


21世纪伊始 2010年,嘉吉制定了中国2020发展战略,此十 年规划的核心议题即是嘉吉如何更好地与中国共 成长。
城镇化进程、大宗商品需求日益突出、可支配收 入增加以及对食物和蛋白的消费需求增强等因 素,皆推动着中国农业和食品业的迅猛发展。 嘉吉在中国的业务囊括了谷物油籽价值链、动物 营养、动物蛋白、食品配料与应用、特种配料及 营养、金融及风险管理、物流以及商业贸易等。
嘉吉中国承诺 嘉吉在中国的业务发展起源于上个世纪70年代 首个《中美联合公报》发布之时。如今嘉吉的足迹 遍布全国,截止2012年11月,我们在中国大 陆拥有7,000多名员工,52家业务运营点。
中国农业产业升级的先行者和促进者 嘉吉一直致力于将其全球领先的技术和理念带到 中国。我们全方位为中国农业现代化和农村发展 贡献力量,并不断推动产业升级。 农村发展和农民增收的坚定支持者和贡献者 嘉吉在全球化运营的百年经验,使我们得以为 中国正在实施的农民增收和农村发展战略做出 贡献。我们长期聘请专职的农技学家,为农民朋 友提供培训,帮助他们获取最大收益。 食品安全的笃行者和传播者 食品安全,作为嘉吉的灵魂,融于每一个嘉吉人 的血液之中。我们的所有业务,在所有的区域都 采用全球统一的食品安全体系解决方案。 循环经济的创新者和示范者 嘉吉是开发可再生能源的先行者,其下属业务 NatureWorks100%地利用可再生资源,生产具 有商业价值的低碳聚合物。嘉吉的污水处理、 固定废弃物以及废气排放均采用国家环保最高标准。 此外,嘉吉创新地循环使用孵化过程中产生的生 物热能来加热热水。这项循环使用将使嘉吉每年 节约电能55万千瓦时,节约天然气200万立方。
过去9年,嘉吉员工志愿服 务社区时间超过136,000 小时
约 400 万



第15卷第3期中南大学学报(社会科学版)V ol.15No3 2009年6月J. CENT. SOUTH UNIV. (SOCIAL SCIENCE)Jun 2009新兴市场跨国公司的优势与战略黄兆银(武汉大学经济与管理学院,湖北武汉,430072)摘要:聚焦于新兴市场跨国公司(EEMs),文章首先考察了新兴市场跨国公司在世界经济中的迅速崛起,发现其中一些公司已经成为所在产业中处于世界领先地位的公司。


文章的第三部分总结了EEMs 国际化的战略。

文章的结论是,EEMs 以比较优势为起点开始国际化进程,但是,应该努力发展自己的竞争优势。

关键词:企业国际化;新兴市场;跨国公司中图分类号:F276.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3104(2009)03−0385−07一、新兴市场跨国公司的发展新兴市场跨国公司(Emerging-Market Multina- tionals, EEMs)是指总部位于新兴市场,而运营地点超过一个国家的公司。

据《世界是新的:新兴市场崛起与争锋的世纪》一书的作者安东尼· 范· 阿格塔米尔(Antoine van Agtmael)称,新兴市场一词是他发明的,用以代替“第三世界”一词,因为“第三世界“一词给人的印象是停滞不前的,而新兴市场则意味着进步、发展与活力(阿格塔米尔,2007)。







管理者监督机制和利益制衡机制不健全;管理者越权或违反企业内部 规章制度行事;管理者过分热衷于激进的会计政策;管理者过分干预 会计判断;管理者承受过于激进的目标或期望 缺乏对雇员及第三方的约束意识和有效的措施;员工管理、监督机制 不健全;员工不遵循道德操守或违反企业内部规章制度;出现商业间 谍 缺乏必要的意识、程序和方法预防好而应对欺诈; 财务欺诈 合同条款不完善、存在隐患;合同执行不力;因合同侵权导致的纠纷 增多 企业缺乏足够的法律支持来避免重大法律纠纷; 企业缺乏针对重大法律纠纷的应对措施
11 资源分配风险 12 13 业绩激励及约束风 险 预算管理风险
14 敏感性风险 并购合作风 险 品牌策略风 险 经营管理一 体化风险 15 并购合作风险 16 形象及商标管理风 险 17 品牌安全风险 18 运营一体化风险 19 文化整合风险 20 内部沟通风险
信息沟通风 险
信息沟通风 险
21 投资者关系管理风 险 22 会计政策风险 会计估计不当风险 23 信息披露风险
财务报表风 险
24 税务风险 25 抵押担保风险 融资风险 财 务 风 险 26 资产与负债错配风 险 27 资产可获得性风险 28 利率风险 金融市场风 险 29 汇率风险 30 衍生金融工具风险 盈利能力风 险 资产管理风 险 31 盈利能力风险 32 存货管理风险 33 总资产风险 34 现金流风险 流动性风险 35 借贷与收款风险 36 供应商风险 供应链风险 37 成本管理风险 38 物料管理风险 39 市场调研风险 市场营销风 险 40 市场推广风险 41 渠道风险 42 产品销售风险 销售风险 43 顾客满意度风险 44 产品定价风险
缺乏与投资者有效沟通的意识;缺乏与投资者良性互动的有效途径; 缺乏维护投资者利益的意识和有效制度 会计政策缺乏一致性;会计估计激进或保守;会计调整频繁;执行特 殊的会计政策 会计政策披露晦涩难懂导致信息需求者理解出现偏差;对兼并收购等 重大事项披露过于简单;对重大经营失败或资产损失解释有避重就轻 之嫌;财务信息的披露与经营活动相矛盾;财务信息披露与公司对外 宣传的严重不符;财务信息披露与董事会会议记录存在重大差异 税收政策变动以致企业利润守到重大影响;未全面正确领会税收政 策;账面税率明显小于法定税率 违规担保抵押 企业资产与负债在时间和数量上不匹配 缺乏融资渠道;融资渠道违反法律法规;融资成本高;无法及时足量 获得所需风险资金 利率调整频繁;利率变化影响大 汇率不稳定;汇率变动影响大 缺乏运用衍生金融工具规避风险的操作意识和措施;过分使用金融衍 生工具进行投机;违法操作衍生金融工具投机 毛利率低于成本费用率;净资产收益率低于周期贷款利率;销售增长 率低于行业一般水平 缺乏存货管理意识和有效措施;存货周转缓慢;存货跌价准备计提不 足;存货损失大 缺乏资产管理意识和有效措施;总资产生成销售的效率低下;资产损 失大 缺乏现金管理意识和有效措施;现金管理措施执行不力;现金流短 缺;存在大量现金;存在缺乏商业实质的资金流动 缺乏商业信贷评价机制;准备金计提不足或过多;存在过多应收账 款;坏账损失大 缺乏战略联盟供应商;缺乏维护战略联盟关系的意识和措施;缺乏对 供应商信誉评价机制;材料采购未经严格的招投标程序 缺乏全面成本管理;全面成本管理机制执行不力 缺乏物料经济批量管理;物料供给市场不稳定;物料周转缓慢;物料 损失严重;物料浪费严重 市场调研程序和方法不合格;市场调研结果不准确或代表性不强 缺乏推销意识和有效的推销手段;强行或过度推销;广告费用支出超 过企业实际承受能力;推销内容不真实 销售选址不合理;销售渠道不合理;配货渠道不合理 产品滞销;销售集中在某一特定客户;退货增多;市场占有率下降; 赊销所占比重较大;退货占前期销售收入比重偏高 缺乏及时解决消费者关于产品和服务投诉的意识和措施;顾客的满意 度降低 产品定价与顾客预期不符;产品定价缺乏全面成本观;产品市场定位 不科学






}请编写文章1.1 概述部分的内容1.2 文章结构文章结构部分主要介绍了本文的章节安排和内容安排。







}}}}请编写文章1.3 目的部分的内容2.正文2.1 家族企业的定义与特点家族企业是一种由家族成员主导和控制的企业,通常涉及至少一家族成员在企业的经营、管理和所有权中拥有重要的权力和地位。










针对2000 2011年532个样本的面板数据的研究显示,上市公司内部资本市场总体有效,大部分上市公司能够通过内部资本市场持续有效地配置资源,部分上市公司具有出色的“挑选胜者”的能力。












存 在 着很大 程度 的分 离 。这 种 控 制 结 构 , 之新 兴 加
市场对投资者保 护不力 , 往往会导致 大股东 的“ 掏
空行 为 ” 对外部 中小 股 东利 益 的侵 占 ) ( 。已有 文 献 从 公 司治 理 的角度分 析 了新兴 市场 多元 化企业 集 团 与企 业绩 效之 间 的关 系 ( aP r t 1,97,9 8 L ot e a. 19 19 ; a Cases t 1,03 , 究结 论 是 , 元 化 与业 绩 tesn .20 ) 研 ea 多 之 间没有 确定 的因果 关 系 , 元 化企 业 集 团有 时 能 多 给成 员 企业带 来 良好 的 业绩 , 时 也会 损 害股 东 利 有 益; 多元 化 的成本 与 收益 必 须 放 在具 体 经 济 和 制 度
本与收益问题提供 了有益的启示 , 从现有文献看 , 已
有 学者 站在公 司治理 的视角 探讨 中国企业 的多元 化 经 营 问题 , 这些 研究 没有从 家 族大股 东 , 但 尤其 是控
用金字塔股权结构实现对集 团内部众多成员企业 的 控制。在关于金字塔股权结构的几篇代表性文献中
提 高带来的收益 , 企业 集 团成 员公 司 的绩 效 与 多元 化 经 营 负相 关 。
[ 关键词 ] 企业集 团; 股权结构 ; 多元化 经营; 企业绩效
[ 中图分类号 ] 2 1 F7
[ 文献标识码] A
[ 文章 编号] 05—39 (02 0 02 0 [ 10 4 2 2 1 )5— 12— 8 收稿 日期 ] 2 1 0 0 2— 2—1 7
i州荸列 21 0 I 8 0 . 25
家族企业集 团 : 金字塔结构 、 多元化经营 、 企业 绩效



目录第一章获取审计业务约定书 (1)一、获取审计业务约定书 (1)二、内部控制审计业务约定书的内容 (1)三、连续审计 (2)四、审计业务约定条款的变更 (2)五、业务约定书的文档记录 (3)第二章建立审计项目组 (3)一、项目小组成员的要求 (3)二、组建项目小组的考虑 (3)三、管理、指导、并监督项目小组 (4)四、项目小组成员的角色及责任 (5)第三章了解被审计单位及其环境 (6)一、了解被审计单位及其环境的必要性 (6)二、了解被审计单位及其环境的程度 (7)三、了解被审计单位及其环境的主要内容 (7)3.1行业状况、法律环境与监管环境以及其他外部因素 (7)3.1.1行业因素 (8)3.1.2 遵守法律法规的规定 (8)3.1.3 其他外部因素 (8)3.2了解被审计单位的性质 (9)3.3被审计单位对会计政策的选择和运用 (10)3.4被审计单位的目标、战略以及相关经营风险 (10)13.5被审计单位财务业绩的衡量和评价 (11)四、了解IT在企业中的角色 (12)4.1了解IT复杂程度 (12)4.2了解IT对我们审计工作的影响 (13)五、如何了解企业及其环境 (13)5.1检阅相关信息 (13)5.2询问企业管理层及其他人员 (14)5.3观察及检查 (14)5.4信息来源 (14)六、确定重大错报风险 (15)七、工作底稿记录 (15)第四章利用专家的工作 (15)一、确定是否利用专家的工作 (16)1.1确定IT专家的介入程度 (17)1.2确定税务专家的介入程度 (17)1.3确定相关行业专家的介入程度 (18)二、利用管理层专家的工作 (18)2.1评价管理层专家的胜任能力、专业素养和客观性 (18)2.2 了解管理层专家的工作 (19)2.3 评价管理层专家的工作是否足以实现审计目的 (20)三、利用事务所的内部专家的工作 (21)四、利用事务所外部专家的工作 (23)五、记录审计工作 (26)第五章了解企业整体的内部控制 (27)一、企业层面控制的内涵 (27)二、企业层面控制对其他控制及其测试的影响 (28)三、了解和评价企业层面内部控制的主要内容 (29)23.1与控制环境(即内部环境)相关的控制 (30)3.1.1管理层的理念和经营风格 (31)3.1.2诚信和道德价值观念的沟通与落实 (31)3.1.3治理层的参与程度 (32)3.2针对管理层和治理层凌驾于控制之上的风险而设计的控制 (32)3.3被审计单位的风险评估过程 (34)3.4对内部信息传递的控制 (35)3.5对控制有效性的内部监督(即监督其他控制的控制)和内部控制评价 (35)3.5.1管理层是否定期地将会计系统中记录的数额与实物资产进行核对 (36)3.5.2管理层是否为保证内部审计活动的有效性而确立了相应的控制 (36)3.5.3管理层是否建立了相关的控制以保证自我评价或定期的系统评价的有效性 (36)3.5.4管理层是否建立了相关的控制以保证监督性控制能够在一个集中的地点有效进行(如共享服务中心等) (36)3.6集中化的处理和控制(包括共享的服务环境) (36)3.7监督经营成果的控制 (37)四、企业层面控制对其他控制及其测试的影响 (38)五、如何了解企业层面控制 (39)5.1了解企业层面控制的方法 (39)5.2审计证据的考虑和了解企业层面控制的范围 (39)六、识别和评估重大错报风险 (40)七、工作底稿记录 (40)第六章识别舞弊风险并确定应对措施 (40)一、识别舞弊风险的相关要求 (40)二、识别舞弊风险的主要程序及考虑因素 (41)2.1组织项目组讨论 (42)2.2就舞弊风险询问管理层和其他人员 (42)2.2.1询问管理层 (42)2.2.2询问内部审计人员 (43)32.2.3询问内部其他人员 (44)2.2.4询问治理层 (44)2.3考虑舞弊风险因素 (45)2.4考虑异常关系或偏离预期的关系 (45)2.5考虑其他信息 (45)三、识别由于舞弊而导致的重大错报风险 (45)3.1收入确认 (46)四、应对舞弊导致的重大错报风险 (46)4.1总体应对措施 (46)4.2特别措施 (46)五、应对管理层凌驾于控制之上的措施 (47)六、应对与关联方有关的由于舞弊而导致的重大错报风险的措施 (47)七、对审计其他方面的影响 (48)第七章确定重要性水平 (48)一、了解确定整体重要性水平需做的考虑 (48)1.1确定整体重要性水平时财务报表使用者的展望与预期 (49)1.2整体重要性水平的恰当基准 (49)1.2.1是否存在特定会计主体的财务报表使用者特别关注的项目 (49)1.2.2被审计单位的性质、所处的生命周期阶段以及所处行业和经济环境 (49)1.2.3治理层的看法和预期 (49)二、了解确定特定类别的交易、账户余额或披露的重要性水平需做的考虑 (50)三、了解确定实际执行重要性水平(可容忍误差)需做的考虑 (50)四、确定整体重要性水平 (50)4.1定义整体重要性水平时确定应用适当百分比的税前利润 (51)4.1.1上市企业或重要项目 (51)4.1.2非重要项目 (51)4.2当税前利润作为计量基准不恰当时确定应用适当百分比的计量基础 (51)4五、确定特定类别的交易、账户余额或披露的重要性水平 (52)六、确定实际执行的重要性水平 (52)七、在审计过程中修改重要性水平 (53)第八章识别重大账户、重大列报及相关认定 (53)一、识别重大账户、重大列报及其相关认定 (53)1.1重大账户或列报 (53)1.2确定重大账户或列报的金额标准 (53)1.3确定重大账户或列报的性质考虑 (54)1.3.1重大账户或列报的性质确定 (54)1.3.2考虑已识别的固有风险 (54)1.3.3评价财务报表项目及附注的错报风险因素 (54)1.4有关账户的其他考虑因素 (55)二、确定相关认定 (55)2.1利润表科目的重要账户的相关认定 (56)2.2资产负债表重要账户的相关认定 (56)2.3与列报和披露相关的认定 (56)三、更新我们确定的重大账户或列报及相关认定 (57)第九章识别重大业务流程和重大列报流程 (57)一、识别业务流程 (57)1.1常规的业务流程 (58)1.2非常规的业务流程 (58)1.3估计的业务流程 (58)二、确定重大流程 (58)2.1确定重大业务流程 (58)2.2对重大估计业务流程的考虑 (59)2.3重大列报流程 (59)三、识别相关信息系统 (60)5第十章关于集团审计的特殊考虑 (60)一、了解集团及其环境、集团组成部分及其环境 (60)二、了解集团及其组成部分的内部控制 (61)三、集团管控风格的影响 (62)四、确定重要性水平以及可容忍误差 (62)4.1确定集团整体财务报表重要性 (63)4.2确定集团实际执行的重要性(可容忍误差) (63)4.3确定组成部分可容忍误差 (63)五、确定重要组成部分 (64)5.1根据规模确定 (65)5.2根据特定性质或情况确定 (65)5.3不重要组成部分 (65)六、识别重大账户、重大列报及其相关认定 (65)七、组成部分内部控制审计策略 (66)八、设定组成部分审计策略的标准 (66)第十一章了解企业内部控制自我评价过程以及利用他人的工作 (67)一、了解企业内部控制自我评价过程 (67)二、利用他人的工作 (68)2.1对专业胜任能力和客观性的考虑 (68)2.1.1专业胜任能力和客观性对可利用他人工作程度的影响 (68)2.2对利用内部审计人员工作的特殊考虑 (69)2.2.1评价内部审计人员的专业胜任能力 (69)2.2.2评价内部审计人员的客观性 (70)2.3利用内部审计人员的工作成果 (71)2.4确定利用他人工作的范围 (74)2.5测试由他人执行的部分工作 (74)三、工作底稿记录 (75)6第十二章评价企业层面控制测试 (75)一、间接的企业层面控制 (75)二、应对舞弊导致的重大错报风险(包括董事会、管理层凌驾于控制之上的风险)的控制 (76)三、控制环境 (77)四、充当业务层面控制的直接企业层面控制 (77)五、工作底稿记录 (77)第十三章了解重大业务流程和重大列报流程 (78)一、考虑企业层面控制对重大业务流程和重大列报流程的影响 (78)二、识别重大业务流程和重大列报流程的关键流程 (78)2.1信息来源 (80)2.2询问 (80)2.3观察和检查 (80)2.4对服务机构的考虑 (81)三、在重大业务流程和重大列报流程中识别可能出错项 (81)3.1如何识别可能出错项 (82)3.2将可能出错项联系到相关认定 (83)3.3特别风险和可能出错项 (83)3.4 IT方面的可能出错项 (83)四、识别与审计相关的控制活动 (84)4.1相关的控制的种类 (84)4.2如何开始识别相关控制 (84)4.3对识别降低特别风险的控制的特殊考虑 (84)五、对了解不同性质的重大业务流程的具体考虑 (85)5.1重大业务流程的种类 (85)5.2相关控制活动 (86)5.2.1管理层对专家的利用 (87)75.2.3改变会计估计的方法 (87)5.2.4估计的不确定性 (88)六、对了解重大列报流程的特殊考虑 (88)6.1重大会计账户的列报 (88)6.2财务报表决算过程的列报 (88)第十四章执行穿行测试 (89)一、执行穿行测试 (89)1.1穿行测试的程序 (90)1.2与穿行测试过程中进行的询问相关的考虑 (90)1.3对穿行测试的结果得出结论 (91)1.4对控制有效性的初步评价 (91)二、穿行测试的特殊考虑 (92)2.1会计估计的流程 (92)2.2关于降低重大错报风险的控制的穿行测试的考虑 (92)2.3在执行穿行测试时利用他人工作 (93)2.4针对自动化程序里的数据和交易信息 (93)第十五章选择、测试内部控制 (93)一、选择拟测试的控制的基本要求 (94)二、选择拟测试的控制的考虑因素 (94)2.1选择适当的控制测试 (94)2.1.1控制的目标和分类 (95)预防性控制和检查性控制 (95)手工控制和自动执行的控制 (95)2.2确认已选测试的控制与审计相关 (97)2.3评估已选测试的控制是否充分敏感 (97)三、与控制相关的风险 (99)四、控制测试的程序的性质 (100)84.2观察 (100)4.3检查 (100)4.4重新执行 (101)五、控制测试的时间安排 (102)5.1期中测试的两种方法 (102)5.2是否测试被取代的控制 (103)5.3期中测试和前推程序 (103)5.4针对信息技术一般控制(ITGCs)和应用控制的前推程序 (104)5.5集团内部控制审计中实施前推程序的考虑 (104)六、控制测试的范围 (105)6.1影响测试范围的因素 (105)6.2抽样方法的一般考虑 (105)6.3样本参考量 (106)6.3.1测试人工控制的最小样本规模 (106)6.3.2测试应用控制的最小样本规模 (107)6.4追加控制测试 (107)七、执行内部控制测试 (108)7.1执行控制测试的一般考虑 (108)7.2审计证据质量的额外考虑 (108)八、评价控制偏差 (108)8.1确认控制偏差 (108)8.2确定控制偏差的属性 (109)8.3确定审计应对措施 (110)九、工作底稿记录 (110)第十六章了解和评价财务报告流程(FSCP) (111)一、了解和评价财务报告流程过程 (111)1.1财务报告流程了解程度 (111)91.2对财务报告流程进行了解的起点 (112)1.3了解和评价财务报告流程的程序 (113)1.3.1了解财务报告流程的子过程 (113)编制试算平衡表并进行任何必要的合并 (113)生成、授权和记录记账分录 (113)编制财务报表及相关列报 (113)1.4识别可能出错项 (114)1.5识别和了解财务报告流程中的控制活动 (114)1.6初步评价控制的有效性 (115)第十七章了解、穿行测试、测试和评估IT一般控制 (115)一、信息系统审计范围界定 (116)二、信息系统环境中的控制测试 (116)2.1信息系统审计策略的确定 (116)2.2信息系统一般控制测试 (117)2.3系统应用控制测试 (119)三、控制测试底稿 (120)附件一信息系统环境复杂度判断指引 (120)附件二信息系统环境控制测试底稿 (122)第十八章评价内部控制缺陷 (123)一、控制缺陷的分类 (123)二、内部控制缺陷评价时的一般考虑 (124)2.1衡量缺陷严重性的标准 (124)2.2充分考虑缺陷组合 (124)2.3补偿性控制 (124)2.4考虑企业内部控制自我评价的结果 (124)三、财务报告内部控制缺陷评价标准 (124)3.1定量标准 (125)3.2定性标准 (125)10四、非财务报告内部控制缺陷评价标准 (126)五、内部控制缺陷评价程序 (127)六、内部控制缺陷评价的特殊考虑 (130)6.1对信息系统一般控制的考虑 (130)6.2对企业层面控制缺陷评价的考虑 (131)6.3与其他缺陷一同进行评价 (131)6.4内部控制缺陷评价的其他关注领域 (132)七、内部控制缺陷整改 (132)八、工作底稿记录 (132)第十九章完成审计工作 (133)一、项目组内部讨论 (133)二、取得管理层的书面声明 (134)三、与企业沟通控制缺陷 (135)四、形成审计意见 (136)第二十章出具审计报告 (137)一、出具标准内部控制审计报告 (137)二、出具非标准内部控制审计报告 (138)2.1带强调事项段的无保留意见内部控制审计报告 (138)2.2否定意见内部控制审计报告 (139)2.3无法表示意见内部控制审计报告 (139)三、非财务报告内部控制存在重大限制 (140)四、对期后事项的考虑 (140)五、内部控制审计报告与财务报表审计报告的衔接 (141)11第一章获取审计业务约定书在内部控制审计业务开始前,我们应先确定我们已遵循了风险管理委员会拟订的《业务承接制度--客户关系和具体业务的接受与保持操作规程》,评估客户承接/保持程序的结论以确定其对我们审计风险评估及审计策略的影响,确定客户承接/保持决定是适当的。



政治关联英文文献索引1.T he stock market implication of political connections: evidence from firms' dividend policy 政治关系的证券市场含义:来自公司股利政策的证据(Cao et al.2012)2.C orporate ownership, corporate governance reform and timeliness of earnings: Malaysian evidence公司所有权、公司治理改革与盈余及时性:马来西亚的证据3.P olitical connections, bank deposits, and formal deposit insurance: Evidence from an emerging economy政治关系、银行存款与正式的存款保险:来自新兴经济体的证据(June 18, 2013)4.P olitical connections and investment efficiency: Evidence from Chinese listed private firms 政治关系与投资效率:来自中国民营上市公司的证据(August 27, 2013)5.T he Political Determinants of the Cost of Equity: Evidence from Newly Privatized Firms权益资本成本的政治因素:来自刚刚私有化公司的证据(August 2008)6.C ronyism and Capital Controls: Evidence from Malaysia任人唯亲与资本管制:来自马来西亚的证据7.Capital Structure and Political Patronage: Evidence from China资本结构与政治庇护:来自中国的证据8.P olitical Connection and Government Patronage:Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Firms政治关联与政府赞助:来自中国制造业企业的证据9.P olitical Connections and Firm V alue: Evidence from the Regression Discontinuity Design of Close Gubernatorial Elections政治关联与公司价值:来自临近州长竞选的不连续回归设计的证据10.How does state ownership affect tax avoidance? Evidence from China国家所有权如何影响避税?来自中国的证据11.Do Strong Corporate Governance Firms Still Require Political Connection? And Vice V ersa公司治理强的企业仍然需要政治关系吗?反之亦然12.Political Connections and Preferential Access to Finance: The Role of Campaign Contributions政治关联与优先获得融资:竞选捐款的作用13.Political Connections and the Cost of Equity Capital政治关联与权益资本成本(Boubakri et al. January 2012)14.The Impact of Political Connections on Firms' Operation Performance and Financing Decisions政治关联对公司经营业绩及融资决策的影响(Boubakri et al. November 29, 2011)15.Political Connections and the Cost of Bank Loans政治关系与银行贷款成本(Houston et al. February 15, 2012)16.Politicians and the IPO Decision: The impact of impending political promotions on IPO activity in China政治家与IPO决策:即将来临的政治晋升对中国IPO活动的影响17.Accounting Conservatism and Bankruptcy Risk会计稳健性与破产风险(Biddle et al. October 7, 2013)18.Accounting Conservatism and its Effects on Financial Reporting Quality:A Review of the Literature会计稳健性及其对影响财务报告质量:文献综述(September 9, 2011)19.Conservatism, Disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital稳健性、披露与权益资本成本(Artiach et al. January 2012)20.Does Access to Finance Lower Firms’ Cost of Capital? Empirical Evidence from International Manufacturing Data获得融资降低了企业的资本成本吗?来自国际制造业数据的实证证据21.Political connections, founding family ownership and leverage decision of privately owned firms政治关联、创始家族所有权与私有企业杠杆决策22.The Impact of Political Connectedness on Firm V alue and Corporate Policies: Evidence from Citizens United政治关系对公司价值及公司政策的影响:来自美国公民的证据23.The Quality of Accounting Information in Politically Connected Firms政治关联企业的会计信息质量24.The political economy of corporate governance, cost of equity, and earnings quality: evidence from newly privatized firms公司治理的政治经济、权益资本成本与盈余质量:来自刚刚私有化公司的证据25.Do Political Connections Help Firms Gain Access to Bank Credit in Vietnam政治关系帮助越南企业获得银行信贷吗?26.Firm performance effects of nurturing political connections through campaign contributions通过竞选捐款培育政治关系的公司绩效效应27.The Chrysler Effect: The Impact of the Chrysler Bailout on Borrowing Cost克莱斯勒效应:克莱斯勒救助对借贷成本的影响28.Politically connected firms in Poland and their access to bank financing波兰的政治关联企业及他们获得银行融资29.Political Connections and Corporate Bailouts政治关系与企业救助30.The characteristics of politically connected firms政治关联企业的特征31.Rent Seeking Incentives, Political Connections and Organizational Structure: Empirical Evidence from Listed Family Firms in China寻租动机、政治关系与组织结构:来自中国上市家族企业的经验证据32.The V alue of Connections In Turbulent Times: Evidence from the United States在动荡的时代关系价值:来自美国的证据33.Malaysian Capital Controls: Macroeconomics and Institutions马来西亚的资本控制:宏观经济和制度34.Rent Seeking and Corporate Finance: Evidence from Corruption Cases寻租与公司融资:腐败案件的证据35.Political Motivation, Over-investment and Firm Performance政治动机、过度投资与公司绩效36.Political connections and earnings quality: evidence from malaysia政治关系与盈余质量——来自马来西亚的证据37.Political Connections and Minority-Shareholder Protection: Evidence from Securities-Market Regulation in China政治关系与少数股东保护:来自中国证券市场监管的经验证据38.Accounting Conservatism, Corporate Governance and Political Influence: Evidence from Malaysia会计稳健性、公司治理与政治影响:来自马来西亚的证据39.Internationalization and Capital Structure: Evidence from Malaysian Manufacturing Firm国际化和资本结构:来自马来西亚制造企业的证据40.Firm size and corporate financial leverage choice in a developing economy Evidence from Nigeria企业规模和企业财务杠杆的选择:来自尼日利亚发展中经济的证据41.Ownership and the V alue of Political Connections: Evidence from China所有权和政治关系的价值:来自中国的证据42.Ownership Types, CEO and Chairman Political Connections, and Long-run Post-IPO Performance: Evidence from China所有权类型、CEO和董事长的政治联系与IPO后长期绩效:来自中国的证据43.Theoretical Investigation on Determinants of Government-Linked Companies Capital Structure关于政府联系公司资本结构的影响因素的理论研究44.Auditor Choice in Privatized Firms: Empirical Evidence on the Role of State and Foreign Owners私有化企业的审计师选择:来自国家和外国所有者作用的经验证据45.The Political Economy of Residual State Ownership in Privatized Firms: Evidence from Emerging Markets私有化企业中剩余政府所有权的政治经济:从新兴市场的证据46.Political Connections and the Process of Going Public: Evidence from China政治关系和上市的过程:来自中国的证据47.Public policy, political connections,and effective tax rates: Longitudinal evidence from Malaysia公共政策、政治关系与有效税率:来自马来西亚的纵向证据48.Why do countries adopt International Financial Reporting Standards为什么各国采用国际财务报告准则49.Political Relationships, Global Financing and Corporate Transparency政治关系、全球融资与公司透明度50.Politically Connected CEOs and Corporate Outcomes: Evidence from France政治关系的首席执行官和公司的结果:来自法国的证据51.Corporate Lobbying, Political Connections, and the Bailout of Banks公司游说、政治关系与银行救助52.Corruption, Political Connections, and Municipal Finance腐败、政治关系与城市金融53.Political connections, corporate governance and preferential bank loans政治联系、公司治理与优惠的银行贷款54.Politically connected firms: an international event study政治关系的企业:一个国际事件研究55.Politicians at work:The private returns and social costs of political connections政客们在工作:私人收益与政治关系的社会成本56.Political Connection, Financing Frictions, and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Chinese Listed Family Firms政治联系、融资摩擦与企业投资——来自中国上市家族企业的证据57.The Role Political Connections Play in Access to Finance:Evidence from Cross-Listing 政治关系在获得融资中发挥的作用:来自交叉上市的证据58.Auditor Choice in Politically Connected Firms政治关联公司的审计师选择59.Financial liberalization, financing constraints and political connection: evidence from Chinese firms金融自由化、融资约束与政治联系:来自中国上市公司的经验证据60.Effects of Financial Liberalization and Political Connection on Listed Chinese Firms' Financing Constraints金融自由化与政治关系对中国上市公司融资约束的影响61.Auditor Tenure, Non-Audit Services and Earnings Conservatism: Evidence from Malaysia审计任期,非审计服务与盈余稳健性——来自马来西亚的证据62.Political Connections of Newly Privatized Firms新私有化企业的政治关系63.Social network, entertainment expenditures and bank lending decisions: Evidence from China’s nonSOE firms社会网络、娱乐支出和银行贷款决策:来自中国非国有企业的证据64.Bank connection, corruption and collateral in China银行联系、腐败和担保:来自中国的证据65.Red Capitalists: Political Connections and Firm Performance in China红色资本家:政治关系与中国公司的业绩66.Political connections, bank deposits, and formal deposit insurance: Evidence from an emerging economy政治关系、银行存款与正式存款保险:来自新兴经济体的证据67.Executive’s former banking experience, entertainment expenditures and bank lending decisions: Evidence from China’s non-SOE firms执行官以前的银行业经验、娱乐支出与银行信贷决策:来自中国的非国有企业的证据68.The effect of political connections on the level and value of cash holdings: International evidence政治关联对现金持有水平及其价值的影响:国际证据69.The Effect of Political Influence and Corporate Transparency on Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence From Indonesian Listed Companies政治影响力与企业透明度对企业绩效的影响:来自印尼股票上市公司的经验证据70.Going Public Process and Political Connections: Evidence from an Emerging Market上市过程与政治联系:来自新兴市场的证据71.Do IPOs Reduce Firms’ Cost of Bank Loans? Evidence from ChinaIPO降低企业的银行贷款成本?来自中国的证据72.Public governance and corporate finance: Evidence from corruption cases公共治理与公司融资:腐败案件的证据73.Dividends, ownership structure and board governance on firm value: empirical evidence from malaysian listed firms股利、股权结构和董事会治理与公司价值:来自马来西亚上市公司的经验证据74.Management Quality and the Cost of Debt: Does Management Matter to Lenders管理质量和债务成本:管理对贷款人重要吗75.Do Educational Ties with Politicians Increase Agency Problems教育与政客联结增加代理问题吗76.Red Capitalists: Political Connections and the Growth and survival of Start-up Companies in China红色资本家:政治关系、成长和中国创业企业的生存77.The Impact of Legal and Political Institutions on Equity Trading Costs: A Cross-Country Analysis法律和政治制度对股票交易成本的影响:一个跨国家分析78.Expropriation of minority shareholders in politically connected firms政治关系企业中侵占小股东利益79.The Political Economy of Residual State Ownership in Privatized Firms: Evidence from Emerging Markets私有化企业中剩余政府所有权的政治经济:来自新兴市场的证据80.Does Financial Globalization Discipline Politically Connected Firms金融全球化约束政治关联的企业吗81.Audit fees in malaysia: does corporate governance matter马来西亚的审计费用:公司治理重要吗82.The Costs of Political Influence: Firm-Level Evidence from Developing Countries政治影响的成本:来自发展中国家的企业层面的证据83.Corporate social responsibility disclosure and its relation on institutional ownership企业社会责任披露及其与机构所有权的关系84.Political Connections and the Process of Going Public: Evidence from China政治关系和上市过程:来自中国的证据85.The Economic Benefits of Political Connections in Late Victorian Britain英国维多利亚时代后期政治关系的经济效益86.Corporate Cash Holdings, Board Structure, and Ownership Concentration: Evidence from Singapore企业现金持有量、董事会结构与股权集中度:来自新加坡的证据Political Uncertainty and Corporate Investment Cycles政治的不确定性与企业投资周期The Chinese Corporate Savings Puzzle: A Firm-Level Cross-Country Perspective中国公司储蓄的困惑:一个企业层面跨国家的视角Chinese firms’ political connection, ownership, and financing constraints中国企业的政治联系,、所有权与融资约束Political Relations and Overseas Stock Exchange Listing: Evidence from Chinese StateownedEnterprises政治关系和海外证券交易所上市:来自中国国有企业的证据Determinants and Effects of Corporate Lobbying企业游说的影响因素及影响Tunneling or Propping: Evidence from Connected Transactions in China隧道还是支持:来自中国关联交易的证据Sheltering Corporate Assets from Political Extraction保护公司资产从政治的提取Bank Power and Cash Holdings: Evidence from Japan银行权利与现金持有:来自日本的证据OLIGARCHIC FAMIL Y CONTROL, SOCIAL ECONOMIC OUTCOMES, AND THE QUALITY OF GOVERNMENT寡头的家族控制、社会的经济成果与政府质量Government Ownership and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the EU政府所有权与公司治理:来自欧盟的证据The Political Economy of Financial Systems金融体系的政治经济Escaping Political Extraction: Political Participation, Institutions, and Cash Holdings in China逃避政治的提取:政治参与、制度与中国的现金持有The value of local political connections in a low-corruption environment地方政治关系在低的腐败环境中的价值Retained State Shareholding in Chinese PLCs: Does Government Ownership Reduce Corporate Value中国上市公司保留的国有股:政府所有权降低企业价值吗Ownership Structure, Institutional Development, and Political Extraction: Evidence from China所有权结构、制度发展与政治提取:来自中国的证据How Do Agency Costs Affect Firm Value? Evidence from China代理成本如何影响公司价值吗?来自中国的证据Corporate Lobbying and Financial Performance公司游说与财务绩效Rights Issues in China as Evidence for the Existence of Two Types of Agency Problems中国人权问题作为两类代理问题存在的证据Auditor Choice in Politically Connected Firms政治关联公司的审计师选择(Journal of Accounting Research,V ol. 52 No. 1 March 2014)Transparency in Politically Connected Firms: Evidence from Private Sector Firms in China政治关联公司的透明度:来自中国私营公司的证据Capital Structure and Political Patronage: Evidence from China资本结构与政治赞助:来自中国的证据Competitive Pressure and Corporate Policies竞争压力与公司政策Political Capital and Moral Hazard1政治资本与道德风险The Effects of Government Quality on Corporate Cash Holdings政府质量对企业现金持有量的影响Corruption in Developing Countries腐败在发展中国家Large investors, capital expenditures, and firm value: Evidence from the Chinese stock market大投资者、资本支出与企业价值:来自中国证券市场的经验证据Firm Investment & Credit Constraints in India, 1997 – 2006: A stochastic frontier approach印度公司的投资与信贷约束,1997–2006:随机前沿方法State Ownership, Soft-Budget Constraint and Cash Holdings:Evidence from China’s Privatized Firms政府所有权、软预算约束与现金持有:来自中国私有化企业的证据Why Do Firms Hold Less Cash为什么公司持有更少的现金Directors’ Political Conn ections and Compliance with Board of Directors Regulations: The Case of S&P/Tsx 300 Companies董事会的政治关系和董事会遵守:标准普尔/ TSX 300公司为例Political Connection and Firm Value政治联系与企业价值The Impact of Political Connectedness on Firm Value and Corporate Policies: Evidence from Citizens United政治关系对公司价值和公司政策的影响:来自美国公民的证据The Impact of Political Connectedness on Cash Holdings: Evidence from Citizens United政治关系对现金持有的影响:来自美国公民的证据Political power and blood-related firm performance政治权力与有血缘关系的公司绩效Politically-Connecte d Boards and the Structure of Chief Executive Officer Compensation Packages in Taiwanese Firms政治关联董事会和台湾公司CEO薪酬结构Government Ownership and Agency Problems in Equity Offerings in China政府所有权与中国股票发行的代理问题Political Uncertainty and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the U.S. Presidential Election Cycle 政治不确定性与会计稳健性:来自美国总统选举周期的证据Effect of political uncertainty and corporate investment cycles in Nepal政治不确定性对尼泊尔企业投资周期的影响CEOs’ Connectedness, Social Capital, and Corporate InvestmentCEO关联、社会资本与企业投资Sovereign Wealth Funds and Politically Connected Firms主权财富基金与政治关联企业Political reforms and family-related firm performance政治改革与家族企业绩效Family connections in a low-corruption environment: Evidence from revised municipality borders在一个较低的腐败环境中家族联系:来自修订市边界的证据Does Political Uncertainty Affect Capital Structure Choices政治不确定性影响资本结构的选择吗Corporate Political Connections and Tax Aggressiveness企业政治关系与税收激进性Executive Compensation vis-à-vis Firm Performance: Identifying Future Research Agenda经理薪酬相对于公司绩效:识别未来的研究议程,Does Organizational-level Affiliation of Internal Audit Influence Corporate Risk-Taking? -Evidences from Chinese Listed Companies内部审计风险水平影响企业组织的联系吗?——来自中国股票上市公司的证据Principal-Principal Conflicts under Weak Institutions: A Study of Corporate Takeovers in China较弱制度下的委托代理冲突:中国公司并购的研究Earnings Management Practices Between Government Linked and Chinese Family Linked Companies 政府关联公司与中国家族关联企业之间的盈余管理实践Managerial Agency Costs of Socialistic Internal Capital Markets: Empirical Evidence from China社会主义内部资本市场的经理人代理成本:来自中国的经验证据Firm Size, Sovereign Governance, and Value Creation公司规模、主权治理与价值创造Bank firm relationship and firm performance under a state-owned bank system: evidence from China银企关系与企业国有银行制度下的绩效:来自中国的证据Excess control rights and corporate acquisitions超额控制权与公司并购Bank loan and the agency costs of debt in indonesia; free cash flows and managerial perks perspective 银行贷款和印度尼西亚债务的代理成本:自由现金流与管理津贴的视角CEO Compensation and Political ConnectednessCEO薪酬与政治关联Enterprises, Political Connections and Public Procurement at a Time of Landmark企业、政治关系与公共采购:一次具有里程碑意义的The Political Determinants of the Cost of Equity: Evidence from Newly Privatized Firms股权成本的政治因素:来自刚刚私有化的公司的证据Managerial Attributes and Executive Compensation管理者特征与高管薪酬An Empirical Investigation into the Political Economy of the Firm in a Globalizing World Economy: How Domestic Political Connections Affect Cross-listing Choices实证研究在全球化的世界经济的坚定的政治经济:国内政治关系如何影响交叉上市的选择Capital Markets and Capital Allocation:Implications for Economies of Transition资本市场与资本配置:经济转型的影响Responding to Financial Crisis: The Rise of State Ownership and Implications for Firm Performance应对金融危机:国家所有权上升对企业绩效的影响Influential ownership and capital structure有影响力的所有权与资本结构The Strategic Role Firms’ Political Connections Play in Access to Finance: Coercion of Domestic Banks or Implicit Property Rights Protections企业政治关系在获得融资中的战略作用:国内银行或隐含产权保护的强制手段Corporate Bailouts: the Role of Costly External Finance and Operating Performance企业救助:昂贵的外部融资的作用与经营绩效Do Political Connections Matter? Empirical Evidence from Listed Firms in Pakistan政治联系重要吗?来自巴基斯坦上市公司的经验证据Tycoons Turned Leaders: Market Valuation of Political Connections富豪转身领导:政治联系的市场价值Political Contributions and CEO Pay政治捐款和首席执行官工资Valuing Changes in Political Networks: Evidence from Campaign Contributions to Close Congressional 重视政治网络的变化:从运动的贡献接近国会的证据Corruption in state asset sales – Evidence from China国有资产销售中的腐败–来自中国的证据Investor Protection and Interest Group Politics投资者保护与利益集团政治Privatization, Large Shareholders’ In centive to Expropriate, and Firm Performance私有化、大股东掠夺激励与公司绩效Advances in Measuring Corruption in the Field腐败测量领域的进展Macroeconomic Conditions and the Puzzles of Credit Spreads and Capital Structure宏观经济条件、信用利差的困惑与资本结构Family Ownership and the Cost of Under Diversification家族所有权与多元化的成本Political Geography and Corporate Political Strategy政治地理学与企业政治策略Evidence on the existence and impact of corruption in state asset sales in China中国国有资产出售中腐败现象的存在及影响的证据Stock versus cash dividends: signaling or catering股票与现金股利:信号或宴会The impact of corruption on state asset sales – Evidence from China腐败对国有资产出售的影响-来自中国的证据Executive Compensation and CEO Equity Incentives in China’s Listed Firms高管薪酬与中国上市公司首席执行官的股权激励Political Constraints, Organizational Forms, and Privatization Performance:Evidence from China政治约束、组织形式与民营化绩效:来自中国的证据State Ownership, Political Institutions, and Stock Price Informativeness: Evidence from Privatization政府所有权、政治制度与股价信息含量:来自私有化的证据Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: A Survey新兴市场的公司治理:文献综述Politically Connected Boards and Top Executive Pay In Chinese Listed Firms1.Political connection and leverage: Some Malaysian evidence2.Do political connections affect the role of independent audit committees and CEO Duality? Someevidence from Malaysian audit pricing3.Board, audit committee and restatement-induced class action lawsuits4.The Political Determinants of the Cost of Equity: Evidence from Newly Privatized Firms5.The impact of political connections on firms’ operating performance and financing decisionsernment Connections and Financial Constraints:Evidence from a Large Representative Sampleof Chinese Firms7.Listing approach, political favours and earnings quality: Evidence from Chinese family firms8.Political connections and tax-induced earnings management: evidence from China9.Ownership Concentration, State Ownership, and Effective Tax Rates: Evidence from China's ListedContext: European Evidence10.Impact of financial reporting quality on the implied cost of equity capital: Evidence from theMalaysian listed firms公允价值会计准则在新兴市场实施的挑战:来自中国采用国际财务报告准则的证据制度环境、政治关系与融资约束——来自中国民营企业的证据(March 1, 2012)政治关联、终极控制人性质与权益资本成本政治关联、盈余质量与权益资本成本政治联系、市场化进程与权益资本成本——来自中国民营上市公司的经验证据政府干预、政治关联与权益资本成本民营企业的政治关联能降低权益资本成本吗。



报表分析企业中国蒙牛股份有限公司(02319)分组情况组长:周媛组员:李璐孙颖王烨作业分工周媛:公司简介、比率分析法、比较分析法李璐:行业周期分析、趋势分析法、杜邦分析法、前景展望与结论孙颖:会计调整、前景展望、排版王烨:宏观分析、波特五力分析目录目录1.背景介绍 (3)1.1公司概况 (3)1.1. 1蒙牛的崛起 (3)1.1.2业务回顾 (3)1.1.3品牌及市场 (4)1.1.4产品简介 (5)1.2 三聚氰胺事件 (7)1.3 特仑苏添加OMP事件 (8)2.战略分析 (9)2.1宏观环境分析 (9)2.1.1.政治方面 (9)2.1.2经济方面 (9)2.1.3.技术方面 (10)2.1.4.社会和文化方面 (10)2.2行业分析 (11)2.2.1行业竞争环境分析 (11)2.2.2波特五力分析 (13)2.3蒙牛集团生命周期分析 (16)2.3.1导入期 (16)2.3.2成长期 (17)2.3.2成熟期 (17)2.3.4结论 (18)3.会计调整 (19)3.1会计政策与会计估计 (19)3.1.1财务报告的编制基准 (19)3.1.2国际会计准则及财务报告准则变更和修订的影响 (19)3.1.3企业重大会计政策 (19)3.1.4.企业重大会计判断与估计 (21)3.2.报表中反应的危险信号 (22)3.2.1应收票据异常 (22)3.2.2毛利率下滑 (23)3.2.3长期应收款异常 (23)3.2.4应收账款及其他应收款拨备异常 (23)4.财务分析 (24)4.1.趋势分析法 (24)4.1.1 重要财务指标的比较 (24)4.1.2会计报表的比较 (24)4.2 比率分析法 (25)4.2.1偿债能力指标分析 (25)蒙牛集团财务报表分析2 4.2.2营运能力指标分析 (27)4.2.3盈利能力指标分析 (29)4.3 财务综合分析 (30)4.3.1 比较分析法 (30)4.3.2 杜邦分析法 (45)5.前景预测 (46)5.1乳品行业的发展前景 (46)5.1.1乳制品行业发展存在的问题 (46)5.1.2乳品行业的发展总体趋势 (46)5.1.3乳品行业发展势下潜藏的机会 (47)5.1.4乳品行业发展趋势下面临的挑战 (48)5.2蒙牛集团未来发展的前景展望 (49)5.2.1奶源建设 (49)5.2.2产品组合 (49)5.2.3品牌形象 (49)5.2.3国际战略 (50)6.结论与投资建议 (51)6.1基于对蒙牛公司品牌效应的分析 (51)6.2基于对同业比较的指标分析 (52)6.3基于对蒙牛公司核心竞争力的分析 (52)6.4基于中粮参股的投资前景分析 (53)6.5基于三聚氰胺、OMP 事件的投资前景分析 (53)1.背景介绍本文主要从投资者的角度出发,对蒙牛公司的财务报表进行了分析,分析的出发点在于:08年三聚氰胺事件和09年特仑苏OMP事件对于蒙牛公司财务的负面影响是否已经消除,从而对投资者的投资决策提供依据。




2010 企业会计准则

2010 企业会计准则

企业会计准则——基本准则 (1)第一章总则 (1)第二章会计信息质量要求 (1)第三章资产 (2)第四章负债 (2)第五章所有者权益 (2)第六章收入 (3)第七章费用 (3)第八章利润 (3)第九章会计计量 (3)第十章财务会计报告 (4)第十一章附则 (4)企业会计准则第1号——存货 (5)第一章总则 (5)第二章确认 (5)第三章计量 (5)第四章披露 (6)《企业会计准则第1 号——存货》应用指南 (7)企业会计准则第2号——长期股权投资 (9)第一章总则 (9)第二章初始计量 (9)第三章后续计量 (9)《企业会计准则第2 号——长期股权投资》应用指南 (11)企业会计准则第3号——投资性房地产 (14)第一章总则 (14)第二章确认和初始计量 (14)第三章后续计量 (14)第四章转换 (15)第五章处置 (15)第六章披露 (15)《企业会计准则第3 号——投资性房地产》应用指南 (16)企业会计准则第4号——固定资产 (18)第一章总则 (18)第二章确认 (18)第三章初始计量 (18)第四章后续计量 (19)第五章处置 (19)第六章披露 (20)《企业会计准则第4 号——固定资产》应用指南 (20)企业会计准则第5号——生物资产 (22)第一章总则 (22)第二章确认和初始计量 (22)第三章后续计量 (23)第五章披露 (24)《企业会计准则第5 号——生物资产》应用指南 (25)企业会计准则第6 号——无形资产 (27)第一章总则 (27)第二章确认 (27)第三章初始计量 (28)第四章后续计量 (28)第五章处置和报废 (29)第六章披露 (29)《企业会计准则第6 号——无形资产》应用指南 (29)企业会计准则第7 号——非货币性资产交换 (32)第一章总则 (32)第二章确认和计量 (32)第三章披露 (33)《企业会计准则第7 号——非货币性资产交换》应用指南 (33)企业会计准则第8 号——资产减值 (36)第一章总则 (36)第二章可能发生减值资产的认定 (36)第三章资产可收回金额的计量 (37)第四章资产减值损失的确定 (38)第五章资产组的认定及减值处理 (38)第六章商誉减值的处理 (39)第七章披露 (40)《企业会计准则第8 号——资产减值》应用指南 (41)企业会计准则第9 号——职工薪酬 (44)第一章总则 (44)第二章确认和计量 (44)第三章披露 (45)《企业会计准则第9 号——职工薪酬》应用指南 (45)企业会计准则第10 号——企业年金基金 (48)第一章总则 (48)第二章确认和计量 (48)第三章列报 (49)《企业会计准则第10 号——企业年金基金》应用指南 (53)企业会计准则第11号——股份支付 (56)第一章总则 (56)第二章以权益结算的股份支付 (56)第三章以现金结算的股份支付 (57)第四章披露 (57)《企业会计准则第11 号——股份支付》应用指南 (57)企业会计准则第12号——债务重组 (60)第一章总则 (60)第二章债务人的会计处理 (60)第四章披露 (61)《企业会计准则第12 号——债务重组》应用指南 (62)企业会计准则第13号——或有事项 (64)第一章总则 (64)第二章确认和计量 (64)第三章披露 (65)《企业会计准则第13 号——或有事项》应用指南 (65)企业会计准则第14号——收入 (68)第一章总则 (68)第二章销售商品收入 (68)第三章提供劳务收入 (69)第四章让渡资产使用权收入 (69)第五章披露 (70)《企业会计准则第14 号——收入》应用指南 (70)企业会计准则第15号——建造合同 (73)第一章总则 (73)第二章合同的分立与合并 (73)第三章合同收入 (73)第四章合同成本 (74)第五章合同收入与合同费用的确认 (74)第六章披露 (75)企业会计准则第16号——政府补助 (76)第一章总则 (76)第二章确认和计量 (76)第三章披露 (76)《企业会计准则第16 号——政府补助》应用指南 (77)企业会计准则第17号——借款费用 (80)第一章总则 (80)第二章确认和计量 (80)第三章披露 (81)《企业会计准则第17 号——借款费用》应用指南 (81)企业会计准则第18号——所得税 (84)第一章总则 (84)第二章计税基础 (84)第三章暂时性差异 (84)第四章确认 (84)第五章计量 (85)第六章列报 (86)《企业会计准则第18 号——所得税》应用指南 (86)企业会计准则第19号——外币折算 (89)第一章总则 (89)第二章记账本位币的确定 (89)第三章外币交易的会计处理 (90)第五章披露 (90)《企业会计准则第19 号——外币折算》应用指南 (91)企业会计准则第20号——企业合并 (93)第一章总则 (93)第二章同一控制下的企业合并 (93)第三章非同一控制下的企业合并 (94)第四章披露 (95)《企业会计准则第20 号——企业合并》应用指南 (96)企业会计准则第21号——租赁 (100)第一章总则 (100)第二章租赁的分类 (100)第三章融资租赁中承租人的会计处理 (101)第四章融资租赁中出租人的会计处理 (101)第五章经营租赁中承租人的会计处理 (102)第六章经营租赁中出租人的会计处理 (102)第七章售后租回交易 (102)第八章列报 (103)《企业会计准则第21 号——租赁》应用指南 (103)企业会计准则第22号——金融工具确认和计量 (106)第一章总则 (106)第二章金融资产和金融负债的分类 (107)第三章嵌入衍生工具 (109)第四章金融工具确认 (109)第五章金融工具计量 (110)第六章金融资产减值 (111)第七章公允价值确定 (113)第八章金融资产、金融负债和权益工具定义 (114)《企业会计准则第22号——金融工具确认和计量》应用指南 (115)企业会计准则第23号——金融资产转移 (119)第一章总则 (119)第二章金融资产转移的确认 (119)第三章金融资产转移的计量 (120)《企业会计准则第23号——金融资产转移》应用指南 (122)企业会计准则第24号——套期保值 (125)第一章总则 (125)第二章套期工具和被套期项目 (125)第三章套期确认和计量 (126)《企业会计准则第24号——套期保值》应用指南 (129)企业会计准则第25号——原保险合同 (131)第一章总则 (131)第二章原保险合同的确定 (131)第三章原保险合同收入 (132)第四章原保险合同准备金 (132)第五章原保险合同成本 (133)第六章列报 (133)企业会计准则第26号——再保险合同 (135)第一章总则 (135)第二章分出业务的会计处理 (135)第三章分入业务的会计处理 (136)第四章列报 (136)企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采 (138)第一章总则 (138)第二章矿区权益的会计处理 (138)第三章油气勘探的会计处理 (139)第四章油气开发的会计处理 (140)第五章油气生产的会计处理 (140)第六章披露 (141)《企业会计准则第27号——石油天然气开采》应用指南 (141)企业会计准则第28号——会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正 (143)第一章总则 (143)第二章会计政策 (143)第三章会计估计变更 (144)第四章前期差错更正 (144)第五章披露 (144)《企业会计准则第28号—会计政策、会计估计变更和差错更正》应用指南 (145)企业会计准则第29号——资产负债表日后事项 (146)第一章总则 (146)第二章资产负债表日后调整事项 (146)第三章资产负债表日后非调整事项 (146)第四章披露 (147)企业会计准则第30号——财务报表列报 (148)第一章总则 (148)第二章基本要求 (148)第三章资产负债表 (149)第四章利润表 (150)第五章所有者权益变动表 (150)第六章附注 (150)《企业会计准则第30号——财务报表列报》应用指南 (151)企业会计准则第31 号——现金流量表 (193)第一章总则 (193)第二章基本要求 (193)第三章经营活动现金流量 (193)第四章投资活动现金流量 (194)第五章筹资活动现金流量 (194)第六章披露 (194)《企业会计准则第31号——现金流量表》应用指南 (195)企业会计准则第32 号——中期财务报告 (202)第一章总则 (202)第二章中期财务报告的内容 (202)第三章确认和计量 (203)企业会计准则第33 号——合并财务报表 (205)第一章总则 (205)第二章合并范围 (205)第三章合并程序 (205)第一节合并资产负债表 (206)第二节合并利润表 (206)第三节合并现金流量表 (207)第四节合并所有者权益变动表 (207)第四章披露 (207)《企业会计准则第33号——合并财务报表》应用指南 (208)企业会计准则第34 号——每股收益 (217)第一章总则 (217)第二章基本每股收益 (217)第三章稀释每股收益 (217)第四章列报 (218)《企业会计准则第34号——每股收益》应用指南 (218)企业会计准则第35 号——分部报告 (220)第一章总则 (220)第二章报告分部的确定 (220)第三章分部信息的披露 (221)《企业会计准则第35号——分部报告》应用指南 (222)企业会计准则第36 号——关联方披露 (224)第一章总则 (224)第二章关联方 (224)第三章关联方交易 (225)第四章披露 (225)企业会计准则第37号——金融工具列报 (226)第一章总则 (226)第二章金融工具列示 (226)第三章金融工具披露 (227)《企业会计准则第37号——金融工具列报》应用指南 (232)企业会计准则第38 号——首次执行企业会计准则 (234)第一章总则 (234)第二章确认和计量 (234)第三章列报 (235)《企业会计准则第38号——首次执行企业会计准则》应用指南 (236)附录 (240)企业会计准则——基本准则第一章总则第一条为了规范企业会计确认、计量和报告行为,保证会计信息质量,根据《中华人民共和国会计法》和其他有关法律、行政法规,制定本准则。















云南财经大学会计学院 杨耕砚ຫໍສະໝຸດ 云南财经大学会计学院 杨耕砚
(1)中期会计要素的确认和计量原则应当与年度财务报告相一致 中期财务报告中各会计要素的确认和计量原则应当与年度财务报 告所采用的原则相一致。即企业在中期根据所发生交易或者事项, 对资产、负债、所有者权益(股东权益)、收入、费用和利润等 会计要素进行确认和计量时,应当符合相应会计要素定义和确认、 计量标准,不能因为财务报告期间的缩短(相对会计年度而言) 而改变。 ( 2 )中期会计计量应当以年初至本中期末为基础 中期会计计量应当以年初至本中期末为基础,财务报告的频率不 应当影响年度结果的计量。即无论企业中期财务报告的频率是月 度、季度还是半年度,企业中期财务报告计量的结果最终应当与 年度财务报告的会计计量结果相一致: ( 3 ) 中期采用的会计政策应当与年度财务报告相一致,会计政 策、会计估计变更应当符合规定。
云南财经大学会计学院 杨耕砚
中期财务报告至少应当包括资产负债表、利润表、现金流量 表和附注。 资产负债表、利润表、现金流量表和附注是中期财务报告至 少应当编制的法定内容,对其他财务报表或者相关信息,如 所有者权益(或股东权益)变动表等,企业可以根据需要自 行决定。 中期资产负债表、利润表和现金流量表应当是完整报表,其 格式和内容应当与上年度财务报表相一致。但如果当年新施 行的会计准则对财务报表的格式和内容作了修改的,中期财 务报表应当按照修改后的报表格式和内容编制,与此同时, 在中期财务报告中提供的上年度比较财务报表的格式和内容 也应当作相应调整。 基本每股收益和稀释每股收益应当在中期利润表中单独列示。
云南财经大学会计学院 杨耕砚


管 ,避免 因此 而可能产生的各种上市公司欺骗公众投
但高额 的上市维护成本 、经 常性 且繁琐 的信息披露往
往是 “ 不堪其 忧 ” ,交 易成本很 高 ,再 融资 的难度很 大 。也有许多企业在上市之初对 于管理严 格的发达国 家资本市场存在侥幸 心理 ,或者说 把国内资本市场上
市公 司的 “ 毛病 ”带 到了这里 ,结果就 出现了所谓 坏
来 ,“ 世界上没有免费 的午餐 ” ,事 实证 明 ,海外股权 融资 的成本很高 。要知道 ,中国的人均 收入要 比发达
市场经济国家差 1倍 左右 ,法律和运营环境也和管理 0 严格的发达市场经济 国家差别非常大 。要求公 司治理
T E R T A O I N 经 济 观 察 H O E I L RZ C H O
制 ,才从根本上保护 了广大 投资人 的利益 ,维护 了一
个高效率 的金融市场格局。 从这次被披露 的一些海外上市 公司的财务和管理 问题来看 ,“ 欺诈 门”多数都 和公 司治理不完善有关 。 在美 国,过去一年内 ,至少 2 家在美 国上市 的中国公 0
全 、外部 监 管薄 弱 、信 息 披露 随意 性强 等问题 。看
机构看来 ,大量 中资企业在 审计或管理 上存在 问题 , 比如独 立董事任职时间偏长 ,所有权力集 中在少数人
“ 融合 与冲突”的确值得关注。特别是 ,有必要 以此为
契机 ,见贤思齐 ,重新审视和反思 中国资本市场 的问 题 ,以期待其未来更好 的发展 。

是作为新兴市场 国家经济体 ,我 国上市公 司的
这是 “ 信息不对称 ” 。不打算遵守承诺 的人 ,总会作 出
比遵 守诺 言的人更 强烈 的诺 言 ,这是一 种逆 向选择 。



浙江大学2017年管理学院优秀大学生暑期夏令营通知浙江大学管理学院国际直博生项目(International PhD)旨在培养与国际接轨的管理学科高端研究型人才,学制5年,采用国际化课程体系,提供丰富的海外学习和学术交流机会,并给予资助和奖励。















6 5
以通过侵 害小股东谋取私利 , 这种 利益也 被称 为控制
了比较分析 , 发现 流通 股 比例 越 高 的 公 司发 生 财 务
权收益 。控股股 东可能采取多种手段 掠夺 小股东 , 如 通过上市公 司担保 而取得贷款 、 股权 稀释 、 关联交 易 、 窃取公司 的投 资机 会等 等。 当控股 股东 通 过金 字 塔 结构和交叉持股方式分 离现金 流量权 与控制权 , 以及
结果表 明, 一股 独 大并非没有 益 处 , 国有股 减持 和股权 分 置 的解 决必须 建立在 保护 投 资者利 益 的基
础 上 , 则 将 不 利 于公 司 治理 的 优 化 。 否
关键词 :股 权 结构 ; 会计操 纵 ; 司治理 ; 资 者保 护 公 投 中 图分 类号 :2 44 F 3 . 文献标识 码 : A 文 章编号 :00—25 (0 6 0 10 14 2 0 )4—0 6 04—0 7
来 自中国上 市公 司 的经 验 证据
胡 凯
( 西安 交通 大 学 。 西 西 安 70 6 ) 陕 10 1
摘 要 :在 中国特殊 的经济 背景下 , 股权 结构 、 会计 操 纵 与投 资 者保 护之 间有 着 重要 的 关 系。
本 文对 中国上 市公 司 20 0 4年横截 面数 据 的 经验研 究表 明 , 投 资者 保 护缺 乏的 条件 下 , 股 股 东 在 控 持股 比例 与会计 操 纵的概 率 负相 关 , 控股 股 东的 身份 则 与会 计操 纵 的 概 率相 关关 系不显 著 。研 究
上市公 司会 计信息 质 量( 涛 , 赵 郑祖 玄 。02 。本 文 20 )
认为 , 键在 于要 了解 中 国上 市公 司现行 股 权 结构 关



















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The Association between Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Decisions for Family Firms in an Emerging MarketChan-Jane LinDepartment and Graduate Institute of AccountingNational Taiwan UniversityTaipei, 106 Taiwancjlin@.twTawei Wang†School of AccountancyShidler College of BusinessUniversity of Hawaii at ManoaHonolulu, HI 96822twwang@Chao-Jung PanDepartment and Graduate Institute of AccountingNational Taiwan UniversityTaipei, 106 Taiwand9*******@.tw†Corresponding authorInvestment Decisions for Family Firms in an Emerging MarketAbstractThis paper investigates the relation between financial reporting quality and investment inefficiency for family firms in an emerging market. Building on prior literature regarding family firms’ financial reporting quality and investment behavior, we hypothesize that family firms are more likely to under-invest and financial reporting quality can help alleviate such behavior. Using a sample of listed firms in Taiwan from 1996 to 2009, we show that, comparing to non-family firms, financial reporting quality can reduce family firms’ inefficient investment behavior, especially for under-investment. In addition, for family firms, when the deviation of control from ownership and uncertainty are high, such effect is more pronounced.Keywords: investment inefficiency; financial reporting quality; family firmJEL Classifications: M41, G31, D81Investment Decisions for Family Firms in an Emerging Market1. IntroductionPrior literature has documented large shareholders’ impact on a firm’s investment decisions. For example, Fama and Jensen (1985) state that large, undiversified shareholders may invest based on their own risk preferences. Differently, Edmans (2009) shows that blockholders can reduce managerial incentives to pursue myopic investment decisions. Our study also focuses on investment decisions but on a particular class of large shareholders, family owners. Family controlled firms are prevalent in the world, especially in Europe and in Asia (Faccio and Lang, 2002; Anderson and Reeb, 2003), and have contributed a significant portion to the world’s GDP (Fan et al., 2011). Family firms’ investment decisions, different from non-family firms, are shaped by the commitment of the family (Carlock, 2010). In addition, as family owners’ interests are linked tightly to the firm’s performance, family owners need to make sure not to endanger the existing family business and the long-term survival of the firm when making investment decisions (e.g., Carlock, 2010; Klein and Ward, 2012). The above mentioned factors raise the concern of investment inefficiency of family firms. Investment inefficiency is defined as a firm gives up investment projects that can otherwise increase its value or invest in projects that do not increase its value (e.g., Biddle et al., 2009).A number of recent studies have investigated the relation between financial reporting quality and investing decisions (e.g. Bushman et al., 2006; McNichols and Stubben, 2008; Li and Tang, 2008; Biddle et al., 2009; Kedia and Philippon, 2009). These studies claim that, different from other governance mechanisms, financial reporting quality has important economic implications for investment decisions by reducing the agency conflicts betweenmanagers and external capital suppliers.1 However, the association between financial reporting quality and investment inefficiency is not ex ante clear in the context of family firms in the emerging market because of the following reasons and as detailed in Section 2. First, based on prior literature, it is inconclusive whether family firms have better financial reporting quality or invest more efficiently, comparing to non-family firms (Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Wang, 2006; Ali et al., 2007; Chen et al., 2008; Anderson et al., 2009; Anderson et al., 2010). Second, prior studies on family firms’ investment behavior are mainly based on U.S. and European sample firms. The family firms in the U.S. and Europe may behave differently comparing to those in emerging markets (Fan et al., 2011) especially when emerging markets are characterized with lower relevance of accounting information, possibly worse financial reporting quality but fewer information sources other than financial reports (Ali and Hwang, 2000; Ball et al., 2000; Chen et al., 2011).Based on the above discussion, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of financial reporting quality on investment decisions for family versus non-family firms in an emerging market. In particular, as family firms in the emerging market are more likely to under-invest (see detailed discussion in Section 2), we focus on whether financial reporting quality can reduce under-investment behavior more for family firms, comparing to non-family firms. We further examine how the characteristics of family firms, namely, deviation of control from ownership and uncertainty, would affect such association as these two can worsen the agency conflicts between the controlling owner and minority shareholders. To address our research questions, we use the listed firms in Taiwan between 1996 and 2009 as our sample. The Taiwanese firms are selected for our analyses because (1) Taiwan is an emerging market, and (2) approximately two-thirds of the listed firms in Taiwan 1 For example, Biddle et al. (2009) provide mixed evidence on whether alternative governance mechanisms such as institutional ownership and analyst coverage improve investment inefficiency. However, the association between financial reporting quality and investment remains negative and significant after controlling for these corporate governance variables.are family firms and the ownership concentration is higher than that of Asian average (Chen and Ho, 2009). Our results suggest that in general, financial reporting quality can enhance investment efficiency. However, comparing to non-family firms, financial reporting quality can improve under-investment more for family firms. Furthermore, under the case of high deviation of control from ownership and high uncertainty, again, financial reporting quality can reduce under-investment more for family firms, comparing to non-family firms.This study contributes to the literature in the following ways. First, our findings contribute to the emerging literature on the relation between financial reporting quality and investment decisions in the context of family firms in an emerging market. In particular, prior studies, such as Biddle et al. (2009), investigate the association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions in the context of diversified ownership and developed market. In a similar context, Verdi (2006) shows that, financial reporting quality is more strongly associated with over-investment for firms with large cash balances and dispersed ownership. However, he finds mixed evidence for the effect on under-investment for firms facing financing constraints. He also shows that the relation is stronger for firms with low analyst following and high bid-ask spread. Our paper highlights the unique characteristics of family firms, comparing to non-family firms. Different from Verdi (2006), our results do not show significant relation between financial reporting quality and investment (both under- and over-investment) for non-family firms (the firms with diversified ownership as in Verdi, 2006). Instead, our findings suggest that financial reporting quality mitigates under-investment only for family firms. Our findings also demonstrate that though financial reporting quality in the emerging market is generally worse comparing to that in developed market, it can still reduce under-investment especially for family firms. Second, our study contributes to the literature in family firms by examining the impact of a monitoring mechanism, financial reporting quality, on investment decisions. Prior studiesfocus more on investigating the consequence of family control such as corporate governance, financial reporting quality and investment or financing strategies (e.g., Ali et al., 2007; Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Chen and Ho, 2009; Wang, 2006; Wei and Zhang, 2008; Yeh et al., 2001; Morck and Yeung, 2003). Our paper investigates not only the implication of family control on the association between financial reporting quality and investment efficiency but also how this implication would change with the deviation of control from ownership and uncertainty.The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we elaborate on our research background and develop hypotheses. The research methodology is discussed in Section 3. In Section 4, we present the empirical results and robustness tests. We conclude in Section 5.2. Research Background and Hypothesis DevelopmentFinancial reporting information can help investors assess the amount, timing, and uncertainty regarding a firm’s cash flows. It can also facilitate the efficiency of capital allocation such as a firm’s investment decisions (Levine, 1997). From this perspective, higher financial reporting quality can alleviate a firm’s investment inefficiency by mitigating information asymmetries between managers and investors (e.g., Leuz and Verrecchia, 2000; Verrecchia, 2001; Bushman and Smith, 2001; Biddle and Hilary, 2006; Biddle et al., 2009; Verdi, 2006; Chen et al., 2011). The reduced information asymmetry could lower the costs of raising funds and/or the costs of monitoring that lead to a more efficient investment level (Verdi, 2006). For example, Biddle and Hilary (2006) document that higher accounting quality reduces investment-cash flow sensitivity (a proxy for investment inefficiency). This effect is stronger in economies where the stock market is the dominant source of capital. Verdi (2006) shows that financial reporting quality is more strongly associated with over-investment for firms with large cash balances or dispersed ownership but finds mixedevidence for the relation between financial reporting quality and under-investment for firms facing financing constraints. Biddle et al. (2009) demonstrate that financial reporting quality is negatively associated with both under-investment and over-investment.We examine the role played by financial reporting quality on a firm’s investment decisions in the setting of family firms in an emerging market. This setting is important and can provide additional insights to our understanding of the association between financial reporting quality and investment efficiency for the following reasons. First, family-controlled firms are prevalent in eleven of the thirteen continental European countries (Faccio and Lang, 2002), account for one-third of the S&P 500 firms (Anderson and Reeb, 2003) and more than two-thirds of the firms in East Asia (Claessens et al., 2002). In addition, the market capitalization of family firms is about 50% and 27% of nominal GDP in South and North Asia, respectively (Fan et al., 2011). Given the importance of a firm’s investment decisions on its operations and family-controlled ownership in the world economy, the critical role played by family firms’ investment decisions and investment efficiency is evident.Second, financial reporting quality is different between family and non-family firms, but the direction is unclear based on theoretical arguments or empirical evidence. Theoretically, the entrenchment hypothesis states that firms with a centralized ownership are more likely to derive personal interests at the expense of minority shareholders, which may lead to less transparent financial reports. On the other hand, the interest-alignment hypothesis argues that controlling family owners reduce owner-manager conflicts by effectively monitoring professional executives (Anderson and Reeb, 2003), which may also result in less transparent financial reports because shareholders do not need to monitor management. It is also possible that family firms would have better disclosure and transparency due to the better monitoring function. Empirically, the results are also inconclusive with regard to theassociation between family firms and financial reporting quality. Ali et al. (2007) and Wang (2006) find that family firms in the S&P 500 Index have better financial reporting quality. However, Chen et al. (2008) and Anderson et al. (2009) use different samples from S&P 500 firms and show that family firms are less transparent. Evidence using the sample from Asian family firms also find mixed results (e.g., Claessens et al., 2000; Fan and Wong, 2002; Ball et al., 2003). The above observation seems to make the association between financial reporting quality and investment inefficiency as argued in prior literature less obvious in the family firms’ context. Nevertheless, Verdi (2006) shows that the impact of financial reporting quality on investment efficiency is more important when financial reporting information is the only information source. Unlike their counterparts in Western countries where more information sources, such as financial analyst forecasts, are available, market participants in emerging markets rely more on financial reports to reduce information asymmetry. This makes us believe that financial reporting still plays a critical role in affecting investment decisions even when family firms may have worse financial reporting quality, comparing to non-family firms.Third, it is not ex ante clear either about family firms’ investment behavior comparing to non-family firms. There are two arguments that may lead to different expectations of the investment strategy between family firms and non-family firms: long-term horizon and risk aversion (Anderson et al., 2010). The long-term horizon argument states that the concentrated ownership of family firms makes it possible that family firms focus more on long-term investment decisions. Specifically, consistent with the interest-alignment hypothesis, the long-term horizon argument also suggests that being continuously committed shareholders, family owners have incentives to make strategic investments that ensure the long-term viability and health of the firm (Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Chen et al., 2008). From this perspective, family firms are less likely to show myopic investment behavior(Shleifer and Vishny, 1986; Stein, 1989; James, 1999; Edmans, 2009), and have lower investment-cash flow sensitivities (Galeotti et al., 1994; Wei and Zhang, 2008; Pindado et al., 2011). Based on the above studies, there are reasons to believe that family firms are less likely to have inefficient investment decisions relative to non-family firms.Differently, the risk aversion argument states that family owners have a stronger incentive to lower the firm risk through various activities such as investment strategies (Anderson et al., 2010) because the well-being of the family owners ties more closely to the firm performance (Anderson and Reeb, 2003). Consistent with the entrenchment hypothesis where the agency conflicts between minority and controlling shareholders may result in sub-optimal investments (Fama and Jensen, 1985), the risk aversion argument provides similar expectations. In particular, family firms may allocate fewer financial resources on long-term investments as risks increases with investment levels (Anderson et al., 2010), which suggests that, comparing to non-family firms, family firms are more likely to under-invest.Prior studies on family firms’ investment behavior, however, are mainly based on U.S. and European sample firms, and the empirical results are mixed. For example, Anderson et al. (2010) find that family firms in the U.S. spend fewer financial resources on long-term investments than non-family firms. Pindado et al. (2011) show that family firms in nine European countries have lower investment-cash flow sensitivities, and invest more efficiently. Similarly, Bjuggren et al. (2008) and Eklund et al. (2011) demonstrate that Swedish family firms have better investment performance than non-family firms. Interestingly, family firms in the U.S. and Europe are in their fourth or even fifth generation whereas most of the family firms in Asia are still in their first generation (Fan et al., 2011). We examine the investment behavior of family firms in Taiwan, hoping to gain some insights into the relevance of financial reporting quality for investment efficiency in an emerging market which ischaracterized with the attributes of weaker investor protection and lower relevance of accounting information (Ball et al., 2000; Ali and Hwang, 2000).As illustrated in the Asian Family Business Report 2011 by Credit Suisse (Fan et al., 2011), listed family firms in Taiwan account for 49% of market capitalization, have consistently delivered superior ROE relative to the market average over the last decade, which is supported by the slight outperformance of stock return against the market since 2004. Taiwan is one of the leading suppliers of IT products in the world, and its listed family firms dominate in IT industry, providing two-thirds of job opportunities for that sector. In spite of these, the report indicates that while family firms’ fixed assets investment stays quite stable, non-family firms contribute to most of the fixed assets investments in Taiwan. In other words, relatively, family firms seem to have under-investment problem over the years. One recent work by Lin et al. (2012) also finds that family firms in Taiwan show more severe under-investment behavior when facing capital shortages. Collectively, the above observations are more in line with the risk aversion argument discussed earlier. Therefore, we argue that family firms in Taiwan would show under-investment behavior.Following the arguments above and those in recent papers about financial reporting quality and investment efficiency, we expect to see that, comparing to non-family firms, financial reporting quality can reduce under-investment more for family-firms. In particular, the financial reporting quality can reduce information asymmetry and serve as a monitoring function that makes the family owners invest more efficiently. Note that, though our focus is on under-investment, in our analysis, we still take over-investment into account. Formally, our first hypothesis is as follow:H1:The effect of financial reporting quality on reducing under-investment for family firms is stronger than that for non-family firms.However, the above discussion does not take into consideration the following two main characteristics of family firms that would result in the agency conflict of controlling owner and minority shareholders: the deviation of control from ownership and uncertainty.Prior literature suggests that as the deviation of control from ownership becomes larger, the agency conflict between the controlling owner and minority shareholders is more severe (e.g., Fan and Wong, 2002; Claessens et al., 2002; Baek et al., 2004). Empirical findings indicate that when the conflict is more severe, family firms are more likely to expropriate assets by distributing special dividends (DeAngelo and DeAngelo, 2000), adopting a disproportionate share of earnings (Gilson and Gordon, 2003) and engaging in related-party transactions (Gilson and Gordon, 2003; Anderson and Reeb, 2003; Ali et al., 2007). Specific to investment decisions, when the level of separation of ownership and control is higher, family firms may reject innovation to protect their obsolete investment (Morck and Yeung, 2003), which leads to under-investment. A couple recent papers show similar results. Specifically, Bjuggren and Palmberg (2010) find that dual-class share (a proxy for the deviation of control from ownership) has a significant negative impact on investment performance. Pindado et al. (2011) suggest that family firms with control-enhancing mechanisms have higher investment-cash flow sensitivity than family firms without such mechanisms. The above two studies suggest that the separation of control and ownership would lead to investment inefficiency. Eklund et al. (2011) demonstrate that the negative impact of the deviation on investment performance is larger for family firms than for non-family firms.In line with these findings, compared to non-family firms, this negative impact of deviation on under-investment is more serious for family firms. We expect that, as the deviation of control and ownership increases, (1) for family firms, financial reporting quality can deter under-investment more, and (2) comparing to non-family firms, financial reportingquality has a larger impact on under-investment for family firms. Specifically, our second set of hypotheses is as follows:H2a: Financial reporting quality reduces under-investment more for family firms with high deviation of control from ownership as opposed to those with low deviation.H2b: For firms with high deviation of control from ownership, financial reporting quality reduces under-investment more for family firms than that for non-familyfirms.The second characteristic that Hypothesis 1 does not consider is uncertainty. When firms have greater information asymmetry, as family firms do, it is difficult and costly for outsiders to evaluate managers’ investment and overall performance (Francis and Martin, 2010), which may result in investment inefficiency. In addition, the investment behavior of family firms seems to be more sensitive to uncertainty because of the irreversibility of their investment decisions and their risk-aversion tendency (Bianco et al., 2009). Family firms are also slower when responding to new opportunities (Cucculelli, 2008). Anderson et al. (2010) find that family ownership is negatively related to total investment (i.e., under-investment) when uncertainty is high. From the above discussion, we believe that the negative impact of uncertainty on under-investment is possibly more serious for family firms than it is for non-family firms especially in the emerging market. This is because, again, there are fewer sources other than financial reports in the emerging market for the investors to obtain information about a firm (Chen et al., 2011). Specifically, we expect that, as the uncertainty increases, (1) for family firms, financial reporting quality can deter under-investment more, and (2) comparing to non-family firms, financial reporting quality has a larger impact on under-investment for family firms. Our third set of hypotheses is as follows:H3a: Financial reporting quality reduces under-investment more for family firms with high uncertainty as opposed to those with low uncertainty.H3b: For firms with high uncertainty, financial reporting quality reduces under-investment more for family firms than that for non-family firms.3. Research Methodology3.1. Empirical Model and MeasuresWe use Equation (1) to test our hypotheses.INV i,t+1 = β0 + β1 FQ i,t + β2 RANKFCF_FQ + β3 RANKFCF i,t+1+ ∑βj CONTROL j,i,t+ εi,t+1(1) INV i,t+1 is defined as the sum of research and development expenditure, capital expenditure, and acquisition expenditure, minus cash receipts from sale of fixed assets, and deflated by lagged total assets for firm i at time t+1 (see Appendix for variable definitions). FQ i,t is the measure of financial reporting quality for firm i at time t. Consistent with prior literature (e.g., Aboody et al., 2005; Francis et al., 2005; Verdi, 2006; Biddle et al., 2009), FQ is the standard deviation of the firm-level residuals based on the modified Dechow and Dichev (2002) model. To estimate FQ, we require all the industries to have at least 9 observations in a given year. Following Biddle et al. (2009), RANKFCF i,t+1 is the likelihood or tendency of inefficient investment for firm i at time t+1, which is calculated by ranking the free cash flows in deciles by industry-year and re-scaling between 0 and 1. As firms with free cash flows are more likely to engage in sub-optimal investment (Jensen, 1986; Stulz, 1990; Richardson, 2006), we use it to capture when over- or under-investment is more likely to happen. RANKFCF_FQ is the interaction term of FQ i,t and RANKFCF i,t+1.The coefficient of FQ captures the effect of FQ on investment inefficiency when firms are more likely to under-invest, while the coefficient of RANKFCF_FQ captures the marginal effect when firms are more likely to over-invest. The summation of the coefficients of FQ andRANKFCF_FQ represents the effect of FQ on investment inefficiency when firms are most likely to over-invest (i.e., when RANKFCF equals one). CONTROL i,t is a set of control variables for firm i at time t widely used in prior literature to control for the determinants of investment activities (e.g., Biddle and Hilary, 2006; Richardson, 2006; Biddle et al., 2009). We include four corporate governance variables: institutional ownership (INSTITUTION, the percentage of a firm’s shares held by institutional investors), stocks pledged by directors and supervisors (PLEDGE, the percentage of the stocks held by directors and supervisors being pledged), the proportion of independent directors and supervisors (INDBOARD, the percentage of independent directors and supervisors on the board) and CEO duality (DUALITY, equals 1 if the CEO is also the chairman; 0 otherwise). In addition, we control for firm characteristics that could affect investment decisions for firm i at time t. These characteristics are (1) growth of the firm (Q, the book value of total debt plus the market value of equity divided by the book value of total assets), (2) firm size (SIZE, the natural log of total assets), (3) leverage of the firm (LEVERAGE, the sum of the book value of short-term and long-term debts deflated by the sum of the book value of total debts and equity), (4) liquidity (LIQUIDITY, the balance of cash and short term investments deflated by lagged total assets.), (5) age of the firm (AGE, the natural log of the difference between the year when the firm was established and the current year), (6) stock return (STOCKRETURN, the change in market value of the firm in the current year), (7) the investment amount in prior period (LAGINV), and whether a firm’s financial reports are audited by big 4 CPA firms (BIG4, equals 1 if a firm’s financial reports are audited by a big 4 CPA firm; 0 otherwise). We also take into account the industry and year fixed effects in our model. The regression model is estimated using OLS with Huber-White standard errors.According to our hypotheses, it is expected that the coefficient on reporting quality is greater than zero (i.e., β1 > 0) given financial reporting quality can reduce the level ofunder-investment. We adopt two definitions for family firms based on Lin and Chang (2009) for H1. First, FAMILY1 equals 1 if half (or higher) of the board seats is controlled by the ultimate owner via individual or the affiliated firms (e.g., listed companies and non-listed companies he/she controls), 0 otherwise. Second, FAMILY2 equals 1 if the ultimate owner meets the requirement of FAMILY1 definition and owns more than 10 percent of the firm’s shares. For H1, we expect that β1 of the family firm sub-sample is significantly positive and larger than that of the non-family firm sub-sample.For the second and the third hypothesis, we use the following measures for deviation of control from ownership and uncertainty. First, for deviation of control from ownership (DEVIATION), we use the standard measure in prior studies (e.g., Fan and Wong, 2002; Claessens et al., 2002), which is the difference between voting rights and cash flow rights possessed by the largest ultimate shareholder of the firm. Details of the calculation of this measure are given in Appendix. Second, for uncertainty, we construct a composite index, UNCERTAINTY, to capture it. Specifically, the uncertainty faced by firm i at time t is an index formulated by three variables: (1) VOLATILITY i,t: the standard deviation of daily stock returns for firm i at time t, (2) BAS i,t: the bid-ask-spread defined for firm i at time t as the annual average of daily spread scaled by the midpoint between bid and ask, and (3) VOLUME i,t: the annual average of daily trading volume for firm i at time t. To test our second hypothesis, we rank DEVIATION and UNCERTAINTY into terciles. For H2a (H3a), we expect that, for family firms, β1 is positive and larger in the high deviation (uncertainty) group than that in the low deviation (uncertainty) group. For H2b (H3b), we expect that, for high deviation (uncertainty) firms, β1 is positive and larger for the family firms than that for non-family firms.。
