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高一英语M2U1 Reading学案(二)

Language points:

1. Boy missing, police puzzled (p2)男孩失踪, 警方迷惑

missing 失掉,不见,强调应该有而缺少。

那架飞机下落不明。The plane is .

gone 不可做定语形容词。e.g. the gone +n./ pron.( 不存在这种用法)


If you find the (丢失的钥匙) , please dial 1234567.

puzzle vt.使…困惑n. 疑惑,谜,智力游戏

puzzled adj. 困惑的(常用于指人,有时可以指人的表情)

puzzling adj. 令人困惑的(常用于指物)

a. Her illness puzzled all the doctors.

b. Their reason for doing this is still a puzzle to me.


c. The puzzling problem made me puzzle



d. There is a puzzled look on her fac

e. (困惑的表情)

e. They are puzzled (about) what to do next.


●puzzle, interest, surprise, astonish, shock, upset, excite, disappoint, please, satisfy, frighten, amaze, convince 等意思为“使······”的动词都属于同一类,现在分词表主动,可译为“令人······的”,过去分词表被动,表示“(本身)感到······的”

(1) _ and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize. (2006 全国卷)

A. Surprising

B. Surprised

C. Being surprised

D. To be surprising

(2) Tom sounds _ ___ very much in the job, but I‟m not sure whether he can manage

it. (2006年安徽卷)

A. interested

B. interesting

C. interestingly

D. interestedly

2. Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing in Dover, New Hampshire. (Lines1-4)美国警方现已加紧对一名15岁失踪男孩的搜索,该男孩于两天前在新罕布什尔州的多佛市失踪。

step up加紧,如: step up production, step up the lobby(加紧游说)

step out走出step by step逐步地step into进入

take a step a step forward前进mind one‟s step小心行事

search在句中作名词,常见词组有one‟s/the search for(对…的搜索、探求),in search of(为了寻求)。例如:

His search for truth has led to one discovery after another.

He risked his life in search of truth.


search和search for


search the house, search the prisoner

search for+n. (for 后接要的东西)例如:search for gold, search for food.

也可以是:search+搜查的对象+搜索的目标。例如:search the house for the thief

in one‟s search for sb. /sth.; in search of sb./sth.寻求, 寻找

do a search on the Internet .

go missing失踪go(link verb)+adj.表变成,处于坏的状态


(1) 表示“变得”,常和有关颜色、状态、质地的形容词或词组连用,例如:

a. His hair has gone gray.

b. He went purple(发紫)with anger.

c. The company went broke (破产)after such a heavy loss.

d. Milk goes bad (变质) very easily in hot weather.

e. The children went wild with excitement (高兴地发狂).

f. The project can be finished in a week if nothing goes wron


(2) 表示“选择……样的方式, 采用的方法”,例如:go natural回归自然, go

international国际化, go native融入当地社会, go green追求绿色生活。

(3) 表示“未受到……”,常和un+过去分词构成的形容词unpunished/ unnoticed/

unchallenged/ uncommented等连用,相当于“pass/get away without being+过去分词”,例如:

a. Many important details have gone unnoticed while he was listening.

b. If his cheating goes unpunished, more students will follow suit(跟着学)





3. People have shown great interest in his disappearance due to sighting of puzzling lights in the sky and reports of alien visits around the time of his disappearance. (Lines 4-9)公众对男孩的失踪表现出极大的兴趣,原因是在他失踪前后有人声称看到天空中出现令人迷惑不解的亮光,还有关于外星人造访地球的报道。

(1) 此处的alien是名词的单数形式, 用做定语。


show great interest in sth.对……表现出极大的兴趣

interest n. [U] 利益,好处

A good leader should consider the interest of the people.翻译:

interest n. [C]业余爱好,感兴趣的事

His two interests in life are music and painting. 翻译:

a. due to= because of / owing to /on account of/ thanks to多亏,幸亏由于,因为


b. sth. due to sb.某人应得的东西

e.g. The wages him will be paid tomorrow.

c. due to do/ be done应该做/被做火车应该7点到站。翻译:

4. Justin’s mother, who went to sleep early that evening because of a headache, thought that the teenager was spending the night a friend. (Lines14-20) 贾斯廷的妈妈,因为头庝那天晚上早早就上床睡觉了,她认为他跟个朋友在一起。because of +n./pron.由于……

That‟s because…because后面跟的是表原因的表语从句
