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Answer: 's Degree (College Degree) from Beijing University in 2000, and my major was Business I got my Bachelor Bachelor' Administration. This major aims to teaching the students economic and management knowledge, and train them the ability of solving economic problems. We had a wide range of courses during college, such as economics, mathematics, marketing, accounting and so on. Besides my own major, I also took other courses like Computer Science. I was diligent in college and my grades were among the tops. In fact, I was awarded scholarships for 3 times in a row. I also actively took part in various campus and social activities. For example, I was the president of the students' Union for 3 years, during which my practical abilities were improved a lot. Above all, my college has offered me a solid theoretical foundation, which proved to be very beneficial to my later career development.

2.教育背景 Question: Can you Tell me your educational background in details? Key word: university, major, course, performance, award, theoretical, foundation, beneficial, career development. Important structure:
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MBA 面试技巧及模板(英语)
各高校的面试流程介绍: 交大英语面试:在职 mba:个人面试(中文英语)+ 有小组面试讨论 国际 mba:个人面试(英语)+ 没有小组面试讨论 全球运营领袖班:个人面试(英语)+没有小组面试讨论 复旦英语面试: 在职 mba:个人面试:中文面试,不涉及英语口语, 小组面试:给一篇企业管理材料或社会热点问题,先用中文讨论,总结发言时用 1 分钟英语总结小组讨论 国际 mba:个人面试+小组面试:全英文面试
4.切忌:表达自己需读 MBA 深造。没有哪个参加考试不是需要深造的。我们在陈述理由的时候,需要展示 的是个性化的东西。你在陈述自己的理想与人生职业目标时,记住所有的理想与目标都只有一个指 向,那就是促使你选择 MBA。 5.重点:我值得 XXX 选择我。 你的过去经历是否与面试官选择你有关,什么优秀 XXX 员,获得过什么发明创造,跳舞唱歌技能超群…… 与面试要选择你无关的辉煌经历,毫不犹豫的删掉! 所有的辉煌经历与风光故事中,只有既能证明你有资格进 XXX 院校,也能证明你有潜质实现你的职业理想 的才放在自我介绍中去。 而进行你自我介绍中的经历与故事, 都要和你的目标进入 XXX 院校有清晰的逻辑关系。 6.注意:化劣势为优势,比如有的学员因为自己的大专背景可能觉得难以启齿,但是如果能够做换位思考, 我是大专生都这么厉害,你们给我一个机会,我一定能表现给你看。所以这样的时刻一定要发挥自 己强烈的自我意志,去影响面试官,让他感受到你无穷的潜力,而不是盯住你的教育背景。 (二) :几个关键点: 1.自信 2.一定要用英文思维,第一次就用英文写作--人有一种天生的惰性。要读 MBA 一定能够认识到这一点,关键 是怎么克服。很多学员希望别人为自己写好介绍,自己背背就行,这种惰性不可能不在面试过程表现出来。
Important structures (重要句子结构)

I was born in_______. I graduated from ______ University, with the major of________ After my graduation, I join _________ company, and started working as a _____________ I'm responsible for____________ For some reasons, I changed my job to___________, I took the position of________, and was responsible for__________ I was promoted to___________ X years ago, based on my performance.
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3.行文中不要浪费一个字 4.不要试图说不真实之言 5.不要有一丝的犹豫不绝与模棱两可 6.展示个性,不要说你读了 6 年中学 4 年大学,毕业 3 年升为科长,5 年做了处长,谁都可以做到。 (三).完成后的问题: 1.至少做三次以上修改 2.自我介绍要反复模拟练习,并找不同背景的人提出修改意见,在陈述时,不能让人感觉在背稿纸,而应该 是与朋友交流,语气中肯又不失激情。 3.要给面试官一碗水,自己要准备一桶水。做到胸有成竹,灵活应变 以下分别从自我介绍,教育背景,工作经验,长处短处以及其他一些常见的问题入手,给学员提供一些可 以借鉴的模版和参考答案。 1.自我介绍(应包含以下几项内容,模版在后面) Where are you born? Where did you have your education? Your working history? Your family? Your personal hobbies? Why do you choose to study MBA?
面试前需要思考在前的几个问题 一:要点 Main points 1.我有哪些优点和优势 2.我有哪些背景和经历 二:扩展 Branch out 1.在这些优点和优势中,我最大的优势是什么? 2.在这些背景和经历中,我最与众不同的地方是什么? 三.针对性 Point to the academy 1.我对 XXX 学院有什么利用价值即学院录取了我能给他们带来什么好处. 行文编写中的问题 (一):牢记一个原则----以面试官的需要为重点 面试官:我为什么要录取你,而不是其他的人 1.主线:我有理想有能力,我缺乏一个平台。我用过去的经历和能力证明我有资格挤身于这个平台,实现自 己的理想。这是绝对可行的。 2.任务:告诉面试官,今天为什么一定要接收我。我们要打动面试官。达到一个 “你不接收我,你会后悔, 会是你 XXX 学院的遗憾,你看着办吧”的效果。 3.权衡:两个方面 XXX 校要录取我,是我需要到 XXX 来深造?还是我也值得 XXX 院校选择我? (The interviewer's needs) (value in use) (the biggest advantage) (my distinction) (my advantage) (my background & experience)
交大高金英语面试:个人面试:个人面试中文+英语(英语大概 3~6 分钟) 小组面试:小组面试提供的材料是英文材料,但用中文讨论;
同济大学 mba:中文个人面试(含政治问题)+英语个人面试+小组案例讨论 30~45 分钟
财大 mba 面试:中文个人面试+英语个人面试+小组案例讨论 30~45 分钟
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Important structure:(粗体字可以借鉴) 1. I was born in Zhejiang Wenzhou in 1984, a city which is famous for business. 2. I graduated from Zhejiang Gongshang University and get the bachelor degree, with the major of Electronic Commence in 2006. 3. After my graduation, I joined Infosys, which is one of the top software outsourcing company in the world. My position, Quality Engineer, after finished one project in China, I was sent to the Bangalore in India, the headquarters of Infosys to have பைடு நூலகம்wo months performance testing training, after I come back from India, I was promoted to be a team leader of a performance testing project. 4. Then, for some reasons, I changed my job to another company, SAP Labs China, and took the position of Quality Management Specialist in Shanghai. My responsibility is to build the brand, promote sales, conduct marketing programs, and maintain public relations. 5. Last year, I made the decision to pursue a MBA degree. I did this because I felt more and more desired to improve my management knowledge and abilities as my job becomes increasingly challenging.

This major aims to teach us____________ I had many courses in college, but I particularly like______, because_________ My grades were ________ in college I actively took part in many activities, such as________
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6. Last year, I made the decision to pursue a MBA degree. I did this because I desired to make a career change. 7. I'm married now, I got a nice husband and a loving little kid. 8. I'm still single, because I want to develop my career before marriage.
众凯教育 MBA 面试英语口语讲义
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