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第一章:Introduction :what is ecology


Ecology can be defined as the study of relationships between organisms and environment.可以被定义为生态,生物和环境之间的关系的研究。

Ecology is indeed the study of relationships between organisms and the environment.生态确实是生物和环境之间的关系的研究。

Biosphere (生物圈): The portions(部分)of earth that support life, also refers to the global ecosystem(生态系统). 生物圈(biosphere)地球表层中的全部生物和适于生物生存的范围,它包括岩石圈上层、水圈的全部和大气圈下层。

Ecosystem (生态系统): A biological community plus all of the abiotic factors influencing that community. 生物群落及其地理环境相互作用的自然系统,由无机环境生物的生产者(绿色植物)、消费者(草食动物和肉食动物)以及分解者(腐生微生物)4部分组成。

Nutrient (营养): Chemical substance require for the development, maintenance and reproduction of organisms.生物体的生长,维护和繁殖所需的化学物质。

Epiphytes (附生植物): A plant, such as orchid, that grows on the surface of another plant but is not parasitic. 一个(如兰科)植物,生长在另一种植物的表面,但不寄生。

Ecotone (群落交错带): A spatial transition from one type of ecosystem to another, for instance, the transition from woodland to grassland.从一个生态系统类型变到另一种,例如一个从林地到草原空间的过渡。


1)Explaining why the nutrient of soil under tropical rain

forest is poor, and where the nutrient stored in tropical rain forest?



第2章:Population distribution and abundance


Biomes are distinguished primarily by their predominant plants and are associated with particular climates.

Soil is a complex mixture of living and nonliving material upon which most life depends.

Climate diagrams summarize a great deal of useful climatic information, including seasonal variation in temperature and precipitation , the length and intensity of wet and dry seasons, and the portion of the year during which average minimum temperature is above and below 0℃.



tropical rain forest热带雨林: 一般认为热带雨林是指阴凉、潮湿多雨、高温、结构层次不明显、层外植物丰富的乔木植物群落。平均温度为25~~30℃。

Tropical savanna热带稀树草原:在具有较长期干旱季节的热带或亚热带地区,以旱生草本植物为优势,并星散分布着旱生乔木或灌木的植物群落。

Temperate forest温带雨林: 本带主要分布在亚洲北部、欧洲大部和北美洲北部.南半球因温带范围大陆很狭,温带森林面积很小.亚欧大陆东部,受温




Tundra苔原: 极地或高山永久冻土分布区,以地衣、苔藓、多年生草本和小灌木组成的无林的低矮植被。


1)Draw a typical soil profile, indicating the principal layers, or horizons. Describe the characteristics of each layer.画出一个典型的土壤剖面,表明主体层,或视野。描述每一层的特点。(书上20页的图)

2)Indicating the distribution of tropical rain forest on the world, and describe the environmental characteristics. 2)表示热带雨林在世界上的分布,描述环境特征。(书上21页)

Tropical rain forests straddle the equator in three major regions: Southern Asia, West Africa, and South and Central America (Fig.2.10).

Most rain forests occurs within 10 of latitude north or south of the equator. Outside this equatorial band are the rain forests of Central America and Mexico, southeastern Brazil, eastern Madagascar,

southern India, and northeastern Australia. 热带雨林在三个主要地区跨越赤道:东南亚,西非,南亚和中美洲(Fig.2.10)。大多数雨林发生在北纬或赤道以南10。这个赤道带外,中美洲和墨西哥,巴西东南部,马达加斯加东部,印度南部,澳大利亚东北部的热带雨林。

