


目录第一章:性能参数————————— 1一、室外机性能参数表—————————21、Vd+模块机————————————22、Vd整体机———————————— 4二、室内机性能参数表—————————51、四面出风嵌入式 ——————————52、二面出风嵌入式 ——————————63、一面出风嵌入式 ——————————74、超薄低静压风管机 —————————75、低静压风管机 ———————————86、中静压风管机 ———————————97、高静压风管机 ———————————98、座吊机 ————————————— 109、壁挂机 ————————————— 1110、新风处理机 ———————————12三、能力性能修正曲线图 ————————131、制冷能力修正 —————————— 132、制热能力修正 —————————— 14四、正常运转温度范围 ———————— 15第二章:选型及安装要求——————16一、室外机安装尺寸 ————————— 171、室外机尺寸图—————————— 172、室外机安装基础要求 ——————— 17二、室内机安装尺寸 ————————— 171、四面出风嵌入式 ————————— 172、超薄低静压风管机 ———————— 183、低静压风管机 —————————— 194、中静压风管机 —————————— 205、新风机∕高静压风管机 —————— 206、座吊机 ————————————— 217、壁挂机 ————————————— 22三、室外机安装要求 ——————————221、室外机的起吊和运输 ——————— 222、室外机安装场所 ————————— 233、侧出风室外机的安装要求 ————— 234、顶出风室外机的安装要求 ————— 25四、室内机安装要求 ————————— 271、嵌入式内机安装要求 ——————— 272、风管式内机安装要求 ——————— 28五、电气设计 ———————————— 301、概述 —————————————— 302、电源配线示意图 ————————— 303、室外机配线 ——————————— 314、室内机配线 ——————————— 325、内外机连接简图 ————————— 35六、连接配管设计 —————————— 361、冷媒配管允许长度和高度差 ———— 362、配管长度计算 —————————— 373、室外机模块间配管设计 —————— 374、室内机连接配管设计 ——————— 385、室外机、室内机接口规格 ————— 386、冷媒管的选择及施工注意事项 ——— 397、分歧管等各种连接部件的规格 ——— 39七、室外机最多能拖的室内机数量 ——— 40第三章:工程设计—————————41一、了解工程概况 —————————— 42二、空调负荷计算 —————————— 421、室内外设计参数的确定 —————— 422、空调负荷估算指标 ———————— 43三、空调系统的方案设计 ——————— 431、冷凝水管的设计 ————————— 442、新风系统的设计 ————————— 443、设计中对电气方面的要求 ————— 444、风管系统的设计 ————————— 45四、绘制图纸 ———————————— 471、绘制图纸的注意事项 ——————— 472、施工图的绘制 —————————— 48五、项目提案书的编制 ———————— 48第四章:施工调试—————————49一、施工安装系统总流程图 —————— 50二、安装时重点注意事项 ——————— 51三、冷媒配管安装 —————————— 511、冷媒铜管的选择 ————————— 512、冷媒管材料保护 ————————— 523、焊接作业 ———————————— 544、扩口连接 ———————————— 545、分歧管安装要求 ————————— 556、冷媒配管铺设 —————————— 567、冷媒配管吹污处理 ———————— 568、冷媒配管气密性实验 ——————— 579、冷媒配管真空干燥 ———————— 5910、冷媒追加工程 ——————————61四、排水工程 ———————————— 621、排水管斜度和支撑 ———————— 622、集水槽的设置(自然排水) ————— 633、向上排水(水泵排水) ——————— 634、集中排水 ———————————— 635、排水试验 ———————————— 646、冷凝水管的一些连接方式 ————— 64五、电气安装工程 —————————— 651、基本要求 ———————————— 652、施工要点 ———————————— 66六、风管制作安装 —————————— 661、风管的制作 ——————————— 662、风管的安装 ——————————— 673、风口的布置 ——————————— 67七、保温工程 ———————————— 681、保温材料及厚度 ————————— 682、冷媒配管的保温 ————————— 683、排水管的保温 —————————— 694、注意事项 ———————————— 69八、调试验收 ———————————— 701、系统调试 ———————————— 702、填写调试验收表 ————————— 70第五章:维修保养—————————71一、变频系统故障处理 ———————— 721、收集故障现象—————————— 722、故障甄别 ———————————— 72二、控制系统 ———————————— 741、控制系统概述 —————————— 742、室外机电控及故障处理 —————— 753、室内机电控及故障处理—————— 85三、系统维护保养 —————————— 891、室内机保养 ——————————— 892、室外机保养 ——————————— 903、系统换季停用前保养 ——————— 904、系统换季启用前保养 ——————— 90附录:—————————————— 92 附录一:Vd+霍尔电机信号线维修检测方法 93 附录二:压缩机常见的故障分析 ———— 97附录三:非空调器故障现象 —————— 99附录四:温度传感器参数表 —————— 100附录五:方案设计常用数据表 ————— 101第一章性能参数三、能力性能修正曲线图 1、制冷能力修正有效制冷能力=额定制冷能力×修正系数[(1)×(2)×(3)×(4)] 注:(1)×(2)×(3)×(4)指以下四个图表查询的修正系数 (1)、室内湿球温度修正系数能量补偿值室内空气湿球温度()oC、室外干球温度修正系数(3)、配管长度、落差修正系数(m)(m)(4)、室内机风量变化率修正系数能量补偿值1. 50 5 10 15202530354043室外空气干球温度()oC能量补偿值风量变化率( % )2、制热能力修正有效制热能力= 额定制热能力×修正系数[(1)×(2)×(3)×(4)] 注:(1)×(2)×(3)×(4)指以下四个图表查询的修正系数 (1)、室内干球温度修正系数室内空气干球温度()oC能量补偿值(2)、室外湿球温度修正系数(3)、配管长度、落差修正系数(m)(m)(4)、室内机风量变化率修正系数1.11.00.98090110100120能量补偿值风量变化率( % )能量补偿值室外空气湿球温度四、正常运转温度范围制冷 制热第二章选型及安装要求一、室外机安装尺寸1、室外机尺寸图DLR-Vd+252W/N1S-B DLR-Vd+335W/N1S-B DLR-Vd120W/N1DLR-Vd+280W/N1S-B DLR-Vd+400W/N1S-B DLR-Vd140W/N1DLR-Vd+450W/N1S-B2、室外机安装基础要求DLR-Vd+252W/N1S-B DLR-Vd+335W/N1S-B DLR-Vd120W/N1 DLR-Vd+280W/N1S-B DLR-Vd+400W/N1S-B DLR-Vd140W/N1 DLR-Vd+450W/N1S-B二、室内机安装尺寸1、四面出风嵌入式图中所标示的字母分别代表:A: 面板尺寸;B: 室内机主机尺寸;C: 室内机主机高度;D: 天花板开口尺寸;E1~E4: 室内机挂钩间距;h: 挂钩到天花板底距离;m: 面板密封海绵厚度。


发现区域温 度异常
调整区域的相 关空调开关
温度接近标准 温度0.2度时
通知工程 进行处理
跟进处理直到 温度正常
1、供冷气时温度过高: 3、供暖气时温度过低: 1)自动温控开关的处理方法: 1)自动温控开关的处理方法: (1)要把模式设在(COOL-制冷)位置; (1)要把模式设在(HEAT-制热)位置; (2)温度要调在设定刻度(24-25 ℃ ); (2)温度要调在设定刻度(25-26 ℃) ; (3)要把风速要调到在高速档(1档)。 (3)要把风速调到高速档(1档)。 2)三档风速档位开关的处理方法: 2)三档风速档位开关的处理方法: (1)档位要设在强风档(I档)。 (1)要把档位调到强风档(I档)。 2、供冷气时温度过低: 4、供暖气时温度过高: 1)自动温控开关的处理方法: 1)自动温控开关的处理方法: (1)要把模式设在(COOL-制冷)位置; (1)要把模式设在(HEAT-制热)位置; (2)温度要调在设定刻度(25-26 ℃) ; (2)温度是否调在设定刻度(24-25 ℃ ) ; (3)要把风速调到低速档(3档)或关掉。 (3)要把风速调到低速档(3档)或关掉。 2)三档风速档位开关的处理方法: 2)三档风速档位开关的处理方法: (1)要把档位调到弱风档(Ⅲ档)或关 (1)要把档位调到弱风档(Ⅲ档)或关掉。 掉。
HEAT-制热(带开) COOL-制冷(带开) OFF-关 HGH-高速 MED-中速 LOW-低速
I 为高速档 II 为中速档 III,依靠改变风速来调 节,供冷必定吹冷风,供 暖必定吹暧风,根据需要 开或关
4、三档风速开关(带指示灯) 6、三档风速开关(液晶显示)
1、在开启或调整空调开关时,首先 确认什么? 2、目前我们常用了中央空调开关有几个类型? 3、以下那一款开关有冷暖转换?

某控制中心空调冷热负荷和系统特性控制中心设备机房空调系统全年动态负荷计算,是针对工作要求的室内空气温湿度条件以及室外逐时变化的气象条件,按照围护结构特性计算出一年 8760h逐时的空调负荷值,是了解最佳的建筑围护结构热工特性,并分析建筑物耗能,从而优化空调系统方案等所进行的必要计算。

ECWT 85.0 5 80.0 77.5 75.0 72.5 70.0 67.5 65.0 62.5
KW/TON 0.560 0.533 0.510 0.498 0.495 0.501 0.518 0.563 0.682 1.099
KW/TON 0.585 0.537 0.497 0.466 0.438 0.432 0.419 0.429 0.481 0.665
➢市场分析人员经常使用这一工具来扫描、分析整个行业和市场,获取相关 的市场资讯,为高层提供决策依据,其中,S、W是内部因素,O、T是外部 因素。
➢它在制定公司发展战略和进行竞争对手分析中也经常被使用。 SWOT的 分析技巧类似于波士顿咨询(BCG)公司的增长/份额矩阵(The Growth/Share Matrix),
在完成环境因 素分析和SWOT 矩阵的构造后, 便可以制定出 相应的行动计 划。
产品的 质量
服务 态度
提高公司 盈利性
服务的 及时性
产品的 适用性
产品线 的宽度
竞争优势可以指消费者眼中一个 企业或它的产品有别于其竞争对 手的任何优越的东西。
产品价 格
产品的 可靠性
低负荷低转速运行 运行宁静
自1979年起,超过1500个工程 本行业最富经验
1/ 电机软启动 启动电流不超过100%FLA。减少驱动装置的冲击和磨损。 2/ 节能运行 节约用户大量的运行费用,一般地20-30% 3/ 增强机组的卸载能力 可以克服离心机在低负荷运行产生的“喘振”,可以满足 离心机在低负荷下运行,扩大使用范围。 4/ 运行宁静 机组运行安静、平稳,延常使用寿命。 5/ 修正功率因素 能够自动将功率因素修正至0.95甚至更高。

Central Controller U nit UMatch Inverter Systems MultiSplit Inverter SystemsTCONTADPYCJA2AConfidential and proprietary Trane informationA pril 2021Installation and operation manualMS-SVX081A-ENUser manuals and installation manuals for remote control detector TCONTADPYCJA2AFunctions IntroductionRemote control detector(short form:Detector)is essential equipment of remote monitor system of Haier commercial A/C.By connecting the interface in indoot units or outdoor units,this detector can reach functions of remote an central control◆Communication function1.with air conditioning communication:①. YCJ-A002 can at most connect two same model units by six-pin fixed screw. It canrealize double switching function. It can control air conditioning to work in different ways according to the requirement of detector, at the same time query the airconditioner's operation information and fault information.munication with RS-485:①. Communication with the central controllerBM1 dip switch as (1: OFF, 2: OFF)Communicate with the central controller via RS-485 interface bus (A, B). It receives commands from central controller according to the units address what is set by detector dip switch. And to realize internal control or query request, and answer the reception status and air conditioning operation information and fault information.②Communication with the central controllerBM1 dip switch as (1: ON, 2: OFF)Communicate with the central controller by RS-485 bus port. According to the detector within the dip switch setting address, Receive commands from the central controller. Have internal control or query request, and answer the reception status and air conditioning operation informationand fault information.③Communicate with remote devices. Detector has RS-485 port, and the protocol is Modbus RTU, users can use the private network and open protocol to create remote control program, no need other accessories.The BM1 dip switch as (1: OFF, 2: ON).④communication with the central control systemD ip switch BM1 (1: ON,2: ON)Communicate with the central control system by RS-485 bus port(A, B). it receives12commands from central controller according to the units address what is set by detector dip switch. And to realize internal control or query request, and answer the reception status and air conditioning operation information and fault information.In order to improve the reliability of air conditioning, the detector has double switching function, set SW1 to single unit mode, detector controls the A unit according to the command from the host equipment. Set SW1 to double switching mode, it can realize double switching function.Double switching function realization: under normal condition, the detector control one unit ON and another unit OFF, when reach the switch time, detector wake up the OFF state unit and the ON state unit will still work half an hour and then OFF.If any air conditioner has failure, switch time will stop, the detector automatically wake up another unit, and let the failure unit OFF, then upload the failure information. After the failure restore, automatically change to the double switching function; if air-conditioner operate for some time and cannot reach setting temperature, switch time will stop, the detector automatically wake up another air conditioner, double units operate until reaching the setting temperature, then automatically turn off that air conditioner, and automatically restore the double switching function. Factory default switch time is 12 hoursDetector has three lights, yellow light is for RS-485 communication , red and green lights are for the air conditioner communication, When the communication is normal, lights in accordance with the frequency of 0.5s flashing, when have failure, lights in according with the frequency of 1s flashing, stop 2s flashingThrough the RS-485 bus to build a central control network, In order to reduce the impact of unified operation of air conditioning on the power grid, the detector set the delay start function, the delay time is automatically generated by the detector【1】【2】BM10:OFF 1:ON numbe485communication mode details00①TCONTCCMYCZG1/TCONTCCMYCZ256 single unit10②/01③Modbus rtu standard protocol 11④BMS system◆Dual switch function◆Address setting function◆Operation status displasy function◆Delay control functionThe detector with 8-bit dip switch (SW1), the highest bit D8 bit, for setting the single mode or double-switch mode,(D7, D6, D5, D4, D3, D2, D1) is used to set the number (central control network or double switch time when select the dual switch mode)◆Double switching function instructions◆use central controller for central control functionSystem OverviewDetector connects with the two same model units through six-pin fixed screw. Set the dip switch to double switching model. Only use the double switching function, the system does not need connect the other components; double switching time can be chosen 8,10,12,14 hours by dip switch setting.the specific settings and the corresponding time see dip switch list12V 、COM 、GND ports of detector connect with air conditioner. Dip switch set to singlemode, the specific settings and the corresponding address see dip switch list, The system also needs to connect withcentral controller, Each detector connect with central Controller by 2-pin fix screw(A,B).DetectorsIndoor Unit Indoor UnitOutdoor Unit Outdoor Unit4◆Status check◆When servicing, be sure to power off the power supplyMaintenanceDimension drawing•When select the single unit mode and control A unit, when A unit failure occurs, the detector will query fault information and upload it, when select double switch mode,detectorcontrolA unit and B unit, if one of air conditioner is faulty, the detector will query the fault information and upload it•Detector operating status and running lamp display: When operation properly, running lamp for 0.5 seconds off 0.5 secondsfor a cycle to indicate,When have the fault to flash 1 second, stop 2 seconds to cycle to indicate, yellow lamp for the central control of communication status indication, red light for the air conditioner A unit communication Status indication, green lamp for air conditioning B unit communication status indication•Wipe clean with a soft cloth and be careful not to touch the electrical parts.•Do not use gasoline, thinner, decontamination powder, chemical wipes, etc. to avoid damage to electrical parts.•Check whether the wiring with the central control and air conditioning is normal, there is no broken wire or the existence of loosening of the connection.Interface Description:1-air conditioning A communication port,three-core shielded communication wire connection, wire length is not more than 10meter2-air conditioning B communication port,three-core shielded communication wire connection, wire length is not more than 10meter3 - dial switch is used for centralized control interface of detector detector Communication Associationand dual switching functionIOS device to achieve remote control.Installation and commissioning◆installation and wiring of the basic requirements:Use a screw driver to install detector, screw spacing see the right figure.Keep the detector on a wall or other reliable location to ensure that there is no water and other creatures that may cause failure to enter.1.Central control network design planning principles:(1) Detector, in order to maintain the appropriate response speed and communication reliability, the number of detectors in one central system should not exceed 64 pieces (2)A/C should be ready for network ,bu sure to be installed and us according to instructions(3) Detector installation position does not leave the air conditioner too far; do not exceed the wiring length(4) Detector address number in strict accordance with the order from small to large allocation(5) Detector power from the indoor unit, 12V, need have distance with the high voltage cable .and the shieldlayer needs earth one side(6) Central control bus wire length limit less than 1000 meters(7) both ends of the bus in the A bus and B bus were connected between the 100 ohm metal film precision resistance (depending on the scene to match)(8) bus shielded wire single point grounding, the proposed layout in the middle of the communication bus location, and centralized controller similar(9) Central controller installation location in principle arranged in the middle of the communication bus position, and the communication bus shield ground similar2.Detector and air conditioning connection: Detector through the air conditioning interface six screws fixed terminal (12V、COM1、GND、12V、COM2、GND) ,andup to two air-conditioning (A, B) for wired communication; detector and air conditioning connection with the uniform wiring, one end of the wiring terminal with plug connect to air conditioning indoor PCB remote control terminal. If the detector does not operation properly during commissioning, it can be check by change the wiring polarity + - . Also can be based on the running lamp show the operation status of the air conditioning and communication interface to determine whether the normal.3.After the communication bus wiring is completed, connect the detector and the communication bus: the connection method of hand by hand type, all A ports in the same Bus, all B ports on another bus, the communication bus shielding line in the communication bus in a single point of grounding, communication bus total length Limited to less than 1000 meters.◆According to the host equipment to select RS-485 interface protocol by dip switch BM1:Detector built a variety of different protocols to correspond to different host equipment, the use of four different protocols corresponding to four different conditions:1.The host equipment is a centralcontroller, central controller can choose to select the device type for single unit, in order to be able to deal with different system structure, the detector has two built-in protocols that communicate with the central controller.5①central controller, select the communication mode for the single unit, then dip switch: BM1: 1: OFF; 2: OFF.The system diagram is as follows:67②the host equipment for the third party communication equipment, the detector provides the standard Modbusrtu protocol, BM1 dip switch: 1: ON; 2: OFF, The communication between the detector and the air conditioner is consistent with the other 3. When the detector is used as a third-party protocol converter, it should be specificAccess to the requirements of third-party host device connection; the basic functions are as follows:The address of the address set by SW1 changes to the slave address in the Modbus RTU communicationSerial port9600,8,n ,1130B modbusrtu query01 control 05/15WORD name Unit Range Remarks 01 function code 0Indoor units on/off Read operation to obtain the current switchunit status 0: off 1: onWrite operation to change the switch state 0: off 1: on03 function code query 03 control 06/16 0I n t e r n a l s e t t i n g temperature ℃16-30Read operation Get current setting temperature, write operationChange set temperature1within the machine running mode 1--5Read operation to obtain the current operating mode: 1 - cooling 2 - heating 3 - dehumidification4 – Fan only5 - automatic Write operation to change the operating mode: 1 - cooling 2 - heating 3 - dehumidification 4 – Fan only 5 - automatic2Fan speed 1--4Read operation to obtain the current fan speed: 1 - low speed 2 – middle speed 3 - high speed4 – Automatic speedWrite operation to change the fan speed: 1 - low speed 2 – middle speed 3 - high speed 4 -Automatic speed3i n d o o r c o n t r o lmode1--4 1 is not locked; 2 empty - query back to 1, issued to write 1; 3 query back to 1,Issued to write 1; 4 - lock 04 function code read only 0indoortemp ℃301℃1Fault code 0-256within the indoor fault code 0-256 value of 0 that no error ,2machine numberThe number of internal indoor This address exists , query back 08◆Power test :◆RS485 interface dip switch instructions1.Power test: After the equipment is connected, the power test①first verify the detector and air conditioner communication status, the red lightshould be light 0.5 seconds off 0.5 seconds as a cycle to indicate, If the indicator does not light or flashes for 1 second and stops for 2 seconds, it should check whether the communication wire of the air conditioner and detector are the connection is correct and the air conditioner is powered up until the indicator flashes normally.②check 485 communication indicator (yellow lamp), should be light 0.5 seconds off 0.5seconds as a cycle to indicate, if the instructions If the lamp does not light or flashes for 1 second and stops for 2 seconds, it should check whether the BM1 protocol is correct; the communication wire is connectedWhether it is correct; whether there is a device with a repeated address, etc., until the indicator flashes normally2.The detector and the host equipment communication, if the host equipment to normal monitoring and control of air conditioners, the completion of debugging.Performance parameters and accessoriesDetector built a variety of different protocols to correspond to different equipment, the use of four different protocols corresponding to four different conditions:1.The host equipment is a centralcontroller, central controller can choose to select the device type for single unit , in order to be able to deal with different the system structure, the detector has two built-in protocols that communicate with the central controller.①central controller, select the communication mode for the unit, then dip switch BM1:1: OFF; 2: OFF.performance parameter DC12VPower consumption Power consumption is less than 3W Detector code number 0151800130BAccessoriesair conditioning communication 3 core shielded wire, special number 0010452854, color white, yellow, and redPerformance parameter9S W 1(1m e a n O N ,0 m e a n O F F )B M 1c o d e1:O F F ;2:O F F1:O N ;2:O F F 1:O F F ;2:O N 1:0N ;2:O N[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]D e fi n i t i o n : u n i t a r y a i r c o n d i t i o n e D e fi n i t i o n :V R F D e fi n i t i o n :M o d b u s R T U D e fi n i t i o n :B M S G a t e a d d r U n i t a d d r 1---0000D u a l m o d e a d d r =1D u a l m o d e a d d r =1-1D u a l m o d e s l a v e I D =1D u a l m o d e 3101---0001D u a l m o d e a d d r =2D u a l m o d e a d d r =2-2D u a l m o d e s l a v e I D =2D u a l m o d e 311—— —— —— —— —— —— 1---1110D u a l m o d e a d d r =15D u a l m o d e a d d r =15-15D u a l m o d e s l a v e I D =15D u a l m o d e 31141---1111D u a l m o d e a d d r =16D u a l m o d e a d d r =16-16D u a l m o d e s l a v e I D =16D u a l m o d e 3115-0000000S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =1S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =1-1S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =1S i n g l e m o d e 310-0000001S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =2S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =2-2S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =2S i n g l e m o d e 311—— —— —— —— —— —— -0100110S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =39S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =39-39S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =39S i n g l e m o d e 3138-0100111S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =40S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =40-40S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =40S i n g l e m o d e 3139-0101000S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =41S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =41-41S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =41S i n g l e m o d e 300-0101001S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =42S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =42-42S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =42S i n g l e m o d e 301—— —— —— —— —— —— -1001110S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =79S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =79-79S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =79S i n g l e m o d e 3038-1001111S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =80S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =80-80S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =80S i n g l e m o d e 3039-1010000S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =81S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =81-81S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =81S i n g l e m o d e 290-1010001S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =82S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =82-82S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =82S i n g l e m o d e 291—— —— —— —— —— —— -1110110S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =119S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =119-119S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =119S i n g l e m o d e 2938-1110111S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =120S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =120-120S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =120S i n g l e m o d e 2939-1111000S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =121S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =121-121S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =121S i n g l e m o d e 280-1111001S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =122S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =122-122S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =122S i n g l e m o d e 281—— —— —— —— —— —— -1111110S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =127S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =127-127S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =127S i n g l e m o d e 286-1111111S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =128S i n g l e m o d e a d d r =128-128S i n g l e m o d e s l a v e I D =128S i n g l e m o d e 287◆ Address setting functionSW01Definition[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]0———————Single mode 1———————Double Switch mode —00—————Double Switch time 8 hours —01—————Double Switch time 10 hours —10—————Double Switch time 12 hours —11—————Double Switch time 24 hours———0————Dual operation at ambient temperature of 34℃———1————Dual operation at ambient temperature of 32℃1———0000Double Switch mode and ad-dress=11———0001Double Switch mode and ad-dress=2———1———1110Double Switch mode and ad-dress=151———1111Double Switch mode and ad-dress=1600000000Single mode and address=100000001Single mode and address=2———01111110Single mode and address=12701111110Single mode and address=12810Trane - by Trane Technologies (NYSE: TT), a global climate innovator - creates comfortable, energy efficient indoor environments for commercial and residential applications. For more information, please visit or .Trane has a policy of continuous product and product data improvement and reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice. We are committed to using environmentally conscious print practices.©2020 TraneConfidential and proprietary Trane information。

本系统采用美国 AB 公司微电脑控制器与大屏幕液晶操作屏对整个空调系统进行集中 监测与控制,中文显示机组的运行状态,界面友好,操控简单。
三、面板键操作 1.面板键组成 ① 电源指示灯 ② 故障报警灯 ③ 机组运行指示灯 ④ 程控/就地旋钮 ⑤ 机组照明旋钮开关 2.应用 A.机组有控制电源时,电源指示灯亮; B.机组有故障时,故障指示灯亮; C.机组运行时,运行指示灯亮; D.控制柜程控/就地转换开关,程控时,机组接受远程启停控制;就地时, 机组受控制柜就地控制。 E.当机组内部时行检查或维修时,通过本旋钮开关打开机组内部照明灯。 3.液晶显示器面板键说明 按键 基 本 功 能 不论显示器处于何种状态,一旦按此键,返回系统初始画面, 除非某一画面另有功能定义。 修改数据时, 左移被修改的数据位, 即闪烁显示数字左移一位。 修改数据时, 右移被修改的数据位, 即闪烁显示数字右移一位。
机组手动运行设置是指当机组处于手动模式运行时,送/回风风机、送 风阀、电热器是启动(开启)或停止(关闭) ,新/回风阀、压缩机及加湿 阀的开度是需要多少,全部由用户自行设置。 注意:手动运行空调时,必须先打开送/回风阀,约 150s 后,其它所 有各手动设置才能运行(压缩机除外) ,否则不能工作。 按键选择送风机的启动与停止,当指示灯为黑色时,表示送风机手动 设置为启动状态, 当指示灯为白色时, 表示送风机手动设置为停止状态; 按键选择回风机的启动与停止,当指示灯为黑色时,表示回风机手动 设置为启动状态, 当指示灯为白色时, 表示回风机手动设置为停止状态; 按 ENT 键选择送/回风阀的开启与关闭,当指示灯为黑色时,表示送/ 回风阀手动设置为开启状态,当指示灯为白色时,表示送/ 回风阀手动 设置为停止状态; 新/排风阀的开度设置同上自动设置; 按进入手动设置二画面。

G C S部分– A C P操作说明F O R A C P V2_7_1日期:2009年11月251电力系统设定P O W E R U P D E F A U L T1.1当客人/工程部取电卡为插入状态时:?空调预置温度将设定到客人预置温度。
1.2当客房部取电卡为插入状态时:?空调预置温度将设定到客人预置温度?10分钟后,空调风速至“低速”, 而且空调风速不可手动控制,直到下一次重新插卡.1.3当客人取电卡为拔出状态时:?空调风速将至“低速”。
1.4所有的预置温度的缺省值为:如果存储器中再呼叫值遭破坏,将使用下列默认初始值:o客人预置温度 =24 Co快速制冷温度 =22 Co快速制热温度 =25 Co酒店预置温度(夏季=26 Co酒店预置温度(冬季=21 Co客房温度偏移量 =0 C2A C P(空调控制板这是一块四键按钮的辅助控制板,与温度传感器一起构成空调温度自动控制系统,用于温度调节、风速控制和参数设置。
2.1开/关(O N/O F F控制按钮能调节空调风速,空调当前的风速状态将显示在空调控通过按‘O N/O F F’制板的显示屏上。
如果空调当前状态不是关(O F F状态,按下此按钮后空调状态将变成关(O F F状态,如果空调当前状态是关(O F F状态,按下此按钮后空调状态将变成高(H I G H状态:O F F→O N→O F F。
2.2空调风速控制通过按‘AIRCON’按钮能调节空调风速,空调风速设有高(H I G H、中(M E D、低(L O W、关(O F F四种状态,分别相对应高(H I G H、中(M E D、低(L O W、关(O F F四种发光二极管指示。
按钮,风速将按如下顺序从一个状态到另一个状态循环转变: 每次按‘AI R C O N’→ 关闭→ 低速→ 中速→ 高速→ 中速→ 低速→当拔出取电卡后,空调风速至“低速”运行。


空调说明书空调说明书篇一:空调说明书恒温恒湿空调机组操作使用说明申菱恒温恒湿空调机组采用德国西门子S7 22X系列PLC控制器,人机界面为德国西门子TD-200简体中文文本显示器,在机身上可以看到文本显示器的外观如下图所示:TD200文本显示器的面板上包括有4个功能按键(1-4),5个命令按键(5-9)及1个2x20 的点阵液晶显示器(10)。
ESC(键6)用于转换Display Message方式和Menu方式,或紧急停止一个编辑。
UP ARROW(键8)用于递增数据和向上翻页。

UATQ-C Series5 - 25 TonHigh AmbientCooling Only 50HzECASExceptional performance in a compact designMain FeaturesWide operating rangeHigh Ambient Design››External third party testingUATQ-C series comes with high e ciency scroll compressors, optimized heat exchangers and high-performing fans which enables the unit to deliver top performance in both standard and high ambient temperature conditions. At the same time, it also ensures high energy e ciency and reduced power consumption up to 3.8L W/W e ciency.Specially designed to deliver top performance in both standard and high ambient temperature conditions, in terms of capacity and e ciency. Less than 15% capacity deterioration at T3 with continuous operation up to 52°C.Higher e ciency: EER up to 4.05 W/W (13.51 Btu/hr/W)The UATQ-C series have undergone stringent 3rd party testing by INTERTEK, an internationally recognizedcertification body, to verify on its designed performance data.UATQ-C series rooftops are specifically designed for high ambient application and are capable of operating at an outdoor ambient of up to 52ºC.Compact and lightAuto random restartThe flat top design of the unit allows for maximum utilization of warehouse and container space, while the light frame ensures ease of handling and installation.Indoor air quality›The standard washable filter can easily be accessed for facilitated maintenance.›An additional field supplied filter can easily be installed on the 2 inch rail to meet the indoor air quality requirements of the application.Flexibility of Air supplyA belt driven fan is used such that the air volume and static pressure needed can be adjusted according to the requirements. This flexibility allows for wider application and o ers the possibility to reach the best working conditions considering the unit’s characteristics.Anti-corrosion heat exchangerController Features›Real time clock with 7 days programmable timer.›Temperature setting of 20 ºC to 30 ºC.›Energy saving mode.› 4 wire thermostat›Compressor balance loading to optimise lifetime.›Key lock function.›Error code display›Balance use run-time of compressorsCoil GuardThe condenser coil is protected by coil guard to prevent accidental damage during transportation, handling and installation.Dust Proof Sealed BearingsEnsures the reliability of outdoor motor and smooth operation all year around.External ServicePressure can be checked without opening the unit.Phase ProtectionThe unit is designed with two independent refrigerant circuits, each controlled separately for maximum part load e ciency anddurability.Independent Staged CoolingA three phase line monitor module protects the unit compo-nents against phase less, phase reversal and phase unbalance.When the unit stops suddenly due to power failure during operation, it will automatically restart is last setting condition once the power is resumed.However, the compressors will restart randomly if more than one unit is installed under the same phase of power.Hydrophilic Gold Fin coated coil is o ered as a standard coil to further prolong unit life span*This feature can be de-activated1278865943Unit casing is made of zinc coated galvanized steel sheets.It is further coated with electrostatic powder coat and thenare fastened with zinc plated screws to further prevent unit from rusting.Each unit is designed with two independent refrigerant circuit. It allows the system perform optimum part loading drier and high/low pressure switch.15scroll compressor are used in UATQ-C series to give it the highest possible performance. All compressors are equipped with an internal overload protection and crankcase heaters as standard.6Additional valves are provided for site installation of pressure gauge and low ambient kit.7The evaporator and condenser fan motor used in UATQ-C series are rated IP55 protection index with Class B and Class F insulation respectively. The condenser fan motor is designed with dust proof bearing to further enhance durability and smooth operation all year round.8The rooftop foundation is rigid, with dedicated holes for forklifting and rigging. This is for better handling during transportation and installation.9)I D W D ( t e l n I e l b u o D h t d i W e l b u o D h t i w s e m o c t i n u e h T centrifugal, forward curved type blower. It is mechanically, dynamically balanced and mounted on a rigid shaft in a self-aligned bearing block. The belt driven evaporator motor allows the change of pulley on-site to accommodate2metal condensate drain pan is powder coated to prevent corrosion.3Evaporator and condenser coils are made of seamless inner grooved copper tubes which will be mechanically transfer. All coils are tested against leakage by nitrogen holding at 609psig and highly precise helium leak test at 235psig. Hydrophilic Gold Fin coated coil is offered as a standard coil to further prolong unit life span under corrosive environment. Coil guard is incorporated to protect heat exchanger from accidental damage which will happen during transportation, handling and installation.4Component FeaturesRestaurantFactory / WarehouseHypermarketMosqueAerobridgeShort installation time, simple setup and convenient operation Does not require highly trained installers No Independent power supply required Complete with casing coverEnable management to monitor and control A/C e ectively and e cientlyNetPro Dual enables air-conditioner (A/C) to interact with BMS systemsRooftop ApplicationNetPro Dual (Modbus Gateway)AdvantagesNetPro Dual (Modbus Gateway)Modbus function codes are as below:Cooling OnlyZero ozone depletion potential for a reducedimpact on the environment.52ºCP.O. Box 18674, Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE, Tel: +971 (0) 4 815 9300, Fax: +971 (0) 4 815 9311Email: ****************** Web: DAIKIN MIDDLE EAST AND AFRICA FZEDMEA20-084A GCC(1) Rated cooling capacity based on 27ºCDB / 19ºCWB indoor and 35º CDB outdoor(2) Rated cooling capacity based on 29ºCDB / 19ºCWB indoor and 46º CDB outdoor。

1.3 / 3.56
1.4 / 3.24
25.8 10 / 39
35 45 19.5 / 137 1.4 / 3.24
37.5 8 / 40
45 60 32.1 / 169 1.4 / 3.24
Model 218 224 230 236 242 248 260
Dimensions Chassis Height (H)
TCH230AKA 29000 28600 12 74 / 72
1/6--PSC--2 925 / 1075
3200 16.58 1 / 18 3/4 3/8 .067 121 195
TCH236AKA 34600 36000 12 74 / 72
1/3--PSC--2 925 / 1075
3200 16.58 2 / 18 3/4 3/8 .073 161 198
Expansion Valve Kit Expansion Valve Kit Fossil Fuel Kit Indoor Blower Time Delay Compressor Crankcase Heater Solid State ‘‘Stick On’’ Type Compressor Crankcase Heater ‘‘Wrap--around’’ Type (6.5 to 8.5 inch Dia Compressors)** Compressor Crankcase Heater ‘‘Wrap--around’’ Type (4.2 to 6.7 inch Dia Compressors)** Compressor Sound Jacket (Small Scroll) Compressor Sound Jacket (Large Scroll)
【精编范文】海尔中央空调说明书-实用word文档 (3页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==海尔中央空调说明书篇一:室内机型号 - 海尔中央空调海尔双变多联四面出风嵌入式空调注:以上参数仅供参考,实际以机器铭牌为准!海尔双变多联四面出风嵌入式空调注:以上参数仅供参考,实际以机器铭牌为准!本技术参数版权所有:中央空调在线 / 本站网络技术支持:虎酋网络http://篇二:海尔中央空调线控器征明海尔中央空调线控器火热征名,期待你的参与!曾经的我们,为了给用户全面的功能体验,全面的按钮设计就是产品的核心,产品型号就是线控器的名称,产品外观如下图;现在的我们,选择给用户最佳的使用体验,设计一款能读懂用户心的控制器,它能自学习你的使用习惯,它有老人、儿童的模式,它还有颠覆的操作界面……产品外观如下图。
它是中央空调控制器,它是互联网的产品;这就是它的外观,我们正为它火热征名,期待你来参与产品命名投票!A. 小黑氪(赋予产品人性化色彩,聪明、懂你)B. 小极氪(赋予产品人性化色彩,并且很萌,易记忆)C. 睿智(聪颖明智,表意积极向上,体现产品本身智能特性)D. 陪伴星(犹如月亮之于地球,时刻相伴,成为你生活中不可或缺的一部分)E. 智控伙伴/精灵(科技与人性的完美结合,更懂你的产品)F. 空气伙伴(易于产生产品功能联想,亲切友好)G. 其他1.请选出你觉得最符合我们产品形象的名字!2.如果你觉得都配不上我们的控制器形象,给出您的建议吧!篇三:海尔中央空调使用寿命价值不菲的家用中央空调到底值不值?鉴于中央空调拥有工作舒适、与装修相交融、漂亮大方等一些传统空调不具备的优势,不少人都期待夏日能够运用中央空调。