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基于 SolidWorks 的食品提升机设计


[摘要] 波状挡边带式输送机在运行时不存在物料的内、外摩擦阻力,许用输送倾角大,具 有能耗小,运行平稳、噪声小,占地面积小等优点,已广泛应用于冶金、矿山、港口、粮食 和化工等多个领域。本次采用波状挡边带技术,设计的糖果提升机输送量为 3200 块/h,棉 帆布挡边带带宽为 300mm,横隔板高度为 75mm,间距为 100mm,根据 JBT8908—1999, 选用改向滚简直径 200mm,压带轮直径 200mm,其长度均为 350mm;托辊直径 90mm,长 度为 320mm;设计了Φ160mm的五星轮支撑装置用来支撑提升机水平段下分支,提升机整 体布置形式为“S”型。该提升机可以组装在食品生产线中,在­25~40℃下用于提升糖果, 并可以根据需求调整机架高度。 据此设计可用于不同承载对象的其它类食品提升机, 降低机 器设计难度,具有广泛的应用前景。


The Design of Food Hoist Base on SolidWorks

Author: Sheng Jiliang

[Abstract]There isn’t internal and external friction resistance of materials when belt conveyor with corrugated wall is in the run­time. But there is a big allowable transmission angle, so the machine has vary advantages that are small power consumption, stable operation, small noise, small footprint, etc. Walled belt was applied to design a food hoisting machine. The machine quarry delivered is 3200 pieces per hour. The belt has a total width of 3 00mm. The height of diaphragm plate is 75mm and the spacing is 1 00mm. According to JBT8908­1999,the 200mm diameter turnabout drum and guide pulley were chose and both were 350mm long. A 90mm diameter carrier roller was chose that its length is 320mm,and a five­star wheel device was designed to support the below branch of the horizontal interval of the belt. The hoist can be assembled in the food production 1ine. It’s used to upgrade the chocolate under the minus 25 to 40 ℃, and the height of rack can be adjusted according to demand. This design can be used for the other types of food hoist carrying different load­bearing objects, and lower the difficulty of designing machine. So, it has a wide range of applications.

[Key Words]Device design; Walled belt; Hoisting Machine; Conveyor


第1章 前 言 (1)

1.1食品提升机的特点 (1)

1.2食品提升机的应用 (2)

第2章 食品提升机总体方案设计 (3)

2.1 食品提升机设计任务书 (3)

2.1.1 原始数据 (3)

2.1.2设计要求 (3)

2.1.3技术要求 (3)

2.2 方案设计 (3)

2.3 波状挡边带式输送机的特点 (4)

第3章 食品提升机结构设计 (6)

3.1挡边带设计 (6)

3.1.1 基带 (6)

3.1.2 波状挡边 (7)

3.1.3 横隔板 (7)

3.2布置形式设计 (8)

3.2.1 布置形式的类型 (8)

3.2.2凹凸弧度的设计 (9)

3.3部件选型设计 (11)

3.3.1皮带总拉力及运行功率计算 (12)

3.3.2滚筒的选择及设计 (14)

3.3.3改向滚筒的设计 (16)

3.3.4托辊的设计 (18)

3.3.5拉紧装置 (21)

3.3.6清扫装置 (21)

3.3.7机架 (21)

第4章 安装与维护 (22)

4.1提升机参数 (22)

4.2部件安装及检测 (22)

4.3电气及安全保护装置简介 (23)

4.4运转维护中的注意事项 (24)

第5章 食品提升机SOLIDWORKS三维造型 (25)

5.1S OLID W ORKS 简介 (25)

5.2 主要零件的三维造型 (25)

5.3 提升机的装配与分析 (26)

第6章 结论 (28)

致谢 (29)

参考文献 (30)

附录 (31)
