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工业工程的真正价值Real IE Value

In additi on, the IE now has a greater opport unity to concen trate on any one of a broad variety of areas that many compa nies now recog nize as in dividual departme nts-i nclud ing simulati on, operations research, ergonomics, material handling and logistics.


Work-measured Labor Standards 基于作业测量的劳动标准

If you are a manu facturer, cha nces are you have a bill-of-materials (BOM) system to determ ine sta ndard parts cost. Do you also have an equivale nt bill-of-labor system to determ ine sta ndard labor cost? 如果你是一个制造商,你有可能会有一个物料清单系统来确定标准件的成本。你是否也能得


Time study ------ The most widely used tool to develop standard times is still time study. Time

study reflects what is happening in your job or project. It is also easy to learn and use. Now, the PC has made summarizati on of time study data a matter of sec onds in stead of hours.



Activity sampling -------- An often overlooked tool is activity sampling, usually called work

sampli ng by North America n IEs. In this tech niq ue, a group of workers are observed at ran dom times and their in dividual activities no ted each hour. After a week or two, the average time spe nt on each activity can be calculated, and statistically justified. The average time per piece can then be determ in ed. 活动抽样----一个经常被忽视的工具是活动抽样,北美的工业工程师通常称之为工作抽样。



Let ' quickly review the techniques, and put them into perspective according to the tasks for which they apply:

•moti on an alysis: very short, repetitive tasks;

•time study: short, repetitive and variable tasks;

•activity sampli ng: Ion ger, variable tasks;

•historical data: long, repetitive and variable tasks;

•estimates: seldom performed, variable tasks.










Elements ----- I n dividual work-measured times are ofte n referred to as sta ndard eleme nts or

standard data. Some companies maintain standard data in ring binders, but most don ' t even bother catalog ing in dividual work-measured time eleme nts. APC-based system en courages sta ndard data development and application because it simplifies the process and eliminates extra paperwork. Most software programs offer in tegrated moti on-level sta ndard data in the form of an in tegrated PMTS. But your time study, activity sampling, historical data, and estimate elements are also legitimate standard data elements. Such elements can be cataloged in a computerized standards system for rapid applicati on to worker sta ndards. This is much faster tha n look ing them up in a ring binder.






Operations ----- worker sta ndards are ofte n referred to as operati on or process sta ndards, and are typically paper systems just beggi ng for computerizatio n. The operati ons or process level is the core level in any PC-based sta ndards system, and it ofte n offers side ben efits such as manufacturing line balancing. Frequencies, allowances, internal elements, setup elements, workplace layouts, assembly sketches, operator in struct ions, and other worker-orie nted aspects are also han dled at this level.





21 世纪的工厂布局Next Generation Factory Layouts

An alter native to a function al layout is a cellular con figurati on, in which the factory is partiti oned into cells, each dedicated to a family of products with similar processing requirements. Although cellular factories can simplify work flow and reduce material han dli ng, they are gen erally desig ned to produce a specific set of products whose dema nd levels are assumed to be stable and product life cycles sufficie ntly long In fact, cells are usually dedicated to sin gle product families with little allowa nce for in tercell flows. Cellular factories are in efficie nt whe n dema nd for exist ing products fluctuates or new products are in troduced ofte n. Some authors have proposed alter native cellular structures to overcome these problems, such as overlapping cells, cells with machine shari ng, and fractal cells. Although an improveme nt, these alter natives rema in boun ded by their cellular structure.





