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belief(信念,信仰), fact(事实), hope(希望), idea(主意,观点), doubt (猜疑,质疑), news(消息), rumor(谣言), conclusion(结论), evidence (证据), suggestion(意见), problem(问题), decision(决策), discovery (重大发现), explanation(借口,解释), information(信息), knowledge (知识,见闻), order(命令,秩序), law(法律), opinion(观点), truth (真相,事实), promise(许诺,诺言), report(报告), thought(想法,主意,思想), statement(声明,陈述), rule(法规,制度), possibility(可能性),theory(理论),assumption (假设,假想),charge(指责)


It is hoped that…希望,有人希望It is assumed that…假设,假定It is claimed tha t…据说,有人主张It is believed that…有人相信It is reported that…据报道It is considered that…人们认为,据估计

It is said that… 据说,有人说It is supposed that…据推测,人们推测It has been announced that…已经宣布It is asserted that… 有人主张It is rumored that…听说,谣传It is noticed that…有人指出,人们注意到

It is suggested that… 有人建议It is reputed that…人们认为It is learned that…据说,据闻It is demonstrated that…据证实,已经证明It is estimated that…据估计,有人估计It is pointed out that…有人推荐,有人建议

It is proposed that…有人提出It was told that…有人曾说It will be seen from that…人们有时会问It was noted above that…前面已经指出It is stressed that…有人强调It cannot be denied that…无可否认It is sometimes asked that…人们有时会问It is felt that…有人认识到It is alleged that…据说It is cal culated that… 据计算It has been proved that…已经证明It has been found that…人们已经发现It is still to be hoped that…我们仍然希望It will be said that… 有人会说It must been admitted that…必须承认,老实说

It has been illustrated that… 据图示,据说明It is universally accepted that…人们普遍认为It was first intended that…最初就有这样的想法It is unanimously agreed that…大家一致认同It is well-known that… 众所周知,大家都知道It should be realized that…我们应该意识到

It can be said without exaggeration that…可以毫不夸张的说
