

LED 灯线条规格说明书

LED 灯线条规格说明书

3.0x2.5mm SURFACE MOUNT LED LAMP Features3. The specifications, characteristics and technical data described in the datasheet are subject to change without prior notice.Selection GuideNotes:1. θ1/2 is the angle from optical centerline where the luminous intensity is 1/2 of the optical peak value.2. Luminous intensity/ luminous Flux: +/-15%.Part No.DiceLens TypeIv (mcd) [2] @ 20mA Viewing Angle [1] Code. Min. Max. 2θ1/2 APB3025CGKQWDF-AMTGreen (AlGaInP)Yellow FluorescentF 20 40120° G 40 55 M 80 120 P 200 300Q 300 400 R 400 500White (InGaN)H 55 80 Absolute Maximum Ratings at TA=25°CParameterSymbolValueUnitGreenWhitePower dissipation P d 75 80 mW Operating Temperature Top -40 To+ 100 °C Storage Temperature Tstg°C Junction temperatureT J 120 110 °C DC Forward Current (TA=25°C) I F 30 20 mA Peak Forward Current [1] (TA=25°C) I FM 150 150 mAReverse Voltage (TA=25°C)V R55 VElectrostatic Discharge Threshold (HBM)3000 250 V -40 To+ 110Thermal resistance 1chip on (typ.)(Junction/solder point) 2 chip on (typ.)1 chip on (max.)2 chip on (max.) 220330 256 410220 330 256 410°C/WR th j-s R th j-s R th j-s [2]R th j-s [2] Note:1.1/10 Duty Cycle, 0.1ms Pulse Width.2.Rth(max) is based on statistic values.Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C (Green)Parameter SymbolValueUnit Code. Min.Typ.Max.Wavelength at peak emission I F=20mA λpeak 574 nmDominant Wavelength I F=20mA λ dom [1] 3 563 5654 565 5675 567 5696 569 571Spectral bandwidth at 50%ΦREL MAX I F=20mA Δλ20 nm Forward Voltage I F=20mA V F [2] 2.1 2.5 VReverse Current (V R = 5V) I R10 uATemperature coefficient of λpeakI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°CTCλpeak 0.06 nm/°C Temperature coefficient of λdomI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°CTCλdom 0.03 nm/°CTemperature coefficient of V FI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°C TC V-3.6 mV/°CnmNotes:1.The dominant Wavelength (λ d) above is the setup value of the sorting machine. (Tolerance λ d : ±1nm. )2. Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V.Electrical / Optical Characteristics at TA=25°C (White)Parameter Symbol Value Unit Chromaticity coordinate x acc.to CIE1931I F=20mA [Typ.]x [1] 0.31Chromaticity coordinate y acc.to CIE1931I F=20mA [Typ.]y [1] 0.31Forward Voltage I F=20mA [Min.]V F [2]-VForward Voltage I F=20mA [Typ.] 3.3Forward Voltage I F=20mA [Max.] 4.0Temperature coefficient of V FI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°C [Typ.]TC V-2.5 mV/°C Temperature coefficient of xI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°C [Typ.]TC X-0.1 10-3/°CTemperature coefficient of yI F=20mA, -10°C≤T≤100°C [Typ.] TC y-0.2 10-3/°CReverse Current (V R = 5V) [Max.] I R50 uA Notes:1.Measurement tolerance of the chromaticity coordinates is ±0.01.2.Forward Voltage: +/-0.1V.Reliability Test Items And ConditionsThe reliability of products shall be satisfied with items listed below Lot Tolerance Percent Defective (LTPD) : 10%No. Test Item Standards Test Condition Test Times /CyclesNumber ofDamaged1 Continuous operating test - Ta =25°C ,IF = maximum rated current* 1,000 h 0 / 222 High Temp. operating test EIAJ ED-4701/100(101)Ta = 100°C IF = maximum rated current* 1,000 h 0 / 223 Low Temp. operating test - Ta = -40°C, IF = maximum rated current* 1,000 h 0 / 224 High temp. storage test EIAJ ED-4701/100(201)Ta = maximum rated storage temperature 1,000 h 0 / 225 Low temp. storage test EIAJ ED-4701/100(202)Ta = -40°C 1,000 h 0 / 226 High temp. & humidity storage test EIAJ ED-4701/100(103)Ta = 60°C, RH = 90% 1,000 h 0 / 227 High temp. & humidity operating test EIAJ ED-4701/100(102)Ta = 60°C, RH = 90%IF = maximum rated current*1,000 h 0 / 228 Soldering reliability test EIAJ ED-4701/100(301)Moisture soak : 30°C,70% RH, 72hPreheat : 150~180°C(120s max.)Soldering temp : 260°C(10s)3 times 0 / 189 Thermal shock operating test - Ta = -40°C(15min) ~ 100°C(15min)IF = derated current at 100°C1,000 cycles 0 / 2210 Thermal shock test - Ta = -40°C(15min) ~ maximum ratedstorage temperature(15min)1,000 cycles 0 / 2211 Electric Static Discharge (ESD) EIAJ ED-4701/100(304)C = 100pF , R2 = 1.5KΩV=3000V(Green)V=250V(White)Once eachPolarity0 / 2212 Vibration test - a = 196m/s² , f = 100~2KHz ,t = 48min for all xyz axes4 times 0 / 22* : Refer to forward current vs. derating curve diagramItems Symbols Conditions Failure Criterialuminous Intensity lv I F = 20mA Testing Min. Value <Spec.Min.Value x 0.5 Forward Voltage V F I F = 20mA Testing Max. Value ≥Spec.Max.Value x 1.2 Reverse Current I R V R = Maximum Rated Reverse Voltage Testing Max. Value ≥Spec.Max.Value x 2.5High temp. storage test - - Occurrence of notable decoloration, deformation and crackingFailure Criteria。

瑞丰公司RF-BNRI35TS -EE-N-Y型号LED灯条说明书

瑞丰公司RF-BNRI35TS -EE-N-Y型号LED灯条说明书

Date :日期:1-8th Floor, Building #1,10th Industrial Zone, Tian Liao Community, Gong Ming Area, Guang Ming栋一至八楼Web/网址:Features 特征PLCC-2 Package. 垂直型表贴封装 Extremely wide viewing angle. 发光角度大Suitable for all SMT assembly and solder process. 适用于所有的SMT 组装和焊接工艺 Available on tape and reel. 适用于载带及卷轴 Moisture sensitivity level: 3. 防潮等级:3 Package:4000pcs/reel. 包装:4000颗/卷 RoHS compliant. RoHS 认证Description 描述The Blue source color devices are made with InGaN on Substrate Light Emitting Diode蓝光LED 由InGaN 三种元素芯片激发而成Applications 应用Optical indicator.光学指示 Indoor display.室内显示Landscape lighting,lamp belt. 景观照明,灯带等 General use.其他适合的应用Package Dimension外观尺寸:2.8*3.5*0.8mmNOTES:1.All dimensions units are millimeters. (所有尺寸标注单位为毫米)2.All dimensions tolerances are 0.2mm unless otherwise noted. (除特别标注外,所有尺寸允许公差为±0.2毫米)Electrical / Optical Characteristics at Ts=25°C 电性与光学特性Typical Optical Characteristics Curves典型光学特性曲线Fig.1-Forward Voltage Vs. Forward Current Fig.2-Forward Current Vs. Relative Intensity 伏安特性曲线正向电流与相对光强特性曲线备注All the parameters and standardsspecification are based on Refondtest platform.规格书中所有参数和标准都是基于瑞丰的标准测试平台。



样品承认书SPECIFICATION FOR APPROVAL 客户名Customer品名 Product Name编号 Version number发出日期Deliver date制造确认 Product confirm and sign照明工程部照明品质部审核APPROVED BY APPROVED BY APPROVED BY检查結果□ 合格□不合格INSPECT RESULT ACCEPT REJECT客户确认Customer confirm and sign检查审核承认TESTED BY CHECKED BY APPROVED BY检查結果□ 合格□不合格INSPECT RESULT ACCEPT REJECT说明 REMARK:确认后请回传 , 谢谢 !Please confirm and fax to us ,thank you!产品规格书XL-5050LED硬灯条产品效果展示:产品名称: LED 软灯条产品型号: XL5050-60LED 硬灯条5050 灯珠效果LED 硬灯条5050 灯珠效果一、特点:1、采用高亮度SMD5050 LED灯珠,铝合金外壳,每三个LED为一段。

2、每条的标准长度为1M,每条灯珠数量分别有30PCS/M LED 灯珠,60PCS/M LED灯珠,72PCS/M LED灯珠3、发光颜色:红/ 绿 / 蓝 / 黄 / 白 / 暖白和长彩等多种颜色可供选择4、工作电压:DC12V/DC24V两种5、防水型SMD灯条,表面采用灌胶二、用途:1、 SMD高亮度硬灯条适用于酒店,超薄灯箱,KTV娱乐场所等室内装饰。




三、产品规格:1 米 30 珠型号规格产品规格书型号颜色XL-5050-30-R 红XL-5050-30-G 绿XL-5050-30-B 蓝XL-5050-30-Y 黄XL-5050-30-W 白XL-5050-30-WW 暖白XL-5050-30-RGB RGB1 米 60 珠型号规格型号颜色XL-5050-60-R 红XL-5050-60-G 绿XL-5050-60-B 蓝XL-5050-60-Y 黄XL-5050-60-W 白XL-5050-60-WW 暖白XL-5050-60- RGB RGB1 米 72 珠型号规格型号颜色XL-5050-72-R 红XL-5050-72-G 绿XL-5050-72-B 蓝XL-5050-72-Y 黄XL-5050-72-W 白XL-5050-72-WW 暖白XL-5050-72- RGB RGB产品名称: LED 软灯条产品型号: XL5050-60 电压数量功率DC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2WDC12V 30/M 7. 2W电压数量功率DC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4WDC12V 60/M 14. 4W电压数量功率DC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2WDC12V 72/M 17. 2W四、参数序号项目 item 单位参数范围 Parameter range1 工作环境温度 working environment ℃-40~502 储存条件 storage condition ℃-50~604 额定电压 limited voltage V DC125 工作电流 current mA 206 功耗 Input power W 7. 2W / 14.4W / 17.2W灯珠类型号:SMD 5050 LED可选颜色:红/绿/蓝/黄/白/暖白/RGB发光角度 : 120 度灯珠数量:30PCS / M60PCS / M72PCS / M外形尺寸 : 1000*10*2mm按整体封存装:裸板V 型槽U 型槽硬灯条套 V 型槽图示硬灯条裸板图示U型槽图示五、注意事项:六、产品应用应用家居装饰应用 KTV 装饰珠宝柜装饰●使用说明 use manual:1. 请先仔细阅读产品规格书 ,确认其使用环境是否符合规格书上的条件上,方可放心使用 . Please read the specificationfirst to make sure the using condition is fit2. 将产品接入电源时 ,请先确保开关处于闭合状态 ..Please shut off the switch before connect the product, then turn on3.本产品保质期为一年 This product warranty for one year。

LA-5050RGB-A LED说明书

LA-5050RGB-A LED说明书

LA-5050RGB-A●目录:(Content)◆封面:(Cover)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥‥━‥━‥PAGE:1OF12◆产品简介(Product introduction)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥‥━‥━‥PAGE:2OF12◆外形尺寸图及应用领域(Outline Dimensions)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━PAGE:3OF12◆产品编码解说及光电参数:Electrical-Optical Characteristics━‥━‥PAGE:4OF12◆色区分BIN及色温坐标:(Intensity Bin Limit)━‥━‥‥━‥━‥━PAGE:5OF12◆光电特性曲线图:(Optical Characteristics)━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥PAGE:7OF12◆信赖度测试项目及标准:(Test items and results of reliability)‥‥‥PAGE:8OF12◆包装规范:(Packing)━‥━‥━━‥━‥━━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥━‥PAGE:9OF12◆产品使用说明及注意事项:(Usage and Handling Instructions)‥‥‥PAGE:10-12OF12●特性:(Features)◆ 5.4长*5.0宽*1.6高:(5.4mm*5.0mm*1.6mm SMT LED Thickness.)◆角度:120度:(View Anglc:120°)◆包装:1000/一盒:(Package:1000PCS/Packet)◆发光颜色:RGB(Emitted Color:RGB)◆混色型:(Mono-color type)◆工作温度:-40~80度:(Operating Temperature:-40~+80℃)◆焊接温度:260度10秒:(S oldering Temperature:260for10sec℃)◆超大功率:(Supper High Power Consumption)◆可做不同的种类:(Various Colors And Types Available.)◆胶水:硅胶:(Resin(Mold):Silicone)◆反向电压5V:(Reverse Voltage:5V)◆储存温度-40~+100度:(Storage Temperature:-40~+100℃)◆脉冲电流60mA注:脉冲宽度0.1mS占空比1/10Pulsed Forward Current60mA(Duty1/10,Pulse Width0.1mS.)LA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-A●分BIN参数:(Color Coordinate Comparison)·色坐标范围LA-5050RGB-A●典型光学特性曲线:(Typical optical characteristics curves)环境温度与正向电流特性曲线正向电流与相对光强特性曲线Ambient Temperature vs.Forward Current Forward Current VS.Relative Intensity正向电压与正向电流特性曲线环境温度与相对光强特性曲线Forward Voltage VS.Forward Current Ambient Temperature VS.Relative Intensity相对光谱分布特性曲线辐射图特性曲线Relative spectral emission Radiation diagramLA-5050RGB-ALA-5050RGB-A●包装规格✧标签:(Label)卷轴尺寸:(Reel Dimensions)✧载带规格(单位:mm):(Tape Specifications(Units:mm)✧防潮带包装:(Moisture Resistant Packaging)注:标注公差为±0.1mm,单位:mm:(Note:The tolerances unless mentioned is±0.1mm,Unit:mm)LA-5050RGB-A●回流焊接曲线图(IR reflow soldering Profile)✧有铅焊接(Lead solder)✧无铅焊接(Lead Free solder)注意:(NOTES:)1.我们建议的回流焊温度为240℃±5℃,最高的焊接温度要控制在260℃以内。

300W LED 灯条使用说明书

300W LED 灯条使用说明书

300W Led ProfileUser manualPlease read the instructions carefully before use1.Safety InformationBe careful with your operations. With a dangerous voltage you cansuffer a dangerous electric shock when touching wires!This device has left the factory in perfect condition. In order to maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is absolutely necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this user manual.Damages caused by the disregard of this user manual are not subject towarranty. The dealer will not accept liability for any resulting defects orproblems.If the device has been exposed to temperature changes due to environmental changes, do not switch it on immediately. The arising condensation could damage the device. Leave the device switched off until it has reached room temperature.This device falls under protection-class I. Therefore it is essential that the device be earthed.The electric connection must carry out by qualified person. The device shall only be used with rate voltage and frequency.Make sure that the available voltage is not higher than stated at the end of this manual. Make sure the power cord is never crimped or damaged by sharp edges. If this would be the case, replacement of the cable must be done by an authorized dealer.Always disconnect from the mains, when the device is not in use or before cleaning it. Only handle the power cord by the plug. Never pull out the plug by tugging the power cord.During initial start-up some smoke or smell may arise. This is a normal process and does not necessarily mean that the device is defective, it should decrease gradually.Please don't project the beam onto combustible substances.Fixtures cannot be installed on combustible substances, keep more than 50cm distance with wall for smooth air flow, so there should be no shelter for fans and ventilation for heat radiation.If the external flexible cable or cord of this luminaire is damaged, it shall be exclusively replaced by the manufacturer or his service agent or a similar qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.2.UnpackingThank you for choosing our AL300LP. For your own safety, please read this manual before installing the device. This manual covers the important information on installation and applications. Please install and operate the fixture with following instructions. Meanwhile, please keep this manual well for future needs.The AL300LP is made of a new type of high temperature strength of cast aluminum casing with nice outlook. The fixture is designed and manufactured strictly following CE standards, complying with international standard DMX512 protocol. It's available independently controlled and linkable with each other for operation. And it is applicable for large-scale live performances, theater, studio, nightclubs and discos.The AL300LP adopts 1PCS NICHIA 300W (available for WW) which features high brightness and stability. Please carefully unpack it when you receive the fixture and check whether it is damaged during the transportation. And please check whether the following items are included inside the box: ①②④①AL300LP 1PC②Signal Cable1PC③Power Cable1PC④User Manual1PC③3. Features & SpecificationsVoltage: AC100-240V 50/60HZ Power: 350WLight Source: NICHIA 300W Lifespan: 50000 HoursColor Temperature: 3200K/5600K Color Rendering Index (CRI): Ra≥95 Zoom angle: 12°-36 °Dimming: 16bit linear dimming, four dimming curve selection Control mode: Standard DMX 512/master-slave/auto DMX Channels: 1/3 Channels Body color: Black Shell: Cast aluminumCooling System: Powerful fan IP Grade: IP20SpecificationsVoltage:AC10-240V 50/60HzDimensions: 195(D)*720(W)*415(H)mm Packing size: 332(D)*832(W)*345(H)mm Net Weight: 10.2kg Gross Weight: 12.2kg7201951954154. DMX512 Control ConnectionsConnect the provided XLR cable to the female 3-pin XLR output of your controller and the other side to the male 3-pin XLR input of the moving head. You can chain multipleMoving head together through serial linking. The cable needed should be two core, screened cable with XLR input and output connectors. Please refer to the diagram below. DMX-512 connection with DMX terminatorDigital DISPLAY5-Pin DMX OUTPOWER OUT ENTER Ground3-Pin DMX IN MENU Power Switch3-Pin DMX OUTUPPOWER IN POWER IN5-Pin DMX IN DOWNFUSE 5-Pin DMX IN 3-Pin DMX IN5.Menu OperationsDMX Output3-Pin XLR SocketDMX Input3-Pin XLR Socket1:Ground2:Data(-)3:Data(+)COMMONDMX+DMX-DMX 512 OUT3-PIN XRLDMX 512 IN3-PIN XRL 120ΩPin2Pin3For installations where the DMX cable has to run a longdistance or is in an electrically noisy environment, such as ina discotheque, it is recommended to use a DMX terminator.This helps in preventing corruption of the digital controlsignal by electrical noise. The DMX terminator is simply anXLR plug with a 120 Ωresistor connected between pins 2and 3,which is then plugged into the output XLR socket of thelast fixture in the chain. Please see illustrations below.5.1. Key operationMenu:The first list is the main menu (press MENU toexchange), the second list is submenu (press ENTER toget in or exchange)If the menu include the decimal point, that’s the data,and it can be set by the Key of Up/Down.Key operation:Key of “MENU” (Press it and can save the data)If it’s the main menu, it will exchange to next mainmenu.If it’s the submenu, it will back to main menu.Key of “ENTER” (Press it and can save the data)If it’s the main menu and it have submenu, it will enterthe submenu.If it’s the submenu, it will exchange to the nextsubmenuKey of “UP/DOWN”It’s no function if the menu not include the decimalpoint.If the menu include the decimal point, it can set the dataafter the decimal point. And it need to press “ENTER” tosave the data.5.2.Menu DataMenuStateOperationRemarkMain MenuVice MenuNo vice menuA: advance UP/DOWN adjust ID adress disconnect thecontroller and connect the master light, then it will follow the master light. It will flicker if nosignal. External control mode (standard channel model) ENTER save the IDaddressNo vice menud: dmx UP/DOWN adjust IDaddressExternal control mode (Basic channel model) ENTER Save the ID addresstwo vice menuStAt: static ENTER enter vice menu Static modelC: Color UP/DOWN change value of colorSet the colorENTERsave the data change to the vice menuSt: strobeUP/DOWN change value of strobe strobe and its speedENTER save and exchangetwo vice menu tEMp: temperature ENTER enter the vice menu temperature controlcurrent temperature ENTER change to vice menut: topUP/DOWNchange the data of temperature protectset the protect temperature ENTER save and changeNo vice menudiSP: display ENTER reverse the displayset to show reverse displayNo vice menurESt: reset ENTER enter the interface of key the password is “UP DONW UP DOWN” return Initial State6. DMX Channels3 CH Mode1 CH ModeChannelFunction Value Description 1Dimmer 0-255 Dimmer2Delay time0-10 Default delay of dimmer 11-15No dimmer16-255Choose delay of dimmer(16 is the shortest delay time, increase gradually.... 255 is the longest delay time) 3 Strobe 0-10 No strobe11-255Speed of strobe (255 is fastest)ChannelFunction Value Description 1Dimmer0-255Dimmer7.Operation Instructions·The AL300LP is an LED wash light for on-site decoration purpose.·Don't turn on the fixture if it's been through severe temperature difference like after transportation because it might damage the light due to the environment changes. So make sure to operate the fixture until it is in normal temperature.·This light should be keep away from strong shaking during any transportation or movement. ·Don't pull up the light by only the head, or it might cause damages to the mechanical parts. ·Don't expose the fixture in overheat, moisture or environment with too much dust when installing it. And don't lay any power cables on the floor. Or it might cause electronic shock to the people. ·Make sure the installation place is in good safety condition before installing the fixture.·Make sure to put the safety chain and check whether the screws are screwed properly when installing the fixture.·Make sure the lens are in good condition. It's recommended to replace the units if there are any damages or severe scratch.·Make sure the fixture is operated by qualified personnel who knows the fixture before using. ·Keep the original packages if any second shipment is needed.·Don't try to change the fixtures without any instruction by the manufacturer or the appointed repairing agencies.·It is not in warranty range if there are any malfunctions from not following the user manual to operate or any illegal operation, like shock short circuit, electronic shock, lamp broke, etc.8.InstallationsFor added protection mount the fixtures in areas outside walking paths, seating areas, or in areas were the fixture might be reached by unauthorized personnel.Before mounting the fixture to any surface, make sure that the installation area can hold a minimum point load of 10 times the device's weight.Fixture installation must always be secured with a secondary safety attachment, such as an appropriate safety cable.Never stand directly below the device when mounting, removing, or servicing the fixture.From a ceiling, or set on a flat level surface (see illustration below). Be sure this fixture is kept at least 0.5m (1.5 ft) away from any flammable materials (decoration etc.).Please ensure that the led profile spotlight is hung using the appropriate "C" clamp or half cheeseboro. A safety chain or cable should also be used as a secondary point of holding the fixture in case the clamp comes loose. Never hang the fixture without a safety chain or cable.There is an eye-bolt on the back of the fixture to which the safety chain or cable can threaded through and then hung from the secondary point. Make sure the Gel frame (Gel holder) is clipped into position correctly and cannot come loose.If you are not qualified or have any doubts about hanging the led profile spotlight then do NOT hang it.Do not clamp the safety cable to the U bracket or clamp. That is not a secondary safety point.A secondary safety point is any point that will adequately hold the led profile spotlight if the "C" clamp or half cheesboro fails.Then the safety cable would be the backup and stop the fixture from falling to the ground. So do NOT fix the safety cable to the same place that the "C"clamp is attachedSatety Clamp Safety CableTruss installing Floor Projection9. Photographic ChartSpectrogram CRILumen of 15 degree Lumen of 38 degree10.Cleaning and maintenanceNow ignoring maintenance and cleaning is very good way of creating problems "down the road" and many companies and installations do just that. However the net result is, no matter what the fixture, premature failure!Changing the oil in a car, most people do on a regular basis.So with the fixtures, regular maintenance it an excellent practice, if you want the fixtures to last.So what is the maintenance for the fixture?Clean the fans!Turn off the led profile spotlight.Using a small vacuum cleaner, suck the dust and “fur balls” out.Do not use a can of co². That will just blast the dust and dirt everywhere!The fans keep the LED cool and keep the electronics cool too.Without the fan working efficiently and dust free, the fixtures will fail and that will be a lot more costly than having someonevacuum the fixtures on a regular basis.How often should the fans be cleaned? It depends on where the fixtures are; in a very dusty atmosphere once a week. Socheck the fans on a regular basis, they may not need cleaned every week but a quick “visual inspection” should be done.The front lens should be cleaned so the light output is maintained.The shutter blades sometimes require cleaning as well.With the led profile spotlight turned off, use only a moist lint-free cloth. Never use alcohol or solvents to clean the fixture.Never spray anything onto the fixture at the front or in any place on the fixture.。

LED 硬灯条规格书

LED 硬灯条规格书

Led Strip P198-5050SeriesModel Number Color V oltate(V)LEDQ’ty/pc)Lumen(LM/pc)Angle(°)Max Current(ma/pc)MaxPower(W/pc)KS.P.P198.WN412.001 3000-3500DC12V 24 200-300 120 480 5.76 KS.P.P198.PN412.001 5000-7000 DC12V 24 200-300 120 480 5.76 412.001 >9000 DC12V 24 200-300 120 480 5.76 KS.P.P198.RN412.001 620-630 DC12V 24 80-100 120 480 5.76 KS.P.P198.GN412.001 520-530 DC12V 24 200-230 120 480 5.76 KS.P.P198.BN412.001 465-470 DC12V 24 50-80 120 480 5.76 KS.P.P198.YN412.001 589-594 DC12V 24 80-100 120 480 5.76●Application※Walkway lighting※Architectural decorative lighting※Stairway lighting & decorating※DIY lights for home use※Path and contour marking※Decorative lights for holiday,event,show,Echibitio n.●AdvantagesEasy connection and installation※long life span,standard warranty 2 years※No need the constant-current power feed※Low power consumption※Best choice for holiday season,show and exhibition 's decoratingGlue only on top: □Pu glue and AL □Epoxy and AL ■PC and ALIP65●Dimension &Circuit drawings510(20.07")20(0.79")17(0.47")11.5(0.45")00ontplntpower ●Linking operationEBCDA上排为+下排为RGB印字为-白条为+FGI●Attentions when operating :1.Effective power for switch power is only 85% of power’s label,so LED product’s load power shoul be at least more than 15% when user choose feeding power.2. Make sure the right and stable anode and cathode when installingcables,and also attention to the driving voltage in case to damagecomponents and fire accident when circuit pass through voltage.2.Forbidden to connect cables when power on,putting power in coolplace,so that it ensures appropriate working temperature.4.Make sure strip’s gra de of waterproof.To install suitable conditions in accordance with practical IP.5.This product is allowed to connect only 10PCS (0.5M/PCS )in seires wound. 2V differential voltage for the beginning and the end.6.This user manual is only applicable for our product.●Packing information120g/pcs,50PCS/carton, Dimension per Packing Size+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-。

福尔米托 LED 顶光灯条系列说明书

福尔米托 LED 顶光灯条系列说明书

Fortimo LED Line Gen4Fortimo LED Line is designed to produce pure white light for general lighting applications with high efficiency levels.The Fortimo LED Line portfolio consists of 2 main ranges of products, which have been differentiated by the number of rows of LEDs on the module. Both ranges feature a variety of different length modules, lumen packages and color temperatures for all the different types of linear luminaires.Key features and benefits• State-of-the-art LED module efficiency of up to 186 lm/W • Instant full light• Long life-time: >50,000 hours• High color rendering (CRI >80 and >90)• Excellent color consistency of 3 SDCM• Choice of color temperatures (3000, 4000 and 5000 K)• Two module lengths: 1 ft/280 mm or 2 ft/560 mm• Three lumen packages: 650, 1100, and 2000 lm per foot/280 mm • LED module range with 1 or 3 rows of LEDs • Tunable lumen output, efficacy and lifetime • Push-in connectors enabling automated wiring• Wide temperature (Tc) range from -40 °C up to +90 °C • Five year system warrantyJanuary 2022Ordering dataCommercial product name EOC12NC Box quantity Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 830 1R HV48718696 686423 009290 015 42606180Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 840 1R HV48718696 686447 009290 015 42706180Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 850 1R HV48718696 686461 009290 015 42806180Drive currentsParameter Nominal*Life**Max***Unit Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 8xx 1R HV4 204300380mAModule temperaturesParameter Nominal*Life**Max***Unit T c (case temperature at T c point)458080°C* Nominal value at which typical performance is specified** Value at which life time is specified*** Maximum value for safe operation, do not operate above this valueOptical characteristics - table per color (CCT)Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 830 1R HV4Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Luminous flux190620282214lm Efficacy157lm/W Correlated color temperature (CCT)3000K Color coordinates (CIEx, CIEy)(0.430, 0.398)-Color consistency3SDCM CRI80R90Photobiological safety RG1 unlimitedMeasurement precision ± 5% for the flux data and ± 6% for the efficacy data. Measurement precision for color coordinates ± 0.005. Measurement precision for CRI ± 1.5.Operation point830lm lm/WTc 25 °C169616580% I-nom 163mA Tc-nom 45 °C1655162Tc-max 80 °C1574156Tc 25 °C2091160I-nom 204mA Tc-nom 45 °C2028157Tc-max 80 °C1937151Tc 25 °C3687142I-max 380mA Tc-nom 45 °C3591140Tc-max 80 °C3398134Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 840 1R HV4Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Luminous flux198020902300lm Efficacy162lm/W Correlated color temperature (CCT)4000K Color coordinates (CIEx, CIEy)(0.381, 0.378)-Color consistency3SDCM CRI80R90Photobiological safety RG1 unlimitedMeasurement precision ± 5% for the flux data and ± 6% for the efficacy data. Measurement precision for color coordinates ± 0.005. Measurement precision for CRI ± 1.5.Operation point840lm lm/WTc 25 °C174717080% I-nom 163mA Tc-nom 45 °C1705167Tc-max 80 °C1622161Tc 25 °C2154165I-nom 204mA Tc-nom 45 °C2090162Tc-max 80 °C1996156Tc 25 °C3800147I-max 380mA Tc-nom 45 °C3701144Tc-max 80 °C3502138Fortimo LED Line 2ft 2200lm 850 1R HV4Parameter Min Typ Max Unit Luminous flux199820902322lm Efficacy162lm/W Correlated color temperature (CCT)5000K Color coordinates (CIEx, CIEy)(0.342, 0.350)-Color consistency3SDCM CRI80R90Photobiological safety RG1 unlimitedMeasurement precision ± 5% for the flux data and ± 6% for the efficacy data. Measurement precision for color coordinates ± 0.005. Measurement precision for CRI ± 1.5.Operation point850lm lm/WTc 25 °C174717080% I-nom 163mA Tc-nom 45 °C1705167Tc-max 80 °C1622161Tc 25 °C2154165I-nom 204mA Tc-nom 45 °C2090162Tc-max 80 °C1996156Tc 25 °C3800147I-max 380mA Tc-nom 45 °C3701144Tc-max 80 °C3502138Beam shapeThe Philips LED module generates a Lambertian beam shape, which is a pragmatic starting point for OEMs wishing to design secondaryoptics.Electrical characteristicsParameter Min Typ Max UnitForward voltage61.063.464.2VPower consumption12.412.913.1W = kWh/1000h Number of modules in series per chain4Number of modules per chain1Number of modules in parallel3Measurement precision for Vf +/- 3%. Measurement precision for power +/- 3.3%Specifications stated at Tc-nom and I-nomTuning informationFlux and efficacy versus current (at Tc nominal)I [mA]Flux [%]Efficacy [%]30014293252122972041001001638110310252108Flux and efficacy versus temperature at Tc (at I nominal)Tc [°C]Flux [%]Efficacy [%]80959645100100251031020105104Lumen maintenanceOperation point Lumen maintenance L70L80L90x 1000 hours B50B20B10B50B20B10B50B20B10 80% I-nom 163 mA Tc 25°C>70>70>70>70>70>70353535Tc-nom 45°C>70>70>70656060303030Tc-life 80°C707065454040202020I-nom 204 mA Tc 25°C>70>70>70>707070353030Tc-nom 45°C>70>70>70605555252525Tc-life 80°C656565404040202020I-life 300 mA Tc 25°C>70>70>70656560303030Tc-nom 45°C>70>70>70555050252525Tc-life 80°C606055353535151515 LifetimeParameter Value UnitM70F50 nominal>70000hoursM70F50 life61000hoursLifetime L70B50 = 60 0000 hours at I-life and Tc-life. >70 000 hours claim is based on extrapolating raw LM80-data to lower temperatures and currents by using statistical techniques.Performance WindowWiringSpecification item Value Unit ConditionInput wire cross-section0.33...0.5mm2stranded wire20...22AWG stranded wireInput wire strip length7.5...8.5mmInput wire cross-section0.33...0.75mm2solid, fused, stranded18...22AWG solid, fused, strandedInput wire strip length7.5...8.5mmMechanical characteristicsParameter Min Typ Max Unit Length560.2560.7561.2mm Width39.54040.5mm Height excl. connector 4.19 4.29 4.39mm Height incl. connector 5.6 5.86mm Product mass96gramAbsolute ratingsParameter Min Max UnitCurrent through the LED module (I-max)380mACase temperature (Tc-max)80°CPower at rated Vf-max and I-max26.6WESD (direct contact)8kVESD (air)15kVWorking voltage420V dcVoltage strength1840V acAmbient temperature-40°CApplication informationCertificates and StandardsIEC/TR 62778IEC 62384IEC 62031:2008/A1:2012/A2:2014Relevant clauses of EN 62471:2008 (With IEC/TR 62471-2: 2009 and IEC/TR 62778: 2014) ENEC+CEENECZhaga Compliant**L56W4ApplicationIP rating No IP-rating Overheating protection No protection Luminaire class IEC Class I and IEC Class II Dimming YesSwitching cycles in accordance with EU 1194/2012: >15000© 2022 Signify Holding, IBRS 10461, 5600VB, NL. All rights reserved. The information provided herein is subject to change, without notice. Signify does not give any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the information included herein and shall not be liable for any action in reliance thereon. The information presented in this document is not intended as any commercial offer and does not form part of any quotation or contract, unless otherwise agreed by Signify.Philips and the Philips Shield Emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. All other trademarks are owned by Signify Holding or their respective owners.UK importer address: 3 Guildford Business Park, GU2 8XG12/01//oem。

Enttec ALEPH2 ET Mk2 5色高功率LED灯条说明书

Enttec ALEPH2 ET Mk2 5色高功率LED灯条说明书

ALEPH2 ET Mk25C O L O U R H I GH P O W E R L E D L I G H T B A R300mm/600mm/1200mmBack PanelPlease make sure the Power pass-through current does not exceed 10 AmpsF eatures•Strong aluminium chassis with small profile•DMX512 Controllable and RDM Configurable•Can use up to 12 DMX channels, depending on configuration•Snapshots: 64 fully user recordable slots, 50 different pre-loaded stand-alone colours •16-bit or Smart 8-bit LED dimming •Strobe Mode with controllable frequency from DMX •Fan-less smart heat management•Easy addressing and configuration interface •180° Adjustable mounting bracket•Changeable diffuser using holder accessory (sold separately)CleaningIt is important to clean the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 to maintain a long service life. Make sure the unit is unplugged before you attempt any cleaning.•Surface dust should be removed with an air compressor, please make sure you do not blowcompressed air directly inside the unit.•Optics can be cleaned with a glass cleaner or IPA with a soft cloth•Make sure the unit is dry and there is no cleaning fluid residue before powering the unit aftercleaning.Safety•Do not expose the ALEPH2ET Mk2to rain or moisture, doing this will void your warranty.•Do not spill water or other liquids into or onto your unit.•Do not look directly into the LEDs, doing so may damage your eyes.•Check that the local power outlet matches the required voltage (120 240V AC)→•Make all the connections before you plug in the main power.•Do not remove the cover under any condition.There are no user serviceable parts inside.•Never operate this unit when its cover is removed.•Never plug this unit in to a dimmer rack.•Always be sure to mount this unit in an area that will allow proper ventilation. Allow at least 20 cmbetween this device and a wall.•Make sure ventilation holes are clean and unobstructed.•Do not attempt to operate this unit, if it becomes damaged.•Always mount this unit in a safe and stable manner.•Power-supply cords should be routed carefully.•The unit should be situated away from heat sources Control PanelAfter powering up, the current firmware version is displayed, followed by the DMX Start Address.The unit can be configured by using the 4 buttons under the display as follows.The following is the menu setting structure:BACK→SET -If pressed while address is being displayed:It activates the back-light and goes to Main Menu-If pressed while setting a menu:It takes you to the previous level without changing anything← -Scrolls down when navigating the menu-Decreases the value displayed when setting a parameter-Hold the key for a few seconds to fast scroll down-Scrolls up when navigating the menu-Increases the value displayed when setting a parameter-Hold the key for a few seconds to fast scroll up-Confirms the displayed value-Activates the displayed function or-Opens the next menuMain MenuDMX Address MenuThe DMX start address is the most important parameter to be defined when setting up your lights. By default the fitting will be set to 001.The addressing will depend on the current selected personality. For example if the light is set to RGBAW mode (5 channels), the DMX address range will be 001 –508.Personality MenuThe ALEPH2 ET Mk2 has six different personalities or operational modes, which can either be selected remotely from any standard RDM controller tool or locally using the control panel. The light behaves differently in each mode, since the DMX channel distribution changes according to the desired working personality. Set the desired personality before patching your lights in any lighting desk or control system.1 – 8BIT RGBAW MODE (5 Channel)This basic mode will turn the ET into a 5 channel light,allowing to drive each available colour as an independent dimmer. Each DMX channel uses 8 bits resolution where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.2 – 8BIT RGBW MODE (4 Channel)As some lighting control systems do not support RGBAW lights, we have implemented a RGBW mode so the fitting can be used with any controller. Each DMX channel uses 8bits resolution where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.3 – 8BIT (6CHANNEL) MODEThis basic mode will allow you to drive each colour using 8 bits resolution, setting the values from one of the 6DMX channels where 000 is OFF, 255 is Full intensity, as described in the following chart.Example 1: to turn all the channels to full intensity, set all the channels to 255 value:Example 2: to turn only the red group colour to full intensity,set the first channel to 255 value:The smart dimming in this personality follows an “s” curve resulting in a smooth LED output all along the 8 bits range.4 - 16BIT (12 CHANNEL) MODEThis mode will allow you to drive each colour using 16 bits resolution; setting the values from one of the 12 DMX channels from 000 to 255 where the first channel of each group will be (HIGH) and the following channel the (LOW)one, as described in the following chart.This personality gives the user full control on the output dimming, so any colour combination can be generated.5 - EXTENDED (9 CHANNEL) MODEThis extended mode offers a wide variety of output effects,turning the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 into a very versatile unit, using 9DMX channels, as described in the following chart.COLOUR GROUP INTENSITY (CH1-CH5) operate as described in the RGBAW personality plus they can be modified or affected by the strobe function or master dimmer channel, as described further in this section.Although these 6 channels have no effect when the true CCT mode is activated (9th channel > 010)STROBE DURATION(CH6)this channel works in conjunction with the strobe frequency from CH7. It will only take any effect if the channel 7th > 10.It defines the duration of the ON state and linearly increases the time from 2.5 milliseconds when 000 to 650 milliseconds when 255.NOTE: Strobe duration time must be lower than Strobe frequency for flashing. If duration time is equal or greater than frequency, the light will be continuously ON. STROBE FREQUENCY (CH7) will turn the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 bar into a versatile multi-colour strobe with user adjustable frequency. The strobe feature can be activated by setting the channel to a value between 011 and 255. In the same range, the strobe frequency can be adjusted by varying the channel value, with 011 the lowest frequency (about 0.3 flashes per second) and 255 the highest one (25 flashes per second).The strobe channel can be used in conjunction with all the other channels,so you can change the current output colour or the master intensity whilst strobing at the selected frequency, all at the same time.MASTER DIMMER(CH8)drives the general intensity, multiplying with all other current output channels, with 000 the lowest intensity 0% (light will be OFF, regardless of other channel values)and255the highest,allowing100% whatever other channels are demanding.TRUE CCT MODE (CH9)will turn the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 bar into a true colour temperature adjustable fitting, simulating a tungsten light behaviour.The white colour feature can be activated by setting the channel to a value greater than 010. CH9=011 will produce the warmest white and 255 the coolest one. Values between 000-010 will stop the true CCT feature.The true CCT mode channel can be used in conjunction with strobe and master dimmer features,so you can strobe and/or dim the current white output set by this channel. The ALEPH2ET Mk2has been laboratory calibrated to closely follow the black body Locus curve.With8bits resolution allowing the light to travel from TRUE warm to cool whites (12000K to 1800K) keeping a high CRI for natural colours.6 – 8BIT 1CHANNEL MODEThis mode turns the Aleph 2 ET Mk2 into a single colour, single channel dimmer.The output colour is not any specific kind of white and this mode is not tuned up to produce balanced output. It is onlymeant to produce as much light as possible using only one control channel.This mode is often used to control custom built A2 lights where only white LEDs are populated instead of coloured LEDs.Presets MenuThe Aleph2 ET Mk2 has 64 available slots where the user can record custom colours from DMX. These can later be activated from the menu. Presets turn the ET into a stand-alone fitting,where64different colours can easily be triggered on-site, without the need of DMX.It is also possible to record user personalised presets on any of the 64 memory slots, overwriting the default ones. RECORDING CUSTOM PRESETS:To record your own colours, please scroll to the desired slot (from 01 to 64), feed the desired data through the DMX port until you are happy with the look. Then pressIMPORTANT NOTES:When the light is powered on,it will automatically take preset 01 as the default power on value, if the Lamp On Mode setting is ON. This feature is handy for the user to set up the desired colour combination for the fitting to start every time it is powered up.Note that the strobe feature is not a supported preset.Any incoming DMX data will override the presets, so ensure that there is no DMX data coming in before navigating this menu intending to playback the different colours. Running the Factory Defaults RDM command will restore all the presets to the original values and user recorded presets will not be recoverable.Lamp On Mode MenuThis setting instructs the ET about what to do after a power up sequence.If DMX or OFF settings are chosen, the ET will stay off and will wait for DMX instructions.When Lamp On Mode = ON the ET will power up and then output whatever drop has been recorded in slot 01 of the presets. Please notice that any incoming DMX will override this preset, as DMX takes the highest precedence. PWM Frequency MenuThe PWM driving frequency can be adjusted. This might have an impact on the way some cameras respond to the light emitted by the A2 ET Mk2.Backlight MenuThe NORMAL setting will turn the display green back light on after any key operation.It will turn it off after a15 seconds of in-activity. The ON setting will keep the back light always on. The OFF setting will keep the back light always off, regardless of any operation.Factory Defaults MenuRunning the Factory default sequence will reset all the user configurable parameters,including DMX address,presets, Personality, Lamp On mode, Etc.Temperature MenuThis menu shows the current fixture temperature in degrees Celsius.LED and CPU operating temperatures can be monitored from the control panel as well as RDM.Test MenuUsing this menu you can test every group of LEDS in the ET fitting. The LEDs will turn on at full power, so avoid looking at the light directly when performing the test. Firmware VersionIndicates the current firmware version installed in the fitting. Please check ENTTEC website for latest firmware version.Firmware UpdateUpdating the firmware of the ALEPH2 ET Mk2 requires an ENTTEC USB Pro or a Pro Mk2 usb interface plugged in to a PC USB port. Connect the USB PRO to the ET through a standard 5 pin DMX cable.Please download and install the RDM Controller App from website, connect the widget to the unit, power it up and run the application.To make sure the process has been successful, please the firmware version has changed by looking at the “Software Version ID” RDM field or navigate to the Firmware Version menu using the control panel.RDM CapabilitiesThe ALEPH2 ET Mk2 supports RDM features and any RDM Controller can be used to configure it using RDM. The “ENTTEC RDM Controller” free App can be downloaded from ENTTEC website and be used in combination with a DMX USB PRO or a PRO MK2 widget.The supported RDM parameters are:Read only fields•Device Info•Software Version ID•Supported Parameters•Parameters Description•DMX Personality Description•Sensor Value (temperature x 2)•Sensor Definition•Boot Software Version•Manufacturing Label•Device Label•Status MessagesUser configurable fields•Identify Device•DMX Start Address•PID_8001: Master faders•DMX Personality•Factory Defaults•Lamp On Mode•Reset Device•Capture Preset•Preset PlaybackPlease note that DMX Personality,DMX Start Address, Factory Defaults, Lamp On Mode and Presets fields can also be configured from the menu interface at the back of the light.SpecificationsDue to continuous improvements and innovations of all ENTTEC products, specifications and features are subject to change without notice.Colour Gamut Ordering InformationDimensionsSales enquiries: ****************Support enquiries: ******************。



DIM+/DIM-10ballasts DALI/DSI maxi L/OUT230V A1380W6A230V A460W2A2.8m7mBallast de variation(10max.) dimming ballast(10max.) Ballast per variazione(10max.)Ballast de variation(10max.)dimming ballastmax.)Ballast per variazione(10max.)•Poussoir optionnel pour commande manuelle de variation et extinction •Optional momentary switch for dimming and absence detection•Pulsante opzionale per il controllo manuale di variazione e spegnimento•Commutateur avec retour en position centrale optionnel pour la variation et la détection d’absence •Optional centre biased retractive switch for up/down dimming and absence detection •Commutatore con ritorno in posizione centrale opzionale per il controllo manuale di variazione e il rilevamento di assenza •Testa di rilevamento•Tête de détection •Sensor head •Testa di rilevamento •Utiliser unsecteur pourcâblage externe•Use mainscable for externalwiring•Utilizzaredi alimentazioneper il cablaggioesterno•Utiliser unsecteur pourcâblage externe•Use mainscable for externalwiring•Utilizzaredi alimentazioneper il cablaggioesterno23•Flush The product mounted using the flush shown.If flush mounting that is greater than 6mm remove bottom of retention side cutters.A 32mm will be required to mount mount ring.•Fixation encastréeLe produit peut être montéavec l’accessoire de montage encastrécomme indiqué.En cas de montage encastrédans un matériau de plus de 6mm d’épaisseur,retirez la base des languettes de fixation avec un cutter.Un trou de 32mm de diamètre sera nécessaire pour insérer l’accessoire de montage encastré.•Montaggio a filoIl prodotto puòessere montato con l’accessorio da incasso come mostrato.In caso di montaggio a filo in materiale di spessore superiore a 6mm,rimuovere la base delle linguette di fissaggio con un cutter.Un foro di 32mm di diametro sarànecessario per inserire l’accessorio da incasso.latérale •Side mounting •Montaggio lateraleø19.5mm19mmø3.5mm=>6mm•Retirer la base des 2languettes de fixation •Remove bottom of 2small retention arms •Rimuovere la base delle liguette fissaggio•Lentille PIRrécepteur luminosité•PIR lens/IR ReceiverLight Level Status LED •Lente PIR sensore luminositàLED。

Citiled COB系列LED灯光产品说明书

Citiled COB系列LED灯光产品说明书

DATA SHEETIntroduction Performance Characteristics Mechanical Dimensions Characteristic Curves ReliabilityPacking Specification PrecautionP 2P 3P 5P 6P 9P 10P 11 CITILED COB SeriesStandard Type.Ra80 Min. ModelCLU03J-1206C91. Introduction1-1. Product Description1-2. Features・Mechanical Dimensions :19 × 19 × 1.4 (mm)・Package Structure :Aluminum Base Chip on Board ・Reference Assembly :M3 screw, Connector ・CRI (Ra):80 Min.・Nominal CCT :2,700K, 3,000K, 3,500K, 4,000K, 5,000K ,6,500K ・Chromaticity Range :2-step Ellipse, the center refers to ANSI C78.377:2017.・Thermal Resistance :0.61C/W ・Maximum drive current :1080mA ・UL recognized component (E358566)・RoHS compliant・Better die arrangement for optics・Wide range of luminous flux and high efficacy・Improved lumen density compared with previous version CLU03J -1206C9-272M2U1[1][2][3][4][5][1]:[2]:[3]:[4]:[5]:Nominal CCT CRI (Ra)Product NomenclatureCLU03J 12062700K 80 Min.Product shape Die count in series Die count in parallel CITIZEN ELECTRONICS is the first COB manufacturer. Our advanced knowledge and packaging technology for many years have excellent reliability and high quality. By optimizing each production process, the chromaticity range has achieved 2-step ellipse as a standard specification. 2-step ellipse color definition at Tj=85C ensures uniform optical performance in various applications.The new model shares the same outline design and LES size as Standard Type (Ver.1~6).( Tj=85C )Ra R9Tc25C*Min.Min.Min.Typ.Typ.Typ.Min.Typ.Max.CLU03J-1206C9-272M2U12700K 8002,3642,6872,97214954030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-302M2U13000K 8002,4632,8003,09615654030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-352M2U13500K 8002,5072,8493,151********.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-402M2U14000K 8002,5272,8723,177********.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-502M2U15000K 8002,5572,9063,21416254030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-652M2U16500K802,5772,9293,24016354030.633.336.00.61Notes :1. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 10% on luminous flux measurements.2. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 3% on forward voltage measurements.3. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 1 on Ra measurements.* : Values of Luminous flux at Tc=25C are provided as reference only.Product codeForward Current( mA )Thermal Resistance Rj-c ( C/W )CRINominal CCTLuminous flux( lm )Efficacy ( lm/W )Voltage( V )Tj85C2. Performance Characteristics2-1. Electro Optical Characteristics2-2. Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol RatingPi 42.3*1If 1080*1Ir 1Top -40 ~ +100Tst -40 ~ +100Tc 105*2Tj140*3*2. Refer to 3. Outline drawing for Tc measurement point.*3. D.C. Current : Tj = Tc + Rj-c × PiParameterInput Power (W)Forward Current (mA)Reverse Current (mA)Storage Temperature (C)Case Temperature (C)Junction Temperature (C)Operating Temperature (C)*1. Input power and forward current are the values when the LED is used within the range of the derating curve in this data sheet.2,700K ( 0.4578, 0.4101)3,000K( 0.4339, 0.4033)3,500K ( 0.4078, 0.3930)4,000K ( 0.3818, 0.3797)5,000K ( 0.3446, 0.3551)6,500K( 0.3123, 0.3283)Color RegionNominal CCT Center Point ( x, y )Oval parameterMajor Axisa Minor Axisb E llipse Rotation Angleθ ( Rated current, Tj=85C )57.280.005560.0027253.170.005160.00274* Color region stay within 2-step ellipse from the chromaticity center.* The chromaticity center refers to ANSI C78.377:2017.* θ is the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the x-axis, and a and b are the major and minor semi-axes of an ellipse.0.006260.0026854.000.005480.0023659.622-step ellipse0.004460.0019058.380.006340.0027852.972-3. Chromaticity CharacteristicsNote : Citizen Electronics maintains chromaticity ( x, y ) +/-0.0050.300.350.400.450.300.350.400.450.50yxx-y chart CIE19314,000K3,500K3,000K2,700K5,000KBlack Body Locus6,500K2-step3. Mechanical DimensionsUnit : mmTolerances unless otherwise specified : +/-0.3・Internal Circuit12 S 06 P Protection deviceLED deviceCathodeAnodeMarking 1 : Serial No.Marking 2 : Code No.CRI CCTDies count in parallel Dies count in seriesCLU0xJ seriesMarking 3 : Data MatrixAE 12 06 ** ** *4. Characteristic Curves4-1. Forward Current Characteristics / Temperature CharacteristicsForward Current vs. Forward VoltageForward Current vs. Relative Luminous FluxTc=25CTc=25CCase Temperature vs. Forward VoltageCase Temperature vs. Relative Luminous FluxIf=540mAIf=540mA30. f [V ]If [mA]0%50%100%150%200%3006009001200R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]If [mA] f [V ]Tc [C]0%20%40%60%80%100%120%020406080100120R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]Tc [C]4-2. Optical CharacteristicsTj=85CIf=540mASpectrum : CRI(Ra) 80 Min.0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%380430480530580630680730780R a d i a t i v e I n t e n s i t yWave length [nm]6,500K5,000K4,000K3,500K3,000K2,700K4-2. Optical Characteristics (continued)4-3. Derating CharacteristicsRadiation Characteristic0%20%40%60%80%100%X Y80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°-80°-70°-60°-50°-20°-30°-40°-10°90°-90°Case Temperaturevs. Allowable Forward Current0300600900120020406080100120I f [m A ]Tc [C]5. Reliability5-1. Reliability Test5-2. Failure Criteria-40 C × 30 minutes – 100 C × 30 minutes, 100 cycle85 C, 85 %RH for 500 hoursThermal Shock TestContinuous Operation Test High Temperature Storage TestLow Temperature Storage Test Moisture-proof Test IF=540mA , Tj=140C (with Al-fin) ×1000hoursTest Item100 C × 1000 hours -40 C × 1000 hours Test ConditionIF=540mA , Ta= 25C (with Al-fin) ×1000hours ( Tc=25C )U defines the upper limit of the specified characteristics. S defines the initial value.Note : Measurement shall be taken between 2 hours and 24 hours, and the test pieces should be return to the normal ambient conditions after the completion of each test.Total Luminous FluxΦvIf=540mA<S × 0.85Measuring Item Symbol Measuring ConditionFailure CriteriaForward Voltage Vf If=540mA >U × 1.1Unit : mmProduct : 48 pcs/tray1. TYPEe.g. CLU03J-1206C92. P.No. ( Customer's P/N )3. Lot No.1965015(b)(a) Last two digit of the year 19 : Year 2019(b) Production month 6 : JuneNote: October, November and December are designated X,Y and Z.(c) CE's control number 4. Quantity(a)(c)Example of indication labele.g. 6. Packing Specification6-1. PackingAn empty tray is placed on top of a 6-tier tray which contain 48 pieces each.( Smallest packing unit : 288 pieces )A label with product name, quantity and lot number is placed on the upper empty tray.Tray ( Dimensions: 310 x 210 x 12 mm / Materials: Electrically conductive PS ) CUSTOMERTYPE P.NO Lot No Q'ty: CLU***-******-******* : ****** : ******* : ***--- ( 1 ) --- ( 2 ) --- ( 3 ) --- ( 4 )7. Precaution7-1. Handling with care for this product-Both the light emitting area and white rim around the light emitting area is composed of resin materials.Please avoid the resin area from being pressed, stressed, rubbed, come into contact with sharp metal nail(e.g. edge of reflector part) because the function, performance and reliability of this product are negatively impacted.-Please be aware that this product should not come into contact with any other parts while incorporating in your lightingapparatus or your other products.-Please be aware that careful handling is required after the attachment of lead wires to prevent the application of any loadto the connections.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-2. Countermeasure against static electricity-Handling of this product needs countermeasures against static electricity because this is a semiconductor product.-Please take adequate measures to prevent any static electricity being produced such as the wearing of a wristband oranti-static gloves when handling this product.-Every manufacturing facility in regard to the product (plant, equipment, machine, carrier machine and conveyance unit)should be connected to ground and please avoid the product to be electric-charged.-ESD sensitivity of this product is over 1000V (HBM, based on JEITA ED-4701/304).-After assembling the LEDs into your final product(s), it is recommended to check whether the assembled LEDs aredamaged by static electricity (electrical leak phenomenon) or not.-It is easy to find static damaged LED dies by a light-on test with the minimum current value.7-3. Caution of product assembly-Regarding this product assembling on the heat sink, it is recommended to use M3 screw.It might be good for screw tightening on the heat sink to do temporary tightening and final tightening.In addition, please don’t press with excess stress on the product.-The condition of the product assembling on the heat sink and the control of screw tightening torque needs to be optimized according to the specification of the heat sink.-Roughness, unevenness and burr of surface negatively impact thermal bonding between the product and heat sink andincrease heat thermal resistance between them.Confidence of thermally and mechanical coupling between the product and heat sink are confirmed by checkingthe mounting surface and measuring the case temperature of the product.-In order to reduce the thermal resistance at assembly, it might be good to use TIM (Thermal Interface Material) on whole contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal grease for the TIM, it might be good to apply uniformly on the contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal sheet for the TIM, it might be good to make sure that the product is NOT strained by stress when the screws are tightened for assembly.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-4. Thermal Design-The thermal design to draw heat away from the LED junction is most critical parameter for an LED illumination system. High operating temperatures at the LED junction adversely affect the performance of LED’s light output and lifetime. Therefore the LED junction temperature should not exceed the absolute maximum rating in LED illumination system. -The LED junction temperature while operation of LED illumination system depends upon thermal resistance of internal LED package (Rj-c), outer thermal resistances of LED package, power loss and ambient temperature. Please take both of the thermal design specifications and ambient temperature conditions into consideration for the setting of driving conditions.-For more information, please refer to application note "Thermal Management", "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-5. Driving Current-A constant current is recommended as an applying driving current to this product.In the case of constant voltage driving, please connect current-limiting resistor to each products in series and control the driving current to keep under the absolute maximum rating forward current value.-Electrical transient might apply excess voltage, excess current and reverse voltage to the product(s).They also affect negative impact on the product(s) therefore please make sure that no excess voltage, no excess current and no reverse voltage is applied to the product(s) when the LED driver is turn-on and/or turn-off.-For more information, please refer to application note "Driving", "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-6. Lighting at a minimum current value-A minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 15mA.When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due to the individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.7-7. Electrical Safety-This product is designed and produced according to IEC 62031:2008(IEC 62031:2008 LED modules for general lighting. Safety specification)-Dielectric voltage withstand test has been conducted on this product to see any failure after applyingvoltage between active pads and aluminum section of the product, and to pass at least 500V.-Considering conformity assessment for IEC62031:2008, almost all items of the specification depend uponyour final product of LED illumination system.Therefore, please confirm with your final product for electrical safety of your product.As well, the products comply with the criteria of IEC62031:2008 as single LED package.- A minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 30 mA. When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due tothe individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.7-8. Recommended soldering Condition (This product is not adaptable to reflow process.) -For manual solderingPlease use lead-free soldering.Soldering shall be implemented using a soldering bit at a temperature lower than 350C, and shall befinished within 3.5 seconds for one land.No external force shall be applied to resin part while soldering is implemented.Next process of soldering should be carried out after the product has return to ambient temperature.Contacts number of soldering bit should be within twice for each terminal.* Citizen Electronics cannot guarantee if usage exceeds these recommended conditions.Please use it after sufficient verification is carried out on your own risk if absolutely necessary.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-9. Eye Safety-The International Electrical Commission (IEC) published in 2006 IEC 62471”2006 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems ” which includes LEDs within its scope.When sorting single LEDs according to IEC 62471, almost all white LEDs can be classifiedas belonging to either Exempt Group (no hazard) or Risk Group 1 (low risk).-However, Optical characteristics of LEDs such as radiant flux, spectrum and light distribution are factorsthat affect the risk group determination of the LED, and especially a high-power LED, that emits lightcontaining blue wavelengths,might have properties equivalent to those of Risk Group 2 (moderate risk).-Great care should be taken when directly viewing an LED that is driven at high current, has multipleuses as a module or when focusing the light with optical instruments, as these actions might greatlyincrease the hazard to your eyes.-It is recommended to regard the evaluation of stand-alone LED packages as a referenceand to evaluate your final product.7-10. This product is not designed for usage under the following conditions.If the product might be used under the following conditions, you shall evaluate its effect and appropriate them. In places where the product might:-directly and indirectly get wet due to rain and/or at place with the fear.-be damage by seawater and/or at place with the fear-be exposed to corrosive gas (such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SOx, NOx and so on) and/or at place with the fear.-be exposed to dust, fluid or oil and/or at place with the fear.Precautions with regard to product use(1) This document is provided for reference purposes only so that CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products are used as intended. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS or any third party with respect to the information in this document. Formal specifications must be exchanged and signed by both parties prior to mass production.(2) All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, is current as of the date this document is issued.Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice.(3) CITIZEN ELECTRONICS has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.(4) Absent a written signed agreement, except as provided in the relevant terms and conditions of sale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunities, business interruption and loss of data, and disclaims any and all express or implied warranties and conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, or no infringement.(5) Though CITIZEN ELECTRONICS works continually to improve products' quality and reliability, products can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards to minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. In addition, customers are also responsible for determining the appropriateness of use of any information contained in this document such as application cases not only by evaluating on their own but also by using the entire system. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications.(6) The product is intended to be used for general electronic equipment such as general lighting, home appliances, and information-communication equipment. It is not designed or manufactured to be used for special application (e.g. automobiles, trains, ships, airplanes, spaceships, submarine repeaters, atomic energy control systems, traffic equipment, combustion equipment, life-support systems, and safety devices). We will not guarantee any application suitability for goods like those described above that require special quality and reliability. In cases where the product is used in special applications and it causes extensive property damage, threatens human life or damages the human body, we will not be held liable. The product is not in conformity to ISO/TS16949 (IATF16949) or intended to be used for in-vehicle application.(7) Do not reverse-engineer the product including disassemble or analyze without our approval.(8) Please contact CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, or if you have any other inquiries.CITILED is a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Japanis a trademark or a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. JAPAN.。



DATE: FEB/03/2012 DRAWN: D.M.Su
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KASL-4805 Application Note
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DATE: FEB/03/2012 DRAWN: D.M.Su
PAGE: 5 OF 8 ERP:1209000078
Test Item Moisture-proof Test
Test Condition 85°C , 85%RH for 1000 hours
Attachment to Heat sink
1. Apply a thin layer (0.1 ~ 0.2 mm) of thermal grease on the bottom of the KASL-4805 LED light bar .
Rear surface
Thermal glue on rear surface
8. Soldering recommendations: z Soldering iron power should not exceed 40W, and should not be in contact with the joint for more than 3.5 secs. z The maximum soldering temperature should be less than 350°C. z Do not touch the product immediately after soldering. z Not reflow compatible.










(2)金卤灯: 亮度强、光效率高。










BW165 WM 白檀1.65英寸直接 间接墙挂LED灯条说明书

BW165 WM 白檀1.65英寸直接 间接墙挂LED灯条说明书

8: Nominal Length 9: Finish10: Voltage 11: Dimming 12: Mounting Option-2-4-6-8-CR_1,2-MTR-R 1(2ft)(4ft)(6ft)(8ft)(Continuous Run - Note length in feet)(Mitered Run, Shop Drawing Required)-MW -FB -MA -CUP3(Powder Coat, Matte White)(Powder Coat, Flat Black)(Powder Coat, MatteAluminum)(Custom, Consult Factory)-UNV -120-277-3474(Universal, 20V-277V)(120V)(277V)(347V)-D1-ED10V1-ED10V01-HLA25-HL -DALI(0-10V Dimming 1%)(eldoLED 0-10V 1%)(eldoLED 0-10V 0.1%)(LTEA2W Lutron H-Lume 2-Wire 1%)(LDE1 Lutron Hi-Lume EcoSystem 1%)(DALI Dimming 1%)-WM (Wall Mount)ORDERING CODE: (Example: BW165-DI-1000-1100-279-HE-HE-8-MW-UNV-D1-WM )1234568910111213NOTES:1. Consult factory for lead times2. Specify length in nominal feet3. Contact factory for custom finish4. 347V available with D1 dimming option only5. Consult factory for EM options6. DLC Certified: Applicable for 80CRI, 120V, D1, and HE only. Excluding the 2-foot length and the 750 and 1000 lumen options. ■(HE) High efficiency lens provides optimal performance with even and continuous diffusionsurge is not covered by warranty.1: Model 2: Light Configuration 3: Light Output - Direct 4: Light Output - Indirect 5: CCT/CRI 6: Lens/Optics - Direct 7: Lens/Optics - Indirect BW165(Birchwood 1.65")-DI -D Direct / Indirect Direct Only-250-500-750-1000-0000(250 lm/ft)(500 lm/ft)(750 lm/ft)(1100 lm/ft)(Custom Value between 500-1100lm/ft)-250-500-750-1100-0000(250 lm/ft)(500 lm/ft)(750 lm/ft)(1100 lm/ft)(Custom Value between 500-1100lm/ft)-279-30-309-35-359-40-409(2700K / 90CRI)(3000K / 80CRI)(3000K / 90CRI)(3500K / 80CRI)(3500K / 90CRI)(4000K / 80CRI)(4000K / 90CRI)-HE -BW -AS -E70-FW(High Efficiency)(Batwing 115°)(Asymmetric 15°)(Elliptical 70°)(Frosted White)-HE -BW 1-AS -E70(High Efficiency)(Batwing 150°)(Asymmetric 15°)(Elliptical 70°)Continuum Illuminated End Caps Options:13: Optionsblank -SEC 1-NEC 1-AEC 1(Standard End Cap)(Slot End Cap)(Notch End Cap)(Arch End Cap)-CEC 1-2CT -EM 6(Custom End Cap)(2 Circuit Switching)(Emergency Battery Pack)BW165-DI-500-500-35-HE-HE-4 PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:934700467233Direct (HE):456 lm/ft Indirect (HE):464 lm/ft Total Lumens (4ft):3679 lm Wattage:31.4WEfficacy:117 lm/W CCT/CRI:3500K / 80CRIBW165-DI-1000-1100-35-HE-HE-4 PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:239417951197598Direct (HE):1000 lm/ft Indirect (HE):1100 lm/ft Total Lumens (4ft):8638 lm Wattage:84.4WEfficacy:102 lm/W CCT/CRI:3500K / 80CRIBW165-DI-1000-1100-35-HE-BW-4BW165-DI-1000-1100-35-HE-AS-4PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:221716*********Direct (HE):970.5 lm/ft Indirect (AS):1104 lm/ft Total Lumens (4ft):8298 lmWattage:84.4W Efficacy:98 lm/WCCT/CRI:3500K / 80CRIBW165-D-1000-35-HE-4PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:15041128752376Direct (HE):970.5 lm/ft Wattage:37.64Total Lumens (4ft):3882 lmEfficacy:103 lm/WBW165-D-1000-35-AS-4PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:15191140760380Direct (HE):906 lm/ft Wattage:37.64Total Lumens (4ft):3623 lmCCT/CRI:3500K / 80CRIEfficacy:96 lm/WBW165-D-1000-35-E70-4PHOTOMETRIC CURVE:226016*********Direct (HE):1000 lm/ft Wattage:37.64Total Lumens (4ft):3846 lmEfficacy:102 lm/W。

Chroma-Q Studio Force V 72 变色白LED灯条商品说明书

Chroma-Q Studio Force V 72 变色白LED灯条商品说明书

Variable White LED BattensPart No: CHSFV72NFDESCRIPTIONThe fixture shall provide a very powerful 25,400 hot lumens output for washing large areas.The fixture shall be suitable for creating a wide range of lighting applications, including key-lighting, uplighting, backlighting and wash applications.The fixture shall provide 3,000K - 6,100K CCT variable white light output. The fixture shall provide a CRI of 80.The fixture shall provide a smooth, linear dimming curve.The fixture shall feature a built-in stand-alone mode.The fixture shall feature a built-in power supply.The fixture shall be manufactured from extruded material.FEATURES• 3,000K - 6,100K CCT variable white• Extreme output - 16,900 lumens (48) / 25,400 lumens (72)• Extremely smooth, uniform wash• Theatrical grade dimming• “Ideal for TV, film, touring, exhibitions, corporate events and theatre”• Choice of 1.2m / 4ft (48) and 1.8m / 6ft (72) lengths• Camera friendly• Laboratory calibrated 3200oK and 5600oK presets• PowerCon input and output for easy daisy chaining of fixtures• Optional cyc and border light lens media accessories• Flat end plates for seamless wall-washing• Built-in power supply• Hidden quick release fixings• Rugged extruded aluminium bodyORDERING INFORMATIONCHSFV72NF: Chroma-Q Studio Force V 72, body finished in blackACCESSORIESCHCFCL72: Chroma-Q Cyc Lens For Force 72CHCFBL72: Chroma-Q Border Light Lens For Force 72CHCFHS72: Chroma-Q Half Snoot For Force 72OVERALL SPECIFICATIONSNet dimensions (without fixings): Width: 1,759mm / 69.25”Height: 182mm / 7.25”Depth: 177mm / 7”Net weight: 22kgs / 48lbsShipping dimensions: Width: 1,855mm / 73”Height: 305mm / 12”Depth: 320mm / 12.5”Shipping weight: 25kgs / 56lbsPower supply: Built-inPower input rating: 100-240V AC, 50-60 Hz, 700VAPower factor: 0.995Power consumption: 660WTypical power & current: Measurements done with all LEDs at max.intensity. Measurements made at nominalvoltage. Allow for a deviation of +/- 10%. Power connector in/out: PowerConData connectors in/out: XLR 5-pinControl protocol: ANSI E1.11 USITT DMX 512-ACooling system: Forced - 2 fansOperating temperature: 0°C to 40°CConstruction: Anodised aluminium extrusion Colour: BlackBuilt in hardware: Quick release lever for tilt adjustmentIP Rating: IP20Approvals: CISPR 22 :2006/EN55022 :2006 & CISPR24 :1997/EN55024 :1998, ICES-003:2004 & FCC Part 15 Subpart B: 2007,CSA C22. No. 166-M1983:R2008 UL1573:2003; UL 8750LED engines: 12LEDs per engine: 12 Cold White / 12 Warm WhiteTotal LEDs: 288Control modes: 48 channels Dim483 channels FxCTI2 channels WW/CW2 channels CTI1 channel Look SelectMaster StandaloneSlave StandaloneManualDiming Curve: TheatricalVariable effects engine: YesEffects parameters: Intensity EffectsHot Lumen output: White 25,400 hot lumens @ 4,200K CRI: >80Optics: Specialised close focus lensBeam angle: ~23°Beam Angle WithOptional Cyc Optic: 80 x 30° (approx.)Beam Angle WithOptional Border Optic: 60° (approx.)Beam distribution: Asymmetrical direct illuminationCCT: 3,000K - 6,100K (+/- 200K)Lamp life: L70 at 50,000 hoursColour Gamut: Performance enhancedVariable White LED BattensPart No: CHSFV72NFChroma-Q and all associated product names are recognised trademarks, for more information visit /trademarks. The rights and ownership of all trademarks are recognised. The information contained herein is correct at the time of printing, however as we are constantly refining our product range we reserve the right to change the specification without notice. E&OE.。



L E D T 8节能灯管产品使用说明书一、应用范围二、功能特点四、安装说明LED 节能灯是采用LED 半导体作为光源,它是一种新型的绿色环保节能照明光源,可全面替代白炽灯、节能灯等传统照明灯具。


►集成多个高亮度SMD 光源,形成线型组合 ►节能效率高,比白炽灯节能90%,比荧光灯节能60% ►经特殊工艺封装,坚固耐用,寿命可达30000小时►绿色环保,无紫外线、红外线、热辐射及汞污染 ►作为冷光源,LED 灯光不会使物品因照射产生褪色现象 ►采用优质扩光罩,光色柔和,出光率高,光效全面超越传统荧光灯管 ►显色指数高,显示最直观、最清晰,且在多种色温可供选择 ►响应快,无频闪、眩光小,点亮后瞬间达到全光通量输出 ►固体光源,抗震性强,便于运输及安装,安全性高 ►发光方向性强,易于控制光线,有效提高照明系统的效率 ►造型新颖时尚,紧贴客户需求及感受,融入更多科技元素及人性化设计灯管安装前请注意区分灯管进电方式,按产品进电方式连接线路。

L E D T 8外置电源灯管产品使用说明书一、应用范围二、功能特点四、安装说明LED 外置电源灯管是采用LED 半导体作为光源,外置恒流电源,拥有300°发光角度,可全面替代白炽灯、节能灯等传统照明灯具。


►集成多个高亮度SMD 光源,形成线型组合 ►节能效率高,比白炽灯节能90%,比荧光灯节能60% ►经特殊工艺封装,坚固耐用,寿命可达30000小时 ►外置恒流电源,300°发光角设计 ►绿色环保,无紫外线、红外线、热辐射及汞污染 ►作为冷光源,LED 灯光不会使物品因照射产生褪色现象 ►采用优质扩光罩,光色柔和,出光率高,光效全面超越传统荧光灯管 ►显色指数高,显示最直观、最清晰,且在多种色温可供选择 ►响应快,无频闪、眩光小,点亮后瞬间达到全光通量输出►固体光源,抗震性强,便于运输及安装,安全性高 ►发光方向性强,易于控制光线,有效提高照明系统的效率 ►造型新颖时尚,紧贴客户需求及感受,融入更多科技元素及人性化设计灯管安装前请注意区分灯管进电方式,按产品进电方式连接线路。



LED硬灯条的常见故障及解决方 案
可能是电源故障、灯珠损坏或线 路连接不良等原因。
可能是电源电压不稳定、灯珠与驱 动器不匹配或线路接触不良等原因 。
可能是灯珠颜色不一致、驱动器故 障或线路连接不良等原因。
定期清洁LED硬灯条表面的灰尘和污垢,以 保持其良好的透光性能。
在使用过程中,避免碰撞或挤压LED硬灯条 ,以免损坏其内部结构。
定期检查LED硬灯条的电源线和连接头是否 牢固,如有松动应及时紧固。
如发现LED硬灯条出现异常或损坏,应及时 更换,以确保其正常工作。
在安装和使用过程中,注意保 护LED硬灯条,避免碰撞和挤 压等外力影响。
提高LED硬灯条的发光效率,降低能耗,是未来技术发展的重要 方向。
将LED硬灯条与其他功能模块集成,如传感器、通信模块等,实现 智能化控制。
使用螺丝刀等工具将LED硬灯 条固定在预定的位置上。
确保在安装前准备好所需的工 具和材料,如螺丝刀、电钻、 LED硬灯条等。
将LED硬灯条的电源线连接到 合适的电源插座或电源线上。
在安装完成后,检查LED硬灯 条是否牢固,电源线是否连接 良好。

LED 灯条套件及配件说明书

LED 灯条套件及配件说明书

Control: X-Driver IR-XD3 Wired Sensor
10 W 80 IP20
· Apex profile, available in two lengths: 78 3/4" (2 m) and 118 1/8" (3 m), can be cut easily with a miter saw.
4 3055304
Apex end caps, polycarbonate, 2-pack
4 1650303900 IR-XD3 Infrared sensor with limit switch function, recessed
2 1650801
DXD3-IR Distributor for IR-XD3, 3 slots
Apex profile
X-Driver power cable
X-Driver power supply
Order the quantities below for each part number to complete 1 kit shown in the installation layout.
1 1650301
CM2-XD RF control module
1 XDRIVER2460 X-Driver power supply, 60W, 24V

Banner's WLB32 超亮LED灯条说明说明书

Banner's WLB32 超亮LED灯条说明说明书

Datasheet Model withoutMotion DetectorModel withMotion Detector Model with EyeShield andMotion DetectorBanner’s WLB32 is an ultra-bright LED fixture that features an even lightoutput for a no glare ‘glow’. Suitable for a variety of environments andapplications, including work stations, machine lighting, control cabinets,and manufacturing lines, the WLB32 uses advanced LED lightingtechnology to provide a high-quality and maintenance free industriallighting solution for years.•Highly energy efficient for overall cost savings•High/Low/Off switch•Models with eye shield block side glare•Daisy chain power to multiple lights•Motion detection models available•Metal housing, shatterproof window•Easy installation with snap clips, or a choice of magnetic orangle bracketsWLB32 Industrial LED Light Bars are available as cascadable modelsthat can be "daisy-chained" together for a continuous length of lighting,with a minimum of wiring. Each light bar can be turned to high, low, oroff independently of the other lights, upstream or downstream, in thechain. A double-ended accessory cordset must be used between eachpair of cascading lights.The listed models include a U.S. power cable.•To order model with no power cable, omit the suffix "B" from the model number. For example, WLB32ZC285PBQM. For a list of other countries' wall plug cables, refer to the Accessories list.•To order the light without the integral switch, omit the "PB" from the model number. For example, WLB32ZC285QMB.•To order the light with the integral motion detector, replace the 'PB' from the model number with 'M'. For example, WLB32ZC285MQMB.•To order the light with the eye shield, add an 'E' after the length. For example, WLB32ZC285EPBQMB.Important: Read the following instructions before operating the light. Please download the complete WLB32Industrial LED Light Bar (AC) technical documentation, available in multiple languages, from for details on the proper use, applications, Warnings, and installation instructionsof this device.Important: Lea el siguiente instructivo antes de operar el luminario. Por favor descargue desde toda la documentación técnica de los WLB32 Industrial LED Light Bar (AC),disponibles en múltiples idiomas, para detalles del uso adecuado, aplicaciones, advertencias, y lasinstrucciones de instalación de estos dispositivos.Important: Lisez les instructions suivantes avant d'utiliser le luminaire. Veuillez télécharger la documentationtechnique complète des WLB32 Industrial LED Light Bar (AC) sur notre site pourles détails sur leur utilisation correcte, les applications, les notes de sécurité et les instructions de montage. WLB32 Industrial LED Light Bar (AC)Original Document176314 Rev. K3 December 2019176314Installing the WLB32 AC Series LightsFigure 1. Attaching the Snap Brackets (Step 1)Figure 2. Installing the Cascade Cover (Step 8)1.Attach the snap brackets to the light.2.Select a suitable horizontal or vertical dry mounting location.3.Place the light in the mounting location and mark the positions of the snap bracket mounting holes.4.Drill the holes and use appropriate screws to secure the snap bracket to the mounting location.5.Snap the light onto the brackets.6.When daisy chaining multiple lights, follow steps 1 through 5 to mount additional lights. See the application note in the Specifications for the maximum allowed lights daisy chained together and maximum allowed cable run when choosing mounting locations.7.Connect the daisy chained units together using cascade cordsets (see Accessories ).8.Install the supplied cascade cover over the output connector on the last light in the chain.9.Plug the power cord from the firstlight into the wall outlet.CAUTION: To reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to personnel:•Use only insulated staples or plastic ties to secure cords;•Route and secure cords so that they will not be pinched or damaged when the cabinet is pushed to thewall;•Position the portable cabinet light with respect to the cabinet so the lamp replacement markings areable to be read during relamping;•Do not recess into ceilings or soffits; and•Do not conceal the cords. The National Electrical Code (NEC) does not permit cords to be concealedwhere damage to insulation may go unnoticed. To prevent fire danger, do not run cord behind walls,ceilings, soffits, or cabinets where it may be inaccessible for examination. Cords should be visually examined periodically and immediately replaced when any damage is noted.SpecificationsOperating Voltage90 to 264 V ac (50 or 60 Hz)Power factor > 0.95 on high setting at 120 V ac See electrical characteristics on product label Supply CurrentWLB32 Industrial LED Light Bar (AC) - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 176314 Rev. KSupply Protection CircuitryProtected against transient voltagesLight CharacteristicsColor: Daylight whiteColor temperature (CCT): 5000K (±300K)Lumen output: 750 (±5%) per foot, typical at 25 °C (77 °F)CRI: 85 typicalEye shield reduces lumens by approximately 25%LED LifetimeLumen Maintenance - L70When operating within specifications, output will decrease less than 30% after 50,000 hours.Push ButtonII = 100% light intensityI = 50% light intensityO = StandbyModels with Motion DetectionLight turns off after approximately 60 seconds without detecting motion.Range: 12 m; ±45° field of viewStandby current: 170 µAConstructionAnodized aluminum housing; polycarbonate window and end caps; stainless steel mounting bracketsSpacing CriterionVertical: 1.22Horizontal: 1.32MountingSnap clips; optional magnetic mount or swivel bracket accessories availableConnectionsIntegral custom QD (connecting cordset required) Environmental RatingIEC IP50Vibration and Mechanical ShockVibration 10-55 Hz 1.0 mm p-p amplitude per IEC60068-2-6 Shock 15G 11 ms duration, half sine wave per IEC60068-2-27 Operating Temperature–25 °C to +45 °C (–13 °F to 113 °F)Models with Motion Detection: –20 °C to +45 °C (–4 °F to +113 °F) Storage Temperature–40 °C to +70 °C (–40 °F to +158 °F)Test DataLM-79, LM-80, TM-21Application NoteWhen connecting cascadable lights in series, do not exceed the maximum unit limit of 10, regardless of light size, and do not exceed a maximum wiring distance of 100 m (328 ft)CertificationsE476617UL Listedonly for120 V ac,60 HzUL Recognizedfor easyinstallation incontrol cabinetsSpacing Criteria (SC)The spacing criteria is the fixture-spacing-to-mounting-height ratio and aids in laying out a pattern of fixtures. Multiply the spacing criteria by the mounting height to get the maximum fixture spacing that still provides even illumination (no shadowing between fixtures).Luminaire Spacing = SC × Height to Illuminated PlaneThe mounting height is the distance from the fixture to the surface you are lighting.Light Characteristics180°CD(candela)23019215311577383877115153192230170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Polar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternIlluminance at a DistanceVertical Angle:0° Vertical90° Horizontal150 lux125 lux100 lux75 lux50 lux25 lux10 lux5 lux50% max.candelaFigure 3. 285 mm ModelsP/N 176314 Rev. K - Tel: + 1 888 373 67673180°CD(candela)4603833072301537777153230307383460170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical90° Horizontal300 lux250 lux200 lux150 lux100 lux50 lux25 lux10 lux50% max.candelaFigure 4. 570 mm ModelsPolar Candela DistributionIlluminance at a Distance180°(candela)650542433325217108108217325433542650170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Illuminance at a DistanceVertical Angle:0° Vertical90° HorizontalFigure 5. 850 mm ModelsPolar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternIlluminance at a Distance600 lux500 lux400 lux300 lux200 lux100 luxMount height of 1 meter (1 m)50 lux25 lux50% max.candela180°CD(candela)870725580435290145145290435580725870170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical90° HorizontalFigure 6. 1130 mm Models - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 176314 Rev. KMount height of 1 meter (1 m)150 lux 125 lux 100 lux75 lux 50 lux 25 lux10 lux 5 lux 50% max. candela180°C D (c a n d e l a )250208167125834204283125167208250170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° HorizontalFigure 7. 285 mm Models with Eye ShieldsPolar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternIlluminance at a DistanceMount height of 1 meter (1 m)2211300 lux 250 lux 200 lux150 lux 100 lux 50 lux25 lux 10 lux 50% max.candela180°C D (c a n d e l a )50041733325016783083167250333417500170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° HorizontalFigure 8. 570 mm Models with Eye ShieldsPolar Candela DistributionIsolux PatternIlluminance at a DistanceMount height of 1 meter (1 m)450 lux 375 lux 300 lux225 lux 150 lux 75 lux25 lux 10 lux 50% max.candela180°C D (c a n d e l a )6305254203152101050105210315420525630170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° HorizontalFigure 9. 850 mm Models with Eye ShieldsP/N 176314 Rev. K - Tel: + 1 888 373 67675Mount height of 1 meter (1 m)600 lux 500 lux 400 lux300 lux 200 lux 100 lux50 lux 25 lux 50% max. candela180°C D (c a n d e l a )8206835474102731370137273410547683820170°160°150°140°130°120°110°100°90°80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°0°Vertical Angle:0° Vertical 90° HorizontalFigure 10. 1130 mm Models with Eye ShieldsDimensionsMotion Detector and/or Eye Shield ModelsSpecific to models with shield - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767P/N 176314 Rev. KAccessoriesP/N 176314 Rev. K - Tel: + 1 888 373 67677Banner Engineering Corp. Limited WarrantyBanner Engineering Corp. warrants its products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for one year following the date of shipment. Banner Engineering Corp. will repair or replace, free of charge, any product of its manufacture which, at the time it is returned to the factory, is found to have been defective during the warranty period. This warranty does not cover damage or liability for misuse, abuse, or the improper application or installation of the Banner product.THIS LIMITED WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE), AND WHETHER ARISING UNDER COURSE OF PERFORMANCE, COURSE OF DEALING OR TRADE USAGE. This Warranty is exclusive and limited to repair or, at the discretion of Banner Engineering Corp., replacement. IN NO EVENT SHALL BANNER ENGINEERING CORP. BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY FOR ANY EXTRA COSTS, EXPENSES, LOSSES, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR ANY INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR SPECIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY PRODUCT DEFECT OR FROM THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PRODUCT, WHETHER ARISING IN CONTRACT OR WARRANTY, STATUTE, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, NEGLIGENCE, OR OTHERWISE.Banner Engineering Corp. reserves the right to change, modify or improve the design of the product without assuming any obligations or liabilities relating to any product previously manufactured by Banner Engineering Corp. Any misuse, abuse, or improper application or installation of this product or use of the product for personal protection applications when the product is identified as not intended for such purposes will void the product warranty. Any modifications to this product without prior express approval by Banner Engineering Corp will void the product warranties. All specifications published in this document are subject to change; Banner reserves the right to modify product specifications or update documentation at any time. Specifications and product information in English supersede that which is provided in any other language. For the most recent version of any documentation, refer to: .For patent information, see /patents.FCC Part 15 and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B)This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1.This device may not cause harmful interference, and2.This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules and CAN ICES-3 (B)/NMB-3(B). These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.•Consult the manufacturer.Mexican ImporterBanner Engineering de Mèxico, S. de R.L. de C.V.David Alfaro Siqueiros 103 Piso 2 Valle orienteSan Pedro Garza Garcia Nuevo Leòn, C. P. 6626981 8363.2714© Banner Engineering Corp. All rights reserved。



DATA SHEETIntroduction Performance Characteristics Mechanical Dimensions Characteristic Curves ReliabilityPacking Specification PrecautionP 2P 3P 5P 6P 9P 10P 11 CITILED COB SeriesStandard Type.Ra90 Min. ModelCLU03J-1206C91. Introduction1-1. Product Description1-2. Features・Mechanical Dimensions :19 × 19 × 1.4 (mm)・Package Structure :Aluminum Base Chip on Board ・Reference Assembly :M3 screw, Connector ・CRI (Ra):90 Min.・Nominal CCT :2,700K, 3,000K, 3,500K, 4,000K ・Chromaticity Range :2-step Ellipse, the center refers to ANSI C78.377:2017.・Thermal Resistance :0.61C/W ・Maximum drive current :1080mA ・UL recognized component (E358566)・RoHS compliant・Better die arrangement for optics・Wide range of luminous flux and high efficacy・Improved lumen density compared with previous version CLU03J -1206C9-272H5U2[1][2][3][4][5][1]:[2]:[3]:[4]:[5]:Nominal CCT CRI (Ra)Product NomenclatureCLU03J 12062700K 90 Min.Product shape Die count in series Die count in parallel CITIZEN ELECTRONICS is the first COB manufacturer. Our advanced knowledge and packaging technology for many years have excellent reliability and high quality. By optimizing each production process, the chromaticity range has achieved 2-step ellipse as a standard specification. 2-step ellipse color definition at Tj=85C ensures uniform optical performance in various applications.The new model shares the same outline design and LES size as Standard Type (Ver.1~6).( Tj=85C )Ra R9Tc25C*Min.Min.Min.Typ.Typ.Typ.Min.Typ.Max.CLU03J-1206C9-272H5U22700K 90502,0602,3412,58913054030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-302H5U23000K 90502,1412,4342,69113554030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-352H5U23500K 90502,1732,4702,73113754030.633.336.00.61CLU03J-1206C9-402H5U24000K90502,1742,4712,73213754030.633.336.00.61Notes :1. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 10% on luminous flux measurements.2. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 3% on forward voltage measurements.3. Citizen Electronics maintains a tolerance of ± 1 on Ra measurements. * : Values of Luminous flux at Tc=25C are provided as reference only.Product codeForward Current( mA )Thermal Resistance Rj-c ( C/W )CRI Nominal CCTLuminous flux( lm )Efficacy ( lm/W )Voltage( V )Tj85C2. Performance Characteristics2-1. Electro Optical Characteristics2-2. Absolute Maximum RatingsSymbol RatingPi 42.3*1If 1080*1Ir 1Top -40 ~ +100Tst -40 ~ +100Tc 105*2Tj140*3*2. Refer to 3. Outline drawing for Tc measurement point.*3. D.C. Current : Tj = Tc + Rj-c × PiParameterInput Power (W)Forward Current (mA)Reverse Current (mA)Storage Temperature (C)Case Temperature (C)Junction Temperature (C)Operating Temperature (C)*1. Input power and forward current are the values when the LED is used within the range of the derating curve in this data sheet.2,700K( 0.4578, 0.4101)3,000K ( 0.4339, 0.4033)3,500K ( 0.4078, 0.3930)4,000K( 0.3818, 0.3797)* Color region stay within 2-step ellipse from the chromaticity center.* The chromaticity center refers to ANSI C78.377:2017.* θ is the angle between the major axis of the ellipse and the x-axis, and a and b are the major and minor semi-axes of an ellipse.0.006260.0026854.002-step ellipse0.006340.0027852.97 ( Rated current, Tj=85C )57.280.005560.0027253.170.005160.00274Color RegionNominal CCT Center Point ( x, y )Oval parameterMajor Axisa Minor Axisb E llipse Rotation Angleθ2-3. Chromaticity CharacteristicsNote : Citizen Electronics maintains chromaticity ( x, y ) +/-0.0050.300.350.400.450.300.350.400.450.50yxx-y chart CIE19314,000K3,500K3,000K2,700KBlack Body Locus2-step3. Mechanical DimensionsUnit : mmTolerances unless otherwise specified : +/-0.3・Internal Circuit12 S 06 P Protection deviceLED deviceCathodeAnodeMarking 1 : Serial No.Marking 2 : Code No.CRI CCTDies count in parallel Dies count in seriesCLU0xJ seriesMarking 3 : Data MatrixAE 12 06 ** ** *4. Characteristic Curves4-1. Forward Current Characteristics / Temperature CharacteristicsForward Current vs. Forward VoltageForward Current vs. Relative Luminous FluxTc=25CTc=25CCase Temperature vs. Forward VoltageCase Temperature vs. Relative Luminous FluxIf=540mAIf=540mA30. f [V ]If [mA]0%50%100%150%200%3006009001200R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]If [mA] f [V ]Tc [C]0%20%40%60%80%100%120%020406080100120R e l a t i v e L u m i n o u s F l u x [a .u .]Tc [C]4-2. Optical CharacteristicsTj=85CIf=540mASpectrum : CRI(Ra) 90 Min.0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%100%380430480530580630680730780R a d i a t i v e I n t e n s i t yWave length [nm]4,000K3,500K3,000K2,700K4-2. Optical Characteristics (continued)4-3. Derating CharacteristicsRadiation Characteristic0%20%40%60%80%100%X Y80°70°60°50°40°30°20°10°-80°-70°-60°-50°-20°-30°-40°-10°90°-90°Case Temperaturevs. Allowable Forward Current0300600900120020406080100120I f [m A ]Tc [C]5. Reliability5-1. Reliability Test5-2. Failure CriteriaTest Item100 C × 1000 hours -40 C × 1000 hours Test ConditionIF=540mA , Ta= 25C (with Al-fin) ×1000hours -40 C × 30 minutes – 100 C × 30 minutes, 100 cycle85 C, 85 %RH for 500 hoursThermal Shock TestContinuous Operation Test High Temperature Storage TestLow Temperature Storage Test Moisture-proof Test IF=540mA , Tj=140C (with Al-fin) ×1000hours( Tc=25C )U defines the upper limit of the specified characteristics. S defines the initial value.Note : Measurement shall be taken between 2 hours and 24 hours, and the test pieces should be return to the normal ambient conditions after the completion of each test.Total Luminous FluxΦvIf=540mA<S × 0.85Measuring Item Symbol Measuring ConditionFailure CriteriaForward Voltage Vf If=540mA >U × 1.1Unit : mmProduct : 48 pcs/tray1. TYPEe.g. CLU03J-1206C92. P.No. ( Customer's P/N )3. Lot No.1965015(b)(a) Last two digit of the year 19 : Year 2019(b) Production month 6 : JuneNote: October, November and December are designated X,Y and Z.(c) CE's control number 4. Quantity(a)(c)Example of indication labele.g. 6. Packing Specification6-1. PackingAn empty tray is placed on top of a 6-tier tray which contain 48 pieces each.( Smallest packing unit : 288 pieces )A label with product name, quantity and lot number is placed on the upper empty tray.Tray ( Dimensions: 310 x 210 x 12 mm / Materials: Electrically conductive PS ) CUSTOMERTYPE P.NO Lot No Q'ty: CLU***-******-******* : ****** : ******* : ***--- ( 1 ) --- ( 2 ) --- ( 3 ) --- ( 4 )7. Precaution7-1. Handling with care for this product-Both the light emitting area and white rim around the light emitting area is composed of resin materials.Please avoid the resin area from being pressed, stressed, rubbed, come into contact with sharp metal nail(e.g. edge of reflector part) because the function, performance and reliability of this product are negatively impacted.-Please be aware that this product should not come into contact with any other parts while incorporating in your lightingapparatus or your other products.-Please be aware that careful handling is required after the attachment of lead wires to prevent the application of any loadto the connections.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-2. Countermeasure against static electricity-Handling of this product needs countermeasures against static electricity because this is a semiconductor product.-Please take adequate measures to prevent any static electricity being produced such as the wearing of a wristband oranti-static gloves when handling this product.-Every manufacturing facility in regard to the product (plant, equipment, machine, carrier machine and conveyance unit)should be connected to ground and please avoid the product to be electric-charged.-ESD sensitivity of this product is over 1000V (HBM, based on JEITA ED-4701/304).-After assembling the LEDs into your final product(s), it is recommended to check whether the assembled LEDs aredamaged by static electricity (electrical leak phenomenon) or not.-It is easy to find static damaged LED dies by a light-on test with the minimum current value.7-3. Caution of product assembly-Regarding this product assembling on the heat sink, it is recommended to use M3 screw.It might be good for screw tightening on the heat sink to do temporary tightening and final tightening.In addition, please don’t press with excess stress on the product.-The condition of the product assembling on the heat sink and the control of screw tightening torque needs to be optimized according to the specification of the heat sink.-Roughness, unevenness and burr of surface negatively impact thermal bonding between the product and heat sink andincrease heat thermal resistance between them.Confidence of thermally and mechanical coupling between the product and heat sink are confirmed by checkingthe mounting surface and measuring the case temperature of the product.-In order to reduce the thermal resistance at assembly, it might be good to use TIM (Thermal Interface Material) on whole contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal grease for the TIM, it might be good to apply uniformly on the contact surface of the product.In case of using thermal sheet for the TIM, it might be good to make sure that the product is NOT strained by stress when the screws are tightened for assembly.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-4. Thermal Design-The thermal design to draw heat away from the LED junction is most critical parameter for an LED illumination system. High operating temperatures at the LED junction adversely affect the performance of LED’s light output and lifetime. Therefore the LED junction temperature should not exceed the absolute maximum rating in LED illumination system. -The LED junction temperature while operation of LED illumination system depends upon thermal resistance of internal LED package (Rj-c), outer thermal resistances of LED package, power loss and ambient temperature. Please take both of the thermal design specifications and ambient temperature conditions into consideration for the setting of driving conditions.-For more information, please refer to application note "Thermal Management", "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-5. Driving Current-A constant current is recommended as an applying driving current to this product.In the case of constant voltage driving, please connect current-limiting resistor to each products in series and control the driving current to keep under the absolute maximum rating forward current value.-Electrical transient might apply excess voltage, excess current and reverse voltage to the product(s).They also affect negative impact on the product(s) therefore please make sure that no excess voltage, no excess current and no reverse voltage is applied to the product(s) when the LED driver is turn-on and/or turn-off.-For more information, please refer to application note "Driving", "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-6. Lighting at a minimum current value-A minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 15mA.When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due to the individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.7-7. Electrical Safety-This product is designed and produced according to IEC 62031:2008(IEC 62031:2008 LED modules for general lighting. Safety specification)-Dielectric voltage withstand test has been conducted on this product to see any failure after applyingvoltage between active pads and aluminum section of the product, and to pass at least 500V.-Considering conformity assessment for IEC62031:2008, almost all items of the specification depend uponyour final product of LED illumination system.Therefore, please confirm with your final product for electrical safety of your product.As well, the products comply with the criteria of IEC62031:2008 as single LED package.- A minimum current value of lighting of all dice is 30 mA. When a minimum current is applied, LED dice may look different in their brightness due tothe individual difference of the LED element, and it is not a failed product.7-8. Recommended soldering Condition (This product is not adaptable to reflow process.) -For manual solderingPlease use lead-free soldering.Soldering shall be implemented using a soldering bit at a temperature lower than 350C, and shall befinished within 3.5 seconds for one land.No external force shall be applied to resin part while soldering is implemented.Next process of soldering should be carried out after the product has return to ambient temperature.Contacts number of soldering bit should be within twice for each terminal.* Citizen Electronics cannot guarantee if usage exceeds these recommended conditions.Please use it after sufficient verification is carried out on your own risk if absolutely necessary.-For more information, please refer to application note "Instruction Manual(COB LED Package)".7-9. Eye Safety-The International Electrical Commission (IEC) published in 2006 IEC 62471”2006 Photobiological safety of lamps and lamp systems ” which includes LEDs within its scope.When sorting single LEDs according to IEC 62471, almost all white LEDs can be classifiedas belonging to either Exempt Group (no hazard) or Risk Group 1 (low risk).-However, Optical characteristics of LEDs such as radiant flux, spectrum and light distribution are factorsthat affect the risk group determination of the LED, and especially a high-power LED, that emits lightcontaining blue wavelengths,might have properties equivalent to those of Risk Group 2 (moderate risk).-Great care should be taken when directly viewing an LED that is driven at high current, has multipleuses as a module or when focusing the light with optical instruments, as these actions might greatlyincrease the hazard to your eyes.-It is recommended to regard the evaluation of stand-alone LED packages as a referenceand to evaluate your final product.7-10. This product is not designed for usage under the following conditions.If the product might be used under the following conditions, you shall evaluate its effect and appropriate them. In places where the product might:-directly and indirectly get wet due to rain and/or at place with the fear.-be damage by seawater and/or at place with the fear-be exposed to corrosive gas (such as Cl2, H2S, NH3, SOx, NOx and so on) and/or at place with the fear.-be exposed to dust, fluid or oil and/or at place with the fear.Precautions with regard to product use(1) This document is provided for reference purposes only so that CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' products are used as intended. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS neither makes warranties or representations with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this document nor grants any license to any intellectual property rights or any other rights of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS or any third party with respect to the information in this document. Formal specifications must be exchanged and signed by both parties prior to mass production.(2) All information included in this document such as product data, diagrams, charts, is current as of the date this document is issued.Such information, however, is subject to change without any prior notice.(3) CITIZEN ELECTRONICS has used reasonable care in compiling the information included in this document, but CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever for any damages incurred as a result of errors or omissions in the information included in this document.(4) Absent a written signed agreement, except as provided in the relevant terms and conditions of sale for product, and to the maximum extent allowable by law, CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability whatsoever, including without limitation, indirect, consequential, special, or incidental damages or loss, including without limitation, loss of profits, loss of opportunities, business interruption and loss of data, and disclaims any and all express or implied warranties and conditions related to sale, use of product, or information, including warranties or conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of information, or no infringement.(5) Though CITIZEN ELECTRONICS works continually to improve products' quality and reliability, products can malfunction or fail. Customers are responsible for complying with safety standards and for providing adequate designs and safeguards to minimize risk and avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of a product could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property, including data loss or corruption. In addition, customers are also responsible for determining the appropriateness of use of any information contained in this document such as application cases not only by evaluating on their own but also by using the entire system. CITIZEN ELECTRONICS assumes no liability for customers' product design or applications.(6) The product is intended to be used for general electronic equipment such as general lighting, home appliances, and information-communication equipment. It is not designed or manufactured to be used for special application (e.g. automobiles, trains, ships, airplanes, spaceships, submarine repeaters, atomic energy control systems, traffic equipment, combustion equipment, life-support systems, and safety devices). We will not guarantee any application suitability for goods like those described above that require special quality and reliability. In cases where the product is used in special applications and it causes extensive property damage, threatens human life or damages the human body, we will not be held liable. The product is not in conformity to ISO/TS16949 (IATF16949) or intended to be used for in-vehicle application.(7) Do not reverse-engineer the product including disassemble or analyze without our approval.(8) Please contact CITIZEN ELECTRONICS' sales office if you have any questions regarding the information contained in this document, or if you have any other inquiries.CITILED is a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. Japanis a trademark or a registered trademark of CITIZEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD. JAPAN.。

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工作电压: DC 24V
5050每米40灯DC 24V 1M≤8 W;
5050每米60灯DC 24V 1M≤12W ;
5050每米72灯DC 12V 1M≤14.4 W;

色温在 3000--6000K 为中间,人在此色调下无特别明显的视觉心理效果,有爽快的感觉;故称为“中性”色温
色温超过 6000K ,光色偏蓝,给人以清冷的感觉,通称冷色温












