本电器依据有关废旧电子电气电器(电子电气设备废弃物--WEEE)的欧洲指令2002/96/EC 进行标识。
微波合成仪标准操作手册一、操作流程1、例行检查:仪器开机前,首先检查仪器整体是否正常;反响腔及内衬溢出杯是否清洁;检查自动压控装置APD 是否清洁;自动进样器是否在正常位置;仪器电源线、数据线、气体管路连接状况是否正常。
如内衬、APD 不清洁或其它问题未经处理而运行仪器所造成的损害,属于非正常操作范畴。
2、开机挨次:先翻开计算机电源,再翻开Discover 主机电源,然后运行Synergy 软件〔在计算机桌面上〕。
4、启动软件:运行Synergy 软件,选择用户名并输入密码,进入软件操作界面后,可从屏幕右下方工具栏观察Discover 和Explorer 的联机状况。
二、制止的操作项1、严禁频繁开关机;开机后1min 内关机;关机后1min 内开机。
8、严禁长时间无人值守,仪器运行过程中,必需每2 小时进展巡察查看,并做好检查记录。
奥维通微波操作手册一、说明我们使用的奥维通设备分为AU和SU,其中AU为接入单元,SU 为用户单元。
一般情况下AU安装在站端,SU安装在客户端,一个AU 可以接入多个SU,如下图示:图1.1 接入单元AU 图1.2用户单元SU1、使用频率:4.900——5.875MHz其中AU需要设置一个频率中心,如设置为5800MHz,SU单元不需要设置中心频率,只需要设置一个频段的频率。
3、接入天线:用户单元使用内装平板天线,规格为17dBi,24 °AZ×18°EL;接入单元使用分离式天线,分离式天线有多种,我们现在使用的是5.8G 23dBi高增益定向天线采用1分4的功分器链接AU。
二、配置1、AU基本参数配置A)设置电脑IP,确保电脑IP和接入微波IP在同一段;B)运行管理软件BreezeCONFIG,在左下角处输入密码,回车;C)双击Local Auto-Discovery,将显示所有已连接的AU的IP 地址;D)双击对应的AU后,右边将显示对应AU的Unit Control的参数,具体如下图,下图中表明只有一个AU连接到本网络。
图2.1.1登录网管软件初始界面E)选中对应AU后点击IP Parameters进行IP地址的配置。
如下图所示:图2.1.2 IP的配置F)配置好IP之后,点击Air Interface 选中General,如下图;G)配置Antenna Gain(天线增益),可配置数为0—40dBi,数据越小表示天线增益越大,如下图设置为1dBi。
微波操作的技巧微波操作的技巧:1. 了解微波炉的功能:在使用微波炉之前,首先要熟悉微波炉的功能。
2. 使用合适的容器:在使用微波炉时,应选择适合微波加热的容器。
3. 适当放置食物:将食物放在微波炉的旋转板上可以确保食物均匀加热。
4. 注意食物的厚度:当加热较厚的食物时,应分批进行加热,或者调整加热的时间和功率。
5. 掌握合适的加热时间和功率:微波炉通常具有不同的功率和加热时间选项。
6. 适时搅拌食物:搅拌或翻转食物可以帮助食物更均匀地加热。
7. 注意松弛时间:在从微波炉中取出食物后,应让其静置一段时间,以便热量均匀分布。
8. 注意使用覆盖物:对于需要保持食物湿润的食材,如蔬菜或鸡胸肉等,可以在微波炉中使用覆盖物。
9. 避免在微波炉中加热密封容器:在使用微波炉加热之前,务必确保容器是松开或没有密封的。
10. 清洁微波炉:使用微波炉之后,应保持微波炉的清洁。
微波炉操作说明书注意事项:1. 本操作说明书为微波炉的使用指南,旨在向用户提供正确的操作指导,确保安全使用微波炉。
2. 在使用微波炉前,请确保以下条件满足:- 微波炉已插入可靠的电源插座;- 微波炉处于平稳的工作台面上;- 微波炉周围没有易燃或易爆物品。
3. 微波炉的基本功能:- 快速加热:用于快速加热食物。
- 解冻:用于解冻冷冻食品。
- 烹饪:可根据食谱要求进行烹饪操作。
4. 操作步骤:步骤1:打开微波炉门,将食物放在旋转式玻璃托盘上,切勿覆盖金属制品或易燃物。
5. 常见问题解答:1) 为什么微波炉无法启动?- 请检查是否插入电源并确保电源线连接正常。
- 请检查微波炉门是否未完全关闭,确保门完全关闭。
2) 如何设置加热时间和功率等参数?- 通过微波炉上的控制面板,根据需要选择加热时间和功率等参数。
3) 为什么食物加热后温度不均匀?- 建议将食物放在旋转式玻璃托盘上,以确保加热均匀。
6. 清洁与维护:- 在清洁微波炉前,请确保拔掉电源,并使用柔软的湿布擦拭内外壁面。
- 不要使用腐蚀性或磨砂剂清洁剂。
- 定期检查微波炉的电源线和插头,如有磨损或损坏,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务中心。
7. 安全警示:- 请勿在未经监护的情况下,让儿童操作微波炉。
- 请勿在微波炉内加热密封的容器,以免发生爆炸。
- 在加热液体时,务必使用带有盖子或搅拌棒的容器,并使用适当的温度参数。
- 避免长时间空载运行微波炉,以免损坏微波炉。
DISCOVER S 操作规程(Seynergy软件版)1.0
5.主要相关设置:1)“FILE”中“Log Off”可以注销当前用户,从新登录。
“Change Password”可以更改当前用户的密码。
2)“Options”中“Network Setup”,在Communication Type中选择Network,并设置IP Address:。
同时设置计算机IP Address:。
3)“Options”中“Manage User”,可以新建用户,删除用户,修改用户权限。
一、软件安装:(Discovery installation)安装:安装软件考在D盘(或非软件盘,比如E盘),打开文件夹GNT→打开文件夹ggx2003.1→双击图标Install(安装)→出现界面,选择第一个→Next→选中我接受,单击Next→填入用户名,单击Next →选中典型安装,单击Next→选中米制(第二个),单击Next→单击Install(安装)→单击Finish→单击EXIT→单击内部退出安装系统。
拷贝gxdb.db至C盘,(Documents and settings→All users→Application Data→Geographix→data→templates→project→粘贴。
)双击桌面上的油藏描述软件(地球图标)→正常情况下出现一个选择框,选择第三个(如果没有狗或临时许可证过期,则无法进行下一步),单击NEXT→在GNT文件夹中选中GGXLIC(许可证),单击NEXT →出现对话框,选择Activate an existing project …,选中一个,Next,则激活了一个存在的工区。
(如果不是初次使用,则选择Activate the last active project ,将自动进入近期使用过的工区。
隐含文件的建立:Tools→Folder options。
未显示地球图标时:打开ACDSEE.6→TOOLS→file Association(文件关联) →ZCO中的对钩去掉→单击OK。
注意事项1. 请确保将微波炉放置在稳固的水平表面上,并保持其周围足够的空间,防止过热和损坏。
2. 请勿在微波炉内加热密封的或食物,以免产生过高的压力和危险。
3. 打开微波炉门之前,务必等待食物完全加热结束,以避免热气和蒸汽的伤害。
4. 请勿在微波炉中加热易燃物品、金属制品、有毒物质或容易爆炸的物质,以防止火灾和安全事故。
5. 使用微波炉时,请勿将手插入内部或使用金属器具接触加热物体,以免受到电击或其他伤害。
6. 如果发现微波炉内部有腐蚀、漏水或其他损坏情况,请停止使用并联系维修人员进行检修。
使用指南1. 打开微波炉门并将待加热的食物放置在旋转盘上,确保食物均匀分布。
2. 关闭微波炉门,选择适当的加热时间和功率,根据食物的种类和数量进行设定。
3. 按下启动按钮开始加热过程。
4. 加热完毕后,小心地打开微波炉门,使用防热手套或其他工具取出食物。
5. 注意,微波炉加热的食物在外部可能看起来不热,但内部仍可能非常热,请小心避免烫伤。
6. 完成使用后,请关闭微波炉电源并清洁微波炉内部和外部表面。
故障排除如果您在使用微波炉时遇到任何故障或异常情况,请参考以下排除故障的方法:- 若微波炉无法启动,请检查电源线是否正确连接并重新插拔。
- 若微波炉内部出现异常噪音,请停止使用并联系维修人员进行检修。
- 若微波炉加热效果不佳,请检查食物种类、数量和加热时间设定是否正确。
科学家微波器 操作手册说明书
3B SCIENTIFIC® PHYSICS1009950 (10,5 GHz, 115 V, 50/60 Hz)1009951 ( 9,4 GHz, 230 V, 50/60 Hz)Bedienungsanleitung09/17 ERL/ALFBetriebsgerät1 Anschluss für Empfänger2 Verstärkerausgang3 Verstärkerausgang (Masse)4 Anschluss für Sender5 Modulationseingang (Masse)6 Modulationseingang7 Wahlschalter für Modulation(intern/off/extern),8 Schalter für internen Laut-sprecher9 Regler für SignalverstärkungEmpfänger10 Buchse für Steckernetzgerät12 V AC (Gehäuserückseite)Zubehör11 Sender mit Hornantenne12 Auflageplatte für Prisma13 Prisma aus Paraffin14 Reflektorplatte15 Abdeckplatte für Doppelspalt16 Platte mit Doppelspalt17 Absorptionsplatte18 Polarisationsgitter19 Empfänger mit Hornantenne20 Mikrowellenbank21 Mikrowellensonde22 Mikrowellen-Gelenkbank mitPlattenhalterHF-Felder können in biologisches Gewebe ein-dringen und dieses erwärmen. Der enthaltene Mikrowellensender ist so leistungsschwach, dass Gefährdungen bei sachgemäßem Betrieb des Gerätes nicht auftreten.Bei bestimmungsmäßigem Gebrauch ist der si-chere Betrieb des Gerätes gewährleistet. Die Sicherheit ist jedoch nicht garantiert, wenn das Gerät unsachgemäß bedient oder unachtsam behandelt wird.∙Vor Inbetriebnahme sind Gehäuse und Netzleitung auf Beschädigungen zu über-prüfen.∙Wenn anzunehmen ist, dass ein gefahrlo-ser Betrieb nicht mehr möglich ist (z.B. beisichtbaren Schäden), ist das Gerät unver-züglich außer Betrieb zu setzen.∙Der Anschluss des Senders ist nur an das 3B-ELWE Betriebsgerät zulässig.∙In Schulen und Ausbildungseinrichtungen ist der Betrieb des Gerätes durch geschul-tes Personal verantwortlich zu überwachen. ∙Direktes Hineinblicken in den Antennen-trichter des Senders sowie in das reflek-tierte Strahlenbündel ist zu vermeiden.∙Gerät nur durch eine Fachkraft öffnen las-sen.Mit dem Gerätesatz können Mikrowellen er-zeugt und empfangen werden.Mit den enthaltenen Komponenten und Geräten sind vielfältige Experimente möglich, die sowohl qualitative als auch quantitative Aussagen er-möglichen.Das vom Sender ausgesandte und eng be-grenzte Bündel elektromagnetischer Wellen im cm-Bereich kann mit der Hornantenne (19) oder der Sonde (21) empfangen werden. Die Modu-lation des Empfängersignals kann über den in-ternen Lautsprecher hörbar gemacht werden, wobei die Intensität des akustischen Signals mit der Stärke des empfangenen Signals zu- oder abnimmt.Das Mikrowellengerät wird über ein Stecker-netzgerät 12 V AC gespeist.Das Mikrowellengerät 10,5 GHz (1009950) ist für eine Netzspannung von 115 V (±10 %) aus-gelegt, das Gerät 9,4 GHz (1009951) für 230 V (±10 %).1 Betriebsgerät1 Sender mit Hornantenne1 Empfänger mit Hornantenne1 Mikrowellensonde1 Mikrowellenbank, 800 mm1 Mikrowellen-Gelenkbank, 400 mm mit Plat-tenhalter1 Reflektorplatte 180 x 180 mm²1 Polarisationsgitter, 180 x 180 mm²1 Absorptionsplatte aus Faserstoff, 180 x 180mm²1 Prisma aus Paraffin1 Auflageplatte für Prisma1 Platte mit Doppelspalt1 Abdeckplatte für Doppelspalt1 BedienungsanleitungSender mit Hornantenne:Frequenz des Oszillators: 9,4 GHz (1009951)10,5 GHz (1009950)Sendeleistung: 10 mW bis 25 mW Modulationsart: AM Modulationssignal: über WahlschalterIntern /aus /extern Modulation intern: ca. 3 kHzca. 80 % AM Modulation extern: 100 Hz bis 20 kHzmax. 1 V Akustisches Signal: intern (schaltbar) Ausgangsspannung: max. 10 V Akustisches Signal: intern (schaltbar) Ausgangsspannung: max. 10 VEmpfänger mitHornantenne: Siliziumdiode mitResonator Mikrowellensonde: Siliziumdiode mitResonator Versorgungsspannung: 12 V AC über Ste-ckernetzgerät AbmessungenBetriebsgerät: 170 x 200 x 75 mm³5.1 Aufbau Schienensystem (Grundeinstel-lung)∙Zentrische Schraube unter der Skalen-scheibe in die Bohrung der langen Schiene einsetzen.Ausgangslage ist ein gestrecktes Schienensys-tem (Pfeil auf der langen Schiene weist auf …0°“ der Winkelskala).∙Gelenkfuß durch Schieben an der Zeiger-spitze auf Skalennullpunkt einstellen.Die Zeigerspitze weist in die Lotrichtung des Plattenhalters und ermöglicht somit das direkte Ablesen oder Einstellen des Einfallswinkels (Ablesung an der äußeren Ziffernskala). 5.2 Systemaufbau∙Netzanschluss herstellen.∙Empfänger mit Hornantenne bzw. Empfän-gersonde an Anschluss für Empfänger (1) an-schließen.∙Sender mit Hornantenne an Anschluss für Sender (4) anschließen.∙Sender und Empfänger entsprechend den Abbildungen zu den Experimenten auf Schienensystem anordnen.∙Lautstärke mit Regler für Signalverstärkung(9) auf mittlere Position stellen.∙Lautsprecher mit Schalter (8) einschalten. ∙Modulator mit Schalter (7) auf …INT“ schal-ten.Das abgestrahlte Mikrowellensignal wird recht-eckförmig moduliert, die Modulationsfrequenz kann über den eingebauten Lautsprecher hör-bar gemacht werden.An den Buchsen (2) und (3) kann das verstärkte Signal des Empfängers als Gleichspannung (nach abgeschalteter Modulation), als Recht-eckspannung (bei interner Modulation) oder als NF-Signal (durch externe Modulation) abgegrif-fen werden.Die Modulation ist mit der Mittelstellung des Schalters (7) deaktiviert. Am Buchsenpaar (3)(4) liegt eine, dem Pegel und der Verstär-kung proportionale Gleichspannung, die z.B. über ein Zeigerinstrument (z.B. Analogmultime-ter Escola 30 1013526) angezeigt werden kann. Wird mit Schalter (7) die Stellung …EXT“ ge-wählt, so können NF-Signale (z.B. von einem MP3 Player) über die Buchsen (5) und (6) ein-gekoppelt und über den internen Lautsprecher im Basisgerät wiedergegeben werden. (Adapter Klinkenstecker auf 4-mm Buchse erforderlich). Die Informationsübertragung erfolgt hierbei über das Mikrowellensignal zwischen Sender und Empfänger.(19) einander senk-Maximaler Empfang, wenn Öffnungen direkt ge-geradlinig aus (in homogenem Medium und auch im Va-(elektri-scher Isolator) zwischen Sender und Emp-Verstärkung (9) im mittleren Bereich einstel-Isolato-und einspannen Verstärkung im unteren Bereich einstellen.Mikro-da kein Empfangssig-angefeuchtete AbsorptionsplatteFolgerung: Beim Durchdringen von Stoffen mit ab-Reflektorplatte im Winkel von ca. 30°, 40°, einstellen; Winkel der langen Schiene ändern, bis ma-durchführen Folgerung: An elektrischen Leitern werden Mik-rowellen reflektiert. Das Reflexionsgesetz wirdcmgegenüberstellen Gesendete und reflektierte Welle überlagern(Markierungoben)Minima (Knoten) oder Maxima (Bäuche) bestim-/2).Frequenz≈6.6 BrechungGrundeinstellung vornehmen (5.1).Auflageplatte für Prisma (12) in die dem Prisma (13) auf Auflageplatte legen und Lange Schiene axial drehen, bis maxima-Folgerung: Mikrowellen durchdringen Paraf-fin. Beim Übergang der Welle von Luft in Pa-derende-Sender (11) ca. 20 cm vom Plattenhalter entfernt und Empfänger (19) in einem Ab-Plattenhaltereiner Kreisbahn so weit aus Wellenbündel her-aus bewegen, bis das Signal deutlich ab-Einfachspalt in den Plattenhalter einset-auf Folgerung: Die Mikrowelle wird am Spalt ge-dem Spalt wieder nachweisbar (hörbare Zunahmeder Sender ca. 20 cm vor der Metallplatte an-Platteabgeschattetendenabge-Platte mit Doppelspalt (16) im Plattenhal-Sender ca. 12 cm vor der Platte positio-Abstandzuauftretenden Maxima die Anzahl der Spalte übersteigt, istPlattenhalterhorizontalerPolarisationsgitters Empfangsmöglichkeit bei vertikaler Aus-richtung des Polarisationsgitters überprü-Folgerung: Da einmal ein Empfang nachge-kein Signal den Empfänger erreicht, wird demons-triert, dass die Hornantenne ein Wechselfeld erzeugt, das nur in einer Richtung schwingt, Mit dem Experiment wird der Nachweis einerWerden Sender und Empfänger gegeneinan-der horizontal und vertikal ausgerichtet, so istin den Strahlengang eingebracht und in der dar-ein abgeschwächtes Signal empfangen. Die Po-Sender und Empfänger einander gegen-Empfänger außerhalb der Schiene senk-Maximaler Empfang, wenn Öffnungen di-An Hand der internen Modulation (3 kHz Sig-nal) oder der externen Modulation (z.B. Ton-signal eines MP3 Players) kann InformationFolgerung: Mikrowellen (elektromagnetischedie-3B Scientific GmbH ▪ Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 20 ▪ 20459 Hamburg ▪ Deutschland ▪ 。
微波炉操作手册注意事项:1. 在使用微波炉之前,请仔细阅读操作手册,并按照手册中的说明进行正确操作。
2. 在使用微波炉时,请确保炉腔内没有金属制品、银器、铝箔纸、金属制疏松材料等,以免引起火灾或其他意外。
3. 当微波炉在操作过程中出现异常现象时,请立即停止使用并与售后服务部门联系。
4. 儿童必须在成人的监护下操作微波炉。
使用方法:1. 打开微波炉门,将要加热的食物或饮料放入炉腔中,并确保食物或饮料不会溢出。
2. 关闭微波炉门,并确保门完全闭合。
3. 根据食物或饮料的种类和容量选择合适的加热时间和功率等级。
4. 在选择完加热时间和功率等级后,按下开始/启动按钮,微波炉会开始工作。
5. 微波炉加热过程中可以随时打开炉门检查食物或饮料的状况,但此时微波炉会自动停止加热,直到炉门重新关闭后才会继续加热。
6. 加热完成后,微波炉会发出提示音,食物或饮料可取出。
常见问题与解决方法:1. 微波炉加热不均匀:可能是食物或饮料摆放不均匀,将其调整好后重新加热即可;2. 食物或饮料热得过程中溢出:可能是容器不适合微波炉加热,更换适合的容器后重新加热即可;3. 微波炉工作时产生噪音:正常情况下微波炉会发出微弱噪音,如果噪音异常大,请停止使用并与售后服务部门联系;4. 微波炉显示屏出现错误信息:根据显示屏上的提示进行处理,如果问题无法解决,请与售后服务部门联系。
注意事项:1. 微波炉不适用于以下食物或饮料的加热:鸡蛋、葡萄、干辛辣酱、火鸡、狗、人类、玉米。
2. 请勿在微波炉内进行干燥衣物、电池、硬币等物品的加热操作。
3. 使用微波炉时应注意防止烫伤,取出加热后的食物或饮料时请使用防烫手套或其他工具。
4. 长时间不使用微波炉时,请拔掉电源插头以节约能源和延长使用寿命。
This discrete microwave detector is supplied already integrated into our luminaires to provide occupancy/motion detection with simple adjustment of detection range, time out and switching light level.• Simple set up and operation• Up to 360° detection (subject to mounting orientation)• 1m to 5m diameter detection range, up to 8m diameter • 2 to 30 lux switching for twilight operation subject to mounting and luminaire compatibility • 5 sec to 25 minute time delayFunctionAn HF or microwave detector operates differently to a Passive Infra-Red detector (PIR), it is important to understand the main operational differences to ensure the correct device is used for the application.Unlike motion detectors with PIR technology, this high frequency (HF) motion detector emits a 5.8 GHz signal.Movement is detected by a change in frequency of wavesreflected by a moving object within the detection zone. Vibration or moving machinery may also trigger the device.The HF detectors are almost temperature-independent, whereas temperature is the basis for the PIR motion detectors temperature measuring process.Infra-red waves from a PIR detector do not pass through walls, but high frequency waves can do. As a consequence, it may not be possible to have the clear boundary of a room wall when using an HF occupancy detector. Therefore, movement of people or machinery in adjacent rooms may also be detected and activate the device, resulting in lights activating unnecessarily.functionality may be impaired.avoid false switching due to proximity to the lamps. Integrated Microwave DetectorDetection ZoneDimensionsMicrowave SensorIP209Lighting Controls9Microwave SensorSet up and OperationPlease read all the information contained in these directions prior to any set up or servicing.Isolate the device from the mains power supply before carrying out any installation, maintenance or servicing.The device will generally be pre installed into a luminaire ready for set up with no additional installation or connection required.Light Level SettingThe chosen light response threshold can be infinitely varied from approx. 2 to 30 lux or disabled using the dip switches.Time SettingThe light can be set to stay ON for any period of time between approx. 5 seconds and a maximum of 25 minutes using the dip switchesAny movement detected before this time elapses will re-start the timer.There will be no twilight evaluation (daytime operation) for as long as the motion detector is switched on.Note: After the light switches OFF, it takes approx. 1 second before it is able to start detecting movement again.Luminaire Range CompatibilityThe device is designed for integration into our luminaires and is not available as a stand alone device.Luminaire ranges particularly suited to the integrated microwave sensor include: Tufflite, Crompack 5, Cercla, Modulay with panels, Varsity and Wavelite 2. The ‘IM’ prefix on compatible luminaires indicates inclusion of the microwave detector. Please contact your local Eaton sales engineer to discuss your requirements.Test SettingIn order to adjust the detection range during the day, the light level value must be set to daylight and time should be set to the minimum (approx. 5 seconds). The sensor is often set todaylight to deactivate the photocell to avoid false switching due to proximity to the lamps.Note: When initialising the detector into operation or after a power failure, the motion detector will switch on for the duration of the set time-value.ConnectionsConnect power supply as indicated in the terminal connection:Phase = LConnected phase = L’ Neutral conductor = NTechnical DataTrouble Shooting GuideMalfunction Cause RemedyCauseRemedyThe load will not workIncorrect light-control setting selected Load faultyMains switch OFFAdjust setting Replace load Switch ONThe load is always onContinuous movement in the detection zoneCheck zone settingThe load is on without any identifiable movementThe sensor is not mounted for reliably detection movement Movement occurred, but not identified by the sensor (movement behind wall, movement of small object in immediate lamp vicinity etc.)Securely mount enclosure Check zone settingThe load will not work despite movementRapid movements are being suppressed to minimise malfunctioning or the detection radius is too smallCheck zone setting************************************************************************************************************************Power Supply: 230V (+6%/-10%) 50/60Hz Maxload:400W Inductive Power consumption: <1WHF transmitter output: 5.8GHz <10mW ISM Band Range:Up to 5m Photo electric switch:2 to 30 lux Time setting:5 sec to 25 minAmbient temperature range: -10 to + 50°C (The luminaire ambient operating temperature may be more restricted)Housing material:UV stable Polycarbonate4479Lighting Controls9Microwave Sensor。
Microwave ovenNUser's manual ESMW 4217WHPrior to using this appliance, please read the user's manual thoroughly, even in cases, when one has already familiarised themselves with previous use of similar types of appliances. Only use the appliancein the manner described in this user's manual. Keep this user's manual in a safe place where it can be easily retrieved for future use.We recommend saving the original cardboard box, packaging material, purchase receipt and responsibility statement of the vendor and warranty card for at least the duration of the legal liabilityfor unsatisfactory performance or quality. In the event of transportation, we recommend that you packthe appliance in the original box from the manufacturer.E N Microwave oven SMW 4217WH Table of ConTenTsIMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (3)DESCRIPTION OF THE MICROWAVE OVEN (7)DESCRIPTION OF THE CONTROL PANEL (8)INSTALLATION (8)GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS (9)OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE MICROWAVE OVEN (9)USING THE CORRECT KITCHEN COOKWARE (10)THE BASICS OF COOKING IN A MICROWAVE OVEN (11)FUNCTION OF THE GRILL / COMBINATION COOKING (11)CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE (12)BEFORE YOU CONTACT AN AUTHORISED SERVICE CENTRE (12)TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS (13)INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING THE DISPOSAL OF USED PACKAGING MATERIALS (14)DISPOSAL OF USED ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT (14)Microwave ovenNSMW 4217WH EIMPoRTanT safeTY InsTRUCTIonsReaD CaRefUllY anD sToRe foR fUTURe Use.• This appliance may be used by children 8 years of age and older and by persons with physical or mental impairments or by inexperienced persons, if they are properly supervised or have been informed about how to use the product in a safe manner and understand the potential dangers. Cleaning and maintenance performed by the user must not be performed by children unless they are older than 8 years of age and under supervision. Keep this appliance and the power cord out of reach of children that are younger than 8 years of age. Children must not play with the appliance.• Before connecting the appliance to a power socket, check that the voltage on its rating label matches the electrical voltage in the power socket.• Connect the appliance only to a properly grounded socket.• The microwave oven is designed for domestic use and similar places such as:– s taff kitchens in stores, offices and other workplaces;– i n agriculture;– h otel or motel rooms and other living areas;– b ed and breakfast establishments.• Do not use the microwave oven outdoors or subject it to the effects of the outdoor environment.• Do not place the microwave oven on window sills, kitchen sink drainboards or unstable surfaces. Always place it on a stable, even and dry surface.• This microwave oven is not designed to be built-in intoa cabinet.• Never use the microwave oven in the direct vicinity of a bath, shower or swimming pool.E N Microwave oven SMW 4217WH • The microwave oven is designed for heating food and beverages. Only use the microwave oven for the purposes for which it was designed and in the manner described in this user's manual. Dehydrating food or drying clothes and heating up heating cushions, home footwear, washing sponges, damp textiles and similar items may lead to an injury hazard, ignition or fire. Do not use the microwave for industrial or laboratory purposes.• To ensure sufficient air circulation there must be free space left around the microwave oven. Ensure free space of 20 cm above the top surface of the oven, 10 cm from behind and on the sides. Do not block any opening of the oven. Do not remove the feet of the oven.• Do not use the kitchen utensils listed below in the microwave oven:– m etal pans and crockery with metal handles or with metaldecorations;– c lamps on plastic bags;– d ishes with melamine surface treatment;– s tandard thermometers, which are used for measuring thetemperature of meat, etc.• Kitchen dishes may become hot as a result of the heat transferred from the heated food. Sometimes it is necessary to use kitchen gloves.• Do not attempt to use the microwave oven with the door open. You could expose yourself to the harmful effect of microwaves. Do not run the microwave oven when it is empty.• Use only kitchen dishes suitable for use in microwave ovens. When heating a meal on plastic or paper dishes, regularly check the oven to prevent it catching on fire.• If you notice smoke, turn off the microwave oven and disconnect the power plug from the socket. Leave the oven door closed to prevent potential fire from spreading.Microwave ovenNSMW 4217WH E Warning:Liquids or other food must not be heated in closed containersas they could explode.• Heating of beverages in the microwave may cause a delayed boil and so you should be careful when handling containers and dishes.• Be especially careful when handling heated beverages and foodstuffs as hot steam may be released from them.• Eggs in their shells and whole hard boiled eggs must not be heated in the microwave oven because they could explode even after the microwave heating process has finished.• Do not fry food in the microwave oven. Hot oil may damage parts of the oven, dishes or may also cause skin burns.• Before cooking, prick food that has a thick peel, such as potatoes, pumpkins, apples.• The content of baby bottles and baby food needs to be mixed or shaken before being served to an infant or child and the temperature needs to be checked to prevent burns.• When not using the oven, do not leave paper materials, kitchen dishes or food inside.• Keep the inside of the oven clean. If the walls of the oven are splattered with food juices then wipe them away using a damp cloth. If the oven is heavily soiled, you can use a weak solution of a neutral kitchen detergent.• Regularly clean the door and the window of the oven from both sides, the door gasket seal and neighbouring parts and any food remains. For cleaning, we recommend the use ofa weak kitchen detergent solution. Ensure that remains of thecleaning agent do not remain on the inside wall.• Clean the oven regularly according to the above mentioned instructions and remove any food that remains inside it. Failure to keep the oven clean could lead to surface damage, which could adversely affect the lifetime of the appliance and could lead to a dangerous situation.E N Microwave oven SMW 4217WH Warning:If the door or the door gasket seal is damaged then the oven must not be used until repaired by an authorised service centre.• Do not use the microwave oven if the power cord or power plug is damaged, if it is not working correctly, if it is damaged or if it has been dropped on the floor. Any repair of the microwave oven or replacement of a damaged power cord may only be carried out by an authorised service centre, as this will prevent a dangerous situation from occurring.Warning:It is dangerous for anybody other than an authorised service centre to carry out any repairs or maintenance whatsoever that leads to the removal of any cover providing protection against microwave energy radiation.Microwave ovenNSMW 4217WH E DesCRIPTIon of THe MICRoWaVe oVenE N Microwave oven SMW 4217WH DesCRIPTIon of THe ConTRol Panel1. Power control dialSetting the microwave power level2. Timer Time setting range of 0–30 minutesInsTallaTIon1. Make sure that you have taken all packaging materials, such as plastic bags, polystyrene, etc. outfrom inside the oven.note:Do not remove the cover of the magnetron A 6, which is located on the right side of the insidearea of the oven.Warning:Check whether the oven is damaged in any way, e.g. whether the oven door is incorrectly attached or dinted, whether the door gasket seal is damaged or whether the hinges or locks are loose. If you discover any damage, do not use the oven and contact a qualified service technician.2. The microwave oven must be placed on an even, stable surface, that can bear its weight even with the food inside.3. Do not locate the oven near sources of heat, in locations with increased humidity or near flammable materials.4. This appliance is designed to be used in open space, it is not designed to be built-in.5. Do not use the oven without the turning plate A 1 installed.6. Make sure that the power cord is not underneath the oven or in contact with hot or sharp surfaces.7. The electrical power socket must be easily accessible in case it is necessary to quickly disconnect the power cord.Microwave ovenNSMW 4217WH EGRoUnDInG InsTRUCTIons• This microwave oven must be grounded. The microwave oven is equipped with a power cord, which has a grounding wire with a grounded power plug. The power plug must be connected to an electric power socket, which is properly installed and grounded. Grounding reduces the risk of electrical shock. In the case of a short circuit the electric current is conducted though the grounding wire. We recommend that the oven be connected to an independent electrical circuit.Warning:An incorrectly grounded power socket may present a danger of electric shock.note:If you have any questions regarding grounding or electrical instructions, consult all such matterswith a qualified electrician or repair person.Neither the manufacturer nor the vendor take any responsibility for whatever damage to theoven or injury resulting from an incorrect electrical connection.oPeRaTInG InsTRUCTIons foR THe MICRoWaVe oVen1. Install the turning tray holder A3 and the turning tray A1 into the microwave oven before firstuse.note:The tray A1 must turn freely when the microwave oven is in operation.2. Connect the power cord plug to a power socket.3. Place the food you wish to cook into a container suitable for use in a microwave. Open themicrowave oven door and place the container with the food on to the turning tray.4. Close the oven door and set the desired power level using the power control dial.LOW Low (18 %)DEFROST Defrosting (36 %)MED Medium (58 %)M.HIGH Medium high (81 %)HIGH High (100 %)GRILL GrillCombi 1Grill 70 % of the time + microwave cooking 30 % of the timeCombi 2Grill 49 % of the time + microwave cooking 51 % of the timeCombi 3Grill 67 % of the time + microwave cooking 33 % of the timeE N Microwave oven SMW 4217WH attention:Do not leave the microwave oven in operation without supervision.5. If you wish to check the condition of the food during the cooking process, open the door. The microwave oven will automatically stop. Close the door to complete the cooking process.6. The microwave oven will turn itself off automatically at the end of the set time. If you wish to end the cooking process earlier, set the timer to 0.7. Take the container with the food out of the microwave oven.note:Dishes may become hot as a result of the heat transferred from the heated food. In such a case use protective kitchen gloves.8. Check the temperature of the food before consuming it.UsInG THe CoRReCT KITCHen CooKWaRe1. The ideal type of cookware for cooking in the microwave oven is a transparent container, which permits the penetration of microwaves inside for the heating of food.2. Metal dishes or bowls with a metal rim should not be used, because microwaves cannot pass through metals.3. Do not use recycled paper products for cooking in the microwave because they may contain small metal particles.4. It is better to use circular or oval containers than square or rectangular containers. Food located in the corners has a tendency to overcook.5. You should use containers suitable for microwave ovens only in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer.This general list will help you select the right dishes.Special plates for creating a crustDo not use them longer than 8 minutes.Porcelain and pottery dishes ●Porcelain, pottery dishes including glazed dishes andbone porcelain are suitable if they do not have metaldecorations.Single use polyester plates ●Plates are used for the packaging of some frozen foods.Wrapped ready food • P olystyrene cups ●May be used to heat foods. Overheating may cause thepolystyrene to melt.• P aper bags or newspapers x May catch on fire in the oven.• R ecycled paper or metal edging x May cause sparks in the oven.Glass • G lass cookware ●May be used if it doesn't have metal decorations.• F ine glass ●May be used to heat foods and beverages. Fine glass maycrack, if it is suddenly heated to a higher temperature.• G lass jars ●Remove the lid. Use only for heating.• P latesx May cause sparks in the oven or food to catch on fire.• M etal bag clipsx Paper dishes• P lates, cups, napkins andkitchen paper towels●Are appropriate for a short time for heating and cooking, likewise for the absorption of excess moisture.• R ecycled paperx May cause sparks in the oven.Plastic dishes• D ishes ●Use only heat resistant plastics, other plastics may due tohigh temperatures lose their shape or colour. Do not useproducts from melamine.• W rapping foils ●Use to maintain moisture, should not come into contactwith food. When removing them be careful of theescaping steam.• B ags for frozen foods ▲Only if intended for cooking or resistant against hightemperatures. Must not be airtight. If necessary penetrateusing a fork.Waxed paper ●May be used to maintain moisture in foods and forpreventing drops of fat and juices from spraying.● recommended use; ▲ limited use; x not recommended;THe basICs of CooKInG In a MICRoWaVe oVen1. Carefully organise the food. Place the larger food pieces on the perimeter of the dish.2. Place the food on an appropriate dish before putting it into the oven. Do not prepare food directlyon the turning plate A 1.3. Set the correct cooking time. We recommend that you set a shorter cooking time and extend it ifnecessary. When cooking foods at high temperatures smoke may be created or a fire may start.4. Cover the food before cooking. You will prevent juices from splashing around by covering the food.5. To speed up the cooking of foods, such as chickens or hamburgers, turn them over once during thecooking process. Large pieces of food such as roasts must be turned over at least once.6. When cooking, organise foods such to hamburgers from the top down and from the centre of thedish to its edge.fUnCTIon of THe GRIll / CoMbInaTIon CooKInG•The grill function is especially suitable for thin pieces of meat, steaks, schnitzels, kebabs, sausages or chicken pieces. This function is also suitable for toasting sandwiches and roasting meals.•The combination cooking function has 3 cooking modes. Depending on the desired degree of heating (microwave cooking) and degree of crunchiness (grill) of the meal, the following can be selected:C ombi 1: Grill 70% of the time + microwave cooking 30% of the time. This function is suitable for preparing fish, potatoes and baked foods.C ombi 2: Grill 49% of the time + microwave cooking 51% of the time. This function is suitable for baked potatoes and poultry.C ombi 3: Grill 33% of the time + microwave cooking 67% of the time. This function is suitable for making, for example, omelettes.G RaTe a8: Place the stand on the turning plate A1 with the objective of improving the grillingresults, the combination function.CleanInG anD MaInTenanCeBefore cleaning the oven, always turn it off and disconnect it from the power supply.1. Before first use, wash the turning tray A1 in a weak solution of kitchen detergent and then rinsethoroughly under running drinking water.2. To prevent damaging the operating parts of the oven, make sure that during cleaning, water doesnot enter the ventilation openings located on the left hand side of the microwave oven.3. From time to time it is necessary to remove the turning tray A1 and clean it. Clean the turning trayA1 in warm soapy water or in a dishwasher.4. The turning tray holder A4 and the underside of the inside area of the oven should be regularlycleaned to prevent excessive noise. Simply clean out the underside of the inside area of the oven using a weak neutral kitchen detergent solution. You may clean the turning tray holder A4 ina weak neutral kitchen detergent solution or in a dishwasher. After cleaning it, insert it back intothe microwave oven.5. If it becomes necessary to replace the lighting inside the oven, please contact the vendor or anauthorised service centre.6. Clean the oven regularly according to the above mentioned instructions and remove any foodthat remains inside it. Failure to keep the oven clean could lead to surface damage, which could adversely affect the lifetime of the appliance and could lead to a dangerous situation.befoRe YoU ConTaCT an aUTHoRIseD seRVICe CenTReIf the microwave oven is not working:• check that the oven is properly connected to the power grid. If you are not sure, disconnect the power plug from the power socket, wait 10 seconds and then reconnect it.• check that a circuit breaker has not disengaged. If the microwave oven is still not working, check on a different device whether the electric power socket is working.• check that you have set the proper values on the control panel.• check that the oven door is properly closed. Otherwise, it is not possible to start the set cooking program.Warning:If the above mentioned steps do not help, contact an authorised service centre. Do not attempt to modify or repair the microwave oven yourself.TeCHnICal sPeCIfICaTIonsRated voltage range ......................................................................................................................230−240 V Rated frequency .....................................................................................................................................50 Hz Rated power input .............................................................................................................................1,200 W Microwave power output ....................................................................................................................700 W Grill power .............................................................................................................................................................................................900 W Operating frequency .....................................................................................................................2,450 MHz Noise level .........................................................................................................................................58 dB(A)Diameter of the turning plate ...........................................................................................................245 mm Volume ........................................................................................................................................................17 l External dimensions (w × d × h) ....................................................................................452 × 355 × 262 mm Weight .................................................................................................................................................11.5 kg The declared noise emission level of the appliance is 58 dB(A), which represents a level A of acoustic power with respect to a reference acoustic power of 1 pW.We reserve the right to change text and technical specifications.。
Discovery软件操作手册GNT国际公司目录一.工区建立与管理 (1)二.数据加载 (3)三.微机地质应用 (10)四. 微机三维地震解释综合应用 (19)五.微机单井测井解释及多井评价 (39)六.储层管理与预测 (54)七.smartSECTION模块 (63)八.正演建模 (69)一.工区建立与管理1.1工区目录(home)建立我们一般习惯把Discovery工区放在一个文件夹下,这样可方便进行管理。
1) 利用Windows资源管理器,建立一个文件夹,如proj-dis,同时可以把其它机器上的Discovery工区放在次目录下。
2) 在桌面上双击GeoGraphix Discovery图标,打开工区管理模块ProjectExplorer。
3) 进入ProjectExplorer > File> New> Home。
4) 通过浏览器确定proj-dis文件夹,点击确定按钮。
5) 点击下一步按钮,直至完成。
6) 在工区管理模块ProjectExplorer左侧,出现proj-dis工区目录,这样就可以在该目录下建立Discovery工区。
1.2工区(project)创建一般来说,任何一个地学软件工作流程的第一步都是建立一个工区,Discovery 软件也不例外。
1) 在桌面上点击GeoGraphix Discovery 图标,启动ProjectExplorer2) 在工具栏点击New Project 按钮或从菜单条选File > New> Project。
出现NewProject Wizard(新工区向导)的工区对话框。
3) 在Project Name(工区名)框中,输入工区名称。
4) 在Description(描述)框中,输入对工区的描述(如:位置、远景区等)。
5) 压力和深度单位,在中国,选择米制(这对底图和数据库坐标系统都没有影响)。
一、安全提示1. 在使用微波炉前,请确保电源连接正常,并将电源插头接入接地插座。
2. 请避免使用微波炉附近的易燃物品,以免发生火灾。
3. 请勿将金属器皿、金属餐具或银箔纸放入微波炉内,以免引起火花或其他安全问题。
4. 请勿在微波炉内存放易燃、易爆或压力容器类物品,以免发生意外。
5. 请勿将微波炉用作储物空间。
6. 使用微波炉时,请确保炉体内无异物,以免影响加热效果或引发故障。
7. 儿童需在成人的监护下使用微波炉,确保安全。
二、产品特点1. 加热方式:本微波炉采用微波加热,能够快速、均匀地加热食物。
2. 预设程序:本微波炉拥有多种预设程序,可根据不同食品的特点选择合适的加热方式。
3. 时钟显示:微波炉装备有数字时钟显示功能,方便您随时了解时间。
4. 解冻功能:本微波炉提供解冻功能,可快速解冻食材。
三、操作说明1. 开关机:将电源插头插入插座后,微波炉将进入待机状态。
2. 加热食物:将食物放入微波炉内,在微波炉操作面板上选择相应的加热时间和功率,然后按下“开始/暂停”按钮,微波炉将开始加热。
3. 解冻食物:选择解冻功能,根据食物的重量选择合适的解冻时间和功率,然后按下“开始/暂停”按钮,微波炉将开始解冻。
4. 调整时间和功率:在微波炉运行过程中,您可以按下相应的调整按钮来调整加热时间或功率。
5. 清洁与维护:在使用完毕后,将微波炉从电源上断开,并使用柔软的湿布清洁内外部表面。
四、故障排除1. 如果微波炉出现任何故障,请立即将电源插头拔出,并联系售后服务中心,勿自行拆修。
2. 当微波炉无法正常工作或出现异常噪音时,请立即停止使用,并进行维修。
五、注意事项1. 请勿在微波炉内加热密封瓶或密封盒,以免产生过高的压力,导致瓶子或盒子破裂。
Discovery 中文操作
Discovery QDR 系统介绍
Discovery QDR 系列用户指南
图7 膝盖定位器
将大膝盖定位器放置在患者小腿的下方。这样允许对股骨进行定位, 从而使股骨尽可能地成 90 度靠近脊柱,使背部变平。操作人员可向 三个侧面之一的方向转动枕头,以调节患者的高度及大腿的长度。
Discovery-SL 型 本型号可对 AP 腰椎、仰卧侧位脊柱、髋骨、双臀、前臂、全身以及 AP 与侧向成像(单能与双能)的扫描进行采集与分析。
Discovery-W 型 本型号可对 AP 腰椎、髋骨、双臀、前臂、全身以及 AP 与侧向成像 (单能与双能)的扫描进行采集与分析。
Discovery-Wi 型 本型号可对 AP 腰椎、髋骨、双臀、前臂以及全身的扫描进行采集与 分析。
Discovery-C、Ci、W 与 Wi 头部定位器是由泡沫制造的,其上覆盖有 乙烯树脂。在卧姿侧位脊柱扫描过程中,使用头部定位器来调准患 者头部及手臂。头部定位器的一侧比另一侧要低,该侧用于检查过 程中停靠患者的左手臂。
与 Discovery 系列一同提供的还有手册与在线帮助,以帮助操作人员 使用本系统。包括:
在检查床下部产生 X-线,X-线由床下向上投射。探测器位于 C-形臂 的顶部,探测器的作用是将 X-线转换为电子数据。然后,将这些数 据发送至计算机,在计算机内将数据转换为扫描图像。
在患者定位过程中,激光将一红色十字标线指示投射至患者身体上。 十字标线指示处为 X-线束的起始位置。
第1章 Discovery QDR 系统介绍
本章向操作人员介绍了 Discovery QDR®系列骨密度仪。本系列包 括了六个型号的多重探测器、扇形束双能 X-线吸收测量(DXA) 骨密度仪。每个型号均提供了独特的扫描性能,可满足特定临床 环境的需求。
Discover Wi-Fi 用户手册说明书
• 2.4GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n • Support AP/STA Dual mode • Built-in TCP/IP Stack, HTTP, DHCP, DNS,
and Web Server • Support WPA/WPA2 PSK security • Wi-Fi chipset: Broadcom BCM43362 • MCU: ST Microelectronics STM32 ARM Cortex-M3 • Host Interface: UART, SPI Interface & Standalone • Other Interface: GPIO, ADC, DAC, I2C • JTAG Interface for Debugging • Power Options
iii | P a g e
Section 1 Introduction
The Discover Wi-Fi is a low power, self-contained, certified Wi-Fi network controller module that provides simple serial-to-Wi-Fi connectivity to the internet and enables the wireless connectivity to STM32F4DISCOVERY kit (a very flexible development kit based on STM32F4 high performance microcontroller from STMicroelectronics). The Discover Wi-Fi board connects to STM32F4DISCOVERY kit using serial host interface [UART OR SPI]; it can also be used as a standalone Wi-Fi station or network controller. It can be used to enable wireless connectivity to the simplest products with minimal engineering resources.
里3、在我的电脑属性->高级->环境变量->创建 FND_SECURE 变量值:为安装Discoverer中的bin下创建的SECURE目录例如: E:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin\secure然后将 dbc文件(PROD.dbc文件是生产环境的配置文件,TEST.dbc为克隆环境的配置文件)放入 E:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin\secure2) 在我的电脑属性->高级->环境变量->创建 FND_TOP 变量值: E:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\bin3) 将tnsnames.ora下载并复制到安装目录Discoverer下\network\ADMIN例如: E:\oracle\BIToolsHome_1\network\ADMIN1、进入administrator界面登陆2、选择应付款管理超级用户3、在administrator用户下选择打开现有的业务数据区4、进入5、选择创建新业务数据区6、选择APPS7、选择输入后,点击下一步,直到完成。
CONVECT BAKEUse the provided short convection rack and a microwave-safe, ovenproof baking dish. See “Accessory Configurations” in the User Guide.NOTE: Microwave oven cavity, inside of the door, convection rack and baking dish will be hot. Use oven mitts to remove the dish and to handle the hot convection rack.1 Manual Convect Bake – Use for foods such as baked goods,frozen foods and casseroles. Use same time asrecipe. Allow microwave oven to preheat.■Place the convection rack and microwave safety dish on the turntable. Enter temperature, between 250°F (121°C)and 450°F (232°C). Default temperature is 325°F (163°C).■Touch Time/Power keypad, and enter time in hours and minutes, up to 4 hours.■Touch Start keypad to begin preheat. Preheat may be skipped by touching Start keypad again.■After preheat, place baking dish with food on the convection rack, then touch Start keypad to begin baking.2 Biscuits (refrigerated)■Regular – 5 or 10 servings: Use round cake pan or pizza pan.■Large – 5 or 8 servings: Use round cake pan or pizza pan.3 Bread■Frozen Garlic Bread – 1 loaf.■Quick Bread – 1 or 2 loaves.■Yeast Bread – 1 or 2 loaves.■Muffins – 6 muffins: Use pan with 6 cups.4 Casserole■Lasagna – 8" x 8" (20.3 x 20.3 cm): Let stand 5 minutes after cooking.■Pasta Casserole – 1.5 or 2.0 qt (1.4 or 1.9 L): Let stand5 minutes after cooking.■Vegetable Casserole – 1.5 or 2.0 qt (1.4 or 1.9 L): Let stand5 minutes after cooking.5 Desserts■Angel Food Cake – 1 cake: Use large tube pan. Invert pan after baking.■Brownies – 8" x 8" (20.3 x 20.3 cm).■Cookies – 1 tray: Use round pizza pan or cookie sheet.■Pie (fresh) – 1 pie, 9" (22.9 cm).■Pie (frozen) – 1 pie, 9" (22.9 cm): Follow directions on package.6 Frozen Pizza■Rising Crust Pizza – 6" to 12" (15.2 to 30.5 cm): Use pizza pan, or place pizza directly on convection rack.■Thin Crust Pizza – 6" to 12" (15.2 to 30.5 cm): Use pizza pan, or place pizza directly on convection rack.7 Frozen Rolls – 1 to 8 servings (rolls): Use round cake pan orpizza pan.8 Fresh Rolls■Regular – 4 or 8 servings (rolls): Use refrigerated dough.Use round cake pan or pizza pan.■Large – 5 or 6 servings (rolls): Use refrigerated dough. Use round cake pan or pizza pan.9 Quiche – 1 quiche, 9" (22.9 cm).CONVECT ROASTUse the provided short convection rack and an ovenproof microwavesafe dish or plate. See “Accessory Configurations” in the User Guide.NOTE: Microwave oven cavity, inside of the door, convection rack and crisp pan will be hot. Use oven mitts to remove the pan and to handle the hot convection rack.1 Manual Convect Roast: Use for foods such as meats,vegetablesvand potatoes. Decrease time by 10%-20%. Use 30% microwave power for large meats and casseroles. Use 10%-20% microwave power for thin cuts of meat.■Place the convection rack on the turntable. Default temperture is 325°F (163°C). Use number pads to enter adifferent temperature, 250°F (121°C) to 450°F (232°C).■Touch Time/Power keypad, and enter time in hours and minutes, up to 4 hours.■Touch Time/Power keypad, and enter power level, from 10% to 30%. Default power is 30%.■Touch Start keypad to begin pre heat. Preheat may be skipped by touching Start keypad again.■After preheat, place baking dish with rack and food on the turntable, then touch Start keypad to begin roasting.2 Beef Roast – 2.0 to 4.0 lbs (907 g-1.8 kg): Let stand,covered, for 10 minutes after cooking. Preset time is formedium doneness.3 Chicken Wings, frozen – 1 to4 servings:Place in microwave-safe, ovenproof dish.4 Whole Chicken – 3.0-5.0 lbs (1.5-2.3 kg): Let stand, covered,for 10 minutes after cooking.5 Lamb Chops – 1 or 2 chops:Cut into fat around edges. Preset time is for mediumdoneness.6 Meat Loaf – 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 lbs (454, 680 or 907 g).7 Pork Chops – 1 or 2 chops: Cut into fat around edges.8 Pork Roast – 2.0-4.0 lbs (907 g-1.8 kg): Let stand, covered,for 10 minutes after cooking.9 Turkey Breast, Bone-in – 3.0-5.0 lbs (1.5-2.3 kg): Let stand,covered, for 10 minutes after cooking.Whirlpool® Microwave Hood Combination Model WMH78519L Quick Reference Guide MENU PROGRAMS: Touch the Menu control. Use control arrows to scroll through program options, then touch SELECT control. Follow display prompts to select submenu items and/or amounts, and then start the program.W11603638A1AIR FRYUse with air fry basket. See “Accessory Configurations” in the User Guide. Touch Air Fry button, enter weight or servings, press select to confirm. Insert air fry basket and food at prompt, press Start button to start cooking. And turn/flip food at prompt. NOTES:■Microwave oven cavity, inside of the door, air fry basket, glass tray will be hot. Use oven mitts to remove the air frybasket and take out the glass tray to clean.■The feet of the air fry basket are foldable. Please do not use the feet of the basket when handling the basket,otherwise there is a risk of tipping.■Before cooking, kindly remind to open the foldable feet and put the air fry basket on the center of the turntable.■During or after cooking, air fry basket will be hot, always use mitts to remove and handle the hot air fry basket.■The basket is designed to be easy to clean andDishwasher safe. Please use a cleaning sponge or ragto hand wash the basket, try to avoid using steel woolto clean the basket or sharp instruments to scratch thebasket.■When cooking juicy meats, a microwave safe dish can be placed on the turntable and under the air fry basket as agrease pan.■When taking out the basket from the cavity, pay attention to whether there is any dripping juice in the basket, so asto avoid scalding or causing the table surface to be dirty.1 Manual air fry: This function is to use forced air combinedwith grill function to obtain deep fried effect in a microwave oven environment instead of submerging the food in oil.For better performance, we recommend using auto recipes to fry food first. If there is no recipe you can try manual function.■Open the foldable feet of the air fry basket.■Place the air fry basket on the center of the turntable and turn the turntable to make sure the air fry basket does nottouch the cavity wall.■Air fry default temperature is 425°F (218°C). Use number pads to enter a different temperature, 400°F (204°C) to450°F (232°C).■Touch Cook Time/Power, and enter time in minutes and seconds, up to 99:59. Default time is 30 minutes.■Touch Start to cook. Allow to turn food if needed. TemperatureLevelSuggested Use400°F(204°C)Fresh Vegetable such as Cauliflower, Broccoli.425°F (218°C)Fresh meat such as Chicken Wings, Chicken Breast.450°F (232°C)Frozen food such as French fries, Potato wedges, Chicken nuggets, and some food with breading.2 French fries, Frozen - 1-5 servings/1 serving(1 serving/3 oz (85 g)):Put the frozen French fries in the air fry basket in one layer. No need to thaw, start cooking directly. Flip the French fries when the system prompts to flip food during the cooking process.3 Chicken nuggets, Frozen - 1-6 servings/1 serving(5 pieces/-serving):Put the Frozen chicken nuggets in the air fry basket in onelayer. No need to thaw, start cooking directly. Turn thechicken nuggets when the system prompts to turn foodduring the cooking process.4 Chicken wings, Fresh - 2-14 pieces/1 piece (40-50 g/pieces):After marinating the fresh chicken wings, brush with oil, and put the chicken wings in the air fry basket in one layer. Turn the chicken wings when the system prompts to turn foodduring the cooking process.5 Roasted Potatoes, Fresh - 0.5 lbs-1.6 lbs/0.1 lbs(1" (2.5 cm)/cube or pieces):Cut the baby potatoes into 1" (2.5 cm) quarters, coat withseasonings and grated Kraft Parmesan Cheese, put thepotatoes in the air fry basket in one layer. Flip the potatoeswhen the system prompts to flip food during the cookingprocess.6 Brussel Sprouts, Fresh - 2-6 servings/1 serving(Diameter1.0-2.75" (2.5-7 cm) Halve vertically 0.25 lbs(113 g)/serving):Halve the Brussel Sprouts vertically, mix with seasonings and oil, put in the air fry basket in one layer. Flip food when thesystem prompts to flip the brussel sprouts during the cooking process.7 Cauliflower Bites, Fresh - 2-6 servings/1 serving(1.5" (3.8 cm) florets 0.25 lbs (113 g)/serving):Cut the cauliflower into 1.5" (3.8 cm) florets, coat with theCayenne Pepper Sauce and melted butterbread with Panko Bread Crumbs and almond flour, put in the air fry basket inone layer. Flip the cauliflower when the system prompts to flip food during the cooking process.8 Zucchini Chips, Fresh - 1 layer (sliced 1 cm thick rounds):Cut the Zucchini in 1 cm thick slice, coat with seasonings and bread with flour, eggs and Panko Bread Crumbs, put on the air fry basket in one layer. Turn the Zucchini chips when the system prompts to turn food during the cooking process.9 Chicken Breast, Frech - 0.5 lbs-2 lbs/0.1 lbs(227 g-907 g/45 g) (0.4-0.6 lbs (181-272 g)/piece):Cut off the thin edge, after marinating chicken breast, brush it with oil, put on the air fry basket in one layer. Turn thechicken breasts when the system prompts to turn food during the cooking process.GRILLUse the provided air fry basket and an ovenproof microwave-safe dish or plate. See “Accessory Configurations” in the User Guide. Turn over food at prompt.NOTE: Microwave oven cavity, inside of the door, air fry basket, glass tray will be hot. Use oven mitts to remove the air fry basket and take out the glass tray to clean will be hot.1 Manual Grill: Touch Time/Power, and enter time in minutesand seconds, up to 99:59. Touch Time/Power again, and enter power level, from 10% to 100%. Default power level is 100%.2 Beef Steak – 1 steak: Cut into fat around edges. Preset timeis for medium doneness.3 Kabobs – 1 to4 kabobs.4 Chicken Pieces, Bone-in – 0.6-1.8 lbs (272-816 g): Brushchicken with oil.5 Fish Steak –1 or 2 steaks, 1" (2.5 cm) thick: Brush fish with oil.6 Hamburger Patties – 1 to 4 patties, 0.3 lbs (136 g) each.7 Lamb Chops – 1 to 4 chops.8 Pork Chops – 1 or 2 chops: Cut into fat around edges.9 Shrimp – 5-8 oz (142-227 g): Place shrimp on a skewer, thenbrush with oil.2STEAM/SIMMER (sensor)Use a microwave proof steamer vessel, the steamer vessel is not provided but can be purchased from Whirlpool.NOTE: Do not remove the lid while the steamer is in the microwave oven, as a rush of steam would disrupt the sensor readings.1 Fresh Fish Fillet – Senses 0.5-2.0 lbs (227-907 g): Add1/2 cup (125 mL) water to steamer base, place food in insert, and cover with lid.2 Fresh Vegetables: Add 1/2 cup (125 mL) water to steamerbase, place food in insert, and cover with lid.■Asparagus – Senses 8-16 oz (227-454 g)■Broccoli – Senses 2-4 cups (500 mL-1 L)■Carrots – Senses 2-4 cups (500 mL-1 L)■Cauliflower – Senses 2-4 cups (500 mL-1 L)■Corn on the Cob – Senses 1-4 ears■Green Beans – Senses 1-4 cups (250 mL-1 L)■Red (New) Potatoes – Senses 2-4 potatoes■Spinach – Senses 4-8 cups (1-2 L)■Squash/Zucchini – Senses 2-4 cups (500 mL-1 L)3 Frozen Vegetables – Senses 1-4 cups (250 mL-1 L): Add1/2 cup (125 mL) water to steamer base, place food in insert, and cover with lid.4 Dried Pasta: Add water to steamer base, cover with lid, placein microwave oven, and start the cycle. When the water be-gins to boil, the microwave oven will stop and prompt for the pasta to be added. Using oven mitts, gently remove steamer from microwave oven, add pasta, re-cover, return steamer to microwave oven, and resume the cycle.■Fettuccini – Senses 2-8 oz (57-227 g): Add 4 cups (1 L) water to cook 2-4 oz (57-113 g) pasta; add 5 cups (1.25 L)water to cook 5-8 oz (142-227 g) pasta.■Macaroni – Senses 0.5-2.0 cups (125-500 mL): Add 2 cups (500 mL) water to cook 0.5 cup (125 mL) pasta; add 4 cups(1 L) water to cook 1 cup (250 mL) pasta; add 5 cups(1.25 L) water to cook 1.5-2.0 cups (375-500 mL) pasta.■Penne – Senses 0.5-2.0 cups (125-500 mL): Add 2 cups (500 mL) water to cook 0.5 cup (125 mL) pasta; add 4cups (1 L) water to cook 1 cup (250 mL) pasta; add 6 cups(1.5 L) water to cook 1.5-2.0 cups (375-500 mL) pasta.■Spaghetti – Senses 2-8 oz (57-227 g): Add 4 cups (1 L) water to cook 2-4 oz (57-113 g) pasta; add 6 cups (1.5 L)to cook 5-8 oz (142-227 g) pasta.5 Rice: Add food and liquid to steamer base, and cover with lid.■Long Grain Brown Rice – Senses 0.5-2.0 cups (125-500 mL)■Instant White Rice – Senses 0.5-2.0 cups (125-500 mL)■Long Grain White Rice – Senses 0.5-2.0 cups (125-500 mL) 6 Shrimp: Senses 5-8 oz (142-227 g): Add 1/2 cup (125 mL)water to steamer base, place food in insert, and cover with lid.7 Manual Steam: Add 1/2 cup (125 mL) water to steamer base,place food in insert, and cover with lid.Sample approximate steam times:■Soft vegetables 1-3 minutes (ex.: spinach - 4 cups [1 L]1 minute)■Hard vegetables 3-6 minutes (ex.: broccoli - 2 cups [500 mL]4 minutes)■Frozen vegetables 4-5 minutesUse longer times for more doneness, or when steaming larger quantities.8 Manual Simmer: Add food and liquid to steamer, and coverwith lid. Enter simmer time. Simmer countdown begins after liquid begins to boil.STEAM CLEAN (sensor)Place 1 cup (250 mL/each) of water on turntable, then touch START. Cycle takes 10 minutes. Keep door closed until cycle ends. Wipe cavity with damp sponge or paper towel soon after the cycle ends.ACCUPOP (POPCORN) (sensor)Senses 3.0-3.5 oz (85-99 g) size bags: Place bag on turntable. Listen for popping to slow to 1 pop every 1 or 2 seconds, then stop the cycle.DEFROST1 Meat – 0.1 to 6.5 lbs (45 g to 3 kg): Remove wrap and placein microwave-safe dish. Do not cover.2 Poultry – 0.1 to 6.5 lbs (45 g to3 kg): Remove wrap and placebreast side up in microwave-safe dish. Do not cover.3 Fish/Seafood – 0.1 to 4.5 lbs (45 g to 2 kg): Remove wrapand place in microwave-safe dish. Do not cover.4 Bread – 0.1 to 2.0 lbs (45 to 907 g): Remove wrap and placein microwave-safe dish. Do not cover.SOFTEN/MELT1 Soften Butter/Margarine – 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 sticks:Unwrap and place in microwave-safe dish.2 Soften Caramel Dip – 16 oz (454 g): Remove lid fromcontainer or place in microwave-safe dish.3 Soften Cream Cheese – 3 or 8 oz (85 or 227 g): Unwrap andplace in microwave-safe dish.4 Soften Frozen Juice – 12 oz (340 g): Remove lid fromcontainer.5 Soften Ice Cream – 16, 32 or 64 oz (473, 946 or 1893 mL):Place ice cream container on turntable.6 Manual Soften: Enter Soften time, up to 99:59.7 Melt Butter/Margarine – 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 sticks: Unwrapand place in microwave-safe dish.8 Melt Caramel – 11 oz (312 g): Unwrap and place inmicrowave-safe dish.9 Melt Cheese – 8 or 16 oz (227 or 454 g): Place inmicrowave-safe dish. Stir at signal.10 Melt Chocolate – 1 to 12 oz (28 to 340 g): Place inmicrowave-safe dish.11 Melt Marshmallow – 5 or 10 oz (142 or 283 g): Place inmicrowave-safe dish.12 Manual Melt: Enter Melt time, up to 99:59.34AUTO COOK/REHEAT1Eggs■Poached Eggs – 1, 2, 3 or 4 eggs: Add 2 tbs water to each custard cup for each egg. Put cups with water on the turntable, and start the cycle. At signal, add egg to each cup, pierce yolk(s), and cover.■Scrambled Eggs – 1, 2, 3 or 4 eggs: Add 1 tbs water per egg. Mix egg(s) and water together and place inmicrowave-safe container with high sides. Cover with plastic wrap.2 Hot Cereal/Oatmeal: Follow directions on package. use microwave-safe bowl with high sides.■Instant Oatmeal/Cereal – 1, 2, 3 or 4 servings ■Regular Oatmeal – 1, 2, 3 or 4 servings ■Quick Grits – 1, 2, 3 or 4 servings ■Regular Grits – 1, 2, 3 or 4 servings ■Hot Wheat – 1, 2, 3 or 4 servings 3 Small Potato – Enter 1-16 potatoes, 3-5 oz (85-142 g) each, similar in size: Pierce each potato 2-3 times with a fork. Place on paper towel, around turntable edges. Place single potato to the side of the turntable. Let stand 5 minutes after cooking.4 Big Potato – Senses 1-4 potatoes, 10-13 oz (283-369 g) each, similar in size: Pierce each potato several times with a fork. Place on paper towel, around turntable edges, at least 1" (2.5 cm) apart. Placesingle potato to the side of the turnta -ble. Let stand 5 minutes after cooking.5 Fresh Vegetable – Senses 1-4 cups (250 mL-1 L): Place in microwave-safe container. Add 2-4 tbs (30-60 mL) water. Cover with plastic wrap, and vent. Stir and let stand 2-3 minutes after cooking.6 Reheat Beverage – 1 or 2 cups, 8 oz (250 mL) each: Do not cover. The diameter of the cup’s opening will affect how the liquid heats. Beverages in cups with smaller openings may heat faster.7 Casserole – 1, 2, 3 or 4 cups (250, 500, 750 mL or 1 L): Place in microwave-safe container and cover with plastic wrap. Stir and let stand 2-3 minutes after reheating.8 Reheat Meal – Senses 1 plate, about 8-16 oz (227-454 g): Place food on microwave-safe plate, cover with plastic wrap, and vent.9 Reheat Sauce – Senses 1-4 cups (250 mL-1 L): Place in microwave-safe container and cover with plastic wrap. Stir and let stand 2-3 minutes after reheating.10 Reheat Soup – Senses 1-4 cups (250 mL-1 L): Place in microwave-safe container and cover with plastic wrap. Stir and let stand 2-3 minutes after reheating.11 Manual Reheat: Enter Reheat time, up to 99:59.05/22W11603638A®/™©2022 Whirlpool. All rights reserved.。
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6、选择方法:打开软件界面中相应用户的“M ethod”文件夹图标,选择所需方法,单击鼠标左键拖拽到相应样品位置,如有需要,可新建方法或对方法进行修改(详见第四部分)7、运行前检查:检查衰减器是否处于锁定状态;察看屏幕右侧温度、压力的显示是否正常。
8、运行方法:点击软件界面上部工具栏中的“P lay”按钮,仪器自动运行。
三、禁止修改的软件参数Synergy软件参数菜单栏“Option”下的“Preference”选项:禁止修改项:选项卡“Units”单位“PSI”;禁止修改项:选项卡“Release Limits” 的Temperature Release设置(50);Pressure Release设置(30);禁止修改项:选项卡“M ethod”管理和设置:禁止修改项:其它所有选项卡的设置。
(1) Standard 方法在对话框Method name输入方法名;**在对话框Temp输入反应所需达到的温度;注意:温度不可超过200℃,禁止设置温度高于反应溶剂沸点50℃以上,并必须小于溶剂沸点的2倍。
**在对话框Hold Time输入反应达到设定温度后的保持时间。
(2)Dynamic方法在Method name对话框输入方法名;在PreStirring对话框输入预搅拌的时间。
**在Hold Time对话框输入反应达到设定温度后的保持时间。
注意:一般设置为100PSI,最大上限为220PSI. 切勿擅自提高压力上限,否则造成的仪器损害属于非正常操作的范畴。
通常设定为“O ff”**在Stirring选择框中选择所需的搅拌速度。
通常设定为“H igh”通常反应只需要一步就可以完成,如需多步,单击按钮“Add”,设置步骤同上。
(6)冷却a) 在每次实验结束后,冷却气阀门自动开启。
b) PowerMax功能,在微波合成中,微波场能量越强,活化分子比例相应提高,可有效提高反应速度。
5. 标记使用较细黑色油性记号笔将标记写在反应瓶的上部侧壁。
解决方法:在已经升级后Discovery界面会出现APD recovery,进入该界面后将光标移到loosen后按确定进行手动松开,后在移至Z up按确定,判断完全松开后,用手将APD推至最后,重新启动主机和计算机后即可。
b)故障现象:开始时出现Not Vessel ,仪器不能运行。
解决方法:按home键进入Discover Home界面;进入第5项Adiministrative Functions的第2页面Maintenance目录;再进入Maintenance2目录,选择第5项“APD forcecounts界面,通过调解“35ml Down Counts”“10ml Down Counts”数值(每次增加2个单位)就可解决改故障。