
转译为定语—have 谓语句
Have 作谓语的句子中,其宾语常常为了符合表达习惯转译
成汉语的主语,而原句的主语相应的转译成译文中主语的定 语。 Good clocks have pendulums(钟摆) which are automatically compensated for temperature changes. 好钟的钟摆可以自动补偿温度的变化。 Such bearings have the disadvantage of requiring almost perfect geometry of the raceways(滚道) and rollers(滚子). 这种轴承的缺点是滚道和滚子需要近乎完美的几何形状。
转译为宾语-- Passive voice: 主宾互 换
Passive voice: 主宾互换,无主句或泛指人称代词作主语 In producing different materials, different speed should be
used. 在生产不同材料时,应采用不同的速度。 Work must be done in setting a body in motion. 使一个物体运动,就必须做功。 Nuclear energy thermoelectric generators are proposed as power sources for the solar system deep space explorers. 有人建议将核能温差电池用作太阳系远程空间探测器的能源。 Land animals are believed to have developed from sea animals. 人们认为陆地动物是由海洋动物进化而来的。
section2 1-4科技英语阅读与翻译

1 Monograph专著1. The general definition of a monographScientific treatises of book length but otherwise variable format prepared by acknowledged experts onspecialized topics for the benefit of others who have specialized in. or who wish to obtain a specialist'sappreciation of, these topics.2. The value of monographs for scientific researchesThe value of monographs lies in the coherence and comprehensiveness of the information and knowledge theycontain, which is important to the specialized researchers to whom they are directed and, therefore, to theadvancement of science and engineering generally.3. The qualities of the authors of monographsThe authors of monographs should have exceptional breadth and depth of knowledge, and must be able tocollect, collate, analyze, integrate, and synthesize all relevant contributions to the archival literature of thescientific and engineering journals and to add original material as required.4. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsMonographs generally are written by specialists for the benefit of other specialists. Textbooks are pedagogicalworks which, even if written on fairly narrow subjects, are designed to serve broader and more juniorreaderships than specialized research communities.5. The differences between monographs and books of conference proceedingsConference papers commonly take the form of premature announcements of new scientific discoveries.Conference proceedings generally have a short shelf life.6. The main components of a monographThe author, title and subtitle, date of publication, dust cover or blurb, content pages, bibliography and index,illustrations, preface and introduction.7. An indication of the book’s successThe number of editions is an indic ation of the book’s success.8. The function of the blurbIt gives the reader a rapid overview of the contents and approach. It might also say what the book contains andfor whom it is written.2 Academic Journal学术期刊1. The general definition of an academic journalAn academic journal is a peer-reviewed periodical in which scholarship relating to a particular academicdiscipline is published.2. The significance of peer-review processThe peer-review process is considered critical to establishing a reliable body of research and knowledge.3. The definition of review articlesReview articles, also called “reviews of progress”, are checks on the research published in journals.4. One difference between original research articles and review articlesUnlike original research articles, review articles tend to be solicited submissions, sometimes planned years inadvance.5. The places where science journals are authoritatively rankedNatural science journals are categorized and ranked in the Science Citation Index, and social science journalsin the Social Science Citation Index.6. The possible quantitative factors to reflect an academic journal’s prestigeThe number of later articles citing articles already published in the journal, the overall number of citations,how quickly articles are cited, and the average “half-life” of articles.7. The financial resources of humanities and social science academic journalsSubsidies by universities or professional organizations and advertising fees by advertisers.8. The role of internet in the production of, and access to, academic journalsThe Internet has revolutionized the production of, and access to, academic journals, with their contentsavailable online via services subscribed to by academic libraries or even in a way of open access. 33 Organization of a Scientific Paper科技论文的篇章结构1. In most scientific journals, scientific papers include the following sectionsSummary or Abstract, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgments.2. The content of Summary or AbstractIt gives a brief background to the topic, describes concisely the major findings of the paper, and relates thesefindings to the field of study.3. The Introduction section deals with the following two pointsIt describes first the accepted state of knowledge in a specialized field; then it focuses more specifically on aparticular aspect, usually describing a finding or set of findings that led directly to the work described in thepaper.4. The purpose of Materials and MethodsIts purpose is to describe the materials used in the experiments and the methods by which the experimentswere carried out.5. The two ways of organizing ResultsIn some papers, the results are presented without extensive discussion, which is reserved for thefollowingsection. In other papers, results are given, and then they are interpreted, perhaps taken together with otherfindings not in the paper, so as to give the logical basis for later experiments.6. The purposes of the Discussion sectionThe data in the paper are interpreted; the findings of the paper are related to other findings in the field; thisserves to show how the findings contribute to knowledge, or correct the errors of previous work; some of thelogical arguments are often provided when it is necessary to clarify why later experiments were earned out.7. The reason for combining the Results and DiscussionBecause the data need extensive discussion to allow the reader to follow the train of logic developed in thecourse of the research.8. The difference between the abstracts in Science and those in NatureIn Science, the abstract is self-contained; in Nature, the abstract also serves as a brief introduction to the paper.4 Reading a Scientific Paper科技论文的阅读方法1. The order to understand the major points of the work, you should first readThe Abstract.2. Reading the Title and the Abstract serves three purposesFirst, it clarifies whether you in fact know enough background to appreciate the paper. Second, it refreshesyour memory about the topic. Third, it helps you integrate the new information into your previous knowledgeabout the topic.3. When reading in a familiar field, you can skim or even skipThe Introduction.4. The three typical codewordsData not shown, unpublished data, preliminary data.5. The poorly written papers are often related to three types of writersThose who are poor writers; those who do not enjoy writing, and do not take the time or effort to ensure thatthe prose is dear and logical; those who are so familiar with the material that it is difficult to step back and seeit from the point of view of a reader not familiar with the topic.6. The three characteristics of “bad writing”First, the logical connections are often left out. Second, papers are often cluttered with a great deal of jargon.Third, the authors often do not provide a clear roadmap through the paper.7. In better writing, the side issues are dealt with in the following waysThey are relegated to Figure legends or Materials and Methods or clearly identified as side issues, so as not todistract the reader.8. Another problem faced by the readers is that when they seek to understand just the experiment was,they may findThe authors refer back to previous papers; these refer in turn to previous papers m a long chain.。
科技英语写作Unit 2

(2) Be Specific
What titles are specific? In preparing the title of a paper, a general
and abstract title should be avoided. For example, such a title as Computer Retrieval will be regarded as too general and global, vague and empty, telling the reader nothing specific. It would be better to change the title into something like Computer Retrieval on Literature of Physics, or Computer Retrieval on International Conference Information, according to the content of the paper.
General Functions
GAF G – generalizing the text A - Attracting the reader F – Facilitating the retrieval
(1) Generalizing the Text
A title should summarize the central idea
Linguistic Features
2 points:
More nouns, nouns
phrases and gerunds An incomplete sentence

●1.As the mass of a body is constant.the effect of the increase in applied forceis to increase the velocity.●2.The best way to improve urban air may be to curb the use of cars eventhough modern cars are far cleaner than earlier ones.●3.The free electrons usually do not move in a regular way.●4.Far from increasing the reaction rate,high temperatures decrease it.●5.These pumps are featured by their simple operation,easy maintenance anddurable service.●6.Only when a rocket attains a speed of 18,000 odd miles per hour can itput a manmade satellite in orbit.●7.From just the entrance,in the southern part of the bay,up to a secondslack water area,about midway up the bay,tidal currents are ebbing.●8.But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited,and it iseven possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”.the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.●9.The dataset consists of twice daily 500-hPa height analyses from the U.S.National Meteorological Center for the 20 winters 1962/1963 through 1981/1982.●10.The chain reaction must be carefully controlled.This is done byabsorbing excess neutrons in boron control rods.The heat is transferred by circulating carbon dioxide gas.The hot gas is used to produce steam.The whole assembly is called a nuclear reactor.。

第一章概论一、科技英语翻译的标准准确规范,通顺易懂, 简洁明晰。
准确规范Samples 1We shall mention here two temperature scales, namely, the Fahrenheit scale and the Centigrade scale.Oil and gas will continue to be our chief source of fuel.Three of Archimedes’s extant works are devoted to plane geometry.Translate by yourself 1:1.The power plant is the heart of a ship.发电设备是船只的核心。
2.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.驱动这些机器的动力装置是一个50马力的发动机。
3.The largest and most expensive products can not, because of their size, be testable in the factory.这个大型又昂贵的产品由于它的型号问题不能在这间工厂里测试,通顺易懂Samples 2A more common way of joining these metal pieces together is to weld them.Molten salts range from ideally ionic fluids to molecular melts and liquid.These compressors have proved themselves useful in a variety of ways in installations where large volumes of air or other gases are compressed.Translate by yourself 2:1.Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.被称为晶体管的半导体装置正在许多应用中取代电子管。

问题: those on chromosomes表示染色体的减少效应, 而不是染色体上的基因的减少效应。我们要的是 后者的意思。所以要写成those of genes。 Reduction effects是指粒重的减少效应,而不是 genes on chromosomes的减少效应,所以要加 上on grain weight。 改译为: The reduction effects of genes on chromosomes 1B and 2B on grain weight were obviously higher than those of genes on chromosomes 5A, 6B, 2D and 7D.
2 The division frequency of protoplasts was lower in the liquid medium than that embedded in the medium containing agarose. 原生质体在液体培养基中的分裂频率低 于包埋在含有琼脂糖的培养基中的分裂 频率。
2 Owing to these changes of basic equilibrium state, with the result that the basic characters of dynamics will be changed.
问题: 两句是主从关系句。 改译为: The total area under natural protection reaches 19,330, which accounts for 2.1% of the total area of China.

Chapter Two Translation of Words
在翻译过程中,译者常常会遇到英语中有一些单词或词 组中,无法从词典等工具书找到其直接、恰当、准确的 释义。如果硬要牵强附会,照搬词典里的某个释义,那 么译文定会晦涩难懂,不符合汉语语言规范和翻译所要 求的标准。遇到这种情况,译者可以结合上下文,根据 语气、逻辑关系、 搭配习惯及全句的技术含义等方面的 情况,在准确理解原文含义的基础上,按照汉语的表达 习惯,对词义加以引申。 2. 词义的引申 一、技术性引申 二、修辞性引申 三、具体化引申 四、抽象化引申
Chapter Two Translation of Words
2. 词义的引申 一、技术性引申 技术性引申的目的主要是使译文中涉及科学型概念 的词语符合技术性语言规范。如: (1). After the spring has been closed to its solid height, the compressive force is removed. 弹簧被压缩到并紧高度之后,就没有压力了。 (2). The adjustment screw has stops at both sides. 调整螺钉的两端设有定位块。 (3). The probe was on the course for Saturn. 探测器在去往土星的路程上。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 四、根据学科和专业选择词义 在英语中,同一个词在不同的学科领域或不同的专 业中往往具有不同的词义。因此,在选择词义时,应考 虑到阐述内容所涉及的概念属于哪种学科、何种专业。 以英语名词carrier为例: 邮政业:“邮递员” 军事:“航空母舰” 运输业:“搬运工” 化学:“载体” 医药学:“带菌者,媒介物” 车辆制造:“底盘” 无线电:“载波” 机械行业:“托架,传 导管”


实用科技英语翻译 UNIT TWO[10页]
![实用科技英语翻译 UNIT TWO[10页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f197221ffd4ffe4733687e21af45b307e871f9ac.png)
6. 【原文】That reality has been seized upon by some groups and scientists disputing the overall consensus and opposing changes in energy policies.
——唐·贾公彦 把一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来(也指方言与民族共同语、方言与 方言、古代语与现代语之间一种用另一种表达):把代表语言文字的符号或数码用语 言文字表达出来。
——《现代汉语词典》 把已说出或写出的话的意思用另一种语言表达出来的活动。
UNIT TWO Global Warming
Translating is the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).
作为译者,即要娴于双语语言运用,还需要具备广博 的文化知识以及良好的专业知识。就科技翻译来说, 通常科技文章具有“语气正式,陈述客观准确,语言 规范,文体质朴,逻辑性强,专业术语性强”等特点。 这就需要译者具备: 1)高强的英汉语言能力; 2)熟悉英汉文化差异; 3)较好的专业知识背景; 4)熟悉英汉科技文化; 5)严肃认真的态度。

The concept of information management has been around for a decade or two,but as a subject is amorphous ,and seemingly incapable of clear definition。
At the present time there is no organized body of knowledge on which any educational discipline can be based,and this undoubtedly slows down markedly the rate at which the subject can develop。
Information management means different things to different people。
In the USA,it is closely associated with the emerging discipline of information resource management and information resources management。
The latter relates to all the resources required to manage information,as opposed to the former,which is concerned solely the cause of information management by a politically motivated listener to one of my lectures who maintained that what I was actually promoting was "information manipulation"!I a very recent survey commissioned by ASLIB,Dr。

1.1 翻译的标准第1节翻译练习1The power plant is the heart of a ship.The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor.动力装置是船舶的心脏。
第1节翻译练习2Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications.Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely.All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space.半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。
第1节翻译练习3The removal of minerals from water is called softening.A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole.去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。
1.2 对译者的要求第4节翻译练习1Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena.All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water.爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。

Text A更上一层楼——纳米技术用于癌症治疗1 在2004年9月,美国国家癌症研究所宣布了一个重大举措,给这场古老而顽强的战斗注入了新的活力。
2 纳米技术,广义上指在0.1~100纳米(即十亿分之一米)尺度上对装置结构的工程设计技术。
”3 仔细查看在癌症医药领域有这么一条原则:你发现诊治得越早,就更有机会获得良好而持久的效果。
4 在磁共振成像中,磁铁改变了氢质子的自旋,在氢质子回复到初始的自旋状态的过程中,它们发射出无线电信号。

下面是给大家整理的科技英语范文带翻译,供大家参阅!科技英语范文带翻译1As is vividly depicted by the picture above, a traveler happily starts his journey by high-speed railway from Guangzhou to Wuhan. In the year of 2009, Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway went into operation, reducing travelling time from 12 hours to 3 hours, bringing much convenience to the transportation between the two cities①. No wonder the caption in the picture says “with the Wu-Guang high-speed railway, cities far away is just like a place nearby”.Science and technology are the primary productive forces ②and have been playing a key role in the national economy development. On the one hand, progress in science and technology has promoted economic and social progress greatly. Take the high-speed railway as an example. Firstly, the railway becomes a new engine③of booming of regional economic. Secondly, the railway helps to attract a lot oftourists, so that tourism in these cities flourishes. Last but not the least, the load of the existing transportation network can be released to a great extent. On the other hand, with the development of science and technology, such as the operation of high-speed transportation, video phone, webcam meeting, the world has become smaller and smaller.It has long been a tradition for Chinese government to attach great importance to the advances④in science and technology. Science and technology has successfully shaped an entirely new image of China on global stage via the two grand world events, 2008 Olympic Games and 2010 Shanghai World Expo. It is strongly advised that young people should devote themselves into the study of science and technology for “better city, better life”.佳作妙译如上图所示,一位旅客从广州踏上了去往武汉的高速铁路.2009年,武广高铁正式建成通车,将两地之间的行程从12小时缩短到3小时,极大地方便了两地的交通.难怪这幅漫画上写道“有了武广高铁,每个城市都在家门口”.科技是第一生产力,在国民经济发展中扮演着重要角色.一方面,科技的进步促进了经济社会的快速进步.高速铁路就是鲜活的例子.首先这条铁路成为地区经济发展新的引擎.其次铁路吸引了大量游客,这些城市的旅游业随之繁荣起来.再次这条铁路很大程度上缓解了现有线路的运输压力.另一方面,随着科技的发展,高速铁路,视频电话,视频会议等应用会越来越多,世界将变得越来越小.中国政府一直很重视科技的发展,通过2008北京奥运会和2010上海世博两件盛事,科技成功地重塑了中国在世界舞台上的国际形象.因此青少年要怀着“城市,让生活更美好”的信念,积极投身到对科技文化知识的学习上.科技英语范文带翻译2Modern technology makes life more convenient; tools are the milestores of the technology as well as human being’ s progress.Men used to cut trees with hand saw. But now, by using electronic saw they can cut down a tree in only a few minutes. Another example is more vivid: You have something urgent which has to be informed to your friend whose house is two hour’s ride away. You probably want to make a phone call. But no telephone is installed in your friend’ s home. What could you do? Nowadays, with modern technology advanting, using internet is popular with us. Some years ago, people had to get what they wanted through looking into a lot of information; at last people could become tired and spent too much time. Now, if you use Internet, all becomes a piece of cake. Only by clucking, you will gain whatyou expect.We all hope that modern technology will reach a higher level, because modern technology makes life more convenient indeed.[参考译文]现代科技使生活更加便捷现代科技使生活更加便捷;工具是科技进步和人类进步的里程碑.人类过去用手锯锯树,但是现在,用电锯可在几分钟内锯倒一棵树.另外一个例子更加生动形象:如果你有急事通知你的朋友,而他家距你家有2小时的路程,你可能想打个电话.但是你的朋友家又没安电话,你该怎么办?如今,随着现代科技的进步,使用网络已很流行.若干年前,人们不得不查找大量资料来搜集需要的信息,最后人累得疲惫不堪,还浪费了大量时间.现在,如果使用网络,一切就都是小菜一碟了.只要轻敲键盘,就会有求必应.我们都期待着现代科技能达到一个更高的水平,因为现代科技确实使生活变得更便捷.科技英语范文The development of science and technology makes our life more comfortable and convenient. However, scientists have created many problems, which are not easy to be resolved, such as air pollution, the deterioration of environment and the scarcity of natural resources, to which we must some solutions.Modern science and technology render people many advantages. Modern telecommunication shortens the distance between people and makes communication much easier. Internet is widely used now not only for collection of abundant information but also for correspondence. Email, the most effective communication device now, is becoming very popular. Besides, telephone and mobile phone make contact more convenient than before.Modern transportation, such as airplanes and high-speed trains make our journey smooth and fast. With the help of modern transportation, people can go everywhere they prefer to. The journey to outer space and other planets is not a dream any more. Rockets and space shuttles can help us realize the dream of space travel.Modern medicine prolongs peoples life and relieves patients of sufferings from many diseases. Cancer and AIDS are fatal to peoples health. Thanks to the endeavors scientists have made, these diseases become treatable.However, the process of scientific development also arouses many sever problems to our human beings. Internet, though widely used in modern communication, is easy to be destroyed by computer virus. Outer space exploration hasproduced much waste in the space. A tiny metal, a screw, for example can destroy a flying man-made satellite. Industrialization is making natural resources become scarce.Confronted with these problems, scientists are seeking prompt and feasible solutions. The development of science and technology bring about both positive and negative effects to us. We must eliminate the positive effects to the least extent.。
Lesson 2 Chapter 2 Part II科技英语翻译

物理 数学 地质 医学 焦点,焦距,聚光点 real/virtual focus 焦点,中数 震源,震中 病灶,疫源点
物理 化学 光学 机械 数学
动力,电力,功率 Power source/ power network 能,能力 Catalytic(催化) power 倍率,放大率,(透镜的)焦强 telescope of high power 力,动力 brake power 乘方,幂,指数 the fourth power of X
4 转译为副词 Safety in a power plant is of great importance. 安全在电厂是非常重要的。 adj.-adv. These images tend to exaggerate the robot’s similarity to human anatomy and behavior. 这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为 方面的相似之处。 v.-adv.
normal to parallel to (with) peculiar to poor in pregnant with preferable with subject to suitable for (to) worthy of relative to
垂直于 平行于 限于 缺乏 包含,充满 优于,胜过 易于,受……支配 适于,与……适应 值得 和……有关
3 根据词的搭配
low current 低强度电流 low key 低音调键

重点词汇:1. +component f分量;元件;部分,组件alternating component 交变部分arc component 弧变量cell component 细胞成分condenser component 容抗2. transmit 传输,传送,发射,播送Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把一些特有的素质遗传给儿女。
Iron transmits heat. 铁传热。
3.store 储藏,商店,积蓄a store of knowledge 丰富的知识a grocery store 杂货店a general store 百货店chain store (美)联营商店picture signal store 图像信号存储4. voltage 电压,伏特The voltage on the line is 300 volts. 线路电压为300伏特。
5. percentage 百分率,百分比percentage of accuracy 准确度百分数percentage of damage 损失百分率percentage of moisture 含水率A large percentage of the crop has spoiled. 大部分庄家被毁坏。
6. convert 变换,转换,转化That building has been converted into a school.那座楼房改成学校了。
At what rate does the dollar convert into pounds? 美元以什么汇率兑换成英镑?7.substation 变电所auxiliary substation 辅助变电所distributing substation 配电变电站house substation 厂用[专用]变电所primary substation 一次变电所8. clad 敷层,覆盖层,包覆金属,被覆盖的copper clad 包铜的,铜包的,敷铜箔的iron clad铠装的,装甲的,metal clad 包铁的,铠装的an iron clad vessel 装甲舰steel clad 钢片衬9. insulator 绝缘体,绝缘器high-voltage porcelain insulator 高压瓷绝缘子refractory thermal insulator 耐火绝缘体sound insulator隔音材料,隔音器heat insulator 隔热材料,保温材料,热绝缘器10. installation 装置hydroelectric installation 水电站,水力发电装置power installation 电力装置,电力站sanitary installation 卫生装置,卫生设备servicing installation 维修设备11. supplementary 附加的,补充的supplementary story (新闻的)补充消息supplementary reading 辅助阅读(材料)supplementary angle 补角The new students received supplementary instruction. 新生接受补课。

Heroin is not the only addictive drug available today. 海洛因并不是目前可以买到的唯一毒品 可以买到的唯一毒品。 海洛因并不是目前可以买到的唯一毒品。 The nuclear explosive is much more powerful than TNT. 核炸药比梯恩梯(三硝基甲苯)的威力大得多 大得多。 核炸药比梯恩梯(三硝基甲苯)的威力大得多。
1 词类转换法
由于英汉两种语言表达方式的不同, 由于英汉两种语言表达方式的不同,很难用一一 对应的办法解决问题。原文中的有些词需要转换 对应的办法解决问题。原文中的有些词需要转换 词类,才能使译文通顺、自然。 词类,才能使译文通顺、自然。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。(n.→v.) Neutrons act differently from protons. 中子的特性不同于质子。 中子的特性不同于质子。(v.→n.)
旁涉坟史,工缀典词, 母语) 旁涉坟史,工缀典词,不过鲁拙 (母语 母语
(坟史指三坟、五典、三史等书。要博览中国的史籍, 坟史指三坟、五典、三史等书。要博览中国的史籍, 对于用典遣词,才能适切地运用,不至拙于应付) 对于用典遣词,才能适切地运用,不至拙于应付)
要识梵言,乃闲正译,不坠彼学 外语 外语) 要识梵言,乃闲正译,不坠彼学(外语
耽于道术,澹于名利,不欲高炫。 专注 专注) 耽于道术,澹于名利,不欲高炫。(专注
(崇信科学,淡泊名利,一意弘扬学术,决不高傲炫 崇信科学,淡泊名利,一意弘扬学术, 崇信科学 耀。)

Unit 2 Physics1. Directions: Work on your own and fill in the blanks with the main idea.Part 1 (Paras. 1-3): Brief introduction to dark energy Para. 1: Dark energy is an unexplained force which tugs galaxies away from each other.Para. 2: Dark energy is somewhat like anti-gravity.Para. 3: Dark energy is scientists’ hypothetic form of energy to explain the universe’s expansion.Part 2 (Paras. 4-9): The discovery of dark energy: confounding expectationsPara. 4: The discovery of dark energy is a case of science confounding expectations.Para. 5: Experts expected that gravity had slowed down the universe’s rate of expansion.Para. 6: The universe’s rate of expansion was speeding up.Para. 7: The result was beyond experts’ expectations which caused much nervous laughter.Para. 8: The measurements of supernovae provided the evidence that the universe’s rate of ballooning was speeding up.Para. 9: The scientists observed many supernovae at different distances to determine how fast they are speeding away from us.Part 3 (Paras. 10-13): The rate of the expansion of the universe: shocking resultsPara. 10: The rate of the universe’s expansion is accelerating.Para. 11: More researches done by other experts also show the same results.Para. 12: Einstein’s cosmologica l constant has been revived to explain the puzzling findings.Para. 13: The cosmological constant is one of the leading theories to explain the expansion of theuniverse.Part 4 (Paras. 14-17): The difference between dark energy and dark matterPara. 14: The confusion of dark energy and dark matter.Para. 15: Dark matter is an invisible hypothesized form of matter.Para. 16: Dark matter and dark energy seem to make up most of the mass of the universe.Para. 17: The discovery of dark energy stirred up a lot of other issues, such as making some peoplebelieve that there are several universes.2. Directions: Complete the sentences with the words givenin the brackets. Change the form if necessary.1)Skin injury, infection, stress, and certain drugs maytrigger psoriasis. Skin cells move at an accelerated ratefrom the dermis into the epidermis, where they sloughoff, causing inflammation.牛皮癣可能由皮肤外伤、感染、压力和某些药物引起。
科技英语UNIT2 Medicine

contrast agent
Shadow agent,the X-ray contrast agent
a radiopaque(不透射线 )substance introduced into a part of the body to provide a contrasting background for the tissues in an x-ray examination.
What is meant by "contrast"?
targeted contrast agents
Targeted contrast agents are currently the most advanced drugs used to treat cancer, it highlight the part of the cells by combining the contrast agents with the specific molecule which is necessary for the growth of tumour
靶向造影剂是目前最先进的用于治疗癌症的药物,它通过与 癌症发生、肿瘤生长所必需的特定分子靶点的作用来突显有 癌细胞的部位
Holy Grail
Holy Grail
The cup that Jesus drank from at the Last Supper ? Is it a cup to catch the blood of Christ at the crucifixion? Royal blood(the sacred royal bloodline Mary Magdalene gave birth to)?
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在第1章概论中我们介绍了一些基本的理论翻译理 论、翻译的标准和要求,以及科技英语文体的一 些特点和翻译的一般方法。在这一章我们将着重 介绍词的一半翻译方法和技巧。 1. 词义的选择 2. 词义的引申 3. 词类的转换 4. 词的增译 5. 词的省译 6. 词的重复
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 四、根据学科和专业选择词义 在英语中,同一个词在不同的学科领域或不同的专 业中往往具有不同的词义。因此,在选择词义时,应考 虑到阐述内容所涉及的概念属于哪种学科、何种专业。 以英语名词carrier为例: 邮政业:“邮递员” 军事:“航空母舰” 运输业:“搬运工” 化学:“载体” 医药学:“带菌者,媒介物” 车辆制造:“底盘” 无线电:“载波” 机械行业:“托架,传 导管”
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择
一、根据词类选择词义 根据词类来选择词义的方法照顾要是针对一些兼类词,因为这些词在句中 所承担的成分不同,其词性不同,词义也不同。因此要选择正确的词义,首先 要确定该词在句中属于哪一种词类,然后再进一步确定其词义。 (1). The thickness of a tooth measured along the pitch circle is one half the circular pitch. 沿着圆所测得的厚是周节的一半。(measure是及物动词,意为“测量”) (2). The earthquake measured 6.5 on the Richter scale. 这次地震级为6.5里氏震级。(measure是系动词,意为“为”) (3). We must reflect what measures to take in case of any accidental collapse of a bed. 我们必须考虑一下如果床层意外崩塌应采取什么措施。(measure是名词,复 数时意为“措施”)
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 三、根据词的搭配选择词义 We know the person by the company he keeps. 英语的一词多义往往也体现在词与词的搭配上。不同搭配方式,可以产 生不同的词义。 以Idle为例: idle capacity 备用容量 idle coil闲圈 idle current无功电流 idle frequency中心频率 idle motion空转 idle roll传动轧辊 idle wheel(gear)惰轮 idle contact间隔接点 idle space 有害空间 idle stroke 慢行程 再以large为例: large current 强电流 large pressure高电压 large loads重载 large capacity 高容量 large growing生长快的 large-screen receiver宽屏电视接收机 a large amount of electric power大量的电力
Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择 二、根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常 要求译者根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词 义。 (1). Packaged software is developed to serve the specific needs of one user. 软件包的开发只是为某一用户的特定需要服务。 (2). Noises may develop in a worn engine. 磨损了的引擎里可能会产生各种噪声。 (3). Shorts frequently develop when insulation is worn. 绝缘被磨损时往往会发生短路。 (4). Sure enough, 80 percent of the plants developed the disease. 果然,80%的庄稼都染上了这种病。
Hale Waihona Puke Chapter Two Translation of Words
1. 词义的选择
二、根据上下文选择词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往有不同的含义,常常要求译者 根据上下文的联系,以及句型来确定某个词在特定场合下的词义。 (5). Other isolation methods are being developed. 目前正在研究其他隔离方法。 (6). In developing the design, we must consider the feasibility of processing. 在进行设计时,必须考虑加工的可能性。 (7). After the war much of this knowledge was poured into the developing of the computers. 战后,这项知识大量地应用于研制计算机。 (8). They cited cases of identical twins reared in different homes who developed very different characteristics despite identical heredity. 他们列举了一些这样的事例:在不同的家庭抚养的一对双胞胎尽管遗传特性完 全相同,但会显示出完全不同的个性。
Chapter Two Translation of Words
英汉两种语言都有一词多类、一词多义的现象。所谓一 词多类就是指一个词疏于几个不同的词类,具体几个不 同的意义。一词多义是指一个词在同一个词类中,往往 有几个不同的词义。因此,在众多的词义中,选择出一 个最确切的词义是正确理解原文所表达的思想的基本环 节,是翻译成功的基础。 1. 词义的选择 一、根据词类选择词义 二、根据上下文选择词义 三、根据词的搭配选择词义 四、根据学科和专业选择词义