电化学 纳米金修饰电极检测VC和尿酸
和 Fe
分别代表高自旋和低自旋的铁离子或亚铁离子 。
3. 2 UA 在修饰电极上的伏安特性
图 2 为 1. 0 × 10 mol/L 的 UA 在普鲁士蓝修饰玻碳电极和裸玻碳电极上的循环伏安曲线 。由图 可见 , UA 在裸电极上的氧化峰非常弱 ; 而在修饰电极上则出现一强氧化峰 。值得注意的是 , UA 在修饰 电极上的氧化电位比裸电极上降低了 37mV ,峰电流增大 13 倍 。实验结果表明 ,普鲁士蓝对 UA 的电化 [ 12 ] 学氧化具有非常强的催化作用 ,并用方波伏安法测得其半峰宽 W 1 /2为 67 mV ,根据公式 : ξ ξ W 1 / 2 = ( R T / nF ) [ 3. 53 + 3. 46 S W / ( S W + 8. 1 ) ]
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(1. 北方民族大学 ,预科教育学院 ,宁夏 银川 750021; 2. 宁夏大学能源化工重点实验室化学化工学院 ,宁夏 银川 750021)
关键词 :尿酸 ;聚亚甲基蓝 ;修饰电极 ;电化学性质 中图分类号 : O657 文献标识码 : A
尿酸 (U ric acid, UA )是人体内嘌呤核苷酸分 解代谢过程中的最终产物 。体液中尿酸的含量变 化可以充分反映出人体新陈代谢 、免疫等机能状 况 ,同时 也 可 间 接 反 映 出 与 嘌 呤 代 谢 的 有 关 疾 病 [ 1 ] 。有关 UA 在修饰电极上的电化学分析方法 研究已有不少相关文献报道 ,如多壁炭纳米管修 饰电极 [ 2 ] ,生物胆碱修饰电极 [ 3 ] ,自组装修饰金电 极 [ 4 ]等 [ 527 ] 。
在 20. 10 ~ 1. 0 V 电位窗口及 0. 10 mol·L21 PB S (pH 6. 8 ) 水溶液中研究了 1. 0 ×1023 mol·L21 UA 在裸 Au和 PMB /Au上的循环伏安行为 ,如图 2所示 。UA 在 Au电极上 (图 2b曲线 ) Epa为 770 mV ,而在 PMB /Au 上 (图 2c 曲线 ) Epa为 700mV。 与裸 Au相比 , UA 在 PMB /Au上 Epa负移 70 mV , Ipa明显增大 。表明 PMB /Au对 UA 的电化学氧化 产生了催化作用 。催化的可能原因是 : UA ( pKa = 5. 80)在 PBS ( pH6. 8 )水溶液中以阴离子形式存 在 [ 13 ] ,而 MB 中 2N ( CH3 ) 2与 H +结合成阳离子 ,同 时 MB 发生电化学氧化成为氧化态 ,使得 MB 修饰 电极表面带有高密度的正电荷 ,两者存在强烈的 静电相互作用 , UA 与氧化态 MB 发生化学反应被 催化氧化 , MB 被还原 ,从而导致 UA 的氧化峰电 位负移 ,峰电流 Ipa增加 。
论文的研究工作主要包括以下几个部分:1. 基于金纳米粒子对鲁米诺-过氧化氢化学发光体系的增敏作用,建立了一种毛细管电泳化学发光检测金纳米粒子的新方法。
例如:痛风、高尿酸血症等[3]。因此,对体液中 UA
浓度的监测临床上具有重要的意义。 目前,测定尿酸类物质的方法有很多,如:
HPLC[4]、化学发光法[5]、毛细管电泳[6]等,但这些 方法多具有耗时、前处理复杂,而且需要专业操作 人员,设备昂贵等缺点。电化学法[7]以其方便、快 捷、灵敏度高、设备廉价等优点应用广泛。例如,
代谢的主要产物[1]。血清中 UA 的正常水平为
· ,尿液中 的正常 2 4×10-4 ~ 5 2×10-4 mol L-1
浓度为 · 。血液或 1 4×10-3 ~ 4 4×10-3 mol L-1 [2]
尿液中 UA 浓度异常通常预示着很多疾病的发生,
CdSe 量子点修饰的中空纤维石墨电极检测了肌苷
酸和尿酸[11]。而近年来,DNA 传感器日益受到研
究工作者的关注。组装 DNA 传感器的关键是
DNA 在修饰电极上的组装[12]。因为纳米金具有
来承载 DNA[1315]。通常情况下,将 DNA 一端修饰
第 期
第 卷第 30 年 72018 7
比色荧光探针的研究 与 应 用
文章编号: ( ) 10041656 2018 07107506
, Vol. 30 No. , July 2018
翟一静,王 玮,康维钧,牛凌梅
(河北医科大学公共卫生学院,河北 石家庄,050017)
纳米金-壳聚糖修饰电极循环伏安法测定抗坏血酸王岩玲;程云环【摘要】介绍纳米金-壳聚糖修饰电极的制备方法及其测定抗坏血酸的分析应用.采用电沉积方法,将氯金酸与壳聚糖的混合电解液直接共沉积,制备了壳聚糖-纳米金修饰玻碳电极的电化学传感器.利用循环伏安法研究了抗坏血酸浓度、pH值等对抗坏血酸在修饰电极上的电化学行为的影响.实验结果表明,修饰电极对抗坏血酸具有良好的电催化氧化作用,抗坏血酸浓度在5×10-5~1×10-3 mol/L范围内线性良好,回归方程为Ip=0.4338c+0.8819,相关系数为0.99871.该法可指导纳米金-壳聚糖修饰电极的制备及抗坏血酸含量的测定.%It was introduced of the method to prepare the electrodes modified by Au nanoparticles and chitosan and the usage to determine ascorbic acid. The electrochemical sensor of glassy carbon electrode modified by chitosan and gold nanoparticles were prepared by electrodeposition with chloroauric acid and chitosan as the mixed electrolyte. The effects of ascorbic acid concentration and pH value on the electrochemical behavior of ascorbic acid over the modified electrodes were investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The results showed that the ascorbic acid possessed high activity for electric catalytic oxidation on the modified electrodes. A good linear relationship was shown when the conc entration of ascorbic acid changed from 5×10-5 mol/L to 1×10-3 mol/L. The equation of linear regression was Ip=0.4338c+0.8819 with the linear correlation coefficient of 0.99871. This method can guide to the preparation of the electodes modified by Au nanoparticales and chitosan and determination of ascorbic acid.【期刊名称】《化学分析计量》【年(卷),期】2017(026)005【总页数】4页(P36-39)【关键词】纳米金;壳聚糖;电化学传感器;循环伏安法;抗坏血酸【作者】王岩玲;程云环【作者单位】淮北师范大学化学与材料科学学院,安徽淮北 235000;淮北师范大学化学与材料科学学院,安徽淮北 235000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.14纳米金修饰电极具有优良的电催化性能,在食品、医药、环境保护等领域具有广泛的应用前景。
金纳米修饰电极 电化学检测
![金纳米修饰电极 电化学检测](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d3eb2c365bcfa1c7aa00b52acfc789eb172d9ebe.png)
关键词:铁基金属有机框架材料; 电化学还原石墨烯; 同时检测; 嘌呤代谢物引言:作为DNA代谢产物的诸如黄嘌呤(XA)、次黄嘌呤(HX)和尿酸(UA)等,在生物体的能量供应和代谢调节中起着非常重要的生理功能。
苝酐-纳米金修饰电极同时检测抗坏血酸、多巴胺和尿酸的研究归国风;宋鹏;孙小媛【摘要】多孔结构的3,4,9,10-苝四甲酸二酐(PTCDA)作为骨架,用抗坏血酸做还原剂制备纳米金(GNPs),制备了高催化活性的PTC-GNPs复合纳米材料.将该材料用于玻碳电极的修饰(GCE),制得PTC-GNPs复合材料修饰的电极(PTC-GNPs/GCE).该修饰电极能够同时对尿酸(UA)、多巴胺(DA)和抗坏血酸(AA)进行检测.分别使用循环伏安法(CV)和差分脉冲伏安法(DPV)对UA、DA和AA和在修饰电极上的电化学行为进行研究.实验结果表明,在pH=5.0的PBS缓冲体系中,该修饰电极对UA、DA和AA的线性响应范围分别为0.002~0.462 mol/L、0.002~0.352 mol/L和0.04~1.54 mol/L.该传感在临床医学检测领域具有一定的应用前景.【期刊名称】《化学传感器》【年(卷),期】2014(034)004【总页数】5页(P34-38)【关键词】苝四甲酸二酐;纳米金;多巴胺;尿酸;抗坏血酸;伏安法【作者】归国风;宋鹏;孙小媛【作者单位】贵州工程应用技术学院化学工程学院,贵州毕节551700;贵州工程应用技术学院化学工程学院,贵州毕节551700;贵州工程应用技术学院化学工程学院,贵州毕节551700【正文语种】中文生物活性小分子物质在哺乳动物及人类体内发挥着重要的作用。
金纳米修饰电极 电化学检测
![金纳米修饰电极 电化学检测](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ffb77456d85ec3a87c24028915f804d2a168742.png)
1. 构建电化学发光传感器 - 选择合适的金属材料作为电极,利用微
2. 执行电化学实验 - 通过循环伏安法或恒电位法对样品进行电化学
3. 检验方法的准确性和可重复性 - 对不同样本的检测结果进行对比
一、多壁碳纳米管的制备及性质1. 多壁碳纳米管的基本概念和结构特点多壁碳纳米管是由多个同心套的石墨层卷曲而成,具有优异的导电性和化学稳定性。
2. 多壁碳纳米管的制备方法及工艺优化多壁碳纳米管的制备方法包括化学气相沉积、化学气体凝结、电弧放电等多种途径。
3. 多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极的优势相比于传统电极材料,多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极具有更高的导电性和化学稳定性,能够有效提高电化学传感器的检测性能。
二、多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极在尿酸测定中的应用1. 多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极的尿酸检测原理以多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极为工作电极,利用其优异的电化学特性,可以实现对尿酸的快速、灵敏和选择性检测。
2. 多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极在尿酸测定中的优势多壁碳纳米管修饰丝印电极在尿酸测定中具有较高的灵敏度、选择性和稳定性,能够准确、快速地完成尿酸浓度的检测。
多壁碳纳米管修饰电极电化学传感器测定尿酸翁燕红;彭友元【摘要】A simple,rapid and sensitive electrochemical method for determination of uric acid was developed on multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs ) modified glassy carbon electrodes.The modified electrodes were characterized by scanning electron microscopy and cyclic voltammetry.The effect of experimental parameters,pH of the buffered solutions and the potential sweep rate on the re-sponse were examined.Under the optimal conditions,the modified electrode showed a wide linear response toward the concentration of uric acid in the range of 8.0 ×10-7~8.0 ×10-4 mol∙L-1 with a detection limit of 5.0 × 10-8 mol∙L-1 .The proposed method was successfully applied in the determination of uric acid in real samples.%基于羧基化多壁碳纳米管的催化作用,建立了一种测定体液中尿酸含量的新方法.通过扫描电子显微镜和电化学手段对传感器的表面形貌和性能进行了表征,并且优化了检测条件,研究了传感器对尿酸的响应.结果表明,多壁碳纳米管对尿酸的氧化有明显的催化作用.在最优实验条件下,尿酸在修饰电极表面的峰电流与其浓度在8.0×10-7~8.0×10-4 mol∙L-1内呈良好线性关系,检测限为5×10-8 mol∙L-1,该传感器已经应用于实际样品中的测定,测定的回收率在94%~105%.【期刊名称】《泉州师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2014(000)006【总页数】5页(P45-48,54)【关键词】尿酸;多壁碳纳米管;电化学传感器【作者】翁燕红;彭友元【作者单位】泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院,福建泉州 362000;泉州师范学院化学与生命科学学院,福建泉州 362000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.3尿酸是人体内嘌呤的代谢终产物,人体体液中尿酸含量过高是许多疾病的征兆,如心血管疾病、痛风、糖尿病、高血压等.因此,人体体液中尿酸的定量分析在分析应用及临床诊断等方面具有重要意义[1-2].文献报道检测尿酸的方法有光谱法[3]、液相色谱法[4]、电化学法[5-7]等.由于碳纳米管有独特的空间结构、优良的导电性和催化活性等,目前已成为化学修饰电极和电化学传感器等领域的研究热点[5,8].体液中尿酸的测定又常受到与之共存的物质如多巴胺的干扰[9],因此,建立一种选择性测定尿酸的高灵敏的分析方法就显得尤为重要.玻碳电极表面容易被修饰、背景电流较小[10].玻碳电极的电化学性能可以通过一些处理使其达到更好的测定状态.碳纳米管具有比表面积大、导电性好、容易形成良好的膜在玻碳电极上,使其近年来在电化学传感器中的应用非常受关注[11-12].碳纳米管性质稳定,在一般溶剂中难溶且难分散,对其进行预处理功能化并选择适当的分散剂非常重要.本文将羧基化的多壁碳纳米管分散在N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)溶液中,得到了一种均匀的多壁碳纳米管分散液,可以有效地对尿酸的电化学行为产生特有的催化效应,从而可以增强电化学响应信号、提高检测灵敏度. 1.1 仪器与试剂CHI800C电化学工作站(上海辰华仪器公司),工作电极为玻碳电极(GCE)以及修饰玻碳电极,铂丝为辅助电极,饱和甘汞电极为参比电极.超声波清洗机(北京中土和泰五金机电有限公司)、电子天平(上海奥豪斯仪器有限公司)、SHB-IIL循环式多用真空泵(郑州长城科贸有限公司).采用日本日立公司Hitachi S-4800场发射扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察修饰电极的形貌.尿酸、多巴胺和N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)购自Sigma公司;多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs,中国科学院成都化学有限公司);缓冲液为磷酸二氢钠-磷酸氢二钠溶液(PBS),硼砂-硼酸溶液,其余试剂均为分析纯.实验用水都为蒸馏水.1.2 实验方法1.2.1 制备羧基化多壁碳纳米管(MWCNTs-COOH) 多壁碳纳米管的具体处理见文献[13]报道,得到羧基化的碳纳米管记为MWCNTs-COOH.1.2.2 玻碳电极的预处理玻碳电极的预处理见文献[13],打磨至在1 mmol∙L-1K3[Fe(CN)6]溶液得到可逆的循环伏安曲线为止.1.2.3 修饰电极的制备称取5 mg MWCNTs-COOH加入装有5 mL N,N-二甲基甲酰胺,然后放入超声仪中超声20 min.用移液枪移取9 μL分散液涂在已经打磨好的玻碳电极上面,并放在室温中自然干燥,所得电极即为修饰电极.1.2.4 实际样品处理取血清1 mL,加入缓冲溶液稀释10倍,按照试验方法进行测定.2.1 羧基化多壁碳纳米管的红外光谱图1为多壁碳纳米管在浓硝酸处理前后的红外光谱图.由图1可见,处理后的碳纳米管出现两个较强的吸收峰,分别为羧酸(1 728 cm-1)和羟基(1 384 cm-1)的伸缩振动.而在波数为3 431 cm-1处出现的峰对应-OH的伸缩振动.图1曲线a为未经处理的碳纳米管红外光谱,酸氧化碳纳米管表面引入了大量的羧基和羟基,可提高碳纳米管的在溶液中分散性,增强其与被测物质尿酸分子间的相互作用.采用扫描电镜对MWCNTs-GCE电极的表面形貌进行表征(图2) .由图2可见,MWCNTs已经均匀地分散在玻碳电极表面.2.2 尿酸在不同电极上的电化学行为图3显示的是尿酸在裸玻碳电极上的循环伏安图(a)和多壁碳纳米管修饰电极的曲线(b).其中,缓冲溶液:50 mmol∙L-1硼酸盐溶液(pH=9.0);扫速:50 mV∙S-1.如图可知,在碳纳米管修饰电极上尿酸的氧化峰电位为0.207 V,与裸电极相比负移了35 mV,且氧化峰电流也明显增大,由2.903×10-6 A变成7.461×10-6 A.与裸玻碳电极相比,修饰电极可以降低对尿酸的氧化峰电位,使其更容易氧化.同时,修饰电极的有效面积增加,从而使得尿酸的氧化峰电流增大.2.3 pH缓冲液尿酸的电化学行为影响在其他条件相同下,硼酸缓冲液的pH值对尿酸的峰电流有影响.具体表现如图4所示,其中,尿酸浓度为50 μmol∙L-1.在pH 8.0~9.8范围内,峰电流值先增加后减小,在pH=9.0处取得最大值.所以本实验可取硼酸盐缓冲液pH= 不同扫描速度对尿酸的影响随着扫速的增加,峰电流明显增加,如图5所示.图中从上往下,扫速依次增大,分别为10,20,40,50,80,100,150,200,250和300 mV∙s-1,尿酸浓度:5×10-5 mol∙L-1.但是扫速过高,充电电流变大,信噪比降低.因此本实验选择扫描速度为50 mV∙s-1.2.5 浓度与工作曲线通过以上条件的优化处理,配制了不同浓度尿酸的标准溶液,通过线性扫描伏安法(LSV),如图6所示,测定其氧化峰电流.图中从上往下浓度依次增大,分别为8.0×10-7,1.0×10-6,4.0×10-6,8.0×10-6,1.0×10-5,4.0×10-5,8.0×10-5,1.0×10-4,4.0×10-4,8.0×10-4 mol∙L-1.研究发现,氧化峰电流随着尿酸浓度的增加而增大,在8.0×10-7~8.0×10-4 mol∙L-1范围内浓度和氧化峰电流呈线性关系,线性回归方程为:ip(μA)= 0.052 29 c(μmol∙L-1)+ 1.258 04×10-6,r=0.997 5,如图7所示.2.6 干扰测定配制尿酸和多巴胺的混合溶液,测定LSV图,如图8所示.10倍浓度的多巴胺不干扰尿酸的测定,在混合溶液中尿酸的峰电位基本保持不变,这说明修饰电极对尿酸的测定具有良好的选择性,即使存在高浓度的多巴胺仍可测定尿酸.实验结果表明,相对误差在5%之内,以下物质对尿酸(5.0×10-5 mol∙L-1)的测定不干扰:50倍半胱氨酸、甘氨酸、多巴胺和维生素C;200倍的乳酸、葡萄糖、蔗糖、尿酸;500倍的Cl-、Na+、K+、Ca2+.结果表明该电极具有良好的选择性.2.7 实际样品的检测取血清1 mL,加入缓冲溶液稀释10倍,按照试验方法进行测定,平行测量3次,所得结果如表1所示,加标回收率结果在96%~105%之间.本方法测定结果与分光光度法[14]一致.通过研究碳纳米管修饰电极可以催化尿酸的氧化,使尿酸的氧化峰电位降低,峰电流提高,进一步提高了测量的灵敏度,具有操作简单、测定快速等特点.该方法已经成功地应用于实际样品血清中尿酸的测定.【相关文献】[1] POPA E. 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基于多孔粗糙金纳米管阵列电极直接电化学测定抗坏血酸和尿酸杨光明【摘要】利用循环伏安法(CV)和模板(阳极氧化铝模板(AAO),制备出多孔粗糙金纳米管,壳聚糖将(AAO制备所得)其固定在玻碳电极上,然后将模板溶解,制得金纳米管修饰的传感器,并将其用于抗坏血酸(AA)和尿酸(UA)的直接电化学测定.利用电子扫描电镜(SEM)分析了金纳米管的微观形貌,通过微分差示脉冲伏安(DPV)和循环伏安法考察了抗坏血酸和尿酸在修饰电极上的电化学行为.结果表明,该传感器检测抗坏血酸和尿酸的线性范围分别为1.02×10-7~5.23×10-4mol.L-1和1.43×10-7~4.64×104mo l.L-1,检测下限分别为1.12×10-8mol.L-1和2.24×10-8mol.L-1.该传感器具有稳定性好,制作简单,使用寿命长等特点,为实际样品中抗坏血酸和尿酸的测定提供了一种新的简便手段.【期刊名称】《保山学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(031)005【总页数】6页(P6-11)【关键词】金纳米管阵列;抗坏血酸;尿酸;阳极氧化铝模板;微分差示脉冲伏安【作者】杨光明【作者单位】保山学院资源环境学院,云南保山678000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O646纳米金修饰电极由于其较高的电催化性能引起了人们在电化学领域的关注[1]P803-807。
同时,很多的研究表明有序的、粗糙的材料修饰的电极比其他电极具有较高的电化学活性,提供更多的比表面积、催化活性位点,降低性噪比;较高的法拉利电流密度和电子转移,将有利于提高检测的灵敏度和检测下限 [3]P190-193,[4]P1893-1896。
1. 尿酸快速测量快速检测尿酸是非常重要的,可以帮助人们及时发现疾病,减少病情恶化,改善患者的健康情况。
2. 尿酸连续监测由于尿酸检测的一次性,常规的检测方式只能检测出一次性尿酸浓度,而不能监测血清尿酸的变化趋势。
结果表明: VB1在金电极表面具有特性吸附。
以[Fe(CN)6]3-/ 4-氧化还原电对为探针,考察了VB1自组装膜修饰金电极的电化学性质, VB1自组装膜的存在对[Fe(CN)6]3-/4-的电子转移具有明显的阻碍作用。
实验结果表明, DA和UA 在此电极上均可被电催化氧化。
差分脉冲伏安(DPV)氧化峰电流与DA 浓度在2.0×10-5~4.0×10 4 mol/L范围内呈线性关系;测定UA 的线性范围为6.0×10-5~2.2×10-4 mol/L,而且可实现这两种物质的同时测定。
【关键词】维生素B1,自组装,多巴胺,尿酸,电催化,化学修饰电极Abstract Vitamin B1 self assembled monolayer modified electrode (VB1Au/SAMs/CME) was prepared and its electrochemical behavior was studied by cyclic voltammetry. The results showed that a self assembled monolayer (SAM) was formed on the surface of gold electrode. [Fe(CN)6]3-/4-redox couple was used as the electrochemical probe to study the electrochemical characteristics of SAM modified gold electrodeand the results indicated that the existence of Vitamin B1 membrane on gold surface hindered the electron transfer. The electrochemical behaviors of dopamine(DA) and uric acid (UA) were investigated at VB1Au/SAMs/CME. The results showed that the electrochemical oxidation of DA and UA could be electrocatalyzed. There were linear relationships between the anodic peak current and the concentration of DA(8.0×10-6-4.0×10-4 mol/L) and UA (6.0×10-5-2.2×10-4mol/L) respectively in differential pulse voltammograms. This modified electrode was effective to detect DA and UA in simultaneous determination of these species in a mixture.Keywords Vitamin B1, self assembled monolayer, dopamine, uric acid, electrocatalysis, chemically modified electrode1 引言多巴胺(DA)是存在于哺乳动物中枢神经系统中的一种重要的神经递质,它参与许多重要的生理活动,大脑中DA含量的改变可导致精神分裂症和帕金森氏等疾病[1]。
碳纳米管修饰阵列电极同时测定抗坏血酸和尿酸邹蕊【期刊名称】《广东化工》【年(卷),期】2018(045)019【摘要】本文建立了基于计时电流法的碳纳米管修饰阵列电极同时检测抗坏血酸和尿酸的方法.首先制作了由两个碳工作电极(1mm×2mm)、一个大面积碳对极(2mm× 13mm)和一个厚膜Ag/AgCl参比电极构成的集成化碳阵列电极系统,然后以多壁碳纳米管修饰碳阵列电极,最后分别在CH1道电极电位为0.211V测定了抗坏血酸,在CH2道电极电位为0.428V测定了尿酸.实验结果表明,通过聚乙烯不干胶掩膜模板和手工丝网印刷碳技术制作的阵列电极电极面积一致,电活性好.CH1道氧化蜂电流(IpCH1)与抗坏血酸浓度在4.0×10-6 mol/L~4.0× 10-5mol/L呈良好的线性关系,CH2道氧化峰电流(IpCH2)尿酸浓度在4.0× 10-7 mol/L ~4.0× 10-6 mol/L呈良好的线性关系.本文设计的电极和建立的测定方法在多种生物样品的同时测定方面具有潜在的价值.【总页数】3页(P33-35)【作者】邹蕊【作者单位】宁夏师范学院化学化工学院,宁夏固原 756000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.1【相关文献】1.离子液体/多壁碳纳米管/壳聚糖修饰电极同时检测多巴胺、抗坏血酸及尿酸的研究 [J], 许宇智;苏星鹏;赵欣;戴宗;邹小勇2.聚对氨基苯磺酸/碳纳米管复合膜修饰电极对尿酸与抗坏血酸的同时测定 [J], 陈小印;王宗花;张菲菲;朱玲艳;李延辉;夏延致3.多壁碳纳米管-Nafion化学修饰电极在高浓度抗坏血酸和尿酸体系中选择性测定多巴胺 [J], 孙延一;吴康兵;胡胜水4.碳纳米管—电沉积Co修饰电极在抗坏血酸存在下同时测定多巴胺和尿酸 [J],李珠叶;张萍;刘传银5.聚合离子液体-多壁碳纳米管化学修饰电极同时测定多巴胺、抗坏血酸与尿酸 [J], 张玲;矫淞霖;张慧;迟晓平;张谦;张洪波因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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Published:April 02,2011/acElectrochemical Sensing Using Quantum-Sized Gold NanoparticlesS.Senthil Kumar,Kyuju Kwak,and Dongil Lee*Department of Chemistry,Yonsei University,Seoul 120-749,KoreabSupporting Information Recent advances in the synthesis of ultrasmall gold nanoparticles protected with organothiolate (SR)have opened the possibility to synthesize stable,atomically monodisperse gold nanoparticles.1À4Au 25(SR)18,Au 38(SR)24,and Au 144(SR)60are the examples of the quantum-sized gold nanoparticles that exhibit discrete electronic states and quantum con finement e ffects.5,6These nanoparticles have received considerable attention recently because of their unique size-dependent electrochemical,optical,and catalytic properties.1À9Much progress has been made toward understanding their structures and fundamental physical and chemical properties.For example,electrochemical and optical study of the Au 25nanoparticles has revealed that Au 25has the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO)Àlowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO)gap of ca.1.33eV,representing the molecule-like property.5However,the technological application of such nanoparticles is still scarce.7À9It will be of great interest to utilize these functional materials in technolog-ical areas such as nanoelectronics,optoelectronics,and sensors since these nanoparticles could exhibit unique properties that di ffer sub-stantially from the corresponding atoms and bulk materials.Herein,we report the first utilization of the quantum-sized Au 25nanoparticles in electrocatalysis and electrochemical sensing.The sol Àgel technique has been used to immobilize gold nanoparticles to form a modi fied electrode.10À12Gold nanoparticles employed for electrochemical sensing thus far were,however,redox inactive nanoparticles with core diameters usually larger than 3nm and,thus,they were entrapped into the sol Àgel network along with redox mediators or redox enzymes.10À12The sol Àgel matrix provides stability to the redox mediator or the enzyme that interacts selectively with the target analyte,and the gold nanoparticles act as tiny con-ductors.In the present study,the unique electrochemical properties of Au 25nanoparticles o ffer particular virtues for the development of the modi fied electrode in which Au 25can serve as an electronic conductor as well as a redox mediator.Highly monodisperse,hexanethiolate-pro-tected Au 25nanoparticles (Au 25)were synthesized and characterized as [Au 25(SC 6H 13)18]À(see Supporting Information for experimental details).Au 25nanoparticles were entrapped into the sol Àgel networkby the hydrolysis of ethyltrimethoxy silane according to a literature procedure 13with slight modi fication.In a typical procedure,Au 25solution (10mg in 0.2mL of CH 2Cl 2)was mixed with 0.1mL of water containing 25%(v/v)glutaraldehyde and 0.2mL of ethyltri-methoxy silane,and the mixture was sonicated for 30min.The resulting homogeneous solution was subsequently stored at room temperature for 2h.10μL of this mixture was then dropcast on the surface of a glassy carbon electrode (GCE,3mm diameter)and allowed to dry overnight at room temperature to form the modi fied sol Àgel electrode (Au 25SGE).The Au 25SGE was then washed thoroughly with water and used as a working electrode.Scheme 1depicts the cartoon of Au 25SGE 14with the Au 25entrapped in the sol Àgel network.The square wave voltammogram (SWV)of Au 25in CH 2Cl 2shown in Figure 1A displays the redox characteristics of Au 25;three sets of well-de fined redox peaks with formal potentials at 0.62,0.31,and À1.33V vs Ag wire quasi-reference electrode (AgQRE)can be assigned to Au 251þ/0,Au 250/1Àand Au 251À/2Àredox couples,respectively.1Cyclic voltammogram (CV)of the Au 25SGE in 0.1M KCl (Figure 1B)also shows well-de fined and reversible redox peaks with formal potential at 0.34V vs Ag/AgCl corresponding to Au 250/1Àcouple.The redox peaks of Au 251þ/0couple are not well-resolved,and they appear as a small shoulder around 0.43V.The reason for this behavior is unclear at this time.It could re flect the fact that small peak spacings between Au 251þ/0and Au 250/1Àcouples are expected when the dielectric constant of the medium is higher.5It could also be due to the fact that limited charge-compensating counterions are available in the sol Àgel network for Au 251þ/0upon the first oxidation (Au 250/1À)reaction,as has been observed in the voltammogram of a Langmuir monolayer of similar particles.15The first oxidation (Au 250/1À)appears,however,to be very stable and reproducible;the peak potentials and peak currents of the Au 25SGEReceived:February 14,2011Accepted:April 2,2011ABSTRACT:This paper describes the electrocatalytic activity of quantum-sized thiolate protected Au 25nanoparticles and their use in electrochemical sensing.The Au 25film modi fied electrode exhibited excellent mediated electrocatalytic activity that was utilized for amperometric sensing of biologically relevant ana-lytes,namely,ascorbic acid and uric acid.The electron transfer dynamics in the Au 25film was examined as a function of Au 25concentration,which manifested the dual role of Au 25as an electronic conductor as well as a redox mediator.The electrontransfer study has further revealed the correlation between the electronic conductivity of the Au 25film and the sensingsensitivity.were found to remain unaltered for 25continuous cycles (Figure 1B),re flecting the stable immobilization of the Au 25in the sol Àgel network.The electrocatalytic activity of the Au 25SGE toward the oxidation of biologically relevant analytes,namely,ascorbic acid (AA)and uric acid (UA),has been examined.Figure 2shows the CVs of Au 25SGE and bare GCE (inset to Figure 2)recorded in the absence and presence of the analytes in 0.1M KCl.As shown in the figures,there is a dramatic enhancement in the anodic peak current at the Au 25SGE (curves b Àf)upon the addition of analytes in 1μM increments,whereas only a slight increase in the anodic current was observed at the bare GCE even after the addition of 5μM of the analytes (curve h).Both AA and UA are known to undergo irreversible oxidation,16and thus,the en-hancement was observed only in the anodic current.Moreover,AA and UA were found to undergo oxidation,respectively,at 380and 405mV,signi ficantly lower potentials at the Au 25SGE than those at the bare GCE,as compared in Table 1.The oxidation potentials of AA and UA at the Au 25SGE are also considerably lower than those at the bare gold electrode,which were found to be 460and 574mV for AA and UA,respectively.The decrease in the potential for oxidation of these analytes to a potential closer to the oxidation potential of Au 25,accompanied with an en-hancement in anodic current,clearly demonstrates the mediated electrocatalytic activity 17of the immobilized Au 25according to the following reactions:Au 25Àf Au 250ð1ÞAu 250þanalyte ðreduced Þf Au 25Àþanalyte ðoxidized Þð2ÞThe Au 25nanoparticles in the sol Àgel network are first oxidized at the electrode (eq 1).In the presence of analyte,the oxidized Au 250electrocatalytically oxidizes the analyte while it is reduced to Au 25À(eq 2).The unique electronic structure of Au 25nanoparticles has been computed,18,19which reveals uneven charge distribution between the Au 13core and the Au 12shell.The electron-de ficient Au 12shell and low-coordinate surface gold atoms 9appear to be responsible for the observed electrocatalytic activity of the Au 25nanoparticles.The regeneration of Au 25Àwould result in an increase in the anodic current with increasing analyte concentra-tion.In addition,the oxidation of AA and UA at the Au 25SGE (Figure 2A,B)shows only one peak nearer to the oxidation peak of the mediator (Au 25),indicating that all the available AA and UA undergo mediated electrocatalytic oxidation at the Au 25SGE.As can be seen in the calibration graphs in Figure 2,the increases in the anodic peak currents were found to vary linearly with the concentration of the analyte added for both analytes.The amperometric sensing performance of Au 25SGE summar-ized in Table 1shows that the Au 25SGE can be employed for the amperometric determination of these analytes over a good linear range with low detection limit and high sensitivity.The obtained linear range,detection limit,and sensitivity are comparable or better than the recently reported electrochemical sensors for the determination of these analytes.16,20À22To the best of our knowledge,this is the first result demonstrating amperometric sensing based on a redox-active gold nanoparticle.As noted above,Au 25could play the dual role as an electronic conductor as well as a redox mediator.In order to gain further insights into the role of Au 25as a conductor,we examined the elec-tron transport in the Au 25SGE as a function of the Au 25concentra-tion (C ).24Stable voltammetric responses were observed for all the concentrations in the range from 3.94to 15.97mM.A representativeScheme 1.Mechanism Depicting the Mediated Electrocata-lytic Oxidation and Ensuing Electron Transport Across the EntrappedAu 25inAu 25SGEFigure 1.(A)SWV of Au 25in CH 2Cl 2containing 0.1M Bu 4NPF 6at Pt working electrode.(B)CV of the Au 25SGE for 25continuous cycles in 0.1M KCl at 20mVs À1.Figure 2.Voltammograms demonstrating the electrocatalytic oxidation of (A)ascorbic acid and (B)uric acid in 0.1M KCl at 20mVs À1;(a)CV of Au 25SGE in the absence of analyte,(b Àf)in the presence of 1,2,3,4,and 5μM of the analyte,(g)CV of bare GCE in the absence of analyte,and (h)in the presence of 5μM of analyte,and calibration graphs for the determination of (C)ascorbic acid and (D)uric acid from the voltammograms of Au 25SGE.voltammetric response of the Au25SGE(C=15.97mM)at varying scan rate is shown in Figure S4(Supporting Information).Both anodic and cathodic peak currents for all the modified electrodes made with different Au25concentrations were found to vary linearly with the square root of scan rate from2to100mVsÀ1(Figure S5,Support-ing Information),indicating the electron transport in thefilm is a diffusion-controlled process.The apparent diffusion coefficients (D APP)were calculated from the peak currents.25The diffusion pro-cess may involve one or both of physical diffusion(D PHYS)and electron hopping diffusion(D E)between Au25cores(i.e.,electron self-exchange)in thefilm.The possible electrocatalytic reaction between the oxidized Au250and analyte and ensuing electron transport process across the Au25film is shown in Scheme1.To calculate the electron hopping rates from D E,we make the assumption that D E.D PHYS.This is entirely reasonable considering the Au25SGE structure (Scheme1)in which Au25nanoparticles are entrapped in the polymer network.Thus,the self-exchange rate constant(k EX)of the Au250/Àcouple in thefilm can be calculated from D E using26,27D APP¼D PHYSþD E%D E¼k EXδ2C=6ð3Þwhereδis the centerÀcenter Au25core separation.The calculated DE and k EX are plotted versus the Au25concentration in Figure3,and values are listed in Table S1(Supporting Information).The structurally well-defined Au25SGE opens the way to unravel the effect of the electronic conductivity of thefilm on electrochemical sensing.As can be seen in Figure3,both D E and k EX increase dramatically at lower Au25concentrations and gradually reach the maximum at concentrations higher than9.23mM.The consequence of this behavior is well reflected in the sensitivity results for ascorbic acid(S AA)and uric acid(S UA).Both S AA and S UA show more than a 25-fold increase as the concentration increases from3.94mM to 9.23mM by2.3-fold,whereas S AA and S UA increase almost linearly with concentration at concentrations higher than9.23mM.These results clearly indicate that the sensitivity is dominantly controlled by the electron transfer dynamics in thefilm at lower Au25concentra-tions.In addition,the fact that the sensitivity increases linearly with concentration at higher concentrations indicates that all Au25 nanoparticles in thefilm are electroactive and electronically well-connected with each other.Finally,the dependence of k EX on Au25 concentration provides new insights into the electron hopping mechanism in thefilm.When the Au25concentration is higher than 9.23mM,the k EX reaches the maximum rate which appears to be limited by the tunneling rate through the hexanethiolate ligands between the Au25cores.The maximum k EX of2.27Â108MÀ1sÀ1 (Table S1,Supporting Information)compares very well with those obtained from networkfilms of gold nanoparticles.28At lower concentrations(C<9.23mM),the electron hopping rate appears to be limited by the mass transport rate of Au25to form a precursor complex for electron transfer.26This interpretation is well supported by the structural data of Au25SGEs in Table S1(Supporting Infor-mation)in which the average Au25centerÀcenter distances29seem to be too long for the electron transfer to occur at that equilibrium distance.In summary,we have shown that redox-active Au25nanopar-ticles can be utilized to develop amperometric sensors based on their excellent electrocatalytic activity.The electron transfer dynamics study of the Au25modified electrode manifests that Au25nanopar-ticles play the dual role as an electronic conductor as well as a redox mediator.The electron transfer study further provides thefirst quantitative results,revealing the correlation between the electron transfer dynamics in the nanoparticlefilm and the sensing sensitivity. These studies are important to the frontier of fundamental science and also highly relevant to the potential technological applications of the quantum-sized gold nanoparticles.Another potential advantage of these sensors is that it may be possible to engineer the ligand shell of the nanoparticles to improve the selectivity.This will be pursued in the future work.’ASSOCIATED CONTENTb Supporting Information.Experimental details including synthesis and characterization of Au25and electron transport data.This material is available free of charge via the Internet at .’AUTHOR INFORMATIONCorresponding Author*Phone:(þ82)2-2123-5638.Fax:(þ82)2-364-7050.E-mail: dongil@yonsei.ac.kr.Homepage:http://chem.yonsei.ac.kr/∼nanomat/.’ACKNOWLEDGMENTThis research was supported by World Class University(R32-2008-000-10217-0),Priority Research Centers(2009-0093823), and Basic Science Research(2010-0009244)Programs throughTable1.Electrocatalytic Activity and Amperometric Sensing Performance of Au25SGEoxidation potentials(mV)aanalyte BareGCE(E1)Au25SGE(E2)E1-E2linear range(μM)LOD(μM)b S(μA/μM)c AA450380700.13À11.60.068 1.556 UA5104051050.13À7.50.071 1.489a Oxidation potentials are compared at the analyte concentration of5μM.b Limit of detection.c Sensitivity of determinationof the analytes.23Figure3.Dependence of electron diffusion coefficient(D E),self-exchange rate constant(k EX),and sensitivity of determination for ascorbic acid(S AA)and uric acid(S UA)on the concentration of Au25.the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)funded by the Ministry of Education,Science and Technology and Yonsei University Research Fund.’REFERENCES(1)Murray,R.W.Chem.Rev.2008,108,2688–2720.(2)Jin,R.Nanoscale2010,2,343–362.(3)Parker,J.F.;Fields-Zinna,C.A.;Murray,R.W.Acc.Chem.Res. 2010,43,1289–1296.(4)Chaki,N.K.;Negishi,Y.;Tsunoyama,H.;Shichibu,Y.;Tsukuda, T.J.Am.Chem.Soc.2008,130,8608–8610.(5)Lee,D.;Donkers,R.L.;Wang,G.;Harper,A.S.;Murray,R.W. 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