

精彩的开局 喜悦的丰收

精彩的开局 喜悦的丰收


这是个硕果累累的季节,高达近300的各级奖项,省现代教育技术实验校评估的高分通过,区、市两级德育绩效评估的出色过关,市“廉洁文化示范校”的登榜(罗湖区仅推罗外和滨小两所),冯小炬副校长区政协委员的成功连任,孔文东校长区党代表、区人大代表的“双科代表”的光荣当选,市科研基地申报的初战告捷(从全市中小学数百所学校中杀出重围进入市30所候选名单------ 完全可以说,过去的一个学期,我们无愧无悔;当然可以说,过去的一个学期,我们骄傲自豪。









初中英语命题比赛As a middle school English competition, I will answer the questions in both English and Chinese as required.1. What is your favorite book and why?My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. I love this book because it addresses important issues such as racial injustice, morality, and empathy. The characters are well-developed and the story is both powerful and moving.我的最喜欢的书是哈珀·李的《杀死一只知更鸟》。



2. If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?If I could travel anywhere in the world, I would go to Japan. I am fascinated by Japanese culture, history, and traditions. I also love Japanese cuisine and would like to experience the beauty of cherry blossoms in Japan.如果我可以去世界上任何地方旅行,我会去日本。




小学英语教师基本功比赛朗读范文Good morning, esteemed judges and fellow educators. Today, I am honored to stand before you to participate in this elementary English teacher's basic skills competition. As I begin my recitation, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to showcase my abilities and share my passion for teaching.(Smiling warmly, the teacher starts with a clear and confident voice.)"Once upon a time, in a small village nestled between the rolling hills and the sparkling river, there lived a younggirl named Lily. Lily was known throughout the village forher curiosity and her thirst for adventure. Every day, she would explore the surrounding woods, discovering newcreatures and plants, each more fascinating than the last.One sunny morning, as the dew still clung to the grass,Lily set off on her usual exploration. She wandered throughthe forest, her eyes wide with wonder as she listened to the birds singing their morning songs. Suddenly, she came acrossa small, hidden glade where a family of deer was peacefully grazing. Lily watched them from a distance, not wanting to disturb their tranquility.As she turned to leave, she noticed a glimmer of light reflecting off something in the underbrush. Curious, sheapproached and found a small, intricately carved wooden box. The box was adorned with delicate engravings of leaves and flowers, and it seemed to beckon her to open it.With a gentle touch, Lily lifted the lid. Inside, she discovered a beautiful, hand-painted map. The map was unlike any she had ever seen, with paths winding through uncharted territories and a large 'X' marking a spot that could only be treasure. Her heart raced with excitement as she realized the potential for a grand adventure that lay before her.Determined to follow the map to its end, Lily prepared herself for the journey. She packed her backpack with essentials: a compass, a water bottle, and some snacks her mother had made for her. With a final wave to her family, she set off on the path marked on the map, her spirit filled with the joy of discovery and the anticipation of what lay ahead.As she traveled, she encountered challenges that tested her courage and her wit. She crossed rickety bridges over bubbling streams and climbed steep hills that made her legs ache. But with each obstacle she overcame, Lily grew stronger and more confident.Finally, after many days of travel, she arrived at the marked 'X'. With bated breath, she began to dig. Thevillagers had followed her, curious about the outcome of her quest. As she unearthed the treasure, a cheer went up from the crowd. It wasn't gold or jewels that she had found, but something far more precious: a chest filled with books. Books that would bring knowledge and stories to the village,enriching the lives of all who lived there.Lily's adventure had not only led her to a treasure but had also taught her the true value of knowledge and the joy of sharing it with others."(The teacher finishes the recitation with a bright smile, making eye contact with the judges and the audience, ensuring that the story's message resonates with all who have listened.)Thank you for your attention, and may we all find the treasure of knowledge in our journeys through life.。





















教师信息教学设计大赛获奖明细一等奖:147 二等奖:286 三等奖419 总获奖人数:852翠园中学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(4) 三等奖:(0) 总获奖人数:(7)一等程文彩宋词鉴赏:婉约豪放对比奖一等韩芸曲边梯形的面积奖一等王丹瑜多普勒效应教学设计奖二等唐豫城南旧事奖二等鲁力关于诗歌鉴赏(课件)奖二等沈新科高中物理_《变压器》奖二等段璐灵椭圆及其标准方程奖滨河中学:一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(2) 三等奖:(2) 总获奖人数:(4)二等吴宝华高中通用技术_发现问题奖刘晓敏日本歌曲<樱花>(八年级上册) 二等三等廖海英《多媒体作品的集成》课件奖三等饶雯中学美术_古希腊雕塑奖罗湖中学:一等奖:(5) 二等奖:(5) 三等奖:(7) 总获奖人数:(17)一等左红初中体育与健康-武术-健身拳奖一等潘志雄月相奖一等石林陈太丘与友期奖一等朱梅盛世文化奖一等唐冷明说不尽的桥奖二等郑春萍Where to go奖二等余洁蓉圆与圆的位置关系奖林文强中学科学空气的组成二等二等游国标篮球基础知识奖二等姚文昶素描静物奖三等魏一松体育的精彩画面奖三等罗梓群中学体育前滚翻教学奖三等金蕾大气压强奖三等潘志雄听觉是怎么形成的奖三等张子轩篮球运动基础知识奖三等廖广元中学数学反比例函数复习奖三等熊琴How to describe a person奖翠园初中部:一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(0) 三等奖:(3) 总获奖人数:(3)李姝予校园采风风景画三等三等李艳华一网天下奖三等张慧文《地球的自转》教学设计奖铁路中学:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(1) 三等奖:(0) 总获奖人数:(2)一等李琛中学英语《Can you play the guitar》奖二等张北常课件:水的组成奖文锦中学:一等奖:(2) 二等奖:(8) 三等奖:(5) 总获奖人数:(15)一等杨芳雨说奖一等罗伟丽《梅花三弄》奖二等纪宝玲中学数学认识三角形奖二等汪彦明初中《思想品德》教学设计奖二等杨彦波初中科学课教学设计奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细二等罗雪虹为文章披件个性化的外衣奖二等谢淑君公输奖二等黄武林初中科学_人的呼吸奖二等甄灼维<二次函数的图象与性质>奖二等杨爱红大洲和大洋奖三等何小梅寻找金属变化的规律奖三等刘英我爱这土地奖三等李安七年级数学上册平行奖三等万士杰中学信息技术制作文字素材奖三等杨文彦日历中的方程校内公开课奖笋岗中学:一等奖:(6) 二等奖:(6) 三等奖:(14) 总获奖人数:(26)吴纳新初中科学内能奖一等曾惠华七年级科学第三章第六节日食和月食奖一等王少波《秋天》教学设计奖一等周热风Chapter7,9A-The Phantom of the Opera奖一等杨红华新生命的诞生课件奖一等杨红华用爱托起生命的太阳--反对歧视奖二等杨汝春童趣奖二等胡丽足球场智能越界报警系统奖二等陆敏慧《金色花》奖二等范婧7B Chapter 4 our senses (reading)奖何佛凡初一英语上Chapter5 二等二等黄苑婷生物的多样性和适应性奖三等张小丽水的浮力(第二课时)奖三等程敏植物的一生奖三等刘燕莲七年级科学上册《月相》奖三等陈树君电脑绘画作品评价课教学设计奖三等刘小薇石壕吏教学设计奖三等游文英短文两篇奖三等廖伟环三角函数的应用奖三等漆力戈七年级上语文看云识天气奖三等秦艳华百家争鸣奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细三等莫秋燕《从不同方向看》第一课时奖三等杨映洵Making Friends奖三等黄仕则中学科学气体压强与流速的关系奖三等李赛雪日历中的方程奖三等蓝少瑛我爱我的家奖桂园中学:一等奖:(6) 二等奖:(13) 三等奖:(23) 总获奖人数:(42)一等詹严环第7节牛顿第一定律.doc奖一等李坚中学语文《看云识天气》奖一等张宏娟8A Chapter 5 教案设计及课件奖一等郑欣确定一次函数表达式教学设计奖一等张佳历史与社会_秦朝统一奖张贵林希望工程义演奖二等杨雅敏中学语文苏州园林奖二等黄晓洁中学语文《庄子故事两则》奖二等梁振跃中学语文《庄子故事两则》奖二等熊穗辉秦朝统一奖二等方丽花时间的测量奖二等林慧渊《皇帝的新装》奖二等詹严环第5节植物的一生奖二等罗璐菁初中英语troubles奖二等尹鸿气候和影响气候的因素奖尹工日历中的方程二等二等张烈银希望工程义演奖二等何雅珊unit3 why do you like coalas?奖二等翁宏国初中美术_《富有特色藏书票》奖三等黄晟秦朝一统奖三等李林原始农业和先民的家园奖三等阳丽丽中学语文<羚羊木雕>奖三等刘娅琴future tense奖三等张竟逸物质的变化奖三等卞茜七年级思想品德(上)第三单元第三课文明交往课件奖三等刘琪Historical stories奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细三等刘琪Historical stories奖三等罗伟蓉Chapter5奖三等高琼中学语文《桃花源记》资源包奖三等杨宏初中数学乘法公式奖三等李颖课件奖三等余粤新人教版初二英语第69课教案奖三等余粤新人教版初二英语第69课课件奖三等曾小玲牛津深圳版初一英语Troubles Chapter3j教案奖三等曾小玲牛津深圳版初一英语Troubles Chapter3课件奖三等崔慧变化的鱼奖陈良材中学语文《绿色蝈蝈》三等罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细奖黄斌斌中学语文香菱学诗三等奖李丽丽如画的梯田三等奖赖燕军绝对值三等奖冯晓燕代数式求值三等奖赵强唐伟南何军雪绒花三等奖行知职校:一等奖:(2) 二等奖:(1) 三等奖:(5) 总获奖人数:(8)杨丹高中英语 Healthy Eating一等奖杨春霞生命活动的主要承担者-蛋白质一等奖丁仁俊空间几何体二等奖黄红武正弦函数和余弦函数图象和性质三等奖李杰指数函数的图象与性质三等徐琛Tom Sawyer-The American boy三等奖 吴伟雄高中数学-函数的单调性三等奖余利芳人教版高一英语(必修2) Unit 1 Cultural Relics (reading)课件三等奖明珠学校: 一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(0) 三等奖:(1) 总获奖人数:(1)张统洲中学体育鱼跃前滚翻三等奖罗芳中学: 一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(1) 三等奖:(0) 总获奖人数:(1)罗伟娟What time do you go to school二等奖菁华中学: 一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(0) 三等奖:(1) 总获奖人数:(1)雷代斌高中通用技术_结构与强度三等奖外语学校: 一等奖:(2) 二等奖:(3) 三等奖:(4) 总获奖人数:(9)薛露苯酚.酚类复习一等奖 于洋《为什么是他?奥巴马!》一等奖王雅欣Canada奖代存刚高中地理大气环境保护网络探究课二等奖杨云林初中科学中考复习《遗传与进化》(罗外杨云林)二等奖郑妮Unit5 book 1 Nelson Mandela - a modern hero三等奖黄海芬科学第八册第二章:生物是怎样呼吸的三等奖黄海芬九上科学第四章第三节《体内物质的运输》血液循环教学设计三等奖陈焘直面中国人口问题三等奖东湖中学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(7) 三等奖:(7) 总获奖人数:(17)李星日历中的方程一等奖罗锋艳变化的鱼一等奖曹蓉识别危险行为一等奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细方晓梅秦朝一统二等奖王娴兰八年级(上)数学第五章课题学习《平面图形的镶嵌》教学设计及课件二等奖何少华数学的颜色二等奖贺敏音英语教学设计和课件二等奖程先梅程先梅--秦朝统一二等奖马静Merry Christmas二等奖谈飙陈与义<<登岳阳楼>>(其一)二等奖何丽芬中学数学《一元一次方程的应用》三等奖叶懿霈地震earthquake三等奖曾利锋二氧化碳的性质和制法三等奖舒戎物质的变化三等王红九上第四章第三节三等奖林蓝蓝在生活中感受工业文明三等奖陈金莲in troubles三等奖松泉中学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(3) 三等奖:(4) 总获奖人数:(10)王丽Festivals in China一等奖汤戈云Chapter 3 (8A)一等奖曾广宁《花季少年》(图层蒙版的建立和应用)-VCT教学设计一等奖黄艳童趣二等奖黄缨中位数与众数二等奖韦娜Computer technology二等奖韦娜eletricity 三等唐文灵初二科学物质的导电性三等奖肖昊辉牛津深圳版 7A Chapter 2 Our daily life单元课件三等奖巫小斌角的平分线三等奖罗湖外语学校初中部:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(3) 三等奖:(4) 总获奖人数:(8)肖美霖第四节影响导体电阻大小的因素一等奖邹仁宗物体为什么会下落二等奖邹仁宗电流的测量二等奖郑春秀体温的控制》二等奖陈志超初中科学第一册第三章第五节月相三等奖肖中和马说三等奖刘文婷龚玲地图奖三等王雁声洋务运动奖翠园中学东晓分校:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(3) 三等奖:(6) 总获奖人数:(10)一等李玉丽Chapter 5 Historical stories奖二等倪桃英water talk奖二等钟璇燕《实话实说话“流行”》课件(含教学设计)奖二等李静自我保护奖三等李虹《记承天寺夜游》说课设计奖三等张旎旎《世说新语·咏雪》教学设计和课件奖三等李周爱初中科学《月相》奖华薇初中科学《神经调节》三等三等金世强初中科学蒸发及影响蒸发的因素说课材料奖三等陶丹丹《〈世说新语〉两则》说课课件奖一等奖:147 二等奖:286 三等奖419 总获奖人数:852人民小学:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(0) 三等奖:(2) 总获奖人数:(3)一等杨银燕四季教学课件奖三等陈连添《商标》教学设计(综合实践)奖三等万海棠六年级品德与社会第6课世界风情奖螺岭外国语学校:一等奖:(8) 二等奖:(10) 三等奖:(27) 总获奖人数:(45)一等邓少勇小学语文第七册第五单元《长城》教学设计奖一等许家林小学语文<<爬山虎的脚>>教案和课件奖一等衷万明数学_认识百分数奖邓娟《桥》奖一等周辉解决问题的策略一一列举奖一等梁思燕小学科学/网络主题探究《植物博览会》课例设计奖一等邓双婷小学数学_小数的认识奖一等曾纯珍科学_认识空气奖二等陈琳新型玻璃奖二等程汉君How to take care of myself奖二等谢鸿儒Unit 4 Your health奖二等王莉小学英语Days and Dates奖二等康冬英Weather奖范巧华威尼斯的小梃二等二等巢国徽小学语文浅水洼里的小鱼奖二等李伟菁《缤纷的色彩乐园》奖二等邝建军小学语文《梅花魂》奖二等周涛解决问题的策略—替换奖三等温枚红寓言故事《纪昌学射》奖三等李红《飞船上的特殊乘客》奖三等徐敏自己的花是让别人看的奖三等徐敏我们的花季雨季奖三等邓娟桥奖三等梁少柳小学语文鸟的天堂(教学设计、课件)奖林美娟小学语文第9册《狼牙山五壮士》奖三等林文燕小学音乐捕鱼歌奖三等黄少梅小学数学分数的应用奖三等曾小芬小学语文《圆明园的毁灭》的教学设计奖三等张惠霞小学语文第9册《圆明园的毁灭》奖三等钟伟英四个太阳奖三等李贞小学语文《那片绿绿的爬山虎》教案和课件奖三等王平小学语文<<巨人的花园>>教案和课件奖三等张抒怡小学语文《我要的是葫芦》奖三等邓莉为中华之崛起而读书奖徐忠敏知识产权三等三等吴翠文公顷的认识奖三等练友莲小学英语现在完成时奖三等黄晓敏What color is it ?奖三等梁翠樱教学设计NewParadeBook3Unit4奖三等叶玉辉《识字7》(教案与课件)奖三等陈秀琼信息化教学设计大赛奖三等罗筠乡下人家奖三等洪悦嫦15 猫奖三等钱琪信息化教案设计奖三等刘练looking after a pet奖湖贝小学:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(8) 三等奖:(7) 总获奖人数:(16)一等蔡春七律.长征奖二等李广云探索眼睛的奥秘奖二等杨晓兰小学语文《8 阳光》奖二等艾彬小学教学教学设计及课件奖二等闻火生角的分类和画角奖二等李碧红纸船和风筝奖二等邓红Unit 6 At the mall奖二等罗荷园Unit 7 Summer holiday奖二等卢淑芬《通往广场的路不止一条》奖三等邱超儿小数加减法的整理与复习奖李利娥长方形、正方形的认识奖三等张旅红小学语文第三册:识字 5奖三等万碧君17《少年闰土》奖三等曾宇嫦Unit 6 Shopping奖三等周丽晖小学音乐:春来了奖三等李广云今天是我的生日奖红桂小学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(5) 三等奖:(7) 总获奖人数:(15)一等韩彩虹纸船和风筝奖一等叶家群《大瀑布的葬礼》奖一等敖明语文桥奖二等李东青语文《太空生活趣事多》奖徐兰兰确定位置奖二等张玉梅称赞奖二等陈洁小学语文这片土地是神圣的奖二等丘洁29 《掌声》(小学语文三年级上册)奖三等李艳芳我们的“跳蚤市场”奖三等张伯杰变繁为简的重复命令REPEAT奖三等叶婷红桂小学叶婷《我的好邻居》奖三等叶家群我的伯父鲁迅先生奖三等梁玉兰在家里奖三等罗巧红秋天的图画奖徐惠珍红桂小学徐惠珍《比尾巴》教学设计三等滨河小学:一等奖:(6) 二等奖:(4) 三等奖:(6) 总获奖人数:(16)一等唐海珍小学思品收获的季节奖一等麦秀娣 2.Typhoons奖一等杨京慧《珍爱生命,远离毒品》奖一等谢淑红用计算器计算奖一等叶敏Dinosaurs奖一等马梓瑜23、美丽的小兴安岭奖二等刘燕超级链接奖二等朱建云BOOK11 Unit6 Famous stories奖二等田景艳分数的意义教学设计奖张楚峰《穿衣服的学问》二等三等易永忠《秋天的雨》第一课时奖三等曹桂兰小学语文介绍小伙伴(作文)教学设计奖三等张锦英小学语文索溪峪的“野”教学设计奖三等朱建云BOOK1 UNIT9 Colours奖三等叶朝晖老人与海鸥奖三等杨帆易永忠富饶的西沙群岛奖红岭小学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(8) 三等奖:(1) 总获奖人数:(12)一等汪安《我与周围环境》语文综合性实践活动奖一等曾妍桂林山水奖一等张文英Book11 Unit3奖吴静仪小小的船二等二等叶晓红小学英语四年级第7册Sports Day奖二等付绍容小学语文《北京》奖二等李慧娟小学语文秋天的图画奖二等王红玉《去年的树》奖二等赖远英走进毕业赠言奖二等丘婷娟Unit 2 Coming to school奖二等吴静仪7、小小的船奖三等王蔼怡小学语文《画风》奖桂园小学:一等奖:(6) 二等奖:(11) 三等奖:(8) 总获奖人数:(25)一等汪影Feeling sick奖杨薇PEC Book 2 Unit 7 My pet(B)一等一等黄文慧英语学科U3 In my school things奖一等吴柳丝11-20各数的认识奖一等邓春燕拼音:13 angg eng ing ong奖一等杨玉亭小学语文《刷子李》奖二等何晓宁有趣的七巧板奖二等曾华小学语文“诗海拾贝”古诗活动课奖二等吴银君Unit7.Weather奖二等钟丽敏一去二三里奖二等王立峰25.为中华之崛起而读书奖二等吴丽芝蟋蟀的住宅奖张丹小学语文第一册 17课雪地里的小画家奖二等吴晓宝12、用心灵去倾听奖二等林静小学英语第3册 10 Revision奖二等李淑霞轴对称图形奖二等年志红走遍天下书为侣奖三等张丹小学语文第二册 9 两只鸟蛋奖三等杨春认识平面图奖三等叶满莲口耳目奖三等吴丽芝巨人的花园奖三等林小慧巨人的花园奖曾华唯一的听众三等三等叶春梅Unit 6 The typhoon奖三等张婉娟两步计算解决实际实际问题奖向西小学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(2) 三等奖:(1) 总获奖人数:(6)一等黄佳平二年级下册音乐《螃蟹歌》教学设计奖一等陈雪凝小学信息技术制作电子报奖一等杨舟小学语文《赵州桥》教学设计及课件包奖二等阚菲第二册Unit10教学设计奖二等罗兰小学音乐-音乐与诗歌奖三等方应芬四个太阳奖南湖小学:一等奖:(1) 二等奖:(0) 三等奖:(2) 总获奖人数:(3)一等刘薇PPT中的超链接奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细三等黄晓英小学数学<<认识方向>>奖三等顾建忠沉与浮奖翠竹小学:一等奖:(8) 二等奖:(21) 三等奖:(21) 总获奖人数:(50)一等陈慧小学语文《浓浓家乡情》奖一等吴丽娟小学语文《最后一头战象》奖一等陈小红黄山奇石奖一等刘秋大瀑布的葬礼奖一等徐建伟李群女参赛课题教学设计《圆锥的体积》翠竹小学徐建伟奖一等夏胜玲《圆明园的毁灭》教学设计奖一等刘春苗Having fun(教案,课件,资源包)奖一等蒋炼陈嘉修小学数学<周长是多少>奖叶春红小学语文《四季》奖二等李丹萍英语_space奖二等朱婉芝W资源包建设3B第5课翠竹小学朱婉芝奖二等周国燕一个小村庄的故事奖二等王波教学设计Book5A 8课奖二等刘见映小学语文《只有一个地球》奖二等郭炼小学英语朗文3B第三课翠竹小学郭炼资源包奖二等陶仲复韵母ai、ei、ui奖二等赖彩虹book 2b ch.8 教学设计奖二等冼碧苑小学信息技术小学生早餐营养成分与食谱调配奖朱晓芸《我们成功了》二等二等潘少芬小学语文《要是你在野外迷了路》奖二等杨桂芬Pocket Money奖二等肖云苑5B第四课教学设计奖二等陈淑仪4册6课翠竹小学陈淑仪资源包.奖二等刘彩云小学语文《赠刘景文》奖二等许若娜用字母表示数奖二等陈巧芳小学英语_Fast food (2B)奖二等李肇贵小学数学找规律奖二等杨夏君威尼斯的小艇奖二等霍润玲小学思品孝敬父母长辈奖李玲我们很快乐奖三等李颖汇小学语文《卡罗纳》奖三等莫伶俐小学语文《月光曲》奖三等孙培英《穷人》奖三等石秀梅小学语文《威尼斯的小艇》奖三等陈肖芳落花生奖三等罗咏梅五上 20.学会看病奖三等王艳食物链奖三等刘武标小学语文桂林山水一课时教学设计及课件奖三等熊瑛简小学语文《小柳树小枣树》奖黄玉菁小学语文三年级《槐乡的孩子》三等三等纪幼芬18.称赞奖三等方旋小学英语—Be a friend of the Earth(6B)奖三等李学浓小学语文《清澈的湖水》奖三等黄海晖小学语文《妈妈的账单》奖三等董丹阳《母鸡》四年级上册奖三等何欣颖小学英语Our fashion show奖三等方红玲Unit 6 Films we like奖三等黄琢Our favourite TV programmes奖三等熊相群unit 6 shopping mall奖三等孙琼小学数学《7的乘法口诀》奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细水库小学:一等奖:(2) 二等奖:(6) 三等奖:(0) 总获奖人数:(8)一等方绮梅小学语文《老人与海鸥》奖一等柯菲11至20各数的认识奖二等陈存华小学语文《我家跨上了“信息高速路”》奖二等张丽嫦小学语文[花钟]教学设计[张丽嫦]奖二等叶小萍小学语文识字8奖二等安家倩小记者奖二等巫淑柳第3册第8课英语水库小学巫淑柳奖二等李丽璇射线、直线和角奖布心小学:一等奖:(3) 二等奖:(8) 三等奖:(9) 总获奖人数:(20)一等宋海强海报奖廖美兰第一场雪一等罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细奖一等朱丹丹《山雨》奖二等余珍辉Primary English For China Book4 Unit3奖二等何惠娟妈妈的账单奖二等宋海强“我”的名片奖二等张惠萍美丽的小兴安岭奖二等陈宁宁小学英语10册4课 Revision奖二等冯小芳小学语文《太空生活趣事多》奖二等岑焱林歌曲《茉莉花》奖二等王洪波小学英语My room奖三等王洪波Helping at home奖罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细三等张惠萍小学语文第五册《“东方之珠”》奖三等潘海燕小学语文《秋天的雨》奖三等何丽文小学数学比例尺奖三等刘派安图文声视并茂奖三等刘逊华赵州桥奖三等黄兰香蝙蝠和雷达奖三等赵莉我们成功了奖三等何爱东《孔子拜师》教学设计奖翠北小学:一等奖:(9) 二等奖:(7) 三等奖:(23) 总获奖人数:(39)一等张春梅轴对称图形奖一等张春莺In my kitchen奖李颖君《要是你在野外迷了路》教学设计奖一等黄桂容荷叶圆圆奖一等谭小云我会拼图(口语交际)奖一等江丽萍8.Moving house(NWTE)奖一等苏曼NWE,BOOK3A,Ch1 My friend.奖一等陈璧珍小学语文-《卡罗纳》教学设计方案及资源包奖一等黄丽娟思品:《真正的朋友》奖二等孙曼丽小学体育快速跑奖二等曾翠碧自己的花是让别人看的奖二等曾翠碧走进诗歌与诗同行奖袁淦接富饶的西沙群岛二等二等何锡敏《古诗三首》奖二等邓学梅山中访友奖二等徐欢27、两只小狮子奖三等李波夏夜多美奖三等廖焕新小学英语4 Feeling sick(Book 7)奖三等张桂梅Book12 unit8 revision奖三等龚玉娘Unit 7My neighbours奖三等张标窃读记奖三等杨延善十里长街送总理奖三等吴旭峰《鲸》奖刘静杨志新听听唱唱《瑶山乐》奖三等张秀丽小学英语Unit 6 Playing a game奖三等张容娣识字(二)4.日月明奖三等黄晓艺小壁虎借尾巴奖三等杨迎文7、我不是最弱小奖三等何锡敏《松鼠》奖三等徐欢我不是最弱小的奖三等何丽梅Festivals we enjoy(Part A)奖三等叶群飞小学英语unit7 my pets奖三等彭东霞Revision奖欧阳娟秋天的雨三等罗湖区教育系统第七届科技信息节各项活动获奖明细奖三等张琴花钟奖三等万海华小学数学二年级(上)练习二奖三等杨庭义务教育课标版11册<少年闰土>奖三等刘予舒课标版11册<跑进家来的小松鼠>奖三等李莹谭晓云语文《轻扣诗歌的大门》奖东晓小学:一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(5) 三等奖:(12) 总获奖人数:(17)二等彭志敏小学科学昼夜的形成奖二等钟秋媚小学科学声音的产生奖二等陈少春小学英语一堂有趣的复习课奖二等王佳平认识时分奖谢婉如小学英语Book5 Unit6 Our fashion show 二等三等李莹unit5 further reading奖三等冯源Unit4 A school outing奖三等唐无恙认识几分之一奖三等黄国辉小学英语- My robot奖三等林雯牧童短笛奖三等何海东小学语文触摸春天奖三等江毓光可爱的仿制图章奖三等温艳认识厘米奖三等李铃南素材的运用奖三等尹耀南小学数学长正方形的周长长计算课件与教案奖温艳行业的故事------逐渐消失的行业奖三等徐小敏小学科学果实与种子奖翠茵学校:一等奖:(2) 二等奖:(4) 三等奖:(3) 总获奖人数:(9)一等姜颜周末的晚上(ppt课件)奖一等吴炎庄Book 9 Unit 6 At Animal Land (A)奖二等潘耀礼小学科学节约用水奖二等梁智健小学科学_电铃响丁当奖二等丁彩霞小学语文_秋天的雨奖二等钟国英My favourite animal奖三等李志强小学科学_食物的营养奖三等潘耀礼小学综合变废为宝奖何一新昼夜与生物行为奖大望学校:一等奖:(0) 二等奖:(1) 三等奖:(3) 总获奖人数:(4)二等陈秀文Unit 7 Weather奖三等伍源昌初中科学能量的转化与守恒奖三等彭顺英Asking ways giving ways奖三等王端云地球的自转课件奖锦田小学:一等奖:(6) 二等奖:(8) 三等奖:(25) 总获奖人数:(39)一等李倩茜小学美术<<漂亮的小闹钟>>奖一等邱洁苡小学英语_A busy week奖一等邱愉来《自己去吧》奖一等杨文雅美丽的小兴安岭奖潘光钰小学语文钓鱼的启示一等一等程宏香用计算器计算奖二等颜磊生命生命奖二等黄翔梯形面积的计算奖二等吴凌云《富饶的西沙群岛》奖二等万里娟Active animals奖二等余文斌小学数学综合实践课教案奖二等张裕平行垂直奖二等梁雁爱Colours we see奖二等陈静小学英语Book 1 Unit 9 Colours奖三等鲍惠雅语文——《只有一个地球》奖。




一、(选择题)总分:30分(2分/题)1、Which of these is a mode of communication?A, GestureB, WritingC, SpeakingD, All of the above2、What do we call the life span of a plant?中文解释:我们称植物的寿命为?A, LifespanB, Life cycleC, Age3、How do you say "太好了" in English?A, So goodB, Very niceC, Too badD, Very bad4、What is the first letter of the alphabet?A, AB, BC, CD, D5、What do we call a group of words that tell a complete thought?A, PhraseB, SentenceC, ParagraphD, Chapter6、What do we call a plant that grows in rocky areas?中文解释:我们称生长在岩石地区的植物为?A, LithophyteB, Aquatic plantC, Herbaceous plant7、What do we call a plant that is not native to an area?中文解释:我们称不属于某个地区的植物为?A, Invasive speciesB, Native speciesC, Endemic species8、She loves to write stories. 她喜欢写故事。



专业素养考查(100分)五、教材分析及教学设计(40分)),按照新授课要求,回答下列问题:(10分)(10分)(申报小学高级做本题)(10分)(申报小中高做本题)3. 请你为本节课设计主要教学流程,并说明设计思想。


(20分)(申报小中高做本题)…………………………………密………………………………封………………………………线………………………………六、解题(40分)(一)单项选择 ( 5分)( )1 .---Do you know everyone from Class One?---Er …, I know some of ______.A. theyB. theirC. theirsD. them( )2. --- I need something for cutting the paper.---Oh, you want a knife? OK, I'll get ______ for you.A. itB. thatC. thisD. one ( )3. It _______ heavily when I left the cinema.A. rainsB. will rainC. is rainingD. was raining ( )4. This is my beautiful school _______ is near the famous library. A. where B. whichC. whoD. when( )5. Remember to spend some time ______ your loved ones, because they’re not goingto be around forever.A. fromB. withC. inD. on(二)完形填空(10分)Life in 30 years will be 1 because many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?The population is growing fast. There will be 2 people in the world and most of them will live longer than before. Computers will be 3 smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And computer studies will be one of the important 4 in school.People will work fewer hours than they are doing now, and they will have more free time for sports, watching TV and traveling. Traveling will be much cheaper and 5 . And many more people will go to other countries 6 holidays.There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for 7 new towns and houses. Then there will be less 8 for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe people won ’t eat it every day; they will eat more vegetables and fruit instead. Maybe people will be healthier.Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will 9 by robots. Because of this, many people will not have 10 to do. This will be a problem. ( )1. A. same B. difference C. different D. difficulty ( )2. A. little and little B. less and less C. many and many D. more and more( )3. A. much B. many C. more D. most( )4. A. subject B. subjects C. way D. games ( )5. A. easily B. more easily C. easy D. easier ( )6. A. for B. with C. at D. in ( )7. A. build B. building C. to build D. builds ( )8. A. rooms B. room C. spaces D. sea ( )9. A. done B. do C. be done D. be did( )10.A. works enough B. enough works C. work enough D. enough work (三)语篇阅读(10分)A )阅读下面一篇短文,从三个选项中选出最佳选项。




(每小题2分,共20分)第一部分()1.cap()2. 男孩()3.door()4. 树()5.duck第二部分()6.brothers()7. 驾驶员()8.leg()9. 农场()10.basketball二、请选择不属于给定类别的单词。












()31. 泰迪萨博。





深圳2024年02版小学六年级上册英语能力测评考试时间:80分钟(总分:140)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The dog is _____ (barking/sleeping) in the yard.2、选择题:Which season comes after winter?A. SpringB. SummerC. FallD. Autumn3、听力题:A __________ is a large expanse of tundra.4、听力题:We go to school by ______. (bus)5、听力题:I have a _____ (friend/enemy) at school.6、How many planets are in the Milky Way galaxy?a. 8b. 9c. More than 100 billiond. More than 10 trillion答案:C7、填空题:A _____ (野生植物) grows naturally without human care.8、听力题:The children are ___ at the park. (running)9、填空题:The turtle can live for more than ______ (百年).10、填空题:The __________ (历史研究) reveals important lessons.11、听力题:The _____ of a star is how bright it appears from Earth.12、听力题:A star's life cycle includes being born, living, and _____.13、填空题:The __________ (历史的传承) preserves our stories.14、What do we call the act of collaborating with others?A. TeamworkB. PartnershipC. CooperationD. All of the Above答案:D15、填空题:A _______ (兔子) can be a great pet.16、听力题:The apple tree is _______ (full) of fruit.17、What do you call a person who cooks food?A. BakerB. ChefC. CookD. All of the above答案:D18、填空题:The bark of a tree protects its ______ (内部).19、听力题:The ______ enjoys reading novels.20、填空题:The ______ (生态足迹) reflects human impact on nature.21、Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to use tools?A. DogB. DolphinC. ElephantD. Crow答案:B22、听力题:A dog barks at the _____.23、What do you call a large area of flat land?A. HillB. MountainC. PlainD. Valley24、填空题:The __________ is a famous mountain located in the Swiss Alps. (马特洪峰)25、听力题:A __________ is a natural reserve.26、sh Armada was defeated in __________ (1588). 填空题:The Span27、听力题:I have a _____ (goal) to achieve.28、选择题:What is the main ingredient in a fruit salad?A. VegetablesB. FruitC. NutsD. Cream29、填空题:I like to visit ______ in summer.30、听力题:The capital of Sweden is __________.31、填空题:We will have a ________ (旅行) during summer.32、填空题:I enjoy _______ (听故事) before bed.The frog jumps into the ______ (pond).34、听力题:My brother is playing ________.35、听力填空题:I think that being open-minded helps us understand __________.36、听力题:Astrophysics combines principles of physics and ______ to understand the universe.37、What is the first month of the year?A. DecemberB. JanuaryC. FebruaryD. March38、填空题:The ancient Greeks are known for their contributions to _____ and science.39、听力题:A thermometer measures ______ (temperature).40、听力题:She is eating a ________ sandwich.41、填空题:My favorite drink is ________ (果汁).42、选择题:What is 90 - 45?A. 35B. 40C. 45D. 5043、听力题:A _______ is a tool used to measure the weight of an object.44、填空题:My brother is a __________ (项目协调员).45、horizon) is where the sky meets the land or sea. 填空题:The ____I love to watch ______ on TV. (cartoons)47、填空题:The ______ (植物的特征) can help in identification.48、填空题:The discovery of penicillin was made by __________ (亚历山大·弗莱明).49、填空题:My friend has a pet ______ (狗) that is very loyal.50、Who was the first president of the USA?A. Abraham LincolnB. George WashingtonC. Thomas JeffersonD. John Adams答案:B51、听力题:The ______ can be found in almost every habitat.52、听力题:The candy is ___ (colorful).53、What do you call a large body of fresh water?A. OceanB. SeaC. LakeD. River答案:C54、选择题:What is the name of the famous American holiday celebrated in November?A. ThanksgivingB. ChristmasC. HalloweenD. Independence Day55、What do we call the liquid that we drink?A. FoodB. WaterC. JuiceD. SodaI have a ______ robot that talks.57、听力题:The product of a chemical reaction is found on the _______ side of the equation.58、填空题:The ________ loves to splash in the water.59、听力题:The chemical symbol for tellurium is ______.60、选择题:What is the largest mammal in the world?A. ElephantB. Blue WhaleC. GiraffeD. Hippopotamus61、听力题:I have a _____ (feather) from a bird.62、填空题:The ancient Romans established ________ to provide public services.63、What do we call the practice of keeping bees?A. BeekeepingB. ApiaryC. Honey farmingD. Pollination64、What is 8 times 7?A. 54B. 56C. 58D. 60答案:B65、填空题:My favorite hobby is ______ (音乐).66、选择题:What is the shape of a square?A. RoundB. TriangularC. RectangularD. Four equal sides67、听力题:The process of ______ can lead to the breakdown of rocks.68、听力填空题:I believe that everyone should try new things. I recently tried __________.69、What do you call the part of the day when the sun sets?A. MorningB. NoonC. EveningD. Night70、听力题:The apples are ___. (ripe)71、填空题:The _____ (树叶) change color in the fall.72、听力题:The _____ (computer/tablet) is useful.73、听力题:The _____ (相机) captures memories.74、听力题:The book is on the ___ (table).75、听力题:My father is a great ____ (teacher). He teaches math.76、填空题:Many ________ (动物) depend on plants for food.77、听力题:My uncle is a fantastic ____ (storyteller).78、填空题:The __________ was a significant document in the history of democracy. (权利法案)79、填空题:The __________ is a major river in Asia known for its cultural significance. (恒河)80、听力题:The chemical formula for oleic acid is ______.81、填空题:The fish swims with its ______ (鳍) and tail.82、填空题:A _____ (54) is a large group of islands.83、听力题:The main ingredient in vinegar is ______ acid.84、填空题:The rabbit thumps its foot when it feels ______ (害怕).85、填空题:The frog is sitting on a _______ (青蛙坐在_______上).86、填空题:The __________ (历史事件) impact our lives even today.87、填空题:We visit the ______ (科学实验室) for practical learning.88、听力题:We are planning a ______ (trip) to the mountains.89、What do you call a person who helps sick animals?A. VetB. DoctorC. EngineerD. Farmer90、填空题:The __________ (环境保护) ensures a better future.91、填空题:The _____ (orchid) has many varieties.92、听力题:They _____ (are/is) my neighbors.93、What is the primary color of a pumpkin?A. OrangeB. YellowC. GreenD. Brown答案:A94、填空题:He is a mechanic, ______ (他是一名机械师), who fixes cars.95、听力题:He has a cool ___. (hat)96、填空题:A parrot can learn to mimic human ______ (语言).97、What do bees make?A. MilkB. HoneyC. SilkD. Wax答案:B98、填空题:My aunt loves to share her ____.99、填空题:In 1776, the Declaration of Independence was adopted in the ______ (美国).100、填空题:The _____ (stevia) plant is a natural sweetener.。

小学英语素养命题比赛 试题

小学英语素养命题比赛 试题

英语学科素养评价试题( ) 1. Today is Monday. It’s three p.m. It’s time for ______.A. PE classB. English classC. music classD. art class( ) 2. -- Can I go outside now?-- OK. And put on your _______. It’s cold.A. skirtB. dressC. shorts.D. gloves( ) 3. 请根据情景选择恰当的一项:A. Can I help you?B. Can I try them on?C. How much are these shoes?D. How much is it?( ) 4. 请根据描述,选择正确的一项:He is our teacher. He is tall and thin. He is kind, too.He likes music very much. He can play the piano very well.A. B. C. D.( ) 5. 根据图片,选择正确的一项:A. I have maths, science, Chinese and reading class on Tuesday.B. I like music very much. It’s on Monday and Thursday.C. I have three English classes in a week.D. My favourtie class is art. It’s on Tuesday and Wednesday.( ) 6. 根据情景对话及菜单价格,帮助服务员计算并做出回答:They’re ______ dollars.A. fiveB. sevenC. eightD. ten( ) 7. 读下面对话,找出谈论的城市所在的国家,选出正确的选项。



初中英语阅读理解命题大赛模板范文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Unlikely FriendshipIt was a bright sunny morning in the small town of Oakville. Eleven-year-old Jenny was out exploring the nearby woods, as she often did on her summer holidays. The sound of birds chirping and the gentle rustling of leaves filled the air. Jenny loved being surrounded by nature and all its wonders.As she ventured deeper into the forest, she noticed something unusual near the base of a large oak tree. It was a tiny squirrel, lying motionless on the ground. Jenny's heart sank as she feared the worst. Carefully, she approached the little creature.To her surprise, the squirrel was still breathing, though it appeared weak and disoriented. Jenny knew she had to act quickly to help the poor animal. She gently scooped it up in her hands and cradled it against her chest, being careful not to harm it further.Once she arrived home, Jenny's parents were initially hesitant about letting her keep the injured squirrel. However, after seeing the concern in their daughter's eyes, they agreed to let her care for it until it regained its strength.Over the next few weeks, Jenny devoted herself to nursing the squirrel back to health. She researched the proper diet and care for the furry creature and diligently followed the instructions. Slowly but surely, the squirrel began to recover.During this time, Jenny developed a strong bond with the little animal, whom she affectionately named Nutty. She would talk to Nutty, read stories aloud, and even share her snacks with her new friend. The squirrel seemed to understand and respond to Jenny's kindness, nuzzling against her hand and chittering softly.As Nutty's health improved, Jenny's parents knew it was time to release the squirrel back into the wild. However, Jenny was reluctant to let her friend go. She had grown so attached to Nutty and couldn't bear the thought of being separated.The day of Nutty's release arrived, and Jenny's family took her back to the same spot in the woods where she had found the injured squirrel. With a heavy heart, Jenny gently placed Nutty on the ground and stepped back.To everyone's surprise, Nutty didn't immediately scamper away. Instead, the squirrel turned and looked at Jenny, as if saying goodbye. Then, after a few moments, it scurried up the nearest tree and disappeared into the branches.Jenny was saddened by Nutty's departure, but she also felt a sense of pride and joy. She had helped save a life and formed an unlikely friendship with a wild animal. Although their bond had been brief, Jenny knew she would never forget her time with Nutty.As the seasons changed and life went on, Jenny would often visit the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of her furry friend. And every now and then, she would spot a squirrel that seemed to recognize her, and she couldn't help but wonder if it was Nutty, stopping by to say hello.Questions:What was unusual about the squirrel that Jenny found in the woods?Describe Jenny's actions when she first discovered the injured squirrel.Why were Jenny's parents initially hesitant about letting her keep the squirrel?How did Jenny care for the squirrel during its recovery?What was the name Jenny gave to the squirrel? Why did she choose that name?Explain the bond that developed between Jenny and the squirrel.Why was Jenny reluctant to release the squirrel back into the wild?Describe the squirrel's behavior when it was time for its release.How did Jenny feel after the squirrel's release?What did Jenny hope for when she visited the woods after the squirrel's release?篇2A Day at the ZooHi there! My name is Emily and I'm 10 years old. Today, I'm going to tell you all about my super fun day at the zoo last weekend!It was a bright, sunny Saturday morning when my mom, dad, little brother Jake, and I piled into the car and headed to the cityzoo. I was so excited because I absolutely love animals of all shapes and sizes. From the tiniest little mice to the biggest, most ginormous elephants!When we arrived, the first thing I noticed was how many people were there. The parking lot was packed fuller than my mom's closet on laundry day! We had to park really far away and walk quite a bit to get to the entrance gates.At the gates, there was this really long line to buy tickets. My dad joked that it felt like we were waiting in line for a roller coaster at an amusement park instead of just getting into the zoo. After what felt like forever, it was finally our turn. We got our tickets and I could hardly contain my excitement as we walked through the gates!The first exhibit we saw was the Butterfly Garden. It was an enormous glass greenhouse filled with thousands of beautiful butterflies fluttering all around. They were every color of the rainbow - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, you name it! I held out my hand and one even landed right on my finger. It was so delicate and pretty. Its wings were an incredible shade of deep blue with black spots all over. I thought for sure it was going to fly away any second, but it just rested there, gently opening and closing its wings. It was magical!After the butterflies, we wandered over to the reptile house. Now I'll be honest, snakes and lizards kind of give me the heebie jeebies. They're so slithery and scaly! But I still wanted to go in and take a peek. We saw all sorts of crazy looking creatures like a rhinoceros iguana, a blue-tongued skink, and a red-tailed boa constrictor. The boa was huuuuge and looked like it could easily swallow me whole! When it flicked out its black forked tongue, I jumped back about a mile. Mom and Dad thought it was hilarious how scared I was. Hmph!Next up was the aquarium area with tanks full of all sorts of fish, sharks, rays, and other marine animals. My favorite was definitely the seahorse exhibit. Those little guys are just so cute and unique looking! It's amazing how they can camouflage and change colors to blend into their surroundings. The rays were really neat too as they glided so gracefully and effortlessly through the water.We took a break for lunch at the zoo's cafeteria area. They had all the usual kid-friendly fare like chicken nuggets, pizza, hot dogs, and fries. Mom and Dad got some fancy overpriced salads. My brother Jake ended up wearing more ketchup than he actually ate! What a mess. Boys, I tell ya.After refueling, we headed over to the African savanna area where the big animals like giraffes, zebras, lions, and rhinos lived. The giraffes were so tall, their heads looked like they were scraping the sky! And the zebras were just the coolest looking animals ever with their funky black and white striped bodies. We sat for a while and watched as a few big male lions lounged and napped in the sun. They looked so peaceful and huggable, but I knew better than to ever get that close to a real lion!Our last stop was the monkey and ape area, which was hands down my favorite of the whole day. Those silly primates were a riot! They were jumping all over, hanging from branches, playing tons of tricks on each other, and making the funniest noises. We saw chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans, gibbons, and more. At one point, a mischievous little monkey started picking at my shoelaces and basically untied my whole shoe! I couldn't believe how smart and clever they were.By that point, we were all getting pretty tuckered out from being on our feet all day long. Still, I didn't want to leave! I begged Mom and Dad to let us stay longer, but they said we could come back again soon. I couldn't wait!On the ride home, my brother and I slumped over and passed out in the backseat. It had been such an action-packed,fun-filled day seeing all those incredible animals up close and personal. The zoo was amazing and I definitely want to be a zookeeper when I grow up so I can work with those amazing creatures every single day! Well, that's all for now. Thanks for reading along about my awesome day. See you next time!篇3A Trip to the ZooHello, my name is Emily, and I'm 10 years old. Last weekend, my family and I went on a fun trip to the zoo. It was an exciting adventure, and I can't wait to tell you all about it!We arrived at the zoo early in the morning, just as it opened. The air was fresh, and the sun was shining brightly. As we entered through the gates, we could already hear the sounds of different animals. Roars, screeches, and squawks filled the air, making me feel like we were stepping into a jungle.The first exhibit we visited was the lion enclosure. The lions were majestic creatures, with their golden fur and mighty roars. One of the lions was lounging in the shade, lazily flicking its tail. Another lion was pacing back and forth, as if keeping guard over its territory. I couldn't help but feel a little bit scared, but also in awe of their power and grace.Next, we headed to the giraffe exhibit. These tall, gentle giants were fascinating to watch. They stretched their long necks up to the treetops, plucking leaves with their tongues. I wished I could grow as tall as them so I could reach the highest branches too!As we wandered through the zoo, we encountered many other amazing animals. We saw playful monkeys swinging from branch to branch, curious meerkats standing on their hind legs, and graceful flamingos wading in the shallow waters. Each animal was unique and captivating in its own way.One of my favorite exhibits was the aquarium. It was like stepping into an underwater world! We saw colorful fish darting through the coral reefs, sharks gliding smoothly through the water, and even a massive whale shark that was bigger than a bus! The aquarium was so peaceful and calming, and I could have spent hours watching the marine life.Throughout our visit, we also learned a lot about the different animals and their habitats. The zookeepers were knowledgeable and passionate, and they shared fascinating facts about the animals' behaviors, diets, and conservation efforts. It made me appreciate the importance of protecting these amazing creatures and their homes.As the day drew to a close, we stopped by the gift shop to pick up a few souvenirs. I got a stuffed animal giraffe that I named Spotty, and my little brother got a toy elephant. We were tired but happy, carrying our new plush friends and memories of a wonderful day at the zoo.On the ride home, I couldn't stop talking about all the incredible animals we had seen. My favorite was probably the lion, with its powerful roar and regal demeanor. But I also loved the playful monkeys, the graceful flamingos, and the gentle giraffes.The zoo was an unforgettable experience, and I can't wait to go back and explore even more exhibits. It's a place where you can learn about the wonders of nature, appreciate the diversity of life on our planet, and have lots of fun too. If you ever get a chance to visit a zoo, I highly recommend it – you won't be disappointed!篇4My Trip to the Science MuseumLast weekend, my mom and dad took me and my little sister Emily to the big science museum downtown. I was really excited because I love learning about science and seeing all the coolexhibits. Emily was just excited to get out of the house and run around like a crazy person.When we got there, the first thing we saw was the dinosaur exhibit. There was a huge skeleton of a T-Rex right in the middle of the room! It was at least 20 feet tall. The sign said it was a cast of a real dinosaur skeleton that scientists had dug up. I couldn't believe how big it was. Its head was the size of a car! Emily tried to get close to touch it but my dad had to hold her back. No touching the dinosaurs, he said.Next we went into the space area. There were all sorts of models of rockets and spacecraft. My favorite was the real space suit that an astronaut had worn on a space walk. It looked just like the ones I've seen astronauts wear on TV when they float outside their spaceships. Emily liked the moon rock they had on display. It was a real rock that came from the moon! You could see how different it looked compared to rocks from Earth.Then we walked through an area all about the human body. There were plastic models showing all the organs and systems inside you. It was kind of gross but also really fascinating. One model even showed a brain with all the different sections labeled. Emily got a kick out of the model showing how babies grow inside their mom's belly. We watched a video showing how thebaby gets bigger and bigger over nine months. I tried to cover Emily's eyes during the parts about how the baby gets out at the end, but she wasn't having it.In the physics section, they had all sorts of hands-on experiments to try. My favorite was the big vacuum tube you could step inside. They pumped all the air out and I felt like I was in outer space! Emily wouldn't go in at first because she was scared, but once she saw me doing it she had to give it a try too. We also got to play with magnets and mirrors and levers and pulleys. I can't wait to try some of those experiments at home.After the main museum, we went outside to the science park area. There were stations for building things and playing with simple machines. I spent a long time at the kite building station, trying to get mine to fly just right. Mom said it was thebest-made kite she'd ever seen from that station. Emily liked the climbing areas best. She could've spent all day on those spider web nets and rock climbing walls. Good thing we packed a picnic lunch! We had a nice break to re-fuel before heading back into the museum.The last part we went to was all about weather and the environment. They had an earthquake simulator that shook you around like a real earthquake. It was scary at first but then Ithought it was really cool. In the tornado simulator, you could crank a wheel to make the winds spin faster and faster. There was even a room that simulated extreme weather like blizzards, thunderstorms, and hurricanes. The flashing lights and booming sounds made it seem so real! Emily wasn't a fan of that one.By the time we left, we were all wiped out but really happy. I had learned so much new stuff about science in a way that was actually fun instead of just reading about it in a book. And Emily stopped being a crazy person for once and seemed to soak in some knowledge too, even if she'll never admit it. I'm already bugging mom and dad to take me back to the science museum for my next birthday. A day celebrating science - what could be better?篇5A Day at the Amusement ParkIt was finally summer vacation, and I was so excited! My parents promised to take me to Thrillzville, the biggest amusement park in the whole country. I had been looking forward to this day for months.We left home early in the morning to try to beat the crowds. The park didn't open until 10am, but my parents wanted to getthere right when the gates opened so we could get started on all the rides and games right away. I could hardly sit still in the car –I was practically bouncing up and down with anticipation!When we arrived, there was already a huge line snaking around the entrance. Luckily, my parents had gotten our tickets online ahead of time, so we got to skip the really long line to buy tickets. We just had to wait in the shorter line to get through the turnstiles. Finally, it was our turn, and we were inside!The sights and sounds and smells of Thrillzville were almost too much for me to take in all at once. The colorful rides and rollercoasters towered above us, full of laughing and screaming people. The air was thick with the scents of funnel cakes, hot dogs, and cotton candy from all the food stands. Upbeat music was blaring from speakers all around. My eyes didn't know where to look first!"Where should we go first?" my mom asked, looking at the huge park map. There were so many areas and rides to choose from – Rollercoaster Rally, Kiddieland, Adventure Trail, Planet Snoopy, and more."Ooh, can we go on the Gravitron first?" I asked, pointing to a ride with a big spinning circle that looked like a spaceship. Iloved those super fast spinning rides that pushed you up against the walls.We headed over to the Gravitron and joined the line. It seemed to be taking forever to inch forward, but I didn't mind too much because there was so much to look at all around us. Finally, we got to the front of the line and climbed into one of the round pods of the Gravitron. I could feel my heart pounding with excitement as the ride op checked that we were strapped in securely.Suddenly, the floor dropped out from under us, leaving us just stuck to the wall in our little pod. Then the whole ride started spinning at an incredible speed, pinning us firmly against the padded sides. My face felt all stretched out and my hair was whipping around like crazy! I opened my mouth in a huge smile, but the g-forces were so intense that I could barely make a sound. This was the most thrilling ride ever!After what felt like an eternity of dizzying spinning, the ride finally started to slow down. When we rolled to a stop and the floor slid back under us, I felt like a limp noodle from the incredible forces. I had to clutch the handlebar as we exited to keep my wobbly legs from collapsing!"That was amazing!" I yelled once we were on solid ground again. "What should we do next?"We spent the whole day going on rides and playing games all around Thrillzville. We went on all the biggest rollercoasters –the Behemoth, Storm Chaser, and Leviathan were my favorites with their huge loops and drops. We also went on some water rides to help cool off, like Log Flume and Whitewater Rapids, which left us absolutely drenched but laughing hysterically.In between rides, we stopped for lots of snacks and treats. I had a ginormous turkey leg for lunch, followed by a chocolate banana split sundae that was as big as my head! We also got bags of fresh-squeezed lemonade to stay hydrated in the hot summer sun.As evening started to fall, we decided to slow things down a bit and go on some gentler rides, like the Ferris wheel that gave a great view of the whole park all lit up in the twilight. We finished the night by watching the amazing laser, fireworks, and fountain show over the lagoon before heading back to the parking lot, exhausted but totally happy."That was the best day ever!" I exclaimed as we piled back into the car. "I can't wait to come back to Thrillzville again!" Inthe backseat, I quickly fell into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of soaring rollercoasters and spinning rides.Reading Comprehension Questions:What was the main reason the narrator was excited to go to Thrillzville?Why did the family arrive at the amusement park so early in the morning?Describe the sights, sounds, and smells that the narrator experienced upon first entering Thrillzville.What was the first ride that the narrator went on? Describe how it made them feel.Name three of the biggest rollercoasters that the narrator rode and said were their favorites.Besides rides, what other activities did the narrator and their family do at the park?How did the narrator describe the huge sundae they had for a snack?What was the last ride or attraction the narrator went on before leaving the park?Based on the narrator's descriptions, analyze what made their day at Thrillzville so enjoyable and memorable.Imagine you are the narrator. Write 2-3 sentences describing what you might have dreamed about that night after your exciting day.篇6The Best Summer Vacation Ever!Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. I just had the most amazing summer vacation and I can't wait to tell you all about it!It all started when my parents surprised me and my little brother Tommy by telling us we were going on a big adventure. They said to pack our bags because we were going camping for two whole weeks! I had been begging them to let me go camping forever, so I was super excited.The first few days of our camping trip were pretty regular. We drove for what felt like years to get to the campground in the mountains. My dad struggled for hours to set up our giant tent. We had to cook all our meals over the fire, which was kind of funbut also a lot of work. And there were no video games or TVs around, which Tommy and I weren't too happy about at first.But then the real adventures began! One morning, we went on a long hike up the mountain trail. The path was narrow and there were lots of rocks and roots to climb over. Part of me wanted to turn around and go back to the safety of our tent. But my dad kept encouraging us, saying "The view at the top will be worth it!" And you know what? He was absolutely right!When we finally made it to the peak after two hours of hiking, the view was breathtaking. We could see for miles and miles in every direction. Tall mountains, deep valleys, sparkling rivers and streams. It made me feel so small but in an amazing way. We stayed up there for an hour, just taking it all in and eating the sandwiches my mom had packed for us. That's probably my favorite memory from the whole trip.Another day, my dad took us fishing at a nearby lake. I had been fishing once or twice before but had never actually caught anything. This time though, I managed to reel in three whole fish! They were only little ones, but I was still pretty proud of myself. Tommy didn't have as much luck, but my dad said that was just part of fishing. We cooked up my catch that night over the campfire and I have to admit, they were delicious!One evening, we had a pretty big scare. We were all sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows and telling stories. All of a sudden, my mom screamed "Bear!" Sure enough, a huge black bear was lumbering into our campsite, probably lured by the smell of our s'mores. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. The bear seemed just as startled as we were though. It reared up, let out a loud growl, then turned and ran away. My dad said later that he had read that making loud noises is the best way to scare bears off. Luckily, it worked!After all of our adventures and excitement, my favorite part of the camping trip was probably just being together as a family. No school, no work, no chores or distractions. Just me, mom, dad, Tommy and the great outdoors. We played card games, went swimming, read books and told silly stories around the campfire every night. I got to know my parents and my little brother in a totally new way.Before this trip, I don't think I really appreciated how lucky I am to have a loving family that wants to spend quality time together. Back at home, my dad is always at work and my mom is always running errands or driving us to different activities and appointments. This vacation reminded me that they actually do have fun personalities when they're not stressed out with all theirresponsibilities. And Tommy is usually just an annoying little brat, but without his video games and screens to distract him, I found out he can actually be a cool little dude sometimes.All good things must come to an end though, and after two weeks our camping adventure was over. I'll admit I was pretty relieved to get home, have a real shower, and sleep in my own bed again. But I already can't wait until our next family vacation. Mom and dad said they might take us to the beach next summer if we're lucky.I just want to give one last piece of advice if your family is thinking of going camping: be prepared! Make sure you pack everything you'll need like non-perishable snacks, water bottles, flashlights, and first aid kits. My dad said that half the fun is in the preparation. Also, don't forget to bring a positive, adventurous attitude! That's the most important thing. If you go in expecting to just have a miserable time being bored or uncomfortable, then that's probably what will happen. But if you're excited to try new things and make some amazing memories with your family, that's exactly what you'll get out of it. I know I did!Okay, that's all from me. Thanks for reading about my incredible summer vacation! I hope。



单位及作者:新桥小学李国强参赛内容:第三册期末测试卷所在区:宝安区参赛内容:第三册期末测试卷教材主要内容及要求:本套教材是深港版Primary English for China 第三册的内容。









2011—2012学年度第一学期小学二年级英语期末测试卷Book 3Boys and girls. Come on~!Listening test听力部分(80%)一、小朋友,你能根据录音内容,选出正确图片吗?(10%)( )1. A B C( )2. A B C( )3. A B C( )4. A B C( )5. A B C听力材料:1,a driver 2, a cup 3, a taxi 4, a ribbon 5, a hot dog参考答案:ABACB检测内容:此题型主要检测学生的认知能力,对本学期所学的基础知识作一个检查。





全册Book 1词汇共计101个,要求掌握的词汇77个,本学期的重点词汇22个,核心句子约30个。

本阶段(第一册第1-5单元)共计4个话题(Saying hello, Making friends, My classroom, My school things),其中包含有核心句子16个,词汇36个(其中重点词汇8个),歌曲4首。

本阶段要求重点掌握的8个单词为:bag book desk good hi name pen you本阶段要求掌握的核心句子为:Hello. Hi!Good morning/afternoon/evening.How are you? Fine, thank you.Here’s a … Thank you. Goodbye.What’s your name? My name’s… /I’m…What’s this? It’s a …/This is my …在能力方面,要求学生能听懂课堂简短的指令并作出相应的反应,能认读核心词语,并根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;能根据指令完成简单的动作,如:简单的问候、分辨图片、画图、做动作、做手工等;能就所学的内容进行简单的日常会话(打招呼、告别;谈论文具、交流个人信息等);能根据图画说出单词或短句;能唱简单的英语歌谣。















2. 写作练习:以"My Dream Trip"为题,写一篇80词左右的小短文,描述你的梦想旅行。



3. 口语表达:假设你是导游,请你用英语给一位外国朋友介绍巴黎的旅游景点,包括艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫和巴黎圣母院。

你可以用一些关键词来帮助你的表达,如beautiful, famous, historical等。

4. 信息收集与计划制定:假设你计划明年暑假去一次旅行,你将去哪里?你拿到了一张海报,上面写着你可能会感兴趣的三个目的地:New York、Tokyo和Sydney。







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单位及作者:翠竹外国语实验学校庄冬敏参赛内容:第一册期末测试卷所在区:罗湖区参赛内容:第一册期末测试卷本阶段主要内容及要求: Saying hello; making friends; asking and answering about classroom; introducing school things; listen and react to simple command; saying body parts; counting from 1-10; knowing simple fruits; telling about colors.要求:1.初步学习并正确书写26个英语字母;掌握77个单词,学习约30个核心句子;2.能认读核心单词,并根据听到的词语识别或指认图片或实物;能根据指令完成简单的问候,分辨图片,说出数字1-10,说出颜色,画图等;能进行简单对话等(参考《全日制义务教育课程标准罗湖区执行方案》73页)重点: 正确书写26个字母;认读核心单词,核心句子;根据听力材料识别词语;说出数字1-10;说出颜色;进行简单对话难点: 识别核心词语,句子;说出数字1-10;说出物体名称及颜色;完成简单对话试题:小学一年级第一册英语期末测试卷(40分钟)听力部分(90%):小朋友,你知道Tom and Jerry吗?就是那只可恶的大猫和聪明的小老鼠!现在肚子好饿,他必须通过的6道难关才能吃到,你能帮帮它吗?听力材料:小学一年级第一册英语期末测试卷,听力部分。

小朋友,你知道Tom and Jerry吗?就是那只可恶的大猫和聪明的小老鼠!现在Jerry肚子好饿,他必须通过Tom的6道难关才能吃到Cheese,你能帮帮它吗?设计意图:考试对于刚满6-7岁的孩子来说,是很枯燥的,只是因为受到老师,父母的要求而考,并不明白其中的意义,所以常常有的孩子想做就做,不想做就留空。

我认为,要让孩子们对试卷感兴趣,认真做题并且不觉得烦躁无聊,只有用他们最熟悉,最感兴趣的事物来引导,于是,我想起了孩子们最喜欢的动画片Tom and Jerry,与试题结合编了一个小故事,小Jerry饿了想吃cheese,可恶的Tom设下了7个难关考验它,让孩子们帮助Jerry闯过了一题又一题,最终拿到了cheese!在这个过程中,孩子们的心是充满期待的,满怀着兴趣完成着一道又一道题目,最终完成整张试卷时,内心的成就感油然而生,达到帮助学生认识自我、树立自信的目的(贯彻整张试卷的鼓励以及试卷完成后对学生说:你真棒!)。



(20%)1. A K2. B D3. Q U4. G J5. I R6. m n7. v p 8. s x9. i y 10. f l听力材料:一,请帮Jerry听一听,圈出你听到的字母,念两遍。

1. A2. D3.Q4.J5.I6. N7. v8. x 9 y 10. f参考答案:1. A 2. D 3.Q 4.J 5.I6. N7. v8. x 9 y 10. f检测内容:26个英文字母中读音相近的字母设计意图:本题考察的是学生对26个字母的熟悉程度以及对读音相近的单词的区分能力。



(15%)( ) 1. A. a B. an( ) 2. A. bag B. book( ) 3. A. fan B. fine( ) 4. A. apple B. banana( ) 5. A. draw B. door听力材料:二.请帮Jerry听一听,选出听到的单词,并将编号填在题前的括号内,念两遍。

1. an2.book3.fan4.apple5.door参考答案:B B A A B检测内容:一年级第一册要求掌握的单词(参考《罗湖区执行方案》79页)设计意图:本题考查的是一年级第一学期要求掌握的单词,通过对音近,形近的单词进行辨别以加深对重要词汇的记忆,同时也对孩子将来的单词学习中对单词准确掌握方面起到了积极的指引作用。


(15%)( ) 1. A. Good morning.B. Good evening.( ) 2. A. How are you?B. Hello.( ) 3. A. Stand up, Tim.B. Sit down, Tim.( ) 4. A. My name’s Koko.B. I’m Koko.( ) 5. A. It’s an orange.B. It’s orange.听力材料:三.请帮Jerry听一听,选出你听到的句子,并将编号填在题前的括号内,念两遍。

1. Good morning.2. Hello.3. Stand up, Tim.4. I’m Koko.5. It’s orange.参考答案:A B A B B检测内容:一年级第一学期需要掌握的主要日常交际用语(参考《罗湖区执行方案》75页)设计意图:检测学生对于基本日常交际用语的再认能力。

另外,本卷将难度分散到各大题,本题第五小题为高档题,重点考查学生平时最容易混淆的句型:It’s a/an + n. It’s+color.四.请帮听一听,这些句子该怎么回答?选出正确的答句,将编号写到题前的括号内,念两遍。

(10%)() 1. A. My name’s Koko.B. It’s red.()2. A. It’s a book.B. Here you are.( ) 3. A. Thank you.B. Fine, thank you.( ) 4. A. Good morning.B. Goodbye.( ) 5. A. Here you are.B. Hello.听力材料:四,请帮Jerry听一听,这些句子该怎么回答?选出正确的答句,将编号写到题前的括号内,念两遍。

1. Hello. What’s your name?2. What’s this?3. How are you?4. Goodbye.5. An orange, please.参考答案:AABBA检测内容:一年级第一册日常交际用语。

(参考《罗湖区执行方案》75页)其中,What’s your name? My name is…/What’sthis? It’s a …/a…, please. 为本册重点掌握句型。



1. This is a book. It’s orange.2. This is a pencil. It’s yellow.3. This is a ruler. It’s green.4. This is a bird. It’s blue.5. Look at the cherries. They are red.参考答案:book----orangepencil---yellowruler---greenbird--- bluecherries--red检测内容:根据录音内容给相应的图片涂颜色。

考查学生对于This is a… It’s+color句型的掌握程度。


既能考查到孩子对于颜色单词,句型的掌握,又能锻炼孩子的动手能力,另一方面注重拓宽英语学习和运用的领域(cherries/ They are并不是本册考察内容,但孩子也能根据red把颜色涂出来,在听的同时又无意中学习了一个新的单词和句型。



(15%)( ) 1.One,two, sit down!( ) 2.Five, six, look down!( ) 3.Nine, ten, start again!( ) 4.Three, four, stand up!( ) 5.Seven, eight, look up!听力材料:六.请帮Jerry听一听,用1,2,3,4,5给下面的句子排排队吧,念两遍。

1. One,two, sit down!2. Three, four, stand up!3. Five, six, look down!4. Seven, eight, look up!5. Nine, ten, start again!参考答案:1 3 5 2 4检测内容:数字1-10的认读能力。

设计意图:本题材料选自课本56页D部分Listen,write,do and chant.改编成排序题后,学生首先必须在书面上认读1-10数字单词,然后根据录音念的顺序,写出相应的数字1-5,相当于两次对听到的数字做出反应,体现了语言输入,输出的过程。




(10%)apple kite fish tree eye ear three1.终于找到啦!谢谢小朋友,你真棒!你还想继续闯关吗?到下面的题目试试看吧!参考答案:1.apple 2.eye 3.fish 4.kite 5.tree检测内容:本学期需要掌握的重点词汇(参考《罗湖区执行方案》81-82页)及字母书写规范设计意图:在选择单词的过程中,学生对图片和单词都进行了辨别和重组,考察了孩子对于信息的搜集,整合能力。




(10%)cat window pear rubber mouth orange设计意图:开放性题型设计,体现了因材施教原则,为学生提供了选择自己感兴趣或比较拿手的知识进行作答的机会。
