温哥华几乎看不到 “牛皮癣”般的小广 告,他们把电线杆的 下面局部加粗,专门 用来粘贴小广告。这 比国内“乱贴广告, 罚款5万!”的硬招儿 有效多了。
人口构成(2008年人口统计):温哥华 8%的人口是白人,亚裔约占城市人口的 92%;华裔人口约50万,占大温哥华地区 人口的20%。 温哥华居民中有着许多来自世界各地的移 民,不论是何种族,在当地不会有人觉得 你是外国人。
煤气镇(Gastown) 这是温哥华最古老的一区, 位于市中心。Gastown之名来源 于本市第一间酒吧的东主,绰 号为“Gassy”的 Jack Deighton 贾大顿。十九世纪时,“Gassy” 曾在这里经营酒铺,使小镇日 渐繁荣,19世纪未,温哥华成 为加拿大的主要港口,1886年 正式成为城市,“Gassy”成为 第一任市长,他为了纪念在 1792年发现该地的白人船长乔 治温哥华(George Vancouver),将城市命名为温 哥华市,而后来人为纪念他也 将该区命名为Gastown。现在在 Maple Tree广场的中央立着贾 大顿的雕像,站在一只啤酒桶 上。 美丽整洁的街道矗立古雅 的街灯,圆石路两旁经装修的 旧屋,已经成为各种古董店、 纪念品店、画廊及古雅的餐厅。 位于Cambie及Water街交汇处 有世界上唯一的蒸汽钟,到处 洋溢着那个开拓时期的气息。
温哥华在19世纪初时,它还是一片荒野;只有一些土著过著原始的渔 猎生活。在19世纪时,随著近代工业的兴起及新的矿产资源的发现;因 此加拿大的经济从此开始发展。 1792年,英国人乔治·温哥华海军上校的探险船航海到巴拉德湾一 带。1862年起欧洲移民在海湾沿岸定居,建立了名为格兰维尔的锯木 厂小镇。 1867年时,绰号“ Gassy”的贾大顿(Jack Deighton)来到此地, 他在盖士镇的华特尔街(Water Street),即现址的盖士镇,盖了一个木 造的沙龙酒吧( Saloons)供四面八方来的拓荒者憩息,这就是温哥华的 第一家饭店的起源。在城市西迁後盖士镇的经济便开始走下坡,在 1971年时,卑诗省政府将盖士镇划为文化保留区,古老建筑物因而得 以保存;如今,盖士镇已成为独特的观光区,维多利亚式的建筑,铺著 圆石的街道,露天咖啡座,以及古董店、精品店和餐厅,使盖士镇成为 逛街、购物及用餐的好地方。在盖士镇有难得一见举世仅有的蒸气钟 (Steam Clock),每15分钟喷出蒸气一次,CordovaStreet上有各式 各样的小商店,同时也可欣赏到加拿大原住民文化,这儿收藏了一些很 不错的艺术作品。温哥华在1886年正式成为城市,并公推贾大顿为第 一任市长,同时温哥华是贾大顿与他的幕僚决定为纪念白人船长乔治·温 哥华(George Vancouver),于1792年为找寻西北通路而来到此地, 故将此城市命名为温哥华。
1 温哥华的城市概况
温哥华市是一个年轻的港口城市,起初是一 个小渔镇,1886年正式设市,人们为了纪念 第一位到此的探险者英国航海家乔治·温哥 华,故意温哥华命名。如今温哥华市已发 展成加拿大西岸最大的城市,全国第三大 城市。温哥华位于加拿大西南角,占地约 113km2,人口约60万,三面临海又靠山, 幵且当地政府重视城市建设,使得市区空 气清新、景色优美。
2.2 别具一格的城市布局
2.2.1 特色一:密集的高层建筑与森林幵立
温哥华的城市布局别具一格,自由大胆。温哥华 市中心是一座岛屿,被海水环绕,岛屿的一半是 密集的高层建筑,另一半却是大面积的绿色。在 寸金寸土的市中心区小岛的西北部,保留了面积 约400*104m2 的城市绿洲——史丹利公园 (Stanley Park),它为温哥华市民提供绝佳的 休闲空间。能够在市中心保持大量的森林,体现 了政府的胆识和远见。
2.3.2 密集的市中心
• 市中心区是密集的摩天大楼,形成了相对密闭的空间。位 于市中心的高密度社区太平洋协和区,高层塔楼的高度在 15层32层不等。
2.4 千姿百态的居住建筑
温哥华的住宅大致可分为独立住宅、联体别 墅和公寓三种类型。独立住宅一般为两层 楼,最多也不过三层楼,但是样式不一, 造型各异,几乎没有相似的住宅形式,在 西海岸高质量的木材遍地都是,因此房屋 多为木结构,使用当地的建筑材料,体现 了浓郁的地方特色。
街 区
耶 鲁 镇
2.5 密布畅通的道路系统
2.5.1 畅通的交通系统
温哥华市的交通非常畅通,几乎没有拥堵现象, 每个公共汽车站都准确的标出了汽车到达的时间, 到路窄而密是温哥华市道路系统的一大特色,道 路不宽,亲切宜人,路面宽度10~20m,道路间 距很小,不超过500m,密如蛛网的道路保障了交 通的畅通。道路系统南北向为交通干道,有各自 的名字,而东西向则为次一级的道路,一编号命 名。道路网络如坐标网能清楚地指示某一建筑物 的位置,给生活提供了很大的方便。
• • • • •
Vancouver, stand at the edge of the Inner Harbour (the Canada Place cruise-ship terminal makes a good vantage point) and look around you. To the west you'll see Stanley Park, one of the world's largest urban parks, jutting out into the waters of Burrard Inlet. To the north, just across the inlet, rise snowcapped mountains. To the east, right along the water, is the lowrise brick-faced Old Town. And almost everything else you see lining the water's edge will be new glass-and-steel highrise towers. As giant cruise ships glide in to berth, floatplanes buzz in and out, and your ears catch a medley of foreign tongues, you may wonder just where on earth you are. Vancouver is majestic and intimate, sophisticated and completely laid-back, a bustling, prosperous city that somehow, almost miraculously, manages to combine its contemporary, urban-centered consciousness with the free-spirited magnificence of nature on a grand scale.
篇,但其实真正奇特壮观 的是它内部金碧辉煌的装 饰与众多的艺术收藏品。
companion, but it's really strange spectacular is inside it resplendent and magnificent decoration
and art collection.
sign of Montreal. The new gothic Catholic
座新哥特式罗马天主教的 religious temple, its
宗教圣殿,其建筑风格与 巴黎的圣母院可称为姐妹
architectural style and the Notre Dame DE Paris can be referred to as a
Niagara Falls
尼亚加拉大瀑布位于美 国纽约州和加拿大安大 略省的交界处,是美洲 大陆最著名的奇景之一, 也是世界三大跨国瀑布 之一。 --大瀑布由马蹄形瀑布、 美利坚瀑布和新娘面纱 瀑布三部分组成,平均 流量5720立方米/秒,水 声如雷,壮观无比。
Niagara Falls on the border between New York and Ontario, Canada, is the most famous one of the wonders of the American continent, is also one of the world's three largest transnational waterfall. - great falls by the horseshoe falls, the American falls, and bridal veil falls of three parts, the average flow of 5720 cubic meters/seconds, underwater sound of thunder, spectacular.
篇,但其实真正奇特壮观 的是它内部金碧辉煌的装 饰与众多的艺术收藏品。
companion, but it's really strange spectacular is inside it resplendent and magnificent decoration
and art collection.
sign of Montreal. The new gothic Catholic
座新哥特式罗马天主教的 religious temple, its
宗教圣殿,其建筑风格与 巴黎的圣母院可称为姐妹
architectural style and the Notre Dame DE Paris can be referred to as a
· 1867 年,安大略、魁北克、新斯科舍、新不伦瑞克组建 加拿大自治领(英语:The Dominion of Kanada, 法语: Le Dominion du Kanada),1867年,英廷承认其为独 立的王国,加拿大联邦自1867年成立后就不断有新成员加 入。加拿大由十个省和三个地区(英语:territory,法语: territoires)组成。
·多伦多大学(University of Toronto),始建于1827年, 坐落在加拿大的第一大城市多伦多,是加拿大的一所顶尖学府, 亦为加拿大传统四大校之一。 ·安大略省政府及议会环绕在市中心的女王公园四周,现已 发展成为一所“一主两翼”格局的世界知名研究性大学--坐落 于市中心的圣乔治校区(St. George),历史最为悠久,与3个更小 的大学联盟并有享有七大学院制,与十座教学医院有着密切关系。 ·在学术及研究方面,多伦多大学一直处于领先地位。其经
括陆军约1.8万人,海军0.9万人,空军1.35万人。加拿大长期以 来参加联合国维和部队和国际观察、监督活动。自联合国成立以 来,加几乎参加了所有联合国维和行动,共派出10万余名军人。 2004年4月,加在全球派驻有3809名维和军人,其中阿富汗 2165人,波黑651人,海地500人,中东及海湾地区473人。 2012年,加拿大共有正规军6.8万人,预备役约2.7万人,文职 人员2.9万人(2012年)。加长期以来参加联合国维和行动和国 际观察、监督活动。1947年以来,加拿大军队已完成72项国际 行动 。
·加拿大国旗为长方形,长宽之比为2.1。旗面从左至右由红白两色 组成,两边的红色代表大西洋和太平洋,白色正方形象征加拿大广阔 的国土。中央绘有一片11个角的红色枫树叶,11个角代表着加拿大的 7个省和4个自治州。枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征。
介绍温哥华的英语作文Vancouver, a city nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Coast Mountains, is a vibrant metropolis known for itsnatural beauty and multiculturalism. Here's an essay that introduces this captivating city:Vancouver: A City of Natural Splendor and Cultural DiversityVancouver, the largest city in British Columbia, Canada, is a place where the tranquility of nature meets the buzz of urban life. With its breathtaking landscapes and diverse community, it is a city that offers a unique blend of experiences.Natural BeautyNestled against the backdrop of the majestic Coast Mountains and surrounded by the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean, Vancouver is a paradise for nature lovers. Stanley Park, a 1,000-acre urban park, is a testament to the city's commitment to preserving its natural heritage. It offers lush forests, tranquil beaches, and a seawall that is perfect for leisurely strolls or invigorating bike rides.The city's skyline is punctuated by the iconic Grouse Mountain and Cypress Mountain, which are popular destinations for skiing and snowboarding in the winter, and hiking andmountain biking in the summer. The Capilano Suspension Bridge Park, with its thrilling walkways and lush rainforest, provides a glimpse into the region's ancient forests.Cultural MosaicVancouver is a melting pot of cultures, with over half of its population speaking a language other than English at home. This cultural diversity is celebrated through various festivals and events throughout the year. The Vancouver International Film Festival, Celebration of Light, and the Vancouver Folk Music Festival are just a few examples of the city's vibrant cultural scene.Chinatown, one of the largest in North America, is a testament to the city's rich Asian heritage. It is a place where traditional Chinese architecture, bustling markets, and authentic cuisine come together to create a unique cultural experience.Economic HubVancouver is not only a city of natural beauty and cultural richness but also a thriving economic hub. It is a leading center for trade, technology, and film production. The city's port is one of the busiest in North America, and its film industry has earned it the nickname "Hollywood North."Sustainability and Quality of LifeVancouver is also recognized for its commitment tosustainability and high quality of life. The city has been ranked as one of the most livable cities in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit. Its green spaces, clean air, and focus on sustainable development make it an attractive place to live, work, and visit.In conclusion, Vancouver is a city that offers a harmonious blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, economic vitality, and sustainable living. Whether you are drawn toits stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, or dynamic urban life, Vancouver is a city that leaves an indelible impression on all who visit.This essay provides an overview of Vancouver's natural attractions, cultural richness, economic significance, and commitment to sustainability, making it an ideal introduction to the city for English learners or anyone interested in learning more about this remarkable place.。
英属哥伦比亚大学The University of British Columbia学校概况:英属哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia(以下简称UBC)始建于1908 年,经历了近百年的长足发展后,逐渐发展成为蜚声全球的综合性大学,在加拿大的综合大学排名中始终保持前五名之列。
图书馆拥有超过900万本书刊及电子刊物,此校亚洲图书馆拥有大量的亚洲藏书及资料,校内所有图书馆均接受了on-line catalogue service。
英文介绍温哥华的景点作文英文:Vancouver, the beautiful coastal city in British Columbia, Canada, is a popular tourist destination knownfor its stunning natural scenery and vibrant cultural scene. There are so many amazing attractions to explore in Vancouver, from the lush greenery of Stanley Park to the bustling markets of Granville Island.One of the must-see attractions in Vancouver is Stanley Park, a 400-hectare urban park that offers breathtaking views of the city skyline, the North Shore mountains, and the Pacific Ocean. I love taking a leisurely bike ride or a relaxing walk along the seawall, soaking in the fresh ocean air and admiring the beautiful totem poles and sculptures scattered throughout the park. It's the perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and connect with nature.Another favorite spot of mine is Granville Island, a vibrant public market and arts hub located under the Granville Street Bridge. The market is filled with an incredible array of fresh produce, gourmet foods, and unique handmade crafts. I always enjoy wandering through the stalls, sampling delicious treats, and chatting with the local artisans. The island is also home to a variety of theaters, galleries, and studios, showcasing the diverse and thriving arts community in Vancouver.For those interested in history and culture, a visit to the Museum of Anthropology at the University of British Columbia is a must. The museum houses an extensive collection of indigenous art and artifacts from around the world, including the iconic totem poles of the First Nations peoples. The architecture of the museum itself is also a sight to behold, with its dramatic glass walls and stunning views of the surrounding landscape.In addition to its natural beauty and cultural attractions, Vancouver is also known for its delicious and diverse food scene. From trendy gastropubs to authenticAsian eateries, there's something to satisfy every palate. One of my favorite things to do in Vancouver is to explore the city's different neighborhoods and discover hidden culinary gems. Whether it's enjoying a fresh seafood feast in Yaletown or indulging in dim sum in Chinatown, there's always a new culinary adventure waiting to be had.中文:温哥华是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个美丽的沿海城市,以其令人惊叹的自然风景和充满活力的文化场景而闻名。
温哥华格式举例-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述温哥华是加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省的一座国际化城市,位于北美洲的西海岸地区。
以下是温哥华格式举例文章的结构部分的内容:1.2 文章结构本文将按照以下几个部分来组织和呈现温哥华格式举例的内容:1. 引言引言部分将对温哥华进行概述,并介绍文章的结构和目的。
Scene2:Learning the ships are in
China, the group lands in Las Vegas,
where they meet Yuri, his sons,
Today, I’d like to introduce a disaster film--2012 which will make you never feel disappointed.
About the
2012 is a film directed by Roland Emmerich. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver(温哥华).
About the
• Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine(豪华轿 车) driver for wealthy Russian businessman Yuri Karpov whose girlfriend is Tamara, and pilot is Sasha. Jackson‘s ex-wife(前妻) Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon(整形外科 医生) and amateur(业余爱好者) pilot(飞 行员) Gordon Silberman.
About the
The film briefly(简要地) references(提及) Mayanism(玛雅学说), and the 2012 phenomenon (现象 ) in its portrayal(描绘) of cataclysmic(洪 水 )events unfolding in the year 2012. This results in an onslaught(冲击) of Doomsday(世界末日) event scenarios plunging the world into chaos(混 乱), ranging from California falling into the Pacific
温哥华介绍英文作文英文:Vancouver is a beautiful city located in the western part of Canada. It is known for its stunning natural scenery, diverse culture, and friendly people. As a resident of Vancouver, I am proud to introduce this amazing city to you.First of all, Vancouver is surrounded by mountains, forests, and the Pacific Ocean, making it a perfect destination for outdoor activities. For example, you can go hiking in the mountains, skiing in the winter, or kayaking in the ocean. The city also has many parks and beaches, such as Stanley Park and English Bay, where you can enjoy a picnic or a walk with your friends and family.In addition to its natural beauty, Vancouver is a multicultural city with a rich history and diverse communities. You can find people from all over the worldliving here, which makes it a great place to experience different cultures and try different cuisines. For instance, you can go to Chinatown and try some authentic Chinese food, or visit Little Italy and have some delicious Italian pizza.Moreover, Vancouver is a city that valuessustainability and innovation. It is home to many green initiatives and innovative companies that are working towards a better future. For example, the city has a bike-sharing program and encourages people to use public transportation. There are also many startups and tech companies that are making a positive impact on the world.中文:温哥华是加拿大西部一个美丽的城市。
温哥华简介历史In early nineteenth century,it was a wilderness.only a few natives lived there.In 1792 the british ship captain George Vancouver came there,and mark it on the mapIn 1862,some European people settled in the westen coastFrom then on,people from Europe America Asia came to this beautiful place. They reclaimed wasteland ,built the houses , and reproduced. For the past two hundred years,They have made Vancouver become a modern city like today we all see.地理位置Vankouver is located in the western Canada.. It's surrounded by water on three sides and is nestled alongside the Coast Mountain Range. It is the largest city of Columbia,and the third largest city in CanadaBecause of its coastal geographical advantage,vankouver also becomeThe second largest seaport in North AmericaAnd a important international transter station经济•one of the nation's largest industrial centresWith its location on the Pacific Rim and at the western terminus of Canada's transcontinental highway and rail routes, Vancouver is one of the nation's largest industrial centres•the headquarters of forest product and mining companies what’s more,Vancouver is also the headquarters of forest product and mining companies.•centre for software developmentIn recent years, Vancouver has become an increasingly important centre for software development, biotechnology, aerospace, video game development, animation studios and a vibrant film industry•a major tourist destinationVancouver's scenic location makes it a major tourist destination. Each year over a million people pass through Vancouver on cruise ship vacations, often bound for Alaska.旅游景点Stanley is one of world famous city park, the Vancouver person's paradise. The park is located in downtown Vancouver, is a area of thousands of acres of forests, the peninsula. From downtown Vancouver only 15 minutes walk away. Around 9 km park near the sea path, attracts countless cycling, running, skaters and pedestrians Vancouver its one hundred-year history of the Chinatown is the second largest Chinatown in North America, (second only to San Francisco). The housing design is shirt-sleeve Victorian and the traditional Chinese classical style. In the area of zhongshan park, is the Chinese classical garden outside China.The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre is a public aquarium located in Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, In addition to being a major tourist attraction for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research, conservation and marine animal rehabilitation.。
温哥华介绍英文作文Vancouver, located on the west coast of Canada, is a vibrant and diverse city known for its stunning natural beauty, thriving arts scene, and rich cultural heritage. As one of the most livable cities in the world, Vancouveroffers a unique blend of urban sophistication and outdoor adventure. Let's delve into what makes this city so special.First and foremost, Vancouver is renowned for its breathtaking scenery. Nestled between the Pacific Ocean and the Coast Mountains, the city boasts picturesque views at every turn. From the iconic Stanley Park, with its lush forests and seawall promenade, to the stunning peaks of Grouse Mountain and Cypress Mountain, outdoor enthusiasts are spoiled for choice when it comes to recreational activities. Whether you enjoy hiking, skiing, kayaking, or simply soaking in the natural beauty, Vancouver has something for everyone.In addition to its natural wonders, Vancouver is acultural melting pot with a rich tapestry of ethnic diversity. The city's diverse population contributes to its dynamic culinary scene, offering a plethora ofinternational cuisines to tantalize your taste buds. From sushi in bustling Chinatown to farm-to-table fare in trendy Gastown, Vancouver's dining options are as varied as they are delicious. Moreover, the city plays host to numerous cultural festivals and events throughout the year, celebrating everything from music and art to food and film.Furthermore, Vancouver is a hub of innovation and sustainability, leading the way in green initiatives and eco-friendly practices. With a strong focus on environmental conservation, the city prioritizesinitiatives such as public transit, bike lanes, and green spaces to reduce carbon emissions and promote a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, Vancouver is home to a thriving tech industry, attracting top talent and fostering innovation in fields such as software development, biotechnology, and clean energy.Moreover, Vancouver boasts a high quality of life, withexcellent healthcare, education, and recreational amenities. The city's healthcare system is renowned for itsaccessibility and quality of care, while its educational institutions, including the University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University, attract students from aroundthe globe. Furthermore, Vancouver's vibrant arts and entertainment scene offers a wide array of cultural experiences, from world-class museums and galleries to live music venues and theaters.In conclusion, Vancouver is a city like no other, offering a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural diversity, and urban sophistication. Whether you'reexploring the great outdoors, indulging in culinary delights, or immersing yourself in the arts, Vancouver has something to offer everyone. With its commitment to sustainability, innovation, and quality of life, it's no wonder that Vancouver consistently ranks among the topcities in the world to live, work, and play.。
位置境域 地形地貌
01 历史沿革
03 地理环境 05 人口民族
02 行政区划 04 自然资源 06 政治
07 经济
09 交通运输
08 社会事业 010 历史文化
011 对外交流
013 城市荣誉
012 旅游资源
温哥华(Vancouver),位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省西南部太平洋沿岸,是加拿大的主要港口城市和重要 经济中心,也是加拿大西部的政治、文化、旅游和交通中心。该市已连续多年被经济学人智库评为全球最宜居城 市之一。
气候 水文
温哥华坐落在布勒内湾和福溪之间的半岛西部,面积115平方千米,城市中心坐标为北纬49°13′,西经 123°06′。温哥华包括市中心、西端区和史丹利公园三个区域。福溪以南和以东的地区则可依安大略街分成温 西和温东。此外,市政府亦将市内范围划分成23个社区。南面濒临菲莎河北支流,北面则濒临布勒内湾和英吉利 湾,温哥华背靠海岸山脉,面向乔治亚海峡。
温哥华与其他不列颠哥伦比亚省的市区不同,是由一条特别的省例《温哥华法章》所辖。这例于1953年通过, 取代了《温哥华管辖法,1921》,赋予市政府更大及更多的权力,有别于其他由不列颠哥伦比亚省《市镇法》给 予的权力。
温哥华由一个10人组成的市议会管辖,任期3年。温哥华并没有像北美其他城市一样划分城市选区,市议员 也因此由全体温哥华市民直选选出。
加拿大温哥华介绍温哥华Vancouver为加拿大西部布列颠哥伦比亚省British Colombia,滨临太平洋岸的海港城市,隔乔治亚海峡Strait of Georgia与温哥华岛遥遥相望,紧临美国华盛顿州,依山傍海,是英属哥伦比亚省第一大城市,人口约190万。
1791年西班牙Jose Maria Marvaez 船长,也是第一位发表由北美洲西北航路通往东方的探险家。
接着1792年6月13日温哥华船长George Vancouver率领英国船舰发现号,带着鱼获厚礼抵达温哥华,受到当地土著Musquean 的热烈欢迎,因此也是第一位经由 Burrard 河口进入内陆的欧洲人,并且和西班牙探险家Valdes 及Galiano在英伦海滩English Bay交换当地信息,这也是日后温哥华地名的由来。
1808年Simon Fraser发现了从内陆经由Freser河通往太平洋岸的贸易新路,也间接促成日后的掏金热潮,及Freser河名称的由来。
1808年西岸的大贸易商Hudson's Bay公司,将其商务扩展到温哥华地区,同时创立Fort Langley贸易站,而西岸的白人殖民时期于焉开始。
1846年Governor James开始监管温哥华岛及当时名为New Caledonia的内陆地区,同时以北纬49度作为划分英、美两国的殖民统治范围。
1858年在Fraser河谷发现金矿,两万人于此时涌入NewCaledonia,英国在此时紧急制定和颁布法令,同时任命James Doulas为第一任总督。
Physical Geography
Canada occupies a major northern portion of North America, sharing the land borders with the contiguous United States to the south and the US state of Alaska to the northwest. Canada stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west; to the north lies the Arctic Ocean. Spanning over 9.9 million square kilometres. By total area (including its waters), Canada is the second-largest country in the world, after Russia(俄罗斯). By land area alone, Canada ranks fourth .
National Archives(档案 )
Name Capital Largest province Largest city
Canada Ottawa Quebec Toronto
Official language(s)
National anthem(国歌) national animal Currency
After the early European explorers realized that Canada was not the spice-rich Orient, the main mercantile attraction was the beaver, then a population numbering in the millions. In the late 1600s and early 1700s, the fashion of the day demanded fur top-hats, which needed beaver pelts. As these hats became more popular, the demand for the pelts grew. Explorers were dispatched deep into the North American ☆ wilderness to trap and trade for furs with local natives.
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In early nineteenth century,it was a wilderness.only a few natives lived there.
In 1792 the british ship captain George Vancouver came there,and mark it on the map
In 1862,some European people settled in the westen coast
From then on,people from Europe America Asia came to this beautiful place. They reclaimed wasteland ,built the houses , and reproduced. For the past two hundred years,They have made Vancouver become a modern city like today we all see.
Vankouver is located in the western Canada.. It's surrounded by water on three sides and is nestled alongside the Coast Mountain Range. It is the largest city of Columbia,and the third largest city in Canada
Because of its coastal geographical advantage,vankouver also become
The second largest seaport in North America
And a important international transter station
•one of the nation's largest industrial centres
With its location on the Pacific Rim and at the western terminus of Canada's transcontinental highway and rail routes, Vancouver is one of the nation's largest industrial centres
•the headquarters of forest product and mining companies what’s more,Vancouver is also the headquarters of forest product and mining companies.
•centre for software development
In recent years, Vancouver has become an increasingly important centre for software development, biotechnology, aerospace, video game development, animation studios and a vibrant film industry
•a major tourist destination
Vancouver's scenic location makes it a major tourist destination. Each year over a million people pass through Vancouver on cruise ship vacations, often bound for Alaska.
Stanley is one of world famous city park, the Vancouver person's paradise. The park is located in downtown Vancouver, is a area of thousands of acres of forests, the
peninsula. From downtown Vancouver only 15 minutes walk away. Around 9 km park near the sea path, attracts countless cycling, running, skaters and pedestrians
Vancouver its one hundred-year history of the Chinatown is the second largest Chinatown in North America, (second only to San Francisco). The housing design is shirt-sleeve Victorian and the traditional Chinese classical style. In the area of zhongshan park, is the Chinese classical garden outside China.
The Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre is a public aquarium located in Stanley Park in Vancouver, British Columbia, In addition to being a major tourist attraction for Vancouver, the aquarium is a centre for marine research, conservation and marine animal rehabilitation.。