



U2 AA child's clutter awaits an adult's return儿时百宝箱老大归家梦I watch her back her new truck out of the driveway. The vehicle is too large, too expensive. She'd refused to consider a practical car with good gas efficiency and easy to park. It's because of me, I think. She bought it to show me that she could. 我看着她在车道上倒着她的新卡车。





"I'm 18," she'd told me so often that my teeth ached. "I am an adult!"“我18 岁了,”她经常这样对我说,以至于听得我牙都疼了。

“我是成年人了!”I thought, is that true? Just yesterday you watched some cartoons. What changed between yesterday and today?我心想,真的吗?昨天你还在看动画片呢。

今天和昨天又能有多大的变化?Today she's gone, off to be an adult far away from me. I'm glad she's gone. It means she made it, and that I'm finally free of 18 years of responsibilities. And yet I wonder if she could take good care of herself.今天她走了,远离我去寻求成年人的独立。

初中新视野英语阅读Unit2 Ramen

初中新视野英语阅读Unit2 Ramen

• Whether you want traditional, quick, or fancy ramen, you can find it. • I don't know whether to go or come。 • Whether you like it or not, you'tant noodles People pour hot water over these noodles, wait a few minutes, and then eat them. Instant noodles have spread to all over the world.
• Ramen noodles are yellow noodles that originally came from China. • The man who started the Nissin food company in Japan, had an idea. • In the early 1900s • In the 1950s • Dried ramen • Come up with a way • Ramen is now moving from streets and instant bowls to good restaurants.
• a bowl of ramen • a cup of ramen • a pack of ramen
• traditional ramen • fancy ramen • Whether you want traditional, or fancy ramen, you can find it on the street. 不管。。。还是
• All kinds of meats, vegetables and spices are being added to ramen. • be +过去分词 • am/is/are +过去分词 • was/were +过去分词 • will be +过去分词 • have/has been +过去分词 • 狮子经常被人们叫做动物界之王。 • Lions are often called the kings of the animal world. • Lions were called the kings of the animal world. • Lions have been called the kings of the animal



新视野大学英语4:Unit2TextA课文+译文你知道新视野大学英语4:Unit2 TextA都讲哪些内容吗?下面是yjbys店铺为大家带来的新视野大学英语4:Unit2 TextA(课文+译文),欢迎阅读。

The confusing pursuit of beauty对美丽的追求1.If you're a man, at some point a woman will ask you how she looks.2.You must be careful how you answer this question. The best technique is to from an honest yet sensitive response, then promptly excuse yourself for some kind of emergency. Trust me, this is the easiest way out. No amount of rehearsal will help you come up with the right answer.1.如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样。





3.He problem is that men do not think of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of themselves in seventh grade and stick to it for the rest of their lives. Some men think they're irresistibly desirable, and they refuse to change this opinion even when they grow bald and their faces visibly wrinkle as they age.3.其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同,大多数男性对自己的外表在七年级的时候就形成了,而且终生不变,有些男性认为自己有不可抗拒的魅力,即使随着年龄的增长,他们的头发掉光了,脸上布满皱纹,他们仍然拒绝改变这种看法。



When courage triumphed over fear当勇气战胜恐惧1.I know what courage looks like. I saw it on a flight Itook six years ago, and only now can I speak of itwithout tears filling my eyes at the memory.我知道勇气是什么样子。



2.When our plane left New York that Friday morning,we were a talkative, high-energy group.The early-morning transcontinental flight hosted mainly professional people going to San Fra ncisco for a day or two of business. As I looked around, Isaw lots of designer suites, CEO-leve l expensive haircuts, designer briefcases and all thetrimmings of lofty business travelers. I se ttled back with my paperback novel for some lightreading and the brief flight ahead.那是星期五的早上,当我们的飞机从纽约起飞时,我们这帮人还高谈阔论、劲头十足。





A游泳恐惧1 当时我和朋友正在法国旅行,我们把汽车停在海滩,眼前就是地中海。





2 只是看到了海就已经让我觉得反胃。

3 我曾经一直都是喜欢水的,并且直到去年夏天我都还是一名游泳好手。






4 “贾森,你要过来吗?”我的朋友马特朝我喊道。

5 我说:“好,就是欣赏一下景色”,又在心里默默加了一句——在岸上欣赏。


6 突然,我听到有人用法语喊叫。



7 我瞥见防波堤尽头的海浪中有个东西在上下浮动。



8 我扭头看看那小男孩。


9 我估计了当下的情形后注意到了——对,那防波堤!小男孩靠近那个地方,也许我可以从那儿帮忙。



10 水里的那些人低估了海浪的威力,救援工作没有任何进展。




11 我因恐惧而全身瘫软,但我强迫自己向前移动,展开这场突发的救援行动。


12 我在防波堤的边上迅速转过身来,深信会看见某个游泳健将正向着小男孩劈波斩浪。



新视野大学英语2长篇阅读答案第一篇1. 标题:The Development of the InternetQ1: What is the Internet?The Internet is a global network that connects computers worldwide. It allows users to communicate with each other, access information, and share data through various protocols and technologies.Q2: How has the Internet developed over the years?The Internet has gone through several stages of development, starting from its origins in the 1960s. In the 1960s, the U.S. military initiated the development of ARPANET, which was the precursor to the Internet. In the 1980s, the Internet began to expand outside of military and academic circles and started to become more accessible to the general public. The invention of the World Wide Web in the late 1980s further revolutionized the Internet, making it easier for users to navigate and access information.Q3: What are some benefits and drawbacks of the Internet?The Internet has numerous benefits. It provides access to a vast amount of information and resources, allowing users tolearn, research, and gather information on various topics. It also enables communication and collaboration between individuals and businesses across the globe. Additionally, the Internet has transformed various industries, such as e-commerce, entertainment, and education.However, there are also drawbacks associated with the Internet. Privacy and security concerns are significant issues, as users’ personal data can be vulnerable to hacking and unauthorized access. The Internet can also be a source of misinformation and fake news, which can be misleading and harmful. Moreover, excessive use of the Internet can lead to addiction and other health problems.2. 标题:The Impact of Social MediaQ1: What is social media?Social media refers to online platforms and websites that allow users to create and share content, as well as interact with each other. Examples of popular social media platforms include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.Q2: How has social media transformed communication?Social media has had a significant impact on communication. It has made it easier for individuals to connect and interact with others, regardless of geographical boundaries. People can share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences instantly with their friends, family, and followers. Social media has also revolutionized the way businesses communicate with theircustomers, enabling them to reach a wider audience and engage with them in real-time.Q3: What are some positive and negative effects of social media?Social media has brought numerous positive effects. It has facilitated information sharing and awareness about various issues, such as social causes, health campaigns, and global events. It has also empowered individuals to express themselves and find communities of like-minded people.However, social media also has negative effects. It can contribute to feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and low self-esteem, as individuals compare themselves to others and strive for validation through likes and comments. Moreover, the spread of fake news and the potential for cyberbullying are significant concerns associated with social media.3. 标题:The Importance of Critical ThinkingQ1: What is critical thinking?Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret information objectively and logically. It involves questioning assumptions, developing rational arguments, and making informed decisions based on evidence and reasoning.Q2:Why is critical thinking important in today’s society?Critical thinking is essential in today’s society for various reasons. It enables individuals to navigate the vast amount of information available and distinguish between reliable and unreliable sources. In an era of fake news and misinformation, critical thinking helps people make informed decisions and avoid being deceived or manipulated.Moreover, critical thinking enhances problem-solving skills and promotes creativity. It encourages individuals to approach problems from different perspectives and develop innovative solutions. Critical thinking also facilitates effective communication and collaboration, enabling individuals to engage in constructive dialogue and reach consensus.Q3: How can critical thinking be developed?Critical thinking skills can be developed through practice and exposure to diverse perspectives. Engaging in debates, analyzing and evaluating arguments, and conducting independent research are effective ways to enhance critical thinking abilities. Furthermore, being open-minded, questioning assumptions, and seeking evidence and reasoning are essential in developing critical thinking skills.结论长篇阅读题目是《新视野大学英语2》中的重要部分,阅读并回答问题有助于学生理解和应用所学知识。



make a progress.
2)Without mistakes, without learning. Without
1. She saved my life _a_t_t_h_e__ri_s_k__o_flosing her own.
2. You're _r_is__k_in_g_ your health by smoking. 3. Millions of life are __a_t_r_is_k_ because of shortage of food.
If You Don’t Make Mistakes, You Won’t Learn!
new words study
award: sth, esp money or prize, given as a result of an official decision 奖 e.g. Oscar Award Since 1989, NUAA has won a total of 74 provincial teaching awards and 17 national awards
at risk 处于危险中 at the risk of sth冒······的危险 risk sth冒失去/遭受….的风险 risk doing sth冒······的危险 run/take risks 冒险 take risks (to do….) 冒险做….. run the risk (of doing sth.) 冒······的危险
If You Don’t Make Mistakes, You Won’t Learn!
new words study
reality: 现实 real things or the real nature of thing rather than imagined or invented e.g. face the reality You can’t always stay in your dream. And you’l come back to the reality/the earth one day. Internet is virtual and it can’t give you food to eat water to drink, clothes to wear and house to live8 in.






























Text A课文 AThe human‎i ties‎: Out of date?人文学科:过时了吗?When the going‎gets tough‎, the tough‎takea‎c coun‎t ing. When the job marke‎t worse‎n s, manys‎t uden‎t s calcu‎l ate they can't major‎in Engli‎s h orhis‎t ory. They have to study‎somet‎h ing that boost‎s thei‎r prosp‎e cts of landi‎n g a job.当形势变得‎困难时,强者会去选‎学会计。



The data show that as stude‎n ts have incre‎a sing‎l y shoul‎d ered‎the ever-risin‎g c ost of tuiti‎o n,they have defec‎t ed from the study‎of the human‎i ties‎and towar‎d appli‎e d scien‎c e and "hard"skill‎s that they bet will lead to emplo‎y ment‎. In oth er‎words‎, a colle‎g e educa‎t ion is more andmo‎r e seen as a means‎for econo‎m ic bette‎r ment‎rathe‎r than a means‎for human‎bette‎r ment‎.This is a trend‎that i s likel‎y to persi‎s t and even accel‎e rate‎.数据显示,随着学生肩‎负的学费不‎断增加,他们已从学‎习人文学科‎转向他们相‎信有益于将‎来就业的应‎用科学和“硬”技能。



新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2TextB课⽂+译⽂新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2 TextB(课⽂+译⽂) 新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2都讲哪些知识吗?你对新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2了解吗?下⾯是yjbys⼩编为⼤家带来的新视野⼤学英语4:Unit2的知识,欢迎阅读。

Making the choice to be truly beautiful 选择拥有真正的美丽 1.Extreme makeovers are all the rage these days, with too many people addicted to Botox injection parties and reality shows. Plastic surgery is on the rise. Many people are trying to match the extraordinary measures actors and actresses go through to look perfect on the screen. Yet, the shortcuts to create biomedical happiness by having surgery, taking supplements or dieting don't usually fulfill their promise. Besides, beautiful people are not automatically happy people. 1.当今,过度追求相貌修整的风⽓⽆⽐盛⾏,太多的⼈沉迷于⾁毒杆菌注射的宣讲会和真⼈秀,整容⼿术也⽇趋流⾏。


2.Attaining the highest degree of your beauty is not about looking good during social interaction, or physiological perfection, and you can't get there via technology. It's a growth process, a transformation of self through awareness and learning. It's about meaning, and being real. It's an emotional and spiritual walk, and it requires faith fueled with liberal doses of loving kindness. 2.为了获得⽣物医学标准下的幸福感,⼈们会⾛做整容⼿术、吃营养品、节⾷这样的捷径,但这些捷径并不总能实现它们所承诺的效果。


Humbled by Nature, Humble by Culture
1. humble ['hʌmbl] (Title)
adj. 谦逊的;简陋的;(级别或地位)低下的;不大的 ●Defeat and failure make people humble. 挫折与失败会使人谦卑。 ●He is of humble birth. 他出身卑微。 ●The family lived in a humble cottage. 这户人家住在一所简陋的农舍里。
★rip up 撕碎;撕成碎片 ●rip up the contract. 撕毁合同
3. hover 英[‘hɒvə] 美['hʌvɚ] (line 6,para.2)
vi. 盘旋,翱翔;徘徊; n. 徘徊;盘旋;犹豫; vt. 孵;徘徊在…近旁 ●helicopters hovering over raging fires that go on for miles. 直升机在绵延数英里的大火上盘旋。 ●A cygnet is hovered by a duck. 野鸭孵化出的小天鹅。 ★hover over/above 在…盘旋;悬停 ● Seagulls hover over the surging waves. 海鸥在惊涛骇浪上翱翔。
Vone 6,para.2)
vt.撕;扯;锯;vi.裂开;被撕裂;n.裂口;裂缝。 ●近义词:tear ●He ripped (vt.) the letter immediately. 他立刻把信拆开。 ●This dress material rips (vi.) easily. 这种衣料很容易破。 ★rip away 剥开;揭开;除去 ●whole communities ripped away by a tsunami. 整个社区被海啸吞没。



新视野第大学英语读写教程2(第三版)unit2课文原文The humanities: Out of date?1 When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history. They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.2 The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities andtoward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment. In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. This is a trend that is likely topersist and even accelerate.3 Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession. There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate. Oncethe dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours. These days, labs aremore vivid and compelling than libraries.4 Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives. Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction.This inner drive has been called manythings over the centuries. The famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, called it the "unconsciousmind" or, more familiarly, "instinct".5 From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over. Historians, architects, authors,philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions. These men and women developed artistic "languages" that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations. This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities.6 Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write. No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning. We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas!7 Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process. In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3 player. Yet, very few people have the ability to create aspectacular brand: the iPod. Most importantly, studying thehumanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, therebyreleasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.8 Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is thescope of possibilities that are widely open to us. Did you know thatJames Cameron, world-famous director of the movie, Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities? So did Sally Ride, the first woman in space. So did actors Bruce Lee, Gwyneth Paltrow, Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon. Dr. Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, studied the humanities. Even Michael Eisner, Chairman of the Disney Company, majored in the humanities.Famous people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed. It's easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake, whether medicine, business, science or entertainment. If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician. If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.9 Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities. Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life. In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career. If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.10 In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons. They are as useful andrelevant in our modern age as they have always been. Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge? Who knows how famous YOU might become!。



Unit 1 Time-Conscious Americans Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. This attitude results results in in in a a a nation nation nation of of of people people people committed committed committed to to to researching, researching, researching, experimenting experimenting experimenting and and and exploring. exploring. exploring. Time Time Time is is is one one one of of of the the the two two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. "We are slaves to nothing but the clock," it has been said. Time is treated as if it were something almost real. We budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it; we also charge for it. It is a precious resource Many Many people people people have have have a a a rather rather rather acute acute acute sense sense sense of of of the the the shortness shortness shortness of of of each each each lifetime. lifetime. lifetime. Once Once Once the the the sands sands sands have have have run run run out out out of of of a a person's hourglass, they cannot be replaced. We want every minute to count. A foreigner's first impression of the US is likely to be that everyone is in a rush —often under pressure. City people people always always always appear appear appear to to to be be be hurrying hurrying hurrying to to to get get get where where where they they they are are are going, going, going, restlessly restlessly restlessly seeking seeking seeking attention attention attention in in in a a a store, store, store, or or elbowing others as they try to complete their shopping. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Working time is considered precious. Others in public eating-places are waiting for you to finish so they, too, can be served and get back to work within the time allowed. You also find drivers will be abrupt and people will push past you. You will miss smiles, brief conversations, and small exchanges with strangers. Don't take it personally. This is because people value time highly, and they resent someone else "wasting" it beyond a certain appropriate point. Many new arrivals in the States will miss the opening exchanges of a business call, for example. They will miss the ritual interaction that goes with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a convention in their own country. country. They They They may may may miss miss miss leisurely leisurely leisurely business business business chats chats chats in in in a a restaurant restaurant or or or coffee coffee coffee house. Normally, house. Normally, Americans Americans do do do not not assess their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner, or around on the golf course while they develop a sense of trust. Since we generally assess and probe professionally rather than socially, we start talking business very quickly. Time is, therefore, always ticking in our inner ear. Consequently, we work hard at the task of saving time. We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices; we we communicate communicate communicate rapidly rapidly rapidly through through through faxes, faxes, faxes, phone phone phone calls calls calls or or or emails emails emails rather rather rather than than than through through through personal personal personal contacts, contacts, contacts, which which though though pleasant, pleasant, pleasant, take take take longer longer longer——especially especially given given given our our our traffic-filled traffic-filled traffic-filled streets. streets. streets. We, We, therefore, therefore, save save save most most most personal personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings. To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at at hand. hand. hand. In In In some some some countries countries countries no no no major major major business business business is is is conducted conducted without without eye eye eye contact, contact, requiring face-to-face conversation. In America, too, a final agreement will normally be signed in person. However, people are meeting increasingly on television screens, conducting "teleconferences" to settle problems not only in this country but also also——by satellite—internationally. The US is definitely a telephone country. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with with friends, friends, friends, to to to make make make or or or break break break social social social appointments, appointments, appointments, to to to say say say "Thank "Thank "Thank you", you", you", to to to shop shop shop and and and to to to obtain obtain obtain all all all kinds kinds kinds of of information. information. Telephones Telephones Telephones save save save the the the feet feet feet and and and endless endless endless amounts amounts amounts of of of time. time. time. This This This is is is due due due partly partly partly to to to the the the fact fact fact that that that the the telephone service is superb here, whereas the postal service is less efficient. Some new arrivals will come from cultures where it is considered impolite to work too quickly. Unless a certain certain amount amount amount of of of time time time is is is allowed allowed allowed to to to elapse, elapse, elapse, it it it seems seems seems in in in their their their eyes eyes eyes as as as if if if the the the task task task being being being considered considered considered were were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. Assignments are, consequently, given added weight by the passage of time. In the US, however, it is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed. Usually, the more important a task is, the more capital, energy, and attention will be poured into it in order to "get it moving". 美国人认为没有人能停止不前。



Unit 2The humanities: Out of date?1 When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting. When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history. They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.2 The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment. In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment. This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate.3 Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession. There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate. Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours. These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries.4 Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives. Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries. The famous psychologist, Sigmund Freud, called it the "unconscious mind" or, more familiarly, "instinct".5 From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination. The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over. Historians, architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions. These men and women developed artistic "languages" that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations. This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities.6 Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write. No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning. We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas!7 Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process. In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3 player. Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod. Most importantly, studying the humanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness, there by releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.8 Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us. Did you know that James Cameron, world-famous director of the movie, Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities? So did Sally Ride, the first woman in space. So did actors Bruce Lee, Gwyneth Paltrow, Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon. Dr. Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, studied the humanities. Even Michael Eisner, Chairman of the Disney Company, majored in the humanities. Famous people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed. It's easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake, whether medicine, business, science or entertainment. If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician. If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.9 Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities. Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life. In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career. If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.10 In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity. The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons. They are as useful and relevant in our modern age as they have always been. Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge? Who knows how famous YOU might become!Translation人文学科:过时了吗?1 当形势变得困难时,强者会去选学会计。



Unit 2Harry PorterReading Passage:Lions have been called the kings of the animal world. These animals can be found wild in Africa and India. Lions in Africa can go without water for up to one month, so they have no trouble during dry times.Without question, lions are also one of the most popular animals to see in zoos. Almost every zoo around the world has a few lions.It is very easy for people to tell male and female lions apart. Lions are the only kind of cat that show this strong difference between males and females. A male lion has a mane, a large collar of hair around the lion's face. Females do not have manes.Male lions are also larger than females. A male lion usually weighs about 200 kilograms. Both male and female lions have very strong mouths. They can break the backs of other animals with one bite, One lion will usually kill between ten and twenty large animals each year for food.It is unusual for lions to kill people. However, in 1898 two lions killed and ate over one hundred people in Kenya before they were shot by a British colonel named P. J. Patterson. This story became the subject of a 1996 Hollywood movie called The Ghost and the Darkness. Reading ComprehensionCircle the letter of the best answer.1. How are lions different from other cats?a. Lions are from Africa.c. Males and females look different.b. Many zoos keep them.d. Lions are one of the most popular animals at zoos.2. Male lions . . .a. are larger than females.b. have manes.c. weigh more than most people.d. all of the above3. Female lions . . .a. are-larger than males.c. can break the back of an animal with one bite,b. have manes.d. need to drink water every day.4. How many large animals does a lion usually kill for food in one year?a. less than tenc. over one hundredb. between ten and twentyd. about two hundred5. Lions can live without water for . . .a. a few days.c. about ten days.b. a week.d. about four weeks.IdiomsFind each idiom in the story.1. go without-be or live without somethingRobin tried to go without smoking for one day, but he couldn't do it.How long can a person go without water?2. tell (things) apart-able to see the difference between two or more things or people Lucy and Emily are twin sisters. No one can tell them apart.Male and female baby chickens are very difficult to tell apart3. without question-for sure, certainlyThis pizza is, without question, the best pizza I’ve ever eaten.Without question, Fred was the right person for the job.。



新视野大学英语第三版Book 2 课文翻译Unit 1 Text A一堂难忘的英语课1 如果我是唯一一个还在纠正小孩英语的家长,那么我儿子也许是对的。


2 我觉得我是在最近偶遇我以前的一位学生时,才开始对这个问题认真起来的。


我满怀着诚挚期待问她:“欧洲之行如何?”3 她点了三四下头,绞尽脑汁,苦苦寻找恰当的词语,然后惊呼:“真是,哇!”4 没了。


5 关于正确使用英语能力下降的问题,有许多不同的故事。

学生的确本应该能够区分诸如their/there/they're之间的不同,或区别complimentary 跟complementary之间显而易见的差异。


6 学生并不笨,他们只是被周围所看到和听到的语言误导了。


朋友和亲人常宣称They've just ate。

实际上,他们应该说They've just eaten。


7 对这种缺乏语言功底而引起的负面指责应归咎于我们的学校。






Unit 2
Learning English: Some Advice and Suggestions
Book One
Unit 2
Learning English: Some Advice and Suggestions
Around the
Text A
Around the Topic
Section A
Section B
Section C
Discussion: After seeing the film clip of A BUG’S LIFE, what do you think about making mistakes in English learning?
Section C
Text A
Disney and Pixar’s A BUG’S LIFE presents an amazing new perspective on teamwork and determination. On behalf of “oppressed bugs” everywhere, an inventive ant named Flik hires “warrior bugs” to defend his colony from a horde of freeloading grasshoppers, led by Hopper. This clip describes the mistake Flik made, which led to the crisis to the ants world.







1. 阅读技巧:本课程将介绍一些提高阅读技能的方法,如扫读、略读和详读。


2. 词汇扩展:课程将帮助研究者扩大词汇量,研究一些常见单词和短语,并提供相关的练。

3. 阅读理解:本课程将提供一些英语阅读材料,并进行相关的理解题练。


4. 阅读速度与准确性:通过课程的训练和练,研究者将能够提高阅读速度和准确性,更有效地阅读英语文本。

1. 掌握一些提高阅读技能的方法;
2. 扩大自己的词汇量;
3. 提高阅读速度和准确性;
4. 增强对英语文本的理解能力。








Unit 2The humanities: Out of date?1When the going gets tough, the tough take accounting.When the job market worsens, many students calculate they can't major in English or history.They have to study something that boosts their prospects of landing a job.2The data show that as students have increasingly shouldered the ever-rising cost of tuition, they have defected from the study of the humanities and toward applied science and "hard" skills that they bet will lead to employment.In other words, a college education is more and more seen as a means for economic betterment rather than a means for human betterment.This is a trend that is likely to persist and even accelerate.3Over the next few years, as labor markets struggle, the humanities will probably continue their long slide in succession.There already has been a nearly 50 percent decline in the portion of liberal arts majors over the past generation, and it is logical to think that the trend is bound to continue or even accelerate.Once the dominant pillars of university life, the humanities now play little roles when students take their college tours.These days, labs are more vivid and compelling than libraries.4Here, please allow me to stand up for and promote the true value that the humanities add to people's lives.Since ancient times, people have speculated about the mystery of those inner forces that drive some people to greatness and others to self-destruction. This inner drive has been called many things over the centuries.The famous psychologist,Sigmund Freud, called it the "unconscious mind" or, more familiarly, "instinct".5From the beginning of time, this inner aspect of our being, this drive that can be constructive or destructive, has captured our imagination.The stories of this amazing struggle have formed the basis of cultures the world over.Historians,architects, authors, philosophers and artists have captured the words, images and meanings of this inner struggle in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture,landscape and traditions.These men and women developed artistic "languages" that help us understand these aspirations and also educate generations.This fertile body of work from ancient times, the very foundation of civilization, forms the basis of study of the humanities.6Studying the humanities improves our ability to read and write.No matter what we do in life, we will have a huge advantage if we can read complex ideas and understand their meaning.We will have a bright career if we are the person in the office who can write a clear and elegant analysis of those ideas!7Studying the humanities makes us familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process.In an information economy, many people have the ability to produce a useful product such as a new MP3 player.Yet, very few people have the ability to create a spectacular brand: the iPod.Most importantly, studying thehumanities invests us with great insight and self-awareness,there by releasing our creative energy and talent in a positive and constructive manner.8Perhaps the best argument in favor of the humanities is the scope of possibilities that are widely open to us.Did you know that James Cameron, world-famous director of the movie,Titanic, graduated with a degree in the humanities?So did Sally Ride, the first woman in space.So did actors Bruce Lee,Gwyneth Paltrow,Renee Zellweger and Matt Damon.Dr.Harold Varmus, who won a Nobel Prize for Medicine, studied the humanities.Even Michael Eisner, Chairman of the Disney Company, majored in the humanities. Famous people who studied the humanities make a long list indeed.It's easy to see that the humanities can prepare us for many different careers and jobs we can undertake, whether medicine, business, science or entertainment.If we study only mathematics, it's likely we will be a candidate only for jobs as a mathematician.If we include studying the humanities, we can make breakthroughs on many barriers and are limited only by our effort and imagination.9Of course, nowadays, if we study the humanities alone, we are liable to miss many opportunities.Each one of us needs to become as technically and professionally skilled as possible to help meet the needs of modern life.In fact, increasingly a pairing of technical knowledge and inner insight is seen as the ideal in the establishment of a career.If I were the Dean of Admissions at a medical school and two people applied to our school, both having the required basic scientific courses, one a philosophy major and the other solely a pre-med student, the philosophy applicant would be chosen.10In summary, the humanities help to create well-rounded human beings with insight and understanding of the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.The humanities, the ancient timeless reservoir of knowledge, teach us to see things differently and broaden our horizons.They are as useful and relevant in our modern age as they have always been.Doesn't it make sense to spend some time in the company of the humanities, our outstanding and remarkable treasure of knowledge?Who knows how famous YOU might become!Translation人文学科:过时了吗?1 当形势变得困难时,强者会去选学会计。



英语阅读新视野第2课___ of a n with a human head。

The Sphinx is believed to have been built during the time of the ancient Egyptians。

around 2500 BC。

It is carved out of ___ at a height of 73 meters。

The Sphinx ___ one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.___。

According to legend。

anyone who could answer the riddle would gain access to the city of Thebes。

The riddle is: "What walks on four legs in the morning。

two legs at noon。

and three legs in the evening?" The answer to the riddle is a human。

who crawls on all fours as a baby。

walks on two legs as an adult。

and uses a cane in old age.The Sphinx has ___ over the years to preserve ___ cleaningthe statue。

repairing any damage。

___ it remains stable。

Thegoal is to make the Sphinx look as close to its original state as possible.___。

there are many other ___。

The Great Pyramid of Giza。

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The Sphinx 狮身人面像Before You Read 阅前思考Answer the following questions.1. What do you know about the monument in the picture?2. Do you know any other Egyptian monuments?3. What are some famous monuments in your country?Target Vocabulary 目标词汇Match each word with the best meaning.1. archaeologist a. to make something look like it did when it was new2. cane b. easy to see3. crawl c. a stick made of wood or metal used to help a person walk4. monument d. to move slowly and close to the ground5. restore e. a person, animal, or thing made from wood, stone, or metal6. riddle f. to show great respect for7. statue g. a question that requires cleverness to answer8. strangle h. to kill someone by squeezing their neck so they can’t breathe9. visible i. a sculpture or building built in memory of a person or historical event10. worship j. a person who studies historical people and cultures by looking at oldthingsReading Passage 阅读文章For any tourist visiting Egypt, there are two things that everyone must see. The first is the 137-meter-high Great Pyramid of Giza, the largest of all the pyramids in Egypt. The second is the Great Sphinx of Giza, a sculpture with the body of a lion and the head of a man, which stands 20 meters tall and 73 meters long.The origin of the Great Sphinx of Giza goes back 5, 000 years. Although many sphinx sculptures have been found over the years, researchers believe that the Great Sphinx which guards the pyramids in Giza was actually the first one to be made (around 2600-2500 B. C.). The head of the Sphinx represents Khafre, the Pharaoh who ruled Egypt at that time.About two thousand years later, around 570 B. C., sand havd covered all but the head of the Great Sphinx. The people living in the area had forgotten the history of the statue, so they imagined that the head represented the sun god Ra and began worshiping it. The son of Pharaoh Amenhotep Ⅱ heard the head speak to him in a dream. The Sphinx’s head made him promise to clear the sand from the statue’s body. The son, Thutmose, kept his word and did what he was told in the dream. He also built walls around the statue to prevent the sand from covering it again. After all of the sand was cleared away, Thutmose made a large stone tablet that told the story of his dream. He placed this tablet between the town front feet of the Sphinx, where it stands to this day.For hundreds of years, the Sphinx attracted people both as a religious monument and as a work of art. But eventually, the desert sand once again covered the Sphinx, leaving only the head visible. It was not until the 1800s that archaeologists began clearing the sand from the statue and began researching the long history of the Sphinx. At last, in the 1920s, all of the sand was finally clearedaway and restoration work, which continues to this day, was begun.The name “sphinx”comes from an ancient Greek word, meaning “strangler.”According to Greek legend, the Sphinx was a demon with the body of a winged lion, and the head of a woman. She sat beside a road, and asked all people who passed her a riddle: “Which animal in the morning goes on four feet, at noon on two, and on three in the evening?” She strangled anyone who couldn’t make sense of the question. The riddle was finally solved by the Greek king, Oedipus. The answer was man, who crawls on hands and knees as a body, then walks on two feet as an adult, and finally walks with a cane in old age. The Sphinx then threw herself from her high rock and died.Circle the letter of the best answer.1. What is this passage mainly about?a. how the Great Sphinx is being restored c. the history of the Egyptian Pharaohsb. the history of the Great Sphinx d. the monuments of Egypt2. Which statement about the Great Sphinx is true?a. It is the only sphinx in the world. c. It was built by the ancient Greeks.b. It is the largest monument in Egypt. d. It has been covered by sand at least twice.3. The Great Sphinx was built as a monument to who?a. Khafreb. Amenhotep Ⅱc. Rad. Oedipus4. What sentence about the Great Sphinx is NOT true?a. It is not longer covered by sand. c. It is still being restored.b. People today believe that it represents the sun god Ra.d. You can still see a tablet in front of it.5. According to legend, how did the Sphinx die?a. Oedipus killed her. c. She killed herself.b. She died of old age. d. She was strangled.Idioms 习语Find each idiom in the story.1. To this day—until and including todayShe left her country when she was sixteen and to this day has never been back.The mystery of Jim Thomson’s disappearance is unsolved to this day.2. keep one’s word—do what you say you will doYou can really trust Junichi. He always keeps his word.I didn’t think she’d remember her promise, but she kept her word.3. make sense(of)—able to understood; succeed in understandingCan you help me with this question? I can’t make sense of it.No one could understand why he killed himself. It just didn’t make sense.A. Circle the letter of the word or phrase that best the sentence.1. Before babies can walk, they learn to .a. strangleb. worshipc. crawld. restore2. Which of these would be most useful in helping an elderly person walk?a. a statueb. a canec. a riddled. an archaeologist3. To celebrate the town’s anniversary, they funded a of the founder.a. statueb. speciesc. pyramidd. table4. To be thought of as honest, you should always .a. make senseb. make a go of itc. clear awayd. keep your word5. My grandfather had a bicycle accident in 1973 and hasn’t been on a bike again.a. as the name suggestsb. in the long runc. to this dayd. these days6. “Why did the chicken cross the road?” is a very old .a. riddleb. monumentc. restorationd. demon7. That old house will need to be before people can live in it again.a. ruledb. restoredc. fundedd. worshiped8. Road signs are usually painted in bright colors to make them more .a. artificialb. visiblec. potentiald. deadlyB. Complete the passage with items from the box. One item is extra.The Sphinx is a very famous (1) in Egypt that almost every tourist there goes to see. According to (2) , the Great Sphinx of Giza was probably the first sphinx make. Over thousands of years, sand covered the Sphinx until only the head was (3) .People forgot that the head represented a Pharaoh, and they began to (4) the Sphinx as Ra, the sun god. In fact, the name “sphinx”is not Egyptian, but from the Greek word meaning “strangler.”According to legend, they Sphinx (5) and killed anyone who could not (6) of her riddle.What Do You Think 你怎么想?1. Are there any monuments or building in your country that should be (or have been) restored?2. What riddles do you know?Part 1: Complete the sentences 完成句子Decide which words are best for the spaces. Circle the letter of your choice.1. Ancient Egyptians a sun god.a. strangledb. fundedc. crawledd. worshiped2. My little brother loves and other word games.a. benefitsb. riddles c species d. statues3. The military men quietly close to the ground so they would not be visible.a. fundedb. strangledc. crawledd. ruled4. Could you help me? I can’t of these directions.a. make senseb. keep my wordc. show respectd. stand a chance5. Ever since his accident, Tom’s grandfather has walked with a wooden .a. monumentb. canec. statued. pyramidPart 2: Read an answer 阅读并答题Read the news report and decide if the statement is true, false, or unknown. Circle you answer.Cairo, May 25, 1998 After ten years of hard work by archaeologists, most of the restoration work on the Sphinx has been completed. A big celebration was held today to mark the achievement. Important people from many nations attended, in addition to thousands of Egyptians. For Egyptians, the Sphinx is more than a monument; it is a visible symbol of their culture. They also hope that the multimillion dollar project will bring tourists to benefit the economy.In an interview with this newspaper, Dr. Zahi Hawass, the archaeologist running the project, said, that the restoration continues to this day. Dr. Hawass said that the Sphinx had been repaired before, but concrete, which has hurt the natural limestone material from which the monument is made. In addition, the air pollution in the environment has caused other problems.Dr. Hawass said that because it is located in the desert, sand had covered the Sphinx many times, and he said it stands chance being covered by sand again. Hawass also said that although the damage to the head of the Sphinx happened a long time ago, the restoration did not attempt to fix the nose so Hawass said the restoration team had kept their word to leave the face as it was.1. true false unknown Restoration work started in 1988.2. true false unknown Not all of the work on the monument has been finished.3. true false unknown The workers on the restoration came from many countries.4. true false unknown Limestone is a material made by humans in factories.5. true false unknown Archaeologists promised to fix the head of the Sphinx.。
