
初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、Butter and cheese ______ in priceA.has gone upB.is gone upC.have gone upD.are gone up【解析】黄油和奶酪的价格已经涨了。
and 连接的名词作主语,指两个人或物时,谓语动词用复数。
2、 ---He seems _____ ill Shall we take him to the hospital right now? ---I don’t thinkit matters Maybe he’s caught a bit of a coldA. terribleB. terriblyC. evenD. to be terrible【解析】seem+形容词“好像是”ill “病了”用副词修饰。
答案为B. even修饰形容词/副词比较级。
3、---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine? ---Sure It’s a piece of cakeNow let me tell you _____ to do firstA.whatB.howC.whetherD.when【解析】缺do的宾语。
4、----The pen writes well though it doesn’t cost mu ch ---- Let me have a try So _____A.it isB.it doesC.does itD.is it【解析】的确如此用it代替 pen,write是行为动词,答句用does 答案为B。
5、---Would you like ______ some fruit? ---No thanks I don’t feel like _____ anything nowA.to have,to eatB.having, to eatC. to have , eatingD. having ,eating【解析】would you like to do sth.委婉询问对方的意愿“是否想要做什么....”可以排除B.D .而feel like +名词/动名词,表示“觉得好像....” 答案为C。

中学英语易错题训练选择题1.—Haveyoufoundthebook?——.A.No,notevenonceB.NotyetC.No,alreadyD.Yes,Idid2.Ididn’tquiteunderstandhowtheygotthebooksbackso.A.quickB.morequicklyC.quickerD.quickly3.Iusedonmyown.A.toliveB.liveC.livingD.toliving4.—youevertoBeijing?—Yes,once.A.Have;goneB.Did;goC.Do;goD.Have;been5.Sorry,butyouraddressagain,please.Icatchit.A.didn’tB.don’tC.won’tD.wouldn’t6.——IsawKateagreendressatthemeeting.——Ithinkshelooksbetterred.A.dressed;inB.puton;wearC.wearing;inD.wear;puton7.Whatyouangrywith?A.haveB.willC.areD.do8.Thedirtyriver.A.issmeltbadB.smellsbadlyC.issmeltbadlyD.smellsbad9.Theradioistoonoisy.Willyouplease?A.turnoffitB.turnitonC.turnitupD.turnitdown10.There’sgoingtoafilmshowmodernartinthelibrary.A.be;atB.have;ofC.have;onD.be;about11.Wouldyoupleaseyourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping12.Wheredoesyoursisterhermeals?A.hasB.haveC.havingD.had13.Mikeandhissisterhereamomentago.A.isB.areC.wereD.be14.ItwasNewYear’sEve.XiaoMingwasbusysomenewpicturesonthewall.A.putupB.putsupC.puttingupD.puttingon15.Ioftenporridgeforbreakfastthosedays.A.havingB.haveC.hasD.had16.TeaisinthesouthofChina.A.growB.growsC.growingD.grown17.Howaboutoutforawalk?A.goB.togoC.goingD.goes18.Iheardherthatshewastoofat.A.saysB.tosayC.saidD.say19.Shallweattheschoolgate?A.meetB.tomeetC.metD.meeting20.It’smuchbetterthanTVathome.A.watchB.watchesC.watchingD.watched21.Look!LiLeiandLinFengkiteoverthere.A.isflyingB.areflyingC.fliesD.flew22.YouthehouseatonceorIthepolice.A.leave;callB.leave;willcallC.willleave;callD.willleave;will23.Thetrainfortenminuteswhenwereachedthestation.A.hadgoneB.hadleftC.wentawayD.hadbeenaway24.TheKingsTVwhenItoseethem.A.werewatching;wentB.waswatching;wentC.arewatching;aregoingD.watched;wasgoing25.MyuncleforHong Kongnextweek.A.isgoingB.isleavingC.willgoD.left26.Howmanymachinesinthelastfewweeks?A.didtheymakeB.willtheymakeC.havetheymadeD.aretheymaking27.Whathedoassoonashefreetomorrow?A.does;isB.will;willbeC.will;isD.does;willbe28.IthoughtheussomethinginterestingaboutFrancebecausehethere.A.wouldtell;hadbeenB.hadtold;wouldgoC.willtell;wentD.wouldtell;hadgone29.Wewillhaveasportsmeetingifitraintomorrow.A.won’tB.isn’tC.doesn’tD.has30.—WherewereyouinJulylastyear?—ThistimelastyearmyfamilyandIgrandparentsinNewYork.A.wasvisitingB.visitedC.hadvisitedD.werevisiting31.Couldyoutellmeifsheatalktomorrow?A.wouldgiveB.hasgivenC.willgiveD.gives32.Hehardlyhurthimselfintheaccident,he?A.doesn’tB.didn’tC.didD.does33.HowlongtheTVplay?A.has;beganB.did;openC.did;lastD.has;watched34.MrSmithwithhisparentsChinasincetwoyearsago.A.havebeeninB.havegonetoC.hasbeentoD.hasbeenin35.ofthetwogirlsisfromBeijing.A.AllB.BothC.NoneD.Neither36.Wewenttotravelwithsomefriendsof. Bours C.our D.ourselves37.Whynotlookupthenewwordinadictionary youdon’tknowit?A.ifB.thatC.thoughD.whether38.allthepassengersarehere,whydon’twestartatonce?A.AssoonasB.AfterC.NowthatD.When39.—I’mgoingtoHangzhouforaholidaythisweekend.—youarethere,canyoubuymesomegreentea?A.BecauseB.WhileC.IfD.Though40.I can’tunderstandthispassagetherearenonewwordsinit.A.ifB.becauseC.thoughD.and41.thenightbeforeChristmasDay,parentsfilltheirchildren’sstockingwit hsmallpresents.A.InB.AtC.ToD.On42.ThebookwaswrittenEnglish.A.inB.withC.fromD.by43.—Sorry,MissZhang.I’mlateagain.—Ohno,Meimei.You’rejustintimeclass.A.forB.atC.ofD.on44.Youdon’tneedtolookeverynewwordinyourdictionarywhilereading.A.forB.atC.afterD.up45.Thecoatboughtlastweekistoobigforme.I’dliketochangeitforaone.A.smallrgeC.nicerD.smaller46.Ofallthesesubjects,IlikeChinese.A.moreB.betterC.wellD.best47.Thingsareonthemoonontheearth.A.muchlighter;thanB.muchheavier;thanC.asheavy;asD.notsolight;as48.—I’vehadenoughbread.Wouldyoulike?—No,thanks.A.afewmoreB.onemoreC.anothermoreD.somemore49.Theiceinthelakeisaboutonemeter .It’sstrongenoughtoskateon.A.longB.highC.thickD.wide50.—willMrGreengobacktoLondon?—Intwoweeks.A.Howoften BHowlong C.Howsoon D.Howfar51.—Wearegoingtoseeafilmthisevening.Whynotgowithus?—Ihavetodomanythingsthisevening.I’m,yousee.A.freeB.gladC.sorryD.busy52.Look!beautifulthatlakeis!A.WhatB.HowC.HowaD.Whata53.I’mstillhungry.CouldIhavetwopiecesofbread,please?A.muchB.manyC.moreD.most54.—Whodiditbetter,BillorHenry?—IthinkBilldidjustHenry.A.aswellasB.asgoodasC.asbetterasD.morebadlythan55.MrSmith’splane.Let’swaitforhimhere.A.hasn’tarrivedB.didn’tarriveC.doesn’tarriveD.couldn’tarrive56.Almostallthewater gone.Pleasesavewater!A.areB.isC.haveD.were57.MrLiisout.Butheheretenminutesago.A.wasB.isC.willbeD.wouldbe58.—Look!Thebusiscoming.—Butit’sfullofpeople.We can’tit.A.getoffB.getdownC.getonwithD.geton59.JaneanewdresseverymonthwhenshewasinShanghai.A.buysB.isbuyingC.boughtD.willbuy60.A.talkonChinesehistoryintheschoolhallnextweek.A.isgivenB.hasbeengivenC.willbegivenD.willgive61.Iwilltellyouhowtogettotheplace,you’dbetterit.A.try;onB.get;offC.take;downD.pick;up62.GermanyandGreat Britainarecountries,butChinaandIndiaareones.A.developing;developedB.developed;todevelopC.developed;developingD.todevelop;developing63.—MustIfinishmyhomeworknow?—No,you.Youdoitthisevening.A.mustn’t;canB.needn’t;mayC.can’t;mustD.needn’t;must64.TheVIPS(VeryImportantPersons)from21countrieswilltheAPECinShanghaithisautumn.A.holdB.takepartinC.joinD.attend65.Thegovernmentwillsomenewcollegesformorestudent’storeceivehighereducation.A.setupB.setoutC.putdownD.puton66.—Excuseme.Willyoupleasetellmethewaytotherailwaystation?—Oh,sorry,butIdon’tknow.Yougoandaskthatpoliceman.A.mayB.mustC.wouldD.should67.—It’salovelyday,it?—Yes.Let’sgooutforawalk.A.doesn’tB.haven’tC.aren’tD.isn’t68.—WecanuseMSNtowitheachotheronthenet.—Really?Willyoushowmehowtouseit?A.speakB.talkC.sayD.tell69.—Whatdoesthe sentence“Don’ttroubletilltroubleyou”mean? —Sorry,Ihavenoidea.A.troubleB.troublesC.troubledD.willtrouble70.—Didyouworkouttheproblem,Tom?—Yes,ofcourse.Itotheteacher’s.A.havejustbeenB.havejustgotC.havejustcomeD.havejustgone71.—doyouaboutspring?—Theflowersandthegreentrees.A.How;likeB.How;thinkC.What;thinkD.What;like72.—Mikewantstoknowifapicnictomorrow.—Yes.Butifit,we’llvisitthemuseuminstead.A.youhave;willrainB.youwillhave;willrainC.youwillhave;rainsD.willyouhave;rains73.Weusuallyhavesixlessonsaday,andeachofthem45minutes.ststsC.haveD.need74.IttenyearssincetheytoFrance.A.was;movedB.was;havemovedC.is;havemovedD.is;moved75.Today,theforestshavealmostgone.Peoplemustdowntoomanytrees.A.stoptocutB.stopfromcuttingC.bestoppedtocutD.bestoppedfromcutting76.Thedoctordidwhathecouldthatchild.A.saveB.tosaveC.savedD.saving77.Mothersaidthatcookingmuchtimeeveryday.A.paidB.spentC.madeD.took78.I can’tunderstandtheboyalone.A.whysheleftB.whydidsheleaveC.whyhadsheleftD.whydidsheleave79.You’dbetteryourshoesonthefloor?A.nottodropB.notdropC.don’tdropD.notdropping80.—Yourcoatlooksnice.Isitcotton?—Yes.It’sShanghai.A.madeof;madebyB.madeof;madeinC.madefor;madebyD.madefrom;madein81.—SoyouwenttoseethefilmwithTom.—Yes.Bobwithme.A.won’tgoB.isn’tgoingC.doesn’tgoD.wouldn’tgo82.—Excuseme.WhereistheScience Museum?—TakeNo.3busandatthefourthstop.A.getonB.getoffC.getupD.getto83.—Yournameagain?Iquitecatchit.—FedericoMacAdam.A.didn’tB.don’tC.wouldn’tD.won’t84.ThisisanoldphotoofminewhenI.A.haveshorthairsB.hadshorthairsC.haveshorthairD.hadshorthair85.—CanIthisbook?—Yes,butyoumustn’tittoothers.A.lend;borrowB.borrow;keepC.borrow;lendD.lend;keep86.—WhichofShanghaidoyoucomefrom?—Letmeshowyouonthemap.A.cityB.villageC.countryD.part87.Canyoutellus?A.wherehaveyougoneB.whereyouhavegoneC.wherehaveyoubeenD.whereyouhavebeen88.Therearefewpeopleontheplayground,?A.arethereB.aretheyC.aren’tthereD.aren’t they89.—Theyhaven’tpaidfortheirtickets,havethey?—.Theydidn’tpayanymoney.A.Yes,theyhaveB.No,theyhaven’tC.Yes,theydidD.No,theydidn’t90.—Ihaven’tseenyouforalongtime.Howiseverything,Kate?—.ANottoobad B.Verywell C.Notatall D.I’mallright 91.—Ihopeyoudon’tmindmypointingoutyourmistakes.—.A.NotatallB.You’rewelcomeC.OfcourseD.It’s apleasure92.—DoyoumindifIopenthedoor?—.A.No,ofcoursenotB.Yes,pleaseC.Yes,youcanD.No,you can’topenit93.—Mike,I’llgoforthefootballmatch.—Ihopeyouwinthegame.A.Verywell.B.Seeyou.C.Goodluck!D.congratulations!94.—Ilostmynewbikeyesterday.—.A.Don’tworry.Youcanbuyanotherone.B.I’msorrytohearthat.C.Nevermind.D.Whodidit?95.“Let’sgoforalongwalkintothecountrythismorning.”“,butIthink I’mcatchingacold.”A.IcertainlycouldusetheexerciseB.Yes,let’sgoC.Sure.I’dliketogoforalongwalkD.No,Iwon’t96.,butIcan’ttellyouaboutthat.A.ExcusemeB.I’msorryC.AllrightD.Bytheway97.—?—It’seight.A.WhatdayisitB.What’sfiveandthreeC.HowoldareyouD.What’syourtelephonenumber98.—Whatanicemeal!Thankyouforhavingus.—.A.Itdoesn’tmatterB.ItwasapleasureC.NotniceenoughD.Withpleasure99.—.—Yes,please.I’dlikehalfakiloofmeat.A.WouldyoulikesomemeatorfishB.WhataboutsomethingtoeatC.HowdoyoulikethisD.CanIhelpyou100.Howlonghashe?A.diedB.beendeathC.beendeadD.dead 参考答案:1-5 BDADA6-10CCDDD11-15BBCCD16-20DCDAC21-25BBDAB26-30CCACD31-35CCCDD36-40BACBC41-45DAADD46-50DADCC 51-55DBCAA56-60BADCC61-65CCBDA66-70ADBBA71-75DCBDD 76-80BDABB81-85DBADC86-90DDABB91-95AACBA96-100ABBDC。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、---Could I speak to Tom, please? ---Sorry, he isn’t here at the moment He_______Hangzhou on businessA.went toB.has gone toC.goes toD.has been to【解析】他不在,说明去了杭州还没回。
2、Lucy, ( ) all your things on the deskA. puts awayB.put awayC.takes awayD.take away【解析】祈使句用动词原形,排除AC。
put away 放好 take away 带走桌上的东西并没有迹象表示是放得很乱,就不是要求放好,而是带走。
3、 ---Excuse me, but I don’t think you can take photos here ---Sorry I ____ this is no-photo zoneA. don’t knowB.didn’t knowC. have no ideaD. haven’t known【解析】根据题目意思可看出对方是以前不知道这里是不允许照相的区域,用过去时,答案为B。
4、Nobaby noticed the thief slip into the shop, because the lights happened to _______A.put outB.turn outC.give outD.go out【解析】put out 扑灭 turn out 制造;关灯;结果是;出席(某项活动) give out 用完,耗尽,精疲力竭 go out 熄灭答案为D。
5、I have the same pen ______A.which you haveB.as yoursC.that you areD.as you【解析】same...as和...一样,比较时,接相同的成分/同类比较。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、---Is that man an ______? ---Do you mean the one who’s wearing a different T-shirt?A. AmericanB. EnglishC.AustraliaD.India【解析】English表示英国人时,前面不加冠词,Australian 澳大利亚的,澳大利亚人, Indian 印度人答案为A。
2、 ---Excuse me, but I don’t think you can take photos here ---Sorry I ____ this is no-photo zoneA. don’t knowB. didn’t knowC. have no ideaD. haven’t known【解析】根据题目意思可看出对方是以前不知道这里是不允许照相的区域,用过去时,答案为B。
3、 An earthquake _______ Dachaidan County in Qinghai province on the morning of AprilA.happenedB.rockedC.took placeD.appeared【解析】“sth.+happened+地点/时间”意为:“某地/某时发生了某事” 地点前要加介词。
具有偶然性 take place 指实现计划好或预想到的事情的发生。
具有必要性 appear出现与题意不符合rock使....摇晃使...震动答案为B.4、 ---Does the child need any help ? ----NoHe is old enough to _____ himselfA.put onB.wearC. take care.D. Dress【解析】dress oneself 给某人穿衣答案为D。
5、 Will you stay for lunch? Sorry, ______ My brother is coming to see meA. I mustn’tB. I can’tC. I needn’tD. I won’t【解析】can't语气是非常委婉的,有可能的意思mustn’t 禁止,needn’t 不必要won’t将不,语气比较生硬,答案为B。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、You’ll deserve to fail again _______you try your bestA.ifB.becauseC.afterD.unless【解析】除非你尽你最大的努力,不然你一定会失败。
2、 ______ the sports meeting might be put off Yes, it all depends on the weatherA. I’ve been toldB. I’ve toldC. I’m toldD. I told【解析】此句我被告知运动会可能被推迟了。
3、There is ( ) W in the word woman ,and ( ) M is the third letter of the wordA. a;anB.an;/C.an;theD.a;the【解析】在woman这个单词中有个w,辅音音素开头,用a,M是这个单词的第3个字母,特指,用the。
4、Has Jack finished his homework yet? I’ve no idea, But he ______ it the wholeafternoonA. would doB. was doingC. didD. had done【解析】Jack完成他的作业了吗?---我不清楚,但是他整个下午都在做作业。
5、---What happened to Tom? ---He was crossing the street ____ a motorbike hit him from behindA.whileB.whenC.untilD.because【解析】hit瞬间动词,不能用while。
until直到because因为 CD与题意不符,答案为B.6、---Sorry _____ being late ---It doesn’t matter In fact, you ’re just on time______ itA.for, forB.of, forC.for, withD.of, with Be【解析】sorry for sth.为某事感到抱歉 Be on time for sth.对某事很准时,答案为A。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、We can’t buy ( ) much mutton with ( ) little moneyA. so,muchB.such,soC.so,soD.such,such【解析】such...that,such修饰名词,但是当名词前有many,much,little,few等修饰时,用so代替such.答案为C。
2、---Excuse me,______ I don’t think you can smoke here ----Sorry I didn’t know this is none-smoking zoneA. andB.butC.soD.then【解析】对不起,---我认为你不能在这里抽烟。
B 表示转折。
答案为B.3、All except Tom have passed the exam because he _____ lots of classesA.leftB.forgotC.missedD.lost【解析】left 留下,forgot 留下,忘记 missed 错过 lost 丢失答案为C。
4、 Tom ______ there for months since he ______ back to his hometownA. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got【解析】Tom自从回到他的家乡,他已经在那生活了10个月了。
since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时从句用一般过去式答案选B5、She doesn’t know the school, but it’s ( ) to be quite a good oneA. toldB.spokenC.talkedD.said【解析】It’s said to ...据说她不知道这个学校,但是据说是相当好的一个。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、Be careful when the streetA. to crossB. crossC. you crossD. you’ll cross【解析】当你通过马路时要当心。
2、The book ______ you want is on the desk Which of the following isn’t right?A.thatB.whichC./D.it【解析】请注意,是让你选哪个不正确。
3、 Our teacher saw us ______ on the desks and went out of the classroomA. to sitB. satC. sitingD. sitting see【解析】sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事。
see sb. do sth.看见某人做过某事。
sit 现在分词形式为sitting.故答案选D4、----Don’t play the dangerous game any more ----Sorry! I _____ do it againA.can’tB.don’tC.won’tD. mustn’t【解析】表示将来用will,否定形式为won’t,答案为C。
5、 ---The rain came to a stop the night before The fields are still full of water ---It_____ for nearly a weekA. has rainedB. had rainedC. would rainD. was raining【解析】came to a stop“停止”the night before"前一个晚上"for+一段时间用于完成时,而came 表明是过去时,所以后面用过去完成时。
【中考英语 易错题】易错点01 名词(原卷及答案)

易错点01 名词易错考点【01】词义辨析在中考中,对于名词的考查,更多集中在具体语言环境下名词词义的辨析上。
中日不变:a Chinese- --two Chinese a Japanese---four Japanese英法变:an Englishman --- three Englishmen 3个英国人其余S加后面: a German- --five Germans 5个德国人易错考点【03】不可数名词的量出错原因,主要是由于单复数不能正确区分,或对于不可数名词量方法掌握不牢。
如:water, 分成两半,还是water,所以是不可数名词。
A 12-year-old boy from Hunan invented a new kind of window because of his _________.The window can prevent children from falling out.A.c ommunicationB. celebrationC. honestyD. creativity答案详解:由于句意没有理清,容易出错。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、Mr Green living in China though he was born in LondonA. would likeB. wantsC. hatesD. enjoys【解析】尽管Mr Green出生在伦敦,但是他喜欢居住在中国。
would like sth. 想要什么would like to do sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想做某事2、----I don’t think your team can beat theirs ----____But we could if Lin Tao were on the teamA. No,we can’tB.Yes ,we can’tC. Yes,we canD.No, we can【解析】上面的观点是我认为你的队不会打败他们的队。
3、 Someone is knocking at the door It ____my mother It's time for her to be backA. can beB. may not beC. must beD. mustn’t be【解析】can 表示推测是用于否定句中,表示否定猜测“不可能” 根据题意,是妈妈回来的时候了,表示肯定猜测,用must 答案选C4、 When you ____the street, you must look firstA. acrossB. go crossC. crossD. goes across【解析】过街,过河,过桥都用动词cross或go across 但是you是第2人称,不能用goes. 答案为C5、 ______noisy children! Go and ask them to keep quietA. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a【解析】children 是复数形式,C.D可排除,此句的中心词是名词,用what修饰,答案为B。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 ---Do you know the result of the race? ---Yes The winner is a boy Lin Feng from ClassA. 100-metres, calledB. 100-metre, callingC. 100-metre, calledD. 100-metres, named 【解析】数词+名词+形容词作定语,中间用连词符号,且中间的名词用单数。
这里我们可以看作100-metre-long 省略了long。
小孩被叫Lin Feng用被动的形式。
2、 They ______ very busy last monthA. areB. wereC. beD. have been【解析】从last month可以看出,句子用过去时。
答案为B3、 I went home and _____ my schoolbag and started to help Mother do the cookingA. put offB. dropped offC.turned offD.shut off【解析】put off 脱掉(衣服),推迟 turn off 关掉 shut off 比较常用于关闭液体(水、油)或气体(瓦斯、天然气)的阀门drop off 放下答案为B。
4、---Could you tell me how to improve spoken English ? ---Well,just take every chance to practise ______and don’t be shyA. speakB.to speakC. speakingD.spoke【解析】你能告诉我怎样提高英语口语吗?---抓住每个机会练习说,不要害羞。
practise 练习,后面接名词或动名词,不接不定式。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 Someone is knocking at the door It ____my mother It's time for her to be backA. can beB. may not beC. must beD. mustn’t be【解析】can 表示推测是用于否定句中,表示否定猜测“不可能” 根据题意,是妈妈回来的时候了,表示肯定猜测,用must 答案选C2、She says she can get to Tian’anmen from Wangfujing by bike_____ ten minutesA. afterB. inC. beforeD. about【解析】after +时间段一般用于过去时。
故答案选B3、The girl ______ red plays the piano well She is often invited to give performances by TV and radio stationsA.onB.withC.inD.wearing【解析】穿什么颜色的衣服,用介词in 答案为C。
4、______ has questions is welcome to askA.WhoB.AnyoneC.ThoseD.Anyone who【解析】任何人有问题,欢迎来问。
Anyone作主句的主语,Anyone is welcome。
who 引导的句子 who has questions作定语修饰anyone。
5、Aren’t you tired, Kate? ______ I like going shoppingA.Not at allB.I’m so sorryC.You’re welcomeD.Yes, of course【解析】难道你不累吗?—————我喜欢逛街。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、I turned back only to find myself ______ by a group of beggarsA.followB.followingC.to followD.followed【解析】过去分词作宾语补足语宾语和过去分词之间有被动关系答案为D。
2、 The little girl is afraid of ____ at nightA. goB. goesC. goingD. Went【解析】介词后面接名词,代词或动名词作宾语。
答案选C3、 ---______ present you’ve bought for me! ---I’m glad you like itA. How aB. What aC. HowD. What【解析】感叹句how修饰形容词或副词,what修饰名词。
present是可数名词,答案为B.4、 How many teachers are ther e in your school? ______, I think But I don’t know the exact numberA. hundredB. HundredsC. Hundreds ofD. Hundreds or thousands【解析】hundred 的用法:数词+hundred,或者不确定的数 hundreds of,答案为C。
5、 The weather here is quite different that of my hometownA. fromB. withC. thanD. as【解析】be different from 与....不同答案为A。
6、I’m afraid ______ you may be lateA. whenB. thatC. whyD. how【解析】be+形容词(afraid,sure,certain,glad,pleased,happy,sorry等)+宾语从句,that可省略。

中考英语基础易错题训练1(含答案)5.6.I ________ to watch ball games on TV.A. enjoyB. keepC. preferD. allow7.After the long meeting, they ________.A. stopped to have a restC. went on having it B. stopped having a restD. have a rest8.I ________ the maths hobby group for half a term.A. have joined in C. have been inB. have taken part inD. have joined9.Peter and his two brothers went to London the day before yesterday. ________ of them areback.A.NeitherB. OneC. NoneD. Either10.Tom went to school because he felt ________.A. enough wellB. wellenoughC. goodenoughD.enoughgood11.She ________ me she was leaving for Hangzhou, but she didn’t ________ when she wasleaving.A. told; speakB. spoke;talkC. told;sayD.talked;say12.Mary ________ a private college last term. Now she ________ a part-time job in order to payfor her college expenses.A. attended; does C. had attended; doesB. attended; did D. attended; have done13.She’d be interested ________ know what I am interested ________.A. to; inB. in; inC. to; /D. in; about14.________ of us felt very tired but quite happy after ________ sports meeting.A. Everyone; a two days’C. Every one; the two-day B. Every one; the two daysD. None; a two-day15.Today newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ________ a camera.A. asB. forC. likeD. of16.They are training hard in order not to ________ the match.A. winB. failC. loseD. give up17.The Chinese ping-pong pla yers will join in the match. Let’s ________ them success.A. wishB. towishC. hopeD. to;hope18.The air is ________ polluted and our health is getting ________ and ________.A. seriously; bad; worseC. seriously; worse; worse B. serious; badly; worseD. serious; worse; worse19.You may ride ________ bike of the two to plant trees on ________ side of that street.A. every; eitherB. each;everyC. either;bothD. either;each20.The newspaper named 21st Century Teens is ________ by ________ middle school students.A. welcome; huge amounts ofB. welcomed; huge amounts ofC. welcome; a large number ofD. welcomed; a large number of21.She asked me ________.A. when will you startC. what was the matter with you B. what time is it by your watchD. what the matter was22.I won’t go to the cinema because I ________ my homework.A. haven’t finished C. don’t finishB. didn’t finish D. won’t finish23.He felt the room ________ the windows ________.A. before; opened C. with; openB. after; close D. with; opening24.There are ________ plants ________ animals on the moon.A. no; andB. no; noC. no; orD. not;and25.Grandpa Li ________ almost twelve hours a day when he was young.A. made workC. was made to B. was made workD. made to workwork26.Making picture in your mind ________ also good way for you to memorize things.A. isB. areC. hasD. have27.There’s ________ in today’s newspaper, ________?A. something important; is there C. nothing important; isn’t thereB. anything important; isn’t thereD. something important; isn’t there28.Suzhou lies ________ the east of China and Nanjing lies ________ its northwest.A. in; toB. to; inC. to; toD. in; in28. Edison spent as much time as he could ________ from books.A. learnB. tolearnC.learningD. learnt29.Please ________ your hands before you ________ from your seat to answer the questions.A. raise; riseB. raise;raiseC. rise;raiseD. rise;rise30.No one knows ________, so we can do nothing about it.A. how to do next C. what to do the nextB. how to do the nextD. what should we do next31.Look! The snow ________. Let’s go out to make a snowman.A. is stoppingB. hasstoppedC.stoppedD. willstop32.Billy as well as his brother ________ very hard and ________ a prize every year.A. studies; is awardedC. studies; awards B. study; are awardedD. study; award33.Tim, Jenny and I are pen-friends but ________ of us has seen each other.A. bothB.neitherC. allD. none34.Was she made ________ the classroom.A. cleansB. cleanC. tocleanD. tocleaning35.Our classroom is often made ________.A. cleansB. cleanC. tocleanD. tocleaning36.She noticed Tom ________ the young trees when she was passing by.A. shookB.shakingC. toshakeD. shake37.After a three-day heavy rain, the lake rose ________.A. two feet and a halfC. two and half feet B. two and a half feetD. two foot and a half38. -- How are you today, Francis?-- Much ________, but my doctor says I’ll still have to rest for another few days.A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best39.Sally, together with her students, ________ visiting the zoo this time yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were40.The boys of Class Two were seen ________ football at this time yesterday.A. playB. playedC.playingD. toplay41.Would you like a pudding? Go and bring me a little ________ and I will make one for you.A. bowlB. applesC. chalkD. shampoo42.Tom ________ a new calculator.A. need buy C. needs to buyB. doesn’t need buy D. needn’t to buy43. -- Where were you last week, Jimmy?-- I was at ________.A. Uncle Tom C. the Uncle Tom’sB. Uncle Tom’s D. Tom Uncle’s44.I have ________ and I can do it ________, Mr. Green.A. time enough; good enoughC. time enough; enough well B. enough time; well enoughD. enough time; enough good45. The film ________ for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.A. hasB. hadC. hasD. hadbegun begun been on been on46. Ice and snow ________ houses in the North Pole.A. are used to make C. used to makeB. are used to makingD. used to be made47. Which is ________ to the earth, the sun or the moon? Do you know?A. closeB. closerC. closestD. the closest48. -- It is very kind of you to help me with my English? -- ________A. That’s right.B. Thankyou.C. WithpleasureD. Don’tsay so.49.All the ________ teachers and ________ students are invited to the meeting.A. Women; girlsB.women;girlC.woman;girlsD.woman;girl50. There ________ fish in this river than in that one.A. are fewerB. isfewerC. arelessD. is lessKeys:01 -- 10 CCCDC ACCBC 11 -- 20 AACCC ACDDC 21 -- 30 ACCCA DACAB 31 -- 40 BADCB BACBC 41 -- 50 A CCBD ABCBA。

初中中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 Listen,can you hear someone ______ for help?A.to cryB.cryC.cryingD.cries【解析】hear sb.doing sth.听见某人正在做某事 hear sb.do sth.听见某人经常做某事答案为C。
2、Don’t forget to come to my birthday party tomorrow ______A.I don’tB.I won’tC.I can’tD.I haven’t【解析】明天不要忘记来我的生日聚会。
will 表意愿、意志、决心3、Will you ------me a story? OKShall I _______ it in English or in Chinese?A.tell,tellB.speak,tellC.tell,speakD.tell,say【解析】讲故事 tell a story 答案为A。
4、The moonlight shone ______ the window and fell on my bedA.fromB.onC.throughD.across【解析】月光透过玻璃照射过来,用through,答案为C。
5、They are _______ thereA.nearB.to nearC.near toD.nearly【解析】他们快到了。
there,here 可以做表语如I’m here. nearly 副词,修饰there 几乎,差不多答案为D。
near 在...附近,near to 靠近,接近 +名词 be to 将要做....后面接动词原形6、 ---Would you like to give us a talk sometime next week?---Sure But what subject shouldI _____?A. talkB. talk aboutC. talk withD. talk to【解析】谈论什么主题用talk about 答案为B。

中考英语易错题汇总30 练中考英语易错题练习( 1 )与答案1.Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _______ April 29 to work for theWorld Expo.A. onB. atC. ofD. to2. Tom will call me as soon as he ______home.A. getsB. has gotC. gotD. will get3. The road _____last year.A. buildsB. builtC. was builtD.is built4.--- Do you know _____ the Capital Museum?---Next Friday.A. when will they visitB. when they will visitC. when did they visitD. when they visited5. The teacher said that the earth _____ the sun.A. move aroundB. moved aroundC. moves aroundD. had moved around答案分析:1. A. 考点:观察时间介词。
On 表示详细日期; at 表示时间观点的某时辰 ,如 at nine o ’clock ,时间如 at noon ,阶段 at the present stage 等。
April 29 有日期,所以用 on。
2. A. 考点:时间状语从句。
在时间状语从句里,假如主句用一般未来时,由as soon as指引的从句用一般此刻时表未来时,即“主将从现”。
3. C.考点:被动语态。
road 是 build 的承受着,存在被动关系。
last year 表过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。

名师课件中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 Tom ______ there for months since he ______ back to his hometownA. has lived, getsB. has lived, gotC. lived, goD. lived, has got【解析】Tom自从回到他的家乡,他已经在那生活了10个月了。
since引导的时间状语从句,主句用现在完成时从句用一般过去式答案选B2、 Do you know where ______ from?A. he comeB. he comesC. did he comeD. does he came【解析】宾语从句用陈述句语序,he为第三人称单数。
故答案选B3、George WBush encourages the US soldiers to fight _______ their own countryA.withB.againstC.forD.about【解析】fight with 和....打架fight against 为反对....而作战 fight for 为了...而战斗(国家,自由,权利)答案为C.4、 The boy put his money in his inside pocket,_______he?A. doesn’tB. didn’tC.won’tD.isn’t【解析】这个男孩把他的钱放进他内口袋了,是不是?说明是过去的事,用过去时。
put的过去时put5、Mr Green living in China though he was born in LondonA. would likeB. wantsC. hatesD. enjoys【解析】尽管Mr Green出生在伦敦,但是他喜欢居住在中国。
would like sth. 想要什么would like to do sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想做某事6、I _____ in Shanghai since I was a childed to liveB.livedC.have livedD.live【解析】时间状语从句由since引导的,指的是过去的某个时间点以来,主句用现在完成时答案为C。

名师课件中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、 As soon as he ____, he will write to meA. arrives atB. arrivesC. reachesD. Gets【解析】A和C后面都要接宾语,D为得到。
答案选B2、 ---May I go out and play this afternoon? ---No, you _____ Work comes firstA. needn’tB. mustn’tC. won’tD. don’t【解析】第一句话是表示请求,其否定回答,用mustn’t 答案为B。
3、 I have to do my homework for ______ every dayA. one and half hourB. one and a half hourC. one and half hoursD. one and a half hours【解析】一个半小时:one and a half hours 或者one hour and a half,答案选D4、The teacher told us ______ Exercise in our exercise booksA. doB. to doC. doingD. Does tell【解析】sb.to do sth. 让某人做某事故答案选B5、Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ______ a cameraA.asB.forC.likeD.of【解析】as 做“象...一样”时,后面接从句.。
6、----I’m ______ in what _____ you ----Well,don’t follow suit Just do what you likeA.interesting,interestsB.interested ,interestsC.interest,interestsD.interest,interesting【解析】interest: n. 兴趣;好奇心 v.使发生兴趣主语多为物或事 interested: adj. (对某人或某事)感兴趣的人作主语 interesting: adj. 有趣的;引起兴趣的物作主语答案为B。

名师课件中考英语必考易错题含答案解析1、----______ present you’ve bought for me! ----I’m glad you like itA.How aB.What aC.HowD.What【解析】感叹句中what修饰名词present礼物,可数名词答案为B。
2、I felt it is right ______ you should knowA.whetherB.andC.thatD.how【解析】我觉得它是对的而且你应该也知道答案为B。
3、 ---Do you often get on-line? ---Yes I ______ most of my time on it It’s a good way to kill timeA. costB. spendC. payD. take【解析】cost 一般物作主语,“花费” spend "花费时间或金钱" pay 支付(钱) take一般指花费时间。
4、The buses _______ over thousand people a dayA.takeB.bringC.carryD.sent【解析】take 带走 bring 带来 carry 携带运送 send 送这些公交车每天运送2000多个人。
5、 ---My trousers are______ ---I’ll buy you a new pairA. wore outB. worn outC. wearing outD. sold out【解析】wear out 穿坏,sell out卖完。
6、When he was a child, he was always _______ out new ideasA. tryB. tryingC. takingD. Tried【解析】他小时候就常常试验一些新的设想。
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中考易错题汇总1.________ the help of his teachers and classmates, the boy has made ________ progress.A. Under; a lotB. Under; greatC. With; muchD. With; many2. -- Why hasn’t our monitor come to school yet?-- He ________ be ill. I’m not sure.A. willB. canC. mayD. must3.If you want to be thin, try to eat ________ vegetables and ________ meat.A. much; manyB. less; moreC. more; lessD. a lot; a little4. -- Can you remember this park? We ________ here.-- Sure. But now I ________ in that swimming pool.A. are used to take a walk; am used to swimB. are used to taking a walk; am used to swimmingC. used to take a walk; used to swimD. used to take a walk; am used to swimming5.I ________ to watch ball games on TV.A. enjoyB. keepC. preferD. allow6.After the long meeting, they ________.A. stopped to have a rest C. went on having itB. stopped having a rest D. have a rest7.I ________ the maths hobby group for half a term.A. have joined in C. have been inB. have taken part in D. have joined8.Peter and his two brothers went to London the day before yesterday. ________ of them areback.A. NeitherB. OneC. NoneD. Either9.Tom went to school because he felt ________.A. enough wellB. well enoughC. good enoughD. enough good10.She ________ me she was leaving for Hangzhou, but she didn’t ________ when she wasleaving.A. told; speakB. spoke; talkC. told; sayD. talked; say11.Mary ________ a private college last term. Now she ________ a part-time job in order to payfor her college expenses.A. attended; does C. had attended; doesB. attended; didD. attended; have done12.She’d be interested ________ know what I am interested ________.A. to; inB. in; inC. to; /D. in; about13.________ of us felt very tired but quite happy after ________ sports meeting.A. Everyone; a two days’B. Every one; the two daysC. Every one; the two-dayD. None; a two-day14.Today newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures ________ a camera.A. asB. forC. likeD. of15.They are training hard in order not to ________ the match.A. winB. failC. loseD. give up16.The Chinese ping-pong pla yers will join in the match. Let’s ________ them success.A. wishB. to wishC. hopeD. to; hope17.18.The air is ________ polluted and our health is getting ________ and ________.A. seriously; bad; worse C. seriously; worse; worseB. serious; badly; worse D. serious; worse; worse19.You may ride ________ bike of the two to plant trees on ________ side of that street.A. every; eitherB. each; everyC. either; bothD. either; each20.21.The newspaper named 21st Century Teens is ________ by ________ middle school students.A. welcome; huge amounts of C. welcome; a large number ofB. welcomed; huge amounts of D. welcomed; a large number of22.She asked me ________.A. when will you startC. what was the matter with you B. what time is it by your watchD. what the matter was23.I won’t go to the cinema because I ________ my homework.A. haven’t finished C. don’t finishB. didn’t finish D. won’t finish24.He felt the room ________ the windows ________.A. before; opened C. with; openB. after; close D. with; opening25.There are ________ plants ________ animals on the moon.A. no; andB. no; noC. no; orD. not; and26.Grandpa Li ________ almost twelve hours a day when he was young.A. made workC. was made to work B. was made workD. made to work27.Making picture in your mind ________ also good way for you to memorize things.A. isB. areC. hasD. have28.There’s ________ in today’s newspaper, ________?A. something important; is there C. nothing important; isn’t thereB. anything important; isn’t there D. something important; isn’t there29.Suzhou lies ________ the east of China and Nanjing lies ________ its northwest.A. in; toB. to; inC. to; toD. in; in28. Edison spent as much time as he could ________ from books.A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learnt29.Please ________ your hands before you ________ from your seat to answer the questions.A. raise; riseB. raise; raiseC. rise; raiseD. rise; rise30.No one knows ________, so we can do nothing about it.A. how to do next C. what to do the nextB. how to do the nextD. what should we do next31.Look! The snow ________. Let’s go out to make a snowman.A. is stoppingB. has stoppedC. stoppedD. will stop32.Billy as well as his brother ________ very hard and ________ a prize every year.A. studies; is awarded C. studies; awardsB. study; are awarded D. study; award33.Tim, Jenny and I are pen-friends but ________ of us has seen each other.A. bothB. neitherC. allD. none34.Was she made ________ the classroom.A. cleansB. cleanC. to cleanD. to cleaning35.Our classroom is often made ________.A. cleansB. cleanC. to cleanD. to cleaning36.She noticed Tom ________ the young trees when she was passing by.A. shookB. shakingC. to shakeD. shake37.After a three-day heavy rain, the lake rose ________.A. two feet and a half C. two and half feetB. two and a half feet D. two foot and a half38. -- How are you today, Francis?-- Much ________, but my doctor says I’ll still have to rest for another few days.A. wellB. goodC. betterD. best39.Sally, together with her students, ________ visiting the zoo this time yesterday.A. isB. wasC. areD. were40.The boys of Class Two were seen ________ football at this time yesterday.A. playB. playedC. playingD. to play41.Would you like a pudding? Go and bring me a little ________ and I will make one for you.A. bowlB. applesC. chalkD. shampoo42.Tom ________ a new calculator.A. need buyB. doesn’t need buyC. needs to buyD. needn’t to buy43. -- Where were you last week, Jimmy?-- I was at ________.A. Uncle Tom C. the Uncle Tom’sB. Uncle Tom’s D. Tom Uncle’s44.I have ________ and I can do it ________, Mr. Green.A. time enough; good enough C. time enough; enough wellB. enough time; well enough D. enough time; enough good45. The film ________ for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.A. has begunB. had begunC. has been onD. had been on46. Ice and snow ________ houses in the North Pole.A. are used to make C. used to makeB. are used to making D. used to be made47. Which is ________ to the earth, the sun or the moon? Do you know?A. closeB. closerC. closestD. the closest48. -- It is very kind of you to help me with my English?-- ________A. That’s right.B. Thank you.C. With pleasureD. Don’t say so.49.All the ________ teachers and ________ students are invited to the meeting.A. Women; girlsB. women; girlC. woman; girlsD. woman; girl50. There ________ fish in this river than in that one.A. are fewerB. is fewerC. are lessD. is less Keys:01 -- 10 CCCDC ACCBC11 -- 20 AACCC ACDDC21 -- 30 ACCCA DACAB31 -- 40 BADCB BACBC41 -- 50 ACCBD ABCBA。