广告是否有利于大众消费 英语辩论

广告是否有利于大众消费 英语辩论
广告是否有利于大众消费 英语辩论



对方辩友,my fellow debaters

开始的陈词,Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen.....

陈述的时候一定要自信,把握好时间,如果到后来时间到,你却没陈述完的时候也要保持自信,微笑,不管他们,把话说完,所以陈述部分的最后几句一定要背熟练。别忘了说THANK YOU。

如果想要驳斥对方的逻辑,进行假设:according to your logic

Giving Reasons and offering explanations:

To start with…,

The reason why... is that…,

For this reason...,

That's (the reason) why...,

Considering / In view of / Taking this fact into account / Allowing for the fact that…鉴于,考虑到

Debate language

Ways to open a debate

In the first place we would like to state our views on this matter.

We believe it is necessary to make clear that…

In order to effectively debate this topic, we would like to propose…. 做出提议

What you emphasize merits / deserves closer examination. 值得更细致的研究

We will elaborate one of the most striking features of this problem, namely…详述

The main argument focuses on…主要争论的是…

stating an opinion 陈述观点

I think/believe/suspect that..., In my opinion...,

As far as I'm concerned..., 就我而言

I'd like to point out that…我想指出的是…

In / from my experience…根据我的经验…

I'd like to say this:…我会这样说…

I suppose / guess..., 我猜想

I’d rather..., I’d prefer..., 我宁愿

I’m certain / pretty sure that..., 我确信

It is fairly certain that..., 确定的是…

I‘m convinced that..., 确信

I honestly feel that…, 真觉得

I strongly / firmly believe that..., 坚信

Without (a) doubt..., 无疑

While others may argue that…,

It’s safe to say that…,

In fact…, It’s a fact that…, The fact is that…

A recent study has shown that…, 研究表明

It has been suggested that…

Asking for an opinion from the other party

I would be glad to hear your opinion of …


Well…what do you think of…? / How do you see it?


Do you agree? (don't you agree?) 你同意吗? (你是不是同意?)

What‘s your view on the matter?就这件事你的看法呢?

Let‘s have your opinion.让我们听听你的意见!

How to convince in a debate

The other team has tried to make some good points, however, they forgot to think about some very important issues, namely….

We hear what the opposition are saying but we do not agree. We will prove to you…对手,反方That’s one way to think about it, however,….

Their opinion may seem plausible at first glance, however, we would like to remind you of recent developments in this area. According to ….


At first sight, their argument seems to be true. But….

They unfortunately failed to reveal the truth of the matter,….

It is easy enough to make broad generalisation about...like the other team just did, but in reality it is a very complex issue. 大致的概括一下是很容易,但…

It is only a matter of time until it will become evident that the other team’s stand may prove to be wrong due to the following reasons…. 立场

One must take into account that….

Coming up with a new point

Another point is that …另一点是……

Another way of looking at it is …看这个问题的另一个看法是……

I forgot to say / tell you that…我忘记要讲…...

Clarifying a point 阐述观点

a. What I said was…我刚才说的是…

b. What I mean to say was…我的意思是说…

c. Let me repeat what I sai

d. 让我重复我刚才所说的。

d. Let me rephrase what I said.让我重申刚才所说的。

Concluding your own point of view

That’s all I want to say. 我想说的就这些了。

Summarizing the points of the other side

As you said…如你所说……

But haven’t you said that…?但是,难道你没说过……吗?

If I understood you correctly, you said that…要是我理解正确的话,你说过…….

How to Agree Strongly with an Opinion

1. I couldn't agree more!

2. That's absolutely true!

3. Absolutely!

4. I agree with your point.

5. I'd go along with you there / on that point.

6. I'm with you on that.

7. That's just what I was thinking.

8. That’s exactly what I think.

9. That’s a good point. 这个看法不错。

10. That's just how I see it.

11. That's exactly my opinion.

12. I feel the same way. 我也持同样的想法。

How to Partly Agree with an Opinion

1. Yes, perhaps, however ...

2. Well, yes, but ...

3. Yes, in a way, however ...

4. Hmm, possibly, but ...

5. Yes, I agree up to a point / to some

extent, however ...

6. Well, you have a point there, but ...

7. There's something there, I suppose,


8. I guess you could be right, but ...

9. Yes, I suppose so, however ...

10. That's worth thinking about, but ...

Politely disagreeing

I don't think that...,

On the other hand…On the contrary…

Hmm, I‘m not sure you’re right.

I‘m inclined to disagree with that. 倾向于

Don't you think it would be better if..., I'd prefer...

But what about... 但关于…方面呢?

That can’t be true. 那不可能是真的。

I'm afraid I don't agree...

Frankly, I doubt if...,

Your argument would be more persuasive if you had considered... The point you have made is interesting but the fact is that...

I can’t possibly agree with you.我不可能同意你。

I hate to disagree with you,but…我不愿反对你,但…

All right,but don't you think…? 好吧,但难道你不觉得…But that’s different. 但那是不一样的

While your statement is compelling, I believe you have not expressed the main point of the problem. 吸引人

I understand your viewpoint, but it fails to consider...

The problem with your point of view is that...

Strongly disagreeing

I disagree (with your idea).

I disagree with you entirely.

I wouldn’t accept that for one minute.

You can't really mean that.

You can’t be serious about that. .

You must be joking / kidding.

I wouldn't go along with you there.

It's possible you are mistaken about that.

Don’t stray (away) from the point. 跑题

Please keep to the point / topic. 别扯远了

You kept wandering off / away from the point.

Possible conclusions

To conclude, we must emphasize our opinion of…., therefore the other team’s point of view can no longer be supported.

To sum up, our argument will hold water, simply because during the debate we have shown…. This debate has made obvious that their argument is not convincing since…

The simple truth is…

The proposed arguments lead us to the irrefutable conclusion that…无可辩驳的

After careful consideration, we must conclude that….

I think we have agreed to disagree / differ.

同意各自保留不同意见(不再说服对方); 求同存异


Examples would appear our well-founded Each other can't prove that you each example As long as not too common misconception Can appropriate processing/exaggerated some examples To make it more conducive to your own Here are 10 can be used as an example No words can throw in a free debate example let her answer So we can save more time for preparing their own


1. This year the holidays don't accept a gift, gift only accept brain platinum, a pragmatically so long also don't say, complained by people every year, but the giant company money, so every year the AD played on fire.

2.碧生源常润茶经检验,其成分大部分就是泻药。而她的广告却说“快速解决口臭、青春痘、色斑、皱纹增多、肥胖等问题” 是个正常人,想一想都知道她们公司做的可能不是广告,当然也不是寂寞,但是这种广告确反复在CCA V等电视媒体堂而皇之播出,请问,作为一个资深需要减肥人士,这种广告有利于我们大众消费吗?

2. Brigitte students Chang Run saint inspection, most of the elements is a laxative. Her AD said "quick solve bad breath, acne, chloasma, wrinkly, obesity problems such as" a normal person, think about all know they might not be advertising company do, of course, is not lonely, but this kind of advertising is repeated in CCAV media such as TV broadcast in silhouette, excuse me, as a senior people need to lose weight, this kind of advertising is beneficial to our mass consumption?


3. Huawei: rarely see ads But huawei to apply for patent accounted for a large proportion of China's filings shenzhen 80% patents are huawei huawei is the world's largest Internet equipment provider, tax China top 10, don't do advertising, a company can have a dignity based on the market.


4. See a child was attracted by the NIKE AD dragged his mother to the store Can see that their home is not very comfortable But still give he bought it makes me sad for a long time of things the average person I don't tell him. Know why I preach NIKE? Because hate NIKE, very anxious to wear his lousy!


5. Recently hit zhang guoli endorsement of nine cheese liuwei dihuang pill Q: do you use? Zhang guoli directly answer: I don't even kidney, with what. Advertisement law stipulates

clearly: no personal trial drugs do endorsement. But now television ads are all filled with celebrities, including the fu phlogistic clean wash more health, let FuDiSheng the men to speak, it harms consumer fraud, how how could favor the public consumption.


6. Melamine scandal broke out, China's dairy industry's most competitive, hoodwinks the cow the advertising is: a glass of milk every day, strong Chinese Erie? Erie infant formula: thousands of Chinese babies grow choice; International quality yili formula. Fortunately, I have no time to watch ads, didn't go to consumption of melamine milk, otherwise I might have gone. I want to know, when the melamine scandal broke out, could you tell me how many people will think milk dealers advertising is good for their consumption?


7. The famous comedian donglin guo do laundry detergent advertising: put the dirty clothes into the basin of tide detergent, a swing swing, take out, dress somehow tu rned white! I also bought a package of tide back to the dormitory, found clothes more swinging more dirty, excuse me, without the collapse of misleading advertising, elder brother will spend this boring, it's not clear to deceive consumers, how to help the public consumption?


8. Believe each other friends have seen the new in the cover cover high calcium tablet of advertising, the old man since ate one breath on the fifth floor, the waist sour leg pain! So weak-minded advertising for more than a year, if it is really so, that's not high calcium tablet, this is called the Indian god medicine! Believe argue each other friends also want to know why not play later? Because the old man hung up the... Do excuse me such advertising, which is beneficial to the public consumption? This is not clear call a person to eat a piece of high calcium tablet, breath go to heaven don't trouble?


9. In China, advertising is just a way of "duck" for consumers to instill some things, no matter you like it or not, every day in front of you constantly, constantly read in your ear. A good advertising, creative advertising, it is hard to see. The best advertising, brain white, ranked first in the country. However, the most unpopular at the same time, the most annoying ads, also is the brain platinum, ranking the first. Isn't this a great irony?

10.SK-II“神仙水”的广告语:“使用4周后,肌肤年轻12年,细纹减少47%” 大家知道,后来SK-II 遭到众多产品质量投诉,一夜间声名狼藉。但是世界500强宝洁公司告诉我们“宝洁公司优质产品” 这怎能不让广大女性同胞心动呢?但是后果谁用谁知道,哥也不想解释,广告不利于大众消费一目了然。

10. Sk-ii "fairy water" slogan: "using 4 weeks later, the young skin for 12 years, the appearance of fine lines decrease 47%," you know, later sk-ii suffer numerous product quality complaints, the infamous overnight. But the world 500 strong procter and gamble told us "procter & gamble company quality products" how can this not let the broad masses of women move? But who used who knows, elder brother don't want to explain, advertising is not conducive to mass consumer be clear at a glance.


According to the square a few more vantage point counter is as follows:


1. Advertising as a vehicle for people to know commodities is the most important, its beneficial effect on consumption is self-evident. First of all, advertising can make people faster, better and more convenient to understand the characteristics of goods, function, etc., consumers never leave home can understand which is what you need, great convenience for consumer choice


Retort: I think people understand the advertising as a commodity is the most important medium of a serious mistake, admitted that he can make people faster, better and more convenient to understand the characteristics of goods, but the advertisement is full of praise, as a consumer, I would like to know what he has faults, the role of advertising in this respect is much less than the commodity specification. Studied political book economic life in the third chapter we'll know: see AD buy goods is a kind of irrational consumption behavior blindly.


2. Advertising is beneficial to strengthen the manufacturer the pursuit of product quality. Because, under the promoting effect of advertisement, manufacturers in order to maintain their market share, occupies a place in the fierce competition, is the inevitable result in such aspects as the quality of the product.


Retort: looks like opponent friend is to help manufacturers in real, you don't receive the money in the advertising. Manufacturers today, is mostly focus on advertising, and not to the pursuit of product quality, a bottle of brain platinum, nutrition is not as good as eating an apple, how to improve the quality of their own? Besides good vendor no how to rely on advertising, such as the world's largest Internet equipment providers, tax China top 10 huawei company, we almost never see him, but he still have a dignity based on the top of the market! I think the other party should also explain.


3. Advertising is beneficial to the active market, for the further development of market economy in our country has obvious significance.

反驳:我方绝对承认广告有利于活跃市场,甚至在搅乱市场了,面对街头凌乱的广告,广大消费者都不知道应该怎么消费了,三聚氰胺事件爆发的时候,是中国乳业竞争最激烈的时候,蒙牛的广告是:每天一杯奶,强壮中国人伊利的呢?伊利婴幼儿奶粉:千千万万中国宝宝得成长选择;国际品质伊利配方。您作为一个消费者,根本不知要购买哪一种,况且购买哪一种其实都是含有三聚氰胺的,悲剧啊同学!Retort: we definitely admit that advertising is beneficial to the active market, even in turmoil, facing the street advertising, consumers don't know how to consumption, the melamine event, China's dairy industry's most competitive, hoodwinks the cow the advertising is: a glass of milk every day, strong Chinese Erie? Erie infant formula: thousands of Chinese babies grow choice; International quality yili formula. As a consumer, you simply don't know which one to buy, and buy which are containing melamine, tragedy classmates!


4. Advertising is a science and art, it leads the public consumption. Many products if not through advertising a lot of people do not know such things, but it was also a ads we know there are so many things we need to use. Advertising certainly beneficial to the public


Retort: we acknowledge that advertising to guide the public consumption, even mislead the public consumption. This year the holidays don't accept a gift, gift only accept brain platinum. The broadcast pragmatically not cleared to mislead us for a few years? Old people need are sons and daughters of filial piety, not send the brain platinum is done you observe a festival, argue each other friends, wake up!


5. Money in the hands of consumers, should the consumption, consumers the most clearly. Consumption is not, should not blame ads.


Retort: you have to admit that the advertisement has guiding role to the mass consumer, now you don't admit that there are advertising and consumer relationship, you are not from your mouth?
