新目标英语八年级下Unit 10 单元测试题

新目标英语八年级下Unit 10 单元测试题
新目标英语八年级下Unit 10 单元测试题

新目标英语八年级下Unit 10 单元测试题Written test part

( )16. We need _______ egg and two tomatoes for the soup. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )17. Cindy doesn’t like tea _______ milk. She likes juice. A. but B. and C. or D. so ( )18. —What kind of ___ do you like, Sam? —Chicken.

A. fruit

B. vegetables

C. meat

D. drinks

( )19. I like ____ but I don’t like ___ noodles.

A. potato; potato

B. potatoes; potato

C. potatoes; potatoes

D. potato; potatoes

( )20. Many people like to watch the music show, so it’s very ___A. popular B. boring C. old D. new ( )21. Please _______ the meat for your grandfather. His teeth are not good. A. cut down B. cut

up C. eat out D. blow out

( )22. —Do you have _______ apples?

—No, but I have _______ pears.

A. some; any

B. some; some

C. any; any

D. any; some

( )23. —Hello, Noodle House. What do you want to _______, sir? —A bowl of rice and some chicken. A. order B. drink C. sell D. find

( )24. —_______?

—She’d like i ce-cream with strawberries.

A. How is the fruit ice-cream

B. How much is the ice-cream

C. What size ice-cream would she like

D. What kind of ice-cream would she like

( )25. —Would you like some fish? —___.A. Yes, please B. I see C. Sounds good D. No problem Ⅴ. 完形填空

This afternoon Mom isn’t at home. Dad and I have

to 26 by ourselves (我们自己). First we 27 to shop. There’s 28 small supermarket across from my home. Mom often goes there to buy

things, 29 Dad and I also go there.

At the supermarket we go to the meat area (区) to buy some 30 and chicken. Then we go to

the 31 area to buy some potatoes. Dad also buys dumplings. They are his favorite food. Dad asks, “Helen, 32 would you like to eat?” I 33 , “I’d lik e to eat some fish.” Then Dad buys some

for 34 .

After we pay for our things, we leave the 35 . We go home to make dinner.

( )26. A. sleep B. study C. cook D. read ( )27. A. wish B. need C. remember D. learn ( )28. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填

( )29. A. but B. because C. if D. so

( )30. A. candies B. beef C. milk D. apples

( )31. A. fruit B. meat C. vegetable D. drink

( )32. A. who B. what C. why D. where

( )33. A. speak B. talk C. tell D. say ( )34. A. me B. her C. him D. you

( )35. A. hotel B. restaurant

C. shop

D. supermarket


Dear Sue,

I am having a good time in Beijing. I am in a restaurant now. The restaurant is big and there are 30 tables in it. I order a bowl of noodles, some tofu and some vegetables. The dumplings here look good, and I want to order some next time. As for drinks, I order some tea. The meal will cost me 50 yuan.

The food here is very good. The noodles and the tofu are delicious, and the vegetables are great, but the tea isn’t very good.

The people in the restaurant use chopsticks (筷子) to have meals. I can’t use them and I am learning how to use them. It is very interesting. I think it will take me a long time to finish the meal.

I will go back to New York next week. See you soon. Julia


( )41. From the passage, we can know Julia is in

_______ now.

A. Canada

B. Australia


China D. America

( )42. Julia orders _______ for her meal.

① a bowl of noodles ② some dumplings

③ some vegetables ④ some beef

⑤ some tofu

A. ①②⑤

B. ①③⑤

C. ②③④

D. ②④⑤( )43. 划线单词“cost”的中文意思是“_______”。

A. 付出

B. 花费

C. 出售

D. 得到

( )44. Julia thinks that using chopsticks is _______.

A. fun

B. popular

C. important

D. cool

( )45. 下列哪项陈述是正确的?

A. Sue is in New York now.

B. Julia can use chopsticks well.

C. There are forty tables in the restaurant.

D. Julia thinks the tea in the restaurant is great.

Ⅶ. 情景交际

A: Good morning, sir.

B: Good morning.

A: (46)___________

B: Yes. I’d like a bowl of mutton noodles.

A: OK. (47)___________

B: A large bowl, please.

A: Would you like some soup? (48)___________ B: Are there any onions in the beef soup?

A: Yes.

B: Oh, that’s bad. (49)___________

A: I see. (50)___________

B: OK. I’d like some orange juice.

A: Thank you.

A) 根据句意, 从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有one.

52. I don’t think it’s a good ______ to walk in the rain.

53. I don’t know the ______ of John and his brot her. But they look so young.

54. ______ in this restaurant are delicious.

55. There is a map of the ______ on the wall.

B) 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

56. I can see five ________(candle) in the picture.

57. Alice is a(n) ________(luck) girl. She’ll get the job.

58. Their ________(answer) are not right.

59. I’d like ________(eat) a hamburger for breakfast.

60. Today there are two ________(special) in the restaurant.

Ⅸ. 完成句子(每小题2分,共20分)

A) 根据横线后的标点提示,将所给单词连成完整、正确的句子。

61. good, it, bring, can, luck, you, to


62. fish, of, number, the, is, bowl, 10, the, in


63. is, the, dance, this, very, around, popular, world ____________________________________?

64. would, a, like, you, small, ice-cream


65. usually, people, blow, the, out, making, candles, a, after, wish


B) 根据括号内的要求完成下列各题,每空一词(含缩略形式)。

66. There is some water in the cup. (改为一般疑问句)

________ there ________ water in the cup?

67. There are some pears on the table. (改为否定句) There ________ ________ pears on the table.

68. My brother wants an orange. (改为同义句)

My brother ________ ________ an orange.

69. They usually eat eggs on their birthday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ________ they usually eat on their birthday?

70. Lucy would like a medium bowl of beef noodles. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ bowl of beef noodles would Lucy like?

Ⅹ. 书面表达(10分)




Ⅳ. 16-20 BCCBA 21-25 BDADA

Ⅴ. 26-30 CBADB 31-35 CBDAD

Ⅵ. 36-40 FTTFT 41-45 CBBAA

Ⅶ. 46-50 BDCEA

Ⅷ. 51. large 52. idea 53. ages 54. Dumplings 55. world

56. candles 57. lucky 58. answers 59. to eat 60. specials

Ⅸ. 61. It can bring good luck to you

62. The number of fish in the bowl is 10

63. Is this dance very popular around the world

64. Would you like a small ice-cream

65. People usually blow out the candles after making

a wish

66. Is; any 67. aren’t any68. would like 69. What do 70. What size

Ⅹ. One possible version:

I’m Zhang Li.On my birthday, I’d like to eat eggs because eggs can bring good luck to the birthday person. My parents would like to eat long noodles on their birthday, because long noodles are a symbol of long life. It’s very popular to have birthday cakes, so my brother often has a birthday cake on his birthday. We also have other delicious food.


七年级下期末测评 一、选择题:(本大题共10个小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.若m >-1,则下列各式中错误的... 是( ) A .6m >-6 B .-5m <-5 C .m+1>0 D .1-m <2 2.下列各式中,正确的是( ) ±4 B. =-4 3.已知a >b >0,那么下列不等式组中无解.. 的是( ) A .?? ?->b x a x C .???-<>b x a x D .???<->b x a x 4.一辆汽车在公路上行驶,两次拐弯后,仍在原来的方向上平行行驶,那么两个拐弯的角度可能为 ( ) (A) 先右转50°,后右转40° (B) 先右转50°,后左转40° (C) 先右转50°,后左转130° (D) 先右转50°,后左转50° 5.解为1 2x y =?? =?的方程组是( ) A.135x y x y -=??+=? B.135x y x y -=-??+=-? C.331x y x y -=??-=? D.2335x y x y -=-??+=? 6.如图,在△ABC 中,∠ABC=500,∠ACB=800,BP 平分∠ABC ,CP 平分∠ACB ,则∠BPC 的大小是( ) A .1000 B .1100 C .1150 D .1200 P B A (1) (2) (3) 7.四条线段的长分别为3,4,5,7,则它们首尾相连可以组成不同的三角形的个数是( ) A .4 B .3 C .2 D .1 8.在各个内角都相等的多边形中,一个外角等于一个内角的 1 2 ,则这个多边形的边数是( ) A .5 B .6 C .7 D .8 9.如图,△A 1B 1C 1是由△ABC 沿BC 方向平移了BC 长度的一半得到的,若△ABC 的面积为20 cm 2,则四边形A 1DCC 1的面积为( ) A .10 cm 2 B .12 c m 2 C .15 cm 2 D .17 cm 2 10.课间操时,小华、小军、小刚的位置如图1,小华对小刚说,如果我的位置用(?0,0)表示,小军的位置用(2,1)表示,那么你的位置可以表示成( ) A.(5,4) B.(4,5) C.(3,4) D.(4,3) C 1 A 1


2018-2019人教版初中英语八年级英语上册全套单元测试题 八上英语Unit 10 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time! 单元检测(人教新目标含答案) (45分钟100分) 第Ⅰ卷(共60分) Ⅰ. 听力(10分) (Ⅰ)录音中有五组对话, 听一遍后, 选择最佳答案。(5分) 1. What clothes will the boy wear? A. Jeans. B. His school uniforms. C. His coat. 2. What will happen if they have their class meeting tomorrow? A. All the class will come. B. Most of the class will come. C. Most of the class won’t come. 3. Does the boy want to go to college when he grows up? A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 4. What will the boy have to do first? A. Go to the movies. B. Do his homework. C. Do nothing. 5. What should the man do if he wants to help people? A. He should be rich. B. He should work hard. C. He should help people in trouble. 1. M: I think I’m going to wear jeans to the party. W: If you do, the teacher won’t let you in. M: So I will have to wear my school uniforms instead. 2. M: When do you think is the right time to have our class meeting?

人教七年级英语unit7 单元测试试题(含答案)

第七单元知识点整理与复习 一.必回短语。 1.(购物时)…多少钱_______ 2.look nice_______ 3.服装店_______ 4. at a good price_______ 5.一双_______ 二.重点句式 1.这件T恤衫多少钱?--7美元。 _______ _______this T-shirt? --_______seven_______. 2.Can I help you?(译成汉语)____________________________ 3.你想要什么颜色的? _______ _______do you want? 4. I'll take it.(译成汉语)____________________________ 5.给你。 Here_______ _______. 6.不客气。_______ _______. 7.这些红色袜子多少钱? --8美元。 _______ _______ _______these red socks? --_______eight dollars. 8.We sell all our clothes at very good prices.(译成汉语) 三.词语运用 1.根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1. Are the black_______(短袜) Miss Miller's? 2.My shorts are too_______(短的). I want to buy a long pair. 3.-How_______(大的) is your room? -It's very small. 4.-How much is the white T-shirt? -Twenty_______(美元). 5.The_______(价格) of the skirt is twenty dollars. 6.Does the store_______(卖)shoes? 7.The sweater is nice. I'll_______(拿)it. 8.We don't have vegetables for lunch. We_______(需要) to buy some. 9. We have sweaters in all_______(颜色). 10. Mom, I don't like this_______(裙子).I want a black one. 四.语法演练 I.用英文填写计算结果。 1.four +eight= 2. seven +eight= 3.thirteen + seven= 4. fourteen + sixteen= 5.seventy-fourteen= 6. eighty -sixteen= 7.sixty-thirteen=8. eighty-forty= 9.forty-eight-twelve=10. ninety +five= II.词汇 A)用画线单词的反义词或对应词完成句子。 1.This shirt is too big. But that one is too_______. 2.This ruler is_______and that one is long. 3.The man likes apples but the_______likes bananas. 4. That store_______all kinds of school things. Let's go and buy some. 5.He goes to school at 7: 30 and_______back at twelve.


UNIT10 单元检测题 I.单项选择 1. In China, students ______ greet the teachers when classes begin. A.are supposed to B.are suppose to C.supposed to D.suppose to 2. The plane will ________ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take on B. take off C. take out D. take away 3.The peaceful music in the CD made the students relaxed. A. feel B. feels C. felt D. to feel 4. —Peter has changed a lot, hasn’t he? —Yes. He used to the guitar, but now he is more in playing soccer. A. plays; interested B. play; interested C. play; interesting D. playing; interest 5. All the people went home _____ Job, for he had to finish his work. A. with B. besides C. except D.well done. 6. —Could we see each other at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning? —Sorry, let’s make it ______ time. A.other’s B. the other C. another D. other 7. —Have you read today’s newspaper?. —Not yet. Is there______ ? A.anything important B.important anything C.something important D.nothing important 8.—Oh, dear! Who’s broken my glasses? —______ he ______ I. It was your cat. A. Both; and B.Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither; nor 9.In France, it’s ______ to say you are full. A.rude B.polite C.nice D.friendly 10.—Will you come to the dinner party? —I won’t come until Jenny ________. A. will be invited B. can be invited C. invited D. is invited 11. John _______ Beijing the day before yesterday.


听力综合测试卷一(期中)I. 听对话,选答案,每组对话读一遍(5分) ()1. A. Monkeys. B. Pandas. C. Lions. ()2. A. Playing baseball. B. Playing soccer. C. Playing basketball. ()3. A. 7:15. B. 7:30. C. 7:25. ()4. A. By bus. B. By train. C. By bike. ()5. A. In the hallways. B. In the classroom. C. In the dining hall. Ⅱ. 听对话或独白回答问题,每组对话或独白读两遍(10分) 听第一段对话,完成第6至7小题。 ()6. What club does Alice want to join? A. An art club. B. A sports club. C. A swimming club. ()7. What can Alice do well? A. Play the piano. B. Play the guitar. C. Play the drums. 听第二段对话,完成第8至10小题。 ()8. Where is Susan? A. At home. B. In the bookshop. C. In the supermarket. ()9. What time is the birthday party? A. At 6:15 p.m. B. At 4:15 p.m. C. At 6:50 p.m. ()10. Who will come to the party? A. Only Susan. B. Susan and her sister. C. David and Susan. 听一段独白,完成第11至15小题。 ()11. John is a(n) ________. A. young man B. young woman C. old man ()12. When does he get up every day? A. Very late. B. At about eight. C. Very early. ()13. How does he go to his office? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot. ()14. Where does he have lunch? A. At home. B. In the office. C. In a restaurant. ()15. Who does he often go to the park with on Saturdays? A. His son Jack. B. His wife. C. His friend Jack. Ⅵ. 听短文,完成表格,短文读两遍(5分) Date 56. ___ _____ 11th Time for breakfast 57.____ ____ Class at 9:00 58.___ _____ Favorite subject 59._____ ___ Favorite animals 60.____ ____

九年级英语Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案)

Unit10 单元检测卷一(含答案) Ⅰ. 单项选择(每小题1分, 共15分) 1. As for the problem, I don’t agree you. My idea is different yours. A. with; as B. with; from C. to; as D. to; from 2. Last Sunday my whole family went to the beach my father. He was away on business. A. from B. except C. with D. including 3. —What should I do to improve ?Can you give me some ? —Try your best in everything you do. A. myself; advice B. me; suggestion C. myself; advices 4.—How do you like The Diary of a Young Girl written by Anne Frank? —I think it is worth . A. seeing B. to see C. reading D. to read 5. —You are not expected such long hours. —I’m afraid so. We have to finish it today. A. to work B. working C. worked 6. China is making great efforts the economy and improve people’s living standards. A. to develop B. developing C. developed D. develop 7. I’m always before the exam. I often try to make myself calm down by taking a deep breath. A. relaxed B. bored C. nervous D. happy 8. —When will the plane ? —At 11:35. Let’s hurry up. A. take down B. take off C. turn down D. turn off 9. —I’m afraid the boy can’t deal with the problem.


I. 单选(每小题1分,共20分) 1. Everyone _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 2. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 3. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 4. _______ is Jeff going for his vacation(假期)? A. How B. What C. Who D. Where 5. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 6. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 7. How’s the weather there? _______. I’m on the beach. A. Terrible B. I t’s snow C. It’s hot D. Not bad 8. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 9. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 10. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. pictures C. medicine D. shower 11. Thank you for _______ us. A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps 12. It’s wi ndy and cold, so he is wearing a scarf _______ his neck(脖子). A. around B. on C. with D. at 13. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer. A. warm, cool B. hot, cold C. warm, hot D. cool, warm 14. Uncle Tom is a writer. He is _______ a book. A. write B. wrote C. writes D. writing 15. _______ many people her on vacation A. They’re B. There are C. There is D. Their 16. How much is it? Five _______ yuan. A. thousandes B. thousands C. thousan d’s D. thousand 17. It’s a nice _______. A. weather B. photo C. day D. / 18. What _______ Lucy and Lily _______? A. is, doing B. do, doing C. does, do D. are, doing 19. Kate is _______ English. I’m _______ American. A. a, an B. /, / C. an, a D. /, an 20. That _______ terrible. A. look B. hears C. finds D. sounds II. 完型填空(每小题1分,共10分) Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 21 . Dally wants 22 her mother something. Dally 23 10 dollars. She is thinking about 24 . She thinks and thinks. Then she has an 25 . “I can buy a card 26 my dear mother.” Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card. She 27 some words on it. She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.” Her mother is 28 happy. “29 , Dally. ” She says. Dally is 30 , too. ( ) 21. A. Teachers’ Day B. Christmas’ Day C. Womans’ Day D. Women’s Day

Unit 10 单元测试题

Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. Ⅳ. 单项选择 ( )16. We need ______ onion and two tomatoes for dinner. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )17. Peter doesn’t like apples, chicken ______ mutton. A. and B. with C. or D. of ( )18. — What ______ bowl of noodles would you like? — Large, please. A. price B. kind C. size D. color ( )19. We have some ______ here and we can make ______ soup. A. egg; egg B. egg; eggs C. eggs; eggs D. eggs; egg ( )20. Skating is getting ______ now. Many people like to skate. A. important B. difficult C. popular D. funny ( )21. Anna, please ______ the meat and then cook it. A. cut up B. blow out C. cut down D. eat out ( )22. —Do you have ______ beef? —Sorry, we don’t. But we have ______ mutton. A. any; some B. any; any C. some; any D. some; some ( )23. — ______? — Beef noodles. A. How much are the beef noodles B. What kind of noodles would you like C. What size would you like D. How about beef noodles ( )24. — Would you like some dumplings? — ______. A. Yes, please B. It’s interesting C. You’re welcome D. No problem ( )25. — May I have your order? — ______. A. No, you can’t B. Have a good time C. You, too D. I’d like some rice, please Ⅴ. 完形填空 Today is Sunday. The weather is fine. Huiyuan Supermarket is on 26 sale. There are many 27 kinds of things there and many people are in it. Now Sally and her mother are also there. Sally 28 a nice sandwich (三明治), but it’s too small. She’d like a 29 one. Then she sees a large?sized hamburger 30 beef. She asks her mother to buy it for her. When she sees some 31 , she also asks her mother to buy them. 32 her mother buys a hamburger, some orange juice and green tea. After that they want to buy something for their 33 , Carol. Carol is a dog. She 34 playing with balls. So they buy her a ball. How much are these things? Only RMB 40. And Sally is lucky. She 35 a gift from the supermarket. It is a red hat. Sally and her mother go home happily. ( )26. A. a B. an C. the D. 不填 ( )27. A. long B. short C. different D. same


七年级下数学 综合练习题 一、单项选择题(每小题3分,共24分) 1.已知点P (m +3,m +1)在x 轴上,则P 点的坐标为( ) A .(0,2) B .(2,0) C .(4,0) D .(0,-4) 2.在下图中,∠1,∠2是对顶角的图形是( ) 3.为了了解某校初二年级400名学生的体重情况,从中抽取50名学生的体重进行统计分析,这 个问题中,总体是指( ) A .400 B .被抽取的50名学生 C .400名学生的体重 D .被抽取50名学生的体重 4.以方程组2 34 x y x y +=?? -=?的解为坐标的点(,)x y 在平面直角坐标系中的位置是( ) A.第一象限 B.第二象限 C.第三象限 D.第四象限 5.下列各式中,正确的... 是( ) A.25=±5 B. 4=- 2 1 D.=6.不等式组211420x x ->??-? , ≤的解集在数轴上表示为( ) 7.在 22 7 , 3.1415926中,无理数的个数是( ) A .1个 B .2个 C .3个 D .4个 七年级数学试卷 第1页 (共8页) 8.有2元和5元两种纸币共21张,并且总钱数为72元.设2元纸币x 张,5元纸币y 张,根据题意列方程组为( ) A .21, 5272. x y x y +=?? +=? B .21, 2572. x y x y +=?? +=? C .2521,72.x y x y +=??+=? D .5221, 72.x y x y +=??+=? 二、填空题(每小题3分,共24分) 9.请写出一个在第三象限内且到两坐标轴的距离都相等的点的坐标 . 10.已知样本容量是40,在样本的频数分布直方图中,各个小长方形的高之比为3:2:4:1,则第 二小组的频数为 ,第四小组的频数为 .11.如果163+x 的立方根是4,则42+x 的算术平方根是 . 12.不等式4x -6≥7x -12的正整数解为 . 13.若一个二元一次方程的解为2 1x y =??=-? ,则这个方程可以是________________(写出一个即可). 14. 如果二元一次方程组?? ?=+=-0432y x y x 的解是???==b y a x ,那么a+b= . 15.如图,已知AB ∥CD ,直线EF 分别交AB 、CD 于E 、F ,ED 平分∠BEF ,若∠1=72°, 则∠2= °. 16.如图所示,在10×20(m 2)的长方形草地内修建宽为2m 的道路,则草地的面积为_________m 2 . 七年级数学试卷 第2页 (共8页) A 21 2 1B 2 1D 21 C (第15题) (第16题)


Unit 7 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 16. Tom _______ having a good time. A. am B. is C. are D. be 17. _______ is the weather like? A. How B. What C. Which D. Why 18. _______ is it going? A. What B. When C. Where D. How 19. What _______ you _______ when it’s raining? A. do, do B. are, doing C. can, doing D. does, do 20. The game looks _______. I want to have a try. A. fun B. cool C. boring D. bad 21. Is he _______? No, he’s _______ in the water. A. swims, fishing B. swims, running C. swimming, walk D. swimming, walking 22. I like the weather there. It’s always _______. A. snowing B. rains C. funny D. sunny 23. I like taking _______. It’s much fun. A. photos B. picture C. medicine D. shower 24. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer.


七年级语文下册综合测试题 一、积累运用(共27分) (一)积累(共14分)1、阅读下面文字,把文中拼音所表示的汉字依次写在文下方格内(任选..4字) 。(2分) 月光是gé了树照过来的,高处丛生的灌木,落下参差的斑bó的黑影;弯弯的杨柳的稀shū的倩影,却又像是画在荷叶上。塘中的月色并 不均匀;但光与影有着和xié的旋律,如梵婀玲上zòu 着的名曲。 选自《荷塘月色》 2、古诗文默写。(8分) (1)了却君王天下事, __。(2)妇姑荷箪食, 。 (3) ,烟波江上使人愁。(4) ,带月荷锄归。 (5)《木兰诗》用了不少对偶句,请默写出其中的一组: __________, 。 (6)《使至塞上》中描写塞外开阔雄浑景象的诗句是: , 。 3、名著阅读。(4分) 读完名著《西游记》,同学们一致认为,完成西天取经的任务,他们师徒四人缺了谁都不成。请仿照对唐僧和沙和尚的评价,将对孙悟空和猪八戒的评价补充完整。 唐僧,虽然软弱无能手无缚鸡之力,但他品行端正有坚定的信念; 孙悟空,虽然 ,但他 ; 猪八戒,虽然 ,但他 ; 沙和尚,虽然没有什么大本事,但他任劳任怨甘心当好后勤。 (二)运用(共9分) 4、仔细阅读下面语句,揣摩它的内容和写法,把空缺部分补充完整。(2分) 一棵树的目标,也许是雕成栋梁建筑大厦,也许是化作白纸传递知识, _________, _________________……我们不是树,我们不可能明白树的心思。 5、下列句子都有1处语病,请仔细阅读后,用规定的符号(不必全使用)在句中加以修改。(4分) (1) 经过投票,同学们基本上全票通过小明当选我班的班长。 (2) 通过妈妈的开导,使我完全明白了爸爸的用心良苦。 (3) 到网上阅读并搜索你喜欢的一部名著或一个作家的资料,把它们 保存下来。 (4) 这本书的作者以他高度的艺术手法描绘了栩栩如生的人物形象和 生动场面。 6、目前我国野生动物的生存情况非常严峻,保护野生动物刻不容缓。请选定一种急需保护的野生动物,并提一条可行性建议。(3分) 野生动物: 标语(或建议): (三)综合性学习(共4分) 7. 随着时代的发展,许多词语被赋予了新的内涵。如媒体常常提及的“绿色╳ ╳”中,“绿色”不单指一种颜色,而成为健康、安全、节能、


Unit 10单元过关检测(100分) (时间:45分钟) 一、单选(20分) ()1 .Tom has a new bike, ______________? A. has he B. hasn’t he C. does he D. doesn’t he ()2. There is little milk left in the bottle, ________? A. is it B. is there C. isn’t it D. isn’t there ()3. ---You didn’t send me an e-mail last night, did you? ---Sorry. My ________ broke down. I couldn’t get on line. A. computer B. car C. clock D. camera ()4. ---Look! How _________the boys are! ---Yes. They won the game this afternoon. A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited ()5.The plane from Shanghai to Paris will ________in an hour. A. take up B. take away C. take out D. take off ()6. ---____ you ever _____to Yantai? ---Yes, three times. A. Did, go B. Have, gone C. Have, been D. Will, go ()7. ---Your sister doesn’t get up late, does he? ---____________. But she gets up late on weekends. A. Yes, she does B. No, she doesn’t C. Yes, she doesn’t D. No, she does ()8. He’s never late for school, __________? A. doesn’t he B. is he C. isn’t he D. does he ()9. Because I had a bad cold, my mother asked me _____ in bed. A. staying B. to stay C. stayed D. stays ()10. Don’t forget to put the book on the shelf, ____________? A. do you B. don’t you C. will you D. won’t you ()11. --- I need some money to buy a new b ike. --- Why not consider _______ a part-time job? A. find B. finding C. found D. to find ()12. The Smiths have gone to China _______ November 29th, 2009. A. for B. in C. about D. since ()13. My favorite gift is a music box from my aunt. I have had it for _______. A. my fifth birthday B. last year C. seven years D. three months ago ()14. --- Where is Mr. Wang? --- He has gone to Beijing. He has _______ for two hours. A. left B. got C. started D. been away ()15. I have _______ Treasure Island from the library, but I can only _______ it for three days. A. lent; borrow B. borrowed; lend C. kept; borrow D. borrowed; keep ()16. --- How many pencils are there? --- I don’t know. Let me _______ them. A. make B. lend C. wash D. count ()17. Our teacher Ms. Yang is so friendly to us that we all _______ her as our elder sister.


最新人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题全套带答案 Unit 1综合水平测试 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分) (D)21.Our English teacher Ms. Su plays ________ chess very well. A.a B.an C.the D./ (C)22.—Jim,do you like apples ________ bananas? —I like bananas. A.and B.but C.or D.because (B)23.—Can you help me ________ my math? —Sorry,I am too busy today. A.on B.with C.for D.from (C)24.Jenny likes hamburgers.And I ________ like them. A.too B.so C.also D.and (B)25.—________ can he do? —He can ________ Chinese kung fu. A.How;play B.What;do C.Where;see D.What;make (C)https://www.360docs.net/doc/2114646238.html,ura is from England and she ________ English very well. A.tells B.says C.speaks D.takes (B)27.Saturday and Sunday are our ________. A.clubs B.weekends C.birthdays D.games (B)28.Does Mr. Green teach ________ Chinese? A.they B.you C.I D.he (C)29.Mom,I need you ________ me a notebook. A.buy B.buying C.to buy D.to buying (A)30.Today Lucy's parents aren't at home so she wants to ________ us for lunch. A.join B.make C.think D.know (A)31.Bill likes ________ but he doesn't want to be a ________ when he grows up. A.music;musician B.music;music C.musician;music D.musician;musician (D)32.Old people all like Alice because she ________ them. A.is good at B.is good for C.is busy with D.is good with (B)33.—Can you ________ your new photos ________ me? —Yes.Here you are. A.show;with B.show;to C.show;for D.show;about (B)34.—Can you play the guitar? —________,but I can play the piano. A.No,I don't B.No,I can't C.Yes,I do D.Yes,I can (D)35.—Lily,________? —She wants to join the art club.
