
Translation of tourism related vocabulary
Translation of tourist attractions
attractions, spots, destinations
scenic tourist
natural landscapes,
Key points of translating tourism contracts
It is crucial to accurately translate the original contract, avoiding any misunderstandings or ambiguities.
Metaphor and Simile
Using metaphors and similes to create an emotional connection with the audience and evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity.
Hyperbole and Understatement
Translation of Tourism Advertising
The Language Characteristics of Tourism Advertising
Vividness and Aesthetics
Tourism advertisements often use vivid language and beautiful imagery to attract tourists.

Ⅲ.外文翻译外文翻译之一Destination brand positions of a competitive set ofnear-home destinations作者:Steven Pike国籍:Australia出处:Tourism Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 January 2009原文正文:Abstract:Although the branding literature commenced during the 1940s, the first publications related to destination branding did not emerge until half a century later. A review of 74 destination branding publications by 102 authors from the first 10 years of destination branding literature (1998–2007) found at least nine potential research gaps warranting attention by researchers. In particular, there has been a lack of research examining the extent to which brand positioning campaigns have been successful in enhancing brand equity in the manner intended in the brand identity. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of an investigation of brand equity tracking for a competitive set of destinations in Queensland, Australia between 2003 and 2007. A hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) provided an effective means to monitor destination brand positions over time. A key implication of the results was the finding that there was no change in brand positions for any of the five destinations over the four year period. This leads to the proposition that destination position change within a competitive set will only occur slowly over a long period of time. The tabulation of 74 destination branding case studies, research papers, conceptual papers and web content analysesprovides students and researchers with a useful resource on the current state of the field.Keywords: Destination branding; Consumer-based brand equity; Short breaks; Destination image; Destination positioning1. IntroductionEver since the brand literature commenced in the 1940s (see for example Guest, 1942), there has been consistent recognition that branding offers organisations a means for differentiation in markets crowded with similar offerings ([Aaker, 1991], [Gardner and Levy, 1955], [Keller, 2003] and [Kotler et al., 2007]). For destinations, effective differentiation is critical given the increasingly competitive nature of tourism markets, where many places offering similar features are becoming substitutable (Pike, 2005). For example, around 70% of international travellers visit only 10 countries, leaving the remainder of national tourism offices (NTOs) competing for 30% of total international arrivals (Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2002). The pursuit of differentiation is explicit in brand definitions, which have most commonly been variations of that proposed by Aaker (1991, p. 7):A brand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol (such as a logo, trademark, or package design) intended to identify the goods or services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods from those of competitors.However, in the foreword to the first issue of Place Branding and Public Policy, editor Simon Anholt (2004, p. 4) suggested “almost nobody agrees on what, ex actly, branding means” in describing place branding practice as akin to the Wild West. There has been a lack of consistency in defining what constitutes destination branding, both within industry and within academia (see [Blainet al., 2005], [Park and Petrick, 2006] and [Tasci and Kozak, 2006]). The mostcomprehensive definition to date has been that proposed by Blain et al. (2005, p. 337), which followed Berthon, Hulbert, and Pitt's (1999) model of the functions of a brand from both the buyer and seller perspectives:Destination branding is the set of marketing activities that (1) support the creation of a name, symbol, logo, word mark or other graphic that readily identifies and differentiates a destination; that (2) consistently convey the expectation of a memorable travel experience that is uniquely associated with the destination; that (3) serve to consolidate and reinforce the emotional connection between the visitor and the destination; and that (4) reduce consumer search costs and perceived risk. Collectively, these activities serve to create a destination image that positively influences consumer destination choice.Branding is therefore considered mutually beneficial from both the supply and demand perspectives. Enhancing the ability of the brand to differentiate effectively can generate advantages for products and services, such as increased purchase intent (Cobb-Walgren, Beal, & Donthu, 1995), lower costs (Keller, 1993), increased sales, price premiums, and customer loyalty ([Aaker, 1991] and [Aaker, 1996]). Advantages for destination marketing organisations (DMO) include increased potential to differentiate against places offering similar benefits, increased destination loyalty and increased yield for stakeholders such as local tourism businesses and travel intermediaries. Benefits for the traveller include ease of decision making through reduced search costs, reduced risk, and possibly enhanced brag value.The focus of most research reported to date has been concerned with the development of destination brand identities and the implementation of campaigns (see for example, [Crockett and Wood, 1999], [Hall, 1999], [May, 2001] and [Morgan et al., 2002]). One area requiring increased attention is that of tracking the performance of destination brand positions over time. That is,the extent to which destination brands' positioning and repositioning campaigns have been effective in enhancing brand equity consistent with that intended in the brand identity. This is an important gap in the tourism literature, given: i) increasing competition (see Morgan, Pritchard, & Piggot, 2002), ii) the increasing level of investment by destination marketing organisations (DMO) in branding since the 1990s, iii) the complex political nature of DMO brand decision making and increasing accountability to stakeholders (see Pike, 2005), and iv) the long-term nature of repositioning a destination's image in the marketplace (see Gartner & Hunt, 1987). In terms of metrics for DMOs in general, a number of researchers in various parts of the world have pointed to a lack of market research monitoring effectiveness of destination marketing objectives, such as in Australia (see [Carson et al., 2003] and [Prosser et al., 2000]), North America ([Masberg, 1999] and [Sheehan and Ritchie, 1997]), and Europe (Dolnicar & Schoesser, 2003).The aim of this study was to track the brand positions held by a competitive set of near-home destinations between 2003 and 2007. For this purpose the efficacy of a hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) was trialled. CBBE was first promoted by (Aaker, 1991) and (Aaker, 1996) and more recently by (Keller, 1993) and (Keller, 2003) to supplement traditional balance sheet brand equity measures. The rationale underpinning CBBE as a brand performance metric is that consumer perceptions of the brand underpin any financial estimate of future earnings estimated in the financial measure of brand equity. Since a financial balance sheet brand equity measure will be of little practical value to destination marketers, the concept of CBBE is worthy of consideration by DMOs. However, the potential of CBBE for destinations has only recently attracted the attention of academic researchers (see [Boo et al., in press] and [Konecknik and Gartner, 2007]).具有竞争力的靠近家乡的旅游目的地的目标品牌定位作者:史蒂文・派克国籍:澳大利亚出处:旅游管理,新闻,更正的证明,可在线2009年1月24日中文译文:摘要:虽然品牌学在20世纪40年代就已经兴起,第一个与目的地品牌相关的出版物却直到半个世纪后才出现。

游镇北堡西部影视城英语作文The Enchanting Journey to Zhen Bei Bao Western Film StudioNestled amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Chinese countryside lies the captivating Zhen Bei Bao Western Film Studio. This remarkable destination has become a hub for cinematic magic, where the grand visions of filmmakers come to life on the silver screen. As I embarked on my journey to this cinematic oasis, I was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation, eager to immerse myself in the world of movie-making.From the moment I stepped through the gates of the film studio, I was transported to a realm where reality and fantasy intertwine. The expansive grounds were adorned with meticulously crafted sets that transported me to the rugged American West. Towering facades of saloons, wooden cabins, and dusty main streets lined the winding paths, each detail meticulously crafted to transport visitors to a bygone era.As I wandered through the captivating sets, I couldn't help but be struck by the sheer scale and attention to detail that had gone into their creation. The level of craftsmanship was truly awe-inspiring,with every structure and prop exuding an air of authenticity that left me marveling at the dedication and artistry of the production team.One of the highlights of my visit was the opportunity to witness a live film shoot in progress. The energy and excitement on set was palpable as the director barked orders, the actors delivered their lines with passion, and the crew worked tirelessly to capture the perfect shot. Seeing the collaborative effort required to bring a cinematic vision to life was a truly humbling experience, and it gave me a newfound appreciation for the art of filmmaking.As I continued my exploration of the film studio, I stumbled upon a museum dedicated to the history of Chinese cinema. The exhibits showcased the evolution of the industry, from the early silent films to the modern blockbusters that have captivated audiences around the world. I was particularly fascinated by the vintage cameras and film equipment on display, which served as a testament to the ingenuity and innovation that have driven the art of filmmaking forward.One of the most captivating aspects of the Zhen Bei Bao Western Film Studio was the opportunity to immerse myself in the world of movie magic. Visitors were invited to participate in interactive experiences, such as dressing up in period costumes and reenacting famous scenes from classic Westerns. The thrill of stepping into the shoes of a movie star, even for a brief moment, was trulyunforgettable.But the Zhen Bei Bao Western Film Studio was not just a place to experience the magic of cinema – it was also a hub of cultural exchange and learning. The studio regularly hosted workshops and lectures led by renowned filmmakers and industry professionals, providing aspiring filmmakers and movie enthusiasts with invaluable insights and guidance.As my time at the film studio drew to a close, I found myself reluctant to leave. The captivating blend of history, creativity, and immersive experiences had left an indelible mark on me. I left the studio with a newfound appreciation for the art of filmmaking and a deep admiration for the talented individuals who bring these cinematic worlds to life.In the end, my visit to the Zhen Bei Bao Western Film Studio was not just a day of entertainment – it was a journey of discovery, a chance to step into the shoes of a movie star and witness the magic of cinema unfold before my eyes. It was a testament to the power of storytelling and the enduring allure of the silver screen, and it left me with a deep sense of wonder and inspiration that will stay with me for years to come.。

CATTI笔译旅游汉译英词汇(1)平安第一,旅客至上saftety first, passengers supreme保护珍稀动物和植物protect rare animals and plants避暑胜地 summer resort冰雪节 Snow Festival兵马俑博物馆the Terra-Cotta Warrior Museum草原旅游grassland tour出境游客out-bound visitors瓷都ceramics metropolis道观Taoist temple登山旅游mountaineering tour东方神韵charm of oriental culture东方夏威夷 the Oriental Hawaii度假村 holiday resort非物质文化遗产intangible cultural heritage丰富的文化遗产 rich cultural heritage风景区 scenic spot风土人情 local customs and practices风味小吃local snack效劳监视service supervision phone高速公路express way/freeway高原自然风光plateau scenery购置实名制 real-name system for ticket purchase购物旅游 shopping tour购物天堂 a paradise for shoppers故居 former residence观光游览道路 scenic drive国家法定假日statutory holiday国家级园林城市nationally designated garden city海滨度假地 beach resort海水浴场 bathing beach 航海博物馆 maritime museum黑车 unlicensed car红色旅游区 red tourist destinations 黄金周 golden week机场建立费departure tax机场免税店 aiport duty-free shop寄宿家庭host family假冒商品fake modity假日经济 holiday economyCATTI笔译旅游英译汉词汇(2)接待游客人数 tourism arrivals久负盛誉 long-cherished fame离开旅馆check out from a hotel历史文化名城 historical and cultural city历史遗产 historical heritage 两日游 2-day tour龙门石窟 Longmen Grottoes露天博物馆 open-air museum露营车与旅宿汽车 campervans and motor homes for hire驴友frequent travelers旅馆行李员 hall porter旅客登记簿hotel register旅行结婚honeymoon trip旅行社travel agency/service旅行团 tourist group旅行支票traveller’s check旅游巴士包租、游览效劳charter bus and coach services and tour旅游城市tourist city旅游淡季slack season for tourism旅游定点商店/餐厅officially designated shop/restaurant旅游景点 attraction for tourists旅游签证visitor’s visa旅游热潮tourism bloom旅游收入tourist revenue乱收费impose unjustifiable charges每位游客消费额 consumption per arrival美食节gourmet festival美术馆 art gallery免税商品 duty-free goods庙会 temple fair民俗景观 ethnic cultural park民俗旅游 folklore tour民俗文化村 folk culture village 名特产品famous special local products盘山公路 skyline drive配套效劳设施supporting service facilities汽车旅馆motel全国重点文物保护单位 a major historical monument under state protection全聚德烤鸭 Quanjude Peking Roast Duck 人文景观 human landscape如画的风景 picturesque landscape入境游客 in-bound visitors散客旅游independent tour山清水秀 beautiful hall of ethnic customs商务中心 business center少数民族风俗陈列馆exhibition hall of ethnic customs生态旅游 ecotourism湿地自然保护区 wetland natural preservation zones水乡泽国 water resort水族馆 aquarium四合院 quadrangle/courtyard dwellings寺院 Buddhist temple 特产商店 specialty store天文馆 planetarium亭,台,楼,阁 pavilion, stage, building and multistoried pavillion##堂 Tongrentang Chinese Medicine徒步旅行 walking tourCATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(1)abstract art 抽象派艺术Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖a cameo appearance客串演出ace actor 金牌演员Acid Jazz 酸性爵士乐Adult Alternative Pop (Rock) 成人另类流行/摇滚Adult Contemporary成人时代〔一种音乐演奏风格〕adventure film 探险剧alternative country-rock 另类乡村摇滚alternative rap 另类说唱ambient pop 气氛流行American Idol 美国偶像an A-lister 一线明星animated cartoon/music film/New Year greeting film 动画片/音乐片/贺岁片antique sculpture古代雕塑a powder-puff sport 粉扑运动〔花拳绣腿〕a profitable sideline 赚钱的副业art director艺术总监artistic coterie画家同行arts and crafts 工艺美术a rule-of-thumb photographer靠经历摄影的摄影家audio-video tape market 音像市场award ceremony music 颁奖音乐backup dancer 伴舞演员best art direction 最正确艺术指导black-and-white epic黑白史诗片bonus track附赠曲目box office appeal票房号召力box office battle 票房大战box office flop票房毒药box office value 票房价值Cannes Film Festival 戛纳电影节cast member 演职人员cave painting 石洞壁画close-up/special shot 特写镜头conceptual photography 观念摄影;前卫摄影costume drama 古装剧country music 乡村音乐culture week文化周curtain call 谢幕debut single 首支单曲decorative schemes 装饰性图画deluxe binding 精装drawing from nature 写生画dubbed film 译制片electrifying effect 令人震撼的效果CATTI笔译艺术英译汉词汇(2)fashion victim时尚牺牲者film critic影评家film production assistant 电影摄影助理fine arts 美术finishing touch 最后一笔flat stitching 平装foreground figure前景人物foreshortened figure透视画法freaks of nature天籁之声glee club 合唱团Golden Palm 金棕榈奖graphic arts 形象艺术graphic designer画面设计师hard-to-get ticket 一票难求hidden track隐藏曲目hi-fi system 高保真组合音响historical drama 历史剧hit movie/Hollywood blockbuster 大片/好莱坞大片hit parade 流行歌曲排行榜Honoray Oscar 终身成就奖horror film 恐惧片kinetic art 活动艺术light literature 通俗文学lip syncing 假唱local craftspeople 当地艺人long-running television series 长篇连续剧made-for-television movie 电视电影Mando-pop scene华语歌坛mannerist frescoes 风格主义湿壁画modern movie musical 现代音乐剧mood music 情调音乐movie trailer 宣传片,为电影做广告的简短影片music edy音乐剧musical festival 音乐节music TV (MTV) 音乐电视mystery story 怪诞小说op art 光效应艺术operatic music 歌剧音乐original artist 原唱艺术家Oscar Bait来势汹汹问鼎奥斯卡的影片pastel drawing 蜡笔画performance artist 行为艺术家pirated film/theatre of the absurd盗版片/荒谬剧plastic arts 造型艺术pop art 群众艺术popular media群众媒体portrait painting 肖像绘画prize-awarding ceremony颁奖仪式production coordinator 制片协调员reality show 真人秀road show 巡回演出salad days 少不更事的青涩时代scalped tickets 黄牛票(screen) debut/premise首演;首映show business 演艺业simultaneous narrative同步表达solo concert独唱音乐会spinach cinema 菠菜电影〔即有教育意义、令人深思的电影〕standing ovation长时间起立鼓掌stereoscopic film 立体电影still life 静物画symphony concert交响音乐会talent show 业余歌手演唱会television/audience rating 收视率television special 专题片the Asia Arts Festival 亚洲艺术节the Motown sond 摩城之音the Newport Folk Festival 纽约特民间艺术节the three unities 三一律〔一个情节,一个地点,一个时间〕title track主打曲目top-grossing movie 票房冠军tour de force 代表作video art 视频艺术visual artist 视觉艺术家CATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(1)CATTI笔译工业汉译英词汇(2)代表性样品representative sample电视机工业 TV industry豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects进口环节税import linkage tax经理负责制 manager responsibility system 劳动密集型 labor-intensive机械制造业 machine-building industry招标承包制 system of public bidding重点开发区 key development zone飞机制造工业aircraft industry 固定资产投资 investment in fixed assets国家统配物资 materials allocated by the state黑色金属工业 ferrous industry品质检验证书quality inspection certificate 企业技术改造 technological updating of enterprises企业亏损补贴 subsidies to cover enterprise losses全面投产开工go into full operation商办工业企业industrial enterprises run by mercial units适销对路产品readily marketable product现代企业制度 modern corporate system优化资源配置optimize allocation of resources重量检验证书inspection certificate of weight (quantity)转化经营机制change the method of operation改良技术规程 improve the technological process新的生机与活力 new vigor and vitality出口创汇型产业 foreign exchange-earning industry独家经营/专营权exclusive right非国有工业企业 non-state industrial enterprise工业控制一体化integrated industrial control科研成果产业化industrialization of research findings质量信得过单位quality trustworthy organization独立核算工业企业independent accounting industrial enterprise发电设备制造工业 power equipment industry高附加值的深加工intensive processing with high added value走新型工业化道路 take a new road to industrialization纠正行业不正之风rectify malpractice in various trades就业前和在职培训pre-job and on-the-job (in-service) training向根底工业倾斜的政策preferential policy for basic industry技术、智力、资本密集型technology-, knowledge- or capitalz- intensive三来一补〔来料加工,来件装配,来样加工和补偿贸易〕processing of imported materials or according to supplied samples, assembling of supplied parts, and pensation tradeCATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(1)absorb idle fund 吸引游资a business incubator企业孵化器accounting fraud财务作假案;假案accumulated deficit 累计赤字after-sale service 售后效劳after-tax profit 税后利润anti-inflation measures 制止通货膨胀措施anti-monopoly law 反垄断法auditing sacandals 假账丑闻bank discount票据贴现Black Monday 黑色星期一blue chip 绩优股bonded area 保税区bottom wholesale price 批发底价business cycle 商业周期business lending 商业贷款cargo handing capacity货物吞吐量cash dividend现金股利cash on delivery (COD) 货到付款ceiling price 最高限价chamber of merce商会clearance sale 清仓销售closing price 收盘价mon stock普通股pensation trade 补偿贸易concessionary loans 优惠贷款corporate bond公司债券corporate identity企业标识cost of living index生活本钱指数currency appreciation货币升值customs barrier; tariff waff关税壁垒Doha Round 多哈回合dot- boom高科技公司〔股票〕引起的繁荣double-digit inflation两位数通货膨胀率〔指一个国家的通货膨胀年率超过10%〕double –entry budget复式预算Dow-Jones Industrial Average 道琼斯工业股票平均指数downstream product 下游产品durablegoods 耐用产品export customs declaration出口申报export incentives 出口刺激export licensing system 出口许可证制度favorable balance of trade/trade surplus贸易顺差financial (industry/sector) rescue plan 金融救援计划financial statement财务报表foreign exchange reserve外汇储藏CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(2)Goldman Sachs 高盛〔集团〕公司〔美〕government securities公债holding pany 控股公司hot money from abroad 国际游资import quota进口配额imports of merchandise and services 商品和劳务进口inflation-proof deposit保值储蓄inflation-ridden country通货膨胀居高不下的国家insurance broker保险经纪人intangible assets无形资产interest-free loan无息贷款international financial center 国际金融中心investment ratio 投资比例IPO (Initial Public Offerings) 发行原始股junk bond垃圾债券line of business 业务X围listed pany 上市公司listed shares (stock) 上市股票market access/entry市场准入merger and acquisition (M&A) 并购money laundering 洗钱money supply货币供给量National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation (NASDAQ) 美国纳斯达克指数National Council for US-China Trade 美中贸易委员会New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) 纽约证券交易所online share trading 在线股票交易portfolio investment 证券投资port of destination目的口岸preferential loan优惠贷款preferred stock优先股price-curbing policy 抑价政策primary goods 初级商品property dividend财产股利protective tariff保护性关税ration-free goods 敞开供给的商品reciprocal trade 互惠贸易retaliatory tafiff 报复性关税return on investment 投资回报risk capital 风险投资shock method 休克疗法Standard & Poor’s Index〔美国证券〕标准普尔指数stock market crash 股市暴跌stock market quotation股市行情stock option认股权stock sinks below the IPO price 破发subprime mortgage次级房贷supply-demand imbalance供求失衡switch trade 转手贸易tax-free zone免税区time deposit 定期存款toll-free service 免费效劳total volume of imports and exports 进出口总额trade dispute贸易争端trade in goods 货物贸易trade in services 效劳贸易trade liberatlization 贸易自由化trade partner贸易伙伴trade protectionism 贸易保护主义trade protocol贸易议定书transnational corporation跨国公司transnational operation 跨国经营unfavorable balance of trade/trade deficit 贸易逆差upstream product 上游产品US Federal Reserve Board 美国联邦储藏委员会US Securities and Exchange mission美国证券交易委员会venture capital 风险资本voucher of clearing 结算凭证Wall Street magnate华尔街财阀warranty period 商品保修期win the bid/tender中标World Economic Forum 世界经济论坛〔达沃斯会议〕year-end report 年终报告zero tariff treatment 零关税待遇CATTI笔译外贸金融英译汉词汇(3)You should guarantee that no information under the contract should be transferred to a third party.你方应保证不向第三方转让本合同的信息资料。

2.导游(Tour guide)导游是旅游中不可或缺的角色,他们负责向游客介绍景点的历史和文化,同时组织游客进行游览。
在翻译旅游文本时,常常需要将“导游”翻译为“tour guide”。
例如:“如果您需要一位英语导游,我们可以为您安排一位非常好的tour guide。
”3.旅行社(Travel agency)旅行社是旅游行业中提供旅游产品和服务的机构,通常会提供旅游路线、酒店、机票和旅游保险等服务。
在翻译旅游文本时,常常需要将“旅行社”翻译为“travel agency”。
例如:“如果您需要预订机票和酒店,我们可以联系我们的travel agency为您安排。
”4.自助游(Self-guided tour)自助游是指游客自行计划和组织旅游活动,而不是通过旅行社组织。
在翻译旅游文本时,常常需要将“自助游”翻译为“self-guided tour”。
例如:“这个地方非常适合self-guided tour,您可以自己规划您的旅游路线。
”5.直飞航班(Direct flight)直飞航班是指没有中转的航班,即从出发地直接飞往目的地。
在翻译旅游文本时,常常需要将“直飞航班”翻译为“direct flight”。
高中英语The best travel movie 双语原文

The best travel movies of all time 史上最佳的旅行电影Movie theaters around the world have closed amid the coronavirus outbreak. Fortunately, there's never been a better time to catch up on classic oldies and cherished favorites. Below, read our picks for best travel movies:在疫情暴发的背景下,世界各地的电影院都已歇业。
以下是我们挑选出来的最佳旅行电影,来看看吧:'Grand Budapest Hotel' (2014)《布达佩斯大饭店》(2014)It's one of the most satisfying films of director Wes Anderson's oeuvre. Set in a luxury ski resort in the fictional East European Republic of Zubrowka in the 1930s, the plot is anchored by a murder investigation peppered with stolen art, prison escapes and a secret concierge society.在韦斯·安德森的全部作品中,《布达佩斯大饭店》是最为赏心悦目的电影之一。
电影设定在1930 年代一个奢侈的滑雪胜地,它位于一个虚构出的东欧国家朱波罗卡共和国。

2020年六级翻译高频词汇:旅游景点类景点 tourist spot; tourist attraction山水风光 scenery with mountains and rivers; landscape 名山大川 famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹 scenic spots and historical sites避暑胜地 summer resort度假胜地 holiday resort避暑山庄 mountain resort蜜月度假胜地 honeymoon resort国家公园 national park古建筑群 ancient architectural complex佛教胜地 Buddhist sacred land皇城imperial city御花园 imperial garden甲骨文 insc ription on bones and tortoiseshells古玩店 antique/curio shop手工艺品 artifact; handicrafts国画 traditional Chinese painting天坛 the Temple of Heaven紫禁城 Forbidden City故宫the Imperial Palace敦煌莫高窟 Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang 玉佛寺the Jade Buddha Temple布达拉宫 Potala Palace洞穴/岩洞、cave; cavern温泉 hot spring陵墓 empe ror’s mausoleum/tomb古墓 ancient tomb石窟 grotto祭坛 altar楼 tower; mansion台 terrace亭阁 pavilion桥bridges溪streams假山rockeries塔pagoda; tower廊 corridor石舫 stone boat湖心亭 mid-lake pavilion保存完好 well-preserved工艺精湛 exquisite workmanship景色如画 picturesque views诱人景色 inviting views文化遗产 cultural heritage/ legacy岩溶地形karst topography上有天堂,下有苏杭 In heaven there is the paradise and on earth there are Suzhou and Hangzhou. / As there is the paradise in heaven so there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳Trips to China’s five great mountains render trips to other mountains unnecessary and a trip to Huangshan renders trips to the five great mountains unneeessary.桂林山水甲天下 The scenery of Guilin has been called the finest under heaven.五岳five great mountains/China’s five sacred/ divine mountains天下第一奇山 the most fantastic mountain under heaven黄山四绝 the four unique scenic features: picturesque rocks legendary pines the sea of clouds and hot springs。

旅游宣传经典语中英文翻译宾至如归 just be at home; feel at home天堂之旅 a trip to the paradise; explre the paradise 人迹罕至 The Unbeaten Track远离尘嚣 a true departure; an escape from the bustling 全新感受 a novel experience耳目一新 a new perspective动感之都 a city in move活力北京 kicking beijing世界之都 the world city东方之珠 the oriental pearl文化之都 the city of culture醉在贵州 intoxicated in Guizhou食在广州 food in Guangzhou味在成都 delicacies in Chengdu精英之都 the city of elites大众之城 the city of commoners纯真世界 a true escape东方独秀 like no other place in the orient超乎想象 byond your imagination久负盛名 long estabished卓越不俗 excellent but not fancy中立国A Swiss lawyer working on behalf of the Iraqi journalist who threw shoes at former US President George W. Bush said his client will seek political asylum in Switzerland.The lawyer said he was contacted by al-Zeidi's relatives because of Switzerland's reputation as a safe, neutral country.“扔鞋”事件的主角、伊拉克记者的瑞士代理律师表示他的当事人将向瑞士请求政治避难。

The White Deer Plain Film and Television City is a famous film shooting base in China, located in Laiyuan County, Baoding City, Hebei Province. It has rich natural and cultural resources and has been the filming locationfor many well-known film and television works.这里有许多不同风格的建筑,可以模拟出各种不同的历史背景和场景,非常适合影视拍摄。
There are many different styles of buildings here, which can simulate various historical backgrounds and scenes, making it very suitable for film and television shooting. Visitors can enjoy the scenes from many classic film and television works and feel the charm of movies.除了作为影视拍摄基地外,白鹿原影视城也是一个融合了旅游观光、文化体验和娱乐休闲的综合性旅游景区。
In addition to being a film and television shooting base, the White Deer Plain Film and Television City is also a comprehensive tourist attraction that integrates sightseeing, cultural experience, and entertainment. There are many cultural displays and performing arts activities here, allowing visitors to have a deeper understanding of Chinese history and culture.总的来说,白鹿原影视城是一个结合了影视拍摄、旅游观光和文化体验的独特景区,对于喜爱影视作品和中国历史文化的游客来说,是一个不容错过的地方。

文献出处:Hudson S. The film and television tourism: tourism destination marketing [J]. Journal of Travel Research, 2016, 12(2): 387-396.原文The film and television tourism: tourism destination marketingHudson SAbstractIn the film and television tourism destination will affect tourist's interest, to travel behavior. Destination for most of the existing literature is the study of film and television and the influence of the decision-making process for tourists in visitor Numbers and role, and also have to explore the film and television works for the influence of tourism destination image. Indicates the film and television tourism can be as a new way of promoting tourism destination marketing. Film and TV tourism is a marketing tool, related to tourism image plays an important role in it.Keywords: Film and television tourism; Destination marketing; Destination image1 IntroductionStudy of film and TV tourism is a relatively new field of tourism research. Since the 1990 s, some scholars view towards this field (Riley, 2006; Riley, 2008; Tooke, 2006; Mackay, 2007).In the 21st century, people focus on this research topic more deeply and widely (Busby, Klug, 2001; Kim, Richardson, 2003, Merciless, 2005; Hudson, Ritchie, 2006), one of the most important one researcher is Australia scholars Sue baton, she published many research articles and books about film and TV tourism. For the study of film and TV tourism is relatively late, the research articles in professional journals is one of the earliest (Riley, 2008) published articles "movie locations of tourist attraction. Although before that has appeared in a journal article about studio (Wirehair, 2009), the planning and construction, but its research is focused on the destination and the correlation of the film and television tourism is low. In the research achievements of many, is more focused on the discussion of the concept of movie and TV tourism and film and television tourism for tourists decision-making process and influence of the number of tourists (Cohen, 2006; Baker, 2006; Riley, 2008; Busby, 2009), the film and television works to the others for the influence of tourism destination image (Mackay, 2007; Kim, 2009).2 Literature reviewFilm and TV tourism is known as the movie (film tourism), film tourism caused by the(movie - induced tourism or film - induced tourism) (Gericault, 2009; Riley, 2008; Hudson, 2006; Beaton, 2006).Scholars (Evans, 1997) for film and TV tourism is defined as: because the destination appear on the screen, tape and screen and encourage tourists to visit these destinations and attractions of tourism activities. This definition is raised, by a great number of researchers in reference (Hudson, 2006).In the definition of movie and TV tourism is numerous, the scholar thinks, "the film and television tourism in film and television filming and production of the whole process of and something related to the film and television is to attract tourist activities" (Busby, 2010).Also the scholar thinks, "the so-called movie and TV tourism, from the perspective of supply, is refers to the development and utilization of tour operators, film and television production location, environment, process, festival activities and reflected in the film and television works can promote the cultural content of the tourism, the planning publicity, to the tourism market, in order to obtain travel demand satisfaction and consistent business interests of a new type of tourism products. From the perspective of tourists, refers to the tourists spend a certain amount of time, cost and effort, through to the field of film and television filming process, the environment, as well as by the film and television extended out of the tourist resources of sightseeing, experience, to meet their innovation, knowledge, psychological demand of tourism experience" (Ritchie, 2009).The researchers refer to the former is more (Klug, 2006).Clearly, the definition of connotation is more broad. This article cited in the study of film and TV tourism, the concept of the concept of shall prevail.Given by the film and television tourism can be seen that the concept of the media of movie and TV tourism includes three types: screen, tape and screen, they all belong to the mass media. For tourism destination is the object of film and TV tourism is not limited, as long as in the above three kinds of medium and attract tourists to visit places can be a film and television tourism destination. Generalize from the research literature, can be a film set, or background to the story happened, or location. The background is the most important. In the history of the cinema, some film background and location is in two different countries. Akira famous movie "The Last Samurai" (The Last Samurai) is Japan's background, but the movie is actually filmed in New Zealand, people followed the film to visit is Japan, rather than New Zealand. Scholars have system classification to the object of film and TV tourism, some scholars will be divided into two categories, broad sense and narrow sense, the "generalized film and TV tourism facing object canbe manufactured landscapes, can also be a natural landscape, cultural relics" and "narrow film and TV tourism object is mainly refers to the film and television theme park" (Ritchie, 2009);And some scholars to be divided into static in the form of film and TV tourism resources, the activities of film and TV tourism resources, cultural ideology of the film and television tourism resources. The research object of this article USES the taxonomy, namely appear on the screen, tape, and screen and encourage tourists visit destinations and attractions, does not mean a particular type of movie and TV tourism attractions.3 The use of film and television tourism marketing toolsFilm and television tourism marketing tools using the key, is to handle the relationship between the destination and film and television. As the destination, should make good use of film and television both the carrier, in the film at various stages, film and television have focused on its destination of all kinds of information, to ensure that establishing the destination image of the corresponding driving force in the viewer, making movies and TV destination marketing driven by pulling the viewer to destination tour of positive factors related to the film and television and the media, to achieve the purpose of make the viewer eventually converted to tourists. Phase of the marketing work, at this stage, film and television in the early stages of production, the aim of marketing is to tourists preliminary attention to tourism destination and film and television, clearly know the film and television is based on the destination location or at the destination, the destination in tourists become known as a destination in the heart, in order to strengthen the potential tourists in heart and primary destination tourism image.Film and television are before shooting, positive efforts to make destination goal, film and television association namely the background, location, or location. First of all, as the destination, should grasp the information about film and television shooting in advance. As some of the famous director in preparation for what kind of play, what kind of film and television will take these basic information. The information depended on the good grasp of such as director, actor and film and television industry, film and television investment company's public relations. Destination can also cooperate with film and television agency, access to this information. Second, assess in the information, choose those who can is good for destination marketing and promotion role of film and television, film and television as a target. Again, the destination shall actively take measures to make the film and television shooting will choose destination for setting orbackground. First, through brokers or agents, is to film and television shooting party actively promoting the destination. A project once established, they have a process of looking for location or locations. This is the best destination in time. British official tourism agency visit Britain (The Britain Authority) in The Indian market as The goal, to persuade India's bollywood film will Britain, as The film location or locations, bollywood took a large number of movies in The UK, The results of these films attracted a large number of Indian tourists, tourism has brought considerable economic benefits for England. Second, through the corresponding measures, and actively attract as film and television, film and television shooting will destination location or locations. Provide convenient conditions, offering tax breaks, provide a location or locations of search costs.Film and television filming, destination should and entertainment media and film and TV plays to maintain good public relations, the story of the film and television shooting at the same time, let the audience know, film and television location or locations is the destination, and maintaining high exposure. First of all, the destination marketing related staff should keep close contact with cast and advertising and promotion of personnel, to ensure the film publicity, information about destination as a location or locations can be referred to and the landscape characteristics such as location, the correctness of the disclosure and maximize the value as a tourist destination. Second, should make full use of cast, especially the main actors in the shooting location, that is, the behavior of the destination and conversation, to promote a destination. Main actors usually have stronger social influence, has a relatively fixed fan base, its behavior has a demonstration effect, talk with word of mouth effect, will deeply affect their fans and fans around the crowd, has the good marketing effect. Again, at this stage of the propaganda should not only stay on the landscape of the scenic spot, should be comprehensive publicity related to destination tour hotel, art, folk customs, food, handicrafts and local fashion trends, improve the whole attractive destination. Can invite destination media to the movie "or location field trips and sightseeing, and then launch special report on related media, expand the destination.Shown in the marketing work, should concentrate on keeping information accessibility and smooth general characteristic, and film and television film distributors together marketing, travel agencies, media, maximum limit arouse tourists tourism interests, prompting from the tourist motives to the transformation of the actual travel behavior, finally achieve the purpose of the filmand television tourism marketing. First of all, the close cooperation with the issuers of the film, television, attracts tourists to travel to the destination. Cooperation with film television issuers should establish marketing partnership before the screening, to determine the ways and means of cooperation, and ready for marketing materials. Secondly, establish strategic alliance with the travel agency, the facade shop through a travel agency, film and television and the network marketing the destination tour, group travel to film and television tourism destination. This is the film and television tourism marketing to achieve the ultimate goal of the most direct way. Again, we should use the film and television filming crew and actors used in hotel rooms, sets and props for targeted marketing campaigns to attract tourists have a special interest in tourism. Finally, give full play to all kinds of marketing tools, to maximize the effect of the film and television tourism marketing. In addition to the traditional advertising, photography, photo albums, brochures thereof should make full use of the new media such as Internet and film and television atlas.译文影视旅游:旅游目的地营销Hudson S摘要电影电视中出现的旅游目的地会影响旅游者的旅游兴趣,促成旅游行为。

影视剧对旅游景点的影响作者:锦江区功夫熊猫一、文献回顾影视旅游又称电影引致的旅游(Film-induced Tourism)。
国外的研究者们普遍用电影引致的旅游来概括由影视剧导致的旅游现象,同时也有一些其他的表述方法,如:Media Induced Tourism、Movie Induced Tourism。
Busby和Klug (2001)把影视旅游定义为:旅游者前往某一目的地或吸引物是由于该地曾经在电视、录像和电影银幕中放映过①。
Iwashita (2003)深化了这一概念,认为通过向观众展示目的地的特点和魅力,电影、电视以及文学作品可以影响个体的旅游偏好和目的地选择②。
Beeton (2005)将影视旅游概念的外延扩大,把影视旅游产品分为了6类:场地旅游(on-location travel),即对电影相关场地,包括真实场地与拍摄场地的游览。
商业性旅游(commercial travel),即对电影拍摄过程结束后,专门为吸引游客而建造的吸引物的游览,或者指那些前往各种电影场地的专项旅游产品。
身份误解的旅游(mistaken identitiestravel),即对电影拍摄地,而非事件发生地的游览。
脱离场地的旅游(off-location travel),即在可以观看到电影制作过程的工作室、与电影相关的或工作室所在的主题公园进行的游览。
一次性事件、电影节或首映式(one-off events-film festivals or premieres)。
扶手椅旅游(armchair travel),即由电视旅游节目所组织的在不同地点进行的旅游。
Riley et al.(1998)认为当观众在现实中寻找曾在银幕上看到的场景时,他们就成为了影视旅游者。

我们的旅行是去白鹿原影视城英语作文我们的旅行是去白鹿原影视城英语作文1:Composition of a one-day tour from Luyuan Film and Television City On the third day of the Lunar New Year, my parents and I went to Bailuyuan Film and Television City to play.About 30 kilometers out of Xi 'an, I passed Lantian County on the way, and the road was winding up along the mountain. Although it was yellow from a distance on the mountain, a lot of green grass and some unknown plants had grown up nearby, and everything had the vitality of spring. There were quite a lot of cars on the road, and I walked slowly. I was anxious, so it took me one and a half hours to stop and go, and finally I came to the front of Bailuyuan Film and Television City.Luyuan Film and Television City is built on a mountain. The first thing you see is a statue of a big silver deer, which is at least six meters high. It holds its head high, its four legs are strong and its decorative patterns are beautiful. Under the sunlight, it seems to be driving a cloud.As soon as I entered the gate of the Film and Television City, there were so many tourists inside, and the theater of Heiwa Romance was built with great momentum. Minions at the gateof the theater warmly received us and took a group photo with me. As the crowd went down, the food court came to our eyes, and all kinds of snacks exuded attractive fragrance, which made my mouth water. My parents and I ordered some snacks, which were really delicious.It's already one o'clock in the afternoon after the meal. At this time, there are more tourists. Go forward and pass a pagoda. It's already one o'clock in the afternoon after the meal. At this time, there are more tourists. Go forward and pass a pagoda, and you hear the sound of drums and drums. My spirit is also shocked. It turns out that the strong Qiu Ge team is coming towards us. Everyone stops to watch and cheer! Unconsciously, we came to Tongguan. Although it was modeled after Tongguan in Weinan, it was also very dignified. Not far from here is a western church. Next to the church are rows of antique shops. Most of the goods in the shops are handicrafts, and the cries of hawking come one after another. It's very lively. We walked a little further and came to Bailu Village. The house in the village is unique, that is, simple and simple. Dad said that this house has a history of more than one hundred years, and the TV series "Bailuyuan" was filmed here. When I was in the village, the bluestone road was shining, and brickby brick seemed to gently tell me the story of the past here. After visiting the village for a while, I saw a riding field not far away and thought, "If only I could ride a horse." Come on. "So I asked my father if I could ride a horse. My father promised me, and I was extremely happy. With the help of the racecourse staff, I got on the horse and remembered the appearance of Liu Bei riding a horse in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms. I also learned to look like Liu Bei. He was magnificent! Oh, and I saw a group of little pigs, chubby. They were so cute when they walked.Time passed quickly, and it was getting dark, but the scenery of Bailuyuan Film and Television City made me linger. At the urging of my mother, we got on the bus home, and I look forward to visiting again in the next holiday.我们的旅行是去白鹿原影视城英语作文2:After three or four hours' ride, we finally arrived at Bailuyuan Film and Television City.When I got off the bus, I saw the white deer sculpture: one white deer looked at us gently in Xiangyun, while the other two leaped into the air, with great air. Entering the gate, we first took the sightseeing escalator. Standing on the escalator, I was so nervous that I couldn't take care of sightseeing.Later, my mother said, "Isn't this just like the elevator in the mall?" I just relaxed. We watched the scenery on the escalator, talked and laughed, and before we knew it, we reached the top of the mountain. I stood at the top of the mountain and looked down. "Wow, it's so high!" I can't help but sigh. Look at the people below from the top of the mountain. They are so small. Tell me, mom, there is a movie called "White Deer Field" that was filmed here.I think it would be great to see them making movies here! Everyone walked on, and we came to the place where we bought souvenirs. My mother bought me a peacock hat and a pair of embroidered shoes. The peacock hat is made of colored paper, which is very beautiful, but I took it home and didn't wear it for two days before my brother tore it up. Embroidered shoes are beautiful and comfortable to wear, and I often wear them. It's time to gather. Let's go to the Erhu Theater to see a movie with the tour guide. The film was performed live, and the actors were full of energy, acting realistically and interestingly, and the audience applauded one after another.One of the scenes is very unforgettable for me: a man tied with a zip line, drinking loudly, sliding from the corner to the center of the stage and suddenly pushing the enemy into awell. Because I sat in the front row, water splashed all over me.I am very happy after a short day's play. Sitting on the bus home, my friends and I were still wanting more, laughing and talking all the way, discussing the day's experiences and feelings.。

When I arrived at the HuaYi Brothers Film and Television City, I was immediately struck by the grandeur of the place. The architecture was stunning, with buildings reminiscentof different historical periods and film sets from famous movies. The attention to detail was incredible, and itreally felt like stepping into a different world.The first thing we did was take a guided tour of thefilm sets. We got to see famous scenes from Chinese and international films, and it was fascinating to learn about the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making movies.The tour guide was very knowledgeable and sharedinteresting stories about the filming process and theactors involved.After the tour, we had the chance to participate in some interactive activities. We tried on costumes from different historical periods and took pictures in front of famousmovie props. There were also some virtual reality experiences that allowed us to feel like we were part of the action in popular films. It was a lot of fun and a great way to feel immersed in the world of cinema.One of the highlights of the trip was the live performances. We watched a traditional Chinese opera and a martial arts demonstration, both of which were incredibly impressive. The performers were so talented and it was amazing to see their skills up close.Of course, no trip to a theme park would be complete without some thrilling rides. HuaYi Brothers Film and Television City had several exciting attractions, including roller coasters and 4D movie experiences. It was a great way to end the day and get the adrenaline pumping.华谊兄弟影视城的春游经历让我对电影和电视制作有了更深入的了解。

镇北堡西部影视城的英语作文Zhenbei Castle Western Film City is a popular tourist attraction located in China. It is a large film and television shooting base with a western theme, featuring various sets and scenes from classic western movies. The film city covers an area of 3,000 acres and provides visitors with the opportunity to experience the excitement of the Wild West.Visitors to Zhenbei Castle Western Film City can enjoy a variety of activities and attractions. One of the main highlights is the chance to watch live performances and reenactments of famous western scenes. This allows visitors to immerse themselves in the world of cowboys, outlaws, and gunfights. Additionally, there are opportunities to dress up in western costumes and take part in photo shoots, creating memorable souvenirs of the visit.The film city also features a range of sets andbuildings that have been used in the filming of popular movies and TV shows. Visitors can explore these sets and learn about the history of western film-making, as well as gain insight into the production process. There are alsointeractive exhibits and displays that showcase the art of special effects and stunt work, providing a behind-the-scenes look at the magic of the movies.In addition to the entertainment and educational aspects, Zhenbei Castle Western Film City offers a variety of dining options, including themed western restaurants and cafes. Visitors can enjoy a meal or snack while surrounded by the ambiance of the Wild West, further enhancing the immersive experience.Overall, Zhenbei Castle Western Film City is a uniqueand exciting destination for film enthusiasts, history buffs, and families looking for a fun day out. Its blend of entertainment, education, and atmosphere makes it a must-visit attraction for anyone with an interest in the worldof western movies.镇北堡西部影视城是中国的一个受欢迎的旅游景点。

2.1 用词不当原文:广州街影视拍摄基地建于一九九六年八月……译文:Established in August 1996,Guangzhou Street Movie and TV shooting base……外国游客乍看到establish这一单词,那么首先令他们想到应该是建立广州街拍摄公司之类的,但之后出现却是shooting base(且不论这两个单词首字母未大写)拍摄基地。
Unit 9旅游娱乐

Text A
Entertainment Tourism 旅游娱乐
Christopher Ademola Adeboye
Key Points 课文要点
• Entertainment Tourism: In the Past 过去的旅游娱乐业 • Entertainment Tourism: Present and Future 旅游娱乐业的现状和将来 • Entertainment as a Tourism Boost 娱乐推动旅游业发展
Text B Film Tourism in New 新西兰影视旅游
Key Points 课文要点
• A brief introduction to film tourism 影视旅游简介 • New Zealand is the No.1 holiday destination 新西兰是排名第一的度假地 • The Lord of the Rings—adventurous tourism in New Zealand 《指环王》 —新西兰的冒险之旅 • The Hobbiton Movie Set—one of the biggest tourist attractions in New Zealand • 霍比特人系列电影—新西兰最大的游客吸引点之一 • The Impact of Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit on New Zealand 《指环王》和《霍比特人》对新西兰的影响
Unit 9 Entertainment in Tourism 旅游娱乐
Learning Objectives 学习目标
• learn about the history of entertainment in tourism generally; • 能了解旅游娱乐业的概况 • analyze the trends of developing entertainment in tourism; • 能分析旅游娱乐业的发展趋势 • grasp the useful words and expressions related to the topic; • 能掌握相关词汇和表达 • talk about the issue of entertainment in tourism • 能谈论旅游娱乐业中的问题

银川影视城英语作文Title: The Allure of Yinchuan Movie CityYinchuan Movie City, nestled in the heart of Ningxia, China, is a cultural gem that draws visitors from all over the world. This unique film production base not only offers a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the region but also provides an immersive experience for movie buffs.银川影视城,位于中国宁夏的心脏地带,是一颗文化瑰宝,吸引着世界各地的游客。
Walking through the streets of Yinchuan Movie City, one can easily be transported back to ancient times. The meticulously crafted buildings, costumes, and props all contribute to creating an authentic atmosphere.漫步在银川影视城的街道上,人们仿佛能够穿越时空回到古代。
Moreover, the city hosts various film festivals and cultural events throughout the year, further enhancing its reputation as a vibrant hub for cinema and the arts.此外,银川影视城全年举办各种电影节和文化活动,进一步巩固了其作为电影和艺术活跃中心的声誉。
旅游英语终结版film tourism

Film Tourism
definition of
01 film tourism
Macionis (2004)
it encompasses both media of film and television, reduces the cumbersome use of the dual terms and reduces potential misinterpretation of the wider phenomenon
5.11 million
Number of Domestic Tourists
191 million
5.40 million 209 million 5.71 million 244 million
6.85 million 295 million 7.74 million 343 million
8.66 million 391 million 8.66 million 434 million
[3]Connell, J., & Meyer, D. (2009). Balamory revisited: an evaluation of the screen tourism destination-tourist nexus. Tourism Management, 30(2), 194e207.
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毕业设计(论文)译文及原稿译文题目:影视旅游:测量和其他问题的挑战节选自原文P316-332原稿题目:MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISM: THE CHALLENGE OFMEASURENMENT AND OTHER ISSUESForm P316-332原稿出处:Busby G,Klug J.Movie induced tourism:The challenge of measurement and other issue[J].Journal of V acation Marking,2001,7(4):316-332.影视旅游:测量和其他问题的挑战摘要关键词:影视旅游,文学旅游,目的地在英国,在文献和地方旅游营销推广方面,很少有与影视景点相关的研究,其中包括电视节目的拍摄地点。
1. 介绍与影视相关的旅游包括参观因与书、作者、电视节目和电影有关联而著名的地方。
2.文献综述2.1 影视旅游的定义范围和意义埃文斯表明影视旅游包括“由于目的地登上了电视、视频或电影屏幕,结果游客游览目的地或景点。
同样地,电视作品,例如《Bergerac 》,《Emmerdale 》,《Peak Practice 》,《Wycliffe 》,《Inspector Morse 》,《Heartbeat 》和《Coronation Street 》已经影响了英国的一些地区和城镇;这是因为许多在英国制作的电视和电影影片,非常畅销国外,然后导致观众写信给酒店和旅游办公室来预订,或假期旅游,游览他们在影视作品当中所看到的地点。
讨论的焦点已经集中在电影的影响;然而,许多电影和电视节目实际上已经改编自通俗小说,如伊夫林·沃的《旧地重游》,Rosamunde Pilcher 的众多故事。
德国游客,特别是有前往过英格兰的西方乡村,遵循“ Rosamunde Pilcher Trail ”来参观曾经进行影视拍摄的地区,以及享受在德国电视上播放过的改编自这样的小说例如《结束的夏天》,《云在地平线上》,《风的希望和暴风雨的定期接触》中的浪漫风景。
当小说改编成电视剧时,一个地方当局还可以获得更进一步的利益;那部在1995年改编成的作品,Rosamunde Pilcher 的《四月的雪》改编成的广播估计给德国当地的康沃尔郡的经济注入了750000英镑。
来自Penwith 区议会的旅游局主管迈克·福克斯里评论道:这提供了比他们能达到的增进的预算的更大的覆盖范围。
2.2 文学旅游很明显,现在许多电影和电视剧的地位应当归功于将文学放在第一位;文学旅游是一个重要的和不断增长的旅游业的一部分,“与因文学描述或者文学人物有关而著名的地方” 。
参观这样的目的地“允许接触到这些与著名人物有关的地方,允许欣赏和可能有机会亲自接触工艺品和纪念品;这样的设置使得相互之间的联系得到有效的加强” 。
赫伯特指出“这些与文学相关的地方是作家真正生活的世界与小说中描绘的世界的融合” 。
MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISM: THE CHALLENGE OF MEASUREMENT AND OTHER ISSUESAbstractKEYWORDS: movie-induced tourism,literary tourism,destinationsWithin the literature on tourism marketing and place promotion,there is very little research related to movie sites,including television programme locations,in Britain.This study discusses the concept of movie-induced tourism in relation to the wider phenomenon of cultural and literary tourism.The challenge of measurement is considered via a small-scale survey of visitors to Notting Hill in London,the setting for the successful movie starring Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts. The results showed a visitor profile which is fairly consistent with the findings from the literature;frequency results indicated that many visitors to Notting Hill had a fairly clear destination image prior to their visit,a large number of respondents knew of other television and film locations and a majority of respondents would consider travelling to television or film locations in the future. About two-thirds of respondents agreed with the fact that television programmes and filmsencourage tourism to a certain area,which shows an overall awareness and acceptance of the phenomenon of movie-induced tourism within the survey population.IntroductionMedia-related tourism involves visits to places celebrated for associations with books,authors,television programmes and films.According to Tetley,movie-induced tourism,as the form related to films and television has become known,is a lucrative and rapidly growing sector of the tourism industry with increasing economic importance;filming not only provides short-term employment and publicity for the chosen location but also long-term tourism opportunities.Identifying the locations where films have been produced has become a contemporary leisure activity,aided by promotional material such as the British Tourist Authority's movie map and local authority marketing efforts. When people are seeking sights/sites seen on the `silver screen',they become movie-induced tourists.Many countries,especially Britain,have seen a dramatic increase in visitor numbers to locations that have been featured in films or television programmes.However,there has been little in the way of academic research into the effect of films and television on the popularity of locations as visitor destinations.Furthermore,as Riley notes,there has been no empirical investigation of the phenomenon whereby movies might influence the travel preferences and destination choices of those who attend cinemas or view videotapes at home.The relationship between fiction,dreams and tourism impacts has long been established;although films are primarily consumed as entertainment,rather than as placecentred insight,it is evident that images of such places form some basis of individuals' understanding and expectations when they are tourists visiting the places portrayed.Table 1 provides a comprehensive overview of all the forms documented in the literature;their potential advantages and disadvantages are presented in Figure 1.The aim of this research is to map the concept of movie-induced tourism in relation to the wider phenomenon of cultural and literary tourism,including the construction of place . The challenge of measuring the concept is demonstrated through a small-scale research study of Notting Hill,the location,in relation to the eponymous Hollywood movie. A few related issues are then raised for further consideration.DEFINING THE SCOPE AND MEANING OF MOVIE-INDUCED TOURISM Evans suggests that movie-induced tourism comprises `tourist visits to a destination or attraction as a result of the destination being featured on television,video or the cinemascreen'. Watching television is still the nation's most common home-based leisure activity for both men and women;film and television has become part of society's culture,permeating the individuals' world and thus forming part of people's understanding.The media has become a major vehicle of awareness and style leadership,bringing the wonders of the world and the excitement of various remote natural environments to millions of people;having been exposed to them,the desire to see and experience becomes more powerful. Butler is one of several authors who discuss the influence of the media and the ways in which people derive images,information and awareness of destinations which,in turn,form the basis upon which they make choices about where to stay and what to visit: `motion pictures and television films have had a powerful influence on people's tastes and ideas'.There is no doubt that films and television programmes create an increase in visitor numbers at their respective locations.This phenomenon has been recorded worldwide:films such as Crocodile Dundee and Mad Max have had an influence on tourist growth in Australia and Dances with Wolves,Close Encounters,and Field of Dreams turned their respective US film locations into pilgrimage attractions.While Winterset is the birth-place of actor John Wayne,it took the filming of Robert James Waller's The Bridges of Madison County to put the county town on the map: the 4,200 inhabitants experienced 220 coach parties,from 21 countries,in summer 1995 as a result of the movie.The film Saving Private Ryan resulted in a 40 percent increase in American visitors to Normandy after its release;furthermore,Normandy's tourism promoters identified a more diverse age range of visitors as a result D not just ageing veterans of the D-Day landings.Table 2 identfies a range of movie sets which have turned their respective locations into popular tourist destinations.Many authors agree that movies are effective as tourist-inducing attractions in becoming `pull' factors situated in `push' locations.Within the UK,a wide range of films such as Mary Poppins(1964),Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994),Fever Pitch (1996),Mission Impossible (1996) and Sliding Doors (1998),to name a few,have transformed their film locations into attractions which are perceived by many tourists as worthwhile visiting.Similarly,television productions such as Bergerac,Emmerdale,Peak Practice,Wycliffe,Inspector Morse,Heartbeat and Coronation Street have affected regions and towns in Britain;this is because many television and cinema films produced in Britain are widely sold and shown abroad,which then leads to viewers writing to hotels and tourist offices to book tours of,or holidays to,places they have seen in the filmed location.These are just a few examples,from a wide range,to demonstrate the power of the media in influencing tourism;it is a factor that is,for the most part,fully taken into account and built upon by tourism authorities today intheir efforts to promote cultural and,therefore,movie-induced tourism. Discussion has focused on the influence of movies;however,many films and television programmes have actually been adapted from popular novels,such as Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited and many of Rosamunde Pilcher's numerous narratives. German visitors,especially,have travelled to England's West Country following the `Rosamunde Pilcher Trail' to visit the locations where filming has taken place and enjoy the romantic scenery shown in German television adaptations of such novels as The End of Summer,Clouds on the Horizon,Wind of Hope and Stormy Encounters on a regular basis.A local authority can also gain promotional benefits when novels are adapted for television;the adaptation,in 1995,of Rosamunde Pilcher's Snow in April for broadcast in Germany injected an estimated £750,000 into the local Cornish economy. Mike Foxley,tourism of officer for Penwith District Council,commented that this provided far greater coverage than their promotional budget could ever achieve. Similarly,in another genre,the W. J. Burley detective stories attracted 10 million viewers to Wycliffe ,in 1994,containing much footage of outstanding Cornish scenery.Literary and movie-induced tourism also interlink because some television programmes (for example,Langley Country,presenting the places which inspired Thomas Hardy) trace those places which are clearly connected to wellknown writers or novels.LITERARY TOURISMIt is apparent by now that many films and television dramas owe their existence to literature in the first place;literary tourism is an important and growing sector of the tourism industry,`associated with places celebrated for literary depictions and/or connections with literary figures'.Tourism then originates when the popularity of a literary depiction or the stature of an individual author is such that people are drawn to visit the places that he/she wrote about or was associated with. The visit to such destinations `allows contact with places closely associated with admired individuals,allows sight of,and perhaps the chance to touch,artefacts and memorabilia;the setting enhances the experiential quality of these contacts'.Butler documents four forms of literary tourism,as illustrated in Table 3,and a fifth form ——that of the influence of travel writing —— is proposed.Herbert observes that `literary places are the fusion of the real worlds in which the writers lived with the worlds portrayed in the novels'.V isitors can be attracted to houses where writers lived and worked and also to the landscapes which provided the settings for their novels.Moreover,Pocock notes that `many classic works are receiving wider dissemination than ever before through projection on the television and cinema screens'.In a sense,both forms of tourism,literature or movie induced,are very similar;in fact,they can even be interchanged in many ways. As with movie tourism,there is a merging of the real and the imagined which givesliterary places a special meaning.However,while literature continues to play a vital role in popular culture,the defining media of the 21st century are film and television.An example to illustrate the conjunction of several media is illustrated by The Railway Children;this novel by Edith Nisbet appeared in 1906 and was turned into a film in 1970,starring Jenny Agutter as the eldest child. In 2000,a new version of the film appeared,but was not a remake according to producer Charles Elton;rather it was a production of the 1906 book and they were `trying to be more faithful to the original novel'.Jenny Agutter starred as the children's mother this time.However,whereas the Keighley and Worth V alley Railway,in Y orkshire,had been used for the 1970 film,the new version used the Bluebell Railway in Sussex,raising the perennial issue of authenticity. For purists,this can be discerned from the latest medium available to consumers: the websites for both railways promote their version.。