() 2 冷却吸附
晚上 , 环境温度降低 , 吸附床被
环境空气冷却, 吸附剂开始吸附制冷剂蒸汽, 系统 中
制冷剂 蒸汽压 力下 降 , 当压 下 降 至 蒸 发 温度 下 的 勺
饱和压力时 , 储存在蒸发器 中的液态制冷剂开始蒸 发制冷, 产生 的蒸汽继续被吸附床吸附, 直至吸附结 束, 完成一个吸附制冷循环。
附式制 冷 系统 以太 阳能驱动 的吸 附床代 替 了蒸气压 缩 式制 冷系统 中 的压 缩 机 , 统 主要 由 四大 部件 即 系 吸附床 ( 集热 器 )冷凝器 、 发器 、 、 蒸 节流 阀等 构成 , 如 图 1 示 。其 操 作 过程 是 间歇 式 的 , 为受 热 解 吸 所 分
Ab ta t I i p p r t eb c go n d t es s m p icp eo t es lre eg l sr c :n t s a e , h a k r u d a y t r il f oa n ry s i h n h e n h o d—a s r t n r f g r dopi r e— o e i
a in tc n lg r nrd c d. Is tc n lg d d v lpme tae a ay e t e h oo a e ito u e o y t e h oo a e eo y n n r n l z d. Is c re ts oto n s a e t u r n h rc mig r
g n r i d,a d te r s ac i cin i c n r d e ea z l e n e e rh d r t o f me . h e o s i
地址:710075 陕西省西安市高新区高新一路16号创业大厦B708室
Accumulator 积聚器英汉对照术语索引Activated alumuna 活性矾土AActivated carbon 活性碳绝对湿度Absolute humidity Adiabatic 绝热的Absolute pressure 绝对压力Adiabatic compression 绝热压Absolute temperature 绝对温度缩Absolute zero 绝对零度Adiabatic efficiency 绝热效率Absolute temperature 绝对温度Adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀Absorbent 吸收剂Adsorbent 吸附剂Absorber 吸收者Adsorption 吸附吸收剂Absorbent Aerofoil fan 轴流通风机Absorption 吸收Air agitation 空气搅动吸收式机器Absorption machine Air blast cooling 吹风冷却吸收式冷Absorption refrigerator Air blast freezer 吹风冻结间柜Air blast freezing 吹风冻结吸收式系统Absorption system Air changes per hour 每小时换空吸unit refrigerating Absorption 气次数;空气循环率收式制冷机组Air circulation 空气循环Absorptivity 吸收系数air circulation, Forced…强制空气易卸压缩机Accessible compressor 循环现场用压缩机半密闭压缩机air circulation, Natural…自然空Accumulation cold 蓄冷气循环air circulation, Rare of…每小时装置Air conditioning, Residential…换空气次数;空气循环率住宅空气调节Air cleaner 空气过滤器Air conditioning, Summer…夏季空气调节器 Air conditioner空气调节 air conditioner Packaged…组合式Air conditioning unit 空气调节空气调节器器 air conditioner, Room…房间空气调air conditioning unit, Self 节器contained…组合式空气调节 air conditioner, Shop…商店用空气air conditioning, Winter…冬季调节器空气调节 air conditioner, Window…窗式空气air conditioning, ear round…全调节器年空气调节空气调节 Air conditioningAir cooled condenser Air conditioning, All year…全年气冷式冷凝器Air cooler 空气调节空气冷却器;冷风机air cooler, Dry-type…干式空气冷Air conditioning, Comfort…舒适却器;干式冷风机空气调节air cooler, Forced convection…强air 工conditioning, Industrial…制对流空气冷却器业空气调节; 强制通air conditioning, Marine…船舶风空气冷却空气调节air cooler, Forced draught…强制空气调节Airconditioning plant对流空气冷却器;强制通风空 Air liquefaction 空气液化Air lock 冷门斗;管理间气air make up, Fresh…新鲜空气补充却量 cooler, air Natural convection…air, Outside…新鲜空气;室外空气自然对流空气冷却器air, Recirculated…再循环空气air cooler, Spray type…喷淋式空Air refrigerating machine 气冷却器;喷淋式冷风机空气制冷机air cooler, Surface…表面空气冷却Air, Return 回流空气;回风器air, Saturated…饱和空气air cooler, Wet type…湿式空气冷air Supersaturated…过饱和空气却器;湿式冷风机Air velocity air, Cooling…冷却空气空气速度Air washer 空气洗漱器空气扩散器Air diffuserAlcohol thermometer 酒精湿度计 Air duct 风道;风管All year air conditioning 全年空排气口Air exhaust气调节空气过滤器 Air filterAmbient temperature air, Fresh…新鲜空气;室外空气环境湿度Ammonia air hose, Cool…冷空气软管氨Amount of heat 热量进气口Air inletAnemometer 进气口Air intake 风速计;气流计Angle valve air intake duct, Outside…室外空角阀回笼间Anteroom 气进风道.Aqua ammonia 氨水 Back pressure 吸入压力Back pressure regulator Arithmeticmeantemperature蒸发压力调节阀;算术平均温差吸入压力调节阀 differenceBaffle 隔板Articulated trailer 半拖车Balance pressure 工冬平衡压力人Artificial hibernationBall valve 眠;人工蛰息弹子阀Bare pipe 光(滑)管Asphalted paper 涩青纸Batch-type ice cream freezer 吸Aspirated hygrometer 气湿度间歇式冰淇淋冻结器计Baudelot cooler 大气表面液体冷却器式冷condenser Atmosphere Bearing 轴承凝器;淋浇式冷凝器Beer cooler 大气压啤酒冷却器 Atmosphere pressureBellows valve Atomize(to) 波纹管阀雾化(动)Big end 连杆大头Automatic control device 自动Bimetal strip 双金属元件;双金控制装置属片 Automatic defrosting 自动除霜Bimetallic element 自动Automatic expansion valve双金属元件;双金属片膨胀阀;恒压膨胀阀Bimetallic thermometer 平均温度Average temperature 双金属片温度计轴流通风机Axial flow fanBinary system Azeotrope 二元系统(共沸)混合冷剂烫漂Blanching BBlanket-type condenser 毯状绝Brine cooler 盐水冷却器Brine drum 热材料盐水桶Brine expansion tank 盐水膨胀箱Bleeder type condenser 湿流式Brine line 盐水管大气冷凝器Brine pump 盐水泵 Block ice 块冰Brine return tank 盐水回液箱风机(扇);通风机Brine sparge 盐水喷射Blower 通风机Brine spray Board-type insulant 板状绝热材盐水喷淋Brine spray system 盐水喷淋系统料Brine tank 盐水池;盐水箱 Body-icing 周围加冰British thermal unit(Btu) Boiler 美国热发生器;沸腾器单位 Boiling 沸腾Brownheart 果心变褐沸点Boiling pointBunker Booster 升压压缩机贮冰室Bursting disc system Bootsrtap《》布氏空气制冷破裂片Butane 系统丁烷By-pass Bore 汽缸直径旁通管轴马力Brake horse power CCabinet,[ice cream]…[冰淇淋铜焊;硬焊料钎焊Brazing ]保藏柜呼吸塞Breather plugCalf ice Brine 盐水小块冰]…(kcal)千卡(大calorie, [kilo- 盐水膨胀箱Brine balance tank 卡) Capacity, Thermal…热容量Capillary tube 毛细管量热器 CalorimeterCarbon dioxide 二氧化碳Calorimetry 量热法;量热学Carbon dioxide ice 干冰 ;固体二氧倒冰器化碳Can filler 冰桶加水器Cargo battens 护墙板 Capacity of a cold room 冷间容量Carnot cycle 卡诺循环 Capacity, Condensing unit…总产冷Cascade milk cooler 阶式牛奶冷却量器Capacity control 产冷量调节Cascade system 复迭系统 Capacity, Freezer…冻结器(间)能Catharometer 力气体分析仪Ceiling coil Capacity, freezing…冻结能力顶管Ceiling grid 顶管 Capacity, Gross…总容量Ceiling outlet 天花板出风口 Capacity, Heat…热容量Cellular concrete 泡沫混凝土 making…制冰能力Capacity, Ice-Cellular glass Capacity, Ice melting…冰的融解能泡沫玻璃Cellular insulant 力多孔绝热材料Central refrigerating plant Capacity, Net…净容量中央制冷装置能量减缩器Capacity reducerCentrifugal compressor Capacity, Refrigerating…产冷量;离心式压缩机; 制冷能力透平压缩机离心通风机Centrifugal fan 能量调节器Capacity regulator Centrifugal pump 离心泵 Closed cycle 闭合循环Closed shell and tube condenser 封Change of phase 相变;状态变化闭式壳管冷凝器;卧式壳管;状态变化相变Change of state加液 Charging冷凝器加液接头Charging connectionClosed type display case 封闭式陈;单向阀 Check valve 止回阀列柜卧式冻结柜(美国)Cloud point 浊点 Chill(to) 冷却(动)Coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数Chill room 冷却间制冷系 Coefficient of performance Chilled water 冷水 Chilling 数冷却thermalCoefficientChilling injury 冷却损伤of导热系数conductivity 冷却间Chilling room粘度系数Coefficient of viscosity Chipped ice 碎冰片 Coil 盘管循环泵Circulation pumpcoil, ceiling…顶管 Clear ice 透明冰coil condenser, Shell and…壳式盘补充余隙Clearance pocketClearance [volume] 余隙(容积)管冷凝器coil condenser,submerged…沉浸式Closed brine system 封闭式盐水系统盘管冷凝器封闭Closed crankcase compressor 冷却盘管Coil, Cooling盘管盖板Coil deck 式曲轴箱压缩机coil Desuperheating…预冷器;除过调节Comfort cooling 舒适冷却热盘管Comfort zone 舒适区coil, Evaporator…蒸发盘管Commercial condensing unit 商业用coil, Expansion…蒸发盘管压缩冷凝机组 coil Hold-over…蓄冷盘管Commercial refrigerating plant 商coil, Overhead…顶管业制冷装置coil Pipe…盘管Compound compression Coil wall 墙管双级压缩Compound compressor 双级压缩机冷ColdCompression 压缩cold, Accumulation of…蓄冷compression, Adiabatic…绝热压缩Cold air machine 空气制冷机compression, Compound…双级压缩冷藏环节Cold chain compression, Dry…. 干压缩 Cold room 冷间compression, Isentropic…等级压冷伤Cold injury缩冷间 Cold chambercompression, Multistage…多级压缩cold room, Capacity of a …冷间容Compression ratio 量压缩比;压力比ression, Single stage…单级压 Cold source 冷源comp ②冷藏库缩①冷藏Cold storageCompression stage Cold storage room 冷藏间压缩级冷藏库Coldstore 压缩系统Compression systemrefrigeratingCompression-type舒适空气Comfort air conditioningunit 压缩式制冷机组机compressor, Horizontal…卧式压缩compression, Wet…湿压缩机 Compressor 压缩机compressor, Multistage…多级压缩compressor, Accessible…易卸压缩机半密闭压现场用压缩机机;;compressor[multi- 缩机 vane],Rotary…多叶回转式压缩机compressor, Centrifugal…离心式压compressor, Open crankcase…散开缩机;透平压缩机式曲轴箱压缩机封 crankcase…compressor, Closedcompressor,闭式曲轴箱压缩机 Positivedisplacement…容积式压缩机 compressor, Compound…双级压缩机compressor, Reciprocating…往复式compressor, Diaphragm type…膜式压缩机压缩机compressor, Refrigeracompressor, Differential piston…tion…制冷压缩机差动活塞式压缩机compressor, Return flow…回流式压compressor, Double acting…双作用缩机式压缩机compressor, Rotary…转式压缩compressor, Dual effect…双效压缩机机compressor, Screw…螺杆式压缩机 compressor, Field service…易卸压compressor,半密闭;现场用压缩机;缩机Positivedisplacement…容积式压缩机缩压compressor, Semi-hermetic…易卸压condenser, Air-cooled…气冷式冷凝器 ;半密闭缩机;现场用压缩机condenser, Atmospheric…大气式冷压缩凝器机 ;淋浇式冷凝器condenser, Bleeder type…溢流式大单compressor, Single acting…气冷凝器作用压缩机condenser, Closed shell and sor [Single vane],Rotary…compres tube…封闭式壳管冷凝器; 卧式壳单叶回转式压缩机离心式压缩机;compressor, Turbo…管冷凝器透平压缩机condenser, Double pipe…套管式冷compressor, Uniflow type…单流式凝器压缩机condcompressor unit 压缩机组enser, Multishell…多壳式冷凝器 compressor, Vertical…立式压缩机condenser, Natural convection ①浓缩②浓度Concentrationair-cooled…自然对流空气冷 Concentration by freezing 冻结浓缩法却式冷凝器可凝性气体 Condensable gascondenser, Open shell and tube…冷凝液Condensate立式壳管冷凝器Condensation 冷凝condenser, Plate type…板式冷凝器冷凝点Condensation point冷凝器压力Condenser pressure 冷凝器Condensercondenser, Shell and coil…壳式盘Constant pressure valve 恒压阀Contact cooling 接触冷却管冷凝器Contact freezer condenser, Shell and tube…壳管式接触式冻结装置Contact freezing 喷淋冻结冷凝器Contact hardening condenser, Submerged…沉浸式盘管接触硬化Contact icing 接触加热冷凝器Container 容器 condenser, Submerged coil…沉浸式content, Heat…焓盘管冷凝器content, Moisture…含湿量;含水量 condenser, Tube-in-tube…套管式冷 content, Water vapour…水蒸气含量凝器连cream]freezer Continuous condenser, Vertical single pass…[ice 立式壳管冷凝器 ][冰淇淋冻结器续式 control, Capacity…产冷量调节condenser, Water-cooled…水冷式冷control device, Automatic…自动控凝器 Condenser pressure 冷凝压力制装置 Condensing temperature control, Modulating…调幅控制冷凝温度Condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组of…开-关控制control, On- Condensing unit capacity control, Remote…遥控总产冷量连杆Connecting rod 控制器 Controllercontroller, Differencial…差动控保藏柜]Conservator [冰淇淋Constant pressure expansion valve 制器controller, Differential of a…自恒压膨胀阀;自动膨胀阀.动控制器的差示 cooler, Drinking water…饮用水冷却器controller, Dual pressure…高低压cooler, Dry-type air…干式冷风机控制器cooler, Forced convection air…强controller, High pressure…高压制对流空气冷却器; 强制通风空气控制器controller, Humidity…湿度控制器冷却器cooler, Forced draught air…强Low pressure…低压controller,制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空控制器气controller, Pressure…压力控制器冷却器温度控制Controller, Temperaturecooler, Gas….气体冷却器器cooler, Immersion milk….沉浸式对流Convection牛奶冷却器 Cool(to) 冷却(动)cooler, Interstage….中间冷却器Cool air hose 冷空气软管cooler, Liquid…液体冷却器冷却间cooler, Milk….牛奶冷却器Cooler, Air…空气冷却间;冷风机cooler, Natural cooler, Baudelot…表面液体冷却器 convection air…自然对流空气冷却器 cooler, Beer…啤酒冷却器cooler, Oil…油冷却器cooler, Brine…盐水冷却器cooler, Panel…平板冷却器 cooler, Cascade milk…阶式牛奶冷cooler, Panel liquid却器…平板液体冷却器冷却器外壳Cooler casingcooler, Pre…预冷器 cooling, Air blast…吹风冷却cooling battery cooler, Sensible heat…显热冷却器冷却管组;制冷管组 cooler, Spray-type air…喷淋式空cooling coil 冷却盘管气冷却器;喷淋式冷风机cooling ,Contact…接触冷却 cooler, Sub…再冷[却]器cooling effect, Sensible…显热冷r …表面空气冷cooler, Surface ai却效果却器cooling effect, Total…总冷却效果cooler, Surface liquid…表面液体cooling element 冷却片冷却器cooling, Environment 环境冷却cooler, Tunnel…冷却隧道;隧道式cooling, Evaporative…蒸发冷却冷却装置cooling, Forced dcooler, Turbine milk…透平牛奶冷raught…强制通风冷却却器cooling, Heat of sub…再冷 [却]热cooler, Unit…冷却机组量 cooler, Water…水冷却器cooling, Hydro…冷水冷却cooler, Water fore…水顶冷器cooling, Immersion…沉浸冷却cooler, Water pre…水顶冷器cooling, Interstage…中间冷却 cooler, Wet type air …湿式空气Cooling load 冷负荷;热负荷冷却器;湿式冷风机Cooling medium cooler, Wort…麦牙汁冷却器冷却介质cooling, Method of…冷却方法cooling 冷却cooling, Natural convection…自然冷却空气cooling air对流冷却立冷风机组cooling, Vacuum…真空冷却 cooling, Process of…冷却过程Cooling water 冷却水 cooling, Quick…快速冷却Core sucking and filling 冷却速度 system 冰Cooling range心抽灌系统 cooling, Speed of…冷却速度Cork 软木 cooling, Spray…喷淋冷却Cork pipe covering 软木管道绝热cooling, Super…过冷Corkboard 软木板Cooling surface 冷却表面Corkslab 软木板cooling time, Half…半冷却时间Counter-flow 逆流cooling tower, Forced draught…送Counter-flow heat exchanger 风式凉水塔逆流式换热器draught…Induced cooling tower,Crankcase 排风式凉水塔曲轴箱Crankpin Mechanicalcoolingtower,曲柄箱Crankshaft 曲轴 draught…机械通风凉水塔Critical point 临界点draught…Natural towecooling r,Critical pressure 临界压力自然通风凉水塔Critical temperature 临界温度 cooling tower, Water…凉水塔Critical volume 冷却隧道;隧道式冷临界体积 Cooling tunnelCross flow 错流却装置Crushed ice 碎冰冷却机组Cooling unit 冰盐;低共熔冰盐结晶Cryohydrate 独contained…Self-unit, cooling Crystal ice 结晶冰融霜水盘Defrosting 除霜 ;融霜方块冰Cube icedefrosting, Automatic…自动除霜Current consumption 电流消耗Defrosting cycle 除霜周期 Cutting room (meat) 切肉间defrosting, Electric…电热融霜 cycle, Carnot…卡诺循环defcycle, Closed…闭合循环 rosting, Hot gas…热气融霜defrosting, Hot gas line for …融cycle, Defrosting…除霜周期霜热气管线 cycle, Refrigeration…制冷循环defrosting, Off-cycle, Reverse…逆循环 cycle…中止循环除霜cycle, Reversible…可逆循环defrosting, Water…水除霜 cycle, Standard rating…标准循环Degree Celsius(°C) 摄氏度数( Cylinder 汽(气)缸°C)Degree centigrade(°C) 汽缸直径Cylinder bore 摄氏度数(Cylinder liner 汽缸套°C)Degree Fahrenheit(°汽缸阀Cylinder valve F) 华氏度数( 汽缸壁°F)Cylinder wallDegree Kelvin( D °K) 开耳芬度数(°F)Damper 气闸Degree Rankine (深度冻结Deep freezing °R) 兰金度数(°R)Deep freezing trawler 深度冻结拖Degree of superheat 船过热度]作用[减湿Dehumidification 导向板DeflectorDehumidifier 减湿器图)diagram, Pressure volume…压容图 Dehumidifying effect 减湿效果Dial thermometer 指针温度计 Dehydration 干燥;脱水Diaphragm type compressor 膜式压2)干燥剂干燥器Dehydrator 1); 缩机脱水冻结 Dehydro-freezingDiaphragm valve Delivery gauge 排出压力表;高压压薄膜阀Differential controller 差动控制力表器Delivery velocity line refrigerantDifferential of a controller 制冷剂排出速度自动控制器的差示Delivery valve 排气阀Differential piston compressor 差 Densimeter 密度计动活塞式压缩机除臭DeodorizationDiffusion Desiccation 干燥扩散Dilatation 设计压力Design pressure 膨胀Dip tank ;Desuperheating coil 预冷器除过热融冰槽Direct coupled motor drive 盘管电动机直接传动Dew point 露点Direct expansion refrigeration Dew point temperature 直露点温度接膨胀制冷diagram, Enthalpy…焓图Direct feed evaporator diagram, Entropy…熵图直接供液蒸发器diagram, Indicator…示功图片状阀Disc valve diagram, Mollier…莫里亚图(压焓.Discharge 排出 Double contact freezer 双面接触式冻结装置Discharge gauge 排出压力表;高压压Double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝力表器 Discharge line 排出管通风排出压力Discharge pressureDrain 1)排除管 2)排除阀;排除Discharge refrigerant velocity 制器冷剂排出速度Drain valve 1)排除管 2) Discharge stroke 排气冲程排除阀;排除器 Discharge temperature 排出温度Draught 干燥器 Discharge valve 排气阀Drinking water cooler 饮用水冷却变色Discoloration器 Display case 陈列柜Drip 液滴Distant reading thermometer 遥测Drip tray 温度计融霜水盘Drive 分配总管1Distribution header );传动Dry bulb 干球分配站2)Dry bulb temperature 干球温度分配);)Distributor 1分配总管2Dry bulb thermometer 干球温度计站Dry compression 干压缩家用冷柜Domestic refrigeratorDry expansion evaporator 门垫圈Door gasket 干膨胀式蒸发器双作用压Double acting compressor固体二氧化碳;干冰Dry ice 缩机Dry saturated vapour [干]饱和蒸气量Effect, Overall refrigerating…总]千吨[美国显热负荷;产冷量Dry-type air cooler 干式空气冷却Effect, Peltier…珀尔帖效应器;干式冷风机Effect, Ranque-Hilsch…兰克 -赫尔干燥剂Dryer 1)干燥器2)胥效应Dual effect compressor 双效压缩机Effect, Refrigerating…产冷量高低压控;制Dual pressure controller 冷能力制器Effect, Sensible cooling…显热冷Dunnage 衬板却效果 Duty 产冷量;制冷能力Effect, Total cooling….总冷却效动压力Dynamic pressure (以压力单果)位计Effect per unit of swept volume, Dynamic viscosity 动力粘度Refrigerating…单位容积产冷量 EEffect, Useful Ebullator 循环泵refrigerating…有效冷量沸腾EbullitionEffective temperature 偏心环Eccentric strap 有效温度Effective work per Effect brake 有效功 horse power,Efficiency 效率 Refrigerating…单位轴马力的冷产Ejection 量喷射Ejector Effect, Dehumidifying…减湿效果喷射器]电Electric contact thermometer [Effect, Net refrigerating…净产冷.接点温度计 Eutectic plate 低共熔片;冻片Eutectic point 低共熔点Electric defrosting 电热融箱Evaporating pressure 蒸发压力Electric refrigerator 电气冷柜Evaporating temperature 蒸发温度挡水板Eliminator Evaporation 蒸发辐射强度 Emissive powerEvaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝Emissivity 辐射系数器端部加冰冷藏车Evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却端End bunker refrigerated truck Evaporator 蒸发器部加冰冷藏车Evaporator coil Engine room 蒸发盘管机房evaporator, Direct feed …直接供 Enthalpy 焓液蒸发器 Enthalpy chart 焓图evaporator, Dry expansion …干膨 Enthalpy diagram 焓图胀式蒸发器环境冷却Environment coolingevaporator, Flooded …泛滥式蒸发Equalizer 均压管器状态方程式Equation of stateevaporator, Herringbone Ethane 乙烷type …V型管蒸发器氯乙烷Ethyl chlorideevaporator, Ice bank……结冰式蒸Ethylene 乙烯发器冻结的低共; 低共熔冰Eutectic iceevaporator, Plate type …板式蒸发溶液器低共熔混合物Eutectic mixtureEvaporator pressure 蒸发器压力 Expansion valve 膨胀阀;调节阀Extended surface 扩展表面regulating Evaporator pressure External conditions valve 蒸发压力调节阀;吸入压力调节外部条件External equalizer 外部衡管阀External temperature 外界温度Evaporator pressure regulating 蒸;室外温度吸入压力调节阀发压力调节阀;Fevaporator, Pump feed…泵供液蒸发Factory assembled system 器制冷机组];通风机风机[扇evaporator, Shell and tube…壳管Fan式蒸发器农场用冻结装置Farm freezer绝热材料Evaporator, V-coil V型管蒸发器 Fibrous insulant易卸压缩evaporator, Vertical type…立式Field service compressor 半密闭压缩机蒸发器现场用压缩机;机;Film coefficient of heat transfer 剩余压力超压Excessive pressure ;排气孔;表面散热系数传热膜系数Exhaust openingExhaust steam ;过滤网气水蒸废[]Filter 过滤器肋片 Exhauster 排气通风机Fin 翅片; 膨胀软木Expanded cork 带翅片部分管长Finned length膨胀硬质橡胶Expanded ebonite Finned tube 翅片管多孔塑料Expanded plastics 管道配件FittingsExpansion 膨胀Flake ice 薄片冰凸缘;法兰Flange 蒸发盘管Expansion coilFlanged joint 法兰接合;凸缘接合 Fluid (subsi.) 流体(名)Fog 雾 Flared joint 扩口接合Foil insulation 箔绝热闪发气体Flash gasForced air circulation 强制空气循Flash point 闪点环Float switch 浮球开关Forced convection 强制对流 Float valve 浮球阀Forced convection air cooler Floc point 絮凝点强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷Flooded evaporator 泛滥式蒸发器却器垫仓板Floor dunnageForced draught air cooler Floor rack 垫仓板强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却流动Flow器 Flow, Counter-…逆流Forced draught condenser 强制通风 Flow, cross…错流冷却 Flow fan, Axial…轴流通风机Forced draught cooling tower flow, Heat…热流动送风式凉风塔flow, Laminar…层流Forced lubrication 强制润滑 flow, Parallel…顺流Fork lift truck 叉式码垛车 flow, Rate of…流量Foul gas 热流Rate of heat…1)热流flow, 2)不凝性气体;惰性气体Fractional condensing unit 小型压量缩冷凝机组 flow, Turbulent…湍流紊流冻结(动)Freeze (to) flow, Velocity of…流速Freeze-concentration 冻结浓缩法 Freezer, Multi-plate 多板式冻结装置冻干;升华干燥 Freeze-dryingfeezer, Plate…平板式冻结装置冻离(动) Freeze out (to) 冻析;freezer, Reach- Freeze up 冻住;冰塞in…冻结柜freezer, Sharp…低温冻结间);冻结设备 Freezer 冻结器(间freezer, Shelf…搁架式冻结间 Freezer, Air blast…吹风冻结间freezer, Spray…喷淋式冻结装置type [ice cream]… Freezer,Batch-freezer, Top opening…开顶式冻结]冻结器间歇式[冰淇淋柜Freezer burn 冻结器冻伤freezer, Tunnel…隧道式冻结间能力间Freezer capacity 冻结器[]Freezer unit 家用冰箱(美国)冻结器[间];冻结设备freezer, Upright…立式冻结柜冻结小间 Freezer compartment Freezer, Walk-freezer, Contain…小型冻结间ct…接触式冻结装置Freezing freezer, Continuous [ice cream]…冻结;结冰freezing, Air blast…吹风冻结连续式 ][冰淇淋冻结器Freezing capacity 冻结能力双面接触Freezer, Double contactfreezing, Contact…接触冻结式冻结装置freezing, Deep…深度冻结freezer, Farm…农场用冻结装置freezing, Immersion…沉浸冻结 freezer, Home…家用冻结柜Freezing injury 冻伤 freezer, Ice cream…冰淇淋冻结器freezing, Method of…冻结方法Freezer, Immersion…沉浸式冻结装冻结混合物Freezing mixture 置Freezing plant 冻结装置 Frost heave 地球冻霜Frost level indication Freezing point 冻结点结霜液面指示管Freezing point depression 冻结点Frosted 盖有霜的的下降Frosting 结霜 freezing, Quick…快速冻结Frozen eutectic soi? Freezing rate 冻结速度低共熔冰; 冻霜低共熔溶液 Freezing room 冻结间Frozen food 冻结食品 freezing, Sharp…缓慢冻结Frozen food cabina?冻结食品柜台 freezing, Slow…缓慢冻结Frozen food display case Freezing of the soil 土壤冻结冻结食品陈列柜 freezing, Speed of…冻结速度Frozen food locker 冻结食品橱freezing, Spray…喷淋冻结Frozen food storage room 冻结物冷freezing, Still air…在静止空气中藏间冻结Frozen food store Freezing tank 冻结池冻结物冷藏库Fusible plug [易冻结时间Freezing time ]熔室Fusion Freezing tunnel 隧道式冻结间熔化G Fresh air 室外空气新鲜空气;Gas bottle 气瓶;检修用瓶新鲜空气补充量Fresh air make up gas, Condensable…可凝性气体霜FrostGas constant Frost deposit 积霜气体常数气体冷却器Gas cooler 结霜Frost formationGas equation 气体方程式 Gate valve 间阀Gauge 量计gas, Flash…闪发气体gauge, Delivery…排出压力表;;gas, Foul…不凝性气体惰性气体高压压力表 gas, Inert…不凝性气体;惰性气体gauge, Discharge…排出压力表; 高压气体损伤Gas injury压力表Gas line for defrosting. Hot 融霜Gauge glass 玻璃液面指示管热气管线排出压力表; Gas line, Hot 排出管路高压压力表吸入压力表;低压压力表汽封Gas lock 气封;gauge, Oil pressure…油压表; gas, Non condensable…不凝性气体Gauge pressure 计示压力;惰性气体表压gauge, Pressure…压力表气密的 Gas proofgauge, Suction…吸入压力表Gas purger 放气器;;低压压不凝性气体排除力表器Gear pump 齿轴泵 Gas purger, Non condensable…放气Generator 不凝性气体排除器器; 发生器;沸腾器Glass fibre 玻璃棉;玻璃纤维气体的排除Gas purgingGlass foam 泡沫玻璃煤气冷柜Gas refrigeratorGlass wool 玻璃棉; Gas storage 充气贮藏玻璃纤维Glazing 充气贮藏间Gas storage room 包冰衣Globe valve Gas tight 气密的球阀颗粒状软木Granulated cork 垫圈GasketGrille 格栅 head tank, Brine…盐水膨胀箱head, Velocity…速度头(总容量Gross capacity 以液柱高度计 ) Gudgeon pin 活塞销Header H集管Heat 毛毡热 Hair feltheat, Amount of…热量 Hair hygrometer 毛发湿度计Heat balance 热平衡 Half cooling time 半冷却时间Heat capacity 热容量 Halide torch 检漏灯Heat channel 热桥 ;热渗透 Halogenated hydrocarbon 卤化烃Heat content Hand expansion valve 焓手动膨胀阀heat cooler, Sensible…显热冷却器 Hand stop valve 手动关闭阀功热当量Heat equivalent of work Handing room(marine) 1)门斗; 2) 船管理间[] Heat exchange 换热 Heat exchange surface Hardening 硬化换热表面 Heat exchanger 换热器硬化橱硬化箱Hardening cabinet ; 逆flow…heat Hardening room 硬化间exchanger, Counter- 以液柱高(head, Loss of…压头损失流式换热器 Heat flow 热流动度计)Heat flow meter 排出压力Head pressure 热流计 Safety…安全盖head, ; 2)热流热流量Heat flux 1) heat of fusion, Latent…融解潜热以液柱高度(head, Static…静压头获热量Heat gain )计.Heat lag 热迟延 heat, Total…焓Heat transfer 传热;heat, Latent…潜热热传递heat ;Heat leak 热桥热渗透 transfer, Film coefficientof…传热膜系数n, Latent…液;表面散热系数 heat of liquefactioheat 化潜热 transfer, Overall coefficientof…传热;系数冷负荷Heat load ;热负荷Heat transmission 传热湿吨;热传递 heat load, Latent…潜热负荷;heat of vaporization, Latent…汽[美国]化潜热千heat load, Sensible…显热负荷;Heater mat ]吨[美国加热层Heater strip 加热条 of…Mechanical heat, equivalentHeating 1)加热; 2) 供暖热功当量Heating surface Heat pump 加热表面热泵Helical fin 螺旋翅片heat, Radiant…辐射热Hermetically sealed [compressor] heat ratio, Sensible…显热比unit 移热量密闭式压缩机组 Heat removedHermetically heat, Sensible…显热sealed condensingunit heat Latent…solidification, of 密闭式压缩冷凝机组Hermetically sealed refrigerating 凝固潜热system 热源Heat source 密闭式制冷系统Herringbone type evaporator heat, Specific…比热V型管蒸发器热量]却[再冷Heat of subcoolingHigh pressure controller 高压控制Humidification 增湿[作用];加湿Humidifier 器加湿器Humidify (to) 加湿高压浮(动) High pressure float valve Humidistat 球阀恒湿器Humidity 湿度高压压力表排出压力表;humidity, Absolute…绝对湿度High pressure safety cut-out 高压Humidity controller 湿度控制器安全切断器比湿; High pressure side 高压侧湿度比humidity, Relative…相对湿度High pressure stage 高压级humidity, Specific…比湿High side 高压侧 ;湿度比Hydration 水化; 高压浮球阀水合作用Hydrocooling 冷水冷却蓄冷Hold overHydrometer [液体]比重计 Hold-over coil 蓄冷盘管Hydrostatic pressure 家用冻结柜Home freezer 流体静压力Hygrometer 湿度计 Horizontal compressor 卧式压缩机hygrometer, Aspirated…吸气湿度计热气融霜Hot gas defrosting 排出管Hot gas line hygrometer, Hair…毛发湿度计融霜Hot gas line for defrosting hygrometer, Sling…摆动湿度计热气管线测湿法Hygrometry潮湿的Humid 吸湿的 HygroscopicHumid volume 恒湿器Hygrostat 对每公斤(湿空气比容低温麻醉Hypothermia )干空气而言.I Ice cream cabinet [冰淇淋]保藏柜Ice cream freezer 冰淇淋冻结器结冰式水池Ice bankice, Crushed…碎冰结冰式蒸发器 Ice bank evaporatorIce crusher 碎冰机Ice block 冰块ice, Crystal…结晶冰 ice, Block…块冰ice, Cube…方块冰 Ice blockage 冻住;冰塞Ice, cube tray 方块冰盘风力送冰机Ice blowerice, Dry…干冰Ice box 冰箱;固体二氧化碳ice dump table 倒冰台 Ice build up tank 结冰式水池ice, Eutectic…低共熔冰;冰仓冻结的低Ice bunker共熔溶液冰仓栅Ice bunker screenIce factory 制冰厂ice, Cake…小块冰ice, Flake…薄片冰Ice can 冰桶 ;冰模Ice formation 冰的形成冰桶架Ice can frameIce gun 风力送冰机 ;Ice can group 冰桶组冰桶排Ice lolly 1)雪糕2)冰桶绞车Ice can truck 冰棍Ice maker ;ice, Carbon dioxide…干冰制冰机固体二Ice-making capacity 氧化碳制冰能力Ice-making plant Ice, Chipped…碎冰片制冰厂Ice-making tank ice, Clear…透明冰制冰池Ice manufacture 冰桶吊车Ice crane 制冰冰的融解热量Ice melting capacity 冰淇淋Ice creamIce melting point 冰的融点;冰点加冰车皮Iced water 加冰水;冰模 Ice mould 冰桶Icing hatch 加冰孔冰桶架Ice mould frameIcing platform 加冰台ice, Opaque…不透明冰车皮加冰 ice, Plate…板状冰Icing tower Ice point 冰的融点加冰塔 ;冰点Icing of trucks 车皮加冰 ice, Processed…加工的冰Immersion cooling 沉浸冷却 Ice refrigerator 冰箱Immersion freezer 沉浸式牛奶冷却ice, Ribbon…带状冰器 ice, Scale…鳞片冰Indicated horse power 指示马力ice, Sea-water…海水冰Indicated work ice, Sized…型冰指示功Indicator diagram ice, Slush…雪冰示功图Indirect ice, Small…小冰块system of refrigeration间接制冷系统 ice, Snow…雪花冰Induced draught cooling tower 冰库Ice storage room 排风式凉水塔 Ice tip 倒冰器Industrial air conditioning ice, Tube…管状冰工业空气调节冰水Ice waterIndustrial refrigerating plant 冰ice, [water]… [水]工业制冷装置冰水]水冰; ice, Water…[加有果汁的惰性气体;不凝性气体Inert gas 冰果子露;糕.Inhibitor 防蚀剂;抑制剂 Insulated van绝热汽车;Insulated vehicle 首次加液绝热车 Initial chargeInsulating Insulant 绝热材料绝热的insulating material insulant, Blanket-type…毯状绝热绝热材料insulation, Foil…箔绝热材料insulation, Sound…隔声 insulant, Board type…板状绝热材Insulation, Thermal 热绝缘料Intercooler 中间冷却器 insulant, Cellular…多孔绝热材料中间冷却insulant, Fibrous…纤维绝热材料 Intercooling中间压力insulant, Loose fill type…松散绝Intermediate pressure absorption热材料Intermittent间歇吸收式 insulant, Slab…板状绝热材料refrigerating machine绝缘(动)Insulate (to) 制冷机低温内部损坏; Insulated 绝缘的Internal breakdown绝热车体Insulated body 损坏 Insulated cabinet 绝热室内部条件Internal conditions绝热门Insulated door 中间冷却器 Interstage coolerInsulated lorry 绝热汽车Interstage cooling 中间冷却绝热车皮照射杀菌Irradiation ;绝热车等焓的Isenthalpic 绝热槽车Insulatedtank truck;绝热车Insulated truck 绝热车皮等熵的 Isentropic等熵压缩Isentropic compression ;绝热汽车.Isentropic expansion 等熵膨胀 Laminated paper多层纸Latent heat 等压线潜热 IsobarLatent heat of fusion 融解潜热Isobaric 等压的Latent heat of liquefaction Isochore 等容线液化潜热 Isopiestic 等压的Latent heat load Isotherm 等温线潜热负荷;湿吨[美国Isothermal ]等温的Latent heat of solidification Isothermic 等温的凝固潜热JLatent heat of vaporization 汽化 Jacket 套潜热气套式冷间Jacketed cold roomLeaf valve 接头叶片阀 Joint (1)接合 (2)Leak Joint ring 漏接合圈Leak detection Journal bearing 轴颈轴承检漏Leak detector 检漏器 KLeak free 密封的运动粘度Kinematic viscosityLift truck 码垛车 ;主阀总阀;提升车Liquefaction L液化Liquefaction of gases 曲径密封Labyrinth seal 气体液化迷宫式密 ;Liquid cooler 液体冷却器封liquid cooler, Plate…平板液体冷制冷剂不足 Lack of refrigerant却器层流Laminar flowliquid cooler, Surface…表面液体load, Latent heat…潜热负荷;湿吨[冷却器美国]load, Product…货物负荷 Liquid flow indicator 液体流动指load, Refrigeration…冷负荷;热负液体流动观察玻璃示器;荷Liquid flow sight glass 液体流动load, Sensible heat…显热负荷;千指示器;液体流动观察玻璃吨[美国液体喷射阀]Liquid injection valveload, Service…操作负荷Liquid level 液面抽屉式冷柜Locker-plant 液面Liquid level indicatortemperatureLiquid line 液体管Logarithmicmeandifference 贮液桶Liquid receiver 对数平均温度松散绝热液体分离器 Loose fill type insulant Liquid separator冷liquid, Subcooled…再[液体却]材料压头损失以液柱高度计(低于冷凝温度)Loss of headLouvre heat Liquid suction interchanger 百页窗低压控制Low pressure controller 液体吸气换热器液体]却liquid, Supercooled…过冷[器低压浮球Low pressure float valve 低于凝固温度()阀 Liquid trap 集液器溴化锂Lithium bromide 低压压力表;吸入压力表低压Low pressure safety cut-out 连杆小头Little end安全切断器 load, Cooling…冷负荷;热负荷.Low pressure side 低压侧 Master valve 主阀;总阀Mean radient temperature 平均辐射Low pressure stage 低压级温度Low side 低压侧Mean temperature 低压浮球阀平均温度Mean temperature difference 平均Low temperature 低温温差内室损Low temperature breakdownMechanical draught cooling 坏;低温损坏 tower机械通风凉水塔 Lowering of temperature 温度下降Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Lubrication 润滑Mechanical equivalent of heat 热冻干Lyophilization ;升华干燥当功量MMechanically refrigerated 机房Machinery room lorry 机械冷藏汽车 Magnetic valve 电磁阀机械冷藏车主管MainMechanically Main bearing 主轴承refrigerated truck 机械冷藏车补充水Make up water。
Abta t A n v l y r l d r t n—sem et nrf g rt nc c r e tda dtemo y a cl src o e h b ds i a s p i —t i od o o a e ci r eai yl ipe n e n r d n mi l j o ei o es s h ay
式联 合制冷循 环具有较 高的性能 系数 .对联 合循环 的 热力过 程 进行 了分 析 ,并 对工 作参 数 对联 合循 环 制冷 性 能
的影 响进行 了研 究 ,结 果表明这种 联合制冷循 环较适 用于 由高 温余热驱 动的制冷 系统 . 关键词 吸附制冷 中图分类 号 喷射制冷 联 合循环 热力 分析 A 文 章编号 03 4 8—1 5 (0 2 7 6 5 5 1 7 2 0 )0 —0 9 —0 T B6 文献标识码
a ay e . Th er ea tse m t ih tmp r t r d hg rsu ed s r e r m h d r e tb di d n lz d erfi r ta wihhg e e au ea ihp es r e b d fo t ea s b n e l g n n o o se
第 5 3卷 第 7期 20 0 2年 7月
化 工 学 报 Junl o C e cl Idsr ad E gn eig ( hn ) o ra f hmi n ut a y n n ier n C ia
Vo . 3 № 7 15
J l 2 0 uy 02
固体 吸 附 一蒸 汽 喷射 式 联 合 制冷 循 环 热 力 分 析
卢 允 庄 王 如 竹 李 春 华 姜 周 曙
( 海交通 大学制冷 与低温工 程研究所 ,上海 2 0 3 ) 上 0 0 0 摘 要 将 吸附发生器 产生 的制冷剂蒸 汽先进行 蒸汽 喷射 制冷 后再 进行 吸 附制 冷 ,形 成 的 固体 吸附 一蒸 汽喷 射
动态变化 。通过对吸附床传热效果的分析指出该吸 附床结构有较好的传热效果。 关键 词 : 结构 静 态分布 传 热效 果 优化 设计
中图分类 号 :B 9 T S 13 T 6 ,K 1. 文献 标识 码 : A Байду номын сангаас章 编号 :006 1 (06 0 - 5 -5 10 -5 6 20 )40 40 0
20 06年第 4期 总第 12 5 期
No 4 2 6 . 00
S m No 1 2 u . 5
太 阳能 固体 吸 附式 制 冷 吸 附床 的设 计 及 数 值 模 拟分 析
李秋英 魏 琪
Ab t a t T e a s r t n b d sr c u e f l g s r e ti u e a d f wig h a r n fr me i u f sr c : h d o p i e t t r l n o b n n t b n o n e tt se d a o t o o u i i l a t b a e i n d a d t e c re p n i g ma h mai a d lwa sa l h d T k n oa n ry a u e w s d s e n h or s o d n t e t l mo e s e tb i e . a i g s lr e e g s a g c s
p r tr ,p e s r n e o t n s e d wi i s a ay e .B n lzn h e tt n f refc ft e ea u e r su e a d d s r i p e t t p o h me wa n l z d y a ay i g t e h a a s f t r e e o h a s r t n b d,t e g o e u t we e d a t h sa s r t n b d s u t r . d opi e o h o d r s l r r wn wi t i d o i e t cu e s h p o r
AA-weighted sound pressure level||A声级absolute humidity||绝对湿度absolute roughness||绝对粗糙度absorbate 吸收质absorbent 吸收剂absorbent||吸声材料absorber||吸收器absorptance for solar radiation||太阳辐射热吸收系数absorption equipment||吸收装置absorption of gas and vapor||气体吸收absorptiong refrige rationg cycle||吸收式制冷循环absorption-type refrigerating machine||吸收式制冷机access door||检查门acoustic absorptivity||吸声系数actual density||真密度actuating element||执行机构actuator||执行机构adaptive control system||自适应控制系统additional factor for exterior door||外门附加率additional factor for intermittent heating||间歇附加率additional factor for wind force||高度附加率additional heat loss||风力附加率adiabatic humidification||附加耗热量adiabatic humidiflcation||绝热加湿adsorbate||吸附质adsorbent||吸附剂adsorber||吸附装置adsorption equipment||吸附装置adsorption of gas and vapor||气体吸附aerodynamic noise||空气动力噪声aerosol||气溶胶air balance||风量平衡air changes||换气次数air channel||风道air cleanliness||空气洁净度air collector||集气罐air conditioning||空气调节air conditioning condition||空调工况air conditioning equipment||空气调节设备air conditioning machine room||空气调节机房air conditioning system||空气调节系统air conditioning system cooling load||空气调节系统冷负荷air contaminant||空气污染物air-cooled condenser||风冷式冷凝器air cooler||空气冷却器air curtain||空气幕air cushion shock absorber||空气弹簧隔振器air distribution||气流组织air distributor||空气分布器air-douche unit with water atomization||喷雾风扇air duct||风管、风道air filter||空气过滤器air handling equipment||空气调节设备air handling unit room||空气调节机房air header||集合管air humidity||空气湿度air inlet||风口air intake||进风口air manifold||集合管air opening||风口air pollutant||空气污染物air pollution||大气污染air preheater||空气预热器air return method||回风方式air return mode||回风方式air return through corridor||走廊回风air space||空气间层air supply method||送风方式air supply mode||送风方式||air supply (suction) opening with slide plate||插板式送(吸)风口||air supply volume per unit area||单位面积送风量||air temperature||空气温度air through tunnel||地道风||air-to-air total heat exchanger||全热换热器air-to-cloth ratio||气布比air velocity at work area||作业地带空气流速air velocity at work place||工作地点空气流速air vent||放气阀air-water systen||空气—水系统airborne particles||大气尘air hater||空气加热器airspace||空气间层alarm signal||报警信号ail-air system||全空气系统all-water system||全水系统allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度允许波动范围ambient noise||环境噪声ammonia||氨amplification factor of centrolled plant||调节对象放大系数amplitude||振幅anergy||@||angle of repose||安息角ange of slide||滑动角angle scale||热湿比angle valve||角阀annual [value]||历年值annual coldest month||历年最冷月annual hottest month||历年最热月anticorrosive||缓蚀剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂antifreeze agent||防冻剂apparatus dew point||机器露点apparent density||堆积密度aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine||氨—水吸收式制冷机aspiation psychrometer||通风温湿度计Assmann aspiration psychrometer||通风温湿度计atmospheric condenser||淋激式冷凝器atmospheric diffusion||大气扩散atmospheric dust||大气尘atmospheric pollution||大气污染atmospheric pressure||大气压力(atmospheric stability||大气稳定度atmospheric transparency||大气透明度atmospheric turblence||大气湍流automatic control||自动控制automatic roll filter||自动卷绕式过滤器automatic vent||自动放气阀available pressure||资用压力average daily sol-air temperature||日平均综合温度axial fan||轴流式通风机azeotropic mixture refrigerant||共沸溶液制冷剂Bback-flow preventer||防回流装置back pressure of steam trap||凝结水背压力back pressure return余压回水background noise||背景噪声back plate||挡风板bag filler||袋式除尘器baghouse||袋式除尘器barometric pressure||大气压力basic heat loss||基本耗热量hend muffler||消声弯头bimetallic thermometer||双金属温度计black globe temperature||黑球温度blow off pipe||排污管blowdown||排污管boiler||锅炉boiller house||锅炉房boiler plant||锅炉房boiler room||锅炉房booster||加压泵branch||支管branch duct||(通风) 支管branch pipe||支管building envelope||围护结构building flow zones||建筑气流区building heating entry||热力入口bulk density||堆积密度bushing||补心butterfly damper||蝶阀by-pass damper||空气加热器)旁通阀by-pass pipe||旁通管Ccanopy hood ||伞形罩capillary tube||毛细管capture velocity||控制风速capture velocity||外部吸气罩capturing hood ||卡诺循环Carnot cycle||串级调节系统cascade control system||铸铁散热器cast iron radiator||催化燃烧catalytic oxidation ||催化燃烧ceilling fan||吊扇ceiling panelheating||顶棚辐射采暖center frequency||中心频率central air conditionint system ||集中式空气调节系统central heating||集中采暖central ventilation system||新风系统centralized control||集中控制centrifugal compressor||离心式压缩机entrifugal fan||离心式通风机||check damper||(通风)止回阀||check valve||止回阀||chilled water||冷水chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps||一、二次泵冷水系统chimney||(排气)烟囱circuit||环路circulating fan||风扇circulating pipe||循环管circulating pump||循环泵clean room||洁净室cleaning hole||清扫孔cleaning vacuum plant||真空吸尘装置cleanout opening||清扫孔clogging capacity||容尘量close nipple||长丝closed booth||大容积密闭罩closed full flow return||闭式满管回水closed loop control||闭环控制closed return||闭式回水closed shell and tube condenser||卧式壳管式冷凝器closed shell and tube evaporator||卧式壳管式蒸发器closed tank||闭式水箱coefficient of accumulation of heat||蓄热系数coefficient of atmospheric transpareney||大气透明度coefficient of effective heat emission||散热量有效系数coficient of effective heat emission||传热系数coefficient of locall resistance||局部阻力系数coefficient of thermal storage||蓄热系数coefficient of vapor||蒸汽渗透系数coefficient of vapor||蒸汽渗透系数coil||盘管collection efficiency||除尘效率combustion of gas and vapor||气体燃烧comfort air conditioning||舒适性空气调节common section||共同段compensator||补偿器components||(通风〕部件compression||压缩compression-type refrigerating machine||压缩式制冷机compression-type refrigerating system||压缩式制冷系统compression-type refrigeration||压缩式制冷compression-type refrigeration cycle||压缩式制冷循环compression-type water chiller||压缩式冷水机组concentratcd heating||集中采暖concentration of narmful substance||有害物质浓度condensate drain pan||凝结水盘condensate pipe||凝结水管condensate pump||凝缩水泵condensate tank||凝结水箱condensation||冷凝condensation of vapor||气体冷凝condenser||冷凝器condensing pressure||冷凝压力condensing temperature||冷凝温度condensing unit||压缩冷凝机组conditioned space||空气调节房间conditioned zone||空气调节区conical cowl||锥形风帽constant humidity system||恒湿系统constant temperature and humidity system||恒温恒湿系统constant temperature system 恒温系统constant value control 定值调节constant volume air conditioning system||定风量空气调节系统continuous dust dislodging||连续除灰continuous dust dislodging||连续除灰continuous heating||连续采暖contour zone||稳定气流区control device||控制装置control panel||控制屏control valve||调节阀control velocity||控制风速controlled natural ventilation||有组织自然通风controlled plant||调节对象controlled variable||被控参数controller||调节器convection heating||对流采暖convector||对流散热器cooling||降温、冷却(、)cooling air curtain||冷风幕cooling coil||冷盘管cooling coil section||冷却段cooling load from heat||传热冷负荷cooling load from outdoor air||新风冷负荷cooling load from ventilation||新风冷负荷cooling load temperature||冷负荷温度cooling system||降温系统cooling tower||冷却塔cooling unit||冷风机组cooling water||冷却水correcting element||调节机构correcting unit||执行器correction factor for orientaion||朝向修正率corrosion inhibitor||缓蚀剂coupling||管接头cowl||伞形风帽criteria for noise control cross||噪声控频标准cross fan||四通crross-flow fan||贯流式通风机cross-ventilation||穿堂风cut diameter||分割粒径cyclone||旋风除尘器cyclone dust separator||旋风除尘器cylindrical ventilator||筒形风帽Ddaily range||日较差damping factot||衰减倍数data scaning||巡回检测days of heating period||采暖期天数deafener||消声器decibel(dB)||分贝degree-days of heating period||采暖期度日数degree of subcooling||过冷度degree of superheat||过热度dehumidification||减湿dehumidifying cooling||减湿冷却density of dust particle||真密度derivative time||微分时间design conditions||计算参数desorption||解吸detecting element||检测元件detention period||延迟时间deviation||偏差dew-point temperature||露点温度dimond-shaped damper||菱形叶片调节阀differential pressure type flowmeter||差压流量计diffuser air supply||散流器diffuser air supply||散流器送风direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统direct combustion 直接燃烧direct-contact heat exchanger 汽 水混合式换热器direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统direct return system 异程式系统direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射discharge pressure 排气压力||discharge temperature 排气温度dispersion 大气扩散district heat supply 区域供热district heating 区域供热disturbance frequency 扰动频率dominant wind direction 最多风向double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器down draft 倒灌downfeed system 上分式系统downstream spray pattern 顺喷drain pipe 泄水管drain pipe 排污管droplet 液滴drv air 干空气dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表dry-bulb temperature 干球温度dry cooling condition 干工况dry dust separator 干式除尘器dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器dry return pipe 干式凝结水管dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统duct 风管、风道dust 粉尘dust capacity 容尘量dust collector 除尘器dust concentration 含尘浓度dust control 除尘dust-holding capacity 容尘量dust removal 除尘dust removing system 除尘系统dust sampler 粉尘采样仪dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪dust separation 除尘dust separator 除尘器dust source 尘源dynamic deviation||动态偏差Eeconomic resistance of heat transfer||经济传热阻economic velocity||经济流速efective coefficient of local resistance||折算局部阻力系数effective legth||折算长度effective stack height||烟囱有效高度effective temperature difference||送风温差ejector||喷射器ejetor||弯头elbow||电加热器electric heater||电加热段electric panel heating||电热辐射采暖electric precipitator||电除尘器electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖electricresistance hu-midkfier||电阻式加湿器electro-pneumatic convertor||电—气转换器electrode humidifler||电极式加湿器electrostatic precipi-tator||电除尘器eliminator||挡水板emergency ventilation||事故通风emergency ventilation system||事故通风系统emission concentration||排放浓度enclosed hood||密闭罩enthalpy||焓enthalpy control system||新风)焓值控制系统enthalpy entropy chart||焓熵图entirely ventilation||全面通风entropy||熵environmental noise||环境噪声equal percentage flow characteristic||等百分比流量特性equivalent coefficient of local resistance||当量局部阻力系数equivalent length||当量长度equivalent[continuous A] sound level||等效〔连续A〕声级evaporating pressure||蒸发压力evaporating temperature||蒸发温度evaporative condenser||蒸发式冷凝器||evaporator||蒸发器excess heat||余热excess pressure||余压excessive heat ||余热cxergy||@exhaust air rate||排风量exhaust fan||排风机exhaust fan room||排风机室exhaust hood||局部排风罩exhaust inlet||吸风口exhaust opening||吸风口exhaust opening orinlet||风口exhaust outlet||排风口exaust vertical pipe||排气〕烟囱exhausted enclosure||密闭罩exit||排风口expansion||膨胀expansion pipe||膨胀管explosion proofing||防爆expansion steam trap||恒温式疏水器expansion tank||膨胀水箱extreme maximum temperature||极端最高温度extreme minimum temperature||极端最低温度Ffabric collector||袋式除尘器face tube||皮托管face velocity||罩口风速fan||通风机fan-coil air-conditioning system||风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil system||风机盘管空气调节系统fan-coil unit||风机盘管机组fan house||通风机室fan room||通风机室fan section||风机段feed-forward control||前馈控制feedback||反馈feeding branch tlo radiator||散热器供热支管fibrous dust||纤维性粉尘fillter cylinder for sampling||滤筒采样管fillter efficiency||过滤效率fillter section||过滤段filltration velocity||过滤速度final resistance of filter||过滤器终阻力fire damper||防火阀fire prevention||防火fire protection||防火fire-resisting damper||防火阀fittings||(通风〕配件fixed set-point control||定值调节fixed support||固定支架fixed time temperature (humidity)||定时温(湿)度flame combustion||热力燃烧flash gas||闪发气体flash steam||二次蒸汽flexible duct||软管flexible joint||柔性接头float type steam trap||浮球式疏水器float valve||浮球阀floating control||无定位调节flooded evaporator||满液式蒸发器floor panel heating||地板辐射采暖flow capacity of control valve||调节阀流通能力flow characteristic of control valve||调节阀流量特性foam dust separator||泡沫除尘器follow-up control system||随动系统forced ventilation||机械通风forward flow zone||射流区foul gas||不凝性气体four-pipe water system||四管制水系统fractional separation efficiency||分级除尘效率free jet||自由射流free sillica||游离二氧化硅free silicon dioxide||游离二氧化硅freon||氟利昂frequency interval||频程frequency of wind direction||风向频率fresh air handling unit||新风机组resh air requirement||新风量friction factor||摩擦系数friction loss||摩擦阻力frictional resistance||摩擦阻力fume||烟〔雾〕fumehood||排风柜fumes||烟气Ggas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器gas purger 不凝性气体分离器gate valve 闸阀general air change 全面通风general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风general ventilation 全面通风generator 发生器global radiation||总辐射grade efficiency||分级除尘效率granular bed filter||颗粒层除尘器granulometric distribution||粒径分布gravel bed filter||颗粒层除尘器gravity separator||沉降室ground-level concentration||落地浓度guide vane||导流板Hhair hygrometor||毛发湿度计hand pump||手摇泵harmful gas andvapo||有害气体harmful substance||有害物质header||分水器、集水器(、)heat and moisture||热湿交换transfer||热平衡heat conduction coefficient||导热系数heat conductivity||导热系数heat distributing network||热网heat emitter||散热器heat endurance||热稳定性heat exchanger||换热器heat flowmeter||热流计heat flow rate||热流量heat gain from lighting||设备散热量heat gain from lighting||照明散热量heat gain from occupant||人体散热量heat insulating window||保温窗heat(thermal)insuation||隔热heat(thermal)lag||延迟时间heat loss||耗热量heat loss by infiltration||冷风渗透耗热量heat-operated refrigerating system||热力制冷系统heat-operated refrigetation||热力制冷heat pipe||热管heat pump||热泵heat pump air conditioner||热泵式空气调节器heat release||散热量heat resistance||热阻heat screen||隔热屏heat shield||隔热屏heat source||热源heat storage||蓄热heat storage capacity||蓄热特性heat supply||供热heat supply network||热网heat transfer||传热heat transmission||传热heat wheel||转轮式换热器heated thermometer anemometer||热风速仪heating||采暖、供热、加热(、、)heating appliance||采暖设备heating coil||热盘管heating coil section||加热段heating equipment||采暖设备heating load||热负荷heating medium||热媒heating medium parameter||热媒参数heating pipeline||采暖管道heating system||采暖系统heavy work||重作业high-frequency noise||高频噪声high-pressure ho twater heating||高温热水采暖high-pressure steam heating||高压蒸汽采暖high temperature water heating||高温热水采暖hood||局部排风罩horizontal water-film syclonet||卧式旋风水膜除尘器hot air heating||热风采暖hot air heating system||热风采暖系统hot shop||热车间hot water boiler||热水锅炉hot water heating||热水采暖hot water system||热水采暖系统hot water pipe||热水管hot workshop||热车间hourly cooling load||逐时冷负荷hourly sol-air temperature||逐时综合温度humidification||加湿humidifier||加湿器humididier section||加湿段humidistat||恒湿器humidity ratio||含湿量hydraulic calculation||水力计算hydraulic disordeer||水力失调hydraulic dust removal||水力除尘hydraulic resistance balance||阻力平衡hydraulicity||水硬性hydrophilic dust||亲水性粉尘hydrophobic dust||疏水性粉尘Iimpact dust collector||冲激式除尘器impact tube||皮托管impedance muffler||阻抗复合消声器inclined damper||斜插板阀index circuit||最不利环路indec of thermal inertia (valueD)||热惰性指标(D值)indirect heat exchanger||表面式换热器indirect refrigerating sys||间接制冷系统indoor air design conditions||室内在气计算参数indoor air velocity||室内空气流速indoor and outdoor design conditions||室内外计算参数indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity||室内温湿度基数indoor temperature (humidity)||室内温(湿)度induction air-conditioning system||诱导式空气调节系统induction unit||诱导器inductive ventilation||诱导通风industral air conditioning||工艺性空气调节industrial ventilation||工业通风inertial dust separator||惯性除尘器infiltration heat loss||冷风渗透耗热量infrared humidifier||红外线加湿器infrared radiant heater||红外线辐射器inherent regulation of controlled plant||调节对象自平衡initial concentration of dust||初始浓度initial resistance of filter||过滤器初阻力imput variable||输入量insulating layer||保温层integral enclosure||整体密闭罩integral time||积分时间interlock protection||联锁保护intermittent dust removal||定期除灰intermittent heating||间歇采暖inversion layer||逆温层inverted bucket type steam trap||倒吊桶式疏水器irradiance||辐射照度isoenthalpy||等焓线isobume||等湿线isolator||隔振器isotherm||等温线isothermal humidification||等温加湿isothermal jet||等温射流Jjet||射流jet axial velocity||射流轴心速度jet divergence angle||射流扩散角jet in a confined space||受限射流Kkatathermometer||卡他温度计Llaboratory hood||排风柜lag of controlled plant||调节对象滞后large space enclosure||大容积密闭罩latent heat||潜热lateral exhaust at the edge of a bath||槽边排风罩lateral hoodlength of pipe section||侧吸罩length of pipe section||管段长度light work||轻作业limit deflection||极限压缩量limit switch||限位开关limiting velocity||极限流速linear flow characteristic||线性流量特性liquid-level gage||液位计liquid receiver||贮液器lithium bromide||溴化锂lithium-bromide absorption-type refrigerating machine||溴化锂吸收式制冷机lithium chloride resistance hygrometer||氯化锂电阻湿度计load pattern||负荷特性local air conditioning||局部区域空气调节local air suppiy system||局部送风系统local exhaustventilation (LEV)||局部排风local exhaust system||局部排风系统local heating||局部采暖local relief||局部送风local relief system||局部送风系统local resistance||局部阻力local solartime||地方太阳时local ventilation||局部通风||local izedairsupply for air-heating||集中送风采暖local ized air control||就地控制loop||环路louver||百叶窗low-frequencynoise||低频噪声low-pressure steam heating||低压蒸汽采暖lyophilic dust||亲水性粉尘lyophobic dust||疏水性粉尘Mmain ||总管、干管main duct||通风〕总管、〔通风〕干管main pipe||总管、干管make-up water pump||补给水泵manual control||手动控制mass concentration||质量浓度maximum allowable concentration (MAC)||最高容许浓度maximum coefficient of heat transfer||最大传热系数maximum depth of frozen ground||最大冻土深度maximum sum of hourly colling load||逐时冷负荷综合最大值mean annual temperature (humidity)||年平均温(湿)度mean annual temperature (humidity)||日平均温(湿)度mean daily temperature (humidity)||旬平均温(湿)度mean dekad temperature (humidity)||月平均最高温度mean monthly maximum temperature||月平均最低温度mean monthly minimum temperature||月平均湿(湿)度mean monthly temperature (humidity)||平均相对湿度mean relative humidity||平均风速emchanical air supply system||机械送风系统mechanical and hydraulic||联合除尘combined dust removal||机械式风速仪mechanical anemometer||机械除尘mechanical cleaning off dust||机械除尘mechanical dust removal||机械排风系统mechanical exhaust system||机械通风系统mechanical ventilation||机械通风media velocity||过滤速度metal radiant panel||金属辐射板metal radiant panel heating||金属辐射板采暖micromanometer||微压计micropunch plate muffler||微穿孔板消声器mid-frequency noise||中频噪声middle work||中作业midfeed system||中分式系统minimum fresh air requirmente||最小新风量minimum resistance of heat transfer||最小传热阻mist||雾mixing box section||混合段modular air handling unit||组合式空气调节机组moist air||湿空气||moisture excess||余湿moisure gain||散湿量moisture gain from appliance and equipment||设备散湿量||moisturegain from occupant||人体散湿量motorized valve||电动调节阀motorized (pneumatic)||电(气)动两通阀-way valvemotorized (pneumatic)-way valve||电(气)动三通阀movable support||活动支架muffler||消声器muffler section||消声段multi-operating mode automtic conversion||工况自动转换multi-operating mode control system||多工况控制系统multiclone||多管〔旋风〕除尘器multicyclone||多管〔旋风〕除尘器multishell condenser||组合式冷凝器Nnatural and mechanical combined ventilation||联合通风natural attenuation quantity of noise||噪声自然衰减量natural exhaust system||自然排风系统natural freguency||固有频率natural ventilation||自然通风NC-curve[s]||噪声评价NC曲线negative freedback||负反馈neutral level||中和界neutral pressure level||中和界neutral zone||中和界noise||噪声noise control||噪声控制noise criter ioncurve(s)||噪声评价NC曲线noisc rating number||噪声评价NR曲线noise reduction||消声non azeotropic mixture refragerant||非共沸溶液制冷剂non-commonsection||非共同段non condensable gas ||不凝性气体non condensable gas purger||不凝性气体分离器non-isothermal jet||非等温射流nonreturn valve||通风〕止回阀normal coldest month||止回阀normal coldest month||累年最冷月normal coldest -month period||累年最冷三个月normal hottest month||累年最热月(3)normal hottest month period||累年最热三个月normal three summer months||累年最热三个月normal three winter months||累年最冷三个月normals||累年值nozzle outlet air suppluy||喷口送风number concentration||计数浓度number of degree-day of heating period||采暖期度日数Ooctave||倍频程/ octave||倍频程octave band||倍频程oil cooler||油冷却器oill-fired unit heater||燃油热风器one-and-two pipe combined heating system||单双管混合式采暖系统one (single)-pipe circuit (cross-over) heating system||单管跨越式采暖系统one(single)-pipe heating system||单管采暖系统pne(single)-pipe loop circuit heating system||水平单管采暖系统one(single)-pipe seriesloop heating system||单管顺序式采暖系统one-third octave band||倍频程on-of control||双位调节open loop control||开环控制open return||开式回水open shell and tube condenser||立式壳管式冷凝器open tank||开式水箱operating pressure||工作压力operating range||作用半径opposed multiblade damper||对开式多叶阀organized air supply||有组织进风organized exhaust||有组织排风organized natural ventilation||有组织自然通风outdoor air design conditions||室外空气计算参数outdoor ctitcal air temperature for heating||采暖室外临界温度outdoor design dry-bulb temperature for summer air conlitioning||夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度outdoor design hourly temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度outdoor design mean daily temperature for summer air conditioning||夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度outdoor design relative humidityu for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算相对湿度outdoor design relative humidity for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算相对湿度outdoor design temperature ture for calculated envelope in winter冬季围护结构室外计算温度outdoor design temperature ture for heating||采暖室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for summer ventilation||夏季通风室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter air conditioning||冬季空气调节室外计算温度outdoor design temperature for winter vemtilation||冬季通风室外计算温度outdoor designwet-bulb temperature for summer air conditioning夏季空气调节室外计算湿球温度outdoor mean air temperature during heating period||采暖期室外平均温度outdoor temperature(humidity)||室外温(湿)度outlet air velocity||出口风速out put variable||输出量overall efficiency of separation||除尘效率overall heat transmission coefficient||传热系数ouvrflow pipe||溢流管overheat steam||过热蒸汽overlapping averages||滑动平均overshoot||超调量Ppackaged air conditioner||整体式空气调节器packaged heat pump||热泵式空气调节器packed column||填料塔packed tower||填料塔panel heating||辐射采暖parabolic flow character||抛物线流量特性isticparallel multiblade damperin||平行式多叶阀parameter detection||参数检测part||通风〕部件partial enclosure||局部密闭罩partial pressure of water vapor||水蒸汽分压力particle||粒子particle counter||粒子计数器particle number concentration||计数浓度particle size||粒径particle size distribution||粒径分布particulate||粒子particulate collector||除尘器particulates||大气尘passage ventilating duct||通过式风管penetration rate||穿透率percentage of men,women and children||群集系数and childrenpercentage of possible sunshine||日照率percentage of return air ||回风百分比cerforated ceiling air suppyl||孔板送风perforated plate tower||筛板塔periodic dust dislodging||定期除灰piece||(通风〕部件pipe fittings||管道配件pipe radiator||光面管散热器pipe section||管段pipe coil||光面管放热器pitot tube||皮托管plate heat exchanger||板式换热器plenum chamber||静压箱plenum space||稳压层plug||丝堵plume||烟羽plume rise height||烟羽抬升高度PNC-curve[s]||噪声评价PNC曲线pneumatic conveying||气力输送pueumatic transport||气力输送pneumatic valve||气动调节阀pneumo-electrical convertor||气-电转换器positioner||定位器positive feedback||正反馈powerroof ventilator||屋顶通风机preferred noise criteria curve[s]||噪声评价PNC曲线pressure drop||压力损失pressure enthalpy chart||压焓图pressure gage||压力表pressure of steam supply||供汽压力pressure reducing valve||减压阀pressure relief device||泄压装置pressure relief valve||安全阀pressure thermometer||压力式温度计pressure volume chart||压容图primary air fan-coil system||风机盘管加新风系统primary air system||新风系统primary retirn air||一次回风process air conditioning||工艺性空气调节program control||程序控制proportional band||比例带proportional control||比例调节proportional-integral (PI)control||比例积分调节proportional-integralderivative(PID)control||比例积分微分调节protected(roof)monitor||避风天窗psychrometric chart||声级计pulvation action||干湿球温度表push-pull hood||焓湿图pulvation action||尘化作用push-pull hood||吹吸式排风罩Qquick open flow characteristic||快开流量特性Rradiant heating||辐射采暖radiant intensity||辐射强度sadiation intensity||辐射强度radiator||散热器radiator heating||散热器采暖radiator heating system||散热器采暖系统radiator valve||散热器调节阀rating under air conditioning condition||空调工况制冷量rcactive muffler||抗性消声器receiver||贮液器receiving hood||接受式排风罩reciprocating compressor||活塞式压缩机recirculation cavety||空气动力阴影区recording thermometer||自记温度计reducing coupling||异径管接头reducing valve||减压阀reentrainment of dust ||二次扬尘refrigerant||制冷剂[refrigerating] coefficient of performance (COP)||(制冷)性能系数refrigerating compressor||制冷压缩机refrigerating cycle||制冷循环refrigerating effect||制冷量refrigerating engineering||制冷工程refrigerating machine||制冷机refrigerating medium||载冷剂refrigerating planttoom||制冷机房refrigerating station||制冷机房refrigerating system||制冷系统refrigeration ||制冷regenerative noise||再生噪声register||百叶型风口regulator||调节器reheat air conditioning system||再热式空气调节系统relative humidity||相对湿度relay||继电器remote control||遥控resistance of heat transfer||传热阻resistance thermometer||电阻温度计resistance to water vapor permeability蒸汽渗透阻resistance to water vapor permeation||蒸汽渗透阻resistive muffler||阻性消声器resistivity||比电阻resonance||共振resonant frequency||共振频率response curve of controlled plant||调节对象正升曲线teturn air||回风return air inlet||回风口return branch of radiator||散热器回水支管return fan||回风机return flow zone||回流区return water temperataure||回水温度reverse Carnot cycle||逆卡诺循环reversed return system||同程式系统reversible cycle||可逆循环rim exhaust||槽边排风罩rim ventilation||槽边通风riser||立管roof ventilator||筒形风帽room absorption||房间吸声量room air conditioner||房间空气调节器rotameter||转子流量计rotary dehumidifier||转轮除湿机rotary heat exchanger||转轮式换热器rotary supply outlet||旋转送风口rotating air outlet with movable guide vanes||旋转送风口roughness factor||相对粗糙度rubber shock absorber||橡胶隔振器running means||滑动平均Ssafety valve||安全阀samling hole||测孔sampling port||测孔saturated steam||饱和蒸汽saturation humidity ratio||饱和含湿量screw compressor||螺杆式压缩机screwnipple||丝对screwed plug||丝堵scondary refrigerant||载冷剂secondary return air||二次回风selective control system||选择控制系统selector||选择器self-contained cooling unit||冷风机组self learning system||自学习系统sensible cooling||等湿冷却sensible heat||显热sensible heating||等湿加热sensing element||敏感元件sensor||传感器sequence control||程序控制set point||给定值settling chamber||沉降室setting velocity||沉降速度shading coefficient||遮阳系数shell and coil condenser||壳管式冷凝器shell and tube condenser ||壳管式冷凝器shell and tube evaporator||壳管式蒸发器sholder nipple||长丝shutter||百叶窗sidehood||侧吸罩sidewall air supply||侧面送风sieve-plate column||筛板塔single duct air conditioning system||单风管空气调节系统single duct system||单风管空气调节系统single-effect lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine||单效溴化锂吸收式制冷机。
船 舶余 热 固体 吸 附 式制 冷 可 行 性 分析和模拟实验 系统设 计
周 洪峰 。 张兴彪 。 雪章 。 王 潘新祥
( 大连海事大学, 辽宁
1 06 1 2) 6
要: 目前 利 用船 舶余 热的吸 附式制冷的研 究主要 集 中在 渔船 上 , 对在远 洋船 舶上 应 用的研
Fe sb l y o oi s r t n Rerg r t n o h p a ii t fS l Ad o p i fie a o fS i i d o i W a t a n sg fS mua o p rme tS se seHe ta d De in o i l t n Ex e i n y tm i
ZHOU n Ho g— fn e g,ZHANG n Xig—b a io,W ANG e—z ng A n—xa g Xu ha ,P N Xi in
( aa ri eU i ri ,D i 10 6 hn ) D i Ma t n esy a a 16 2 ,C ia ln im v t l n
第2 卷, 5 总第 13 4 期 20 07年 5月 , 3期 第
《节 能 技 术 》
ENEf C 0NS ERVA, 兀0N CI 01 TE _ 『 0(Y
Vo .5, u . 1 2 S m No. 4 13 Ma 2 0 No. y. 0 7, 3
Q 一发电机燃油燃烧释放总功率
Q 一发 电机 排烟 中 的热 量
作者简介 : 周洪峰(99一)男 , 16 , 硕士研究生 。
C Pf O 。一食品冷库固体吸附式制冷系数
28 ・ 3
Absr c : re t ta t Cu rn l h t d ft e sl d r t n rf g r t n e lyn h p wa t e tfc s so s n y,te su y o oi a s p i er e i mp o ig s i se h a o u e n f hig h d o o i a o i v se s e s l ,wh l e su y o e s l d o t n rfie t n o e n s i t ls tls o rma ya s pin, i t t d ft i a sr i erg r i n o a hp si t n p eh h o d p o a o c le e i r s u to m
WEI Guo, WANG Xue sheng, JIAO Hong tao, JIAO Ming ( Research Inst itute of Pr ocess Equipment and P ressur e Vessels, East China U niver sity o f Science and T echno lo gy , Shang hai 200237, China)
在吸附剂颗粒的表面覆盖一层很薄的导热高分 子物质, 可以提高吸附剂的导热性能[ 8] 。康新宇[ 9] 在 13 X 沸石分子筛粉末中加入高分子物质制成沸 石复合物, 吸附剂的导热系数提高了 5 倍, 吸附和脱 附速度提高了 6% ~ 13% 。汪立军[ 10] 将导热良好的 高分子材料聚苯胺加入沸石中制成复合吸附剂, 颗 粒导热系数比沸石提高了 4 倍; 经加工成型后导热 系数比颗粒状吸附剂又提高了 30% 。根据丁 静等 人研究报道, 在吸附剂氯化锂中加入一定量的具有 交联网络状结构的亲水性高分子化合物, 既有吸附 增稠作用又强化了氯化锂的吸附性能[ 11] 。但 高导 热材料的使用增加了吸附剂的制造成本, 而且要在 吸附剂表面均匀地覆盖一层导热高分子物质不太容 易, 工艺要求较高。 1. 4 粘结剂固化法
Y . I. A rist ov [ 3] 和 F . Po yelle, J. Guillemino t[ 4] 等人将不同大小的吸附剂颗粒混合做成块状结构, 以提高填充密度, 减小吸附床的松散度。研究表明, 这样可使活性碳的导热系数提高 35% , 分子筛可提 高 22% , 且制 作简单, 不需 加入其 他材料, 费 用较
吸附式制冷系统的核心设备是吸附床, 影响系 统制冷效率的一个重要因素是吸附床的传热性能。 然而由于目前的吸附式制冷吸附剂的导热系数低以 及吸附剂与换热壁面之间的接触热阻大、吸附床解 析时不能迅速地将能量传递给吸附剂, 吸附时又不 能将吸附热迅速地排走, 因而在运行过程中传热和 传质较困难, 吸附/ 解析循环周期长, 制冷系数 COP 比较低, 单位质量的吸附剂产生的制冷功率 SCP 也 较小; 采用吸附式制冷, 一个简单循环, 在空调工况 下的 COP 一 般只 有 0. 2 ~ 0. 3, 制 冰 工 况一 般 在 0. 05~ 0. 15, 因此吸附式制冷装置必需做得很大很笨 重, 废热利用率也不高, 进一步推广受到了限制[ 1] 。
文章编号:ISSN1005-9180(2001)02-0043-05X固体吸附式制冷系统中吸附床内的传热传质过程分析和强化余舜辉,陈 砺(华南理工大学化工学院,广州广东510640)[摘要]利用多孔性物质的吸附分离原理分析了固体吸附式制冷系统中吸附剂颗粒和整个吸附床的传热传质特性,并在此基础上介绍了目前国内外强化吸附床传热传质性能的主要措施。
[关键词]吸附式制冷;传热传质;吸附床强化[中图分类号]T B61.1 [文献标识码]AAnalysis and Enhancement of the Heat and Mass Transfer Process in the Adsorber of the Solid Adsorption Refrigeration SystemYU Shun-hui,CHEN Li(Instit ut e of Chemical Eng ineering,South China U niv ersity o f T echno log y,Guang do ng,510640) Abstract:T he pro per ties of heat and mass tr ansfer of the adso r bent gr anula and a dsor ber in the solid adsor ptio n refr ig erat ion sy stem ar e analyzed w ith the theo ry of adso rption and separa tion of po ro us ma terials,and base o n these,t he main w ays to enhance the heat and mass tr ansfer of the a dsor ber ar e int ro duced.Keywords:Adsor ptio n r efriger ation;Heat and mass tr ansfer;enhancement of A dsor ber1 引言 固体吸附式制冷系统与常规压缩式制冷系统不同,它是采用吸附床发生器代替压缩机,以低品位热量代替高品位电源,通过固体吸附剂对吸附质(制冷剂)的周期性吸附和脱附过程实现制冷循环。
制冷专业英语词汇 The document was finally revised on 2021英汉对照术语索引AAbsolute humidity 绝对湿度Absolute pressure 绝对压力Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absolute zero 绝对零度Absolute temperature 绝对温度Absorbent 吸收剂Absorber 吸收者Absorbent 吸收剂Absorption 吸收Absorption machine 吸收式机器Absorption refrigerator 吸收式冷柜Absorption system 吸收式系统Absorption refrigerating unit 吸收式制冷机组Absorptivity 吸收系数Accessible compressor 易卸压缩机现场用压缩机半密闭压缩机Accumulation cold 蓄冷Accumulator 积聚器Activated alumuna 活性矾土Activated carbon 活性碳Adiabatic 绝热的Adiabatic compression 绝热压缩Adiabatic efficiency 绝热效率Adiabatic expansion 绝热膨胀Adsorbent 吸附剂Adsorption 吸附Aerofoil fan 轴流通风机Air agitation 空气搅动Air blast cooling 吹风冷却Air blast freezer 吹风冻结间Air blast freezing 吹风冻结Air changes per hour 每小时换空气次数;空气循环率Air circulation 空气循环air circulation, Forced…强制空气循环air circulation, Natural…自然空气循环air circulation, Rare of…每小时换空气次数;空气循环率Air cleaner 空气过滤器Air conditioner 空气调节器air conditioner Packaged…组合式空气调节器air conditioner, Room…房间空气调节器air conditioner, Shop…商店用空气调节器air conditioner, Window…窗式空气调节器Air conditioning 空气调节Air conditioning, All year…全年空气调节Air conditioning, Comfort…舒适空气调节air conditioning, Industrial…工业空气调节air conditioning, Marine…船舶空气调节Air conditioning plant 空气调节装置Air conditioning, Residential…住宅空气调节Air conditioning, Summer…夏季空气调节Air conditioning unit 空气调节器air conditioning unit, Self contained…组合式空气调节air conditioning, Winter…冬季空气调节air conditioning, ear round…全年空气调节Air cooled condenser 气冷式冷凝器Air cooler 空气冷却器;冷风机air cooler, Dry-type…干式空气冷却器;干式冷风机air cooler, Forced convection…强制对流空气冷却器; 强制通风空气冷却air cooler, Forced draught…强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却air cooler, Natural convection…自然对流空气冷却器air cooler, Spray type…喷淋式空气冷却器;喷淋式冷风机air cooler, Surface…表面空气冷却器air cooler, Wet type…湿式空气冷却器;湿式冷风机air, Cooling…冷却空气Air diffuser 空气扩散器Air duct 风道;风管Air exhaust 排气口Air filter 空气过滤器air, Fresh…新鲜空气;室外空气air hose, Cool…冷空气软管Air inlet 进气口Air intake 进气口air intake duct, Outside…室外空气进风道Air liquefaction 空气液化Air lock 门斗;管理间air make up, Fresh…新鲜空气补充量air, Outside…新鲜空气;室外空气air, Recirculated…再循环空气Air refrigerating machine 空气制冷机Air, Return 回流空气;回风air, Saturated…饱和空气air Supersaturated…过饱和空气Air velocity 空气速度Air washer 空气洗漱器Alcohol thermometer 酒精湿度计All year air conditioning 全年空气调节Ambient temperature 环境湿度Ammonia 氨Amount of heat 热量Anemometer 风速计;气流计Angle valve 角阀Anteroom 回笼间Aqua ammonia 氨水Arithmetic mean temperature difference 算术平均温差Articulated trailer 半拖车Artificial hibernation 人工冬眠;人工蛰息Asphalted paper 涩青纸Aspirated hygrometer 吸气湿度计Atmosphere condenser 大气式冷凝器;淋浇式冷凝器Atmosphere pressure 大气压Atomize(to) 雾化(动)Automatic control device 自动控制装置Automatic defrosting 自动除霜Automatic expansion valve自动膨胀阀;恒压膨胀阀Average temperature 平均温度Axial flow fan 轴流通风机Azeotrope (共沸)混合冷剂BBack pressure 吸入压力Back pressure regulator 蒸发压力调节阀;吸入压力调节阀Baffle 隔板Balance pressure 平衡压力Ball valve 弹子阀Bare pipe 光(滑)管Batch-type ice cream freezer 间歇式冰淇淋冻结器Baudelot cooler 表面液体冷却器Bearing 轴承Beer cooler 啤酒冷却器Bellows valve 波纹管阀Big end 连杆大头Bimetal strip 双金属元件;双金属片Bimetallic element 双金属元件;双金属片Bimetallic thermometer 双金属片温度计Binary system 二元系统Blanching 烫漂Blanket-type condenser 毯状绝热材料Bleeder type condenser 湿流式大气冷凝器Block ice 块冰风机(扇);通风机Blower 通风机Board-type insulant 板状绝热材料Body-icing 周围加冰Boiler 发生器;沸腾器Boiling 沸腾Boiling point 沸点Booster 升压压缩机《Bootsrtap》system 布氏空气制冷系统Bore 汽缸直径Brake horse power 轴马力Brazing 铜焊;硬焊料钎焊Breather plug 呼吸塞Brine 盐水Brine balance tank 盐水膨胀箱Brine cooler 盐水冷却器Brine drum 盐水桶Brine expansion tank 盐水膨胀箱Brine line 盐水管Brine pump 盐水泵Brine return tank 盐水回液箱Brine sparge 盐水喷射Brine spray 盐水喷淋Brine spray system 盐水喷淋系统Brine tank 盐水池;盐水箱British thermal unit(Btu) 美国热单位Brownheart 果心变褐Bunker 贮冰室Bursting disc 破裂片Butane 丁烷By-pass 旁通管CCabinet,[ice cream]…[冰淇淋]保藏柜Calf ice 小块冰calorie, [kilo-]…(kcal)千卡(大卡)Calorimeter 量热器Calorimetry 量热法;量热学倒冰器Can filler 冰桶加水器Capacity of a cold room 冷间容量Capacity, Condensing unit…总产冷量Capacity control 产冷量调节Capacity, Freezer…冻结器(间)能力Capacity, freezing…冻结能力Capacity, Gross…总容量Capacity, Heat…热容量Capacity, Ice-making…制冰能力Capacity, Ice melting…冰的融解能力Capacity, Net…净容量Capacity reducer 能量减缩器Capacity, Refrigerating…产冷量;制冷能力Capacity regulator 能量调节器Capacity, Thermal…热容量Capillary tube 毛细管Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Carbon dioxide ice 干冰;固体二氧化碳Cargo battens 护墙板Carnot cycle 卡诺循环Cascade milk cooler 阶式牛奶冷却器Cascade system 复迭系统Catharometer 气体分析仪Ceiling coil 顶管Ceiling grid 顶管Ceiling outlet 天花板出风口Cellular concrete 泡沫混凝土Cellular glass 泡沫玻璃Cellular insulant 多孔绝热材料Central refrigerating plant 中央制冷装置Centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机;透平压缩机Centrifugal fan 离心通风机Centrifugal pump 离心泵Change of phase 相变;状态变化Change of state 相变;状态变化Charging 加液Charging connection 加液接头Check valve 止回阀;单向阀卧式冻结柜(美国)Chill(to) 冷却(动)Chill room 冷却间Chilled water 冷水Chilling 冷却Chilling injury 冷却损伤Chilling room 冷却间Chipped ice 碎冰片Circulation pump 循环泵Clear ice 透明冰Clearance pocket 补充余隙Clearance [volume] 余隙(容积)Closed brine system 封闭式盐水系统Closed crankcase compressor 封闭式曲轴箱压缩机Closed cycle 闭合循环Closed shell and tube condenser 封闭式壳管冷凝器;卧式壳管冷凝器Closed type display case 封闭式陈列柜Cloud point 浊点Coefficient of expansion 膨胀系数Coefficient of performance 制冷系数Coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数Coefficient of viscosity 粘度系数Coil 盘管coil, ceiling…顶管coil condenser, Shell and…壳式盘管冷凝器coil condenser, submerged…沉浸式盘管冷凝器Coil, Cooling 冷却盘管Coil deck 盘管盖板coil Desuperheating…预冷器;除过热盘管coil, Evaporator…蒸发盘管coil, Expansion…蒸发盘管coil Hold-over…蓄冷盘管coil, Overhead…顶管coil Pipe…盘管Coil wall 墙管Cold 冷cold, Accumulation of…蓄冷Cold air machine 空气制冷机Cold chain 冷藏环节Cold room 冷间Cold injury 冷伤Cold chamber 冷间cold room, Capacity of a …冷间容量Cold source 冷源Cold storage ①冷藏②冷藏库Cold storage room 冷藏间Cold store 冷藏库Comfort air conditioning 舒适空气调节Comfort cooling 舒适冷却Comfort zone 舒适区Commercial condensing unit 商业用压缩冷凝机组Commercial refrigerating plant 商业制冷装置Compound compression 双级压缩Compound compressor 双级压缩机Compression 压缩compression, Adiabatic…绝热压缩compression, Compound…双级压缩compression, Dry…. 干压缩compression, Isentropic…等级压缩compression, Multistage…多级压缩Compression ratio 压缩比;压力比compression, Single stage…单级压缩Compression stage 压缩级Compression system 压缩系统Compression-type refrigerating unit 压缩式制冷机组compression, Wet…湿压缩Compressor 压缩机compressor, Accessible…易卸压缩机;现场用压缩机;半密闭压缩机compressor, Centrifugal…离心式压缩机;透平压缩机compressor, Closed crankcase…封闭式曲轴箱压缩机compressor, Compound…双级压缩机compressor, Diaphragm type…膜式压缩机compressor, Differential piston…差动活塞式压缩机compressor, Double acting…双作用式压缩机compressor, Dual effect…双效压缩机compressor, Field service…易卸压缩机;现场用压缩机;半密闭压缩机compressor, Horizontal…卧式压缩机compressor, Multistage…多级压缩机compressor [multi-vane],Rotary…多叶回转式压缩机compressor, Open crankcase…散开式曲轴箱压缩机compressor, Positive displacement…容积式压缩机compressor, Reciprocating…往复式压缩机compressor, Refrigeration…制冷压缩机compressor, Return flow…回流式压缩机compressor, Rotary…转式压缩机compressor, Screw…螺杆式压缩机compressor, Positive displacement…容积式压缩机compressor, Semi-hermetic…易卸压缩机;现场用压缩机;半密闭压缩机compressor, Single acting…单作用压缩机compressor [Single vane],Rotary…单叶回转式压缩机compressor, Turbo…离心式压缩机;透平压缩机compressor, Uniflow type…单流式压缩机compressor unit 压缩机组compressor, Vertical…立式压缩机Concentration ①浓缩②浓度Concentration by freezing 冻结浓缩法Condensable gas 可凝性气体Condensate 冷凝液Condensation 冷凝Condensation point 冷凝点Condenser 冷凝器condenser, Air-cooled…气冷式冷凝器condenser, Atmospheric…大气式冷凝器;淋浇式冷凝器condenser, Bleeder type…溢流式大气冷凝器condenser, Closed shell and tube…封闭式壳管冷凝器;卧式壳管冷凝器condenser, Double pipe…套管式冷凝器condenser, Multishell…多壳式冷凝器condenser, Natural convection air-cooled…自然对流空气冷却式冷凝器condenser, Open shell and tube…立式壳管冷凝器condenser, Plate type…板式冷凝器Condenser pressure 冷凝器压力condenser, Shell and coil…壳式盘管冷凝器condenser, Shell and tube…壳管式冷凝器condenser, Submerged…沉浸式盘管冷凝器condenser, Submerged coil…沉浸式盘管冷凝器condenser, Tube-in-tube…套管式冷凝器condenser, Vertical single pass…立式壳管冷凝器condenser, Water-cooled…水冷式冷凝器Condenser pressure 冷凝压力Condensing temperature 冷凝温度Condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组Condensing unit capacity 总产冷量Connecting rod 连杆Conservator [冰淇淋]保藏柜Constant pressure expansion valve 自动膨胀阀;恒压膨胀阀Constant pressure valve 恒压阀Contact cooling 接触冷却Contact freezer 接触式冻结装置Contact freezing 喷淋冻结Contact hardening 接触硬化Contact icing 接触加热Container 容器content, Heat…焓content, Moisture…含湿量;含水量content, Water vapour…水蒸气含量Continuous [ice cream]freezer 连续式[冰淇淋]冻结器control, Capacity…产冷量调节control device, Automatic…自动控制装置control, Modulating…调幅控制control, On-of…开-关控制control, Remote…遥控Controller 控制器controller, Differencial…差动控制器controller, Differential of a…自动控制器的差示controller, Dual pressure…高低压控制器controller, High pressure…高压控制器controller, Humidity…湿度控制器controller,Low pressure…低压控制器controller, Pressure…压力控制器Controller, Temperature 温度控制器Convection 对流Cool(to) 冷却(动)Cool air hose 冷空气软管冷却间Cooler, Air…空气冷却间;冷风机cooler, Baudelot…表面液体冷却器cooler, Beer…啤酒冷却器cooler, Brine…盐水冷却器cooler, Cascade milk…阶式牛奶冷却器Cooler casing 冷却器外壳cooler, Drinking water…饮用水冷却器cooler, Dry-type air…干式冷风机cooler, Forced convection air…强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却器cooler, Forced draught air…强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却器cooler, Gas….气体冷却器cooler, Immersion milk….沉浸式牛奶冷却器cooler, Interstage….中间冷却器cooler, Liquid…液体冷却器cooler, Milk….牛奶冷却器cooler, Natural convection air…自然对流空气冷却器cooler, Oil…油冷却器cooler, Panel…平板冷却器cooler, Panel liquid…平板液体冷却器cooler, Pre…预冷器cooler, Sensible heat…显热冷却器cooler, Spray-type air…喷淋式空气冷却器;喷淋式冷风机cooler, Sub…再冷[却]器cooler, Surface air …表面空气冷却器cooler, Surface liquid…表面液体冷却器cooler, Tunnel…冷却隧道;隧道式冷却装置cooler, Turbine milk…透平牛奶冷却器cooler, Unit…冷却机组cooler, Water…水冷却器cooler, Water fore…水顶冷器cooler, Water pre…水顶冷器cooler, Wet type air …湿式空气冷却器;湿式冷风机cooler, Wort…麦牙汁冷却器cooling 冷却cooling air 冷却空气cooling, Air blast…吹风冷却cooling battery 冷却管组;制冷管组cooling coil 冷却盘管cooling ,Contact…接触冷却cooling effect, Sensible…显热冷却效果cooling effect, Total…总冷却效果cooling element 冷却片cooling, Environment 环境冷却cooling, Evaporative…蒸发冷却cooling, Forced draught…强制通风冷却cooling, Heat of sub…再冷[却]热量cooling, Hydro…冷水冷却cooling, Immersion…沉浸冷却cooling, Interstage…中间冷却Cooling load 冷负荷;热负荷Cooling medium 冷却介质cooling, Method of…冷却方法cooling, Natural convection…自然对流冷却cooling, Process of…冷却过程cooling, Quick…快速冷却Cooling range 冷却速度cooling, Speed of…冷却速度cooling, Spray…喷淋冷却cooling, Super…过冷Cooling surface 冷却表面cooling time, Half…半冷却时间cooling tower, Forced draught…送风式凉水塔cooling tower, Induced draught…排风式凉水塔cooling tower, Mechanical draught…机械通风凉水塔cooling tower, Natural draught…自然通风凉水塔cooling tower, Water…凉水塔Cooling tunnel 冷却隧道;隧道式冷却装置Cooling unit 冷却机组cooling unit, Self-contained…独立冷风机组cooling, Vacuum…真空冷却Cooling water 冷却水Core sucking and filling system 冰心抽灌系统Cork 软木Cork pipe covering 软木管道绝热Corkboard 软木板Corkslab 软木板Counter-flow 逆流Counter-flow heat exchanger 逆流式换热器Crankcase 曲轴箱Crankpin 曲柄箱Crankshaft 曲轴Critical point 临界点Critical pressure 临界压力Critical temperature 临界温度Critical volume 临界体积Cross flow 错流Crushed ice 碎冰Cryohydrate 冰盐;低共熔冰盐结晶Crystal ice 结晶冰Cube ice 方块冰Current consumption 电流消耗Cutting room (meat) 切肉间cycle, Carnot…卡诺循环cycle, Closed…闭合循环cycle, Defrosting…除霜周期cycle, Refrigeration…制冷循环cycle, Reverse…逆循环cycle, Reversible…可逆循环cycle, Standard rating…标准循环Cylinder 汽(气)缸Cylinder bore 汽缸直径Cylinder liner 汽缸套Cylinder valve 汽缸阀Cylinder wall 汽缸壁DDamper 气闸Deep freezing 深度冻结Deep freezing trawler 深度冻结拖船Deflector 导向板融霜水盘Defrosting 除霜;融霜defrosting, Automatic…自动除霜Defrosting cycle 除霜周期defrosting, Electric…电热融霜defrosting, Hot gas…热气融霜defrosting, Hot gas line for …融霜热气管线defrosting, Off-cycle…"中止循环"除霜defrosting, Water…水除霜Degree Celsius(°C) 摄氏度数(°C)Degree centigrade(°C) 摄氏度数(°C) Degree Fahrenheit(°F) 华氏度数(°F) Degree Kelvin(°K) 开耳芬度数(°F) Degree Rankine (°R) 兰金度数(°R) Degree of superheat 过热度Dehumidification 减湿[作用] Dehumidifier 减湿器Dehumidifying effect 减湿效果Dehydration 干燥;脱水Dehydrator 1)干燥器; 2)干燥剂Dehydro-freezing 脱水冻结Delivery gauge 排出压力表;高压压力表Delivery line refrigerant velocity 制冷剂排出速度Delivery valve 排气阀Densimeter 密度计Deodorization 除臭Desiccation 干燥Design pressure 设计压力Desuperheating coil 预冷器;除过热盘管Dew point 露点Dew point temperature 露点温度diagram, Enthalpy…焓图diagram, Entropy…熵图diagram, Indicator…示功图diagram, Mollier…莫里亚图(压焓图)diagram, Pressure volume…压容图Dial thermometer 指针温度计Diaphragm type compressor 膜式压缩机Diaphragm valve 薄膜阀Differential controller 差动控制器Differential of a controller 自动控制器的差示Differential piston compressor 差动活塞式压缩机Diffusion 扩散Dilatation 膨胀Dip tank 融冰槽Direct coupled motor drive 电动机直接传动Direct expansion refrigeration 直接膨胀制冷Direct feed evaporator 直接供液蒸发器Disc valve 片状阀Discharge 排出Discharge gauge 排出压力表;高压压力表Discharge line 排出管Discharge pressure 排出压力Discharge refrigerant velocity 制冷剂排出速度Discharge stroke 排气冲程Discharge temperature 排出温度Discharge valve 排气阀Discoloration 变色Display case 陈列柜Distant reading thermometer 遥测温度计Distribution header 1)分配总管;2)分配站Distributor 1)分配总管;2)分配站Domestic refrigerator 家用冷柜Door gasket 门垫圈Double acting compressor 双作用压缩机Double contact freezer 双面接触式冻结装置Double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器通风Drain 1)排除管 2)排除阀;排除器Drain valve 1)排除管 2)排除阀;排除器Draught 干燥器Drinking water cooler 饮用水冷却器Drip 液滴Drip tray 融霜水盘Drive 传动Dry bulb 干球Dry bulb temperature 干球温度Dry bulb thermometer 干球温度计Dry compression 干压缩Dry expansion evaporator 干膨胀式蒸发器Dry ice 干冰;固体二氧化碳Dry saturated vapour [干]饱和蒸气显热负荷;千吨[美国]Dry-type air cooler 干式空气冷却器;干式冷风机Dryer 1)干燥器2)干燥剂Dual effect compressor 双效压缩机Dual pressure controller 高低压控制器Dunnage 衬板Duty 产冷量;制冷能力Dynamic pressure 动压力(以压力单位计) Dynamic viscosity 动力粘度EEbullator 循环泵Ebullition 沸腾Eccentric strap 偏心环Effect per brake horse power, Refrigerating…单位轴马力的冷产量Effect, Dehumidifying…减湿效果Effect, Net refrigerating…净产冷量Effect, Overall refrigerating…总产冷量Effect, Peltier…珀尔帖效应Effect, Ranque-Hilsch…兰克-赫尔胥效应Effect, Refrigerating…产冷量;制冷能力Effect, Sensible cooling…显热冷却效果Effect, Total cooling….总冷却效果Effect per unit of swept volume, Refrigerating…单位容积产冷量Effect, Useful refrigerating…有效冷量Effective temperature 有效温度Effective work 有效功Efficiency 效率Ejection 喷射Ejector 喷射器Electric contact thermometer [电]接点温度计Electric defrosting 电热融箱Electric refrigerator 电气冷柜Eliminator 挡水板Emissive power 辐射强度Emissivity 辐射系数端部加冰冷藏车End bunker refrigerated truck 端部加冰冷藏车Engine room 机房Enthalpy 焓Enthalpy chart 焓图Enthalpy diagram 焓图Environment cooling 环境冷却Equalizer 均压管Equation of state 状态方程式Ethane 乙烷Ethyl chloride 氯乙烷Ethylene 乙烯Eutectic ice 低共熔冰;冻结的低共溶液Eutectic mixture 低共熔混合物Eutectic plate 低共熔片;冻片Eutectic point 低共熔点Evaporating pressure 蒸发压力Evaporating temperature 蒸发温度Evaporation 蒸发Evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器Evaporative cooling 蒸发冷却Evaporator 蒸发器Evaporator coil 蒸发盘管evaporator, Direct feed …直接供液蒸发器evaporator, Dry expansion …干膨胀式蒸发器evapo rator, Flooded …泛滥式蒸发器evaporator, Herringbone type …V型管蒸发器evaporator, Ice bank… …结冰式蒸发器evaporator, Plate type …板式蒸发器Evaporator pressure 蒸发器压力Evaporator pressure regulating valve 蒸发压力调节阀;吸入压力调节阀Evaporator pressure regulating 蒸发压力调节阀;吸入压力调节阀evaporator, Pump feed…泵供液蒸发器evaporator, Shell and tube…壳管式蒸发器Evaporator, V-coil V型管蒸发器evaporator, Vertical type… 立式蒸发器Excessive pressure 超压;剩余压力Exhaust opening 排气孔Exhaust steam 废[水蒸]气Exhauster 排气通风机Expanded cork 膨胀软木Expanded ebonite 膨胀硬质橡胶Expanded plastics 多孔塑料Expansion 膨胀Expansion coil 蒸发盘管Expansion valve 膨胀阀;调节阀Extended surface 扩展表面External conditions 外部条件External equalizer 外部衡管External temperature 外界温度;室外温度 FFactory assembled system 制冷机组Fan 风机[扇];通风机Farm freezer 农场用冻结装置Fibrous insulant 绝热材料Field service compressor 易卸压缩机;现场用压缩机;半密闭压缩机Film coefficient of heat transfer 传热膜系数;表面散热系数Filter 过滤器;过滤网Fin 翅片;肋片Finned length 带翅片部分管长Finned tube 翅片管Fittings 管道配件Flake ice 薄片冰Flange 法兰;凸缘Flanged joint 法兰接合;凸缘接合Flared joint 扩口接合Flash gas 闪发气体Flash point 闪点Float switch 浮球开关Float valve 浮球阀Floc point 絮凝点Flooded evaporator 泛滥式蒸发器Floor dunnage 垫仓板Floor rack 垫仓板Flow 流动Flow, Counter-…逆流Flow, cross…错流Flow fan, Axial…轴流通风机flow, Heat…热流动flow, Laminar…层流flow, Parallel…顺流flow, Rate of…流量flow, Rate of heat…1)热流2)热流量flow, Turbulent…湍流紊流flow, Velocity of…流速Fluid (subsi.) 流体(名)Fog 雾Foil insulation 箔绝热Forced air circulation 强制空气循环Forced convection 强制对流Forced convection air cooler 强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却器Forced draught air cooler 强制对流空气冷却器;强制通风空气冷却器Forced draught condenser 强制通风冷却Forced draught cooling tower 送风式凉风塔Forced lubrication 强制润滑Fork lift truck 叉式码垛车Foul gas 不凝性气体;惰性气体Fractional condensing unit 小型压缩冷凝机组Freeze (to) 冻结(动)Freeze-concentration 冻结浓缩法Freeze-drying 冻干;升华干燥Freeze out (to) 冻析;冻离(动)Freeze up 冻住;冰塞Freezer 冻结器(间);冻结设备Freezer, Air blast…吹风冻结间Freezer, Batch-type [ice cream]…间歇式[冰淇淋]冻结器Freezer burn 冻结器冻伤Freezer capacity 冻结器[间]能力家用冰箱(美国)Freezer compartment 冻结小间freezer, Contact…接触式冻结装置freezer, Continuous [ice cream]…连续式[冰淇淋]冻结器Freezer, Double contact 双面接触式冻结装置freezer, Farm…农场用冻结装置freezer, Home…家用冻结柜freezer, Ice cream…冰淇淋冻结器Freezer, Immersion…沉浸式冻结装置Freezer, Multi-plate 多板式冻结装置feezer, Plate…平板式冻结装置freezer, Reach-in…冻结柜freezer, Sharp…低温冻结间freezer, Shelf…搁架式冻结间freezer, Spray…喷淋式冻结装置freezer, Top opening…开顶式冻结柜freezer, Tunnel…隧道式冻结间Freezer unit 冻结器[间];冻结设备freezer, Upright…立式冻结柜Freezer, Walk-in…小型冻结间Freezing 冻结;结冰freezing, Air blast…吹风冻结Freezing capacity 冻结能力freezing, Contact…接触冻结freezing, Deep…深度冻结freezing, Immersion…沉浸冻结Freezing injury 冻伤freezing, Method of…冻结方法Freezing mixture 冻结混合物Freezing plant 冻结装置Freezing point 冻结点Freezing point depression 冻结点的下降freezing, Quick…快速冻结Freezing rate 冻结速度Freezing room 冻结间freezing, Sharp… 缓慢冻结freezing, Slow… 缓慢冻结Freezing of the soil 土壤冻结freezing, Speed of…冻结速度freezing, Spray… 喷淋冻结freezing, Still air…在静止空气中冻结Freezing tank 冻结池Freezing time 冻结时间Freezing tunnel 隧道式冻结间Fresh air 新鲜空气;室外空气Fresh air make up 新鲜空气补充量Frost 霜Frost deposit 积霜Frost formation 结霜Frost heave 地球冻霜Frost level indication 结霜液面指示管Frosted 盖有霜的Frosting 结霜Frozen eutectic soi 低共熔冰;冻霜低共熔溶液Frozen food 冻结食品Frozen food cabina?冻结食品柜台Frozen food display case 冻结食品陈列柜Frozen food locker 冻结食品橱Frozen food storage room 冻结物冷藏间Frozen food store 冻结物冷藏库Fusible plug [易]熔室Fusion 熔化GGas bottle 气瓶;检修用瓶gas, Condensable…可凝性气体Gas constant 气体常数Gas cooler 气体冷却器Gas equation 气体方程式gas, Flash…闪发气体gas, Foul…不凝性气体;惰性气体gas, Inert…不凝性气体;惰性气体Gas injury 气体损伤Gas line for defrosting. Hot 融霜热气管线Gas line, Hot 排出管路Gas lock 气封;汽封gas, Non condensable…不凝性气体;惰性气体Gas proof 气密的Gas purger 放气器;不凝性气体排除器Gas purger, Non condensable…放气器;不凝性气体排除器Gas purging 气体的排除Gas refrigerator 煤气冷柜Gas storage 充气贮藏Gas storage room 充气贮藏间Gas tight 气密的Gasket 垫圈Gate valve 间阀Gauge 量计gauge, Delivery…排出压力表;高压压力表gauge, Discharge…排出压力表;高压压力表Gauge glass 玻璃液面指示管排出压力表;高压压力表吸入压力表;低压压力表gauge, Oil pressure…油压表Gauge pressure 计示压力;表压gauge, Pressure…压力表gauge, Suction…吸入压力表;低压压力表Gear pump 齿轴泵Generator 发生器;沸腾器Glass fibre 玻璃棉;玻璃纤维Glass foam 泡沫玻璃Glass wool 玻璃棉;玻璃纤维Glazing 包冰衣Globe valve 球阀Granulated cork 颗粒状软木Grille 格栅Gross capacity 总容量Gudgeon pin 活塞销HHair felt 毛毡Hair hygrometer 毛发湿度计Half cooling time 半冷却时间Halide torch 检漏灯Halogenated hydrocarbon 卤化烃Hand expansion valve 手动膨胀阀Hand stop valve 手动关闭阀Handing room(marine) 1)门斗; 2)管理间[船]Hardening 硬化Hardening cabinet 硬化箱;硬化橱Hardening room 硬化间head, Loss of…压头损失(以液柱高度计) Head pressure 排出压力head, Safety…安全盖head, Static…静压头(以液柱高度计) head tank, Brine…盐水膨胀箱head, Velocity…速度头(以液柱高度计) Header 集管Heat 热heat, Amount of…热量Heat balance 热平衡Heat capacity 热容量Heat channel 热桥;热渗透Heat content 焓heat cooler, Sensible…显热冷却器Heat equivalent of work 功热当量Heat exchange 换热Heat exchange surface 换热表面Heat exchanger 换热器heat exchanger, Counter-flow…逆流式换热器Heat flow 热流动Heat flow meter 热流计Heat flux 1)热流; 2)热流量heat of fusion, Latent…融解潜热Heat gain 获热量Heat lag 热迟延heat, Latent…潜热Heat leak 热桥;热渗透heat of liquefaction, Latent…液化潜热Heat load 冷负荷;热负荷heat load, Latent…潜热负荷;湿吨[美国] heat load, Sensible…显热负荷;千吨[美国] heat, Mechanical equivalent of…热功当量Heat pump 热泵heat, Radiant…辐射热heat ratio, Sensible…显热比Heat removed 移热量heat, Sensible…显热heat of solidification, Latent…凝固潜热Heat source 热源heat, Specific…比热Heat of subcooling 再冷[却]热量heat, Total…焓Heat transfer 传热;热传递heat transfer, Film coefficient of…传热膜系数;表面散热系数heat transfer, Overall coefficient of… 传热;系数Heat transmission 传热;热传递heat of vaporization, Latent…汽化潜热Heater mat 加热层Heater strip 加热条Heating 1)加热; 2)供暖Heating surface 加热表面Helical fin 螺旋翅片Hermetically sealed [compressor] unit 密闭式压缩机组Hermetically sealed condensing unit 密闭式压缩冷凝机组Hermetically sealed refrigerating system 密闭式制冷系统Herringbone type evaporator V型管蒸发器High pressure controller 高压控制器High pressure float valve 高压浮球阀排出压力表;高压压力表High pressure safety cut-out 高压安全切断器High pressure side 高压侧High pressure stage 高压级High side 高压侧高压浮球阀Hold over 蓄冷Hold-over coil 蓄冷盘管Home freezer 家用冻结柜Horizontal compressor 卧式压缩机Hot gas defrosting 热气融霜Hot gas line 排出管Hot gas line for defrosting 融霜热气管线Humid 潮湿的Humid volume 湿空气比容(对每公斤干空气而言) Humidification 增湿[作用];加湿Humidifier 加湿器Humidify (to) 加湿(动) Humidistat 恒湿器Humidity 湿度humidity, Absolute…绝对湿度Humidity controller 湿度控制器比湿;湿度比humidity, Relative…相对湿度humidity, Specific…比湿;湿度比Hydration 水化;水合作用Hydrocooling 冷水冷却Hydrometer [液体]比重计Hydrostatic pressure 流体静压力Hygrometer 湿度计hygrometer, Aspirated…吸气湿度计hygrometer, Hair…毛发湿度计hygrometer, Sling…摆动湿度计Hygrometry 测湿法Hygroscopic 吸湿的Hygrostat 恒湿器Hypothermia 低温麻醉IIce bank 结冰式水池Ice bank evaporator 结冰式蒸发器Ice block 冰块ice, Block…块冰Ice blockage 冻住;冰塞Ice blower 风力送冰机Ice box 冰箱Ice build up tank 结冰式水池Ice bunker 冰仓Ice bunker screen 冰仓栅ice, Cake…小块冰Ice can 冰桶;冰模Ice can frame 冰桶架Ice can group 冰桶组;冰桶排Ice can truck 冰桶绞车ice, Carbon dioxide…干冰;固体二氧化碳Ice, Chipped…碎冰片ice, Clear…透明冰Ice crane 冰桶吊车Ice cream 冰淇淋Ice cream cabinet [冰淇淋]保藏柜Ice cream freezer 冰淇淋冻结器ice, Crushed…碎冰Ice crusher 碎冰机ice, Crystal…结晶冰ice, Cube…方块冰Ice, cube tray 方块冰盘ice, Dry…干冰;固体二氧化碳ice dump table 倒冰台ice, Eutectic…低共熔冰;冻结的低共熔溶液Ice factory 制冰厂ice, Flake…薄片冰Ice formation 冰的形成Ice gun 风力送冰机Ice lolly 1)雪糕2)冰棍Ice maker 制冰机Ice-making capacity 制冰能力Ice-making plant 制冰厂Ice-making tank 制冰池Ice manufacture 制冰Ice melting capacity 冰的融解热量Ice melting point 冰的融点;冰点Ice mould 冰桶;冰模Ice mould frame 冰桶架ice, Opaque…不透明冰ice, Plate…板状冰Ice point 冰的融点;冰点ice, Processed…加工的冰Ice refrigerator 冰箱ice, Ribbon…带状冰ice, Scale…鳞片冰ice, Sea-water…海水冰ice, Sized… 型冰ice, Slush… 雪冰ice, Small…小冰块ice, Snow…雪花冰Ice storage room 冰库Ice tip 倒冰器ice, Tube…管状冰Ice water 冰水ice, [water]… [水]冰ice, Water…[加有果汁的]冰水;水冰糕;冰果子露加冰车皮Iced water 加冰水Icing hatch 加冰孔Icing platform 加冰台车皮加冰Icing tower 加冰塔Icing of trucks 车皮加冰Immersion cooling 沉浸冷却Immersion freezer 沉浸式牛奶冷却器Indicated horse power 指示马力Indicated work 指示功Indicator diagram 示功图Indirect system of refrigeration 间接制冷系统Induced draught cooling tower 排风式凉水塔Industrial air conditioning 工业空气调节Industrial refrigerating plant 工业制冷装置Inert gas 不凝性气体;惰性气体Inhibitor 防蚀剂;抑制剂Initial charge 首次加液Insulant 绝热材料insulant, Blanket-type…毯状绝热材料insulant, Board type…板状绝热材料insulant, Cellular… 多孔绝热材料insulant, Fibrous…纤维绝热材料insulant, Loose fill type…松散绝热材料insulant, Slab…板状绝热材料Insulate (to) 绝缘(动)Insulated 绝缘的Insulated body 绝热车体Insulated cabinet 绝热室Insulated door 绝热门Insulated lorry 绝热汽车绝热车;绝热车皮Insulated tank truck 绝热槽车Insulated truck 绝热车;绝热车皮绝热汽车;Insulated van绝热汽车;Insulated vehicle 绝热车Insulating 绝热的insulating material 绝热材料insulation, Foil…箔绝热insulation, Sound…隔声Insulation, Thermal 热绝缘Intercooler 中间冷却器Intercooling 中间冷却Intermediate pressure 中间压力Intermittent absorption refrigerating machine 间歇吸收式制冷机Internal breakdown 内部损坏;低温损坏Internal conditions 内部条件Interstage cooler 中间冷却器Interstage cooling 中间冷却Irradiation 照射杀菌Isenthalpic 等焓的Isentropic 等熵的Isentropic compression 等熵压缩Isentropic expansion 等熵膨胀Isobar 等压线Isobaric 等压的Isochore 等容线Isopiestic 等压的Isotherm 等温线Isothermal 等温的Isothermic 等温的JJacket 套Jacketed cold room 气套式冷间Joint (1)接合 (2)接头Joint ring 接合圈Journal bearing 轴颈轴承KKinematic viscosity 运动粘度主阀;总阀LLabyrinth seal 曲径密封;迷宫式密封Lack of refrigerant 制冷剂不足Laminar flow 层流Laminated paper多层纸Latent heat 潜热Latent heat of fusion 融解潜热Latent heat of liquefaction 液化潜热Latent heat load 潜热负荷;湿吨[美国] Latent heat of solidification 凝固潜热Latent heat of vaporization 汽化潜热Leaf valve 叶片阀Leak 漏Leak detection 检漏Leak detector 检漏器Leak free 密封的Lift truck 码垛车;提升车Liquefaction 液化Liquefaction of gases 气体液化Liquid cooler 液体冷却器liquid cooler, Plate…平板液体冷却器l iquid cooler, Surface…表面液体冷却器Liquid flow indicator 液体流动指示器;液体流动观察玻璃Liquid flow sight glass 液体流动指示器;液体流动观察玻璃Liquid injection valve 液体喷射阀Liquid level 液面Liquid level indicator 液面Liquid line 液体管Liquid receiver 贮液桶Liquid separator 液体分离器liquid, Subcoole d…再冷[却]液体(低于冷凝温度)Liquid suction heat interchanger 液体吸气换热器liquid, Supercooled…过冷[却]液体(低于凝固温度)Liquid trap 集液器Lithium bromide 溴化锂Little end 连杆小头load, Cooling…冷负荷;热负荷load, Latent heat…潜热负荷;湿吨[美国] load, Product…货物负荷load, Refrigeration…冷负荷;热负荷load, Sensible heat…显热负荷;千吨[美国] load, Service…操作负荷Locker-plant 抽屉式冷柜Logarithmic mean temperature difference 对数平均温度Loose fill type insulant 松散绝热材料Loss of head 压头损失以液柱高度计Louvre 百页窗Low pressure controller 低压控制器Low pressure float valve 低压浮球阀吸入压力表;低压压力表Low pressure safety cut-out 低压安全切断器Low pressure side 低压侧Low pressure stage 低压级Low side 低压侧低压浮球阀Low temperature 低温Low temperature breakdown 内室损坏;低温损坏Lowering of temperature 温度下降Lubrication 润滑Lyophilization 冻干;升华干燥MMachinery room 机房Magnetic valve 电磁阀Main 主管Main bearing 主轴承Make up water 补充水Manifold 歧管Manometer 液柱压力计Marine air conditioning 船舶空气调节Marine refrigerating plant 船舶制冷装置Master valve 主阀;总阀Mean radient temperature 平均辐射温度Mean temperature 平均温度Mean temperature difference 平均温差Mechanical draught cooling tower 机械通风凉水塔Mechanical efficiency 机械效率Mechanical equivalent of heat 热当功量Mechanically refrigerated lorry 机械冷藏汽车机械冷藏车Mechanically refrigerated truck 机械冷藏车机械冷藏汽车Mechanically refrigerated van 机械冷藏汽车Mechanically refrigerated vehicle 机械冷藏车Melting point 融点Membrane valve 薄膜阀Mercury-in-steel thermometer 铜壳水银温度计Mercury thermometer 水银温度计Methane 甲烷Method of cooling 冷却方法Method of freezing 冻结方法Methyl chloride 氯甲烷Methylene chloride 二氯甲烷Milk cooler 牛奶冷却器Mineral wool 矿物棉Mist 雾Modulating control 调幅控制Modulating valve 调幅阀Moist 潮湿的Moisture 温度Moisture barrier 防潮层;防汽层Moisture content 含湿量;含水量Moisture proofing 防潮的潜热负荷;湿吨[美国]Moisture transmission 湿[气]传递Molecular sieve 分子筛Mollier chart 莫里亚图(压焓图) Motorised valve 电动阀Mould 霉Multi-plate freezer 多板式冻结装置Multiple louvre damper 多页式气闸Multishell condenser 多壳式冷凝器Multistage compression 多级压缩Multistage compressor 多级压缩机Multistage expansion 多级膨胀Multitubular 多管式。
制冷原理培训教材Refrigeration principle training materialRefrigeration principle本系统属于蒸汽压缩式制冷循环,主要包括压缩机、冷凝器、毛细管、干燥过滤器、蒸发器5个部件,经过压缩、冷凝、节流、蒸发四个过程不断循环,制冷剂周期性的发生从蒸汽变为液体,从液体变为蒸汽的状态变化,不端的把冰箱内的热量转移到冰箱外部,从而达到制冷目的。
The appliance incorporates a vapor compressor refrigeration system that consists of compressor,condenser, capillary,filter drier and evaporator and accomplishes the refrigeration through the cycle of compression, condensation, throttling, and evaporation。
The process repeats and extracts the heat from the fridge compartment by having the refrigerant evaporated in the evaporator and liquefied in the condenser.Main components(一):压缩机Compressor制冷系统的“心脏”,起压缩和输送制冷剂的作用,目前所用为往复活塞式压缩机。
Serving as the heart of the refrigeration system, the compressor functions through compressing and passing the refrigerant。
A reciprocal compressor is adopted in the system.主要性能指标Performance1:制冷量:压缩机工作时,每小时从被冷却物体带走的热量以(千焦/小时)活或瓦表示。
Absorption Refrigeration Systems
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The energy used to drive a compression refrigeration system is supplied as mechanical energy from an electric motor or a steam turbine. However, if there is a low cost source of heat or a source of waste heat available, then absorption refrigeration may be used to provide the required cooling. Heat energy partly replaces the compressor of a compression refrigeration system, thus reducing the amount of electrical energy consumed.
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The high-pressure, high-temperature ammonia vapour leaves the generator and enters the condenser, where it is condensed back to a liquid by cooling water flowing through cooling coils. The liquid ammonia then drains into the receiver, which acts as a storage tank until the liquid ammonia is required in the evaporator.
制冷专业英语基本术语制冷系统cooling system直冷direct expansion cooling即冷 instant cooling蒸发制冷 evaporative refrigeration冷藏链 cold chain冷凝器英语冷凝器 condenser风冷式冷凝器 air-cooled condenser水冷式冷凝器 water-cooled condenser壳管式冷凝器 shell and tube condenser板式冷却器 plate cooler蒸发器英语蒸发器 evaporator吹胀式蒸发器 roll-bond evaporator制冷辅助设备高压贮液筒 high pressure receiver低压贮液筒 low pressure receiver搅拌器 agitator循环泵 circulation pump液位指示器 liquid level indicator窥镜 sight glass吸入压力表 suction gauge排出压力表 discharge gauge集液器 liquid trap集油器 oil receiver,oil trap干燥过滤器 drier-filter润滑 lubrication流量调节 flow regualation制冷剂控制器 refrigerant control膨胀阀 expansion valve节流阀 throttle valve热力膨胀阀 thermostatic expansion valve 电磁阀 solenoid valve制冷回路 refrigerating circuit。
第2 3卷 第 3期
20 0 6年 9月
建 筑 科 学 与 工程 学报
J unl f c i cuea dCvl gn eig o ra o ht tr n iiEn ier Ar e n
V o .2 N O 3 1 3 .
系统 地分 析 了这些 参数 的改 变对 系统性 能 、 平衡 脱 附率 以及 吸 附量的 影响 。结 果表 明 , 转轮 吸 附 在 床 的 内部 参 数 中 , 转轮 吸 附床 的转速 、 附剂 的填 充 密度 对 系统 的 性 能 有 着较 大 的影 响 ; 其 外部 吸 在 参数中, 冷却 气体 入 口流速 、 蒸发 温度 等 因素 对 系统影 响 比较 大。
Z ENG — ig,LI in xa H Ai n p a — i,GU u n J Ja
( c o l fEn io me t l ce c n g n e i g S h o vr n n a in e a d En i e rn ,C a g a ie st ,Xi n 7 0 6 ,S a n i o S h n ’n Un v r iy ’ 1 0 1 h a x ,Ch n ) a ia
关 键 词 : 阳能 ; 附 制 冷 ; 轮 ; 性 炭 纤 维 ; 太 吸 转 活 乙醇 ; 固体 吸 附 中图分 类号 : TU8 1 6 3 . 文献标 志 码 : A
En r y S ld Ad o p in Ro a y Re rg r t r e g o i s r to t r f i e a o
o s t m p ror n ys e e f man e n t e ii i m d s pto r to nd d or n ma s f e t c a d he qu lbru e or i n a i a a s be t s e f c wa s a l e ys e ia l n ompl t l . Th e uls s w h ta nayz d s t m c ly a d c eey e r s t ho t a mon he e i e n lp r me e s o g t s nt r a a a t r f t o a y wh e ds r i d,t e r a y s e nd t n iy oft ds b n t fe v he r t r e la o pton be h ot r pe d a he de s t he a or e t s u f d ha e gr a e e f c on h s t m pe f r a c ; a ng he x e n pa a e e s, t e o i ga e t r fe t t e ys e ro m n e mo t e t r al rm tr h c ol ng s
A s at bt c:nl tl m iys d s odasrtnrr e tnss m di nb l eg. es a 。t sr r i a c a l t i l do i fgri t r e ys a e r I t  ̄y h ao - s r e n u e si i po e i ao ye v o r n y nh t ed
然后驱动制冷剂蒸汽流经 吸附床直接加热吸附剂。
旦建成 ,内部特性参数对系统性能的影响亦就确
单位时间内太阳能集热器所接受的太阳能能量密度 定 ,因而在制造系统装置时必须事先确定其结构参 的高低 以及系统运行工况条件均受到太 阳能辐射的 数 ;而外部条件的影响则是在系统制造好后在系统 气候资源及周围环境条件的强烈制约。因而要设计 运 行过 程 中 由 于 环 境 的 不 同 ,产 生 不 同 的 性 能 结 出实用稳定 的商品化样机 , 必须对太 阳能 固体吸附 果。本文就将对太 阳能驱动 的固体吸收式转轮制冷 以活性碳纤维板 一乙醇工质对作为吸附剂) 式制冷系统装置本身的结构及运行工况做 出正确 的 系统 ( 吸热床的传热 、传质特性 )和 分析 ,找出影响系统性能较大的参数 ,并设法在可 的性能按内部条件 (
l e .n nl ,te pe dC Piotndi ebs sutnf es dasri fgrtnss m di nb y dA dfa y h t O b i t e t i rh l do tnr r e i ye r e z i l o s a e n h t ia o o t o i p o e i ao t v y
➢ 能源短缺问题。近几年夏季经常发生停电现象,很大原因是夏 天酷暑,制冷需求剧增,空调大量使用,引起电力紧张。另一 方面,能源利用率却普遍见低,我国每年100~200℃的废热 排放量折合标准煤达上千万吨,还有大量的太阳和地热能未很 好利用,这方面的研究也备受重视。
如其他一切新兴科学技术一样,吸附式制冷技术需要 投入大量的科研经费,这势必会增加产品的成本,也就提 高了产品的市场价格,使新生的技术难以竞争。为此,政 府是可以有作为的,一通过政府的方向性的调控引导群众 购买新兴的吸附式制冷空调,增强其市场竞争力,二通过 国家财政来支持吸附式制冷技术的研究,国外这方面做得 不错,给企业补贴我国也应该对该技术在经济上有所支持。 在法律上,今年我国颁布了《可再生能源法》使各项工作 有法可依。
技术问题 成本问题 普及问题 应用问题
对吸附式制冷的研究是在Faraday发现氯化银吸附氨 产生的制冷现象以后,报道最早的吸附式系统是在20世 纪20年代;吸附式制冷技术真正得到发展是在20世纪70 年代,能源危机为吸附式制冷提供了契机,因为吸附式制 冷系统可利用低品位的热源驱动,节能,而且没有臭氧层 问题和温室效应。
从以上的比较中,我们可以粗略的知道吸附式制冷系统 存在着一些缺点和不足。
一.固体吸附剂为多微孔介质,比表面积大,导热性能很低 ,因而吸附/解吸时间长。(可以开发新型吸附剂,从吸收 式制冷系统采用液体工质中是否可以有所启发?)
二.单位质量吸附剂的制冷功率较小,使得制冷机尺寸较大, 吸附式制冷系统的功率远不如吸收式制冷系统,原因何在? (强化传热,提高吸附剂的传热性能和单位吸附剂的制冷功 率,减小制冷机的尺寸 )
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32NH -SrCl 固体吸附式制冷系统分析K. NagaMalleswara Rao, M. Ram Gopal and Souvik Bhattacharyya印度理工学院机械工程部印度克勒格布尔 721302摘要基于固体吸附剂反应器(吸收器/发生器)的传热传质对SrCl2-NH3为工质的固体吸附制冷系统性能进行了分析。
结果是在性能系数(COP )和特定的冷却功率系数(SCP )的条件获得的。
结果表明优化床层和运行参数,以便获得高的性能系数COP 和冷却功率系数SCP 。
关键词 : 固体吸附式制冷; SrCl 2–NH 3;传热传质;系统性能1引言固体吸附式制冷系统对环境是友好的,它们运行在低品位能源如废热或太阳能中。
Mbaye等人简化化学反应系统的假设,采用控制体积法和二维圆柱的能量和动力学方程解决通过热化学材料MnCl2 传导的反应热。
Lu等人、oetz 和Marty 采用扩散动力学模型求解一维圆柱能量方程,研究了渗透系数和工作压力反应进程的变化。
完整的运行循环包括两个半周期,在每个半周期之后发生器和吸附器的作用被反转(即发生器变成吸收器,反之亦然),系统从高温热源(T G)吸热,提供给发生器,以产生所需的制冷剂蒸汽。
该蒸汽在冷凝器中冷凝,把废热放给低温热源(T A)。
图2-1中:Heat Source(T G)——高温热源;Heat Added(Q G)——增热;Genenrator——发生器;Absorber——吸收器;Heat Rejected(Q A)——废热;Heat Sink(Ta)——低温热源;Condenser(Qc)——冷凝器;Evaporator(Qe)——蒸发器;Cooling Load——冷负荷。
图2-1 固体吸附制冷系统的两个反应器(a)示意图,(b)运行周期在克劳修斯-克拉伯龙的划分图1b显示了克劳修斯–克拉伯龙运行周期情况。
等比容线(1-a )和(2-b )中表示吸附和解吸。
给出的吸附剂的平衡温度和压力由克劳修斯 - 克拉伯龙方程表示为:RS RT H P ∆+∆-=)ln(eq (2-1) Peq 是在给定的时间和半径时间内的平衡压力(kPa );R 是通用气体常数,T 是温度(K );H Δ是反应热;S ∆是反应中熵变。
制冷剂 (NH3) 流经空心内芯是被吸收剂吸收或解吸。
Porous salt bed——多孔盐床层;Reator wall——反应器壁;Extemal fluid——外部流体图3-1 盐床层反应器壁的示意图制定的数学模型同时进行了以下的简化假设:1、气体和固体颗粒间存在局部热平衡,通过床层的传热仅仅只有导热。
4结果与讨论如前所述,本研究根据SrCl2–NH3工质可靠的化学动力学和热性能,这对制冷剂在文献[ 9 ]中是可用的。
表4-1 SrCl2-NH3的属性数据4.1 吸收器与发生器模型的验证为了获得完整的结论,Huang等人[9]通过对试验结果和已发表的试验数据的比较,验证了吸收器与发生器的传热传质模型。
4.2 制冷系统的完整性能评价为了评价制冷系统的性能,表4-2中给出了输入的值意思。
表4-2 平均输入值续表4-2图4-1(如下)示出了在反应器中的吸收(反应器1)和解吸(反应器2)整体反应过程。
如该图所示,当吸收在3000秒左右完成时,解吸大约需要4000 秒。
如果外部传热系数可以从250 W/(m 2. K)提高1100 W/(m 2. K),这将减少总循环次数并提高冷却输出比。
图4-1 在反应器中的吸附(反应器1)和解吸(反应器2)整体反应过程图4-2显示了在两个反应堆周期空间内盐床平均温度的变化。
如图所示,由于吸收和解吸过程的放热和吸热,在周期开始时反应器-1的温度上升,反应器- 2温度急剧下降。
反应器-2反应器-1图4-2 两个反应器的在周期空间内的床层层平均值温度的变化 图4-3描述了反应器盐床厚度和有效的导热系数对平均制冷输出功率(SCP )的影响。
图中表明对于一个给定的15毫米外直径的床层厚度,制冷输出功率(SCP )随有效导热系数的增加而增加。
然而,超过约8 W/( m 2. K)的热导率值时,对于一个给定床层厚度的反应器的最低影响的标志是操作和设计参数值,所以没有必要提高床层热导率超过一定值。
图6还表明,对于给定床层的热导率为15 W/( m 2. K)时,制冷输出功率(SCP )随床层厚度的增加而降低,降低速率比床层的厚度的增加要显著。
如果我们考虑用标准管(标准ASME B36.10,40S 钢),并计算出一个给定1 kW 输出量的反应器管的质量和总质量(反应管质量+盐质量),如图所示总质量最初会随着床层厚度增加而达到最小,然后开始增加。