航海英语302 翻译版

Passage 3-01Labour should be ordered by 0900 hrs for 2nd shift (1500 to 2300 hrs) on same day and by 1300 hrs for 1st shift (0700 to 1500 hrs) for next day. By1100 hrs, for 3rd shift (2300 to 0500 hrs) in same day.Under normal circumstances, no work is performed during meal hours 1100 to 1200 hrs and 1830 to 1930 hrs. unless the ship is classified as a key vessel or the agent orders work during the meal hours.劳工应责令0900小时第二轮班同一天(1500至2300年时)小时和1300第一班的第二天(0700至1500小时)小时。
C 001. If you want to order labour in this port for the third shift in same day, the order should be made by________ .如果你想在这个港同日第三班劳动,顺序应该是在…A. any time任意时间B. 0900 hoursC. 1100 hoursD. 1300 hoursB 002.________is performed during meal hours under usual circumstances.正常情况下,…会被安排在用餐时间工作A. Cargo work货物装卸B. No cargo work不进行货物装卸C. Ordering work by Agent代理所下的订单工作D. loading and discharging 装卸A 003. Loading and discharging can be performed during meal hours _____A. if the ship is classified as a key vessel 该船为重要船只B. if agent orders work beforehand 代理预先有所要求C. under normal circumstances 在正常情况下D. either A or B A或者BC 004. What does the word “key” mean ________?A. laden满载的B. small小的C. pivotal重要的D. big大的Passage 3-02Before arrival in the United Kingdom, the master will have informed his owners or agents of the approximate time of the vessel's arrival at the pilot station for the port of destination. The vessel should be flying her ensign and also her signal letters and the requisite pilot signal when approaching the pilot station. The international signals, as well as any local port signals, can be found in the Sailing Directions, which is also known as the "Pilot Book"When a pilot is required most ports now require due notice of the vessel's ETA to be sent in by radio. However, this does not relieve the ship's obligation to display the pilot signal ("G" by any of the methods of signaling ) until the pilot is aboard when "H" flag will be flown. If the master or first mate of the vessel has a pilotage certificate for the district then the above is unnecessary, in such case the pilot flag (white and red horizontal halves, as on the pilot vessel) will be flown.在到达英国之前,船长会在引航站通知他的业主或代理到达目的港的大致时间。

航海英语适任考试培训教材 (1-271)1. _____ is the main channel of water exchange between Indian Ocean and South China Sea.A. Dover StraitB. Malacca StraitC. Taiwan StraitD. Turkish StraitKey: B马六甲海峡是印度洋和南中国海之间的主要水道。
2. Off the W coast of Sumatera _____ is the most dominant sediment.A. sandB. rockC. mudD. coralKey: C在苏门答腊西海岸以外,软泥是主要沉积物。
3. The Passage Planning Charts which show the routes through the TSS in Malacca Strait andSingapore Strait can be found in _____.A. The Mariner's Handbook ( NP 100)B. Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)C. Mariners' Routeing Guide ( chart 5502)D. Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts ( chart 5011)Key: C显示穿过马六甲海峡和新加坡海峡内的分道通航制的航路的航路计划图可以在海员航路指南中找到。
4. Malacca Strait may _____ from W through Great Channel from the Indian Ocean, _____ S of Great Nicobar, and thence by passing N of Pulau Rondo.A. be approached, passesB. be approached, passingC. approach, passingD. approach, passesKey: B可以穿过GREAT CHANNEL从西面、通过GREAT NICOBAR, 从那里通过 PULAU RONDO 北面自印度洋驶近马六甲海峡。

大连海事大学英语2580题库中英文对照学习完整翻译版[1]KEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。
[2]KEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。
[3]KEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。
[4]KEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。
[5]KEY: A一次可以获取多达20个物标,当跟踪能力达到最大时候,就不再录取了。
[6]KEY: A英版航路指南详细描述海图的细节和安全航行所包含的信息。
[7]KEY: D英版航海通告出版是为了英版海图的改正。
[8]KEY: D木板和席子被用来做垫舱料,如果你装载大米。
[9]KEY: A低气压1002百帕,位置53N 127E4向东12节速度移动,伴有冷锋中心经51N3 126E1移至51N2 125E4,伴有暖锋从46N1 128E2 经过40N2 125E2位置。
[10]KEY: C强气压梯度导致了比斯开湾西北的强风和狂狼。
[11]KEY: D为了与3994号海图一致,从这张海图上读出的位置应该向北移动0.03分的距离。
[12]KEY: B航海日志全面记录了航次的情况,由值班驾驶员在每次值班结束后详细填写记录。
[13]KEY: C船员用浮油刮集船清扫不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。
[14]KEY: D由RCC(海上搜救协调中心)组织的燃烧不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。
[15]KEY: D漂流不是一个油溢入海水中的风化过程。
[16]KEY: D进港指南的附篇不包括在周版航海通告里。
[17]KEY: A烟雾信号时白天在救生艇上发出的最容易看到的危险信号。
[18]KEY: A推算船位是任何时刻船位可通过前次准确的定位得到的过程,计程仪所显示的船舶航向和距离数据用于此目的。
[19]KEY: C一旦明天早上下雨,装货将被延迟。

Unit2SailingRoundtheWorld课文翻译大学英语一知识分享U n i t2S a i l i n gR o u n d t h e W o r l d课文翻译大学英语一Unit 2 Sailing Round the WorldAt sixty-five Francis Chichester set out to sail single-handed round the world. This is the story of that adventure.Before he sailed round the world single-handed, Francis Chichester had already surprised his friends several times. He had tried to fly round the world but failed. That was in 1931.The years passed. He gave up flying and began sailing. He enjoyed it greatly. Chichester was already 58 years old when he won the first solo transatlantic sailing race. His old dream of going round the world came back, but this time he would sail. His friends and doctors did not think he could do it, as he had lung cancer. But Chichester was determined to carry out his plan. In August, 1963, at the age of nearly sixty-five, an age when many men retire, he began the greatest voyage of his life. Soon, he was away in this new 16-metre boat, Gipsy Moth.Chichester followed the route of the great nineteenth century clipper ships. But the clippers had had plenty of crew. Chicheater did it all by himself, even after the main steering device had been damaged by gales. Chichester covered 14, 100 miles before stopping in Sydney, Australia. This was more than twice the distance anyone had previously sailed alone.He arrived in Australia on 12 December, just 107 days out from England. He received a warm welcome from the Australians and from his family who had flown there to meet him. On shore, Chichester could not walk without help. Everybody said the same thing: he had done enough; he must not go any further. But hedid not listen.After resting in Sydney for a few weeks, Chichester set off once more in spite of his friends' attempts to dissuade him. The second half of his voyage was by far the more dangerous part, during which he sailed round the treacherous Cape Horn.On 29 January he left Australia. The next night, the blackest he had ever known, the sea became so rough that the boat almost turned over. Food, clothes, and broken glass were all mixed together. Fortunately, bed and went to sleep. When he woke up, the sea had become calm the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, Wild be on an island 885 miles away.After succeeding in sailing round Cape Horn, Chichester sent the following radio message to London:" I feel as if I had wakened from a nightmare. Wild horses could not drag me down to Cape Horn and that sinister Southern Ocean again."Just before 9 o'clock on Sunday evening 28 May, 1967, he arrived back in England, where a quarter of a million people were waiting to welcome him. Queen Elizabeth II knighted him with the very sword that Queen Elizabeth I had sailed round the world for the first time. The whole voyage from England and back had covered 28, 500 miles. It had taken him nine months , of which the sailing time was 226 days. He had done what he wanted to accomplish.Like many other adventurers, Chichester had experienced fear and conquered it. In doing so, he had undoubtedly learnt something about himself. Moreover, in the modern age when human beings depend so much on machines, he had given men throughout the world new pride.弗朗西斯·奇切斯特在六十五岁时开始了只身环球航行。

第三节航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等)neap英音:[ni:p]美音:[nip]名词n.小潮形容词 a.小潮的不及物动词vi.渐趋向小潮及物动词vt.由于小潮使搁浅topography英音:[tə'pɔgrəfi]美音:[tə'pɑgrəfɪ]名词n.1.地志;地形图2.地形;地形学;地形测demolish英音:[di'mɔliʃ]美音:[dɪ'mɑlɪʃ]及物动词vt.毁坏,破坏;拆除destroy英音:[dis'trɔi]美音:[dɪ'strɔɪ]及物动词vt.毁坏,破坏ruin英音:['ruin]美音:['ruɪn]及物动词vt.使毁灭;毁坏spoil英音:[spɔil]美音:[spɔɪl]及物动词vt.损坏;糟蹋;搞糟0001.__D____are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002.___C___gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types ofmarks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks.下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统(包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。

航海英语会话参考答案及翻译第一章普通英语四、问答题:01.What’s your date of birth?你的出生日期是什么时候?My date of birth is the 4th of May, 1989.我的出生日期是1989年5月4日。
02.What’s your seaman’s book number?你的海员证的号码是多少?It’s L396625.号码是L396625。
03.Where are you from?你来自哪里?I am form Zhejiang province.我来自浙江省。
04.What’s your captain’s nationality?你们船长的国籍是哪里?Our captain comes from China.我船船长来自中国。
05.What do you think is the most important thing on board?你认为在船上什么是最重要的事情?I think safety is the most important thing on board .我认为安全是船上最重要的事情。
06.Which ports do you often call at?你经常挂靠的港口是哪里?I often call at Hong Kong, Singapore. Bombay, etc.我经常挂靠香港、新加坡、孟买等港口。
07.What is your favorite TV program?你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?My favorite TV program is sports news.我最喜爱的电视节目是体育新闻。
08.What is your favorite web site?你最喜爱哪个网站?My favorite Web site is Baidu.我最喜爱的网站是百度。
09.What is your favorite day of the week? Why?你最喜爱一周之中的哪一天?为什么?Saturday is my favorite day, because I can have a rest.我最喜爱的是星期六,因为我可能休息。

D. Flinders bar should be moved to the opposite side of the binnacle
368 When is a stand-on vessel first allowed by the rules to take action in order to avoid collision?
A. Approach charts B. General charts C. Sailing charts D. Coast charts
373 Which situation would be a special circumstance under the rules?
A. synthetic plastic discharge plan B. oil discharge plan
C. shipboard oil pollution emergency plan D. vapor recovery procedures plan
D. After washing dishes with soap and warm water, sterilize them in water of at least 1tern is NOT used to permanently attach a stiffener to a plate?
380 A device used to enlarge the size of an existing born hole, having teeth arranged in its outside circumstance to cut the formation as it rotates is a (n) ______.

D. sail across channels and narrow seas.
002.The Liners ________.
A. always sail full B. sail regularly even not full
C. always sail in ballast D. will not sail if not full
C. will not be published even they sail fully loaded
D. is published prior to their departure
004.It is implied in the passage that ________.
A. the number of passenger ships is small

航海英语1-30题[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A. dry chemical or foamB. foam or soda acidC. carbon dioxide or foamD. carbon dioxide or dry chemicalKEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。
[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A. Captain’s cabinB. Chief Officer’s lockerC. ChartroomD. Pilot’s cabinKEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。
[3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.A. FrameB. DeckbeamC. StringerD. KeelKEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。
[4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.A. BuoyancyB. FreeboardC. DraftD. DisplacementKEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。

5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.
A.The bulbous bow
B.The anchor 锚
C.The bow thruster
2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.
A.The funnel
B.The messroom
C.The galley
D.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线
A. Extreme draft
B.Molded draft 型吃水
C. Extreme depth
D. Molded depth
最大深度是船只的深度, 从船舷从上层甲板到龙骨的最低点.
18. _______ is the depth of the vessel at the ship’s side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel.
22.A horizontal line 450-mm long and 25-mm wide cuts through the loadline disc. It is called the _______.
A.the deck line
B.Plimsoll disc
A. Extreme draft
B.Molded draft
C. Extreme depth
D. Molded depth 型深

aboard 在船上to be adrift 漂流to anchor, to ride at anchor 抛锚,停泊anchorage 停泊to call at a port 停泊某港停泊某港to moor, moorage 碇泊to lie at anchor 碇泊,抛着锚moorings 系泊处roadstead 抛锚处,碇泊处to cast anchor 抛锚to drop anchor 抛下锚riding lights 停泊灯to bail, to bale 汲水,戽水beacon 浮标buoy 浮筒floating dock 浮堤jetty, breakwater, mole, pier 防波堤dike 堤compass 罗盘binnacle 罗盘箱bound for 驶往cabotage 沿海贸易to calk, to caulk 填补船缝to careen, careen 修理cargo 货载to charter 包租costal traffic, costal trading 沿岸贸易to coast 沿海岸航行cruise 往返航行day's run 日航程dead calm 风平浪静to transship 换船derelict 弃船to disembark (人)离岸,上岸to dismast 砍断桅杆distress signal 遇难信号to capsize 倾覆to sink 沉没沉没to ground 触礁,搁浅搁浅to run aground 搁浅搁浅shipwreck 失事,遇难遇难wreck 破损,毁坏毁坏wreckage 残骸残骸jetsam 船只遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物船只遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物 flotsam 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货 dockyard 造船厂造船厂draught 一网的捕鱼量一网的捕鱼量to dredge 疏浚疏浚dredge, dredger 挖泥船挖泥船dry dock 干船坞干船坞to embark 乘船乘船fathom line 等深线等深线freight, freightage 货运货运to freight 运输,海运海运to furl 卷起(帆) squall 暴风暴风gale 大风大风hurricane 飓风飓风head wind 顶头风,逆风逆风storm 风暴风暴luff, to luff 抢风行驶抢风行驶to tack 抢风调向抢风调向windward 顶风,向风向风leeward 在下风方向在下风方向to lie to 逆风几乎不能前进逆风几乎不能前进in full sail 满帆满帆to land 抵岸抵岸loading dock, quay, wharf 码头码头wharfage 码头(总称) dock 船坞,码头码头port 港口,左舷左舷port of call 沿途停靠的港口沿途停靠的港口outer port, outport 大港外的独立小港大港外的独立小港port of registry 船籍港船籍港 harbour 海港海港 (美作:harbor) harbour entrance 海港入口海港入口to heave to 使船停驶使船停驶 navigable 正航行的正航行的to sail 扬帆航行扬帆航行to navigate 驾驶(船舶) fleet 船队船队crew 全体船员全体船员helmsman 舵手舵手sailer 水手水手navy 海军海军mate 大副大副pilot 领航员领航员knot 结,绳结绳结landing stage 栈桥栈桥lead 测深锤测深锤leak 漏to launch 使下水使下水launch, launching 下水下水life saving 救生救生lighthouse 灯塔灯塔radio beacon 无线电导航台无线电导航台 radar 雷达雷达log, logbook, ship's log 航海日志航海日志 log line 计程绳计程绳mile 海里海里oar 桨to pitch 上下颠簸上下颠簸pitching, pitch 颠簸颠簸to roll, rolling 颠簸,摇摆摇摆list 侧倾侧倾to list 使侧倾使侧倾to put in, to put into port 驶入驶入to put off 驶出,出发出发to row 划船划船to set a float 漂浮漂浮to weigh anchor 起锚起锚to set sail 出海,扬帆出海扬帆出海to ship 乘船,用船运输用船运输shipbreaker 拆船业者拆船业者ship broker 船舶经纪人船舶经纪人shipowner 船主船主shipyard 船厂船厂signal flare 信号火箭信号火箭slip, slipway, shipway 船台船台to sound 测深测深sounding line 测深索测深索larboard 左舷左舷starboard 右舷右舷to steer 操舷,驾驶驾驶to stow 装载装载stowage 装载,装载物装载物to take the helm 操航,驾驶驾驶tonnage 吨位吨位to tow, to tug 拖,拖曳拖曳towage 拖曳,拖曳费拖曳费to unfurl 展帆,打开帆打开帆to unship 从船上卸货从船上卸货to veer 解开缆索解开缆索wake 船迹,航迹航迹watch 值班,值更值更to weather 平安通过,通过岬角的上风侧通过岬角的上风侧GOOD DAY SIRS, In order to rectify our deficiencies which arising by Statoil vetting inspection dated 9TH May 2006 at Huelva,Spain, please find our actions as follows: 1. the velles could not check or sample segregated ballast without removing numerous bolts. === suggestion, office supply suitable and completed hatch on board, it to be fitted on present hatch of ballast tanks at workshop by crew. if CCS approval. otherwise, waiting for forthcoming dock. 2. No familiarization programme/ training of crane operations. === please find attached file which is form ref: certificate of competency to operate lifting appliances.pls iuuse procedure and authorization to ship to do this work by master. 3. 5 hooks on various cranes with damage retaining clip. === the damage retaining clip will be repaired before arrival loading port. 4. only the bollards had welded SWL, pedestal rollers had no marking. === we hard find this information on board, pls provide pedestal rollers SWL. 5. No records of regular inspection and testing of chain blocks. 6. No inspection and maintenance of slings. === All chain blocks and slings have been listed and filed for recording their serial number, SWL,certificate and inspection date etc. but chain block on board had no certificate and it should be tested by shore service annualy. pls arrange accordingly at suitable port. 。

第六章 34-54,第七章第九节 93-98,第八章99-110,第十章 128-144,第十一章 145-163,第十三章 174-192 第一节第二节各类证书的内容、展期与更新各类报表(海事、海关、检疫、边防等)航海图书资料( 16)第二章航海图书资料(1-16)第一节第二节第三节第1组航路指南进港指南航海出版物(灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等) 1. __D____ are published for the correction of AdmiraltyCharts. A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of Signals C.Mariner's Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners 英版《航海通告》出版用于英版海图的改正。
2.___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks. A.Ocean Passages for the World(NP136) B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 C.IALA Maritime Buoyage System(NP735)D.The Mariners Handbook(NP100)国际航标协会海上浮标系统给出有关包括文字和图表解释的方位标和侧标(五种航标:侧标,方位标,安全水域,特殊标志)的描述。

PSC Inspection
Unit 12
Ship Security
I II III IV V Warming up Reading Aloud Listening Speaking Vocabulary Link
Listening and Analysis ——Blank Filling
Q1:What’s your date of birth? A1:My date of birth is …. . Or I was born on …. . (此处注意单复数) Q2:What’s your favourite port you have ever called at? A2:My favourite port is …. Or I like … best.
Unit 2
Ship Orders ——Vocabulary Link
Q1:How is the cable leading? A1:The cable is leading ahead/astern. <换词> ahead/astern 可替换 为: ◆to port/starboard 向左/向 右 ◆round the bow 过船首 ◆up and down 垂直
Q:Where is the galley?
Unit 1
Familiarisation on board——Speaking
<换词> date of birth 可替换为: ◆seaman’s book number ◆family members and their occupations ◆daily work ◆spare time activities

哪一根缆绳最有用当你操纵船舶靠泊时?首倒缆2350 你船装载不吸湿的货物自寒冷地区到温暖地区。
2352 你船左倾4度且横摇周期短。
你应最先采取什么措施?排出首尖舱的水2353 你船装载吸湿的货物自温暖地区开往寒冷地区。
2355 油船满载,并且你发现尾倾过大。
2357 你船装载危险货物。
哪一句是正确的?散装硫磺可以被符合所有适用规则而没有特别允许的船舶装载2360 你装运的货物中有一含有一类爆炸品的包裹。
2361 你很可能移动重量自上二层舱到底舱。
2362 你已靠泊在周围有油船的码头。
什么信号表示船舶正在进行转移易燃或可燃液体货物?视野周围可见到一盏红灯2363 你有一定数量的袋装货物装载在三个甲板下二层舱。
2365 在卸货其间,请求你安排必要的理货员在船上进行理货工作。

航海英语部分翻译1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations?A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operationsB. Emergency shutdown operationC. Removing booms from stowageD. All of the above起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A. spring lineB. warp lineC. bow lineD. breast line一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, youshould activate the signal _____A. on the downwind sideB. on the upwind sideC. inside the boatD. at the stern当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。

航海英语302烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。

是特,朵死,啊,科乐子的,恩的,死Q饿的,了外身,一死,因,哦,女死派可特死,女第佛c, p里子。
因了,恩来可里,一问特,哦副,恩,一买句C,P里子,哦贝了,哦的S ,gi问,on了,趴比可,饿卷S,CS特,趴信举死,啊,女快饿的,土了,女的,哦,诺特S,恩的,里副来特S,看手林,sei 副体,女个类选S,哦。
土比,哦贝的,鞋副体,女个类选S ,度诺特,p米特,趴信举S,土,恩特,了,佛了应,S配死。
2.应特来选了,女个类选死,女快饿,哦,趴sin,举死,土,比,爱c么bou的,应饿,卷饿,为取,海死,土tei可,P类死,为死领,春体佛凹饿死,哦副第趴犬,饿卷饿, 为饿比,后饿的,土,否米了rai死,趴sin,举死,为死类饿,爱c么bou里,死dei选S,为死类饿,来副-sei副另,一快p们特,恩的,为是,一买举死。
哦为日因佛木 A 门北澳五热哭入一付有地特克特fai 儿哦死没负有门死哦四某克。
普特有日得西个瑞尺因 A 抗腾乐普若外地得。

agentn.代理人, 代理商; 经纪人作用者, 原动力, 动因; 作用剂'eidʒənt'electricadj.电动的, 电的使人震惊的i'lektrikchemicaladj.化学的n.化学药品'kemikəlsodan.苏打, 碱苏打水, 汽水'səudəacidadj.酸味的, 酸的尖刻的n.〈化〉酸酸味物质'æsidcarbonn.〈化〉碳'kɑ:bəndioxiden.〈化〉二氧化物dai'ɔksaidprovide withn.给…提供;以…装备necessaryadj.必要的; 必需的必然的; 不可避免的n.必需品'nesisərifurnituren.家具'fə:nitʃəhandlingadj.操作的n.处理'hændliŋchronometern.精密计时器; 航行表krə'nɔmitəcabinn.〈美〉小木屋(飞机上的)驾驶舱, 船舱'kæbinchiefadj.级别最高的; 总的主要的, 最重要的n.族长, 酋长首领, 首长tʃi:flockern.寄物柜'lɔkəmainadj.主要的; 最重要的n.总管道; 干线meinstructuren.结构, 构造有结构的事物; 复杂的整体; 建筑物vt.组织; 安排; 构造; 制定'strʌktʃərunningadj.流动的n.跑步'rʌniŋbackbonen.脊骨, 脊柱骨干, 支柱, 主力, 中坚骨气; 毅力'bækbəunfamen.名声, 名望feimstringern.上弦匠,长条支承木材'striŋəkeeln.(船的)龙骨vt. vi.翻身; 倾覆ki:lvesseln.船, 舰容器血管, 脉管, 导管'vesəlamidprep.(表示位置)在…中间, 处于…之中, 为…所环绕(表示环境)处于…环境中, 处于…状态中; 由于存在…情况, 由于处于…状态中(表示让步)尽管有…的情况, 尽管存在…的状态ə'midupperadj.较高的, 上部的vt.用大写字母排印/upper crust面包表层的皮贵族阶层, 上流阶层; 最上层/upper works〈海〉水线以上的船体'ʌpəcorrespondingadj.相当的, 对应的符合的, 一致的'kɔris'pɔndiŋbuoyancyn.(物体在液体里的)浮性浮力(从失望、噩耗等中)恢复正常的能力, 恢复乐观(价格、营业状况等的)维持力, 恢复力, 上涨行情, 增长趋势'bɔiənsi freeboardn.干舷'fri:bɔ:ddraftn.草稿, 草案, 草图汇票应召入伍者; 特遣队vt.起草, 画草图, 草拟选派, 抽调征募, 征召…入伍drɑ:ft30 displacementn.移置, 代替dis'pleismənttargetn.(射击的)靶子(欲达到的)目[指]标(服务的)对象; (攻击的)对象vt.瞄准某物'tɑ:ɡittrackn.踪迹, 痕迹, 足迹小路路径, 路线轨道跑道vt.跟踪, 追踪trækcapacityn.容量, 容积才能, 能力身份, 职位kə'pæsitireachn.伸手可及的距离(江河的)河段vt.到达联络vt. vi.伸出手臂; 延伸ri:tʃacquisitionn.获得, 得到获得者, 获得物'ækwi'ziʃənamplifyvt.放大, 扩大增强vt. vi.详述'æmplifaidetailn.细目, 细节; 小事各种细节, 详情'di:teildirectionn.方向, 趋向, 趋势, 动向方面, 范围指南, 指示, 说明管理, 指导姓名和地址di'rekʃənpublishvt. vi.出版公布'pʌbliʃadmiraln.海军将领, 舰队司令'ædmərəlchartn.图表航海图唱片的每周流行榜vt.绘制地图, 在图上标出跟踪; 记述tʃɑ:thandbookn.手册, 便览'hændbukdunnagen.手提物品,日常用品'dʌnidʒwoodenadj.木制的, 木头的僵硬的, 呆笨的'wudnplankn.(厚)木板政纲条目, 政策要点plæŋkrushn.冲, 奔繁忙的活动大量急需vt.催促vt. vi.(使)急速行进; 仓促完成rʌʃmatn.席子, 垫子mætsteel barn.棒材,条钢,型钢,钢筋steeln.钢, 钢铁vt.使坚强, 使坚定sti:lroughadj.粗糙的; 不平的粗鲁的; 粗暴的; 粗野的; 剧烈的粗制的; 粗略的; 概略的(味道、声音等)令人不快的; 难吃的; 刺耳的不舒服vt.过艰苦生活rʌfbayn.湾分隔间低沉的吠声月桂树vi.(尤指猎犬等)低沉地吠叫beisteepadj.陡的, 急剧升降的〈非正〉(要求或价格)过分; 过高vt. vi.浸, 泡sti:pgradientn.道路的斜度, 坡度变化程度'ɡreidjəntpositionn.方位, 位置地位, 身份职位, 职务姿势, 姿态状态, 状况, 境况, 形势态度, 立场阵地vt.将(某物)放在(某一)位置上pə'ziʃənconsidervt.把…看作, 认为关心, 体谅, 顾及vt. vi.考虑kən'sidərecordn.记录, 记载最好的成绩, 水平; 纪录经历, 履历; 功过vt.显示; 自动记下vt. vi.记录; 录音, 拍摄ri'kɔ:dvoyagen.航行, 航海; 航天'vɔiidʒprotestn.抗议; 反对vt. vi.声明; 抗议'prəutest60 accident reportn.事故报告biodegradableadj.生物所能分解的'baiəudi'ɡreidəbldissolutionn.(社团等)解散; (婚约等的)解除分散; 溶解衰败; 死亡, 消亡〈律〉离婚'disə'lu:ʃəncrewn.全体船员, 全体机务人员一队(或一班、一组)工作人员kru:skimmern.撇乳器'skiməoxiden.氧化物'ɔksaidspillvt.使跌落泄露机密vt. vi.溢出; 泼出spilemulsificationn.乳化,乳化作用i'mʌlsifi'keiʃənsedimentationn.沉淀,沉降'sedimen'teiʃənburningadj.烧着的急切的, 迫切的引起争论和焦虑的n.燃烧'bə:niŋorganizevt. vi.组织'ɔ:ɡənaizprocessn.过程, 进程工序, 制作法vi.列队行进vt.加工; 处理'prəusesweatheringn.侵蚀,风化'weðəriŋevaporationn.蒸发(作用)i'væpə'reiʃəndispersionn.散布,驱散,传播,散射;离差,差量dis'pə:ʃəndriftingadj.漂流的,飘动的'driftiŋamendmentn.修改, 改动; 修正案ə'mendməntsupplementn.补遗, 补编vt.增补l'sʌplimentguiden.指导者向导, 导游有指导意义的事物vt.引路; 指导操纵, 驾驶影响, 支配ɡaidentryn.进入入场权入口处登记, 条目, 词条参赛的人[物]参加比赛的名单或总(人)数'entrivisibleadj.看得见的, 可见的, 有形的明显的, 可察觉到的'vizəbldistressn.悲痛, 痛苦, 忧伤, 苦恼贫困, 窘迫危险, 困难, 危难vt.使痛苦, 使忧伤dis'treslifeboatn.救生艇'laifbəutflashvt.闪耀, 闪现vt. vi.发出闪光flæʃtransmissionn.传送, 传播, 传达播送传动装置, 变速器trænz'miʃənapplyvt.应用; 使用; 敷, 涂使刻苦努力; 致力于vt. vi.申请, 请求; 适用ə'plaidistancen.距离, 间距远处, 远方(时间或空间的)相距疏远, 冷淡'distənsindicatevt.标示, 指示, 指出象征; 表明或暗示…的可能性'indikeitdead weightn.静负载;固定负载postponevt.延期; 推迟'pəust'pəununitn.(工作)单位(计量或计数用的)单位(课本中的)单元(特定功能的)装置'ju:nittotaladj.总计的; 全部的完全的; 全然的n.总计, 总数vt. vi.计算'təutəlenclosevt.把…围起来把…装入信封, 附入in'kləuzsufficientadj.足够的; 充足的sə'fiʃəntboundaryn.分界线界线, 范围'baundərifreightn.货运; 货物vt.运输, 装货于freitvehiclen.交通工具, 车辆传播媒介, 手段'vi:ɪklcurven.曲线, 弧线曲线状物, 弯曲物vt. vi.(使)弯成弧形kə:vsurfacen.面, 表面水面, 液体的表面外表, 外观'sə:fisanglen.角, 角度观点vi.垂钓, 钓鱼vt.把…放置成一角度使(新闻、报道等)带有倾向性'æŋɡlfarewelln.告别, 欢送'fɛə'weldevelopvt.(照相)冲洗, 显影vt. vi.开发, 发展(使)成长, (使)发育, (使)发达di'veləpobjectn.物体对象; 客体目标; 意向; 目的可笑的人[事物]宾语vi.不赞成, 反对; 抗议vt.以…为理由反对'ɔbdʒikt backgroundn.(画等的)背景, 底色背景情况个人背景资料'bækɡraundconspicuousadj.显眼的, 明显的kən'spikjuəspermanentadj.永久(性)的, 固定的'pə:mənəntpreliminaryadj.初步的, 预备的, 开端的n.准备工作, 初步行动pri'liminəriconditionn.状况, 状态; 地位健康状况, 可使用的状况条件, 先决条件环境, 情况疾病vt.制约, 限制使习惯于, 使适应kən'diʃənsubjectadj.常有[常患, 常遭受]…的; 倾向于…的须服从…的; 受…支配的受约束[管辖]的, 不独立的取决于…的, 有待于…的n.主题; 题目; 问题话题, 考虑的问题学科, 科目; 课程主语, 主词vt.使服从, 征服, 制伏'sʌbdʒikttensionn.紧张紧张的状态张力, 拉力'tenʃənforwardadj.向前方的, 向前进的; 位于前面的早熟的, (儿童)发育早的adv.向前[向末]端前进向着将来vt.发送; 转寄促进'fɔ:wədrequiredadj.必需的ri'kwaiədrefrigerantadj.制冷的n.制冷剂ri'fridʒərəntsuitableadj.适当的, 适宜的, 恰当的'sju:təblprotectvt.保护; 保卫关税保护prə'tektvisibilityn.能见度, 视程清晰度'vizi'bilitireturnn.回来, 回程, 回路偿还, 归还回复; 回归; 复发归还之物利润, 收益vi.返回, 回来恢复vt.还, 归还, 退回回报ri'tə:ngain controln.增益控制gainn.获益; 增财利润; 增加vt. vi.获得, 赢得增加, 增进(钟、表)走快ɡeinbrilliantadj.闪光的, 明亮的光辉的, 辉煌的'briljəntcluttern.杂物, 零乱的东西零乱'klʌtəcontroln.控制, 支配, 管理管理手段vt.控制, 抑制, 支配管理, 操纵kən'trəulsweepn.打扫, 清扫挥动, 摆动大面积搜索vt. vi.扫, 打扫, 拂去扫视swi:pinterceptvt.拦截, 截住, 截击'ɪntə'septincompleteadj.不完全的, 未完成的'ɪnkəm'pli:tsurveyn.调查vt.眺望; 纵览测量; 勘察检查, 鉴定通盘考虑, 回顾sə'veidraughtn.通风, 气流一饮, 一口之量drɑ:ftwarningn.发出警告; 受到告诫警告, 前兆'wɔ:niŋwarnvt. vi.警告, 提醒; 告诫; 预先通知, 预告wɔ:nnavigatevt.(从海上、空中等)横越; 横渡; 飞跃vt. vi.给(船舶、飞机等)引航; 导航'næviɡeitwithinadj.(表示位置)在…里面, 在…内部(表示时间)不超过(表示距离)不超出(表示范围)在范围[限度]内wi'ðinfathomn.英寻vt.理解…的真意, 搞懂, 弄清楚'fæðəmowingadj.欠着的, 应付的, 未付的'əuiŋsurvivevi.幸存, 活下来vt.比…活得长, 经历…之后还存在sə'vaivcopevi.成功地应付; 对付kəupsinkingn.沉没'siŋkiŋTitanicn.〈希神〉泰坦神族的tai'tænikcountlessadj.无数的; 多得数不清的'kauntlistallyn.账; 记录; 比分; 得分vt. vi.(使)符合; (使)吻合'tæliexpenses iks'pensisn.费用,开支feen.费, 酬金fi: pilotadj.试验性的; 引导的n.飞行员, 宇航员引航员; 舵手vt.驾驶带领, 指引, 引导试验, 试用'pailətsailingn.帆船运动(轮船的)航班; 起船'seiliŋwheeln.轮子, 车轮, 机轮方向盘, 舵轮旋转, 旋转运动vi.转动, 旋转vt.推, 拉(车)hwi:ltelegraphn.打电报电报机vt.打电报向(某人)发指令vt. vi.打电报传达(消息)'teliɡrɑ:fphrasen.〈语〉短语, 词组; 成语说法, 简洁的语句, 警句vt.叙述; 措词freizvalidadj.正当的, 有充分根据的, 符合逻辑的有效的有法律效力的'vælidfiguren.数字图解, 图表; 装饰性的图案人或动物的像, 画像, 肖像轮廓, 人影, 身材, 体态, 风姿算术, 计算vi.出现, 被提及vt.计算在内估计, 有可能; 认为, 料想'fiɡəstoppern.阻塞物; (尤指)瓶塞'stɔpəshortenvt. vi.弄短, 缩短'ʃɔ:tnequaladj.相等的, 同样的平等的能胜任的, 合适的n.同样的人, 相等的数量能与之比拟的东西, 匹敌者vt.与…相等或相同比得上'i:kwəlsheaven.滑车轮,槽轮v.捆;反桨划船ʃi:vMediterraneanadj.(似)地中海的, (似)地中海沿岸国家的'meditə'reinjənanchoring strengthn.碇系力dockingn.,adj.入坞(的)'dɔkiŋsternadj.苛刻的, 严格的严肃的, 严厉的stə:nbown.弓, 弓形物鞠躬, 低头vi.(向…)弯腰; 鞠躬vt.低头, 俯首bəucurrentadj.现在的, 现行的通用的, 通行的, 被普遍接受的n.水流, 气流电流趋向, 趋势, 倾向'kʌrənt collarn.衣领, 领子(狗等的)项圈'kɔləboomn.(营业等的)激增, (经济等的)繁荣, 迅速发展隆隆声vi.激增, 猛涨, 兴隆发出隆隆声bu:mtoppingn.配品, 浇料; 装饰'tɔpiŋliftn.抬, 举电梯, 升降机免费搭车; 搭便车鼓舞, 振奋vi.消散vt.终止; 解除vt. vi.举起, 抬起liftoutboard boatn.船外马达guyn.家伙, 伙计ɡaispidern.蜘蛛'spaidəbarometern.气压计, 晴雨表bə'rɔmitərovevt.流浪, 漂泊(指眼睛)环顾rəuvadventuren.冒险活动; 冒险经历; 奇遇冒险, 刺激vt. vi.冒险əd'ventʃəhauln.拖, 拉拖运货物的距离一网的捕获量, 一次偷得的数量vt.运送传讯vt. vi.拖, 拉hɔ:lmovableadj.活动的; 可移动的'mu:vəblblockn.街区, 街段大块(木料、石料、金属、冰等)障碍(物), 阻塞(物)vt.堵塞, 阻塞阻碍, 妨碍blɔkhookn.挂钩; 鱼钩钩拳转弯处vt.弯成钩形vt. vi.钩住, 吊住, 挂住huksnatchn.抢; 夺; 攫取(物的)片段; 短时间; 一阵vt.迅速获得; 乘机获取vt. vi.突然伸手拿取; 攫取; 抓住snætʃbondingn.黏结;连[搭,焊,胶,粘]接,结[耦,焊,接]合,压焊'bɔndiŋcablen.(船只、桥梁等上的)巨缆, 钢索电缆vt. vi.给(某人)发电报, 打电报告诉(某人) 'keibl tankn.油[水]箱, 罐, 槽坦克tæŋkhandlen.手柄, 把手vi.易于操作vt.处理, 应付, 对待拿, 触, 摸'hændltemporaryadj.临时的, 暂时的, 短时间的'tempərəriloopn.圈, 环, 环状物回路, 循环vt. vi.(使)成环, (使)成圈lu:phorizontaladj.水平的, 与地平线平行的'hɔri'zɔntəlbandn.带, 箍条纹价值、数量等的范围; 无线电的波段, 频带一群, 一伙乐队, 乐团vt.用带绑扎vt. vi.结合起来; 伙同bændcharacteristicadj.特有的, 典型的'kæriktə'ristikcompositeadj.混合成的, 综合成的'kɔmpəzitwreckvt.毁坏[毁灭]某物rekspheren.球(体)(兴趣或活动的)范围, 领域sfiəcabinetn.橱, 陈列柜内阁, 内阁会议'kæbinitcontainvt.包含; 容纳控制, 抑制kən'teinpostn.柱, 杆, 桩终点标志邮政邮件邮局, 邮筒职位岗位, 哨位vt.张贴; 贴在…上宣布; 公告邮寄设岗委派pəustrechargevt.给(电池)再充电; 给(枪)再装弹药'ri:'tʃɑ:dʒcardinaladj.最重要的, 主要的n.红衣主教'kɑ:dinlinterruptvt. vi.打断'ɪntə'rʌptstiffenvt. vi.(使)变硬'stifnstressn.压力, 紧张强调, 重要性重力重音vt.重读强调strescelestialadj.天的, 天空的si'lestjəlprimeadj.首要的; 主要的; 基本的最好的, 第一流的n.全盛时期vt.使准备好, 使完成准备工作事先指导, 事先向…提供情况praimlatituden.纬度特指的纬度地区自由, 自由范围'lætitju:dnumericaladj.数字的, 用数字表示的, 数值的nju:'merikəldeclinationn.倾斜, 下倾赤纬磁偏角'dekli'neiʃənassignvt.分配; 交给指派, 选派指定, 订出ə'saincommandn.命令指挥, 控制掌握; 运用力, 控制力部队, 兵团; 指挥部vt.命令应得, 博得, 值得俯瞰掌握, 支配vt. vi.指挥; 控制kə'mɑ:ndchainn.链, 锁链一系列的事物连锁店或旅馆束缚vt.用铁链锁住束缚tʃeinbridlen.马笼头, 马缰vt.给…套龙头控制'braidleffectiveadj.有效的; 生效的事实上的, 实际的给人印象深刻的i'fektivabsorbvt.吸收把…并入, 同化吸引…的注意力, 使全神贯注əb'sɔ:bstrippern.脱衣舞表演者, 脱衣舞女'stripəclingvi.附着于抓紧或抱住坚持kliŋwildcatadj.(商业上或财务上)鲁莽的, 冒险的n.野猫脾气暴躁的人'waildkætstatementn.声明, 陈述结算单, 报表'steitməntextensiveadj.广阔的, 广泛的; 大量的, 大规模的iks'tensiveditionn.版次, 版本i'diʃənrevised editionn.修订版reprintn.重印书, 再版书vt.(书籍)重印, 再版'ri:'printprojectionn.投掷, 发射, 喷射投影, 投影图prə'dʒekʃəndepictvt.描绘; 描画描述di'pikt polen.柱, 杆地极; 磁极, 电极截然相反的两极之一, 极端pəulconnectvt. vi.连接, 联结把…看作有关联; 由…联想到给…接通电话kə'nektmeridiann.子午圈, 子午线顶点; (权力, 成就等的)全盛时期mə'ridiənazimuthal chartn.方位(投影地)图Lambertn.(姓氏) 兰伯特(物) 朗伯(亮度单位)'læmbə(:)tconformal mappingn.共形映射[像],保角映射[变换]transverseadj.横向的'trænzvə:smeasurelink v.有…大小n.测量计量制, 度量法计量单位量具, 量器尺度, 标准程度, 地步措施, 办法vt.量出; 记录估计, 估量仔细考虑(通过竞争, 冲突等)考验某事物, 较量vt. vi.量'meʒədepthn.深, 深度, 纵深深厚, 深切, 深刻深处, 深渊depθheadwayn.进展,净空高度'hedweibargen.驳船vi.(鲁莽而笨拙地)猛撞, 冲, 闯bɑ:dʒoverheadadj.离地面的; 头顶上的; 上空的, 架空的adv.在头顶上; 在空中在楼上n.(企业的)经费'əuvəhedchockn. vt. adv.楔,木楔,楔形物用楔子垫,收放定盘上满满地tʃɔkfittingadj.适合的, 恰当的n.设备, 家具, 日用器具试穿, 试衣'fitiŋshacklen.手铐, 脚镣, 镣铐束缚, 羁绊vt.给(某人)带上手铐或脚镣束缚'ʃæklgearn.用具, 设备, 衣服齿轮; 传动装置; (排)挡vi.换挡vt.使兴奋起来; 使准备好vt. vi.(使)搭配; (使)适合ɡiəcargon.货物(量)'kɑ:ɡəuemergencyn.紧急情况, 不测事件, 非常时刻i'mə:dʒənsi concentrationn.专心, 专注集中, 集结'kɔnsən'treiʃənprovidevt.规定vt. vi.提供; 供给; 供应prə'vaidbulwarkn.堡垒, 堤岸支柱舷墙'bulwəkcastn.投, 掷, 抛, 扔铸造物; 塑件石膏演员表, 全体演员vt.投射, 加…于分配(演戏剧等的)角色vt. vi.投, 掷, 扔浇铸kɑ:stsharpadj.锋利的, 尖锐的急转的, 陡峭的; 突然的, 急剧的轮廓鲜明的; 明显的; 清晰的灵敏的, 机警的辛辣的, 刺骨[鼻, 眼, 耳]的蓄意中伤的; 尖刻的; 严厉的adv.准时地突然地, 急剧地ʃɑ:psupportn.支撑, 承受, 支持, 赞助支撑物, 支柱, 支座, 支架给予帮助[同情]的人支持者, 拥护者vt.支撑; 撑扶; 托住; 支持维持赞助; 赞成; 供养经常光顾; 为…捧场忍受sə'pɔ:tpipen.管子, 管道烟斗管乐器, 笛子vt.以管输送传送吹哨子下令(表示欢迎)滚边, 镶花边vt. vi.用笛子吹奏; 鸣啭, 唱paipstoven.炉, 火炉stəuvclausen.从句(法律文件等的)条款klɔ:zchartern.许可证纲领, 宪章, 宣言包租vt.发给…许可证包租'tʃɑ:təownern.物主, 所有人'əunədispatchn.急件, 快信(记者发回的)新闻报道派遣, 调遣vt.派遣, 调遣, 发送匆匆吃[做]完dis'pætʃberthn.(船、列车等的)卧铺(船舶的)停泊位或锚位bə:θexpeditevt.加快进展迅速完成'ekspidaitloadingn.装载,装填'ləudiŋdischarging portn.卸货港口specificadj.明确的, 确切的, 详尽的具体的, 特有的, 特定的仅限于…的; 只发现于…的n.特效药具体方面, 细节spi'sifik readyadj.准备就绪的乐意的, 情愿的(思维)敏捷的'redidefiniteadj.明确的, 确切的一定的, 肯定的'definitrouten.路, 路途, 路线, 路程ru:talley wayn.小路,巷道;走廊,通道alleyn.胡同, 小巷小径'ælicorridorn.走廊, 通道'kɔridɔ:embarkvi.乘船vt.装载im'bɑ:kcloudn.云团, 群造成不愉快或不明朗的事物vi.(某人的脸)显得阴沉或忧伤vt. vi.(使)某物变得阴沉暗淡, 不清楚klaudclassifyvt.分类; 归类'klæsifaisequencen.有关联的一组事物, 一连串先后次序, 顺序, 连续'si:kwənssignifyvt.表示…的意思, 意味'siɡnifaiapproachn.靠近, 接近, 临近通路, 入口, 途径方式, 方法vt.接洽, 交涉; 着手处理vt. vi.接近, 走近, 靠近ə'prəutʃfrontadj.前面的, 前部的; 正面的n.前面; 正面一面前线, 战线联合行动, 阵线幌子, 隐蔽物vt.作…的正面vt. vi.面向, 朝向frʌntstationaryadj.不动的; 静止的'steiʃənəriportableadj.便于携带的; 手提式的; 轻便的'pɔ:təblextinguishern.熄火者, 扑火者; 消火者; 消火器; 熄火器, 灭火器ik'stiŋɡwiʃəannuallyadv.一年一次,每年'ænjuəlicheckn.检查, 核对制止, 抑制〈美〉支票, 账单vt.阻碍, 制止; 抑制vt. vi.检查, 核对tʃek gagen.厚度, 直径测量仪表规格, 尺度vt.计量, 度量估计, 判断ɡeidʒpressuren.压(力), 压强强制, 压迫'preʃəamountn.量, 数量, 数额总额, 总数vi.合计, 共计等同, 接近ə'mauntsealn.海豹印章, 印鉴, 图章封条, 封蜡vt.盖章于密封决定si:lcofferdamn.围堰'kɔfədæmdeckn.a floor built across a ship over all or part of its length 甲板, 层面vt.装饰某人或某物dekstrengthn.力, 力量; 体力, 力气强度; 浓度优点, 长处人力[数]; 兵力streŋθplacingn.配售'pleisiŋapartadv.相距, 相隔分离, 分开ə'pɑ:tbeamn.梁, 横梁束, 柱vi.发出光与热面露喜色vt.播送bi:mcombinationn.合作, 结合, 组合联合体, 组合物密码组合, 字码组合排列, 组合'kɔmbi'neiʃənpurposen.目的; 意图作用; 用途; 效果意志; 毅力; 决心vt.有意, 打算'pə:pəsproducen.产品, 农产品vt.出示, 提供引起; 导致出版; 上演vt. vi.生产, 产生, 出产制作, 创作prə'dju:svelocityn.速度vi'lɔsitifogn.雾vt.雾气笼罩使迷惑vt. vi.模糊不清fɔɡfoamn.泡沫; 泡沫材料vi.起泡沫; 吐白沫fəumstreamn.小河, 溪流流, 一股, 一串水流方向, 潮流(按能力分的)班级vi.飘扬; 招展vt. vi.流; 流动stri:m commonadj.普遍的, 常见的公有的, 共有的, 共同的一般的, 平常的'kɔmənmoorn.荒野, 旷野vt. vi.停泊, 系泊(船只)muərepresentvt.表现, 描绘代表, 象征, 表示作为…的代表'repri'zentfactorn.因素, 要素〈数〉因子, 因数'fæktəperprep.〈拉〉(表示关涉)通过, 由(表示根据)依照, 根据(表示比率)(尤指数量, 价格, 时间)每pə:, pəstrandn.(线、绳、发的)股; 缕strændcoren.果核核心, 精髓, 要点kɔ:compassn.罗盘, 指南针圆规界限'kʌmpəsseekvi.企图; 试图vt.请求, 征求; 求教vt. vi.寻找; 探寻si:kcapabilityn.能做某事的素质; 能力尚未发挥的天资或素质'keipə'bilətirelativeadj.相对的; 比较的n.亲属, 亲戚'relətivbearingn.举止, 风度方向轴承'bɛəriŋbarn.酒吧间, 售酒的(饮食)柜台条, 块(门、窗等的)闩, 栅栏vt.闩(门等)阻止, 阻拦, 封锁bɑ:containern.容器集装箱, 货柜kən'teinəcuben .立方形的东西, 立方体〈数〉立方kju:blikelyadj.可能的; 有希望的适合的adv.可能'laiklidenseadj.密集的, 稠密的, 浓密的密度大的愚笨的densbulkn.(巨大)物体, (大)块, (大)团主体, 绝大部分vt. vi.变得越来越大(或重要)bʌlk householdadj.家庭的, 家用的n.同住在一所房子里的人, 一家人, 户'haushəuldappliancen.器具, 器械, 装置ə'plaiənsfragileadj.易碎的, 脆的虚弱的, 脆弱的; 经不起折腾的'frædʒailindustrialadj.工业的, 产业的用于工业的in'dʌstriəlmachineryn.(总称)机器体系, 机构mə'ʃi:nəricontinuousadj.连续的, 没有中断的kən'tinjuəswatertightadj.不漏水的,水密的'wɔ:tətaitbulkheadn.隔离壁(用在船舱、隧道、太空飞行器, 以防止在一部分损坏时水或空气流入其他部分)'bʌlkhednormallyadv.通常; 正常地'nɔ:məlistructural elementn.构件,结构部件exterioradj.外部的, 外面的n.外面, 外貌, 外表户外景色图, 外景eks'tiəriəcenterlinen.中心线'sentəlainjoinern.工匠'dʒɔinəcorrectionn.改正修改; 纠正kə'rekʃənaugmentationn.增加'ɔ:ɡmen'teiʃənincludevt.包括, 包含in'klu:dnauticaladj.与船舶、海员、航海有关的'nɔ:tikəlnautical almanacn.航海天文年历Venusn.金星维纳斯'vi:nəsplatingn.电镀,被覆金属'pleitiŋtemporarilyadv.临时preventvt.预防vt. vi.阻止pri'ventincreasen.增加, 增大, 增多vt. vi.增加, 增大, 增多in'kri:slengthn.一段, 一节长, 长度; 距离leŋθsquareadj.正方形的成直角的平方的n.正方形广场平方vt.使成方形与…一致结账贿赂skwɛənotchn.(边缘或表面上的)V型痕迹, 刻痕水平, 等级vt.在(某物)上刻V形痕nɔtʃcrackn.裂缝, 缝隙劈叭声, 爆裂声意外的一下重击试图, 尝试俏皮话vt. vi.(使…)开裂, 破裂(使)身体上或精神上垮掉打开, 砸开(使)发出爆裂声krækdrillingn.演练'driliŋslotn.(机器或工具上的)狭缝, 狭槽〈非正〉(在表册、系统等中所占的)位置, 职位, 空位vt.把…放入狭长开口中; 把…纳入其中, 使有位置slɔtweldvt. vi.焊接; 熔接welddoublern.加倍装置,大碗'dʌbləcyclonen.气旋暴风'saikləunfinaladj.最后的, 最终的决定性的, 确定性的n.决赛(大学的)期终考试'fainəldevelopmentn.发展, 生长新阶段, 新事态; 新产品, 新发明新开发地di'veləpmənt$1tornadon.龙卷风; 旋风tɔ:'neidəupolaradj.(近)北[南]极的正好相反的'pəuləplotn.故事情节(秘密)计划, 密谋小块地皮vt.把…分成小块; 划分绘制; 标出vt. vi.密谋plɔtutilizevt.利用, 使用'ju:tilaizmagneticadj.有磁性的, 有吸引力的磁性的mæɡ'netik coursen.课程进程, 过程航向, 航线一道菜kɔ:ssetadj.固定的; 指定的不变的n.(一)套, (一)副收音机; 电视机vi.(日、月等)落, 下沉(植物)结子, 结果vt.放, 搁置setdriftn.漂移, 漂流吹积物; 堆积物趋势, 动向, 倾向大意, 要点, 主旨vi.漂, 漂流漂泊, 流浪driftaccountn.账, 账户记述, 描述, 报道vi.解释; 说明vt.认为ə'kaunthourly raten.计时工资fixn.困境, 窘境定位于受操纵的事vt.修理; 校准固定, 安装安排; 决定, 确定准备, 做(饭等)fiksactn.行为, 行动法令, 条例(一)幕vt. vi.行动, 做表演, 假装起作用æktloadn.负荷; 负担装载, 装载量工作量, 负荷量vt. vi.把…装上车[船]装…ləudlongitudinaladj.经度的,纵向的lɔndʒi'tju:dinlstiffnessn.坚硬,硬度'stifnistien.领带, 领结关系; 联系束缚, 牵连, 累赘vt.系, 拴, 绑vt. vi.打结; 系上taiwebn.(蜘蛛等的)网周密的布置; 网状物; 圈套webplaten.盘子, 碟金属牌平板, 薄片vt.镀, 电镀pleitwrinklingn.起皱现象,起皱纹'riŋkliŋdueadj.应支付[给予]的应有的, 应得到的到期的预定, 预期适当的, 正当的, 适宜的dju:twistingn.翘曲,扭曲'twistiŋsecureadj.牢固的; 可靠的有把握的; 确切的vt.握紧; 关牢使安全(使)获得; 把…弄到手si'kjuəwiren.金属丝, 金属线电线, 导线电报vt.给…装金属线vt. vi.拍电报'waiəropen.粗绳, 绳索, 缆一串vt.(用绳子)捆, 绑rəupconsistvi.组成, 构成在于, 存在于kən'sistsingleadj.单一的; 单个的; 仅有一个的; 单独的适于一人的, 一人用的, 一人做的未婚的, 独身的n.单程票单打比赛vt.挑选'siŋɡlprotrudevt. vi.(使某物)伸出; (使某物)突出prə'tru:dhornn.角, 触角角质物号, 号角喇叭, 报警器hɔ:ncleatn.夹板kli:tbollardn.(行人安全岛的)短柱, 护柱(船上或码头上的)系船柱'bɔlɑ:drestrictvt.限制; 约束ris'triktmodificationn.缓和, 限制, 减轻更改, 改变, 修改'mɔdifi'keiʃənstudn.领扣, 按扣鞋钉(镶有宝石等并有一条小棍连着的)首饰, 耳环(用于装饰的)大头钉, 饰钉一群马(指种马)性欲强的男人vt.用饰钉、宝石等装饰(某物表面)stʌddevicen.装置, 设备, 器具手段, 策略di'vaisdischargen.获准离开, 释放排放出的物体vt.卸船偿还执行; 履行vt. vi.放出; 流出开枪; 发射dis'tʃɑ:dʒreliefn.(痛苦等)缓解, 减轻, 解除轻松, 宽慰换班[接替]人, 加班[增开]的公共汽车、火车等ri'li:ffabricn.织物, 布构造, 组织'fæbrikscreenn.屏风, 帘, 纱窗掩护物屏幕银幕; 荧光屏vt.遮蔽, 掩护放映(电影), 播放(电视节目)审查, 甄选skri:nenlargevt. vi.扩大, 扩展, 扩充放大in'lɑ:dʒbore bɔ:n.令人讨厌的人或事物, 麻烦vt.令人厌烦vt. vi.挖, 掘, 钻, 开凿(洞、井、隧道等) holen.洞, 孔; 窝破洞, 裂口; 漏洞, 破绽困境, 窘境vt. vi.(在…上)打洞或穿孔həularrangevt.整理; 布置vt. vi.安排; 准备ə'reindʒcircumferencen.周围; 圆周sə'kʌmfərənsformationn.形成, 构成形成物编队, 排列fɔ:'meiʃənrotatevt. vi.(使某物)旋转[转动](使某人或某物)轮流[按顺序循环]rəu'teitdocumentn.公文, 文件, 文献vt.证明记录, 记载'dɔkjuməntoffshoreadj.近海的向海的, 离岸的'ɔf'ʃɔ:inflate in'fleitvt. vi.使充气(于轮胎、气球等), (使)膨胀(使)通货膨胀, 物价上涨pack pækn.包裹; 背包小纸盒, 小纸包一群; 一伙; 一堆(纸牌的)一副vt.装罐把…裹起来携带; 装备有挑选…使之偏袒自己vt. vi.(把…)打包, 收拾行李塞进; 拥进(使)聚集成团logn.原木, 木材, 木料航海[飞行]日志vt.把…记入航海日志航行(…距离), 飞行(…小时)vt. vi.砍伐lɔɡmoden.方式, 样式样式, 风格məudmaleadj.男性的, 雄的凸形的n.男人; 雄性动物; 雄性植物meilcouplingn.连接连接器; (尤指列车等的)车钩, 挂钩'kʌpliŋinsideadj.内部的; 里面的; 内侧的n.里面, 内部内脏prep.(表示位置或方向)在或到…里面(表示时间)少于in'saidthreadn.线; 细线线索, 思路vt.将(针、线等)穿过…将(影片)装入放映机θredvisualadj.视觉的, 看得见的'viʒuəlsignaladj.明显的, (非常)显著的, 非凡的n.信号, 暗号(无线电或电视所传送的)讯号, 讯息, 图像vt. vi.发信号; 用信号传达; 用信号通讯'siɡnəl acknowledgevt.承认, 供认告知已收到鸣谢, 感谢ək'nɔlidʒrequestn.要求, 请求所请求的事物vt.请求, 要求ri'kwestdrawn.抽奖, 抽签平局, 不分胜负vi.移动, 来临打成平局, 不分胜负vt.拔出, 取出, 抽出提取, 汲取, 领取引起, 吸引vt. vi.绘画, 画拖, 拉drɔ:verticaladj.垂直的, 竖的'və:tikəlfairlyadv.公平地, 诚实地相当地, 适度地完全地, 简直'fɛəliaccurateadj.精确的, 准确的正确无误的'ækjuritestimatorn.评价者,评估特有者'estimeitətechniquen.技巧, 手法, 技术技能tek'ni:knavigation 'nævi'ɡeiʃənn.航行(学); 航海(术), 航空(术)导航, 领航reckon 'rekənvt.猜想; 估计〈非正〉思忖; 设想考虑; 认为〈正〉计算fibern.光纤'faibəservicen.服务, 接待公共机构, 政府部门; 业务服役; 任职vt.检修向…提供服务支付…的利息'sə:visfakeadj.假的, 冒充的n.骗子赝品vt.伪造, 篡改, 对…做手脚仿造vt. vi.假装feikfictionn.小说虚构的或想像出的事, 并非完全真实的事'fikʃəndisplayn.陈列, 展览陈列的货物、艺术品等vt.陈列, 展览显示, 显露dis'pleiradarn.雷达雷达装置'reidəfairway 'fɛəwein.(高尔夫球场上的)平坦球道fairway buoy n.航标boundadj.被捆绑的, 被束缚的一定的, 必定的去, 准备去n.跳, 跳跃, 跃进界限, 范围vi.跳; 弹回vt.给…划界, 限制baund referencen.提及, 涉及参考, 查阅引文; 参考书目证明书; 推荐信; 证明人; 推荐人'refrənsbreakn.裂口, 裂缝; 破裂间歇, 中间休息vi.破晓, 突然出现vt.破坏, 违反终止, 中断透露, 说出打破(纪录)vt. vi.打破, 折断, 弄坏breiktown.拖, 拉, 牵引vt.拖, 拉, 拽təuhosen.连裤袜, 长统袜, 短统袜软管, 胶管, 水龙头vt.用软管浇[冲洗]həuznozzlen.管嘴, 喷嘴'nɔzlattachvt. vi.贴上; 系; 附上ə'tætʃhydrantn.给水栓, 消防龙头'haidrəntexposevt.曝光暴露; 显露揭露, 袒露iks'pəuzballastn.(保持船身稳定的)压舱物vt.给某物装上压舱物'bæləstminimaladj.〈正式〉最小的; 极少的'miniməlimpactn.影响, 作用冲击(力), 碰撞vt. vi.对某事物有影响'impæktstabilityn.稳定(性), 稳固stə'bilitishutvt. vi.关, 关上ʃʌtcompartmentn.间隔, (列车车厢的)隔间kəm'pɑ:tməntgalleyn.平底大船; 战舰(船上或航空器上的)厨房'ɡæliposen.姿势, 姿态装腔作势, 伪装vt.提出vt. vi.使摆姿势; 以…身份出现pəuzadditionaladj.增加的, 额外的, 另外的ə'diʃənlthreatn.威胁, 恐吓可能造成威胁的人[事, 想法]恶兆, 兆头θretgreasen.动物油脂油膏, 油脂vt.涂油脂于, 用油脂润滑ɡri:s ventilationn.空气流通通风设备; 通风方法'venti'leiʃənescapen.逃走, 逃脱; 逃避消遣, 解闷vi.逃脱, 逃跑漏出, 泄漏vt. vi.逃避, 避开; 免除is'keipliquidadj.液体的, 液态的清澈的, 明亮的(声音)流畅的易转换成现款的, 流动的n.液体'likwidflammableadj.易燃的, 可燃的'flæməblflown.流动, 流量vi.流, 流动; 循环垂; 飘拂fləurequirevt.有赖于…; 需要命令, 指示要求, 规定想要ri'kwaiəavailableadj.可用的或可得到的可会见的, 可与之交谈的ə'veiləblspontaneousadj.自发的, 无意识的自然的, 天真率直的spɔn'teiniəscombustionn.燃烧, 烧毁kəm'bʌstʃən。

aboard 在船上to be adrift 漂流to anchor, to ride at anchor 抛锚,停泊anchorage 停泊to call at a port 停泊某港to moor, moorage 碇泊to lie at anchor 碇泊,抛着锚moorings 系泊处roadstead 抛锚处,碇泊处to cast anchor 抛锚to drop anchor 抛下锚riding lights 停泊灯to bail, to bale 汲水,戽水beacon 浮标buoy 浮筒floating dock 浮堤jetty, breakwater, mole, pier 防波堤dike 堤compass 罗盘binnacle 罗盘箱bound for 驶往cabotage 沿海贸易to calk, to caulk 填补船缝to careen, careen 修理cargo 货载to charter 包租costal traffic, costal trading 沿岸贸易to coast 沿海岸航行cruise 往返航行day's run 日航程dead calm 风平浪静to transship 换船derelict 弃船to disembark (人)离岸,上岸to dismast 砍断桅杆distress signal 遇难信号to capsize 倾覆to sink 沉没to ground 触礁,搁浅to run aground 搁浅shipwreck 失事,遇难wreck 破损,毁坏wreckage 残骸jetsam 船只遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物jettison 遇难时为减轻负担而丢弃的货物flotsam 漂在海上的难船残骸或其船货dockyard 造船厂draught 一网的捕鱼量to dredge 疏浚dredge, dredger 挖泥船dry dock 干船坞to embark 乘船fathom line 等深线freight, freightage 货运to freight 运输,海运to furl 卷起(帆)squall 暴风gale 大风hurricane 飓风head wind 顶头风,逆风storm 风暴luff, to luff 抢风行驶to tack 抢风调向windward 顶风,向风leeward 在下风方向to lie to 逆风几乎不能前进in full sail 满帆to land 抵岸loading dock, quay, wharf 码头wharfage 码头(总称)dock 船坞,码头port 港口,左舷port of call 沿途停靠的港口outer port, outport 大港外的独立小港port of registry 船籍港harbour 海港(美作:harbor) harbour entrance 海港入口to heave to 使船停驶navigable 正航行的to sail 扬帆航行to navigate 驾驶(船舶)fleet 船队crew 全体船员helmsman 舵手sailer 水手navy 海军mate 大副pilot 领航员knot 结,绳结landing stage 栈桥lead 测深锤leak 漏to launch 使下水launch, launching 下水life saving 救生lighthouse 灯塔radio beacon 无线电导航台radar 雷达log, logbook, ship's log 航海日志log line 计程绳mile 海里oar 桨to pitch 上下颠簸pitching, pitch 颠簸to roll, rolling 颠簸,摇摆list 侧倾to list 使侧倾to put in, to put into port 驶入to put off 驶出,出发to row 划船to set a float 漂浮to weigh anchor 起锚to set sail 出海,扬帆出海to ship 乘船,用船运输shipbreaker 拆船业者ship broker 船舶经纪人shipowner 船主shipyard 船厂signal flare 信号火箭slip, slipway, shipway 船台to sound 测深sounding line 测深索larboard 左舷starboard 右舷to steer 操舷,驾驶to stow 装载stowage 装载,装载物to take the helm 操航,驾驶tonnage 吨位to tow, to tug 拖,拖曳towage 拖曳,拖曳费to unfurl 展帆,打开帆to unship 从船上卸货to veer 解开缆索wake 船迹,航迹watch 值班,值更to weather 平安通过,通过岬角的上风侧GOOD DAY SIRS,In order to rectify our deficiencies which arising by Statoil vetting inspection dated 9TH May 2006 at Huelva,Spain, please find our actions as follows:1. the velles could not check or sample segregated ballast without removing numerous bolts.=== suggestion, office supply suitable and completed hatch on board, it to be fitted on present hatch of ballast tanks at workshop by crew. if CCS approval. otherwise, waiting for forthcoming dock.2. No familiarization programme/ training of crane operations.=== please find attached file which is form ref: certificate of competency to operate lifting appliances.pls iuuse procedure and authorization to ship to do this work by master.3. 5 hooks on various cranes with damage retaining clip.=== the damage retaining clip will be repaired before arrival loading port.4. only the bollards had welded SWL, pedestal rollers had no marking.=== we hard find this information on board, pls provide pedestal rollers SWL.5. No records of regular inspection and testing of chain blocks.6. No inspection and maintenance of slings.=== All chain blocks and slings have been listed and filed for recording their serial number, SWL,certificate and inspection date etc. but chain block on board had no certificate and it should be tested by shore service annualy. pls arrange accordingly at suitable port.。
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航海英语302烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动. 6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。
7.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorC.The bow thruster船首推进器D.The propeller船上负全责的人是船长. 他对整艘船负责, 以及对船上的货物和全体船员的安全负责. 8.The man in charge of a ship is _______.He is responsible for the ship, he cargo and the safety of the crew.A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master船长大副是甲板部的首领。
9._______ is the head of the Deck Deepartment.A.The Chief Officer大副B.The Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master这是集合站的标识.10.This is the sign (Fig.1) for _______.A.embarkation stationB.emergency exitC.muster station 集合站D.rescue boat在甲板上工作时应保持佩戴头盔.11.You should always wear _______ when working on deck.A.helmet头盔B.slipperC.gogglesD.immersion suits总长是船舶长度测量是从船的前后推导的重心极值点的长度12.________ is the length of the ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft.A.Length overall总长B.After perpendicularC.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth船中部是垂直线船前后之间的中间位.13.________ is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular.A.length overallB.After perpendicularC.Amidships船中部D.Extreme breadth最大宽度测量是在船中间和船外部的船壳边板, 从一边到另一边.14._______ measured at midship section and taken from outside of the ship‘s side shell plating on one side to the outside of the ship‘s side shell plating on the other side.A.length overallB.After perpendicularC.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth最大宽度型宽的测量是在船中部, 从船的内壳一边到另一边.15._______ measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship‘s side shell on one side to inside the ship‘s side shell on the other side.A.length overallB.Molded breadth 型宽C.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth最大吃水是从船的龙骨最低点到夏季载重线.16._______ is taken from the lower most point of the keel to summer loadline.A. Extreme draft最大吃水B.Molded draftC. Extreme depthD. Molded depth型吃水是在船中部测量, 从基线到夏季载重线.17._______is measured from the baseline to the summer loadline at the midship section.A. Extreme draftB.Molded draft 型吃水C. Extreme depthD. Molded depth最大深度是船只的深度, 从船舷从上层甲板到龙骨的最低点.18._______ is the depth of the vessel at the ship‘s side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel.A. Extreme draftB.Molded draftC. Extreme depth 最大深度D. Molded depth型深是在船腹侧面, 从基线到上层甲板宽.19._______ is from baseline to top of the upper deck breadth at the ship‘s side amidships.A. Extreme draftB.Molded draftC. Extreme depthD. Molded depth 型深正顶部是甲板线, 300mm长25mm宽, 上沿与最高的不漏水的无缝舱面成直线。
20.Right at the top is _______ . It is 300 mm long and 25 mm wide with its upper edge in line with the uppermost continuous watertight deck.A.the deck line甲板线B.Plimsoll discC. Plimsoll lineD.summer load line甲板线下面垂直的是一个圈, 圈的直径为300mm. 叫作载重线标圈.21.Vertically below the deck line is a circle whose outside diameter is 300mm. It is called the _______.A.the deck lineB.Plimsoll disc载重线标圈C. Plimsoll lineD.summer load line一条水平线450mm长和25mm宽横切过载重线标圈, 叫作载重线标志.22.A horizontal line 450-mm long and 25-mm wide cuts through the loadline disc. It is called the _______.A.the deck lineB.Plimsoll discC. Plimsoll line载重线标志.D.summer load line当船在热带载重线区, 且海水密度在1025, 她不能承载多于船的上沿线, 标有记号‖T‖处23.When a ship is in tropical zone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked _______.A.SB.TC.WD.F当船只在夏季载重线区, 且海水密度在1025时, 她不能承载多于上沿线标有‖S‖处. 24.When a ship is in summer zone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked _______.A.SB.TC.WD.F当船只在冬季区带, 且海水密度在1025时, 她不能承载多于上沿线标有‖W‖处. 25.When a ship is in winter zone and in seawater of density 1025, she must not load to more than the upper edge of the line marked _______.A.SB.TC.WD.F当水密度在1000, 例如: 在淡水区及夏季区, 一艘船可能承载上至上沿线标有‖F‖处. 26.When the density of water is 1000, i.e. in fresh water and in summer zone a ship may load up to the upper edge of the line marked _______ _______.A.SB.TC.WD.F最重要的部分是上层甲板, 叫作前甲板.27.The foremost part of the upper deck is called the _______ .A.forecastle前甲板B.tweendeckC.hatchesD.peak tanks甲板间是中间甲板, 在船的上层及内底部之间.28.The _______ is the intermediate deck between upper deck and the inside bottom of the vessel.A.forecastleB.tweendeck甲板间C.hatchesD.peak tanks进入货舱, 可能会经过舱口29.Access to a hold can be obtained through _______.A.forecastleB.tweendeckC.hatches舱口D.peak tanks船的最前和最后的空间是船的后尖舱.30.The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the_______.A.forecastleB.tweendeckC.hatchesD.peak tanks后尖舱.双层底舱提供力量和储存空间, 用于燃料, 润滑油, 淡水, 盐水(压舱物)及饮用水. 31._______provides strength and storage space for fuel,lubricating oil, fresh water, salt (ballast) water and potable water.A.The double bottom双层底舱B.The cofferdamC.The navigating bridgeD.Superstructure储油罐之间的纵向及横向分隔间, 用于防止液体从双层底部一面漏向另一面, 叫作隔离舱. 32.Longitudinal-and –transverse separations between the tanks, which are used to prevent liquids from leaking from one double bottom tank to the other are called _______.A.The double bottomB.The cofferdam隔离舱C.The navigating bridgeD.Superstructure桥楼包括舵手室, 里面有控制室, 以及存放图纸, 舵手日志,及出版物的海图室, 还有无线电室.33._______ contains the wheelhouse with the control station, the chartroom where charts, pilot books and publications are kept, and the radio room.A.The double bottomB.The cofferdamC.The navigating bridge桥楼D.Superstructure下列哪些设施是防护脸部和眼部的?34.Which of the following equipment is for face and eye protection?A.Safety helmetsB.Goggles and spectacles护目镜C.Breathing apparatusD.Gloves下列哪些设施是防护呼吸的?35.Which of the following equipment is for respiratory protection?A.Safety helmetsB.Goggles and spectaclesC.Breathing apparatus氧气呼吸器D.Gloves下列哪些设施是防护手和脚的?36.Which of the following equipment is for hand and foot protection?A.Safety helmetsB.Goggles and spectaclesC.Breathing apparatusD.Gloves and safety boots手套和安全靴下列哪些设施是防护身体的?37.Which of the following equipment is for body protection?A.Safety helmetsB.Goggles and spectaclesC.Breathing apparatusD.Safety suits安全服下列哪些设施是防止溺亡的?38.Which of the following equipment is for protection against drowing?A.Safety helmetsB.Bouyance aids 浮力工具C.Breathing apparatusD.Immersion suits下列哪些设施是防止体温下降的?39.Which of the following equipment is for protection against hypothermia?A.Safety helmetsB.Bouyance aidsC.Breathing apparatusD.Immersion suits保温服当操作或靠近移动机械时总应佩戴头盔.40.Long hair should always be covered by _______ when working with or near moving machinery.A.a helmet头盔B.safety capC.an ear plugD.face mask通常在手握粗糙或尖锐物体时应佩戴真皮手套41._______ should generally be used for handling rough and sharp objects.A.Heat-resistant glovesB.Rubber glovesC.PVC glovesD.Leather gloves真皮手套胶质手套通常最好用在手持酸性,碱金属,不同类型的油,溶剂及普通化学品.42._______ should generally best for handling acids, alkalis, various type of oils, solvents and chemical in general.A.Heat-resistant glovesB.Rubber glovesC.PVC gloves胶质手套D.Leather gloves个人头顶(约两米处)作业,应一直佩戴安全背带,系上救生索,或其他止动装置.43.Personnel working aloft (above 2 meters) should wear _______ or other arresting device at all time.A.a safety harness with lifeline安全背带B.a safe netC.a life buoyD.buoyance garments在雷达扫描仪附近着手工作前, 官员有责任确保电源是关着的, 警示标签应贴在桥上和机械的空白处.44.Before work is commenced _______ , the officer responsible should ensure that power is shut off and warning notices posted on the bridge and in the machinery spaces.A.near the whistleB.on the funnelC.in the vicinity of radio aerialsD.near the radar scanner雷达扫描仪在烟囱上着手工作前, 官员有责任知会当班工程师, 保证工作步骤是能尽量有效地减少蒸气, 有害气体和怪味的排放45.Before work is commenced _______ , the officer responsible should inform the duty engineer to ensure that steps are taken to reduce as far as practicable the emission of steam, harmfulgases and fumes.A.near the whistleB.on the funnel 在烟囱上C.in the vicinity of radio aerialsD.near the radar scanner关于货物, 下列哪种表述是正确的?46.Which of the following statements concerning cargo is correct?A.Cargos are any type of goods transported by any type of ships.任何货物均能在任何船只上运载.B. Cargos are any type of goods transported in bulk.C. Cargos usually include goods transported in bulk and in containersD. Cargos are any usually packed in containers.来自航运货物运费的利润,通常被称作‖运费‖, 能保持商运船只的运作.47.The profit from the carriage of cargo, which is often called _______,keeps the merchant ship running.A.obligation+B. Freight运费C.contractD.delivery船公司应有责任根据正常实际情况来装载, 处理, 堆装, 运输, 保管, 照顾货物及卸货.48._______ should be responsible for loading, handling, stowing, carrying, keeping, caring forand discharging the goods carried according to the normal practice.A.The shipownersB.The shippersC. The carriers船公司D.The ship‘s officers关于普通货物, 下列陈述哪一种是非正确的49.Which of the following statements about general cargoes is not correct?A. General cargoes are neither liquid nor solid bulk cargoB. General cargoes are packed hazardous cargoes.普通货物被包装成有害货物.+C. General cargoes are also called breakbulk cargoes.D. General cargoes are mostly carried on container ships now.原材料属于无害货物.50.Raw materials belong to _______.A.hazardous cargoB.non- hazardous cargo 原材料C.food productD.consumable product当在船上装载或卸载包装好的货物时, 辅助带通常习惯用来提升或拉拽已包装货物。