Front Handle & Key Installation1. Ensure that the key override slot is in the horrizontal position.2. Slide the key cylinder into the back of the handle.3. Insert the key into the key cylin-der from the front of the handle.4. Slide the handle onto the drive shaft until it hits the catch pins.5. Push the key in as far as it will go and then turn 90 degrees clockwise.6. Firmly press the lever until it snaps over the catch pins. Turn thekey back to the left and remove.Step 5Fit the front lock housing onto thefront of the door. Feed the power plugthrough the 2 1/8” boring hole.Step 6Place the inside gasket on the insideplate. Feed power plug through andsecure to door & front lock with screw.Step 7Hold the inside lock housing up tothe inside of door. Plug the front lockpower cable into the connector.Step 8Place inside lock overmounting place &secure with screws.Step 9Insert 4 AA batteriesinto the batterycompartment.Step 10Secure the inside lock housingbattery cover with two screws.Step 11Slide the inside lever into place. Pressrmly until handle snaps over catch pins.Major Lock Parts ListInstallation InstructionsStep 1Insert latch intothe door latchhole. Secure thelatch with twoscrews.Step 2Drill the 3/8” uppersupport hole intothe door 3 5/16”above the centerof boring hole.Step 4Insert the squarespindle into thecenter hub.Ensure dot ispointed left.Step 3Place the frontside rubber gasket(if required) on theback of the frontlock housing.Installation & UserManualFor use with ResortLock® RL4000 and LockState® LS-1500®Complete List ofManual Programming Functions1. To set a new or change the Master Code (and not delete existing user codes):# current or default mc # 11 # 1-9 digit new mc # 1-9 digit new mc #2. To change Master Code (and delete all user codes):# current or default mc # 22 # 1-9 digit new mc # 1-9 digit new mc #3. Set date & time - (24 hr. clock, Example: 2:45PM on July 12, 2010 = 1007121445) # mc # 88 # yymmddhhmm #4. Enter one or more User Code with no restriction (for multiple users, repeat highlighted) # mc # 01 # 1-9 digit user code # # #5. Enter one or more iButton key with no restriction (for multiple users, repeat highlighted)# mc # 01 #Hold iButton key to lock reader # #6. Enter one or more iButton key + User Code with no restriction (for multiple users, repeat highlighted)# mc # 01 # 1-9 digit user code # Hold iButton key to lock reader# #7. Enter one or more User Code with time restriction (for multiple users, repeat highlighted)(beginning time) (ending time) # mc # 01 # 1-9 digit user code # yymmddhhmm # yymmddhhmm #8. Enter one or more iButton key with time restriction (for multiple users, repeat highlighted)(beginning time)(ending time)# mc # 01 # iButton key yymmddhhmm # yymmddhhmm #9. Enter one or multiple iButton + User Codes with time restriction (for multiple, repeat highlighted)(beginning time) (ending time) # mc # 01 # 1-9 digit code # iButton key yymmddhhmm # yymmddhhmm #10. Enable Passage Mode(1=Monday, 7=Sunday)# mc # 15 # 1-7 Schedule # hhmm start hhmm end #11. Disable Passage Mode12. Enable/ disable LED blink (2 beeps = blink o ~ 4 beeps = blink on)*Warning: enabling blink mode will drain batteries more quickly.Lock will blink red when locked, green when unlocked.# mc # 16 # # mc # 18 # (for multiple users, repeat highlighted)(for multiple users, repeat highlighted) *A User Code or iButton must be programmed before Advanced Schedule Access can be applied.13.Enable Daylight Saving Time# mc # 31 #* Lock time does not change when you enable this function. The time will change according to the U.S. Daylight Saving Time schedule.14.Disable Daylight Saving Time # mc # 32 #15.Add One Time Service codes (up to 10) (for multiple users, repeat highlighted) # mc # 33 # 1-9 digit user code #16. Delete one User Code or iButton user # mc # 46 # User code or touch iButton #17. Enable Auto-UNlock function # mc # 64 #18. Disable Auto-UNlock function # mc # 65 #19.Set Automatic Unlock time (Enable function #17 rst) # mc # 63 # hhmm #20. Enable Auto-Lock function # mc # 67 #21. Disable Auto-Lock function # mc # 68 #22.Set Automatic Lock time (Enable function #20 rst) # mc # 66 # hhmm #23. Enable/Disable temporary lockout of all users #mc# 99#Advanced Schedule Access 24. Set schedule for User Code: (1=Monday, 7=Sunday)# mc # 45 # 1-9 digit User Code # 1-7 Schedule # hhmm start hhmm end #25.Set schedule for iButton user: (1=Monday, 7=Sunday) # mc # 45 # iButton key # 1-7 Schedule #hhmm start hhmm end #For Example: to set schedule from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Mon. to Friday# mc # 45 # 1-9 digit User Code # 12345 # 0800 1700 #Lock Operation GuideGeneral Information:• Door Handle: The handle is reversible so it will t both right and left-handed doors. Thehandle will always turn even when the door is locked. However, when locked, the exterior handle will not retract the latch. The interior handle will always retract the latch.• Exit Programming Mode: Enter * to exit programming mode, or wait for 10 seconds.• Low battery warning: When batteries are low, the red LED will ash and beep ve times afterentering a valid User Code.• Unlocking indicator: Green light will ash and beep twice.• Locking indicator: No light and will beep twice.• Reset: To reset the lock back to factory default settings, press and hold the reset button for 10 seconds until the light on the front of the lock starts ashing green. Release the reset button and press the # key to con rm. You will receive 3 beeps if successful.Manufacture Default Setting:• Daylight Saving Mode: Disabled • Auto Lock/Unlock: Disabled • Lock Mode: Storehouse • Default Programming Master Code: 123456• Test Code: 0 #Unlocking the Door:There are several ways to unlock the lock, including the following methods:• Keycode: Enter a User Code, then press #• iButton: Touch the iButton key to the lock reader• iButton+Keycode: Touch the iButton key to the lock reader, then enter User Code and press #• One time service code: Enter one time code, then press #• Manual key: Insert and turn the override key 90 degrees clockwise, then turn the handleTerms:Master Code (MC): The master code enters the lock into programming mode. It will not lock or unlock the lock the door. If more than 6 seconds pass in between programming entries, the lock will return to normal operational status. For maximum security change the default Master er code: User Codes are the normal codes for day-to-day operation.Service Code: Service codes can be used for maintenance personnel or vendors. Service codes only grant one-time access. A total of 10 sets of service codes can be programmed into each lock.Passage Mode: When Passage Mode is enabled, the lock will stay in an unlocked status after a valid entry code is entered. Enter a valid entry code to re-lock the door.Storehouse Mode: For each valid entry, the lock will automatically re-lock after 5 seconds.Time Format: 24 hr. clock ~ 8:30AM = 0830; 5:30PM = 1730 Schedule Date: 1=Mon, 2=Tue, 7=SunQuick Start GuideStep 1: Program a new Master Code into the lock.The Master Code DOES NOT unlock or lock the door. It is only used to program your lock. The default Master Code is 123456. For security purposes, you will need to change this to your own Master Code. Decide on a new Master Code and write it here: _____________To program a new Master Code, enter the following into the lock’s keypad:# 123456 # 11 # Your Master Code # Your Master Code Again #If done correctly , after the last # you press you’ll hear 2 beeps with 2 green ashes.Step 2: Program the Date & Time.Some functions on the lock will not work on the lock unless the date & time are programmed. Toprogram the date & time, enter the following:# Master Code # 88 # YYMMDDHHMM #Example: If the date and time is 05/30/2010 at 3:32PM, you would enter:# Master Code # 88 # 1005301532 #Step 3: Program a User Code into the lock.**Important: Your lock will not lock until a valid User Code is programmed and used on the er Codes are the codes you will use to unlock and lock your door. These codes will remain active in the lock until they are deleted (if desired). Up to 800 permanent codes can be programmed into the lock. Here is how:# Master Code # 01 # 1-9 digit user code # # # #If done correctly , you will hear two beeps after pressing the 3rd #, then a red light after the 4th #.Step 4: Set the Passage Mode. (Optional)Your lock is shipped in Storehouse Mode. This means the lock will re-lock 5 seconds after it is unlocked. To change this to passage mode, enter the following:# Master Code # 15 # 1-7 Schedule # hhmm start, hhmm end #Example: If you want the lock to always be in Passage Mode, enter:# Master Code # 15 # 1234567 # 0001 2359 # (7 days of the week from 12:01AM to 11:59PM)Step 5: Enable Daylight Saving Time.If you live in an area that observes Daylight Saving Time, you will want to enable this function. Enabling does not change the current time on the lock. The time wil change according to the U.S. Daylight Saving Time schedule. To enable, enter:# Master Code # 31 ## # # # # #。
一、准备工作:1. 打开门锁包装,将里面的零件和配件清点齐全。
2. 仔细阅读安装说明书,了解门锁的工作原理和安装要点。
3. 进行施工准备,确保门锁安装位置的平整、稳固。
二、安装过程:1. 将电子门锁安装板固定在门框上,使用螺丝刀拧紧螺丝。
2. 将门锁主体安装在安装板上,确认位置合适后,使用螺丝刀将螺丝拧紧。
3. 连接电源线,将电源线从门锁主体引出,根据指示线路进行连接。
4. 连接其他配件,根据需要连接防撬报警器、门铃等配件,确保线路连接牢固。
5. 完成连接后,将电子门锁主体与安装板对齐,轻轻抬起门锁主体,插入安装板并按下锁住。
三、调试与设置:1. 开启电源,使用电子门锁配套的开启电源工具将门锁主体的电源打开。
2. 进行用户身份验证设置,按照说明书中的方式设置用户密码或指纹等。
3. 测试门锁功能,按下门锁的开锁按钮,确认门锁正常解锁。
4. 设置其他功能,根据需要设置指纹添加、删除、密码修改等功能。
四、使用与维护:1. 仔细阅读用户手册,了解电子门锁的使用方法和注意事项。
2. 定期检查门锁的工作状态,保持门锁主体和配件的清洁干燥。
3. 遇到问题或故障时,及时联系厂家或售后服务,不要私自拆卸或修理。
五、安全注意事项:1. 安装过程中,确保电源已经关闭,以免发生触电事故。
2. 在设置用户身份验证方式时,保证密码或指纹等的机密性,避免泄露和被他人盗用。
3. 在使用电子门锁时,确保门锁主体和相关设备的正常工作状态,以免影响门锁的安全性能。
六、法律责任:1. 在安装电子门锁前,应了解并遵守当地相关的法律法规和规章制度。
2. 在使用电子门锁时,应遵守公共安全规定,不得利用门锁从事非法活动。
七、免责声明:1. 本安装说明仅供参考,具体操作以厂家提供的说明书为准。
1. 门锁类型1.1 指纹识别锁指纹识别锁可通过读取用户指纹信息来开启门锁。
其安装步骤如下:1. 清洁门锁安装位置,确保门面整洁干净。
2. 使用电钻或电锤钻孔,将门锁主体安装在门框上的合适位置,通常为门把手的下方。
3. 将指纹识别模块固定在门框上。
4. 连接门锁和指纹识别模块的电线,通电测试。
1.2 密码锁密码锁通过输入正确的密码来开启门锁。
其安装步骤如下:1. 清洁门锁安装位置,确保门面整洁干净。
2. 使用电钻或电锤钻孔,将门锁主体安装在门框上的合适位置,通常为门把手的下方。
3. 将密码输入模块固定在门框上。
4. 连接门锁和密码输入模块的电线,通电测试。
1.3 IC卡锁IC卡锁通过识别IC卡信息来开启门锁。
其安装步骤如下:1. 清洁门锁安装位置,确保门面整洁干净。
2. 使用电钻或电锤钻孔,将门锁主体安装在门框上的合适位置,通常为门把手的下方。
3. 将IC卡读取器固定在门框上。
4. 连接门锁和IC卡读取器的电线,通电测试。
2. 安装注意事项在安装智能锁时,需要注意以下事项:- 安装位置选择:根据门的材质和厚度选择合适的安装位置,确保门锁的安全性和便利性。
- 电源供给:智能锁通常需要外接电源,因此需要确保安装位置附近有可靠且稳定的电源供给。
- 密码设置:安装完成后,及时设置好开锁密码,并妥善保管,避免密码泄露。
- 使用指南:及时阅读并掌握智能锁的使用指南,了解各种功能和操作。
3. 灵活运用智能锁不同的智能锁可以互相结合,形成更加安全和便捷的使用方式。
Yale Real Living 智能锁Z-Wave模組安裝和設置指南说明书
®Installing the Z-WaveModuleTo Enroll the Module:•••To Unenroll the Module:• • • IMPORTANT: the batteries must be removed priorto removing and/or inserting the network module:• Remove battery cover.• Remove batteries.• Remove and/or insert network module.• Reinstall batteries.• Replace cover.P/N AYR200-ZW-INSTAL-FUL Rev BChanges or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by Yale Security Inc. FCC:FCC ID: UA4-YRHCPZW0LMModel: YRMZW1This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.THIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS.(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE UNDESIRED OPERATION.Industry Canada:IC: 6982A-YRHCPZW0LMModel: YRMZW1Section 7.1.2 of RSS-GEN Under Industry Canada regulations, this radio transmitter may only operate using an antenna of a type and maximum (or lesser) gain approved for the transmitter by Industry Canada. To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than that necessary for successful communication.En vertu des règlements d'Industrie Canada, cet émetteur radio ne peut fonctionner avec une antenne d'un type et un maximum (ou moins) approuvés pour gagner de l'émetteur par Industrie Canada. Pour réduire le risque d'interférence aux autres utilisateurs, le type d'antenne et son gain doivent être choisies de façon que la puissance isotrope rayonnée équivalente (PIRE) ne dépasse pas ce qui est nécessaire pour une communication réussie.Section 7.1.3 of RSS-GEN This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme avec Industrie Canada RSS standard exemptes de licence(s). Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: 1) ce dispositif ne peut causer des interférences, et 2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences qui peuvent causer un mauvais fonctionnement du dispositif.Product Support T el 800.810.WIRE (9473) • Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale® is a registered trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale Real Living™ is a trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Copyright © 2014, Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission ofY ale Security Inc. is prohibited.YALE, with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock– the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.。
门锁安装工程技术交底1. 介绍本文档旨在详细介绍门锁安装工程的技术交底内容,以确保安装人员能够正确、高效地进行门锁的安装工作。
2. 安装准备在进行门锁安装之前,需要做好以下准备工作:- 确认门锁型号、规格和数量- 准备所需的安装工具和材料- 确保安装区域的清洁和整齐3. 安装步骤步骤一:确定安装位置在安装门锁之前,需要确认安装位置。
考虑以下因素:- 安装位置的高度和合适性- 门锁与门框的配合程度- 用户使用惯和方便性步骤二:安装门锁主体按照以下步骤安装门锁主体:1. 使用正确的工具,将门锁主体固定在安装位置上。
2. 确保门锁主体与门框之间没有松动或空隙。
3. 调整门锁主体的位置,使其与门框完全吻合。
步骤三:安装锁芯和钥匙按照以下步骤安装门锁的锁芯和钥匙:1. 将锁芯插入门锁主体中,并用螺丝固定。
2. 使用正确的工具将钥匙插入锁芯,测试锁芯的灵活性和顺畅度。
步骤四:调试和测试在安装完成后,进行以下调试和测试:1. 将门锁打开和关闭多次,确保锁芯的工作正常。
2. 使用钥匙进行开锁和上锁测试,检查是否顺畅无阻。
4. 安全注意事项在进行门锁安装工作时,请务必注意以下安全事项:- 穿戴合适的工作服和个人防护装备。
- 小心使用尖锐工具,避免划伤自己或损坏门锁。
- 注意电源安全,避免触电风险。
- 如果遇到安装问题或困难,请及时向上级汇报和寻求帮助。
5. 维护和保养门锁安装完成后,请告知用户以下维护和保养注意事项:- 定期清洁门锁表面,保持其外观整洁。
- 定期润滑门锁主体和锁芯,确保其灵活性和顺畅度。
- 定期检查门锁和配件的紧固情况,修复松动或损坏的部件。
耶鲁智能锁YF1083M 智能电子锁使用者说明书
4. 低功耗模式 系统无操作超过8秒自动进入低功耗模式。
5. 低电量提示 电压低于6.8V以后,每次开锁都会自动提示“电量低,请及时 更换电池”,提示后仍可以开锁200次左右;请务必在开锁次数 归零前更新电池或充电。
外露出门平面 18-20mm
步骤 4 步骤 5
安装后底板: 将硅胶垫套入后底板(没螺柱面), 接着将后底板对准门体孔位安装到 门体室内,再用2颗M5螺丝从底板 插入,固定好锁头盖,用1颗M5螺 丝从底板插入,固定好前板,安装 成整套锁;
安装后面板总成: 将方杆插入锁体方轴,再将后面板总成安装在室内门体上,安 装时锁芯方条、反锁方条、方杆、后底板螺柱必须对准各自相 应孔位,方可锁紧固定后面板总成;
指纹 识别感应
电特性 工作环境
9组(编号001~009) 管理员可以是人脸、指纹、密码或门卡
191组(编号010~200) 普通用户可以是人脸、指纹、密码或门卡
YF 1082R / YF 1083M
* 本产品的功能和设计将会在提升质量的情况下进行更新,恕不另行通知。
1. 准备材料:套装门锁、螺丝刀、钻头和电钻。
2. 清理门面:清理好门面和门锁的安装位置,确保门面平整无杂物。
3. 安装门锁底座:将门锁底座放在门面上,用钻头在底座上打孔,然后用螺丝刀把底座紧固在门面上。
4. 安装门锁体:把门锁体插入底座内,确认门锁体和底座之间的接口无松动。
5. 安装插销:把插销插入门锁体中,然后安装插钥匙,试着转动一下,确认插销转动自如。
6. 安装锁箍:安装锁箍,把锁芯固定在门锁体上。
7. 安装把手:按照说明书上的步骤,安装好把手和锁扣。
8. 检验门锁:检验门锁是否正常运转,打开和关上门锁,转动锁芯,观察插旋是否正常。
9. 调整门锁:如有必要,请调整门锁,以确保门锁的正确运转。
二、区别门锁方向1、右( R)开门锁:门合页(门钮)位位于右边门框的为右开门。
(见图-1 )右开门(R) 室外左开门(L)图-1 左、右开门示意图三、开挖锁槽方法开挖锁槽:在门的适当高度上先开锁芯槽:在门侧中央处挖锁芯槽(见图-2 );挖好后,在门的内外以我方提供的开孔模板或图纸(见图-3)为样开孔,先在门的一边开一半(挖到锁芯槽处),再在另一面把孔开通,此操作可避免误差;说明:在门侧居中处,先挖28 mm X 157 mm,深 110 mm的锁芯槽,挖好后,同样在门侧,以锁芯槽中心为轴对称,挖一个30 mm X 206 mm,深 6 mm的浅槽。
欧式模板开孔尺寸图图-3 方型模板开四、开挖门框锁扣板槽必须在门锁安装好后才能开孔,以扣板塑料盒和锁扣板为开孔尺寸开挖。
(见图-4 )左开门扣板槽右开门扣板槽图-4 门框锁扣板槽示意图附注 1:此距离与门板外平面到锁芯组合斜舌竖平面距离的尺寸一致。
五、安装智能门锁(见图-5 示意图)智能门锁主要组成部件及安装过程如图-5 所示;请以数字顺序(部件名称见表-1)安装门锁。
2、门锁安装好后最常见问题:A 、门锁的组合斜舌不能完全伸出,解决的办法有:(1)调好锁扣扳(上、下、左、右调),和斜舌、方舌正对着,让斜舌能顺利伸缩。
Yale Assure Lever 智能门锁安装指南说明书
TemplateThis product can expose you to lead which is known to the state ofCalifornia to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.For more information go to .Preparing to InstallTemplateChecking MeasurementsDetermining Door HandingFace a door swinging openaway from you.If it swings open to the right, it is a right hand door. If it swings open to the left, it is aleft hand door.Inswinging DoorInteriorLeft Hand ReverseRight Hand ReverseFace a door swinging opentoward you.If it swings open to the right, it is a right hand reverse door. If it swings opens to the left, it is aleft hand reverse door.Outswinging DoorInteriorPreparing Door & FrameNecessary for new doors or adjusting existing prep.x4Installing Latch & Strike Plate Right Hand Installation ShownFrameInstalling TouchscreenRight Hand Installation Shownx2Installing Interior Mounting PlateRight Hand Installation ShownAttaching the Cable Assembly Right Hand Installation ShownX2Installing Interior LockRight Hand Installation ShownInstalling Exterior Key Free CylinderInstalling Exterior LeverInstalling Interior LeverTesting Mechanical OperationTest thumbturn and both levers in locked and unlocked positions.If operation fails, check installation beginning with Step 3 and refer toHardware Troubleshooting.Installing Optional Smart Module (if included) Array NOTE: If a Smart module was included with your lock, itis in a separate box with additional module installationinstructions.Installing Batteries & CoverCongratulations, you've installed the®™Yale Assure Lever Key Free Touchscreen ()!YRL256Using Your Lock instructions will helpyou customize your lock.Testing Touchscreen OperationTest with door open.A Master Enty Code must be created upon installation or after resetting the lock to factory default. Programming and use of lock is not possible until this step has been successfully completed. See of Programming Instructions below.1Resetting Lock to Factory DefaultInterior LockWhen resetting the lock, all user codes, including the Master Entry Code*,are deleted. All programming features are reset to original default settings.See “Factory Settings”.1. Remove the battery cover and batteries.2. Remove the interior lock to access the reset button.3. The reset button (see image above) is marked.4. Re-insert 3 batteries and hold the reset button for 3 seconds.5. While still holding the reset button, insert the 4th battery, and hold thereset button for an additional 3 seconds.6. Release the reset button.7. Re-install the interior lock onto the door.*Upon reset, Master Entry Code creation is the only option available andmust be performed prior to any other programming of the lock.Hardware TroubleshootingCycle lock in both the locked and unlocked positions. If problems are found:Tailpiece and spindle will not mate and fit into the interior escutcheona. Ensure that your door is between 1-3/8" and 1-3/4" thickb. Ensure that the square shaped spindle has “Top” writing and arrow facing upwardsc. Place the tailpiece in the vertical positiond. Verify that the thumb turn is in the horizontal (unlocked) positionThumbturn does not rotate electronically or physicallya. Verify that inside of the lock is properly seated on the mounting bracketb. Ensure that the square shaped spindle has “Top” writing and arrow facing upwardsc. Place the tailpiece in the vertical positiond. Verify that the thumb turn is in the horizontal (unlocked) positionI'm getting an alert when I try to lock or unlock the door electronicallya. Do not turn or depress the lever during operation, this could cause a jam alarmb. Check that thumb turn does not have anything preventing it from physically rotatingc. Verify that you can rotate thumb turn freelyMy lock is not making any sound when I push buttonsa. Using the programming tree in the manual to verify that Audio is enabledb. If Audio is enabled, ensure that the white cable, that connects the keypad to the interiorof the lock, is not pinched or brokenWhen rotating the thumbturn I hear noisea. A little bit of noise is normal when operating the thumbturnb. If cranking, grinding or clicking occurs please verify your installationThe locking pins will not retract when I try to install the leversa. If the thumb turn is in vertical (locked) position, rotate the thumb turn the horizontal(unlocked) position and it will retractNOTE TO INSTALLER AND CONSUMER®While Yale has included several features to prevent lockout(9-Volt battery jumper, low battery warnings), it is still possiblefor a lockout situation to occur. Because this product does not®have a mechanical override (a key), Yale recommends to usethis product in an environment where there are additionalentry points into the dwelling.Setting Definitions*The Master Entry Code must be created prior to any other programming of the lock.Using Your Lock Touchscreen KeypadInterior LockCreating Master Entry CodeCreating a Master Entry Code must be performed upon installation orafter resetting the lock to factory default. Programming and use of lockis not possible until this step has been successfully completed.Creating User Entry CodesMaster Entry Code must be created first.*Max user codes = 250 with Smart Module and 25 without.must enter the entry codeyou wish to delete.Unlocking Door with Entry CodeUser Name:Entry CodeMaster:Entry Code ManagementCustomizing Lock Through Settings Menu*Master Entry Code Required1. Press Yale logo to wake up lock .Lock Response: "Welcome to the Settings Menu. Press each number to hearavailable settings and then press the settings icon to enter."*The Master Entry Code must be created prior to any other programming of the lock.**Network Module Setting function appears only with Yale Smart module installed.Programming Troubleshooting* When batteries are replaced, Smart Module locks have a real time clock that will be set through the User Interface (UI); itis recommended to verify correct date and time particularly those locks operating under Daylight Saving Time (DST).FCC:Class B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Ÿ Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Ÿ Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Ÿ Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Ÿ Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Warning: Changes or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by ASSA ABLOY Residential Group could void the user'sauthority to operate the equipment.Industry Canada:This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareillage numérique de la classe A répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement.Product Support Tel 1-855-213-5841 • Y ale® and Y ale Real Living® are registered trademarks of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group.Assure Lever™ is a trademark of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group.Other products' brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respectiveowners and are mentioned for reference purposes only.© Copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express writtenpermission of ASSA ABLOY Residential Group is prohibited.®Adding a Yale Z-WavePlus Smart Module to your Assure Lock & Z-Wave System4. Open the Z-Wave system's smart home or alarm app and follow the instructions forremoving a device5. Remove the Y ale Smart Module from the slot above the battery compartmentIMPORTANT: The batteries must be removed before removing the Y ale Smart Module: • Remove battery cover• Remove batteries• Insert or remove Y ale Smart Module• Reinstall batteries• Reinstall battery cover®Removing a Yale Z-WavePlus Smart Module from your Assure Lock & Z-Wave System 1. Install the Y ale Smart Module into the slot above the battery compartmentIMPORTANT: The batteries must be removed before removing the Y ale Smart Module: • Remove battery cover• Remove batteries• Insert or remove Y ale Smart Module• Reinstall batteries• Reinstall battery coverPlease use this procedure only when network primary controller is missingor otherwise inoperable.Installing the ZigBee Module®ZigBee certified devices from other manufacturers. All non-battery operated nodes within the network will act as repeaters regardless of vendor to increase reliability of the network.To Enroll the Module (Inclusion Mode):•PIN ••To Unenroll the Module (Exclusion Mode):•PIN ••IMPORTANT:the batteries be removed prior must to removing and/or inserting the network module:•Remove battery cover.•Remove batteries.•Remove and/or insert network module.•Reinstall batteries.•Replace cover.P/N 202---Rev CAYR ZB INSTAL FULFCC:FCC ID YRHCPZB FM :U4A-0Model:2YRMZB This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the Rules.These limits are designed to provide FCC reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates,uses,and can radiate radio frequency energy and,if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However,there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception,which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on,the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuitdifferent from that to which the receiver is connected. C TV onsult the dealer or an experienced radio/technician for help.This equipment complies with radiation exposure FCC limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.Thisequipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.This device complies with Part 15 of the rules.FCC Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1)This device may not cause harmful interference,and (2) this device must accept any interference received,including interference that may cause undesired operation.Any changes or modifications not expressly approved bymanufacturer could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.IMPORTANT!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.Industry Canada:IC YRHCPZB FM :6982A-0Model:2YRMZB This Device complies with Industry Canada License-exempt RSS standard(s).Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1) this device may not cause interference,and 2) this device must accept any interference,including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Le présent appareil est conforme aux d'IndustrieCNR Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage,et (2)l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,meme si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.Important Note:Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with radiation exposure limits IC set forth for an uncontrolled environment.This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.Note Importante: (Pour l’utilisation de dispositifs mobiles)Declaration d’exposition aus radiations:Cet équipement est conforme aux limites d´exposition aux rayonnements établies pour un environnement non IC contrôlé.Cet équipment doit être installé et utilisé avec un mimimum de 20 cm de distance entre la source de rayonnement et votre corps.IMPORTANT!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.IMPORTANT!Tous les changements ou modifications pas expressément approuvés par la partie responsable de la conformité ont pu vider l’autorité de l’utilisateur pour actioner cet équipment.CAN ICES NMB -3B/-3BProduct Support Tel 1-855-213-5841•Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.YALE,with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock –the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.Y ale® and Y ale Real Living® are registered trademarks of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group Company.Other products’brand names may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners and are mentioned for reference purposes only.Copyright © 2017,Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of Y ale Security Inc.is prohibited.。
拧好转接及把手,穿好导线并对 好各安装孔的位置,放入弹簧及 方轴,将前锁体装在门上 。装后 锁体装好反锁小方杆,按正确的 接口连接好前后锁体的连接导线, 安装好弹簧及方轴,同时确保内 外锁体与锁芯可靠连接,最后用 螺丝固定。
1、将已安好的锁舌全部伸出,靠 近门框用记号笔定好位,量好尺 寸后开好孔。 2、将门扣盒安装在门框上,装上 门扣板,用螺丝固定,最后检查 锁体活动是否顺畅
1、金属门安装常用工具: 电钻、麻花钻头(常用Φ4mm、Φ12mm各款型号若干)、金属开孔器
(Φ20mm)、钳子、插线板、角尺、卷尺、螺丝刀、记号笔、锉刀、丝攻、铆 枪、铆钉、钢板切割工具(常用手持式角磨机)、焊接设备等。
2、木门安装常用工具: 电钻、麻花钻头(常用Φ4mm、Φ12mm各款型号若干)、开孔器(木
步骤一 :划线和钻孔(以及注意事项)
1、根据安装图纸所示尺寸,在门上标出有关孔位的轮 廓线和圆孔中心线,按标注尺寸钻出各安装孔,即可开 始安装门锁。 2、2、注意事项:(1)因锁的开门方式不一样则安装模上 开孔孔位也不一样,所以划线前必须先根据锁的开门方 式确定安装模上哪些孔位为需开孔孔位。(2)在安装前首 先确定锁的安装高度,在确定高度后用安装模贴在相应 的位置,然后用铅笔画出需开孔的位置(具体见安装图 纸)。(3)画孔时安装模折边一定要和门框垂直,否则会 造成锁体安装后不能和门保持垂直。(4)锁芯一般情况下 要求安装在门厚中间位置。(5)门框上开孔时,一定要根 据门的厚度,测量好所要开的孔距门框边的距离(要量 准,不然锁舌将因位置不对而无法弹出不能锁门,或门 缝间隙太大造成上锁后,门可前后小幅摆动,给人一种 门关的不紧的感觉!)。
约尔关锁系统安装程序手册(YAL 167-S YARD-ASB1S)说明书
FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGE TOTHE PRODUCT AND VOID THE FACTORY WARRANTYPreparing Door!Refer to template forcorrect door prepx4Installing Latch & Strike PlateInstalling Touchscreen Escutcheonx2Installing Interior Mounting PlateLoosen screw toAttaching the Cable Assemblyx3Installing Interior EscutcheonTesting OperationInstalling Batteries/Handing the LockLock automatically adjusts for proper handing.Installing Optional Network ModuleInstalling CoverCongratulations, you've installed the Yale Assure Lock®™SL Key Free Touchscreen Deadbolt ()!256/456YRD YRDContinue to Programming Instructionsto customize your product.Programming InstructionsInterior Escutcheon"P" Key(Use Alkaline battery)Exterior EscutcheonCreating Master CodePIN1Creating a Master Code must be performed upon installation or afterPIN resetting the lock to factory default.Programming and use of lock is not possible until this step has been successfully completed.Creating User CodesPIN 2Master code must be created first.PIN *Max user codes = 250 with Network Module.Max user codes = 25 without.3Unlocking Door with CodePIN ArrayDuplicate if necessaryPIN Code Management(With Network Module-Up to250Users) User TypeUser Name User #PIN Code MasterUser ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___User ___Resetting Lock to Factory DefaultInterior EscutcheonFactory Settings*The Master code must be registered prior to any other programming of the lock.PIN When lock is reset to factory defaults all user codes(including the Master code*) are deleted and allPIN programming features are reset to original default settings(see below).1. Remove the battery cover and batteries.2. Remove the interior escutcheon to access the resetbutton.3. The reset button (see image at right) is located besidethe cable connector.PCB 4. While pressing the reset button (minimum of 3 seconds)reinstall batteries. Release reset button.5. Replace battery cover.Upon reset, Master Code creation is the only optionPIN available and must be performed prior to any otherprogramming of the lock.DefinitionsAll Code Lockout Mode:This feature is enabled by the Master code. When enabled, it restricts all user (except Master)PINREDcode access. When attempting to enter a code while the unit is in Lockout, the locked padlock will appear on the screen.Automatic Re-lock Time:After a successful code entry and the unit unlocks, it will automatically re-lock after thirty (30) seconds.Inside Indicator Light:Located on the interior escutcheon. Shows active status (Locked) of lock and can be enabled or Advanced Lock Settingsdisabled in the(Main Menu selection #3).Language Setting Mode:Choosing English (1), Spanish (2) or French (3) becomes the (default) setting for the lock's voice prompts.REDLow Battery:When battery power is low, the Low Battery Warning indicatorflashes. If battery power is completely lost, use the 9Volt battery override. To use the 9V battery override apply 9V battery, in either direction, to terminals below the touchscreen for backup power option. Wake up the lock and enter your pin code to unlock the door.PINMaster Code:It must be created prior to PIN The Master code is used for programming and for feature settings.programming the lock.The Master code will also operate (unlock/lock) the lock.Network Module Setting:With the optional Network Module installed, this setting becomes available thru the Main Menu (7) and allows the lock to connect with a network controller.One Touch Locking:When the latch is retracted, activating the keypad will extend the latch (during Automatic Re-lock duration or when Automatic Re-lock is disabled). When One-Touch Re-lock is in use any valid code willnot(disabled),PINre-lock the lock.Previous:While in Menu Mode, pressing this icon cancels the current operation and returns the user to the previous step.Privacy Mode:Privacy mode is disabled by default. Enable Privacy mode by pressing the privacy button for 4 seconds to put the lock in do-not-disturb mode (all pin codes are disabled).REDShutdown Time:The unit will shutdown (flashing) for sixty (60) seconds and not allow operation after the wrong code entry limit (5 attempts) has been met.Tamper Alert:Audible alarm sounds if attempting to forcibly remove outside lock from door.PIN The User code operates the lock. Maximum number of user codes is 250 with Network Module; without User Code:PINNetwork Module, maximum is 25 user codes. Note: When deleting User code(s), screen will display User Number (not PIN code) being deleted.PINThe volume setting for code verification is set to by default; otherwise it can be set to Volume Setting Mode:Low (2)or for quiet areas.High (1)Silent (3)PINWrong Code Entry Limit:Afterfive (5) unsuccessful attempts at entering a valid code, the unit will shut down and not allow operation.Feature Programming Through Menu Mode Using Master code*PINM2312. Enter 4-8 digit master PINFollow the voice commands.*The Master code must be registered prior to any other programming PINof the lock.Programming Troubleshooting*When batteries are replaced,Network Module locks have a real time clock that will be setUIthrough the User Interface();it is recommended to verify correct date and timeparticularly those locks operating under Daylight Saving Time ().DST** Network Module locks onlyHardware TroubleshootingCycle lock in both the locked and unlocked positions.If problems are found:NOTE TO INSTALLER AND CONSUMER®While Yale has included several features to prevent lockout(9-Volt battery jumper,low battery warnings),it is still possiblefor a lockout situation to occur.Because this product does not®have a mechanical override (a key),Yale recommends to usethis product in an environment where there are additionalentry points into the dwelling.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.Product Support T el 800.810.WIRE (9473)•Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.YALE , with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock–the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.FCC:Class B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digitaldevice, pursuant to Part 15 of the Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in aFCC residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/technician for help.TV Industry Canada:This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference CausingEquipment Regulations.Cet appareillage numérique de la classe A répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement.Warning:Yale Security Inc.Changes or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by could void the user's authority tooperate the equipment.Y ale and Y ale Real Living are registered trademarks of Y ale Security Inc., an Group Company.Assure Lock is ®®ASSA ABLOY ™a trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an Group Company.Other products’brand names may be trademarks or ASSA ABLOY registered trademarks of their respective owners and are mentioned for reference purposes only.© Copyright 2017.Y ale Security Inc., an Group Company.All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the expressASSA ABLOY written permission of Y ale Security Inc.is prohibited.。
耶鲁YALE ymh70指纹锁智能锁使用说明整理版
耶鲁YALE YMH70指纹锁智能锁使用说明整理版因为纸质说明书逻辑性不强,不易记忆,特作此整理,以作备忘。
使用者密码访问者密码一次性密码指纹门卡一般模式 1 1 1 40 40管理模式30 0 1 40 402、切换方法3、特别注意:在模式切换时,会删除所有的密码,包括卡跟指纹。
Yale 4123 门禁系统说明书
HingeEdgeofDoorHingeEdgeofDoor2"DOOR CLOSERNO HOLD OPENINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONPARALLEL ARM INSTALLATIONCLOSER MOUNTED ON DOOR ON PUSH SIDELEFT HAND DOOR ILLUSTRATED. Same dimensionsapply for Right Hand Door measured from hinge edge.AB C B CFOR OPENINGTO 120°FOR OPENING180°~ 120°19/16"(230mm)157/16"(176mm)58/8"(219mm)76/16"(164mm)17/8"(181mm)31/41. Select degree of opening and use dimensions shown in above template to markfour holes on door for closer and four holes on frame for parallel bracket.2. Drill pilot holes in door and frame for #14 wood screws or drill and tape for 1/4-20(M6X1.0) machine screws.3. Mount closer on door WITH SPEED REGULATING SCREW AWAY FROMHINGE EDGE.4. Attach parallel bracket to door stop as illustrated.5. Using a wrench on the square shaft on bottom of closer, rotate shaft approximately45° toward hinge edge of door. Hold and place main arm on shaft on top of closerat proper index mark as illustrated. FOR LEFT HAND DOOR No . 3 (illustration"A")FOR RIGHT HAND DOOR No .2 (illustration"B"). Tighten arm screw withlockwasher securely.6. Remove the arm shoe from the forearm (arm shoe is not used in this application)and place forearm on parallel bracket stud and tighten screw securely.7. Adjust length of forearm so when it is attached to main arm, the main arm willbe slightly away from parallel with closed door, and assemble at elbow then tightenlocknut.INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONSCLOSING POWER─As per "Spring Tension Chart" select the correct number5of turns for spring adjustment nut that corresponds with the installation. Using /32"(4mm) allen key, turn adjustment nut full 360°clockwise turns to desired setting.SPEED─Door closing and latching speeds are controlled by #1, #2 speedregulating screw separately.A. Clockwise turns slow the speed.B. Counterclockwise turns increase the speed.BACK-CHECK ADJUSTMENT─is controlled by the adjustment valve, BACK-CHECK is now set for soft action. To INCREASE Back-check action turn valveCLOCKWISE. To DECREASE, or to TURN OFF Backcheck action turn valveCOUNTER CLOCKWISE.STANDARD INSTALLATIONCLOSER MOUNTED ON DOOR ON PULL SIDETHIS TEMPLATE COVERS REGULAR ARM INSTALLATIONS TO 180°OPENINGS.apply for Left hand door measured from hinge edge.ABFOR OPENING FOR OPENINGTO 120° 120°~180°C B C19/16" (230mm)5/"(149mm)12/"(306mm)3/"(82.5mm)8/"(225mm)ABFOR OPENING FOR OPENINGTO 120° 120°~180°C B C19/" (230mm)165/"(148mm)12"(305mm)4/"(105mm)10/"(262mm)TOP JAMB INSTALLATIONCLOSER MOUNTED TOP JAMB ON PUSH SIDE OF DOORTHIS TEMPLATE COVERS REGULAR ARM INSTALLATIONS TO 180°OPENINGS.13Reveals of 2/4" (70mm) to 5/2FULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUM DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN581117195 Pound Opening ForceMAXIMUM TURNS32"(813mm)28"(711mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)36"(914mm)32"(813mm)24"(610mm)32"(813mm)28"(711mm)FULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUM DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN1613171918 /2 Pound Opening Force32"(813mm)32"(813mm)32"(813mm)28"(711mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)42"(1067mm)24"(610mm)28"(711mm)SPRING TENSION-Door size ChartFULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUN DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN5 Pound Opening ForceFULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUN DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN1613171918 /2 Pound Opening Force32"(813mm)32"(813mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)42"(1067mm)28"(711mm)32"(813mm)32"(813mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)54"(1373mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)28"(711mm)SPRING TENSION-Door size Chart161319SIZE 1 TO 4SIZE 2 TO 5SIZE 1 TO 4SIZE 2 TO 5FULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUN DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN5 Pound Opening ForceFULL TURNSOF SPRINGADJUSTMENTSCREWMAXIMUN DOOR WIDTHINTERIORDOOR SIZEEXTERIOR DOOR SIZESWING OUT SWING IN1613171918 /2 Pound Opening Force32"(813mm)32"(813mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)42"(1067mm)28"(711mm)32"(813mm)32"(813mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)36"(914mm)36"(914mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)54"(1373mm)42"(1067mm)48"(1219mm)28"(711mm)161319SIZE 1 TO 4SIZE 2 TO 5。
慧谈 Yale Real Living 智能门锁用户手册说明书
Set screwsx2Hex keyx1M4 x 25.4mm pan head machinescrewsx2#7 wood & #8-32machine x 20mm Combination screwsx4M4 x 8mm pan head machinescrewsx4FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS COULD RESULT IN DAMAGEPreparing to InstallLeft HandHinges Left.Open Inward.“LH”Left Hand ReverseHinges Left.Open Outward“LHR”The hand of a door is determined from the secure side of the door. The term "secure" means the side from which you initially unlock and enter.The hand of a door is determined from the secure side of the door. The term "secure" means the side from which you initiallyunlock and enter.Right Hand Hinges Right.Open Inward.“RH”Right Hand Reverse Hinges Right.Open Outward “RHR”x4Installing Latch & Strike PlateLeft Hand Installation ShownDo not remove clip until Step 6Installing Exterior Keypad Escutcheon Left Hand Installation Shownx2Loosen screw toInstalling Interior Mounting Plate Left Hand Installation ShownAttaching the Cable Assembly Left Hand Installation Shownx4Installing Interior Escutcheon Left Hand Installation Shownx1Installing Exterior LeverTesting OperationInside of DoorLeft Hand Door Shown Right Hand Door ShownAlmost done! Turn sheet over to finish installation and customize your product with Programming Instructions.Installing Interior Leverx1Installing Interior Lever con'tInstalling Optional Radio ModuleInside ofLeft Hand DoorInstalling Batteries & CoverCongratulations, you've installed the Yale Real Living™ Push Button Lever!Continue with Programming Instructions to customize your product.Resetting Lock to Factory DefaultInterior EscutcheonFCC:Class B EquipmentThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with theinstructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful Interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Industry Canada:This Class A digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference Causing Equipment Regulations.Cet appareillage numérique de la classe A répond à toutes les exigences de l'interférence canadienne causant des règlements d'équipement.Warning: Changes or modifications to this device, not expressly approved by Yale Security Inc. could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.When lock is reset to factory defaults all user codes (including the Master PIN code*) are deleted and all programming features are reset to original default settings (see below).1. Remove the battery cover and batteries.2. Remove the interior escutcheon to access the reset button.3. The reset button (see image at right) is located above the PCB cable connector.4. While pressing the reset button (minimum of 3 seconds) reinstall batteries. Release reset button.5. Replace battery cover.Upon reset, Master PIN Code creation is the only option available and must be performed prior to any other programming of the lock.Hardware TroubleshootingCycle lock in both the locked and unlocked positions. If problems are found:Door is bindinga. Check that door and frame are properly aligned and door is free swinging.b. Check hinges: They should not be loose or have excessive wear on knuckles.Latch will not deadlocka. Check for sufficient clearance of the latch within the strike-side jamb. Correct this byincreasing the depth of the pocket for the latch.b. Check for misalignment of latch and/or strike which may be preventing latch fromproperly entering the strike. With the door open, extend and retract the latch; if it issmooth, check the strike alignment.Latch does not extend or retract smoothlya. Latch and strike are misaligned, see above.b. Check the backset of door relative to adjustments already made to latchc. Verify proper door preparation and re-bore holes that are too small or misaligned.d. Verify keypad wire harness is routed under the latch (see Fig. A).e. Verify latch is installed with correct side up (Fig. A).Interior of DoorFigure AChanging Lock: Replacing Cylinder1. To Remove cylinder:See installation Step 6 "Installing Exterior Lever" and reverse appropriateactions to remove the exterior lever handle and cylinder.2. To install new cylinder:A. Follow appropriate actions of installation Step 6 "Installing Exterior Lever"to replace the cylinder and exterior lever handle.B. Test operation of new cylinder and key by following "Testing Operation".Product Support T el 800.810.WIRE (9473) • Y ale Locks & Hardware is a division of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale® is a registered trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Y ale Real Living™ is a trademark of Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.Copyright © 2014, Y ale Security Inc., an ASSA ABLOY Group company.All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission of Y ale Security Inc. is prohibited.YALE, with its unique global reach and range of products, is the world's favorite lock– the preferred solution for securing your home, family and personal belongings.ASSA ABLOY is the global leader in door opening solutions,dedicated to satisfying end-user needs for security, safety and convenience.Programming InstructionsMaster PIN Code must be created before any further programming.Max User Codes = 250 with Network Module. Max User Codes = 25 without.1Creating Master PIN Code2Creating User PIN CodesMaster PIN code must be created first.*Max user codes = 250 with Network Module. Max user codes = 25 without.3Unlocking Door with PIN CodeFactory Settings*The Master PIN code must be registered prior to any other programming of the lock.PIN Code Management (With Network Module - Up to 250 Users)MasterUser ___User ___User ___User Name User TypePIN CodeUser #DefinitionsAll Code Lockout Mode: This feature is enabled by the Master code. When enabled, it restricts all user (except Master) PIN code access. When attempting to enter a code while the unit is in Lockout, the keypad flashes 8 times and the lock beeps 3 times as well.Audio Mode: Choosing Disable (3) in Audio mode shuts off the code confirmation tone play-back for use in quiet areas. Audio mode is enabled or disabled through feature programming by the Master code.Automatic Re-lock Time: After a successful unlock, the unit will automatically re-lock after thirty (30) seconds. Low Battery: When battery power is low, the Status Indicator flashes RED. If battery power is completely lost, use the key override.Master PIN Code: The Master PIN code is used for programming and for feature settings. It must be created prior to programming the lock. The Master code will also operate (unlock/lock) the lock.Network Setting: This setting is available thru the main Menu (7) and allows the lock to connect with a network controller. It is also available through the wireless button on the interior escutcheon.One Touch Locking: When the latch is retracted, activating the keypad will extend the latch (during Automatic Re-lock duration or when Automatic Re-lock is disabled).Shutdown Time: The unit will shut down (flashing keypad) for sixty (60) seconds and not allow operation after the wrong code entry limit has been met.Tamper Alert: Audible alarm sounds if attempting to forcibly remove outside lock from door.User PIN Code: The User code operates the lock. Maximum number of user codes is 250 with Network Module; without Network Module, maximum is 25 user codes.Wrong Code Entry Limit: After five (5) unsuccessful attempts at entering a valid PIN code, the unit will shut down and not allow operation.Feature Programming Through Menu ModeUsing Master PIN code*M User Number (UN)*The Master PIN code must be registered prior to any other programming of the lock.Programming Troubleshootingis recommended to verify correct date and time particularly those locks operating under Daylight Saving Time (DST).。
、开锁测试:用钥匙进行开锁测试,看是否可以正常开关第八步:测试:1 、拔拉测试:拔拉前后手柄,看是否会脱落,正常情况是不会脱落的
2 第九步:安装
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