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Now he is a babysat of five children.
Vin Diesel as Lieutenant Shane Wolfe, a Navy SEAL who's assigned to protect a deceased professor's family
The five children
Here is some information about the movie • Director: Adam Shankman • Starring: Lauren Graham - Principal Claire Fletcher Vin Diesel - Shane Wolf Faith Ford - Julie Plummer Brittany Snow - Zoe Max Thieriot - Seth Genres: Action/Adventure, Comedy and Kids/Family • Distributed by Walt Disney Pictures • Running time 95 minutes
• Brittany Snow as Zoe Plummer, the eldest of the children; a typicalwenku.baidu.comteenage girl • Max Thieriot as Seth Plummer, the second oldest child he has a mutual hatred towards a lot of things
U.S. Navy SEAL(海豹特遣队) Lieutenant(中尉) Shane Wolfe is assigned to rescue Howard Plummer ,a man working on a top-secret government project, from a group of Serbian rebels. Wolfe and his team manage to get Plummer off an enemy boat; moments later, Wolfe and Plummer are shot while boarding the escape helicopter. Plummer is killed in the attack and Wolfe spends two months in the hospital. Wolfe's commanding officer, Captain Bill Fawcett ,is assigned to escort Plummer's widow, Julie ,to Zurich, where a safety deposit box belonging to the Plummers has been discovered. Wolfe is assigned to stay at the Plummer residence, in Bethesda, Maryland to search for the secret project called GHOST, hidden somewhere in the house, and to look after the family's five children: Zoe ,Seth ,Lulu , Peter ,and Baby Tyler.
A few days later, the school‘s vice principal, Duane Murney, brings the facts that Seth has cut and bleached his hair for no apparent reason, has a Nazi armband in his locker(衣帽柜), and has skipped every wrestling practice for the past month, to Wolfe’s attention. At home, Seth furiously yells that he only joined the wrestling team in obedience to his father‘s wish. Wolfe, leaving Zoe in charge, follows him to the town theater, where he learns that Seth has secretly joined an amateur(业余的) production of The Sound of Music. The director quits when he believes the show will be a failure, whereupon Wolfe volunteers to take his place, and juggles this task with taking care of the house, giving Zoe driving lessons, and teaching Lulu and the Firefly Scouts martial arts to defend themselves against the rival boy scout troop.
The training Wolfe gives the Firefly Scouts becomes useful when they once again have a conflict with the thuggish scouts. The girls beat and tie up the boys, refusing to let them go until the thugs agree to stop bothering them. Zoe and Wolfe share stories of their fathers, both of whom have died in similar circumstances.The kids know that their mother is on her way home and begin to plan a ‘Welcome Home’ party. Less than an hour later, Wolfe discovers a secret vault underneath the garage, which requires a key to open. When Fawcett and Julie arrive home, Fawcett and Wolfe go to the garage, where Wolfe says he is rethinking his career. The two ninjas seen earlier arrive armed, and pull off their masks, revealing themselves as the Plummers‘ North Korean neighbors, the Chuns .Fawcett suddenly knocks out Wolfe, proving that he is in fact a double agent(间谍). They tie up and gag Zoe, Seth, and Lulu, place Peter and Tyler in the playpen(婴儿护栏), and Fawcett and Mrs. Chun take Julie to the vault while Mr. Chun looks after the children. They manage to open the door, but the dangerous security system prevents them from going any farther.
• Morgan York as Lulu Plummer, the middle child, the most troublesome of the five • Kegan and Logan Hoover as Peter Plummer, the second youngest; he can only go to sleep when someone sings the "Peter Panda" song • Bo and Luke Vink as Baby Tyler Plummer, the youngest; an infant
Born July 18, 1967 , New York City, U.S. Occupation Actor, director, producer, screenwriter Years 1990–present Partner Paloma Jimenez
Classic hardboiled image
Assigned to protect the endangered children of an assassinated(被暗杀的) scientist working on a secret invention, Shane Wolfe is suddenly faced with juggling two incompatible jobs: fighting evil while keeping house. As he adds to his usual arsenal of wetsuits and weapons the new tools of juice boxes and a minivan, Shane not only must defeat a world-threatening enemy but also wrangle teen rebel Zoe, uplift sullen 14year-old Seth and outwit 8-year-old Ninjawannabe Lulu, simultaneously keeping toddler Peter and baby Tyler out of mischief, not to mention harm's way.
The kids prove to be difficult to handle, even with the help of nanny Helga: Zoe and Seth rebel against Wolfe‘s authority; Lulu is obsessed with the new houseguest; the pet duck, Gary, resents Wolfe; and Helga finally quits when one of Zoe and Seth’s pranks (恶作剧)go wrong. Later, Wolfe finds Lulu and her troupe of Fireflies at the kitchen table. Wolfe takes them to Costco and while he does the shopping the troupe tries to sell cookies outside the store. However, things go horribly wrong when a group of obnoxious(可憎的) rival boy scouts(童子军) come over and wreck their stall. When they finally reach home, they encounter an unexpected house party hosted by Zoe and her boyfriend, Scott. Wolfe forces all the guests to clean up the house before going home. Feeling that Wolfe does not care about the fact that the kids are still grieving over the death of their father, Zoe yells at him, right before they are then attacked by a pair of masked ninjas(忍者), whom Wolfe eventually defeats. He explains the entire situation to the kids, who agree to cooperate with him.
While drop zones, demolitions(爆破) and destroying enemy targets come naturally to Shane, he has no idea what tough really it is, but this toughguy loner soon realizes that he's also facing the most important mission of his life: becoming part of a family and bringing them all closer together.