



3.Peculiar adj.奇怪的,不寻常的 Eg:I had a peculiar feeling we'd met before. 我有一种奇怪的感觉,觉得我们以前见过面。
4. Queer adj.奇怪的,异常的 Eg: lf you ask me, there's something kind of queer going on.如果 问起来的话,是有点奇怪。
3.Confirm v.证实,证明 Eg: A brief dip into history serves to confirm this view. 随便翻阅一下历史就足以证实这种观点。
4. Demonsample to simply demonstrate the principle.我用这 个例子来简单地证明这个原理。
2.Excellent adj.极好的,卓越的 Eg:The recording quality is excellent. 录制质量极好。
3.Remarkable adj.卓越的,非凡的 Eg:He was a remarkable man. 他是个非凡卓越的人。
4. Prominent adj.著名的,突出的 Eg:The department has many prominent alumni. 这个系出了许多杰出的校友。
7.Testify v.作证,证明 Eg:Fiers promised to testify fully and truthfully. 菲尔斯承诺毫无保留地、如实地作证。
8.Validate v.批准,证实 Eg:The Academy Awards appear to validate his career. 这些奥斯卡金像奖看来证实了他的职业生涯的价值。



2024届高考英语一轮复习:积累高考同义词课件(共19张PPT)(共19张PPT)2024高中英语一轮复习——积累高考同义词一:v.恶化1.Deteriorate v.恶化,变坏Eg:There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war. 人们担心局势会恶化为全面战争。

2.Worsen v.(使) 恶化,(使)更糟Eg:But conditions may worsen.但是,条件可能更加恶化。

一:v.恶化3.Exacerbate v.使恶化,使加剧Eg:Climate change will only exacerbate such pressures.气候变化只会进一步加剧这种压力。

4. Degenerate v.恶化,堕落,退化Eg:The newly emerging forces are bound to defeat what is corrupt and degenerate. 新生力量必然战胜腐朽力量。

5.Deprave v.使堕落,使腐败Eg:In my view this book would deprave young children.我认为这本书会腐蚀儿童6.Aggravate v.使恶化,惹怒Eg:Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.紧张和缺少睡眠会使情况恶化。

二:v.加强1.Reinforce v.加强,强化,加固Eg:Remember you want your visuals to reinforce your message, not detract from what you are saying.要记住,你是要用视觉资料来强化你的信息,而不是削弱你所讲述的内容。

2.Strengthen v.增强,巩固,加强Eg:He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back.他有一套新的健康养生法来加强他的背部力量。



英语词义辨析检索目录A (7)abandon, desert, discard, quitability, capacity, capability, potentialable, capableabolish, cancel, remove, eliminate above, over, onabuse, misuseaccelerate, speed, hasten, quicken accident, incident, event, occurrence accompanied by, accompanied with accomplish, achieve, complete, finish accord, accordanceaccumulate, collect, gatheraccurate, concise, exact, preciseaccuse, blame, charge, scoldache, painacknowledge, admit, confess, recognize acquire, attain, gain, get, obtainacross, throughact, actionactive, energetic, vigorous, dynamic actual, genuine, real, trueadapt, adjust, regulate, coordinate addled, muddledadequate, ample, enough, sufficient adhesive, cohesiveadhor, detest, hateadjacent, adjoiningadmire, adore, respect, worship admission, admittanceadmit, confessadopt, cultivate, foster, nurtureadvance, advancementadventure, risk, ventureadverse, averseadvise, suggest, persuadeaffection, emotion, feeling, passion agree, consent, comply, approveaim, end, goal, object, objective, purpose alien, foreigneralike, identical, sameallege, assertallow for, allow of allusion, delusion, illusionalter, convert, transform, shiftalternate, alternativealternative, choice, option, selectionaloud, loud, loudlyamaze, surpriseambiguous, dim, obscure, vagueamend, emendamiable, amicableamoral, immoralamusing, funny, ridiculousannounce, declare, proclaim, publish, claimannoy, bother, troubleanticipate, expect, hope, awaitapparent, distinct, evident, obviousappliance, equipment, instrument, deviceapply, employ, use, utilizeappraise, estimate, evaluate, reckonappreciate, enjoy, relish, cherishapproach, means, method, wayargue, dispute, quarrel, debateartificial, fake, false, man-made, syntheticassail, assault, attackassembly, conference, meeting, gatheringassume, presumeassure, ensure, insure, reassureatmosphere,circumstance, environment, surrounding attempt, endeavor, manage, tryavenge, revengeaverage, common, general, normal, ordinary, regular, universal, usualavoid, evadeavocation, vocationaward, prize B (16)bacteria, germbad, evil, ill, wickedbaluster, banister, balustradeban, forbid, prohibit, restrainbanquet, feastbase, basis, foundationbeach, coast, shorebear, endure, stand, toleratebeat, hit, knock, strikebeautiful, pretty, handsomebellicose, belligerentbewilder, confound, confuse, perplex, puzzlebias, prejudiceblink, winkblizzard, snowstormbloc, wing, factionbloom, blossomblunder, error, fault, slipboast, bragboisterous, roisterousbold, brave, courageous, heroicborder, boundary, frontier, front linebrandish, flourishbrass, bronze, copperbright, clever, intelligent, intellectual, wisebrim, rimbuild, construct, establish, foundbush, shrub C (19)calamity,cataclysm,catastrophe, disaster,misfortune calm, quiet, silent, stillcareer, job, occupation, profession, tradecareful, cautious, prudent, warycarpet, rugcasual, randomcease, halt, pause, stopceremonial, ceremoniouscharacter, personalitycharacteristic, feature, merit, virtuecharge, fare, feecharisma, charmcheap, inexpensivechef, cookchest, dresserchief, leading, major, principalchildish, childlikechoose, elect, selectcite, quotecivic, civilcivil, courteous, politeclaw, talonclean, cleanse climate, weatherclue, cuecollaborate, cooperatecollate, collectcollect, gathercollege, universitycommand, direct, ordercompact, contractcompany, firmcompel, constrain, force, obligecomplete, finishcomplete, entire, total, wholecomplex, complicated, elaborate, sophisticated comprehend, understandcompress, condense, contract, shrink compulsive, impetuous, impulsiveconceive, fancy, imagine, picture concept, conceptionconcert, recitalconfidence, faith, trustconfine, limit, refrain, restrictconfirm, justify, prove, verifyconsequence, effect, outcome, result conserve, preserve, reserveconstant,continual, continuouscontagious, infectiouscontemporaneous, contemporarycontempt, disdain, scorncontinuance, continuation, continuity convince, persuadecorrode, erodecountry, nationcrevasse, crevicecrime, guilt, offence, sincriticism, critiquecure, heal, remedy, treatcurrent, presentcurrently, immediately, instantly, presently curriculum, syllabus D (26)damage, destroy, ruin, wreckdamage, harm, hurt, injury, wounddamp, humid, moist, wetdaze, dazzledead, deadly, deathly, fatal, lethal deceitful, deceptivedecent, decorousdecided, decisivedecline, deny, refuse, rejectdecrease, diminish, lessen, reduce dedicate, devotedejected, depresseddeliberate, intentionaldemonstrate, illustrate, interpret, translate deviate, digress, divergedifference, distinctiondifferent, variousdifferent from, different thandiplomacy, tactdisability, inabilitydiscern, discriminatedisclose, expose, reveal, uncover disclose, exposediscomfit, discomfortdiscrepancy, disparitydisease, illnessdisorganized, unorganizeddisplace, replacedisregard, ignore, neglect, overlook dissolve, meltdistinct, distinctivedoctor, physiciandominant, predominantdoubt, suspectdoubtful, dubiousdoubtlessly, undoubtedlydownstage, upstagedownwind, upwinddrama, playdrill, exercise, practicedrunk, drunkendwarf, midget E (30)economic, economicaleducationist, educatoregoist, egotistelder, elderly elder, eldest, older, oldestelectric, electricalelevate, exaltempathy, sympathyemployment, occupation, profession, vocation empty, vacant, vacuousendemic,epidemic, pandemicenormous, immense, tremendous, vast enter, enter into, enter on/uponenthusiasm, zealenviable, envious, jealousepigram, epigraph, epitaph, epithetepoch, eraequable, equitableequip, furnisherror, mistakeessential, fundamental, indispensable, vital estimate, estimation, evaluateeternity, infinityevoke, provokeexamine, inspect, investigateexceed, excelexceedingly, excessivelyexceptionable, exceptionalexcursion, journey, tour, travel, trip, voyage exhausted, exhaustiveexpand, extend, stretch, widen extemporaneous, impromptu F (34)failing, fault, foiblefanciful, imaginable, imaginary, imaginativefashion, style, voguefat, obese, plump, stoutfemale, lady, womanflammable, inflammable, nonflammableflat, levelflinch, wincefluid, liquidfog, mistfoolhardy, foolishfoolish, silly, stupidforecast, foresee, foretell, predictforceful, forcibleforest, woodsfort, fortressfragile, frailfrown, scowlfrugal, thrifty G (36)game, sportgargantuan, giganticgas, gasolinegender, sexgleam, glimmerglutton, gourmand, gourmetgraceful, graciousgrateful, gratifiedgrave, tombgrief, grievancegrieve, mourn H (37)habitable, inhabitable, uninhabitable habitat, habitation, habitant, inhabitant happen, occur, take placeharangue, tiradeharbor, porthardly, scarcely, barelyhealthful, healthyheritage, inheritancehobby, pastimehomograph, homonym, homophone I (38)idle, indolentill, sickillegal, illegitimate, illicit, unlawful impertinent, impudent, insolentimply, inferincapable, unableincentive, motiveincomparable, incompatible, uncomparable inhibit, prohibitinstitute, institutionintense, intensiveirony, sarcasm, satire J (39)jail, prisonjest, jokejob, position K (39)kill, massacre, murder, slaughterkinetic energy, potential energy L (40)lawful, legallegend, mythlegible, readableleisure, sparelengthy, longlikely ,maybe ,perhaps ,possible(possibly),probable( probably)live, livinglook, see, watchlonely, lonesome M (40)majority, pluralitymanly, masculinemalevolent, malignantmalice, spitemarriage, nuptials, weddingmasterful, masterlymaterial, matter, stuff, substancemedication, medicinemelodic, melodiousmemorize, recall, remember, remindmeticulous, scrupulousmethod, methodologymobile, movablemorbid, moribundmotto, sloganmulatto, quadroon, octoroon N (42)naked, nudeneed, wantneglectful, negligent, negligible O (42)obdurate, obstinate, stubbornobligate, obligeobscene, vulgarobsolescent, obsoleteobstacle, obstructionocean, seaofficer, official, officiousomission, oversightomnipotent, omniscientonly, single, sole, uniqueoptimistic, sanguine, sanguinaryorigin, sourceornamental, ornateoutlaw, scofflaw P (44)paltry, petty, trivialparadigm, paragonpart, portion, shareparticular,specialpeople, personspersevere, persistpertinacious, tenaciouspiteous, pitiable, pitifulprerogative, privilegeprocedure, proceeding(s)proclivity, propensityprone, prostrate, supineproposal, propositionprovide, supplyprudent, prudishpurposefully, purposely Q (45)quake, quaver, quiver R (45)rapacious, voraciousrare, scarcerascal, rogue, scoundrelravage, ravishreaction, reply, responserebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove recalcitrant, reluctantrecondition, renovaterecur, reoccurregal, royalregret, remorse, repent relate, say, speak, state, talkrepel, repulserespectable, respected, respectful, respective revolve, rotaterich, wealthyrite, ritualrural, rustic S (47)sacred, sacrosanctsafety, securityscant, scanty, scarce, sparsescene, scenery, sight, viewscoff, sneerscorn, shun, spurnsensual, sensuoussight, spectaclesimple, simplisticstimulant, stimulus T (48)tasteful, tastytest, trialtrace, vestigetransient, transitorytreachery, treasontriumphal, triumphant U (49)unexceptionable, unexceptionalusage, use, utility V (49)valuable, valuedvaried, variousvehement, violent W (50)waterproof, water-repellent, water-resistant wet, wetted Y (50)young, youthfulAabandon, desert, discard, quitabandon指因为外界的压力或影响完全放弃,因迫不得已而放弃,“放弃,丢弃,抛弃”。


(10)I want to stress the point that creativity is the key to success.(上例that引 导的从句为同位语从句)
二 攻克难点(Overcome difficulties)
(11)What I want to stress is that creativity is the key to success.
(12)My opinion is that creativity is the key to success.
二 攻克难点(Overcome difficulties)
(13)My view is that creativity is the key to success.
(14)My viewpoint is that creativity is the key to success.(上例四个that引导的从句 为表语从句)
二 攻克难点(onesty is a kind of basic quality and that’s what it takes to do anything well.
二 攻克难点(Overcome difficulties)
第三个层次:关注活跃词汇的常用搭配, 以丰富学生高考中书面表达的语言表现力。
“Create”是一个非常活跃的动词,关注 活跃动词的搭配,有利于书面表达能力的 培养。例如:
二 攻克难点(Overcome difficulties)
(1)Having a mixture of male and female nurses also helps create a fun atmosphere, which helps patients recover faster.(Unit1 M11 P11)(create a fun atmosphere意为“营 造快乐的氛围”)



• overstatement 夸大
• stadium 体育场
• stage
• 4. fountain 喷泉
• bound
• found
• sound
• pound
• ground
• 5.change 改变;更换;变化;找零
cheat;trick;fool; lie to;deceive
• 7.表示“失业”的词汇和短语: ____________/__________
out of work;lose one’s job/work; be unemployed
• 8. .表示“更确切地说: ______/____________/________/_____ __ _/_o_r_rather;to be precise/exact;
region 起源
区域;地方 器官;风琴;
组织;安排;计划 辨认;识别;认可
• 2. shrink 收缩;缩小
• ink 墨汁
• sink
• sprinkle; 撒;洒
• jungle
• link 链接;联系;连接;纽带
• drink
• phrase • chase
短语;词组 追逐
•16.file 文件;档案
•profile •property •prospect •proposal
轮廓;简介,概述; 人物介绍



5. such 与so
so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此外, so还可用于think, believe, suppose, hope, say,
sooner or later迟早;
be used to do sth被用来做某事.
表示“是否”,引导(放在句首的)主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、discuss或介词后的宾语从句,与不定式或直接与or not连用,只
(1) We used to ___li_v_e_(live) in Shanghai but now we 能用whether;
(2)They were _____ very tired, but none of them would stop to take a rest.
11. either与 neither
either (两者中)任何一个,任一; either…or…或者……或者……;
neither (not either)(两者中)一个也不; neither…nor…既不……也不……。
(1) I’m sure that everybody will miss him very_______ .
much (2) I don’t know these people very ______.
such是形容词,用来修饰名词(名词前面 可以加形容词,也可以不加),如果修饰 单数可数名词,其后加不定冠词a或an; 5. such与so so是副词,用来修饰形容词或副词;此 外,so还可用于think, believe, suppose, hope, say, do等词的后面,代替前句内容 ,以避免重复。



incident 小事,琐事 accident 事故 event 事件
strike-struck-struck/stricken 袭击,攻击 hit-hitat 快速拍打,有节奏地打,鞭打
fairly 只加褒义词 The book is fairly easy for the children of 10.
(适合读) quite /rather +a/an+adj.+n. a + rather/fairly +adj. +n.
very 修饰形容词或副词原级 very much 修饰动词 much 修饰形容词或副词比较级,也可修饰名词

最新最新高三英语题型专项课件:词汇 高考单选 高考相似词汇教学讲义PPT

最新最新高三英语题型专项课件:词汇 高考单选 高考相似词汇教学讲义PPT
late, however, her anger didn't melt. 3. When I was talking with Tim, he interrupted (打断) us all of a sudden. 4. Tom was very delighted to be introduced /presented (介绍) to everyone
“No. s__p_it_t_in__g_(吐痰)” 40. Which_s_u_b_j_e_c_t(科目)do you prefer, physics or
41. Last week. I met severafloreig(外ne国rs人)on the
Great Wall.
56. It's illeg(a非l 法的)to park your car here. You will be fined. 57. The soldier was serio(严us重ly地)wounded in the battle.
at the party held yesterday. 5. His facial (面部的)expression suggested that he was very content, which took a load
off my mind.
6. We should remain calm in an emergency (紧急情况)and then we can find the most suitable solution.
7. A great number of athletes competed (比赛)in the Olympic
games in Athens. 8. Don't worry, I am well prepared (准 备)for the coming exam. →I suppose I will

2020届江苏省高三英语二轮复习:阅读理解专题 形同、义近词辨析(共44张PPT) 课件

2020届江苏省高三英语二轮复习:阅读理解专题  形同、义近词辨析(共44张PPT) 课件

quiet, calm, still, silent 1. We’ll have to be ___q_u_i_e_t __ so as not to wake the baby. 2. You must try to be ___c_a_lmin an emergency. 3. Please keep ___st_i_ll_ while I take your photograph. 4. She was _______ because she was reluctant to put her thougshitlesnintto words.
就…而言 与……作对比 赞成,有利于 赞成,和……一致 向……致敬 因此,结果 与……协调 与……相比较 关于
高考回顾1. China’s soft power grows _____ the
increasing appreciation and understanding of China
———— C.confidential
2. The disappearance of dinosaurs is not necessarily
caused by astronomical incidents. But ______
3.glance glimpse glare gleam
迁移拓展 1.sight view scene
迁移拓展 2.state condition occasion situation



5.Foster v.促进,培养 Eg:Optimism may foster good habits that bolster health. 乐观的态度可能会培养促进健康的好习惯。
6.Nourish v.养育,培养 Eg:By investing in education, we nourish the talents of our children. 我们通过教育投资,培养孩子们的才能。
9.Train v.培训,培养 Eg:You can train your mind to think positively. 你可以培养自己拥有乐观思想的能力。
1.Interfere v.干涉,干扰 Eg:I wish everyone would stop interfering and just leave me alone. 我希望所有人都不再干涉我,让我一个人静一静。
2024高中英 语复习 ——
同义词的积 累与识记
3.Develop v.发展,养成 Eg:The activities help children to develop a sense of their own worth. 这些活动有助于儿童培养自身的价值感。
4. Educate v.教导,培养 Eg:The campaign is intended to educate the public to respect the environment. 这一运动旨在教育公众爱护环境。
2.Impinge v.有影响,妨碍 Eg:He never allowed his work to impinge on his private life.他 从不让他的工作妨碍私生活。
3.Intrude v.闯入,打扰,侵扰 Eg:Do you feel anxious when unforeseen incidents intrude on your day? 当无可预料的事件侵扰到你的生活时,你会感到焦虑吗?



高考英语--形近词辨析aboard/abroadaboard prep. & adv. 在(船/车/飞机等)上;上(船/车/飞机等)He was already aboard the plane.他已经登机了。

The plane crashed, killing all 200 people aboard.飞机失事,机上200人全部遇难。

abroad adv. 在国外;到国外He was famous, both at home and abroad.他享誉国内外。

accept/concept/exceptaccept v. 接受I don't think they would accept that view.我认为他们不会相信那个观点。

concept n. 概念;观念He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.他无法掌握数学的基本概念。

except conj. & prep. 除外We work every day except Sunday. 我们除星期天外都工作。

access/assessaccess n. 通路;机会The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields.去那农舍的唯一通路是穿过田野。

assess v. 评价Many of the adults were assessed as having learning difficulties.许多成年人被认定有学习困难。

accident/incidentaccident n. 事故;意外遭遇Sam had an accident at work and had to go to hospital.山姆在工作时发生意外事故,不得不去医院。

incident n. 事件There was a shooting incident near here last night.昨夜这附近发生了枪击事件。



started packing yet.
• 1.We have been familiar with 3G mobile phone and 3D TV. Now let’s experience RealCine—__① __ reality film,which will __②__ you. RealCine
accuse sb.of ;charge sb.with; appeal to sb
• 7.表示“雇用”短语及词汇 e_m_p_lo_y_;h_ire_;_en_g/ag_e_; t_a_ke_o_n_;t_ap/_________
• 8.表示”积极的,上进心的” 词汇 _a_c_tiv_e_;p_o_sit/iv_e_;a_gr_e_ss_iv_e;over-ambitious

• 9.表示”错误,毛病 “词汇 _____ / _____ /_____
• 10.表示“人,人类”词汇 _________/________ /_________/________ /________
man; human;being; person;creature;poeple
• ②Please be quiet,the monitor has something important to say.
• ③Some computers allow you to plug in two or
more video cards,each connected to its own
• 16.dominate→n.______ • 17.bath→v.____b_at_he domination
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32. reject, inject, jacket 拒绝 注射 夹克
• 33.contrast, contact, contract, contradict • 对比 联系 合同 与......矛盾 • 34. require, inquire, acquire • 要求 咨询 获得 • 35.desert, dessert • 沙漠/抛弃 甜点 • 36. source, resource, course • 源泉 资源 课程;过程
• 26. police, policy, politics

警方 政策 政治
27chicken, kitchen 小鸡 厨房
• 28 protect, protest • 保护 抗议 • 29. sight, site, cite • 视力/风景 地点 引用 • 30.purpose, suppose, propose, proposal • 目的/意图 假想 提议(v.) 提议(n.) • 31. custom, customer, costume • 习俗 顾客 服装
• 52. unlike, dislike, alike, likely 53.reserve, preserve , conserve
• 不像(介) 不喜欢(动) 像 有可能的 保 护区 保护/保存 节约/保护
7. before, store, more, wore,
• 54. assume, consume 承担;假想 消费
38. statue, status, state 雕像 地位 国家/陈述
• 40 .steal, steel 偷窃 钢
• 42. strike, stick, strict
• 敲打/罢工 木棍/坚持 严格的
• 44. tax, taxi 税收 的士
• 45. cough, tough, through, although
• 55. ring, sing, wing, king

戒指/打电话 唱歌 翅膀 国王
• 58. hear, tear, bear, wear, fear, near, pear, year 听到 眼泪/撕 狗熊/忍受 穿 害怕/恐惧 附近 梨 年
• 59. here, there, mere, were,
48. doubt, double, couple 怀疑 翻倍 夫妇
• 49. fire, hire, tire, wire

火/解雇 招聘/雇佣 轮胎 线
• 50. match, 51.shallow,
watch, catch swallow
• 比赛/火柴/匹配 观看/手表 抓

的/肤浅的 吞咽/燕子
though, rough, thorough,
• 咳嗽 强硬的/棘手的 虽然 粗略的/粗糙的 彻底的 通 过 虽然
• 46. vocation, vacation transform
47. inform, reform, perform,
• 工作/职业 假期 转换
通知 改革 表演/表现 转变/
10. inability, disability 无能 残疾
• 11.contest, context, content • 比赛 语境 满足的/内容 • 12. incident, accident • 事件 意外/事故
• 13.abroad, aboard • 登船/车/机 (在)国外
18. alone, lonely 孤独的 寂寞的
• 19.bloom, boom, bomb • 花/开花 暴涨 子弹 • 20.metal, mental, medal, model, modern金
属 思想的 奖牌 模仿/模型 现代的
• 21 flower, flour,

花 面粉
2. excess, exceed, excel 过量 超过/超越 擅长/胜过
• 6. expect, respect, aspect, inspect, • 期待 尊重 方面 视察/检查 • 7. effective, efficient • 有效的 高效率的 • 8. skim, skip, scan • 扫视 跳 扫描 • 9. affect, effect, infect, inject • 影响(v.) 影响(n.) 感染 注射
• 22. money, monkey, donkey
• 金钱 猴子 驴
3.bother, brother 麻烦;困扰 兄;弟
• 24. parent, patent, potential, talent, • 父母 专利 潜力 才干
• 25.campaign, champion, companion, • 运动 冠军 伙伴
• 3 .sweet, sweat • 4. extend, expand, expense, expensive • 延伸 扩大 开支 昂贵的 • 5. principal, principle • 校长 原则;原理.精品课件.1源自高考英语中的形近词辨析归纳
1. addition, addiction, addictive 另外 上瘾 上瘾的
14. late, later, latter, latest, lately 迟到的 后来 后者 最新的 最近
• 15.angel, angle • 天使 角度 • 16. altitude, attitude, gratitude • 海拔 态度 感激
• 17.award, reward • 颁奖/奖品 回报
• 60. historic, historical 61.ambitious, ambiguous
• 这里 那里 仅仅 是 有历史意义的 历史的 抱负 模棱两可的
67. cap, map, nap, rap, gap 68. day, dad, bad, mad, sad 69.quality, quantity