



文中引用的格式一般情况下:(作者的姓)如果是书的话:(作者的姓引文在书中的页码)如果没有作者的话,就是(work cited里面第一个句号前的东西),因为要能够通过这个找到在work cited里的位置。

Work Cited 的格式注意标点、斜体。


网页引用格式:1、Name of author inverted. Full Title. Publisher, Publication date.Web. Access date.作者。





<网址>War Child International. Child soldiers.War Child UK, 2014. Web. 7 Apr 2014. </issues/child-soldiers>2、“Word searched.”Website Title. Created or updated date if available. Sponsoring organization of applicable. Web. Date of access written in MLA style.“搜索的关键词。




<网址>“Military use of children” Wikipedia. Web. 7 Apr2014.</wiki/Military_use_of_children#Movement_to_ stop_mili tary_use_of_children >MLA引用出版书籍引用的例子:Spangenburg, Ray and Kit Moser. Carl Sagan: A Biography. New York: Prometheus Books, 2008. Print.姓,名.书名.(斜体)出版社所在城市:出版社名称,出版时间.Print.其他引用格式介绍网址/mla-format-works-cit ed/Name of author inverted. “Article Title.”Name of Newspaper Year or date of publication: page numbers. Web. Access date.Achen, Joel. “America’s River.”Washington Post 5 May 2002. Web. 27 Feb. 2012.。






### 一、MLA格式概述MLA(Modern Language Association)格式是一种常见的学术写作格式,主要用于人文学科领域的论文写作。

在毕业论文中,采用MLA 格式进行文献引用可以使论文更加规范、准确、可信。

### 二、MLA格式的基本要求1. **作者格式**:作者姓名一般按照“姓,名”顺序排列,如果有多位作者,只需列出第一位作者的姓名,后面加上“等”(et al.)表示等等。

2. **文献标题**:书名、期刊名等需要使用斜体或者引号标注。

3. **出版信息**:包括出版社、出版日期等信息,需要按照一定格式排列。

4. **页码**:引用具体页面时需要注明页码。

### 三、MLA格式的具体引用方式1. **书籍引用**:- 书籍作者格式:作者姓,名。



- 书籍引用示例:Smith, John. *The Art of Writing*. New York: ABC Publishing, 2021.2. **期刊文章引用**:- 期刊作者格式:作者姓,名。



- 期刊文章引用示例:Brown, Sarah. “The Impact of Technology on Education”. *Journa l of Education*, vol. 25, no. 2, 2019, pp. 45-56.3. **网页引用**:- 网页作者格式:作者姓,名(如果有)。



- 网页引用示例:Johnson, Michael. “The Future ofArtificial Intelligence”. *Tech News*, 10 May 2020,/future-ai.### 四、MLA格式的注意事项1. 引用时要注意标点符号、斜体、引号等格式的使用,确保引用信息清晰明了。



批注 [SHIRLEY2]: 前文中有作者姓 Wordsworth, 后面括号内则可略作 者姓。
批注 [SHIRLEY3]: 注意括号旁标 点!()在正文引号后,句号前。
批注 [SHIRLEY4]: 句内若无作者姓 Wordsworth, 则后面括号内加上其 姓。
Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads. London: Oxford U.P., 1967. Print.
Guidelines for referring to the works of others in your text using MLA style is covered in chapter six of the MLA Handbook and in chapter seven of the MLA Style Manual. Both books provide extensive examples, so it's a good idea to consult them if you want to become even more familiar with MLA guidelines or if you have a particular reference question.
Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method.
Berkeley: U of California P, 1966. Print.
In-text Citations for Print Sources with No Known Author
Basic In-Text Citation Rules

MLA 正文引用+参考文献

MLA 正文引用+参考文献

正文内文献引用的MLA格式要求(1)一件作品或多件作品的引用:●It has been argued that teachers’role is to provide the students with optimal conditionswhich can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom 12-6).●Gagne (38-41) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instructionevents.●The advantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complexinterrelations between independent variables (Bryman and Crammer 135-9).●Studies of the good language learner (for example, Naiman et al. 49-52) have tried toidentify the strategies which successful learners use (Ellis 37).●Naiman et al. (49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case ‘effort’ on the partof the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (Ellis 512).(注意:MLA 格式不加年代,只加作者姓和页码,没有逗号)(2)同一括号里多件作品的引用:●Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70’s have found that students’learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs,注意:这里的下划线表示作者的两篇不同作品,我们现在统一用斜体代替下划线)●The major finding from the earlier studies (Barley; Clement et al.; Gardner and Lambert;Gliksman; Spolsky) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement that those with an instrumental motivation.(注意引用作品的排序)●In The Age of Voltaire, the Durants portray eighteenth century England as a minor force inthe world of music and art (214-48).(注意:文内已出现作者名,括号里就只要加页码)(请认真对照附件2)附件2:参考文献MLA格式要求●按先英文后中文排序;●字号比正文小一号打印;标点统一用半角状态;标点后统一空一格(汉语文献与英语文献类同,见下面示例);●悬挂缩进;●书目格式按MLA格式排列。



中文文献MLA格式说明_2010一、MLA 格式的一般要求MLA 格式通常要求使用双倍行距,页边距为 1 英寸(约 254 厘米)。

字体一般使用 12 号的 Times New Roman 字体。








三、中文书籍的引用引用一本中文书籍时,格式如下:姓,名《书名》出版地:出版社,出版年份例如:王小明《中国古代文学简史》北京:人民出版社,2010、如果引用的书籍有多个作者,格式为:姓 1,名 1,姓 2,名 2,and 姓 3,名 3、《书名》出版地:出版社,出版年份例如:李华,张华,and 王强《中国现代诗歌研究》上海:上海文艺出版社,2010、四、中文期刊文章的引用引用中文期刊文章时,格式如下:作者“文章标题” 《期刊名》卷号,期号(出版年份):页码例如:张三“论中国传统文化的传承与发展” 《文化研究》 5,2 (2010):25-30、五、中文报纸文章的引用对于中文报纸文章,引用格式为:作者“文章标题” 《报纸名》出版日期,版次例如:李四“城市绿化的新进展” 《光明日报》 2010 年 5 月 10 日,第 3 版六、中文网页的引用引用中文网页时,格式如下:作者“文章标题” 网站名发布日期网页链接例如:王五“中国经济增长的新趋势” 新浪网 2010 年 8 月 15 日七、中文论文集的引用如果引用的是中文论文集中的一篇文章,格式为:作者“文章标题” 见:论文集编者姓名《论文集名称》出版地:出版社,出版年份:页码例如:赵六“中国教育改革的思考” 见:陈七主编《教育发展研究》广州:广东教育出版社,2010:100-105、八、中文翻译作品的引用对于中文翻译作品,格式如下:原作者书名(译者姓名,译)出版地:出版社,出版年份例如:美约翰·史密斯《美国历史》(李明,译)北京:商务印书馆,2010、九、注意事项1、在引用中文文献时,要确保作者姓名、书名、期刊名等的翻译准确无误。



MLA论文引用格式一、参考文献格式1、Works Cited/Bibliography置于全文末尾,需另起一页,续前页页码。


Works Cited和Bibliography二者只选择其一,不能同时在论文中出现。





例如:Descartes, RenéDe Sica, Vittorio如果合著的参考文献中几本书的第一作者是同一个人,而从第二作者开始有不同,则按第二作者的姓来排列先后。

(注意:由于第二作者的名字是英语姓名的正常书写格式,因此要注意不要误用第二作者的名来排列)例如:Scholes, Robert, and Robert Ke lloggScholes, Robert, Carl H. Kl aus, and Michael SilvermanScholes, Robert, and Eric S. R abkin如果作者的姓名是未知的,则用文献名称的标题的首字母进行排序,但是标题中A, An, The这三个词不参与排序。

4、文献格式:4.1 单个作者所著的一本书:作者姓, 名. 书名. 出版地: 出版社, 出版年.(注意:此处的标点是英文格式的标点,英文文献里所有的例子都是使用英文标点,后不做特别说明。

书名需要斜体或者加下划线)如:Freedman, Richard R. What Do Unions Do? New York: Basic, 1984.Townsend, Robert M. The Medieval Village Economy. Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press, 1993.(请注意这两个例子的不同之处:书名后句号不用斜体,但是感叹号、问号则要斜体,如果是下划线,句号不用放在下划线内,问号感叹号需要一起划进下划线)作者姓名需要与出现在所引文献中的一致,若原来是缩写,则不要补全;原来是全名,则不要缩写。



MLA 体例里中文文献中文文献的的英文英文格式格式格式(2010修订版)说明1:MLA 体例里中文文献的英文格式,其参考书目(Works Cited )的整体原则是全部遵循MLA 体例,使用英文或拼音,在某些关键的内容后,插入相对应的中文,插入的中文均放在英文的括号英文的括号英文的括号内。



文内注(In-text Citation )则仍然使用相应的英文或拼音。

本说明依从2009年MLA 第7版规定。



1. 杂志文章2. 报纸文章3. 学术期刊文章4. 书籍5. 新闻(有作者)6. 新闻(无作者)7. 政府网站内容8. 网站文献9. 博客文章1. 杂志文章英文里的基本格式为:例如:来自“中国期刊网”,2009秦姗Complete date, name of edition (if given), section number or title: page(s). 例如:ew York18 Oct. 2009. <http://www.nytimes.是把文章题目和报纸名称翻译成英文,然后在后面MLA。

起“调查”、80亿“救济”:中国外贸压力空前》,刊载于《国际金年王攀起“调查”80亿“救济”: 中国外贸). International Finance ews (国际金融报国外期刊一般明确标明其卷号(V olume No.)、期号(Issue No.),如下例中的“即使不标明Issue No.,总也要标明V olume No.的,如下例中的“20”。

Schools: A Case Study." Educational Review 51.3Jingoism.” Journalism Quarterly20(1943): 205–19. JSTOR但中文里有的则没有标明,只有某年的第几期字样。





引用到多个作者的作品时,应该按照“第一作者姓名+ et al.”的格式表示,其中“et al.”是拉丁语“et alii”(等等)的缩写。

该研究表明(钱大作 et al.,2019年,47页)。











✧基本格式Human beings have been described as “symbol-using animals” (Burke 3).(作者姓页码)作者姓和页码之间有一个空格✧如果文中提到作者名,则在文内引用时不包括作者姓Human beings have been described by Kenneth Burke as “symbol-using animals” (3).✧引用文献为两个或三个作者所著(Smith, Yang, and Moore 76)✧引用文献为三个以上作者所著The authors of Women’s Way of Knowing make a distinction between “separate knowing” and “connected knowing” (Belenky et al. 100).✧两个或两个以上作者姓相同时,加上名字的首字母缩写;如果名字首字母缩写相同,则用全拼。

(H. White 75) (E. White 670) 或 (Emily White 75) (Edward White 21)✧同一作家有多部作品时,文内加上作品的缩写形式,以示区分。

Shaughnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Errors 79).Shaughnessy points out that “teaching is a challenging job” (“Diving In” 68).如果作者名在文中未出现,文内引用时将其姓加上。

Visual studies, because it is such a new discipline, may be “too easy” (Elkins, “Visual Studies” 63).✧引用二手资料时Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as “social service centers, and they don't do that well” (qtd. in Weisman 259).✧引用《圣经》Ezekiel saw “what seemed to be four living creatures,” each with faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10).(圣经的版本,book, chapter and verse)2.参考文献参考文献是作者文中引用过的资料。



中文文献MLA格式说明_2010一、MLA 格式的基本要求1、总体布局MLA 格式的论文通常包括以下几个部分:页眉、标题、正文、引用和参考文献列表。



2、字体和字号一般使用 12 号 Times New Roman 字体,行距为双倍行距。

3、页边距上下左右的页边距通常为 1 英寸(约 254 厘米)。

二、中文文献的引用1、中文书籍(1)一位作者作者姓名书名出版地:出版社,出版年份例如:莫言《蛙》北京:作家出版社,2009、(2)多位作者第一作者姓名,第二作者姓名,等书名出版地:出版社,出版年份例如:曹雪芹,高鹗《红楼梦》北京:人民文学出版社,1982、2、中文期刊文章作者姓名“文章标题” 期刊名,卷号,期号(出版年份):起止页码例如:王晓明“‘五四’以来中国文学的现代性问题” 《文学评论》,第 5 卷,第 3 期(2008):56-65、3、中文报纸文章作者姓名“文章标题” 报纸名,出版日期,版次例如:李华“城市交通拥堵问题亟待解决” 《人民日报》,2010 年5 月 10 日,第 5 版三、中文文献在正文中的引用1、直接引用如果直接引用中文文献中的原话,需要将引用内容用引号括起来,并在引文后注明作者、页码。





2、每行的缩进为半英寸(约 127 厘米)。

五、中文姓名的处理1、中文姓名在MLA 格式中通常按照姓在前、名在后的顺序书写,名字之间用空格隔开。

例如:“李白”应写成“Li Bai”。


例如:“王维”应写成“Wang Wei”。



Basic In-Text Citation Rules
In MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what is known as parenthetical citation. This method involves placing relevant source information in parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.
Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method.
Berkeley: U of California P, 1966. Print.
In-text Citations for Print Sources with No Known Author
overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263). Wordsworth extensively explored
the role of emotion in the creative process (263).
The both citations in the examples above, (263) and (Wordsworth 263), tell readers that the information in the sentence can be located on page 263 of a work by an author named Wordsworth. If readers want more information about this source, they can turn to the Works Cited page, where, under the name of Wordsworth, they would find the following information:



MLA格式说明MLA格式是由美国现代语言协会(the Modern Language Association)提出的,多用在英语语言与文学等人文学科的学术论文写作中,作为规范。

它有三部分构成:文内引用(parenthetical references in the body of the paper)、所引文献列表(a works-cited list)和内容注释(content notes)。


1)典型的正文括号夹住要包括文献作者姓氏和文献页码,比如:¾The colony appealed to many idealists in Europe (Kelley 132).括号中的Kelley是文献作者的姓,132是所引内容在原文献中的页码位置。

2)但如果在正文中已经提及了作者姓名,那么在括号中就将其省略,只保留页码,如:¾Penn’s political motivation is discussed by Joseph J. Kelley in Pennsylvania, The Colonial years, 1681-1776 (44).3)与上述概括(或释义)引用方式不同,如果直接引用原文语句需要注意以下两点:引文和页码必须放在句末标点之前,即:¾As Ross, says, “Penn followed his conscience in all matters” (172).如果引文是四行以上的散文或者三行以上的诗句,括号夹住要放在文末标点后空一格的位置上,即:¾According to Arthur Smith, Willian Penn envisioned a state based on hisreligious principles: Pennsylvania would be a commonwealth in whichall individuals would follow God’s truth and develop according to God’slaw. For Penn, this concept of government was self-evident. It would be amistake to see Pennsylvania as anything but an expression of Penn’sreligious beliefs. (314)4)两至三名作者撰写的文献¾The historian’s main job is to search for clues and solve mysteries (Davidsonand Lytle 6).¾With the advent of behaviourism, psychology began a new phase of inquiry(Cowen, Barbo, and Crum 31-34).5)三名作者以上撰写的文献¾Helping each family reach its goals for healthy child development and overallfamily well-being was the primary approach of Project EAGLE (Bartle et al.35).也可以将所有作者的姓按照原文献中出现的顺序依次列在括号内。

MLA 正文引用+参考文献

MLA 正文引用+参考文献

正文内文献引用的MLA格式要求(1)一件作品或多件作品的引用:●It has been argued that teachers’role is to provide the students with optimal conditionswhich can facilitate learning so that students can achieve similar successful results (Bloom 12-6).●Gagne (38-41) also noticed that adult learners were less affected by external instructionevents.●The advantage of the multiple regression analysis is that it cannot show the complexinterrelations between independent variables (Bryman and Crammer 135-9).●Studies of the good language learner (for example, Naiman et al. 49-52) have tried toidentify the strategies which successful learners use (Ellis 37).●Naiman et al. (49-52) found a similar relationship, although in this case ‘effort’ on the partof the learners was also associated with instrumental motivation (Ellis 512).(注意:MLA 格式不加年代,只加作者姓和页码,没有逗号)(2)同一括号里多件作品的引用:●Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70’s have found that students’learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs,注意:这里的下划线表示作者的两篇不同作品,我们现在统一用斜体代替下划线)●The major finding from the earlier studies (Barley; Clement et al.; Gardner and Lambert;Gliksman; Spolsky) was that learners with an integrative motivation tended to obtain better achievement that those with an instrumental motivation.(注意引用作品的排序)●In The Age of Voltaire, the Durants portray eighteenth century England as a minor force inthe world of music and art (214-48).(注意:文内已出现作者名,括号里就只要加页码)(请认真对照附件2)附件2:参考文献MLA格式要求●按先英文后中文排序;●字号比正文小一号打印;标点统一用半角状态;标点后统一空一格(汉语文献与英语文献类同,见下面示例);●悬挂缩进;●书目格式按MLA格式排列。






夹注可以采用以下几种形式:✓作者姓氏未在引文中出现Medieval Europe was a place both of “raids, pillages, slavery, and extortion” and of “traveling merchants, monetary exchange, towns if not cities, and active markets in gain” (Townsend and Waugh 10-16). (注意:MLA格式不加年代,只加作者姓和页码,没有逗号)Others hold the opposite point of view (e.g., Jakobson 9; Waugh 34)Modern Literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Graff et al.19-35).Modern Literary studies have their origin in classic studies (Clinchy, Graff , Goldberger, and Tarule 15-20).(作者有三个以上,则在第一位作者的姓氏后写上et al.以示其余姓氏的省略,或列上全部姓氏,夹注中的形式应与参考文献中的形式保持一致)✓作者姓氏在引文中出现Graff defines his recent book, Professing Literature, as “a history of academic literary studies in the United States” (10).In The Age of V oltaire, the Durants portray eighteenth century England as a minor force in the world of music and art (214-248).(注意:文内已出现作者名,括号里就只要加页码)✓如在引文中提及整个文献及作者姓氏(不必夹注, 但参考文献中要注明相关出版信息)Slade’s revision of Form and Style incorporates changes made in the 1995 edition of the MLA Handbook.✓集体作者如果组织名称太长,第一次提及时可采用全称后加注缩略The annual report revealed substantial progress in fundraising (American Museum of NaturalHistory 12, hereafter AMNH).以后直接用缩略形式做夹注The report surveys the major problems in fundraising (AMNH 15).✓引用多卷本中的一卷Between the years 1945 and 1972, the political party system in the United States underwent profound changes (Schlesinger, vol. 4).Schlesinger pointed out the profound changes the political party system in the United States underwent between 1945 and 1972 (4: 98-104).✓引用同一作者的两篇以上的文献, 可以分别以文献名的缩略形式注释Shaughnessy points out that “the beginning writer does not know how writers behave” (Errors 79). (注意:书名缩略形式用斜体,文章名缩略形式用正体,实词首字母大写,与参考文献写法保持一致)Teachers applauded Shaughnessy’s assertion that “teaching them [beginning writers] to write well is not only suitable but challenging work for those who would be teachers and scholars in a democracy” (Diving in 68).(注意:书名缩略形式用斜体,文章名缩略形式用正体,实词首字母大写,与参考文献写法保持一致)✓一个夹注中涉及一篇以上文献(即:同一括号里多件作品的引用)Empirical studies on student learning carried out since the 70’s have found that students’ learning outcomes to a great extent depend on their choice of learning approaches (Biggs, Empirical Studies; Learning Strategies).(注意:这里不同的斜、正体表示作者的两篇不同作品,斜体者为书,正体者为文章。



mla格式文内引用MLA格式(Modern Language Association)是一种文学及人文学科的排版和引用方法。





1. 传统的文字引用传统的文字引用是指在原文中找到具体的文字,然后在论文中用引号将这些文字引用出来。

在引用之前,必须先指明出处,通常是作者姓名以及资料出处,如书籍、杂志、网站、文章等,例如:According to John Smith, “the most important aspect of writing is clarity” (Smith 37).2. 标点符号引用标点符号引用是指在原文中找到一段文字,但不引用这段文字,而是用某个标点符号代替,以示引用。


例如:John Smith believes that “the most important aspect of writing is clarity” (37).3. 缩略引用缩略引用是指在原文中找到一段文字,但只引用其中的几个关键词,而不引用整段文字。


例如:John Smith argues that clarity is “most important” (37).总之,MLA格式的文内引用包括传统的文字引用、标点符号引用和缩略引用。





MLA的全称是Modern Language Association,它提供了一套标准化的引用规范,帮助学者、作家和研究人员在其作品中正确引用和格式化来源信息。

本文将详细介绍MLA 引用格式的要求和规范,以及如何在学术写作中正确应用MLA格式。

一、MLA格式的引用要求1. 书籍引用在MLA格式中,书籍的引用需要包括作者、书名、出版信息和出版日期。







2. 文章引用对于杂志、期刊或报纸的文章,MLA格式要求包括作者、文章标题、期刊或报纸名称、出版日期和页码信息。







3. 网络资源引用对于全球信息湾、博客或社交媒体等网络资源,MLA格式要求包括作者(如果有的话)、文章标题、全球信息湾名称、出版日期和URL信息。







二、MLA格式的文本排版要求1. 文章格式MLA格式要求学术论文使用标准的8.5×11英寸纸张,页边距为1英寸,行距为双倍行距。


2. 标题页面MLA格式要求文章包括标题页面,上面应该包括作者的尊称、课程名称、教授的尊称和日期。





在 MLA 格式中,直接引语和间接引语都有特定的格式



例如:Piaget (1950) 指出:“学习的过程是通过与周围环境的不断
互动来建构新知识的”(p. 23)。

Piaget 在 1950 年出版的作品,而引用的具体页面是第 23 页。



这个例子中,作者没有直接引用 Piaget 的原文,而只是根









MLAFormatMLA格式解读MLA 格式指南(文学论文适用)1.文内引用格式(In-Text Citations)文内引用是指在论文中对其它文献内容进行直引用或对文献中的某些观点、内容进行诠释。


(1) 基本引用格式(Basic In-T ext Citation Rules)根据MLA格式的要求,如引用他人作品,应该用“文内/括号内引用法(parenthetical citation)”对其出处进行标注。


例:Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).●当原文作者不明时,要用缩写的文献名来代替作者姓名这一项。


●文内引用项要与你的“Works Cited”页中的条目相对应。

如上述对Burke的引用,在WorksCited中应有如下项:Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method.Berkeley: U of California P, 1966.●如同时进行多项文内引用,用分号将各引用信息分开。

例 has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21).●作者名可以出现在正文句子里,也可放在引语或对引语的诠释之后的括号中;页码只能出现在括号中,而不能出现在正文句子里。

例如:Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263).Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings"(Wordsworth 263).(2) 古典或经典著作引用格式(Author-Page Citation for Classic and Literary Works with Multiple Editions)页码信息是必不可少的,而除此之外的其他引用信息则会对那些和你持有不同版本的古典著作(如,马克思和恩格斯的《共产党宣言》)的学者们有所帮助。

mla 引用段落

mla 引用段落









如:(Smith 38)。


例如:Smith, John. Book Title. Publisher, Year of Publication.。




- 普通书籍:(Smith 23)
- 期刊文章:(Johnson et al. 45)
- 网络资源:(Garcia)
1. 如果引用的是整本书或者文章,则只需要标注作者姓氏和页码;
2. 如果引用的是多个作者的作品,则在第一次引用时要列出所有作者的名字,在之后的引用中只需要标注第一个作者的姓氏即可,如(Smith et al. 23);
3. 如果没有页码,则可以使用段落号或者章节号等代替;
4. 如果引用的是长篇作品(如小说、剧本等),则可以使用缩写形式代替完整的标题。


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MLA格式文内引用说明MLA In-Text Citations: The BasicsSummary: MLA (Modern Language Association) style is most commonly used to write papers and cite sources within the liberal arts and humanities. This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers (7th ed.) and the MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing (3rd ed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers,in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page. Please use the example at the bottom of this page to cite the Purdue OWL in MLA.Contributors:Tony Russell, Allen BrizeeLast Edited: 2010-04-21 07:58:21/owl/resource/747/02/Guidelines for referring to the works of others in your text using MLA style is covered in chapter six of the MLA Handbook and in chapter seven of the MLA Style Manual. Both books provide extensive examples, so it's a good idea to consult them if you want to become even more familiar with MLA guidelines or if you have a particular reference question.Basic In-Text Citation RulesIn MLA style, referring to the works of others in your text is done by using what is known as parenthetical citation. This method involves placing relevant source information in parentheses after a quote or a paraphrase.General Guidelines∙The source information required in a parenthetical citation depends (1.) upon the source medium (e.g. Print, Web, DVD) and (2.) upon the source’s entry on the Works Cited (bibliography) page.∙Any source information that you provide in-text must correspond to the source information on the Works Cited page. More specifically, whatever signal word or phrase you provide to your readers in the text, must be the first thing that appears on the left-hand margin of the corresponding entry in the Works Cited List.In-Text Citations: Author-Page StyleMLA format follows the author-page method of in-text citation. This means that the author's last name and the page number(s) from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken must appear in the text, and a complete reference should appear on your Works Cited page. The author's name may appear either in the sentence itself or in parentheses following thequotation or paraphrase, but the page number(s) should always appear in the parentheses, not in the text of your sentence. For example:Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (263). Romantic poetry is characterized by the "spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" (Wordsworth 263). Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).The both citations in the examples above, (263) and (Wordsworth 263), tell readers that the information in the sentence can be located on page 263 of a work by an author named Wordsworth. If readers want more information about this source, they can turn to the Works Cited page, where, under the name of Wordsworth, they would find the followinginformation:Wordsworth, William. Lyrical Ballads. London: Oxford U.P., 1967. Print.In-text Citations for Print Sources with Known AuthorFor Print sources like books, magazines, scholarly journal articles, and newspapers, providea signal word or phrase (usually the author’s last name) and a page number. If you providethe signal word/phrase in the sentence, you do not need to include it in the parenthetical citation.Human beings have been described by Kenneth Burke as "symbol-using animals" (3).Human beings have been described as "symbol-using animals" (Burke 3).These examples must correspond to an entry that begins with Burke, which will be the first thing that appears on the left-hand margin of an entry in the Works Cited:Burke, Kenneth. Language as Symbolic Action: Essays on Life, Literature, and Method.Berkeley: U of California P, 1966. Print.In-text Citations for Print Sources with No Known AuthorWhen a source has no known author, use a shortened title of the work instead of an author name. Place the title in quotation marks if it's a short work (e.g. articles) or italicize it if it's alonger work (e.g. plays, books, television shows, entire websites) and provide a pagenumber.We see so many global warming hotspots in North America likely because this region has “more readily accessible climatic data and more comprehensiv e programs to monitor and study environmental change . . . ” (“Impact of Global Warming” 6).In this example, since the reader does not know the author of the article, an abbreviated title of the article appears in the parenthetical citation which corresponds to the full name of the article which appears first at the left-hand margin of its respective entry in the Works Cited.Thus, the writer includes the title in quotation marks as the signal phrase in the parenthetical citation in order to lead the reader directly to the source on the Works Cited page. The Works Cited entry appears as follows:“The Impact of Global Warming in North America.” GLOBAL WARMING: Early Signs. 1999.Web. 23 Mar. 2009.We'll learn how to make a Works Cited page in a bit, but right now it's important to know that parenthetical citations and Works Cited pages allow readers to know which sources you consulted in writing your essay, so that they can either verify your interpretation of the sources or use them in their own scholarly work.Author-Page Citation for Classic and Literary Works with Multiple EditionsPage numbers are always required, but additional citation information can help literary scholars, who may have a different edition of a classic work like Marx and Engels's The Communist Manifesto. In such cases, give the page number of your edition (making sure the edition is listed in your Works Cited page, of course) followed by a semicolon, and then the appropriate abbreviations for volume (vol.), book (bk.), part (pt.), chapter (ch.), section (sec.), or paragraph (par.). For example:Marx and Engels described human history as marked by class struggles (79; ch.1).Citing Authors with Same Last NamesSometimes more information is necessary to identify the source from which a quotation is taken. For instance, if two or more authors have the same last name, provide both authors' first initials (or even the authors' full name if different authors share initials) in your citation. For example:Although some medical ethicists claim that cloning will lead to designer children (R. Miller 12), others note that the advantages for medical research outweigh this consideration (A. Miller 46).Citing a Work by Multiple AuthorsFor a source with three or fewer authors, list the authors' last names in the text or in the parenthetical citation:Smith, Yang, and Moore argue that tougher gun control is not needed in the United States (76).The authors state "Tighter gun control in the United States erodes Second Amendment rights" (Smith, Yang, and Moore 76).For a source with more than three authors, use the work's bibliographic information as a guide for your citation. Provide the first author's last name followed by et al. or list all the last names.Jones et al. counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (4). OrLegal experts counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (Jones et al. 4).OrJones, Driscoll, Ackerson, and Bell counter Smith, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws (4).Citing Multiple Works by the Same AuthorIf you cite more than one work by a particular author, include a shortened title for the particular work from which you are quoting to distinguish it from the others.Lightenor has argued that computers are not useful tools for small children ("Too Soon" 38), though he has acknowledged elsewhere that early exposure to computer games does lead to better small motor skill development in a child's second and third year ("Hand-Eye Development" 17).Additionally, if the author's name is not mentioned in the sentence, you would format your citation with the author's name followed by a comma, followed by a shortened title of the work, followed, when appropriate, by page numbers:Visual studies, because it is such a new discipline, may be "too easy" (Elkins, "Visual Studies" 63).Citing Multivolume WorksIf you cite from different volumes of a multivolume work, always include the volume number followed by a colon. Put a space after the colon, then provide the page number(s). (If you only cite from one volume, provide only the page number in parentheses.). . . as Quintilian wrote in Institutio Oratoria (1: 14-17).Citing the BibleIn your first parenthetical citation, you want to make clear which Bible you're using (and underline or italicize the title), as each version varies in its translation, followed by book (do not italicize or underline), chapter and verse. For example:Ezekiel saw "what seemed to be four living creatures," each with faces of a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle (New Jerusalem Bible, Ezek. 1.5-10).If future references employ the same edition of the Bible you’re using, list only the book, chapter, and verse in the parenthetical citation.Citing Indirect SourcesSometimes you may have to use an indirect source. An indirect source is a source cited in another source. For such indirect quotations, use "qtd. in" to indicate the source you actually consulted. For example:Ravitch argues that high schools are pressured to act as "social service centers, and they don't do that well" (qtd. in Weisman 259).Note that, in most cases, a responsible researcher will attempt to find the original source, rather than citing an indirect source.Citing Non-Print or Sources from the InternetWith more and more scholarly work being posted on the Internet, you may have to cite research you have completed in virtual environments. While many sources on the Internet should not be used for scholarly work (reference the OWL's Evaluating Sources of Information resource), some Web sources are perfectly acceptable for research. When creating in-text citations for electronic, film, or Internet sources, remember that your citation must reference the source in your Works Cited.Sometimes writers are confused with how to craft parenthetical citations for electronic sources because of the absence of page numbers, but often, these sorts of entries do not require any sort of parenthetical citation at all. For electronic and Internet sources, follow the following guidelines:∙Include in the text the first item that appears in the Work Cited entry that corresponds to the citation (e.g. author name, article name, website name, film name). ∙You do not need to give paragraph numbers or page numbers based on your Web browser’s print preview function.∙Unless you must list the website name in the signal phrase in order to get the reader to the appropriate entry, do not include URLs in-text. Only provide partial URLs such as when the name of the site includes, for example, a domain name, like or as opposed to writing out or .Miscellaneous Non-Print SourcesWerner Herzog's Fitzcarraldo stars Herzog's long-time film partner, Klaus Kinski.During the shooting of Fitzcarraldo, Herzog and Kinski were often at odds, but their explosive relationship fostered a memorable and influential film.During the presentation, Jane Yates stated that invention and pre-writing are areas of rhetoric that need more attention.In the two examples above “Herzog” from the first entry and “Yates” from the second lead the reader to the first item each citation’s respective entry on the Works Cited page:Herzog, Werner, dir. Fitzcarraldo. Perf. Klaus Kinski. Filmverlag der Autoren, 1982.Film.Yates, Jane. "Invention in Rhetoric and Composition." Gaps Addressed: Future Work in Rhetoric and Composition, CCCC, Palmer House Hilton, 2002. Print.Electronic SourcesOne online film critic stated that Fitzcarraldo is "...a beautiful and terrifying critique of obsession and colonialism" (Garcia, “Herzog: a Life”).The Purdue OWL is accessed by millions of users every year. Its “MLA Formatting and Style Guide” is one of the most popular resources (Stolley et al.).In the first example, the writer has chosen not to include the author name in-text; however, two entries from the same author appear in the Works Cited. Thus, the writer includes both the author’s last name and the article title in the parenthetical citation in order to lead the reader to the appropriate entry on the Works Cited page (see below). In the second example, “Stolley et al.” in the parenthetical citation gives the reader an author name followed by the abbreviation “et al.,” meaning, “and others,” for the article “MLA Formatti ng and StyleGuide.” Both corresponding Works Cited entries are as follows:Garcia, Elizabeth. "Herzog: a Life." Online Film Critics Corner. The Film School of New Hampshire, 2 May 2002. Web. 8 Jan. 2009.Stolley, Karl. "MLA Formatting and Style Guide." The OWL at Purdue. 10 May 2006. Purdue University Writing Lab. 12 May 2006 .Multiple CitationsTo cite multiple sources in the same parenthetical reference, separate the citations by a semi-colon:. . . as has been discussed elsewhere (Burke 3; Dewey 21).When a Citation Is Not NeededCommon sense and ethics should determine your need for documenting sources. You do not need to give sources for familiar proverbs, well-known quotations or common knowledge.Remember, this is a rhetorical choice, based on audience. If you're writing for an expert audience of a scholarly journal, for example, they'll have different expectations of what constitutes common knowledge.。
