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• 打喷嚏( sneeze) 是一种生理现象, 但在公共场合或与朋友聚会, 绝对禁 止冲着他人打喷嚏。这是中西都有 的禁忌。实在要打喷嚏或擤鼻子时, 要用纸或手绢捂着鼻子, 转过身去。 事后还要说一声对不起( Excuse me) 周围的人会说一声“上帝保佑 你” ( God bless you) ,或“ 祝你健 康” ( keep fit/wish you healthy) 的 话语, 其来源说法不一。
公共场合禁忌( taboos in public places)
• 在英语国家, 人们在公共场合活动要严格按 照先来后到的顺序, 严禁别人打扰。比如到 邮局或银行办事, 或到某处参观, 人们会根 据先来后到的顺序排起队来, 并保持一定的 距离。他人不能加塞儿( queen- jumping) 。 到餐馆用餐, 如果人多客满, 后到的人不能 打扰先到的人, 必须在门口等候, 也不可到 餐厅内任意游走, 或自己找位指在 某个民族或宗教 传统文化里禁忌 的一些事物,行 动或言语。
• 十八世纪英国航海家库克来到南太平洋的 汤加群岛,发现那里有许多奇特的现象, 例如,某些东西只允许特定的头等人物(神、 僧侣、国王、酋长)使用,而不允许一般人 沾边;或只允许作特定的用途,而不准用 于一般的目的;或不许某一社会集团(例如 妇女)的人使用等等。那里的居民称这种禁 忌为taboo 直译为“塔布”。
• 厕所 在美国一般都叫rest room或bath room(男女厕均可) 或分别叫做 men‘s room 或 ladies‘ room(=powder room),不过在飞机上,则叫 lavatory,在军中又叫 latrine。至于 W.C.(water closet)乃是过去英国人用的, 在美国,几乎没有人使用。 • 此外,john是 bath room 或 toilet 的意思(也叫 outhouse),这通常是指在户外工作场地所使用的临时或 流动性厕所(有时前面也加 portable 一字)。 • He went to the john a few minutes ago.(他在几分钟前 上了厕所。) • 其他说法pass water, answer nature’ s call, wash one’ s hands, do one’ s business等等
关键词:禁忌;文化差异;跨文化交际能力禁忌(taboo) 源于太平洋汤加群岛的T ogan(汤加语),是一种普遍的文化现象,指通过禁止人们实施某种行为或者回避某些话语表达对神灵的敬畏或达到消灾避祸目的的规范。
西方人注重个人隐私,不喜欢过多询问私人信息 中方更注重礼貌和谦虚,有时会过分夸大自己的能力或成就 西方人表达方式较为直接,中方表达方式较为委婉含蓄 西方人强调个人独立,中方强调家庭、亲情和友情
第 四
忌西 章
话题禁忌:中西方对于某些话题有不同的敏感度,如宗教、政治等。 词语禁忌:某些词语在中西方文化中具有不同的含义或敏感性。 表达方式禁忌:中西方在表达方式上存在差异,如委婉语和直接表达等。 礼仪禁忌:中西方在礼仪方面存在差异,如称呼、问候、告别等。
中西方语言禁忌的差异源于文化背景 和社会地位的不同。
在西方,语言禁忌与宗教、政治等 敏感话题相关,而在中国,语言禁 忌则与家庭、职业等社会地位相关。
中西方语言禁忌的差异反映了不同文 化背景下人们的社会地位和价值观的 差异。
了解中西语言禁忌的文化内涵有助于 跨文化交流和沟通。
西方语言禁忌主要涉及宗教、 政治等敏感话题
中国语言禁忌则更多地与道 德、礼仪、吉利等有关
中西语言禁忌的差异源于文 化背景的不同
中西语言禁忌都反映了各自 的民俗习惯和价值观念
第 六
价忌西 章
语言禁忌与跨文化交际能 力
语言禁忌在不同文化中的表现 形式
跨文化交际能力在避免语言禁 :原始社会中的崇拜 和信仰
发展:封建社会的等级制 度和宗教观念
演变:现代社会的多元文 化和全球化趋势
跨文化交流中的语言禁忌: 不同文化背景下的语言禁
禁忌在英语中用“ taboo” 表示, 谈话反而更加投机。中国人在形 容二人关系密切时, 形容“ 亲密无间, 无所不谈” 。清朝文人 张潮甚至说: “ 言妻子难言之情, 乃为密友。(杜学增:《 ” 中英
大教喻 2 0 2月 中 刊 料0 6年 号 旬
地存在着一些奇怪的社会现象,如某些词语允许某一特定 的人群使用, 而禁止一般人群使用。 当地居民将这种忌讳现 象称为“ taboo" ,James Cook将该词引进英语, 即为“ 禁忌”禁 。 忌就是在 日常生活或工作中禁止人们做某种事情或说某种 话, 或忌讳人们做某种事情或说某种话。 它不仅来源于人们 对某种神秘力量的畏惧 ,而且也包含着人们在与大 自然作 斗争中长期积累的经验,以及在长期的人际交往中所形成 的社会礼俗。禁忌作为一种社会现象, 它的产生、 存在和延 续有着明显的历史和社会文化根源。 在科学不发达的时代, 人们相信某些言语 、 器物或行为会招致厄运或灾难。 为了保 证平安幸福的生活, 人们自 觉或不自 觉地保护禁忌的权威,
中 西 禁 忌 比 较 及 其 启 示
孔 志红
(泰州实验学校, 泰州 225300) 江苏
摘 要: 英汉民族的文化有其共性, 更富有个性。由于 文化传统、 社会规范与民族风俗的差异, 英汉文化中存在着
不同的禁忌。 为加深中西文化与语言之间的认识, 本文从文
18世纪英国航海家 James Cook来到汤加群岛 (Tonga), 发现当
文化习俗比较》 )
中国人和西方人对个人隐私概念的差别除了体现在 日 常交谈中, 还体现在在家接待客人的习惯上。 通常西方人是
在客厅中接待客人, 卧室是属于个人隐私的地方, 他们不会
带客人参观 自己的卧室。西方人的房屋在设计时也体现了 这种理念。 客人在客厅不会直接看到主人卧室。 而在中国情 况恰恰相反。 卧室和客厅没有什么间隔, 通常客人在客厅就 能看到卧室里的情况。客人如想参观一下主人的卧室也很
三、跨文化交际禁忌习俗的表现形式1. 言语禁忌:不同文化对言语的使用有着不同的规范和禁忌。
2. 行为禁忌:不同文化对行为有着不同的规范和期望。
3. 礼仪禁忌:不同文化在礼仪方面有着各自的规范和习俗。
四、应对跨文化交际禁忌的策略1. 了解并尊重对方的文化:在跨文化交际中,了解并尊重对方的文化是避免误解和冲突的关键。
1.朝鲜人对金达莱花(即杜鹃花)有着特殊的感情,认为是其民族的化身,并且象征着繁荣昌盛,幸福永存,因此将她作为国花。对于木槿花,朝鲜人也极为昵爱,认为她象征着坚毅不屈。因此,也有人说朝鲜的国花是木槿花。朝鲜人最欣赏的动物,是熊和虎。前者,被视为其民族的祖先。后者,在民间则被当作山神。过去,朝鲜人普遍崇拜太阳神,认为白色代表阳光,所以他们对白色厚爱。) 朝鲜人很不喜欢“4”这个数字,因为它的发音与“死”类似,被视为只会预示着厄运。朝鲜人递接东西以用双手为佳。在他人面前,不得吐痰、擤鼻涕、掏耳朵。
二、中西禁忌语的差异1. 宗教禁忌中西方文化中的宗教禁忌有着明显的差异。
2. 社会礼仪禁忌中西方文化中的社会礼仪禁忌也存在差异。
3. 性别禁忌中西方文化中的性别禁忌也存在差异。
中国某某某某学校学生毕业设计(论文)题目:中英禁忌习俗比较姓名:0000000000000班级、学号:00000000系(部) :经济管理系专业:商务英语指导教师:00000000000开题时间:2009-04-10完成时间:2009-11-082008 年11月08 日目录课题:中英禁忌习俗比较一、课题(论文)提纲二、内容摘要三、参考文献Comparison of Customs of Taboosin China and English-speaking Countries00000000Abstract:There are different culture in the different countries and areas, since it has the difference cultural so there is difference views to treat some matter's .We often said that China culture and the West culture are always have difference, that is to say we have the very big difference in the aspect of cultural custom, therefore the view and the procedure are not the same on the matter, which Also formed our own culture and customs. There are some things we believe that it is feasible in our China, but the English-speaking countries think that is can not be done. On the contrary, English-speaking countries believed that is can be done while we think that it is not allowed, so it comes out own taboos. Though what are the customs of taboo exist in English-speaking countries and China ?In this paper from different perspectives compared about the English-speaking countries and China's customs taboos, such as from the social taboos, festivals taboo, superstition taboos and other aspects were compared. In which the social taboos is compared from few aspects. For example, privacy of taboos and shook hands of taboos and exchange of taboos etc. By these comparisons so that we can understand the cultural taboos, whichcan be helpful later in life, especially in the business dealings. Keywords: Taboo; compare; English-speaking countries; China IntroductionIn people's social interaction, especially exchanges of Intercultural usually encounter some very sensitive issues, which is taboo. It is like an invisible precepts make the of the people's language and behavior to be shackled, it is a major obstacle in communication of Intercultural.Generally speaking, the "taboo" is the concept of customs. It with the Prohibition of the legal system and the word "no" on the moral standards sense all of these have a very clear distinction. In customs, the ban of like the "taboo" is set up based on the Common beliefs. Self (I group) due to feel fear the result in the "restrain" self is the basic components of taboo, and it hold a dominant position in the taboo. Entire meaning of "ban", is from the common taboo, and from the collective consciousness of the "self-inhibition" not exist “the imposition of will" and "insist on the concept." is does not exist. The process of taboo implementation must be through the mind, and therefore it belongs to prohibited form under the natural state of folk .So, they can be also directly called "folk taboo", that is, we discussed the "taboo" word is the same as "folk goes. They are distinguished by the legal system orcode of ethics of the other prohibited forms.Each language has own taboos, such as: English-speaking countries bogey figure 13. According to the BIBLE recorded that at the last supper, Judas betrayed Jesus is the 13th on the table, so the 13 is a main culprit in number. As a result, there is no 13th room on the restaurant, and inviting guests taboo 13 people, and the important events to avoid the monthly 13. Another example in the Anglo-American and other Western countries, the black cats has been regarded as a taboo animal. If the people face a black cat across the street and towards them, which would be herald impending catastrophe. In addition, they are not very like an elephant. When you dealing with the British, and you need to know the main folk taboos of British also have the following five: First, taboo in public sneezing, second taboo is use the same match consecutive lit three cigarettes, third is a taboo they leave their shoes on the table, four is a taboo in the house umbrella, five is the taboo walk from the base of the ladder. In China, taboo 4, because "four" sounds like "death" is not propitious. Ancestor's name and the names of elders can not be directly addressed him without concealing anything. During the Spring Festival people would like to say good words, and bogey curse the child, the traditional belief that if the children started to suffer the verbal abuse, she or heshould pay a whole year curse. Chinese people are used to eat with chopsticks, so there’re some taboos about you use chopsticks at the dinner table. This paper from various aspects compared taboos of the English-speaking countries and China. It is not only compared from the social taboos but also from the privacy of taboos, festivals taboos, language taboos, and many other sides. So that makes people understand taboos of the English-speaking countries and China1. The meaning of tabooThe reason of in the traditional custom or social custom we should to avoid using some words or doing some act, which is taboo.Taboo as the psychological tradition of core of faith is a human universally possessed a cultural phenomenon. It condensed the human psychology original, desire and fantasy, and reflecting the social spiritual cultural with the level of the material cultural and ethnic, times of spirit cultural guide. We are live in the networks of taboo.Taboos, on the one hand are referring to "sacred" or "unclean" and "dangerous" things; on the other hand, it refers to a prohibition, that is word and behavior are "prohibited" or psychological be "inhibited" in a kind of behavior control mode. Like this kind ofthings and such a ban is entirely interlinked between them, and actually they are the same thing not two different things, because the production of such a ban actually is result from people's awareness of such a class of things (mental reflection). So, in other words, taboo is sacred, dirty, and dangerous things, and because of their attitudes of towards taboo formed some sort of ban.2. Comparison of Social taboosCustom is formed in social interaction of people. Besides language, people have many other aspects of interaction. In the many of communication process, everyone found them self proper location and manner of social existence, and incorporated them self into the framework of a certain social customs. That is, people will be in compliance with the many aspects of social Taboos. Whether consciously or not,In the English-speaking countries, the man visiting a person subject to prior appointment, and taboo a surprise visit. Otherwise, the respondents will felled unhappy, because this sudden call caused them a great inconvenience and disrupted her or his work scheme. Visit someone you should on time, but by the convention, in particular by to visiting a dinner or party, the American habit of late 3-5 minutes to arrive and 10 minutes late is no problem, which is to give the hostess a little time to make up. Although it is nottaboo in the China the surprise visit, and the respondents would not feel unhappy, but when you go to visit you had better to tell the owner in advance so that it will not cause owner inconvenience and can also give the scheduled time to the respondents for making arrangement in advance.2.1 Handshake tabooChinese usually shake hands with the right hand, and the gesture should be generous nature, look at each other with a smile. Your hand use a little power with shaking up and down slightly and you must be avoid casual, look around, or nod both hands. Handshake order is: by the owner, older persons, the higher status, and Ladies first reach out, for the guests, young persons, the low status of persons, and men when you meet with them you should first greeting and wait the other side held out his hand and then you grip. Do not cross shake hands with people when you need to shake hands with many people, you should wait for others finish shake hands then reach out your hand. Do not sit to shake hands with others. When you Shake hands your hand shouldn’t dirty, If you meet with people when you wear gloves, the gloves should be off on the left hand, then shake hands to show courtesy. If men and women shaking hands, the woman did not off gloves, the man can also didn’t off gloves. To subordinates or younger, you shouldenthusiastic initiatively stretch your hand, to show your care and easy to approach. when you Met old colleagues and old friends or old classmates, your hands should be faraway extended and clasp other’s hand, handshake taboo that the above mentioned is the same in the English-speaking countries, but there’s a little bit different they can not shake hands at the same time with three people because they are taboo 3.2.2 Communicate tabooThere are often different communication methods and characteristics on different occasions. In China's social occasions should avoid unnecessary controversy. Argument is easy to hurt other’s self-esteem, so the other would be disgusted with you. In general, argue under the unnecessary situation is not desirable. Because many ideas, plans etc is not necessarily used a way of argue to get. Don’t use the type of question tone. The type of Questioned tone often has a certain smell of gunpowder more or less. Some people love to use questioning tone to correct other people's mistakes, which can undermine the feelings of both sides. Person who questioned by you will be at loss, and their self-esteem suffered a tremendous blow. Respect for others is necessary conditions of the art of conversation. Do not boast your personal life to strangers, such as your personal accomplishments, your rich, orhow great your son. Do not put friends shortcomings and failures as conversation information in the public, and do not always repeat the same topic, and don’t complain and whine everywhere, complain and whining is not a good means to win sympathy. For the things you do not know, you do not pretend to experts. Don't pretend to know (or understand) when you don't. It is a kind of dishonest behavior of self-deception; you know how much, and then you say them, no one is asking you to make an encyclopedia. Even though a knowledgeable people would not know what is it. So, frankly admit that you are ignorant of certain things; it is by no means a disgrace. On the contrary, others will think your remarks are worthy of consideration, because you are not hypocrisy and bragging.It is a taboo that the distance of tow legs can not be too wide, and can’t sit cross-legged, poising one foot in the air when you sat talking With the Englishman. In front of their face taboo whispering and tapping the shoulders and back, also it is taboo to clutch mouth with hands and watch them with laugh; people think this is a manner of laughing at people. Conversing with the British, you can’t relate to the king, the royal family, the church, as well as the contradiction among the various regions of the United Kingdom, in particular don’t gossip about the Queen, the succession and gossip about the independence of Northern Ireland. When you are dealingwith the British, you need to know the main folk taboos of British there are five points you need to know following: First, a taboo in public sneezing, second, a taboo use the same match consecutive lit three cigarettes, third is a taboo you leave your shoes on the table, four is a taboo open umbrella in the house, five is the taboo walking from the base of the ladder.2.3 Taboo of languageIn English, racial discrimination is an important part of taboo language .This phenomenon in America English has been particularly evident. African-American receipt discrimination in history and the racial discrimination words in the past that people used to curse black people had becoming sensitive and it become a taboo. For example, nigger is a kind of complete taboo language with a strong insulting color, Negro bring with contempt means, so it is a taboo. Now people called African American blacks as blacks or African American. In English there are some contain black word is taboo. In English "white" means innocence pure ,clean, charity and so on - these are commendatory word have a positive meaning; while black is a related to the "evil" "sin," "dirty" and so on. Such as: blackguard (villain), blacklist (black list), black mark (stain), etc. the intention of the word washroom is a place for washing hands or face, but actually it mean’s toilet, when the British go to the toiletthey will not directly state that "the toilet" and remind other people is the same to do, they don’t direct reference to the word toilet. If you to want the toilet, you can say "go to the men's room”or "to a woman's room", you can also say, "Please forgive give me a few minutes," or "I want to wash my hands" and so on. When children want to the toilet they say "I'm going to that place." Among friends and family, "100" is the most commonly used words.Chinese people would have honor theme’s ancestors custom. Han, Oroqen, Ewenki, Kazakhs, Buyei, Tibetan, and many other ethnic ancestors have this kind of taboo in the matter of practice worship ancestor. Oroqen think that directly address ancestors name is non-respect for their ancestors and fear of the ancestor’s wrath result of disaster on children and grandchildren. For the elders, people don not dare to address him by name, or even can’t tell others the elder’s, else that the own family will birth a child without joints. If you have any object name is the same as the elders, the object should be change of the name, and change a statement. Otherwise, it wills early death. Up to now, children are still taboo address him by the name of their elders, but also can not call the nicknames of the elders and with their elders the same name or a homophone is also been taboo. In particular taboo that the name must be not the same as the elder, or a homophonic wordof younger. Otherwise, others think that you don’t respect elders it is “cheat ancestors" behavior. When younger people call older, they generally should be based on seniorities instead of the name title, such as called grandfather, grandmother, grandfather, grandmother, father, mother and so on. Such these titles may be expressing the relationship between seniority and younger but also contains the meaning of respect.2.4. How to not disrespect in the ballUnited Kingdom's leading party usually starts at around 10 o'clock in the evening. Ball can be held in private homes or the Hotel. Host invited guests should be to send invitations in advance, and invited guests you should be pay attention the number whether rough equality of men and women; if not you can enable the number of men more than women. According the convention, the host invites people attend a ball and sometimes may be have dinner; while some time invited to dance instead of being dinner; and others just invite a small number of party guests to have a dinner, and they will dance after dinner and other people can not. Therefore, invited people must be to see the words on. The invitation to avoid embarrass host. The ball,the master will be prepared midnight snake, it may be only some tea, coffee and sandwiches. Clothing of the guests should be tidy, and the manguests should invite ladies to dancing in turns, one of which must be dance with the hostess. Man with man dance, woman with women's dance these are to be a joke. In case of major festivals, one who received two invitations at the same time, you may participate in a party, and early exit, then drive to another party, because according to the ball custom you can come to or go at anytime, which is not impolite.In Chinese the ball you need to attention of your dress, your demeanor, and your make-up. At the ball you can not make noisy; too loudly talk and laughter that will make others think you are an uneducated person. You should decent clothing and don’t wear too revealing clothing, it can lead people to think you’re an indecent person. And make-up can not be too exaggerated and too thick make-up to will give others a good impression.2.5 taboos on the table etiquettea person acts on the table manners reflect his up bringing (cultivation). The quality of your behavior is very important for give others first impression .If you do not pay attention to the table manners, and other people will be greatly reduced evaluation for your. So taboo on the table etiquette is very important.Britain's food is simple, but they have complex rules for eat. Each person can not put the spoon on the own soup pots or coffeemugs or other vegetable dish. Drink the soup with Sorption isn’t allowed, and you had better don’t make any sounds, when you drink the soup use the spoon should from the inside to out, and can not use spoon head, and you can’t carrying the soup pots of leftover soup to drink all of soup. No matters what you eat don’t make noise as much as possible, otherwise, it will make others consider you don’t know the rules. Hiccup is the biggest taboo in the meal, for the British and the Americans. In case this happens, you should immediately apologize to the around people.Compared with British taboo on the dinner table, and although China does not pay great attention to the detail question like them but they are greatly extent the same. The Chinese use the chopstick to eat the meal; so uses chopsticks taboo is need to special attention on the dinner table. It is a taboo that citizen use chopsticks knock the empty bowl before them eating .people secular thought it is a "poor gas," because in the past the beggar begs for food they will knock like this. And insert the chopsticks on the rice is not allowed. It is said that is a way of the funeral, and it is easily leads people to think the dead, so it is not auspicious. During the meal, if you dropped chopsticks which would be regarded as unlucky, and you don’t pick up it but you can change another pair. After you sit well, what time you can start it depending on theperson who sitting on the chief position, if he or she beginning then you can start, which is also a way of respecting.3. Privacy taboo comparisonThere is a major taboo in English-speaking countries, and that is personal privacy. In English proverb: A man's home is his castle. It means: a person's home is sacred and inviolable, and without host permission you can’t enter it. Personal matter is the same, they don’t let other people knows and also don’t want someone to intervene. Similarly, in China without the owners permission to enter another's home is also violating personal privacy. When you in the guest and you enter the master bedroom or other room without the owner allowed that will makes the owner very unhappy, and the host will think you are a non-polite and does not respect the privacy of others man. If you ask other people private matter such as, age, wages, property, income, marriage, love, religious belief, and political orientation that is another way infringes someone else's castle. Therefore, such as "How old are you?", "What's your income?", "How much did that dress cost you?", "Are you married or single?", "Are you a Republican or a Democrat?", "Are you Catholic?”for many Americans and Britons, like this the type of problem is need to avoid asking. Age for them is a very sensitiveissue, especially for women over 30 is even more so. Because she thinks it is her own secret, and everyone wants to keep forever young, there is no better compliment than to say "You look so young" to the middle-aged woman. About age Americans has very different views than us, we can ask someone else. In China, the elder are respected. However, in the United States, the elderly people will never like to compliment their age. On the one occasion, Chinese students studying in the United States, a city held a grand party, there are many guests. A local prestigious university principal also attended the event with her mother. In the welcoming speech one Student, said: “××Old Lady's presence makes all of us students are honored." The "old" word in China is the honorific title, but it was unexpected hurt the old lady, her face suddenly changes, and felled embarrassments bear, from that time she never appeared the party of Chinese students. You never ask the Americans or British how much money he or she erne each month, which have nothing to say. Even his family worth of furniture you should not ask it. However, you can ask them the job title and what for a living. In China, marriage, political orientation, love affair is not asked it the same as the English-speaking countries, but religion you can ask. Americans very concerned about their weight, and they rarely disclose their weight, even if they are thin and fit. So,you had better don’t ask them. Now Chinese people are great importance to their own weight. During the Tang dynasty beautiful is based on fat but now the people think the thin people is beauty. So do not ask others how much weight do you have, or say he she is fat.4. Festival comparison tabooChristmas is the West's major events and festivals, and this festival’s taboos are primarily linked with Christmas pudding. Many Westerners think stir pudding can bring good luck for the coming year. But it only under the stirred pudding with clockwise can not be counter-clockwise; and you’re promised the desire can not tell anyone. In the Western Christian countries, people establish a "Passion Festival", the time of festival is the Friday before the Easter each year. Westerners generally think that it is an auspicious day. On this day, you must be not engaged in any thing symbolic link up Jesus suffering on the cross. Such as, barber ﹑nail a horse horseshoe, and all of thing need to nail the carpentry.Spring Festival is China's major festivals, of course, there are many taboos in! During the Spring Festival people would like to say good words, and bogey called the child: the traditional belief that children who started suffered a curse; she or he must be paid the whole year curse. Bogey sweep, it is a taboo sweep the garbageoutside: from the first day to fifth day you can not sweep out the garbage or out the sewage that because people fear of sweep out the wealth of home. Beginning of the two days people laundry: fish is essential food during the Chinese New Year, it is said that they "surplus." Eat fish, you should leave the head and tail, so that in the coming year you not only have food and clothing, as well as the remainder. The traditional view, during the Chinese New Year whether you were to be debt or you debt to other people, you would have a very bad luck throughout the year, so prohibit to collecting debts for others. It is a taboo that you visit a sleep person at the New Year's Day; in that case you have to wait until the other side to get up or it let each other party will throughout the year are in the bed.5. Comparison of superstitious tabooMany countries have superstitious taboos. There are some common superstition and taboos. In the Anglo-American society, as follows:1) To get out of bed on the wrong side means you will have a bad day. 2) It is unlucky to have a black cat cross the road in front of you. 3) To pass under a ladder will bring bad luck. 4) lit three cigarettes from a match will bring bad luck to a third person.5).broken a mirror will bring seven years bad luck.6)Opening an umbrella in the house is bad luck. Compared with the Anglo-Saxon countries, Chinese traditional agricultural society of superstition is also has much. For example marriage during the wedding day, all of people as far as possible away from the new bed in the evening before sleeping, in particular, others must not touch the new bed, it will be inauspicious. The wedding day, the bride can not be arbitrary lie in the bed, or the bride will long illness. It is a taboo that the kids throw the teeth everywhere. And Spring Festival is China's major events and festivals, so there are many superstitious taboos, such as the New Year's first day daughter who had been married is not back to her parents home, or her parents family would poor by eat, so only in the second day or the third back to her parents home.6. Comparative figures tabooNumber"13" and "Friday is primarily taboo in British many Britons will have a sense of imminent doom when the two numbers happen to together. The "666", is also very taboo. American bogey "13", "3", "Friday" and the word "old" because the United States is a competitive society, the elder always has "outdated", so fear old, taboo old, and dissatisfied with the old is always the personal unique outlook. In China, 4 is a number taboo, because "four" sounds like "death" is not unlucky.7. Comparison of gift tabooIn interpersonal relations, the British don’t welcome precious gift. You had better don’t send to British involving like the private life clothing, soap, perfume, with the company logo and advertising items is also not sent to the British .Contacts with the Americans, in particular, taboo cheap gift with your company logo, because it make other felled you are making advertisement for your company. Chinese always pay attention to the gift of elder we can not send clock, and to the husband and wife or lover we can not sent pear. Because the "send bell" and "nail in the coffin" homophonic “pear " and " clock " homophonic, these are not auspicious. And also we can not send drugs to healthy people and can’t get close supplies to the opposite sex. In English-speaking countries there are some taboos to send flowers. First, taboo sent the flowers with double because of the pairs of Flower will bring bad luck. It is also a taboo that to send white flowers, such as the white lilies, it is seen as a harbinger of doom or a symbol of death. In addition, send flower to patients in the hospital you shouldn’t send white flowers or red and white assorted flowers. Lilies and chrysanthemums have a symbol of death, so British are very taboo for them. In China generally has "good dual" theory, so any great rejoiced ceremony, you should send double gift, but Cantonese is taboo even "4", because inCantonese, the "4" sounds like a "dead" is not auspicious. It is a taboo that sends knives, scissors as a gift to people, because knives, scissors. It has the meaning of "a clean break,”. some of the traditional Chinese New Year or happy day, when you visit relatives and friends may be sent flowers or a bouquet, the flower’s color should be bright and enthusiastic, and it should comply with the festive atmosphere. Avoid sending the whole bundle white bouquets.ConclusionTaboo is almost everywhere, this paper only introduce those essential taboo in cross-cultural communication. Through the above comparisons, I believe that readers will certainly have some idea of Taboos about English-speaking countries and China It will give us a great help on our lives to understand these practices across international cultural taboos. Whether we going to study abroad or travel we need to know some of Western culture, knows them we can avoid unnecessary troubles in that time. In business negotiations we more need to these taboos, because we need to deal with foreigners, we should understand their culture. This will give us helpful in the business dealings. Therefore, I hope this article will helpful on your understanding taboos customary of western culture.。
在日常交往中,如果不慎触犯了禁忌,会导致对方产生误会 ,甚至拒绝继续来往,因此,研究禁忌可以避免不愉快的事发生,促进国际交往的顺利进行二、禁忌的定义和起源(一)禁忌的定义“禁忌的国际通用名词是Taboo或Tabu(英文,音译‘塔布’或‘塔怖’,意译即禁忌),这个词来源于中太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛,系太平洋波利尼西亚群岛土语音译。
1 、禁忌的意义: 禁忌存在于各种文化和民族中, 不同文化和民 族, 禁忌的内容和形式各不相同。弗洛伊德在他的 书《图腾与禁忌》中对禁忌这一习 俗做出了分析。 他认为:禁忌是藐视一个人、一个地方、一件东西 或一种暂时性的情况, 他们具有这种神秘力量传导 作用或者本身既是这种神秘力量的来源。同时, 它 也是代表了由这种事物禁忌预兆所产生的禁制。 禁忌这个名词的内涵包含了“神圣的”和“超乎 寻常的”, “不洁的”和“怪诞的”等意义。这种 解释主要是真对原始民族队禁忌的理解。《现代 汉语词典》中对“禁忌”这样解释: 人们忌讳的话 或行动。现代人们所说的禁忌主要指人们认为会 带来厄运的话和事情, 因此极力避免他们的出现。
西方人常说The th ird time. s the charm. ( 第三次准 灵。) ; Number three is a lways fortunate. (第三号一 定运气好) 。莎士比亚戏剧里也说, All good things go by threes. (一切好事以三为标准) 。 英语中six是一个不受欢迎的数字, 人们视其为大 凶数或野兽数, 从下列习语, 我们可以感受数字6 在英 语中的地位。如at six and sevens(乱七八糟, 七零八 落) 、six penny(不值钱) 、h it sb.for six亦作knock sb. six (给敌人、某人毁灭性打击) 、six to one (六对一; 相差悬殊) 、six of the best ( 以藤鞭击六下 ) 学校的 一种惩罚手段) 等等。 在西方国家中, 人们看重数字7, 认为它吉祥有力。7 有着十分神秘的色彩, 于是在语言中便有了对这一数字 神秘性的反映。
由此演化出久远、 神圣之意, 受到历代帝王 的青睐。他们常借用九字来象征他们的统 治地久天长, 万世不变。这一点在中国帝王 的宫殿建筑中体现得尤为明显。例如: 故宫 三大殿和颐和园排云殿高为九九寸; 皇宫内 大小城门上各有横、竖九排共计八十一个 门钉。在故宫的建筑中用得最多的是九,因 为九是最大的阳数(奇数), 它代表天, 而皇帝 自称是天子(上天的儿子), 所以它也代表了 皇帝。有些地方祝寿, 习惯上做九不做 十, 那是因为九与久谐音, 取寿久之意。9也深 深植根于民俗文化之中, 人们生日送花或挑 选电话和车牌号码时, 也都喜欢带 9的号码。
影 响融合 的趋势 , 禁忌 文化也不 再是传统 意义上 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้极 、迷信 、愚 昧的 ,
在跨 文化 的交往 中 ,它愈 来愈 显现 出其作 为一 种社会 规范 的积 极 、合 理 、科学 的作用 。比如 1 9 5 1 年人 民解放 军第 十八 军进 藏前 ,为得 到藏 民的欢迎 和接受制定 了一个 3 O 条的 《 进军守则》 ,内容主要包括 :尊重
纱 ,而且红色常常 与 “ 战争” “ 鲜血 ” “ 死亡 ” “ 危险” 建立起关 系。 而在 中国的汉族文化 中认 为 白色 意 味着 “ 死亡” ,只有 在 “白事 ” 即 “ 丧事 ”的时候才会把 白色穿在身上或戴在头上。 3 、家居 禁忌。与东方人崇 尚的 “ 远 亲不如 近邻 ” 不 同,西方 人看 中隐私 ,与邻里往来不 多 ,也没有 中国的社 区文化 ,如果不 了解 这一禁 忌 ,可能会 在沟通 中造成不必要 的尴尬 。在西方国家 ,一旦成 年就不会 在 与父 母 合 住 ,这 种 愿 望 不 仅 是 子 女 渴 望 个 人 空 间 也 是 父 母 的愿 望 。 在 中国 ,两代 同住或者几代合住 的是及其常见 的。 4 、社 交禁忌。在 中西方 不同 的文化背景 下 ,在拜访 友人 ,商 务交 往, 请客 吃饭等交往上 的禁忌是极其不 同的。在西方 ,拜访友人 前需要 提前 预约 ,如果 突如其来 的贸然来访受访者会感到不快 。中国人 在传统 上受 客观条 件的限制,往往没有提前预约拜访 的习惯 ,但 随着 全球 化交 流的日 益深入和通 讯工具 的进 步 ,访前 预约 的习惯 已渐 渐被 中 国人 接 受 。西方人一般会严格遵守公共场合 的秩序 ,比如到邮局或银行 办事会 按 照先来后 到得顺序排 队 , 并保持一定 的距离 。中国人也有 自己的禁忌 和规 矩 ,只是由于种种原 因,很 多人不在乎 ,排 队加塞 ,拥挤 哄抢这类 不 文明举动 屡见不 鲜。 在全球 化发展 的大 背景下 ,各个地 区和民族的禁忌文化呈 现出相互
A m p r tv ud fSo i lTa o Co v nto n Chi n he W e t Co a a i e St y o c a bo n e i ns i na a d t s
YU l Gli—m i n.S Ch g U an
、禁 忌 与 禁 忌 Fra bibliotek俗 之产 生
禁 忌是 一 种 复 杂 的社 会 心 理 现 象 , 文 对 应 英 词 是 “ao” “ 布 , 怖 ” ,表示 “ 止 ” “ t o (塔 b 塔 ) 禁 或 抑
禁忌是 人 类 社 会 的一 个 普 遍 的文 化 现 象 , 它
的误解 和 磨擦 , 障 国际交 往 的顺利 进行 。 保
规 约着 人们 的言语行 为 与社 会 交 际 。世界 各 地 都
有 一些 “ 需要 极其 注 意 的 ” 俗 , 果 不 加 注 意 而 习 如 触 犯 了某种 禁忌 , 就会 受 到惩 罚 。轻者 造 成误 会 , 重 者遭 到杀 身之 祸 。麦哲 伦 在 菲律 宾 群 岛上 遭 到 土 著 的杀 害 , 是 因为 他 犯 了土 著 人 的禁 忌 。随 就 着 社会 的进 步 和 发 展 , 忌 习俗 沉 淀 了 丰 富 的文 禁 化 内涵 , 数 量 在 某 种 程 度 上 来 说 不 是 减 少 而是 其 增多了, 而且 具 有 鲜 明 的 文 化 特 征 和 较 强 的 时代
A b t a t W ih t d e to n o ma in a e, t e go a c n mi n e r to s s i u gn s r c : t he a v n fi fr t g o h lb le o o c it g ai n r e n a s r i g i
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在日常交往中,如果不慎触犯了禁忌,会导致对方产生误会 ,甚至拒绝继续来往,因此,研究禁忌可以避免不愉快的事发生,促进国际交往的顺利进行二、禁忌的定义和起源(一)禁忌的定义“禁忌的国际通用名词是Taboo或Tabu(英文,音译‘塔布’或‘塔怖’,意译即禁忌),这个词来源于中太平洋的波利尼西亚群岛,系太平洋波利尼西亚群岛土语音译。
由此可见,在我国的传统语汇中, “禁”与“忌”是意义相近的两个词。
而在英语里,“How are you?”、“How do you do?”是最常用的问候语。
因为,这两句话在英语中只是一个一般疑问句,需要Yes 或No的回答。