





矢键词:跨文化交际;中国酒文化;西方酒文化;观念中图分类号:G04文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-2596 (2016) 04-0126- 03酒文化就是围绕着酒所产生的一系列物质的、精神的、行为的、技艺的、习俗的、心理的现象总和。




所以就人性之善恶也……n 酒能让人至善至美,也能让人荒淫无度。





例如由饮酒直接引申出的汉语四字表达:“酒肉朋友”,翻译成英语“ fair-weather friends ”[2]。




































1. 请迎礼节请迎礼节即请迎宾客,包括谋宾介、铺陈席位与器具、召请宾客、迎宾。









” 宾即宾客,介即辅助宾行礼的人,都是乡中贤者。


2. 进酒礼节进酒礼节,包括献、酢、酬。































如:“葡萄美酒夜光杯”的景色,“对酒当歌,人生几何?”的洒脱,“莫使金樽空对月”的气概,“酒逢知己千杯少”的喜悦,“酒不醉人人自醉”的意境,“醉翁之意不在酒”的妙喻,“今朝有酒今朝醉”的无奈,“牧童遥指杏花村”的悲伤,还有《祝酒歌》的豪放,《酒神曲》的粗犷……二、酒种的不同中国: 粮食酒中国酿酒原料主要有小麦、高粱和粟、稻谷。

西方: 葡萄酿制酒在西方众多的酒中,最具特色、最著名的属于发酵酒的葡萄酒和属于蒸馏酒的白兰地,它们用的几乎是百分之百的葡萄三、酿造工艺的差异在酒的酿造工艺上,中国讲究料、水、曲三者统一,采用固态与半固态、复式发酵方法。




2 0年 1 01 2
中西酒文化差异 比较
口饶清 清
( 门大学海外教育学院 福建厦 门 3 10 ) 厦 6 00
摘 要: 随着 中西方交流的扩 大, 界汉语 热的逐渐兴起 , 世 中西文化之 间的差异也越来越 受到重视。” 作 为一个既传承历史又通 向未来的道具是 酒” 个值得我们认真研究的课题 , 进行 中西酒文化的差异研究对中西交流交往有很 大的帮助 。 本文主要论述 中西方酒文化之 间的差异 , 望能对汉外 跨 文化 交际起绵薄之 力。 关键 词 : 文 化 交 际 中 西 酒 文化 比较 跨
盅” 。酒器 按其制 作 材料 又可 分为陶 器 , 器 , 铜 漆器 , 器, 瓷 象牙 器 , 金银 器 , 玉器 及玻 璃器 等 。 而西 方 国家 的酒 器也有 很 多种 , 确切 的 说是他们 喝酒 的玻璃 杯 分工 明确 。 说西 方酒杯 的 使用有 一项 通则 , 是不 论喝红 酒还 是 虽 就 白酒 , 必须 使用透 明 的高脚 杯 。 明的高脚 杯适 宜人 们在 喝酒 的 都 透 时候 做到 真正 的 品酒 , 仅 品其味 , 不 更做 到观 其色 , 闻其 香 。 杯子 在 品酒 的过 程 中扮 演 了一个 重要 角 色。 有使用 正确 的杯 子 , 只 酒的特 性才 能被 显露 无 疑 。每一 种酒 都有 其 固定 的使用 杯 子 。如鸡 尾酒
( ) 器 的不 同。 二 酒
门用来 温酒 的器 物 , 有三 足 , 以架于 火上 ” 下 可 。角” 为饮 酒用 具 , 口 呈 两尖 角 形” 献 ” 一种盛 酒 、 是 饮酒 兼用 的器 具 , 似卧 置的 牛角 , 形 长 方 圈足 , 有盖 , 多作 兽形 , 献常 被用 作罚 酒用 ” 。杯 ” 是用 来盛 放羹 汤 、 、 的器 物 , 圆形 , 以玉 、 、 、 等质料 制成 , 酒 水 椭 常 铜 银 瓷 小杯 为盏 ,



酒 神 狄 奥 尼 索 斯 带 到 人 间 来 的 。在 这 了 西方 人对 酒 类 的 需 求 。西 方 的酒 种 身 形 状 ,不 同杯 壁 厚 度 ,不 同 花饰 及
一 72一 闷反 啄 ·9/2012
不 同 设 计 家 族 的 水 晶 杯 ,似 乎 都 代 表 品饮 专 门设 计 的温 度 计 ,无 不 体 现 出 吧 之 外 , 别 无 它 法 可 以过 过 酒 瘾 。在
关 于 中 国 酒 文 化 的 起 源 有 着 各 的酒 文 化 就 是 白酒 文 化 。 中 国五 谷 类 代 ,中 国大 多 数 家 庭 使 用 的酒 具 都 是
种 的 传 说 ,大 致 有 以 下几 种 :猿 猴 造 粮 食 产 量 大 、 品种 多 ,粮 食 在 满 足 了 瓷器 或 者是 西洋 酒 器 。
的 竹 筒 ,半 月 后 失 而 复 得 ,他 意 外 发 腊 ,地 处 巴尔 干 半 岛 ,三 面 环 海 ,境 重 喝 什 么 酒 用 什 么 酒 具 。在 欧洲 , 尤
现 小 米 粥 发 酵 而 成 为 醇 香 扑 鼻 的 琼 内遍 布群 山和 岛屿 ,土壤相 对贫 瘠 ,属 其 是 以美 酒 和 浪 漫 著 称 的法 国 ,饮 用
淡 的 酒 再 品浓 郁 的 酒 、 先 饮 年 轻 的酒 间 ,会 有 个 短 暂 的 酒 禁 ,其 所 以有 如
再 饮 较 长 年 份 的 酒 , 按 照 味 觉 规 律 的 此 措 施 , 乃 为 防 止 选 民 因 酒 醉 而 滋
变 化 ,逐 渐 深 入 地 享 受 酒 中风 味 的变 事 。在 法 国 ,饮 酒 通 常 不 受 限 制 ,所
文 化 的种 种不 同。
的 当 属 黄 酒 , 但 最 能 代 表 中 国酒 的 莫 如 : 夜 光杯 、 倒 流 壶 、鸳 鸯 转 香 壶 、































































































浙江中医药大学2011-2012学年第一学期英语专业本科2009年级《跨文化交际》学期论文考生姓名冯业成学号20091240117 专业英语年级班级09级公一考试日期2011年12 月31 日前考试方式学期论文内容语言框架格式总分得分登分人复核人说明:1.本学期论文总分100分,占总成绩50 %。


3.内容50%,语言30%,框架10%,格式10% 。



……………………………………………………………………………The Difference of the Wine Culture between China and Western IntroductionIn cross-cultural communication activity, as people live in different social environment, so their cultural background, thinking mode, the religious belief is not the same. And as cultural background, ways of thinking, and religion is very important to people's understanding on specific something, led to different feelings and morals. Drinking is common cultural phenomenon by people from all over the world, each nation has its own "wine culture". This article mainly discusses something differences about the wine in Chinese and western culture.The tendency to the wine is different.In Chinese traditional sense, people prefer to choose the liquor and rice wine which are brewed by grain as the drink in the formal occasions. Such as the MaoT ai. When Chinese government hold the party to fete the foreign guests, MaoT ai and WuLiangY e are always the featured drink on the table. Although in recent years, the beer's sales volume were expanded gradually in China's market, and people will choose beer to enhance the atmosphere when they sit together, yet, in formal occasion, people will use liquors to realize this function. For instance, at a wedding, in order to meet different guests' need, there would be liqueurs, beers and drinks. But when the new couple to propose a toast, the wine must be the liquors.In western, undoubtedly, the grape wine and the brandy, which brewed by the grape are much more popular. No matter to adjust the atmosphere, to warm the body, to celebrate or in the formal party. The grape wine is the best choice. And the grape becomes one of the indispensable thing in their lives.But in fact, at the beginning, human beings have no tendency to wines. They catch the wine which they brewing. Grape wine, just as its name implies, were brewed by the grape. But China's liquors or rice wines are manufactured from grains. Grape wines and liquors' appearance are linked with the natural environment. Ancient Chinese people live on the Y ellow River basin, which is temperate continental climate, the climate suits sorghum, wheat and grain crop growth. So Chinese people choose grains as the raw material is a matter of course. At the same time, in the western, especially the Europe is Etesian climate and large area low-lying plain, which is very suited for grape growth. And after a long time, people in different region have different tendency to the wine. So it was natural geographical environment and cultural inheritance led to Chinese and western people's different preference to wine.The etiquette about wine.The etiquette in China and western is different. And one of the most difference isurging somebody to drink at a party. While a group of Chinese are drinking together.1The atmosphere will be much more higher than a group of foreigners. Because Chinese are good at urging somebody to drink (we called Quanjiu), and the desire is very strong. Even want to fuddle others. This is not only reflect Chinese people's hospitality, but also have a big relation with Chinese people's collective mind. In the past, countryman were poor, the wine was very infrequent. If guests came to their home, they would let the guest drink first. This is one of another reason for Chinese people's urging somebody to drink.As one of the special way to toast, Chinese people's urging somebody to drink was the custom which formed in a long time. This custom rooted in China's traditional culture. Which could not see in western countries, and could not understand by western people. Western people stress democracy and freedom, and never force and interfere other people. They drink as they like. Others have no right to interfere.So, this is the difference between China and western. When a Chinese guy say he can not drink. It is not really mean he can not drink any more. Then, the host need to propose a toast to express respect and sincerity. But in western, this phenomenon is not existed. When the guest say he can not drink, the host will not encourage him to drink any more.Besides, Chinese people is particular about toasting. The rule is, the host should propose a toast the the guest first. And then the guest can toast to the host. The older and Identity honour people should be toasted first. The process is filled with law and interactivity. However, when western people holding a party. Only the host would propose a toast to all the guests at the beginning.What's more, when Chinese people propose a toast. They will try to let their own cup lower than others to show their modesty. And after toast, the host shall serving drinks for the guest, the more the better until not spill. Nevertheless, western people pay more attention to the drink. The level of wine could only reach the 1/4 of the goblet, so that they can shake the wine in the goblet to enjoy the wine. And western people will not let their goblet lower than other's. So when western people see Chinese people hold their goblet lower and lower, they can not understand this behaviour.In addition to this, Chinese people's drinking is related with the degree of mutual emotion. When you drink with a Chinese good friend, if he ask you to drink. Y ou should not refuse. And the only thing you can do is drinking. Drinking is the only way to your firm friendship. In China, the friendship is based on the dining-table. Many people make their final determine after drinking. Thus, there is a set of very intact drinking table culture in China.Conclusion.The difference of Chinese and western wine culture is long standing. It was determined since human being start to brewing wines. Facing the world increasingly communion, the tendency of globalization is stronger and stronger. Wine as the bridge between people and people is promoting to the bridge between nations. So, knowing the wine culture of the difference between China and western countrys is good to the comunication of Chinese and foreigners, is good to the development of Intercultural Communication and is good to China's development.References:[1]万晓艳.从跨文化交际的角度解读中西方酒文化[J].甘肃科技纵横,2009(3)[2]张希.从中西方酒文化对比看中国的文化[J].华章,2009(20)[3]曲晓慧. 酒文化之中西对比[J]. 山西广播电视大学学报,2010(3)[6]郑侠,宫国华,许丽芹.论中西酒文化中的隐蔽文化[J].科技资讯,2008年(3)[7]宋淑运.饮食和品酒--中西方文化差异[J].饮食风情录,2003(3)[9]郑渊.中西酒吧文化比较[J].消费导刊,2007(9)[10]杨乃济.中西酒文化比较[J].北京联合大学学报,1994(4)[11]杜莉.中西酒文化比较[J].扬州烹饪大学学报,2004(1)2。





























1. 历史与传统的诠释对于中国酒文化的历史与传统,西方学者通常从酒的起源、演变、酿造工艺等方面进行探讨。




2. 酿造工艺与浓香型白酒的魅力西方国家对中国酒文化的诠释中,最为突出的是对酿造工艺和浓香型白酒的关注。







1. 文化交流的深入与推动西方学者对中国酒文化的深入研究和诠释,为中外文化的交流提供了契机。




On Differences of Spirits Culture Between Western and China中国作为酒的原产地,有着悠久的饮酒历史。











关键词:异同;中国酒文化;英国酒文化AbstractAs the cradleland of spirit tree, China has a long history in spirit culture. In China, spirit has become the essential part of people’s life. There is a proverb in Tibet “better have no food for 3 days than without spirit for one day”. Since 17th century when wine has been introduced into the Western, spirit became one of the favorite beverages of Western people. wine which came into being, made wine-drinking more popular among Western. And wine not only has an effect on modern people’s daily life, but also enriches the world wine culture. Chinese and Western both are drinking lovers. However, because of differences in culture and background, Chinese and Western spirit and wine cultures and spirit culture culture have some differences. Therefore, the comparative study of spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western spirit and wine cultures will have a positive effect on people of two countries to understand each other, and improve our understanding on Chinese and Western spirit and wine cultures by studying the differences and similarities of spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western.This paper will give a comparison on spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western cultures. This paper consists of a brief introduction of Chinese and Western’s spirit and wine history, an analysis of spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western spirit culture, and comparison of the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western spirit and wine culture. This paper aims at appealing to people to understand differences in different cultures, and respect these differences. In addition, we wish to have a better understanding on Western spirit culture and pay attention to our spirit culture by writing this paper.Key Words: similarities and differences; Chinese spirit culture culture; Western wine-drinking culture1. IntroductionWhen we talk about spirit and wine, we will think about two countries. China is the hometown of spirit, and Western is famous for its wine. As we all know, spirit was first discovered in China more than 4000 years ago, and spread into the west in 16th century, since then it has been beloved by people both in the east and west. Today, spirit is regarded as the most healthy, natural and popular drink in the world. Because of Chinese and Western different cultures, there are differences in spirit and wine culture between the two countries. In order to know the differences, the comparative study is necessary, and spirit and wine culture is an important part of the study. The Western is the country which loved wine most in the west. And just like Chinese people, Western people have some wine-drinking ceremonies when they drink wine. This paper will focus on the differences and similarities of spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western spirit cultures by analyzing some spirit culture examples in two countries. There are four parts in this paper. The first part consists of a brief introduction of Chinese and the Western’s wine-drinking history and the relationship between two countries’ culture. The second and third parts are analyses of spirit and wine culture in Chinese and Western spirit cultures. And the last part is about the comparison of the differences and similarities between Chinese and Western spirit and wine culture and emphasizes the importance of spirit and wine culture.2.Introduction of Spirits Etiquette Between Western and China2.1. Spirits Etiquette in ChinaAs we all know, China is the hometown of spirit. It is the Chinese who first understood the function of spirit, planted spirit and made spirit. The earliest documents which recorded about spirit are two books written during the Qin dynasty and Han dynasty, named 《神农本草经》and 《尔雅》, and the Chinese character "酒" first appeared in 《神农本草经》. It is said that about 4000 years ago, the first person who found spirit is Shennong, the herbal medicine master of ancient China. One day he ate a kind of poisonous herbal medicine, and fell ill. When he took a break under a tree, he smelled something and felt better. Then he ate the leaf of thetree, and his sickness had passed off. Since then Chinese people began to drink spirit (Feng, 2001: 1-2). At the beginning, the ancient Chinese regarded spirit culture as a kind of method to treat diseases. They eat the leaf without water, with the time going on, they put the leaf into the water. Through constant practices, people find that spirit is not only a kind of good medicine to prevent and cure diseases, but also a sort of healthy beverage to relieve pressure and promote the production of body fluid. According to 《吴志·韦曜传》, people make a deduction that Chinese people began to take spirit as a kind of beverage in Three Kingdoms Period. Since then spirit-dinking becomes popular throughout China (Yao, 2004: 35-36).2.2 Spirits Etiquette in WesternIt is said that wine was first introduced into the west in 1567, by two people from Kozacy, who brought wine into the Russia. And then wine spread into other west countries. The English people began to drink wine in 17th century (Feng, 2001: 295). Since 1600 the Western started the business of wine, but they brought wine from Japan and other countries rather than from China. In 1644, English people founded an agency in AMoy to do business of wine sale. And it is Western royalty who made wine-drinking popular in Western. People called the princess of Portugal Catherine, who married Charles II --the king of United Kingdom-- in 1661, the “Queen of wine”, because she started the age of wine-drinking in Western royalty. Princess Catherine came to Western with 221 pounds black wine and exquisite Chinese wine sets. Nobilities in Western followed the lead of Queen, and set up many luxurious wine rooms. In 17th century, women were not allowed to enter wine shop. However, woman was the impetus of tendency that wine, taking the place of wine, became the English people’s daily drink. As a consequence of it, their status in society and home rose. Meanwhile, wine-drinking was widely accepted by English people. As time went on, wine played a more and more important role in Western people’s daily life. Because Western is surrounded by the sea and the weather is cold and wet, wine leaf is easy to go moldy and green wine goes bad easily, English people prefer to drink black wine which is completely fermented wine and easy to store (Le, 2011: 122).3. Differences in Cultural Roles of Spirits Etiquette Between Western and ChinaBecause of being living in different cultures, there is still a large scale of similarities in Chinese spirit culture and Western spirit culture. The main reasons for this is that the various needs can be met by holding different spirit culture. The similarities in the functions of spirit culture and the origins of spirit culture do a favor to find out the shared parts among different cultures.3.1. Differences in Spirit-drinking MannersBefore Ming dynasty, people usually made spirit as a spirit brick. It is the first emperor of Ming dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang who gave the order of abolishing making spirit brick and make spirit with bulk spirit. Zhu Yuanzhang wanted to reduce labor in spirit-making, he gave the abolition. And the abolition made a revolution in spirit-making. What’s more, the way to make spirit was also changed after the abolition. The development of bulk spirit and the easier way of making spirit simplified spirit set people used. However, people paid more attention to spirit pot. Agreeably to people’s request, spirit pot at that time became more delicate and many exotic shaped spirit pots appeared (Feng, 2001: 175). Dark-red enameled pottery was the main kind of spirit pot people used to make spirit and it firstly made by an unknown shaman, and as the way of making spirit changed, it has a great development at that time. In the book 《蝶阶外史·工夫酒》written by Jiquan,there is a sentence “壶皆宜兴砂质”(Ji,2012). In South Fujian and Chaozhou the way people used dark-red enameled pottery to made oolong spirit was called “Gongfu spirit art”, which took time and efforts and the abolition improved it. It had a significant effect on spirit culture culture since then. spirit culture culture in was established from the period of time.First of all, take care of the environment for spirit culture. In Chinese people's opinion, spirit culture is an important and elegant thing among refined scholars and royalty members, and people like to think over many things during spirit culture time. And in China, people regard spirit culture as an important part when entertaining theircompanies. Therefore, the environment is an important part for spirit culture. In order to taste a cup of spirit, people always select a quiet place, which can makes people calm down. To those refined scholars and royalty members, spirit culture is a serious thing. Secondly, strict progress of making a cup of spirit. China is called the state of ceremonies. Therefore, every step of making spirit is important, especially, making spirit for refined scholars and royalty members. Every step of making a cup of spirit will affect the taste of spirit, thus any mistakes are not allowed when making spirit for them. They not only taste spirit, but also enjoy the progress of making spirit. Thirdly, there is no need preparing refreshments for spirit culture. Refreshments are not essential part for spirit culture in China. Generally speaking, Chinese used to drink spirit without any refreshments no matter the person has a guest or not. In ancient China, when people talked, they used to drink spirit only, without eating anything. Therefore, refreshments are not necessary.When it comes to wine-drinking in Western, people will think about afternoon wine. Although Western people have many wine times, such as early morning wine, morning wine break, high wine, after-dinner wine, afternoon wine is the most important wine-time in a whole day., afternoon wine is popular among Western society. As a country known by being gentle, there are some wine-drinking ceremonies when they have afternoon wine. In this party, I will focus on wine-drinking culture in afternoon wine in Western wine culture. Free and relax is the two obvious character of western culture. They do not take everything into consideration, what they want to do in some spirit culture is get fun from it. In the Fool’s day, everyone try as possible as they can to make a joke on others, at the same time, the “victims” will never angry at the “suspect”. They enjoy the moment when someone can get enjoy from themselves. The awareness of playing is the root for them to show their humor attitude no matter how tough situation they will go to.3.2. Differences in Social FunctionsIt is well known to everyone that festival is one of the most effective carriers to show the highlights of a culture. It is the direct expression for a culture. In the meantime,there are a lot of differences between Chinese and Western culture. Therefore, there are also many differences in Chinese and Western spirit culture. Being the impact of the large number of people in our country, even we are rich in all kinds of resources, we can only own little per person, so the first work is survive in the high fierce competition, the fulfillment of eating and drinking is the first requirement for them to do other necessary work. So in spirit culture, creating all possibilities to have a good eating and drinking has accounted for every space in their mind. Eating and drinking what they can is the best choice in traditional culture of China.It is undebatably that spirit has become an extremely part of Chinese people and Western people’s life, and there are many differences and similarities between Chinese and Western cultures. There are many proverbs about spirit in China, such as "开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋酒", "宁可一日无粮,不可一日无酒" and "早酒一盅,一天威风". And English people also have phrases connect with spirit, such as somebody's cup of spirit, a storm in a spirit cup and a spirit hound. We can learn from these proverbs that both Chinese and Western people focus on spirit-drinking with great passion. As an important part of spirit-drinking, people also emphasize spirit-drinking culture. There are some proverbs for spirit-drinking culture in China, such as "客来敬酒", "客到酒烟起", "酒七饭八酒加倍" and so on. And Western people have wine with so many spirit-drinking culture, they even sequenced how to eat spirit refreshments. Every part of wine must be prepared with great care. Whatever drinking spirit alone or with other people, drinking a cup of spirit with right culture is important for the Chinese. Securing a quiet and comfortable space, serving and drinking spirit by yourself can help allay tiredness, improve your thinking ability and inspire you with enthusiasm. And doing right during spirit party can contribute to producing a good environment for spirit-drinking. Doing proper spirit-drinking culture is an educated manner and at the same time can give other persons a kind of visual enjoyment and sensuous pleasure and treat.Entertainment is greeting. And observe the host greeting etiquette is very important. For example, the Western greeting tends to be informal and friendly. In the UnitedStates, both men and women have to shake hands in meeting and parting, between familiar women even between men and women, a hug or kiss is the right cheek. They often call each other's name, but only on formal occasions or to the elders except. In Saudi Arabia, meet is more intimate -- not only to frequent thin close, but off the reel; and men often hug, kiss each other on the cheek. Visible, the different cultural meeting etiquette is so different, so before the meeting to host meeting etiquette has the profound understanding and the understanding, will avoid in actual meeting because of cultural differences and the embarrassment and misunderstanding. Cultural differences have a significant influence in entertainment without any surprise. It can be commonly found that many staff in a Chinese company still think that a grand banquet is the best etiquette for forming a better business relationship. There will be a high quality dinner waiting for potential partners when they just arrive. Fulfillment of mentality is the prerequisite for the nicely done on business. Too much attention has been given to entertainment which account for too many resources to do other obliging things. When there are some economic conflicts during the business negotiation, some entertainment activities is the best solution for it. In Chinese opinion, the agreement can be easily conducted in a joyous environment. As to Westerners, there is no doubt that entertainments also account for a very prominent position in business, but the other aspects of business negotiation additionally account for an equally significant role. Every detail is paid huge importance. As we all know, there are a variety of entertainment activities in Western culture. But these kinds of activities are not dispensable for a business negotiation. They play a role of extra bonus, which can be very useful to reflect their opinion during the business negotiation. Entertainment activities can be easily held to remember the special business activities. The faultless in every detail is the indispensable factor. The earlier development of the market economy makes the possibilities for the better performance of Western companies. That's the main reason why Western companies have a large scale of benefits.3.3. Differences in Cultural SignificanceEven the traditional Chinese and western spirit culture is the consequence of their own special culture, but there are still lots of similarities they share in many aspects. It is the good chance for them to finish what they have pursuit for a long time. The most typical example in Chinese and Western countries is Saint Valentines’ Day and Double-Seventh Day. Because the special meaning they have in love, they are willing to show their heart to their lover in this special day. The female are also very fond of being send rose by others. There are also lots of parties or gatherings opened for different purpose in western countries and Chinese. Maybe the different style they have, but the core spirit of these activities is to show their pursuit for a happy and bliss life. Everyone has their own resolution for the next phase. They still remember what they have achieved in the past, meanwhile, be motivation and passionate for the unknown things in the future. The family reunion is the essential factor of spirit culture; it is one of the shared similarities between Chinese culture and Western culture. With the rapid development of modern economy, every cell of society are busying with their own business to do, it is very hard to spare their attention to others’ business. The spirit culture are an excellent reason or excuse for family members get together. Because of unique characters of some important spirit culture, family members have to put their work aside which makes possibilities for family reunion. Because there are fewer chances for people to get together and put their work aside, but the festival have this kind of magic to make the possibilities for this events. Due to the influence of traditional concept, people have to do something together even they have on idea about it at all.We can see that people who are more interested in Western spirit culture are mostly young groups, especially the teenager. They are more willing to accept new things, and what they study lead them to learn and imitate. First, there are more and more people try to learn English now, and it’s a goo d way to understand Western culture. Secondly many Chinese students don’t know Chinese spirit culture be⁃cause the textbook seldom tell how the spirit culture come. So it’s strange that many students know what a Western festival mean, but they don’t know w hat they should do duringsome Chinese spirit culture. Every year, different kinds of advertisement and propaganda appear everywhere. When get into a supermarket, we will find many goods related to spirit culture are set in a prominent position of the store, and many things such as chocolate, flowers and so on are on sale. Walking on the street, we can see many Christmas trees standing or some propaganda for Mother ’s Day in front of the hotels or restaurants. In this way, the spirit culture become popular on one hand, the seller earn enough money on the other hand.Spirit and wine are important goods in the world either in the ancient time or today. Before the Tang dynasty, Chinese spirit was exported by land and sea, it was treated as an export product for over thousand year. Chinese spirit—like Chinese silk and china—has become synonymous worldwide with refined culture. Nowadays, spirit is a popular commodity. People buy it as a gift, and it is necessary for Chinese people to treat their guests. With the popularity of spirit, producers pay more attention to promote the quality of spirit. The high-quality spirit is a symbol of the hosts’ social position. wine plays a large role in westerners’ life. wine is often mentioned as one of the main economic goods used in imperial control of trade, and with colonized trade patterns in “goods” such as slaves, wine, and sugar in the history. The colonizer exported wine to the colony and winehouse mushroomed all over the world since the 17th century. Especially in the Europe, such as Paris, people enjoy wine in winehouse which is along the road, the lake and even in the outside. And nowadays people can cook wine by themselves or buy the instant wine, which is very convenient. In 1991 the Gulf war break out, French also took part in the war. The France worried the war would affect commodity supply. They ran to the supermarket to store some materials. It even broadcasted on TV. When the camera took the customers, they found people took much wine and sugar unexpectedly. It had become a big joke at that time. This shows wine dominates the market and people’s life.4.Suggestions for Differences in Spirit Culture Between China and WesternWhen there is a kind of question, there is a possibility to figure out some solutions for questions. So does business negotiation, there is still voluminous effective method which can guarantee the success in business doing. The proper selection of strategies can promote the business transaction with fewer resources and money.4.1 Insight and Comprehensive ResearchesFor different environment, people will have different reactions. It is human to adapt an ability to survive. To strengthen the cross-cultural communication means must have corresponding practice. The first must be familiar with the cultural background of the living environment, to prepare for the second step; the second is to simulate the real situation. First, the artificial manufacture another culture environment, and then let the trainee practice previously learned and familiar with the content; ability in the simulation environment of middle school will solve all kinds of problems. At the stage of pre-business negotiation, the insight and comprehensive researches can be very useful. There are plenty of things to do for a better preparation. It will mean to be a failure if stakeholders know nothing about the background information. The purpose of intercultural business negotiation is making the products be broadly accepted by customers. Be thoroughly acquainted with customer preference is a comprehensive matter, it is essential to take the environmental factor into consideration. The reason for this is that some words with palpable regional limitation cannot frequently appear in their everyday life, and it might cause some difficulties in understanding. Of course, taking the economic development level into consideration is very necessary as well. In developed regions, the price does not account for so eminent status when people have a selection, but in the less developed or the poverty region, it means everything. In different fields of industry, there are some items minimally used in some special field, it cannot be mixed use.In the meantime, be familiar with the products' personalities and outstayed the most extraordinary benefits. In intercultural business negotiation, it is easy to encounter with some matters with their own distinct meaning in politics. If the stakeholders cannot deal with it very effectively, it will create bigger problems beyond commercialfields. So the unambiguous understanding about the related political and economic system is very important. Every country has its own unique history. Some electoral matter is not solely related to current events, but also the historical events.4.2 Attaching Importance to Cultural DifferencesValue is a part of culture in the most deep, it dominates people's beliefs, attitudes and actions. He is relatively stable part of the culture, for the other values are by all means such as: languages, customs, habits, diet, acting style and so on, learn to summarize, ascending out of the total fuzzy concept. But it is not immutable, for themselves is not to their own values to judge others. Anthropologists, psychologists, communication experts for the values of long-term research: human values in some aspects, such as human nature, the relationship between man and nature, people's concept of time, the relationship between people. This “seeks common ground while reserving differences “is the best, to be more accepting of different culture, unde rstand and accept different values. In communication, language expression accounted for 80% and the way of thinking on human language, it has great effect on expression. Analysis about the correct way of thinking to the receiving party information is extremely important. I think by pragmatic rules, to the target language learning can be on the other side of the thinking mode has certain cognitive, similarities and differences on the basis of comparison of the native culture distinguish between two so as to improve the cultural sensitivity, break the inherent thinking cognition, and to accept each other 's thinking way to organize the exchange, so that more effective cross-cultural communication. Listening carefully is one of the effective methods during the business negotiation. Listening carefully is not only the basic requirements for business negotiation, but also enormously influential to communication between human beings. The words are the simplest thing for communication, but the emotional hide inside it is the indispensable for communication. The stakeholders should give a perfect prediction according to other's opinion. It will be very terrible if participators cannot catch the feeling hides inside it. The resonance between two separate parties is the best solution which can build a solid foundation for further cooperation between them. Whenguests speak out their specified needs, the participators should follow what they are talking about not expressing the divergent opinion about the complaints no matter they are right or wrong. Listening carefully is the prerequisite for the next step to have a productive solution.Try "role exchange" method when necessary. It is very easy to work out the psychology of additional parties, but it is hard to make it when put it in reality. The method of role exchange can be a very helpful way to give a solution for complaints. Role exchanging let people consider the issue from different angles by putting themselves in an equal position. The method of role exchange can help the worker building a better understanding about the anxious psychology, so they can be more patient in this process by considering the analogous situation they will be in the future. Making a record is dispensable course when dealing with negotiation, but many stakeholders do not realize its importance. Making a record is very necessary to deal with every matter. It is not easy to remember everything to speak out by others. Making a record according to their idea is especially vital at the same time. Making a record of time, details and the specified problems can be the data for further cooperation. Making a record is not a very effective way to relieve the dissatisfied feeling, but also an imaginative basis for the subsequent solving process. Nevertheless, the fundamental point is distinguishing the core meaning in the communication. Making a record can be considered as note to remind the employee not forget the core point in negotiation. This is a very convincing evidence for the attitude of the company. In addition, it is also a very effective way to re-think the related matters which can make the possibilities to figure out the solution about the matters.5.Conclusionspirit and wine culture plays an important role both in Chinese culture and Western culture. Although there are a lot of differences between Chinese culture and the Western culture, there are also many similarities between two countries’ cultures. No matter the differences or similarities, spirit or wine-drinking is a main event in both countries., the royalty of both countries paid a special attention on spirit or。








关键词:酒文化,权利差距理论,集体主义与个人主义,面子协商理论一中西不同的酒文化礼仪1.1 中国严谨的酒桌礼仪中国是一个礼仪之邦,历史留给我们的不仅仅是礼仪文化,中国人的好客精神,在酒座上发挥得淋沥尽致。













以圆桌为例,中华民族的风俗是: 正对门的座位为首,即正坐.背对门的为最后座次,一般是作陪人的座位,它同时也是买单的人座位。


跨文化交际学作业 酒中看文化

跨文化交际学作业  酒中看文化

• 韩国以酒交友文化 • 在韩国不喝酒交不到朋友。韩国人爱喝酒,尤其是爱 喝炸弹酒。关于炸弹酒的起源,说法很多,比较普遍的是 说起源于美军军营。美军没有下酒菜,喝威士忌时便以啤 酒为"辅菜"。韩国军人将之传出军营,并出于便利,将威 士忌干脆放到啤酒中一起喝。军人们出于职业习惯,加之 制作和喝这种酒的形象联想,就起了"炸弹酒"这么一个名 儿。韩国人的生活富裕起来了,"炸弹酒"也因此得到迅速 普及。实际上"炸弹酒"已从当时便宜和方便的享受,演变 成了社交的重要手段,成了相互较劲的方式。朋友聚会, 必有这个节目。吃饭过程中,大家酒过三巡,略有醉意, 然后去"二次",也就是去唱歌房,主要目的就是喝"炸弹酒"。 一边唱歌,一边喝酒,气氛很热烈。 •
• 德国饮酒文化:变着戏法享受啤酒 • 德国以啤酒著名,德国啤酒是大麦制成的,大麦吃多 了人容易发胖,德国人因为饮多了啤酒,啤酒肚、啤酒杯、 啤酒节、啤酒园、啤酒香肠、啤酒地下屋……莫不与"大" 有关。天津经典蓝调商务party酒吧:啤酒杯是世界上最大 的酒杯,一杯可有一升!此外还有"啤酒冷"与"啤酒尸"的说 法,洋洋大观,"啤酒冷"形容人落落大方,"啤酒尸"指那些 喝得太多躺在路边的人。可见德国人是变着戏法享受啤酒。
• 英国的饮酒文化:混合艺术 • 英国"威士忌",在1839年才正式投厂生产,但在1494年 英国已正式用大麦配酒,可能酿得不得方法,饮多了除了 发福外,脾气还很怪异。今日的威士忌加黑麦、燕麦、玉 米……"混合是一种艺术"英国人说。最有仿效力的日本, 一直想知道英国人的"混合"是什么艺术,但直到现在,只 仿出了半吊子的"艺术",如Nikka和Suntory等酒,连边都没摸 到。英国人在调酒方面令人望尘莫及。











































































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Festival, Double Ninth Festival etc.
Party, personal time, beer carnivals
People-oriented Wine is the tool for communication, a spiritual media.
change of sense of taste.
Drinking Occasions
Ancient: 1.serve distinguished guests 2.worshiping Nowadays: 1.become a daily necessity 2.Hosts banquets for different purposes such as ceremony or business. 3. Different festivals, such as Dragon Boat
关 键 词 :跨 文 化 交 际 ;中 国 酒 文 化 ;西 方 酒 文 化 ;观 念
中图分类号:G04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2016)04-0126-03
DOI:10.13398/ki.issn1673-2596.2016.04.052 酒文化就是围绕着酒所产生的一系列物质的、精神的、 过大海[4]。有大量的谚语表明西方人对酒持有谨慎的态度,
喝,而罚酒也不是真罚,其实是一种变相的劝酒。至于劝酒, 这是中国人好客的表现 [3]。在英语中,罗马神话中的酒神 Bacchus,常常指酗酒、狂欢等,如:a son of Bacchus 酒神之 子 (即为酒鬼)。英语谚语 Bacchush as drowned more than
度)干红葡萄酒;吃甜点时喝甜酒或香槟酒。常常还会在正 餐前喝开胃酒,餐后继续饮用威士忌、白兰地等蒸馏酒。一 顿饭下来会喝上五六种酒 [10]。西方的饮酒礼仪意在酒之本 身,饮用葡萄酒要观其色、闻其香、品其味,调动各种感官来
Grape, Wheat
Yellow wine
1. Pilsener Beer
1. Nv’er Hong 2. Xiaodiao Shaoxing
2. Bock Beer
1. Moutai Liquor 2. Wuliangye Liquor
1. Chateau Lafite Rothschild
上三个方面来解读中西方酒文化。 一、跨文化交际场合中酒的语言差异
医华佗更用它作为麻醉剂为病人疗伤。再看饮酒地点,你能 在酒馆里畅饮,也可在家中小酌,全凭各人选择。而对于装
(一)汉字“酒”与英语的对应词 酒,在中国被赋予了极其强烈的感情色彩。东汉人许慎 在《说文解字》里说:“酒,就也。所以就人性之善恶也……”
酒的器皿,也有讲究,大碗显豪爽,小盅显秀气,酒壶便于携 带,酒缸储存方便。而杯盏质地则与人的身份地位、关系、情 谊密切相关[7]。
酒能让人至善至美,也能让人荒淫无度。鉴于此,酒便有了褒 贬不同的称呼,如天禄、欢伯、福水、魔浆、祸泉等。在英语中,
而西方人喝酒有其特有的规矩和套路,这与西方逻辑 思维即“以物为本”的理性思维有关[8]。他们注重品味不同酒
2. People drink white wine before the red wine, drink mild wine before strong wine, drink
youthful wine before the old wine, and gradually enjoy the change of taste in accordance with the
2. Beaujolais Villages
Angle of animals, hoist bronze, ceramic, gold and silver glass
Glass and crystal
Animal shape (painted characters, landscape, and stories)
摘 要:本文从美国知名学者、《跨文化传播》的作者之一萨默瓦归纳的跨文化交际的三个方面,即语言过程(包括语言及
方酒文化进行一系列对比,从酒在不同文化中的意义、作用以及人们在饮酒活动中的语言、行为和准则进行了研究。 然后进一
礼仪,也是为了让饮酒者更尽兴,这是中国酒文化中必不可 少的一道独特风景。西方人注重酒与不同食物的搭配,一般
有“劝酒”和“敬酒”,这体现的是汉文化中特有的一种长幼 吃沙拉和冷盘时喝干白葡萄酒;吃海鲜类正菜时喝高度
和尊卑,英语中没有对应词。敬酒就是礼貌地劝其他人多 (12~14 度)干白葡萄酒;吃肉禽类正菜时喝高度(12~14
夫,郁金香型高脚杯能让酒的香气汇聚在杯口、滗酒器能让 酒充分舒展;喝红葡萄酒时用大一些的杯子,喝香槟时用瘦 而高的杯子……这些无不体现西方人对酒的尊重[9]。中国人
也要注重“酒德”、“酒道”和“酒品”。酒道是关于酒和饮酒的 在饮酒时非常注重长幼之分,而行酒令、划拳、做游等饮酒
道理,酒德指酒后的行为,酒品指饮酒的趣味和品德。对应 到英语可以理解为“drinking manner”。再者是“酒礼”,汉语
在中国历史传说、典故中,有许多都与酒文化有关。例 之妙。西方人为了充分享受美酒,在酒具的选择上颇下功
如由饮酒直接引申出的汉语四字表达:“酒肉朋友”,翻译成 英语“fair-weather friends”[2]。再如“酒囊饭袋”,英语翻译为 “good-for-nothing”。这些都是特有的表达。在汉文化中,饮酒
(一)个人主义和集体主义 个人主义提倡个人权利与自由,而集体主义则强调组
织、个体之间的紧密联系[12]。中国的饮酒文化显然是集体主 义的,所谓“一人不喝酒”,这是中国人喝酒的一般规则(嗜 酒成癖者除外)。也就是说,如果没有人际交往的客观需要, 一般自己不喝酒。中国人饮酒重视的是人,要看和谁喝,要 的是饮酒的气氛,讲究的是呼朋引伴、开怀畅饮,所以中国 的酒是社会的酒,酒事即人事。西方文化强调个人主义和个 人发展,他们认为自己的能力和个性远比集体更重要,他们 更关心自己,因此西方的酒文化更为侧重个人主义[12]。这主 要表现在两方面:一是酒产品多样化、个性化,突出酿酒师 的作用。西方人喜欢细细品味不同酒的味道和温度,充分发 掘各种酒的特性。二是即使有群聚而饮,也多为浅尝独酌。 西方国家强调民主和自由,从不干涉和强迫别人,他们即使 聚餐喝酒的时候也全凭自由自愿,想喝就喝,想喝多少就喝
Depends on drinker
Usually in the pub, public house
Drinking Ests, elders, and people with higher social status first.
1. Rarely share a toast; they usually join a toast in some special occasions.
者,西方人讲究人人平等,酒席上极少见到餐桌上互相敬 酒,也不兴划拳猜数。只有在某些特定场合,大家才会一同
Comparison Program Climate
Raw Material
Type of Wine
Drinking Vessel
表一 中西方酒文化中非语言行为比较
行为的、技艺的、习俗的、心理的现象总和。由于历史背景、 社会规范、传统习俗、价值观念、思维模式和生活习惯等的 不同,中西方的酒文化风格迥异[1]。20 世纪 70 年代,美国知 名学者、《跨文化传播》 的作者之一拉里 A 萨默瓦将跨文化
比如,“酒醉智昏”, “美酒一下肚,话匣关不住”,“酒使各类人 相聚在一张桌子上”[5]。
Object-oriented Drinking in order to appreciate wine
举杯。 三、跨文化交际场合中关于酒的价值观差异 本文根据吉尔特霍夫斯塔德(Geert Hofstede)的文化维
度理论 (Cultural Dimensions) 来分析中西方饮酒的思维差 异。霍夫斯塔德认为,各个国家在文化方面的差异存在着一 个内在的结构,这个结构就是文化维度,这里选取四个维度 中的三个维度进行研究:个人主义(individualism)、集体主义 (collectivism)、权力距离(power distance)、刚性和柔性倾向 (masculinity)[11]。霍夫斯塔德的文化维度理论一直是海外学 者进行跨文化交际研究的主要工具之一,借助这一理论有 助于更好地研究中西方饮酒文化中的价值观差异。
第 37 卷 第 4 期 2016 年 4 月
赤 峰 学 院 学 报( 汉 文 哲 学 社 会 科 学 版 ) Journal of Chifeng University(Soc.Sci)
Vol. 37 No.4 Apr. 2016
(莆田学院 外国语学院, 福建 莆田 351100)
Neptune,意为酒神淹死的比海神多,即美酒所造成的祸害胜 享受美酒。在饮酒顺序上,讲究先喝白葡萄酒后喝红葡萄
收 稿 日 期 :2016-03-12 基 金 项 目 :福 建 省 教 育 厅 社 会 科 学 研 究 资 助 项 目 (JA071683 )
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酒,先喝较淡的酒再喝浓郁的酒,先饮短年份的酒再饮长年 份的酒,按照味觉规律的变化,逐渐深入地享受美酒 。 [10] 再
二、酒的非语言行为差异 中国传统文化是一种感性直觉思维,因而中国人大多
交际归纳为三个方面,即观点(包括价值观、世界观和社会 组织)、语言过程(包括语言及思维模式)、非语言过程(包括