国 际 金 融 学本次复习题(1)

《国际金融学》本次复习题第一章国际收支和国际收支平衡表一、单项选择题1、国际收支平衡表的记账原则为:(1)凡是引起本国外汇收入的项目,记入(D );(2)凡是引起外汇支出的项目记入(D )。
A、借方贷方B、借方借方C、贷方贷方D、贷方借方2、国际收支是发生在(D )。
A、居民与居民之间的经济交易B、非居民与非居民之间的经济交易C、内部经济单位之间的经济交易D、居民与非居民之间的经济交易3、下列不是流量概念的是(C )。
A、国际收支B、商品出口额C、国际借贷D、直接投资额4、目前,在衡量国际收支不平衡时,最常用的统计标准是(C )。
A、贸易差额B、基本差额C、综合差额D、资本与金融帐户差额5、国际收支平衡表的主要内容中,( C )是一国国际收支平衡表中最基本、最重要的账户。
A、资本与金融账户B、净误差与遗漏C、经常账户D、总差额6、下列不属于经常转移项目的是(D )。
A、战争赔偿B、政府间的无偿经济援助、军事援助和捐赠C、捐赠D、投资捐赠7、关于资本与金融账户,下列说法正确的是(A )。
A、主要反映资本在居民与非居民之间的转移B、主要反映资本在非居民与非居民之间的转移C、资本从居民向非居民转移,会增加居民对非居民的债务D、这个账户表明本国在两个时期之间资产与负债的增减变化8、国际收支逆差会( D )。
A.导致外汇占款增大 B、货币供应量扩大 C、加重通货膨胀 D、抑制通货膨胀9、当国际收支的收入数字大于支出数字时,差额则列入( A )以使国际收支人为地达到平衡。
A、“错误和遗漏”项目的支出方B、“错误和遗漏”项目的收入方C、“官方结算项目”的支出方D、“官方结算项目”的收入方二、多项选择题1、下列关于国际收支说法正确的有(A C E )。
A、国际收支是个流量B、国际收支是个存量C、国际收支即一国在一定时期内发生的所有对外经济交易的总和D、国际收支是一国在某一时点对外资产与负债的总和E、国际收支不同于作为存量概念的国际借贷2、下列关于国际收支平衡表的说法正确的有(A B E )。

国际金融考试题及答案国际金融考试题及答案一、选择题1、下列哪个国家或地区的货币不属于美元体系?() A. 加拿大 B. 欧盟 C. 日本 D. 墨西哥答案:B. 欧盟2、下列哪个国家或地区的货币不属于欧元体系?() A. 法国 B. 德国 C. 意大利 D. 西班牙答案:A. 法国3、下列哪个国际金融中心属于亚洲?() A. 纽约 B. 伦敦 C. 东京 D. 巴黎答案:C. 东京二、简答题4、请简述国际收支与国际贸易的关系。

三、选择题任何国际交易被计入国际收支表A.一次,作为贷方或借方B.两次,一次作为借方,另一次作为贷方C.一次,作为贷方D.两次,都作为借方E.以上皆错我国政府对某国捐赠价值100万人民币的食品,那么应该在我国的国际收支平衡表A.商品出口项目贷记100万,经常转移项目借记100万B.商品出口项目借记100万,金融项目贷记100万C.商品进口项目贷记100万,经常项目借记100万D.金融项目贷记100万,经常转移项目借记100万E.以上皆错由一国产品出口需求的收入弹性低而引起的国际收支失衡属于以下哪种类型?A. 周期性不平衡B. 货币性不平衡C. 收入性不平衡D. 结构性不平衡国际短期资本流动可包括A. 投资性资金流动B. 套利性资金流动C. 避险性资金流动D. 投机性资金流动汇率政策是一种A. 支出转移政策B. 支出增减政策C. 支出平衡政策D. 融资政策由于采用复式记账法,国际收支的总额:A. 如果贷方大于借方,即为顺差。
B. 如果贷方小于借方,即为逆差。
C. 如果金融项目均衡,则国际收支均衡。
D. 总是为零。
下列哪种交易应记入国际收支平衡表?A. 发生在居民之间的交易B. 发生在非居民之间的交易C. 发生在居民与非居民之间没有货币收支的无偿援助D. 我驻美使馆向国某企业采购一批货物资本项目的利息收入应列入下列国际收支平衡表的哪一个项目中A. 资本项目B. 经常项目C. 国际储备D. 误差与遗漏国际旅游、保险引起的收支属于下列国际收支平衡表中的哪一个项目A. 经常项目B. 官方储备C. 误差与遗漏D. 资本项目资本项目中的长期资本是指借贷期为多长的资本A. 期限不定B. 一年以C. 一年D. 一年以上当国际收支平衡表中的收入大于支出时,就在"误差与遗漏"的哪一方加上相差的数字。



一、不定项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1.外汇期货相对于外汇远期具有下列特点:A.交易集中B.数量灵活C.交易门槛低,参加者范围广泛D.数量标准化2.物价-现金流动机制是()货币制度下的国际收支的自动调节机制:A.金币本位制度B.金汇兑本位制度C.金块本位制度D.纸币本位3.应计入国际收支平衡表借方的是:A. 本国对外支付运费;B.本国收入旅游外汇;C.本国官方储备增加;D.本国侨民的侨汇收入增加;E.政府对外的经济援助4. 国际储备的作用有:A.弥补国际收支逆差B.作为干预资产,维护外汇市场汇率稳定C.对外举债的资信保证D.应付突发事件5.进口商对未来进口付汇的保值,可以采用:ACA.买进远期外汇;B.卖出远期外汇;C.外汇期货的多头套期保值;D.外汇期货的空头套期保值6. 处于通货膨胀和国际收支逆差的经济状况时,应采取下列什么政策搭配: DA. 紧缩国内支出,本币升值;B. 扩张国内支出,本币贬值;C. 扩张国内支出,本币升值;D. 紧缩国内支出,本币贬值7.国际收支平衡表中的人为项目是:DA.经常项目B.资本和金融项目C.综合项目D.错误与遗漏项目8金本位货币制度下的汇率制度属于:CA. 浮动汇率制度B. 联合浮动汇率制度C. 固定汇率制度D. 可调整的固定汇率制度9. 国际资本流出的内容有 ABA.本国在外国资产的增加 B.本国对外国负债的减少C.外国对本国负债的增加 D.外国在本国资产的的增加10. 进出口商品的需求弹性是:A.进出口商品需求数量对其价格变化的反应程度 B.进出口商品价格对其需求数量变化的反应程度 C.供给对需求的反应程度D.需求对供给的反应程度11. 通常在以下情况下采取本币定值过高的管制措施:A.鼓励先进机械设备进口,促进经济发展; B.维持本国的物价稳定,控制通货膨胀;C.减轻政府的外债负担。
12.外债概念包括四个要素:A. 必须是居民与非居民之间的债务;B.必须是具有契约性偿还义务的债务;C.必须是某一时点上的存量;D.必须是“全部债务”。

国际⾦融复习国际⾦融复习题单项选择题1.在间接标价法下,汇率上升表⽰()A.本币贬值B.本币升值C.外币需求增加D.外币升值2.以下不属于外国债券的是()A.扬基债券 B.武⼠债券C.美国国库券D.猛⽝债券3.两种货币的利差是决定它们远期汇率的基础,利率⾼的货币,在其他因素不变的情况下,其远期汇率会()A.升⽔ B.贴⽔C.平价D.不变4.弹性价格货币模型认为,当其他条件不变时,()A.本国货币供给增加将导致本币升值 B.本国价格增加将导致本币升值C.本国利率上升将导致本币升值 D.本国收⼊上升将导致本币升值5.IMF创造的特别提款权()A.具有内在价值B.可⽤于贸易与⾮贸易的国际⽀付C.可以在世界各国当成货币使⽤ D.是⼀种账⾯资产6.当国际资本流动的利率弹性为零时,表⽰外部均衡的BP线是⼀条()A.⽔平曲线B.垂直曲线C.正斜率曲线 D.负斜率曲线7.蒙代尔—弗莱明模型表明在浮动汇率制下,如果资⾦不完全流动()A.仅货币政策有效B.财政政策⽆效C.货币财政政策均有性 D.货币与财政政策均⽆效8.利率平价理论表明()A.利率低的货币,其远期汇率贴⽔ B.通胀率⾼的国家,其货币将贬值C.利率⾼的货币,其远期汇率贴⽔ D.通胀率低的国家,其货币将升值9.以下关于汇率理论的看法正确的是()A.国际收⽀说是从资⾦流动的⾓度分析汇率的决定B.购买⼒平价通过实证在长期是成⽴的C.利率平价的前提是⼀价定律成⽴D.在资产市场说中,汇率超调被认为是由商品市场价格粘性引起的10.马歇尔—勒纳条件表明,在⼀定假设条件下,只要()本币贬值就会增加贸易顺差。
A.进⼝商品弹性⼤于出⼝商品弹性B. 出⼝商品弹性⼤于进⼝商品弹性C.进出⼝商品需求弹性之和⼤于1D. 进出⼝商品需求弹性之和⼤于011.SDRs是()A.欧洲经济货币联盟创设的货币 B.欧洲货币体系的中⼼货币C.IMF创设的储备资产和记帐单位 D.世界银⾏创设的⼀种特别使⽤资⾦的权利12.汇率波动受黄⾦输送点的限制,各国国际收⽀能够⾃动调节,这种货币制度是()A.浮动汇率制 B.国际⾦本位制C.布雷顿森林体系 D.混合本位制13.在采⽤直接标价的前提下,如果需要⽐原来更少的本币就能兑换⼀定数量的外国货币,这表明()A.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降14.欧洲货币市场是()A.经营欧洲货币单位的国家⾦融市场 B.经营欧洲国家货币的国际⾦融市场C.欧洲国家国际⾦融市场的总称 D.经营境外货币的国际⾦融市场15.⼀国国际收⽀顺差会使()A.外国货币需求增加,该国货币汇率上升B.外国货币需求减少,该国货币汇率下跌C.外国货币供给增加,该国货币汇率下跌D.外国货币供给减少,该国货币汇率上升16.⼀国持有国际储备的⾸要⽤途是()A.保持国际⽀付能⼒ B.维护本国的国际信誉C.⽀持本国货币汇率 D.赢得竞争利益17.当国际收⽀的收⼊数字⼤于⽀出数字时,差额则列⼊()以使国际收⽀⼈为地达到平衡。


国际金融复习题(一)一、判断:下列各项是否计入本国的国际收支平衡表1.在本国驻外国使馆工作的本国工作人员的工资收入.A XB √2.在外国驻本国使馆工作的本国工作人员的工资收入;A XB √3.本国在外国投资建厂,该厂产品在本国市场销售;A XB √4.本国在外国投资建厂,该产品在当地市场销售;A XB √5.外国在本国投资建厂,在该厂工作的本国工人的工资收入;A XB √6.债权国对本国的债务减免;A X B√7.在国外某大学读书的本国学生获得的该大学颁发的奖学金;A X B√8.在国外某大学读书的本国学生用这笔奖学金支付学费和生活费;A X B√9.本国货币当局在本国私人市场上购买黄金从而增加货币黄金持有量;A X B√10.本国货币当局在外国私人市场上购买黄金从而增加货币黄金持有量。
A XB √11.本国居民购买外商在本国直接投资企业的股票。
A XB √12.外商在本国直接投资企业在第三国投资建厂。
A X B√13.综合差额与官方储备同方向变动。
A XB √14.1990-1994年我国国际收支统计制度初步建立。
A XB √15.近几年来,我国国际收支表现为经常项目顺差、资本和金融项目逆差。
A XB √16.国际清偿力也称为国际流动性。
A X B√17.国际储备货币清偿力和信心之间的矛盾称为“特里芬难题”。
A X B√18.在关于国际储备功能的最新描述中,增强对本币的信心被放在核心地位。
A XB √19.实行严格外汇管制的国家对外汇储备的需求小。
A X B√20.布雷顿森林体系实行的是可调整的钉住汇率制。
A X B√二、单选1.国际收支所反映的内容是(C )A与国外的现金交易B与国外的金融资产交换C全部对外经济交易D一个国家的外汇收支2.国际收支平衡表采用( B )方式编制A增减记帐法B复式簿记C平衡法D.收付实现制3.国际收支平衡表中最基本最重要的项目是( B )A资本和金融项目B经常项目C错误与遗漏D储备结算项目4.一个国家国际收支不平衡时,通过增加或减少财政开支和提高或降低税率的办法来平衡国际收支。

国际金融复习题及答案 Company number:【0089WT-8898YT-W8CCB-BUUT-202108】《国际金融》复习题及答案一、单项选择题1、一国货币升值对其进出口收支产生何种影响( B )A.出口增加,进口减少 B.出口减少,进口增加C.出口增加,进口增加 D.出口减少,进口减少?2、SDRs是( C )A.欧洲经济货币联盟创设的货币 B.欧洲货币体系的中心货币C.IMF创设的储备资产和记帐单位 D.世界银行创设的一种特别使用资金的权利3、一般情况下,即期交易的起息日定为(C )A.成交当天 B.成交后第一个营业日C.成交后第二个营业日 D.成交后一星期内4、收购国外企业的股权达到10%以上,一般认为属于(C)A.股票投资 B.证券投资C.直接投资 D.间接投资5、汇率不稳有下浮趋势且在外汇市场上被人们抛售的货币是(C)A.非自由兑换货币 B.硬货币C.软货币 D.自由外汇6、汇率波动受黄金输送费用的限制,各国国际收支能够自动调节,这种货币制度是(B)A.浮动汇率制 B.国际金本位制C.布雷顿森林体系 D.牙买加体系7、国际收支平衡表中的基本差额计算是根据(D)A.商品的进口和出口 B.经常项目C.经常项目和资本项目 D.经常项目和资本项目中的长期资本收支8、在采用直接标价的前提下,如果需要比原来更少的本币就能兑换一定数量的外国货币,这表明(C)A.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降9、当一国经济出现膨胀和顺差时,为了内外经济的平衡,根据财政货币政策配合理论,应采取的措施是(D)A.膨胀性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策B.紧缩性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策C.膨胀性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策D.紧缩性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策10、欧洲货币市场是(D)A.经营欧洲货币单位的国家金融市场 B.经营欧洲国家货币的国际金融市场 C.欧洲国家国际金融市场的总称 D.经营境外货币的国际金融市场11、国际债券包括(B)A.固定利率债券和浮动利率债券 B.外国债券和欧洲债券C.美元债券和日元债券 D.欧洲美元债券和欧元债券12、二次世界大战前为了恢复国际货币秩序达成的(B),对战后国际货币体系的建立有启示作用。


国际金融考试题一、选择题1. 在国际金融中,下列哪个因素对汇率起到重要影响?A. 财政政策调整B. 进出口贸易差额C. 国内通货膨胀率D. 金融市场波动2. 下列哪种利率一般不会影响外汇市场?A. 中央银行基准利率B. 银行间同业拆借利率C. 国库券利率D. 公司债券利率3. 以下哪种因素不会导致汇率实际波动?A. 政府外汇干预B. 经济周期波动C. 股市走势D. 外国资本流动4. 贸易顺差意味着以下哪种情况发生?A. 进口大于出口B. 出口大于进口C. 出口和进口持平D. 进口和出口无关5. 下列哪种货币不属于主要的国际储备货币?A. 美元B. 欧元C. 英镑D. 人民币二、简答题1. 请解释什么是利率平价理论。
2. 请简要说明汇率和外汇市场的基本原理。
3. 简要解释金融市场的导致汇率波动的原因。


一.名词解释1. 米德冲突是指在许多情况下,单独使用支出调整政策或支出转换政策追求内、外部均衡,将会导致一国内部均衡与外部均衡之间的冲突。
2. 丁伯根原则——由丁伯根提出的关于国家经济调节政策和经济调节目标之间关系的法则。
3. Interest Arbitrag(套利)指两种货币资金短期利率出现差异的情况下,将资金从低利率货币兑换成高利率货币,以赚取利差的外汇交易行为。
4. 外汇投机指根据对汇率变动的预期,有意保持某种外汇的多头或空头,希望从汇率变动中赚取利润的行为。
6. 互换是指一种双方商定在一段时间内彼此相互交换现金的金融交易。
10.Forward Rate Agreement (远期利率协议)远期利率协议是一种远期合约,买卖双方(客户与银行或两个银行同业之间)商定将来一定时间点(指利息起算日)开始的一定期限的协议利率,并规定以何种利率为参照利率,在将来利息起算日,按规定的协议利率、期限和本金额,由当事人一方向另一方支付协议利率与参照利率利息差的贴现额。
《国际金融学》课程知识 复习 学习材料 试题与参考答案

《国际金融学》习题答案课程知识复习学习材料试题与参考答案一、单选题1. 欧洲中央银行体系的首要目标是( D )。
A.单式记账B.复式记账C.增减记账D.收付记账3. ( A )是金本位时期决定汇率的基础。
A.商业银行B.股份制C.国有制D.专业6. 一种国际储备资产必须具备( D )、流动性、普遍接受性三个特征。
A.期限B.利率C.交割日D.交易价格9. 在浮动汇率制下,国际收支市场调节机制主要表现为国际收支(B)调节机制。
A.伦敦外汇市场B.纽约外汇市场C.东京外汇市场D.香港外汇市场12. 发达国家一般采取鼓励资本(A)的政策。
A.地点套汇B.国家套汇C.抵补套汇D.抵销套汇15. 我国的结汇售汇制起源于( D )。
A建国初期B全面计划经济时期C改革开放初期 D 1994年的还会体制改革16.股票市场分为发行市场和流通市场,其中发行市场又称为(A)。

国际金融复习题一、名词解释:1、国际收支(Balance of Payments)是在一定时期内一国居民与非居民之间所发生的全部经济交易的货币价值总和。
5、即期外汇交易(spot exchange transaction),又称现汇交易,是买卖双方成交后,在2个营业日内办理交割的外汇交易。
6、远期外汇交易(forward exchange transaction)是在外汇买卖成交后的未来某一特定日期进行实际交割的外汇交易,它包括所有交割期限超过即期外汇交易的正常交割期限(2个营业日)的外汇交易。
国际金融 复习题

本卷共分为2大题10小题,总分100 分。
本卷得分:100一、单选题(本大题共6小题,共60分)•1[单选题,10分]债务率的参照系数为A.0.6B.80%C.1D.1.2参考答案:C您的答案:Co收藏本题o展开解析•2[单选题,10分]由于外汇汇率变动而引起的国际企业未来收益变化的一种潜在的风险是A.交易风险B.操作风险C.会计风险D.经济风险参考答案:D您的答案:Do收藏本题o展开解析•3[单选题,10分]“Q项条款”曾是美国规定的A.商业银行存款最高利率B.商业银行贷款最高利率C.商业银行存款准备金的最高比率D.商业银行存款准备金的最低比率参考答案:A您的答案:Ao收藏本题o展开解析•4[单选题,10分]保付代理业务风险的最后承担者为A.出口商B.进口商C.银行D.保理商参考答案:C您的答案:Co收藏本题o展开解析•5[单选题,10分]国际收支平衡表的实际核算与编制过程,没有完全按照复式借贷记账法去做,由此导致了平衡表中什么项目的产生?(A.经常项目B.资产项目C.平衡项目D.错误与遗漏参考答案:D您的答案:Do收藏本题o展开解析•6[单选题,10分]政府贷款及出口信贷记录在金融账户中的哪一个项目A.直接投资B.间接投资C.证券投资D.其他投资参考答案:D您的答案:Do收藏本题o展开解析二、多选题(本大题共4小题,共40分)•7[多选题,10分]远期汇率、即期汇率和利息率三者的关系是A.其他条件不变,利率较高的货币,其远期汇率为贴水B.其他条件不变,利率较高的货币,其远期汇率为升水C.其他条件不变,利率较低的货币,其远期汇率为贴水D.其他条件不变,利率较低的货币,其远期汇率为升水参考答案:AD您的答案:ADo收藏本题o展开解析•8[多选题,10分]在外汇市场上,远期外汇的供给者有A.进口商B.出口商C.对远期外汇看跌的投机人D.对远期外汇看跌的投机人参考答案:AD您的答案:ADo收藏本题o展开解析•9[多选题,10分]择期外汇业务中,当远期汇率贴水时,A.银行以择期期初汇率作为买入价B.银行以择期期末汇率作为买入价C.银行以择期期末汇率作为买入价D.银行以择期期末汇率作为卖出价参考答案:BCD您的答案:BCDo收藏本题o展开解析•10[多选题,10分]资本账户主要反映的是A..资本单方面转移引起的国际收付B.放弃金融资产以外的资产而产生的国际交易C.收买金融资产以外的资产而产生的国际交易D.非制造出来的资产产生的国际交易本卷共分为2大题10小题,总分100 分。

Questions for Chapter 2I.Choices1.The U.S. current account does not include:A) net exports of goods. B) U.S. grants to foreign countries.C) the sale of U.S. bonds to foreign interests. D) income receipts from foreigners.2.The set of accounts recording all of the flows of value between a nation's residents and theresidents of the rest of the world during a specific period of time is called the:A) official settlements balance. B) international investment position.C) balance of payments. D) overall balance.3. A country's current account balance:A)is approximately equal to the difference between the value of the country's domesticproduction of goods and services and the country's expenditures on goods and services.B)is equal to the difference between the country's national saving and its domestic realinvestment.C) equals the country's net foreign investment.D) all of the above4.If an item in an international transaction results in a resident of a foreign country getting amonetary claim against a resident of the United States, then in the U.S. balance of payments that item is:a) a credit item (or addition).b)an official international reserve.c) a debit item (or subtraction).d) a credit item or a debit item, depending on which foreign country is involved.5.Importation of goods into a country, purchases by firms in a country of services from firmsoutside the country, and purchases by investors in a country of equity interests in a corporation outside of the country are all examples of:a)funds flowing out of the importing or purchasing country.b)funds flowing into the importing or purchasing country.c)transactions that are not included in national balance-of-payments accounting since thetransactions are private.d)transactions that are not included in national balance-of-payments accounting until they arecompleted by the ultimate sale of the items involved.6.Balance of payments accounting is based on the concept that every transaction between acountry and other countries of the world involves:a)goods or services.b)an exchange of value for value.c)profits and losses.d)private interests.7.If we add up all of the value outflows and value inflows in a country's balance of payments,the difference in the outflows and inflows will be:a) a positive value because countries gain from trading.b)different for every country since some countries have advantages over other countriesc)zero because there is value that flows out and value that flows in for every transaction.d) a positive value for the country since no country is going to be involved in a transaction wherethey receive less than they give.8.The three broad categories that make up a country's balance of payments are:a)the current account, the debt account, and the equity account.b)the financial account, the goods and services account, and the capital account.c)the current account, the financial account, and the changes in official international reserves.d)the financial account, the changes in official international reserves, and the capital account.9. A country's ____________________ reflects all of its exports and imports of goods andservices, its income receipts and income payments, and its gifts.a)current accountb)trade balancec)balance of paymentsd)international reserve10.A country's goods and services balance measures the country's net exports and is often calledthe country's:a)financial account.b)trade balance.c)international reserve.d)balance of payments.11.A country's goods and services balance measures the country's net exports and is often calledthe country's:a)financial account.b)trade balance.c)international reserve.d)balance of payments.12.The flows of earnings on foreign assets are reported in a country’s current account, whereasthe principal amounts of (non-official) financial assets traded between a country's residents and the rest of the world are:a)not reported.b)reported in the country's (non-official) financial account balance.c)considered to be part of the country's transactions in official reserve assets.d)reported only when the assets are sold.13.____________________ are money-like assets held by a government that are recognized byother governments as fully acceptable for payments between governments.a)Foreign direct investmentsb)Official currenciesc)Official international reservesd)Settlement balances14. If a country's net foreign investment is positive, that country:a) is acting as a net lender to the rest of the world.b) is acting as a net borrower from the rest of the world.c) imports more than it exports.d) is increasing its holdings of official international reserve assets.15. If a country has ____________________, that indicates that the country's foreign liabilities are growing faster than its foreign assets.a) an official settlements surplusb) negative statistical discrepancyc) a current account deficitd) a financial account deficit16. An economic transaction is recorded in the balance of payments as a credit if it leads toA. a payment to foreigners.B. the receipt of a payment from foreigners.C. a decrease in foreign exchange reserves.D. neither an inflow nor an outflow of value.17. Which of the following is recorded as a debit item in the U.S. balance of payments accounts?A. An Italian firm pays $5 million in dividends to the holders of its stock in the U.S.B. The French Club Med hires four American scuba diving instructors for its new resort on the Italian island of Sardinia.C. Toyota builds a factory in the U.S. to manufacture automobiles.D. Remittances from Cambodian immigrants in the U.S. flow to the ir relatives in Thailand’s refugee centers.18. Borrowing from abroad is aA. capital import and therefore a debit item.B. capital export and therefore a credit item.C. capital import and therefore a credit item.D. capital export and therefore a debit item.19. If a country’s net foreign investment amounts to –$15 billion, this implies an equivalentA. current account deficit.B. current account surplus.C. trade balance surplus.D. overall balance deficit.II. True or False? Explain.1. T / F A negative net foreign investment on this year’s balance of payments accountsmeans the country is a net debtor.2. T / F A nation running a current account surplus is accumulating foreign assets.3. T / F Because the balance of payments accounts must balance, sub-accounts like thefinancial account must balance, too.4. T / F If GDP, consumption, and domestic investment are all constant, an increase ingovernment spending will cause the country to run a trade deficit.5. T / F The “statistical discrepancy” component of the balance of payments accounts is arefuge for scoundrels.Questions for Chapter 3Multiple Choice1. If a British pound equals 1837 South Korean won (the currency of South Korea), what is the British pound equivalent of a South Korean won?a. 0.00054 British pounds.b. 0.54 British pounds.c. 1.54 British pounds.d. 1.04 British pounds.2. When a resident of Germany buys a U.S. Treasury bond, there will be a(n):a. increase in the demand for U.S. dollars.b. increase in the demand for German marks.c. decrease in the demand for U.S. dollars.d. decrease in the demand for German marks.3. An appreciation of the U.S. dollar refers to:a. an increase in the dollar price of a foreign currency.b. a decrease in the dollar price of a foreign currency.c. a decrease in the amount of financial assets held by U.S. interests.d. the high regard that foreigners have for the U.S. financial system.4. If one U.S. dollars equals5.76 Egyptian pounds and one U.S. dollar equals 0.56 British pounds, how many Egyptian pounds equals one British pound?a. 0.097 Egyptian pounds.b. 5.200 Egyptian pounds.c. 10.29 Egyptian pounds.d. 3.226 Egyptian pounds.5. The ____________________ rate is the price of one country's money in units of another country's money.a. forwardb. foreign swapc. arbitraged. exchange6. If parties to a transaction agree on the rate at which two currencies will be exchanged at a specific time several months the future, they have agreed to a(n):a. reverse forward swap.b. spot exchange rate.c. forward exchange rate.d. arbitrage transaction.7. The ____________________ market is the foreign exchange trading that is done by banks with their customers.a. retail part of theb. interbank foreign exchangec. commercial exchanged. swap8. The interbank part of the foreign exchange market involves banks trading with ____________________ in foreign exchangea. customersb. countriesc. other banksd. industrial firms9. The currency that is most often used to accomplish trading between two other currencies is the ________________, which is often referred to as a vehicle currency.a. eurob. British poundc. U.S. dollard. Japanese yen10. In the European Union, the ____________________ set a process that has resulted in the adoption of the euro as the currency of more than half of the EU countries.a. Treaty of Romeb. Maastricht Treatyc. European Councild. European Parliament11. Since most exporters want to be paid in the currency of their home country, exports of goods generally cause:a. foreign currency to be sold to buy the currency of the country that exports the goods.b. U.S. dollars to be bought to increase the supply of foreign currency in the importing country.c. foreign currency to be borrowed to use in paying for the exports.d. U.S. dollars to be used to pay for the exports.12. When the U.S. imports goods, those imports create a(n):a. supply of a foreign currency and a demand for U.S. dollars.b. demand for foreign currencies and a supply of U.S. dollars.c. equilibrium in the foreign exchange markets.d. opportunity for triangular arbitrage.13. U.S. capital outflows create a(n):a. equilibrium in the foreign exchange markets.b. opportunity for triangular arbitrage.c. supply of a foreign currency and a demand for U.S. dollars.d. demand for foreign currencies and a supply of U.S. dollars.14. If the exchange rate of a currency is determined by the foreign exchange market without the intervention of government, the exchange rate system is known as a(n) ____________________ exchange rate system.a. equilibriumb. fixedc. floatingd. pegged15. A government can fix the exchange rate of its currency by:a. raising its interest rates to make the currency more attractive to foreigners.b. refusing to engage in foreign trade.c. buying or selling its currency to keep the exchange rate in a pre-established range.d. joining a trade bloc.16. If a country's government acts to reduce the fixed value of its currency, the change is called a(n):a. devaluation.b. evaluation.c. revaluation.d. depreciation.17. ____________________ is the process by which an investor buys a currency in one market ata particular exchange rate and then almost immediately sells that currency in another market where the exchange rate for the currency is more advantageous, thereby ensuring an almost risk-free profit.a. Arbitrageb. Risk-free investingc. Appreciationd. Revaluation18. Suppose the exchange rate between the Canadian dollar (C$) and the American dollar (US$) changes from C$1.340/US$ to C$1.325/US$, but the Canadian government wants to maintain a fixed exchange rate of C$1.340/US$. What should the Bank of Canada do?A. Stop trading with the U.S. so that fewer U.S. dollars will flow into Canada.B. Sell U.S. dollars (buy Canadian dollars).C. Sell Canadian dollars (buy U.S. dollars).D. Purchase British pounds and sell French francs.19. Which of the following statements is false?A. British imports of Florida oranges will create a demand for U.S. dollars.B. If all Americans buy Japanese cars, the dollar will appreciate relative to the yen.C. The American dollar is often used as a vehicle currency.D. Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Taiwan all use currencies called “dollars.”20. The demand curve for a foreign currency slopes downward becauseA. at lower exchange rates, foreign goods look cheaper to home country residents.B. at higher exchange rates, the home currency can buy more foreign goods.C. the quantity supplied of the foreign currency rises as the exchange rate falls.D. marginal utility theory says that individuals substitute into any commodity whose price has fallen.True or False? Explain.1. T / F An increase in U.S. imports from France will give rise to a supply of euros inexchange for dollars.2. T / F Central bank intervention is more prevalent under a floating exchange ratesystem than under a pegged exchange rate system.3. T / F If Americans suddenly refuse to lend money to Mexico, we would expect thedollar to appreciate relative to the peso.4. T / F Art appreciation courses have nothing to do with exchange rates.5. T / F If a currency is undervalued in a fixed exchange rate system, officials from thatcountry’s central bank will have to sell their currency to keep it pegged.Questions for Chapter 41. If a person's or firm's financial welfare can be affected by changes in the value of one currency in terms of another currency, that person or firm is exposed to a(n) ____________________ risk.a. exchange rateb. forward exchange ratec. debitd. credit2. ____________________ is the taking of a net asset position or net liability position in some foreign currency in hopes of making a profit.a. Arbitrageb. Hedgingc. Swappingd. Speculating3. When an investor reduces or eliminates a net asset or net liability position in a foreign currency to reduce risk exposure, that investor is:a. speculating.b. investing.c. hedging.d. arbitraging.4. A(n) ____________________ is an agreement to exchange one currency for another currency on a specific future date and at a specific rate.a. forward foreign exchange contractb. arbitrage agreementc. currency swap agreementd. covered interest contract5. You are an American and usually transact in dollars. If the only foreign currency position that you have is that you owe 10,000 Swiss francs for a custom watch that you ordered from Swatch:a. you are exposed to exchange rate risk because you are long Swiss francs.b. you will suffer a loss if, in the spot exchange market, the Swiss franc depreciates against the U.S. dollar.c. you can hedge against exchange rate risk by borrowing Swiss francs and immediately exchanging them for dollars.d. you can hedge against exchange rate risk by obtaining a forward foreign exchange contractin which you will receive Swiss francs.6. The difference between a forward exchange rate and a future spot exchange rate is:a. a forward exchange rate can change as the specified date approaches, but the spot rate is fixed now to be used at the specified future date and does not change.b. very small, because a forward exchange rate is almost the same as a future spot exchange rate.c. a forward exchange rate can be renegotiated if the parties agree, but a future spot exchange rate is fixed now to be applied to a future transaction at a specified future date.d. a forward exchange rate is fixed now to be used at a specific future date, but a future spot exchange rate is whatever exchange rate exists on the specific future date.7. A ___________________ position is holding net assets denominated in a foreign country, and a ___________________ position means owing more of a foreign currency than one owns.a. long; shortb. short; longc. hedged; speculatived. speculative; covered8. When the exchange rate at which an anticipated foreign investment return will be redeemed is determined through a forward exchange contract, a(n) ____________________ results.a. uncovered interest parityb. covered interest parityc. uncovered international investmentd. covered international investment9. There is a hypothesis in international economics that the pressure from speculators on the supply of and demand for a specific currency should:a. make the current forward exchange rate equal the average future expected spot exchange rate on the exchange date.b. create opportunities for investors to bet that the value of the currency at a specific future date will be less than the current forward rate of the currency.c. make the current forward exchange rate equal to the current spot exchange rate.d. cause the country whose currency is involved to devalue the currency before the expected exchange date.10. If the interest rate on two currencies is different, but the currency with the lower interest rate is expected to appreciate by the difference in the interest rates, there is a condition of:a. uncovered interest parity.b. zero exchange rate risk.c. zero covered interest differential.d. fully hedged positions.11. ____________________ is buying a country's currency spot and selling it forward, while making a profit on the combination of the interest rate in that country and any forward premium on its currency.a. Covered interest arbitrageb. Hedged forward exchangec. Anticipated future spot exchanged. Forward premium speculation12. Covered interest parity links together four rates:a. current spot rates in the two countries under consideration and the current interest rates in those two countries.b. current forward rates in the two countries under consideration and the current interest rates in those two countries.c. current spot exchange rate, current forward exchange rate, and the current interest rates in the two countries under consideration.d. current spot exchange rate, current forward exchange rate, current short-term interest ratein the foreign country, and current long-term interest rate in the foreign country.13. Suppose an American speculator anticipates the spot rate on the yen in 180 days will be higher than today’s 180-day forward rate on yen ($0.0072). Which of these investments is best if she is correct?A. Sell one million yen today in the forward market for delivery in 180 days.B. Buy one million yen today in the forward market for delivery in 180 days.C. Buy dollars today in the spot market.D. Buy dollars today in the forward market for delivery in 180 days.14. Covered interest parity is a condition whereA. the forward value of a currency will tend to exceed its spot value by the same percentage as its interest rate is lower than foreign interest rates.B. the spot value will tend to exceed its forward value by the same percentage as the domestic interest rate is lower than foreign interest rates.C. the domestic and foreign interest rates are equalized.D. the spot and forward rates are equalized.15. Suppose you are an established speculator with an excellent reputation, but currently without liquid funds. You believe the dollar is going to appreciate. What would you do?A. Borrow dollars in the U.S. and sell the dollars in the spot exchange market.B. Buy foreign (non-dollar) currencies forward.C. Sell foreign (non-dollar) currencies forward.D. Borrow yen in Japan and sell them on the spot market.16. If today’s spot rate on the British pound is $2 and the 30-day forward rate on the pound is $2.10 (ignoring any interest earnings or costs), then a speculator whoA. purchased 100 British pounds forward today can make $10 profit in 30 days.B. purchased 100 British pounds spot today can make $10 profit 30 days from now.C. sold 100 British pounds forward today can make £10 profit 30 days from now.D. sold 100 British pounds spot today can make £10 profit 30 days from now.E. none of the above.17. If risks are not a concern to an investor, that investor is said to be risk:A. neutral.B. adverse.C. insulated.D. advantaged.True or False? Explain.1. T / F The forward exchange rate is the same as the future spot rate.2. T / F Speculating means taking only a short position, not a long position.3. T/ F If German interest rates are higher than American interest rates, we would expectthe euro to be at a forward discount relative to the dollar.4. T / F Hedgehogs are afraid of risk.5. T/ F If a speculator believes that the future spot rate on the British pound will behigher than the current forward rate, the speculator will buy the pound forward.Questions for Chapter 51. The expected overall return on an uncovered investment in a bond denominated in a foreign currency depends on:a. the exchange rate and the world economic situation.b. the political stability of the nation where the bond is issued and the exchange rate.c. the basic return on the bond and the expected gain or loss on currency exchanges.d. the economic health of the company issuing the bond and the world economic situation.2. While the causes of changes in short-term floating exchange rates are difficult to determine, long-term changes in floating exchange rates are related to:a. pegged exchange rates.b. political risks.c. Eurocurrencies.d. economic fundamentals.3. The ____________________ is based on the idea that a product that is freely traded in a competitive global market should have the same price everywhere if the prices at different places are expressed in the same currency.a. law of one priceb. law of supply and demandc. floating exchange rated. role of interest rates4. The market exchange rate is a(n) ____________________ way to compare average income and production levels because the purchasing power parity hypothesis ____________________.a. excellent; is well-suited for comparing national expenditures and productionb. acceptable; equalizes international economic differences in expenditures and productionc. good; is better than any other approach that has been developed to compare incomes and productiond. poor; is not reliable when applied to the goods and services that make up national expenditures or domestic production.5. The law on one price works well for ____________________ but does not hold for ___________________.a. heavily traded commodity products; manufactured productsb. industrial countries; developing countriesc. international transactions; domestic transactionsd. theoretical comparisons; actual results6. ____________________ suggests that an assortment of tradable products will have the same cost in different countries if the cost is stated in the same currency.a. Absolute purchasing power parityb. Relative purchasing power parityc. International equilibriumd. The law of supply and demand7. The primary demand for money is:a. in developing countries.b. for foreign direct investment.c. as a medium of exchange.d. for a country's international reserves.8. If the law of one price holds, then we would expect that if one dollar exchanges for four yen and if a computer costs $1,000 in the U.S., then in Japan, the computer should cost:a. 2000 yen.b. 3000 yen.c. 250 yen.d. 4000 yen.9. What implications for international financial repositioning and for the current spot exchange rate would flow from an increase in the current domestic interest rate?a. Repositioning towards domestic currency assets results in the domestic currency depreciating.b. Repositioning toward foreign currency assets results in the domestic currency depreciating.c. Repositioning towards domestic currency assets results in the domestic currency appreciating.d. Repositioning toward foreign currency assets results in the domestic currency appreciating.10. What implications would a decrease in foreign interest rates have for the direction of international financial repositioning and for the current spot exchange rate?a. Repositioning towards domestic currency assets and the domestic currency depreciates.b. Repositioning toward foreign currency assets and the domestic currency depreciates.c. Repositioning towards domestic currency assets and the domestic currency appreciatesd. Repositioning toward foreign currency assets and the domestic currency appreciates.11. The monetary approach to exchange rates is generally:a. successful in explaining short- and long-term exchange rates.b. successful in explaining short-term exchange rates but not long-term exchange rates.c. successful in explaining long-term exchange rates but not short-term exchange rates.d. of no value for explaining short- or long-term exchange rates.13. Purchasing power parity predicts that when the U.S. inflation rate increases relative to the inflation rate of another country:a. the dollar should appreciate.b. the foreign currency should appreciate.c. the foreign currency should depreciate.d. the exchange rate should not be affected.14. Relative purchasing power parity:a. theorizes that the difference between changes over time in product-price levels in two countries will be offset by the change in the exchange rate over this time.b. explains exchange rates as being part of the equilibrium for the markets for financial assets denominated in different currencies.c. suggests that the exchange rate should be equal to the ratio of the domestic price level to the foreign price level.d. says that a single currency will have the same price everywhere, once the prices at difference places are expressed in that currency.15. Which of the following is the least accurate statement about purchasing power parity (PPP)?a. PPP predicts most accurately when looking at the largest measure of price levels such as all products in the GDP.b. PPP predicts moderately well at the level of all traded goods.c. If absolute PPP is true at all times, then relative PPP is also true.d. Relative PPP predicts better over the long-term rather than the short-term.16. Under the asset market approach, if both U.S. and British interest rates rise by three percentage points, we could expectA. the dollar to appreciate.B. the dollar to depreciate.C. the exchange rate between the dollar and the pound to remain unchanged.D. investors to move their funds to a third country.17. All other things being equal, if the British government increases the money supply by 5% while the British economy is experiencing 5% real growth, the exchange rate on the pound will beA. unaffected.B. higher.C. lower.D. a mystery.18. All other things being equal, which of the following would not cause the price of a foreign currency (e) to fall?A. A rise in the home country’s expected inflation rate.B. A rise in the foreign country’s expected inflation rate.C. A drop in the foreign country’s real income.D. A rise in the foreig n country’s money supply.True or False? Explain.1. T / F An expectation that the yen will appreciate can cause the yen to appreciate.2. T / F An increase in the domestic interest rate will cause the home currency todepreciate.3. T / F International interest rate differentials drive exchange rates in the short run;international price differentials drive exchange rates in the long run.4. T / F The purchasing power parity hypothesis is unlikely to be true for countries thatdo not trade commodities internationally.5. T / F If the inflation rate in the United States is lower than the inflation rate in France,the euro will depreciate relative to the dollar.。

《国际金融》复习题及答案一、单项选择题1、一国货币升值对其进出口收支产生何种影响( B )A.出口增加,进口减少B.出口减少,进口增加C.出口增加,进口增加D.出口减少,进口减少2、SDRs是( C )A.欧洲经济货币联盟创设的货币 B.欧洲货币体系的中心货币C.IMF创设的储备资产和记帐单位 D.世界银行创设的一种特别使用资金的权利3、一般情况下,即期交易的起息日定为(C )A.成交当天B.成交后第一个营业日C.成交后第二个营业日 D.成交后一星期内4、收购国外企业的股权达到10%以上,一般认为属于(C)A.股票投资B.证券投资C.直接投资 D.间接投资5、汇率不稳有下浮趋势且在外汇市场上被人们抛售的货币是(C)A.非自由兑换货币B.硬货币C.软货币D.自由外汇6、汇率波动受黄金输送费用的限制,各国国际收支能够自动调节,这种货币制度是(B)A.浮动汇率制 B.国际金本位制C.布雷顿森林体系 D.牙买加体系7、国际收支平衡表中的基本差额计算是根据(D)A.商品的进口和出口B.经常项目C.经常项目和资本项目D.经常项目和资本项目中的长期资本收支8、在采用直接标价的前提下,如果需要比原来更少的本币就能兑换一定数量的外国货币,这表明(C) A.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率上升B.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率上升C.本币币值上升,外币币值下降,通常称为外汇汇率下降D.本币币值下降,外币币值上升,通常称为外汇汇率下降9、当一国经济出现膨胀和顺差时,为了内外经济的平衡,根据财政货币政策配合理论,应采取的措施是(D) A.膨胀性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策B.紧缩性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策C.膨胀性的财政政策和紧缩性的货币政策D.紧缩性的财政政策和膨胀性的货币政策10、欧洲货币市场是(D)A.经营欧洲货币单位的国家金融市场 B.经营欧洲国家货币的国际金融市场C.欧洲国家国际金融市场的总称 D.经营境外货币的国际金融市场11、国际债券包括(B)A.固定利率债券和浮动利率债券 B.外国债券和欧洲债券C.美元债券和日元债券 D.欧洲美元债券和欧元债券12、二次世界大战前为了恢复国际货币秩序达成的(B),对战后国际货币体系的建立有启示作用。
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么?考虑的因素主要有哪些? 3、国际储备的结构管理包括哪些主要内容?
第六章 国际金融市场
外国债券 欧洲债券 LIBOR
1、欧洲债券与外国债券的区别主要表现在那 些方面?
2、简述新型国际金融市场的概念及特征。 3、简述欧洲货币市场的概念及其经营的一般
1、简述外汇期货交易与远期外汇交易的主要 区别。
2、为什么说在进出口贸易中,进口要选择 “软货币”,出口要选择“硬货币”?试举例 说明。
4、进口商出口商怎样利用远期外汇市场、外 汇期货市场以及期权市场避免汇率风险?
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 国际储备 特别提款权
第八章 国际债务与国际金融危机 国际债务危机 外债 1、论述货币危机发生的原因以及影响。
第九章 国际货币体系
特里芬难题 国际货币体系 美元危机
1、简述国际货币体系的概念、主要内容。 2、简述一个稳定的国际货币体系必须具备哪
些条件? 3、简述国际货币体系的概念及划分标准。
5、简述传统的国际金融市场与新型的国际金 融市场的区别。
6、简述国际货币市场与国际资本市场的含义 以及它们各自的组成。
第七章 国际资本流动
FDI 出口信贷
1、简述长期资本流动的含义以及流动的方式。 2、简述当代国际资本流动的特点。 3、国际资本的流入流出包括哪几层含义?简
第三章 汇率制度和外汇管制
固定汇率制度 管理浮动汇率制度
汇率目标区制 货币自由兑换
1、简述浮动汇率制度的优缺点。 2、简述我国现行人民币汇率制度的主要特征。 3、简述开放资本帐户的好处。
第四章 外汇交易和外汇风险管理
外汇期权 买入/卖出期权 欧式/美式期权
5、分析国际收支失衡时外汇缓冲政策和支出 增减型政策的利弊。
第二章 外汇和汇率
直接标价法 间接标价法 有效汇率 有效汇率指数 铸币平价 官方汇率
1、简述利率平价原理的基本公式与基本结论。 2、在不同的汇率标价法下,汇率升值和贬值
第一章 国际收支
国际收支 国际收支平衡表 自主性交易 调节性交易 米德冲突 丁伯根原则 J型曲线效应
1、简述国际收支调节政策及其局限性。 2、简述“价格——硬币流动机制”。 3、简述支出增减型政策的含义以及在调节国
4、试述国际收支不平衡的主要原因以及解决 国际收支不平衡的主要对策。
是如何表示的? 3、简述汇率决定基础与货币制度的关系。
4、简要分析通货膨胀因素是如何影响汇率变 动的。
5、简述为什么在金本位制度下,汇率波动的 幅度限制在黄金输送点范围之内?
6、现钞买入价低于外汇买入价的原因? 7.简述“一价定律”以及购买力平价的基本
5、简述布雷顿森林体系在国际储备制度方面 的缺陷是什么?
6、论述雷顿森林体系崩溃的直接原因和根本 原因。
第十章 欧洲货币联盟与欧洲货币一体化 最适货币区 区域货币一体化
第十一章 国际金融机构 份额 1、简述国际货币基金组织的宗旨。 2、简述世界银行发放贷款的条件与贷款的用