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English-Chinese Terms in Journalism
gatekeeper 看门人 ( guess what it means? ) the watchdog role of journalism 新闻的舆论监督作用 Yellow Journalism 耸人听闻式的新闻报道 hard news 硬新闻 soft news 软新闻 key word 关键词 mass communication 大众传播 mass media 大众传媒 news agency 通讯社
3. Take a copy of any English newspaper that you can find and point out some of its regular sections.
2.5 The front page of a newspaper
■ Features:
1). A lead story the most important political, economic and/or military event, sometimes accompanied by a relevant photo. 2). News index on the side or bottom part of the front page. 3). The headlines brief but impactive (How to achieve this goal?) 4). Often with few or even no advertisements
In-class Exercises
Take a copy of an English newspaper and study the layout of its pages, and discuss its features. Notice the following aspects:
The sections and total pages; The headlines and pictures on the front page; The kinds of ads and their positions on the pages What news stories are usually published on the front page? How do the editors select news stories to be published on the front page?

accuracy 准确 objectivity 客观 brevity 简洁 balance and fairness n. 平衡和公平 anecdote 趣闻,轶事 documentary 文献 breaking news 突发新闻 broadsheet 大报 tabloid 小报 delayed lead 延缓式导语 direct lead 直接式导语

Find one news item about a recent international event on a Chinese newspaper and on an English newspaper, respectively. Check the details of the news report and see how the event is covered differently.
3.Give examples to show that two different newspapers report the same news event in different ways.
2.4 The departmental structure of a typical newspaper
2.3 English-Chinese Terms in Journalism
English-Chinese Terms in Journalism cover story 封面文章
dateline 日期行
by-line caption
署名行 图片说明 , 小标题
headline 标题 highlight 提要 deadline 交稿最后期限
Chapter Two
The Newspaper: its editing, structure and style
2.1 Basic concepts of newspapers
■ What are newspapers ?
--- publications usually issued on a daily or weekly basis ,the main function of which is to report the news. ■ What do newspapers provide? --- news and commentaries, various public policies, special information and advice to readers, features such as comic strips, cartoons, and serialized books .
Reporters Photographers
■ The general content structure of a newspaper
1). Front page 2). Other pages (some examples?) 3). An news item normally consists of: ● (photo/picture) ● (caption) ● headline ● (sub-headline) ● by-line ● (time and) date ● (city and nation) ● lead ● body ● end
(Hint: you may refer to the latest news report on
several American senators’ visit to China in March 2006. Relevant English news reports can be found on the Internet.)
Business manager
Editorial writers
Production manager
Online webmaster
Managing editor
City editor
Specialsection editors
end column
( 新闻 ) 主体
( 新闻 ) 结尾 ( 报纸版面上的 ) 栏目,专栏
columnist 专栏作家 freelancer 自由撰稿人 correspondent 记者 (reporter? Journalist?) editor 编辑 editor’s notes / Eds. 编者按 eye-catching 抢眼的 news features 新闻特写 flash 快讯 follow-up story 后续报道 news lead (新闻)导语
Questions for Discussion
1. What kinds of news do readers expect to find on the front page of a local newspaper?
2. What are some features of a front page?
■ Common sections in a newspaper

. .
News stories (national & international) Editorials Columns (commentaries) Letters to the editor Business Movie listings Sports Travel Classified (ads)
what else do you know?
Questions for Discussion
How is a Biblioteka Baiduewspaper generally edited? How does a piece of news get to be published in a newspaper?
2. What are some major aspects in discussing the layout of a newspaper?
English-Chinese Terms in Journalism
Questions for Discussion
1. What are the functions of the newspaper? 2. What are some major newspapers in the United States and Britain? Why do different newspapers focus on different kinds of news?
English-Chinese Terms in Journalism
English-Chinese Terms in Journalism
news digest news filter news value freedom of the press freedom of opinion personal profile electronic media print media timeliness 新闻摘要 新闻过滤 新闻价值 (what principles?) 新闻自由 言论自由 人物特写 电子媒体 纸媒体 时效性
prominence (人物或事件的)突出性 proximity (物理或心理上的)接近性 human interest 人情味 readability 可读性 pyramid structure 金字塔结构 inverted pyramid structure 倒金字塔结构 uniqueness of an event 事件的独特性 urgent n. 急电 adj. 急的 , 紧急的 five elements of news (WHO,WHAT,WHERE, WHEN, WHY) and HOW 新闻的五要素