
第二条服务内容1. 甲方同意为乙方提供在线销售平台,乙方可以在该平台上发布商品信息、接受订单、进行交易等。
2. 甲方将提供必要的技术支持和客户服务,以确保乙方在平台上的交易顺利进行。
第三条乙方义务1. 乙方应保证其提供的商品或服务符合国家相关法律法规的规定,不涉及侵权、假冒伪劣等违法违规行为。
2. 乙方应保证其提供的商品信息真实、准确,不得发布虚假或误导性信息。
3. 乙方应按时支付甲方规定的服务费用,并遵守甲方平台的交易规则。
第四条甲方义务1. 甲方应保证平台的正常运行,提供稳定的技术支持。
2. 甲方应保护乙方的商业秘密和用户信息,不得泄露给第三方。
3. 甲方应为乙方提供必要的市场推广支持,帮助乙方提升品牌知名度。
第五条费用及结算1. 乙方应按照甲方规定支付平台使用费、交易佣金等费用。
2. 甲方应向乙方提供详细的费用结算报告,并按照约定的时间和方式进行结算。
第六条知识产权1. 甲方拥有速卖通平台的知识产权,乙方在使用过程中不得侵犯。
2. 乙方对其提供的商品或服务拥有知识产权,甲方不得擅自使用或泄露。
第七条违约责任1. 如一方违反本协议的约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
2. 如乙方违反法律法规或平台规则,甲方有权终止本协议,并要求乙方赔偿损失。
第九条协议的变更和终止1. 本协议的任何变更或补充,应由双方协商一致,并以书面形式确定。

经典版速卖通代运营合作协议速卖通代运营合作协议甲方:(详细公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人、联系电话、传真)乙方:(详细公司名称、注册地址、法定代表人、联系电话、传真)鉴于:1. 甲方拥有自己的速卖通店铺,并有意将其店铺交由乙方代运营;2. 乙方具有相关的速卖通运营经验和资源,能够为甲方提供全面的代运营服务;3. 双方在平等、互利的基础上,根据相关法律法规和行业规范达成本合作协议。
经过双方充分友好协商,达成如下协议:第一条服务内容1.1 甲方委托乙方进行速卖通店铺的代运营工作,具体包括但不限于:产品上架、广告投放、订单处理、客户服务、售后维权等相关工作。
1.2 乙方承诺将按照双方约定的服务内容和标准,高质量、高效率地为甲方提供代运营服务,并确保甲方的速卖通店铺能够正常运营和取得良好的销售业绩。
第二条服务费用2.1 甲方支付给乙方的代运营费用为每月人民币(以下简称“RMB”)(具体金额)元。
2.2 代运营费用应在每月的(具体日期)日前支付至乙方指定的账户,逾期支付的,甲方需按日支付相应的滞纳金(比例)。
2.3 如因乙方原因导致代运营服务中断或无法正常进行,乙方将全额返还已支付的代运营费用。
第三条信息保密3.1 甲方授权乙方使用其速卖通店铺相关信息,包括但不限于产品信息、订单信息等,用于代运营服务的实施。
3.2 乙方承诺对甲方提供的所有信息进行保密,不得向第三方泄露,不得将其用于商业竞争或其他非授权用途。
第四条知识产权4.1 甲方保留速卖通店铺的所有权益和知识产权,包括但不限于商标、产品图片、页面设计等。
4.2 乙方在进行代运营工作过程中,不得擅自使用、复制、修改、传播甲方任何知识产权相关内容。
第五条违约责任5.1 如因乙方原因导致代运营服务无法正常进行或未达到约定标准,乙方将承担相应的赔偿责任,并将全额返还已支付的代运营费用。
5.2 如因甲方原因导致代运营服务无法正常进行或未达到约定标准,甲方将承担相应的赔偿责任,并不得要求退还已支付的代运营费用。

速卖通商家协议书甲方(商家):[商家全称]乙方(平台):速卖通鉴于甲方有意在乙方运营的速卖通平台上开展电子商务活动,乙方愿意提供相应的电子商务平台服务,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,经协商一致,达成如下协议:第一条定义1.1 速卖通平台:指由乙方运营的电子商务平台,提供商品展示、交易撮合、支付结算等服务。
1.2 商家:指在速卖通平台上注册并开展商品销售活动的法人或自然人。
1.3 商品:指甲方在速卖通平台上销售的所有商品或服务。
第二条服务内容2.1 乙方为甲方提供商品展示、交易撮合、支付结算、物流跟踪、客户服务等电子商务平台服务。
2.2 甲方应确保其在速卖通平台上销售的商品或服务符合相关法律法规及速卖通平台规则。
第三条权利与义务3.1 甲方权利:- 有权在速卖通平台上展示并销售商品。
- 有权获取乙方提供的平台服务。
- 有权根据速卖通平台规则参与平台组织的各类促销活动。
3.2 甲方义务:- 保证所提供商品信息的真实性、合法性。
- 遵守速卖通平台的交易规则和相关法律法规。
- 按照约定的时间和方式完成商品的发货和售后服务。
3.3 乙方权利:- 对甲方的商品信息、交易行为进行监督和管理。
- 对违反平台规则的商家采取相应的管理措施。
- 根据平台规则调整服务内容或终止服务。
3.4 乙方义务:- 提供稳定、安全的电子商务平台服务。
- 保护甲方的商业秘密和用户隐私。
- 及时处理甲方提出的合理请求和投诉。
第四条费用与结算4.1 甲方应按照速卖通平台公布的收费标准支付相应的服务费用。
4.2 乙方有权根据市场情况调整服务费用,调整前应提前通知甲方。
4.3 甲方应按照速卖通平台的结算规则,及时结算商品交易款项。
第五条知识产权5.1 甲方对其销售的商品拥有合法的知识产权或使用权。
5.2 甲方应保证其商品不侵犯任何第三方的知识产权。
5.3 乙方拥有速卖通平台的知识产权,甲方不得侵犯。
第六条违约责任6.1 如甲方违反本协议约定,乙方有权要求甲方承担违约责任,并有权采取相应的管理措施。

二、合作内容及范围1. 店铺管理:乙方负责甲方的速卖通店铺日常管理,包括但不限于产品上架、描述优化、价格调整、促销活动等。
2. 产品管理:乙方负责产品的拍摄、描述、分类及库存管理,确保产品信息准确、完整。
3. 营销推广:乙方负责甲方的速卖通店铺营销推广,包括但不限于站内推广、社交媒体营销等。
4. 客户服务:乙方负责处理客户咨询、投诉及售后问题,提升客户满意度。
5. 数据分析:乙方负责定期提供店铺运营数据分析报告,为甲方决策提供依据。
四、费用及支付方式1. 乙方提供代运营服务,甲方需支付代运营费用。
2. 甲方需按照约定时间及方式支付费用,如因甲方原因导致费用未按时支付,乙方有权暂停服务。
五、双方权利义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方按照本协议提供代运营服务,并确保乙方在约定范围内开展工作。
2. 乙方有权获得代运营费用,并按照本协议约定履行代运营职责。
3. 甲方需提供必要的支持和协助,包括产品资料、人员培训等。
4. 乙方需按照本协议约定,尽职尽责完成代运营工作,确保店铺的正常运营。
5. 双方应共同遵守协议内容,任何一方不得擅自变更或解除协议。
六、违约责任1. 如甲方违反本协议约定,导致乙方无法正常工作,乙方有权要求甲方承担违约责任。
2. 如乙方违反本协议约定,未按照约定履行代运营职责,甲方有权要求乙方承担违约责任。

二、合作内容1. 甲方(速卖通代运营方)将在乙方(委托方)指导下,负责在速卖通平台上进行商品的发布、推广和销售,并为乙方提供相关的运营服务。
2. 甲方应按照乙方的要求,对商品进行精细化的运营和推广,以提高商品的曝光率和销售额。
3. 甲方应定期向乙方提供销售数据和运营报告,双方根据数据情况进行业务优化。
三、权责义务1. 甲方的权利和义务(1)负责商品图片和描述的准确性和完整性。
2. 乙方的权利和义务(1)提供商品的图片和描述,确保信息的真实性。
四、报酬与结算1. 乙方应按照合作协议提供的服务费用进行支付。
2. 双方应在每月底对上月的合作费用进行结算,结算方式为电子支付或转账等。
六、违约责任1. 若因一方违约导致合作无法正常进行,应承担相应的违约责任。
2. 乙方若未按时支付合作费用,甲方有权中止合作。
八、其他1. 本协议一式两份,双方各执一份。
2. 本协议自双方签字生效,有效期为一年,期满可续签。
甲方(速卖通代运营方)签字:日期:乙方(委托方)签字:日期:篇2速卖通代运营合作协议甲方(卖家):(公司名称)_______法定代表人/负责人_____________地址__________________________联系电话______________________卖家账号______________________乙方(代运营方):(公司名称)_______法定代表人/负责人_____________地址__________________________联系电话______________________代运营账号______________________鉴于甲方拥有在速卖通平台进行产品销售的资格和权利,为了提高产品销售量和提升品牌知名度,甲方与乙方达成如下协议:一、合作内容1. 乙方在获得甲方授权后,可以使用甲方的速卖通账号进行代运营操作,包括但不限于产品上架、产品推广、客户维护等。

全球速卖通合同范本合同编号:_______甲方(卖方):_______乙方(买方):_______根据《中华人民共和国合同法》及相关法律法规的规定,甲乙双方在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则基础上,就甲方通过全球速卖通平台销售商品,乙方购买商品的相关事宜,达成如下协议:一、商品信息1.1 甲方通过全球速卖通平台销售的商品信息如下:商品名称:_______商品数量:_______商品单价:_______商品总价:_______1.2 商品质量标准:甲方保证所售商品符合我国相关质量标准,且商品描述与实际相符。
二、交易方式2.1 乙方通过全球速卖通平台购买甲方商品,采用预付款方式进行交易。
2.2 乙方在确认购买商品后,应按照全球速卖通平台的支付流程进行支付。
三、交货与验收3.1 甲方应按照约定时间将商品发出,并将物流信息告知乙方。
3.2 乙方在收到商品后,应在全球速卖通平台上进行确认收货。
四、售后服务4.1 甲方应提供商品售后服务,包括但不限于商品维修、退换货等。
4.2 乙方在享受售后服务时,应按照甲方的相关规定进行操作。
五、违约责任5.1 甲方违反本合同约定,导致商品质量不符合约定或未按约定时间发货的,应承担违约责任,向乙方支付违约金,并赔偿乙方因此遭受的损失。
5.2 乙方违反本合同约定,导致交易的,应承担违约责任,向甲方支付违约金,并赔偿甲方因此遭受的损失。
六、争议解决6.1 本合同的签订、履行、解释及争议解决均适用中华人民共和国法律。
6.2 双方在履行本合同过程中发生的争议,应通过友好协商解决;协商不成的,任何一方均有权向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
七、其他约定7.1 本合同自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为_______年。
7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
甲方(卖方):_______ 乙方(买方):_______签订日期:_______ 签订日期:_______。

第一条:合作内容与方式1.1 您作为速卖通商家,将通过我们的平台销售您的产品,并享受我们提供的相关服务支持。
1.2 合作方式将以线上合作为主,我们将提供必要的在线技术支持和服务,以保障您的销售和交易顺利进行。
第二条:产品要求2.1 您所销售的产品须符合国家相关法律法规和标准要求,并符合速卖通平台的产品要求规定。
2.2 如发生产品质量问题或违规行为,我们有权对您的店铺进行处罚或关闭,且您需承担相关责任和赔偿。
2.3 在售产品的价格应合理、透明,并按照平台规定进行报价。
第三条:服务保障3.1 我们将提供必要的技术支持和在线销售培训,以帮助您更好地运营和管理店铺。
3.2 在您店铺运营期间,如遇到任何问题或困难,我们将提供一对一的客户服务支持,以解决您的疑虑和困扰。
3.3 我们将保障您在我们平台的知识产权和商业秘密安全,不得擅自泄露、篡改或非法使用。
第四条:销售和交易4.1 您需提供准确和完整的产品信息,包括描述、图片、价格等,以便顾客准确了解您的产品。
4.2 您应及时处理顾客的订单,并按时发货。
4.3 您需按照平台规定的退换货政策进行操作,保障顾客权益。
4.4 如发生交易纠纷,我们将提供必要的调解和仲裁服务,以维护双方的利益。
第五条:信息保密5.1 我们承诺对您在合作过程中所提供的商业信息和资料进行保密,不得泄露或非法使用。
5.2 您也应承担对我们平台的商业机密和顾客信息的保密责任,不得泄露、篡改或非法使用。
第六条:合作期限与终止6.1 本协议自双方签字之日起生效,有效期为一年。
6.2 如发生以下情况,我们有权单方面终止合作:您多次违反合作协议、违反国家法律法规或严重损害速卖通声誉。

速卖通代运营合作协议模板7篇篇1甲方(委托方):____________________乙方(受托方):____________________鉴于甲方希望在速卖通平台上开展电子商务业务,特委托乙方进行代运营服务,双方在平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的基础上,经过友好协商,达成以下合作协议:一、合作内容及目的1. 乙方接受甲方的委托,负责甲方在速卖通平台的日常运营管理工作,包括店铺管理、产品上架、订单处理、客户服务等。
2. 双方共同提升甲方在速卖通平台的品牌知名度,提高销售业绩,实现共赢。
二、合作期限1. 本协议自双方签署之日起生效,有效期为____年/月。
2. 协议期满后,经双方协商一致,可续签本协议。
三、合作方式及权责1. 甲方权责:(1)甲方提供合法、真实、有效的资质证明及相关资料,供乙方进行代运营使用。
2. 乙方权责:(1)乙方负责甲方在速卖通平台的日常运营管理工作,制定并执行运营策略。
四、服务费用及支付方式1. 甲方应向乙方支付代运营服务费用,具体金额根据双方协商确定。
2. 支付方式:____________________(如:按月结算、按季度结算等)。
3. 乙方应在收到款项后出具正规发票。
五、保密条款1. 双方应对本协议内容、合作过程中的数据、资料等商业秘密予以保密,未经对方同意,不得擅自泄露或向第三方披露。
2. 双方应采取有效的安全措施,保障合作过程中的信息安全。
六、违约责任及赔偿1. 若因一方违反本协议约定导致对方遭受损失,应承担违约责任并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
2. 若因乙方的过失或违约行为导致甲方在速卖通平台的账号被封禁或其他损失,乙方应承担全部责任并赔偿甲方相应损失。

一.通用服务条款模板Shipment:When you place an order, please choose a shipping method and pay for the order including the shipping fee. We will send the items within 3 days once your payment is completed.We do notguarantee delivery time on all international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect how quickly your product is inspected. Please note thatbuyers are responsible for all additional customs fees, brokeragefees, duties, and taxes for importation into yourcountry. These additional fees may be collected at time of delivery. We will not re fund shipping charges for refused shipments.The shipping cost does not include any import taxes, and buyers are responsible for customs duties.1.承诺3天内发货(时间自定义)2.买家必须承担关税Returns:We do our best to serve our customers the best that we can.We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of your receipt of the items for any reason. However, the buyer should make sure that the items returned are in their original conditions. If the items are damaged or lost when they are returned, the buyer will be responsible for such damage or loss, and we will not give the buyer a full refund. The buyer should try to file a claim with the logistic company to recover the cost of damage or loss.The buyer will be responsible for the shipping fees to return the items.1.买家收到货15天时间内可以提起退货要求(时间可以设置长,但不能设置短)2.买家必须保证退回的货物完好,若有损坏或者丢失,买家需要承担责任3.买家需要承担退回的运费Warranty & Maintenance:We offer the 1-month free replacement. Buyers may request for a replacement within 15 days from your receipt of the product. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return.We also provide 12-month free maintenance. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. If any part is required to be replaced, the buyer should also pay for the costs of the parts to be replaced.Before returning the items, please confirm the return address and the logistics method with us. After you give the items to the logistic company, please send us the tracking number. As soon as we receive the items, we will repair or exchange them ASAP.1.15天内提起换货请求,一个月内提供换货,12个月保修(15天时间只可以设置长,不可以设置短)2.买家负责退回的运费,可以只退回有问题的部件进行换货3.在退货前需与卖家确认退回地址、物流方式,并提供退回单号Feedback:Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services.If you have any problems with our items or services, please feel free to contact us first before you leave negative feedback. We will do our best to solve any problems and provide you with the best customer services.1.若对产品及服务满意请及时留下好评2.若对产品和服务不满意,请在差评前,先与卖家协商解决问题二.不同行业的特殊条款婚纱礼服类:DressesSizing or Fit IssuesAs all of our dresses are hand-sewn and customer tailored, the finished gown may vary by approximately 1 inch in the specified measurements.To ensure that your dress will still fit you perfectly, our tailors have created all our dresses with additional fabric in the seams to allow minor size modifications to be made easily. If you find the products are not suitable for you and have questions, you can contact us directly.Color MismatchDifferences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在1英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差珠宝首饰:JewelrySize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.购买前请仔细选择尺寸(由于珠宝类很难界定误差范围,所以没有合理误差要求)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差假发:WigsSize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在0.5英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差Mobile phones手机类Operating SystemPlease read the descriptions including the operating system carefully. If you have any questions or require any further information about how recover or upgrade the operating system, please contact us.MemoryThe actual memory size may be less than the specification stated because thepre-installed operating system and software take up some memory. You can use a third party software to check the actual memory size, or contact us for further instruction on how to do this.FunctionDifferent phone models or versions will have different functions. Please read the product descriptions carefully and learn the functions supported by each phone before placing an order.SignalSince the telecommunication systems may vary with countries, it will be necessary for you to check whether the cell phone can support the network system provided by the local or regional network provider.Waterproof/ ShockproofMost cell phones in the consumer market are neither waterproof nor shockproof. If you have a specific need for a shock- or water-proof cell phone, please choose a model that specifies those features. If you want know whether any model is shock- or water-proof, please contact us.电脑行业Because the operating system and additional applications are preinstalled, the remaining capacity of the built in RAM & ROM will be less than stated in the specifications.The stated battery life for a tablet PC is based on usage for internet surfing anddocument viewing. The battery life may be shorter than stated if there is usage for videos or games or other activities consuming more power.消费电子Sound: Sound quality can be relative to different consumers. As long as the sound quality coincidences with the actual parameters specified for the product, the product will be regarded normal.Capacity: It is normal that the displayed capacity is about 80% of the total capacity. Warranty period is determined by the online order records and the product label on the back of the appliance (Attention: During the warranty period, please ensure that the label remains legible, complete and undamaged). Our store will provide the warranty. Please send the product to the specified address for repair.The product may vary slightly from the one shown in the photo due to reasons such as light effect, monitors, etc. The photo is for reference only. In online shopping, you do not see the item in person. Therefore, it is important that you clarify any questions, doubts or special needs before you place an order. When the parcel arrives, you should refuse to sign to accept the parcel if you find any signs of damage or that the product is broken or crushed, or appears to be different from the product descriptions such as quantity, color, shape, accessories, etc. As an alternative, you may also ask the delivery staff to produce a certificate for the damage and notify the store owner immediately. Buyer is advised to open the parcel to inspect the item before the delivery staff departs. If the product is damaged or does not conform to the product descriptions, you may refuse to sign and return the parcel right away.RC玩具The seller has the right to refuse to pay the shipping fee for the returned parcel if the buyer returns the product for buyer’s own reasons, such as the buyer subsequently considers the price is too high, the product is not what the buyer expected despite that it conforms to the product descriptions.Toy machine is relatively delicate and more likely to incur damage during the transportation. The buyer may request return or replacement but should pay the shipping expenses for return buyer is responsible for the shipping fee for the returned goods and replacing parts.Before you use the model aircraft, please read the instructions. At first use, we suggest that the buyer does not push the throttle too hard. The buyer is advised to practicing to control the throttle before playing the model aircraft with the direction. There will be a lot of fun with playing the model aircraft but please keep in mind that it is delicate as well.Telecontrolled model toys are all fragile, and as such are easily broken. Other electronic toys are also easily broken. Please read and follow the operating instructions to prevent damage to your toy. Please understand that we won’t be responsible for damage created by improper use.In many cases the damage is caused by improper operations. If you have followed the instructions, and the aircraft still doesn’t work, please contact us immediately and stop any unsafe operations.Battery is a special type of product. The seller will accept the battery being returned, but the buyer will bear the shipping costs for the return.Please check the appearance of the lithium battery when you receive it. If you find leakage, bulging or other damage, please leave the battery in its original condition and send it back to the seller within 15 days. Do not disassemble or use it directly. If you haven’t sent it back within 15 days, the seller will assume the battery is in good conditions when you receive it and you have accepted the product.For model aircraft flight simulation products, the buyer should learn and understand how to install, test and use products. Some software may be required to be downloaded in order to complete installation. Buyer should not choose to request free return because you do not know how to use the products. In that case, the buyer should pay the shipping fees for return.鞋子和箱包行业Size or Fit Issues:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch: Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.。

一.通用服务条款模板Shipment:When you place an order, please choose a shipping method and pay for the order including the shipping fee. We will send the items within 3 days once your payment is completed.We do notguarantee delivery time on all international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect how quickly your product is inspected. Please note thatbuyers are responsible for all additional customs fees, brokeragefees, duties, and taxes for importation into yourcountry. These additional fees may be collected at time of delivery. We will not re fund shipping charges for refused shipments.The shipping cost does not include any import taxes, and buyers are responsible for customs duties.1.承诺3天内发货(时间自定义)2.买家必须承担关税Returns:We do our best to serve our customers the best that we can.We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of your receipt of the items for any reason. However, the buyer should make sure that the items returned are in their original conditions. If the items are damaged or lost when they are returned, the buyer will be responsible for such damage or loss, and we will not give the buyer a full refund. The buyer should try to file a claim with the logistic company to recover the cost of damage or loss.The buyer will be responsible for the shipping fees to return the items.1.买家收到货15天时间内可以提起退货要求(时间可以设置长,但不能设置短)2.买家必须保证退回的货物完好,若有损坏或者丢失,买家需要承担责任3.买家需要承担退回的运费Warranty & Maintenance:We offer the 1-month free replacement. Buyers may request for a replacement within 15 days from your receipt of the product. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return.We also provide 12-month free maintenance. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. If any part is required to be replaced, the buyer should also pay for the costs of the parts to be replaced.Before returning the items, please confirm the return address and the logistics method with us. After you give the items to the logistic company, please send us the tracking number. As soon as we receive the items, we will repair or exchange them ASAP.1.15天内提起换货请求,一个月内提供换货,12个月保修(15天时间只可以设置长,不可以设置短)2.买家负责退回的运费,可以只退回有问题的部件进行换货3.在退货前需与卖家确认退回地址、物流方式,并提供退回单号Feedback:Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services.If you have any problems with our items or services, please feel free to contact us first before you leave negative feedback. We will do our best to solve any problems and provide you with the best customer services.1.若对产品及服务满意请及时留下好评2.若对产品和服务不满意,请在差评前,先与卖家协商解决问题二.不同行业的特殊条款婚纱礼服类:DressesSizing or Fit IssuesAs all of our dresses are hand-sewn and customer tailored, the finished gown may vary by approximately 1 inch in the specified measurements.To ensure that your dress will still fit you perfectly, our tailors have created all our dresses with additional fabric in the seams to allow minor size modifications to be made easily. If you find the products are not suitable for you and have questions, you can contact us directly.Color MismatchDifferences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在1英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差珠宝首饰:JewelrySize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.购买前请仔细选择尺寸(由于珠宝类很难界定误差范围,所以没有合理误差要求)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差假发:WigsSize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在0.5英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差Mobile phones手机类Operating SystemPlease read the descriptions including the operating system carefully. If you have any questions or require any further information about how recover or upgrade the operating system, please contact us.MemoryThe actual memory size may be less than the specification stated because thepre-installed operating system and software take up some memory. You can use a third party software to check the actual memory size, or contact us for further instruction on how to do this.FunctionDifferent phone models or versions will have different functions. Please read the product descriptions carefully and learn the functions supported by each phone before placing an order.SignalSince the telecommunication systems may vary with countries, it will be necessary for you to check whether the cell phone can support the network system provided by the local or regional network provider.Waterproof/ ShockproofMost cell phones in the consumer market are neither waterproof nor shockproof. If you have a specific need for a shock- or water-proof cell phone, please choose a model that specifies those features. If you want know whether any model is shock- or water-proof, please contact us.电脑行业Because the operating system and additional applications are preinstalled, the remaining capacity of the built in RAM & ROM will be less than stated in the specifications.The stated battery life for a tablet PC is based on usage for internet surfing anddocument viewing. The battery life may be shorter than stated if there is usage for videos or games or other activities consuming more power.消费电子Sound: Sound quality can be relative to different consumers. As long as the sound quality coincidences with the actual parameters specified for the product, the product will be regarded normal.Capacity: It is normal that the displayed capacity is about 80% of the total capacity. Warranty period is determined by the online order records and the product label on the back of the appliance (Attention: During the warranty period, please ensure that the label remains legible, complete and undamaged). Our store will provide the warranty. Please send the product to the specified address for repair.The product may vary slightly from the one shown in the photo due to reasons such as light effect, monitors, etc. The photo is for reference only. In online shopping, you do not see the item in person. Therefore, it is important that you clarify any questions, doubts or special needs before you place an order. When the parcel arrives, you should refuse to sign to accept the parcel if you find any signs of damage or that the product is broken or crushed, or appears to be different from the product descriptions such as quantity, color, shape, accessories, etc. As an alternative, you may also ask the delivery staff to produce a certificate for the damage and notify the store owner immediately. Buyer is advised to open the parcel to inspect the item before the delivery staff departs. If the product is damaged or does not conform to the product descriptions, you may refuse to sign and return the parcel right away.RC玩具The seller has the right to refuse to pay the shipping fee for the returned parcel if the buyer returns the product for buyer’s own reasons, such as the buyer subsequently considers the price is too high, the product is not what the buyer expected despite that it conforms to the product descriptions.Toy machine is relatively delicate and more likely to incur damage during the transportation. The buyer may request return or replacement but should pay the shipping expenses for return buyer is responsible for the shipping fee for the returned goods and replacing parts.Before you use the model aircraft, please read the instructions. At first use, we suggest that the buyer does not push the throttle too hard. The buyer is advised to practicing to control the throttle before playing the model aircraft with the direction. There will be a lot of fun with playing the model aircraft but please keep in mind that it is delicate as well.Telecontrolled model toys are all fragile, and as such are easily broken. Other electronic toys are also easily broken. Please read and follow the operating instructions to prevent damage to your toy. Please understand that we won’t be responsible for damage created by improper use.In many cases the damage is caused by improper operations. If you have followed the instructions, and the aircraft still doesn’t work, please contact us immediately and stop any unsafe operations.Battery is a special type of product. The seller will accept the battery being returned, but the buyer will bear the shipping costs for the return.Please check the appearance of the lithium battery when you receive it. If you find leakage, bulging or other damage, please leave the battery in its original condition and send it back to the seller within 15 days. Do not disassemble or use it directly. If you haven’t sent it back within 15 days, the seller will assume the battery is in good conditions when you receive it and you have accepted the product.For model aircraft flight simulation products, the buyer should learn and understand how to install, test and use products. Some software may be required to be downloaded in order to complete installation. Buyer should not choose to request free return because you do not know how to use the products. In that case, the buyer should pay the shipping fees for return.鞋子和箱包行业Size or Fit Issues:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch: Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.。

译文:感谢您的询问,我们很诚挚的希望跟您做生意。一个样品的运 费需要XXXX美元,如果您一个订单订XXX件产品,我们可以为您提 供批量价格XXXX美元/件。期待着您的答复。谢谢。
买家要求免运费: Dear $buyer, Sorry, free shipping is not available for orders sent to XXXXXXXXXXXXXX. But we can give you a XXX% discount of the shipping cost. $myname
译文:感谢您继续支持我们,我们正在改善我们的服务,质量,采购 等。如果您可以给我们一个积极的反馈,我们会非常感激,因为这对 我们来说是一个很大的鼓励。如果有什么我可以帮助,不要犹豫请告 诉我。
货物断货: Dear $buyer, We are very sorry that item you ordered is out of stock at the moment. I will contact the factory to see when it will be available again. I would like to recommend some other items of similar styles. Hope you like them too.You can click on the following link to check them out XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX?? ?.If there’s anything I can help with, please feel free to contact us. Thanks! Best Regards $myname

为明确双方权益和义务,经甲、乙双方友好协商,达成以下协议:第一条合作内容1.1 甲方将对乙方的速卖通店铺进行代运营服务,包括但不限于商品上架、促销活动、物流配送、售后服务等。
1.2 乙方应提供甲方必要的账号和密码,并提供必要的操作权限,以便甲方可以进行代运营。
1.3 乙方需提供详细的商品信息,包括但不限于商品说明、规格、价格、库存等,并保证提供的信息真实、准确。
第二条代运营费用2.1 甲方为乙方提供代运营服务,乙方需支付相应的代运营费用,具体费用双方另行协商确定。
2.2 甲方有权根据实际运营情况和费用情况调整代运营费用,但需提前通知乙方。
第三条商品销售和物流3.1 甲方将根据乙方提供的商品信息进行速卖通店铺的销售,并负责处理买家订单。
3.2 甲方负责物流配送,确保商品按时送达买家手中,并提供相应的物流跟踪信息。
3.3 若因商品质量问题或其他原因导致买家退货或退款,并非乙方责任的情况下,甲方应协助处理相应的售后事宜。
第四条保密条款4.1 甲、乙双方应对合作过程中所涉及的商业秘密严格保密,不得泄露给未经授权的第三方。
4.2 在本协议终止后,甲、乙双方仍应继续承担保密责任,不得对任何保密信息进行披露。
第五条违约责任5.1 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,给对方造成损失的,应承担相应的经济赔偿责任。
5.2 如一方违反本协议的任何条款,给对方造成重大损失或严重影响合作的,另一方有权立即终止合作协议,并要求违约方承担相应的赔偿责任。
第六条争议解决6.1 出现争议时,甲、乙双方应本着友好协商的原则解决。
6.2 如协商不成,可以向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼解决。

一、协议范围1. 乙方同意接受甲方的委托,对甲方在速卖通平台的店铺进行代运营。
2. 代运营内容包括但不限于店铺管理、产品上架、营销推广、客户服务、订单处理等。
3. 乙方应按照甲方的要求,严格遵守速卖通平台规则,确保店铺的正常运营。
二、合作期限1. 本协议自双方签字(盖章)之日起生效,有效期为_____年。
2. 协议到期后,经双方协商一致,可续签本协议。
三、甲方权利与义务1. 甲方有权要求乙方按照本协议履行代运营义务。
2. 甲方有义务向乙方提供代运营所需的相关资料和信息。
3. 甲方有权对乙方的代运营工作进行监督与考核。
4. 甲方应按照本协议约定支付乙方代运营费用。
四、乙方权利与义务1. 乙方有权获得甲方支付的代运营费用。
2. 乙方有义务按照本协议履行代运营职责,确保甲方店铺的正常运营。
3. 乙方应定期向甲方报告店铺运营情况,及时沟通解决问题。
4. 乙方应严格遵守速卖通平台规则,不得从事违规行为。
5. 乙方应对甲方的商业信息保密,不得泄露给第三方。
五、费用与支付1. 甲方应按照本协议约定向乙方支付代运营费用。
2. 代运营费用包括但不限于基础服务费、推广费用、佣金等,具体费用及支付方式由双方另行约定。
3. 乙方在完成代运营任务并经过甲方考核合格后,甲方应按照约定支付相应费用。
六、违约责任1. 若乙方未按照本协议履行代运营义务,甲方有权要求乙方承担违约责任。

速卖通商家协议书甲方:速卖通(以下简称“速卖通”)乙方:商家名称/个人姓名(以下简称“商家”)鉴于:1. 乙方同意成为速卖通平台注册会员,并通过该平台进行商品销售;2. 甲方经营并管理着速卖通平台,提供平台技术支持、销售渠道等服务;根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,甲乙双方经友好协商,达成以下协议,并共同遵守:第一条甲方的责任和义务1. 甲方提供速卖通平台的技术支持、销售渠道等服务,确保平台的正常运行,并尽力保护乙方的合法权益;2. 甲方为乙方提供相关的注册指导和培训,确保乙方能够熟练操作速卖通平台;3. 甲方将定期更新速卖通平台的功能,以提升用户体验;4. 甲方会及时处理商家在平台上遇到的问题和纠纷,并提供相应的解决方案。
第二条乙方的责任和义务1. 乙方应按照甲方的要求和相关法律法规,提供真实、准确、完整的商家信息,并保证所销售商品的合法性;2. 乙方对自己在平台上发布的商品信息和销售行为负责,并承担相应的法律责任;3. 乙方应保证所销售的商品质量符合相关标准,并确保及时发货;4. 乙方应积极配合甲方处理可能出现的纠纷和投诉,并按照甲方的要求提供相关证据和资料。
第三条商品销售和交易1. 乙方有权在速卖通平台上发布和销售商品,甲方将提供相应的销售渠道和技术支持;2. 商品的价格、描述、图片等信息由乙方自行负责,甲方对此不承担责任;3. 乙方须按照平台规定的交易流程和付款方式进行商品销售和交易;4. 乙方在平台上进行交易时,应严格遵守法律法规的规定,不得从事欺诈、侵权等违法行为。
第四条结算和费用1. 乙方的商品销售所得款项将通过甲方指定的支付渠道结算给乙方;2. 甲方有权根据相关规定收取一定的服务费用,并保留对费用政策的调整权利;3. 结算过程中如发生争议,双方应友好协商解决,如协商不成,可依法解决。
第五条保密条款1. 双方保证在合作过程中不泄露对方的商业秘密,不使用商业秘密损害对方的利益;2. 双方对于获得的对方商业秘密应妥善保管,并采取必要的保密措施;3. 如因违反保密义务造成损失,违约方应承担相应的法律责任。

译文:感谢您给我信息。目前我们正在进行促销,如果你购买了 XXXX 个产品,我们可以为您提供XXX %的折扣。一旦我们确认您 的付款,我们将及时发货。如果您有任何进一步的问题,请随时与我 们联系。谢谢!
提示:请添写希望买家购买的件数和您所能提r, Thank you for taking interests in our item. I’m afraid we can’t offer you that low price you bargained as the price we offer has been carefully calculated and our profit margin is already very limited. However, we can offer you a XXX % discount if you purchase more than XXXXpieces in one order. If you have any further questions, please let me know. Thanks! $myname
译文:EMS网站显示您已收到货物。如果您已收到货物请到速卖通 确认,如果有问题请告知我。谢谢!
客户投诉产品质量有问题: Dear $buyer, I am very sorry to hear about that. Since I did carefully check the order and the package to make sure everything was in good condition before shipping it out, I suppose that the damage might have happened during the transportation. But I’m still very sorry for the inconvenience this has brought you. I guarantee that I will give you more discounts to make this up next time you buy from us. Thanks for your understanding. Best Regards $myname

甲方(以下简称“甲方”):_______乙方(以下简称“乙方”):_______鉴于甲方希望通过速卖通平台进行商品销售,乙方作为速卖通平台的服务提供方,双方本着平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则,就甲方在速卖通平台开展商品销售活动事宜,达成如下协议:一、协议标的1. 甲方同意在速卖通平台上开设店铺,开展商品销售活动。
2. 乙方同意为甲方提供速卖通平台的相关服务,包括但不限于店铺装修、商品发布、交易处理、物流跟踪等。
二、双方权利与义务1. 甲方权利与义务:(1)甲方应遵守国家法律法规及速卖通平台的相关规定,保证所售商品的质量符合国家标准。
2. 乙方权利与义务:(1)乙方应保证提供的服务质量,确保甲方店铺的正常运营。
三、服务费用1. 甲方应向乙方支付以下服务费用:(1)平台使用费:_______元/年;(2)技术服务费:_______元/年;(3)其他费用:_______元/年。
2. 服务费用支付方式:甲方应按照乙方的要求,通过银行转账、支付宝等方式支付服务费用。
四、违约责任1. 甲方如违反本协议约定,导致乙方遭受损失的,甲方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
2. 乙方如违反本协议约定,导致甲方遭受损失的,乙方应承担相应的赔偿责任。
五、争议解决1. 双方在履行本协议过程中发生的争议,应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可向有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼。
六、其他1. 本协议自双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效,有效期为_______年。
2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

1、模版一:刚发货后,提醒买家注意收货及收货后留好评(如果使用的挂号运输方式,如EMS或者DHL等)Dear Valued Customer,We are happy to inform you that your purchase hasbeen dispatched! The typical time of arrival is between 7 and 10 days. If youritem does not arrive within 10 days, please let us know.After your item has arrived, why not take amoment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours!Thank you for your custom, and we look forwardto providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller NameB.如果使用的是挂号大小包Dear Valued Customer,We are happy to inform you that your purchase hasbeen dispatched! The typical time of arrival is between 14 and 39 days. If youritem does not arrive within 39 days, please let us know.After your item has arrived, why not take amoment to leave positive feedback about our products and service? It only takesa moment, and it’s a great way to help others make purchases like yours! Thank you for your custom, and we look forwardto providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name2、模板二:若物流已妥投或者已经到达目的国,可提醒买家确认收货及留评Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for shopping on our store - we hopeyou are enjoying your purchase!Your shopping experience is very important to usand our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback on ourproducts and service. It only takes a moment, and it’s a great way to helpothers make purchases like yours!If you are unsatisfied with any aspect of ourservice, please contact us first so we can try to resolve your problem.Thank you for your custom, and we look forwardto providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name3、模板三:已经确认收货后,提醒买家及时留评Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for shopping on our store - we hopeyou are enjoying your purchase!Your shopping experience is very important tous and our business. We would like to invite you to leave positive feedback onour products and service. It only takes a moment, and it’s a great wayto helpothers make purchases like yours!If you are unsatisfied with any aspect of ourservice, please contact us first so we can try to resolve your problem.Thank you for your custom, and we look forwardto providing you with the best buying experience again on AliExpress!Yours sincerely,Seller Name4、模板四:收到评价后A:如果收到好评,一定要对买家进行答谢,有助于买家再次转化:Dear Valued Customer,Thank you for your recent positive feedback!Your satisfaction is hugely important to us,and keeps us motivated to try harder for our customers!You can check out more great products from ourstore: We hope we’ll see you again on our store soon.Yours sincerely,Seller NameB:如果收到中差评,则一定要让买家说出不满意的地方及时弥补,并且可以引导买家修改评价:Dear Valued Customer,We are sorry to see that you left negative or neutralfeedback relating to your recent purchase experience from our store. Please contact us at any time so we can findout why you were unhappy and resolve your problems. We hope then you can reviseyour feedback into a positive feedback for us!Yours sincerely,Seller Name.如果以上几点您都做到了,恭喜您,您的店铺信誉和好评率马上就会提升咯!。

速卖通合同协议书甲方(卖方):_____________________地址:_____________________乙方(买方):_____________________地址:_____________________鉴于甲方是一家专注于电子商务的公司,运营着名为“速卖通”的在线销售平台,乙方希望在该平台上购买商品,双方本着平等、自愿、互利的原则,经协商一致,达成如下合同协议:1. 商品信息乙方同意购买甲方在速卖通平台上列出的商品,具体商品信息包括名称、规格、数量、价格等,以乙方下单时确认的详情为准。
2. 价格条款商品价格包括税费、运费等所有费用,除非另有约定。
3. 交付与运输甲方应在收到乙方支付的款项后,按照乙方指定的地址进行发货。
4. 质量保证与退换货甲方保证所售商品符合国家相关质量标准。
5. 违约责任如一方违反合同约定,应承担违约责任,并赔偿对方因此遭受的损失。
6. 争议解决合同执行过程中发生的任何争议,双方应首先通过友好协商解决。
7. 其他约定(双方可根据实际情况,增加其他必要条款)8. 生效条件本合同自双方授权代表签字盖章之日起生效。

速卖通合同协议书甲方(卖方):________________________乙方(买方):________________________签订日期:____年____月____日鉴于甲方是一家专注于提供各类商品的在线销售平台,乙方有意通过甲方的平台购买商品,双方本着平等自愿、诚实信用的原则,就商品买卖事宜达成如下协议:第一条商品信息1.1 乙方同意购买甲方提供的以下商品:商品名称:________________________商品型号:________________________商品数量:________________________商品单价:________________________商品总价:________________________1.2 甲方保证所售商品为正品,并符合国家相关质量标准。
第二条价格与支付2.1 商品总价为人民币(大写):________________________2.2 乙方应在本合同签订后____天内,通过甲方指定的支付方式支付全部商品价款。
第三条交货与验收3.1 甲方应在收到乙方支付的全额商品价款后____天内,将商品送达乙方指定的交货地点。
3.2 乙方应在收到商品后____天内对商品进行验收,如发现商品存在质量问题,应在验收期内书面通知甲方。
第四条售后服务4.1 甲方对所售商品提供____天无理由退换货服务。
4.2 对于因商品质量问题导致的退换货,甲方应承担由此产生的所有费用。
第五条违约责任5.1 如甲方未能按时交货,每逾期一天,应向乙方支付商品总价____%的违约金。
5.2 如乙方未能按时支付商品价款,每逾期一天,应向甲方支付未付款项____%的违约金。
第六条争议解决6.1 双方因履行本合同所发生的一切争议,应首先通过友好协商解决;协商不成时,任何一方均可向甲方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。
第七条其他7.1 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。
7.2 本合同一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。

速卖通代运营合作协议模板甲方(委托方):___________________乙方(受托方):___________________鉴于甲方需要专业的电子商务代运营服务,乙方具备在速卖通平台从事电子商务代运营的专业能力,双方遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,经友好协商,达成以下合作协议:一、合作事项及内容1. 乙方为甲方提供速卖通平台的店铺代运营服务,包括但不限于产品上架、店铺装修、营销推广、客户服务、订单管理等。
2. 双方共同确定经营产品范围及价格体系,甲方提供产品信息和相关资料,乙方负责上传产品信息和进行店铺运营。
3. 乙方应根据速卖通平台规则和市场需求,制定并执行营销策略,提升甲方店铺的知名度和销售额。
二、合作期限及合作方式1. 本协议自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年。
2. 双方采用专岗对接的合作方式,甲方指定专人负责对接乙方,便于日常沟通和协作。
3. 乙方需提供专业的代运营服务团队,具备丰富的行业经验和专业技能。
三、商业条款及费用结算1. 甲方需向乙方支付代运营服务费用,具体金额和支付方式详见附件《费用结算协议》。
2. 乙方在达到约定的业绩目标后,有权获取相应的服务费用;如未达到业绩目标,双方可协商调整合作方式或终止合作。
3. 双方应共同维护客户隐私和交易安全,确保交易过程的合法性和公正性。
四、知识产权及保密条款1. 双方应对涉及的知识产权进行明确界定,确保产品和服务的知识产权合法。
2. 双方在合作期间获取的商业秘密、技术秘密等信息,应严格保密,不得泄露给第三方。
3. 未经甲方同意,乙方不得擅自使用甲方的商标、商号等知识产权。
五、违约责任及解决方式1. 如一方违反本协议的约定,应承担相应的违约责任,并赔偿对方因此造成的损失。
2. 对于合作过程中发生的纠纷,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,可提交仲裁机构仲裁或向人民法院起诉。
六、其他条款1. 本协议未尽事宜,双方可另行签订补充协议,补充协议与本协议具有同等法律效力。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
一.通用服务条款模板Shipment:When you place an order, please choose a shipping method and pay for the order including the shipping fee. We will send the items within 3 days once your payment is completed.We do notguarantee delivery time on all international shipments due to differences in customs clearing times in individual countries, which may affect how quickly your product is inspected. Please note thatbuyers are responsible for all additional customs fees, brokeragefees, duties, and taxes for importation into yourcountry. These additional fees may be collected at time of delivery. We will not re fund shipping charges for refused shipments.The shipping cost does not include any import taxes, and buyers are responsible for customs duties.1.承诺3天内发货(时间自定义)2.买家必须承担关税Returns:We do our best to serve our customers the best that we can.We will refund you if you return the items within 15 days of your receipt of the items for any reason. However, the buyer should make sure that the items returned are in their original conditions. If the items are damaged or lost when they are returned, the buyer will be responsible for such damage or loss, and we will not give the buyer a full refund. The buyer should try to file a claim with the logistic company to recover the cost of damage or loss.The buyer will be responsible for the shipping fees to return the items.1.买家收到货15天时间内可以提起退货要求(时间可以设置长,但不能设置短)2.买家必须保证退回的货物完好,若有损坏或者丢失,买家需要承担责任3.买家需要承担退回的运费Warranty & Maintenance:We offer the 1-month free replacement. Buyers may request for a replacement within 15 days from your receipt of the product. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return.We also provide 12-month free maintenance. The buyer should return the product in the original conditions to us and should bear the shipping costs for return. If any part is required to be replaced, the buyer should also pay for the costs of the parts to be replaced.Before returning the items, please confirm the return address and the logistics method with us. After you give the items to the logistic company, please send us the tracking number. As soon as we receive the items, we will repair or exchange them ASAP.1.15天内提起换货请求,一个月内提供换货,12个月保修(15天时间只可以设置长,不可以设置短)2.买家负责退回的运费,可以只退回有问题的部件进行换货3.在退货前需与卖家确认退回地址、物流方式,并提供退回单号Feedback:Your satisfaction and positive feedback is very important to us. Please leave positive feedback and 5 stars if you are satisfied with our items and services.If you have any problems with our items or services, please feel free to contact us first before you leave negative feedback. We will do our best to solve any problems and provide you with the best customer services.1.若对产品及服务满意请及时留下好评2.若对产品和服务不满意,请在差评前,先与卖家协商解决问题二.不同行业的特殊条款婚纱礼服类:DressesSizing or Fit IssuesAs all of our dresses are hand-sewn and customer tailored, the finished gown may vary by approximately 1 inch in the specified measurements.To ensure that your dress will still fit you perfectly, our tailors have created all our dresses with additional fabric in the seams to allow minor size modifications to be made easily. If you find the products are not suitable for you and have questions, you can contact us directly.Color MismatchDifferences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在1英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差珠宝首饰:JewelrySize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.购买前请仔细选择尺寸(由于珠宝类很难界定误差范围,所以没有合理误差要求)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差假发:WigsSize or Fit Issues尺寸问题说明:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch色差问题说明Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.1.尺寸存在0.5英寸的误差(行业认可误差范围)2.颜色会由于显示屏和灯光等存在轻微色差Mobile phones手机类Operating SystemPlease read the descriptions including the operating system carefully. If you have any questions or require any further information about how recover or upgrade the operating system, please contact us.MemoryThe actual memory size may be less than the specification stated because thepre-installed operating system and software take up some memory. You can use a third party software to check the actual memory size, or contact us for further instruction on how to do this.FunctionDifferent phone models or versions will have different functions. Please read the product descriptions carefully and learn the functions supported by each phone before placing an order.SignalSince the telecommunication systems may vary with countries, it will be necessary for you to check whether the cell phone can support the network system provided by the local or regional network provider.Waterproof/ ShockproofMost cell phones in the consumer market are neither waterproof nor shockproof. If you have a specific need for a shock- or water-proof cell phone, please choose a model that specifies those features. If you want know whether any model is shock- or water-proof, please contact us.电脑行业Because the operating system and additional applications are preinstalled, the remaining capacity of the built in RAM & ROM will be less than stated in the specifications.The stated battery life for a tablet PC is based on usage for internet surfing anddocument viewing. The battery life may be shorter than stated if there is usage for videos or games or other activities consuming more power.消费电子Sound: Sound quality can be relative to different consumers. As long as the sound quality coincidences with the actual parameters specified for the product, the product will be regarded normal.Capacity: It is normal that the displayed capacity is about 80% of the total capacity. Warranty period is determined by the online order records and the product label on the back of the appliance (Attention: During the warranty period, please ensure that the label remains legible, complete and undamaged). Our store will provide the warranty. Please send the product to the specified address for repair.The product may vary slightly from the one shown in the photo due to reasons such as light effect, monitors, etc. The photo is for reference only. In online shopping, you do not see the item in person. Therefore, it is important that you clarify any questions, doubts or special needs before you place an order. When the parcel arrives, you should refuse to sign to accept the parcel if you find any signs of damage or that the product is broken or crushed, or appears to be different from the product descriptions such as quantity, color, shape, accessories, etc. As an alternative, you may also ask the delivery staff to produce a certificate for the damage and notify the store owner immediately. Buyer is advised to open the parcel to inspect the item before the delivery staff departs. If the product is damaged or does not conform to the product descriptions, you may refuse to sign and return the parcel right away.RC玩具The seller has the right to refuse to pay the shipping fee for the returned parcel if the buyer returns the product for buyer’s own reasons, such as the buyer subsequently considers the price is too high, the product is not what the buyer expected despite that it conforms to the product descriptions.Toy machine is relatively delicate and more likely to incur damage during the transportation. The buyer may request return or replacement but should pay the shipping expenses for return buyer is responsible for the shipping fee for the returned goods and replacing parts.Before you use the model aircraft, please read the instructions. At first use, we suggest that the buyer does not push the throttle too hard. The buyer is advised to practicing to control the throttle before playing the model aircraft with the direction. There will be a lot of fun with playing the model aircraft but please keep in mind that it is delicate as well.Telecontrolled model toys are all fragile, and as such are easily broken. Other electronic toys are also easily broken. Please read and follow the operating instructions to prevent damage to your toy. Please understand that we won’t be responsible for damage created by improper use.In many cases the damage is caused by improper operations. If you have followed the instructions, and the aircraft still doesn’t work, please contact us immediately and stop any unsafe operations.Battery is a special type of product. The seller will accept the battery being returned, but the buyer will bear the shipping costs for the return.Please check the appearance of the lithium battery when you receive it. If you find leakage, bulging or other damage, please leave the battery in its original condition and send it back to the seller within 15 days. Do not disassemble or use it directly. If you haven’t sent it back wit hin 15 days, the seller will assume the battery is in good conditions when you receive it and you have accepted the product.For model aircraft flight simulation products, the buyer should learn and understand how to install, test and use products. Some software may be required to be downloaded in order to complete installation. Buyer should not choose to request free return because you do not know how to use the products. In that case, the buyer should pay the shipping fees for return.鞋子和箱包行业Size or Fit Issues:The sizes are illustrated with specific measurements in the detailed specifications. Please check the specifications before you place an order. Normally the allowable differences in the size are approximately 0.5 inch in measurement. If you find the size of the products do not fit you, you can directly contact us.Color Mismatch: Differences in color may be caused by some other reasons such as color reflection in the monitor, lighting, background etc. However, if you believe that the item received is in wrong color, please contact us to see if a return or refund is possible.。