies at home. B. He plays with his parents in the park. C. He plays sports with me. D. He goes out for a walk in his father's car.


第十一章教学方法 一、单项选择题(每题1分) 1.教师对学生叙述事物材料或描绘所讲的对象的方法,叫做 A.讲述法 B.讲读法 C.讲解法 D.讲演法 答案:A 2.以教师的教授活动为主的教学方法不包括 A.讲授法 B.谈话法 C.演示法 D.读书指导法 答案:D 3.以学生的学习活动为主的教学方法不包括 A.发现法 B.练习法 C. 读书指导法 D.自学辅导法 答案:C 4.以师生交互作用为主的教学方法不包括 A.讨论法 B.读书指导法 C.参观法 D.自学辅导法 答案:D 5.自学辅导法的提出者主要是 A.斯霞 B.卢仲衡 C.赞科夫 D.布鲁纳 答案:B 6.下面哪个不是教学方法的发展趋势 A.现代化 B.心理学化 C.集中化 D.个别化 答案:C 7.主张每个学生如果获得适当的方法都可以掌握学习的人是 A.布卢姆 B.布鲁纳 C.赞科夫 D.瓦根舍因 答案:A 二、填空题(每空1分) 1.讲授法包括讲述、、和讲演等方式。 答案:讲解讲读 2.运用教学方法必须坚持以为指导思想。 答案:启发式 三、名词解释(每题2分) 1.讲授法 答案要点: 讲授法是教师通过简明、生动的口头语言向学生传授知识、发展智力的方法。它是通过叙述、描绘、解释、推论来传递信息、传授知识、阐明概念、论证定律和公式,引导学生分析和认识问题。 四、简答题(每题5分) 1.选择教学方法的依据。 答案要点: ①依据教学目的;(1.25分) ②依据教材内容;(1.25分) ③依据学生的实际情况;(1.25分) ④依据教师的特点。(1.25分) 2.教学方法改革与发展的特征。 答案要点:

①心理科学的研究成果已成为现代教学方法发展的重要基础和前提;(1分) ②现代教学方法的发展与教学实验紧密结合;(1分) ③以系统整体的观点研究教学方法理论;(1分) ④注重发挥教学方法在发展学生智能、培养学生非认知因素中的作用;(1分) ⑤把研究学生学习方法、培养学生自学能力放在前所未有的突出位置。(1分) 五、论述题(每题15分) 1.如何选择、优化运用教学方法实现学用结合。 答案要点: 目前,教学有很多方法。教学有法,但无定法,关键得法。如何选择、运用教学方法,使教学方法能够发挥合理的优势,就成为教学实践的重要问题。(1分)(1)选择教学方法的依据。 ①依据教学目的。要选择与教学目的相适应、能够实现教学目的的教学方法。教师必须懂得有关目标分类的知识,能够把总的、抽象的教学目标分解成具体的、可操作的教学目标,并根据这些目标来确定用何种方法进行教学。(2分) ②依据教材内容。不同学科性质的教材,要采用不同的教学方法来进行教学,教师有必要掌握各类教学方法所适用的内容范围。(2分) ③依据学生的实际情况。教学方法的选择要受到学生的年龄差异、个体心理特征和学生所具有的基础知识条件的制约。(2分) ④依据教师的特点。教学方法的选择要考虑到教师自身的素养和条件,要取决于教师对各种教学方法的掌握和运用水平。(2分) (2)教学方法的运用。 ①运用教学方法要树立完整的观点。每种教学方法都有各自的功能、特点和适用范围和具体条件,教师必须注意各种教学方法之间的有机配合,充分发挥教学方法体系的整体性功能。(2分) ②运用教学方法必须坚持以启发式为指导思想。教师要从学生的实际出发,采取各种有效的形式去调动学生的积极性、主动性和独立性,引导学生通过自己积极的智力活动去掌握知识,发展认识能力。(2分) ③要善于综合的、灵活的运用教学方法,取得最优化的教学效果。教师要根据实际情况,博采众长,综合运用各种教学方法。(2分)


八年级上册Unit 5Do you want to watch a game show? 一.词的转换 1.new(adj.)新的→(n.)news 新闻 2. lose → lost (vt丢.)失 https://www.360docs.net/doc/207499761.html,cational (adj.)教育的,有教育意义的→(vt.)educate 教育→(n.)education 教育 4. successful (adj.) 成功的→(vt.)succeed 成功→(n.)success 成功 5.unlucky (adj.)不幸的,倒霉的→(adj.) lucky 幸运的→(n.)luck 运气 6.lose → lost (vt丢.)失 二.短语归纳 1.think of 认为 2. learn from 从??获得;向??学习 3.find out 查明;弄清楚 4. talk show 谈话节目 5.game show游戏节目 6.soap opera肥皂剧 7.go on 发生 8. watch a movie 看电影9.a pair of 一双;一对10.try one ’ s 尽best某人最大努 力 11.as famous as与??一样有名12. have a discussion about就??讨论 13.one day有一天14.such as例如15.dress up打扮;梳理16.take sb. ’ s place代替;替 换17.do a good job干得好18.something enjoyable令人愉快的东西 19.interesting information 有趣的资料20.one of??之一21.look like 看起来像22.around the world全世界23.a symbol of ??的象征 三.用法集萃 1.let sb. do sth 让.某人做某事 2. plan to do sth.计划 /打算做某事 3.hope to do sth希.望做某事 4.sth happen +时间、地点某地、某事发生了某事 5.expect to do sth盼.望做某事 6.How about doing ??做??怎么样? 7.be ready to do sth乐.于做某事8. try one ’ s best to do尽力sth做.某事 四.难点讲解 1.I don 't mind them. 我不介意它们。 mind 此处用作及物动词,意为“介意,反对”,通常用于疑问句,否定句或条件句中,其后可接名词,代词或动词 -ing 形式。mind (sb/one’s) doing sth介意.(某人)做某事 We don't mind this heat. 我们不在乎炎热。 Do you mind taking care of my cat while I am out? 我外出期间你介意照顾我的猫吗?[拓 展 ]mind 还可作名词,意为“思想、主意”。 Do you want to change your mind? 你想改变你的主意吗? 相关短语: change one\'s mind改变主意;keep...in mind 记住 ......; never mind 不要紧 make up one's mind 决心;决定 2.Because I hope to find out what' s going on around the world. 因为我希望了解世界各地发生的事。 because 连词,意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句 He didn't go to school because he was ill.他没有上学因为他生病了。 hope 动 词,意为“希望”,常用于两种结构:hope to do sth.希望做某事hope + that 从句希望?? I hope to see your father as soon as possible我.希望尽快见到你父亲。 We hope that you have a good time.我们希望你过得愉快。 (1)辨析: hope 与 wish 两者都有“希望”之意,其区别是:hope 指对实现某一愿望有信心、把握 ,而且其后不能接宾语 wish 常指难 以实现或不能实现的愿望,其后可以接宾语
